Project 4 - U6 - Reading

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1a Read the story. Put the pictures in the correct

One day, an antelope and a monkey
were walking along,
'I feel tired,' said the monkey. 'Ali this
walking is wearing me out. lt's easier for you .••.• _
You've got long legs. Mine are very short.'
'If you climb on my back, 1'11carry you,' said
the antelope.
'Thank you,' said the monkey.
'Don't mention it, my friend,' said the
antelope. 'I know that if I need anything,
you'lI look after me.' ,'II
'Of course,' said the monkey and climbed
onto the antelope's back. 'Well, I'm sorry,' said the antelope, 'but I've
run out of ideas.'
The two friends walked on until they came to
a tree. The monkey jumped down and they 'I know,' said the monkey. 'He won't get us if
both sat down in the shade. While they were we climb this tree.'
sitting there, however, they sawa lion coming 'But I can't climb trees,' said the antelope.
towards them. 'I can!' said the monkey, and he jumped up
'Oh no,' said the monkey. 'If that lion into the tree and sat on one of the branches.
catches us, he'lI eat us up.' The lion was very close.
'Perhaps he's already had his dinner,' said 'I can't run away now,' thought the antelope . 'That lion can run a
the antelope. 'If he isn't hungry, he 'II leave lot faster than I can. So the antelope lay down on the grouno and
us alone.' pretended to be dead.
'Yes, but we can't find out if he's hungry or The lion came to the tree. He looked up and saw the monkey sitting
not,' said the monkey. 'Quick. 1'11get on your on a branch. Then he walked up to the antelope. He bent down and
back again and we can escape. Hurry up!' sniffed the antelope's ear for a few moments. Then he walked away.
'That's no good,' said his friend. 'I won't be When the lion was gone, the monkey came down the tree and the
able to run very fast if you're on my back. antelope stood up.
The lion will easily catch up with me.' 'Phew!' said the monkey. 'That was scary, but what was the lion
Ali the time the lion was getting cIoser. doing? I saw him sniffing your ear.'
'But we must think of something,' said the 'He was talking to me,' said the antelope.
monkey. 'We can'tjust give up.'
'Really?' said the monkey. 'What did he say?'
'He said .. .'
6A: Grammar • first conditional • future time clauses

Phrasal verbs 5a What is happening in the pictures?
2a A lot of English verbs have got two or
b ~ Listen to the advice. Choose the
three parts. We cali them phrasal verbs.
correct pair of pictures.

Picture e.
sit down run away

b Find ten more phrasal verbs in the story.

C What does each verb mean? Use a dictionary

to hel p you.


First conditional
Complete the sentence from the story. What
tense do we use in each clause?

If that lion us, he us up.

I 'if' clause I main clause I

b Find five more first conditional sentences in
the story.

4 Complete the antelope's thoughts. Match the

halves of the sentences.
If I run away, the lion will catch me.
1 If I run away, a I won't help him.
2 If I don 't move, b the monkey won't
3 If the lion is hungry, help me.
4 If the monkey stays c he'll think that I'm
in the tree, dead.
5 If the lion attacks me, d the lion will catch me.
6 If the lion doesn't e I won't ask the
eat me, monkey.
C Write a sentence about each situation in
7 If that monkey feels f 1'11 tell everyone about
exercise 5. Use these expressions to hel p you.
tired again, that selfish monkey.
8 If I need help in the g the lion won't get him. not look after your mobile not revise for a test
future, h he'lI eat me. leave your computer on standby miss breakfast
leave things on the stairs go to bed late

If you don 't look a fter your mobile, som eon e will steal it.
Comprehension Right. I've booked it.
We're leaving on Friday.

Where do Sweet Sue and Smart Alec go? I know. As soon as I

What's happening there this week? finish these emeiis.Vll
go to the tra vel agency
I feel really tired. and book a holiday.
tt's been a very busy Where shall we go?
year. We need a
holiday, Smart A lec.
\ •• 2a Read the text again. Some parts ot the letters and advice
are missing. Match these sentences to gaps 1-8 in the text.
1a look at the photos. What problems a My parents never have time for me.
do you think the teenagers have got? b However, it can take time for parents to see that you've grown up.
c I think I'm old enough to make my own decisions.
b Read the text.
d Why not invite the boy to your house to meet them first?
1 What are all the letters about? e lt's good to have an ambition in life.
2 Who gives the advice? t When they read it. I'm sure they'll do something to help. .
g They say that I won't get a good job if I don't go to uruversrty
h I haven't said anything to my parents about it yet.

y Ol) often have Ie++ers

I plai the elutric. 9uitar with from kids who want I ~lw~ys lA.Sul to 3et 0!1-
a band. I want to ieave f>C.hool rrore freedom from their WeU with my (;f M
ne'l-t iear w that I can 90 on parents, but I' ve got the d(;fd, bul I10Wt~t n«
oppoSite problem. (;f tee~er; Weseem to
tour with the band, but mi
5__ . My dad travels disqgree 0!1-everythi'Y
parents sai that I have to
a lot on business, and my (;f M We ~Y!Ju..eall. the
stai on at f>C.hool.' __ o

mum'S always busy with tiwu; It's ell. 'Do this.'

I like f>C.hool,but I want to be
something. I usua/ly eat 'Do!1-'tdo t~t.' you..C(;f!1-'t
a roc.k star and I think we're
on my own. If I want st~y i!1-bed ~U d(;fy,sa
900d enou9h to be realli 3et up.' 7__ •
someone to talk to, my
parents are never there. M(;frk Norwich
Liam Bournemouth
Emma Manchester
When you're young, your
A lot of young people dream parents choose your clothes,
This is a common problem Yes, you can have tOGmuch organize your time and so
about being rock stars,
between teenagers and of a geod thing, This is a on. When you're a teenager,
sports stars, fashion models
parents. I'm sure that your difficult situation. My usual you want to do some of
and so on. 4__ 

parents are only trying to advice is to talk to parents, these things for yourself.
However, my advice to you is
protect you. However, it's but if they aren't there, that 8__ . Why not make a
to listen to your parents. In
never a good idea to tell won't be easy. I think you list of things that you want
this case they're nght. And
lies. If your parents find should write to them and tell to dec ide for yourself?
don't worry. The musie world
out, you'll be in real trouble, them how you feel. 6__ . Then discuss it with your
will still be there when you
so you must talk to them parents and try to re ach
finish university.
about it. 2__  Perhaps an agreernent. A calm
that will solve it. discussion is always better
than an argument.
6C: Grammar  first conditional  future time clauses

2 You won't a problem by having
3 Complete the sentences with the correct names
an about it. You should have a
from exercise 1b.
_____ instead.
_____ has a lot of arguments with his mum 3 When we're young, our parents most
and dad. things for us, but teenagers want to make their own
2 _____ doesn't normally have meals with
her family. 4 When I have a with my parents, I
3 usually advises people to talk to usually go and it with my granddad.
their parents. That often the problem.
4 wants to be a rock star. 5 Every year, quite a lot of teenagers _
5 's parents are always busy. to run away from home after they've had an
6 's parents think that 14 is too young to _____ wit h their parents.
go on adate. 6 I want to my own clothes. I'm going to
7 wants to make his own decisions. wear them, 50 I should make the _
8 wants to go out with a boy.
9 thinks that Iying is not a good idea. b Which of the sentences do you agree with?
10 doesn't want to go to university.

4 Work in a group. Discuss the questions.

Which person do you think has got the
worst problem?
2 Do you agree with the advice? Why? Why not?
3 What advice would you give him / her?
Welcome to aur phone-in programme.
Vocabulary Tonight we're going to talk about
parents and teenagers with aur problem
Verbs and nouns page adviser, Melanie. If you've got
something to say on this, give us a cal/.
5a Complete the chart. Find the missing words in And aur first cal/er is 5teph. What do
the text on page 72. you want to say, 5teph?

Verb I D1 I don't often argue with my parents.

1 argue have an argument D2 I don't get enough pocket money.
D3 My parents don't like my girlfriend.
have a
D4 I can always go to my parents for advice.
decide make a 3 D5 I can't stay out late.

find a solution
D6 My mother always tidies my room.

choose make a 5

agree reach an 6

have a disagreement
Steph Jack Chris Nina I
b Check the meanings of the words in a dictionary.
8a What advice would you give to Chris and Steph?
Discuss your ideas in a group.

6a Complete the sentences. Use words from the b Role-play. One person is Chris or Steph and
chart in exercise Sa. Sometimes more than one the other is Melanie. The carrer describes his / her
choice is possible. problem again and Melanie gives her advice.
1 I don 't usually wit h my parents. If we Use these expressions.
_____ on something, we usually _
Why not ... 7 It's a good / bad idea to .
it and try to reach an _
I (don't) think you should ... My advice is to
Decision time
1a What has happened in the 'Kids' story so far?
Look back and check your ideas.

b (j')T2oJ
Read and listen to the story.
Answer the questions.
1 What do Mike and Lily want to do?
2 What does Lily cali Andy? Why?
Lily Tara's gone horne. She doesn't want to talk to anyone.
2 Answer the questions. Andy What happened with Mrs Ross? She didn't tell her
Where is Tara at the start of the story? Why? about Wimbledon, did she?
2 Why did the head teacher want to see her? Lily Yes, she did, because she thought Mrs Rossalready knew
3 Why is Tara upset? Mike But she didn't know anything about it. She wanted to
4 Does Mrs Rossknow that the others went to tell Tara that she's won the school prize.
Wimbledon, too? Andy Wow! Cool!
5 Why doesn't Andy want to go and see Mrs Ross? Lily Yes, but Tara might not get it now She was really upset
6 Why did Andy have Wednesday afternoon off? about it.
7 How did Tara help Andy? Andy Did she say anything to Mrs Ross about us?
8 Who is going to see Mrs Ross? Lily No, she didn't.
Andy That's qood.
Mike No, it isn't. It was ali your idea. Tara shouldn't take the
blame for it.

Mike So we should ali go and see Mrs Rossto help Tara.

Andy Hang on a minute. Why should I get into trouble when
I didn't do anything wrono?
Mike Yes, you did. We ali told lies to get the afternoon oft.
Andy Well, actually, I didn't.
Lily What do you mean?
Andy I had the afternoon off anyway. They closed the sports
The next day.
centre that afternoon to do a fire safet y check.
Mike You're kidding! So it will be ali right wit h you if Tara Tara I have to go and see Mrs Ross again.
takes ali the blame, will it? Mike We'll come with you.
Lily And you won't mind if she loses the school prize? Tara Thanks, but you don 't have to.
Mike Have you forgotten that she helped you wit h your Lily Yes, we do. We're all in this together.
project? Tara What about Andy?
Lily Yes, she got you out of trouble with Mr Hunt, you rat! Mike I haven't seen him since our last lesson.
60: Grammar  first conditional  future time clauses

3a What do you think happens next? 6 Complete the sentences. Match the verbs and the
pictures to say why you did the things.
b (j)nTI Listen to the end of the story and check
1 I went to the fridge to get a drink.
your ideas.

C (1)3.21) Listen again. Are the statements true I went to the

or false? fridge ...
Andy has gone home.
2 Andy told the head teacher about the trip to
Wimbledon. 2 I used the
3 Tara will get the school prize. Internet.
4 They're all going to Wimbledon again.
5 Andy's in a tennis tournament this weekend.
6 Andy's going to be in trouble with his parents. 3 I went to the
supermarket ...
Everyday English

Useful expressions 4 I texted my

friend ...
4a Match the halves of the expressions.
She doesn't want a you mean?
2 She didn't know b the blame for everything.
3 We're all c in this together. 5 I sat down ... do
4 It was all d to talk to anyone.
5 Tara shoukin': take e a minute.
6 Hang on f kidding! 6 I bought some
7 Whatdo g your idea. play
bread ...
8 You're h anything about it.

b How do you say the expressions in your

7 I went to the
language? say
sports centre ...
Expressing purpose

5a Look at what Mike says. Why should they all

8 I put on my
go and see Mrs Ross? download
pyjamas ...

7 Work in a group. One person starts a sentence and

and the next person finishes it with an infinitive of
Sa we should al! go and purpose.
see Mrs Ross to help Tara.  I went on the Internet.
o I went on the Internet to book a holiday

Here are some ideas for sentence beginnings.

b We use an infinitive with to to say why we do I went to the ... / on the .
something. We cali this an infinitive of purpose. I bought some / a .
Find and complete these sentences from the story. l'rn going to the .
1 We all told lies _ I put on my .
2 They closed the sports centre that afternoon I sat down / stood up / lay down ...
I made an appointment .
I texted / emailed / phoned my friend ...
I switched on the ...
3 (j) 3.23 ) Listen to six teenagers
talking about their
favourite part of the weekend. Copy and complete
the chart.
a Fridayevening Favourite part I Why?
2 a nap
3 weddings 1 Sunday lunchtime big lunch with the family
b Saturday morning
4 familyentertainment
5 roast beef c Saturday afternoon
6 church
7 the cinema
d Saturday evening 4 Work in a group. Discuss the questions.
1 How is a typical weekend different in your country?
8 a lie-in e Sunday morning
2 What things do you and your family do at the
9 sports
10 an early night f Sunday afternoon weekend?

11 shopping 3 What's your favourite time? Why?

g Sundayevening
12 homework

2 What do these expressions mean?

have an early night go clubbing

have a lie-in have a nap

What is a typica' we~k~nd

like for families in Bntam?
Children don't go to school on Saturdays and Sundays, to get into a club. At home, the television has
but they normally have homework to do over the programmes for family entertainment, such as The X
weekend. Some do their homework on Friday evenings, Factor, Strictly Come Dancing, Mer/in or Doctor Who.
50 that they can forget about school for the whole On Sunday mornings, people often have a lie-in. That
weekend. Others prefer to relax after a week means that they get up later than they do during the
at school and do their homework on Sunday week. Some people go to church on Sunday mornings.
evenings. Families often have a big Sunday lunch together. The
Saturday morning is a popular time for meal is usually roast meat (beef, chicken, lamb, etc.) with
sports and other activities. A lot of schools vegetables. And there's usually a big pudding, too. ~ . -
have sports matches against other After that, a lot of adults spend the afternoon
schools. Sports centres are usually having a nap (sleeping) in front of the TV! ,,-""_-.
very busy, too. They usually have Shopping centres are popular places
classes for different things like to go on Sunday afternoons. Ali the
tennis, basketball, swimming and 50 big shops are open - usually 11
on. Some children have music lessons or go to am to 5 pm - but most smaller
dance classes on Saturday mornings. shops are closed all day.
Saturday afternoon is normally the time for Then it's Sunday evening,
professional sports matches. There's always lots of and your parents say:
sport on TV. Most football and rugby matches start 'Come on, it's school again
at three o'clock. Saturday afternoon is also the tomorrow.' So it's time to
traditional time for weddings. do your homework if you
On Saturday evenings, most people want some haven't already don e it,
kind of entertainment. Ol der teenagers go to pa ck your school bag
the cinema er they go dancing at a club, They and have an early night.
cali it 'going clubbing'. But you have to be 18
1a What do you know about the European 3 (j) 3.24) Listen again. Answer the questions.
Union? Do the quiz. 1 What does 'EEC' mean?
2 When did the UK join?
b Compare your answers with a partner.
3 When did Spain join?
4 Which economic areas are larger than the EU?
5 Where is the European Central Bank?
6 What do the stars on the EU flag represent?
7 What things does the EU deal with?

4 The treaty was signed in 1957

by six countries. Which of these
countries signed it?
a France g Spain
b Denmark h Belgium
c Germany Portu gal
d the UK j Luxembourg
e Greece k Italy
f Ireland the Netherlands
European Union
started? 5 The name was changed to 'the European Union'
a People wanted after which treaty in 1992?
to make a lot of a The Maastricht Treaty
money. b The Treaty of London
b People didn't want c The Lisbon Treaty
another world war. 6 Between 1992 and 2007, how many new countries
c People wanted joined the EU?
to live in other a 2 b 9 c 15
countries. 7 The EU is the largest economic area in the
2 The original name of world.
the EUwas a second b third c fourth
a the EEC. 8 The EU is run by the European Commission.
b UEFA. Its offices are in
c The European League. a Strasbourg. b Frankfurt. c Brussels.
3 It was created 9 How many stars are there on the EU flag?
in 1957 by the a 6 b 12 c 27
Treaty of 10 Who composed the EU's anthem Ode to Joy?
a Paris. a Beethoven b The Beatles c Dvorak
b Berlin.
c Rome.
\Vocabular a 3 Match cues 1-7 to cues a-g. Make sentences starting with If.
lt you go to Las Vegas, you'l! have a great time.
1 Complete the sentences. Choose phrasal
1 you / go to Las Vegas a he / not have time for his
verbs to match the pictures. Use the past 2 Liam / leave school schoolwork .
simple tense. 3 you / write to Melanie b she / give you good advice
4 you / not protect your c people / not trust you
go away walk away get back
password d they / help you, too
pick up sit down look after
S Andy / play tennis all the time e he / not get a good job
run out of bend down get on
6 you / help your friends f you / have a great time
7 you / tell lies g people / read your emails
We went to the shops and we ;aj ~iAlDa
at 2.30 pm.

2 I didn't want an argument, so I just

3 weBEł!! petrol on the motorway


l 2
open the door
sit down
j 3
to buy a pen

yesterday. 3 Jess go to the shop

4 Nathan switch on the TV t-
S Belinda pick up the phone <..,..-
4 We
6 Max go to the station
7 Heather email Zoe
S We our neighbours' cat when 8 Jeremy open the fridge

6 and ~ a coin that c Write sentences about the people.

was on the ground. Ryan went to the shop to buy a pen.

Grammar ) Study skills

r Oealing with problems
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
1 Read the email. What is the problem?
form of the verbs in brackets.
2 Work in a group. Write a reply with two
phone you after Sarah (arrive).
pieces of advice to hel p the writer.
2 Before we have dinner, I (have) a shower.
3 We'll see Ken when we (go) to the shops.
I'm learning English, but I always feel very
4 We (wait) while Tara gets the tickets.
silly when I speak English in class, because
S Joe will set off as soon as we (text) him.
I know that I make lots of mistakes. I'm going to England
6 I (do) my homework before I watch TV.
soon and l'rn sure people there willlaugh at me when Itry
7 Andy's parents (be) angry when they get
to speak English.
the letter.
8 We'll leave as soon as the programme
Vour Preiect
~ \1.14'§tIJłt.Iiii:t:am,t,~ Song
~ Deseribing a problem / giving advice 1(i) 3.26) listen to the song. Complete it with these
t 1 look at Samantha's letter on page 72. Put
~ the topics in the correct order to match the lucky nothing day fali heart moment problems
letter. fail something mouthful answers storms rules
D a How do you feel now?
D b What is the problem? 2 What is the message of the song?
D c Ask for advice.
D d Who are you having a problem with I a Don't work hardo
D e What, if anything, have you done about it? b Think about yourself first.
c Deal with problems immediately.
2 look at the expressions. Find them in d Don't take life too seriously.
Melanie's advice on page 72. Then complete
the sentences. (Some can be completed in Don't Try 50 Hard
more than one way.)
If you're searching out for 1 _

Commenting Don't try so hardo

This is a common ... If you're feeling kind of 2 _

l'rn sure that ... Don't try so hardo

A lot of young people ... When your 3 seem like mountains,
In this case ... You feel the need to find some 4 _

This is a difficult ... You can leave it for another 5 _

When you're ... Don't try 50 hardo

But if you 6 and take a tumbie, it won't be far.

Giving advice
If you 7 , you rnustn't grumble,
trs never a good idea to ...
Thank your 8 stars.
Why not ... 1
Just savour every 9 _
My advice to you is to ...
And treasure every 10 _
I think you should ...
When the 11 are raging round you,
Try to ...
Stay right where you are.
Justifying Oh, don't try so hard.
If your parents find out ... Oh, don 't take it ali to 12 _

When they read it ... lt's only fools, they make these 13 _

Don't try 50 hardo

Project task
Make a class problem page.
1 Work in a group. Write a letter to a
problem page. Use the pattern in
exercise 1.
2 Give your letter to another group.
3 Write a reply to the letter that you
receive. Use the expressions in
exercise 2.
Put all your letters and replies together
to make a classproblem page.
Unit 1
c Follow the words with the Iet] sound. Can you
win the star prize? You must follow the lines.

wear 1I'd1 hear

leli break jeans 13:1 heard

b Different spellings can have the same sound.

Find two more words for each sound in exercise 1a.

there need head red leave pair

world play learn deer near late

2 How many syllables? 2 Intonation: question tags

a Copy and complete the chart. Put the words in a <i' 4.6 ) When we use a question tag to
confirm something, the intonation normally falls.
the correct column.
listen and repeat. Copy the intonation.
boxes shoes styles sizes dresses clothes
watches socks striped pointed needed You're fourteen, aren't yóu?
flared used wanted waited checked 2 11'5 Tuesday today, isn't it?
3 We haven't got any homework, have we?
4 It was your birthday yesterday, wasn't it?
5 You didn't revise for the last test, did you?
6 Smart Alec lives in England, doesn't he?
7 You don 't drink milk, do you?
8 You'll be at home this evening, won't you?

b Work with a partner. Student A: Read one of the

questions. Student B: Give an answer.

C When do we pronounce -es and -ed as a A You're fourteen, aren 't you? B Yes, lam.
separate syllable?

, The letters 'th'
, The lełter 'a' a ) listen and repeat.

a (i) 4.5 ) The letter 'a' can be pronounced in 1 that sat 6 thumb some
different ways. listen and repeat. 2 these sees 7 three tree
3 weather wetter 8 thigh tie
lrel hand leli famous h:1 walk
4 there tear 9 mouth mouse
10:1 part 101 watch
5 path part 10 thirty dirty
b Add two more words spelt with the letter 'a' for
each sound.
b (i) 4.8 ) listen. Tick (,/) the word in each pair
that you hear.
2 Agreeing: sentence stress
1 Inl, Igul and I Al
So do I. 6 Neither did we.
2 Neither can I. 7 SowiiiI. a Put the words in the correct column.
3 Oh,lwill. 8 Oh, we have.
money dolphin snow shot most stomach
4 So have we. 9 Oh, I can't.
dollar won mother hope forest some
5 Oh, I do. 10 Neither was I.
ho me cover doctor mobile stop cold

Oh, we have. /
Neither have we.

2 Oddoneout
1 III and lali a Which word has a different vowel sound?
~================~ 1 gas - van - park 6 kill - winter - blind
a How is the letter 'i' pronounced? Put the words
2 bear - beard - hair 7 stop - snow - sold
in the correct column.
3 thief - rise - ice 8 heart - meat - feel
minute night ring climb write find 4 fur - earth - cub 9 litre - drive - wise
promise might shine window give 5 last - fake - waste 10 cool - shoot - look
island magic kitchen decide office

1 Similar words

b (1)4.11 ) listen, check and repeat.
1 naw know
C Add two more words spelt with the letter 'i' to 2tree 7 bag back
each column. 3 had 8 choose shoes
4 watch wash 9 talk took
5 walk work 10 won't want
2 Wordstress: verbs
a Copy and complete the chart. Put the words in
the correct column.
2 How many words?
finish enjoy decide survive promise
offer remember believe listen become
agree happen refuse prefer return
forget imagine receive follow damage

I~ I~
b Add the numbers in each column, for example,
b add a and f. What totals do you get?
Unit 1

1a (j) 4.18 ) Read and listen to the story. Put the

pictures in the correct order.

b Find these in the pictures.

Llewellyn Gelert Llewellyn's wife

the baby the deer the wolf

C What other things from the story can you name

in the pictures?

2 Answer the questions.

1 Why is the old woman angry?
2 Why does Llewellyn kill Gelert?
3 Why does Gelert have blood in his mouth?
4 How do the old woman's words come true?

Time passed and Llewellyn soon forgot about the old woman.
In fact, his happy life became happier and happier. A few
years later, he married a beautiful young princess and they
soon had a fine, baby boy. By now, Gelert was an old dog,
here was once a Prince of Wales called Llewellyn. He

T was young, strong and handsome, and everybody loved

him, because he was always laughing and smiling. He
had a dog called Gelert. Llewellyn loved his dog more than
and he didn't use to go hunting with his master so often.
But every night he used to sleep by the fire and guard the
baby's cradle. Llewellyn knew that his son was safe with his
old friend Gelert there.
5 anything in the world and they were always together.
Then one night Llewellyn woke up suddenly. Gelert was
The prince and his dog often used to go hunting. One day,
barking loudly. The prince jumped out of bed. By the light of
they were walking quietly through the forest when they saw
the fire, he sawa terrible sight. The baby's cradle was upside
a small hut. A deer was standing next to the hut. Llewellyn
down. Gelert was standing next to it and blood was dripping
and Gelert stopped and hid among the trees. The deer didn't
40 from his mouth.
10 run away, so Llewellyn slowly and carefully to ok his bow and
arrow and shot the deer. Llewellyn couldn't believe it. 'What have you done to my
son?' he shouted at the old dog. 'You've kiUed him!' Near the
'I got it!' shouted the prince. 'Come on, Gelert. We'll all eat
fire there was a pile of wood and there was an axe on top of
well tonight!' They ran to get the deer and take it home.
it. Angrily, Llewellyn grabbed the axe and brought it down
But as he was lifting the dead animal onto his shoulders,
45 on the old doq's head. Gelert fell dead on the floar.
15 Llewellyn heard a noise behind him. He turned round. An
old woman was standing there. She lived in the forest and At that moment Llewellyn heard a noise. It was coming from
people said that she was a witch. She pointed a long, bony under the cradle. Llewellyn picked up the cradle and he saw
finger at Llewellyn. 'You've killed my deer. she said angrily. his son. He was lying on the floar and he was smiling. Next
'And you wiU pay for this. to the baby there was something large and grey. Llewellyn
20 Llewellyn didn't take any notice, and with the deer on his 50 turned it over. It was the body of a dead wolf!
shoulders, he and Gelert turned to go home.
'Oh, Gelert, my dear old friend. cried Llewellyn. 'What have I
'You're happy now, Prince Llewellyn, screamed the old
done? You saved my son from the wolf!'
woman, as the prince and his dog were walking away. 'But
you will die a sad and lonely man: When he heard this, Suddenly, the prince felt very cold and the old woman's
25 Llewellyn suddenly felt very cold. words came back to him. From that night, Llewellyn never
'Remember my words!' shouted the old woman and then she 55 smiled again. Even his young son could not make him happy.
disappeared. He died, as the old woman said, a sad and lonely man.
2 Put the events in the correct order.
O a Mathilde borrows a necklace from her friend.
O b They borrow a lot of money to buy a new necklace.
1a O c Mathilde discovers that she has lost the necklace.

How much did the Loisels pay for the new necklace?
O d Mathilde discovers that the diamonds weren't real.

2 How much was the old necklace worth?

O e Mr Loisel gets an invitation to a party.
f They have a hard life for ten years to repay
b Who are the wornen in the pictures? the money.

 ~ O g Mathilde has a wonderful time at the party.

 O h Mr Loisel tries to find the necklace.

ł M
athilde Loisel
lived in Paris. Her
husband was a clerk
Jeanne Forestier was
Matbildes old schoolfriend,
and she was very rich.
3 How
... ... .....
does Mathilde look in each picture? Why?

'No, I haven't,'
he replied.
'What can we d07' sa id
Mathilde. 'I can't tell
105 One Sunday afternoon, she
saw Madame Forestier in the
park. She stilllooked young
~. ~
at the Ministry of Education. So Mathilde borrowed a 70 Madame Forestier that I've and beautiful.
They weren't poor. They had 45 beautiful diarnond necklace lost n, can p' 'Good afternoon, jeanne,'

a nice flar and one servani, from her. 'We musi buy another one,' 110 said Mathilde.
 but Mathilde dreamed of a said her hus band 'I'm sorry,' said Madame 
~ better li fe full of silk dresses Forestier. 'I don't know you, ł
They went to all the
 and gold jewellery, parties do P'
75 jewellery shops and finally ~
 10 and rich, famous people. 'Yes, its me, Mathilde.'
found a similar necklace.
~ 'Oh, my dear, what has
One evening when her 'But it costs thirty-six

~ husband came home, he thousand francs!' said
happened to you?' said her ł
ł friend. 'You've changed 50

 looked very happy.

'I've got something for you,' 80
'My Iather left me eighteen
'Yes, life has been very

 15 he said. 'lts an invitation to thousand francs when he
120 difficult for the last ten ~
 a party with the Minister of died,' said her husband. 'We
ł Education.' must borrow the rest.'
years,' said Mathilde and she
told her the whole story. At ~
~ Mathilde starred lo ery.
ł 'What's wrong?' said her
They borrowed from banks, the end, she said proudly: '1

20 husband. 'You want to go,
don't you?' What a partyl Mathilde was
85 from rnoney-lenders, from
friends and relatives, and
they bought the necklace.
can tell you everything now,
because we've paid back al!
the money.'

~ 'or course,' she said. 'But I the most beautiful woman ~
'But my poor Mathilde,' said
. haven't gOLanything to wear there. All the men wanted After that, everything
her friend. 'My diamonds
to a party like that, have P'
'How much will you need
50 to dance with her. It was the
happiest night of her life. 90
changed for the Loisels.
They moved to a small
room. There was no servant
weren't real. The nec klace
was worth no more than five

 for a new dress?' asked her
At Iour o'clock in the hundred Irancs!' ~
: husband. now. Maihilde did all the
ł 'Four hundred francs,' she
morning, they took a taxi
home. When they arrived,
housework. Her husband
 said. Il was a lot of money, worked every evening and at
ł 30 bUL her husband agreed.
55 Mathilde stood in front of the
95 weekends. They didn't buy

 A few days later, however,
Mathilde was unhappy
mirror and took off her coat.
She lroze in horror.
'The necklace,' she cried. 'lt's
any new clothes and ate only
poor Iood.


. again. 'I haven't got any gone!' After len long, hard years
ł jewellery lO wear with my 60 'Perhaps you lost it in the they finally paid back all the ~
 35 dress,' she said. taxi,' said her husband. 'I'll 100 money, bUL Mathilde wasn't ~
 'Why don't you ask your go and look for it.' young and pretty any more.
~ friend, Madame Forestier? He came back al seven She looked old and thin. ~
She'lllend you something, o'clock. Her hands we re red and
~ won't she?' said her 65 'Have you found it?' asked rough. ~
ł 40 husband. his wile.

2 Correct the sentences.
People were at the cottage to celebrate the
shepherd's birthday.
the shepherd the shepherd's wife the first stranger
2 The second stranger was going to Casterbridge to
the second stranger the third stranger
buya sheep.
3 The second stranger told a story to tell everyone what
b Match these cues to the people in exercise 1a.
his job was.
a hangman a prisoner frightened a clockmaker 4 When the third stranger came to the cottage, he sat
a cottage the prisoner's brother a baby a song down and had a drink.
5 Everyone knew that a prisoner escaped because they
heard a bell ringing.
6 The shepherds and farm workers didn't want to find
the first stranger because they liked him.

ne cold, wet night in 1825, a poor shepherd and his wife
invited some friends to their cottage. They wanted to
celebrate the birth of their first chiid. Their cottage was on a
path which strangers didn't use very often. But while the shepherd
5 and his guests were dancing and drinking, someone knocked at
the door. 'Come in!' shouted the shepherd.
Atall, dark stranger, about forty years old, entered.
'Can I rest here for a bit?' he asked.
'Of course,' said the shepherd. 'Come in and have a drink with us.'
10 'Thank YOU,' said the stranger.
'And you should sit by the fire,' said the shepherd. 'You look
very cold.'
Not long after, there was another knock at the door.
'Come in!' shouted the shepherd for the second time. A minute later, everybody heard a gun. Everybody knew what it meant.
15 Another stranger entered. He was older than the first, and he was 'Someone has escaped from Casterbridge prison.' said the hangman.
wearing a grey suit. 'It must be that man who came to the cottage just now and then ran
'I'm on my way to Casterbridge,' he said. 'Can I rest here for a while?' 40 away. We should alllook for him.' The men allleft the cottage.
'Of course!' said the shepherd. 'Come and sit by the fire.' And he gave Alittle later, the first stranger returned, and then the hangman came
this man a drink, too. back, too.
20 For some reason the shepherd's wife didn't like the second stranger 'There are enough men looking for the prisoner,' the two men agreed.
and she asked, 'What kind of work do you do?' 'They don't need us, too.' They finished their meal and then walked
The man in grey replied with a song. 45 away from the cottage in opposite directions.
'There isn't much I need, ... The other men soon found the third stranger and brought him back
Toset tne criminals tree. to the shepherd's cottage. Two policemen were waiting for them.
25 A piece ot rope, and a tall hanging post, 'That's not the prisoner who escaped,' said one of the policemen.
And that'II be enough tor me. ' 'Who are you?'
Immediately, everyone knew that he was a hangman. He was on his 50 'I'm the prisoner's brother,' said the third stranger. 'I was on my
way to Casterbridge prison to hang a poor clockmaker. way to see my brother for the last time, when I stopped here tonight.'
'That clockmaker only stole a sheep to feed his children, because he 'But why did you run away?'
30 had no work,' said the shepherd's wife. 'You shouldn't hang a man 'Because I saw my brother here. He was sitting by the fire with
for that.' the hangman!'
'I just do my job,' said the second stranger. 55 'So that first stranger was the clockmaker!' said the shepherd's wife.

Just then, there was a third knock on the door and the shepherd The next day, the shepherds and farm workers looked for the
opened it. A third stranger was standing there. He looked into the clockmaker again. They never found him. But they didn't really want
35 cottage, but when he saw the two men by the fire, his face went to find him, because they all agreed with the shepherd's wife: you
white. Then he turned and ran away. shouldn't hang a man who only stole a sheep because he had no
60 money to feed his children.
2a look at the picture. Find these three groups
of people.
Horatius? Horatius's two companions? 1 the people of Rome 3 Horatius and his two
2 Tarquin? 4 the city of Rome? 2 Porsena's army companions

b What is each group doing? Why?

people and shouted: 'We must destroy the bridge. My two

companions and I will defend this end of the bridge while
25 you cut down the bridge behind us.'

The people of Rome fetched axes and saws and started to

We always think of Rome as the centre of a huge empire,
cut down the bridge, while the three soldiers faced Porsena's
but in its early days, it was just a smali city on the banks
army with just their swords and shields.
of the River Tiber. At that time, they had a king called
Tarquin the Proud, but he was very bad. Finally, the Roman Fortunately the bridge was very narrow, so only a few
5 people decided that they didn't want a king any more and 30 of Porsena's men could attack at one time. Again and
they all agreed to throw him out. again they tried to cross the bridge, but Horatius and his
companions pushed them back. Ali the time they could
Tarquin, however, tried to get his throne back, and his
hear the Romans chopping and sawing the bridge behind
friend, Porsena, the King of Clusium, offered to help them.
him. Porsena gathered a large army and started march ing
10 towards Rome. 35 Finally, they felt the bridge moving under their feet.
'The bridge is starting to fali,' people shouted to the three
When the Romans saw the army approaching, their hearts
men. 'Come back!'
sank. There were thousands of knights and soldiers coming
But Horatius refused to move, because Porsena's soldiers
over the hill on the other side of the Tiber. They knew that
were attacking again.
they couldn't win a battle against such a large army.
40 'Run back,' he shouted to his two companions. 'I will stay
15 'We must stay inside the city,' said the Roman leaders.
here on the bank until you're safely across.'
'But they'lI cross the bridge and then we won't stand a
The two men rushed back across the bridge. Just as they
chance,' someone said.
reached the other side, the bridge started to fall.
At that time, there was only one narrow wooden bridge
across the river, and Porsena's army was marching straight When Horatius heard it crashing into the Tiber, he knew
20 towards it. 45 that the city was safe. He started moving backwards towards
the edge of the river. Then he turned, threw down his sword,
Three Roman soldiers were guarding the far end of the
shield and helmet and jumped in. Spears and arrows from
bridge. One of them was called Horatius. He turned to the
Porsena's men followed him as he disappeared under the
water. He was still wearing his heavy armour and he was
50 badly wounded, so nobody expected to see him again.

For several minutes they waited and then somebody

shouted: 'There he is!' Everybody turned and saw Horatius
swimming towards the river bank. Ali the Romans cheered
and shouted. Then Porsena's men started cheering and
55 shouting, too, because Horatius was so brave.

Tarquin never got his throne back. And for hundreds of

years after that, Roman parents told their children the story
of how Horatius and his two companions held the bridge
and saved the city of Rome.
1a 2 Answer the questions about Lester Herriek.
1 What was he like befare he left?
2 What was he like after his return?
in the past naw in the future
3 Why does he ehange?
b Find the names ot these.
1 Jill's husband 3 Jill's brother
4 Why does Jill say that he hasn't ehanged?
2 the planet that he visits 4 Frank's san

C Who ean you see in the picture? Where are they?

The next day, Frank took his sister to the police station.

'No: said Lester Herrick. 'He can't come and stay with us. l've got too
40 '50, do you rnean,' she said, 'that the man who came back from Rexor
IV wasn't really Lester?'
'Yes: said Frank. 'While Lester was there, he was captured. His mind was
much work to do.' removed from his body and it was replaced by this thing - a Rexorian.'
'You're horrible.' said his wife, Jill. They we re talking about her 'But why?' said Jill.
nephew, Gus. 45 'Rexor IV is a very old planet. 11'5dying and the Rexorians want to
5 'You can tell him when he comes this afternoon.' said Lester. 'And escape.'
where's my dinner?' 'Has it happened before?'
'11'5just cominq.' said Jill. The meal was picked up by the kitchen robot 'Yes, but they were all discovered when they tried to leave Rexor IV and
and carried towards Lester. they were destroyed.'
'Hurry up: he said impatiently. 'I want to get back to work.' 50 'Why wasn't this one found?'
10 When Gus arrived, Jill ran to pick him up. 'Lester had his own private spaceship, 50 he wasn't checked. The
'Be careful of my tiqer,' he said. The kitten jumped out of the boy's arms. problem is that the Rexorian can't just be destroyed here on Earth.
'11'5not a tiqer,' said Lester. '11'5just a cat. You should use words 11'5illegal. We need permission from the 5upreme Court. It won't be
correctly.' difficult. You just have to tell the Court that Lester has changed.'
'Don't be 50 rnean,' said Jill. 'Corne on, Gus.'s go into the garden. 55 'And then?'
15 'Be quiet, both of you,' said Lester. There's a message coming through Then the Rexorian will be destroyed. Lester's mind will be brought back
on the computer.' to Earth and put into his bodyagain.' ,
'15 it bad news?' asked Jill. 'What?' Jill cried. 'Do you mean that Lester is still alive?'
'Not at all.' said Lester. 'l'rn going away for three weeks to Rexor IV. Yes, his mind has been sto red somewhere on Rexor IV. But don't worry.
I've always wanted to visit that planet. The boy can stay here while l'm 60 It will be found and you'lI have your old husband back !'
20 away, but no longer.'
'l'm going to leave him, Frank.' Jill was talking to her brother, Gus's
father. He was a lawyer. 'He's 50 horrible to live with. He only thinks
about his work.'
'Well, tester's got a very important job,' said Frank. 'Maybe he'll
25 change.'
'No, he won't,' said Jill.
But Lester Herrick did change. When he returned from Rexor IV, he was
a very different man.
'How lovely to see you, my dear,' he said as he kissed his wife.
lO After dinner, he asked: 'Can I hel p you with anything?'
When they entered the room, 'Lester' was sitting on a chair.
'No, it's OK: said Jill. 'You can get on with your work.'
'I believe everything has been explained to you, Mrs Herrick.' said the
'My wark?' said Lester. 'Oh, that can wait. l'd like to go and play with
Police Chief.
little Gus.'
'Yes: said Jill.
And 50 it continued. Jill didn't understand it, but she liked it. Lester was 65 'You just need to tell us about the change in your husband.' said the
l5 no longer mean and cold. He smiled ali the time and was very kind. Police Chief.
When they went to see Frank and Gus, she told Frank about the change. Jilllooked at the man sitting quietly on a chair.
But Frank was worried. 'I think you'd better come with me, Herrick,' he 'Change?' she said. 'I haven't noticed any change. 50 can my husband
said to Lester. and I go home now, please?'
tiger? How?
3 How does the tiger get his stripes?

2 Write the names of the numbered

things in the picture.

The man thought quickly. 'Intelligence?' he said, 'Oh, well,

HOW intelligence is very valuable, so I usually leave it at ho me. If
you wait here, 1'11 go and get some for you.'
GOT HIllTRIPEl l5'1'11 come with you.' said the tiger.
'1\ o,' saicl the man. 'If the other villagers see you, they'll
throw things at you.'
A traditional story from Vietnam 'That's true.' said the tiger. 'But if you don't com e back, 1'11
Long ago, when animals could talk. the tiger didnt have be here again tomorrow. And I'll be very hungry!'
stripes. He had a beautiful coat of golden fur. He was very 40The man set off to the village, but then he turned round
proud of it. and said to the tiger. 'But if Ileave you here, you'll eat my
animals. 1'11 feel much happier if I tie you up first.'
One day, the tiger came to the edge of the jungle andlooked
50Ut.A man was ploughing a rice field. A water buffalo was The tiger really wanted the rnan's intelligence. 'When I've
pulling the heavy plough. It lookedlike very hard work for got sorne of that intelligence, 1'11 really be king of the jungie,'
the buffalo, but not for the man. He was just wałking along 45he thought, and so he said: 'Ali right. You can tie my tail to
behind the plough. On the other side of the field there we re the banana tree.'
some more animals - two goats. some chickens and a cow. 'But you've got very sharp teeth and claws,' said the man.
'You'll easily cut the rope. However, if I tie your body to the
lOAftera while, the man sat down under a banana tree for a
tree. my animals will be safe.'
rest. The tiger crept slowly towards the butfalo. She wasn't
50The man got a long rope. He put it round and round the
afraid of the tiger. She was too big and stron g for him.
tiger's body and head and tied him tightly to the banana
'What do you want?' asked the buffalo.
'I've got a question,' said the tiger. ',\'hy do you work for
'Now,' said the man, 'you'll soon see my intelligence.' Then
15that man? You're much bigger and stronger than he is. He
he collected all his animaJs and took thern away.
controls all those other animals over there. too. How does
he do it?' 55The tiger waitecl and waited, but the man didn't come back.
'They say,' said the buffalo slowly, 'that hes got something He didn't come back the next day, either. So the tiger tried
called inlelligence.' to get free, but the rope was too tight. He pulled and he
20'Intelligence?' asked the tiger. 'What's that?' pushed; he twisted and turned. The rope rubbed against
'I've got no idea,' said the buffalo. 'Why dont you ask his fur. Finally, he pulled with all his strength and the rope
the man?' 60broke.
The tiger walked slowly back to the jungle. On the way he
So the tiger walked over to the man. When he saw the tiger,
stopped at the river for a drink, because he was very thirsty.
the man jumped up. But the tiger said: 'Don't worry. I won't
When he saw his reflection in the water, he couldn't believe
.seat you if you answer a simple question for me.'
his eyes: 'Aargh! What's happened to my fur?' he cried. His
The man was very frightened and he wanted to run
65beautiful golden co at was coverecl in thick black stripes,
away. But the tiger was much faster than him, so he said
where the ropes rubbed it.
nervously: '1- 1'11 answer it if I can.'
'The animals say that you've got something called When the other animals saw the stripes, they alllaughed.
lointelligence,' said the tiger. 'I'd like some of that, too. What Since that day, the tiger has had black stripes, and he hi des
is it? What does it look like?' in the jungle so that the other animals can't see him.

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