Project 4 - U6 - Reading
Project 4 - U6 - Reading
Project 4 - U6 - Reading
1a Read the story. Put the pictures in the correct
One day, an antelope and a monkey
were walking along,
'I feel tired,' said the monkey. 'Ali this
walking is wearing me out. lt's easier for you .••.• _
You've got long legs. Mine are very short.'
'If you climb on my back, 1'11carry you,' said
the antelope.
'Thank you,' said the monkey.
'Don't mention it, my friend,' said the
antelope. 'I know that if I need anything,
you'lI look after me.' ,'II
'Of course,' said the monkey and climbed
onto the antelope's back. 'Well, I'm sorry,' said the antelope, 'but I've
run out of ideas.'
The two friends walked on until they came to
a tree. The monkey jumped down and they 'I know,' said the monkey. 'He won't get us if
both sat down in the shade. While they were we climb this tree.'
sitting there, however, they sawa lion coming 'But I can't climb trees,' said the antelope.
towards them. 'I can!' said the monkey, and he jumped up
'Oh no,' said the monkey. 'If that lion into the tree and sat on one of the branches.
catches us, he'lI eat us up.' The lion was very close.
'Perhaps he's already had his dinner,' said 'I can't run away now,' thought the antelope . 'That lion can run a
the antelope. 'If he isn't hungry, he 'II leave lot faster than I can. So the antelope lay down on the grouno and
us alone.' pretended to be dead.
'Yes, but we can't find out if he's hungry or The lion came to the tree. He looked up and saw the monkey sitting
not,' said the monkey. 'Quick. 1'11get on your on a branch. Then he walked up to the antelope. He bent down and
back again and we can escape. Hurry up!' sniffed the antelope's ear for a few moments. Then he walked away.
'That's no good,' said his friend. 'I won't be When the lion was gone, the monkey came down the tree and the
able to run very fast if you're on my back. antelope stood up.
The lion will easily catch up with me.' 'Phew!' said the monkey. 'That was scary, but what was the lion
Ali the time the lion was getting cIoser. doing? I saw him sniffing your ear.'
'But we must think of something,' said the 'He was talking to me,' said the antelope.
monkey. 'We can'tjust give up.'
'Really?' said the monkey. 'What did he say?'
'He said .. .'
6A: Grammar • first conditional • future time clauses
Phrasal verbs 5a What is happening in the pictures?
2a A lot of English verbs have got two or
b ~ Listen to the advice. Choose the
three parts. We cali them phrasal verbs.
correct pair of pictures.
Picture e.
sit down run away
First conditional
Complete the sentence from the story. What
tense do we use in each clause?
If you don 't look a fter your mobile, som eon e will steal it.
Comprehension Right. I've booked it.
We're leaving on Friday.
parents are only trying to advice is to talk to parents, these things for yourself.
However, my advice to you is
protect you. However, it's but if they aren't there, that 8__ . Why not make a
to listen to your parents. In
never a good idea to tell won't be easy. I think you list of things that you want
this case they're nght. And
lies. If your parents find should write to them and tell to dec ide for yourself?
don't worry. The musie world
out, you'll be in real trouble, them how you feel. 6__ . Then discuss it with your
will still be there when you
so you must talk to them parents and try to re ach
finish university.
about it. 2__ Perhaps an agreernent. A calm
that will solve it. discussion is always better
than an argument.
6C: Grammar first conditional future time clauses
2 You won't a problem by having
3 Complete the sentences with the correct names
an about it. You should have a
from exercise 1b.
_____ instead.
_____ has a lot of arguments with his mum 3 When we're young, our parents most
and dad. things for us, but teenagers want to make their own
2 _____ doesn't normally have meals with
her family. 4 When I have a with my parents, I
3 usually advises people to talk to usually go and it with my granddad.
their parents. That often the problem.
4 wants to be a rock star. 5 Every year, quite a lot of teenagers _
5 's parents are always busy. to run away from home after they've had an
6 's parents think that 14 is too young to _____ wit h their parents.
go on adate. 6 I want to my own clothes. I'm going to
7 wants to make his own decisions. wear them, 50 I should make the _
8 wants to go out with a boy.
9 thinks that Iying is not a good idea. b Which of the sentences do you agree with?
10 doesn't want to go to university.
find a solution
D6 My mother always tidies my room.
choose make a 5
agree reach an 6
have a disagreement
Steph Jack Chris Nina I
b Check the meanings of the words in a dictionary.
8a What advice would you give to Chris and Steph?
Discuss your ideas in a group.
6a Complete the sentences. Use words from the b Role-play. One person is Chris or Steph and
chart in exercise Sa. Sometimes more than one the other is Melanie. The carrer describes his / her
choice is possible. problem again and Melanie gives her advice.
1 I don 't usually wit h my parents. If we Use these expressions.
_____ on something, we usually _
Why not ... 7 It's a good / bad idea to .
it and try to reach an _
I (don't) think you should ... My advice is to
Decision time
1a What has happened in the 'Kids' story so far?
Look back and check your ideas.
b (j')T2oJ
Read and listen to the story.
Answer the questions.
1 What do Mike and Lily want to do?
2 What does Lily cali Andy? Why?
Lily Tara's gone horne. She doesn't want to talk to anyone.
2 Answer the questions. Andy What happened with Mrs Ross? She didn't tell her
Where is Tara at the start of the story? Why? about Wimbledon, did she?
2 Why did the head teacher want to see her? Lily Yes, she did, because she thought Mrs Rossalready knew
3 Why is Tara upset? Mike But she didn't know anything about it. She wanted to
4 Does Mrs Rossknow that the others went to tell Tara that she's won the school prize.
Wimbledon, too? Andy Wow! Cool!
5 Why doesn't Andy want to go and see Mrs Ross? Lily Yes, but Tara might not get it now She was really upset
6 Why did Andy have Wednesday afternoon off? about it.
7 How did Tara help Andy? Andy Did she say anything to Mrs Ross about us?
8 Who is going to see Mrs Ross? Lily No, she didn't.
Andy That's qood.
Mike No, it isn't. It was ali your idea. Tara shouldn't take the
blame for it.
3a What do you think happens next? 6 Complete the sentences. Match the verbs and the
pictures to say why you did the things.
b (j)nTI Listen to the end of the story and check
1 I went to the fridge to get a drink.
your ideas.
l 2
open the door
sit down
j 3
to buy a pen
When they read it ... lt's only fools, they make these 13 _
Project task
Make a class problem page.
1 Work in a group. Write a letter to a
problem page. Use the pattern in
exercise 1.
2 Give your letter to another group.
3 Write a reply to the letter that you
receive. Use the expressions in
exercise 2.
Put all your letters and replies together
to make a classproblem page.
Unit 1
c Follow the words with the Iet] sound. Can you
win the star prize? You must follow the lines.
a Copy and complete the chart. Put the words in a <i' 4.6 ) When we use a question tag to
confirm something, the intonation normally falls.
the correct column.
listen and repeat. Copy the intonation.
boxes shoes styles sizes dresses clothes
watches socks striped pointed needed You're fourteen, aren't yóu?
flared used wanted waited checked 2 11'5 Tuesday today, isn't it?
3 We haven't got any homework, have we?
4 It was your birthday yesterday, wasn't it?
5 You didn't revise for the last test, did you?
6 Smart Alec lives in England, doesn't he?
7 You don 't drink milk, do you?
8 You'll be at home this evening, won't you?
C When do we pronounce -es and -ed as a A You're fourteen, aren 't you? B Yes, lam.
separate syllable?
, The letters 'th'
, The lełter 'a' a ) listen and repeat.
a (i) 4.5 ) The letter 'a' can be pronounced in 1 that sat 6 thumb some
different ways. listen and repeat. 2 these sees 7 three tree
3 weather wetter 8 thigh tie
lrel hand leli famous h:1 walk
4 there tear 9 mouth mouse
10:1 part 101 watch
5 path part 10 thirty dirty
b Add two more words spelt with the letter 'a' for
each sound.
b (i) 4.8 ) listen. Tick (,/) the word in each pair
that you hear.
2 Agreeing: sentence stress
1 Inl, Igul and I Al
So do I. 6 Neither did we.
2 Neither can I. 7 SowiiiI. a Put the words in the correct column.
3 Oh,lwill. 8 Oh, we have.
money dolphin snow shot most stomach
4 So have we. 9 Oh, I can't.
dollar won mother hope forest some
5 Oh, I do. 10 Neither was I.
ho me cover doctor mobile stop cold
Oh, we have. /
Neither have we.
2 Oddoneout
1 III and lali a Which word has a different vowel sound?
~================~ 1 gas - van - park 6 kill - winter - blind
a How is the letter 'i' pronounced? Put the words
2 bear - beard - hair 7 stop - snow - sold
in the correct column.
3 thief - rise - ice 8 heart - meat - feel
minute night ring climb write find 4 fur - earth - cub 9 litre - drive - wise
promise might shine window give 5 last - fake - waste 10 cool - shoot - look
island magic kitchen decide office
1 Similar words
b (1)4.11 ) listen, check and repeat.
1 naw know
C Add two more words spelt with the letter 'i' to 2tree 7 bag back
each column. 3 had 8 choose shoes
4 watch wash 9 talk took
5 walk work 10 won't want
2 Wordstress: verbs
a Copy and complete the chart. Put the words in
the correct column.
2 How many words?
finish enjoy decide survive promise
offer remember believe listen become
agree happen refuse prefer return
forget imagine receive follow damage
I~ I~
b Add the numbers in each column, for example,
b add a and f. What totals do you get?
Unit 1
Time passed and Llewellyn soon forgot about the old woman.
In fact, his happy life became happier and happier. A few
years later, he married a beautiful young princess and they
soon had a fine, baby boy. By now, Gelert was an old dog,
here was once a Prince of Wales called Llewellyn. He
How much did the Loisels pay for the new necklace?
O d Mathilde discovers that the diamonds weren't real.
ł M
athilde Loisel
lived in Paris. Her
husband was a clerk
Jeanne Forestier was
Matbildes old schoolfriend,
and she was very rich.
3 How
... ... .....
does Mathilde look in each picture? Why?
'No, I haven't,'
he replied.
'What can we d07' sa id
Mathilde. 'I can't tell
105 One Sunday afternoon, she
saw Madame Forestier in the
park. She stilllooked young
~. ~
at the Ministry of Education. So Mathilde borrowed a 70 Madame Forestier that I've and beautiful.
They weren't poor. They had 45 beautiful diarnond necklace lost n, can p' 'Good afternoon, jeanne,'
a nice flar and one servani, from her. 'We musi buy another one,' 110 said Mathilde.
but Mathilde dreamed of a said her hus band 'I'm sorry,' said Madame
~ better li fe full of silk dresses Forestier. 'I don't know you, ł
They went to all the
and gold jewellery, parties do P'
75 jewellery shops and finally ~
10 and rich, famous people. 'Yes, its me, Mathilde.'
found a similar necklace.
~ 'Oh, my dear, what has
One evening when her 'But it costs thirty-six
~ husband came home, he thousand francs!' said
happened to you?' said her ł
ł friend. 'You've changed 50
20 husband. 'You want to go,
don't you?' What a partyl Mathilde was
85 from rnoney-lenders, from
friends and relatives, and
they bought the necklace.
can tell you everything now,
because we've paid back al!
the money.'
~ 'or course,' she said. 'But I the most beautiful woman ~
'But my poor Mathilde,' said
. haven't gOLanything to wear there. All the men wanted After that, everything
her friend. 'My diamonds
to a party like that, have P'
'How much will you need
50 to dance with her. It was the
happiest night of her life. 90
changed for the Loisels.
They moved to a small
room. There was no servant
weren't real. The nec klace
was worth no more than five
for a new dress?' asked her
At Iour o'clock in the hundred Irancs!' ~
: husband. now. Maihilde did all the
ł 'Four hundred francs,' she
morning, they took a taxi
home. When they arrived,
housework. Her husband
said. Il was a lot of money, worked every evening and at
ł 30 bUL her husband agreed.
55 Mathilde stood in front of the
95 weekends. They didn't buy
A few days later, however,
Mathilde was unhappy
mirror and took off her coat.
She lroze in horror.
'The necklace,' she cried. 'lt's
any new clothes and ate only
poor Iood.
. again. 'I haven't got any gone!' After len long, hard years
ł jewellery lO wear with my 60 'Perhaps you lost it in the they finally paid back all the ~
35 dress,' she said. taxi,' said her husband. 'I'll 100 money, bUL Mathilde wasn't ~
'Why don't you ask your go and look for it.' young and pretty any more.
~ friend, Madame Forestier? He came back al seven She looked old and thin. ~
She'lllend you something, o'clock. Her hands we re red and
~ won't she?' said her 65 'Have you found it?' asked rough. ~
ł 40 husband. his wile.
2 Correct the sentences.
People were at the cottage to celebrate the
shepherd's birthday.
the shepherd the shepherd's wife the first stranger
2 The second stranger was going to Casterbridge to
the second stranger the third stranger
buya sheep.
3 The second stranger told a story to tell everyone what
b Match these cues to the people in exercise 1a.
his job was.
a hangman a prisoner frightened a clockmaker 4 When the third stranger came to the cottage, he sat
a cottage the prisoner's brother a baby a song down and had a drink.
5 Everyone knew that a prisoner escaped because they
heard a bell ringing.
6 The shepherds and farm workers didn't want to find
the first stranger because they liked him.
ne cold, wet night in 1825, a poor shepherd and his wife
invited some friends to their cottage. They wanted to
celebrate the birth of their first chiid. Their cottage was on a
path which strangers didn't use very often. But while the shepherd
5 and his guests were dancing and drinking, someone knocked at
the door. 'Come in!' shouted the shepherd.
Atall, dark stranger, about forty years old, entered.
'Can I rest here for a bit?' he asked.
'Of course,' said the shepherd. 'Come in and have a drink with us.'
10 'Thank YOU,' said the stranger.
'And you should sit by the fire,' said the shepherd. 'You look
very cold.'
Not long after, there was another knock at the door.
'Come in!' shouted the shepherd for the second time. A minute later, everybody heard a gun. Everybody knew what it meant.
15 Another stranger entered. He was older than the first, and he was 'Someone has escaped from Casterbridge prison.' said the hangman.
wearing a grey suit. 'It must be that man who came to the cottage just now and then ran
'I'm on my way to Casterbridge,' he said. 'Can I rest here for a while?' 40 away. We should alllook for him.' The men allleft the cottage.
'Of course!' said the shepherd. 'Come and sit by the fire.' And he gave Alittle later, the first stranger returned, and then the hangman came
this man a drink, too. back, too.
20 For some reason the shepherd's wife didn't like the second stranger 'There are enough men looking for the prisoner,' the two men agreed.
and she asked, 'What kind of work do you do?' 'They don't need us, too.' They finished their meal and then walked
The man in grey replied with a song. 45 away from the cottage in opposite directions.
'There isn't much I need, ... The other men soon found the third stranger and brought him back
Toset tne criminals tree. to the shepherd's cottage. Two policemen were waiting for them.
25 A piece ot rope, and a tall hanging post, 'That's not the prisoner who escaped,' said one of the policemen.
And that'II be enough tor me. ' 'Who are you?'
Immediately, everyone knew that he was a hangman. He was on his 50 'I'm the prisoner's brother,' said the third stranger. 'I was on my
way to Casterbridge prison to hang a poor clockmaker. way to see my brother for the last time, when I stopped here tonight.'
'That clockmaker only stole a sheep to feed his children, because he 'But why did you run away?'
30 had no work,' said the shepherd's wife. 'You shouldn't hang a man 'Because I saw my brother here. He was sitting by the fire with
for that.' the hangman!'
'I just do my job,' said the second stranger. 55 'So that first stranger was the clockmaker!' said the shepherd's wife.
Just then, there was a third knock on the door and the shepherd The next day, the shepherds and farm workers looked for the
opened it. A third stranger was standing there. He looked into the clockmaker again. They never found him. But they didn't really want
35 cottage, but when he saw the two men by the fire, his face went to find him, because they all agreed with the shepherd's wife: you
white. Then he turned and ran away. shouldn't hang a man who only stole a sheep because he had no
60 money to feed his children.
2a look at the picture. Find these three groups
of people.
Horatius? Horatius's two companions? 1 the people of Rome 3 Horatius and his two
2 Tarquin? 4 the city of Rome? 2 Porsena's army companions
The next day, Frank took his sister to the police station.
'No: said Lester Herrick. 'He can't come and stay with us. l've got too
40 '50, do you rnean,' she said, 'that the man who came back from Rexor
IV wasn't really Lester?'
'Yes: said Frank. 'While Lester was there, he was captured. His mind was
much work to do.' removed from his body and it was replaced by this thing - a Rexorian.'
'You're horrible.' said his wife, Jill. They we re talking about her 'But why?' said Jill.
nephew, Gus. 45 'Rexor IV is a very old planet. 11'5dying and the Rexorians want to
5 'You can tell him when he comes this afternoon.' said Lester. 'And escape.'
where's my dinner?' 'Has it happened before?'
'11'5just cominq.' said Jill. The meal was picked up by the kitchen robot 'Yes, but they were all discovered when they tried to leave Rexor IV and
and carried towards Lester. they were destroyed.'
'Hurry up: he said impatiently. 'I want to get back to work.' 50 'Why wasn't this one found?'
10 When Gus arrived, Jill ran to pick him up. 'Lester had his own private spaceship, 50 he wasn't checked. The
'Be careful of my tiqer,' he said. The kitten jumped out of the boy's arms. problem is that the Rexorian can't just be destroyed here on Earth.
'11'5not a tiqer,' said Lester. '11'5just a cat. You should use words 11'5illegal. We need permission from the 5upreme Court. It won't be
correctly.' difficult. You just have to tell the Court that Lester has changed.'
'Don't be 50 rnean,' said Jill. 'Corne on, Gus.'s go into the garden. 55 'And then?'
15 'Be quiet, both of you,' said Lester. There's a message coming through Then the Rexorian will be destroyed. Lester's mind will be brought back
on the computer.' to Earth and put into his bodyagain.' ,
'15 it bad news?' asked Jill. 'What?' Jill cried. 'Do you mean that Lester is still alive?'
'Not at all.' said Lester. 'l'rn going away for three weeks to Rexor IV. Yes, his mind has been sto red somewhere on Rexor IV. But don't worry.
I've always wanted to visit that planet. The boy can stay here while l'm 60 It will be found and you'lI have your old husband back !'
20 away, but no longer.'
'l'm going to leave him, Frank.' Jill was talking to her brother, Gus's
father. He was a lawyer. 'He's 50 horrible to live with. He only thinks
about his work.'
'Well, tester's got a very important job,' said Frank. 'Maybe he'll
25 change.'
'No, he won't,' said Jill.
But Lester Herrick did change. When he returned from Rexor IV, he was
a very different man.
'How lovely to see you, my dear,' he said as he kissed his wife.
lO After dinner, he asked: 'Can I hel p you with anything?'
When they entered the room, 'Lester' was sitting on a chair.
'No, it's OK: said Jill. 'You can get on with your work.'
'I believe everything has been explained to you, Mrs Herrick.' said the
'My wark?' said Lester. 'Oh, that can wait. l'd like to go and play with
Police Chief.
little Gus.'
'Yes: said Jill.
And 50 it continued. Jill didn't understand it, but she liked it. Lester was 65 'You just need to tell us about the change in your husband.' said the
l5 no longer mean and cold. He smiled ali the time and was very kind. Police Chief.
When they went to see Frank and Gus, she told Frank about the change. Jilllooked at the man sitting quietly on a chair.
But Frank was worried. 'I think you'd better come with me, Herrick,' he 'Change?' she said. 'I haven't noticed any change. 50 can my husband
said to Lester. and I go home now, please?'
tiger? How?
3 How does the tiger get his stripes?