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Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 140 – 147

Structural and Physical Aspects of Construction Engineering

Adhesion and Cohesion Testing of Joint Sealants after Artificial

Weathering – New Test Method
Barbora Nečasováa,*, Pavel Liškaa, Jiří Šlanhofa
Brno University of Technology, Veveří 331/95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic


The use of construction sealants is an important area not just of the building construction. Each building requires a careful
processing of all details and façades are no exception. From today´s point of view we may note that sealing of façade joints and
different types of cracks, fissures or gaps is nothing unusual and, therefore, it is astonishing that there still occur defects that often
cause a significant decrease of the durability of the structures and sealed structures. This paper deals with testing of a selected
group of construction sealants at a so-called ‘real joint’. The real joint is a term defining a set of testing samples when the testing
body contains a sealant applied in a manner corresponding to its real application. Cement bonded particleboard board was
representing the façade cladding in this research since during the sealing there often occur complications with adhesion of sealants.
For the presented experiment the existing testing methods that are used for verification of adhesion of cladding materials were
studied and modified. According to the opinion of the authors those modified methods simulate well the parameters of the external
environment and thus also the negative influences that may have a significant impact on the sealed joint in practice. The measured
results prove that in the application of the sealants it is very important to follow the technology discipline and namely it is necessary
upfront to verify whether the chosen materials are compatible. In most tested cases, diversion from the above-given steps resulted
in failure of the sealed joint.
© 2017
© 2017TheTheAuthors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier Ltd. Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the issue editors.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SPACE 2016
Keywords: Adhesion; cohesion; real joint; relative elongation; sealant; tensibility; weathering;

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +420-604-138-313 .

E-mail address: necasova.b@fce.vutbr.cz

1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SPACE 2016
Barbora Nečasová et al. / Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 140 – 147 141

1. Introduction

The use of construction sealants is an important area not only of the building construction. No matter whether it is
a building or a road, each structure requires a careful processing of all details and façades, that are the main focus of
the presented research case, are no exception [1, 2]. From the present perspective, we may note that sealing of façade
joints, gaps or cracks is nothing unusual [3 - 6] and therefore it is surprising that there still occur defects that often
cause significant decrease in the durability of the structures as well as of joined parts of structures.
According to the opinion of the authors, existing testing procedures intended for testing of bonded and sealed joints
do not fully reflect the abrupt weather changes exterior surfaces are subject to [7 - 10], moreover, they also often
prescribe unsuitable geometry of the testing samples [11, 12]. The aim of the authors was to create a testing sample
of such a shape that would correspond as much as possible to the real implementation of the sealed joint and
subsequently to put it through tests that would verify the impact of the external environment on its rheological and
mechanical properties [13, 14].
Based on previous experiences [15, 16] a unique geometry of testing sample was created for this purpose allowing
the testing of a so-called ‘real joint’. The real joint is a term which, according to the opinion of the authors, suitably
reflects the applied geometry of testing samples as well as the procedure of their assembling. This is a sealed joint
when the sealant or any other filling material is applied in a way corresponding to the real application, as can be seen
in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Real joint design.

Since this is an entirely unique testing of the bonded joint it was necessary to create new testing equipment allowing
the measuring of deformations at the maintained extension. For this purpose, testing molds were produced allowing
to maintain constant extension for an arbitrarily long time. Further, it was necessary to take into account dimensional
changes of the joint due to the changing temperature and the joint movement (i.e. extension or compression) and
therefore, two different testing molds were designed allowing the verification of the bonded joint under different
conditions at normal (i.e. tensile) and shear stress.

2. Experimental

The presented work comprised two parts. First, the maximum elongation of the tested sealants at break was
evaluated by extension test. Second, the failure mode that appeared during testing was observed to express the
compatibility of tested materials.

2.1. Materials

Currently, an inexhaustible quantity of materials is available on the market allowing to join, fill in and seal joints.
Materials are suitable both for bonding in the interior as well as in the exterior. The selection of material for this test
was based on an already completed project which was also dealing with the issue of bonded cladding of ventilated
142 Barbora Nečasová et al. / Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 140 – 147

façade systems [17] and, therefore, only selected building sealants and adhesives manufactured by the same producers
as for the adhesive systems were tested. Cetris Basic board has been selected as the representative of the façade
cladding that was also tested in the previous project. At the present time, the cement bonded particle board is a very
popular type of façade cladding and not only because of its low price but also thanks to the minimum requirements
for the regular maintenance [18]. As suggested by the name, the Cetris board is a composite material the main
components of which are cement and wooden chips. Although it is a very durable material, the disadvantage that is
the result of the composition of the cladding is higher linear expansion by the air humidity change that is mainly
caused by the content of wooden chips. In the case of the joints bonding, these changes may represent a major problem
and may cause the damage to the sealed joint [13 - 14, 19].
Also selection of tested sealants was based on previous experience [17, 20] therefore, only one-component
polyurethane or modified polymer sealants were tested, more information about their rheological and mechanical
properties can be seen in the Table 1. An indispensable advantage of the selected modified polymeric sealants, in this
case STP and SMP, is their minimal environmental burden in comparison to polyurethane materials. In some European
countries such as e.g. Belgium or the Netherland, the use of polyurethane sealants and adhesives is limited or even
forbidden since the adhesives themselves or their primers that are very often used in the PU systems contain toxic
cyanides. On the contrary, a major disadvantage of modified polymers in comparison to polyurethanes is lower
elasticity and very often also unpredictable adhesion to bonded surfaces.

Table 1. Comparison of Relevant Material Properties.

Sealant Polyurethane STP* Silyl Modified Polymer
Type I - 1 Type I - 2 Type II Type III - 1 Type III - 2
Tear Strength [N/mm2] 1.5 2.2 2.1 2.6 2.5
Elongation at Break [%] > 700 > 600 c. 200 c. 250 c. 250
Elastic Recovery [%] > 80 unknown unknown 15 15
Service Temperature [°C] - 40° to +80° - 40° to +90° - 40° to +80° - 40° to +100° - 40° to +80°
* STP abbreviation for Stress Tolerant Polymer

2.2. Methods

As already mentioned above, the authors of this paper share the opinion that certain standardized testing procedures
do not quite correspond to the real weather changes to which the façade elements are often exposed. Therefore, certain
testing methods have been adapted and modified and also two methods of conditioning of the testing samples that are
used as a standard to determine the adhesion of the cladding to load-bearing substructure were applied.

2.2.1. Test Sample Geometry, Manufacturing and Curing

Dimensions of test samples were determined based on previous experience and boards of 40 x 160 mm were made
from the Cetris Basic cladding of 10 mm thickness. The sample geometry can be seen in Fig. 1. The thickness and
width of the sealed joint was based on the recommendations specified by the manufacturer of the façade cladding [18].
The basic width of the joint was (10 ± 0.5) mm and thickness was 3 – 5 mm. To prevent the occurrence of so-called
three-sided adhesion that might be the cause of an uneven stresses on the elastic filling before the application of the
sealant, a polyethylene foam string the thickness of which corresponds to 1.2 multiple of the thickness of the joint that
is being sealed was applied into the joint.
Preparation of the samples and subsequent application of the sealant was carried out according to the principles
and procedures specified by the producers of the individual system. Generally, the edges of all samples were cleaned
of dust and potential grease using cleaning products of the given system before the actual sealing was performed. To
achieve maximum adhesion, it was necessary in certain cases to use an improving coating liquid or so-called primer,
namely with Type I – 1, Type I – 2 and Type III - 1. Nine test samples were produced for each test method i.e. for
testing of normal stress as well as shear stress. Therefore, for each tested temperature of the environment 6 test samples
were conditioned.
Barbora Nečasová et al. / Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 140 – 147 143

During curing period test samples were stored in a dry and clean environment so that they aged sufficiently. Their
ideal aging occurred in less than 72 hours. However, to achieve sufficient strength and resistance of sealants, testing
and conditioning was only commenced after the passing of 28 days which is condition stipulated by many international
standards [13]. The test samples subjected to testing without conditioning, i.e. 3 samples for normal stress and 3
samples for shear stress, were tested immediately after these 28 days.

2.2.2. Conditioning

The test samples were subjected to two methods that may influence the resulting behaviour of the real joint in the
exterior since these methods simulate weather changes. The principle of the first method is the alternate heating of
test samples with infrared lamps to the temperature (70 ± 2) °C and their subsequent cooling with a water shower to
the temperature of (23 ± 2) °C [21].
The second method [22] is based on alternate freezing of the test samples to the temperature of (-22 ± 2) °C and
their subsequent thawing by immersing into a water bath at the temperature of (23 ± 2) °C. The immersion into the
water bath took 6 hours and subsequently the samples were kept for 18 hours in a freezing chamber.

2.2.3. Testing

Before the testing itself, the measuring of the width of the real joint was performed in all samples, see results
presented in Fig. 2 Subsequently, the test samples were placed into test moulds and extended at a speed of
approximately (5.5 ± 0.7) mm/minute. The testing was performed in the following steps:

x A. Extension of the ‘real joint’ to 100 % of the original width;

x B. Studying of changes at 100 % extension for the period of 24 hours;
x C. After 24 hours, extension of the ‘real joint’ was conducted until its failure.

Stretching was applied until 100% elongation of the original length, that is twice the width of the real joint in the
case of normal extension, however, not in case of shear extension. Samples prepared in this manner were left in the
testing mould for the period of 24 hours. If no failure of the sample or the bonded joint was observed during these 24
hours, a further extension was commenced until the sample failure. During testing also the failure modes were
recorded, see Table 2. and Table 3.

3. Results

Although it was noted at the beginning of this paper that the main objective of the new test method is to establish
compatibility of the selected materials that is very easy to determine based on visual monitoring of the changes during
the extension of the sealed joint, its secondary objective was to establish the size of the real joint deformation which
in this case is represented by its relative elongation. The relative elongation of the real joint was determined based
on a formula (1).

H (1)

where ε is relative elongation [-], ∆l is a change of joint width in mm and l is the original joint width in mm.
The relative elongation represents the ratio of the width change of the real joint to its original dimension. According
to the character of the stress, there may occur either relative contraction or relative elongation. Based on the established
relative elongation, it was possible also to determine tensibility of the tested sealants. Tensibility was expressed in
percentage of the original width of the sealed joint according to the formula (2).
144 Barbora Nečasová et al. / Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 140 – 147

G u 100% (2)

where δ is tensibility [%], ∆l is a change of joint width in mm and l is the original joint width in mm.

Table 2. Comparison of test results – Test samples tested under normal stress.
Tested Maximum Average Maximum Tensibility δ [%] Average Type of Failure Percentage
Sealant Elongation at Break Elongation at Tensibility δ Mode** Failure Rate
[mm] Break [mm] [%] [%]
Type I - 1 44.21 37.45 57.17 46.28 269.6 200.6 386.4 285.5 CF; A/CF 89; 11
Type I – 2 62.43 21.38 39.21 41.01 452.6 100.0 254.4 269.0 CF 100
Type II 16.37 14.38 12.40 14.38 53.5 40.1 28.1 40.6 AF; CF; A/CF 67; 22; 11
Type III – 1 18.43 16.83 15.23 16.83 63.2 46.4 30.0 46.5 AF; CF 89; 11
Type III - 2 21.83 20.87 19.91 20.87 89.9 74.6 60.1 74.9 AF; CF; A/CF 22; 56; 22
*W – Without Conditioning; STC – Sudden Temperature Changes; FR – Frost Resistance;
**AF – Adhesive Failure; CF – Cohesive Failure; A/CF – Combination of Adhesive and Cohesive Failure;

Table 3. Comparison of test results – Test samples tested under shear stress.
Tested Maximum Average Maximum Tensibility δ [%] Average Type of Failure Percentage
Sealant Elongation at Break Elongation at Break Tensibility δ Mode** Failure Rate
[mm] [mm] [%] [%]
Type I - 1 41.97 44.62 35.77 40.79 356.7 392.8 312.5 354.00 CF; A/CF; FTF 78; 11; 11
Type I – 2 48.07 20.67 32.99 33.91 435.2 204.0 311.8 316.99 CF; NF 78; 22
Type II 10.40 7.88 5.37 7.88 100.0 76.8 55.5 77.44 AF; CF 67; 33
Type III – 1 9.30 7.84 6.71 7.95 89.4 73.3 61.6 74.79 AF 100
Type III - 2 11.47 10.92 6.71 10.82 103.9 100.9 63.1 100.15 AF; CF; A/CF 44; 44; 11
*W – Without Conditioning; STC – Sudden Temperature Changes; FR – Frost Resistance;
**AF – Adhesive Failure; CF – Cohesive Failure; A/CF – Combination of Adhesive and Cohesive Failure; FTF – Fiber - Tear Failure

4. Analysis

The width of the real joint was measured before the commencement of the testing so that it was possible to
determine firstly whether there occurred a deformation of the sealants during the curing or conditioning and also so
that it was possible to determine the relative elongation/shrinkage of the real joint during its curing or after
conditioning. The width of the real joint was measured in three points with the use of Vernier callipers. The measured
values were averaged and a representative width of the sealed joint was obtained, as can be seen in Fig. 2. on the left
side of the chart. On the basis of this average value, and also with respect to the original width of all samples that was
(10 ± 0.5) mm, a so-called normalized value of the joint width was determined.
The normalized value less than 1 indicates that the joint sealant was in a compressive state and a normalized value
close to 0 indicates more compression of the joint sealant with respect to the original width. Values higher than 1
prove the elongation of the real joint. The normalized value is a very complex parameter based on which it is possible
to define the relative shrinkage of the tested joint in cases when more different widths of the joint are being tested.
The average values of joint width range from 9.63 mm to 12.05 mm, as shown on the left side in Fig. 2, and
from 0.95 to 1.04 in terms of average normalized value, as shown on the right side in Fig. 2. The presented data show
that curing as well as conditioning actually have a significant effect on the sealed joint when in some case, namely
Type I – 2 and Type II, the real joint shrank considerable. For example, the data measured for Type I – 2 show that
according to the normalize value the real joint measured after curing elongated, however, when the samples were
Barbora Nečasová et al. / Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 140 – 147 145

measured after conditioning to sudden temperature changes a shrinkage was observed, moreover there was not
observed any changes in joint width when measured after conditioning to the frost resistance. In other cases, it was
possible to observe opposite tendencies, mainly in case of sealant Type III – 2. where have not been observed any
changes after conditioning to sudden temperature changes. The normalized value can help to find an appropriate
combination of sealant and cladding material, mainly when porous cladding is used.

Fig. 2. Evaluation of joint width changes - black columns and samples numbered 1 - 6 are representing samples which were tested immediately
after curing, white columns numbered 7 - 12 are samples tested after conditioning to sudden temperature changes and grey columns
numbered 13 – 18 are samples tested after conditioning to the frost resistance.

Since the objective of this research was not the measuring of force in applying of which failure of the joint will
occur but monitoring of the failure modes and measuring of the maximum possible elongation of the tested sealants,
it was necessary for this purpose to create a scale that would include all probable ways of failure of the real joint. The
scale of seven different failure modes was made up based on the ČSN ISO 10365 standard and international ASTM
D 5573 standard. However, as can be seen in Table 2. and 3. basically only three different failure modes were
monitored. Since the Cetris cladding is composed of chips connected by mainly cement, therefrom the name is derived
– the cement bonded particle board, it was necessary also to include into the list of possible failure modes the failure
that anticipates the tearing of fibres (chips) of the cladding. It follows from the above results that not all selected
sealants, namely Type II and Type III – 1, are compatible with the selected Cetris façade cladding, which has also
confirmed one of the hypothesis of this research.
It is evident from the results presented in the Table 2. and Table 3. that both tested polyurethane sealants obtained
the best results of the tested group when even during the conditioning, no marked deterioration of tensile properties
of the materials occurred. The most frequently recorded mode of failure in this group was damage by cohesion which
occurred only under major tensile stress of the joint and yet, the maximum elongation stated by the producers was not
achieved in a single case. It was also noted for sealant Type I – 2 that after conditioning, the joint got contracted more
often than in the case of Type I – 1 and also the achieved elongation was lower than in the samples, in which
conditioning was not conducted. Reduced elasticity of the sealant due to temperature changes was discovered both in
normal and in shear stress of the joint. In the case of normal stress, the identified deviations were even greater than in
146 Barbora Nečasová et al. / Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 140 – 147

shear stress of the joint. After freezing cycles, there occurred average decrease of elasticity in normal stress by 43.8%
and by 28.3% in shear stress. Values identified after cycles of temperature changes were even higher. The average
reduction of the bonded joint´s tensibility was reduced by 77.1% and in the case of shear stressed sample by 53.1%.
These results confirmed another hypothesis that the properties of bonded joints lose their elastic properties due to
aging and impact of the environment. It is probable that a longer impact of the environment changes could have a
more significant impact on the elasticity of the tested material.

Fig. 3. Failure modes observed during testing.

In the case of polyurethane sealants, there occurred a failure of adhesion between the sealant and cladding in several
cases only as can be seen in Table 2. and 3. The failure of adhesion occurs most frequently in cases when the connected
materials are not compatible or if dust or other smaller particles are found in the joint that is being bonded that are the
cause of poor adhesion of the sealant to the cladding. In this case, the insufficient adhesion could have been caused
by the poor cleaning of the bonded surfaces. Good adhesion of the selected sealants was also enhanced with the use
of improving coating by the given producers.
Contrarily, in the case of the Type II sealant, which was the only tested representative of the stress tolerant polymers
group, a very small elongation was achieved and again, it was possible to see the negative impact of temperature
changes on the real joint. In the group of test samples that were not conditioned, there occurred cohesion failure of the
joint in 5 cases out of 6. Contrarily, in samples that have been conditioned, adhesion failure occurred in almost all
cases. In this case, it was rather a failure of compatibility of the bonded materials. This fact may be followed in the
failure mode of samples in the Table 2. and 3. Also for these reasons, the tested sealant is more suitable for the
application in less stressed joints, in which their impermeability needs to be primarily safeguarded.
The last tested group of sealants were so called silane-modified polymers. Results identified in a universal sealant
and adhesive in one, marked Type III – 1 in this paper, were not an immense surprise. It was already known from the
results of the previous project that it was quite a good adhesive with very poor elastic properties and, therefore, the
researchers did not even expect that it could be a suitable sealant for filling of the real joint. As it is obvious from the
results given in Tables 2. and 3., there was adhesion failure in almost all tested sample and at least 100% prolongation
of the joint was achieved in several cases only. Therefore, it is possible to note that this material is not suitable for
filling of joints.
On the contrary, the results recorded in the second representative of the MS polymers, in this paper marked as Type
III – 2, were more than satisfactory. Although the sealant was not too elastic and prolongation to 100% of the original
width was again achieved only in just a few instances, its adhesion to the selected cladding was very good. As results
in the tab. 3 show, cohesion failure of the joint occurred in more than 52% or there was a combination of adhesion
and cohesion failure.

5. Conclusion

This paper presents the idea of a new method for testing of sealants in the application corresponding to the real
implementation of the bonded joints. These are not standardized testing procedures but verification of adhesion and
Barbora Nečasová et al. / Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 140 – 147 147

cohesion in stressing the testing sample made out in the form of a really designed joint. For this reason, according to
the opinion of the authors, it will not be necessary systematically to apply the above-mentioned procedures for all
combination that are on offer like in the case of standardized tests. It follows from the measured values that these new
procedures bring interesting findings and namely they offer a complex testing of the bonded joint, which is often
neglected in the standardized tests. Complex evaluation of the results of the presented group of tests further showed
that despite the polyurethane sealants are not very environmentally friendly, they achieve much better results in
comparison to the sealants based on modified polymers both with regard to their adhesion to the cladding or base
when the most frequently identified mode of failure was cohesion both with respect to their elasticity and subsequently
also permanent deformation. Therefore, from the long perspective, polyurethane sealants seem to be a guarantee of
impermeable joint in the case of highly stressed joints.


This work was funded by BUT under Grant No. FAST-J-15-2728 and under Grant No. FAST-S-16-3434.


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