Practical Periodontics
Practical Periodontics
Practical Periodontics
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Second Edition
Edited by
Kenneth Eaton
Specialist in Periodontics and Dental Public Health,
Visiting Professor University College London; Honorary
Professor University of Kent, Advisor to the Council of
European Chief Dental Ocers
Philip Ower
MSc, BDS, FFGDP(UK) Hon., MGDSRCS (Eng & Ed)
Formerly Specialist in Periodontics and Director,
PerioCourses Ltd, UK
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ISBN: 978-0-3238-7845-6
Printed in Scotland
1.5 The Role of Biolms in Health and Disease, 41 3.4 Referral to a Periodontal Specialist, 161
Philip D Marsh Alan Woodman
1.6 Periodontal Risk – Modifying and Section 4: The Role of Self-Care and Oral
Predisposing Factors, 56
Iain Chapple and Mike Milward Hygiene Methods
Section 2: Periodontal Diagnosis and 4.1 Patient Education and Self-Performed Biolm
Control, 171
Prognosis Elaine Tilling
2.1 Classication and Diagnosis of Periodontal 4.2 Clinical Imaging in Patient Assessment and
Diseases, 71 Motivation, 182
Philip Ower Ulpee Darbar
vi Contents
After the success of the rst edition, Practical Periodontics is e authors, led by Professor Kenneth Eaton and
now released as a second edition with fully updated chap- Dr Philip C. Ower, together with many contributors, are
ters. is new edition maintains its scientic rigour, com- not only well respected in the United Kingdom but also
bining the introduction of new knowledge with a detailed throughout Europe and beyond. eir contribution to this
description of current therapeutic concepts and the advent work clearly demonstrates not only excellent preparation
of new technologies. is work continues to focus on edu- but also the academic spirit and the teaching abilities that
cating students with evidence-based concepts and acquisi- are needed to produce a book such as this with scientic
tion of relevant professional competences. e information rigour and practical relevance for students and professionals.
provided is clear, well organized and very practical, but In summary, this book continues to provide useful and rel-
at the same time it has been rigorously reviewed and is evant content in line with contemporary educational concepts
updated with current knowledge, comprehensively covering and with a practical approach to modern periodontology.
modern periodontology from the basic knowledge necessary Mariano Sanz
to understand aetiology and pathogenesis to the most rel- Professor and Chairman of Periodontology
evant aspects of the prevention and therapy of periodontal Faculty of Odontology, University Complutense of
diseases. Madrid (Spain)
We were honoured when Elsevier approached us with an on the nature of root surface contamination, periodontal
invitation to edit a second edition of Practical Periodon- instrumentation, the use of antimicrobials, the assessment
tics. We were tasked with producing a textbook for dental of treatment outcomes and supportive therapy. e sixth
hygiene and therapy undergraduates and general dentists section covers surgical periodontal therapy and the ratio-
that is in the same style as other recent textbooks published nale for a surgical approach. e seventh and nal sec-
by Elsevier. We chose the title to reect the fact that we tion explains the interaction of periodontology with other
wanted this text not only to be a useful learning resource dental disciplines, and there is a new chapter on dental
but also to have practical application. As a result this new implants – monitoring, maintenance and management of
book contains numerous gures and tables to illustrate the complications.
text and also the key points, highlighted in every chap- There is increasing emphasis nowadays on the role of
ter. It is hoped that this layout will help dental, hygiene evidence-based healthcare. It is therefore essential that
and therapy undergraduates when they are preparing for from the outset undergraduate clinicians are prepared
examinations, as well as provide a resource for qualied to question everything they read or are told. The ques-
clinicians. tions “Who says so?”, “Is it true?” and “Where is the
We have also provided additional aids for revision and evidence?” are key. For this reason all chapters contain
understanding in the form of questions, cases and videos. several citations to lead the reader to the source texts for
ese resources can be found on the following website the statements made, and as a result there is an exten-
using the pin code in the front of this book for access: sive reference list for most chapters. It is hoped that the reader will refer to the source papers when wanting
e sections of the new edition follow a logical pro- to challenge any statement in the textbook, as deeper
gression starting with the aetiology of periodontal diseases. understanding comes from challenge and debate and
In the rst section, the chapters cover the basic sciences not from rote learning.
relevant to periodontology and are on the anatomy of the We are deeply indebted to our colleagues who have
periodontal tissues, periodontal pathogenesis, the epide- either written or contributed to chapters in the textbook
miology of periodontal diseases, host response and sus- or who have made video or case reports available for the
ceptibility, the role of bacterial biolm and systemic and online part of this publication. ey come from academia,
local risk factors for periodontitis. In the second section, specialist practice, general practice and industry. All have a
the chapters cover classication of periodontal diseases, passion for periodontology that we hope shines through in
periodontal assessment of patients, gingival overgrowth, their chapters. Our sincere thanks to all of them. In addi-
periodontal/systemic disease relationships and determin- tion we would like to thank Professors Peter Heasman and
ing prognosis. e chapter on assessment is supplemented Philip Preshaw for permission to use the Newcastle Uni-
with an extensive video on the subject. e third section versity online material on assessing the periodontium and
on treatment planning covers treatment planning for gin- Dr Anastasiya Orishko and Professor Francesco D’Auito for
givitis and periodontitis, gingival recession, periodon- permission to use the radiographs and periodontal charts for
tal problems in children and young adults and specialist four cases. We would also like to thank the team at Elsevier
referrals. e fourth section deals with patient education for their support and for guiding us through the publica-
and self-performed biolm control. Its chapters are on the tion process, in particular Alexandra Mortimer and Supriya
role of self-care and oral hygiene methods, clinical imag- Barua Kumar.
ing and patient adherence. At a simplistic level this is We dedicate this book to the late Graham Smart and to
perhaps the key section, as without excellent communica- the late Bernie Kieser, who was such an inspiration to us and
tion with patients and total cooperation on their part to Graham during our postgraduate training and subsequent
control their biolm, the eorts of a clinician are likely careers in periodontology.
to be doomed to failure. e fth section details non-
surgical periodontal management and includes chapters Kenneth Eaton and Philip Ower
Paul Baker, MSc, BDS, MClinDent, FDSRCS(Eng), Monica Lee, MSc, BDS, MFDSRCPS (Glas), MClinDent,
Specialist in Periodontics, PerioLondon, UK Specialist in Periodontics, Cambridge, UK
Leo Briggs, MSc, BDS Martin Ling, BDS, MFDS, MFGDP, FHEA
Specialist in Periodontics and Deputy Head, Dental Lecturer in Periodontology, University of Birmingham, UK
Defence Union, UK
Philip D. Marsh PhD, BSc
Iain Chapple, PhD, BDS, FDSRCS, FDSRCPS, CCST (Rest Professor Emeritus in Oral Microbiology, Department of
Dent) Oral Microbiology, School of Dentistry, University of
Professor of Periodontology, Consultant in Restorative Leeds, UK
Dentistry and Director of Research, Institute of Clinical
Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK John Matthews, PhD
Professor and Honorary Consultant in Periodontology,
Marilou Ciantar, PhD(Hons), MSc, BChD(Hons), ILTM, University of Birmingham, UK
Senior Clinical Lecturer in Periodontology, University of Ewen McColl, BSc(Hons), BDS, MFDS, FDSRCPS,
Edinburgh, UK MCGDent, MRDRCS Ed, MClinDent, FDSRCS, FHEA,
Valerie Clerehugh, PhD, BDS, FDSRCS, FHEA Director of Clinical Dentistry, Peninsula Dental School,
Emeritus Professor of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, University of Plymouth, UK
University of Leeds, UK
Neil Meredith, PhD, MSc, BDS, FDSRCS, LDSRCS, FICD
Paul Cooper, PhD, BSc Professor in Prosthodontics and Head of Dental School,
John Arnaud Bell Professor of Oral Biology, University of James Cook University, Queensland, Australia
Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Ulpee Darbar, MSc, BDS, FDSRCS (Rest Dent) Ed, FHEA (UK)
FDSRCS Eng, FHEA Professor and Honorary Consultant in Periodontology,
Consultant in Restorative Dentistry & Honorary Associate University of Birmingham, UK
Professor, Eastman Dental Hospital & Institute,
University College, London Philip Ower, MSc, BDS, FFGDP(UK) Hon., MGDSRCS
(Eng & Ed)
Ian Dunn, MSc, BChD, MCGDent Formerly Specialist in Periodontics and Director,
Specialist in Periodontics, UK PerioCourses Ltd, UK
Kenneth Eaton, PhD, MSc, BDS, MGDSRCS, FFGDP(UK) Colin Priestland, MSc, BDS, MGDSRCS
Hon., FCGDent, FFPH, FHEA, FICD, FNCUP, DHC Private Practice, Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Specialist in Periodontics and Dental Public Health,
Visiting Professor University College London, Elaine Tilling, MSc, RDH, DMS MIPHE
Honorary Professor University of Kent, Advisor to the Education and Projects Manager, TePe Oral Hygiene Projects,
Council of European Chief Dental Ocers UK
David Gillam, BA, BDS, MSc, DDS, FRSPH, MICR Aradhna Tugnait, PhD, MDEntSci, BChD, FDSRCS (Ed),
Clinical Reader in Oral Bioengineering, Institute of FHEA
Dentistry, Barts and the London School of Medicine Associate Professor in Restorative Dentistry, School of
and Dentistry, Queen Mary University London Dentistry, University of Leeds, UK
x Contributors
Wendy Turner, BDS, FDS Alan Woodman, MSc, BDS, DGDP(UK), MRDRCS(Eng)
Clinical Professor, Centre for Dentistry, School of Formerly Specialist in Periodontics and Tutor, University
Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Science, Queen’s of Portsmouth Dental Academy, UK
University Belfast
José Zurdo, MBBS, BDS, Cert.Perio MSc
Andrew Walker, BDS, MFDS (Edin), MClinDent (Perio), Specialist in Periodontics
Specialist in Periodontics, Dentolegal Consultant, Dental
Protection, Tutor, University of Liverpool Dental
School, UK
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Introduction Periodontal Ligament
Embryological Origins of the Periodontal Tissues Cementum
Microanatomy of the Alveolar Bone
Microanatomy of the Gingival Tissues
Microanatomy of the Periodontal Ligament and Cementum
4 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
Gingival epithelium
Peridontal ligament
Neural crest
Alveolar bone
Neural crest
Microanatomy of the Gingival Tissues rates of cell division and shedding are balanced so that
the thickness of the epithelium is constant. e epi-
e microanatomy of the gingival tissues is shown in Fig- thelium is attached to the underlying connective tissue
ure 1.1.2, and the appearance of healthy gingival tissues is by a basal lamina consisting of two layers of a protein/
shown in Figure 1.1.3 polysaccharide complex, the lamina lucida and the
e key elements of the normal gingival tissues are: lamina densa.
1. Outer gingival epithelium: the outer gingival epithe- 2. Gingival connective tissue: the gingival connective tis-
lium is an orthokeratinised, stratied squamous epithe- sues consist of a mesh of collagen bres in an extracel-
lium. e keratinisation makes it resistant to abrasion lular matrix made up of noncellular ground substance of
from rough and hard food particles. A histological sec- glycosaminoglycans (such as hyaluronic acid), proteogly-
tion of the outer gingival epithelium is shown in Figure cans, and glycoproteins (such as bronectin), all of which
1.1.4. e gingival epithelium covers a core of brous are synthesized by the principal cell type in the gingival
connective tissue, which was dened in the 2017 world connective tissues, the broblast. e matrix contains
workshop classication system as the “supracrestal con- blood vessels, nerves and cells, most of which are bro-
nective tissue attachment”, replacing the term “biologi- blasts (which also synthesize collagen), but immune
cal width”. Like all stratied squamous epithelia, the system cells are also found, including neutrophils, lym-
gingival epithelium undergoes constant renewal with phocytes, tissue macrophages (called Langerhans cells)
shedding of the surface cells as they are replaced by and plasma cells. e gingival connective tissue is highly
cell proliferation from the deeper layers. Keratinocytes vascular, allowing for the entry of circulating inamma-
make up the majority of the cells of the gingival epi- tory cells that perform “immune surveillance”. e col-
thelium, which comprises basal cells (stratum basale), lagen bres run in dierent directions in groups (Figures
prickle cells (stratum spinosum), granular cells (stratum 1.1.5 and 1.1.6), and the groups are interlinked, giving
granulosum) and keratinised cells (stratum corneum). the gingival tissues both strength and resilience. e
e cells at the surface lose their nuclei and form a solid collagen is initially secreted in the form of inactive pro-
layer of protective keratin. Cell division takes place in collagen, which is converted into tropocollagen. is is
the basal layer, and the cells produced travel through polymerized into collagen brils that are then combined
the gingival epithelium where they are eventually into collagen bundles by the formation of cross linkages.
shed. During this process, the cells increase in size and e collagen in gingival connective tissue is mostly type
become attened, producing more and more keratin as I but types III and V are also found.
they do so. It is the keratin that results in the mechani- 3. e dentogingival, circular and transeptal bres form a
cal toughness of the most supercial epithelium. e physical barrier to the spread of gingival inammation
CHAPTER 1.1 The Macro- and Microanatomy of Periodontal Tissues 5
Gingival margin
Sulcular epithelium
Outer gingival epithelium
Free gingivae
Junctional epithelium
Cemento-enamel junction
Connective tissue
Gingival groove
Attached gingivae
Mucogingival junction
Alveolar mucosa
Gingival margin
Sulcular epithelium
Free gingivae
Gingival groove
Attached gingivae
Junctional epithelium
Connective tissue
• Figure 1.1.2 Microanatomy of normal gingival tissues.
toward the alveolar crest, thus aording some protec- 7. e free gingiva: this is a mobile cu of keratinised
tion from alveolar bone loss around teeth: these bres gingival tissue lying above the alveolar crest. It extends
are absent in peri-implant mucosa, and peri-implant from the gingival margin to the gingival groove (when
bone loss thus progresses in a more rapid concentric present), which is at the level of the CEJ. e free
manner. gingiva forms a cu around the neck of the tooth, and
4. e gingival margin: the visible edge of the gingivae, 1.5–2 its surface is smooth. It is separated from the attached
mm coronal to the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ). gingiva by the free gingival groove. Between the teeth,
5. e gingival groove: in health, this line separates the the free gingiva forms the cone-shaped interdental
free from the attached gingiva at the level of the CEJ. It papilla, and it forms the interdental “col” beneath
is only present in 30–40% of adults. the contact points of the abutting teeth. e col area
6. e sulcular epithelium: this lies between the oral and has very thin, nonkeratinised epithelium that makes
junctional epithelium. It has rete ridges. is tissue dis- this area more vulnerable. is is often a site of bac-
plays rapid turnover and para-keratinisation (cell nuclei terial accumulation, which explains why periodontal
still present). It is thinner and less keratinised than the diseases (gingivitis or periodontitis) usually start in
outer gingival epithelium. this area.
6 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
margin Mucogingival
• Figure 1.1.3 Healthy gingival tissues (Reproduced with kind permission by Quintessence from Chapple,
I.L.C., Gilbert A.D., 2002. Understanding Periodontal Diseases: Assessment and Diagnostic Procedures in
Dental Practice. Quintessence, London. ISBN: 1-85097-053-X).
Dentogingival fibres
Circular fibres
Transeptal fibres
Alveolo gingival fibres
Alveolar bone
Oblique principal
Sulcular epithelium
Gingival sulcus
Rete ridges
Junctional epithelium
Dentogingival fibres
Circular fibres
of PDL
Gingival connective
Alveolo gingival
Principal fibres of
periodontal ligament
• Figure 1.1.7 Microanatomy of the dento-gingival junction.
found in the gingival connective tissues. e ligament has movements, providing a hydraulic “cushion” eect. is is
the following functions: provided by the ability of the matrix components (glycos-
• Maintains the tooth in a functional position aminoglycans, proteoglycans and glycoproteins) to bind
• Resists occlusal loading water.
• Protects dental tissues from excessive loading Fibroblasts are the main cell type of the periodontal liga-
• Maintains and repairs alveolar bone and cementum ment, producing and degrading collagen through a process
(contains stem cells) of repair and regeneration. ey have phagocytic capabilities
• Controls the neurological functions of mastication via that enable them to remove damaged collagen and replace
mechanoreceptors. it with new collagen, thus maintaining the integrity of the
e ligament varies in thickness (0.3–0.1 mm), being periodontal ligament. e ligament also contains stem
wider coronally and apically, and is at its narrowest at the (mesenchymal) cells that can dierentiate into osteoblasts
axis of rotation of the tooth. Its main collagen bres (the (bone-forming cells) and cementoblasts (cementum-form-
“principal bres”) run obliquely from bone to tooth in an ing cells). is allows the periodontal ligament to maintain
apical direction (Figure 1.1.8). and repair itself and its insertions into bone and cementum.
e bres are not straight but follow a wavy course, Osteoblasts, osteoclasts, cementoblasts and cementoclasts
which allows for tooth movement during mastication. e are found lining the bone and cementum surfaces within
bres that are embedded in bone and cementum are known the ligament, all these cell types being derived from stem
as Sharpey’s bres. e main types of collagen are types I, cells within the periodontal ligament. e ligament also
III and V, but there is more type III than in the gingival contains the cell rests of Malassez, which are the odonto-
connective tissue. Type III collagen is more extensible than genic remnants of the epithelial root sheath of Hertwig, and
other types of collagen and may be important in maintain- which can dierentiate into cementoblasts during guided
ing the integrity of the periodontal ligament during tooth tissue regeneration.
movements in mastication. e ligament also contains e periodontal ligament has a rich blood and nerve sup-
oxytalan bres that are not found elsewhere in the body; ply that is derived from the neural supplies to the pulp (which
these are elastic bres that insert into cementum and run branch o before entering the tooth’s apical foramina) and
more longitudinally. ey are more numerous in teeth that also from the blood supply to the alveolar bone. e liga-
are subject to high loading, such as bridge abutments. ment’s nerve supply, which has both sensory and autonomic
e periodontal ligament matrix also plays an impor- bres, permits the monitoring of loading during mastica-
tant role in the absorption of functional stress during tooth tion through proprioceptive bres and mechanoreceptors.
CHAPTER 1.1 The Macro- and Microanatomy of Periodontal Tissues 9
Alveolar crest
is chapter is based on a session within e-Den that Pro-
fessors Chapple and Milward produced in 2011. Acknowl-
edgement is given to the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the
Royal College of Surgeons of England for giving permis
sion for material from the e-Den session to be used in this
chapter. B
Multiple Choice Questions on the contents of this chap-
• Figure 1.1.9Upper incisors showing localized recession as a result
ter are available online at Elsevier eBooks+ of underlying bone dehiscences that have developed as a result of
overcrowding during tooth eruption. (A) Labial view; (B) incisal view.
Periodontal Disease or Diseases? Inammasomes
Introduction Neutrophils (Polymorphonuclear Leucocytes [Pmnls])
Mast Cells
Bacterial Factors Immune Responses to Bioölm Antigens
Colonisation T Lymphocytes (T Cells)
How Do Bacteria Cause Disease? B Lymphocytes
Host Factors Antibodies/Immunoglobulins
Inøammatory Response to the Bacterial Bioölm Bacteria Versus Host
The Epithelial Barrier Does Gingivitis Inevitably Lead to Periodontitis?
Complement Acknowledgement
Periodontal Disease or Diseases? widely used, this term causes much confusion. It (periodon-
tal disease in the singular) will therefore not be used in this
ere are many forms of disease that can aect the peri- book; instead, throughout the book the terms gingivitis and
odontal tissues, including gingivitis, necrotising periodontal periodontitis will be used. e former implies that the dis-
diseases and periodontitis. All manifest as an inammatory ease process is limited to the gingiva and that there has been
and an immune response to bacterial biolm (also known as no destruction of the periodontal ligament or alveolar bone.
plaque). erefore the term “periodontal disease” does not e latter implies that there has been destruction of the
describe a single disease entity but is a general term encom- periodontal ligament and alveolar bone and that this pro-
passing all diseases of the periodontal tissues. Although cess is generally concurrent with the presence of gingivitis.
12 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
Bacteria Host
Introduction Bacteria
Pathogenesis describes how a disease develops. It includes the
origin of the disease and the events that take place leading
to that disease. Whether periodontitis develops in a patient
depends on the interaction between biolm bacteria and the
host’s inammatory and immune responses. is interaction
can be modied by a variety of complex factors, collectively Host
called “risk factors” (Figure 1.2.1 and see Chapter 1.6).
• Figure 1.2.2 Most of the damage seen in periodontitis is host mediated.
Periodontitis is the result of complex interactions between
plaque bacteria and the host response.
Bacterial Factors
In many mouths and at many sites in a mouth, the long- Colonisation
term presence of bacterial biolm results in gingivitis but
does not progress to periodontitis. Periodontitis is in part Bacteria need to colonise (become established) in the gingi-
due to direct damage of the periodontal tissues by certain val sulcus/periodontal pocket for periodontitis to develop.
bacteria in the biolm and also by bacterial activation of the e stages in this process are:
host’s immune/inammatory responses. Grossi etal. (1994) • Acquisition—occurs predominantly at birth from paren
have suggested that, on average, the relative direct eect tal or environmental sources and on tooth eruption (i.e.,
from biolm bacteria contributes to 20% of the tissue dam- appearance of new habitats such as enamel surfaces and
age seen in periodontitis and the other 80% comes from an the gingival crevice)
aberrant host response (Figure 1.2.2). • Adherence/retention—the ability of bacteria to attach
Periodontitis is regarded as a condition that is seen in to a surface or occupy a site not aected by saliva ow,
susceptible patients who have an exaggerated inamma- essential for bacterial survival
tory/immune response to bacterial biolm and/or reduced • Initial survival—after adherence/retention the bacteria
levels of antioxidant defence (intracellular molecules pres- have to acquire essential nutrients to survive
ent in cells that oer protection from excess inammatory • Prosperity—the ability of bacteria to be able to survive in
response). is leads to chronic collateral damage of the a biolm with other microorganisms in the long term
periodontal tissues because the host response is unable to • Avoidance of elimination—bacterial strategies to help
successfully remove the biolm, resulting in propagation of bacteria evade host defence mechanisms
the periodontal lesion. Over the years there has been much • Multiplication—division to ensure a critical mass for
debate over whether the change to a pathogenic microbial survival
biolm comes before or after the inammatory response. • Virulence factors—factors expressed by certain bacteria
A review by Van Dyke etal. (2020) has proposed that the for their benet that concurrently cause tissue damage
inammatory response is the key factor that modulates the and disease
change to a pathogenic biolm, and it is only in the lat- • Maturation of bioëlm—as the bioëlm develops the ìora
ter stages that the microbial pathogenicity becomes impor- will change and, in disease, Gram-negative anaerobic
tant. ese ndings oer the potential that management of motile bacilli will predominate
inammation can result in a shift to a healthy microbial • Invasion—to cause tissue damage and elicit an inìam
balance. matory/immune response.
CHAPTER 1.2 The Pathogenesis of Periodontal Diseases 13
Quantity Quality
Involves Involves
• Epithelial barrier • Antigen-presenting cells
• Gingival crevicular fluid • Helper T cells
• Complement cascade • Cytotoxic T cells
• Cytokines • Lymphokine-producing T cells
• Adhesion molecules • B cells and plasma cells
• Neutrophils / PMNs • Antibodies
• Mast cells • Complement cascade
• Macrophages
Complement • Cell lysis (both of the host’s cells and bacteria)
Complement consists of 20 serum glycoproteins that are • Mast cell degranulation with the release of vasoactive
inactive in circulating blood/tissue uid. ey can be acti- amines, resulting in increased vascular permeability
vated via two pathways—the alternate pathway (activated e “cascade” is shown in Figure 1.2.6
by bacterial endotoxin/proteases) or the classical pathway Cytokines
(activated by antibody–antigen interaction).
When activated, these glycoproteins initiate a range of Cytokines are signalling molecules released by a variety of
proinammatory eects (a “cascade”) that ultimately cause: cells that have a range of actions that include proinamma-
• Neutrophil recruitment (movement of neutrophils to the tory activity, for example, neutrophil chemotaxis.
damaged site) e types of cytokine and their eects are shown in Table
• Phagocyte binding to bacteria 1.2.1
CHAPTER 1.2 The Pathogenesis of Periodontal Diseases 15
Antibody Microbial
binding polysaccharide
Classical Alternative
pathway pathway
Cleavage of C3
Coating of microbes C5
and induction C6
of phagocytosis
Vasodilation Recruitment of neutrophils
Cell lysis
Inflammasomes • contain numerous granules that are released after mild
One of the key cytokines in the periodontitis is interleukin 1 mechanical or chemical stimulation;
(IL-1), which causes a proinammatory response including • have granules that include neutrophil chemotactic factor,
activation of osteoclasts and neutrophil recruitment (see Table histamine, and heparin;
1.2.1). IL-1 expression is controlled via central regulators of • can be activated and caused to degranulate by mild
innate immunity called inammasomes. A number of these chemical or physical trauma, complement activation,
multiprotein complexes have been identied that trigger the and cross-linking IgE receptors; and
host’s response after detection of bacteria or tissue damage • degranulate and cause a local increase in vascular per
(Lamkan & Dixit, 2017). Research has identied dysregula- meability with dilation of blood capillaries, which aids
tion of this system in periodontitis, which may contribute to neutrophil migration from blood into the tissues.
the aberrant host response characteristic of periodontitis. Table 1.2.2 shows the chemicals that are released from an
activated mast cell, together with the actions.
Neutrophils (Polymorphonuclear Leucocytes
Immune Responses to Biofilm Antigens
• are the most commonly occurring white blood cells and Immune responses have three basic characteristics:
the most abundant and important inammatory cell in • speciëcity to particular antigens
periodontitis, • the ability to distinguish between self and nonself
• play a key role in the ërst-line defence of these tissues, • a memory to produce a modiëed response (faster and
• move toward the site of infection through the process of bigger) on secondary exposure to a specic antigen.
chemotaxis, e immune response involves T lymphocytes, B lym-
• kill bacteria either through intra- or extracellular methods, phocytes, and antigen-presenting cells.
• kill by means of enzymes and free radicals as well as neu ese cells will now be discussed in more detail.
trophil extracellular traps (NETS) and
• may produce an exaggerated response that can lead to T Lymphocytes (T Cells)
collateral local tissue damage (periodontitis).
A diagrammatic example of how neutrophils kill bacteria 1. Make up the so-called cell-mediated immune response,
is shown in Figure 1.2.7 as the antigen-specic molecule is not secreted (like an
antibody) and remains bound to the cell surface (the
Mast Cells T-cell antigen receptor).
Mast cells: 2. Direct contact between the T cell and its associated anti-
• are resident in all connective tissues, including gingiva gen is required to initiate an immune response and to
and periodontal ligament; destroy the antigen.
16 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
1.2.1 Cytokines, their cells of origin, and eects on the inammatory/immune response
1 2 3 4
Membrane Initiation of
Chemotaxis Adherence
activation phagocytosis
5 6 7 8
• Figure 1.2.7 Diagram of a neutrophil phagocytosing a bacterium and the subsequent degranulation.
CHAPTER 1.2 The Pathogenesis of Periodontal Diseases 17
1.2.2 Substances released from an activated mast cell and their actions
Preformed Effect
Granule release ▸ Histamine Vasodilation, increased capillary permeability
chemokinesis, bronchoconstriction
Proteoglycan Binds granule proteases
Neutral proteases Activates C3
β-Glucosaminidase Splits off glucosamine
ECF Eosinophil chemotaxis
NCF Neutrophil chemotaxis
Platelet-activating factor Mediator release
Interleukins 3,4, 5, & 6 Multiple, including macrophage activation, trigger
GM-CSF, TNF acute phase proteins, etc.
Newly synthesized Effect
Lipoxygenase pathway ▸ Leukotriene C4, D4 (SRS-A) Vasoactive, bronchoconstriction, chemotaxis,
Leukotriene B4 and/or chemokinesis
Cyclo-oxygenase pathway ▸ Prostaglandins Affect bronchial muscle, platelet aggregation, and
Thromboxanes vasodilation
3. Antigen-specic T cells can only interact with antigens secondary (non–antigen binding) biological functions such
when present on a host cell surface. that only IgG and IgM antibodies can activate complement.
4. Helper T cells start immune responses by interacting Normally, a B-cell response to antigen will result in the
with specic antigens displayed on the surface of an anti- production of specic antibodies including all ve classes.
gen-presenting cell. However, the IgG class usually predominates.
5. Eector T cells interact with specic antigens displayed Dimeric IgA is predominant in responses to antigen that
on host cell surfaces and either lyse the cell (cytotoxic is swallowed (not via the gingival sulcus) and is present in
T cells) or release soluble mediators (lymphokines) that saliva where it aggregates antigens/bacteria/viruses, prevent-
attract macrophages and/or other inammatory cells to ing them from harming the body.
the area. In terms of periodontal diseases, IgG class antibodies to
6. A diagrammatic representation of the T-cell response is plaque antigens are of most importance. ey are within
shown in Figure 1.2.8 periodontal tissues and present within gingival crevicular
B Lymphocytes e mechanism for the removal or destruction of antigen
by an antibody is shown in Figure 1.2.10
7. Form part of the so-called humoral immune response. Antibody–bacteria aggregation is shown in Figure 1.2.11
8. When activated by its associated antigen, the B cell
proliferates and dierentiates into antibody-secreting Bacteria Versus Host
cells (plasmablasts and plasma cells).
9. B-cell responses to most antigens will not occur with- If there is an ongoing imbalance between the host’s inam-
out the help of T cells and the mediators they produce matory/immune response and biolm bacteria then disease
(e.g. IL-2, IL-4). will occur. is is demonstrated in patients with periodon-
10. Antibodies are released into the tissue/circulation where titis by an aberrant inammatory/immune response with
they can bind soluble and insoluble antigens that do excess nonresolving inammation, resulting in collateral
not have to be associated with host cells. tissue damage. Although the aberrant host response is the
11. Antibody–antigen binding, with or without comple- major cause of tissue damage, bacteria are required to initi-
ment activation, allows removal and destruction of the ate and propagate the host response and have the ability
antigen via phagocytosis. to cause some tissue damage directly. e quantity of the
e B-cell response is shown in Figure 1.2.9 bacteria in the biolm and the specic species present are
the two most important bacterial factors that can lead to
Antibodies/Immunoglobulins periodontal destruction. Both the host and plaque factors
are modulated by risk factors (Figure 1.2.12).
In humans, there are ve main classes of antibody (immuno- An excessive host response can cause periodontal break-
globulin): IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD, and IgE. ɨese diêer in their down. e mechanism for this is thought to be due to
18 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
T-cell response
Presentation to
CD4+ antigen-specific T cell
IL-2 R Proliferation
T cells factors
Dendrite cell e.g. IL-2
Naive T cells
Antigen-presenting cells Effector T cells Memory T cells
“process” antigen and
then display on their
membranes associated with
HLA-DR (HLA class II)
Cytotoxic Lymphokine Helper/
producing suppressor
Many antigen-
specific B cells
T-cell factors,
e.g. IL-4, IL-2
Recruitment of Th T cell factors and “class switching”
T helper cells e.g. IL-4, IL-6, IFNγ
Naive B cells
(many different
Helper T cells
Plasma cells
Plasma cells (later antibody
(early antibody Memory B cells
formation) binding affinity)
IgM Antigen
• Figure 1.2.11 Antibody–bacteria aggregation (mainly a function of polymeric antibodies—IgM and dimeric
secretory IgA).
periodontal pathogens in the biolm stimulating a proin- not the case. e risk for the progression to periodontitis
ammatory response, resulting in neutrophil recruitment is greatest in individuals who are susceptible, representing
leading to the local release of reactive oxygen species (free between 5% and 15% of the population. At the other end
radicals) and enzymes capable of damaging host tissue. of the scale, about 10% of the population are resistant to
Although host tissue antioxidants can neutralize reactive oxy- periodontal breakdown, despite persistent long-term plaque
gen species, if the latter predominate (due to either low local accumulation, and disease progression in these individuals
levels of antioxidants and/or excess reactive oxygen species is rare.
production), oxidative stress can result in an excessive and Clinically, there are some shared signs of disease between
aberrant response leading to tissue damage (Figure 1.2.13). gingivitis and periodontitis: biolm accumulation, bleed-
e action of the excess free radicals and enzymes on the ing, inamed gingivae, loss of stippling and loss of a knife-
periodontal tissues is summarised in Figure 1.2.14 edge gingival margin.
e critical role that oxidative stress and reactive oxygen In addition to these signs, in periodontitis the following
species play in local tissue damage is shown in Figure 1.2.15 signs may be seen: pocket formation, suppuration, attach-
ment loss, bone loss and furcation exposure. Furthermore
Does Gingivitis Inevitably Lead to when periodontitis is present, teeth may become mobile
Periodontitis? and drift and diastemas (spaces between the teeth) may
develop. However, these last three signs can also be due to
In the past, it was thought that gingivitis inevitably led aberrant occlusal forces or a combination of periodontitis
to periodontitis. However, it is now accepted that this is and aberrant occlusal forces.
20 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
pathogens in plaque
Neutrophils recruited
and activated
Sucular / pocket
Recruited neutrophils epithelium Bacteria
Pro-inflammatory mediators
e.g. chemokines and cytokines
Reactive oxygen
species (ROS)
Pro-inflammatory mediators
Oxidative stress
Sucular / pocket
epithelium Fibroblasts Bone
Acknowledgement References
is chapter is based on a session within e-Den that Pro- Grossi SG, Zambon JJ, Ho AW, Koch G, Dunford RG, Machtei EE,
fessor Milward and Dr. Matthews produced in 2011. etal. Assessment of risk for periodontal disease. 1. Risk indicators
Acknowledgement is given to the Faculty of Dental Surgery for attachment loss. J Periodontol. 1994;65:260–267.
of the Royal College of Surgeons of England for giving per- Lamkanë M, Dixit VM. In Retrospect: e inammasome turns 15.
mission for material from the e-Den session to be used in Nature. 2017;548(7669):534–535.
Van Dyke TE, Bartold PM, Reynolds EC. e nexus between peri-
this chapter.
odontal inammation and dysbiosis. Frontiers in immunology.
Multiple Choice Questions on the contents of this chap 2020;11:511.
ter are available online at Elsevier eBooks+
Introduction How to Measure
Principles of Descriptive Epidemiology Probes
Use of Radiographs in Epidemiological Surveys
Why is There a Need for Data on Periodontal Health/ What to Measure – Full Versus Part Mouth Assessment
Disease? Examiner consistency
Periodontal Epidemiology National Surveys
Indices used in Epidemiological Surveys
Positive Developments
Problems with Periodontal Epidemiology
Possible Future Developments
What to Measure
24 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
MacMahon et al. (1960) suggested that epidemiol- Why is There a Need for Data on
ogy should be more than just counting numbers of people
within the population with disease but should also try to
Periodontal Health/Disease?
clarify the factors contributing to, or causing, the disease in Leroy etal. (2010) suggested that accurate epidemiological
question. ey therefore suggested that there are four stages: data on periodontal health/disease are needed to:
• Descriptive epidemiology: in which the distribution of • identify people at risk of periodontal diseases in the
the disease under investigation is described, with a com- population
parison of its frequency in dierent populations and dif- • assess the eïcacy of preventive strategies and curative
ferent subsets of the population. e description is based therapies at a population level
on prevalence, incidence and severity. • inform workforce planning
• Formulation of hypotheses: which sought to explain • evaluate the interplay with risk factors for periodontitis
specic factors relating to the disease in question. • assess the interaction between periodontal health/disease
• Analytical epidemiology: in which observational stud- and systemic diseases
ies were designed and performed to examine these • assess the eêect of periodontal diseases on the quality of
hypotheses. life.
• Experimental epidemiology: in which experimental
studies were performed in human populations to test the
hypotheses that had been proved in observational and Periodontal Epidemiology
analytical studies. Techniques for periodontal epidemiology have evolved over
In practice, oral epidemiology, including periodontal the last 60 years. As will be seen later in this chapter, there
epidemiology, has been largely descriptive. have been problems deciding exactly which variables to
measure and how to measure them.
Principles of Descriptive Epidemiology Until the 1950s, both clinically and in epidemiologi-
cal surveys, periodontal health was frequently classied as
As mentioned in the introduction, descriptive epidemiology good, moderate or poor. ese were very subjective assess-
is based on prevalence, incidence and severity. ments, which were not based on any specic criteria and,
as a result, were frequently interpreted dierently by dif-
KEY POINT 2 ferent examiners or by the same examiner from 1 day to
Descriptive epidemiology is based on prevalence, incidence another. As a result, a series of periodontal indices were
and severity. developed to achieve greater consistency of assessment,
both during the clinical examination of patients and in
Prevalence is the amount of disease present in a popula- epidemiological surveys. e indices used in clinical prac-
tion at a given time (measured as a percentage) and depends tice for assessing and monitoring patients are described in
on the duration of a disease and its previous incidence. Chapter 2.2. Additional ones have been used in epidemio-
Incidence is the number of new cases or events that occur logical surveys.
during a specied time period.
Severity has been dened as the quality of being severe
in the disease, or in the extent and severity index (Carlos
Indices used in Epidemiological Surveys
et al. 1986), as “the stage of advancement of periodontal e rst was Russell’s Periodontal Index (PI) (Russell 1956).
destruction”. is involved assessing the periodontal tissues around each
e basic principles for a descriptive epidemiological tooth and awarding a score to the tooth. e scores used in
study are that: “eld” studies (where no radiographs were available) were:
• ɨe methods should be described clearly with a detailed 0 Neither overt inammation in the investing tissues, nor
explanation and should be easily reproducible by any cli- loss of function due to destruction of supporting tissue
nician or scientist who works in the same discipline. 1 Mild gingivitis: an overt area of inammation in the free
• ɨe assessment of the variables should be performed in gingiva but the area does not circumscribe the tooth
an objective manner and follow the documented meth- 2 Gingivitis: inammation completely circumscribes the
ods for data collection precisely and consistently. tooth but there is no apparent break in the epithelial at-
• ɨe environment in which the data are collected should tachment
be controlled and standardised. 4 ere is early, notch-like resorption of the alveolar crest.
• ɨe examiners should be well trained and calibrated so Not used in eld studies
that they are consistent in their assessments. 6 Gingivitis with pocket formation: the epithelial attach-
• ɨe size of the sample should be determined using a power ment has been broken and there is a pocket (not merely a
calculation, be of adequate size and be representative. deepened gingival crevice due to swelling of the free gin-
• ɨe data should be collected in such a manner that they givae). ere is no interference with normal masticatory
can easily be analysed. function, the tooth is rm in its socket and not drifted
CHAPTER 1.3 Epidemiology of Periodontal Diseases 25
A modied version of CPITN, known as the basic subsequently. However, like the PDI and CPITN, it does
periodontal examination (BPE), has been developed as not assess all teeth in a mouth.
a screening tool by the British Society of Periodontology
and Implant Dentistry. It is widely used in the UK and is KEY POINT 6
described in Chapter 2.2 The advantage of the ESI is that it is simple to use and can
e Extent and Severity Index (ESI) was proposed by provide a measurement against which to compare when it is
Carlos etal. (1986). It involves assessing half the mouth – repeated subsequently. However, like the PDI and CPITN, it
does not assess all teeth in a mouth.
the upper right and lower left quadrants. Mid-buccal and
mesio-buccal sites and all the teeth other than third molars
are assessed for attachment loss (Figure 1.3.3). Attachment
loss is thought to be a more reliable indicator of past peri- Problems with Periodontal Epidemiology
odontal breakdown than pocket depth.
In the ESI, attachment loss is considered to be due to e problems with periodontal epidemiology arise from
disease if it is greater than 1 mm. three main areas. ese are:
Extent is measured by the percentage of sites where such • What to measure
a measurement was found, e.g. if it was found at 7 of the • How to measure
28 sites assessed in a half mouth, then the extent would be • How to ensure that examiners measure consistently.
25%. e severity is calculated as the mean loss of attach-
ment at all the sites. us if the total attachment loss for the What to Measure
half mouth was 56 mm, the severity score would be 2.0 and
the extent and severity score would be 25, 2.0. e advan- As explained in Chapter 1.2, it is currently recognised that
tage of the ESI is that it is simple to use and can provide a the presence of gingivitis at a site does not necessarily mean
measurement against which to compare when it is repeated that it will progress to periodontitis. A number of stud-
ies have also shown that the presence of calculus does not
necessarily lead to either gingivitis or periodontitis. is
3 0 3 is not to say that patients with gingivitis or calculus do
1 2 1
not need advice on oral hygiene and professional clean-
ing. From a periodontal epidemiological point of view, the
most important consideration is the life expectancy of a
Overall score = 3
tooth; if periodontal attachment (periodontal ligament and
• Figure 1.3.2 Example of CPITN scores for each sextant and the over- alveolar bone) has been lost, then a tooth is at a greater
all score.
risk than if the attachment level is normal. Historically, a
Pocket Loss of
CEJ Cemento-enamel
GM Gingival margin
JE Junctional epithelium
• Figure 1.3.3 Diagram showing loss of attachment (LOA) which is the sum of recession plus pocket
CHAPTER 1.3 Epidemiology of Periodontal Diseases 27
TABLE American Academy of Periodontology and Centre for Disease Control case denitions for
1.3.1 periodontitis
Disease category Attachment loss (AL) Pocket depth (PD)
Severe periodontitis At 2 or more interproximal (IP) sites with AL And 1 or more IP site(s) with PD ≥5 mm
≥6 mm (not on the same tooth)
Moderate periodontitis At 2 IP sites with AL ≥4 mm (not on same tooth) Or 2 or more IP sites with PD ≥5 mm (not
on same tooth)
No or mild periodontitis Neither “moderate” nor “severe”
Reprinted from Journal of Periodontology, 78(7S):13, Page & Eke (2007), with permission from John Wiley & Sons.
healthy attachment level has been taken to be when the TABLE European Federation of Periodontology
base of the gingival sulcus is no more than 1 mm apical 1.3.2 case denitions for periodontitis
to the cemento-enamel junction. However, this is a rather Incipient periodontitis IP attachment loss of ≥3 mm
simplistic assumption because, with age, teeth erupt, and in ≥2 non-adjacent teeth
as long as the teeth are not mobile and there is no ongoing
Periodontitis with IP attachment loss of ≥5 mm
periodontitis, an 80-year-old can happily live with a gener- substantial extent and in ≥30% of teeth
alised 25% attachment loss, whereas this would be a cause severity
for concern in an 18-year-old. Nevertheless, the measure-
ment of attachment loss is taken to be the gold standard Reprinted from Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 32(S6):4,
Claffey (2005), with permission from John Wiley & Sons.
for periodontal epidemiology. Pocket probing depth is also
an important variable to assess but in combination with
attachment loss.
National Surveys
e results of two national surveys, NHANES 2009/2010
in the United States and the UK Adult Dental Health
Survey (ADHS) 2009, have raised some interesting issues
which will need to be addressed in the future.
In previous NHANES surveys, part mouth assessments
were performed. e results of NHANES III, which was
performed in the late 1990s and used a part mouth assess-
ment, indicated that 53.1% of Americans aged 30 years or
older who were examined had attachment loss of ≥3 mm
• Figure 1.3.4 A picture of a North Carolina (NC) 15 periodontal probe. and 23.1% pocket depth of ≥4 mm. When full mouth
Note the 1 mm markings. assessment was used in the 2009/2010 survey, these gures
increased to 85.9% and 40.9% respectively (Eke etal. 2012).
assessed prior to taking a radiograph, and there must be a e survey conrmed previous ndings that the periodontal
good clinical indication to do so. For this reason and for health of those with lower socio-economic status was worse
reasons of time and cost, radiographs are not usually taken than that of those with higher socio-economic status.
during epidemiological surveys.
What to Measure – Full Versus Part Mouth Eke etal. (2012) concluded that the higher burden of
periodontitis in the adult US population and the prevailing
Assessment disparities among socio-demographic segments detected
from this survey, coupled with the potential economic cost
Because a periodontal assessment is usually part of a larger for prevention and treatment, suggest periodontitis as an
oral or other epidemiological survey, there are often con- important dental public health problem, especially among our
straints on the time available to perform this assessment. ageing population.
As a result, historically, part mouth rather than full mouth
assessments have been performed, and indices such as those In the ADHS (2009), pocket depth, gingival bleeding,
described earlier in this chapter have been employed. How- calculus and plaque were recorded at two teeth in each sex-
ever, the publication of the results of the periodontal section tant. However, in the South Central area of England, the
of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey BPE was used. Loss of attachment was only recorded for
(NHANES) (2009/2010) has reinforced the fact that part those over 55 years of age. e WHO probe (see Figure
mouth assessment underestimates the true level of disease 1.3.1) was used.
(Eke etal. 2012, Papapanou 2012). Overall, it was found that 55% of the adults examined
had no pocketing, 37% had a pocket or pockets of between
Examiner Consistency 4 mm and 5.5 mm and 8% had a pocket or pockets of 6
mm or deeper. e methodology used makes it impos-
ɨe potential diïculties in assessing pocket depth accu
sible to compare these results with those obtained in the
rately were discussed earlier in this chapter.
NHANES 2009/2010 survey. ere were wide variations
KEY POINT 10 in the percentage of adults assessed as having a healthy peri-
odontium with a range from 9% in the West Midlands to
There are also difculties in assessing and scoring variables
such as plaque and gingivitis accurately and consistently. 36% in the East of England. Two examiners recorded over
These difculties may be due to variation between examiners 70% of those they examined as periodontally healthy. It is
(inter-examiner variability) or variation by one examiner (intra- entirely possible that these apparent variations were due to
examiner variability) such that he/she scores the same site with examiner inconsistency and did not reect the true picture.
the same amount of plaque or gingivitis inconsistently.
TABLE Modied from WHO periodontal and will doubtless continue to do so. In the next 10 years
1.3.3 examination criteria 0 changes may occur as a result of two developments; the rst
is the newest classication scheme for periodontal and peri-
Score Criteria
implant diseases and conditions (Caton et al. 2018). is
0 Healthy periodontium may lead to changes in the case denitions used and the data
1 Gingival bleeding but no pocket depth recorded in periodontal epidemiology. However, because
greater than 3.5 mm the new scheme requires the availability of radiographs for
2 Pocket of between 3.5 mm and 5.5 mm
all subjects/patients, there may be no immediate changes
in periodontal epidemiological methods. e second is that
3 Pocket greater than 5.5 mm in depth Papapanou and Susin (2017) have suggested that additional
dimensions should be included in periodontal epidemiol-
ogy, such as the assessment of impaired function, aesthet-
ics and the eect on general health and quality of life. e
ese problems were highlighted in a systematic review authors believe that such a multidimensional approach
of published studies which concluded that as far as Europe would lead to improved understanding of the epidemiology
was concerned, more comparable and representative data on and eects of periodontitis and its consequences.
periodontal disease and tooth loss from all major countries Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter
are needed to get a clear picture on periodontal health in are available online at Elsevier eBooks+
Europe (König etal. 2010).
Positive Developments
Ainamo J, Barmes D, Beaggrie G, Cutress T, Martin J, Sardo-Inrri
e fth edition of Oral Health Surveys: Basic Methods J. Development of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Com-
(WHO 2013) recommends that a full mouth assessment munity Periodontal Index of Treatment Need (CPITN). Int Dent
should be performed using the WHO probe and the record- J. 1982;32:281–291.
ing criteria and scores in Table 1.3.3 Carlos JP, Wolfe MD, Kingman A. e extent and severity index: a
In addition, at a minimum, loss of attachment should be simple method for use in epidemiologic studies on periodontal
assessed at all upper and lower rst and second molars and disease. J Clin Periodontol. 1986;13:500–505.
the upper right and lower left central incisors (WHO 2013). Caton JG, Armitage G, Berglundh T, Chapple ILC, Jepson S, Korn-
man KS, Mealey BL, Papapanou PN, Sanz M, Tonetti MS. A new
classication scheme for periodontal and peri-implant diseases and
KEY POINT 15 conditions - introduction and key changes from the 1999 classi-
WHO has suggested the need for full mouth examination of the cation. J Periodontol. 2018;89(suppl 1):S1–S8.
periodontium when epidemiological studies are performed and
Eke PJ, Dye BA, Wei L, ornton-Evans GD, Genco RJ, etal. Preva-
also indicated the irrelevance of assessing calculus in these
studies, as it is not a disease. lence of periodontitis in adults in the United States: 2009 and
2010. J Dent Res. 2012;91:914–920.
Holtfreter B, Albandar JM, Dietrich T, Dye BA, Eaton KA, Eke PI,
A group of North American and European periodontal Papapanou PN, Kocher T. Joint EU/USA Periodontal Epidemiol-
epidemiologists (Holfreter etal. 2015) have published stan- ogy Working Group. Standards for reporting chronic periodontitis
dards for reporting chronic periodontitis prevalence and prevalence and severity in epidemiologic studies: proposed stan-
severity in epidemiological studies – proposed standards dards from the Joint EU/USA Periodontal Epidemiology Working
from the Joint EU/USA Periodontal Epidemiology Working Group. J Clin Periodontol. 2015;42(5):407–412.
Group. Among other things, this publication recommends König J, Holtfreter B, Kocher T. Periodontal health in Europe: future
that, when conducting periodontal epidemiological surveys, trends based on treatment needs and the provision of periodon-
the key indicators to record are the prevalence and extent of tal services – position paper 1. Eur J Dent Educ. 2010;14(suppl
clinical attachment loss, probing depth and bleeding on prob- 1):1–20.
Leroy R, Eaton KA, Savage A. Methodological issues in epidemiologi-
ing at site and tooth level using the Centre for Disease Con-
cal studies of periodontitis – how can it be improved? BMC Oral
trol/American Academy of Periodontology case denition. Health. 2010;10:8.
MacMahon B, Pugh TF, Ipsen J. Epidemiologic Methods. Boston:
KEY POINT 16 Little and Brown; 1960.
In order to achieve comparable data, there is a need for all NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care. Adult Dental
future periodontal epidemiological studies to use the same Health Survey 2009. London, Health and Social Care Information
standardised methods. Centre; 2011. Available from
survey-2009-summary-report-and-thematic-series. (accessed
Possible Future Developments 31.05.21).
Page RC, Eke PI. Case denitions for use in population-based
As has been demonstrated in this chapter, periodontal epi- surveillance of periodontitis. J Periodontol. 2007;78:1387–
demiology has developed and evolved over the last 70 years 1399.
30 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
Papapanou PN. e prevalence of periodontitis in the US: forget been used to identify the disease. J Clin Periodontol. 2009;36:
what you were told. J Dent Res. 2012;91:907–908. 458–467.
Papapanou PN, Susin C. Periodontitis epidemiology: is periodontitis Tonetti MS, Claey N. Advances in the progression of periodontitis
under-recognised, over-diagnosed, or both? Periodontology 2000. and proposal of denitions of a periodontitis case and disease pro-
2017;75:45–51. gression for use in risk factor research. Group C consensus report
Porta M, Last JT. Dictionary of Epidemiology. 5th ed. USA: Oxford of the 5th European Workshop in Periodontology. J Clin Periodon-
University Press, Oxford United Kingdom; 2008. tol. 2005;32(suppl 6):210–213.
Ramord SP. Indices for the prevalence and incidence of periodontal World Health Organization. Oral Health Surveys: Basic Methods. 3rd
disease. J Periodontol. 1959;30:51–59. ed. Geneva: WHO; 1989.
Russell AL. A system of classication and scoring for prevalence sur- World Health Organization. Oral Health Surveys: Basic Methods. 4th
veys of periodontal disease. J Dent Res. 1956;35:350–359. ed. Geneva: WHO; 1997.
Savage A, Eaton KA, Moles DR, Needleman I. A systematic World Health Organization. Oral Health Surveys: Basic Methods. 5th
review of denitions of periodontitis and methods that have ed. Geneva: WHO; 2013.
Introduction Cell Signalling
Denitions Innate Immunity
Host Susceptibility Acquired Immunity
Host Response to the Bacterial Biolm The Contribution of Genes to Host Responses
Normal Host Response Acknowledgements
The Pathogenesis of Periodontal Lesions
the principal determinant of disease progression. It has been Periodontitis results from an imbalance between the oral
estimated that 20% of the tissue destruction in periodontitis bacterial ora and the host response (Figure 1.4.2). ere
is explained directly by bacterial action (Grossi etal. 1994) is a delicate balance between host and bacterial factors in
and that about 80% of the damage occurring in periodontal health, and there is the potential for dysregulation of this
diseases is attributable to the host response. balance which can result in disease. Genetic and environ-
mental factors are key to upsetting this balance.
KEY POINT 2 Overall, the host response to the oral microbial biolm
Merely 20% of the tissue destruction in periodontitis is is designed to be protective, but underactivity, or indeed
explained by direct bacterial action, the remainder being overactivity, of specic aspects of the response can lead to
attributed to the host response. tissue destruction. e host response is largely determined
by genetics, and some individuals display an inappropriate
e host response includes both inammatory and or dysregulated host response. In addition, and rarely, cer-
immune components, comprising innate and acquired tain inherited conditions may aect the periodontal tissues
immunity. and act as a systemic risk factor for periodontitis.
Evidence now suggests that most of the damage seen in
periodontitis is the direct result of the inammatory and
immune response of the individual to the bacterial biolm
and that over 50% of susceptibility to periodontitis can be
explained by genetic factors (Michalowicz etal. 2000). us
it has been stated that “periodontitis is an inammatory dis-
ease initiated by the oral microbial biolm. However, it is
the host response to the biolm that destroys the periodon-
tium” (Van Dyke 2008).
It is probably inaccurate therefore to describe periodontitis
as an “infection” in the traditional sense, mainly because the
causative organisms are mostly commensal and rarely invade
the tissues; instead it is “. . . more accurately categorised as
a non-resolving inammation that is ineective in eliminat-
ing the initiating pathogens” (Chapple 2009). It should be
thought of as a disease that is initiated by the accumulation of
pathogenic bacteria, but one that is propagated by a dysregu-
• Figure 1.4.1 A patient with untreated chronic periodontitis. lated immune response and includes aspects of autoimmunity.
Host Bacterial
Tissue damage Tissue damage
response virulence
Health Health
• Figure 1.4.2 The interaction between bacteria and the host response.
CHAPTER 1.4 Host Response and Susceptibility 33
- +
or Subject-based Site-based
+ risk factors risk factors
Modulation by
e.g. neutrophil function e.g. plaque
retention factors
Periodontal tissue
• Figure 1.4.3 Bacterial/host factors that can affect the delicate balance between the host and the oral
34 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
The normal host response involves both innate and acquired
Chronic Aggressive
Health Gingivitis periodontitis periodontitis
External oral
Oral sulcular
Gingival sulcus
Rete ridges
Junctional epithelium
Dentogingival fibres
Circular fibres
Gingival connective
Alveolar bone
Principal fibres
of PDL
Epithelial tissue
Plaque biofilm
innate and acquired immune responses. is process of rec- When the innate immune response becomes dysregulated,
ognition is achieved through a variety of key components: the collateral tissue damage is signicant.
• Bacteria form a bioëlm within the gingival crevice adja Innate immunity involves:
cent to root dentine and associated cementum. 1. Epithelial barriers provided by the oral, sulcular and
• Bacterial components (such as lipopolysaccharide [LPS]/ junctional epithelium.
endotoxin) alert the host to the presence of the biolm. 2. Fluid lubrication: this takes the form of both saliva
• ɨe host releases neutrophilic polymorphonuclear leuco and GCF, both of which possess antibacterial properties.
cytes (neutrophils or PMNLs) from the blood circulation Saliva contains antibacterial enzymes such as lysozyme
and adjacent gingival tissues as the rst line of defence in and immunoglobulins (antibody) which bind to bac-
the host response. teria. GCF carries all components of serum, including
• Various resident cells are involved in the recognition complement and immunoglobulins.
of biolm bacteria and subsequently promote the host 3. Complement cascade: this is a series of 20 serum gly-
response through a number of key cell signalling mol- coproteins that circulate in inactive forms in the blood-
ecules initially via the junctional epithelium (JE) and stream. When activated, complement components have
sulcular epithelium (SE). profound and powerful eects in stimulating inamma-
Cell Signalling e main role of complement activation is:
• to recruit phagocytes to the area (diapedesis and
e unique features of the JE are its rapid rate of turnover chemotaxis)
and permeability to both gingival crevicular uid (GCF) • to facilitate binding of phagocytes (e.g. neutrophils) to
and PMNLs (diapedesis). ɨe JE thus helps to defend the bacteria, thereby aiding phagocytosis – a process called
host against bacterial invasion (Figure 1.4.7). Junctional opsonization
and sulcular epithelium and other resident periodontal • to cause bacterial killing (cell lysis).
cells, such as broblasts, detect bacteria via receptors for ere are two possible routes for complement activation
molecules derived from the outer cell wall or internal to (Figure 1.4.8):
the bacteria. ese molecules include bacterial components • Classical pathway – only activated by the formation of
such as LPS, lipoteichoic acids and bacterial DNA and are antigen–antibody complexes (i.e. after initiation of the
known collectively as pathogen-associated molecular pat- acquired immune response)
terns (PAMPs). PAMPs can be detected by bacterial-sensing • Alternate pathway – activated directly by bacterial endo-
receptors, known as pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs), toxin (LPS) when it enters the periodontal tissues and
on human cells, such as those of the JE. One important from the cementum reservoir.
example of PRRs is the Toll-like receptor (TLR) family. Both pathways stimulate the activation of complement
component C3, which leads to the activation of C5 and
KEY POINT 5 later forms C5–C9, which is also termed the membrane
In general, chemokines are cell signalling molecules that recruit attack complex (MAC). is is responsible for the destruc-
other inammatory cells whereas cytokines are molecules that tion of Gram-negative bacteria, but it is also thought to be
activate inammatory cells. responsible for collateral host cell damage.
4. Cell signalling: epithelial cells release cell-signalling
Binding of a PAMP to a TLR can activate intracellular sig- molecules that orchestrate the inammatory response
nalling pathways (e.g. nuclear factor-kappaB), which results resulting in key vascular changes in early inammation.
in the release of chemokines and cytokines (such as inter- Signalling includes detection of bacteria (e.g. by TLRs
leukins). Chemokines recruit other immune cells to the area on JE cells and other resident periodontal cells such as
where they are needed whereas cytokines activate the immune broblasts) and subsequent release of cytokines and che-
cells, stimulating them to release other proinammatory mol- mokines. One of the most important cytokines in peri-
ecules, which perform key proinammatory functions. odontal diseases is interleukin-1 (IL-1) as it stimulates
After the detection of the bacterial bioëlm by TLRs on bone resorption and is a powerfully proinammatory
the host’s oral epithelial cells, cytokines and chemokines regulator.
are produced and are released into the underlying gingival ɨe gene that codes for IL-1 has diêerent forms (poly-
connective tissue. e gradient of these molecules gener- morphisms) that may be involved in host susceptibility (see
ated results in recruitment of immune system cells, such as later).
neutrophils, which are attracted from the vasculature and Examples of cell signalling molecules are listed in Table
migrate towards the bacterial biolm. 1.2.1. in Chapter 1.2.
is is an example of a component of innate immunity. 5. Vasoactive peptides: vasoactive peptides such as his-
tamine play an important role in the development of
Innate Immunity inammation.
Histamine is released from mast cells on stimulation
Innate immunity, although rapid, remains crudely indis- (by either complement C3a and C5a or prostaglandin E2
criminate relative to the specicity of the acquired system. [PGE2]) and causes vasodilation to recruit more blood cells
CHAPTER 1.4 Host Response and Susceptibility 37
complex Proteolytic enzymes
e.g. plasmin (via
tissue plasminogen
activator after vascular
C1 C1 active C3 endothelial damage)
C4 C4 active
C2 C2 active
C3 active
C3a C3b
and plasma proteins (e.g. complement and antibody) to the KEY POINT 6
area of infection.
The neutrophil (PMNL) is the most abundant and important cell
Histamine also increases vascular permeability and, in the innate host defence system.
because vasodilation slows down blood ow within the ves-
sels, this allows defence cells to migrate out of midstream e sequence of neutrophil activity is as follows:
circulation, contact the endothelial cells lining the blood • Rolling – slowing down of neutrophils (PMNLs) within
vessels and then leave the circulation and enter adjacent tis- the bloodstream occurs due to vasodilation after the
sues (diapedesis and subsequently chemotaxis). release of vasoactive peptides. Selectins on the neutro-
6. Adhesion molecule expression facilitates inamma- phils then make initial “make and break” contacts with
tory cell contact with vascular endothelial cells and complementary ligands on the endothelial cells lining
migration to infected areas. is is a tightly controlled the vessel wall.
process directed by signalling molecules in very specic • Margination – as the neutrophil slows down, the receptor
sequences and pathways. binding increases and eventually the neutrophils become
Examples of important adhesion molecules are intercel- immobilized on the vascular endothelium by adhesion of
lular adhesion molecules I and II (ICAM-I and II), endothe- integrins on the neutrophil to integrin receptors on the
lial adhesion molecule 1 (ELAM-I) and leucocyte function endothelium.
antigen-1 (LFA-1). • Diapedesis – other cell-to-cell adhesions allow the neu
7. Neutrophils (PMNLs): the neutrophil is an immune trophil to pass through the “leaky” blood vessel wall and
defence cell that destroys invading bacteria, ideally by enter the tissues.
internalizing them (phagocytosis) prior to destroying • Chemotaxis – the neutrophil then moves along a chemi
them. cal gradient through the tissue towards the area of
It is the most abundant and important defence cell in the infection.
periodontal tissues. Neutrophil intracellular killing: after intracellular killing
Once the neutrophils arrive at the site of infection, of bacteria, the neutrophils go through a process of pro-
they kill bacteria by either intra- or extracellular methods. grammed cell death (apoptosis) whereby they essentially
Intracellular killing involves the same methods as extracel- self-digest to prevent harmful contents entering the host
lular killing, except the neutrophils release their enzymes tissues.
and oxygen radicals (a process called degranulation) safely e enzymes and oxygen radicals, if released by neutro-
within themselves and inside special membrane-bound phils, may damage host tissue and bacteria, and the PMNL
structures called phagosomes. therefore contains:
38 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
Extracellular Neutrophil
degranulation (polymorphonuclear
• Enzyme inhibitors – for example, α-1 antitrypsin, which IgG IgE IgD
neutralize enzymes such as elastase
• Antioxidants – these are powerful scavengers of oxygen
radicals (e.g. glutathione) and involve enzyme systems
(e.g. superoxide dismutase and catalase) to prevent dam- IgM IgA
age to the neutrophils during oxygen radical release.
Neutrophil extracellular killing (Figure 1.4.9): when
the bacterial mass is too large for the neutrophil to
phagocytose, it degranulates extracellularly and releases
its enzymes, oxygen radicals and neutrophil extracellular
• Figure 1.4.10 Immunoglobulins.
traps (NETs) over the bacterial mass in an eort to kill
and contain it. If this occurs in the gingival crevice, it may
cause damage to the crevicular epithelium. Where a mas- • B lymphocytes – form humoral immune response as they
sive neutrophil response is present in the tissues, inadver- produce immunoglobulins (Ig) which, with complement
tent release of these chemicals is believed to be the major and phagocytes, kill bacteria (Figure 1.4.10)
cause of periodontal tissue damage and subsequently con- • Immunoglobulins – include ëve main classes: IgG, IgA,
tributes to bone loss. Notably, NETs are relatively newly IgM, IgD and IgE.
described and are formed from the release of the neutro- In periodontitis, IgG (in gingival crevicular uid) and
phil’s DNA, which is decorated with antimicrobial pro- IgA (in saliva) are considered the most important.
teins and enzymes derived from the granules. Whereas
these DNA webs entrap and lead to the killing of the bac-
teria, they can also cause further damage to the host peri- The Contribution of Genes to Host
odontal tissues (Cooper et al. 2013). Responses
8. Macrophages: macrophages not only scavenge dead cells
(bacteria and neutrophils) but also play an important role e host response to the bacterial biolm depends not only
in bridging the gap between innate and acquired immu- on the nature and virulence of the bacterial pathogens but
nity. As phagocytes, they function in a similar manner to also on genetic factors. Because the pathogenesis of peri-
neutrophils, but they also act as antigen presenting cells odontitis largely involves host responses to periodontal
(APCs), thereby stimulating acquired, or specic, immu- microorganisms, it follows that genetic variations modulate
nity. host responses which can inuence disease progression.
Genetic variation inuencing the host response to envi-
Acquired Immunity ronmental or systemic risk factors for periodontitis could
also inuence the eects of such factors on disease.
Acquired immunity occurs at the same time as the innate e host’s response to the biolm is complex, and the
immune response but is more specic and ecient. host’s innate and acquired immune response can lead to the
Cell mediators include: development of periodontitis. Local factors can be managed
• T lymphocytes – require direct contact with bacteria for to reduce risk, but there is usually a signicant genetic factor
killing involved in the host’s susceptibility to periodontitis.
CHAPTER 1.4 Host Response and Susceptibility 39
1.4.1 Inherited conditions with additional risk for the development of periodontitis
Grossi SG, Zambon JJ, Ho AW, Koch G, Dunford RG, Machtei EE, Further reading
etal. Assessment of risk for periodontal disease. 1. Risk indicators
for attachment loss. J Periodontol. 1994;65:260–267. Chapple ILC, Gilbert AD. Understanding Periodontal Diseases: Assess-
Michalowicz BS, Diehl SR, Gunsolley JC, Sparks BS, Brooks CN, ment and Diagnostic Procedures in Practice. Quintessence London;
Koertge TE, et al. Evidence of a substantial genetic basis for 2002.
risk of adult periodontitis. J Periodontol. 2000;71:1699–1707. Henderson B, Curtis M, Seymour R, Donos N. Periodontal Medicine
Van Dyke TE. e management of inammation in periodontal dis- and Systems Biology. Wiley-Blackwell Chichester; 2009.
ease. J Periodontol. 2008;79:1601–1608.
Introduction Stage 5. Secondary Colonisation
What are Biolms? Stage 6. Bioölm Maturation
Stage 7. Detachment From Surfaces
Biolms in the Mouth
Reduced Sensitivity of Biolms to Antimicrobial Agents
Methods to Determine the Microbial Composition of Dental
Benets of the Resident Oral Microbiome
Microbial Composition of Dental Biolms in Periodontal
Microbial Composition of Dental Biolms in Health
Approximal Surfaces
Gingival Crevice
Necrotizing Periodontal Diseases
Stages in the Formation of Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG)
Dental Biolms Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis
Stage 1. Conditioning Film formation Contemporary Perspectives on the Aetiology of Periodontal
Stage 2. Transport of Microorganisms Diseases
Stage 3. Reversible Attachment
Stage 4. Irreversible Attachment Concluding Remarks
42 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
The mouth harbours characteristic communities of What are Biofilms?
microorganisms, the presence of which are normal and
benecial to the host. These microbial communities grow on In nature, microorganisms preferentially attach to surfaces
oral surfaces as biolms. (inanimate and living) usually as multispecies communi-
ties. is is a fundamental survival stratagem for microbes
e resident oral microbiome plays a direct and active (Nobbs et al. 2011). Once attached, microbes grow and
role in the normal development of the physiology, nutrition form three-dimensional structures, termed biolms, embed-
and defence systems of the host (Kilian etal. 2016, Marsh ded in an extracellular matrix of sticky polymers (Zijnge
etal. 2016). A dynamic balance exists between the resident etal. 2010, 2012, Mark Welch etal. 2016, 2019, Bowen
microbiome and the host in health (symbiosis), whereas et al. 2018). Biolms are ubiquitous and are found in
disease results from a breakdown (dysbiosis) of this delicate water distribution pipes and machinery, on contact lenses,
relationship (Curtis etal. 2020, Hajishengalis etal. 2020). implants and catheters, as well as on oral surfaces, especially
erefore it is important that the factors that regulate and teeth (dental plaque), dentures and implants (Figure 1.5.1).
inuence this intimate relationship between the host and e signicance of dental plaque as an example of a biolm
their microorganisms are understood, and those that are is that discoveries made on biolms in general may also be
driving dysbiosis in individual patients are identied and applicable to dental plaque.
A Biofilm
• Figure 1.5.1 Examples of biolms. (A) A biolm forming on a hospital tap outlet and (B) a dental biolm on
a tooth surface. (Courtesy Dr. Jimmy Walker, PHE.)
CHAPTER 1.5 The Role of Biolms in Health and Disease 43
be further cultured in pure culture and undergo additional the whole diversity of the microbiome is revealed (Wade &
biochemical tests to obtain an identication. ese steps Prosdocimi 2020) (Figure 1.5.2). ese culture-independent
are laborious, time consuming and expensive, and over approaches are not without their own bias, however, as it can
time it became apparent that there was a large discrepancy be more dicult to lyse and extract DNA from some organ-
between the number of microorganisms in a sample that isms, and because the primers used for amplication are not
could be grown by these conventional methods and those optimised for all species (Wade etal. 2016, Wade & Prosdo-
that were observed directly by microscopy. Only about cimi 2020). Nevertheless, the introduction of these culture-
50% of the resident oral microbiome can currently be independent approaches has changed our understanding of
grown in pure culture in the laboratory (Wade & Pros- the richness and diversity of the oral microbiome in health
docimi 2020). e "missing” microbes have been referred and disease (Marsh etal. 2016, Wade etal. 2016) and could
to as “unculturable”’, but our inability to culture them is lead eventually to chairside kits and services to help diagnose
due mainly to our ignorance of the growth requirements oral diseases and monitor the outcome of treatment (Meuric
of some species and our naivety in attempting to isolate etal. 2017, Belibasakis etal. 2019, Chen etal. 2021).
microbes in pure culture as these have evolved over mil- Rather than just cataloguing the types of microorgan-
lennia to grow with other species as part of a community ism that are present at a site, complementary molecular
(Wade etal. 2016). approaches are also being used to monitor gene expression
Contemporary approaches are using molecular (i.e. cul- so as to determine the metabolic and functional activity in a
ture-independent) methods to detect and identify micro- sample (e.g. by using metatranscriptomics, proteomics and
organisms (Diaz et al. 2017, Wade & Prosdocimi 2020). metabolomics). In the future, more emphasis may be placed
ese rely on detecting the nucleic acid signatures that are on what microorganisms are “doing” (i.e. their function and
specic to each species and range from targeted approaches activity) rather than providing a list of merely “who” is pres-
such as PCR, DNA–DNA checkerboard systems or microar- ent (Takahashi 2015, Espinoza etal. 2018). It is likely that
rays that identify preselected microbial groups to the more dierent combinations of species within a microbial com-
current and preferable open-ended approaches in which all munity will perform similar tasks, and this might explain
of the microbial DNA in a sample is digested, amplied, why there is not always a clear consensus when comparing
sequenced, reassembled and nally mapped against a refer- the composition of dental biolms in health and disease
ence database of relevant genomes (metagenomics), so that from dierent studies.
• Figure 1.5.2 Schematic to show the stages in determining the microbial composition of dental biolms
using traditional culture or contemporary molecular-based (metagenomic) approaches. Theoretically, a
metagenomic approach can be quicker than conventional culture as many species grow slowly; also
approximately half of the oral microbiome cannot be cultured at present.
CHAPTER 1.5 The Role of Biolms in Health and Disease 45
e accumulated data from numerous studies of dierent and streptococci. Obligately anaerobic bacteria are common
oral surfaces and sites from around the world have resulted (e.g. Veillonella, Prevotella and Fusobacterium spp.) and pres-
to date in the identication of around 770 dierent types ent in relatively high proportions, although spirochaetes are
of microorganism (sometimes referred to as dierent taxa usually absent.
or phylotypes) from the mouth; of these, 57% are ocially
named, 13% unnamed but cultivable and 30% are known Gingival Crevice
only as currently “unculturable” phylotypes. A single indi-
vidual may harbour between 50 to 300 species. It is beyond is site contains biolms with the highest species diver-
the scope of this chapter to describe the properties of mem- sity in the healthy mouth and with the greatest numbers
bers of the resident oral microbiome, and the reader is rec- of obligately anaerobic bacteria, many of which are Gram
ommended to refer to specialist texts for more detail (for negative or are Eubacterium-like. Many of the currently
example, Marsh etal. 2016), or to the two curated oral 16S “unculturable” bacteria are found subgingivally. Common
rRNA databases: the Human Oral Microbiome Database bacteria associated with the healthy gingival crevice are
(HOMD; and the Core Oral Micro- members of the mitis and anginosus groups of streptococci
biome Database (CORE; and Gram-positive rods such as species of Actinomyces,
Molecular (culture-independent) approaches are being Rothia and Corynebacterium. Gram-negative genera that
adopted because: are commonly detected include Neisseria, Lautropia, Hae-
• there is less bias compared with culture mophilus, Capnocytophaga, Fusobacterium, Prevotella and
• “unculturable” and novel species can be detected; these Veillonella (Abusleme etal. 2013, Hong etal. 2015, Diaz
can account for >50% of the microorganisms that are et al. 2016). e ecology of the crevice is inuenced by
present, especially at subgingival sites the ow and properties of gingival crevicular uid (GCF).
• the techniques can be comparatively quick and are not as GCF introduces not only components of the host defences
labour intensive as traditional culture (neutrophils, complement, antibodies), but also host mol-
• microbial signatures of health and disease can be identi ecules that can be degraded and used as important sub-
ed (Meuric etal. 2017, Chen etal. 2021). strates. Many of the microbial residents are proteolytic and
A limitation of molecular approaches is that: derive their energy from the hydrolysis of these host pro-
• they are semiquantitative at best teins and peptides and from the catabolism of amino acids;
• viable bacteria are not isolated, from which to determine others also require heme as an essential cofactor for growth,
their properties, including antibiotic sensitivities which can be obtained from haemoglobin and other host
• some approaches will detect dead as well as viable cells. molecules in GCF.
Surface Surface
Stage 5. Secondary colonisation Stage 7. Detachment
Later colonisers attach via adhesin If conditions become sub-optimal,
receptor interactions to the already bacteria can detach and
attached bacteria (co-adhesion/ colonise elsewhere.
Surface Surface
(termed the acquired enamel pellicle). is lm contains biolm development, as this species can coadhere to most
salivary glycoproteins, phosphoproteins and lipids, includ- oral bacteria and acts, therefore, as an important bridging
ing statherin, amylase, proline-rich peptides (PRPs), host organism between early and late colonising species. Co-
defence components and bacterial components such as glu- adhesion may help ensure that bacteria are co-located with
cosyltransferases and glucan (Figure 1.5.3A) (Hannig etal. other organisms with complementary metabolic functions.
2005); it is to these molecules that the early microbial colo- us the composition of the biolm changes over time due
nisers (predominantly bacteria) attach. Depending on the to a series of complex interactions; these changes are termed
site, pellicle can also contain components from GCF. microbial succession.
periodontal pathogens (Fusobacterium nucleatum, Pre- referred to as “tolerance”. Microorganisms can become truly
votella intermedia, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggregati- “resistant” to antimicrobial agents because of the increased
bacter actinomycetemcomitans) secrete a signal related to probability of gene transfer occurring in biolms. Recipi-
AI-2. ents of an antibiotic resistance gene are truly resistant to the
(c) Physically close cell-cell associations, such as “corn-cob” agent irrespective of whether they are in a biolm or not
(in which coccal-shaped cells attach along the tip of la- (Uruen etal. 2020).
mentous organisms), and “test-tube brush” structures
(rod-shaped bacteria sticking out perpendicularly from KEY POINT 7
bacterial laments), develop (Zijnge etal. 2010). Lacto- • Oral biolms are difcult to treat
bacilli formed the central axis of some of the “test-tube • Biolms are many times more tolerant of antimicrobial
brushes”, with organisms such as Tannerella, F. nucleatum agents than the same cells in planktonic liquid culture.
and Synergistes spp. radiating from this central cell. Corn-
cobs can form between streptococci and Corynebacterium e mechanisms that underpin this enhanced tolerance
matruchotii and between Veillonella spp. and Eubacteri- of biolms to antimicrobial agents include:
um spp. (Zijnge etal. 2010). • limited penetration of charged molecules, e.g. due to the
(d) Horizontal gene transfer, including the sharing of anti- binding of antimicrobials to the biolm matrix
biotic resistance genes (Marsh & Zaura 2017). • inactivation by production of neutralizing enzymes (e.g.
(e) Antagonism between competing species, for example, by cross-protection by neighbouring cells that secrete cata-
the production of inhibitory molecules (bacteriocins, hy- lase or β-lactamase that degrade hydrogen peroxide or
drogen peroxide, organic acids, etc.). e production of penicillin, respectively)
such inhibitory molecules will also contribute to “coloni- • quenching of the agent, e.g. by binding to cells at the
sation resistance” in which the resident oral microbiome biolm surface
is able to prevent the growth of potentially invading or- • unfavourable environments for the antimicrobial to
ganisms (Marsh & Zaura 2017). function in the depths of the biolm
• expression of a novel phenotype, e.g. the drug target is no
As the biolm matures, bacterial metabolism results
longer expressed during growth in the biolm
in the development of gradients within dental biolms in
• the slow growth rates of bacteria in bioëlms (slow-grow
parameters that are critical to microbial growth (nutrients,
ing organisms are generally less susceptible than faster-
pH, oxygen, etc.). Such environmental heterogeneity will
growing cells)
allow fastidious bacteria to survive in plaque and enable
• horizontal gene transfer (e.g. drug resistance plasmids;
microorganisms to coexist that would be incompatible with
this is an example of increased “resistance” to an antimi-
one another in a more homogeneous environment.
crobial agent). In a biolm, cells are close to one another,
which facilitates eective gene transfer (Uruen et al.
Stage 7. Detachment From Surfaces 2020).
Bacteria can “sense” adverse changes in environmental con-
ditions, and these may act as “cues” to induce genes involved Benefits of the Resident Oral Microbiome
in active detachment from the biolm, for example, by the
upregulation of proteases to cleave their adhesins from the e resident oral microbiome confers important benets to
cell surface (see Figure 1.5.3D). the host and plays an essential role in the normal develop-
ment of the physiology, nutrition and defences of the host
(Sanz etal. 2017).
Reduced Sensitivity of Biofilms to
Antimicrobial Agents KEY POINT 8
The oral microbiome provides signicant benets to the host
All biolms display a reduced sensitivity to antimicrobial by:
• Resisting colonisation (in which the resident microbiome
agents compared with the same cells growing in conven- prevents colonisation by exogenous species)
tional liquid culture (Mah 2012, Koo et al. 2017, Uruen • Downregulating proinammatory host responses to
etal. 2020). For example, concentrations of chlorhexidine benecial species (Devine etal. 2015)
need to be 10- to 50-fold greater than the minimum inhibi- • Regulating gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems.
tory concentration (MIC) in order to eliminate a biolm Thus it is essential to control oral biolms, and not
eliminate them, to maintain the benecial properties of the oral
of an oral bacterium such as Streptococcus sanguinis. Older microbiota.
biolms are even more tolerant of antimicrobial agents than
younger biolms. Generally, this is a phenotypic response,
as these cells display their original sensitivity when resus- • One of the principal functions of a resident microbiome is
pended from the biolm into liquid broth (mechanisms for the ability to prevent colonisation by exogenous (and of-
this are listed later), and so the reduced sensitivity should be ten pathogenic) microorganisms. is property, termed
CHAPTER 1.5 The Role of Biolms in Health and Disease 49
TABLE Identied species that have been with accurately naming the members of these communi-
1.5.1 implicated with periodontitis ties, whereas it could be more instructive in the future
if the “function” or “role” of each organism within the
Species implicated with periodontitis
consortium was determined (Takahashi 2015, Espinoza
Bacteroidales species Prevotella spp. etal. 2018), as it is probable that bacteria with dierent
Porphyromonas Alloprevotella tannerae “names” could be performing identical “functions” within
endodontalis a community. Hence, we might see a greater consensus
Porphyromonas gingivalis Johnsonella spp.
across studies looking at diseased sites if we reported by
microbial function rather than by bacterial name. Most
Mogibacterium timidium Dialister pneumosintes tissue destruction in periodontitis is a result of the exag-
Peptostreptococcus Dialister invisus gerated inammatory response to the developing subgin-
stomatis gival biolm (see later).
Filifactor alocis Campylobacter rectus Some younger patients can present with a more aggres-
sive form of periodontitis despite only low amounts of
biolm present at aected sites; these patients may have
Selenomonas spp. Johnsonella spp. functional abnormalities associated with their neutro-
Fretibacterium fastidiosum Eubacterium spp. phils. Aected sites can have high numbers of Aggrega-
tibacter (formerly Actinobacillus) actinomycetemcomitans.
Desulfobulbus spp. Leptotrichia spp.
is bacterium produces a powerful leukotoxin, enzymes
Bidobacterium dentium Parvimonas micros capable of degrading collagen and cell-surface-associated
material that can cause bone resorption (Belibasakis etal.
2019, Norskov-Lauritsen et al. 2019). A virulent clone
TM7 Treponema spp.
(JP2) of A. actinomycetemcomitans has been identied that
spp. SR1 taxon overproduces the leukotoxin and is found endemically in
Northwest Africa; the presence of this clone signicantly
The presence or detection of these microorganisms does not neces-
increases the risk of adolescents suering from aggressive
of disease. periodontitis (Belibasakis et al. 2019, Norskov-Lauritsen
(Perez-Chaparro etal. 2014, Diaz etal. 2016)
etal. 2019).
Necrotizing Periodontal Diseases
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG)
NUG, also described as Vincent’s disease, trench mouth or
In recognition of the diversity of the subgingival acute necrotizing gingivitis, is a severe form of necrotizing
microbiota and the fact that perhaps less than 50% can inammation of the interdental papillae, accompanied by
be cultured, most contemporary studies are using open- spontaneous gingival bleeding and intense pain. In smears
ended, culture-independent metagenomic approaches, of the aected tissues, microorganisms (resembling spiro-
which do not have the limitation of detecting only a pre- chaetes and fusiform bacteria – the characteristic fuso-spi-
determined set of species, as occurred with checkerboard rochaetal complex) can be seen invading the host gingival
DNA–DNA hybridization techniques. Such studies have tissues. Culture-independent approaches have conrmed
further emphasised the complexity of the microbiota asso- the predominance of a diverse range of Treponema spe-
ciated with disease and have discovered the presence of cies (spirochaetes) in lesions, many of which cannot be
a large number of novel bacteria (Table 1.5.1), some of cultivated, but showed that the “fusiform” bacteria could
which have no or few cultivable examples, and several belong to a broader range of genera including Leptotrichia,
are currently unnamed. Most studies attempting to cor- Capnocytophaga and Tannerella in addition to Fusobacte-
relate the bacterial composition of subgingival biolms rium spp. (Dewhirst etal. 2000, Paster etal. 2002, Gmur
with periodontal health or disease are, of necessity, cross- etal. 2004). Culture-based studies also recovered Prevotella
sectional in design. A major challenge in such studies is intermedia. Metronidazole is eective in eliminating the
to determine which bacteria are playing an active role fuso-spirochaetal complex from infected sites, and this is
in disease, which are present as a result of disease and associated with rapid clinical improvement.
which are merely bystander organisms. e lack of con-
sistency in microbial composition of subgingival biolms Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis
isolated from diseased sites when the data from dierent Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis is a painful condition
studies are compared might be a result of the technical that aects a small proportion of HIV-positive subjects.
methods used to sample, process and analyze the samples, Molecular approaches detected a wide range of bacteria
but it could also indicate that consortia with a dierent including Bulleida extructa, Dialister, Fusobacterium, Sele-
composition can produce the same clinical signs (Perez- nomonas, Veillonella spp., members of the TM7 phylum and
Chaparro etal. 2014). To date, the eld has been obsessed anaerobic streptococci (Paster etal. 2002).
CHAPTER 1.5 The Role of Biolms in Health and Disease 51
KEY POINT 9 of those listed in Table 1.5.1. Several of the species that were
enriched were present in such low numbers that they were
Periodontal diseases are a result of a perturbation in the local
environment that enables previously minor bacterial members below the level of detection in the original biolm samples.
of the biolm to be more competitive and therefore become At these low levels, these bacteria would have no or minimal
more numerically dominant, within the subgingival microbiota. clinical impact.
Effective disease control needs to identify and resolve the In disease, the host mounts an inammatory response
factors driving the selection of these pathogens and causing
when plaque biolm accumulates beyond levels that are
the disruption of the benecial relationship between biolm and
the host. compatible with health, and this leads to substantial changes
in the subgingival environment. ere is an increase in the
ow of GCF which introduces components of the host
defences into the crevice. However, GCF also contains an
Contemporary Perspectives on the array of complex host molecules, including transferrin, hae-
Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases moglobin, etc., that can be exploited as primary nutrient
sources by the proteolytic Gram-negative anaerobes which
It is now accepted that disease is a consequence of a who- also have the potential to act as periodontal pathogens (see
lescale shift in the balance and composition of the entire previous discussion) (Naginyte etal. 2019). Also, organisms
subgingival microbial community, with the emergence and such as Prevotella intermedia and Porphyromonas gingivalis
increased abundance of many species that are apparently have an absolute requirement for haemin for growth and
absent in health or present as only minor constituents of the derive this cofactor from the catabolism of host glycopro-
normal subgingival microbiome (Diaz etal. 2016, Lamont teins, such as haemoglobin, using proteases such as inter-
etal. 2018). An intriguing question, therefore, is the origin pain and gingipains, respectively. An increase in haemin
of these potential pathogens. Previous theories have sug- availability can dramatically alter the phenotype of bacteria;
gested that disease-associated microbial species could be P. gingivalis displays increased protease activity, changes in
(a) acquired exogenously, (b) translocated from reservoir the structure of its lipopolysaccharide and is more virulent
sites such as the buccal mucosa or tongue, or (c) present when grown in a surplus of haemin. A further consequence
at healthy sites but in numbers too low to be detected. e of this proteolytic metabolism is an increase in local pH
application of sensitive molecular techniques has detected and a fall in the redox potential, which also promotes the
several of the putative pathogens (e.g. P. gingivalis, A. acti- upregulation of some of the virulence factors associated
nomycetemcomitans) at noninamed, healthy sites but, with these putative pathogens and favours their growth at
whichever theory applies to the origins of these putative the expense of the species associated with gingival health
periodontopathogens, a dramatic change to the environ- (i.e. these environmental changes increase the competitive-
ment of the habitat would be necessary for the balance of ness of the potential pathogens).
the microbiota to be shifted to the extent seen in disease Combinations of bacteria in these dysbiotic microbial
in which these species are able to out-compete the resident communities display “pathogenic synergism” in that weakly
benecial bacteria. In other ecosystems, such dramatic shifts pathogenic species combine forces to overcome the host
in microbiota are associated with a major alteration to the defences and drive inammation and tissue damage. Micro-
habitat, such as to the nutrient status (e.g. the overgrowth bial proteolytic activity in the pocket can also target and
of algae in rivers after the wash-o of nitrogenous fertilizers degrade host defence molecules which can result in a dereg-
from neighbouring farm land), pH (e.g., the disruption of ulated and ultimately exaggerated inammatory response,
aquatic life in lakes by “acid rain”) or immune status (e.g. causing bystander damage to the subgingival tissues (Curtis
reactivation of dormant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the et al. 2020, Hajishengallis et al. 2020). is uncontrolled
lungs of HIV-infected patients). response provides an even broader range of host molecules
Support for the concept that a change in environment for the increasingly metabolically versatile microbial com-
can drive the enrichment of generally minor but poten- munity. Most of the tissue damage is due to this excessive
tially pathogenic components of the microbiota has come and subverted host response. If sustained, the combined
from a biolm model system that attempted to replicate selective pressures of changed nutrient supply, elevated pH
some of the environmental changes associated with inam- and lower redox potential together with an impaired inam-
mation, particularly those that aect the availability of matory response will lead to a substantial rearrangement of
nutrients suitable for proteolytic bacteria. Biolm samples community structure and subsequent damage to the peri-
were taken from healthy oral sites in adult human volun- odontal tissues.
teers (tongue, supragingival plaque) and grown in human us a cyclical situation develops in which, if the host
saliva; this medium was then supplemented with serum fails to control the initial microbial insult, the nature of
as a surrogate for the increased ow of GCF that occurs its response to the subgingival biolm inadvertently pro-
during the inammatory response, and after just 3 weeks vides conditions that will further select for the pathogens
metagenomic analyses could detect most of the pathogens, that will subsequently continue to drive the inammatory
including unculturable species, that are now implicated response. is concept was encapsulated initially in the
with periodontitis (Naginyte etal. 2019), including many “ecological plaque hypothesis” (Marsh 2003) (Figure 1.5.4),
52 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
Low plaque No / little Low GCF Gram positive
[Health Inflammation flow bacteria
Environmental Ecological
Stress Disease
change Shift
Gram negative
Increased High GCF bacteria;
flow, bleeding, Anaerobic;
Plaque Inflammation.
Levels Subverted host raised pH &
response temperature
• Figure 1.5.4 The “ecological plaque hypothesis” and periodontal diseases. Biolm accumulation induces
an inammatory host response which causes a change in local environmental conditions that favours the
growth of proteolytic and anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria. Diseases could be prevented by not only tar-
geting the putative pathogens, but also by interfering with the factors driving their selection. Effective oral
hygiene will favour healthy interactions between the host and the biolm (symbiosis), while host risk factors
(e.g. smoking, neutrophil defects) may increase the likelihood of disease (dysbiosis).
in which there is recognition of a direct link between local and inammatory microorganisms which accentuates dys-
environmental conditions in the host and the activity and biosis and perpetuates the inammatory response (Rosier
composition of the biolm community. Any change to the etal. 2018, Curtis etal. 2020, Hajishengallis etal. 2020,
host environment will induce a response in the microbiota Hajishengallis & Lamont 2021) (Figure 1.5.5). Approaches
and vice versa. Implicit in this hypothesis is that although to break this cycle can be via traditional treatments, such as
disease can be treated by targeting the putative pathogens mechanical periodontal therapy (e.g. root surface debride-
directly (e.g. with antimicrobial agents), long-term preven- ment) augmented by improved oral hygiene practices, and
tion will only be achieved by interfering with the underly- lifestyle changes (e.g. elimination of risk factors such as
ing changes in host environment that drive the deleterious smoking), but newer adjunctive strategies are being devel-
shifts in the microbiota (Marsh 2003). With increasing oped that could modulate an excessive and exaggerated host
knowledge, this theory has been further rened with greater response to reduce these detrimental aspects of inamma-
emphasis on the damage caused by the deregulated inam- tion and promote resolution and tissue healing (Curtis etal.
matory response (the polymicrobial synergy and dysbiosis 2020, Hajishengallis etal. 2020, Van Dyke etal. 2020).
model) while reinforcing the concept that the change in
the subgingival environment will drive dysbiosis (Lamont KEY POINT 10
& Hajishengallis 2015). Also, it is recognised that some Periodontal diseases are a result of a perturbation in the local
organisms such as P. gingivalis may play a role in disease environment that enables previously minor components of
that is disproportionately more signicant than their num- the biolm to become more competitive, and therefore more
numerically dominant, within the subgingival microbiota.
bers within the subgingival microbial community, and for These microorganisms are able to subvert and disrupt the
this reason they have been termed “keystone pathogens” inammatory response, leading to tissue damage and further
(Hajishengallis et al. 2012). e presence of the keystone inammation; this process is termed dysbiosis. Effective disease
pathogen may be dependent on the activity of neighbouring control needs to identify and resolve the factors driving the
species, for example, in terms of provision of nutrients or selection of these pathogens and causing the disruption of the
normally benecial relationship between biolm and the host.
inactivation of the host defences, and these are described as
“accessory pathogens”. e keystone pathogens, supported
by accessory pathogens, combine to subvert host immunity Concluding Remarks
and cause the emergence of a detrimental and dysbiotic
microbiota which drives the exaggerated and deregulated e mouth supports the growth of diverse communities of
inammatory response resulting in further tissue destruc- microorganisms that grow as structurally and functionally
tion (Curtis etal. 2020, Hajishengallis etal. 2020, Hajish- organised biolms. ese communities, and those present
engallis & Lamont 2021). A bidirectional and cyclical at other habitats in the body, play an active and critical role
(positive feedback loop) process develops in which the in the normal development of the host and in the mainte-
inammatory response further enriches for inammophilic nance of health. Clinicians need to be aware of the benecial
CHAPTER 1.5 The Role of Biolms in Health and Disease 53
• Figure 1.5.5 The bidirectional relationship between the subgingival microbiome and the inammatory
and immune response (Curtis etal. 2020). The subgingival symbiotic microbiota in health is dominated
by health-associated species (green) but species linked with gingivitis (orange) and periodontitis (red) are
present in low abundance. Core species are found in both health and disease. Gingivitis is characterised by
an increased biomass (green and orange arrows) comprising both green and particularly orange species
and an associated increase in inammation. In periodontitis, biomass increases further (green, orange and
red arrows), and the red species become increasingly dominant in the dysbiotic microbiota. Furthermore,
the gene expression proles (transcriptome) of the green and orange species are modied with increased
expression of virulence determinants. This is accompanied by the development of a deregulated inam-
matory response and tissue destruction. Interventions which are able to resolve the inammatory response
may also be important in the reversal of the dysbiotic microbiota. Reprinted from Periodontology 2000,
83(1):12, Curtis. et al. (2020), with permission from John Wiley & Sons.
functions of the resident oral microbiota, so that treatment factors that are driving the “dysbiosis”, otherwise the delete-
strategies are focused on the control rather than the elimi- rious changes to the microbiota will reoccur, risking further
nation of these natural biolms. Oral care should attempt episodes of disease.
to maintain plaque biolm at levels compatible with health Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter
in order to retain the benecial properties of the resident are available online at Elsevier eBooks+
oral microbiota while preventing microbial overload that
increases the risk of dental disease. References
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Introduction Diabetes and Obesity
Risk Factors, Markers and Predictors Stress
Poor Oral Hygiene
Complex Diseases and Causal Theory
Periodontal Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment and the “At Risk” Patient Risk Assessment – The Third Dimension
Classication of Risk Factors Risk Assessment Technologies
True or Putative Local Risk (Predisposing) Factors
Modifying or Predisposing Factors Iatrogenic
Modiöable or Non-Modiöable Anatomical
Risk Factors in Periodontitis Progression Root Caries
Tooth Position
Systemic Risk (Modifying) Factors
False/True Pockets
Genetics High Frenal Attachment
Age Calculus
Nutrition Oral Dryness
CHAPTER 1.6 Periodontal Risk – Modifying and Predisposing Factors 57
C X1 F E H X1
B X2 X2
Causal pies. Each combination is sufficient for the disease to develop. “A” is a
necessary cause because it is present in every pie. The rest (X1, X2, C, etc.) are
component causes that could belong to different sufficient causes or appear as a
joint element (e.g. sufficient cause III).
• Figure 1.6.1 Rothman’s “causal pie” model for complex diseases. “A” is a necessary cause but insuf-
cient on its own to cause the disease. A sufcient cause is needed for disease to manifest and consists
of aggregated component causes or risk factors, forming a full pie.
a 20-cigarette-per-day smoker with poor oral hygiene is improves. One example might be plaque biolm levels
potentially at high risk for periodontitis and/or necrotising around the teeth. Note that true risk factors do not imply
gingivitis (NG). absolute cause and eect (Rothman 2002), simply that they
One of the strongest predictors of future disease activity increase the likelihood of disease if present. In the case of
is the amount of disease the patient presents with at the rst the oral plaque biolm, high biolm levels do not cause
consultation, taking their age into account. For example, periodontitis in all patients, only those who have some peri-
a 25-year-old with 40% generalised horizontal bone loss is odontal susceptibility.
at far greater risk of tooth loss due to periodontitis than a Putative risk factors for a disease are those factors that are
70-year-old with the same amount of bone loss. is con- associated with the occurrence of a disease, as observed in
cept underpins the “grading” of periodontitis within the cross-sectional studies. Such factors do not satisfy the crite-
2017 WWC (Papapanou etal. 2018). ria for true risk factors because there is a lack of evidence
To help understand the role of systemic risk factors in the from longitudinal studies (which may not have been per-
pathogenesis of periodontitis, the “critical pathway model formed) that removal of the risk factor will improve the dis-
of pathogenesis” was described by Salvi etal. (1997). is ease state. Examples might be stress or nutritional factors.
pathway (updated in Figure 1.6.2) identies nine criti-
cal stages that must be present for disease to develop and Modifying or Predisposing Factors
progress. As discussed in Chapters 1.2 and 1.4, it has been
estimated that merely 20% of the tissue destruction in peri- Modifying factors (systemic risk factors) for periodontitis
odontitis is explained directly by bacterial action (Grossi are those characteristics present in an individual which
etal. 1994); the remainder being attributable to a dysregu- negatively inuence the immune-inammatory response
lated host immune-inammatory response. to a given dental plaque biolm burden, resulting in exag-
gerated or “hyper” inammation (Chapple et al. 2018).
KEY POINT 5 Examples include those aecting the host response either
Approximately 20% of the tissue damage seen in periodontitis directly or indirectly. ey may be environmental factors
is due to direct bacterial action; the remainder is due to a (e.g. stress), lifestyle factors (e.g. nutrition or smoking)
dysregulated host immune-inammatory response. or those relating to general health (e.g. diabetes status,
immunodeciency or other conditions such as leucocyte
Classification of Risk Factors adhesion defects).
Predisposing factors (formerly local risk factors) for peri-
Risk factors can be described in a variety of ways: odontitis are those that encourage plaque accumulation at
• True or putative a specic site by either inhibiting its removal during daily
• Modifying or predisposing oral hygiene practices and/or creating a biological niche that
• Modiëable or non-modiëable. encourages increased plaque accumulation and consequent
inammation (Chapple etal. 2018). ey include biolm
True or Putative retention factors, which may be anatomical in nature (e.g.
root grooves, enamel pearls) or relate to poor restoration
True risk factors for a disease have a causal association, that margins, imbricated teeth or dental appliances that are close
is, when present, they increase the likelihood of the dis- to the gingival margin and oral dryness due to some medica-
ease developing, but when they are removed the disease tions or autoimmune disease.
CHAPTER 1.6 Periodontal Risk – Modifying and Predisposing Factors 59
Non-pathogenic flora
endogenous bacteria
Poor oral hygiene
Pathogenic flora
low microbial mass
9 3
Pocket formation and Innate defence mechanisms Success Gingivitis and
bone loss and PMNL clearance limited periodontitis
Limited/no success
8 4
Microbial mass increases
Tissue destruction
± tissue penetration
No success
6 Release of cytokines, Success
lymphokines, chemokines
• Figure 1.6.2 The “critical pathway model” (Salvi etal. 1997) updated to recognise the interplay between
gingival inammation, dysbiosis and periodontal tissue damage.
Modifiable or Non-Modifiable WWC (Dukka etal. 2021). e BSPi grades in the same
manner as the 2017 WWC but employs a dierent thresh-
Modiable risk factors for a disease are those that can be inu- old for dening grade B disease and does not modify the
enced by the patient or the clinician. ese may be systemic grade by risk factors but lists those risk factors present
or environmental in nature and include smoking cessation, without assigning a weight to them, as part of a “diagnostic
improving diabetes control, improved diet and reducing bio- statement”.
lm levels through improved oral hygiene, or correction of Modifying and predisposing factors have an important
local risk factors such as restorations with subgingival ledges. part to play in the progression of periodontal breakdown,
Non-modiable risk factors for a disease are those that and control can only be achieved if a proper assessment
cannot be inuenced by the patient and essentially relate to is made of the factors involved. Figure 1.6.4 shows how
genetic traits or characteristics. In the future, gene therapy systemic (subject-based) and local (site-based) risk factors
may change this. underpin the disease process.
Pristine Non-plaque
induced Grade A Grade B Grade C
health -induced gingivitis
– +
or Subject-based Site-based
+ risk factors risk factors
Modulation by
e.g. PMNL function e.g. plaque
retention factors
Periodontal tissue
• Figure 1.6.4 How systemic (subject-based) modifying and local (site-based) predisposing risk factors
underpin the periodontitis process.
1.6.1 Levels of evidence for the common risk factors in periodontitis
Good evidence, Some evidence, Some evidence, true Good evidence, true
putative risk factor putative risk factor risk factor risk factor
Genetics ✓
Age ✓
Nutrition ✓
Smoking ✓
Diabetes ✓
Stress ✓
Poor oral hygiene ✓
(Michalowicz etal. 2000). Evidence is stronger for grade employing gene therapies have not been performed to
C forms of periodontitis, where the attachment loss is assess their ecacy in improving periodontal outcomes.
inconsistent with local risk factors (formerly called aggres- Periodontitis is a complex disease and, just as it is regarded as
sive periodontitis). However, genetics cannot be described being polymicrobial and poly immune-inammatory in nature,
as a “true” risk factor because intervention studies it can also be regarded as being polygenetic and epigenetic.
CHAPTER 1.6 Periodontal Risk – Modifying and Predisposing Factors 61
Polymorphisms (dierent forms) of specic genes of the studies is emerging that demonstrates marginal improve-
immune-inammatory responses have also been associ- ments in periodontal outcomes demonstrated following
ated with periodontitis and include those aecting single adjunctive use of micronutrients, either as phytonutrients
nucleotides. ese are referred to as single nucleotide poly- in capsules of dried fruit and vegetable concentrates (Chap-
morphisms (SNPs) and occur when one base pair may be ple et al. 2012), or through non-adjunctive twice daily
dierent. is can result in a dierence in the gene product consumption of vitamin C and associated micronutrients
(e.g. a cytokine or cell surface receptor). An example is the within kiwi fruit in the absence of periodontal instrumen-
SNP for the neutrophil receptor that binds antibody, the tation (Graziani etal. 2018). e role of poor nutrition as
FcγR11a receptor. is may confer high or low avidity to a risk factor for periodontitis remains under-researched at
the receptor’s ability to bind antibody. A compound geno- present but could represent a “component cause” in certain
type of interleukin 1β (IL-1β) is also reported which codes patients.
for excess IL-1β cytokine production.
In addition, epigenetic inuences are becoming impor- Smoking
tant in the study of periodontitis. ese are the eects of
agents such as enzymes produced by bacteria, micronutri- Smoking is as close as any risk indicator can get to being a
ents or oxygen radicals which are able to modify genes by true risk factor. It has been estimated that 42% of periodon-
processes such as methylation, reducing their expression and titis may be attributable to smoking (Tomar & Asma 2000).
preventing the gene from being expressed correctly. Smoking has both topical and systemic eects which
place patients at greater risk of periodontitis progression.
Age • Local eêects:
• Reduced tissue vascularity
Age was not previously regarded as a risk factor for peri- • Impaired polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMNL)
odontitis, more that as we get older our lifetime exposure chemotaxis and function (phagocytosis)
to risk factors increases and therefore more periodontitis is • Systemic eêects:
seen in older patients – approximately 60% of over 60-year- • Decreased salivary IgA
olds in the UK have some periodontitis, and older patients • Decreased serum IgG
have more severe disease (14% versus 8% respectively) • Decreased helper T cells
(White etal. 2012). Smokers have been shown to have more pockets, deeper
Age is a dicult risk factor to evaluate because it is not pockets (especially palatally), more recession, more bone
possible to make patients younger; therefore interventions loss and increased tooth loss in comparison to non-smok-
that aim to test the true nature of age as a risk factor are not ers (Fig. 1.6.5). Smokers may also experience more bone
possible. However, as people age their immune system starts loss in upper anterior regions than non-smokers (Baha-
to weaken – a phenomenon called “immune senescence”, rin et al. 2006). Smokers have also been shown to have
reducing our ability to kill pathogens and increasing the less marginal bleeding that can have the eect of masking
collateral tissue damage caused. For this reason, evidence early critical signs (bleeding gums) of periodontitis. e
is accumulating to suggest that age may indeed emerge as a evidence associating smoking with periodontitis is thus
true modifying factor for periodontitis. robust. However, there remains limited evidence from sub-
It is also important to recognise that the population of stantial and suciently powered intervention studies that
the developed world is ageing and patients expect to keep demonstrate improved periodontal outcomes after smok-
their teeth longer. e World Health Organization has set ing cessation.
a target to dene successful dentistry as the retention of 20 Odds ratios (ORs) for periodontitis in smokers vary
teeth at 80 years of age. Periodontitis will therefore become between a three- and seven-fold increased relative risk for
more prevalent in older patients. disease. A dose response exists between smoking and peri-
odontal risk – 10 cigarettes/day increasing risk by 5% and
Nutrition 20 per day increasing risk by 10%. Moreover, serum lev-
els of the stable nicotine metabolite cotinine correlate with
ere is considerable interest in nutrients as both agonists attachment loss, probing pocket depth and alveolar crest
and antagonists of inammatory processes (Chapple 2009). height.
Evidence demonstrates that rened carbohydrate intake e healing response to non-surgical and surgical peri-
drives systemic or “meal-induced” inammation (Monnier odontal therapy is poorer in smokers, and maintenance
etal. 2006). patients who smoke are twice as likely to lose teeth as
Several association studies demonstrate that blood levels non-smokers.
of certain antioxidant micronutrients are inversely related to Based upon the moderate success of smoking cessa-
periodontitis prevalence; for instance, low vitamin C is esti- tion counselling demonstrated by Ramseier et al. (2020),
mated to account for 4% of attachment loss seen in certain the S3-level treatment guideline 1.6 strongly recommends
populations (Chapple & Matthews 2007). Blood total anti- smoking cessation counselling in the management of peri-
oxidants show similar results. Evidence from intervention odontitis (Sanz etal. 2020, West etal. 2021).
62 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
• Figure 1.6.5 Generalised periodontitis in a heavy smoker. • Figure 1.6.6 Poor oral hygiene and gingivitis around subgingival
crown margins.
Diabetes and Obesity
ere is reportedly a “bi-directional relationship” between It has also been demonstrated that patients under nancial
diabetes mellitus and periodontitis (Taylor 2001), whereby stress and strain had greater levels of periodontitis, but those
the presence of one condition adversely aects the other. who had good coping strategies had no more disease than
Severe periodontitis adversely aects glycaemic control in unstressed controls.
diabetes and glycaemia in non-diabetes patients, and there Stress triggers neuroendocrine responses via the hypotha-
is a direct and dose-dependent relationship between peri- lamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis. is in turn triggers
odontitis severity and diabetes complications. Emerging the activation of complement and the release of proinam-
evidence supports an increased risk for diabetes onset in matory cytokines.
patients with severe periodontitis and mechanisms appear ere is also evidence that certain periodontal pathogens
to involve elevated systemic inammation (acute-phase are able to utilise stress hormones like noradrenaline and
and oxidative stress biomarkers) resulting from the entry of adrenaline to acquire iron for growth and virulence (Roberts
periodontal organisms and their virulence factors into the etal. 2005). Additionally, they appear to produce an auto-
circulation (Chapple & Genco 2013). Whereas the 2020 to inducer of their own growth in response to the same stress
2021 S3-level guidelines returned an open recommendation hormones (Roberts etal. 2002), indicating that certain peri-
(recommendation 1.10) for interventions aimed at weight odontal bacteria can take advantage of a stressed host.
loss through lifestyle modication, indicating insucient
evidence currently, there was a strong recommendation (rec- Poor Oral Hygiene
ommendation 4.19) for the promotion of diabetes control
interventions in periodontitis patients during maintenance e evidence for the oral biolm as a true risk factor for gin-
therapy (Sanz etal. 2020, West etal. 2021). In support of givitis is strong (see Figure 1.6.6), based upon the original
this a consensus report and guidelines produced jointly by experimental gingivitis study of Löe et al. (1965). In this
the EFP and International Diabetes Federation in 2018 study, volunteers were prevented from tooth brushing for
strongly advise joint care pathways for physicians and dental 21 days to allow plaque accumulation. Gingivitis developed,
professionals in managing diabetes for periodontal benet and when the biolm was removed the gingivitis resolved.
(Sanz etal. 2018), and in the UK an NHS commissioning A study in 2009, however, challenged the simplicity of
standard was published in 2020 requiring the same joined- this paradigm (Baumgartner et al. 2009). Ten volunteers
up approach (NHSE 2019). placed on a diet free from simple rened sugars were pre-
vented from brushing for 4 weeks, and while oral biolm
KEY POINT 6 accumulated signicantly, bleeding scores signicantly
Control of periodontitis can only be achieved if systemic and reduced. us the bacterial biolm is a “component cause”
local risk factors are properly assessed and managed. of gingivitis, but there appear to be other factors, equally as
powerful, such as simple rened sugar intake, which con-
tribute towards disease by driving inammation.
Stress Biolm accumulation is essential for periodontitis to
develop but, as it does not cause periodontitis in all patients,
e evidence for stress per se as a risk factor for periodontitis it is regarded as the trigger for disease initiation but not the
is weak; however, there is evidence that poor coping strategies sole cause. e amount of biolm necessary to induce peri-
may negatively aect periodontitis (Wimmer etal. 2002). odontitis, or cause periodontitis progression, varies between
CHAPTER 1.6 Periodontal Risk – Modifying and Predisposing Factors 63
patients and, in any individual, the biolm needs to reach mapped to the steps of care under the S3-level treatment
a “threshold” level for disease to occur. Some patients will guidelines (West etal. 2021).
never develop periodontitis (Lӧe et al. 1986) even if they At the start of treatment, analysis is at the patient level
never brush their teeth, because they are inherently resistant but, as treatment progresses, increasing levels of detail can
to disease development. be employed.
Using the experimental gingivitis model, Bamashmous
et al. (2021) demonstrated three unique clinical inam- Risk Assessment – The Third Dimension
matory phenotypes, which they termed “high”, “low” and
“slow”, in relation to the development of gingival inam- Risk assessment should help clinicians to formulate an eec-
mation. ey mapped various host mediators and micro- tive management plan for a periodontitis patient and to
bial species in the three groups and demonstrated that key establish the frequency of recall intervals for supportive care.
inammatory mediators were not associated with clinical Traditionally, periodontitis management and treatment
gingival inammation in the slow group, where higher lev- planning have been based on a detailed patient history
els of Gram-positive commensal organisms were evident. and examination, but including risk assessment as a third
e low clinical response group exhibited low host media- dimension will tailor a more appropriate treatment plan for
tors compared with the high responder group, despite a an individual patient (Figure 1.6.8).
similar microbial prole in plaque. Interestingly, neutrophil
and bone activation modulators were down-regulated in Risk Assessment Technologies
all response groups, indicating protective tissue and bone
responses during the development of experimental gin- Risk assessment should form a fundamental part of any pre-
givitis. Similar work by Scott and colleagues enabled the ventative practice.
mapping of the clinical and biological phenotypes of experi- Risk assessment tools are already a component of com-
mental gingivitis patients (Scott etal. 2012). prehensive dental and periodontal evaluations as well as part
of all periodic dental and periodontal examinations in many
Periodontal Risk Assessment practices (Busby etal. 2013).
ere are dierent ways of assessing risk, including
Periodontal risk is multifactorial and risk assessment for online tools that oer consistent and accurate scoring and
patients dictates that dierent analytical levels of risk should visual biofeedback to patients. is reduces the need for
be employed at dierent stages of treatment. us multi- complex therapy, in turn leading to an improvement in oral
level risk assessment is necessary (Figure 1.6.7) and can be health with reduced healthcare costs for the patient. One
• Figure 1.6.7 Multilevel risk assessment, taking the treatment stage into account.
64 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
Increased risk
More aggressive
Decreased risk
Less aggressive
High risk
• Figure 1.6.10 Root caries, subgingival restoration margins and calcu- • Figure 1.6.11 Signicant supragingival calculus formation impeding
lus acting as local risk factors for periodontitis. adequate biolm control.
3. Bridge pontic design e presence of calculus deposits may result in biolm accu-
e key features that are important in designing a bridge mulation (Figure 1.6.11).
pontic are:
• Ideally supragingival margins Oral Dryness
• No overhangs
• Adequate embrasure space e 2017 WWC identied oral dryness as a key predis-
• Adequate support of abutment teeth posing factor for periodontal disease. A lack of salivary
• Hygienic pontic design. ow, availability or alterations in saliva rheology can cause
reduced cleansing of tooth surfaces and enhanced biolm
accumulation. Mouth breathing or an incompetent lip seal
Anatomical have similar eects (Mizutani etal. 2015).
Anatomical factors may result in biolm retention due to
anatomical anomalies of the dental hard tissues; examples Acknowledgement
include furcation involvement, root grooves and enamel
projections. is chapter is based on a session within e-Den which Pro-
fessor Chapple and Professor Milward produced in 2011.
Root Caries Acknowledgement is given to the Faculty of Dental Surgery
of the Royal College of Surgeons of England for giving per-
e presence of caries on the root surface can result in local mission for material from the e-Den session to be used in
biolm accumulation adjacent to the gingival tissues (Figure this chapter.
1.6.10). Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter
are available online at Elsevier eBooks+
Tooth Position
When crowding of the dentition is present, this can result in
diculty in biolm removal. Asimakopoulou K, Daly B, Kutzer Y, Ide M. e eects of providing
periodontal disease risk information on psychological outcomes
– a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Periodontol. 2015;42:350–
False/True Pockets 355.
Asimakopoulou K, Nolan M, McCarthy C, Newton T. e eect of
Pocketing results in diculty in biolm removal, resulting
risk communication on periodontal treatment outcomes: a ran-
in plaque accumulation. domized controlled trial. J Periodontol. 2019;90:94895.
Baharin B, Palmer RM, Coward P, Wilson RF. Investigation of peri-
High Frenal Attachment odontal destruction patterns in smokers and non-smokers. J Clin
Periodontol. 2006;33:485–490.
e presence of a high frenal attachment can result in com- Bamashmous S, Kotsakis GA, Kernsa KA, etal. Human variation in
promised oral hygiene in the area and biolm retention. gingival inammation. PNAS. 2021;118(27):e2012578118.
66 SECTION 1 Aetiology of Periodontal Diseases
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Classiöcation and
Diagnosis of Periodontal
Introduction The 2017 Classiöcation System
Classiöcation Is Not the Same as Diagnosis Staging and Grading in the 2017 Classiöcation System
Previous Classiöcation Systems Implementation of the 2017 Classiöcation System in Clinical
The 1999 Classiöcation System Practice
I. Gingival diseases The BSP Implementation of the 2017 Classiöcation System in
II. Chronic periodontitis General Practice
III. Aggressive periodontitis Establishing the Periodontal Diagnosis
IV. Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease Summary
V. Necrotising periodontal diseases
VI. Periodontal abscesses
VII. Developmental or acquired deformities or conditions
Classification Is Not the Same as Diagnosis 1999. e 1999 World Workshop in Periodontics Classi-
cation System (Armitage 1999) was in widespread use up
A common misconception of classication is that the name until 2017 when a new World Workshop on the Classica-
given to a disease forms the diagnosis and that, in turn, a tion of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases and Condi-
specic treatment approach is then indicated. However, the tions was held, co-sponsored by the AAP and the European
name given to a disease is just that, a label, and this is not Federation of Periodontology (EFP), with the proceedings
the same as a comprehensive diagnosis, which should take of this workshop being published in 2018. e 1999 and
into account a variety of other factors. Classication is thus 2017 classication systems are the main systems in current
historical and tells the clinician little or nothing about the use globally, although it is anticipated that the latest system
patient’s current disease status. For example describing a will gradually become the predominant system used to clas-
patient as having chronic periodontitis (using the older clas- sify periodontal and peri-implant diseases. e 1999 sys-
sication system) doesn’t tell the clinician anything about tem will be described briey, and the 2017 system will be
whether the disease is stable or progressive, mild, moder- described in more detail in this chapter.
ate or advanced, how the disease is distributed or what led
the patient to develop the condition in the rst place. us KEY POINT 2
treating a patient on this basis alone would not necessar- The most common classication systems in current use for
ily manage their condition appropriately. A proper diagno- periodontal diseases are the 1999 and 2018 systems, but the
sis on the other hand includes the classication term but latter will become predominant.
should also include information about the patient’s current
disease status and the risk prole of the patient. It is only
The 1999 Classification System
by arriving at this detailed diagnosis that the most appro-
priate treatment plan can be formulated for the patient. In e 1999 World Workshop in Periodontics proposed a clas-
this example the patient may be classied as having chronic sication system (Armitage 1999) which was in use for 19
periodontitis, but a full diagnosis may be generalised moder years. e main dierence between this system and numer-
ate chronic periodontitis, widespread pocketing and bleeding ous predecessors was that it dispensed with age as a criterion.
on probing with smoking and uncontrolled diabetes as risk fac Previous classication systems had related more aggressive
tors. It is only the full diagnosis that can help the clinician forms of periodontitis to age, but the 1999 system sought to
to formulate the most appropriate treatment plan for that identify this type of disease, which was often seen in younger
individual patient. In recent years the failure to diagnose patients, based on clinical, radiographic and historical nd-
periodontal diseases has become one of the most common ings alone. In addition, refractory periodontitis (that is,
reasons for dental litigation in the UK (Briggs 2014). periodontitis not responding to therapy) was no longer rec-
ognised. is emphasised evidence at the time that indicated
KEY POINT 1 that it should be possible to identify why a patient did not
Classication is not the same as diagnosis; diagnosis includes respond to treatment as expected. Periodontitis was classied
the classication term but should also include information as chronic (generalised and localised), aggressive (generalised
about the patient’s current disease status and the risk prole of
and localised), necrotising and as a manifestation of systemic
the patient.
disease. e full 1999 classication system was as follows:
I. Gingival diseases
Previous Classification Systems • Dental plaque-induced gingival diseases
• Non-plaque-induced gingival lesions
e rst attempt to classify diseases of the periodontium II. Chronic periodontitis
was made by Pierre Fauchard in 1728. Since then many • Localised
classication systems have been devised to reect develop- • Generalised
ing understanding of the causes and eects of these com- III. Aggressive periodontitis
mon conditions. e term pyorrhoea (from the Greek, • Localised
meaning “discharge of matter”) was rst used in the early • Generalised
20th century, and this is still a term that clinicians may hear IV. Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic diseases
used by some older patients today. In 1977 the American • Associated with haematological disorders
Academy of Periodontology (AAP) Classication system • Associated with genetic disorders
(Ranney 1977) identied a more aggressive form of peri- • Not otherwise speciëed
odontitis seen in younger patients with low levels of plaque, V. Necrotising periodontal diseases
often aecting rst molars and incisors. e term juvenile • Necrotising ulcerative gingivitis
periodontitis was used to describe this particular group of • Necrotising ulcerative periodontitis
patients, distinguishing this condition from the more com- VI. Abscesses of the periodontium
mon form, adult periodontitis. is distinction was further • Gingival abscess
developed in subsequent classication systems in 1989 • Periodontal abscess
(American Academy of Periodontology 1989), 1993 and • Pericoronal abscess
CHAPTER 2.1 Classication and Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases 73
TABLE World Workshop on the Classication of Periodontal and Per-implant Diseases and Conditions
2.1.1 07 – Working Groups
Classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions 2017
Periodontal health, gingival diseases Periodontitis Other conditions affecting the periodontium
and conditions Papapanou, Sanz et al. 2018 consensus Rept link
Chapple, Mealey, et al. 2018 consensus Rept link Jepsen, Caton et al. 2018 consensus Rept link
Jepsen, Caton et al. 2018 consensus Rept link
Trombelli et al. 2018 case definitions link Papapanou, Sanz et al. 2018 consensus Rept link
Tonetti, Greenwell, Kornman. 2018 case definitions link
disease or
Gingival Abscesses Tooth and
Periodontal Gingivitis: Necrotizing Periodontitis as a conditions Mucogingival Traumatic
diseases: and prosthesis
health and Dental periodontal Periodontitis manifestation of affecting the deformities occlusal
Non-dental Endodontic- related
gingival health biofilm-induced diseases systemic disease periodontal and conditions forces
biofilm-induced Periodontal factors
Reprinted from Journal of Clinical Periodontology 45(S20):8, Maurizio S Tonetti et al. (2018), with permission from John Wiley & Sons.
Perhaps the most radical of these principal dierences Staging involves assessment of the following:
was the replacement of the long-recognised distinction • site of greatest attachment loss
between chronic and aggressive periodontitis with a univer- • bone loss (single worst site)
sal system that sought to capture the severity, extent and rate • tooth loss (due to periodontitis)
of progression of a patient’s disease, based on the lack of sci- • other factors (maximum pocket depth, pattern of bone
entic evidence that these were distinct conditions. In other loss, furcation involvement, ridge defects, occlusal
words, although chronic and aggressive periodontitis were trauma, restorative needs).
in the past regarded as separate conditions, they are now rec- Grading involves assessment of the following:
ognised as variations on the same spectrum of disease. How- • bone and attachment loss over a 5-year period
ever, it was also considered that there was a specic clinical • the ratio of percentage bone loss to age
phenotype of extreme periodontal destruction aecting the • the relationship between bioëlm volume and level of
molars and incisors of young patients, previously referred periodontal destruction
to as localised juvenile periodontitis, that was now being • levels of smoking
described as a molar/incisor pattern (MIP) of disease. • blood glucose status.
is detailed system of periodontal classication has been
Staging and Grading in the 2017 Classification summarised in a downloadable practice resource from the
System AAP that can be found at
e original staging and grading guidance from Tonetti etal.
e 2017 classication system uses a staging and grading (2018) is reproduced in Appendix 1. However, it should be
system (similar to that used in cancer diagnoses) in which appreciated that the staging and grading of a periodontal
staging describes the severity of disease in an individual patient only reects that patient’s historical disease experi-
patient (based on the worst-aected site in the mouth) and ence and that staging and grading alone does not inform the
grading describes the level of that individual’s susceptibility clinician about the patient’s current disease status, which is
to disease. An important underlying principle of staging is indicated principally by probing pocket depths (PPD) and
that it is carried out at initial assessment and that patients bleeding on probing (BoP). Not taking these commonly mea
cannot subsequently reduce their stage, a consequence of sured clinical features into account as part of the diagnosis
CHAPTER 2.1 Classication and Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases 75
risks misdiagnosing the periodontal patient; for example, the classication system, an infographic was produced to show
treatment needs of an untreated periodontal patient with how the workow between BPE screening and a full peri-
pocketing and bleeding will be very dierent from those of odontal diagnosis could be achieved. is infographic can be
a treated periodontal patient with little pocketing or bleed- downloaded from the BSP website at
ing, even though their staging and grading may be identi- and is reprinted in Appendix 2. A summary of the algorithm
cal. In addition it should be remembered that a periodontal used to prepare the infographic is shown in Figure 2.1.1.
patient is a periodontal patient for life, and even apparently e BPE system is designed to distinguish between gingival
stable patients can experience recurrent episodes of periodon- and periodontal health, and gingivitis and periodontitis, and
tal destruction if their personal and professional periodontal to indicate when further investigation of periodontal con-
maintenance slips or if their risk factor prole changes. Stag- ditions needs to be carried out. Periodontal patients (BPE
ing and grading of periodontitis therefore has its limitations code 3 and 4) will require a detailed medical and dental
and should not be used as a diagnostic tool in isolation. history, more detailed oral examination and further investi-
gations such as special tests and radiographs that will allow
Implementation of the 2017 Classification dierentiation between dierent types of disease (gingivitis,
System in Clinical Practice periodontitis, periodontitis associated with systemic disease,
necrotising periodontal disease and so on) and, when appro-
ere is no doubt that the 2017 classication system is priate, a full periodontal diagnosis will then need to be per-
a more detailed and scientically robust diagnostic tool formed, as shown in Fig 2.1.1.
than previous systems. Such a system should result in more e BSP implementation of the 2017 classication sys-
appropriate therapeutic strategies and more personalised tem accepts the four stages of severity (I – mild, II – mod-
treatment plans for periodontal patients. However, whereas erate, III – severe, IV – very severe) and the three grades
the 2017 system lends itself to research and specialist prac- of progression (A – slow, B – moderate, C – rapid), but
tice, after publication of the World Workshop proceedings the attribution of stage/grade to an individual patient has
in 2018 some doubts were raised about the practicalities been simplied to enable clinicians to do so quickly and
of adopting such a complex system in general dental prac- consistently. Recognising that clinicians in general prac-
tice. Guidance on the implementation of the new system tice already routinely assess periodontal disease severity by
in clinical practice and education was published in 2019 means of pocket depths (not attachment levels, which are
(Tonetti & Sanz 2019), but concerns remained that the rarely used in a practice setting) and bone levels, and that the
system, as recommended by the World Workshop, was still bone level is the most useful and objective determinant for
too complex to be used in a general practice setting. In severity, the BSP implementation plan proposed bone level
2018 the British Society of Periodontology and Implant (at the worst aected site) as the sole determinant for sever-
Dentistry (BSP) formed a working group to consider these ity, depending on whether the bone loss was less than 15%
diculties, and in 2019 the BSP published an adaptation or was within the coronal, middle, apical third of the root
of the 2017 classication that would allow dentists and (see Table 2.1.2). is method of stage assessment requires
hygienists to adopt a more practical approach to imple- radiographs, but these are highly likely to be in existence in
ment the new system in such settings (Dietrich et al. any event as a result of routine patient examinations (which
2019). Following publication, this modied implemen- periodically require the taking of bitewing radiographs) and
tation scheme has received widespread acceptance in the the BPE because the BSP’s BPE Guidelines (British Society
profession, not only in the UK but also globally. of Periodontology 2016) require the existence of suitable
radiographs for all BPE code 3 and 4 sextants (see Chapter
KEY POINT 6 2.2). It was also recognised, in the BSP modication pro-
The British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry posals, that the radiograph was a crucial component of grad-
has modied the 2017 World Workshop classication system ing in the World Workshop system, specically the extent
for use in general dental practice. of bone loss in relation to the age of the patient, a ratio that
most clinicians would be assessing instinctively; for example
The BSP Implementation of the 2017 20% bone loss in an 80- or 90-year-old patient would not
cause the clinician any great alarm, unlike the same amount
Classification System in General Practice
of loss in a 20- or 30-year-old. e comparison of succes-
One of the objectives of the BSP implementation of the sive radiographs (as proposed in the World Workshop) is
2017 World Workshop classication system was to describe often impractical in the general practice setting and such
how the BSP’s Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE) Guide- information adds little useful information to that obtained
lines (British Society of Periodontology 2016), which have from the percentage bone loss/age ratio alone. Similarly,
been widely used by UK clinicians as a means of screen- the inclusion of specic risk factors (biolm volume, smok-
ing all patients for periodontal status for many years, could ing and diabetes) in grade determination, as proposed in
be integrated into the new system. e BPE guidelines the World Workshop, also provides little additional infor-
are described in more detail in Chapter 2.2, but as part of mation because the percentage bone loss/age ratio shows
the BSP’s implementation recommendations for the new a patient’s lifelong exposure to such risk factors, although
76 SECTION 2 Periodontal Diagnosis and Prognosis
Extraoral examination
lntraoral examination
Evidence of periodontitis?
(interdental recession)
No Yes
<10% BoP? BPE code 4?
Yes No (code 3)
Initial periodontal
Yes treatment
>30% BoP?
<30% of
• Staging/grading
Risk factor assessment • Risk factor assessment
• Assessment of current disease status**
• Currently stable
• Currently in remission
• Currently unstable
• Figure 2.1.1 Algorithm for screening and assessment of periodontal status. BPE, Basic periodontal
examination; BoP, bleeding on probing; MIP, molar incisor pattern. *A diagnosis of periodontitis requires
radiographic bone loss at two non-adjacent teeth that cannot be attributed to causes other than periodon-
titis. **See Table 2.1.4. (Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature: Br. Dent. J. Periodontal diagnosis
in the context of the 2017 classication system of periodontal diseases and conditions - implementation in
clinical practice, Dietrich, T., Ower, P., etal., copyright 2019.)
CHAPTER 2.1 Classication and Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases 77
2.1.2 Staging of periodontitis (BSP modication 09)
** Measurement in mm from cemento-enamel junction if only bitewing radiograph available (bone loss) or if no radiographs clinically justied (clinical attachment level)
conditions - implementation in clinical practice, Dietrich, T., Ower, P., etal., copyright 2019. )
2.1.3 Grading of periodontitis (BSP modication 09)
(Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature: Br. Dent. J. Periodontal diagnosis in the context of the 2017 classication system of periodontal diseases and
conditions - implementation in clinical practice, Dietrich, T., Ower, P., etal., copyright 2019. )
assessment of these risk factors will inevitably form part of describes stable, unstable and “in remission” periodontal
the diagnosis, if not the classication of disease. e BSP patients, further adapting cancer diagnosis principles. Fur-
therefore recommended that the ratio of percentage bone thermore, unlike the World Workshop assessment of cur-
loss to age was the main determinant for grade, or rate of rent status, which depends on measurement of attachment
progression of periodontal destruction (see Table 2.1.3). levels, the BSP recommended determination of current
However the ranges of the percentage bone loss/age ratios status by PPD and BoP measurements, parameters that
for grade assessment suggested by the World Workshop, have always been routinely used in the general practice set-
which were estimates, did not seem to be of practical use in ting. e criteria for determining current status are shown
a general practice setting, and the BSP modication of the in Table 2.1.4, although it should be noted that the BSP
grading ratios is slightly dierent. e reasoning behind this also recognised that periodontal patients in long-term sup-
departure from the World Workshop recommendation is portive care may have pockets of 5 or 6 mm with no BoP,
complex and is fully explained by Dietrich etal. (2019), to and such patients may well be considered stable, empha-
which readers are referred. In practical terms, using the BSP sizing the importance of clinical discretion when estimat
modication of the classication system means that grade ing current status.
can be quickly determined as follows: Risk factor prole is a crucial part of establishing a
working periodontal diagnosis because such factors will
• Grade A If the maximum percentage bone loss is less than need to be addressed in the earliest stages of treatment plan-
half the patient’s age in years (e.g. <30% in a 60-year-old) ning if successful outcomes are to be achieved. Both sys-
• Grade B All other situations temic and local risk factors (such as tooth position, poor
• Grade C If the maximum percentage bone loss is greater restorations, calculus deposits) need to be considered. Chief
than the patient’s age in years (e.g. >30% in a 29-year-old) among systemic risk factors are diabetic status and smoking
habits, probably the most important factors that need to be
Establishing the Periodontal Diagnosis assessed, and for which the strongest evidence base in the
pathogenesis of periodontitis exists but other, less strongly
Staging and grading therefore establishes the severity of dis- evidence-based factors are also likely be involved and should
ease and the level of patient susceptibility, but in order for a be commented upon. Such putative systemic risk factors
full diagnosis to be made, and for an appropriate and person- include diet, genetics, obesity and stress (see Chapter 1.6).
alised treatment approach to be selected, the current status Full and proper periodontal diagnosis, which includes a
and the risk factor prole of the patient needs to be assessed. stage/grade classication, informs and indeed dictates the
Current status was described by the World Work- appropriate management of the periodontitis patient; a full
shop in terms of a stable patient, an unstable patient or a periodontal diagnosis should therefore contain the follow-
patient with residual inammation. e BSP modication ing elements:
78 SECTION 2 Periodontal Diagnosis and Prognosis
TABLE Determining the current status of a • Distribution generalised, localised or molar/incisor
2.1.4 periodontitis patient (BSP modication pattern
09) • Classiëcation stage/grade
• Current status stable, in remission or unstable
In • Risk factor proële
Stable Remission Unstable
BoP <10% >10% >10%
PPD <4mm <4mm >5mm KEY POINT 7
Diagnosis should include:
4mm sites no BoP no BoP BoP • Distribution
with • Classication
• Current status
BoP: bleeding on probing; PPD: probing pocket depths.
• Risk factor prole
• Figure 2.1.2 Male patient, aged 42, former heavy smoker but with no other risk factors, widespread
pockets of 4–6 mm, most of which display BoP.
CHAPTER 2.1 Classication and Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases 79
An example patient is shown at Figure 2.1.2; this patient British Society of periodontology and Implant Dentistry. e Basic
is male, age 42, a former heavy smoker but with no other Periodontal Examination; 2016.
risk factors, with widespread pockets of 4–6 mm, most of cations.
which displayed BoP. e full diagnosis for this patient BriggsL. Probing deeper into periodontics claims. DDU Journal;2014:9-21.
would be:
Distribution – most teeth have some bone loss, so the dis- Caton JG, Armitage G, Berglundh T, et al. A new classication
tribution is generalised. scheme for periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions
Classication – the worst aêected site is UR7, where there - introduction and key changes from the 1999 classication. J Peri
is about 50% bone loss in the middle third of the root, odontol. 2018;89(suppl 1):S1S8.
Chapple ILC, Mealey BL, etal. Periodontal health and gingival dis-
making the stage/grade III/C.
eases and conditions on an intact and a reduced periodontium:
Current status – there is pocketing over 4 mm with BoP so consensus report of workgroup 1 of the 2017 World Workshop on
status is unstable. the Classication of Periodontal and Peri‐Implant Diseases and
Risk factor prole – the patient is a former smoker, and Conditions. J Clin Periodontol. 2018;45(Suppl 20):S68–S77.
this should be recorded in the diagnosis because former Dietrich T, Ower P, Tank M, et al. Periodontal diagnosis in the
smokers often take up the habit again. context of the 2017 classication system of periodontal diseases
and conditions - implementation in clinical practice. Br Dent J.
In this case the diagnosis that would be recorded in the 2019;226(1):1622.
patient’s records would be: generalised periodontitis stage Fauchard P. Le chirurgien dentiste, ou traite des dents. Ou l’on ensei
III/grade C, currently unstable, former smoker. gne les moyens de les entretenir propres & faines, de les embellir, d’en
For further examples of periodontal diagnosis using the réparer la pette & de remedier à celles des gencives & aux accidens
2017 classication system (BSP modication), the reader is qui peuvent furvenir aux autres parties voilines des dents. Paris: Jean
referred to the online content of this book. Mariette; 1728.
Higheld J. Diagnosis and classication of periodontal disease. Aust
Dent J. 2009;54(suppl 1):S11–S26.
Summary Jepsen S, Caton JG, etal. Periodontal manifestations of systemic dis-
e classication of periodontal (and peri-implant) diseases eases and developmental and acquired conditions: consen‐ sus
report of workgroup 3 of the 2017 World Workshop on the Clas-
represents a crucial rst step in the management of patients
sication of Periodontal and Peri‐Implant Diseases and Condi-
with periodontal problems, but used alone the classication tions. J Clin Periodontol. 2018;45(Suppl 20):S219–S229.
of periodontal diseases does not provide a thorough enough Papapanou PN, Sanz M, et al. Periodontitis: Consensus report of
framework for subsequent treatment planning. It is important workgroup 2 of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classication
when planning the most appropriate therapeutic approach to of Periodontal and Peri‐Implant Diseases and Conditions. J Clin
take other factors into account, namely current status and Periodontol. 2018;45(Suppl 20):S162–S170.
risk factor prole, in order to arrive at an accurate diagnosis Proceedings of the World Workshop on the Classication of Peri-
which will then inform the treatment-planning process. odontal and Peri-implant Diseases and Conditions. J Clin Peri
Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter odontol. 45(Suppl 20):S1S291.
are available online at Elsevier eBooks+. Ranney RR. 1977. Pathogenesis of periodontal disease. In: Proceed
A series of videos demonstrating how to assess the peri- ings of the International Conference on Research in the Biology of
Periodontal Disease. 1977:223–265.
odontium are also available online.
Tonetti MS, Greenwell H, Kornman KS. Staging and grading of
periodontitis: framework and proposal of a new classica-
References tion and case denition. J Clin Periodontol. 2018;45(suppl
American Academy of Periodontology, 1989. In: Proceedings of the Tonetti MS, Greenwell H, Kornman KS. Staging and grading of peri‐
World Workshop in Clinical Periodontics, American Academy of Peri odontitis: Framework and proposal of a new classication and case
odontology, Chicago. 1989:1/23–1/24. denition. J Clin Periodontol. 2018;45(Suppl 20):S149–S161.
Armitage GC. Development of a classication system for periodontal Tonetti MS, Sanz M. Implementation of the new classication of
diseases and conditions. Ann Periodontol. 1999;4:1–6. periodontal diseases: decision-making algorithms for clinical prac-
Berglundh T, Armitage G, etal. Peri‐implant diseases and conditions: tice and education. J Clin Periodontol. 2019;46:398405.
Consensus report of workgroup 4 of the 2017 World Workshop Trombelli L, Farina R, Silva CO, Tatakis DN. Plaque‐induced gin-
on the Classication of Periodontal and Peri‐Implant Diseases and givitis: Case denition and diagnostic considerations. J Clin Peri
Conditions. J Clin Periodontol. 2018;45(Suppl 20):S286–S291. odontol. 2018;45(Suppl 20):S44–S66.
Periodontal Assessment
and Monitoring
Introduction The Simplied Gingival Index (Ainamo & Bay 1975)
What should be Assessed? Advantages and Disadvantages of the Simplied Gingival
The Basic Periodontal Examination
Assessment of Calculus
How to Record BPE
BPE Scores Assessment of Periodontal Pockets
Advantages and Disadvantages of BPE Probing Pocket Depths
When to Record BPE Inter- and Intra-Operator Variability in Probing
Assessment of Disease Activity Measurements
Other Probing Errors
Marginal Bleeding and Bleeding on Probing
Assessment of Attachment Loss
Assessment of Plaque (BIOFILM)
The Dierence between Probing Pocket Depth and Loss of
Plaque Index (Silness & Löe 1964)
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Plaque Index
Simplied Plaque Index (Ainamo & Bay 1975) Assessment of Bleeding on Probing
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Simplied Plaque Assessment of Tooth Mobility
Index Assessment of Furcation Involvement
Quigley Hein Index (Modied by
Turesky etal. 1970)
Radiographic Assessment
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Quigley Hein Index
Clinical Assessment
Plaque Control Record (O’Leary etal. 1972)
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Plaque Control Assessment of Suppuration
Record Assessment of Bone Support
Assessment of the Gingivae Radiographs in Periodontal Assessment
Appearance Interpretation of Radiographs
Assessment of Gingival Inammation Viewing and Reporting on Radiographs
Gingival Indices New Radiographic Techniques
The Gingival Index (Löe & Silness 1963)
Monitoring a Periodontal Patient
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Gingival Index
CHAPTER 2.2 Periodontal Assessment and Monitoring 81
lower anterior sextant (LR3–LL3); the lower left poste 5.5 mm in the sextant and at least one tooth with a furca-
rior sextant (LL4–LL7). tion involvement.
2. All teeth in each sextant are examined except for third
molars. Advantages and Disadvantages of BPE
3. For a sextant to qualify for recording, it must contain at
least two teeth. If only one tooth is present in a sextant, ɨe BPE is a quick and simple method of establishing a provi-
the score for that tooth is included in the recording for sional diagnosis of periodontal health, gingivitis or periodon-
the adjoining sextant. titis in patients with or without overt signs of periodontal
4. A WHO (World Health Organization) probe is used. diseases. In addition, because sextants are scored, it helps to
is has a “ball end” 0.5 mm in diameter and a black produce a simple map of the healthy and diseased areas of
band from 3.5 to 5.5 mm. A probing force of 20–25 the mouth. However, the hierarchical scoring assumes that a
grams should be used. A picture of this probe is shown higher score is worse than a lower score. is is not always the
earlier in this book (see Figure 1.3.1). case. For example, a patient may have a 6 mm pocket with no
5. e probe should be “walked around” the sulcus or pock- recession, which would give a score of 4. However, this pocket
ets in each sextant, and the highest score recorded. As soon may be easily accessible to oral hygiene and debridement so
as a code 4 is identiëed in a sextant, the clinician can then should be relatively simple to treat compared to a tooth which
move directly on to the next sextant, though it may be has large calculus deposits in a more inaccessible site in the
better to continue to examine all sites in the sextant. is mouth but with a pocket of 5 mm and 3 mm of recession,
will help to gain a fuller understanding of the periodontal which would give a score of 3. Code 2 may also be mislead-
condition and will make sure that furcation involvements ing; it is possible for calculus, or other plaque retention fac-
are not missed. If a code 4 is not detected, then all sites tors, such as restoration overhangs, to be present at sites with
should be examined to ensure that the highest score in the no gingivitis or attachment loss. In addition, BPE is of little
sextant is recorded before moving on to the next sextant. or no value in established periodontitis patients because BPE
6. e scores are recorded in a grid (see Figure 1.3.2). is based on bleeding on probing (BoP) and PPD, rather than
A video showing how the BPE is performed can be recording attachment and bone loss. Such patients require
viewed in the online section of this book. It should be noted regular and full periodontal assessment.
that while the WHO probe used to record BPE has the
black band marking from 3.5 mm to 5.5 mm, clinicians When to Record BPE
and researchers often refer to 4 mm and 6 mm pockets as
being thresholds for clinical decision-making. is is not as ɨe BSP has produced guidelines on the use of the BPE
anomalous as it may seem at ërst sight; if the black band that are updated regularly. ese may be viewed at: https:
starts to enter a pocket, then that pocket is at least 4 mm in //
depth and if the black band just disappears into a pocket, nes_2019.pdf.
then that pocket is at least 6 mm in depth. Readers are advised to visit the website to check for the
latest updates to BPE guidelines.
KEY POINT 2 e guidelines state that:
Basic periodontal examination (BPE) codes: • All new patients should have the BPE recorded.
0 Health, pockets less than 3.5 mm • For patients with codes 0, 1 or 2, the BPE should be
1 Pockets less than 3.5 mm, bleeding on probing recorded at least annually.
2 Pockets less than 3.5 mm, calculus or other plaque- • For patients with BPE codes of 3 or 4, more detailed
retentive factor is present
3 Pocket depth between 3.5 and 5.5 mm
periodontal charting is required:
4 Pocket deeper than 5.5 mm • Code 3: initial therapy including self-care advice (oral
* Furcation involvement. hygiene and risk factor control), then post–initial ther-
apy, record a 6-point pocket chart in that sextant only
BPE scores • Code 4: if there is a code 4 in any sextant, then record
full probing depths (six sites per tooth) throughout
0 = Health, pockets less than 3.5 mm the entire dentition.
1 = Pockets less than 3.5 mm, bleeding on probing • ɨe BPE cannot be used to assess the response to peri-
2 = Pockets less than 3.5 mm, calculus or another plaque- odontal therapy because it does not provide information
retentive factor is present about how sites within a sextant change after treatment.
3 = Pocket depth between 3.5 and 5.5 mm To assess the response to treatment, probing depths should
4 = Pocket deeper than 5.5 mm be recorded at six sites per tooth pre- and post-treatment.
* = Furcation involvement. • For patients who have undergone initial therapy for
periodontitis (i.e., who had pre-treatment BPE scores of
If an * is recorded, both the number and the * should be 3 or 4), and who are now in the maintenance phase of
recorded for that sextant; for example, 4* would indicate care, full probing depths throughout the entire dentition
that there is at least one tooth with pocketing deeper than should be recorded at least annually.
CHAPTER 2.2 Periodontal Assessment and Monitoring 83
• Figure 2.2.1 (A) Diagram showing bleeding from the gingival margin. (B) Bleeding from the gingival mar-
gin after shallow probing as shown in (A). (C) Diagram showing bleeding from the base of a pocket. (D)
Bleeding from the base of a pocket.
84 SECTION 2 Periodontal Diagnosis and Prognosis
• Buccal the recorded plaque score with the presence of gingival inìam
• Lingual. mation. Because of this, marginal bleeding (see later) may be a
A suitable disclosing solution, such as Bismarck Brown more reliable indicator of the patient’s ability to remove acces-
or a proprietary brand, is painted on all exposed tooth sur- sible plaque and so control marginal inìammation.
faces (Figure 2.2.2). After the patient has rinsed, the opera- Remember that the presence of plaque does not inevita
tor, using the tip of a probe, examines each stained surface bly lead to gingivitis or periodontitis at that site.
for soft accumulations at the dento-gingival junction. When
found, deposits are recorded as present. e surfaces which KEY POINT 3
do not have soft accumulations at the dento-gingival junc- Plaque scoring is one of the least reliable indices. Marginal
tion are not recorded. After all teeth are examined and bleeding is a more reliable indicator of a patient’s plaque
scored, the index is calculated by dividing the number of removal ability.
plaque-containing surfaces by the total number of available
surfaces. It is expressed as a percentage.
Assessment of the Gingivae
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Plaque
Control Record e two most common features of the gingivae to assess are
the appearance and levels of inìammation.
ɨe main advantages of this plaque index (O’Leary et al.
1972) are:
• plaque is disclosed to enable easy detection
• criteria are well-deëned, which enables more accurate Colour, contour and consistency are assessed.
repeatability of measurements.
e main disadvantages are: • Colour – describe the colour of the gingivae. Remember
• soft deposits are stained, which can lead to over-record that healthy gingivae (Figure 2.2.3) will be paler in
ing of plaque if other debris (such as food) is present colour than inìamed gingivae. It is important to take
• stain needs to be removed. into account normal pigmentation of the gingivae when
deciding whether or not they are inìamed. Smoking
ɨere is no universally accepted plaque score. However, might mask some outward signs of inìammation.
the Simpliëed Plaque Index (presence or absence of visible • Contour – healthy gingivae should have a scalloped
plaque) is one of the most useful systems to use in clinical shape with a knife-edge margin.
practice due to the ease with which it can be used as well as • Consistency – gingivae can be inìamed (Figure 2.2.4),
the clarity of interpreting the dierent scores. in which case they tend to lose the knife-edge margin
It should be appreciated that plaque scoring is one of the least with the tissues appearing slightly thicker and slightly
reproducible indices; this is because many patients will improve “spongy”.
their usual oral hygiene immediately before a dental appoint-
ment so there may be an unusually low score when they visit a Some people can have hypertrophic or hyperplastic
dental professional. On the other hand a patient who normally gingivae which will also appear enlarged, but the gingival
cleans to a high standard may attend having not been able to colour may be pale due a lack inìammation. Fibrotic gingi
brush before the visit and would then record an abnormally vae will tend to be larger than normal and appear paler and
high plaque score. ɨis can give rise to diïculties in relating thicker, as is commonly seen in smokers (Figure 2.2.5).
86 SECTION 2 Periodontal Diagnosis and Prognosis
Assessment of Calculus
A number of systems for assessing calculus have been pro-
posed. e main disadvantage of many of these is the dif-
• Figure 2.2.5 Fibrotic gingivae in a smoker. culty in interpretation of the criteria set down. A simple
visual assessment should be made of the presence or absence
of both supragingival and subgingival calculus.
Assessment of Gingival Inflammation
Gingival indices are used to assess gingival inìammation by Assessment of Periodontal Pockets
identifying marginal bleeding.
Periodontal pockets are assessed by measuring the pocket
depth with a periodontal probe. Charts will often be recorded
Gingival Indices as 4-point pocket charts (mesial and distal measurements on
both the buccal/labial and lingual/palatal surfaces), or 6-point
A number of gingival indices have been proposed.
pocket charts (measuring a mid-buccal/labial and mid-lin-
gual/palatal point as well as the four “corners” of the tooth
The Gingival Index (Löe & Silness 1963)
measured in a 4-point pocket chart). Although the measure
ɨe Gingival index (Löe & Silness 1963) has scores of 0, ment of PPD is an important indicator of past periodontal
1, 2 or 3. disease, it is important to appreciate that PPD is not an indi-
cator of current disease activity and PPD does not correlate
0 – normal gingiva. with future disease progression – a deeper pocket may stay
1 – mild inìammation – slight change in colour, slight oe stable, and a shallow pocket can progress (Lindhe etal. 1983).
dema. No bleeding on probing.
2 – moderate inìammation – redness, oedema and glazing.
Bleeding on probing.
Probing Pocket Depths
3 – severe inìammation – marked redness and oedema. Ul e probing pocket depth is the distance from the gingival
ceration. Tendency to spontaneous bleeding. margin to the location of the tip of a periodontal probe, ide-
ally located at the base of the pocket. e probe should be
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Gingival inserted in the pocket with a light probing force of 20–25 g.
Index e type of probe used aects the measurement. Narrow
ɨe main advantage is the attempt to quantify the amount probes tend to give higher values than wider probes. e
of inìammation present. ɨe main disadvantage is the force used also aects the measurement.
CHAPTER 2.2 Periodontal Assessment and Monitoring 87
Loss of
CEJ Cemento-enamel junction
GM Gingival margin
JE Junctional epithelium
• Figure 2.2.9 Diagram showing the difference between pocket depth and loss of attachment.
Assessment of Suppuration
• Figure 2.2.11 Radiograph showing a furcation involvement at the
upper rst molar. Suppuration is assessed by noting the presence or absence of
suppuration (pus). Pus can sometimes be mixed with blood
probe that has been designed to overcome these diïculties
and can be under-recorded.
(Figure 2.2.10).
Assessment of Bone Support
Radiographic Assessment
e only practical way of assessing bone levels is by radiog-
Furcation involvements should be visible on radiographs. How
raphy. Choice of radiographic technique should be made
ever, it is not always possible to interpret accurately the amount
after a thorough clinical examination. e overall dental
of bone loss in the furcation area. Upper molars are usually the
needs of the patient, not just the periodontal needs, should
most diïcult teeth to assess on radiographs (Figure 2.2.11).
be considered. For further guidance, see the Faculty of Gen
eral Dental Practice (UK) Selection Criteria for Dental Radi-
Clinical Assessment ography, 3rd edition (2013, updated 2018).
If a patient has uniform loss of attachment less than 6 mm,
ɨe diïculty with relying on the visible appearance of a
horizontal bitewing radiographs of the posterior teeth should
furcation is that there needs to have been enough recession
capture the bone levels of the posterior teeth (Figure 2.2.13).
for the furcation to be visible (Figure 2.2.12).
If a patient has loss of attachment of 6 mm or more, con-
In common with the classication systems for tooth
sider taking vertical bitewing radiographs rather than hori-
mobility, most systems for the assessment of furcation
zontal bitewing radiographs. However, vertical bitewings
involvement have developed criteria to dene mild, mod-
are rarely used in general practice and most clinicians would
erate or severe furcation involvements. One example is
prefer periapical views, using a paralleling technique (Figure
the system described by Lindhe & Nyman (1975) using a
2.2.14), which have a number of advantages:
Nabers probe graduated at 3 mm:
Degree I – horizontal penetration into furcation <3 mm. • ɨe periapical tissues can be assessed for pathological change.
Degree II – horizontal penetration into furcation >3 mm • ɨe entire root system can be assessed for other pathology.
but not encompassing the total width of the furcation area. • Bone loss can be assessed in percentage terms.
90 SECTION 2 Periodontal Diagnosis and Prognosis
• Figure 2.2.14 Periapical radiographs of anterior teeth with bone loss.
CHAPTER 2.2 Periodontal Assessment and Monitoring 91
When assessing the periodontium on a radiograph, always paper record charts. It does not matter which system is
note the amount of bone present as a percentage of the total used as long as the information is recorded accurately and
that should be present. Take into account the age of the can be retrieved at a later date so that any record can
patient. Always compare older radiographs with recently be compared with previous records to monitor patient
taken ones. It is then possible to monitor the amount of progress.
bone loss that has occurred since the last radiographs were
taken. It might be possible to obtain copies of older radio- KEY POINT 7
graphs from a colleague so consider asking for these before To assess and monitor the periodontal condition of an
deciding whether or not new radiographs need to be taken. individual patient:
• Take a complete set of measurements.
• Compare with previous sets of measurements.
New Radiographic Techniques • Decide if any radiographs are required.
• Interpret all the information gathered.
Cone beam computerised tomography (CBCT) is starting • Draw up an appropriate treatment plan which should
to gain wider acceptance. It has the advantage of providing include how frequently to reassess the patient.
a very detailed image of the site under investigation. It is • Monitor the patient by repeated reassessments to check
possible to view the full three-dimensional appearance of the condition of the patient.
a periodontal bony defect (Figure 2.2.15). e main dis-
advantage of CBCT is the amount of radiation required to Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter
obtain the image. If a CBCT image is taken, as with any are available online at Elsevier eBooks+
radiographic image, it is vital that everything detected on A series of videos demonstrating how to assess the peri-
the image is fully reported. It may therefore be necessary to odontium are also available online.
obtain a report from a colleague who has additional training
in this form of dental radiography. References
Monitoring a Periodontal Patient Ainamo J, Bay I. Problems and proposals for recording gingivitis and
plaque. Int Dent J. 1975;25:229–235.
Once a patient has been assessed, a diagnosis can be reached Ainamo J, Barmes D, Beagrie G, Cutress T, Martin J, Sardo-Inri J.
and a treatment plan can be formulated. Following treat Development of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Com
ment, it is essential that the patient is reassessed to see if munity Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN). Int Dent
the treatment has been successful or not. Once periodontal J. 1982;32:281–291.
stability has been achieved, it is important to monitor the Chapple ILC, Mealey BL, etal. Periodontal health and gingival dis-
eases and conditions on an intact and a reduced periodontium:
patient to ensure there is no recurrence of disease.
consensus report of workgroup 1 of the 2017 World Workshop
Monitoring for life will be important to check that the on the Classication of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and
patient remains stable. Conditions. J Clin Periodontol. 2018;45(suppl 20):S68–S77.
All assessments and reassessments should be accurately Hamp SE, Nyman S, Lindhe J. Periodontal treatment of multi-
recorded in the dental records. ere are a number of rooted teeth. Results after 5 years. J Clin Periodontol. 1975;2:126–
computerised record management systems and various 135.
92 SECTION 2 Periodontal Diagnosis and Prognosis
Lindhe J, Nyman S. ɨe eêect of plaque control and surgical pocket Miller SC. Textbook of Periodontia. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: ɨe Blakeston
elimination on the establishment and maintenance of periodon- Co; 1950.
tal health. A longitudinal study of periodontal therapy in cases of O’Leary TJ, Drake RB, Naylor JE. ɨe plaque control record. J Peri-
advanced disease. J Clin Periodontol. 1975;2:67–79. odontol. 1972;43:38.
Lindhe J, Haêajee AD, Socransky SS. Progression of periodontal dis- Silness J, Löe H. Periodontal disease in pregnancy. II. Correlation
ease in adult subjects in the absence of periodontal therapy. J Clin between oral hygiene and periodontal condition. Acta Odontol
Periodontol. 1983;10:433–442. Scand. 1964;22:121–135.
Löe H, Silness J. Periodontal disease in pregnancy. Prevalence and Turesky S, Gilmore ND, Glickman I. Reduced plaque formation by the
severity. Acta Odontol Scand. 1963;21:533–551. chloromethyl analogue of vitamine C. J Periodontol. 1970;41:41–43.
Gingival Enlargement
Introduction Management of DIGE
The Aetiology of Gingival Enlargement Non-Surgical Management of DIGE
Surgical Management of DIGE
The Mechanisms of Gingival Enlargement Changing Medication for DIGE
Common Causes of Gingival Enlargement Hormonal Gingival Enlargement
Drug-Induced Gingival Enlargement (DIGE) Managing Hormonal Gingival Enlargement
Distribution of DIGE Diabetes
Risk Factors for DIGE Other Causes of Gingival Enlargement
Age Hereditary Gingivo-Fibromatosis
Gender Individual Fibromas
Drug Variables Mouth Breathing
Periodontal Status at Onset of Medication Down’s Syndrome
Incidence of DIGE Neoplasms
Conclusion – Reaching a Diagnosis
• Figure 2.3.1 Examples of inammatory, oedematous, plaque-induced gingival enlargements: (A) poor
plaque control in the presence of a desquamative gingivitis; (B) poorly designed crowns prohibiting effec-
tive oral hygiene; (C) a pyogenic granuloma.
• Cyclosporin
• immunosuppressant used in anti-rejection treatment
for transplant patients that
may also be used in the treatment of:
• diabetes
• Bechet’s syndrome
• multiple sclerosis
• systemic lupus erythematosus
• erosive lichen planus.
• Calcium channel blockers (e.g. nifedipine, amlodipine,
diltiazem) used as
• blood pressure regulators and as vasodilators in angina
and hypertension.
Several other drugs have reportedly been associated with
gingival enlargement, but there is insucient evidence to
prove their involvement: • Figure 2.3.4 Gingival enlargement and delayed maturation in a
• Tacrolimus: a relatively new anti-rejection drug; however, 13-year-old affected by heroin in utero.
it may be that patients who are changed from cyclosporin
to tacrolimus have a residual eect from the cyclosporin
• Sodium valproate and erythromycin, but these are both of enlargement, whereas transplant patients also receiving
case reports only. prednisolone and azathioprine show reduced severity (King
etal. 1993, Wilson etal. 1998, Montebugnoli etal. 2000).
Distribution of DIGE Drug abuse may have an eêect on the development of the
gingival tissues in utero, producing “thick” tissues obstruc-
Findings from various studies, mainly based on patients tive to normal eruption (Figure 2.3.4).
seen in referral centres, show that:
• DIGE is more prevalent in the anterior labial gingiva Periodontal Status at Onset of Medication
• the interdental areas predominate It is logical to assume that poor plaque control plays a major
• the enlargement is dense, ërm and characteristically role in predisposing the tissues in the susceptible patient;
lobulated however, it is uncertain whether the plaque initiates the
• there is a minimal tendency to bleed, unless plaque levels enlargement or accumulates subsequently. It is agreed that
are high the re-growth of tissue can be reduced by meticulous plaque
• gingival changes usually occur within 3 months of start control (Seymour etal. 2000).
ing medication
• growth is most rapid in the ërst year Incidence of DIGE
• histologically, enlargement shows an increase in the con
nective tissue component of the gingiva, rather than a e incidence of clinically signicant gingival enlargement
cellular hyperplasia in patients receiving the three main drugs has been esti-
• thus ëbroblasts are the cells usually deemed responsible mated as (omason etal. 1993):
for the over-reaction or proliferation. • Phenytoin 50%
• Cyclosporin 27%
Risk Factors for DIGE
• Nifedipine 20%
Age • Cyclosporin and nifedipine 48%.
Children and teenagers are more susceptible; this may be a
hormonal factor as androgens stimulate broblast activity. Management of DIGE
Gender Mavrogiannis et al. (2006) have suggested that the man-
Males are more susceptible than females. However, there agement of the enlargement will depend upon the under-
have been more males in the relevant studies, and the stud- lying cause and the clinical signicance, considering the
ies may have been inuenced by related periodontal, genetic following:
or hormonal factors. • How obstructive or disëguring are the tissues?
• Is there restriction of normal function by gross
Drug Variables enlargement?
Drug dosage does not appear to be related to severity or • Is a change in medication realistic or possible?
prevalence. • Could a simple change to oral hygiene activity control
Drugs used in combination, e.g. cyclosporin with nifedip the plaque component?
ine or amlodipine, may increase the severity and prevalence • Would the patient accept a surgical approach?
CHAPTER 2.3 Gingival Enlargement 97
Regular dental hygiene supportive care is an integral part of
the management process, usually at 3 to 4 monthly intervals.
• Figure 2.3.10 A pregnancy “epulis”.
Among the many sites and varieties of neoplastic disease
identied within the oral cavity, tumours of the gingival tis-
sues are fortunately rare, but squamous cell carcinoma may
present as enlargement, with or without ulceration, and
be confused with the other causes of gingival enlargement
discussed previously. us the presentation of unexplained
enlargements should always be considered suspicious, partic-
ularly as leukaemias may present in this way and do not
always follow the characteristic bluish appearance generally
Should excisional surgery be performed for localized lesions
• Figure 2.3.15The same patient as seen in Figure 2.3.14 after broma without a denitive drug- or hormone-related aetiology,
excision to improve tissue contour. histological analysis should always be undertaken to rule out a
•Sarcoidosis • ɨe enlargement in leukaemic patients is associated
•Crohn’s disease with both the dense inltration of white blood cells into
•Scurvy – vitamin C deëciency the tissues and an inability of the aected white blood
•Acromegaly. cells to control the gingival infection associated with
ese may have eects on the development of the gin- plaque. Although the management of neoplasms lies
gival and dental tissues, presenting with delayed eruption outside the scope of this chapter, the reader is strongly
– very thick gingival tissues resulting in failure of matura- recommended to refer to the case report of gingival inl-
tion of the normal gingival margin:crown relationship and tration in acute monoblastic leukaemia in the British
a reduced clinical crown height. Surgical treatment may be Dental Journal (Gallipoli & Leach 2007). is reminds
indicated to achieve an improvement in aesthetics, to remove clinicians that the acute onset of gingival enlargement
the tissues obstructing eruption or to facilitate orthodontic is an unusual physical sign with a narrow dierential
treatment. e previous illustrations in Figures 2.3.4, 2.3.7, diagnosis.
2.3.8 and 2.3.9 provide an example of a 13-year-old girl,
whose mother was a drug abuser throughout pregnancy, at Conclusion – Reaching a Diagnosis
presentation and subsequently following gingival corrective
surgery with an incisional approach and using radiowave Determining the cause of the visible enlargement can usu
frequency surgery. ally be achieved by careful observation and history taking,
without the need for histological analysis, in the case of:
Mouth Breathing • Prescription drugs: always establish the name of the drug
Patients who persistently mouth breathe, with poor lip seal, the patient is prescribed
often show enlargement of the upper labial gingiva in the • Non-prescription drugs: is there a history of admitted
presence of minimal plaque and may present with an estab- abuse?
lished enlargement of inammatory origin. If brous scar- • Hormones: pregnancy is usually admitted or
ring occurs within the gingiva, this condition can be very identiable!
stubborn and may be dicult to suppress unless some pro- • Hormones: OC or HRT should be known as part of the
tection from the drying eect of the mouth breathing can medical history, but has this changed?
be achieved by lubrication or physical protection. Unless the • Hormones: is the patient a diabetic and, if so, stable?
mouth breathing can be addressed, a surgical solution is not • Genetics: a family history may be obvious or admitted.
appropriate. However, the periodic use of botulinum toxin e practitioner should also establish:
to produce some immobilization of the upper lip over the • How long has the enlargement been present?
revealed gingiva may prove benecial. • Are there any systemic or local modifying factors?
• Is there a known medical factor which might be impli
Down’s Syndrome cated, e.g. diabetes?
Patients with Down’s syndrome have characteristically thick • Has the patient recently been hospitalized or received a
and ëbrous gingiva. Although not usually considered as transplant?
“gingival enlargement”, the tissue may be similarly obstruc- • Is a detailed drug history available? (the most com
tive to oral hygiene measures, and, in some extreme circum- mon cause of recent onset gingival enlargement is drug
stances, reshaping of the tissue may be deemed necessary to therapy)
manage periodontal problems. • Are there any other unusual signs or symptoms?
CHAPTER 2.3 Gingival Enlargement 101
Introduction Periodontitis and Cardiovascular Diseases
Periodontitis and Systemic Disease Periodontal Treatment and Cardiovascular Diseases
Periodontal Disease and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes
Potential Mechanisms Linking Oral Disease to Secondary
Periodontal Treatment and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes
Non-Oral Disease
Periodontitis and Respiratory Diseases
Metastatic Infection (Due to Transient Bacteraemia)
Periodontal Treatment and Respiratory Diseases
Inammation and Inammatory Injury (Due to Innate
Periodontitis and Dementia
Periodontitis and Other Systemic Diseases
Adaptive Immunity
Systemic Conditions Aòecting the Periodontium
Periodontal Diseases Contributing to Systemic Disease
Systemic Medication Aòecting the Periodontium
Periodontitis and Diabetes Mellitus Summary
Diabetes Mellitus
The Relationship Between Periodontitis and Diabetes Mellitus
Periodontal Treatment in Diabetes Patients
Introduction whereas the diseases aicting the rest of the body are encom-
passed in medicine often with little interaction taking place
Although the oral cavity is an integral part of the human between the two disciplines. However, the perception that
body, it tends to be perceived, both by the general public an interactive link between oral infections and systemic dis-
and by dentists and doctors, as a separate entity from the eases might exist has long been established (Figure 2.4.1).
rest of the body. is might be because the oral cavity and In the latter part of the last century, there was renewed
diseases associated with it fall within the remit of dentistry, interest in the focal infection concept, especially with respect
CHAPTER 2.4 Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases 103
Ancient civilisations Antonie van Miller 1891, Colyer 1902, Offenbacher 1996
Assyrian, Greek, Leewenhoek Hunter 1900 Billings 1911,
Roman, Galloway 1931,
Babylonian (Ring 1985) Williams and
Burkitt 1951
Possible association Role of Mouth as a Focal infection Periodontal
between oral disease organisms source of theory medicine
and systemic disease in health and infection
Genetic factors
Time Environmental
Gingivitis / periodontitis:
• Figure 2.4.2 Possible link between periodontal diseases and systemic diseases.
to the eld of periodontology. Within dentistry, periodontal (probing depths averaging 5–6 mm per pocket), the total sur-
diseases are a distinct entity in that they are more akin to face area of the pocket epithelium coming into contact with
medicine rather than the rest of dentistry in terms of disease the subgingival bacterial biolm is 25 cm2 (Page 1998). is
aetiology, pathobiology and treatment. is has led to the presents a large, ulcerated surface area in close approximation
development of periodontal medicine (Oenbacher 1996) to the periodontal biolm leading to potential transmigration
– a two-way relationship in which periodontitis may inu- of bacteria or their toxic products into the circulatory system.
ence the individual’s systemic health and systemic disease is, in addition to the severity and chronic nature of peri-
may inuence periodontal health. odontitis, initiates a host-mediated immune response forming
In the last two decades there has been increasing interest a reservoir of cytokines (interleukin-1 or IL-1, tumour necrosis
and research in the topic, and new knowledge of the links factor-α or TNF-α, prostaglandin E2 or PGE2, thromboxane)
between periodontitis and systemic diseases is being uncov- in the periodontium which can induce and perpetuate both
ered. For example in the last 6 years there have been several local and systemic eects (Figure 2.4.2) (Page 1998).
studies which have conrmed a link between periodontitis
and dementia. Most recently, links between the severity of Potential Mechanisms Linking Oral Disease to
COVID-19 and periodontitis have been investigated. Secondary Non-Oral Disease
Periodontitis and Systemic Disease ree mechanisms have been suggested which could poten-
tially link oral and systemic disease (oden van Velzen
A clinical feature of periodontitis is inammation leading to etal. 1984, Van Dyke & Winkelho 2013).
swelling of the gingiva and destruction of the periodontium.
Histologically, this is conrmed not only by alveolar bone Metastatic Infection (Due to Transient
resorption and breakdown of the periodontal ligament but Bacteraemia)
also by extensive ulceration of the pocket epithelium. It is esti- Oral bacteria at the tooth/gingiva interface are capable of
mated that in a patient with generalized moderate periodontitis entering the periodontal tissues and eliciting a transient
104 SECTION 2 Periodontal Diagnosis and Prognosis
bacteraemia, not only in periodontally healthy subjects but • Periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes
more so in periodontitis patients who manifest a large ulcer- • Periodontitis and respiratory diseases
ated subgingival periodontal surface (Saito etal.1981, Page • Periodontitis and dementia
1998). e bacteraemia might be caused by dental pro- • Periodontitis and other systemic diseases, such as
cedures (Kinane et al. 2005) or by daily activities such as COVID-19.
chewing and tooth brushing (Lucas etal. 2008, Fine etal.
2010). e bacteria are usually eliminated within minutes,
Periodontitis and Diabetes Mellitus
but if they encounter favourable conditions, the bacteria Diabetes Mellitus
might settle at a site and, after a time, start to multiply. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a clinical syndrome characterized
by hyperglycaemia (high blood glucose) due to an absolute
Inflammation and Inflammatory Injury (Due to or relative deciency of insulin (WHO 1999).
Innate Immunity) In the UK, DM complications are the seventh lead-
Bacterial accumulation at the tooth–gingiva interface elicits ing cause of death and in 2019, there were 4.9 million
cellular release of inammatory molecules (or cytokines), e.g. known diabetics, a national prevalence of 7.4% (Diabetes
TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6 by resident epithelial cells, broblasts UK 2020). However, many other countries have a higher
and phagocytes. Release of such chemical pro-inammatory national prevalence of diabetes, for example 32.8% in Saudi
mediators may have an impact on systemic inammation, Arabia in 2019. Treatment for DM accounts for 5–10% of
e.g. endothelial dysfunction (D’Aiuto etal. 2004). the UK NHS annual expenditure.
Bacterial antigens may enter the blood stream where e classication of DM is based on its aetiology and
they react with host antibodies to produce antigen–anti- is divided into four categories, though the rst two are the
body complexes which may give rise to a variety of acute major types (Table 2.4.1).
and chronic inammatory reactions at sites of deposition Type 1 DM (formerly known as insulin-dependent DM,
(oden van Velzen etal. 1984, Van Dyke etal. 1986). Fur- IDDM or juvenile DM), is caused by cell-medicated auto-
thermore, bacteria are capable of releasing toxins (exotoxin immune (or rarely idiopathic) destruction of the insulin-
from Gram-positive bacteria, endotoxin or lipopolysaccha- producing pancreatic β cells (Atkinson & Maclaren 1994).
ride (LPS) from Gram-negative bacteria) which have potent In all cases, there is complete destruction of the β cells, lead-
pharmacological activity and, once in the circulatory sys- ing to an absolute deciency of insulin. is explains why
tem, can induce vascular pathology (Mattila 1989). all type 1 DM patients need insulin treatment (given by
injection) for survival.
Adaptive Immunity Type 2 DM (formerly known as non-insulin-depen-
Persistence of gingival/periodontal inammation leads to pro- dent DM, NIDDM or maturity-onset DM) results from
cessing of bacterial antigens by the adaptive immune system, the interplay between genetic factors, obesity, increasing
i.e. T-cell and B-cell activation. e B cells release antibodies age and lack of physical exercise (Yki-Jarvinen 1994).
(Ab), a soluble form of immunoglobulin, the aim of which is Although the specic aetiologies of this type of DM are
to eliminate invading bacterial antigens. T cells release a host not known, autoimmune destruction of the β cells does
of cytokines including IL and TNF-α which can contribute not occur. Type 2 DM is characterized by impaired insu-
to periodontal tissue destruction and to other inammatory lin secretion, peripheral resistance to insulin and hepatic
conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. insulin insensitivity. Impaired insulin secretion is due to
reduced cell mass and altered insulin release (Crawford
Periodontal Diseases Contributing to Systemic & Cotran 1994). us the pulsating release of insulin in
Disease Susceptibility response to a high glucose load seen in non-DM subjects
is lost in type 2 DM patients. e hyperglycaemia seen in
Periodontitis may aect the patient’s susceptibility to disease type 2 DM subjects can be controlled by dietary restric-
in three ways (Page 1998): tion and exercise. If it does not respond to such measures,
1. shared risk factors, e.g. smoking, ageing, stress and eth- additional treatment may include oral hypoglycaemic tab-
nicity are risk factors for both periodontitis and cardio- lets and insulin.
vascular disease
2. subgingival biolm – acts as a reservoir for bacterial toxins Diagnosis
3. a persistently inamed periodontium acts as a reservoir e primary methods used to diagnose and monitor
for inammatory mediators (cytokines). blood glucose levels have traditionally been fasting blood
Recent advances and research into periodontal medicine glucose, a combination of fasting blood glucose and a
have shown that there is a possible relationship (correlation 2-hour post-prandial glucose loading and oral glucose
not causation) between periodontitis and the following sys- tolerance tests (American Diabetes Association 2015;
temic diseases (Van Dyke & van Winkleho 2013, Linden Box 2.4.1). DM may be diagnosed by any one of the
etal. 2013): three methods; whichever method is used, it must be
• Periodontitis and diabetes mellitus conrmed on a subsequent day using one of the three
• Periodontitis and cardiovascular disease methods.
CHAPTER 2.4 Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases 105
TABLE Classication of diabetes mellitus • BOX 2.4.1 American Diabetes Association (ADA)
2.4.1 (DM) based on the American Diabetes Diagnostic Criteria for Diabetes Mellitus
Association Classication (ADA 0)
Type of DM Aetiology 1. Symptoms of DM plus casual (non-fasting) plasma glucose
of ≥11.1 mmol/L (≥200 mg/dL) Casual: any time of day or
Type 1 DM Autoimmune night without regard to time since last meal Symptoms of
Idiopathic DM: polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia
Type 2 DM Obese type 2 DM 2. Fasting plasma glucose of ≥7 mmol/L (≥126 mg/dL);
Non-obese type 2 DM fasting: no caloric intake for 8 hours
Maturity onset diabetes of the 3. Two-hour post-prandial glucose ≥11.1 mmol/L (≥200 mg/
young (MODY) dL) after an oral glucose tolerance test (as per WHO, using
a glucose load containing the equivalent of 75 g anhydrous
Gestational DM Pregnancy glucose dissolved in water).
4. Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) ≥6.5% (test should be
DM secondary to Genetic defects in β-cell function
performed in a laboratory using an NGSP-certied method
systemic disease Genetic defects in insulin function
and standardized to DCCT assay).
Pancreatic diseases or injury
DCCT: diabetes control and complications trial; NGSP: national
Drug/chemical induced glycohaemoglobin standardization programme
Other genetic syndromes
associated with DM
American Diabetes Association 2015 patients, recurrent periodontal abscesses might indicate the
possibility of undiagnosed type 1 DM.
For a long time, the association between periodontitis
Pathobiology of diabetes mellitus and DM was considered unidirectional, i.e. DM predispos-
Prolonged hyperglycaemia leads to the formation of irre- ing to periodontitis. Recent research has shown that the
versible proteins known as AGEs (advanced glycation end relationship is most likely to be bi-directional (see Figure
products). e AGEs are widely deposited in cells and tis- 2.4.3 and Chapter 1.6) in that DM predisposes to peri-
sues and are responsible for the pathological features of DM, odontitis while periodontitis might exacerbate DM com-
namely ophthalmic, neurological, cardiovascular, renal and plications in a dose-dependent manner and is associated
vascular dysfunction and damage (WHO 1999). e altered with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes (Taylor
vascular function and permeability, the altered cellular func- 2001, Mealey 2006, Lalla & Papapanou 2011, Lakschevitz
tion (including migration and phagocytic activity of mono- etal. 2011, Borgnakke etal. 2013).
nuclear and polymorphonuclear cells) and higher cytokine e cytokine reservoir produced as a result of periodonti-
production increase the patient’s susceptibility to infection, tis not only leads to periodontal destruction, but it also inter-
including periodontitis (Figure 2.4.3). feres with glucose metabolism leading to hyperglycaemia,
therefore exacerbating the pathology associated with diabe-
The Relationship Between Periodontitis and tes. Chronic hyperglycaemia undermines macrophage and
Diabetes Mellitus neutrophil function, reducing their antibacterial activity,
and alters vascular function, increasing the patient’s suscep-
e relationship between DM and periodontitis has long tibility to periodontitis. e inammatory cell phenotype
been established (Seiert 1962). DM per se does not cause consequent to hyperglycaemia leads to a burst of inam-
periodontitis. However, it is known to be a risk factor for peri- matory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6) which contribute to
odontal breakdown (Taylor 2001). DM patients manifest an periodontal destruction and interfere with wound healing.
increased susceptibility in terms of periodontitis prevalence, In addition, alterations in gingival crevicular uid, collagen
severity and progression (Cianciola et al. 1992, Löe 1993, metabolism and altered subgingival microora (McNamara
Collin et al. 1998), particularly in those with poorly con- etal. 1982, Ciantar 2002) contribute to periodontitis.
trolled DM (Ainamo etal. 1990, Seppälä & Ainamo 1994)
and DM of long duration (Firatli 1997). Periodontitis has Periodontal Treatment in Diabetes Patients
been implicated as the sixth complication of DM (Löe 1993). Eective antimicrobial (plaque control) therapy is the
e clinical features of periodontitis in DM subjects mainstay of periodontal treatment. In DM–periodontitis
are no dierent to those seen in non-DM subjects. How- subjects, diabetes needs to be controlled in order to achieve
ever, the extent and severity of periodontitis may be more satisfactory outcomes after periodontal treatment. Where
pronounced in patients with undiagnosed or poorly con- diabetes control is established, the periodontal outcome
trolled diabetes. is holds true for both type 1 and type 2 is the same as for non-diabetics (Tervonen & Karjalainen
DM. Patients who manifest advanced periodontitis should 1997). In addition, recent evidence has shown that peri-
be questioned as to the possibility of having undiagnosed odontal treatment seems to improve glucose control in both
DM especially if they have a positive family history; a refer- type 1 and type 2 diabetic subjects (Grossi etal. 1997, Iwa-
ral to the patient’s doctor should be encouraged. In young moto et al. 2001, Engebretson & Kocher 2013, Sgolastra
106 SECTION 2 Periodontal Diagnosis and Prognosis
Risk of infection
et al. 2013). e most plausible explanation is that peri- Periodontitis and Cardiovascular Diseases
odontal treatment reduces circulating levels of TNF-α,
increased levels of which suppress insulin action thereby Cardiovascular diseases comprise high blood pressure, coro-
leading to elevated blood glucose (Kanety etal. 1995). us nary heart disease, angina pectoris and myocardial infarc-
control of periodontal inammation is crucial to eliminate tion, peripheral arterial disease and stroke (cerebrovascular
periodontal disease and seems to benet diabetes control. accident). ese diseases are consequent to narrowing of
Robust and consistent evidence showing that severe peri- blood vessels or atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can lead to
odontitis undermines glycaemic control in DM subjects and signicant morbidity and mortality; atherosclerosis and the
that it contributes to DM complications in a dose-dependent ensuing cardiovascular complications are the leading cause
manner has led to guidelines being issued highlighting the of death in the Western world. Although the main cause of
importance of periodontal care in such patients (Chapple & atherosclerosis is fat deposition in the arterial wall possibly
Genco 2013). e guidelines provide patient management due to a high fat diet and lack of exercise, increasing evi-
recommendations to dentists, physicians and other healthcare dence suggests that chronic infections may cause atheroscle-
professionals and educational information to DM patients rosis (Syrjanen etal. 1998, Leinonen etal. 2002).
regarding the need for periodontal care. DM patients should Periodontitis, because of its chronic nature, has been
also be made aware of other oral complications of diabetes, implicated as a potential risk factor leading to atheroscle-
e.g. burning mouth, xerostomia, increased risk of infections rosis (Beck & Oenbacher 2001, Desvarieux etal. 2003).
(bacterial and fungal) and delayed wound healing. e hypothesis linking periodontitis and cardiovascular
disease was rst proposed in the late 1980s (Mattila et al.
KEY POINT 1 1989). is research was initiated as the traditional risk factors
• Periodontitis and DM have a bi-directional relationship for cardiovascular disease (hypertension, smoking, diabetes,
• DM does not cause periodontitis high serum cholesterol concentration, low high-density lipo-
• DM is a risk factor for periodontitis protein cholesterol concentration and low socio-economic
• Uncontrolled DM of long duration exacerbates status) could not fully account for the clinical and epidemio-
periodontitis logical features of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
• Treatment of periodontitis seems to lead to some
improvement in diabetes control e original hypothesis implicating periodontitis as a
• Dentists should ask patients about the possibility of contributory factor to atherosclerosis was that periodontal
undiagnosed DM pathogens (such as Porphyromonas gingivalis) were isolated
• For all recently diagnosed type 1 & 2 DM patients, from atheromatous plaques (Haraszthy etal. 2000). Invitro
periodontal examination is recommended as part of their
studies have shown that this organism is capable of invading
diabetes management
• Dentists and physicians should collaborate in the endothelial cells (Deshpande etal. 1998, Dorn etal. 1999,
management of DM patients Kuramitsu etal. 2002). e subsequent abundant release of
• Patients should be made aware of the importance of biochemical mediators consequent to P. gingivalis invasion is
periodontal care especially if they are diagnosed with DM thought to be an important contributor to the development
• Oral health care education should be provided to all DM
of atherosclerosis (Yumoto etal. 2005). Furthermore, oral
bacteria are also capable of inducing platelet aggregation
CHAPTER 2.4 Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases 107
Host−bacteria interaction
Cytokine release
Periodontal destruction
and thrombus formation, thereby contributing to the pro- (Löe etal. 1965, Axelsson & Lindhe 1981) and systemically,
gression of the atherosclerotic lesion (Herzberg etal. 1994). by improving endothelial function (Tonetti etal. 2007) and
However, while oral bacteria might become nested within by reducing systemic cytokine levels (D’Aiuto etal. 2004,
atherosclerotic lesions and contribute to their progression, 2005), all of which might deter atherosclerosis disease ini-
this might not always be the case. tiation and progression.
An indirect plausible hypothesis linking periodontitis to Stroke: A stroke occurs when cerebral blood vessels sup-
atherosclerosis and, therefore, cardiovascular disease is based plying blood to the brain are blocked; it can also occur after
on the systemic increase of inammatory cytokines (TNF- a cerebral aneurysm. Some studies suggest that poor oral
α, CRP, IL-1, IL-6) triggered by bacterial components, such health is more common in patients with cerebrovascular dis-
as lipopolysaccharide, subsequent to periodontitis-induced ease (Syrjanen etal. 1989, Loesche & Lopatin 1998).
bacteraemia and endotoxaemia (Figure 2.4.4). C-reactive pro-
tein (CRP) is an acute phase protein produced by the liver KEY POINT 2
in response to an infection or inammatory process. Most • A direct causal relationship between periodontitis and
importantly, CRP is positively associated with cardiovascular cardiovascular disease is not established.
disease (Danesh etal. 1998). erefore, periodontitis-induced • Periodontitis is a risk factor or risk marker for coronary
heart disease.
systemic bacteraemia, endotoxaemia and cytokine release seem • The two conditions have many common risk factors.
to contribute to the inammatory aetiology of atherosclero- • Periodontitis seems to potentiate systemic elevation of
sis. Other factors, which either singularly or in combination cytokines associated with atherosclerosis.
could contribute to the link between periodontitis and car- • Atherosclerosis seems to have an inammatory aetiology.
diovascular disease, include an exaggerated host hyper-inam- • The host’s inammatory response is a signicant
determining factor.
matory immune response, increased pro-thrombotic state and • Periodontal treatment reduces the oral microbial burden.
increased cholesterol biosynthesis (Schenkein & Loos 2013). • Periodontal treatment reduces systemic inammatory
Some clinical human studies have shown that patients response.
manifesting cardiovascular disease tend to experience higher • Patients should be encouraged to maintain good
levels of periodontitis (Mattila et al. 1989, Paiuno et al. periodontal health especially if they have an increased
risk of atherosclerotic heart disease.
1993, Deliargyris etal. 2004, Dietrich et al. 2013). However, • Dentists, physicians and healthcare workers should
it is important to remember that the two conditions share work together and encourage patients to adopt a
common risk factors. Although there is biological plausibil- healthy lifestyle.
ity linking cardiovascular disease and periodontitis, further
investigations are required (Schenkein & Loos 2013). Periodontal Disease and Adverse Pregnancy
Periodontal Treatment and Cardiovascular Outcomes
Diseases Oral infections seem to increase the risk for, or contribute
ere is currently no evidence to indicate that treatment of to, adverse pregnancy outcomes (Oenbacher etal. 1998).
periodontitis will prevent or treat atherosclerosis (D’Aiuto Adverse pregnancy outcomes include preterm low birth-
et al. 2013). However, conventional periodontal therapy weight (PTLBW), miscarriage or early pregnancy loss and
is eective both locally, by reducing the microbial burden pre-eclampsia (elevated blood pressure in a pregnant mother
108 SECTION 2 Periodontal Diagnosis and Prognosis
Periodontitis Pregnancy
Immuno-inflammatory response
Foetal exposure to periodontal
pathogens and products
Cytokine release
Bacterial vaginosis
• Figure 2.4.5 Possible mechanisms between periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes.
which can have signicant morbidity and mortality out- predominantly Gram negative during the second trimester
comes for both mother and child). Preterm birth is dened as of pregnancy (Kornman & Loesche 1980). Pregnant females
birth prior to 37 weeks’ gestation; low birthweight is dened manifesting an increased susceptibility to periodontitis have
as birthweight less than 2500 g. Such adverse pregnancy an elevated inammatory response. erefore, the rationale
outcomes lead to signicant infant mortality or morbidity, behind the hypothesis is that the resulting elevated bacter-
which is often associated with lifelong consequences, e.g. aemia, endotoxaemia and increased cytokines (IL-1β, TNF-
neurodevelopmental disturbances (Oenbacher etal. 1996a, α, IL-6, CRP), all of which are potent inducers of labour,
Williams et al. 2000), respiratory disturbances, congenital owing through the maternal circulation could augment
malformations and developmental delays (Hack etal. 1983); the levels of these same cytokines produced physiologically
this has substantial social and public health implications. and collectively. ese can aect the foetal–placental unit,
Known risk factors for PTLBW include: maternal age leading to premature rupture of membranes and there-
(younger than 17 years or older than 34 years), ethnic origin fore premature birth (Figure 2.4.5). Although periodontal
(increased prevalence in Hispanics, African-Americans and those pathogens are important inducers of the maternal inam-
with low socio-economic status), drug, alcohol and tobacco use, matory response, the scale of the response is dependent
maternal stress, inadequate prenatal care, diabetes and genito- on the host’s immuno-inammatory trait. If the maternal
urinary infections. An acute example of the latter is bacterial infection is contained, the foetus is spared; if not, then
vaginosis which is an infection caused by Gram-negative bacte- local foetal cytokine release may lead to premature rupture
ria (similar to periodontitis). e infection can aect the mater- of the membranes and uterine contractions, which could
nal foetal membranes, leading to an increased production of lead to miscarriage or preterm birth (Madianos etal. 2013).
inammatory cytokines which can in turn lead to premature Although there is some evidence to show a modest associa-
rupture of membranes and hence preterm low birthweight. tion between periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes
Childbirth is a normal physiological process which is (Ide & Papapanou 2013), and that periodontitis is more
eected by a steady increase of cytokines (prostaglandin E 2 severe in subjects giving birth to PTLBW infants (Oen-
[PGE2] and TNF-α) until a critical threshold is reached that bacher etal. 1996b, 1998), the results are inconclusive. e
induces delivery of the neonate (Oenbacher etal. 1996b). association between the two conditions might be due to the
Distant sites of infection can contribute to the build-up of patient’s elevated inammatory response making periodon-
these cytokines in the maternal circulation either directly titis a risk marker, rather than a risk factor, for PTLBW.
due to the host response or indirectly due to lipopolysac-
charide (LPS), a known potent inducer of cytokines such as Periodontal Treatment and Adverse Pregnancy
IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α and PGE2 (Darveau etal. 1997). Outcomes
In the mid-1990s, it was hypothesized that oral Gram- A number of studies have investigated the eect of treat-
negative infections such as periodontitis might contribute to ment of periodontitis on adverse pregnancy outcomes.
adverse pregnancy outcomes (Oenbacher etal. 1996a). e e results are conicting, with some studies suggesting
subgingival microora in pregnant females tends to become that periodontitis is a signicant risk factor for PTLBW
CHAPTER 2.4 Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases 109
(Oenbacher et al. 1996a, 2001, 2006, Goepfert et al. inrm, more so in those in intensive care units or subjects
2004, Lie etal. 2004, Boggess etal. 2006, Bosnjak etal. residing in nursing homes. is has signicant social, medi-
2006), whereas others found no association (Davenport cal and nancial implications.
etal. 2002, Holbrook etal. 2004, Moore etal. 2005, Meur- e lower respiratory tract beneath the oropharynx is usu-
mann etal. 2006). e conicting results could be due to ally sterile. Infection may result from a defect in host defences,
population/ethnic dierences. A common feature of all infection with a particularly virulent organism or aspiration
studies showed that periodontal treatment delivered during of oral/oropharyngeal uids. e crucial factor is colonisation
pregnancy was safe. All pregnant females should be encour- beneath the oropharynx, as this will in turn lead to microbial
aged to maintain good oral health before, during and after colonisation of the lower respiratory tree (Finegold 1991).
pregnancy. Currently, there is no evidence to support the Obligate anaerobes constitute the predominant microora in
notion that non-surgical periodontal therapy improves the oropharynx and in the oral cavity of periodontitis patients.
adverse pregnancy outcomes (Polyzos etal. 2010, Weidlich An increasing number of reports (Terpenning etal. 2001, Scan-
etal. 2013). napieco etal. 2003, Scannapieco 2006) show that pneumonia is
more common in patients with poor oral hygiene, dental caries
KEY POINT 3 and periodontal diseases and especially in those who are prone
• A direct causal relationship between periodontitis and
to aspiration of oral uids (intubated intensive care patients
preterm delivery is not established. and elderly/inrm patients who have trouble swallowing).
• Increased susceptibility to periodontitis seems to result Oral bacteria, such as Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans,
in an increased susceptibility to premature births. Eikenella corrodens, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas
• Periodontitis might increase the cytokine burden, and Prevotella species, have been isolated from lung uid speci-
precipitating adverse pregnancy outcomes.
• The host’s inammatory response is a signicant
mens (Suwanagool etal. 1983, Brook & Frazier 1993, Chen
determining factor. etal. 1995, Verma 2000, Van decandelaere etal. 2012).
• Dentists should work in close collaboration with physicians, Potential mechanisms (Figure 2.4.6) by which oral bac-
obstetricians and midwives to encourage good oral health teria could be implicated in the pathogenesis of respiratory
in pregnant females before, during and after pregnancy. diseases (Scannpieco etal. 1999) are:
• It is safe for pregnant females to undergo periodontal
• Bacterial aspiration: poor oral hygiene manifesting as exces-
• Non-surgical periodontal therapy does not reduce the sive dental plaque (biolm) accumulation (whether on
risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. teeth, mucosal surfaces or dentures), periodontitis and den-
• Elective procedures should be avoided during the rst tal caries can act as a source/reservoir of potential respiratory
trimester due to possible foetal stress; these are preferably pathogens (PRPs) which initially colonise the oral cavity
delayed or carried out during the second trimester.
• Pregnant females should be educated regarding the
and can subsequently be aspirated into the lower respiratory
possible interaction between periodontal disease and tract, leading to pneumonia or COPD (Scannapieco etal.
pregnancy; they should be made aware of possible 1992, 2003, Russel etal. 1999, Terpenning etal. 2001)
physiological periodontal changes occurring during • Periodontitis-induced enzyme modiëcation of the oral
pregnancy such as higher incidence of gingival bleeding mucosa: periodontitis-related bacteria produce enzymes
and gingival enlargement.
which are released into saliva and can enhance adhesion
and colonisation of the oral mucosa with PRPs (Woods
Periodontitis and Respiratory Diseases etal. 1981)
• Periodontitis-induced salivary pellicle destruction:
Pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease hydrolytic enzyme activity in saliva is related to peri-
(COPD) are two respiratory conditions which have been odontal and oral hygiene status (Gibbons & Ethereden
associated with periodontitis. 1986). Elevated levels of such enzymes may destroy pro-
Pneumonia is an infection of the lower respiratory tract tective host mechanisms which would otherwise protect
(alveoli) most often caused by bacteria or viruses and, against colonisation with respiratory pathogens
less commonly, by other microorganisms, certain drugs • Periodontitis-induced cytokine alteration of the respira-
and other conditions such as autoimmune diseases. Typi- tory epithelium: cytokines released in response to peri-
cal symptoms include a cough, chest pain, fever and di- odontitis can upregulate the expression of receptors on
culty breathing. Pneumonia can be classied as community the mucosal surfaces, encouraging colonisation with
acquired or hospital acquired (nosocomial). PRPs (Svandborg etal. 1996).
COPD is a condition characterised by chronic obstruction
to airow caused by excessive sputum production resulting Periodontal Treatment and Respiratory Diseases
from chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema. Clinical symp- Although the precise contribution of periodontitis to the
toms include cough, diculty breathing, dyspnoea and fatigue, development of pneumonia is unknown, poor oral health
all of which become more pronounced during a period of exac- has been linked to increased levels of hospital-acquired pneu-
erbation. It is not known what causes an exacerbation, though monia (Mehndiratta et al 2016), and studies have shown
it is thought to be provoked in part by a bacterial infection. that interventions improving oral hygiene can reduce the
Both of these respiratory conditions cause signicant incidence of nosocomial pneumonia quite signicantly –
morbidity and mortality especially in the elderly and the between 40% (Scannapieco etal. 2003, Scannapieco 2006)
110 SECTION 2 Periodontal Diagnosis and Prognosis
Cytokine release
• Figure 2.4.6 Potential mechanisms by which oral bacteria could be implicated in the pathogenesis of
respiratory diseases. PRP, Potential respiratory pathogens.
and 83% (Azarpazhooh & Leake 2006) – and of pneumo- Periodontitis and Dementia
nia in institutionalised elderly subjects (Yoneyama et al.
2002). ere is increasing evidence that better oral health- At least three systematic reviews published between 2017
care improves the outcome of patients in intensive care units and 2020 have investigated the relationship between peri-
(Rabello etal. 2018) and of those in nursing homes (Terpen- odontitis and Alzheimer’s disease. One review (Leira etal.
ning etal. 2001, Okuda etal. 2005, Terpenning 2005). 2017) concluded that there was “a signicant association
e importance of maintaining the oral hygiene of between periodontitis and Alzheimer’s disease and that fur-
patients on mechanical ventilation has been recognised ther studies should be carried out in order to investigate the
(Wainer 2020). is is becoming more important as patients direction of the association and factors that may confound
are living longer and are undergoing more complex medical it”. Liccardo etal. (2020) concluded that periodontitis and
care, and because they are tending to retain their teeth for Alzheimer’s disease often coexist. Dioguardi et al. (2020)
longer. In some medical intensive care units, it is becoming concluded that bacteria involved in, and inammatory
standard practice to implement oral hygiene care to intu- products arising from, periodontitis can intensify inam-
bated patients on a daily basis. mation in the central nervous system but that as yet there is
no denitive evidence to consider periodontitis a risk factor
KEY POINT 4 for Alzheimer’s disease. Nevertheless, they considered that
• A direct causal relationship between periodontitis and the oral hygiene of older people with dementia should be
pneumonia has not been rmly established. improved and that this should be achieved by educating care
• However, it appears that periodontitis increases the risk assistants to carry out daily oral hygiene of the residents in
of pneumonia in immune-compromised and frail patients. their care homes and regular monitoring of these patients’
• Poor oral hygiene seems to be associated with a higher
oral health by dental professionals (Dioguardi etal. 2020).
incidence of respiratory diseases.
• Dental biolms seem to harbour potential respiratory Research into periodontitis and dementia continues.
• Oral colonisation of such bacteria could contribute to Periodontitis and Other Systemic Diseases
pulmonary infections.
• Some studies have shown reduced risk of pneumonia A number of other systemic diseases have been associated
and COPD with improved oral hygiene. with periodontitis (Box 2.4.2). Apart from COVID-19, the
• The importance of good oral hygiene especially in
evidence to date is tenuous. However, with more studies
subjects who are at high risk of respiratory infections
(intensive care patients and elderly/inrm patients with underway and improved scientic techniques, it is antici-
feeding problems, especially those in nursing homes) pated that clearer and more convincing scientically based
should be emphasized. data will be obtained.
• Dentists, dental hygienists and therapists as well as By August 2021, a number of studies and case reports
physicians and staff working in intensive care units and
which investigated oral health and severity of COVID-19
nursing homes should emphasize the importance of
oral hygiene in these vulnerable patients. complications had been published. One found that after
• Dental and oral hygiene can potentially have cost- adjusting for potential confounders, “Periodontitis was asso-
saving and life-saving implications. ciated with higher risk of ICU admission, need for assisted
CHAPTER 2.4 Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases 111
ventilation and death and with increased blood levels of bio- Systemic Medication Affecting the
markers linked to worse disease outcomes” (Marouf et al. Periodontium
2021). ere is considerable interest, and further research
into this topic is taking place. Systemic medication may affect the periodontium.
Drug-influenced gingival enlargement is seen in patients
Systemic Conditions Affecting the
Periodontium • BOX 2.4.2 Possible Associations between
Periodontitis and Other Systemic
A number of systemic conditions (acquired or genetic) Conditions
aect the periodontium. e clinical picture will vary
depending on the aetiology; however, in most cases, severe Obesity
periodontitis seems to be a common feature. Although Osteoporosis
these conditions are rare, they should be included in the Rheumatoid arthritis
dierential diagnosis, especially when the severity of peri- Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
odontitis is not commensurate with the presenting clinical Inammatory bowel disease
Erectile dysfunction
picture (e.g. young child presenting with advanced peri-
odontitis) (Table 2.4.2).
2.4.2 Systemic conditions aecting the periodontium
Adapted from Chapple & Gilbert 2002. IgE: immunoglobulin E; PMNLs: polymorphonuclear leucocytes.
112 SECTION 2 Periodontal Diagnosis and Prognosis
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Introduction 5. Tooth Type
What is a Prognosis? 6. Anatomical Defects
7. Mobility
Factors Aecting Prognosis 8. CrowntoRoot Ratio
General Factors 9. Abutment Tooth
1. Patient Adherence 10. Other Pathology
2. Smoking Assigning a Prognosis
3. Diabetes
Good Prognosis
4. Other Systemic Conditions
Questionable Prognosis
5. Interleukin 1 (IL-1) Genotype
Hopeless Prognosis
6. Age
7. Gender When to Determine Prognosis
Local Factors 1. Initial Prognosis (Baseline)
1. Bacterial Biolm 2. Revising Prognosis
2. Bone loss Weighting Prognostic Factors
3. Furcation Involvement Improving the Determination of Prognosis
4. Pocket Probing Depth (PPD)
CHAPTER 2.5 Determining Periodontal Prognosis 117
inuence the prognoses of teeth. Nevertheless, estimating supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) are essential to
prognosis is a useful component of periodontal treatment maintain a stable periodontium and improve prognosis.
planning. It can only be achieved by gathering as much infor- • Several studies have shown that a lack of regular SPT will
mation as possible about the patient and individual teeth. adversely aect prognosis even if the periodontal disease
process has been stabilised (Nyman etal. 1975, Axelsson
What is a Prognosis? & Lindhe 1981, Hujoel etal. 2000, Eickholz etal. 2008,
Rahim-Wöstefeld etal. 2020).
e denition of prognosis is the forecasting of the course • Patients attending for SPT irregularly were shown to
and outcome of a specic disease, and the chances of recov- have nearly three times more tooth loss (17.6%) com-
ery. When a prognosis is suggested, it is an attempt to predict pared with patients attending regularly for SPT (6%)
how a tooth or teeth will respond to treatment in the long over a period of 20 years (Rahim-Wöstefeld etal. 2020),
term, taking into account all the factors which may aect the with similar ndings seen in shorter studies.
outcome. Inammatory periodontal diseases are complex and • Other studies and reviews have demonstrated similar
are among the most prevalent chronic diseases of humans. ndings in teeth with hopeless prognosis, showing teeth
As described in previous chapters of this book, patients vary can be maintained and even improve their prognosis with
greatly in their risk for developing disease as a result of the appropriate treatment and regular SPT (Lindhe & Nyman
interaction of microbial, genetic and environmental factors. 1984, Cortellini etal. 2011, Carvalho etal. 2021).
e factors that determine the initiation and progression of
disease are referred to as risk factors (see Chapter 1.6). Risk KEY POINT 2
factors for a disease have been dened as certain characteris- Poor compliance with oral hygiene and irregular supportive
tics of a person or their environment which, when present, periodontal therapy have a negative effect on the prognosis,
directly result in an increased likelihood of that person getting with greater risk of tooth loss.
the disease and, when absent, directly result in a decreased
likelihood (Beck 1995). ey are causally associated with a 2. Smoking
disease. Examples for periodontal diseases are genetics, smok- • Smoking is a signiëcant risk factor and prognostic factor
ing, stress and some systemic diseases. in periodontal diseases and tooth loss (Fardal etal. 2004,
Eickholz etal. 2008).
KEY POINT 1 • Even in patients undergoing regular SPT, smokers are
Risk factors are characteristics of a person or their environment
almost ve times more susceptible to periodontal tooth
which, when present, directly result in an increased likelihood of loss (Chambrone etal. 2010).
that person getting the disease, and when absent directly result • Smoking is strongly associated with worsening prognosis
in a decreased likelihood. and has been shown to double the likelihood of worsen-
ing prognosis at 5 years (McGuire & Nunn 1996).
Many risk factors are also prognostic factors since they • ɨe eêects of smoking after cessation are dose related,
are characteristics that help the clinician to predict outcome and heavy smokers continue to have a signicant risk of
(tooth survival) once the disease process has been initiated. tooth loss compared with non-smokers for up to 15 years
Such factors include smoking, diabetes and poor oral hygiene. (Dietrich etal. 2015, Ravidà etal. 2020).
Determining the prognosis of individual teeth can be
dicult because of the multiple factors that inuence KEY POINT 3
treatment outcome. In order to evaluate the prognosis of There is a dose-related effect between the number of
a tooth, sucient information is required with regards cigarettes smoked and severity of the disease/response to
treatment, which signicantly affects prognosis.
to patient factors and local factors. is means that in
an individual, each tooth will have a dierent prognosis
because of diering local factors, despite the same patient 3. Diabetes
factors occurring. • Diabetic control is an important factor in periodontal
prognosis, with poor glycaemic control associated with
Factors Affecting Prognosis worse periodontal outcomes (Sanz etal. 2017).
• ɨe bi-directional relationship between diabetes and
Any factor that contributes to the way a disease progresses periodontitis is well established, and an increased risk of
can be dened as a prognostic factor. Both general and local periodontitis and severity of disease is associated with hyper-
factors need to be considered. glycaemia. Poorer periodontal outcomes have been shown
following periodontal treatment in hyperglycaemic patients,
General Factors
therefore aecting prognosis (Mealey & Oates 2006).
1. Patient Adherence
• Bacterial plaque is the major aetiological factor for KEY POINT 4
periodontal diseases. It follows therefore that eective Uncontrolled diabetics have a poorer periodontal prognosis
plaque removal by the patient and adherence to regular than well-controlled diabetics.
118 SECTION 2 Periodontal Diagnosis and Prognosis
6. Anatomical Defects factors they found they could correctly assign a prognosis
• Cervical enamel projections, enamel pearls and develop- 81% of the time. However, they found that if the teeth
mental grooves in maxillary incisors are all local factors which had been assigned a prognosis of “good” were not
associated with disease progression (Shiloah & Kopczyk included then the predictability level dropped to 50% (i.e.
1979). the same level of predictability as tossing a coin). e fol-
• Maxillary premolars with pronounced root concavities lowing are some other studies that have attempted to devise
or “v”-shaped grooves have a worse prognosis because of a prognosis classication system:
an inability to access the concavities for treatment and • Kwok & Caton (2007) described a system to determine
maintenance (Badersten etal. 1987). prognosis based on future stability rather than an end-
point of tooth loss
7. Mobility • Fardal etal. (2004) studied prognosis and actual outcome
• ɨe relationship between tooth mobility and periodontal and found 75% of teeth lost had been given an initial
prognosis is still unclear. prognosis of questionable or poor, whereas the other 25%
• Some studies have shown a poorer long-term prognosis of teeth lost had been given an initial prognosis of “good”.
for mobile teeth (Miller classiëcation 2/3) with greater us it would seem that the predictive accuracy is poor for
risk of loss of attachment (Wang etal. 1994, McGuire & the “questionable” prognosis teeth and only moderate even for
Nunn 1996, Martinez-Canut 2015). “good” prognosis teeth. is is partly due to the multifactorial
• Other studies have shown reduced mobility following nature of the disease, which makes it dicult to know, in indi-
various modalities of treatment and an improvement in vidual patients, which factors are having the greatest eects and
prognosis (Persson 1980, 1981). Similar results over a which may most inuence future disease progression.
5-year period were shown when good plaque control was • Martinez-Canut & Llobell (2018) designed a compre-
maintained (Nyman etal. 1975). hensive approach to assigning periodontal prognosis.
is involved rst assessing the risk of tooth loss due to
8. CrowntoRoot Ratio periodontal disease and second estimating the survival
• Unsatisfactory crown-to-root ratio has been reported to time of periodontally involved teeth. A long-term out-
worsen periodontal prognosis (McGuire & Nunn 1996, come index was used to assess tooth loss due to peri-
Martinez-Canut 2015). Percentage bone loss-to-root odontitis, and a tooth loss prediction model was used
length also inuences prognosis. to ascertain survival time of the periodontally involved
tooth. e prediction model failed to accurately assign
9. Abutment Tooth survival times in patients with an initial low risk of tooth
• Increased loss of teeth used as abutments has been shown, loss due to periodontal disease. It highlights the dicul-
particularly abutment teeth for removable prosthesis ties such prediction models have in accurately assigning
with three times the rate of tooth loss (18%) compared prognosis. is model considered both patient-related
to non-abutment teeth (6%), and twice the rate on xed factors and tooth-related factors.
abutments (12%) compared with the non-abutment Future prognostic models may try to target the most “at-
group over 10 years (Pretzl etal. 2008). risk” groups of patients, which may be useful in identifying
• Reduced loss of abutment teeth in periodontally com- those patients at risk of higher rates of tooth loss (>3 teeth)
promised patients with cross-arch bridgework has been at an earlier stage.
reported (5%) with regular periodontal maintenance Although there is no universal accepted system for deter-
over 10 years (Lulic etal. 2007). mining prognosis, and it is recognised that a high level of sub-
jective clinical judgement is involved in the determination of
10. Other Pathology prognosis, there are some common terms that are used. is
• Perio-endo lesions – if the correct diagnosis is made allows some comparison in retrospective studies and system-
and appropriate treatment carried out, prognosis is not atic reviews. Some of the criteria that have been used to deter-
aected. mine a good, questionable or hopeless prognosis are described
• Non-vital teeth or pulpal lesions which are undetected below to give the reader an understanding of the terms.
and left untreated will have a negative impact on overall
prognosis. Good Prognosis
Assigning Prognosis • tooth projected to be retained as a functional unit with
little or no treatment
ere have been many attempts to devise prognostic clas- • no evidence of disease
sication schemes and criteria but none has been validated • no signiëcant periodontal risk factors
or widely adopted. Patient prognostic factors:
McGuire & Nunn (1996) devised a prognostic system • no systemic conditions
which took certain factors from the initial clinical data to • no local factors
try to correctly assign a prognosis to each tooth. Using these • good oral hygiene (OH) and good compliance
120 SECTION 2 Periodontal Diagnosis and Prognosis
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Periodontol. 2006;77(8):1289–1303. attachment loss. J. Periodontol. 1994;65:25–29.
Introduction Step 3
Management of Simple Step 4
Plaque-Induced Gingivitis Structuring Periodontal Treatment
Achieving the Ideal End Points of Treatment
Acute Gingival Conditions and Their Management
Periodontal Reassessment
Periodontal Abscess
Necrotising Gingivitis Management of Furcations
Acute Herpetic Gingivostomatitis Scaling and Root-Surface Instrumentation (Non-Surgical
Treatment Planning for Periodontitis Treatment)
Furcation Surgery
Outcomes of Periodontal Treatment
Tunnel Preparation
The Stepwise Approach to Periodontal Treatment
Root Resection
Step 1
Step 2 Summary
126 SECTION 3 Periodontal Treatment Planning
Periodontal diseases provide a particular challenge in their
treatment planning in that clinicians do not “cure” patients with
a course of treatment; instead the aim is to control disease.
Long-term stability relies heavily on the patient’s own efforts
with home care.
Plaque-Induced Gingivitis
Gingivitis is an inammatory response of the marginal gin- including easily accessible calculus, in conjunction with
giva. Dental plaque as the primary cause is supported by oral hygiene instruction. Poor restoration margins should
overwhelming evidence from clinical, microbiological and be corrected, where possible, by reducing and polishing of
epidemiological studies. Management involves the consis- overhangs (Figure 3.1.2) or the placement of temporary or
tent and eective removal of the plaque biolm at the gin- permanent restorations. e patient then needs to be given
gival margin. A classic experimental gingivitis study by Löe the tools they require to achieve an adequate level of plaque
etal. (1965) showed that eective oral hygiene will resolve control (see Chapter 4.1). It is essential that the patient is
gingivitis in as little as 7–10 days. reviewed to ensure that they have managed to improve their
As explained in Chapter 2.2, the basic periodontal exam- home care in accordance with the instructions given and
ination (BPE) identies gingivitis in BPE codes 1 and 2. that the gingivitis has resolved as a result.
Code 1 is dened as bleeding after probing, with no prob- To assess the response to this treatment, a reassessment
ing depths over 3.5 mm. As such, this common condition should be scheduled after an appropriate time to allow the
should respond to improvements in oral hygiene to remove gingivitis to resolve, or for the plaque to re-establish if the
plaque biolm from the critical gingival marginal area. patient’s oral hygiene is still not adequate. is normally
Code 2 describes the presence of plaque-retentive factors takes at least 2 weeks.
in areas that may reduce the eectiveness of oral hygiene
techniques by the patient. Plaque-retentive factors are local
conditions in the mouth that increase the amount of biolm Acute Gingival Conditions and Their
that forms in an area or inhibits self-performed plaque con- Management
trol, promoting biolm accumulation.
Such plaque-retentive factors include calculus, which may • Periodontal abscess
interfere with a patient’s ability to clean inter-proximally • Necrotising gingivitis
(Figure 3.1.1) and which also presents as a rough surface • Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis
that may be more dicult to clean. Other plaque-retentive
factors include anything that creates an area inaccessible to Periodontal Abscess
clean or a surface that is harder to render plaque-free, such
as a poor restoration margin, an overhang, a marginal dis- In this context, the periodontal abscess (Figure 3.1.3) is
crepancy, a rough restorative surface or a carious lesion. one that originates in a pre-existing periodontal pocket as
opposed to one originating primarily from a necrotic pulp,
KEY POINT 2 which can, on occasion, track coronally to drain via the gin-
Although a BPE score of 2 indicates the presence of a plaque- gival crevice or present laterally due to the presence of a
retentive factor, sufcient plaque to cause gingival bleeding lateral canal (the so-called perio-endo lesion).
may not be present at up to a third of sites with this score. A periodontal abscess may occur when the coronal margin
of a periodontal pocket becomes blocked, preventing drain-
Where plaque-retentive factors are present, they need to age of a pre-existing chronic lesion. is can result from the
be corrected as part of the management of plaque-induced impaction of a foreign body or food debris becoming lodged
gingivitis. Clinicians must do what they can to ensure that in the pocket. Alternatively, improved gingival health after
the mouth is more easily cleansable for the patient. is periodontal treatment may result in the marginal tissue
means removing any plaque-retentive factors where possible, around the neck of the tooth becoming tighter, preventing
CHAPTER 3.1 Treatment Planning – Gingivitis and Periodontitis 127
drainage from the pocket and, if plaque-retentive factors per- characterised by a white slough of necrotic tissue supercially
sist at the base of the pocket, an acute response can occur. adjacent to the teeth and an adjacent zone of red inamed tis-
ere may also be an increased tendency towards the for- sue. e necrotic area tends to start at the papillae tips. Patients
mation of periodontal abscesses in patients who are immu- with necrotising gingivitis frequently exhibit an oensive oral
nocompromised, especially in poorly controlled diabetic odour. e causal organisms for necrotising gingivitis have
patients (Herrera etal. 2000). e aetiology and manage- been described as made up of a “constant ora” and a “vari-
ment of periodontal abscesses is shown in Box 3.1.1 able ora”. e constant ora includes spirochaetes such as
Borrelia vincentii and bacteria such as B. intermedius and Fuso-
KEY POINT 3 bacterium spp., and the variable ora consists of other spe-
A periodontal abscess is one that originates in a pre-existing cies of micro-organisms, the exact mix of which varies from
periodontal pocket, as opposed to one originating primarily patient to patient and site to site (Loesche etal. 1982).
from a necrotic pulp. ere are particular predisposing factors that render a
patient more susceptible to necrotising gingivitis. ese
include stress and smoking. In the First World War, over
Necrotising Gingivitis 50% of troops serving in the trenches developed the infec-
Necrotising gingivitis (Figure 3.1.4 and Box 3.1.2) is an tion, and in the Second World War, it was very prevalent
acute infection aecting the marginal gingival tissues around among submariners. ere is also an increased incidence of
the teeth. It has a very particular clinical picture that is necrotising gingivitis in patients who are HIV positive.
e management of necrotising gingivitis should include
the treatment of acute infection and of the underlying predis-
posing factors to reduce the risk of recurrence. Recurrent epi-
sodes of necrotising gingivitis can lead to interdental cratering
where the interdental tissues have been lost (Figure 3.1.5).
Treatment involves gentle cleaning and the use of mouth-
washes, such as hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine (see
Box 3.1.2). Necrotising gingivitis responds well to antibi
otics, particularly the penicillins and metronidazole. How-
ever, these should be considered an adjunct to mechanical
debridement (Hartnett & Shiloah 1991). It is worth noting
that although necrotising gingivitis is associated with spe-
cic bacteria, it is not a contagious condition and cannot be
passed between individuals.
Although necrotising gingivitis is associated with specic
• Figure 3.1.2 A restoration overhang at LR7 distally which acts as a bacteria, it is not thought to be a contagious condition and
plaque-retention factor.
cannot be passed between individuals.
• Figure 3.1.3 A periodontal abscess.
128 SECTION 3 Periodontal Treatment Planning
• BOX 3.1.1 Aetiology of Periodontal Abscesses • BOX 3.1.2 Presentation and Management of
Necrotising Gingivitis
Causes of Periodontal Abscess
• Pre-existing periodontal pocket Predisposing Factors
• Foreign body impaction, including food, in periodontal • Pre-existing gingivitis
pocket • Poor oral hygiene
• Response to incomplete periodontal therapy • Smoking
• Improvement in marginal tissue health before pockets • Stress
fully debrided
• Plaque or calculus pushed into tissues during Signs and Symptoms
instrumentation • Ulceration of the papillae tips or gingival margin
• Compromised immune system • Formation of a pseudo-membrane
• Poorly controlled diabetes • Pain
• Halitosis
Signs and Symptoms of Periodontal Abscess
• Pain Treatment
• Localised swelling over the tooth • Debridement, though this may be painful
• Pus may come from the gingival margin on probing or • Mouthwashes can help, particularly chlorhexidine or
pressure on local soft tissues hydrogen peroxide based
• There may be an increase in mobility • Antibiotics may be prescribed. Metronidazole is the drug of
• Deep periodontal probing depth choice
• Evidence of a susceptibility to periodontal disease • When the acute phase has been treated, address the
predisposing factors to reduce the chance of recurrence
Treatment of Periodontal Abscess
• Drainage of the abscess is usually achieved by periodontal
• Local anaesthesia and thorough root-surface debridement
• Antibiotics should not routinely be required but may be
considered where there is an underlying systemic medical
Step 2: Subgingival Only in affected teeth Only in affected teeth, possibly with
instrumentation adjunctive measures
• Figure 3.1.7 The stepwise approach to treating periodontitis. (Reprinted by permission from Springer
Nature: Br. Dent. J. Evidence-based, personalised and minimally invasive treatment for periodontitis
patients - the new EFP S3-level clinical treatment guidelines, Kebschull, M., Chapple, I., copyright 2020.)
The Stepwise Approach to Periodontal (PMPR). Consideration should also be given to systemic
Treatment factors, such as smoking cessation advice or diabetes
e stepwise approach (see Appendices 3 and 4) breaks
treatment down into a series of stages which follow the KEY POINT 6
classic management strategy for periodontitis and maps Optimal oral hygiene has been shown to be critical to the long-
them to the new classication system developed in 2017. term stability of any post-treatment improvements.
e extent to which a patient is likely to progress along the
stepwise approach can be estimated by their classication
(Figure 3.1.7). Step 2
e rst stage of treatment is considered the pre-requisite is is the cause-related therapy mentioned previously and
to therapy and referred to as step 0 (see Appendix 3). is involves disruption of the biolm by subgingival instru-
includes the initial examination and subsequent diagnosis mentation, possibly including the use of local or systemic
and classication of the periodontal condition. Risk factors adjunctive measures if appropriate (such as local delivery
should be assessed, and the patients educated on the causes antiseptics or systemic antibiotics).
of the disease and relevance of those risk factors. From there, Subgingival instrumentation is aimed at removing
a personal care plan should be developed. plaque and plaque-retentive factors, such as subgingival cal-
culus, from root surfaces. Signicant probing depth reduc-
tion can be achieved by non-surgical periodontal treatment,
Step 1
which is almost invariably the rst line of treatment. is
Step 1 is aimed at motivating the patient and establishing is technically demanding and requires scheduling sucient
the behaviour changes required for successful periodon- time to allow the treatment to be done thoroughly. ere
tal treatment. Optimal oral hygiene has been shown to be are dierent ways of approaching the appointment sched-
critical to the long-term stability of any post-treatment ules (see Chapters 5.1 and 5.2), depending upon the extent
improvements (Axelsson et al. 2004). Optimal supragin- and severity of the disease, the clinician’s preferred approach
gival plaque control is also required to reduce subgingival and the patient’s acceptance of treatment. ere is little
recolonisation by the periodontal pathogens associated evidence to support one approach over another (Eberhard
with the disease (Magnusson etal. 1984). For this reason, etal. 2008).
ideally, an optimal level of oral hygiene should be estab- Adjunctive use of specic antibiotics may be prescribed
lished before undertaking subgingival instrumentation. As for specic cases where the disease is particularly aggressive,
a patient’s home care improves, there should be a reduc- such as generalised periodontitis stage III in a young adult.
tion in inammation, and this will lead to a reduction in If adjunctive antibiotics are used, then it is essential that all
probing depths. Oral hygiene is covered in more detail in the root-surface instrumentation is completed during the
Chapters 4.1 and 4.3 course of antibiotics (see Chapter 5.3).
Local risk factors should be addressed, such as the
removal of supragingival plaque-retentive factors, as Step 3
mentioned in the section on the management of gingi- Step 3 follows a periodontal reassessment after a suitable
vitis, along with professional mechanical plaque removal time is allowed for a response to the non-surgical therapy.
CHAPTER 3.1 Treatment Planning – Gingivitis and Periodontitis 131
Periodontitis stage/grade
• Figure 3.1.8 Factors to consider when a diagnosis of periodontitis has been made.
When there are sites where the end points have not been TABLE Factors to consider when assessing
met, then further treatment, as outlined in step 3, is consid- 3.1.1 prognosis
ered. is may involve further non-surgical therapy when Assessing prognosis
further improvements could or should be expected, or sur-
gical intervention where anatomical considerations such as Tooth factors Patient factors
vertical bone loss or furcation involvements limit the like- Restorative condition Susceptibility
lihood of success by simpler means. Periodontal surgery
Endodontic condition Oral hygiene ability
should not be considered in the absence of adequate level of
plaque control by the patient. Periodontal condition Dexterity
Attachment level Motivation
Step 4
Bone height Systemic disease
Step 4 represents supportive periodontal therapy (SPT),
which is aimed at maintaining periodontal stability. It can be Root length Smoking status
hoped that the periodontally involved sites have responded Root shape/divergence
to the treatment provided in either step 2 or step 3,
Site of defect
and the ideal end points have been achieved. e patient
can then be put into an SPT regime appropriate for their Plaque-retentive factors
needs (Chapter 5.4). Furcation involvement
• BOX 3.1.6 A Treatment Path for Patients with • BOX 3.1.7 Management Options for Furcation-
Multiple Dental and Oral Problems Involved Teeth
1. Relief of acute symptoms Grade I Furcation Involvement
2. Oral hygiene instruction, diet analysis, disease prevention • Scaling and debridement
3. Addressing active disease • Surgery
a. Extraction of hopeless teeth • Improve access by tissue reshaping and bone removal
b. Provision of immediate prostheses • To facilitate debridement
c. Correction of local risk and plaque-retentive factors • Regular maintenance
d. Treatment of caries and pulp symptoms
e. Occlusal therapy Grade II Furcation Involvement
4. Non-surgical periodontal treatment
5. Reassessment • Scaling and debridement (maintenance)
6. Corrective therapy • Surgery
a. Root canal treatment
• Improve access by tissue reshaping and bone removal
b. Periodontal surgery
• To facilitate debridement
c. Orthodontic therapy
• Periodontal regenerative surgery
7. Denitive restorative treatment – xed/removable • Tunnel preparation – conversion to grade III to facilitate oral
prosthodontics hygiene
8. Recall/maintenance/supportive periodontal therapy • Root resection
• Extraction
Periodontal Reassessment
Clinicians do not cure patients of periodontal diseases; is residual inammation or where there is a thin tissue bio-
rather they aim to control the disease. As such, there is no type that can be expected to recede, leading to probing
actual end to treatment, and the long-term maintenance depth reduction, or where tissue shrinkage as a result of the
of periodontal health is an ongoing process (see Chapter initial therapy has improved access to residual contaminated
5.4). e purpose of a reassessment appointment is to assess root surface and calculus deposits. Periodontal surgery still
whether the desired clinical end points have been achieved has a place and can be considered when it is appropriate (see
and to decide what the next stage of treatment is for the Chapter 6.1).
patient. is may be further active treatment or the pre-
scription of a supportive periodontal maintenance regimen Management of Furcations
and setting of a recall period, when a formal periodontal
review will be performed. e time between active treat- Furcation involvements can pose a particular challenge in
ment and reassessment should be sucient for the tissues to their management. e positions of the furcation entrances
respond. Badersten etal. (1984) showed that there may be are often in less accessible areas of the mouth, making treat-
improvements for up to 9 months following non-surgical ment and access for plaque control more awkward. Furca-
treatment. However, most of the change will have occurred tions are associated with complex tooth shapes within the
and be recordable at 8–12 weeks. erefore, reassessment furcation leading to an unfavourable anatomy for plaque
appointments are often scheduled 8–12 weeks after active control as well as adversely aecting the healing potential.
treatment. ere is less scope for a reduction in the probing depths
e reassessment appointment involves gathering all the after treatment. e classication of furcation involvements
relevant periodontal data once again so that these can be is covered in Chapter 2.2. e management options for the
compared to previous periodontal examinations. Improve- treatment of furcations are summarised in Box 3.1.7
ments in clinical parameters, as well as assessment of further
disease progression or stability, will all be considered when Scaling and Root-Surface Instrumentation
deciding what the next stage of treatment should be. is
(Non-Surgical Treatment)
might involve further oral hygiene instruction with the aim
of improving the long-term stability, further subgingival Scaling and root-surface instrumentation can be particu-
debridement or periodontal surgery. larly challenging in furcation-involved teeth because of the
Further non-surgical treatment is considered if further additional diculties in accessing the root surface. Teeth
improvements can be expected. is may occur when there with narrow furcation entrances and close roots can be very
CHAPTER 3.1 Treatment Planning – Gingivitis and Periodontitis 133
• Figure 3.1.9 Osteoplasty in the furcation area to improve access for • Figure 3.1.10 Access between the roots in this class III furcation
plaque control. allows the patient to clean with an interdental brush.
dicult to clean thoroughly, and the tooth surface may have survival of teeth that had had tunnel procedures and found
concavities within the furcation that cannot be accessed the main reason for failure in teeth treated in this way was
by even the smallest curette or ultrasonic tip. Furcation caries in the furcation.
entrances may also be interproximal in the case of upper
rst premolars.
Root Resection
Furcation Surgery Root resection is an option for converting an uncleansable
furcation defect into one that can be maintained by divid-
Periodontal surgery to furcation entrances can help over- ing the tooth and either removing one root (root resection),
come the diculties associated with non-surgical manage- one half of the tooth (hemisection) or converting a molar
ment of furcation entrances. Access to the root surface for unit into two premolar-sized units by dividing the crown
debridement is improved by raising a periodontal ap. e and restoring each root as individual premolar-sized units
local tissues can also be adjusted where possible to improve (premolarisation) (Figures 3.1.11 and 3.1.12). ese can
postoperative maintenance. e furcation entrance itself can be complicated treatment options as the tooth needs to be
be carefully opened by means of judicious use of a water- root-treated before the roots can be sectioned and removed,
cooled handpiece. is local osteoplasty (bone removal) and and often the tooth will need to be restored with a full cov-
ap modication can improve the postoperative access for erage crown afterwards. Lee et al. (2012) recently showed
maintenance (Figure 3.1.9). that the average lifespan of a root-resected tooth is around 7
Periodontal regenerative surgery is a technique that aims years, so it should still be considered as a possible treatment
to stimulate bone growth in intra-bony defects. In theory option to prolong the life of a severely compromised tooth.
this could occur between the roots to close the furcation.
Whilst regenerative surgery is recognised as a possible treat-
ment option, this has proven to be an unpredictable way of Summary
managing furcations.
Periodontal treatment, and periodontal treatment planning,
should always be considered in the context of the patient’s
Tunnel Preparation
overall treatment needs. Once any acute problems have been
e tunnel preparation aims to convert a grade II or grade resolved, periodontal treatment planning then aims to control
III furcation into an open grade III furcation that can be the destructive processes that characterise periodontitis. Fol-
maintained by the patient (Figure 3.1.10). It will usually lowing a stepwise approach to periodontal treatment planning
involve raising buccal and lingual aps and reshaping the should ensure a successful and stable periodontal outcome.
tissues to leave the furcation open for interproximal brush- Central to successful periodontal outcomes is the patient’s
ing. Occasionally, persistent oral hygiene can convert a self-care as well as long-term professional supportive care.
grade II or III furcation involvement to one that can be Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter
maintained in this way. Hellden etal. (1989) looked at the are available online at Elsevier eBooks+
134 SECTION 3 Periodontal Treatment Planning
• Figure 3.1.11 A root-resected lower molar tooth: (A) the tooth on presentation, (B) radiograph and (C)
clinical appearance 10 years after surgery.
Introduction Tooth Movement
Denitions Smoking
Healing after Periodontal Treatment
Gingival Recession
Restorative Dentistry
Dentine Hypersensitivity
Removable Partial Dentures
Prevalence of Gingival Recession and Dentine Self-Inøicted Trauma/Chemical Trauma
Hypersensitivity Clinical Outcomes of Gingival Recession
Mechanisms for Gingival Recession Dentine Hypersensitivity
Mechanisms for Sensory Transmission of Dentine
Plaque Retention and Gingival Inøammation
Hypersensitivity Sensitivity
Tooth Abrasion
Aetiology of Gingival Recession and Dentine Hypersensitivity Root Caries and Non-Carious Cervical Lesions
Classication of Gingival Recession Management and Treatment of Gingival Recession Defects
Predisposing Factors for Gingival Recession and Dentine Hypersensitivity
Anatomical Recession (Tooth Position) Non-Surgical Management of Gingival Recession and
Quantity of Attached Gingiva Dentine Hypersensitivity
Periodontal (Gingival) Biotype 1. Preventive Care
Bone Morphology 2. Non-Surgical Correction of Recession Defects
Malocclusion Surgical Treatment of Gingival Recession Defects
High Attachment of Frenum Pedicle Soft Tissue Grafts
Free Soft Tissue Grafts
Precipitating Factors for Gingival Recession
Guided Tissue Regeneration
Plaque, Calculus and Periodontal Diseases
Toothbrush Trauma
136 SECTION 3 Periodontal Treatment Planning
• Figure 3.2.2 Clinical features of gingival recession with associated
dentine hypersensitivity.
Gingival Recession
A marginal tissue recession is characterised by the displace-
ment of the location of marginal periodontal tissues api-
cal to the cemento-enamel junction (American Academy
of Periodontology 2001). Gingival recession, dened as
an apical shift of the gingival margin with respect to the
B cemento-enamel junction (CEJ), is associated with clinical
• Figure 3.2.1 Clinical features of (A) gingival recession defect with attachment loss (CAL) and exposure of the root surface to
so-called toothbrushing trauma and (B) gingival recession associated the oral environment (Cortellini & Bissada 2018).
with localised plaque-induced inammation lesion. Source: Lindhe J,
Lang NP & Karring T, eds: Lindhe’s Clinical Periodontology and Implant
Dentistry, 2 Volume Set, 7th Edition, 2021. Dentine Hypersensitivity
Introduction Pain from dentine hypersensitivity is generally one of the main
symptoms of gingival recession together with patients’ aesthetic
According to the published epidemiological studies, expo- concerns. Dentine hypersensitivity has been dened as “being
sure of the root surface may be a consequence of: characterised by short sharp pain arising from exposed dentine
1. Overzealous or improper oral hygiene habits in popula- in response to stimuli (typically thermal, evaporative, tactile,
tions and patients with high standards of oral hygiene osmotic or chemical) and which cannot be ascribed to any
where gingival recession and dentine hypersensitiv- other form of defect or disease” (Canadian Advisory Board on
ity predominantly aects the buccal surfaces of upper Dentin Hypersensitivity 2003). From a clinical perspective, the
canines, premolars and molars (Figure 3.2.1A) denition of dentine hypersensitivity is essential when treating
2. Progression/treatment of periodontal diseases in popula- the condition and is important when considering a dierential
tions and patients with poor plaque control or who have diagnosis of tooth-related pain (Figure 3.2.2).
been deprived of professional dental care and education
where recession defects may be more widely distributed
around all four surfaces of the aected tooth (Figure Prevalence of Gingival Recession and
3.2.1B). Dentine Hypersensitivity
Patients may also become aware of the problems asso-
ciated with gingival recession: for example, aesthetics, the ere are limited data on studies that specically look at
appearance of triangular interdental spaces, pain from den- gingival recession and dentine hypersensitivity. Generally
tine hypersensitivity and a fear of losing teeth which, in speaking, the two conditions are investigated separately in
turn, may have an impact on their quality of life. the published literature and, consequently, there is an over-
lap of information when discussing aetiology, predisposing
KEY POINT 1 factors and clinical features of the two conditions (Kassab
Exposure of a root surface may be the consequence of & Cohen 2003, Kamal 2005, Gillam & Orchardson
overzealous/improper oral hygiene habits and/or progression/ 2006). A study by Colak etal. (2012) reported that 7.6%
treatment of periodontal diseases.
of Turkish patients experienced dentine hypersensitivity
CHAPTER 3.2 The Management of Mucogingival Conditions (Gingival Recession) 137
Faulty toothbrushing+
Oral piecing+
Occlusal injury+
Mechanical forces
• Figure 3.2.4 Examples of contributory predisposing* and precipitating + factors associated with a mar-
ginal tissue recession defect. Source: Kassab, M.M., Cohen, R.E., 2003. The etiology and prevalence of
gingival recession. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 134,220–225.
Attached gingiva
Mucogingival junction
Alveolar mucosa
Class I
Classification of Gingival Recession surgical techniques (Pini-Prato 2010, Cortellini & Bissada
2018). e classication (RT1–RT3) described by Cairo
Several classications have been previously proposed in the et al. (2011) is a treatment-oriented classication which
published literature to facilitate both a diagnosis and a tem- forecasts the potential for root coverage through the assess-
plate for a therapeutic strategy. Currently, the classication ment of both the recession depth and the interdental CAL
mainly used by clinicians in root-coverage procedures is the (Table 3.2.2). is classication system for recession has
Miller classication system (I–IV) (Miller 1985a). One of been recommended by the 2017 World Workshop (Cortel-
the advantages of this classication is the ability to corre- lini & Bissada 2018).
late treatment prognosis/outcome and anatomical features, In the Cairo RT1 classication (Miller class I & II) 100%
whereas previous classication systems used either ana- root coverage can be predicted. In the Cairo RT2 classica-
tomical features or treatment prognosis only (Figure 3.2.5, tion (overlapping Miller class III) several randomised clini-
Table 3.2.1). However, it should be acknowledged that this cal trials indicate the limit of interdental CAL within which
classication was proposed when root-coverage techniques 100% coverage is predictable when applying dierent root
were in their infancy and as such the forecast of potential coverage procedures. In the Cairo RT3 classication (over-
root coverage in the Miller classication (I–IV) no longer lapping Miller class IV) full root coverage is not achievable
matches the treatment outcomes of the most advanced (Cortelinni & Bissada 2018).
CHAPTER 3.2 The Management of Mucogingival Conditions (Gingival Recession) 139
3.2.1 Miller’s classication of marginal tissue recession defects
(Miller 1985a)
TABLE The recession classication system (Cairo plaque accumulation and lead to both recession and pocket
3.2.2 etal. ) as recommended by the World formation. ere is no published evidence, however, to sug-
Workshop gest that a lack of an “adequate” zone of attached gingiva
results in an increased incidence of soft tissue recession in
Recession patients maintaining a proper level of plaque control (Cor-
type (RT) Clinical features telinni & Bissada 2018).
RT1 Gingival recession with no loss of A recent consensus concluded that a minimum amount
interproximal attachment. Interproximal of keratinised tissue is not needed to prevent attachment
CEJ is clinically not detectable at both loss when adequate plaque control is being maintained.
mesial and distal aspects of tooth. However, attached gingiva is important to maintain gingival
RT2 Gingival recession associated with loss of health in patients with suboptimal plaque control (Cortel-
interproximal attachment. The amount of inni & Bissada 2018).
interproximal attachment loss is less than
or equal to the buccal attachment loss.
Periodontal (Gingival) Biotype
RT3 Gingival recession associated with loss of
interproximal attachment. The amount of Soft tissue biotype can aect the outcome of periodontal
interproximal attachment loss is higher
treatment and root-coverage procedures. Several investigators
than the buccal attachment loss.
have dened a thin tissue biotype as a thickness of <1.5 mm
Source: Reprinted from Journal of Clinical Periodontology 45:(Supple- and a thick tissue biotype as a tissue thickness >2 mm (Claey
& Shanley 1986). Clinicians traditionally have used a probe
permission from John Wiley & Sons.
to discriminate thin from thick gingiva based on the transpar-
ency of the probe through the gingival tissues, although this
method may have inherent aws (Fu etal. 2010). Recent stud-
Predisposing Factors for Gingival ies examining tissue biotype and its relation to the underlying
bone morphology would appear to suggest that periodontal
Recession (gingival) biotype is signicantly related to labial plate thick-
Anatomical Recession (Tooth Position) ness, alveolar crest position, keratinised tissue width, gingival
architecture (thickness), tooth dimension and probe visibility
Several anatomical factors are associated with gingival recession: but is unrelated to gingival recession (Cook etal. 2011, Cor-
• Tooth position in the dental arch (e.g. a prominent buc tellini & Bissada 2018). Examples of normal, thin and thick
cally positioned upper canine) gingival tissues can be seen in Figure 3.2.6. Table 3.2.3 shows
• Overcrowding with tooth displacement out of the arch management options for thick and thin periodontal (gingival)
(with bone dehiscence) biotypes in the absence and presence of gingival recession.
• Bulbous root structure
• Enamel pearls.
Quantity of Attached Gingiva The new classication system for gingival recession
recognises the importance of the periodontal (gingival) biotype,
Historically, it has been suggested that the absence of an interproximal attachment loss and the characteristics of the
root surface
adequate width of attached gingiva may reduce resistance to
140 SECTION 3 Periodontal Treatment Planning
Bone Morphology
e alveolar bone crest is usually approximately 1–2 mm
apically to the CEJ, but tooth position in the arch can aect
the bone morphology around a tooth. Clinically, gingival
recession is often accompanied by an alveolar bone dehis-
cence, although it is not clear whether the underlying bone
dehiscence develops before, or in parallel with, gingival
A Malocclusion
Angle’s class II division II malocclusion has been associated
with direct trauma on the labial gingival margins of lower
incisors and on the palatal margins of upper incisors. is
particular incisor relationship may therefore generate reces-
sion defects at these areas, often resulting in indentations in
the gingiva (Tugnait & Clerehugh 2001). A deep overbite
in the absence of adequate overjet may also lead to the strip-
ping of the gingival margins. Severe class III malocclusions
combined with a deep bite and occlusal trauma caused by
upper teeth to lower anterior teeth may also result in dam-
age to the gingival margin.
3.2.3 Management options for dierent periodontal (gingival) biotypes
absence Periodontal
of gingival (gingival)
recession phenotype Management options
Absence of gingival Thick gingival biotype Prevention through good oral hygiene and monitoring.
Toothbrush Trauma adaptive immune response and (2) topically reduced tissue
vascularity inuencing any subsequent wound healing of
Gingival recession has been reported to be relatively com- the aected tissues.
mon in populations with high standards of oral hygiene,
where it is usually located at buccal surfaces of canines, pre- Healing after Periodontal Treatment
molars and molars (see Figure 3.2.1A) and associated with
wedge-shaped hard tissue defects. Results from these stud- Pocket reduction following non-surgical periodontal treat-
ies would suggest that potentially overzealous or improper ment is achieved by the control of inammation which may
toothbrushing habits may be associated with gingival reces- result in gingival recession. Surgical treatment of periodon-
sion. However, there is no evidence of a cause-and-eect tal defects may also result in more recession postoperatively
relationship between toothbrushing and gingival recession. (Lindhe & Nyman 1980). Patients should therefore be
warned about the possibility of post-treatment recession in
Tooth Movement all forms of periodontal therapy.
Labial tooth movement may result either from occlusal Restorative Dentistry
trauma accompanied by periodontal diseases or from orth-
odontic movement (Tugnait & Clerehugh 2001) (Figure Subgingival and overhanging restoration margins can be
3.2.7). According to Wennström (1996), provided the considered a local risk factor in the development of peri-
tooth is moved within the envelope of alveolar bone, gingi- odontal diseases. Any subgingival placement of restorations
val recession will not occur irrespective of the quality (vol- (llings, crowns, etc.) may therefore produce an inamma-
ume) and quantity (width) of attached gingiva. However, if tory lesion in response to plaque accumulation which can
labial tooth movement results in the development of alveo- impinge on the supracrestal tissue attachment (biological
lar bone dehiscence, there is a greater risk of gingival reces- width) of the connective tissue, possibly resulting in loss of
sion. e use of computerised tomography to visualise the attachment or enlargement of the gingival tissues (Figure
morphology of the buccal or lingual bone plates in the plan- 3.2.8).
ning phase of orthodontic therapy may help prevent gingi-
val recession during orthodontic therapy, as the thickness of Removable Partial Dentures
the bone around individual teeth and any bony dehiscences/
fenestrations can be identied before treatment is initiated. Several investigators have suggested that removable partial
dentures may compromise every aspect of the periodontal
Smoking health of abutment teeth, including the incidence of gingi-
val recession. For example, poorly designed removable par-
Smoking is a signicant risk factor for the development of tial dentures may traumatise the periodontal tissues either
periodontal diseases. Increased prevalence and severity of physically or as a result of plaque accumulation (Tugnait
recession has also been reported in populations who either & Clerehugh 2001, Ercoli & Caton 2018). According to
smoke or use smokeless tobacco (Robertson et al. 1990, Wright and Hellyer (1995), however, the accumulation of
Banihashemrad etal. 2008). Several mechanisms have been plaque may be considered the main causative factor associ-
proposed for the eect of smoking on gingival recession, ated with gingival recession rather than any aspect of den-
for example, (1) systemically compromising the innate and ture design per se.
142 SECTION 3 Periodontal Treatment Planning
• Figure 3.2.8 Inammatory response of the gingivae following the Dentine hypersensitivity is, by denition, a diagnosis of
subgingival placement of restoration margins. exclusion.
A high smile line is usually a predisposing factor that con-
tributes to the patient’s concerns regarding the appearance of
gingival recession. Elongation of the clinical crowns of teeth
contrasts with the darker root dentine and, additionally, the
presence of “black triangles” as a consequence of generalised
recession is often seen in patients with periodontitis and often
compromises the aesthetics (Figure 3.2.10). ese elements
may generate psychological issues which are further aggra-
vated by the established association of recession with ageing.
Concern about the aesthetic eects of recession is often one
of the main reasons for patients attending the dental clinic.
• Figure 3.2.9 Gingival recession due to trauma caused by a lower lip
stud. Source: Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature: Br. Dent. J. KEY POINT 6
Gingival recession due to trauma caused by a lower lip stud, JJ Aesthetics and pain arising from dentine hypersensitivity are
O’Dower et al., Copyright 2002. key motivators for a patient to see a dentist.
TABLE Non-surgical and surgical interventions for patients with gingival recession and dentine
3.2.4 hypersensitivity
Fu J-H, Yeh C-Y, Chan H-L, Tatarakis N, etal. Tissue biotype and
KEY POINT 8 its relation to the underlying bone morphology. J Periodontol.
Management of both gingival recession and dentine 2010;81:569–574.
hypersensitivity is by implementation of prevention and
Gillam DG, Orchardson R. Advances in the treatment of root den-
corrective strategies together with a realistic monitoring
tin sensitivity: mechanisms and treatment principles. Endod Top.
programme which is simple to adopt in a practice environment.
Kamal H. Prevalence of dentine hypersensitivity in gingival recession-
Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter African and Middle-East IADR Federation Conference. September
are available online at Elsevier eBooks+. 27–29th Abstract presentation); 2005.
Kapila YL, Kashani H. Cocaine-associated rapid gingival recession
and dental erosion. A case report. J Periodontol. 1997;68:485–
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American Academy of Periodontology. Glossary of Periodontal Terms. recession. J Am Dent Assoc. 2003;134:220–225.
Chicago: American Academy of Periodontology; 2001. Lindhe J, Nyman S. Alterations of the position of the marginal soft tis-
Baker DL, Seymour GJ. e possible pathogenesis of gingival reces- sue following periodontal surgery. J Clin Periodontol. 1980;7:525–
sion. A histological study of induced recession in the rat. J Clin 530.
Periodontol. 1976;3:208–219. Marini MG, Greghi SLA, Passanezi E, Sant’ana ACP. Gingival reces-
Banihashemrad SA, Fatemi K, Naja MH. Eect of smoking on gin- sion: prevalence, extension and severity in adults. J Appl Oral Sci.
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sensus Development Conference on Diagnosis and Management of tics Restorative Dent. 1985a;5:8–13.
Dental Caries roughout Life. Washington, DC; 2001. Miller PD. Root coverage using a free soft tissue autograft following
Brännström M. A hydrodynamic mechanism in the transmission of citric acid application. III. A successful and predictable procedure
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J Periodontol. 2018;89 Supp 1:S223–S236. 607.
Introduction Use of Radiographs
Periodontal Diseases that can Aect Children and Periodontal Diagnosis
Adolescents Treatment Planning and Periodontal Therapy
Periodontal Health EFP S3 Level Clinical Practice Treatment Guidelines and BSP
Gingivitis Implementation for UK Clinical Practice
Plaque-Induced Gingivitis Step 1 Building Foundations for Optimal Treatment
Necrotising Gingivitis Outcomes
Non-Plaque-Induced Gingival Lesions Step 2 Subgingival Biolm & Calculus Control/Removal
Periodontitis Step 3 Management of Non-Responding Sites (≥4 mm with
Incipient Periodontitis BOP or ≥6 mm)
Stage II, III or IV Grade C Periodontitis in Younger Age Step 4 Maintenance/Supportive Periodontal Therapy
Groups Plaque Control
Necrotising Periodontitis Toothbrushing and Motivation
Recession Flossing
Gingival Overgrowth Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy
Periodontal History, Examination and Simplied Basic Management of Gingivitis and Periodontitis
Periodontal Examination Role of Systemic Antimicrobials
Management of Recession
Periodontal History and Examination
Management of Gingival Overgrowth
Simpliöed Basic Periodontal Examination (sBPE)
sBPE Codes Treat or Refer
CHAPTER 3.3 Treatment Planning: Periodontal Problems in Children and Adolescents 147
increased inammatory gingival response to dental plaque • BOX 3.3.2 Local and Systemic Periodontal Risk
mediated by the hormonal changes associated with puberty, Factors
perhaps also in association with changes in the bacterial
composition of the dental plaque (Bimstein & Eidelman Local
1988, Bimstein & Matsson 1999). e 2013 Child Den- • Anatomical factors
tal Health Survey in England, Wales and Northern Ireland • Overhanging/poorly contoured restorations
• Removable partial dentures
found that out of a representative sample of 13,628 chil- • Orthodontic appliances
dren aged 5, 8, 12 and 15 years, only 22% of 5-year-olds • Root fractures and cervical root resorption
had visible gingival inammation, compared with 46% of • Calculus
8-year-olds, 60% of 12-year-olds and 52% of 15-year-olds • Local trauma
(Pitts etal. 2015). • Fraenal attachments
• Mouth breathing and lack of lip seal
According to the 2017 World Workshop Classication, a
case of gingivitis on an intact periodontium and on a reduced Systemic
periodontium without a history of periodontitis is dened as • Smoking
>10% bleeding sites with probing depths <3 mm (Chapple • Poorly controlled type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus
etal. 2018). Localised gingivitis is dened as 10–30% bleeding • Ethnic origins
sites; generalised gingivitis is dened as >30% bleeding sites. • Genetics
• Male gender
Importantly from an epidemiological perspective, a periodon- • Polymorphonuclear leucocyte function
titis case cannot simultaneously be dened as a gingivitis case. • Socio-economic status (low educational level)
is means that a patient with a history of periodontitis with • Acquired systemic infection (e.g. HIV)
gingival inammation is still classed as a periodontitis case. • Severe malnutrition
From a clinical perspective, successfully treated periodontitis
patients may achieve a reduced, stable periodontium where
probing depths are ≤4 mm and there is an absence of clini-
cal inammation (BOP). However, BOP may occur at certain Periodontitis
sites, and where probing depths are ≤3 mm, this would be clas-
sied as gingival inammation in a stable periodontitis patient; e key features of periodontitis are:
close monitoring is required due to the potential for relapse and • Loss of attachment of the periodontal connective tissues
high risk of recurrence of periodontitis. • Apical migration of the JE beyond the CEJ and transfor
mation of the JE to pocket epithelium (often thin and
Necrotising Gingivitis ulcerated)
Necrotising gingivitis (NG) has a fusiform-spirochaetal • Alveolar bone loss.
microbial aetiology and is more generally found in patients Local and systemic periodontal risk factors can inu-
in developing countries who typically exhibit various risk ence the rate, severity and extent of progression of peri-
factors, including smoking, immunosuppression – in par- odontitis (Box 3.3.2). e system of staging and grading
ticular HIV-positive status – stress, malnourishment or periodontitis was introduced for the rst time in the 2017
poor diet (Herrera etal. 2018). Extreme living conditions World Workshop on Classication (Tonetti etal. 2018), see
and severe (viral) infections such as measles, herpes viruses, Chapter 2.1 and Appendices 1 and 2. Risk factors have not
chicken pox, malaria or febrile illnesses may be predisposing previously been included in the classication of periodon-
conditions in children (Papapanou etal. 2018). Key diag- titis, but the 2017 World Workshop scheme allows for the
nostic features include: presence of recognised periodontal risk factors (especially
• Pain smoking and diabetes; see Box 3.3.2) to be able to modify
• Necrosis and ulceration of the interdental papillae which the assigned grade of periodontitis (Tonetti etal. 2018). It
have a “punched out” appearance is also important to incorporate current disease status into
• Bleeding, which may be spontaneous the periodontitis diagnosis (stable, unstable or in remission)
• Secondary fetor oris by considering the presence of true probing pocket depths
• Pseudo-membrane may be present (PPD) of 4 mm or more and BOP, which reect the inam-
• May manifest in children and teenagers matory status and drive treatment planning (Chapple etal.
• May progress to necrotising periodontitis (NP). 2018, Dietrich etal. 2019). Details can be found in Chapter
NG is the only form of gingivitis for which systemic anti 2.1 and Appendix 2
biotics may normally be indicated as part of the treatment. Although current evidence, as documented in the 2017
World Workshop (Caton etal. 2018), does not support the
Non-Plaque-Induced Gingival Lesions distinction between the conditions previously classied as
Children may also present with non-plaque-induced gin- chronic and aggressive periodontitis in the 1999 Interna-
gival lesions. For such lesions, a specialist referral may be tional Classication (Lang etal. 1999), it is important for
indicated (Clerehugh etal. 2004, Clerehugh & Kindelan the dental practitioner to be able to identify those adoles-
2021). cents at an incipient (early) stage of periodontitis who are
CHAPTER 3.3 Treatment Planning: Periodontal Problems in Children and Adolescents 149
amenable to treatment in general dental practice (typically to a prevalence of 37% at 16 years and 77% at 19 years.
stage I, grade A) and those minority of cases who would pre- Periodontal pathogens typical of those found in the sub-
viously have been classied as aggressive periodontitis with gingival microora of adults with periodontitis have also
a more severe, rapidly progressing, destructive form of peri- been found in the subgingival plaque of adolescents with
odontitis who would now be categorised typically as stage incipient periodontitis, including Porphyromonas gingiva-
II, III or IV, grade C and who would benet from referral lis, Prevotella intermedia, Aggregatibacter actinomycetem-
to a specialist (Wadia et al. 2019, Walter et al. 2019a, b, comitans and Tannerella forsythia (Clerehugh et al. 1997,
Clerehugh & Kindelan 2021). Hamlet etal. 2004).
Radiographic bone loss has been observed around the
primary dentition in some children, and this reinforces the Stage II, III or IV Grade C Periodontitis in Younger
notion that periodontitis can develop at an early age (Mats- Age Groups
son etal. 1995, 1997). e condition that would previously have been diagnosed as
In the mixed dentition, it is important to be aware of localised aggressive periodontitis, although not deemed in
the potential problem of false pocketing occurring around the 2017 World Workshop on Classication to have a su-
partially erupted teeth. ciently well-dened aetiology or pathophysiology to have its
own classication, has in fact been acknowledged to have a
Incipient Periodontitis well-recognised clinical presentation: typically with an onset
In the permanent dentition, the transition from gingivitis around puberty and localised rst molar/incisor presentation
to the early stages of periodontitis, namely incipient peri- with interproximal clinical attachment loss which is much
odontitis, can occur in the early teenage years, aecting a more severe and more rapidly destructive than expected and
substantial number of teenagers. It is characterised by 1–2 inconsistent with the levels of plaque biolm deposits pres-
mm loss of clinical attachment interproximally, periodontal ent. Historically it has typically been found in adolescents
pockets 4–5 mm deep and crestal alveolar bone loss of about from Africa/Middle East with Aggregatibacter actinomy-
0.5 mm which is usually horizontal (Figure 3.3.1). cetemcomitans as the implicated infecting agent (Fine etal.
A 5-year longitudinal study of 167 adolescents (Clere- 2018, Papapanou etal. 2018). A. actinomycetemcomitans
hugh etal. 1990) showed that 3% had attachment loss of is very adept at evading the host defences and can be dif-
1 mm or more on at least one of the molar, premolar or cult to eradicate (Figure 3.3.2). Hence the management
incisor teeth when examined at age 14 years, increasing may well involve adjunctive systemic antimicrobials at the
4−5 mm
1−2 mm
Bone loss
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans
Stages of bacterial
Examples of virulence factors
Autotransporter proteins
1 Attaches to host tissues Fimbriae
PGA polysaccharide
2 Multiplies Bacteriocins
cause-related corrective phase of therapy, but careful consid- Factors associated with recession, especially if the gingiva
eration would be required on a case-by-case basis. is thin, are:
Within the staging system there is a category for describ- • Anatomy
ing the extent and distribution of periodontitis as localised • Tooth position, or orthodontic tooth movement, which
(up to 30% of teeth aected) or molar/incisor (Tonetti etal. may be associated with fenestration or dehiscence in the
2018, Wadia et al. 2019, Walter et al. 2019a) for young- thin bone covering the root (Figure 3.3.3)
sters who would previously have been diagnosed as localised • Trauma, e.g. overzealous toothbrushing
aggressive periodontitis, whilst for adolescents who would • Traumatic habits, e.g. ënger picking of the gingival
previously have been diagnosed as generalised aggressive margin
periodontitis, they would typically be categorised as stage • Local plaque-retention factors, e.g. supragingival calcu
II, III or IV, grade C, generalised periodontitis – that is, lus and frenal pull/high muscle attachments
30% or more of teeth aected (Tonetti etal. 2018, Walter • Periodontitis
etal. 2019a). e additional descriptor of periodontitis that • Loss of attachment associated with periodontitis can
is “currently unstable” may also apply to these cases (Wadia lead to the periodontal pocket margin being located
etal. 2019, Walter etal. 2019a) (Table 2.1.5). apical to the cement–enamel junction, with the devel-
opment of periodontal pockets and alveolar bone loss
Necrotising Periodontitis • Smoking is a further risk factor for recession
Although uncommon in young people in developed coun- • Treatment of periodontitis can also lead to recession
tries like the UK, necrotising periodontitis (NP): as a consequence of reduced marginal inammation.
• May be an extension of NG A treatment-oriented classification of gingival reces-
• Features necrosis of the gingival tissues, periodontal liga sion with reference to interdental loss of attachment was
ment and alveolar bone. proposed by Jepsen et al. (2018), along with a clinical
diagnostic approach which takes account of gingival
Recession phenotype, gingival recession and associated cervical
During the early years, after eruption of the permanent
tooth, an increase in the width of the attached gingiva takes Gingival Overgrowth
place (Bimstein & Eidelman 1988).
As explained in Chapter 3.2, gingival recession is dened A greater incidence of gingival overgrowth is seen in
as the apical migration of the gingival margin beyond the puberty, and the severity is more intense in children than
cement–enamel junction, resulting in exposure of the root in adults with similar amounts of dental plaque (Tiainen
surface. etal. 1992).
CHAPTER 3.3 Treatment Planning: Periodontal Problems in Children and Adolescents 151
• Figure 3.3.3 Fenestration and dehiscence may be associated with gingival recession, especially where
overlying gingiva is thin and subjected to trauma, e.g. from overzealous toothbrushing.
ere are a number of contributing factors to gingival calculus deposits should be noted. Local periodontal risk
overgrowth: factors – e.g. plaque-retention factors, location of high
• Usually associated with plaque-induced inìammation fraenal attachments, malocclusion, the presence of mouth
• Drugs: phenytoin for management of epilepsy; ciclospo breathing and incompetent lip seal – should be identied.
rin (immunosuppressant); calcium channel blockers Mouth breathing, increased lip separation and decreased
• Hormonal (pregnancy; contraceptive pill) upper lip coverage have all been associated with higher
• Hereditary gingival ëbromatosis levels of plaque and gingival inammation. e inuence
• Neoplasia, including leukaemia of mouth breathing tends to be restricted to palatal sites,
• Scurvy, vitamin C deëciency whereas decreased lip coverage inuences gingival inam-
• Mouth breathing, which can exacerbate existing plaque- mation at both palatal and labial sites (Wagaiyu & Ashley
induced gingivitis. 1991). Radiographs and sensitivity tests may be necessary.
e enlarged gingival tissue may be dicult to clean, Just as for adults, periodontal screening is recommended
thereby acting as a plaque-retention factor, and aesthetics in children and adolescents, but a simplied version of the
may be a concern. basic periodontal examination (BPE) has been developed
for the under 18-year-old group (sBPE), and guidelines on
Periodontal History, Examination its use have been updated by Clerehugh and Kindelan in
association with the BSP and the BSPD in 2021 (Clerehugh
and Simplified Basic Periodontal & Kindelan 2021) (Figure 3.3.4).
Simplified Basic Periodontal Examination
Periodontal History and Examination
KEY POINT 2 Periodontal screening using the simplied BPE (sBPE) is
A thorough history and examination are necessary for appropriate for children and adolescents under 18 years of
periodontal diagnosis and subsequent treatment planning and age seen in general dental practice and community and hos-
will identify systemic and local periodontal risk factors (Box 3.3.2). pital settings.
sBPE Codes
gingiva, calculus and/or overhangs of llings, i.e. sBPE
0 Healthy (no bleeding on probing, no calculus/overhangs codes 1 and 2 only, to avoid the problem of false pockets
or pocketing ≥3.5 mm detected). Black band entirely vis- on the erupting/recently erupted rst permanent molar
ible. and incisor teeth
1 Bleeding on probing (no calculus/overhangs or pocket- 2. At 12–17 years of age, the full range of sBPE codes can
ing ≥3.5 mm detected). Black band entirely visible. be used on the six index teeth. It would be unusual to
2 Calculus (supragingival and/or subgingival) or plaque- nd periodontal breakdown at other teeth without the
retention factor (no pocketing ≥3.5 mm detected). Black index teeth being aected
band entirely visible. 3. An sBPE should be undertaken in all new child or ado-
3 Shallow pocket (4 mm or 5 mm), i.e. probing depth ≥3.5 lescent patients and prior to commencing orthodontic
mm but ≤5.5 mm. Black band partially visible. treatment in the under 18s
4 Deep pocket (6 mm or more), i.e. probing depth >6 mm. 4. Whether in the mixed or permanent dentition stage, the
Black band disappears. examination of these index teeth is quick, easy and well
* Furcation tolerated and is sucient to identify children who would
benet from a more detailed examination.
KEY POINT 4 Although a brief periodontal examination similar to the
sBPE is performed on six index teeth (UR6, UR1, UL6, sBPE has been reported to be acceptable for children as
LL6, LL1 and LR6) using a WHO 621 probe with a 0.5 mm young as 3 years of age (Rapp et al. 2001), it would not
spherical ball on the tip and a black band at 3.5–5.5 mm to normally need to be undertaken in the primary dentition.
delineate healthy sulcus (probing depth 3 mm or less) from
pockets (probing depth 4 mm or more), employing a light
As a guide for when to do sBPE:
probing force of 20–25 g. • If sBPE = 0, screen again at routine recall visit or within
1 year, whichever is sooner
e sBPE is performed on the following six index teeth: • If sBPE = 1 or 2, treat and screen again at routine recall
UR6, UR1, UL6, LL6, LL1 and LR6 using the WHO 621 or after 6 months, whichever is sooner
probe with a light probing force of 20–25 g. is has a 0.5 • If sBPE = 3, undertake initial periodontal therapy, includ
mm spherical ball on the tip and a black band at 3.5–5.5 ing any other aected teeth in the involved sextant(s).
mm to delineate healthy sulcus depth (<3.5 mm) and peri- After 3 months, do a full periodontal assessment, includ-
odontal pockets of 4 mm or more (see Figure 3.3.5). ing 6-point probing pocket depths on the index tooth
ere are, however, certain points that need to be con- and other teeth in the involved sextant(s).
sidered when adapting this for use in children and ado- • If sBPE = 4 or * on any index tooth, do a full periodon
lescents (Clerehugh 2008, Clerehugh & Kindelan 2021, tal assessment, including 6-point probing pocket depths, throughout the entire dentition. Consider referral to a
1. At 7–11 years of age, in the mixed dentition phase, the specialist. Undertake initial periodontal therapy as for
index teeth should only be examined for bleeding of the code 3 in the meantime (Figure 3.3.5).
CHAPTER 3.3 Treatment Planning: Periodontal Problems in Children and Adolescents 153
Code 3
Black band
partially visible
Code 4
Black band
within pocket
Code *
Furcation involvement
Please see Table 3.3.1 for guidance on the interpretation A radiographic report should be included in the patient’s
of sBPE codes for clinical practice. case notes. In addition to caries and other pathology, nd-
ings of periodontal signicance to record include:
Use of Radiographs • Bone levels/loss
• Type of bone loss (horizontal or vertical)
In health, the alveolar bone crest is 0.4–1.9 mm from the • Calculus
CEJ around permanent teeth but may be greater than • Furcations
2 mm in primary teeth. is distance may increase with • Apical pathology
facial growth and if an adjacent primary tooth is lost or a • Endodontic-periodontal lesion
neighbouring permanent tooth erupts. Horizontal bite- • Root caries
wing radiographs for the detection of caries can be useful • Deëcient or overhanging restoration margins
in assessing a young patient’s periodontal condition on pos- • Poorly contoured restorations
terior teeth (Faculty of General Dental Practitioners 2018). • Widened periodontal ligament space.
Selected periapical radiographs may be indicated for the
anterior and/or posterior teeth. Panoramic lms are com- KEY POINT 5
monly used for orthodontic purposes to assess the state of For sBPE codes of 3, 4 or *, consideration should normally be
the developing dentition. e chance to assess bone levels given to a radiographic examination when it is justied and has
on intra-oral or panoramic lms should always be seized, the potential to change the management or prognosis, in line
with best radiological practice. Assessment of bone loss is a
even if the lm was not originally taken to assess the peri- core component of staging and grading of periodontitis.
odontal condition.
For sBPE codes of 3, 4 or *, consideration should nor-
mally be given to a radiographic examination when it is jus- Periodontal Diagnosis
tied and has the potential to change the management or
prognosis, taking account of best available radiological prac- e diagnosis of any periodontal conditions present in
tice. Assessment of bone loss is a key aspect of staging and a child or adolescent will follow the history, examination
grading periodontitis and reaching a periodontal diagnosis and any special tests; a treatment plan can then be drawn
(see Chapter 2.1 and Appendices 1 and 2). up. Guidance on periodontal diagnosis in the context of
154 SECTION 3 Periodontal Treatment Planning
TABLE Summary guidance on interpretation of • Corrective therapy: various therapeutic measures, includ
3.3.1 simplied BPE (sBPE) codes ing further non-surgical therapy or, in selected cases,
periodontal surgery, adjunctive local or systemic antimi-
crobials, orthodontics or any denitive restorative work.
code Summary
• Supportive therapy: prevention of disease recurrence and
0 No periodontal treatment maintenance of periodontal health, with tailored recall
Screen again at routine recall or within 1 year, visits.
whichever is sooner
l Oral hygiene instruction (OHI) EFP S3 Level Clinical Practice Treatment
Screen again at routine recall or within 6
months, whichever is sooner
Guidelines and BSP Implementation for UK
Clinical Practice
2 OHI as for code 1. Supragingival/subgingival
professional mechanical plaque removal Following the 2017 World Workshop on Classication
(PMPR). Remove/manage plaque-retention
(Caton et al. 2018), the EFP developed a set of stringent
Screen again at routine recall or within 6 S3-level, evidence-based clinical recommendations (CRs)
months, whichever is sooner for the management of stage I–III periodontitis. ese were
based on 15 systematic reviews and a moderated consen-
3 OHI as for codes 1 and 2. Supragingival/
subgingival PMPR, with particular emphasis sus process from representative stakeholders (Sanz et al.
on subgingival PMPR in shallow 4 mm–5 mm 2020). Please see Chapter 4.3 and Appendix 3 for further
pockets. Remove/manage plaque-retention details and an explanation of the development of the EFP
factors S3 guidelines. e BSP adapted these EFP S3-level guide-
After 3 months, do a full periodontal
lines for clinical use in the UK healthcare system and pro-
assessment, including 6-point probing pocket
depth (PPD) chart, in affected sextants duced UK Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of
Periodontal Diseases, illustrating the four-step sequence for
4 or * Unusual in young patients. Do a full periodontal the practitioner to follow for the treatment of periodontal
assessment, including 6-point PPD chart,
throughout the entire dentition diseases, covering the spectrum from periodontal health to
gingivitis and periodontitis (see Appendix 4).
therapy, as code 3 Preventive advice, health education and oral hygiene
instruction are key to successful management of plaque-
Table reproduced from Clerehugh & Kindelan (2021)
induced gingivitis and prerequisites to the successful man-
and Implant Dentistry ( agement of periodontitis in the younger age groups. e
young patients and their families/caregivers should have a
diagnosis and discussion of the causes of the child/young per-
son’s periodontal condition, treatments options, risk-benets
the 2017 World Workshop Classication of periodontal and a care plan. e following steps 1–4 can then provide a
diseases and conditions and its implementation in clini- stepwise approach for successful treatment outcomes of their
cal practice has been produced by the BSP (Dietrich etal. periodontal diseases/periodontitis (Appendices 3 and 4).
2019). Appendix 2 shows how to reach a diagnosis in con-
junction with use of the periodontal screening systems used Step 1 Building Foundations for Optimal
in the UK (appropriate for both BPE for adults and sBPE Treatment Outcomes
for children under 18), and then shows the use of staging Step 1 aims to lead to behaviour change/motivation to suc-
and grading for periodontitis cases, assessment of current cessfully control the plaque biolm (OHI); uses possible
periodontitis status, risk factor assessment and nally reach- adjunctive therapies for gingival inammation; uses pro-
ing a diagnosis statement in clinical practice. fessional mechanical plaque removal (PMPR) to remove
supragingival plaque and calculus and also any subgingival
plaque and calculus on the crown of the tooth; employs risk
Treatment Planning and factor control.
Periodontal Therapy Step 2 Subgingival Biofilm & Calculus
Periodontal therapy has traditionally been undertaken in Control/Removal
three phases: initial, corrective and supportive, each with a Step 2 aims to control (reduce/eliminate) the subgingival
number of associated stages: plaque bioëlm and subgingival PMPR to remove subgin
• Initial therapy: cause related; targeted at controlling the gival plaque biolm and subgingival calculus from the root
plaque biolm, managing any modiable periodontal surface; may also involve the use of: adjunctive physical or
risk factors and completing the initial phase of non-sur- chemical agents; adjunctive local or systemic host-modulat-
gical periodontal therapy in order to control the infec- ing agents; adjunctive subgingival locally delivered antimi-
tion and inammation and halt the progress of disease. crobials; adjunctive systemic antimicrobials.
CHAPTER 3.3 Treatment Planning: Periodontal Problems in Children and Adolescents 155
Step 3 Management of Non-Responding Sites (≥4 complementary to dentistry (Siam et al. 1980). ere is
mm with BOP or ≥6 mm) strong reinforcement of this message in the Public Health
Step 3 aims at treating non-responding sites (probing depth England/Department of Health’s Delivering Better Oral
>4 mm with BOP or >6 mm); aims to gain access to fur- Health (DBOH) evidence-based toolkit for prevention,
ther subgingival instrumentation or to achieve regeneration now in its third edition (2017); a fourth edition is currently
or resection in lesions (infrabony or furcation) that increase being compiled (Public Health England 2020).
complexity in managing periodontitis.
Toothbrushing and Motivation
Step 4 Maintenance/Supportive Periodontal Plaque biolm-induced gingivitis in children and ado-
Therapy lescents can be managed by thorough mechanical plaque
Step 4 aims to maintain periodontal stability through support- removal and good oral hygiene (Oh et al. 2002, Needle-
ive periodontal care in all treated periodontitis patients; com- man et al. 2005), which has additional benets in terms
bines preventive/therapeutic interventions from steps 1 and 2; of reduced risk of caries. Public Health England/Depart-
requires regular recall intervals, tailored to patient’s individual ment of Health Guidelines on Delivering Better Oral
needs; should be managed as a recurrent disease with updated Health should be followed (2017); they recommend com-
diagnosis and treatment plan; requires compliance with OHI mencing toothbrushing as soon as the rst primary tooth
regimens and healthy lifestyle, which are integral. erupts. Children under 3 years of age should use a tooth-
paste containing no less than 1000 ppm uoride, whilst a
KEY POINT 6 family toothpaste (1350–1500 ppm uoride) is indicated
Preventive advice, health education and oral hygiene for maximum caries control in children above 3 years of
instruction are key to successful management of plaque- age, ensuring adequate parental supervision for use of small
induced gingivitis and are also prerequisites to the successful amounts. As manual dexterity to carry out good plaque con-
management of periodontitis in the younger age groups.
The BSP UK Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Treatment
trol for themselves varies from child to child, guidance from
of Periodontal Diseases provides a stepwise approach for the DBOH toolkit (Public Health England 2017) is that
successful treatment outcomes of periodontal diseases/ parents/caregivers should brush/supervise toothbrushing at
periodontitis in the under 18 age group. ages 0–3 years and supervise children 3–6 years of age. No
particular technique of toothbrushing has been shown to be
better than any other, rather the need to systematically clean
KEY POINT 7 all tooth surfaces should be emphasised by the clinician. e
All phases of periodontal therapy require ongoing guidance on patient’s existing toothbrushing technique may need to be
oral hygiene practices to control gingival inammation.
modied to achieve this. It is recognised that disclosing tab-
lets can help to indicate areas that are being missed. It is
recommended that toothbrushing is carried out twice a day
Plaque Control
with a uoridated toothpaste.
According to the Children’s Dental Health Survey of 2013 An appropriately sized toothbrush should be recom-
(Tsakos etal. 2015), twice daily toothbrushing was reported mended for children and adolescents; the DBOH toolkit
in 79% of 12-year-olds (compared with 76% in 2003) and (Public Health England 2017) has recommended a small-
in 84% of 15-year-olds (versus 80% in 2003); between headed toothbrush with medium texture bristles. e 2013
37%–49% of children in all age groups reported using Child Dental Health Survey has shown that around 40%
an electric toothbrush. e use of dental oss, although of children overall used an electric toothbrush (39% of
small, was evident, with 21% of 15-year-olds reporting its 5-year-olds, 49% of 8-year-olds, 37% of 12-year-olds, 41%
use. Mouthwash use was reported in all age groups, rising of 15-year-olds). Although there is evidence that some pow-
from 22% of 5-year-olds up to 67% of 15-year-olds. Oral ered toothbrushes, with a rotation-oscillation action, may be
health messages for the child population should incorpo- more eective for plaque control than manual toothbrushes
rate relevant information about the use of these common (Robinson et al. 2003, 2005, Deacon et al. 2010, Yaacob
oral hygiene adjuncts. Smoking prevalence was very low etal. 2014), it is probably more important that the tooth-
(2%) in 12-year-olds, but because 11% of 15-year-olds brush, whether manual or powered, is used eectively twice
reported being a current smoker and 29% reported having daily. e practitioner can thus recommend good, eective
ever smoked cigarettes, smoking cessation advice is of para- brushing with a manual or powered toothbrush twice daily
mount importance in these teenage years. using a uoridated toothpaste. e choice of toothbrush
Under optimal conditions, the careful and regular may be inuenced by patient preference.
removal of dental plaque biolm can prevent the occurrence Professional support to patients and parents in the form
and progression of early periodontal diseases (Badersten of preventive or educational programmes has been shown
etal. 1975, Agerbaek etal. 1977, Axelsson & Lindhe 1977, to improve patient motivation, leading to improved levels
Hamp etal. 1978, Ashley & Sainsbury 1981). It is however of oral health (Hochstetter etal. 2007). A recent systematic
recognised that attainment and maintenance of optimal oral review with meta-analysis involving adolescents and moth-
hygiene requires reinforcement by dentists or professionals ers of young children, as well as adults, showed that mobile
156 SECTION 3 Periodontal Treatment Planning
applications and text messages compared with conventional Although the eects of plaque on the gingival and
oral hygiene instructions were a useful adjunct in improv- periodontal tissues may be transient for the duration of
ing oral hygiene and oral health knowledge and reducing the orthodontic therapy (Ristic etal. 2007), high plaque
gingival inammation (Toniazzo etal. 2019). e reader is accumulation can develop in patients undergoing xed
directed to Chapter 4.3 on patient adherence to healthcare orthodontic treatment (Atack etal. 1996, Turkkahraman
advice and some of the diculties to be overcome when et al. 2005) which can result in demineralisation of the
motivating patients to clean their teeth to a higher standard. adjacent enamel and gingival inammation (Lovrov etal.
2007). Patients accepted for orthodontic treatment, par-
Flossing ticularly xed appliance therapy, should demonstrate an
Although evidence relating to the eectiveness of ossing in adequate level of oral hygiene. Toothbrushing using the
children for the improvement in gingival and periodontal Bass technique with use of approximal brushes and inter-
health is sparse, it may be benecial to recommend super- space brushes (Goh 2007) is recommended by orthodontic
vised ossing of children’s teeth for those at high risk of specialists. Reminder therapy has been shown to be a valu-
caries. e Public Health England DBOH toolkit (2017) able strategy in contributing to the reduction of plaque
recommends for children aged 12–17 years to clean daily and gingival indices and white spot lesions in patients
between the teeth to below the gum line before toothbrush- undergoing orthodontic treatment according to a system-
ing, using dental oss or tape for small spaces between the atic review and meta-analysis of high-quality evidence
teeth, or, for larger spaces, using interdental brushes. (Lima etal. 2018). A systematic review showed some lim-
e BSP have produced an infographic for children ited evidence that use of mobile phones can be eective in
called, “Let’s keep children smiling,” portraying the message improving adherence to oral hygiene advice in orthodon-
that they should be ecient at ossing or using interdental tic patients (Sharif etal. 2019). e daily use of a 0.05%
brushes at around the age of 10 years (available at sodium uoride mouthwash (225 ppm) should be advised at a dierent time from toothbrushing for patients under-
going xed appliance therapy (Benson etal. 2004, Public
Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy Health England 2017).
Management of Gingivitis and
Periodontitis Role of Systemic Antimicrobials
Step 1 of the stepwise approach contains the key elements Systemic antimicrobials are not indicated for the manage-
for the management of plaque-biolm-induced gingivitis ment of plaque-induced gingivitis or the cases of incipient
in the child or adolescent (see Chapter 4.3 and Appendi- periodontitis (typically stage I, grade A) that may be found
ces 3 and 4). It is directed at the removal of supragingival in adolescents who would normally be treated in the pri-
and subgingival plaque and calculus deposits on the clinical mary dental care setting in general dental practice. ere are
crown of the tooth via PMPR, in conjunction with risk fac- some specic exceptions:
tor control and patient education and engagement in tai-
lored home plaque control measures; adjunctive therapeutic 1. Severe, rapidly destructive disease
agents to help control inammation may also be indicated Stage II, III, IV, grade C periodontitis in young individu-
(Sanz et al. 2020, West et al. 2021). Management of any als who would previously have been diagnosed as aggres-
modiable risk factors needs to be incorporated into treat- sive periodontitis in the old classication (Armitage et al.
ment planning, including smoking cessation advice if appli- 1999) may be considered for adjunctive systemic antibiotic
cable to children and teenagers. therapy, but such cases are often best managed by specialists
For periodontitis cases, step 1 needs to be successfully (Clerehugh & Kindelan 2021), including:
completed before progressing on to step 2. is involves • molar-incisor pattern of periodontitis aêecting ërst
reinforcement of oral hygiene measures, risk factor control molars/incisors that may occur in adolescents around
and behaviour change before proceeding with subgingival puberty, which would previously have been classied as
PMPR. Incipient periodontitis (stage I, grade A) in teen- localised aggressive periodontitis.
agers can often be managed in dental practice. e more • localised pattern of periodontitis in young people, which
challenging cases (stages II, III, IV, Grade C) in the younger would previously have been classied as localised aggres-
age groups and consideration for adjunctive use of systemic sive periodontitis.
antimicrobials may best be undertaken by a specialist to • generalised periodontitis, grade C in young adults, which
whom referral may be appropriate (Clerehugh & Kindelan would previously have been diagnosed as generalised
2021). Re-evaluation of the outcome of step 2 drives the aggressive periodontitis.
decision to move to step 3 (managing non-responding sites) In these situations, systemic antimicrobials would only
or to step 4 (supportive periodontal therapy [SPT]) (see be administered as adjuncts to disruption of the biolm
Chapter 5.4 for further information on this topic). achieved through subgingival PMPR (Teughels etal. 2020,
Younger patients are able to comply with this treatment, West etal. 2021) (Figure 3.3.6). According to a recent sys-
but more attention may need to be paid to behavioural tematic review and meta-analysis (Teughels et al. 2020),
aspects (see Chapter 4.3) to acclimatise them to treatment. the best treatment outcomes have been observed using a
CHAPTER 3.3 Treatment Planning: Periodontal Problems in Children and Adolescents 157
• Figure 3.3.6 Do adjunctive systemic antibiotics improve the clinical outcome of subgingival instrumenta-
tion? (Reprinted from West N et al. BSP implementation of European S3 - level evidence-based treatment
guidelines for stage I-III periodontitis in UK clinical practice. Journal of Dentistry 2021;106:1–72:103562.)
Treat or refer
• Figure 3.3.7 The decision to treat or refer young cases in practice depends on a number of factors.
orthodontic treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Siam JD, Peterson JK, Matthews BL, Voglesong RH, Lyman BA.
Angle Orthod. 2018;88(4):483–493. Eects of supervised daily plaque removal by children after 3 years.
Lovrov S, Hertrich K, Hirschfelder U. Enamel demineralization dur- Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1980;8:171–176.
ing xed orthodontic treatment – Incidence and correlation to var- Teughels W, Feres M, Oud V, Martín C, Matesanz P, Herrera D.
ious oral hygiene parameters. J Orofac Orthop. 2007;68:353–363. Adjunctive eect of systemic antimicrobials in periodontitis ther-
Matsson L, Hjersing K, Sjödin B. Periodontal conditions in Vietnam- apy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Periodontol.
ese immigrant children in Sweden. Swed Dent J. 1995;19:73–81. 2020;47:212–281.
Matsson L, Sjödin B, Käson Blomquist H. Periodontal health in Tiainen L, Asikainen S, Saxen L. Puberty-associated gingivitis. Com-
adopted children of Asian origin living in Sweden. Swed Dent J. munity Dent. Oral Epidemiol. 1992;20:87–89.
1997;21:177–184. Tonetti MS, Greenwell H, Kornman KS. Staging and grading of peri-
Needleman I, Suvan J, Moles DR, Pimlott J. A systematic review of odontitis: Framework and proposal of a new classication and case
professional mechanical plaque removal for prevention of periodon- denition. J Clin Periodontol. 2018;45(Suppl 20):S149–S161.
tal diseases. J Clin Periodontol. 2005;32:229–282.
Oh T, Ebar R, Wang H. Periodontal diseases in the child and adoles- Toniazzo MP, Nodari D, Muniz FWMG, Weidlich P. Eect of
cent. J Clin Periodontol. 2002;29:400–410. Health in improving oral hygiene: a systematic review with meta-
Papapanou PN, Sanz M, et al. Periodontitis: Consensus report of analysis. J Clin Periodontol. 2019;46(3):297–309.
Workgroup 2 of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classica- Tsakos G, Chadwick B, Anderson T. Children’s Dental Health Sur-
tion of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases and Conditions. vey 2013. Report 1. Attitudes, Behaviours and Children’s Dental
J Clin Periodontol. 2018;45(Suppl 20):S162–S170. https://doi. Health. Health and Social Care Information Centre. National Statis-
org/10.1111/jcpe.12946. tics publication; 2015. published 19th March 2015, Available at
Pitts, N., Chadwick, B., Anderson, T. Children’s Dental Health Survey
2013. Report 2: Dental Disease and Damage in Children, England, cal/children-s-dental-health-survey/child-dental-health-survey-
Wales and Northern Ireland. Health and Social Care Information 2013-england-wales-and-northern-ireland#related-links (accessed
Centre; National Statistics publication, published 19th March 21/03/2021).
2015. Available at (accessed 21/03/2021). Turkkahraman H, Sayin MO, Bozkurt FY, Yetkin Z, Kaya S, Onal
Public Health England. Delivering Better Oral Health: An Evidence- S. Archwire ligation techniques, microbial colonization, and peri-
Based Toolkit for Prevention. 3rd ed. 2017. PHE gateway number: odontal status in orthodontically treated patients. Angle Orthod.
2016224. Available from: 2005;75:231–236.
/delivering-better-oral-health-an-evidence-based-toolkit-for-pre- Wadia R, Walter C, Chapple ILC, Ower P, Tank M, West NX,
vention (accessed on 03/04/21). Needleman I, Hughes FJ, Milward MR, Hodge PJ, Dietrich T.
Public Health England. Developing Better Oral Health: Guideline Devel- Periodontal diagnosis in the context of the 2017 classication
opment Manual; 2020. London, PHE gateway number: GW-965. system of periodontal diseases and conditions: presentation of a
Rapp GE, Garcia RV, Motta AC, Andrade IT, Bião MA, Carvalho patient with periodontitis localized to the molar teeth. Br Dent J.
PB. Prevalence assessment of periodontal disease in 3–6-year- 2019;226:180–182.
old children through PSR – a pilot study. J Int Acad Periodontol. Wagaiyu EG, Ashley FP. Mouthbreathing, lip seal and upper lip cover-
2001;3:75–80. age and their relationship with gingival inammation in 11–14-year-
Ristic M, Vlahovic Svabic M, Sasic M, Zelic O. Clinical and micro- old schoolchildren. J Clin Periodontol. 1991;18:698–702.
biological eects of xed orthodontic appliances on periodontal Walter C, Chapple ILC, Ower P, Tank M, West NX, Needleman I,
tissues in adolescents. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2007;10:187–195. Hughes FJ, Wadia R, Milward MR, Hodge PJ, Dietrich T. Peri-
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sus powered toothbrushing for oral health. Cochrane Data- young siblings with periodontitis. Br Dent J. 2019 a;226:23–26.
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CD002281.pub2. Wadia R, Milward MR, Hodge PJ, Dietrich T. Periodontal diag-
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Sculean A, Tonetti MS; On behalf of the EFP Workshop Partici- evidence-based treatment guidelines for stage I-III periodontitis
pants and Methodological Consultants. Treatment of stage I–III in UK clinical practice. J Dent. 2021;106:1–72:103562. https://
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to oral hygiene advice for children and adolescents. Br Dent J. org/10.1002/14651858.CD002281.pub3.
Introduction How to Refer
Why Refer? What to expect from a Referral
Who to Refer What to Expect as a Referring Clinician
How to Prepare your Patient
What to Refer
After Referral
Clinical Criteria
Radiographic Criteria The Specialist’s Report
Restorative Criteria Legal and Ethical Issues
Implants On Conclusion of Specialist Care
When to Refer Managing the Patient Who Declines Referral
Where to Refer
162 SECTION 3 Periodontal Treatment Planning
Why Refer?
• Figure 3.4.1 The participants in periodontal care and treatment.
A decision to refer to a colleague will be based upon:
• ɨe clinician’s experience, conëdence and perceived abil
ity to manage the patient’s condition • ɨe patient’s preference or request to see a specialist
• If the situation is carefully explained to the patient • Patients have become increasingly aware of treatment
and a choice clearly given, most patients only see alternatives via the internet and other media and may
referral as a positive beneët, not as a “failure” in their demand another approach if, in their view, existing
clinician, but it is important to be able to answer their treatments seem unsuccessful
initial queries about the referral • Such a request should not be assumed to be a criti
• In the medical environment, patients do not expect cism, but it must carefully be discussed to determine
their general practitioner (GP) to handle all their the reasons for the patient’s decision and to maintain
problems and referral is common a professional relationship post-referral
• ɨe age and general health status of the patient • ɨe specialist will always be discreet and tactful when
• Periodontitis presenting in a younger patient is gener replying to the patient’s inevitable query, “Why has this
ally regarded as a greater concern – aggressive disease at not been done before, by my dentist/hygienist . . . ?”
any age justiëes referral, but referral is essential for the
adolescent patient KEY POINT 2
• Concurrent health problems may inìuence the onset The dental hygienist or therapist may be the backbone of
of periodontal diseases and their treatment outcomes, successful periodontal care but will always provide more
effective support with good general dental practitioner (GDP)
particularly: input and interest.
Unstable diabetes
Drug-induced gingival enlargement (DIGE), which is
increasingly prevalent as more patients receive calcium KEY POINT 3
channel blockers as part of anti-hypertensive therapy It is very important that the specialist maintains proper
professional respect when dealing with such patient queries
A history of head and neck radiotherapy to ensure that the long-term relationship between the referrer,
A known signiëcant bleeding dyscrasia/disorder patient and specialist remains mutually supportive.
A signiëcant immunocompromised or suppressed state
• ɨe complexity of the treatment likely to be required. Who to Refer
For example:
• Multiple deep infra-bony lesions, where surgical care ree broad groups of patients may be regarded as suitable
is likely to be recommended for referral:
• ɨe presence of suspected posterior perio-endo • Patients with concurrent complicating medical condi
lesions, where complex endodontic treatment, or pos- tions, discussed previously, but most commonly:
sible root resection, is required • Unstable diabetes
• Extensive pocketing associated with tooth mobility, • ɨose presenting with DIGE, especially those tak
where splinting may be indicated ing calcium channel blockers (e.g. nifedipine) for
• Isolated pockets aêecting important abutment teeth hypertension
• ɨe presence of concurrent muco-gingival disease • Compliant but non-responding patients:
• ɨe presence of peri-implant disease or the close prox • Non-smokers – who have made good eêorts with
imity of implants to the disease site(s) their oral hygiene but failed to achieve the outcome
• A requirement for intramuscular (IM) or intrave expected after initial hygienic phase treatment
nous (IV) medication as a component of clinical • Smokers – who show a poor response to initial treat
management ment, but they must be advised that:
CHAPTER 3.4 Referral to a Periodontal Specialist 163
Advise smokers
the outcome of treatment will be less predictable, time). Patients suited to referral will usually show some of
whoever undertakes it, the following features:
progress will be slower to achieve, and • Non-resolving sites, either as multiple pockets or isolated
surgical treatment may not be a practical option if deep lesions
they continue to smoke • Pocket depth ≥5 mm
advising a patient to seek smoking cessation advice • Signiëcant anatomical diïculty such as:
prior to referral makes a very valuable contribution to • the close proximity of roots, either due to closely
their care, both in the short and long term. approximated teeth, or
• Non-compliant but demanding patients: • narrow furcation spaces
• ɨese patients have not adequately complied with oral • “extra” roots, such as third roots in upper premolars,
hygiene advice during initial or maintenance therapies, or lower molars, fourth roots in upper molars or, less
and thus show little or no improvement, yet demand commonly, biëd roots in canines or incisors
further treatment but will not accept extractions • thick crestal bone
• Referral of such patients is not ideal, but some may • thick, obstructive, gingival tissues
respond to a dierent approach or dierent clinician. • Mobility of grade 1 or 2
If they still do not respond after specialist care, an • If mobility exceeds this, i.e. grade 3, extraction is the
alternative strategy must be adopted, usually involv- most likely outcome and referral is rarely justiëed unless
ing the extraction of teeth splinting is proposed
• It may be that simply giving a second (specialist) • Persistent bleeding on probing from pockets – in spite of
opinion will suce and convince the patient to accept good oral hygiene
the original GDP proposals • Persistent desquamative gingival surfaces
• Providing a comprehensive history of the treat • History of periodontal abscess(es)
ment attempted is particularly important for these • Suspected perio-endo/endo-perio lesion
patients, to assist the specialist in making a reasoned • Unstable furcation involvement – i.e. a furcation to
judgement about any possible treatment options. which access is denied by either the gingival tissues or an
A protocol for referring periodontal patients is shown in unfavourable root anatomy
Figure 3.4.2 • Furcations which show roots divergent by >30 degrees
may be maintained in the long term and are suitable
for referral
What to Refer • A convergence or divergence of <30 degrees is
Clinical Criteria unpredictable
• If further complicated by mobility or occlusal stresses
Certain features of periodontal diseases are logical prerequi such convergent teeth should not be the subject of
sites for referral (but not all have to be present at the same referral
164 SECTION 3 Periodontal Treatment Planning
• If, on presentation, prior to initial treatment, a new • Since the creation of a specialists list by the General
patient shows basic periodontal examination (BPE) code Dental Council (GDC), such periodontal specialists
4 in several sextants, especially in the younger or medi- have become available but, as they are exclusively prac-
cally challenged patient tising under private contract, this may prove expensive
• If the patient has advanced chronic periodontitis for many potential patients.
• If the restorative co-factors are challenging in addition to • It is essential that referring clinicians discuss the pos
the poor periodontal condition. sibility and extent of fees which could be incurred for
ɨe BPE may be regarded as a guide to referral, but initial consultation when recommending referral and
clinicians are strongly recommended to undertake a full that they ensure patients understand their liabilities.
periodontal assessment and comprehensive periodontal Most specialists will provide a guide to their fees.
examination (CPE) to justify referral and to enhance their • Subsequent fees will be discussed between the spe
own records of the patient’s condition at referral for dento- cialist and the patient following the consultation.
legal prudence, particularly if the patient is a poor complier Referring clinicians should avoid discussion with the
with oral hygiene advice and appointments. patient about specialists’ fees for treatment.
It is likely that patients considered suitable for referral will • If there is certainty about the availability of spe
have demonstrated a BPE code of 4 in one or more sextants; cialists in a particular area, the British Society of
however, a widespread distribution of code 3 may also initi- Periodontology and Implant Dentistry website
ate referral, especially as this may be associated with DIGE. ( oers a suitable search capabil-
e relationship between the complexity of treatment ity. ɨe GDC Specialists List, contained in the dentists
and the BPE is explained in the British Society of Periodon register, also has similar information (https://www.gdc-
tology and Implant Dentistry (BSP) document “Referral
Policy and Parameters of Care”, which attempts to outline
complexity in terms of the types of patient, condition, com- KEY POINT 6
plications and potential treatments to assist in making a There is no fast track to periodontal health.
decision to refer. Paying privately for periodontal treatment does not
Ultimately, the timing of the referral will be the referring necessarily equate to better treatment, but usually means that
more time is spent with the clinician.
clinician’s decision and will be made after discussion with Remember the time spent on periodontal health education
the patient. is as rewarding clinically as the active treatment.
Where to Refer
In the UK, the options available to the GDP and patient, In the UK (and other countries with state-funded care), there
which are limited by location and professional demography, are strict budgetary restraints on all expenditure within the
are as follows: National Health Service.
This may limit some surgical procedures involving
• University dental school periodontal or restorative expensive regenerative materials, even within the dental
consultant schools, unless research funding is available.
• ɨis is inconvenient for those living outside the main
• ɨe cases required for undergraduate training are usu KEY POINT 8
ally only moderately severe Never assume the nancial status or commitment of your
• ɨe dental school need for complex cases will be pro patients.
portionate to the number of postgraduates undertak- Always give the patient the full choice of options for referral.
Many patients will choose to prioritise their personal spending
ing treatment on dental care so that they may keep their teeth for longer.
• However, if available, treatment will be free.
• NHS general hospital restorative consultant
• Unfortunately, such departments rarely have funding How to Refer
for prolonged treatments and hygienist support, but
advice and treatment planning may be, at best, avail- Essential information required in any communication,
able but will be free either online, by email or by letter should contain:
• Community dental service periodontal specialist • Referring clinician’s details and contact information
• Such posts are few and far between but will usually be • Patient’s details, date of birth and address
free • Patient’s contact information and availability
• Dentist with special interest in periodontics (DWSIs) • Medical alert/status of the patient
• A small number of GDPs have followed this route in • Patient’s original complaint/wishes
practice and may be able to provide an enhanced peri- • Brief description of periodontal and general dental condition
odontal service locally. is is most likely to be under • Speciëc concerns, especially related restorative complica-
private terms tions or plans
• Private specialist in periodontics • Outline of treatment provided and response, if any
166 SECTION 3 Periodontal Treatment Planning
• Copies of charts, radiographs (new and old) and study • BOX 3.4.1A Results of a 6-Year Audit of Activity
casts if available of a Specialist in Periodontics
• Purpose of referral – is this for:
New patient consultations 2036
• Second opinion
Initial non-surgical treatment by the 997
• Treatment planning, or
• Treatment.
Initial non-surgical treatment by dental 959
Examples of suitable formats for referral and referral
exercises are included in the online section of this chapter.
Patients receiving occlusal analysis 993
Patients subsequently provided with an 91
acrylic occlusal splint
Always state:
• Why they are coming Patients proceeding to surgical care after 523
• What you have tried review of initial treatment
• What the patient wants Supportive care reviews with the periodontist* 4710
• Where any specic sites are to be found Supportive care reviews with the dental 12256
• What medical issues might be a compromise to
Patients receiving acrylic labial gingival 178
veneers for aesthetics
KEY POINT 10 Periodontal splints applied (webbing/ 334
Always try to send: composite)
• Previous CPE chart(s) Periodontal splint repairs subsequently 639
• Relevant radiographs or copies (old radiographs are
particularly useful to provide a historical record of
disease progression) Metal (Rochette/Maryland) splints applied 61
• Photographs of acute sites
• Models – if occlusal or recession problems are the *Joint appointments with the dental hygienist.
subject of the referral.
KEY POINT 11 • Always ensure that the alternatives to further periodontal
Always provide: treatment are explained
• Clear details of: • Do not assume that a surgical approach will be undertaken
Your address & contact • Do not second-guess what the specialist will say – let the
Patient’s address
specialist outline the treatment needs in due course
Patient’s contact
Patient’s availability • If appropriate, warn the patient of the likelihood of a
• Give the patient details of: poor response to treatment in the presence of modiëable
Who they are seeing risk factors, such as smoking and poor oral hygiene.
Any possible cost Many specialists in periodontics undertake a broad spec
Why you want them to go
trum of periodontal and closely allied treatments, such as
implant dentistry, occlusal therapies and apical surgery.
What to expect from a Referral Others restrict their practice to “pure” periodontics.
e choice of specialist will depend upon the referring
What to Expect as a Referring Clinician clinician’s undergraduate teaching, interests and beliefs, the
perceived needs of your patient and the availability of a spe-
• Probably more initial non-surgical “re-treatment”
cialist in the local area.
• A period of review and reassessment usually 6 weeks to 3
e clinical audits (Box 3.4.1A and B) illustrate the
months post-treatment
activities typical of a specialist in periodontics, showing the
• Possibly endodontic co-treatment may be recommended
varied tasks undertaken within a “broad spectrum” special
(undertaken by the referrer or another specialist)
ist periodontal practice over a 6-year period (2004–2010).
• Possibly occlusal co-treatment (by the specialist or, less
likely, by the referrer)
• Possibly a recommendation for surgical treatment KEY POINT 12
• ɨe need for continued long-term hygienist sup The patient should receive:
• A clear statement of the problem
port, either initially or permanently within the referral • The objectives of treatment
practice. • A clear plan of proposed treatment
• The number of appointments planned
How to Prepare your Patient • Who will be treating the patient
• An estimate of costs
• Always try to explain the origins of their disease, the rea • The anticipated treatment time.
sons for your concern and the need for referral
CHAPTER 3.4 Referral to a Periodontal Specialist 167
• BOX 3.4.1B Specialist in Periodontics: Surgical • Occlusal or orthodontic treatment in complex cases.
Activities Over a 6-Year Period Such treatments may be undertaken either by the
referring clinician or managed by the specialist or
Surgical treatments 523 another specialist colleague, depending upon the com-
Including tissue regeneration with: plexity and wishes of the patient and the referring
Emdogain (nil teeth lost) 20 clinician.
Ceramic (5% teeth lost) 34 e report may also indicate where the necessary sup-
BioOss/Gide (3% teeth lost) 187 portive periodontal treatment (SPT) should be under
Also: taken after initial treatment – within the specialist
Frenectomies 31 practice or the referring clinician’s practice. However,
Connective tissue grafts 7 most specialist periodontists prefer to keep the patient
And: under their close supervision for a recovery period of at
least 1 year.
Apicectomies 48
SPT, the longer-term outcome of all periodontal treat
Vital root resections 63
Number requiring subsequent:
ment, is usually undertaken by the dental hygienist under
the supervision of the referring clinician. Many periodon
Endodontic treatment 14 tists, however, prefer to keep SPT under their control. ɨere
Extraction 6 is reliable research evidence that such long-term care in spe-
cialist practice is more successful in reducing subsequent
tooth and attachment loss than that carried out in general
dental practice.
If the patient remains under the care of the specialist for
After Referral a long period of time, it is customary to provide the refer-
The Specialist’s Report ring clinician with a periodic review of the patient’s status,
especially if a change in the treatment plan is proposed,
Following consultation, the specialist will provide the referring for example, progress to surgical therapy or the need for
clinician (and the patient) with a report on the condition of the extractions.
patient, the ëndings, diagnosis and proposed treatment. Examples of such reports and estimates can be found in
is may be a copy of a report prepared for the patient or the online section which complements the printed part of
a separate report. Many specialists will copy all correspon this book.
dence to the patient and referring dentist to each party, thus
enabling complete transparency regarding any fees involved Legal and Ethical Issues
and the treatment oered.
If paying for treatment, the patient will receive an esti Guidance on these issues can be found in the GDC docu
mate of the likely fees involved for any proposed treatment ment: Standards for the Dental Team (http://www.gdc-
within the specialist practice.
Patients may seek to discuss these reports (and the esti- rds for the Dental Team.pdf ).
mate of likely fees) with the referring clinician for guidance As dentistry has entered increasingly litigious times,
and/or reassurance before committing to treatment. ɨis is the frequency of complaints against practitioners for
quite reasonable, although most patients will agree to treat- failing to diagnose and/or treat periodontal diseases has
ment at or shortly after their consultation. risen considerably, and the various defence organisations
In essence the specialist report should outline: regularly remind their clients of the need for compre-
• ɨe current dental status of the patient hensive record keeping, early recognition of disease and
• ɨe current periodontal status of the patient good communication with their patients to minimise
• ɨe particular periodontal sites of concern risk.
• Any concurrent restorative concerns From an ethical standpoint, the patient has a right to
• Any concurrent endodontic concerns expect referral for any condition if their primary care cli-
• Any observed soft tissue concerns nician feels unable to provide treatment to a satisfactory
• Any observed occlusal concerns standard. us, ignoring or delaying necessary periodontal
• Any medical contraindications or co-factors treatment cannot be excused when the option of referral to
• A proposed treatment plan, which must also be clear to a colleague is available.
the patient. Similarly, a failure to take adequate steps to diagnose and
Any perceived concurrent treatment requirements will be thus subsequently fail to treat periodontal diseases will be
discussed, for example: deemed unacceptable by regulating authorities.
• Endodontic • Responsibility for recognising the need for referral lies
• Restorative – new or replacement prostheses/restorations with the diagnosing clinician
168 SECTION 3 Periodontal Treatment Planning
• Responsibility for providing the appropriate care after recommendations for SPT closely and ensure that the treat
referral lies with the specialist ment provided is adequate.
• ɨe specialist will work under diêerent conditions from
the generalist:
• ɨey are expected to undertake more complex tasks Managing the Patient Who Declines
• ɨey are assumed, by deënition, to be more experi Referral
enced and competent in their ëeld
• ɨus, any failure of treatment will be judged a more Not all patients will accept the need for referral. ɨis may
serious breach of their “duty of care”. be for many reasons:
• Patients’ expectations will be higher when receiving spe • anxiety
cialist treatment; thus to avoid disappointment: • lack of understanding
• Setting realistic and clearly understood goals is essen • lack of interest in keeping teeth
tial at the outset of specialist care • ënancial concerns
• Gaining informed consent must be achieved • other health issues
• Having ensured that all options for treatment have • lack of time
been fully explained. • loss of time from work, etc.
e referring clinician has often known the patient for In such cases, it is imperative that the patient’s records are
a considerable time and has been able to establish a good fully annotated with the referral oered, the reasons why refer-
rapport. It is worth remembering that the specialist is meet ral was recommended and the reasons for this being declined.
ing and treating a stranger and such rapport will take time Keeping a statement of these facts signed by the clinician
to build. e interpersonal skills of the specialist are as and the patient is a prudent action and may limit possible
important as their clinical skills in ensuring a harmonious future dento-legal diculties.
relationship between them, their patient and their referring
clinicians. KEY POINT 13
If a patient declines referral always make a full record of this
On Conclusion of Specialist Care and their reasons for saying no!
• It is essential that the specialist informs the referring cli Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter
nician of the outcome of treatment, the likely future care are available online at Elsevier eBooks+.
required and the prognosis for the patient’s periodontal A series of case studies and referral letters are also avail-
and general dental condition as a result of the treatment able online.
• After surgical procedures there may be a recommended References and Further Reading
interval for radiographic reviews.
• A clear statement of the oral hygiene advice given and Baker P, Needleman I. Risk management in clinical practice. Part 10.
continuing techniques expected will be beneëcial for Periodontology. Br Dent J. 2010;209:557–565.
future dental hygiene support. Dental Protection Society. Riskwise. 2012;43.
e specialist must always remain available for advice or Gaunt F, Devine M, Pennington M, Varnazza C, Gwynnett E, Steen
N, Heasman P, et al. e cost-eectiveness of supportive peri-
remedial treatment, even though they may have returned
odontal care for patients with chronic periodontitis. J Clin Peri-
the patient to the referring clinician. odontol. 2010;35(8 Suppl):67–82.
Problems can occur when care is shared between the spe- General Dental Council, 2005. Standards for dental profession-
cialist and, for example, the dental hygienist in the origi- als. Accessed from: (on 22 October 2012) and
nal referring practice, often during the supportive phase of
care. Should the patient’s condition deteriorate, an awkward ications/StandardsforDentalProfessionals[1].pdf (on 24 October
situation can arise. It is advisable to follow the specialist’s 2010).
Introduction Interdental Cleaning
Patients’ Health Beliefs Elastomeric Toothpicks
Motivating Patients to Clean Optimally
Flossing Techniques
Tailoring Oral Health Advice Interdental Brushes
Techniques for Oral Hygiene Oral Irrigators
Subgingival Cleaning
Self-Assessment of Home Plaque Control
Adjunctive Antiseptic Agents
Delivery of Oral Hygiene Advice
Dentifrices (Toothpastes)
Toothbrushing Mouth Rinses
Manual Chlorhexidine
Brushing Technique Conclusions
Powered Brushes
172 SECTION 4 The Role of Self-Care and Oral Hygiene Methods
oral hygiene in our day-to-day lives despite the generally cognitive behavioural principles and the adaptation for each
accepted understanding that twice daily toothbrushing with of the participants was based on their thoughts, medium-
uoridated toothpaste is the best way to reduce the risk of and long-term goals and oral health status. e eect of the
both caries and periodontal diseases. e words of MacK- programme on gingival index (GI), plaque indices (PIl),
intosh still have relevance today: “Everybody says that pre- self-reporting, and the participants’ own global rating of
vention is better than cure and hardly anyone acts as if they treatment was evaluated 3 and 12 months after oral health
believed it” (MacKintosh 1953). education and non-surgical treatment. Between baseline
Given the prevalence and nature of periodontal diseases, and the 12-month follow up, those in the experimental
instruction in self-performed, mechanical plaque removal group improved both GI and PIl more than in the con-
has been the bedrock of oral disease prevention for the past trol group, reported higher frequency of daily interdental
century; maintaining a good level of oral hygiene is the key cleaning and were more certain that they could maintain the
to sound oral health and prevention of periodontal diseases attained level of behavioural change. e largest dierence
for the majority of patients. Ensuring patient adherence was seen at interproximal surfaces (Jonsson etal. 2009).
with oral hygiene advice, to reduce the risk of oral disease
and maintain oral health, is a dicult and demanding goal
for the dental profession. Indeed, one of the most debated Techniques for Oral Hygiene
issues in public health is that of the eectiveness of health Self-Assessment of Home Plaque Control
education. Although there is evidence that oral health educa-
tion/promotion can be eective in bringing about change in Ensuring that a patient can assess the eectiveness of their
patients’ knowledge and in improving patients’ oral health, own home care is critical in helping the patient to under-
there is good evidence that bespoke or tailored oral hygiene stand that they are able to take responsibility for their long-
advice appears to be the most eective means of delivery term oral hygiene. e use of disclosing agents to check
of oral hygiene advice, particularly for long-term adherence brushing techniques and identify problem areas or by moni-
and patients with chronic periodontitis (Schou 1998). toring visible gingival inammation can be eective tools
Research indicates a number of factors that inuence for empowerment. Explanation of the role of inammation
adherence with oral hygiene advice. ey include: and bleeding as disease indicators can aid compliance by
• Patients who present with good levels of oral hygiene challenging the patient to reduce or eliminate them. e
are more likely to comply with advice than patients who choice of “empowerment tool” or aid to understanding is
present with poor oral hygiene at the start of treatment a matter of individual choice and tailored to the patient’s
(Borkowska etal. 1998) level of understanding and often the stage in their treat-
• Socio-economic status is consistently related to oral ment. Disclosing the biolm is a simple and eective way of
hygiene levels and other health-related behaviours establishing “missed areas” at the start of treatment – link-
(Schou 1998) ing the presence of bleeding to the role of inammation in
• Patients who believe that they have some personal con the disease process may have more impact and acceptance
trol over their health which may inuence outcome are during the maintenance phase of treatment. Patients often
the most likely to comply with advice (Kyak etal. 1998) believe that they are getting bleeding from “brushing too
• Non-life-threatening chronic conditions tend to inspire hard”, which often results in patients brushing less. Taking
less compliance with health advice than life-threatening the time and eort to explain the disease process and what
illness (Wilson 1987). to do about it on a one-to-one basis is essential whichever
empowerment tool is used. Educational literature can be a
Tailoring Oral Health Advice useful endorsement of the advice given but should not take
the place of a detailed verbal explanation (see Figure 4.3.6).
Oral hygiene advice should:
• Take into account the individual’s personal needs and Delivery of Oral Hygiene Advice
background factors
• Involve the patient in the instructional process, for Eective delivery of healthcare messages requires two
example with the use of digital or printed self-instruction core competencies: technical and specialist skills, as well
materials as knowledge and the ability to communicate and edu-
• Be followed up by a bespoke maintenance programme. cate. e use of commercially available tools and visual
Studies indicate that individually tailored oral health aids, such as anatomical models and diagrams, can aid
educational advice can be extremely eective in improving patient understanding of the complex concepts such as
long-term adherence to oral hygiene in periodontal treat- demonstrating cleaning techniques for furcation sites.
ment. One such study (Jonsson etal. 2009), which was a Just as simple and eective is the use of your hands and
randomised evaluator-blinded, controlled trial, used two the patient’s sleeve to explain the more dicult concepts
dierent active treatments with 113 adult subjects allocated of subgingival cleaning for example (Figure 4.1.1). Edu-
to an experimental or a control group. e individually cational psychologists from the Michigan State Univer-
tailored oral health educational programme was based on sity and the University of Iowa who studied the use of
174 SECTION 4 The Role of Self-Care and Oral Hygiene Methods
“With what”: While evidence for efcacy of specic oral hygiene
aids must be considered, often what the patient prefers to use
and is therefore more likely to use is the more effective option.
Adaptation of tools and cleaning techniques can be achieved
with time and effort.
“How”: The actual techniques used to accomplish biolm
control will vary according to the specic needs of the patient
and can depend upon, for example: manual dexterity, gingival
architecture, physical access to the oral cavity, depth of
pockets, size of the tongue, frenal attachments.
The timing of the clinical intervention should be tailored
A to the individual and clinical need; patients are more likely to
appreciate the importance of their own home care if they see
the positive results of reduction in inammation, discomfort
and pocket depths without any initial clinical intervention.
Patient-focused interventions that encourage self-management
of the patient’s own oral health are key to positive clinical
is may be manual or powered and should take into
account the patients’ abilities, preference and needs.
• Figure 4.1.1 (A) Using the patient’s sleeve to demonstrate a periodon- Manual
tal pocket; (B) using the same model to demonstrate gingival recession.
e plethora of manual toothbrushes now available can
serve to confound selection by their very number and diver-
gesturing in teaching complex mathematical theory con- sity in terms of design, size, shape and lament type, length
cluded that gestures clarify or provide conceptual infor- and density. Studies have failed to establish clinical supe-
mation that is not readily apparent in the accompanying riority for almost every characteristic examined (Frandsen
speech (Cook et al. 2013). e use of readily available 1985).
props such as your hands also has the benet of being Most modern manual toothbrushes use a nylon lament
completely free (Figure 4.1.1). type. Nylon, as a polymer with good chemical resistance,
Establishing a mutual cooperation and responsibility hard wearing and has antistatic properties (more hygienic),
between the patient and the clinician for the management is the lament type that predominates the toothbrush mar-
of periodontal diseases is critical to a successful clinical out- ket in the developed world. e laments of a toothbrush
come. e patience and time required to establish this for are usually arranged in roughly 40 tufts in three or four
both parties should not be underestimated. rows.
e “when”, “with what” and “how” part of the advice is e lament texture of choice should be soft, as the la-
more eectively received if tailored to the individual patient. ment diameter should be able to penetrate the gingival sul-
No single method, cleaning tool or cleaning programme for cus unlike the larger lament diameters of the hard lament
biolm control suits all. brushes. e harder laments can traumatise the soft tissues
and can contribute to tooth surface loss by abrasion. Soft
KEY POINT 2 laments should be recommended to all patients because
“When”: Oral hygiene measures can be undertaken at any they minimise soft tissue trauma and toothbrush abrasion
time of the day and should t in with the patient’s daily routine. while maximising biolm removal, particularly around the
It is the time spent cleaning and thoroughness rather than gingival margins and in the gingival crevice. A toothbrush
frequency of technique that is the most important factor with a small-to-medium head with soft, round-ended nylon
(Honkala etal. 1986).
laments is recommended.
CHAPTER 4.1 Patient Education and Self-Performed Biolm Control 175
Features of a recommended toothbrush: accessible surfaces is key to this and any other technique
• Small head: small enough to be used eêectively every employed. Time spent on establishing an eective brush-
where in the mouth to ensure full quadrant coverage ing technique with the patient will have a positive impact
• Ergonomic handle: providing a comfortable stable grip on clinical outcome and should be established before any
for manoeuvring treatment intervention. Empowering the patient to reduce
• Nylon round-ended soft-to-medium ëlament. inammation with an eective oral hygiene regimen can
have a lasting impact on their motivation to improve their
Brushing Technique oral health. Moreover, the resolution of gingival inamma-
tion as a result of eective home care will reduce the dis-
Many brushing techniques have been advised over the years, comfort of any future clinical intervention – a motivator
but the basic requirements of an eective toothbrushing in itself.
technique are few:
e technique should: Powered Brushes
• Clean all accessible surfaces
• Be atraumatic to both hard and soft tissues Now well accepted as part of home care, electronic tooth
• Be simple and easy to learn and perform brushes have become a mainstay in oral hygiene support
• Be methodical in its application to ensure full mouth programmes. Systematic reviews of studies of powered
cleaning. toothbrushing using oscillating-rotating heads, compared
One of the most frequently recommended methods is the with manual toothbrushing in patients undergoing the
modied Bass (mini-scrub) (Figure 4.1.2). is technique initial phase of periodontal therapy, have found that sub-
aims to clean the gingival crevice, and so the brush head is jects using a power toothbrush during initial treatment had
held at 45 degrees to the axes of the teeth, with the end of the reduced supragingival plaque to lower levels and showed sta-
laments pointing into the gingival crevice. Gentle pressure tistically less bleeding on probing than subjects using a man-
is applied towards the gingiva and then the brush is moved ual toothbrush (Robinson etal. 2003). Timing mechanisms
in small backwards and forwards movements, so the la- alerting the user to the recommended 2-minute brushing
ments are forced gently into the crevice and embrasure sites. duration are also a feature of some powered brushes and
Working with the patient to determine the actual pattern serve to reinforce the 2-minute brushing time that studies
of cleaning in terms of covering all the quadrants and all the have indicated is required for optimal biolm control.
176 SECTION 4 The Role of Self-Care and Oral Hygiene Methods
• Figure 4.1.3 Use of a powered (counter-rotational) brush. • Figure 4.1.4 Interdental woodsticks.
Patients need to be taught to use power toothbrushes, sucient interdental space. Bergenholtz etal. (1974) dem-
as the placement and angulation of the brush head is criti- onstrated the superiority of triangular wood points over
cal to eectiveness and is entirely dierent from a manual round or rectangular ones.
brushing technique – the oscillating laments provide the
biolm disruption on the tooth surface and into the gin-
Elastomeric Toothpicks
gival crevice, but the toothbrush head needs to be angled
and positioned correctly to maximise the oscillating action e modern version of the wooden toothpick is made from
(Figure 4.1.3). a plastic core and often covered with a silicon or rubber
cleaning surface. Usually conical in shape, these devices
Interdental Cleaning are available in a size range of small, medium and large;
they do not require specic sizing for individual patients
Although toothbrushing is regarded as the most important or sites. ey oer an eective option for supragingival
oral hygiene measure, the regular use of interdental clean- plaque control for patients that are new to interdental
ing aids is important for all adult patients but particularly cleaning.
for patients with periodontitis. For eective and atraumatic
interdental cleaning to be achieved, time and care should be
devoted to helping patients select the best product to t the
interdental site and the correct technique for its use (Slot In the UK, dental oss was rst recommended for inter-
etal. 2020). Because the interdental area is the site of great- dental cleaning at the end of the 1960s (Drum 1968). For
est plaque retention, gingival inammation usually starts patients with gingivitis, ossing is recognised as an eec-
in the interdental papilla and spreads around the gingival tive method for removing approximal plaque, with studies
margin. Interdental cleaning is therefore an essential part of reporting daily use of oss resulting in reduction of plaque
home-care regimens for all, but especially for patients with scores and gingivitis (Cronin & Dembling 1996). Floss-
periodontitis. Research has shown that periodontal patho- ing is not supported as an eective method for interdental
gens can re-establish within 4 to 8 weeks in the numbers cleaning for patients with diagnosed periodontal diseases
observed before professional debridement (Sbordone etal. undergoing supportive care (Slot etal. 2020).
1990), and therefore maintenance of regular self-performed Dental oss can be waxed or unwaxed, thread-like or
biolm disruption is crucial to a successful clinical outcome. tape, and impregnated with avouring or antibacterial and/
Given that periodontitis and gingivitis lesions are pre- or anti-caries products. Little evidence supports the superior
dominantly interdental and that the interdental sites are ecacy of any specic type of oss (Lamberts etal. 1982)
most frequently coated in plaque (Hugoson et al. 1986), – most of the evidence for the eectiveness of oss lies with
regular, thorough interdental cleaning is essential for pre- the benets of supragingival biolm disruption in patients
vention of disease. that have not been diagnosed with periodontal diseases.
Of the products specially designed for interdental clean- Implant oss is a specic type of oss that has a sti
ing, toothpicks have been available for the longest time threading end and includes a thicker/often spongey tex-
(Kashani 1998). A wide range of toothpick products, both tured section to clean under prostheses. is is often the
wooden and plastic, are currently available on the market only option that allows patients to clean around implant
(Figure 4.1.4). Toothpicks can only be used where there is abutments.
CHAPTER 4.1 Patient Education and Self-Performed Biolm Control 177
Oral Irrigators
Oral irrigators or water ossers use water under pressure to
ush the interdental sites. Oral irrigators were rst designed
to be used supragingivally, applying water pressure to dis-
place and remove plaque, relying on pressure to irrigate sub-
gingival regions (Goyal 2012). Since then, various tips have
been designed that may be used subgingivally and several
manufacturers provide products that enable subgingival use.
Whilst these have gained in popularity, consensus for their
clinical ecacy is sparce, with only weak evidence suggest-
ing oral irrigators may reduce gingivitis at 1 month but not • Figure 4.1.9 A single-tufted brush being used for subgingival plaque
at 3 or 6 months (Worthington etal. 2019). control.
Subgingival Cleaning
anti-gingivitis eects, are useful adjuncts to self-performed
In deeper periodontal lesions, improved plaque control mechanical plaque removal (Stephen etal. 1990). Research
alone can have very little eect on the gingival condition, suggests that the combined use of a triclosan/copolymer
pocket depth or the subgingival ora (Corbett & Davies dentifrice may be eective in reducing or controlling gingi-
1993), and so for these patients, tailored oral hygiene edu- vitis in those areas demonstrating the most gingival inam-
cation and methods are often delivered in conjunction with mation. Typical ingredients of toothpastes are listed in Table
professional subgingival debridement. 4.1.2
In addition to interdental cleaning, the introduction of
single-tufted brushes to clean subgingivally can signicantly Mouth Rinses
enhance clinical outcome (Kinane 1998) (Figure 4.1.9).
e chemical control of plaque biolm can be aided by the
KEY POINT 7 use of mouth rinses. Mouth rinses were rst mass-produced
Periodontitis is predominantly an interdental lesion. in the late 1800s and are used for a number of purposes,
Toothbrushing alone cannot adequately disrupt the biolm in which include:
the interdental spaces, making the use of an interdental aid an • To clear the mouth of food debris
essential part of home care.
• As a carrier of antibacterial agents
• As a carrier of anti-caries agents
Adjunctive Antiseptic Agents • To reduce the activity of odour-producing organisms.
e simplest and possibly the most frequently used
Toothpastes and mouth rinses are widely accepted by mouth rinse is a warm, dilute saline solution recommended
patients as part of their daily oral hygiene routine. ere are for postsurgical care. However, the commercial availability
also several other chemical plaque control formulations that of a plethora of mouth rinses attests to public demand for a
have been marketed in recent years, although none have perceived easy option for home care. Excluding profession-
been shown to oer any signicant benet over the estab- ally recommended mouthwashes, clinicians need to make it
lished toothpastes and mouth rinses. clear that mouthwashes should only be used as an adjunct
to mechanical removal of the biolm. Many combinations
Dentifrices (Toothpastes) of formulations exist to achieve the objectives and are listed
in Table 4.1.3
Dentifrice was originally used to promote better oral
hygiene by chemical cleaning of the teeth. With advances Chlorhexidine
in product formulation, it has become a valuable vehicle for
delivering a variety of both health and cosmetic benets. Of the agents listed in Table 4.1.3, chlorhexidine gluconate
e widespread use of dentifrice has played a signicant role is by far the most eective agent against the oral biolm.
in the practice of good oral hygiene and promotion of good It is a bis-biguanide which has an immediate bactericidal
oral health (Balg & He 2005). Dentifrices have evolved to action and a prolonged bacteriostatic action due to adsorb-
provide a vehicle for delivering potential cosmetic, hygienic tion. Adsorbtion occurs because the chlorhexidine mole-
and therapeutic eects to the teeth and oral mucosa (Stamm cule is strongly positively charged (cationic) and binds to
2007). ese therapeutic agents, with anti-plaque and negatively charged (anionic) surfaces such as bacterial cell
CHAPTER 4.1 Patient Education and Self-Performed Biolm Control 179
4.1.2 Typical ingredients in toothpastes and their actions
walls, the oral mucosa and tooth surface. Chlorhexidine chlorhexidine. Such an occurrence is extremely rare but,
can disrupt bacterial cell walls within 20 seconds and then nevertheless, care should be taken before prescribing
enter the cell itself to attack the cytoplasmic membrane chlorhexidine to ensure that the patient’s medical history
and cause cell death. When chlorhexidine adsorbs to teeth is reviewed and an enquiry made about possible sensitivity
and the periodontal tissues, it prevents microorganisms to chlorhexidine.
from attaching and inhibits the development of biolm. It
remains active on oral surfaces for 12 hours or more (Bri- KEY POINT 8
ner etal. 1986) and has been shown to be highly eective Chemical agents can be a useful adjunct to, but are not a
in reducing biolm accumulation and gingivitis (Jenkins replacement for, mechanical biolm control.
etal. 1993).
Chlorhexidine gluconate is produced in a variety of Conclusions
forms. It is most eective as a mouth rinse containing
0.20% or 0.12% chlorhexidine. One of the advantages of Successful treatment of periodontal diseases requires the
the mouth rinse is that it reaches areas of the mouth (inter- active involvement of the patient at the outset of treatment.
dental sites and gingival crevices) which are more likely to A collaborative approach to treatment planning and long-
be missed when toothbrushing. Table 4.1.3 sets out further term supportive care fosters ownership and empowerment
uses of chlorhexidine gluconate and its disadvantages. It in the patient. e “when”, “what with” and “how” aspects
can also be used in a gel and as chlorohexidine-impreg- of self-performed biolm control should be patient-led
nated chips, which are small enough to be placed in peri- and professionally supported. e individual patient’s oral
odontal pockets where the chlorhexidine leaches out (see hygiene regimen should be monitored, modied and devel-
Chapter 5.3). oped by both patient and dental professional in what has to
In the UK, the Medicines and Healthcare Products be a mutually responsible partnership if successful clinical
Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued a patient safety outcomes are to be achieved.
alert on the risk of anaphylactic reactions from the use Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter
of medical devices and medicinal products containing are available online at Elsevier eBooks+
180 SECTION 4 The Role of Self-Care and Oral Hygiene Methods
4.1.3 Common mouthwash ingredients
Introduction 2. Clinical Photography
Types of Imaging Systems 3. Videos
4. Digital Scanning
Factors to Consider
Clinical Imaging to Enhance Adherence
1. Radiography
Conventional Radiography
Computerised Tomography
Early understanding of periodontal diseases improves patient
compliance and ownership of the problem.
Several studies have reported on the strategic role patient
compliance plays in the management of patients with • Figure 4.2.3 (A) Gingival inammation in a patient with poor
oral hygiene. (B) Reduction in the inammation after oral hygiene
chronic conditions such as periodontitis (Wilson 1987,
Soolari 2002, Ng etal. 2011, Costa etal. 2012). While writ-
ten information is valuable, imaging techniques improve
patient engagement by providing the patient with a visual
awareness of their problems both before and after treat-
ment, thus providing a means of involving patients in their
periodontal management (Figure 4.2.4).
(magnetic resonance imaging, Radiography Photography Videos
ultrasound, laser doppler)
1. Radiography
• Conventional radiographs (X-rays)
• Computerised tomography (CT scans).
Conventional Radiography
A. Analogue Radiographs
Conventional radiography aids diagnosis by displaying the
underlying bone support for the teeth and, as previously
mentioned, can also be used as a means of explaining dis-
ease processes to patients. In periodontology radiographic
images are used to assess bone loss and, in conjunction with
clinical data, to assess levels of disease and to aid diagno-
sis. e choice of radiographs to be taken will depend on A
the type of information needed; usually for periodontal
assessment (when bone levels need to be determined), long
cone periapical views are used. However, for patients with
minimal bone loss, vertical bitewings can be an alternative,
exposing the patient to less ionising radiation. Extra-oral
views such as orthopantomogram (OPT) can be used for
patients who cannot tolerate intra-oral lms but, although
such views provide an overview of the bone levels and are
often useful as screening tools, the denition of the image
can be inferior to the intra-oral view.
Radiography systems based on wet lm processing are
simple to use but they have the disadvantages of being slow
and prone to operator errors during processing (Figure
4.2.6). e images produced (as lms) also take up physical
storage space. B
• Figure 4.2.6 (A) Conventional wet lm long cone periapical radio-
B. Digital Radiographs graph showing elongation of the image due to incorrect positioning of
Modern radiography systems are based on digital technol- the lm. (B) Image of a correctly positioned and processed lm.
ogy and have largely superseded wet lm processing. e
main advantages of these are: • Can be more easily shared with other clinicians and
• No chemicals required patients.
• Real-time applications e main advantages and disadvantages of analogue and
• Speed of image production digital radiographs are shown in Table 4.2.1
• Ease of storage Digital radiographs are taken using a digital sensor which
• Digital image enhancement and manipulation (bright captures the image of the bone and the teeth instead of a
ness, contrast, etc.) lm and, once captured, the image is digitally transferred.
186 SECTION 4 The Role of Self-Care and Oral Hygiene Methods
e image can be enhanced using digital processing tech- • Figure 4.2.7 (A) CMOS sensor connected directly to the computer to
niques which allow manipulation of the image. Digital sen- produce the radiographic image. Note the size of the sensor. (B) PSP
sors may be direct or indirect types. being processed in a digital scanner. Note the size of the lm, which is
similar to a wet lm.
Direct sensors are solid state sensors which are either charged
coupled devices (CCD) or complementary metal oxide semi-
conductors (CMOS) (Figure 4.2.7A). Both contain silicon Computerised Tomography
crystals which covert photons to electrons, with the main Computerised tomography (CT) is an imaging technique
dierence being how the pixel conversion takes place. e that produces both two- and three-dimensional cross-sec-
CMOS devices convert at each pixel level, whereas with a tional images of an object from a at radiographic image.
CCD the pixel charges are transferred to a common output e internal structure of the object, such as the shape and
source. Both sensors tend to be thicker than indirect types severity of a bony defect, can be visualised to allow more
and some have cable connections which result in a thicker precise and detailed assessment. However, because of the
sensor. With these systems the images generated digitally are high radiation dose required, conventional CT has only
transmitted directly from the detector to the computer. limited use in periodontology. e implementation of the
Indirect sensors use photo-stimulated storage phosphor new volume-based cone beam CT scan (CBCT) (Figure
(PSP) plates as the sensors. ese are extremely thin and 4.2.9) has enabled the radiation dosages to be reduced sig-
are similar in size to conventional wet-processed intra-oral nicantly, thus making this tool more valuable in the plan-
lms. Once the plates have been exposed, they are processed ning and assessment of complex bone defects. ese images
in a digital scanner (see Figure 4.2.7B), producing a high- can be taken as sectional images exposing only the area in
quality digital image (Figure 4.2.8). Patients tend to toler- question, thus rendering their application to periodontol-
ate this type of sensor better because of the reduced bulk. ogy more appropriate (Figure 4.2.10). e images can be
e rst-generation digital sensors performed suboptimally manipulated to show the bone and other structures in three
compared to conventional lm. However, with improving dimensions, which aids both diagnosis and treatment plan-
detector technology, digital imaging is surpassing lm in ning. In the periodontally compromised patient, CBCT
terms of contrast and resolution. Images generated using aids in the assessment of intra-bony defects and furcation
the PSP detect the X-rays and capture the image, which is involvements (Misch et al. 2006). e ability to manipu-
then scanned into a PSP scanner that passes the image to late such images and show patients bone defects around
the computer through a USB cable or network connection. teeth and what could happen with treatment is useful in
CHAPTER 4.2 Clinical Imaging in Patient Assessment and Motivation 187
• Figure 4.2.8 (A) Image produced using the PSP system. The ability to manipulate the images (B, C)
enables the defects to be looked at with greater clarity and helps to explain disease to patients.
2. Clinical Photography
Photographs enable the clinical manifestations of disease
to be recorded at any point during the assessment and
treatment of the disease. ey are a vital tool for patient
education, and a recent questionnaire-based study (Morse
et al. 2010) showed that 84% of the respondents used
photographs for treatment planning and 75% for patient
instruction and motivation; 55.1% reported that they
found photographs useful when giving patients instructions
and improving their motivation and 56.2% reported their
usefulness for medico-legal purposes. Prior to the use of
• Figure 4.2.9 Cone beam CT scanner. clinical photographs, it was common for clinicians to draw
188 SECTION 4 The Role of Self-Care and Oral Hygiene Methods
• Figure 4.2.10 CBCT images showing the extent of information that can be seen from all angles. This
information makes it easier for patients to understand their problems.
diagrams to explain to patients aspects of their condition Clinical photography is an invaluable tool for commu-
which could not be explained verbally. Today, clinical pho- nicating information to patients and also for documenta-
tography has replaced this as a means of disease visualisa- tion of the clinical presentation of a patient’s condition. It
tion, using images of the patient’s own condition. However, can assist in documenting the progressive changes in the
it is important to remember that: patient’s condition during a course of treatment and can be
• Photographs form part of the patient’s clinical record used to communicate to the patient changes in the condi-
• ɨe patient must have given their consent for the pho tion, especially if there are issues with compliance and moti-
tographs to be taken. An example of a consent form is vation. is visual involvement gives the patient the chance
shown in Figure 4.2.11 to directly observe what is happening in their mouth and
• Consent should include a clear explanation of why the allows the patient to become better aware of the progress
photographs are being taken, what they will be used for (or otherwise) of their treatment. In the past, photographs
and where they will be stored were taken with lms that had to be sent o to be processed,
• If the photographs are to be used for publication, the thus incurring an additional cost and inconvenience as the
patient must be informed about this, and a separate con- images could not be used immediately as part of the dis-
sent will be needed cussion. However, clinical photographs are currently taken
• If the photographs are to be used for research, the patient with either a digital camera or an intra-oral camera and are
must have consented to this as part of the process for immediately available and can be shown to the patient.
enrolling into the research project A series of photographs will help convey messages where
• If the patient is going to be identiëable in the photo complexities of advanced treatments are often dicult to
graph, they must be informed of this, and appropriate describe. Patients can thus get involved in making decisions
signed release of the photograph obtained. about the management of the problems, thereby fostering
CHAPTER 4.2 Clinical Imaging in Patient Assessment and Motivation 189
Please tick
Please tick
(delete as applicable)
Signature: Date:
patient-centred decision-making. e use of clinical pho- systems enable the information about the condition and the
tographs along with the radiological images helps the clini- clinical ndings to be shared with the patient as the assess-
cian describe diagnosis and treatment with greater clarity. ment is taking place.
Generic photographs showing the disease at the beginning Digital camera systems can vary from simple compact dig-
and after treatment are also useful tools in explaining treat- ital cameras to more complex and expensive digital single
ment proposals and possible treatment outcomes (such as lens reex (DSLR) systems with macro lens and ring ash
interdental recession). (Figure 4.2.13). Photographs taken with these systems also
ere are several dierent camera systems that are avail- allow patient communication but only after the images have
able and the choice of which to use is largely clinician driven. been uploaded to a computer.
Intra-oral cameras are essentially small television cameras e images taken, irrespective of the camera used, must
that can be connected to a hand-held device or a computer be clear and relevant, with the focus being largely on the
(Figure 4.2.12). Images are shown on the computer screen area of interest. e photographs should be standardised
in “real time” but can also be captured and stored. ese for accuracy and comparison and dated. Depending on
190 SECTION 4 The Role of Self-Care and Oral Hygiene Methods
• Figure 4.2.12 Intra-oral camera system. These devices are small and • Figure 4.2.13 Digital SLR camera with a ring ash.
enable the patient to visualise their mouth as the examination is taking
3. Videos
the sequence, the photographs can be used at the outset Videos may form part of the clinical photographic record
to communicate the issues with the patient and engage and oer the patient a real-time presentation of the condi-
them in treatment decision-making. Photographs taken tions in their mouth. Most digital camera equipment have a
during treatment will help monitor how well the situ- video-recording facility. Videos can be used to show patients
ation is improving and where there are ongoing chal- treatment as it is being carried out, or they can be shown
lenges with motivation and compliance. Monitoring recordings of procedures that they may be considering. is
photographs can be used to highlight any issues with can help the patient understand what is being proposed and
the patient, enabling the patient to better understand also gives the patient the opportunity to ask questions about
how and why the treatment may be compromised. For procedures. Videos may be used:
the photographs to be eective tools for patient educa- • To provide a realistic overview of what the patient may
tion, they must be precise and clear and also demonstrate expect
the clinical problems in question clearly. In addition to • To provide a visual representation of a procedure that
patient education, clinical photographs also have several may otherwise be dicult to describe
other uses including: • To give the patient an opportunity to ask questions about
• Monitoring the progression of disease proposed procedures
• Providing evidence to the patient of the need for certain • To demonstrate self-care such as oral hygiene.
treatments Videos can also be a good resource to use if there are
• Before and after treatment eêects postoperative complications, as they help provide an easier
• Assessment of treatment outcomes means of giving an explanation and showing the patient
• Medico-legal purposes why the complication has occurred.
• Communication with others, e.g. laboratory technicians,
4. Digital Scanning
• Enhancing patient referrals
• Long-term monitoring of oral status (useful in patients As the digital era has evolved, dierent scanning systems
with suboptimal motivation and adherence) enable direct images to be captured and manipulated to
• Providing evidence of treatment outcomes, especially in construct restorations. ese systems can provide a means
patients who have inconsistent oral hygiene. of explaining anticipated treatment outcomes to patients.
e types of view will depend on the individual patient Furthermore, study casts that have been taken using con-
needs. e following views are standard views that should ventional impressions can also be scanned, converted
be taken at the start of treatment to form part of the clinical into digital formats and used for discussion with patients.
record (Figure 4.2.14): Depending on the software programmes, the images can be
• Smiling and at-rest view manipulated to show patients the end point of treatment,
• Intra-oral view with the teeth in occlusion and if clinical photographs are also scanned, the side-by-
• Right and left buccal views side representation gives the patient a good opportunity of
• Occlusal views of the upper and lower arches seeing the changes that can be achieved. Where the patient
• Any other views that are appropriate to the care of the is expecting a change in the appearance or where tooth posi-
patient and can include extra-oral views. tions are to be modied, digital “wax-ups” have become a
CHAPTER 4.2 Clinical Imaging in Patient Assessment and Motivation 191
• Figure 4.2.14 Standard clinical views.
• Figure 4.2.15 A digital “wax-up” of proposed treatment to upper and lower anterior teeth, with the pre-
operative situation on the right.
powerful way of explaining to the patient the changes that own periodontal health and treatment planning. Patient
can be achieved (see Figure 4.2.15). adherence to professional advice is the cornerstone of
long-term success in periodontal therapy, and images can
Clinical Imaging to Enhance Adherence be used to enhance this adherence, particularly when the
patient can see that their eorts at home are having a posi-
Clinical images, such as pictures, photographs and videos, tive eect on their oral condition. Before and after images
allow the clinician to convey information more eectively can be invaluable in this respect (see Figure 4.2.3) and help
to patients about disease processes and treatment propos- patients appreciate the importance of home care. Untreated
als. ese tools are useful to help ensure that patients are periodontal diseases often present as visible gingival inam-
fully engaged in the decision-making process about their mation, which can be imaged, and changes in inammatory
192 SECTION 4 The Role of Self-Care and Oral Hygiene Methods
status can be recorded as treatment progresses. is can be attention, comprehension, recall and adherence. Patient Educ
shown to the patient and presents the clinician with a pow- Couns. 2006;61:173–190.
erful motivational tool thus optimising patient compliance. Morse GA, Haque MS, Sharland MR, Burke FJT. e use of clini-
Written information can be useful in this respect, but imag- cal photography by UK general dental practitioners. Br Dent J.
ing has far more impact, particularly when the images are of
Misch KA, Yi ES, Sarment DP. Accuracy of cone beam computerised
the patient themselves. tomography for periodontal defect measurements. J Periodontol.
Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter 2006;77:1261–1266.
are available online at Elsevier eBooks+. Ng MC, Ong MM, Lim LP, Koh CG, Chan YH. Tooth loss in compli-
ant and non-compliant periodontally treated patients: 7 years after
References active periodontal therapy. J Clin Periodontol. 2011;38:499–508.
Renz A, Ide M, Newton T, Robinson P, Smith D. Psychological
Costa FO, Cota LO, Lages EJ, Lima Oliveira AP, Cortelli SC, Cor- interventions to improve adherence to oral hygiene instructions
telli JR, et al. Periodontal risk assessment model in a sample of in adults with periodontal diseases. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
regular and irregular compliers under maintenance therapy: a 3 2007;2:CD005097.
year prospective study. J Periodontol. 2012;83:292–300. Sanz M, Teughels W. Innovations in non-surgical periodontal ther-
European Commission. 2012. Radiation protection 172. Cone Beam apy: Consensus report of the 6th European Workshop on Peri-
CT for Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology: evidence-based guide- odontology. Group A of European Workshop on Periodontology.
lines; Luxembourg; European commission: 2012. Accessed from J Clin Periodontol. 2008;35(Suppl. 8):3–7.ëles/documents/172. Soolari A. Compliance and its role in successful treatment of an
Faculty of General Dental Practitioners. Selection Criteria for Dental advanced periodontal case: review of the literature and a case
Radiography 2018; 2018. Recommendation 5.2. report. Quintessence Int (Berlin). 2002;33:389–396.
Houts PS, Doak C, Matthew LG, Loscalzo A. e role of pictures Wilson TG. Compliance. A review of the literature with possible
in improving health communication: a review of research on applications to periodontics. J Periodontol. 1987;58:706–714.
Patient Adherence
Importance of Adherence in Periodontal Care MI Step 3: Respond to the Patient
European Federation of Periodontology S3-Level Clinical Practice Adherence to Oral Hygiene and Other Advice
Guideline 2020 Oral Hygiene Advice
Stepwise Approach to the Management of Stages 1–3 Periodontitis Other Advice
Improving Adherence and Aecting Behaviour Change Smoking Cessation Advice
Diet Advice
Motivational Interviewing
MI Step 1: Develop a “Guiding” Style Assessing Adherence in Practice
MI Step 2: Elicit Motivation to Change Conclusion
194 SECTION 4 The Role of Self-Care and Oral Hygiene Methods
European Federation of Periodontology
S3-Level Clinical Practice Guideline 2020
Following the introduction of the new classication sys-
tem for periodontal and peri-implant diseases by the World
Workshop in 2017 (see Chapter 2.1 for full details), the
European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) published S3
clinical guidelines for the treatment of stages 1–3 periodon-
titis (Sanz etal. 2020), which was mapped to the new clas-
sication system. e EFP guideline combined assessment
of 15 systematic reviews with a moderated consensus process
of a group of representative stakeholders to arrive at a set of
recommendations for the treatment of stages 1–3 periodon-
titis. e term S3 refers to the highest level (or step) of guide-
B line development (see Table 4.3.1). When developing an S3
guideline the strength of consensus agreement is reported
• Figure 4.3.1 (A) A patient on presentation. (B) Patient after 1 month of (see Table 4.3.2) and a formal “evidence-to-decision” process
oral hygiene alone with no professional intervention.
is followed to arrive at a clinical recommendation (see Table
a randomised controlled trial by Preus et al. (2019). is 4.3.3). Clinical recommendations (CRs) may be evidence
study investigated the eect of a strict 3-month oral hygiene based or consensus based or both (see Figures 4.3.3–4.3.5
phase on plaque, bleeding on probing and pocket depth and for examples of CRs). For further details on the development
found that these key periodontal parameters were reduced of CRs the reader is referred to West etal. (2021) and Keb-
(by oral hygiene alone) to such an extent that therapy plan- schull & Chapple (2020). e new EFP guideline thus estab-
ning was aected. An example of how patient behaviour lished an evidence- and consensus-based stepwise approach
can have such profound eects is shown in Figure 4.3.1. In to the management of periodontitis patients (Figure 4.3.2
addition patient behaviour with respect to other risk fac- and Appendix 3), central to which was patient adherence
tors in periodontal diseases (diet, obesity, exercise, smoking, to advice on oral hygiene and risk-factor control. e Brit-
stress and diabetic status) can also have profound eects on ish Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (BSP)
periodontal management. subsequently developed and published (West etal. 2021) a
UK version of this guideline using a formal process known
KEY POINT 1 as the Grade Adolopment framework (readers are referred to
Treatment failure is often the result of poor adherence to Sanz etal. [2020] and West etal. [2021] for details of this
healthcare advice. process). e BSP UK Clinical Practice Guidelines for the
Treatment of Periodontal Diseases, based on the EFP guide-
It is appropriate to try to aect behavioural change in lines, can be found at Appendix 4
patients who have periodontitis to maximise the chances
of treatment success. While advice to reduce lifestyle risk Stepwise Approach to the Management of
factors such as smoking, poor diet and lack of exercise are Stages 1–3 Periodontitis
important, treatment of periodontitis is still based largely on
reduction of the bacterial load through self-care, mainly in e main principle of the stepwise approach to periodontal
the form of eective oral hygiene. Some patients are more management (Figure 4.3.2) is that treatment is carried out
susceptible to periodontitis than others (see Chapter 1.4); the in steps and that progression to the next step does not take
CHAPTER 4.3 Patient Adherence 195
4.3.1 Development of Clinical Guidelines
4.3.2 Strength of Consensus 4.3.3 Grades of Recommendation
Supportive care/rehabilitation
Step 4 EXIT - plan longer-term care (above)
Step 3 CHECK - Non-responder sites: Re-RSD/surgery
Step 2 INTERVENE - Sub-gingival biofilm & calculus removal ± adjuncts
Step 1 RISK - Risk factor control, OHI, adjuncts for GI, PMPR, supra-gingival scaling
Step 0 PREREQUISITE TO THERAPY - Educate, classification, diagnosis, risk assess, care plan
• Figure 4.3.2 The European Federation of Periodontology S3-Level Clinical Practice Guideline 2020 step-
wise approach for the treatment of stages 1–3 periodontitis (Sanz etal. 2020). (Reprinted by permission
from Springer Nature: Br. Dent. J. Evidence-based, personalised and minimally invasive treatment for
periodontitis patients - the new EFP S3-level clinical treatment guidelines, Kebschull, M., Chapple, I.,
Copyright 2020.)
• Figure 4.3.3 EFP Clinical Recommendation (BSP implementation) with respect to the importance of oral
hygiene and patient engagement in periodontal management. CoI, Conict of interest. (Reprinted from J.
Dent., 106, West, N., Chapple, I., Claydon, N., D’Aiuto, F., Donos, N., Ide, M., Needleman, I., Kebschull,
M. [2021], with permission from Elsevier.)
processors of information and vary in the extent to which 4.3.4, although the need for further research in this area was
they address the individual’s cognitions about their social acknowledged. Although to date MI has not been shown to
world” (Ogden 2000). Such models include the Health Belief improve patient adherence, there are some basic principles
Model (Rosenstock 1974), the eory of Planned Behav- of MI which can enhance a clinician’s rapport with patients
iour (Ajzen 1988), the Health Locus of Control (Wallston and thus, potentially, improve a patient’s response to pro-
& Wallston 1982), the Self-Ecacy Model (Bandura 1977) fessional advice with respect to oral hygiene and risk-factor
and motivational interviewing (MI) (Rollnick etal. 2010). control.
ere is some evidence that such models could be used to
improve oral hygiene, but there is little evidence that the use Motivational Interviewing
of such methods by clinicians would be benecial in a den-
tal practice setting. MI in particular has gained much popu- MI involves helping patients say why and how they might
larity. However a systematic review by Carra etal. (2020) change and is based on the use of a guiding style. It is a per-
which examined two randomised controlled trials (RCTs) son-centred, goal-directed method of communication for
on MI and three RCTs on psychological interventions based eliciting and strengthening patients’ intrinsic motivation for
on social cognitive theories found no signicant additional positive change. MI was developed in the 1980s by Miller
benet of implementing specic psychological interven- et al. (1988) in response to their observations regarding
tions in conjunction with oral hygiene instruction. e CR treatment of patients with alcohol-related problems. e
developed by the EFP S3 guideline (BSP implementation) standard confrontational approach to such patients often
was therefore not to recommend such approaches (Figure failed because of denial, personality defect or a failure of
CHAPTER 4.3 Patient Adherence 197
• Figure 4.3.4 EFP Clinical Recommendation (BSP implementation) with respect to oral hygiene practices
by the patient. (Reprinted from J. Dent., 106, West, N., Chapple, I., Claydon, N., D’Aiuto, F., Donos, N.,
Ide, M., Needleman, I., Kebschull, M. [2021], with permission from Elsevier.)
Evidence-based statement
To improve patient’s behaviour towards compliance with oral hygiene practices,
psychological methods such as motivational interviewing or cognitive behavioural therapy
have not shown a significant impact
Supporting literature Carra et al.
Quality of evidence five randomised clinical trials (RCTs) (1716 subjects) with duration ≥ 6
months in untreated periodontitis patients (4 RCTs with high and 1 RCT with low risk of
bias [RoB])
Grade of recommendation statement - unclear, additional research needed
Strength of consensus strong consensus (1.3% of the group abstained due to potential Col)
BSP implementation
This evidence-based recommendation is adopted.
Psychological methods such as motivational interviewing or cognitive behavioural therapy
have not been shown to have a significant impact on patient’s compliance with oral hygiene
Updated evidence: No new applicable evidence was identified
Strength of consensus: Consensus (0% abstentions due to potential Col)
• Figure 4.3.5 EFP Clinical Recommendation (BSP implementation) with respect to psychological interventions
in behaviour change. CoI, Conict of interest. (Reprinted from J. Dent., 106, West, N., Chapple, I., Claydon,
N., D’Aiuto, F., Donos, N., Ide, M., Needleman, I., Kebschull, M. (2021), with permission from Elsevier.)
engagement. is study found that a confrontational style MI Step 1: Develop a “Guiding” Style
and direct persuasion were likely to increase resistance but e main communication styles that clinicians can employ
that positive change occurred more readily when the clini- to impart healthcare advice are directing, guiding and fol-
cian connected the change with what was valued by the lowing. Although each style has its own uses in dierent
patient. MI is based on the concept that patient motiva- situations and with dierent patient personalities, a guid-
tion is necessary for change to occur, that motivation resides ing style is best suited to discussions about change (Rollnick
within the individual and is achievable by eliciting personal etal. 2010). ere are three principles to follow when using
values, desire and ability to change. It allows patients to per- a guiding style:
ceive health behaviour information as being relevant to their • Engage with and work in collaboration with a patient
own situation. • Emphasise the patient’s autonomy over decision-making
ere are three steps necessary to develop an eective MI • Elicit their motivation for change.
technique: using a “guiding” communication style, elicit- e clinician can still control the direction and structure
ing motivation to change and responding to the patient’s of the consultation and provide all the information that is
language. needed, but the patient retains the responsibility for change.
198 SECTION 4 The Role of Self-Care and Oral Hygiene Methods
It is important for such an approach to be successful that imposing one of your own. is also increases empathy with
an empathetic bond is established between clinician and your patient. is is referred to as “change talk”. It is also
patient. e three skills that a clinician needs to employ are important to remember how important body language is
asking, listening and informing: when undertaking these consultations. In the dental setting,
• Ask: open-ended questions, invite the patient to consider this means having the patient sitting upright in the dental
how and why they might change chair (or better still in an ordinary chair or in a dierent,
• Listen: to your patient’s experience and encourage them non-clinical room altogether) and facing them rather than
to elaborate; this elicits empathy and is a good way to having the patient supine, and not imposing barriers like
respond to resistance face masks and crossed arms. One set of guidelines that
• Inform: by asking permission to provide information can be used is referred to with the acronym SOLER (Egan
and asking what the implications may be for the patient. 1990):
Much of this process involves asking the patient things
Square on to the patient, not turned away, patient sitting up
rather than telling them.
Open posture, avoid crossed arms
MI Step 2: Elicit Motivation to Change Lean slightly forwards, look interested
Eye contact to establish rapport
Various strategies can be used in a guiding style to establish
Relaxed demeanour.
motivation in a patient, but this usually involves the follow-
ing, with examples in italics:
1. What would they like to change? KEY POINT 3
• What bothers you the most? Bleeding gums? Tenderness? Motivational interviewing principles:
2. Why do they want to change? • Respect patient autonomy
• Do you think it would be better if your gums didn’t bleed? • Guide rather than direct
• Activate patient desires and motivations.
What do you think will happen if they continue to bleed?
3. Assess the importance of the change
• Is it important to you that your gums stop bleeding and feel Adherence to Oral Hygiene and Other
more comfortable?
4. Assess their condence in achieving change Advice
• Do you think you would be able to spend longer on your Oral Hygiene Advice
cleaning if this reduced the bleeding and discomfort?
5. Give them the information they need – elicit understand- e EFP S3 guideline on oral hygiene practices (2020)
ing, provide information and elicit their interpretation strongly recommended the ecient use of oral hygiene
• Do you realise why your gums are bleeding? (Elicit) You are practices by the patient at all stages of periodontal therapy
right that it is common, but it does show that there is a prob- (Figure 4.3.5), based on a systematic review by Van der Wei-
lem there. (Provide) Can you see that you can do something jden and Slot (2015). In the management of periodontitis,
about this yourself? (Elicit) once you have established with the patient what they need
6. Set practical goals to do and why they need to do it, and that they are prepared
• Do you see any problems with spending longer on your to try to put your advice into action, discuss with them
cleaning? Do you see any diculties in using oss? Would when, during the day, they might be able to devote the nec-
you rather try something else? essary time to the regimen. us a “concrete plan” is made
e imparting of information to a patient is in itself a with the patient (Schüz etal. 2006). is detail should be
skill that needs to be developed, and there are a few key recorded and checked with patients at subsequent visits. If
principles that need to be followed: the patient thinks they may have diculty in establishing
• Use layman’s terms to ensure understanding the necessary routine on a daily basis, it is worth suggesting
• Remove your mask that they combine the new oral hygiene routine with a daily
• Deliver advice when the patient is upright and relaxed habit that is already established. is so-called event-based
rather than during treatment recall is more eective than “time-based recall” (Ellis 1998)
• Encourage the patient to reiterate your advice to check when patients try to carry out a particular action at a speci-
understanding ed time of day. In the case of oral hygiene, the event could
• Repeat what they say to you, so they know you are be a mealtime, the daily shower, a radio programme or any
listening established habit that could trigger recall to carry out the
• Discuss speciëc goals with which they agree to encourage oral hygiene routine.
adherence. Oral hygiene advice is traditionally given verbally, usu-
ally using a “tell–show–do” approach (tell the patient about
MI Step 3: Respond to the Patient the technique, show what is needed then get the patient to
Pay careful attention to the patient’s responses; what you do it themselves), but it has been shown that the provision
say to the patient should be in response to what they say of written information increases adherence (Ley 1988).
to you so that you are working to their agenda, rather than ɨis could be done with a locally produced leaìet, which
CHAPTER 4.3 Patient Adherence 199
Pocket brush – do inside as well (not shown) – white (top) and red (bottom) – all teeth
• Figure 4.3.6 Oral hygiene regimen instruction sheet, customised for a patient.
is probably more eective than a generic, commercially their lives (Bandura 1994). Philippot etal. (2005) showed
produced document, but an alternative is to produce a cus- that patients’ sense of self-ecacy can be developed through
tomised instruction sheet utilising digital photographs of their own direct experience by observing the eects of their
the patient themselves (Figure 4.3.6). It has also been sug- behaviour on their periodontitis symptoms. In the context
gested that if a patient has a smartphone with video record- of periodontal management, this is most readily achieved by
ing capabilities (many patients have such devices) then a taking photographs before and after a period of oral hygiene
short personalised oral hygiene training video can easily be alone, usually a few weeks (Figure 4.3.7), so that patients
made for the patient to view. An individualised approach to can see that what they do, without professional interven-
oral hygiene advice, of which these are examples, has been tion, can make a visible dierence to levels of marginal
shown to improve adherence (Harnacke etal. 2012). inìammation.
Perhaps most importantly, the patient’s level of self-e- One study (Mizutani etal. 2012) investigated the asso-
cacy can be developed by withholding any form of profes- ciation between self-ecacy, oral health behaviour and gin-
sional intervention during the initial (oral hygiene) phase of gival health and found that patients with a more developed
therapy, so that they can observe that what they do them- sense of self-ecacy had better oral health behaviour and
selves can improve their condition. Self-ecacy is a patient’s less gingivitis. Self-ecacy can be improved by using the
belief about their capability to produce designated levels of techniques described above, and this will benet patients’
performance that exercise inìuence over events that aêect gingival and periodontal health.
200 SECTION 4 The Role of Self-Care and Oral Hygiene Methods
Diet Advice
• Give appropriate advice regarding sugar and carbohy
drates and provide healthy alternatives
• ɨe motivation for change depends upon pointing out
incentives and removing disincentives to change
• Invite patients to keep a diet chart for at least 3 days and
discuss it in a non-judgemental, supportive manner, pro-
viding constructive alternatives
• Rather than directing away from “junk” food, use MI
language to elicit what they know about healthy foods
and how they could incorporate more.
Non-surgical Periodontal
This page intentionally left blank
The Diseased Root Surface
in Periodontitis
The Clinical Presentation of Periodontitis Non-Surgical vs Surgical Treatment
Features of Periodontitis The Role of the Bioölm
The Role of Bacteria Calculus in Disease
Current Concepts of the Aetiology of Periodontitis Contaminated Cementum
Treating the Diseased Root Surface
206 SECTION 5 Non-surgical Periodontal Management
Health/Disease balance
Immune system
has been encapsulated in this statement from the 2008 Work- maintenance of a healthy subgingival environment by both
shop on Inammation and Periodontal Disease: A Reappraisal: the patient and clinician. However, with the increasing
“Periodontitis is an inammatory disease initiated by the oral understanding of the inammatory nature of the periodon-
microbial biolm . . . it is the host response to the biolm titis process and the fact that the soft tissues are only rarely
that destroys the periodontium” (Van Dyke 2008). invaded by bacteria and other microbes, there has been a
So if the trigger for the damaging host response is the shift towards more conservative, non-surgically based thera-
bacterial presence on the root surface, eective treatments pies as a means of controlling inammation. at non-sur-
need to reduce this presence to a level that does not initiate gical treatment is an eective method for treating chronic
a damaging host response. periodontitis (or indeed the less common aggressive form
of disease) is not in doubt; a systematic review and meta-
Treating the Diseased Root Surface analysis published in 2005 (Heitz-Mayeld 2005) looked at
the ndings of three previous systematic reviews, published
e diseased root surface in a periodontal pocket comprises between 1993 and 2002, conrming that better treatment
several layers of potential contamination that could harbour outcomes can be achieved by non-surgical means, when
sucient microbes to trigger the disease process (Figure 5.1.2). compared to surgical treatment, for moderate pockets (up
e outermost layer of contamination will always be the to 6 mm), whereas surgical treatment is only of greater ben-
microbial biolm, but there is also the potential for contam- et for deeper pockets in excess of 6 mm. Although this
ination from subgingival calculus and from any microbes appeared to show that deep pockets should be treated surgi-
that may have invaded the cemental layer of the root. Most cally, the authors pointed out that this latter nding is only
periodontal therapies involve the removal of these sources of applicable to 12-month post-treatment results, and those
contamination, and it has been stated (Lindhe & Echeverria studies that followed patients for 5 years or more found
1993) that root surface disinfection is the primary objective that, even for deep pockets, non-surgical therapy was as
of therapy. is objective may be achieved by both non- eective as surgical treatment.
surgical and surgical means.
Non-surgical treatment is an effective method for treating
Non-Surgical vs Surgical Treatment chronic periodontitis.
In the past, much periodontal therapy has involved the sur-
gical excision of soft tissue as a means of removing “infected” Many of the non-surgical methods commonly used
soft tissue and reducing pocket depths to facilitate the today to treat periodontal diseases have remained largely
208 SECTION 5 Non-surgical Periodontal Management
unchanged for decades. In non-surgical periodontal therapy, with any protocol of mechanical debridement” (Sanz &
for example, the process of root planing is still practised, but Teughels 2008).
it was illustrated in Egyptian hieroglyphics 4000 years ago e eects of good biolm control before starting treat-
and was described, and named, in the dental literature a ment can be dramatic (Figure 5.1.3), the goal being to estab-
century ago (Hartzell 1913). More recently, the term “root lish an optimal supragingival environment prior to starting
surface debridement” has been used to describe the instru- subgingival instrumentation. Patient self-care is considered
mentation of the diseased root surface. Some confusion has in detail in Chapter 4.1
arisen surrounding the terminology used to describe these
dierent instrumentation techniques, and denitions of the KEY POINT 4
various terms used will be considered in Chapter 5.2 on “It should be noted that the performance of optimal oral
periodontal instrumentation. e current chapter will now hygiene practices is an inseparable principle to be observed
consider the relative roles of the bacterial biolm, calculus with any protocol of mechanical debridement” (Sanz and
Teughels 2008).
and cementum in periodontitis.
• Figure 5.1.4 Exposed subgingival calculus after oral hygiene mea-
sures alone.
Calculus is sometimes described as a plaque-retention the root surface could be easily decontaminated by much
factor, but there is no evidence to support the concept of lighter and quicker instrumentation techniques than had
biolm being more adherent to the surface of the calcu- previously been thought. One invitro study (Moore etal.
lus than it is to other surfaces. However, calculus may be 1986) showed that over 99% of the bacterial contaminants
thought of as presenting an obstacle to optimal personal and could be removed by light instrumentation alone, without
professional care, as well as being unsightly, and its removal the need for cementum removal by root planing. is led
can be justied on these grounds. to the concept of “root surface debridement” that involved
ultrasonic instruments used with light and overlapping
Contaminated Cementum strokes for a limited time period (Smart etal. 1990). Often
such treatments do not require the use of local anaesthesia,
Cementum is the highly mineralised outer layer of the root and there is a much-reduced risk of iatrogenic root surface
surface and, in health, it provides a means of attachment for damage. e dierences between traditional root plan-
the collagen bres of the normal periodontal ligament. In ing and root surface debridement should therefore now be
disease, the cemental layer becomes exposed and can poten- apparent to the reader. However, following publication of
tially become a source of bacterial contamination. How- the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) S3 clini-
ever, as has already been stated, the importance of biolm cal guideline for the treatment of stages I– III periodonti-
removal in therapy far outweighs the need to remove miner- tis (Sanz et al. 2020), and the subsequent British Society
alised deposits (calculus) or tooth structure (Mombelli etal. of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (BSP) UK version
1995). So how important is the exposed cemental layer in of this guideline (West etal. 2021), the term “subgingival
the disease process? instrumentation” is now proposed as a universal term for
For at least the last century, it has been assumed (with non-surgical treatment of the root surface. ese issues are
no clinical evidence to support the concept) that the surface explored further in Chapter 5.2
layer of the cementum of the diseased root surface became
contaminated with both bacteria and their toxins. Invitro KEY POINT 8
research had suggested that bacteria and bacterial endotox- Bacterial contaminants are only loosely adherent to the root
ins could penetrate and be bound to root cementum (Aleo surface and do not penetrate the root cementum to any
et al. 1974, 1975, Daly et al. 1982, Adriaens et al. 1988) signicant degree.
and that this could act as a potential reservoir of toxins that
could lead to re-infection after therapy. is apparently jus- Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter
tied the concept of “root planing”, a treatment technique are available online at Elsevier eBooks+.
that involved the use of highly sharpened (and therefore
highly damaging) hand instruments to “plane” away the References
apparently contaminated surface cementum of the root
to achieve a biocompatible root surface that would allow Adriaens PA, Edwards CA, De Boever JA, Loesche WJ. Ultrastruc-
periodontal healing. Although such a treatment approach tural observations on bacterial invasion in cementum and radicu-
could be shown to be eective (because the treatment also lar dentin of periodontally-diseased human teeth. J Periodontol.
resulted in the removal of the biolm), disease control was 1988;59:493–503.
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the treatment was time consuming, caused considerable
postoperative discomfort, was dicult to perform and thus Aleo JJ, De Renzis FA, Farber PA. Invitro attachment of human gin-
required a high degree of clinical skill. It also had to be per- gival broblasts to root surfaces. J Periodontol. 1975;46:639–645.
formed under local anaesthesia and could only be realisti- Blomlöf L, Lindskog S, Appelgren R, Jonsson B, Weintraub A, Ham-
cally achieved on a quadrant-by-quadrant basis. e concept marström L. New attachment in monkeys with experimental
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under local anaesthesia became, for decades, the mainstay of Periodontol. 1987;14:136–143.
non-surgical periodontal therapy. Each quadrant would usu- Buchanan SA, Robertson PB. Calculus removal by scaling/root plan-
ally require at least 45 minutes of treatment to achieve the ing with and without surgical access. J Periodontol. 1987;58:159–
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cal impression rather than scientic investigation” (Daly Chapple ILC. Periodontal diagnosis and treatment – where does the
et al. 1982). It was subsequently shown that the majority future lie? Periodontol. 2009; 2000, 51:9–24.
of the bacterial contaminants were only loosely adherent to Chiew SY, Wilson M, Davies EH, Kieser JB. Assessment of ultrasonic
the root surface and did not penetrate the root cementum debridement of calculus-associated periodontally-involved root
to any signicant degree (Nakib et al. 1982, Ito etal. 1985, surfaces by the limulus amoebocyte lysate assay. An invitro study.
Hughes & Smales 1986, 1990, Moore etal. 1986), and that J Clin Periodontol. 1991;18(4):240–244.
CHAPTER 5.1 The Diseased Root Surface in Periodontitis 211
Cobb CM. Clinical signicance of non-surgical periodontal therapy: Mombelli A, Nyman S, Bragger U, Wennstrom J, Lang NP. Clinical
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Introduction Types
Treatment Objectives Methods
Other Types of Power-Driven Instruments
Terminology and Denitions Vector
Dental Scaling Lasers
Root Planing (RP) Photodynamic Disinfection
Periodontal Debridement (PD) Subgingival Air Polishing
Subgingival Instrumentation (SI) Instrumentation Strategies
Full-Mouth Disinfection (FMD)
RP or PD – Choice of Instruments
Full-Mouth Ultrasonic Debridement (FMUD)
Hand vs Ultrasonic Instrumentation
Types of Instruments Use of Anaesthesia
Hand Instruments Full-Mouth or Quadrant Approaches?
Methods Adjuncts to Periodontal Instrumentation
Machine-Driven Instruments Conclusions
Evidence-based recommendation
We recommend that sub-gingival instrumentation be employed to treat periodontitis in
order to reduce probing pocket depths, gingival inflammation and the number of diseased
Supporting literature Suvan et al.
Quality of evidence: One 3-month RCT (n = 169 patients); 11 prospective studies (n = 258)
≥6 months
Grade of recommendation grade A – ↑↑
Strength of consensus unanimous consensus (2.6% of the group abstained due to
potential Col)
BSP implementation
This evidence-based recommendation is adopted.
We recommend that sub-gingival instrumentation be employed to treat periodontitis in
order to reduce gingival inflammation, the number of diseased sites and probing pocket
Updated evidence: No new applicable evidence was identified
Strength of consensus: unanimous Consensus (0% abstentions due to potential Col)
• Figure 5.2.1 EFP Clinical Recommendation (British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
(BSP) implementation) with respect to the benets of subgingival instrumentation in the treatment of peri-
odontitis. CoI, conict of interest. (image courtesy of BSP).
clinical recommendations (CRs) and included the intro- cornerstone of successful periodontal therapy (Chapple
duction of a stepwise approach to the management of peri- 2009, Guentsch & Preshaw 2008). In the past, emphasis
odontitis patients. e process is explained in more detail has been placed on the removal of all subgingival calcu-
in Chapter 4.3, and the CRs relevant to periodontal instru- lus deposits. e association of subgingival calculus with
mentation will be described in this chapter. periodontal lesions has led to the assumption that there is
a cause and eect relationship between the two; a review
Treatment Objectives of the evidence, however (Jepsen etal. 2011), has shown
that calculus is the result of disease and not its cause and
As we have seen in the previous chapter (Chapter 5.1), the that healing can occur in the presence of calculus as long
principal objective of all forms of periodontal therapy is as the overlying bacterial biolm is removed. Calculus can
the decontamination of the diseased root surface and the be thought of as an inert material and, clinically, it can
prevention of its bacterial recolonisation (Lindhe & Ech- be observed that healing of the periodontal lesion can take
everria 1993) to allow resolution of the inammatory lesion place and gingival shrinkage exposes previously subgingi-
in the soft tissues and arrest the destructive disease process. val calculus in the absence of subgingival calculus removal,
In the 2021 EFP S3 clinical guideline the second step of providing there is optimal biolm control by the patient
therapy in the stepwise approach (also referred to as “cause- during the oral hygiene phase of treatment (see Chapter
related therapy”) centres on periodontal instrumentation as 5.1). e removal of calculus then becomes necessary for
a means of reducing the bacterial load on the root surface better access to the subgingival biolm and for aesthetics.
that is responsible for triggering the periodontal disease pro- Biolm removal is therefore more important than calculus
cess. e EFP S3 clinical guideline considered a systematic removal (Kocher etal. 2001).
review carried out by Suvan etal. (2020) which had exam-
ined whether subgingival instrumentation (SI) was bene- KEY POINT 2
cial for the treatment of periodontitis, and this resulted in Biolm removal is more important than calculus removal.
a CR which strongly recommended the use of SI to reduce
gingival inammation, the number of diseased sites and Similarly, the original concept of the need to remove
probing pocket depths (see Figure 5.2.1). the outer layer of root cementum, which was assumed to
retain bacteria and their toxins, by means of planing the
KEY POINT 1 root surface with highly sharpened hand instruments, as was
The principal objective of all forms of periodontal therapy is the advocated in the dental literature in 1913 (Hartzell 1913)
decontamination of the diseased root surface. and has remained largely unchanged over the last century,
has been shown by more recent evidence to be both harm-
e main source of bacterial contaminants on the ful and unnecessary. e World Workshop in Periodontol-
root surface is the bacterial biolm. It is therefore ogy (Cobb 1996) stated: “Aggressive root planing to remove
widely accepted that mechanical biolm removal is the cementum does not seem to be warranted”.
214 SECTION 5 Non-surgical Periodontal Management
Although such techniques have persisted, largely because Root Planing (RP)
they have been found to be eective because the biolm
is also removed during these procedures, there has been an Root planing is “a procedure for smoothing of the rough-
increasing acceptance over recent years, in light of new evi- ened surface or cementum of a tooth after subgingival
dence, that such treatment is overly destructive to the dental curettage or scaling, as part of periodontal therapy” (MeSH,
tissues, is excessively time consuming and causes unneces- introduced 1992). It is a technique of instrumentation by
sary discomfort for the patient. us it has been found that which cementum is removed and the root surface is made
equally eective clinical outcomes can be achieved by less hard and smooth. is is usually done by hand instrumenta-
invasive approaches in a shorter time by using dierent tion using sharpened blades. Because of the length of time
forms of instrumentation which are less technically demand- involved in achieving the goal of a hard and smooth root
ing than traditional hand instrumentation techniques. surface, the treatment is usually carried out by quadrant,
From the early 1980s onwards, studies have shown that typically 45–60 minutes per quadrant (Palmer & Floyd
bacterial toxins were only loosely adherent to the root sur- 2006), using local anaesthesia. It is sometimes referred to as
face and could be removed by much lighter instrumentation scaling and root planing (SRP) or quadrant scaling and root
which did not damage the root surface to the same extent as planing (QSRP).
root planing (Nakib etal. 1982, Ito etal. 1985, Hughes &
Smales 1986, 1990, Moore etal. 1986, Nyman etal. 1988). Periodontal Debridement (PD)
One in vitro study (Moore et al. 1986) showed that over
99% of the bacterial contaminants could be removed by Periodontal debridement (PD) is the term that has now
light instrumentation alone without the need for cemen- replaced the original term root surface debridement (RSD),
tum removal by root planing. is led to the concept of and it is dened as “the removal or disruption of dental
root surface debridement (RSD) (Cheetham et al. 1988, deposits and plaque-retentive dental calculus from tooth
Smart etal. 1990) as an alternative to root planing, the goal surfaces and within the periodontal pocket space without
being the achievement of a biocompatible root surface with- deliberate removal of cementum as done in RP and often in
out the removal of tooth structure. It was shown that RSD dental scaling. e goal is to conserve dental cementum to
had the potential to achieve the same level of root surface help maintain or re-establish a healthy periodontal environ-
decontamination as root planing but with the advantages of ment and eliminate periodontitis by using light instrumen-
conservation of tooth structure, shorter treatment time and tation strokes and non-surgical techniques (e.g. ultrasonic,
greater patient comfort. e study by Smart et al. (1990) laser instruments)” (MeSH, introduced 2011).
showed that less than 1 second per mm2 of debridement
of the root surface, using ultrasonics alone, was required to KEY POINT 3
render the root surface entirely toxin free. is amounted Periodontal debridement (PD) is the removal or disruption of
to a mean of 17 seconds instrumentation per diseased root dental deposits and plaque-retentive dental calculus from tooth
surface. In addition, the concept of RSD allowed for the surfaces and within the periodontal pocket space without
exclusive use of ultrasonic instrumentation, because there deliberate removal of cementum.
was no need to remove cementum by hand planing.
However there is some confusion about the meaning
of the terminology used to describe dierent non-surgical
Subgingival Instrumentation (SI)
treatment techniques, and this will be addressed in the next
section. In view of the confusion that was inevitably caused using so
many dierent terms in the scientic literature to describe
Terminology and Definitions decontamination of the root surface, the 2021 EFP S3 clini-
cal guideline agreed to use the term subgingival instrumen-
e following terms will be found in the dental literature tation (SI) for all non-surgical procedures performed by
and they have dierent meanings, so they should not be hand (i.e. curettes) or power-driven (i.e. sonic/ultrasonic
used synonymously. Where appropriate, the denitions devices) instruments that are specically designed to gain
given here have been taken from the Medical Subject Head- access to the root surfaces in the subgingival environment.
ings (MeSH) pages of the National Library of Medicine
Full-Mouth Disinfection (FMD)
Dental Scaling Full-mouth disinfection (FMD) is a specic technique that
was proposed by a group of researchers who compared full-
Dental scaling is instrumentation to “remove dental plaque mouth instrumentation (all diseased root surfaces treated
and dental calculus from the surface of a tooth, from the within a 24-hour period) and quadrant-by-quadrant instru-
surface of a tooth apical to the gingival margin accumulated mentation, using chlorhexidine gluconate extensively in
in periodontal pockets, or from the surface coronal to the the full-mouth test groups (Bollen etal. 1998, Mongardini
gingival margin” (MeSH, introduced 1991). etal. 1999, Quirynen etal. 1999).
CHAPTER 5.2 Periodontal Instrumentation 215
• Figure 5.2.2 Hand instrument – handle, shank, blade. • Figure 5.2.3 Curette, hoe, scaler from left to right.
Full-Mouth Ultrasonic Debridement (FMUD) carpenter’s wood plane. us, the blade is maintained at
an approximately 45-degree angle to the root surface and
Full-mouth ultrasonic debridement (FMUD) is a full- drawn along the root surface using pressure against the root
mouth treatment carried out in one session, using ultrasonic surface to remove the surface layer, along with calcied
instrumentation alone and a debridement (conserving tooth (calculus) and uncalcied (biolm) dental deposits (Figure
structure) technique. 5.2.4). A pen grip and nger rest should be used.
is is a technically demanding process which requires
a high degree of clinical skill in order to be eective, and
Types of Instruments the instruments need to be repeatedly sharpened (using a
Hand Instruments sterilised sharpening stone chairside) during the treatment
because of the rapid blunting of the blades. Repeated over-
Hand instruments usually take the form of scalers, curettes lapping strokes are performed to cover the entire root sur-
and hoes which have sharpened blades that permit the face of the periodontal pocket, starting at the base of the
removal of the root surface. All hand instruments consist of pocket and proceeding coronally with each stroke. Local
a handle, shank and blade (Figure 5.2.2). anaesthesia is usually required for such procedures, hence
the need to treat the mouth quadrant by quadrant in most
Types cases.
Scalers, sometimes referred to as sickle scalers, have a curved
Machine-Driven Instruments
or straight blade with a triangular cross-section and two cut-
ting edges. ey are usually used for supragingival instru- Machine-driven instruments take the form of a metal tip
mentation or instrumentation in shallow pockets (Figure vibrating at sonic or ultrasonic frequencies, thereby disrupt-
5.2.3). ing both hard (calculus) and soft (biolm) deposits from the
root surface, if used correctly, without causing any loss of
Curettes tooth structure. In all forms of machine-driven instrumen-
Curettes have a curved blade with curved cutting edges. tation, the vibrating tip is cooled by a water supply. Ultra-
ey are usually double-ended with mirrored angles to the sonic devices for non-surgical periodontal therapy were
blades and come in a variety of shank lengths and angles and introduced in the 1950s.
a variety of blade sizes. ey are mostly used for subgingival
root instrumentation (see Figure 5.2.3). Types
Sonic Scalers
Hoes Sonic scalers (Figure 5.2.5) use air pressure to create a
e hoe has only one cutting edge, which is angled at over mechanically vibrating tip at 2–6 kHz (Gankerseer &
90 degrees to the shank. It is used mostly for supragingival Walmsley 1987) which disrupts biolm and removes calcu-
scaling (see Figure 5.2.3). lus deposits from the tooth surface.
the conversion of electrical energy to mechanical energy. All forms of machine-driven instruments should be used in
ere are two main types of ultrasonic scalers – magneto- the same way, with the metal tip of the instrument used par-
strictive and piezo-electric. As the physical action of the tip allel to the root surface and the entire root surface debrided
on the biolm and calculus deposits on the root surface, using a series of light, overlapping strokes, usually in a
ultrasonic instrumentation may also have cavitational and “cross-hatching” form. e objective is to disrupt the entire
acoustic microstreaming eects that may also cause disrup- biolm and remove as much subgingival calculus as possible
tion of surface deposits. but without causing any damage to the root surface.
Other Types of Power-Driven Instruments
In this type of ultrasonic scaler, the electrical current pro- Vector
duces a magnetic eld in the handpiece that causes the e Vector ultrasonic instrumentation system is a unique
insert to expand and contract and thus lead to vibration of form of ultrasonic instrument that uses a resonating ring
the metal tip. e movement of the vibrating tip has an around a ne tip to deect the horizontal oscillations verti-
elliptical pattern. cally, producing a linear oscillating movement of the tip.
e frequency used is 25 kHz. e system must be used in
Piezo-Electric conjunction with a suspension of hydroxyapatite particles in
In piezo-electric scalers (Figure 5.2.7), the electric current water. is is capable of removing or disrupting the biolm
leads to a dimensional change in the hand piece which is and removing subgingival calculus and causes no damage to
translated into vibration of the metal tip of the instrument. the root surface. e main advantages are little heat develop-
e tip movement is also elliptical (Lea etal. 2009). ment at the tip, no pathogenic aerosol and improved tactile
CHAPTER 5.2 Periodontal Instrumentation 217
Dental laser systems are available in a number of forms (car-
bon dioxide, Er:YAG, Nd:YAG) and are used in a variety
of clinical situations for treating both hard and soft tissues.
Soft tissue lasers can be used for simple forms of periodontal
surgery where the bone is not exposed. In non-surgical peri-
odontal therapy, the system with the most promising poten-
tial use is the Er:YAG system which is a hard tissue laser, the
goal being biolm and calculus removal. However, there is
the potential for damage to the root surface using this type • Figure 5.2.8 PerioWave system.
of system. A review of the literature on lasers in periodontal
therapy (Cobb 2006) concluded that there was insucient
evidence to suggest that lasers were superior to conventional Subgingival Air Polishing
therapy, either alone or as an adjunct. A statement issued by Subgingival air polishing has been developed from the
the American Academy of Periodontology in 2011, on the concept of supragingival stain removal using sodium bicar-
ecacy of lasers in the non-surgical treatment of chronic bonate powder sprayed under pressure. In subgingival use,
inammatory periodontal diseases, concluded: “Current such systems would damage the root surface so a much
evidence shows lasers, as a group, to be unpredictable and ner glycine powder (20 μm particles) has replaced sodium
inconsistent in their ability to reduce subgingival microbial bicarbonate and the pressure reduced by a disposable nozzle
loads beyond that achieved by SRP alone.” design (Figure 5.2.9). is system is not capable of remov-
Furthermore, the statement highlighted the potential ing calculus, simply of disrupting the bacterial biolm
for root surface damage because the root surface is being and, to date, it has not been evaluated as a means of initial
debrided without being visualised. A prospective randomised therapy but as an alternative to supportive therapy using
controlled trial in 2012 that compared the Er:YAG laser and conventional forms of instrumentation. In this context, it
mechanical debridement found better clinical outcomes for has been shown to be safe, more acceptable to patients and
the conventional mechanical debridement approach (Soo more time ecient (Moëne etal. 2010) and as eective as
etal. 2012). A systematic review by Salvi etal. (2020) found ultrasonic debridement (Wennström etal. 2011).
insucient evidence to recommend adjunctive application
of lasers to SI, and the EFP S3 guideline CR (Sanz et al. Instrumentation Strategies
2020) was to suggest not to use lasers as adjuncts to SI.
Several decisions about the instrumentation strategy need to
Photodynamic Disinfection be made before commencing treatment:
Photodynamic disinfection therapy (PDT) is a laser-based 1. Whether a PD or RP technique is to be used
treatment that involves the sensitisation of subgingival bac- 2. Which is the most suitable instrument to use
teria with a variety of dyes (for example methylene blue). 3. Whether local anaesthesia is required
e dye is taken up by the bacterial cell walls and when the 4. Whether a full-mouth or quadrant-by-quadrant approach
sensitised bacteria are exposed to low energy laser light the is to be taken.
dye molecules are dissociated with the subsequent release of
oxygen-free radicals that destroy the bacterial cell walls and RP or PD – Choice of Instruments
thus destroy the bacteria (Figure 5.2.8). Although such sys-
tems have been shown to be eective invitro, results from e clinician needs to decide at the outset exactly what the
clinical studies have been less convincing. A 2010 systematic therapeutic objectives are; if it is the intention to debride
review of the studies that have investigated the use of such the root surface but preserve tooth structure, then a suit-
systems, both as a stand-alone treatment or as an adjunct able debridement instrument should be chosen, but if it is
to conventional instrumentation, found that there was no intended to remove the outer layer of cementum, then a
evidence of the ecacy of PDT in periodontal therapy and planing instrument should be chosen. Used correctly the
concluded that the routine use of such systems could not ultrasonic tip is the most suitable debridement instrument
be recommended (Azarpazhooh etal. 2010). A systematic because it does not damage or remove any root surface. If
review by Salvi etal. (2020) found insucient evidence to RP is the goal, then a variety of sharpened hand instruments
recommend the use of PDT as an adjunct to SI, and the should be used. It is not logical to attempt debridement with
EFP S3 guideline CR (Sanz etal. 2020) suggested not to use a sharpened hand instrument because removal of some tooth
PDT as adjuncts to SI. structure is inevitable, nor is it possible to plane roots with
218 SECTION 5 Non-surgical Periodontal Management
“When one considers the demands of clinical skill, time and
stamina, the instrument of choice for universal application
would appear to be either a sonic or ultrasonic scaler” (Cobb
Use of Anaesthesia
• Figure 5.2.9 PerioFlow tip in use. Traditionally, local anaesthesia has been used to carry out
root surface instrumentation, but this has been based on the
an ultrasonic tip. An analogy would be to attempt to clean traditional use of sharpened hand instruments to carry out
a wood surface with a wood plane but without removing a RP technique which, being an invasive and tooth-destruc-
any of the wood surface. e choice of instrumentation for tive procedure, has necessitated some form of anaesthesia.
non-surgical therapy is therefore determined by the choice Although the use of local anaesthesia improves patient com-
of RP or PD as a treatment strategy. Given that the main fort, under these circumstances there are a number of disad-
objective of therapy is biolm disruption, with calculus vantages relating to its use: rst, the use of local anaesthesia
removal where possible and conservation of tooth structure, has forced clinicians into partial mouth treatment strategies
the instrument of choice would appear to be the ultrasonic (since it is impractical to anaesthetise the entire mouth in a
tip, and it is dicult, if not impossible, to justify the use of single session) which has resulted in the traditional QSRP
hand instruments in modern non-surgical periodontal ther- approach. us the mouth is treated by quadrant over four
apy. However, it is worth considering whether any clinical visits, under local anaesthesia, with 45–60 minutes treat-
studies have shown any benets of hand instrumentation. ment time per visit. Second, there is a risk of greater iatro-
genic damage to the root surface and soft tissues if the area
KEY POINT 4 is anaesthetised. As a result, patients often experience pain
Used correctly, the ultrasonic tip is the most suitable of signicant duration and magnitude following scaling
debridement instrument because it does not damage the root and RP (Pihlstrom etal. 1999). However, machine-driven
surface. instrumentation is non-invasive, as tooth structure is pre-
served, and local anaesthesia is usually not needed. Some
patients may have individual teeth where there is some
Hand vs Ultrasonic Instrumentation dentinal sensitivity, but this can usually be alleviated with
Several studies have directly compared hand and machine- desensitising agents and dietary control and by using the
driven instruments in non-surgical periodontal therapy. In instrument at lower power and with a reduced water sup-
all such studies, ultrasonic or sonic instrumentation has been ply. e shorter treatment time needed for machine-driven
shown to produce equal or superior clinical outcomes (e.g. Lie instrumentation and the reduced need for anaesthesia also
& Meyer 1977, Iouanniou etal. 2009). Several studies have permits the use of full-mouth treatment strategies, where all
reported on the increased time savings and therefore cost- diseased sites are treated at a single clinical session.
eectiveness of ultrasonic instrumentation, showing 20–50%
time savings (Checchi & Pelliconi 1988, Dragoo 1992, Full-Mouth or Quadrant Approaches?
Copulos etal. 1993, Drisko 1995). A systematic review of the
literature in 2002 (Tunkel etal. 2002) found no dierence in A series of studies carried out in the late 1990s questioned the
the ecacy of subgingival debridement whether using hand biological rationale of the quadrant approach to non-surgical
or machine-driven instruments, a nding that was repeated in periodontal therapy, suggesting that there was a risk of reinfec-
the systematic review by Suvan etal. (2020). Greater comfort tion of treated sites by microorganisms from untreated sites,
of ultrasonic devices for patients, with less postoperative pain, and proposed a “full-mouth approach” as an alternative, the
has also been noted (Iouanniou etal. 2009). One of the argu- object being to instrument all pathological pockets at a single
ments for using hand instruments has been the production of session, or within a 24-hour period (Quirynen etal. 1995,
greater root surface smoothness; although hand instruments 1999, Bollen etal. 1996, 1998, Vandekerckhove etal. 1996,
have been shown to produce smoother root surfaces than Mongardini etal. 1999). e results of these studies showed
ultrasonic instruments (Schmidlin et al. 2001), there is no that the full-mouth-treated patients achieved better clinical
CHAPTER 5.2 Periodontal Instrumentation 219
and microbiological treatment outcomes. e patients in (CHX) in various formulations, none of these putative
these studies were treated using a RP instrumentation tech- adjuncts to SI oered any benets as adjuncts to SI and
nique, and the full-mouth-treated groups also received exten- none was recommended as such by the EFP S3 clinical
sive chlorhexidine gluconate application as an adjunct, both guideline (Sanz et al. 2020). With respect to CHX, the
during and after treatment. e test treatment was referred EFP S3 clinical guideline considered that CHX mouth
to as FMD. Later studies showed that the benets of the test rinse, used for a limited time period, could be consid-
treatments were because of the full-mouth approach and ered as an adjunct to SI in specic cases (da Costa et al.
not because of the use of chemical adjuncts (Quirynen etal. 2017). An example of such a case might be a patient who
2000). Subsequent studies (Koshy et al. 2005) used a full- presented with extensive marginal inammation that pre-
mouth debridement technique with ultrasonics exclusively for vented them from carrying out adequate self-care at home.
both test and control groups (FMUD vs QUD) and achieved e EFP guideline also found that locally delivered sus-
the same results. e ecacy of the full-mouth approach was tained-release CHX could be considered in patients with
conrmed in a 2008 Cochrane systematic review (Eberhard periodontitis (Herrera et al. 2020), although the clinical
etal. 2008). Several studies have directly compared FMUD benets remained small, amounting to a pocket reduction
with QSRP (Wennström etal. 2005, Zanatta etal. 2006, Del eect of only about 10%.
Peloso Ribiero etal. 2008) and have found that an hour (or
less) of the FMUD treatment is as eective (clinically, micro- Conclusions
biologically and immunologically) as 4 hours of QSRP and
“oers tangible benets for the chronic periodontitis patient” e principal objective of non-surgical therapy (or surgical
(Wennstrom etal. 2005). However in terms of clinical treat- therapy for that matter) is the disinfection of the periodon-
ment outcomes (reduction in inammation, pocket depth tally involved root surface (Lindhe & Echeverria 1993).
and number of diseased sites) there would appear to be little e main source of microbial contamination on the root
or no dierence between quadrant or full-mouth approaches, surface is the bacterial biolm, and it is biolm disrup-
and the EFP S3 clinical guideline (Sanz et al. 2020, West tion/removal that is the treatment goal. Removal of root
etal. 2021) suggested that SI can be carried out with either surface calculus can enhance biolm removal, but subgin-
approach, based on the systematic review by Suvan et al. gival calculus does not per se have pathogenic potential.
(2020). One argument against the full-mouth approach has It is no longer justied to remove root surface cementum.
been the possibility that this treatment strategy may produce e choice of instrumentation should reect these treat-
a systemic acute-phase inammatory response that may have ment objectives, and there is a strong case for not treating
the potential to be harmful to patients, especially those with root surfaces with potentially damaging hand instruments
vascular co-morbidities. One study (Graziani etal. 2015) has but instead to use lighter forms of instrumentation such as
shown that full-mouth treatment may trigger a moderate ultrasonic devices.
acute-phase response compared to a quadrant approach. e
signicance of this nding is unclear at this time. KEY POINT 7
The main source of microbial contamination on the root
surface is the bacterial biolm, and it is biolm disruption/
KEY POINT 6 removal that is the treatment goal.
An hour (or less) of FMUD treatment is as effective (clinically,
microbiologically and immunologically) as 4 hours of QSRP.
Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter
are available online at Elsevier eBooks+.
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Hughes FJ, Smales FC. Immunohistochemical investigation of the tol. 1999;70:646–656.
presence and distribution of cementum-associated lipopolysaccha- Quirynen M, Mongardini C, de Soete M, Pauwels M, Coucke W,
rides in periodontal disease. J Periodontal Res. 1986;21:660–667. van Eldere J, etal. e role of chlorhexidine in the one-stage full-
Hughes FJ, Smales FC. e distribution and quantitation of cemen- mouth disinfection treatment of patients with advanced adult
tum-bound lipopolysaccharide on periodontally diseased root sur- periodontitis. Long-term clinical and microbiological observa-
faces of human teeth. Arch Oral Biol. 1990;35:295–299. tions. J Clin Periodontol. 2000;28:578–589.
CHAPTER 5.2 Periodontal Instrumentation 221
Salvi GE, Stahli A, Schmidt JC, Ramseier CA, Sculean A, Walter C. systematic review. J Clin Periodontol. 2020;47(suppl 22):155–
Adjunctive laser or antimicrobial photodynamic therapy to non- 175.
surgical mechanical instrumentation in patients with untreated Tunkel J, Heinecke A, Flemmig TF. A systematic review of ecacy of
periodontitis. A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Peri- machine-driven and manual subgingival debridement in the treat-
odontol. 2020;47(suppl 22):176–198. ment of chronic periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol. 2002;13(suppl 3):
Sanz M, Herrera D, Kebschull M, Chapple I, Jepsen S, Beglundh 72–81.
T, Sculean A, Tonetti M. Treatment of stage I-III periodontitis- Vandekerckhove BN, Bollen CM, Dekeyser C, Darius P, Quirynen
e EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline. J Clin Periodontol. M. Full- versus partial-mouth disinfection in the treatment of
2020;47(suppl 22):4–60. periodontal infections. Long-term clinical observations in a pilot
Schmidlin PR, Beuchat M, Bussliger A, Lehmann B, Lutz F. Tooth study. J Periodontol. 1996;67:1251–1259.
substance loss resulting from mechanical, sonic and ultrasonic Wennström JL, Tomasi C, Bertelle A, Dellasega E. Full-mouth ultra-
instrumentation assessed by liquid scintillation. J Clin Periodontol. sonic debridement versus quadrant scaling and root planing as an
2001;28:1058–1066. initial approach in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. J Clin
Sculean A, Schwarz F, Berakdar M, Romanos GE, Brecx M, Willer- Periodontol. 2005;32:851–859.
shausen B, etal. Non-surgical periodontal treatment with a new Wennström JL, Dahlén G, Ramberg P. Subgingival debridement of
ultrasonic device (Vector-ultrasonic system) or hand instruments. periodontal pockets by air polishing in comparison with ultrasonic
J Clin Periodontol. 2004;31:428–433. instrumentation during maintenance therapy. J Clin Periodontol.
Smart GJ, Wilson M, Kieser JB. e assessment of ultrasonic root sur- 2011;38:820–827.
face debridement by determination of residual endotoxin levels. J West N, Chapple I, Claydon N, D’Aiuto F, Donos N, Ide M, Needle-
Clin Periodontol. 1990;17:174–178. man I, Kebschull M. BSP implementation of European S3 - level
Soo L, Leichter JW, Windle J, Monteith B, Williams SM, Sey- evidence-based treatment guidelines for stage I-III periodontitis in
mour GJ, et al. A comparison of Er:YAG laser and mechanical UK clinical practice. J Dent. 2021;106:1–72:103562. https://doi.
debridement for the non-surgical treatment of chronic periodon- org/10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103562.
titis: a randomized, prospective clinical study. J Clin Periodontol. Zanatta GM, Bittencourt S, Nociti FH, Sallum EA, Sallum AW,
2012;39:537–545. Casati MZ. Periodontal debridement with povidone-iodine in
Suvan J, Leira Y, Moreno F, Graziani F, Derks J, Tomasi C. Sub- periodontal treatment: short-term clinical and biochemical obser-
gingival instrumentation for treatment of periodontitis. A vations. J Periodontol. 2006;77:498–505.
The Rationale for Antibiotic use Evaluating Studies which use Antibiotics as Adjuncts to RSD
Which Periodontal Conditions can be Treated with The Evidence for Antibiotic use in Periodontal Therapy
Antibiotics? Local Delivery Antibiotics
Reasons for the Failure of Root Surface Debridement Systemic Delivery Antibiotics
Antibiotics as an Alternative Monotherapy to RSD Recommendations on the use of Systemic Antibiotics in
Periodontal Therapy
Comparison of Local or Systemic Delivery of Antibiotics
The Rationale for Antibiotic use not succeed, we may employ chemicals in the form of anti-
septics or antibiotics. Failure of these procedures to resolve
If it is believed that periodontal diseases are infections the problem might result in the need for surgical excision to
(which is in fact debatable – see Chapter 1.2), then we need remove infected tissue. e wound can then be closed with
to focus on controlling the infection in much the same way healthy margins being opposed. If infection of the wound has
as we would control infection elsewhere in the body. become advanced, then more radical excision may need to be
It is helpful to think of periodontitis as having parallels considered, which could include amputation of the limb. e
with an open wound on the forearm. Basic concepts of man- parallels with periodontal management are clear:
aging the forearm wound would involve debridement to 1. wound debridement = root surface debridement
remove foreign bodies and reduce bacterial load. If this does 2. antiseptics or antibiotics = antiseptics or antibiotics
CHAPTER 5.3 Antibiotics in the Management of Periodontal Diseases 223
3. excision of wound margins = periodontal surgery management of infections in general. is focuses on remov-
4. limb amputation = tooth extraction. ing the source of infection and establishing drainage when
e sites which most commonly fail to respond to RSD possible. Depending upon the clinical circumstances, this
are usually dicult to instrument, and this may be because may be achieved through incision of the mucosa, debride-
the pocket depth is deep, there are multiple roots or there are ment of the pocket or a pulpal access cavity. ese actions
infra-bony defects. is may result in an inability to reach along with mechanical debridement reduce the bacterial
and disrupt the biolm in these areas. ere may be a need load and allow wound healing to occur in most instances.
for chemical agents, such as antibiotics, to act as an adjunct e presence of pyrexia, lymph node involvement and
to the mechanical debridement at such sites. An alternative swelling in the fascial spaces may require the use of antibiot-
form of treatment would be periodontal surgery, which needs ics, but this should be the exception rather than the norm.
a higher level of training and skill, is more costly and more
invasive. erefore, if the eects of non-surgical periodontal KEY POINT 4
therapy could be improved by the use of adjunctive antimi- The presence of pyrexia, lymph node involvement and swelling
crobial therapies, it might be possible to achieve healthy tis- in the fascial spaces may require the use of antibiotics, but this
sues without the need for invasive surgical techniques. should be the exception rather than the norm.
Most periodontal treatment is focused on mild, moderate,
Since bacteria are the initiating agents of periodontal dis- or severe periodontitis (stages I–III), with a small but important
eases, systemically or locally administered antibiotics are con- percentage having very severe periodontitis (stage IV). Hospital
sidered as possible adjuncts for their control. However, studies and specialist practices may also encounter patients who
on the ecacy of these agents show inconsistent results. have periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease. The
use of antibiotics has been considered a possibility for the
management of most types of periodontitis, apart from the
KEY POINT 1 most mild forms.
Sites which most commonly fail to respond to root surface
debridement are usually difcult to instrument.
concluded that the high risk of bias and the heterogeneity Systemic Delivery Antibiotics
of the studies makes it very dicult to dene when and
where such products would be of use. Another aspect the Two systematic reviews, Herrera et al. (2002) and Haajee
clinician must consider in relation to using a local antimi- etal. (2003), summarised the literature relating to the role of
crobial is careful analysis of the cost of this gain in nancial systemic antibiotics in the management of periodontal diseases
(Heasman etal. 2011) and environmental (Needleman and dened by the 1999 classication. ese reviews revealed that
Wilson 2006) terms. systemic antibiotics were consistently benecial in providing
an improvement in the clinical outcomes of gain in attachment
and pocket depth reduction when used as adjuncts to RSD.
TABLE “Clinically relevant measures of successful Chronic periodontitis (as dened by the 1999 classica-
5.3.3 treatment” as alternatives to mean tion): Systemic antibiotics used as an adjunct to RSD were
pocket reduction in studies examining found to oer additional benets over RSD alone, especially
the adjunctive eect of local delivery in deep pockets.
antibiotics Aggressive periodontitis (as dened by the 1999 classica-
tion): e limited information available showed that the
RSD RSD + gel Difference adjunctive eect of some antimicrobials might be greater
Mean 1.0 1.5 0.5 in aggressive forms of periodontitis. Figure 5.3.5 shows a
reduction in patient with aggressive periodontitis who has been treated
PPD (mm) with systemic antibiotics as an adjunct to RSD.
% Improved to 18.0 30.0 12.0 ese conclusions were based on mean change in PPD or
≤3 mm mean gain in attachment. e mean gain in attachment was
% Improved by 32.0 47.0 15.0
0.3–0.4 mm at 6 months, but this was based on whole-mouth
≥2 mm data and was diluted by the inclusion of healthy sites which
would not be expected to change. ese mean clinical val-
Adapted from data presented in Grifths et al. 2000. PPD: pocket prob-
ues may have little clinical relevance, although Haajee etal.
ing depth; RSD: root surface debridement; RSD + gel: RSD with adjunc-
tive metronidazole gel. (2003) put it into some clinical context when she described it
as “equivalent to reversing 4–7 years of disease progression”.
• Figure 5.3.5 A patient diagnosed at the time with aggressive periodontitis treated with adjunctive sys-
temic antibiotics. (A) Radiographic appearance on presentation. (B) Clinical appearance on presentation.
(C) Clinical appearance after treatment.
228 SECTION 5 Non-surgical Periodontal Management
TABLE “Clinically relevant measures of successful recruited patients with periodontitis stages III and IV. As such,
5.3.4 treatment” as alternatives to mean pocket it remains the case that systemic antibiotics may be considered
reduction in studies examining the for the management of periodontitis, but their use should be
adjunctive eect of systemic antibiotics. restricted to certain groups, such as those with severe and pro-
gressing forms of periodontitis. e S3 level clinical guideline
RSD + further advises that systemic antibiotics should not be used
adjunctive Difference routinely but may be considered for specic patient catego-
RSD antimicrobials (mm) ries, such as generalised periodontitis stage III in young adults
Mean reduction 0.7 1.2 0.5 where a high rate of progression is documented.
in PPD (mm)
% Improved to 37 55 18 Recommendations on the Use of Systemic
≤3 mm
Antibiotics in Periodontal Therapy
% Improved by 21 30 9
≥2 mm Despite the large number of research investigations in this
Clinically relevant data adapted from Guerrero et al. (2005) and area, it is still dicult to provide clear guidance on antibi-
et al. (2011). PPD: pocket probing depth; RSD: root surface debride- otic use in periodontics because of small sample sizes and
ment; RSD + Adj: RSD plus adjunctive amoxicillin and metronidazole.
study heterogeneity. It seems clear that antibiotics con-
fer therapeutic advantage, but questions still remain as to
whether they should be part of routine use or restricted to
As illustrated previously with local delivery antibiotics, individuals with “severe periodontal breakdown”.
more clinically relevant methods of data presentation have Further research needs to be undertaken to show ecacy
been used. is is illustrated in Table 5.3.4, which shows in terms of patient-centred outcomes and cost-eectiveness.
results adapted from Guerrero etal. (2005) and Griths etal. e timing of delivery of antibiotics is also important as
(2011), which was a study comparing RSD alone with RSD shown by Griths et al. (2011), and this needs further
plus adjunctive amoxicillin and metronidazole in patients with investigation.
aggressive periodontal disease. e dierence in the mean full- Side eects of antibiotic use should be considered,
mouth PPD before and after RSD was 0.7 mm and, with which, on an individual basis, can range from the relatively
adjunctive antimicrobials, it was 1.2 mm. It is dicult when common nausea/vomiting to anaphylaxis. On a population
using these mean data derived from the mean of all sites in basis, there are concerns over resistant strains (Feres et al.
all subjects to decide whether this has clinical relevance to an 2002, Needleman & Wilson 2006).
individual patient, particularly as these are not data that we Appropriate antibiotic stewardship is a prominent issue
usually record for our patients. Data presentation using infor- for dental professionals, and so careful thought must be
mation we use in the clinic showed that adjunctive systemic given to weighing up the risks and benets of any prescrip-
antimicrobials resulted in an additional 18% of sites convert- tion. Numerous professional guidelines are available to help
ing from needing treatment to not needing treatment. ey with the decision-making process in clinical practice. In
also resulted in an additional 9% of sites improving by ≥2 mm. particular, the Faculty of General Dental Practice UK pub-
A further review (Teughels etal. 2020) again found that lication Antimicrobial Prescribing in Dentistry: Good Practice
systemic antibiotics result in statistically signicant improve- Guidelines, 3rd Edition (2020) is a useful resource. Alter-
ments in periodontal parameters. is review identied 28 native treatment options to antimicrobials should always
randomised controlled trials and found that the adjunctive be considered, and for those in general practice, that may
use of systemic antibiotics in the active phase of periodontal include consideration as to whether referral for specialist
treatment resulted in a WMD full-mouth pocket reduction opinion and/or treatment is warranted.
of 0.45 mm and CAL gain of 0.39 mm at 6 months. It
further found that these benets were present for at least
a year (PPD WMD 0.49 mm, CAL WMD 0.23). Specic KEY POINT 7
data was reported for dierent antibiotic regimens, but the Current recommendations are as follows:
• antibiotics should be considered in periodontal
strongest evidence was found for the use of a combination treatment planning
of amoxicillin and metronidazole, and this was more pro- • antibiotics should not be used in all cases of
nounced in initially deep pockets. Interestingly, this review periodontitis
was unable to show any statistically signicant dierence in • if antibiotics may be required, consider seeking a
the benet of using systemic antimicrobials for aggressive specialist opinion
• antibiotics may be considered in the following
periodontitis over chronic periodontitis. circumstances:
Similar to previous reviews, Teughels et al. (2020) con- • severe periodontal disease (multiple deep sites with
cluded that it remained debatable whether the improvements pus discharge)
found were clinically relevant, and it highlighted the lack of • patients who failed to respond to conventional
conclusive evidence for the long-term benet of systemic anti- periodontal therapy
• young patients with severe disease
microbials. It was also noted that the vast majority of studies
CHAPTER 5.3 Antibiotics in the Management of Periodontal Diseases 229
Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter scaling and root planing in periodontitis patients. J Clin Periodon-
are available online at Elsevier eBooks+. tol. 2002;29(Suppl. 3):136–159.
Herrera D, Matesanz M, Conchita M, Oud V, Feres M, Teughels W.
Adjunctive eect of locally delivered antimicrobials in periodonti-
References tis therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Periodon-
tol. 2020;47:239–256.
Cobb CM. Clinical signicance of non-surgical periodontal therapy: López NJ, Socransky SS, Da Silva I, Japlit MR, Haajee AD. Eects
an evidence-based perspective of scaling and root planing. J Clin of metronidazole plus amoxicillin as the only therapy on the
Periodontol. 2002;29(Suppl. 2):6–16. microbiological and clinical parameters of untreated chronic peri-
Dietrich T, Ower P, Tank M, West NX, Walter C, Needleman I, odontitis. J Clin Periodontol. 2006;33:648–660.
Hughes FJ, Wadia R, Milward MR, Hodge PJ, Chapple ILC. Peri- Matesanz-Pérez P, García-Gargallo M, Figuero E, Bascones-Martínez
odontal diagnosis in the context of the 2017 classication system A, Sanz M, Herrera D. A systematic review on the eects of local
of periodontal diseases and conditions – implementation in clini- antimicrobials as adjuncts to subgingival debridement, compared
cal practice. Br Dent J. 2019;226:16–22. with subgingival debridement alone, in the treatment of chronic
Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK). GDP Antimicrobial Prescrib- periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol. 2013;40:227–241.
ing in Dentistry: Good Practice Guidelines. 3rd ed. 2020. Matuliene G, Studer R, Lang NP, Schmidlin K, Pjetursson BE,
Feres M, Haajee AD, Allard K, Som S, Goodson JM, Socransky SS. Salvi GE, et al. Signicance of periodontal risk assessment in
Antibiotic resistance of subgingival species during and after antibi- the recurrence of periodontitis and tooth loss. J Clin Periodontol.
otic therapy. J Clin Periodontol. 2002;29:724–735. 2010;37:191–199.
Griths GS, Smart GJ, Bulman JS, Weiss G, Shrowder J, Newman Needleman I, Wilson M. Antimicrobial resistance in the subgin-
HN. Comparison of clinical outcomes following treatment of gival microora in patients with adult periodontitis. A com-
chronic adult periodontitis with subgingival scaling or subgingival parison between e Netherlands and Spain. J Clin Periodontol.
scaling plus metronidazole gel. J Clin Periodontol. 2000;27:910– 2006;33:157–158.
917. Palmer, N. (Ed). Antimicrobial Prescribing in Dentistry: Good Prac-
Griths GS, Ayob R, Guerrero A, Nibali L, Suvan J, Moles DR, tice Guidelines. 3rd Edition. London, UK: Faculty of General
Tonetti MS. Amoxicillin and metronidazole as an adjunctive treat- Dental Practice (UK) and Faculty of Dental Surgery; 2020.
ment in generalized aggressive periodontitis at initial therapy or Sanz M, Herrera D, Kebschull M, Chapple I, Jepsen S, Beglundh T,
re-treatment: a randomized controlled clinical trial. J Clin Peri- Sculean A, Tonetti MS. Treatment of stage I–III periodontitis—
odontol. 2011;38:43–49. e EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline. J Clin Periodontol.
Guerrero A, Griths GS, Nibali L, Suvan J, Moles DR, Laurell L, 2020;47:4–60.
Tonetti MS. Adjunctive benets of systemic amoxicillin and met- Teughels W, Feres M, Oud V, Martín C, Matesanz P, Herrera D.
ronidazole in non-surgical treatment of generalized aggressive Adjunctive eect of systemic antimicrobials in periodontitis
periodontitis: a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Clin therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Periodontol.
Periodontol. 2005;32:1096–1107. 2020;47:257–281.
Haajee AD, Socransky SS, Gunsolley JC. Systemic anti-infec- Tonetti MS, Sanz M. Implementation of the new classication of peri-
tive periodontal therapy. A systematic review. Ann Periodontol. odontal diseases: decision‐making algorithms for clinical practice
2003;8:115–181. and education. J Clin Periodontol. 2019;46:398–405.
Heasman PA, Vernazza CR, Gaunt FL, Pennington MW. Cost-eec- West N, Chapple I, Claydon N, D’Aiuto F, Donos N, Ide M, Needle-
tiveness of adjunctive antimicrobials in the treatment of periodon- man I, Kebschull M. BSP implementation of European S3 - level
titis. Periodontol 2000. 2011;55:217–230. evidence-based treatment guidelines for stage I-III periodontitis in
Herrera D, Sanz M, Jepsen S, Needleman I, Roldán S. A systematic UK clinical practice. J Dent. 2021;106:1–72:103562. https://doi.
review on the eect of systemic antimicrobials as an adjunct to org/10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103562.
Assessment of Treatment
Outcomes and Supportive
Periodontal Therapy
Introduction SPT Frequency
What is Supportive Periodontal Therapy? SPT Appointment
Examination, Re-Evaluation, Re-Diagnosis
Gingival Inammation Oral Hygiene Motivation and Re-Instruction
Value of SPT Risk Assessment
Assessment of Treatment Outcomes Assessing Risk during SPT
When and How to Provide SPT
SPT Plan
CHAPTER 5.4 Assessment of Treatment Outcomes and Supportive Periodontal Therapy 231
sites that do not progress have less gingival inammation
contribution over time (Löe et al. 1986, Ismail et al. 1990, Clerehugh
etal. 1995, Albandar etal. 1998, Schatzle etal. 2004, Tan-
ner etal. 2007, Ramseier etal. 2017, Chapple etal. 2018).
For the rst time, the 2017 World Workshop on classi-
Professional cation gave clear denitions of periodontal health and gingi-
contribution vitis on an intact periodontium, on a reduced periodontium
due to causes other than periodontitis and on a reduced
• Figure 5.4.2 Patient’s and professional’s contribution to maintaining periodontium due to periodontitis (Chapple etal. 2018).
oral health.
• BOX 5.4.1 Biological Basis of SPT Gingival inammation is a precursor of periodontitis and a
clinically relevant risk factor for periodontal clinical attachment
Plaque biolm aetiology of periodontal diseases loss and tooth loss.
Balance between microbial challenge, patient’s host defences,
conducive environment/plaque biolm ecology
Individual patient risk assessment
Role of inammation
Less clinical attachment loss (CAL) and tooth loss occur with Clinically healthy gingivae are a prognostic indicator of tooth
regular SPT longevity.
Tooth loss is inversely proportional to SPT frequency
Recurrent periodontitis can be limited or prevented by optimal
oral hygiene Overall these studies emphasise the importance of:
SPT provides for monitoring following periodontal treatment or • the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases
implant provision • maintaining periodontal health and avoiding recurrence
of disease and inammation
• the role of SPT.
< 20 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59
Age group
GI = 0 Normal gingiva. Healthy
• Figure 5.4.3 Effect of different gingivitis levels on attachment loss. From: Reprinted from Journal of
Clinical Periodontology, 30(10):15, Niklaus P. Lang, Hans Boysen, Åge Ånerud et al. (2003), with permis-
sion from John Wiley & Sons.
1.00 99.5%
Survival distribution function
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
• Figure 5.4.4 Effect of different gingivitis levels on tooth loss. Survival distribution function for different
Gingival Index severity groups. After 50 years of tooth age, the cumulative survival for teeth with health
gingivae is 99.5%. Teeth with always bleeding gingivae demonstrate a cumulative survival of 63.4% after
48 years of tooth age. From: Reprinted from Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 31(12):6, Hans Boysen,
Åge Ånerud, Walter Bürgin, et al. (2004), with permission from John Wiley & Sons.
Based on the literature and biological plausibility, peri- SPT needs to be undertaken in all patients who have
odontitis patients with a low proportion of residual peri- been treated for periodontitis. However, it is fundamentally
odontal pockets and little inammation have been deemed important to acknowledge that because of their inherent
to be more likely to have periodontal stability and less tooth periodontal susceptibility, a periodontitis patient can never
loss over time (Loos & Needleman 2020). be deemed to be permanently “healed”. Rather, albeit they
234 SECTION 5 Non-surgical Periodontal Management
can become periodontally “stable" (see Appendix 2), they stage, it is pertinent to wait 8 to 12 weeks to re-evaluate
will require ongoing periodontal maintenance for life, via probing depths and measure the clinical attachment level
SPT, to achieve tooth retention for life (Chapple etal. 2018, in order to monitor the success of the treatment outcome.
Kebschull & Chapple 2020, Sanz et al. 2020, West et al. As subgingival microbial recolonisation can occur within 4
2021). to 8 weeks of subgingival instrumentation in the absence
of improved plaque biolm control, an essential aspect of
SPT is the maintenance of optimal oral hygiene and eec-
KEY POINT 5 tive plaque biolm control (Segelnick & Weinberg 2006,
Although a periodontitis patient can become periodontally
stable after successful periodontal treatment, remember that
Sanz etal. 2020, West etal. 2021).
“once a periodontitis patient, always a periodontitis patient”, e position paper by Loos & Needleman (2020)
and ongoing SPT and periodontal maintenance are required addressed the question of which commonly applied peri-
for life. odontal probing measures recorded after completion of
active periodontal therapy related to: stability of the clini-
cal attachment level, tooth survival, need for re-treatment
Assessment of Treatment Outcomes and oral health-related quality of life. From their extensive
literature review, they concluded that: periodontitis patients
An evidence-based review of the clinical signicance of non- with a low proportion of residual pockets are likely to have
surgical periodontal therapy has been conducted (Cobb stability of clinical attachment levels and less tooth loss over
2002), and a systematic review on the eectiveness of time; probing pocket depths >6 mm and bleeding on prob-
mechanical non-surgical therapy performed (Suvan 2005). ing (BOP) score >30% are a risk for tooth loss; there were
At all stages of provision of periodontal therapy, it is no studies found that investigated the use of various peri-
important to recognise that the ability to remove all depos- odontal probing measures on the need for re-treatment; and
its is limited by the depth of the pocket, and this inuences nally, there was a lack of evidence that periodontal probing
the amount of pocket reduction and attachment level gain measures after completion of active treatment were tangible
ultimately achieved. to the patient.
e removal of all subgingival calculus has been shown
to be dicult to achieve in clinical practice, and it seems
that clinically acceptable healing occurs in spite of micro- When and How to Provide SPT
scopic aggregates of residual subgingival calculus. e criti- SPT Plan
cal mass of plaque biolm does need reducing to a threshold
where there is a balance between the microbial deposits and Each SPT plan must be individually tailored for patients
the patient’s host response which is conducive to periodon- following completion of steps 1–3 of periodontal therapy as
tal stability. Following successful treatment of periodontal per the stepwise approach (Sanz etal. 2020, West etal. 2021;
pockets, healing takes the form of a long junctional epithe- Appendices 3 and 4). e stepwise approach is described
lium, replacing the ulcerated pocket epithelium lining the in detail in Chapters 3.1, 3.3 and 4.3 and is illustrated in
pocket. Clinically: Appendices 3 and 4. Step 4 aims to maintain periodontal
• probing pocket depths should decrease stability through supportive periodontal care in all treated
• bleeding on probing from the base of the pocket should periodontitis patients by combining preventive/therapeutic
reduce or resolve interventions from steps 1 and 2. Regular recall intervals
• there should be a gain in the clinical connective tissue are needed, tailored to patient’s individual needs. Recurrent
attachment disease should be managed with an updated treatment plan.
• there may be gingival recession as the inìammation sub Integral to SPT is patient compliance with optimal plaque
sides and normally less redness and swelling along with a biolm control and a healthy lifestyle.
reduction or elimination of suppuration
• tooth mobility may decrease and there may be less furca KEY POINT 6
tion involvement in some cases. Each SPT plan must be individually tailored for patients
Radiographically, in due course, there may also be some following completion of active periodontal therapy.
bony inll at the base of angular defects where vertical bone
loss had previously occurred. Following the development of the EFP S3-level treat-
After professional mechanical plaque removal (PMPR) ment guidelines (Sanz etal. 2020) and the BSP implemen-
and thorough subgingival instrumentation, junctional epi- tation protocol (West etal. 2021), a number of CRs were
thelium re-establishes quite quickly, within 2 weeks, but produced for the UK healthcare system (see Chapter 4.3 for
the granulation tissue is not yet mature and not replaced more information on this process). In respect to SPT in step
by collagen bres. In fact, repair of connective tissue con- 4 of the stairway, a total of 20 CRs were formulated (West
tinues for 4 to 8 weeks after subgingival instrumentation etal. 2021). e following section describes those key CRs
and, therefore, although monitoring could be done at this (reproduced from West etal. 2021) applicable to SPT.
CHAPTER 5.4 Assessment of Treatment Outcomes and Supportive Periodontal Therapy 235
SPT Frequency
e frequency of SPT should be based on the patient’s risk suggested not to replace PMPR with alternative methods,
of disease progression. Studies ranging from 5 to 30 years e.g. Er: YAG laser treatment in SPT, nor to use adjunctive
(Table 5.4.1) have investigated dierent SPT intervals; the methods to PMPR (sub-antimicrobial dose doxycycline or
risk of insucient SPT visits or excessively long intervals photodynamic therapy) in SPT (Trombelli etal. 2020, West
between visits may constitute under-treatment with the etal. 2021).
potential for disease recurrence and a lack of support to help
the patient maintain adherence to oral hygiene procedures. Examination, Re-Evaluation, Re-Diagnosis
KEY POINT 7 During the SPT appointment the clinician should:
The frequency of SPT should be based on the patient’s risk of • update medical and dental history
disease progression. • assess smoking status and other risk factor assessments
including diabetes control if applicable
Although dierences were not statistically signicant, the • assess oral hygiene/plaque score
5-year study by Rosen etal. (1999) showed some rebound • carry out a clinical examination and diagnosis
in the 18-month SPT group compared with those on more • soft tissue evaluation
frequent SPT intervals. • dental examination including fremitus and occlusal
KEY POINT 8 • periodontal assessment – probing depths, BOP, plaque
• Start with three monthly recalls biolm score, level of calculus, furcation involvement,
• Maximum SPT interval should be 1 year suppuration, recession, mobility
• radiographs if clinically justiëed
CR 4.1 (West etal. 2021) recommended that SPT visits • reassess the patient’s periodontal health status compared
should be scheduled at intervals of 3 to a maximum of 12 to baseline.
months and should be tailored to a patient’s risk prole and
periodontal conditions after active therapy. CR 4.2 recom- Oral Hygiene Motivation and Re-Instruction
mended that adherence to SPT should be strongly promoted
because it is crucial for long-term periodontal stability and Excellent plaque biolm control is an essential feature of
potential further improvements in periodontal status. successful SPT in step 4 and throughout all steps of peri-
odontal therapy, and patients need to be re-instructed and
SPT Appointment re-motivated if their plaque biolm control is not opti-
mal. CR 4.3 recommended repeated individually tailored
It is likely that up to an hour will be required for the SPT instruction in mechanical oral hygiene, including inter-
appointment, but this will depend on individual patient dental cleaning, in order to control inammation (see also
requirements. Such treatment can be carried out by a den- Figure 4.3.4 in Chapter 4.3). In respect of what additional
tist, hygienist or therapist. A typical SPT appointment is strategies for motivation are useful, CR 4.9 recommended
illustrated in Box 5.4.2. It is suggested by the EFP and BSP using step 1 of the stepwise approach.
in CR 4.14 that routine PMPR be part of an SPT care plan
in order to limit the rate of tooth loss and provide periodon- KEY POINT 9
tal stability/improvement, as part of a supportive periodon- Excellent plaque biolm control is an essential feature of
tal care programme, based on the systematic review and successful SPT, and patients need to be re-instructed and
meta-analysis by Trombelli etal. (2020). However, the CRs re-motivated if their plaque biolm control is not optimal.
236 SECTION 5 Non-surgical Periodontal Management
Various methods of plaque biolm control are avail- Risk-factor control interventions have been recom-
able and should be tailored to each patient individually. A mended in periodontitis patients in SPT by the EFP and
choice can be made between powered or manual brushes in BSP (CR 4.17) to improve the maintenance of periodontal
conjunction with interdental cleaning aids, and where ana- stability (Ramseier etal. 2020) – implementation of smok-
tomically possible, interdental brushes are recommended in ing cessation interventions was recommended (CR 4.18)
preference to oss (Slot etal. 2020), as reected in the CRs and promotion of diabetes control interventions was sug-
of both the EFP and BSP (West etal. 2021). CR 4.10 stated gested (CR 4.19); however, it was not known if physical
that the basis of the management of gingival inammation exercise, dietary counselling or lifestyle modications aimed
is self-performed mechanical removal of plaque biolm, but at weight loss are relevant to SPT (CR 4.20) (Ramseier etal.
adjunctive measures can be considered on an individual 2020, West etal. 2021).
basis as part of a personalised plan (Figuero et al. 2020).
e BSP were unable to make a clinical recommendation Assessing Risk during SPT
in respect of adjunctive use of antiseptics in dentifrices (CR
4.12) without further research but was able to suggest con- Numerous risk models have been introduced in which BOP
sideration of adjunctive use of mouthwashes containing is a key parameter for risk of future periodontal breakdown.
chlorhexidine, essential oils and cetylpyridinium chloride ese are largely based on the presence or absence of BOP
in periodontitis patients undergoing SPT (CR 4.13). Based and have shown the following.
on the systematic review and meta-analysis by Figuero etal. Absence of bleeding on probing (Lang etal. 1986)
(2020), it was stated by both EFP and BSP that it is not Low risk for disease progression
known if other adjunctive agents such as probiotics, pre- • Almost 100% predictable for periodontal health. Sites
biotics, anti-inammatory agents and antioxidant micro- which do not exhibit BOP should not be instrumented dur-
nutrients are eective in controlling gingival inammation ing recall visits, the exception being in a smoker in whom
during SPT (West etal. 2021). the cigarette smoke may be associated with less bleeding.
Patients need to understand the value of eective
oral hygiene, but it is equally important to translate this Persistent bleeding on probing at successive recall visits (4/4)
understanding into action and behavioural change and • 30% of sites progress to develop CAL (but 70% do not!).
for patients subsequently to adopt and maintain any oral • Reinstrumentation of deep sites ≥5 mm may have a ben-
hygiene changes (see Chapter 4.3 for more information and ecial eect by altering the microbiota in the pocket to
Figure 4.3.5 for the EFP/BSP CR on this). be less pathogenic.
Table 5.4.2 and Figures 5.4.5A, B and C show the PRA TABLE
model and how it can be used (Lang and Tonetti 2003). 5.4.2 Periodontal risk assessment (PRA) model
A low PRA patient has all parameters in the low-risk
PRA parameter Risk of further breakdown
categories, or maximum of one in the moderate risk
category. 1. Bleeding on probing % <10% low risk; >25% high
In the worked example, all parameters are in the low-risk sites risk
category. 2. Residual pockets of ≤4 low risk; >8 high risk
In Figure 5.4.5A, the patient: (1) has 5% sites with BOP; 5 mm or more
(2) has two sites with residual pockets of 5 mm or more; 3. Loss of teeth (from ≤4 low risk; >8 high risk
(3) has lost three teeth; (4) has a bone loss/age ratio of 0.25 total of 28 teeth,
excluding third molars)
derived from 10% bone loss at age 40 years (bone loss is
calculated from the worst posterior site measured either 4. Loss of support <0.5 low risk; loss of higher
related to age (%
on a periapical radiograph as % of root length, or from a
bone loss at worst site risk
bitewing, where 1 mm is considered to represent 10% bone posteriorly/age)
loss); (5) has no systemic or genetic risk factors; and (6) is
5. Systemic and genetic ↑ Risk, if any of risk factors
a non-smoker. factors, e.g. diabetes present
An online web tool is available to allow clinicians to cal-
6. Environmental factors, Former smoker, low risk;
culate and complete the PRA template and also to access a e.g. smoking occasional smoker
link to a newly developed tool by Ramseier of the University (<10 cigarettes per day)
of Bern for a personalised SPT interval (https://www.perio- and moderate smoker, accessed 09/08/21; see Figure (10–19 cigarettes per day),
5.4.5A showing the previously mentioned low-risk example). moderate risk; ≥20 high risk
Envir. PD≥5mm
16 >12
S>20 10
S<20 9 8
S>10 6
IS 4 4
0.25 4
0.5 8
0.75 >12
Syst./Gen. Tooth loss
• Figure 5.4.5 Periodontal risk assessment (PRA). (A) PRA low risk, worked example online tool for PRA
available at, accessed 09/08/21. PRA low risk example in
(A) shown.(B) PRA moderate risk, worked example.(C) PRA high risk, worked example. Source: Figures
A–C are based on Functional Diagram Figure 1 from Lang and Tonetti (2003).
238 SECTION 5 Non-surgical Periodontal Management
Envir. PD≥5mm
16 >12
S>20 10
S<20 9 8
IS 4 4
NS 2
0.25 4
0.5 8
0.75 >12
Syst./Gen. Tooth loss
Envir. PD≥5mm
16 >12
S<20 9 8
S>10 6
IS 4 4
NS 2
0.25 4
0.5 8
0.75 >12
Syst./Gen. Tooth loss
Figure 5.4.5 cont’d
A moderate PRA patient has at least two parameters in Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter
the moderate category, but at most one parameter in the are available online at Elsevier eBooks+
high-risk category.
In the worked example, only one parameter (category 5)
is high risk, and the rest are moderate risk. References
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35% bone loss at age 50 years; (5) has type 1 diabetes mel- diseases. Periodontol 2000. 2002;29:177–206.
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Rationale for Periodontal
Introduction Outcomes
When is Periodontal Surgery Appropriate? Apically Repositioned Flap (ARF)
Control of Disease
General Objectives
Periodontal Plastic Surgery
Osseous surgery
Case Selection for All Forms of Periodontal Surgery Objective
Subject Factors Techniques
Tooth Factors Surgical Treatment of Furcation-Involved, Multi-Rooted Teeth
Site Factors
Surgical Treatment Options
Medical Contraindications
Furcation Plasty
Surgical Approaches Objective
Pocket Production Procedures Technique
Pocket Elimination Procedures Outcomes
Regenerative Procedures Root Resection or Amputation
Open Flap Debridement (OFD) Objective
Objectives Technique
Technique Outcomes
Outcomes Regenerative Techniques
Modiöed Widman Flap (MWF)
Guided Tissue Regeneration (Gtr)
Biological Root Modiers
Grafting and Combined Therapies
Technique Summary
244 SECTION 6 Surgical Periodontal Therapy
• Figure 6.1.3 (A) An example of a “gummy smile” with short clinical
crowns and diastemas. (B) This patient received crown-lengthening
surgery and cosmetic rehabilitation with porcelain veneers.
• Figure 6.1.2 Examples of intra-osseous defects. These types of and site-specic factors have to be considered, and patients
defects often limit access for root surface debridement. may need to be referred to a specialist for this.
Subject Factors
inflammation (BoP) may be candidates for additional
treatment (Tomasi etal. 2006). • Compliance: a patient with poor plaque control and
who has shown a poor response to initial therapy is not
a good candidate for surgical treatment. Periodontal
KEY POINT 1 surgery without appropriate plaque control and main-
Periodontal surgery is only appropriate when it is used as part tenance care may result in a sub-optimal treatment
of a well-formulated treatment plan and the objectives are
clearly dened and reasonable.
• Patient coping skills and operator skills: periodon
tal surgery is technically demanding for the opera-
Periodontal Plastic Surgery tor and requires high levels of cooperation from the
Additional objectives of periodontal surgery unrelated to • Wound-healing potential: general factors such as poorly
the treatment of periodontal diseases are: controlled diabetes, smoking or stress may inuence the
• Correction of gingiva–alveolar mucosal problems (Figure response to the treatment.
• Preparation of adequate periodontal architecture prior to
restorative treatment Tooth Factors
• Aesthetic improvement (Figure 6.1.4).
• Anatomic factors such as furcation anatomy and loca
tion, malposition or root proximity to adjacent teeth,
Case Selection for All Forms of position of the tooth in the dental arch, tooth mobility
Periodontal Surgery and occlusal factors may have a signicant impact in the
response to treatment.
e selection of patients for surgical periodontal therapy is • Restorative, cosmetic and endodontic considerations will
a delicate decision-making process in which subject, tooth inuence the treatment approach and outcome.
246 SECTION 6 Surgical Periodontal Therapy
Periodontal surgery should be regarded as a potential tool to
improve the prognosis of specic teeth with lesions that are
realistically manageable and as long as the technique to be
used is within the technical capability of the operator.
Surgical Approaches
e choice of a conservative approach (preserving tissue),
a resective approach (removing tissues) or reconstructive
approach (regenerating tissue) will vary according to various
factors. e following factors should be considered:
• ɨe anatomy of the residual pocket (e.g. supra-bony or
infra-bony lesion, amount of keratinised gingiva)
• ɨe anatomy of the tooth (e.g. single-rooted or multi-
rooted tooth with or without furcation involvement)
• ɨe position of the tooth in the dental arch (e.g. cos
metic area)
• ɨe complexity and predictability of the technique in dif
ferent case scenarios (e.g. patient and operator factors).
Historically, periodontal surgery has comprised several
techniques and multiple variations within each technique, giv-
ing a confusing picture of the appropriate surgical approach
• Figure 6.1.4 Surgical correction of gingival recession at LR1 with a
laterally repositioned ap.
in individual cases. Evidence suggests that the choice of tech-
nique is not a determinant in successful treatment outcomes.
subgingival instrumentation of both soft and hard root surface Modified Widman Flap (MWF)
deposits which have not been removed by non-surgical means. Objective
Technique e modied Widman ap was historically designed as an
e technique for this procedure is as follows: access ap with removal of the inamed pocket epithelium
(Ramɦord & Nissle 1974). is technique aims to excise a
• Intrasulcular incisions and full-thickness mucoperiosteal marginal tissue cu to facilitate direct postoperative pocket
aps (buccal and lingual/palatal) preserving the inter- depth reduction (Figure 6.1.5).
dental soft tissue (“papilla preservation”) in the aps
(Cortellini etal. 1995) Technique
• Removal of granulation tissue e technique for this procedure is as follows:
• ɨorough root surface debridement
• Initial scalloped inverse bevel incision 1 mm from the
• Replacement of the ìap margins to their original posi
gingival margin and parallel to the long axis of the
tion and held with sutures.
Note: e ap should be of sucient size to expose the • Muco-periosteal ìaps within the attached gingiva
area that requires instrumentation. • Second intrasulcular incision to the bone crest to sepa
Vertical relieving incisions can facilitate the access and rate the tissue collar from the root surface
reduce the tension of the ap, but such incisions should be • Removal of the soft tissue collar
used with caution as they can reduce blood supply and sta- • As described with OFD, removal of granulation tissue,
bility of the ap. mechanical instrumentation of the root surface and
Complete soft tissue coverage of the alveolar bone should replacement of the ap.
be achieved at the termination of the surgery.
Outcomes MWF may result in greater pocket reduction than OFD
Although pocket reduction is not the intention of this because of the greater potential for gingival recession post-
technique, some pocket reduction may result from post- operatively. It is technically more demanding than OFD.
operative gingival recession. is will depend on soft tissue
biotype (thick or thin) and the morphology of any underly-
ing bone lesions (supra- or infra-bony). Gingival recession Objective
can be minimised by using microsurgical techniques and a is procedure involves the excision of the soft tissue wall
minimally invasive surgical approach. of the periodontal pocket aiming for pocket elimination
(Goldman 1951). Currently, it is commonly used for the
KEY POINT 4 surgical management of gingival overgrowth (hyperplasia)
OFD is the most reasonable surgical approach when the characterised by enlargement of the gingival tissues with-
objective is to carry out effective root surface debridement in out apical migration of the junctional epithelial attachment
areas with difcult access.
(“false pocketing”) (Figure 6.1.6).
Control of the causative factors should be completed
before surgical treatment is considered.
(b) (b)
• Figure 6.1.7 Stages during an apically repositioned ap procedure. Lines: (a) gingival margin; (b) bottom
of pocket.
• Figures 6.1.8 Result after periodontal ap surgery with osteoplasty and odontoplasty to reduce the verti-
cal and horizontal components of the pocket.
• Figures 6.1.9 Disto-buccal (DB) root resection and mesio-distal tunnelling case. The patient presented
with a class 3 furcation involvement. The DB root was sectioned and removed and the mesio-distal furca-
tion entrance exposed to facilitate oral hygiene. A four-unit bridge has stabilised the remaining roots.
is treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach before surgery; occasionally, the decision to resect a root is
(endodontic and restorative treatment) and aims to reserve made during surgery, in which case, the endodontic treat-
the tooth or part of it when no other alternative is eective ment is carried out as soon as possible after surgery.
and the tooth has a high strategic value.
Methodical treatment planning is critical in the suc- Technique
cess of this therapy. Endodontic treatment should be done e technique for this procedure is as follows:
CHAPTER 6.1 Rationale for Periodontal Surgery 251
• Figure 6.1.10 Use of a barrier membrane. The membrane (in blue) acts as a barrier to the down growth
of epithelial cells, the “sprinter” cells in wound healing. It also helps protect and stabilise the blood clot
within the defect area.
• Figure 6.1.11 Use of enamel matrix protein (EMP). The blue zone on the root surface represents the
• Figure 6.1.12 A case treated with EMP (alone). The blue line in the diagram represents the incision line
and borders of the ap (intrasulcular incisions on both teeth connected by a semilunar incision). At the
root surface of UR3 there was 13+ mm of attachment loss on the mesial surface and UR1 palatally. The
ap involved a papilla preservation technique, as there was enough space to bring the whole tissue to the
palatal side. EMP was used according to manufacturer’s instructions. The three radiographs show the
situation before surgery, at 6 months follow-up and 1 year. Note the bone ll at 1 year.
CHAPTER 6.1 Rationale for Periodontal Surgery 253
• Figure 6.1.13 Another case (intra-bony defect involving only the distal aspect of a vital LR6) where root
surface modiers were used. (A) The preoperative radiograph and (B) the 1-year postoperative control
• Figure 6.1.14 Combined regenerative approach using a barrier membrane and a bone “ller”, intended
to keep space for the blood clot and prevent membrane collapse into the defect.
• Figure 6.1.15 Intra-bony defect at LR6 distally with involvement of the furcation, treated with GTR com-
bined with a xenographic bone substitute. Preoperative radiograph and healing control after 6 months.
The Periodontal–
Restorative Interface
General Restorative Considerations Partial Dentures
Patient Engagement Occlusion
Engaging Patient Mobility
Non-Engaging Patient
Periodontitis and Implant Dentistry
Crown and Bridge Construction
Endodontic/Periodontal Relationships
Supracrestal Tissue Attachment
258 SECTION 7 Interaction with Other Dental Disciplines
Phases of treatment:
1. Emergency treatment
2. Cause-related therapy
3. Re-evaluation
4. Corrective therapy
5. Maintenance/supportive therapy.
• Figure 7.1.2 Poor pontic design making patient oral hygiene more difcult.
Bridges should be designed to ensure that gingival papillae Supracrestal Tissue Attachment
are not traumatised, and pontic design should allow adequate
oral hygiene to be performed by the patient (Figure 7.1.2). Although margins of crowns and bridges need to be slightly
subgingival in aesthetic zones, i.e. where the gingival margins
KEY POINT 4 are visible when a patient smiles, it is crucial that these do
Abutment preparations may be more complex where not impinge on the supracrestal tissue attachment. Gargiulo
periodontal attachment loss has occurred. etal. (1961) established the concept of biological width (now
referred to as supracrestal tissue attachment) by looking at
Pontic design in bridgework (Figure 7.1.3) can be cat- the dento-gingival complex in cadavers. ey established that
egorised as follows: the supracrestal tissue attachment (Figure 7.1.4) in humans is
1. Hygienic approximately 2 mm, extending from the base of the gingi-
2. Ridge lap/saddle val sulcus to the alveolar crest. is was found to comprise an
3. Modied ridge lap epithelial attachment of about 1 mm and a connective tissue
4. Ovate pontic. component of about 1 mm. Although this study established
Although the hygienic pontic does not contact the eden these dimensions, it is dicult to measure this clinically when
tulous ridge and is in eect self-cleansing, it will not provide preparing crown margins, so a gure of 3 mm is used, taking
adequate aesthetics and, for many patients, is unacceptable. into account possible measurement error (Figure 7.1.5). Sub-
e ridge lap/saddle design can limit oral hygiene mea- gingival margins of crowns or restorations can impinge on the
sures, and the modied ridge lap or ovate pontic tend to be supracrestal tissue attachment causing inammatory change
favoured to allow for adequate aesthetics and oral hygiene and the risk of alveolar bone resorption. Impinging on the
measures. e crucial element of pontic design is that the supracrestal tissue attachment can result in recession in patients
patient can use interdental aids to access abutments and with a thin gingival tissue biotype and inammation and peri-
associated margins so that the risk of bacterial recolonisa- odontal pocketing where there is a thick gingival biotype.
tion and disease recurrence is kept to a minimum. At the
t appointment, it is essential to ensure that the patient KEY POINT 6
can still reach all areas of potential bacterial accumulation Supracrestal tissue attachment
for oral hygiene to prevent the recurrence of inammation. • Approximately 2 mm, consisting of epithelial (junctional)
Close liaison with the laboratory is necessary to minimise and connective tissue attachment
this risk. At the cementation stage of crown and bridge • Impinging on the supracrestal tissue attachment may
lead to inammation (in thick biotypes) or recession (in
work, it is important to ensure that excess cement is not left thin biotypes)
as a long-term irritant to the periodontal tissues.
surgery may be necessary. e basic principle is that, in order Poorly designed dentures in poorly maintained patients
to avoid impinging on the supracrestal tissue attachment, 3 may lead to increased mobility of abutment teeth and
mm of space is needed between the restoration margin and breakdown of the periodontium. However, if consideration
the alveolar bone. is given to the periodontium in designing dentures, and
the patient maintains the highest standards of oral hygiene,
Partial Dentures then this can be avoided. e classic “gum stripper” style
of denture can be damaging to the periodontal tissues and
With any prosthesis, whether xed or removable, it is should be avoided.
important to ensure that the prosthesis does not have any
negative impact on the periodontal tissues. KEY POINT 7
Denture design
• Minimise gingival coverage
• Passivity of clasps
• Avoid lateral forces
• Patient needs carefully monitored maintenance regimen
Connective 1.0 mm
Biologic tissue
2.0mm Junctional
1.0 mm
Sulcus 1.0 mm
Occlusal overload does not cause periodontal breakdown and
there is no human evidence that it exacerbates periodontitis.
From a clinical relevance perspective, where treatment has
been completed and attachment loss has occurred, occlusal
overload may contribute to the mobility of teeth. It should
be remembered that mobility is not just the result of occlu-
• Figure 7.1.6 Every style denture. sal loading of teeth but that the level of bone support and
the inammatory status of the soft tissues are also contribu-
becomes more challenging. is emphasises the importance tory factors. In patients for whom the mobility is a prob-
of retaining molar teeth wherever possible to allow some lem, occlusal analysis to eliminate premature contacts may
posterior support. In many cases, the shortened dental arch, help to reduce the extent of tooth mobility. Splinting such
as suggested by Kayser (1989), may be preferable to over- problematic teeth where the mobility is causing the patient
loading the remaining teeth. discomfort may also be an option. In these patients, occlusal
analysis to eliminate premature contacts may address this
Occlusion problem.
Numerous types of splint design have been suggested over
It was initially suggested by Glickman (1965) that angular the years. Direct types involve splinting the teeth directly
bony defects and increasing tooth mobility were caused by with composite material. In addition, orthodontic wire can
trauma from occlusion. However, further studies by Waer- be used to run between the teeth which allows some ex-
haug & Randers-Hansen (1966) established the presence ion on occlusion. Additionally, composite ëbre mesh has
of such bone defects in teeth unaected by trauma from become available which may also be used for direct splinting
occlusion. A study by Ericsson & Lindhe (1977) established (Figure 7.1.7).
that occlusal overload does not cause periodontal break- Indirect methods of splinting may involve the use of
down. Periodontitis was caused in dogs by allowing the ani- orthodontic wire with composite. e bending of the wire
mals to accumulate plaque and calculus around the teeth. in the laboratory may allow a more accurate t, although
When almost 50% of bone loss occurred, the animals were diculties may be encountered when taking impressions
brought back to periodontal health by undergoing a metic- of very mobile teeth which may also aect the accuracy of
ulous oral hygiene regimen including scaling, root planing any laboratory work. Another method of indirect splinting
and pocket elimination. Certain teeth were then exposed is to use an adhesive bridge-style, nickel-chromium back-
to jiggling forces and, although the teeth became mobile, ing. However, there may be aesthetic issues as, normally, in
there was no increase in attachment loss or development of mobile periodontally involved teeth there is spacing and the
periodontitis. metal will show. e same can be said for orthodontic wire
262 SECTION 7 Interaction with Other Dental Disciplines
• Figure 7.1.7 Use of composite mesh in immediate adhesive bridge. Photos courtesy of Dr Neil Macbeth.
When managing a tooth with a suspected endo-periodontal
lesion, always test pulp vitality of suspect tooth and, if vitality
is lost, always carry out endodontic treatment rst, followed by
periodontal therapy if required.
e key element in the provision of restorative treatment for
periodontally susceptible patients is control of active disease
prior to denitive restorative treatment and maintenance of
a healthy periodontium. It is important to ensure that there
are regular periodontal reviews and that self-performed
plaque control is maintained at an optimal level.
Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter
• Figure 7.1.9 Radiographic appearance of an endo-periodontal lesion
at tooth 21. are available online at Elsevier eBooks+
Endodontic/Periodontal Relationships Bates JF, Addy M. Partial dentures and plaque accumulation. J Dent.
e close relationship between the pulpal complex and the
Ericcson I, Lindhe J. Lack of eect of trauma from occlusion on
periodontium via the apical foramina and lateral canals the recurrence of experimental periodontitis. J Clin Periodontol.
means that infection in one may result in infection in the 1977;9:497–503.
other. ese lesions have been classied by the World Work- Gargiulo AW, Wentz FM, Orban B. Dimensions and relations of the
shop on the Classication of Periodontal and Peri-implant dentogingival junction in humans. J Periodontol. 1961;39:261–267.
Diseases and Conditions (2018) as endo-periodontal lesions Glickman I. Clinical signicance of trauma from occlusion. J Am
(Herrera etal. 2018). Where periodontal infection has led to Dent Assoc. 1965;70:607–618.
pulpal necrosis, this is classed as a primary periodontal lesion. Herrera D, Retamal-Valdes B, Alonso B, Feres M. Acute periodon
Where pulp necrosis has occurred and the infection drains tal lesion (periodontal abscesses and necrotizing periodontal dis-
through the periodontal ligament, this often presents as an eases) and endo-periodontal lesions. J Periodontol. 2018;89(Suppl
isolated narrow pocket (often in the absence of periodontal 1):S85–S102.
Kayser AF. Shortened dental arch a therapeutic concept in reduced
lesions elsewhere), and the lesion is classed as primarily end-
dentitions and certain high risk groups. Int J Periodontics Restor-
odontic in origin. Where both a periodontal infection and ative Dent. 1989;9:426–449.
endodontic infection are present together, this is classed as Lindhe J, Ericcson I. e eect of elimination of jiggling forces
a true combined lesion and such lesions can be dicult to on periodontally exposed teeth in the dog. J Periodontol.
diagnose (Figure 7.1.9). 1982;53:562–567.
In all cases, pulp vitality should be established, and if Lindhe J, Meyle J. Peri implant diseases: Consensus report of the
the pulp is found to be non-vital then endodontic treat- sixth European Workshop on periodontology. J Clin Periodontol.
ment should be carried out ërst. No periodontal treatment 2008;35(Suppl. 8):282–285.
should be carried out until the endodontic lesion has had an Papaspyridakos P, Chen CJ, Singh M, Galluci GO. Success criteria in
opportunity to resolve. In those cases where the lesion is of implant dentistry: a systematic review. J Dent Res. 2012;91:242–248.
primary endodontic origin, the periodontal component of Proceedings of the World Workshop on the Classication of Peri-
odontal and Peri-implant Diseases and Conditions. J Clin Peri-
the lesion may resolve completely.
odontol. 2018;45(Suppl 20):S1–S291.
Where the lesion is suspected to be primarily periodontal Waerhaug J, Randers-Hansen E. e infrabony pocket and its rela-
in origin, providing the tooth has a reasonable prognosis, tionship to trauma from occlusion and subgingival plaque. J Peri-
endodontic treatment should still be carried out rst and odontol. 1966;50:355–365.
again periodontal treatment delayed until the endodontic Weston P, Yaziz YA, Moles DR, Needleman I. Occlusal interven-
infection has been resolved. Careful assessment of prognos- tions for periodontitis in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2008:
tic indicators such as bone volume, furcation involvement, CD004968.
The Periodontal–
Orthodontic Interface
Introduction 3. Reduced Bone Support
The Role of Orthodontics in Periodontal Therapy Inuence on Treatment
4. Missing Teeth and Poor Anchorage
1. Crowded Teeth, Anterior Splaying or over Eruption
Inuence on Treatment
Orthodontic Treatment
5. Relapse and Retention
2. Infra-Bony Defects
Inuence on Treatment
Orthodontic Treatment
6. Gingival Biotype and Gingival Recession
3. Gingival Asymmetry
Inuence on Treatment
Orthodontic Treatment
7. Minor Soft Tissue Surgery to Assist with Orthodontic
4. Loss of Interdental Papillae
Orthodontic Treatment
8. Frenotomy or Frenectomy
The Role of Periodontics in Orthodontic Therapy 9. Gingival Invaginations
1. Oral Hygiene Preparing Periodontal Patients for Orthodontic Treatment
Inuence on Treatment
Periodontal Treatment
2. Tooth Crowding
Monitoring and Maintenance
Inuence on Treatment
Medico-Legal Issues
CHAPTER 7.2 The Periodontal–Orthodontic Interface 265
The Role of Orthodontics in Periodontal can be aligned, de-rotated, extruded or intruded to improve
Therapy the appearance. Intrusion, in particular, is not without its
risks, as this often leads to some apical resorption of the
In the following section, a series of clinical problems and how intruded tooth without any additional gain in periodontal
orthodontic treatment may solve them will be described. support eectively leading to reduced periodontal support.
It should be stressed that, in all cases, the patient should A study by Melsen etal. (1989) showed that when intruding
be displaying optimal oral hygiene before any orthodontic teeth, apical resorption could be as much as 3 mm (Figure
treatment commences and that, although the periodontal 7.2.2). Whereas the primary goal in these cases is improved
support for the teeth may be reduced, there should be no aesthetics, improved alignment may make cleaning and
evidence of ongoing periodontal breakdown, such as bleed- periodontal maintenance easier.
ing on probing or pus from periodontal pockets.
1. Crowded Teeth, Anterior Splaying Intruding teeth may lead to up to 3 mm of apical resorption.
or Over Eruption
2. Infra-Bony Defects
Periodontal patients may suer from the same malocclu-
sions as non-periodontal patients, i.e. crowding, over-jets Although the majority of patients exhibit horizontal bone
and cross-bites. In addition, because of the reduced peri- loss, it is not unusual for vertical bone defects to occur,
odontal support and inammatory status of the tissues, resulting in infra-bony defects. As discussed in previous
teeth can also drift or splay and over-erupt. chapters, it is possible to regenerate this type of defect using
biomaterials and surgical techniques. However, patients
Orthodontic Treatment planning to undergo orthodontics with infra-bony defects
Correction of tooth position through routine orthodontics may benet from having any surgical periodontal treat-
is achievable in periodontal patients (Figure 7.2.1). Teeth ment well in advance of any orthodontic intervention(s),
• Figure 7.2.1 A 30-year-old patient who presented with an aggressive form of periodontitis that was suc-
cessfully treated. (A) clinical appearance on presentation. (B) Fixed orthodontic appliances in place. (C)
Final post-orthodontic result.
266 SECTION 7 Interaction with Other Dental Disciplines
• Figure 7.2.2 Apical resorption in a periodontally susceptible, orthodontically treated patient. (A) The
patient before orthodontic treatment; (B) the UL1 before orthodontic treatment; (C) the patient after orth-
odontic treatment; (D) the UL1 after orthodontic treatment.
highlighting the need for multidisciplinary treatment plan- techniques such as crown lengthening, this usually results
ning for these complex cases. in the need to restore the exposed crown or root structure,
possibly with veneers. However, the need for restorative
Orthodontic Treatment intervention for aesthetic gain must be balanced against the
In one cohort study (Corrente et al. 2003), 10 patients desirability of retaining tooth structure.
were treated initially non-surgically and then surgically at
the infra-bony defect sites followed by constant, light force Orthodontic Treatment
orthodontic treatment started within 2 weeks. is resulted Patients undergoing orthodontic treatment to correct malpo-
in signicant gains in all the usual parameters when moving sitioned teeth or for pre-restorative purposes should have their
the teeth into the defect sites. It should be noted that, as a gingival margin positions assessed. Combinations of intrusive
cohort study, there was no control group to allow for assess- and extrusive tooth movements can lead to a more favourable
ment of the additional eect of the orthodontic treatment. gingival margin symmetry. It should be noted that teeth requir-
ing extrusion, where the gingival margin is already in the cor-
KEY POINT 2 rect position, may also require pericision to prevent the alveolar
Patients planning to undergo orthodontics with infra-bony and gingival architecture from being brought down with the
defects may benet from having any surgical periodontal extruded tooth. Pericision or breotomy involves anaesthetis-
treatment well in advance of any orthodontic intervention(s). ing the soft tissues and, with a blade held in the long axis of the
tooth concerned, cutting through the gingival epithelium and
connective tissue attachment down to the crest of the alveolar
3. Gingival Asymmetry
bone with the aim of severing the soft tissue attachment. is
Some patients have asymmetrical teeth or gingival anatomy. eliminates the “pull” on the root from these tissues and makes
While gingival anatomy can be altered surgically using it easier to move the tooth vertically out of the bone.
CHAPTER 7.2 The Periodontal–Orthodontic Interface 267
KEY POINT 3 the opposite side. Patients who are susceptible to periodon-
titis have dentitions with reduced bone levels around some,
Pericision involves cutting through the gingival epithelium and
connective tissue attachment down to the crest of the alveolar or sometimes all, of their teeth. ey require regular pro-
bone with the aim of severing the soft tissue attachment. fessional maintenance (supportive periodontal care) by the
dental team and self-performed plaque removal. As such,
these factors may inuence the orthodontic management.
4. Loss of Interdental Papillae
Periodontal problems which inuence orthodontic treat-
Patients undergoing periodontal treatment will often expe- ment will now be considered.
rience gingival recession and loss of the interdental papillae
as a result of the bone loss and resolution of the inamma- 1. Oral Hygiene
tion within the periodontal tissues. e loss of interdental
papillae is often, unkindly, referred to as “black triangle dis- Oral hygiene and supportive periodontal care can become
ease” because of the resulting interdental spacing. Surgical more dicult when orthodontic appliances are present.
attempts at regenerating lost interdental papillae have gen-
erally been unsuccessful around teeth and most techniques Influence on Treatment
involve masking the spaces with either xed or removable Wherever possible, orthodontists should avoid using bands
prostheses such as porcelain veneers with longer contact on molar teeth, as Boyd & Baumrind (1992) have shown an
points or removable silicone gingival veneers. increase in plaque retention around such bands. Anything
that encourages plaque accumulation can be detrimental to
Orthodontic Treatment periodontal health. Patients should also be taught how to
In cases where there is minimal labial recession but loss of clean around any appliance so that plaque accumulation is
interdental tissue, it may be possible to improve the appear- minimised.
ance with orthodontics. is involves interproximal “strip-
ping”, another term for reduction of the interproximal KEY POINT 5
enamel, to create small spaces between the teeth, allowing Orthodontic bands on molar teeth may increase plaque
the orthodontist to move the teeth together. is in turn (biolm) retention.
lengthens the contact points and reduces the interdental
papilla space. e technique is particularly useful in patients 2. Tooth Crowding
with triangular-shaped incisors, where the contact point
between adjacent teeth is often small and towards the inci- Many dentitions suer from crowding, which can be aes-
sal edge. In these cases, when the reduction and space clo- thetically displeasing and can also create diculties in oral
sure is complete, a more rectangular tooth shape is achieved, hygiene for patients. A common solution for crowding is
and the interdental space is reduced. Tarnow etal. (1992) extraction, and this is usually done through loss of a num-
investigated the distance between the contact point and the ber of premolars in certain combinations depending on the
alveolar crest and found that if this distance was 5 mm or desired tooth movement.
less, then an interdental papilla was present nearly 100%
of the time. When this distance was only 1 mm more, i.e. Influence on Treatment
6 mm, there was only a papilla approximately 56% of the Periodontitis can aect dierent teeth to a dierent extent in
time. Although orthodontics cannot predictably produce a the same mouth. As such, the orthodontist may want to alter
contact point to bone distance and hence a papilla, reducing the usual extraction pattern and remove a more compromised
the size of the “black triangles” usually leads to a signicant tooth to create the required space and leave the remaining
aesthetic improvement. teeth, which may have a more predictable prognosis.
• Figure 7.2.3 Unplanned orthodontic tooth movement in an adult at the retention stage post-orthodon-
tics, possibly as a result of “activation” of the xed retention wire. (A) Incisal view, (B) labial view.
CHAPTER 7.2 The Periodontal–Orthodontic Interface 269
Routinely, a number of premolars are removed and the Sometimes, a prominent labial frenum has been thought
remaining teeth moved around in the spaces created. More responsible for a midline diastema, especially when the
recently, there has been an increasing trend towards non- maxillary labial frenum is thick and extends into the pala-
extraction, arch-expansion techniques, increasing the radius tal tissues. In these cases, a frenotomy may be considered
of the arch to create space for tooth movement. is results to remove this tissue. is is a more involved procedure
in a broader arch that is regarded by many patients as more compared to a frenectomy and it has been suggested that if
aesthetically pleasing, but evidence suggests that this result provided towards the end of the diastema closure, the scar-
is less stable and will require a longer period of retention. In ring and contracting of the healing tissue helps to main-
addition, labial tooth movement may move teeth outside tain the diastema closure. However, this assertion is not
the alveolar bone envelope, creating a bone dehiscence or evidence-based.
dehiscences. If the overlying soft tissue is thin, then there
may well be an increased chance of developing gingival 9. Gingival Invaginations
recession. Although this may not compromise the health of
the dentition, it can be aesthetically displeasing in a patient Occasionally, as teeth are brought together with orthodon-
undergoing an aesthetic procedure, such as orthodontics. tic appliances, there is an element of soft tissue bunching
Careful pretreatment assessment of the gingival health, peri- inter-proximally. Whereas this usually remodels over time,
odontal biotype and desired tooth movement is essential if occasionally, small soft tissue clefts or invaginations occur
post-treatment recessions are to be avoided. that can appear and look unsightly. Simple periodontal
Interestingly, Wennström etal. (1987) have shown that surgical techniques can eliminate such defects, producing a
it is not the apical–coronal measurement of the attached more favourable appearance.
gingiva that is important in determining the chances of
developing recession, but the bucco-labial “thickness” of the
tissues. Preparing Periodontal Patients for
Although some clinicians advocate pre-orthodontic aug- Orthodontic Treatment
mentation of thin biotypes in an attempt to prevent reces-
sion, the general consensus is that this is over-treatment Periodontitis is a destructive inammatory condition that
and the defects can be treated with free gingival grafts or results in bone loss around aected teeth. When an orth-
coronally advanced aps with subepithelial connective tis- odontic force is applied to a tooth, areas of both tension
sue grafts should they occur. and compression are established within the periodontal
ligament. On the side of the tooth under compression,
KEY POINT 8 osteoclasts resorb bone, and on the side of the tooth under
When dental arches are expanded during orthodontic tension, osteoblasts deposit bone, allowing a tooth to be
treatment, labial tooth movement may move teeth outside the moved within the alveolus. Orthodontic tooth movement
alveolar bone, creating a bone dehiscence or dehiscences. can be thought of as primarily a periodontal ligament phe-
nomenon that results in bone remodelling.
7. Minor Soft Tissue Surgery to Assist with Studies have shown that if periodontitis is not controlled
then orthodontic treatment may have an exacerbating eect
Orthodontic Treatment
on the rate of bone loss (Kessler 1976, Bollen etal. 2008)
ere are several simple soft tissue procedures that can com- and, as such, careful preparation of a periodontal patient
plement orthodontic procedures, including pericision or is essential to prevent further bone loss during the active
berotomy, as discussed previously. is procedure involves orthodontic phase.
severing the periodontal bres under local anaesthetic. It
needs to be repeated every 4–6 weeks and has been advo- KEY POINT 9
cated for preventing the alveolar bone being moved down If periodontal diseases are not controlled, then orthodontic
when extruding a tooth and occasionally in preventing orth- treatment may have an exacerbating effect on the rate of bone
odontic relapse in de-rotated teeth.
The Anatomical Architecture of Natural Teeth and Dental Implant Factors in Peri-Implant Disease
Implants Classiöcation and Diagnosis of Peri-Implant Diseases
Macro- and Micro-Anatomy of Natural Teeth and Dental Diagnosis of Peri-Implant Mucositis
Implants Diagnosis of Peri-Implantitis
Soft Tissue Biotype Management of Peri-Implant Diseases
Implant Complications Patient Prophylaxis
Aetiology and Pathogenesis of Peri-Implant Diseases Professional Support
Management of Peri-Implant Mucositis
Bioölm Formation and Maturation
Management of Peri-Implantitis
Speciöc Microbial Findings with Implants
Individualised Implant Maintenance
Incidence of Peri-Implant Inøammation
Follow-Up and Support
Histopathology of Periodontitis and Peri-Implantitis
Comparing Periodontal Diseases and Peri-Implant Diseases Summary
272 SECTION 7 Interaction with Other Dental Disciplines
The Anatomical Architecture of Natural teeth support the soft tissue architecture of the interdental
papilla (Palmer 1999). Such a papilla between two adjacent
Teeth and Dental Implants implants relies on other factors including the underlying
Macro- and Micro-Anatomy of Natural Teeth bone architecture, soft tissue thickness, restorative emer-
and Dental Implants gence prole and the distance from the bone crest to the
contact point between the two restorations (Tarnow etal.
e anatomy of the interface between a natural tooth and 1992). Other factors that play a role in the stability of the
the surrounding soft tissues, periodontal ligament and bone soft tissues around dental implants are as follows:
diers markedly from the anatomy around an implant • ɨe biologic width (now referred to as the “supracrestal
(see Figure 7.3.1). ese macro-anatomical dierences are tissue attachment”) has been investigated in a cadaver
manifest in the dierent orientation and absence of groups study by Gargiulo etal. (2002). e dentogingival junc-
of gingival connective tissue bres, the absence of a peri- tion was reported to have a mean width of 2.04 mm
odontal ligament around an implant, and the direct rela- comprising supra-crestal connective tissue and junctional
tionship between the implant surface and bone seen in epithelial attachment. Encroachment to within 2 mm of
osseointegration. the bone crest appears to result in bone loss in a similar
e collagen bre arrangement in the connective tissues manner at both teeth and implants leading to soft tissue
around implants diers markedly from the arrangement recession.
seen around natural teeth. Gingival bres are inserted into • ɨe attachment of the long junctional epithelium to
the root surface of natural teeth but not generally into an the tooth surface appears to be mediated by hemi-des-
implant surface. e attachment in the implant situation mosomes along the entire length of the junctional epi-
exists at the most coronal point of osseointegration. thelium while such an attachment appears to exist only
e primary orientation of connective tissue bres in the apical region of the peri-implant cu epithelium
around implants is similar to that of circular gingival bres to the implant surface (Stern 1981). is apparently
around teeth, there being a complete absence of oblique reduced attachment at implants may also contrib-
bres, trans-septal or dentogingival bres. is dierence ute to the weaker soft tissue barrier to bacterial ingress
in the arrangement of bres, including the absence of den- (Hermann etal. 2001). e micro-anatomical interface
togingival bres, in particular, and the existence of a pas- between tooth or implant and the surrounding tissues
sive soft tissue “cu” relationship between the soft tissues may play an important role in the dierence in suscepti-
and the implant surface, may play a role in the increased bility to bacterial ingress and the degree of extension of
susceptibility of the peri-implant tissues to plaque-induced the associated inammatory lesion in the local soft tissue.
inammation over the susceptibility of the periodontal tis- • Further histomorphometric analysis conducted on the
sue arrangement around a natural tooth. attachment zones between the soft tissues, bone and
e anatomy of the interdental or inter-implant papil- the tooth or implant have been reported to demon-
lae diers; dentogingival bres associated with natural strate comparable ratios of collagen, blood vessels and
• Figure 7.3.1 The tooth/implant–host interface in health. Note the greater concentration of gingival bres
around teeth compared to implants (Renvert & Giovannoli 2012).
CHAPTER 7.3 Dental Implants – Anatomy, Complications, Management of Peri-Implant Diseases 273
There are fundamental differences in the soft and hard tissue
attachments between teeth and implants.
Exceptions exist to this general rule, for example, disease and suer signicant destructive changes
when implants are joined by a bar or laser-welded with loss of periodontal attachment levels are gen-
sub-structure to support a xed or removable bridge, erally found to be more susceptible to peri-implant
hybrid bridge or over-denture. inammatory diseases, with those who have more
• Inappropriate components – poor-quality components severe periodontal diseases being the most suscep-
can contribute to implant failure and components tible to peri-implant complications (Sousa et al.
must conform to nationally accepted standards. 2016). However, past periodontal patients who have
• Biological factors: received treatment and who have continued to main-
• Plaque-induced inammation – this may be due to a lack tain excellent plaque control may continue to enjoy
of patient motivation to perform detailed plaque con- good peri-implant health after implant therapy. ese
trol procedures, poor manual dexterity that may arise patients will continue to be genetically susceptible to
as a patient ages or as their health deteriorates, or dif- peri-implant inammatory disease in the presence of
culty in achieving adequate access for plaque removal reduced oral hygiene and plaque accumulation.
due to poor laboratory design, with inadequate atten- • in tissue biotype – a thin biotype has been identied
tion being paid to the accessibility of cleaning aids to as a risk factor for the development of peri-implant
enable the patient to maintain plaque control beneath inammation and recession in the presence of sub-
the prosthetic device and around the implant cu to optimal hygiene. It may be prudent to alter the nature
maintain soft and hard tissue health. Resulting peri- of the surrounding soft tissue by the provision of a
implant inammation may arise, leading to the devel- sub-epithelial connective tissue or free gingival graft.
opment of peri-implant mucositis or peri-implantitis. Alternative xenogenic and allograft materials are also
• Smoking – there is an association between those available to extend the keratinised zone or thicken the
patients who smoke and peri-implant diseases. A adjacent soft tissue.
contributing factor to oral disease in smokers is the • Uncontrolled or inadequately controlled diabetes –
vasoconstriction in the oral and circum-oral region, patients suering diabetes that remains inadequately
resulting from numerous chemicals present in the controlled by diet, medication or both are more prone
smoke to which the oral tissues are exposed. is to infection. However, well-controlled diabetics who
reduces vascularity and blood ow to the oral and maintain good oral hygiene are not considered to
circum-oral tissues that may cause oxidative stress have any greater susceptibility to infection than non-
of the tissues, increasing their susceptibility to infec- diabetic patients. Patients who fail to demonstrate a
tion and adversely aecting the tissues’ ability to heal. commitment to maintaining both good oral hygiene
Smoking must therefore be considered an important and eective diabetic control are therefore not ideal
risk factor in the aetiology of peri-implant mucositis for implant therapy.
and peri-implantitis, and smokers should be strongly
encouraged to quit before embarking on an implant KEY POINT 3
treatment plan. Implants are susceptible to failures and complications due to
• Past history of periodontal disease – those patients who either biomechanical or biological factors, or a combination of
are susceptible to chronic inammatory periodontal the two.
• Figure 7.3.3 (A) An implant at UR1 with healthy gingival margins (B) Radiograph of the same implant
showing good bone support
CHAPTER 7.3 Dental Implants – Anatomy, Complications, Management of Peri-Implant Diseases 275
peri-implant mucositis and implantitis to allow comparison were analysed separately, a frequency of peri-implantitis was
of research studies on this subject. found to be 36.3%. e authors therefore concluded that
Patients who have a history of periodontitis are suscep- supportive periodontal therapy appeared to reduce the rate
tible to the destructive eects of periodontal inammation of occurrence of peri-implantitis. ey further concluded
around implants as well as natural teeth. ese patients that peri-implant diseases are not uncommon following
must receive meticulous periodontal therapy to reduce the implant therapy. Long-term maintenance care for high-risk
plaque to below the threshold required to initiate inamma- groups is essential to reduce the risk of peri-implantitis. It
tion in that patient. e elimination of this inammation was also proposed that informed consent for patients receiv-
can then stabilise peri-implant disease. Once clinically and ing implant treatment must include patient acceptance of
radiographically classied as stable, implant patients should the need for appropriate maintenance therapy.
be provided with regular ongoing periodontal supportive
treatment in the presence of patient cooperation. KEY POINT 5
In a study of periodontally susceptible patients who were Peri-implant diseases are not uncommon following implant
receiving periodontal supportive therapy, 786 implants were therapy, and long-term maintenance care is essential to reduce
assessed in 239 patients. Data was analysed at both the sub- the risk of peri-implant diseases.
ject and implant level. Peri-implant mucositis was diagnosed
in 24.7% of subjects and 12.8% of implants whereas peri- Histopathology of Periodontitis and
implantitis was diagnosed in 15.1% of subjects and 9.8%
of implants (Aguirre-Zorzano etal. 2015). ey concluded
that the level of peri-implant inammatory disease was ere are histopathological dierences between lesions
clinically signicant with aetiologically signicant factors of periodontitis around natural teeth and lesions of peri-
being plaque index and implant location. However, these implantitis at implant sites. Results of studies and analysis
gures appear to be no greater than studies of patients with of human biopsy material have shown that peri-implantitis
no history of periodontal disease (Mombelli et al. 2012, lesions are poorly encapsulated and are more closely associ-
Koldsland etal. 2010) thereby demonstrating the benets ated with the adjacent bone (Berglundh et al. 2011) (see
of supportive periodontal care for implant patients who Figure 7.3.5). Inammatory lesions are larger and extend
remain susceptible to peri-implant inammatory disease. nearer the bone crest than equivalent lesions seen in peri-
Atieh etal. (2012) carried out a meta-analysis of 9 stud- odontitis, consistent with the reduced connective tissue
ies with 1497 subjects and 6283 implants included in the bres around implants compared to natural teeth. Lesions
analysis. It was found that the frequency of peri-implant of peri-implantitis have been found to contain larger pro-
mucositis was 63.4% of subjects and 30.7% of implants, portions of neutrophils and osteoclasts than would nor-
and the frequency of peri-implantitis was 18.8% of sub- mally be seen in sites of periodontitis around natural teeth
jects and 9.6% of implants. When the data for smokers (Carcuac etal. 2013).
Complex surface
to manage
Bone resorbs away from
Bone may get infected -
the advancing lesion -
evidence of bacteria in
never gets infected
affected bone
• Figure 7.3.5 The tooth/implant–host interface in disease (Renvert & Giovannoli 2012).
CHAPTER 7.3 Dental Implants – Anatomy, Complications, Management of Peri-Implant Diseases 277
Comparing Periodontal Diseases and there has been a clear association between bone loss, implant
Peri-Implant Diseases failure and various implant surfaces and designs. Sur-
faces including TPS (titanium plasma sprayed) and some
e microbiological, immunological and anatomical nd- hydroxyapatite coatings were clearly linked to clinical fail-
ings of research suggests that there are similarities between ure as were hollow and basket-shaped designs. Several stud-
natural teeth and implants in health, and similarities ies are cited that demonstrate little or no bone loss around
between periodontitis and peri-implantitis, but dierences rough-surfaced implants having a surface roughness Sa value
remain that have still to be completely explained when com- of 1.5 or greater. However, many experienced clinicians are
paring lesions of periodontitis and peri-implantitis. observing a higher level of peri-implantitis in “real-world”
Implant failure has been divided into early, late and non- clinical groups where rougher surfaces have been used.
infectious (overload) (Esposito etal. 1998). ere are a large e question remains: is a conservative, moderately
number of interrelated factors and cofactors that may con- rough implant surface and design sucient to achieve the
tribute to peri-implant disease; these include cardiovascular early integration desired today and yet provide the long-
disease, diabetes, smoking, medication and implant surface term stability and bone level maintenance essential to long-
topography. e complexity of the aetiology makes isolation term clinical success?
of single factors dicult to achieve. Ideal implant anatomy involves an intimate relationship
It has long been established that the regular and eec- between the prosthetic abutment and the peri-implant soft
tive biolm control is required to prevent the development tissue cu. e implant collar should be deeply placed, level
of gingivitis around natural teeth (Löe etal. 1965, ei- with the crest of the bone allowing for close adaptation of
lade et al. 1966, Löe et al. 1967) and that poor biolm the gingival tissue to the implant abutment. Some implant
control will allow the progression from gingivitis to severe manufacturers, in order to increase the connective tissue
loss of periodontal support in a proportion of subjects, volume around the connection between the implant and
but not all. is indicated that periodontal disease may the prosthetic abutment, have adopted a platform-switch
be a disease of a high-risk, susceptible group consisting of design in an attempt to maintain tissue stability. Other
around 15–30% of the population. Chapter 1.3 identies implants exhibit surface design features to encourage the
the epidemiology of periodontal diseases. It is also con- attachment of connective tissue to the collar zone of the
rmed that the cause of this progression is multifactorial implant, whereas other systems employ a collar that exhibits
in nature with genetics, smoking exposure, systemic dis- a far smoother texture than the surface of the implant that
ease, immunological factors, local factors and oral hygiene is designed to encourage bone apposition or soft tissue des-
all playing a role. is complex relationship between the mosomal attachment.
causative factors, periodontal tissues and immunologi- Implants that have a relatively smooth, machined collar
cal defence mechanisms resulting in chronic periodon- attract less plaque deposition and are far easier to maintain
titis around natural teeth has been researched for many plaque free with correct hygiene techniques. Implants with
years. e relationship between implants and peri-implant a uniform rough surface throughout the body and collar
inammatory disease has been researched for only a frac- of the implant encourage plaque accumulation at the collar
tion of that time and therefore it is not surprising that and present a dicult surface from which to remove plaque,
many questions remain unanswered. when exposed to the subgingival environment or when
e current understanding of the relationship between exposed to the oral cavity. When presenting for treatment,
implants, implant restorations and peri-implant soft and the dental hygienist, dentist or periodontist will encounter
hard tissue health is that peri-implant mucositis is largely greater diculty in achieving adequate disinfection and
equivalent to gingivitis whereas peri-implantitis is largely removal of toxins, including lipopolysaccharide endotoxin,
equivalent to periodontitis. from any implant where the rough surface has become
KEY POINT 6 As in periodontally susceptible patients, it remains the
Peri-implant mucositis is the equivalent of gingivitis, and peri- responsibility of the patient to maintain adequate biolm
implantitis is the equivalent of periodontitis. control on a daily basis. ere are many techniques available
to access the more anatomically inaccessible sites to disrupt
It is generally accepted that peri-implant mucositis is the biolm. is is a fundamental requirement to avoid
found where there is plaque accumulation. e quantity plaque biolm accumulation, development of periodontal
of plaque is dicult to assess objectively, as the aetiological or peri-implant inammation and associated periodontal or
ora inhabit the subgingival environment and limitations peri-implant attachment destruction.
exist in objective quantitative and qualitative assessment of
this primarily anaerobic ecological niche of microorganisms. KEY POINT 7
It is the responsibility of the patient to maintain adequate
biolm control around implants on a daily basis.
Implant Factors in Peri-Implant Disease
e association between the aetiology of peri-implant disease Routine, professional follow-up is an essential tool in
and implant surface design is a contentious one. Historically order to maintain a functional and healthy implant/tissue
278 SECTION 7 Interaction with Other Dental Disciplines
interface to ensure long-term implant success and to iden- mucositis and peri-implantitis were dened clinically and
tify and manage any potential complications early. Serial histologically. e clinical denitions of these various states
intraoral radiographs are a useful adjunct to clinical exami- of peri-implant health and disease are described in Table
nation in monitoring bone levels, but to be most eective, 7.3.1
the view should be taken in a reproducible technique; with
the lm parallel to the implant long axis, the central beam of Diagnosis of Peri-Implant Mucositis
the X-rays should be directed at right angles to the implant,
and the lm providing a clear and detailed image of the e diagnostic signs of peri-implant mucositis include an
implant thread and the bone. By repeated imaging in such alteration in the soft tissue colour with erythema, changed
a reproducible manner, changes in bone level can be identi- soft tissue contour, bleeding on probing and/or suppura-
ed, ensuring timely periodontal support before signicant tion, commonly associated with increased probing depths
peri-implant support is lost. of up to 4 mm in the absence of radiographic loss of bone
from around the implant.
Classification and Diagnosis of Peri-Implant e incidence reported in the literature varies widely
Diseases depending on diagnostic criteria adopted. Peri-implant
mucositis has been reported to aect between 25% and
e 2018 World Workshop on the Classication of Peri- 80% of subjects and 13% and 50% of implants accord-
odontal and Peri-implant Diseases and Conditions pro- ing to Roos-Jansaker etal. (2006), Zitzmann & Berglundh
posed a new classication system for both periodontal and (2008) and Aguirre-Zorzano etal. (2015). Such wide varia-
peri-implant diseases (Caton et al. 2018) which has now tions in prevalence indicates the need for globally agreed
been globally accepted. Peri-implant health, peri-implant diagnostic criteria.
• Figure 7.3.6 (A) Peri-implantitis around an implant with attached gingivae; (B) radiograph of the same
• Figure 7.3.7 (A) Peri-implantitis around an implant with no attached gingivae; (B) radiograph of the same
CHAPTER 7.3 Dental Implants – Anatomy, Complications, Management of Peri-Implant Diseases 279
• For manual brushing a single-tufted interproximal brush Management of Peri-Implant Mucositis
may also be eective used at an angle of 45 degrees to the
restoration or tooth surface, the bristles should be splayed e successful management of this early stage of peri-
apart, and then advanced subgingivally before initiat- implant inammatory disease is dependent on clear com-
ing a very small vibratory movement. is requires a fair munication of suitable home plaque control measures and
degree of manual dexterity that not all patients possess. motivation of the patient to achieve improved biolm
• Antimicrobial agents may be used on the brush, though disruption in order to resolve inammation and maintain
the length of time the active ingredient remains in the improved peri-implant health. Once the patient is able and
crevice/cu is likely to be short and will therefore have a willing to perform the necessary hygiene measures, then the
limited antimicrobial eect. peri-implant environment should be professionally cleaned
in a thorough manner using ultrasonic or piezo-electric scal-
ing tips suitable for use against the implant surface. Hand
Professional Support instrumentation is relatively ineective, particularly when
Regular and thorough professional debridement of the the biolm is attached to the microscopically rough surface
implant/abutment/restoration surfaces exposed to contami- of the implant.
nation must take place. is can be achieved using several Adjunctive use of antimicrobials, air polishing or suit-
techniques, all of which have a place in the prevention and able laser therapy may be applied at the clinician’s discre-
treatment of periodontal and peri-implant disease. tion to improve antimicrobial activity. Review of the site
• Ultrasonic or piezo-electric scalers with non-damaging is essential to ensure healing is taking place, and a longer-
tips for implant surfaces including Teon, plastic or tita- term maintenance regime should be agreed upon with the
nium inserts. e inserts must be very narrow to gain patient to ensure the improvement in peri-implant health
access to the relatively inaccessible sites where debride- is maintained. Once a patient has been identied as being
ment or biolm disruption is required, particularly in the susceptible to peri-implant mucositis, their susceptibility
interdental areas and within the peri-implant cu. remains, and they should therefore be considered a higher-
• Hand instrumentation is best limited to removing calculus risk patient and provided with an enhanced professionally
that remains despite piezo-electric or ultrasonic scaling. supported maintenance care plan.
• Following mechanical bioëlm disruption, adjunctive
methods may be employed to achieve as near as possible KEY POINT 8
to complete elimination of the microbial plaque if there Both daily home care and professional support are essential to
is a periodontal or peri-implant inammatory response ensure long-term peri-implant health.
to established plaque. ese adjunctive techniques may
include the following:
• Lasers may be beneëcial using light energy of a wave Management of Peri-Implantitis
length that is absorbed by particular pigments produced
by many anaerobic, pathogenic bacteria. e applica- Heitz-Mayeld & Mombelli (2014) conducted a system-
tion of laser light energy that is preferentially absorbed atic review and concluded that generally treatment of
by those particular pigments will result in the destruc- peri-implantitis results in an improvement in the clini-
tion of the pigment-containing bacteria. Furthermore, cal condition. However, peri-implantitis in some patients
if there is an associated inammatory response to the appears to present a degree of resistance to therapy. In
presence of those pathogenic bacteria, and the laser these patients there was a recurrence or progression of peri-
light energy is preferentially absorbed by haemoglobin implantitis that required re-treatment or removal of the
in the expanded vasculature, then this inamed tissue implant. e eectiveness of therapy appears to relate to the
will also be destroyed. is will have the eect of reduc- thoroughness of anti-infective treatment with elimination
ing the extent of the inammatory lesion. of the biolm from the surfaces of the implant/abutment/
• ɨe use of air polishing (a pressurised air jet with restoration being the aim. e most appropriate treatment
abrasive particles) can be eective in removing par- protocol will be individually driven by patient and site-spe-
ticles from the supra- and subgingival environments cic factors.
and from tooth or implant surfaces. Increasing concern has been expressed for sites with peri-
• Submucosal application of chlorhexidine may also implantitis resulting from the incomplete removal of cement
have a benecial eect on microbial control. e lit- left in the subgingival space around dental implants follow-
erature is equivocal on the benets of antimicrobials ing cementation of the implant restoration (Wilson 2009).
and antiseptics to enhance plaque control and control e cementation of crowns on implants is still a common
periodontal inammation. ere appears to be inad- practice, though screw retention is preferable for retrievabil-
equate scientic evidence and guidance on the use of ity in case of restorative fractures or peri-implant inam-
sub-mucosal application of antibiotic and antiseptic matory disease. Several commonly used luting cements are
preparations to achieve eective control of ora in undetectable on radiographs (Wadhwani et al. 2010) and
peri-implant disease. therefore can only be found by careful periodontal probing
CHAPTER 7.3 Dental Implants – Anatomy, Complications, Management of Peri-Implant Diseases 281
with an appropriate instrument. e cement surface topog- challenge for the patient. In these cases the application of a
raphy is likely to provide a suitable plaque-retentive surface sub-epithelial connective tissue graft may thicken the tissues
for the development of a biolm with resulting inamma- signicantly and provide a more robust barrier to the devel-
tion. Complete removal of all cement deposits is required to opment of peri-implantitis in the future, where formerly
prevent progressive loss of attachment and the development the implant was surrounded by non-keratinised alveolar
of a severe peri-implantitis. mucosa. Modication of the implant surface may also pro-
A detailed assessment of the extent and degree of peri- vide additional benets by removing supra-gingival threads
implantitis should be undertaken combining visual, radio- and rough implant surface and achieving a polished surface
graphic and probing examinations to achieve a clear picture more conducive to plaque removal by the patient. However,
of the underlying bone contour and possible implant sur- such surface modication of the titanium implant surface
face exposure due to bone dehiscence. An assessment should may be challenging because of poor access proximally.
also be made of the degree of biolm accumulation and the Appropriate treatment depends on correct diagnosis,
patient educated on the correct performance of biolm con- identication of relevant contributing factors and assess-
trol. It is very often helpful to remove the prosthesis and ment of the level of bone destruction taking place. While
replace with healing abutments to facilitate easier access management of peri-implant mucositis is within the scope
for home care throughout the period of treatment for the of practice of a general dentist with implant training, the
peri-implantitis. identication of such a lesion from one where peri-implan-
Once the patient is able to carry out home care to the titis is becoming established can be challenging. For that
necessary standard, professional cleaning should be per- reason, the referral of such patients for specialist assess-
formed and the patient reviewed over time to conrm ment and management should be considered at an early
their continued cooperation and healing. It is likely that stage in the disease process, rather than providing incom-
the peri-implant sulcus depth will be deeper where peri- plete therapy that allows further deterioration and loss of
implantitis has been present, and biolm control tech- supporting bone that may endanger the longevity of the
niques may have to be modied to achieve this more implant and restoration. Early referral is far preferable to
challenging biolm disruption and more frequent profes- late referral and will both maintain the patient’s condence
sional support in a less accessible location. More adjunctive in their general dental practitioner and provide the practi-
therapeutic techniques may be applied from the outset in tioner with a measure of medico-legal defence should peri-
order to achieve control of the destructive lesion. e use implantitis endanger the implant and the patient wish to
of a diode laser has been found to be extremely eective enter into litigation.
in conjunction with thorough debridement, and air-pol-
ishing use can also provide an eective means of debride- KEY POINT 9
ment of the rough implant surface, the peri-implant sulcus If peri-implantitis is diagnosed or suspected, early referral to a
and the soft tissue outer wall of the sulcus, such as the periodontal specialist is indicated.
EMS AirFlow, PerioFlow and Piezon approach to guided
biolm therapy. However, lesions of peri-implantitis do
not always respond adequately to an entirely non-surgical Individualised Implant Maintenance
approach to treatment.
Where several threads of the implant are no longer cov- All patients who receive implant therapy should be assessed
ered by bone and there has been an aggressive inammatory for their future risk of plaque-associated periodontal and
response seen clinically in the adjacent soft tissues, accom- peri-implant inammation. Once their degree of risk has
panied by recession, open debridement of the site may have been identied, an individualised supportive protocol
to follow the non-surgical approach adopted initially. or- should be developed with the patient’s involvement to
ough debridement of the implant surface is fundamental to ensure the oral environment presents the lowest risk pos-
achieving a good clinical outcome. sible to the establishment of periodontal or peri-implant
Several authors advocate the use of various chemicals to inammatory diseases.
assist in this implant surface preparation (Salvi etal. 2007, Patients with very few risk factors would include patients
Kotsovilis et al. 2006). e use of citric acid in combina- who have suered no previous periodontitis, have no detect-
tion with mechanical debridement is reported to have been able family history of periodontal disease or premature tooth
successful in achieving a satisfactory outcome when treat- loss, are systemically healthy, do not smoke and maintain
ing peri-implantitis. Some authors have also suggested using excellent plaque control with gingival crevices around natu-
tetracycline, ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) ral teeth of no more than 3 mm at any site. ese patients
and various antimicrobials. should be seen by a dental hygienist to monitor their plaque
Ultimately after healing is established, the site must control, check the health of the oral soft tissues and help to
be assessed for its stability and its anatomical susceptibil- re-motivate the patient to continue their commitment to
ity to further damage including recession, leading to fur- maintaining good plaque control. e frequency of review
ther implant thread exposure, creating a greater hygiene may depend on dental and non-dental factors, including
282 SECTION 7 Interaction with Other Dental Disciplines
the oral ndings and the patient’s ability to aord regular to periodontal and peri-implant disease remains because
care and support. Frequency of review may vary between of their genetic prole. erefore they must be prepared
six-monthly and annually. to maintain an absolute commitment to their periodon-
Patients who are considered to have an increased risk of tal and peri-implant plaque control on a life-long basis.
periodontal or peri-implant inammatory diseases include Failure to keep up this high standard of home care will
patients with a history of some of the following risk fac- certainly lead to a reinfection of the subgingival sites with
tors, including previous periodontitis, a family history of a pathogenic ora and resulting destructive inammation
periodontal disease and/or premature tooth loss, systemic with the re-development of periodontitis and peri-implan-
disease including sub-optimally controlled diabetes (Heitz- titis. is can present a problem for elderly patients whose
Mayeld 2008, Kotsovilis etal. 2006) or an indication of a manual dexterity, cognitive function and self-care can
compromised immunological response, a recent history of become compromised.
smoking or continued smoking (Lang & Berglundh 2011,
Ong etal. 2008), the presence of sites exhibiting periodon- Follow-Up and Support
tal inammation with sub-optimal plaque control (Serino
& Ström 2009) and the presence of periodontal pockets of With implant treatment being so widely available, many
more than 3 mm in depth with bleeding on blunt probing implant patients are returning to their own general dentist
and/or suppuration. e deeper pockets provide a suitable for their ongoing dental and implant care and supervision.
ecological niche in which a reservoir of ora can thrive to ini- It is therefore extremely important that all dentists and their
tiate recolonisation of implant and restorative surfaces with oral healthcare teams provide the necessary high standard
putative pathogens (Papaioannou et al. 1996, Gouvoussis of clinical and radiological monitoring and regular profes-
etal. 1997), especially in patients with a history of aggres- sional periodontal debridement of implants and natural
sive periodontitis (DeBoever & DeBoever 2006). High- teeth in conjunction with support of the patients in their
risk patients require a dierent approach, incorporating a home care and plaque removal. is is a task that can be
greater frequency of professional support and a higher level performed most eectively by dental hygienists, and these
of profession intervention (Karoussis etal. 2007, Lindhe & regular maintenance visits are the best support an implant
Meyle 2008, Lang & Berglundh 2011, Ong etal. 2008). patient can receive.
High-risk patients should not normally receive implant
therapy, but should such therapy have been provided, then Summary
they would normally be reviewed and supported by a den-
tal hygienist at a frequency of 2–4 monthly, and additional Dental implants represent a successful and long-term ther-
review with the implant dentist or periodontist would nor- apy for the replacement of missing teeth and, in many cases,
mally take place every 6–12 months. At each review an they are the treatment of choice in providing anchorage
assessment of plaque accumulation should take place with for single-tooth, partial and full prostheses. Several funda-
plaque disclosure preceding observation of the patient’s mental principles remain essential in achieving success in
own eorts to maintain plaque control. Correction of implant therapy, including the early identication of risk
plaque control measures would take place where necessary, factors and any predisposition to periodontal disease, as well
and further observation of the patients corrected techniques as appropriate patient follow-up and management to mini-
should follow. A full-mouth debridement should take place mise the risk of plaque-induced peri-implant inammatory
around the implants and natural teeth to minimise the res- disease.
ervoir of bacteria available to repopulate the oral environ- Multiple choice questions on the contents of this chapter
ment, and in particular, the periodontal and peri-implant are available online at Elsevier eBooks+.
sulci and pockets. Following debridement the use of an air-
polishing system can be useful to remove any residual ora References
or debris.
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Appendix 1
World Workshop on Classication of
Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases
and Conditions 2017 - Staging and
Grading of Periodontitis
Periodontitis stage Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV
Interdental CAL 1 to 2 mm 3 to 4 mm ≥5 mm ≥5 mm
at site of
greatest loss
Severity Radiographic Coronal third (<15%) Coronal third Extending to Extending to mid-third of
bone loss (15%–33%) mid-third of root and root and beyond
Tooth loss No tooth loss due to periodontitis Tooth loss due to Tooth loss due to
periodontitis of ≤4 periodontitis of ≥5 teeth
In addition to stage II In addition to stage III
complexity: complexity:
Maximum probing Maximum probing Probing depth ≥6 mm Need for complex
depth ≤4 mm depth ≤5 mm rehabilitation due to:
Complexity Local Mostly horizontal bone Mostly horizontal Vertical bone Masticatory dysfunction
loss bone loss loss ≥3 mm Secondary occlusal
trauma (tooth mobility
degree ≥2)
Furcation involvement Severe ridge defect
class II or III
Moderate ridge defect Bite collapse, drifting,
Less than 20 remaining
(10 opposing pairs)
Extent and Add to stage as For each stage, describe extent as localized (<30% of teeth involved), generalized, or molar/incisor
distribution descriptor pattern
CAL: Clinical attachment loss.
286 APPENDIX 1 World Workshop on Classication of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases and Conditions 2017
Grade A: Grade B: Grade C:
Periodontitis Slow rate of Moderate rate Rapid rate of
grade progression of progression progression
Direct evidence Longitudinal data Evidence of no <2 mm over 5 ≥2 mm over 5 years
of progression (radiographic loss over 5 years
bone loss or years
% bone loss/age <0.25 0.25 to 1.0 >1.0
Primary Indirect evidence Case phenotype Heavy biolm Destruction Destruction exceeds
criteria of progression deposits with commensurate expectation given
low levels of with biolm biolm deposits;
destruction deposits specic clinical patterns
suggestive of periods
of rapid progression
and/or early onset
disease (e.g., molar/
incisor pattern; lack
of expected response
to standard bacterial
control therapies)
Smoking Non-smoker Smoker <10 Smoker ≥10 cigarettes/day
Grade Risk factors Diabetes Normoglycemic/ HbA1c <7.0% in HbA1c ≥7.0% in patients
modiers no diagnosis patients with with diabetes
of diabetes diabetes
CAL: Clinical attachment loss; HbA1c: glycated haemoglobin.
(Reprinted from Tonetti, M., Greenwell, H., Kornman, K. J. Staging and grading of periodontitis: Framework and proposal of a new classication and case deni-
tion. J Periodontol. 2018 Jun;89 Suppl 1:S159-S172. doi: 10.1002/JPER.18-0006., with permission from Wiley. )
Appendix 2
Implementing the 2017 Classication
of Periodontal Diseases to Reach a
Diagnosis in Clinical Practice
Implementing the 2017 classification of periodontal diseases
to reach a diagnosis in clinical practice
Implementing the 2017 Classication of Periodontal Diseases to Reach a Diagnosis in Clinical Practice
History, examination and screening for periodontal disease
including BPE and assessment of historic periodontitis (interdental recession)
Code 3 Code 4
Code 0 / 1 / 2
with no obvious evidence of and/or obvious evidence of interdental recession
with no obvious evidence of interdental recession
interdental recession
continue with code continue with code Staging and grading, current disease status and risk
0/1/2 pathway 4 pathway factor assessment
© The British Society of Periodontology 2018
Staging Grading
Implementing the 2017 Classication of Periodontal Diseases to Reach a Diagnosis in Clinical Practice
Radiographic assessment
(periapicals or OPG/DPT)
if not clinically justified or if bitewings only available use CAL or bone loss from CEJ
(or <2 mm Coronal third Mid-third of Apical third of
<0.5 0.5–1.0 >1.0
attachment loss of root root root
from CEJ)
Grade B
Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV Grade A Grade C
(early/mild) (moderate) (severe) (very severe) (slow rate of (rapid rate of
rate of
progression) progression)
Appendix 3
European Federation of
Periodontology S3-Level Clinical
Treatment Guidelines - Stepwise
Supportive care/rehabilitation
Step 4 EXIT - plan longer-term care (above)
Step 3 CHECK - Non-responder sites: Re-RSD/surgery
Step 2 INTERVENE - Sub-gingival biofilm & calculus removal ± adjuncts
Step 1 RISK - Risk factor control, OHI, adjuncts for GI, PMPR, supra-gingival scaling
Step 0 PREREQUISITE TO THERAPY - Educate, classification, diagnosis, risk assess, care plan
(Reprinted with permission from Springer Nature: Br. Dent. J. Evidence-based, personalised and minimally invasive treatment for periodontitis
patients - the new EFP S3-level clinical treatment guidelines, Kebschull, M., Chapple, I., copyright 2020.)
Appendix 4
BSP UK Clinical Practice Guidelines for
the Treatment of Periodontal Diseases
BSP UK clinical practice guidelines
Extract teeth with hopeless prognosis or unsavable teeth – e.g. grade III mobile
I: Explain disease, risk factors & treatment alternatives, risks & benefits including no treatment
II: Explain importance of oral hygiene (OH), encourage and support behaviour change for OH improvement
III: Reduce risk factors including removal of plaque-retentive features, smoking cessation and diabetes-control interventions
IV: Provide individually tailored OH advice including interdental cleaning, + /– adjunctive efficacious toothpaste & mouthwash,
+ /– professional mechanical plaque removal (PMPR) including supra and subgingival scaling of the clinical crown
V: Select recall period following published guidance and considering risk factors such as smoking and diabetes
VI: Oral health educator (I, II), hygienist, therapist (I – IV), dentist, practitioner accredited for level 2 and 3 care (I – V)
Periodontitis (continued)
I: Reinforce OH, risk factor control, behaviour change
II: Subgingival instrumentation, hand or powered (sonic / ultrasonic), either alone or in combination
III: Use of adjunctive systemic antimicrobials determined by practitioner accredited for level 2 and 3 care
STEP 3 Unstable Re-evaluate after 3 months Stable STEP 4
I: Favourable improvement in OH – indicated by ≥50% Defining engaging & I: Insufficient improvement in OH – indicated by <50%
improvement in plaque and marginal bleeding scores OR non-engaging patients improvement in plaque and marginal bleeding scores OR
II: Plaque levels ≤ 20% & bleeding levels ≤ 30% OR (this is a guide) II: Plaque levels >20% & bleeding levels >30% OR
III: Patient has met targets outlined in their personal self-care III: Patient states preference to a palliative approach to
plan as determined by their healthcare practitioner periodontal care
Reproduced with the kind permission of the British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry:
Page numbers followed by ‘f ‘ indicate gures those followed by ‘t’ indicate tables and ‘b’ indicate boxes.
Index 295