Law 3 Reviewer
Law 3 Reviewer
Law 3 Reviewer
Q: What are the Characteristics of a Contract of Q: Can there be a valid sale against the will of the
Sale? owner of the property?
5. Onerous – The thing sold is conveyed in Q: What are the Stages of a COS?
consideration of the purchase price, and vice
versa. • Generation or Negotiation
2. Sale is subject to the 2. Sale produces effect Q: Distinguish between an Earnest Money and an
condition that the thing even if the thing does Option Money.
will exist; if it does not, not come into
there is no contract existence, unless it is a
vain hope
Q: Can a Contract of Sale exist when no price is • Rescission upon failure to pay two or more
agreed upon? installments; and
2. Sale of real property or an interest therein The vendor AND the vendee must be legally
capacitated to enter into a contract. If a corporation,
3. Sale of property not to be performed within a year the contract must be executed by the Board of
from the date thereof Directors or by a corporate agent duly authorized by
the board
4. “Applicable statute” requires that the contract of
sale be in a certain form The vendor must have a right to transfer the
ownership at the time it is delivered.
Q: What is the so-called Recto Law?
Capacity to Buy or Sell
Provides for the remedies of a seller in the contracts
of sale of personal property by installments. Q: Who may enter into a Contract of Sale?
Coverage: Sale of personal property where the price GR: All persons, whether natural or juridical, who
is payable in several installments. can bind themselves, have legal capacity to buy and
sell. (Art. 1489(1), NCC]
Q: What are the requisites for the application of
Recto Law? Q: Who are those incapacitated to enter into a
• Contract of Sale;
• Personal property:
1. Absolute Incapacity
• Payable in Installments; and
• Minors, insane and demented persons,
• In the case of the second and third remedies, imbeciles, deaf and dumb persons, prodigals
that there has been a Failure to pay two or and those subject to civil interdiction.
more installments
• As their personality is restricted, they have
Q: When there is initial payment and the balance is no capacity to purchase and sell by
payable in the future, can the Recto Law be themselves personally, but only through
applied? their legal representatives. (Art. 1327,CC)
No. It is not a sale on installment but rather a straight • Note: In case of minors or other persons
sale. without capacity to act, the contract of sale is
voidable. However, the purchase of
Remedies of the Vendor: necessaries is valid, for which they shall
pay a reasonable price therefor. (Art. 37,
1489, NCC).
2. Relative Incapacity
3. Special Disqualifications