Ijiem 306
Ijiem 306
Ijiem 306
Review article
a University of Applied Sciences FH JOANNEUM, Institute of Industrial Management, 8605 Kapfenberg, Austria
Forecasting in production systems is used to anticipate their quality, efficiency, and yield. Article history:
However, to the best of our knowledge, there exists no systematic review for industrial fore-
Received October 25, 2021
casting approaches. Thus, this work aimed to address this gap through a systematic literature
review. The quantitative results revealed that industrial forecasting models are mainly ap- Revised April 4, 2022
plied in three economic sectors, with recurrent neural network models being the dominant Accepted May 5, 2022
approach. Moreover, this work proposes a classification of forecasting applications based Published online May 12, 2022
on common characteristics found in reviewed sources. Several additional insights were pro-
duced, and future research directions were elaborated. Hence, this systematic review fosters Keywords:
an understanding of the current state-of-the-art of industrial forecasting approaches and facili- Industrial forecasting;
tates future research initiatives. Machine learning;
Neural network;
Production system;
Systematic literature review
*Corresponding author:
Raphael Hartner
Published by the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia. http://doi.org/10.24867/IJIEM-2022-2-306
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 terms and conditions
Hartner and Mezhuyev 120
In contrast to supervised learning approaches, These include dynamic programming, Monte Carlo
unsupervised learning does not require labeled data methods and temporal difference. Importantly, the
sets. Thus, these types of algorithms cannot predict number of objectives in reinforcement learning sys-
a continuous or a discrete value. However, unsuper- tems is not limited to one. Thus, this learning type
vised methods are used to identify patterns or extract needs to find a compromise if multiple contradict-
features within a given data set without any prior ing objectives are formulated. For this purpose, algo-
knowledge of target values or dependencies among rithms were introduced, which take not only imme-
different attributes. In this regard, unsupervised diate results, but also long-term consequences into
learning algorithms are often deployed to determine account [26].
similar data points (clustering), whereas the main dif-
ference in classification techniques is the absence of 2.2 Tasks
a target variable [20-22].
Even though supervised learning algorithms often With these learning types, several different tasks
lead to more accurate results in comparison to un- can be accomplished, whereas commonly found
supervised learning approaches, the cost of labeling tasks are discussed in this section. First, the generic
these data samples might outweigh the benefits, re- task of predicting a target (dependent) variable can
sulting in (partially) unlabeled data sets. To improve be divided into regression (REG) and classification
the performance of data-driven solutions, semi-su- (CLASS) based on the target type [9, 13]. In the case
pervised approaches are used to combine supervised of the former, the data-driven model predicts a con-
and unsupervised methods [20, 21]. For instance, tinuous target variable, for instance, the length and
the concept of generative adversarial networks can width of the final product. On the other hand, clas-
be adapted to employ semi-supervised learning tech- sification is concerned with classifying data samples
niques, thus utilizing partially labeled data [23]. based on a discrete set of target classes – e.g., fault
In addition to that, reinforcement learning rep- detection or image classification. Supervised learning
resents another branch of data-driven learning. This is mainly used for both prediction variants [27].
technique differs significantly from previously dis- Second, to determine clusters (groups) of similar
cussed approaches since it is designed to interact with samples and representational data points, the task of
the environment and to consider its feedback [9, 21]. clustering is used as an unsupervised learning tech-
To achieve high-quality results, reinforcement learn- nique [10]. In this regard, two clustering types can
ing takes real or simulated feedback into account and be distinguished. While algorithms focused on hard
optimizes its predefined objective [24]. To find the clustering (HC) are concerned with assigning one
global optimum, reinforcement methods need to ex- specific cluster to each data sample, soft clustering
plore different options, which can lead to a tempo- (SC) algorithms allow multiple cluster assignments
rary decline in accuracy. In this regard, three main for each sample [28]. Consequently, the latter ap-
sub-categories of reinforcement learning exist [25]. proach accounts for uncertainties during the clus-
tering process, which can be utilized in subsequent • RQ2: Which applications are addressed with
steps, for instance classifying new data points. industrial forecasting models?
Third, to improve the quality of the data set and • RQ3: Which data-driven categories (statisti-
to reduce computational efforts, dimensionality re- cal, traditional ML, NN) are employed for
duction is often applied as a preprocessing task [9, forecasting in the industrial context?
16, 29]. Thus, the main purpose is to extract (derive)
• RQ4: Which data-driven categories are em-
new features or to select a subset of existing features
ployed for each identified industrial forecast-
(independent variables) from the data to optimize
ing application?
subsequent modeling steps. Consequently, the main
• RQ5: Which learning types are utilized in
difference between feature extraction (FE, also fea-
ture engineering) and feature selection (FS) is that forecasting models?
the former calculates new features as a replacement • RQ6: Which tasks are performed in indus-
for existing variables, whereas the latter is focused on trial forecasting scenarios?
selecting the optimal subset of the original feature set • RQ7: Which algorithms are utilized for fore-
[29, 30]. To increase the robustness of FS, several casting in the industrial context?
selectors (homogeneous or heterogeneous) can be
combined to form an ensemble selector [30]. Both The following inclusion criteria were used to re-
tasks, FE and FS, can be accomplished by supervised fine the search process in online catalogs and were
as well as unsupervised learning techniques. The next specified to yield publications with high actuality:
section elaborates on the methodology and the re-
view protocol of the SLR in this paper. • I1: Publication year after 2017 (year > 2017).
• I2: Publication type is journal paper, confer-
ence proceeding or book.
3. Methodology
• I3: Publication language is English.
• I4: Full text is accessible in considered online
To determine the state-of-the-art of industrial catalogs.
forecasting models, a SLR was conducted. A SLR
is a specific type of literature review to answer pre-
The exclusion criteria were subsequently incorpo-
defined research questions in a systematic manner
rated to build the specific search query and to guide
[31]. Consequently, the SLR results in reproducible
the initial and full-text assessment:
findings which are based on a comprehensive set of
available literature. For this purpose, research ques-
• E1: Not related to an industrial context.
tions were formulated and the search process, as well
as the search terms, were outlined in detail. After- • E2: Does not consider time series data.
wards, literature sources were retrieved from online • E3: Does not include forecasting models.
catalogs. The next steps were concerned with assess-
ing the relevance based on the screening of the titles After a relevant subset of literature sources was
and abstracts and with removing duplicated entries. identified through the search procedure, the follow-
After that, a full-text assessment was performed with ing data fields were extracted from each entry:
a set of specific exclusion criteria. The last step of the
SLR was focused on extracting relevant data fields to • F1: Domain of application.
answer the research questions. • F2: Industrial forecasting application.
• F3: Data-driven category.
3.1 Literature review planning protocol (statistical models, traditional ML models,
neural networks models).
To assess the state-of-the-art of industrial forecast- • F4: Types of applied algorithms.
ing methods, the following research questions were • F5: Learning type of considered models.
defined for the SLR: (unsupervised, supervised, semi-supervised,
• RQ1: Which economic sectors are employ- • F6: Performed tasks in industrial forecasting.
ing industrial forecasting models? (e.g. Clustering or Feature Extraction).
[40] C 26.11 Quality Prediction Trad. ML Models PLS, T-S fuzzy Supervised FE, REG
Fault Prediction, Quality
[41] C 25.50 Statistical Models PCA, LR Semi-Supervised FE, REG
Trad. ML Models,
[42] C 24.42 Process Behavior Prediction LSTM, B-RNN, Supervised REG
NN Models
[43] B 06.10 Yield Prediction NN Models LSTM Supervised REG
[44] C 26.51 Quality Prediction NN Models MLP AE Semi-Supervised FE, REG
Trad. ML Models,
[45] C 24.10 Quality Prediction RF-RFE, LSTM Supervised FS, REG
NN Models
H 51.10,
[46] Fault Prediction NN Models SLP, B-LSTM Supervised REG
H 52.21
Statistical Models,
[47] C 24.10 Quality Prediction RR, RF, GBT Supervised FS, REG
Trad. ML Models
[48] C 24.10 Process Behavior Prediction Trad. ML Models T-S fuzzy Supervised REG
C 19.20,
[49] Quality Prediction NN Models LSTM Supervised REG
C 21.10
Process Behavior Prediction,
[50] C 24.10 Statistical Models ARIMA, Heuristic, Supervised REG
Process Optimization
[51] B 05.10 Process Behavior Prediction NN Models GRU Supervised REG
[52] C 26.11 Quality Prediction Trad. ML Models PLS, T-S fuzzy Supervised FE, REG
[53] C 26.11 Process Behavior Prediction NN Models B-GRU AE Semi-Supervised FE, REG
[19] D 35.11 Fault Prediction NN Models CNN Supervised CLASS
Trad. ML Models, MARS, RF, GBT,
[54] C 26.11 Process Behavior Prediction NN Models NB, K-NN, SVM, Supervised FS, CLASS
[55] B 06.10 Yield Prediction NN Models LSTM Supervised REG
C 22.22,
[56] Fault Prediction Statistical Models ARIMA Supervised REG
C 27.90
RQ1: Which economic sectors are employing transportation (H 51.10 and H 52.21). As shown in
industrial forecasting models? Table 2, three sectors (B 06.10, C 24.10, C 26.11)
are considered in 43.8 % of all 32 sector references.
To classify the economic sector in which industri-
al forecasting models are applied, the Statistical Clas-
RQ2: Which applications are addressed with
sification of Economic Activities in the European
industrial forecasting models?
Community is used [60]. This classification is hierar-
chically structured and uses four levels. The first level Although industrial forecasting applications are
refers to the general domain (e.g. "manufacturing" or individually designed for a specific purpose, com-
"mining and quarrying"), whereas the fourth level mon characteristics are found in reviewed literature
of classification specifically describes the economic sources. Consequently, five generic applications were
activity, such as "production of electricity" or "manu- identified in this review:
facture of electronic components". To associate re-
viewed literature sources with one or more economic • Yield prediction: In complex and non-linear
activities, the context of the described applications environments, such as energy and oil produc-
was used. As a result, four domains of economic ac- tion, the future output (yield) of the process
tivities applied industrial forecasting models, as sum- cannot be easily anticipated. Therefore, yield
marized in Table 2. A total of five literature sources prediction based on time series data is applied
validated their models in the "mining and quarrying" to forecast the process’ output.
(B) sector, 22 sources in "manufacturing" (C), three • Fault prediction: The prevention of upcoming
sources in electricity, gas, steam and air condition- faults and defects in industrial machinery is es-
ing supply" (D) and two sources in the "transportation sential for efficient processes. In this regard, the
and storage" (H) sector. Since three literature sources prediction of the remaining useful life of ma-
considered two sectors, the total number amounts to chines and tools as well as anomaly detection
more than 100 % in comparison to the number of are both relevant subfields. Thus, fault predic-
reviewed sources. In one case, the validation data set tion is used to forecast future issues and enable
was concerned with an aircraft engine, which is ap- machine operators or control units to proac-
plicable for both sectors, passenger, and freight air tively prevent or mitigate faults and deviations.
• Quality prediction: The product quality (e.g., RQ3: Which data-driven categories are
chemical properties) in industrial processes is employed for forecasting in the industrial context?
often influenced by many factors, which are not
To implement a data-driven application, differ-
always controllable, for instance, environmen-
ent modeling categories can be employed, whereas
tal aspects (e.g., temperature, humidity). Cor-
Figure 4 contains the distribution of data-driven
respondingly, quality predictions are used to
categories in reviewed sources. As illustrated, NN
prevent quality deviations in advance through
models represent the majority of data-driven ap-
controllable factors.
proaches with 62 % and traditional ML techniques
• Process behavior prediction: Controlling a pro- rank second (31 %). Statistical models are employed
duction process is not only required for con- by six sources to implement an industrial forecast-
sistent product quality, but also for safety and ing application (21 %). Since four considered litera-
efficiency reasons. Hence, predicting the future ture sources applied two categories of data-driven
behavior of processes (e.g., pipeline pressure, approaches, the sum of the paper counts results in
motor torque) is the basis for efficient and ef- more than 100 %.
fective process control to mitigate deviations
and faults.
RQ4: Which data-driven categories are
• Process optimization: Complex and interre- employed for each identified industrial forecasting
lated processes are difficult to control and op- application?
timize, since many influential factors must be
considered. Consequently, process optimiza- To derive new insights concerning applicable
tion, for instance, to improve the quality, based models, an analysis of data-driven categories and
on industrial forecasting models are utilized to identified industrial forecasting applications was
make use of untapped potentials within pro- conducted. As summarized in Table 3, apart from
duction processes. process optimization, NN models are similarly dis-
tributed among the forecasting applications. How-
As depicted in Figure 3, out of 29 reviewed lit- ever, process optimization was only considered by
erature sources 12 considered quality prediction as two reviewed literature sources in total, thus rep-
the application for their industrial forecasting mod- resenting the minority of application types. On the
els. Additionally, eight sources focused on fault pre- other hand, traditional ML models were focused on
diction as well as on process behavior prediction. quality prediction and process behavior prediction,
These three applications represent the majority of whereas the remaining applications were not or only
reviewed literature sources. On the other hand, once considered. Additionally, statistical models
yield prediction was considered by four literature were applied for fault prediction, process behavior
sources and was exclusively applied to energy and prediction and process optimization. Since four re-
oil production. Furthermore, only two sources ap- viewed sources applied two data-driven categories
plied forecasting models in the context of process and five other sources considered two separate ap-
optimization. Since five reviewed literature sources plications, a total of 38 pairs of application data-driv-
considered two applications, the sum of the paper en categories are included in 29 reviewed literature
counts results in more than 100 %. sources.
Figure 3. Paper count for each forecasting application Figure 4. Paper count for each considered data-driven category
RQ5: Which learning types are utilized in RQ7: Which algorithms are utilized for
forecasting models? forecasting in the industrial context?
As shown in Figure 5, two learning types are ap- The analysis of applied algorithms in the context
plied for industrial forecasting models. Supervised of industrial forecasting is divided into statistical, tra-
learning is utilized by 83 % of reviewed literature ditional ML and NN models (see above for the defi-
sources. Even though five sources (17 %) implement- nition of data-driven categories). Since 12 out of 29
ed a semi-supervised learning approach with both un- literature sources utilized two or more algorithms,
supervised and supervised characteristics, no source the sum of the paper counts results in more than
was found with an exclusively unsupervised learning 100 %. First, as shown in Figure 7, seven statistical
model. Moreover, reinforcement learning was not methods are employed in the considered literature.
applied by any of the reviewed literature sources. Three sources used autoregressive integrated moving
average (ARIMA) models to forecast process behav-
RQ6: Which tasks are performed in industrial ior and faults. Additionally, Holt-Winters, moving
forecasting scenarios? average (MA) and a custom heuristic are applied in
combination with ARIMA in one case. Linear re-
Figure 6 depicts the distribution of data-driven
gression (LR) is used in two references, whereas the
tasks in industrial forecasting applications. As illustrat-
related ridge regression (RR) is applied once. In this
ed, most literature sources (93 %) developed models
regard, RR utilizes L2 regularization to improve the
for regression tasks. On the other hand, classification
robustness in comparison to conventional LR models
is employed by five out of 29 literature sources (17
[61]. Moreover, principal component analysis (PCA)
%), whereas three applied both, regression, and clas-
is used by one source to extract linearly independent
sification models. Other tasks, such as feature extrac-
features for subsequent modeling processes.
tion (FE), feature selection (FS) and soft clustering
Second, many different algorithms are used for
(SC), are consistently performed in combination with
traditional ML models, as depicted in Figure 8. In
either regression or classification. Depending on the
this regard, Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy systems rank
specific type of algorithm, these combinations result
first (four sources) and three sources use partial least
in semi-supervised learning approaches (see above).
square (PLS) FE techniques before applying T-S
Furthermore, none of the reviewed literature sources
fuzzy algorithms. Recursive feature elimination (RFE)
applied hard clustering (HC).
Table 3. Number of forecasting models for each data-driven category and application
Figure 5. Paper count for each considered learning type Figure 6. Paper count for each considered data-driven task
Figure 7. Paper count for each considered statistical algorithm Figure 8. Paper count for each considered traditional ML algorithm
based on random forest and the multivariate adap- neural networks (CNN) or feed-forward single-/multi-
tive regression splines (MARS) algorithm are used layer perceptrons (SLP/MLP), are also considered
for FS by one literature source each. Support-vector in the literature. As shown in 9, three sources imple-
machines (SVM) is mentioned in two references. En- mented an auto-encoder (AE) in combination with
semble techniques, such as random forest (RF) and MLP (MLP-AE) and B-GRU (B-GRU-AE), to extract
gradient boosting trees (GBT), are implemented by compressed features, before conducting the forecast.
three and two sources respectively. Furthermore,
one source proposed an ensemble technique based
on support-vector machines, leading to 44 % of tra- 5. Discussion
ditional ML sources using ensemble models. The al-
gorithms k-nearest neighbor (K-NN) and naive Bayes Based on the results, this section provides a dis-
(NB) are applied by one literature source each. More- cussion for each research question, whereas findings
over, the fuzzy c-means algorithm represents the only and limitations are outlined.
clustering approach in considered sources. RQ1. Based on the Statistical Classification of
Third, similar to traditional ML models, a large Economic Activities in the European Community
number of different NN algorithms are applied by [60], 18 economic sectors were identified in reviewed
corresponding literature sources, as illustrated in Fig- literature sources. In this regard, three sectors con-
ure 9. However, long short-term memory (LSTM) al- tributed a combined 43.8 % to all 32 sector refer-
gorithms are utilized in ten cases (56 % of NN sourc- ences:
es). Basic recurrent neural networks (RNN) and gated
recurrent units (GRU) are employed by one and three • B 06.10 - Extraction of crude petroleum
sources respectively. Together with their bidirectional (12.5 %)
derivatives (B-LSTM, B-RNN, B-GRU-AE), recur- • C 24.10 - Manufacture of basic iron and steel
rent approaches are used by the majority of reviewed and of ferro-alloys (15.6 %)
NN sources for industrial forecasting scenarios. Nev- • C 26.11 - Manufacture of electronic compo-
ertheless, other algorithms, such as convolutional nents (15.6 %)
As a result, it can be concluded that these three sources. Thus, representing a considerable alterna-
economic sectors are actively applying industrial fore- tive to NN approaches, especially when interpretable
casting models to optimize their operations. Conse- forecasting results are required due to the black box
quently, future research can focus on transferring characteristics of NN models. Finally, only a minor
successful methods to other sectors, which do not yet portion of 21 % of reviewed literature sources ap-
rely on sophisticated industrial forecasting models. plied statistical models. Hence, the current state-of-
RQ2. Even though the applications in reviewed the-art of data-driven categories in industrial forecast-
literature sources are individually developed for ing are NN approaches followed by traditional ML.
specific requirements, common characteristics were In this regard, future research could focus on hybrid
identified and summarized in five generic applica- methods consisting of traditional ML and NN to in-
tions. As revealed by the paper count, quality predic- corporate the benefits of both data-driven categories.
tions are the main field of application for industrial RQ4. Yield and fault prediction are dominated by
forecasting models (35.3 %), whereas both applica- NN models, which indicates that the non-linear and
tions, fault prediction and process behavior predic- complex modeling capabilities of neural networks
tion, contribute 23.5 % to the total paper count. Con- are appropriate for these applications. However, de-
sequently, the remaining applications in the context pending on the characteristic of the data set and the
of yield prediction (11.8 %) and process optimization individual goals, traditional ML models can also be
(5.9 %) can profit from methods applied in the three considered, since these models were successfully em-
dominant applications. In particular, proactively op- ployed for quality and process behavior prediction as
timizing a process in advance requires other forecast- well. In particular, if explainable results are required
ing models for relevant aspects, such as faults, qual- for the application, traditional ML models have an
ity and process behavior. As a result, technological advantage in contrast to the black box characteristics
and methodological progress in these applications of neural networks. Consequently, future research
benefits proactive process optimization. Regarding could focus on transferring effective methods from
the generic production line problems, stated by [9], quality and process behavior prediction applications
industrial forecasting applications based on time se- to yield and fault prediction. Furthermore, since
ries data can contribute to these aspects, as shown in statistical models are also applied in nearly all appli-
Table 4. However, forecasting applications are not cations (apart from yield prediction), it can be con-
only applied in the context of production lines but cluded that the applicability mainly depends on the
for production in general. Thus, other economic sec- specific characteristic of the application. Particularly,
tors, for instance, oil and energy production, benefit if only linear dependencies are expected, statistical
from these applications as well. models are well suited for the task.
RQ3. In contrast to related SLR papers [9, 10], it RQ5. In regard to the learning types, this SLR
was found, that NN algorithms are applied by the ma- found that all reviewed literature sources contained
jority (62 %) of reviewed literature sources. Conse- supervised learning algorithms. However, five ref-
quently, it can be concluded, that these algorithms are erences additionally applied unsupervised learning,
particularly well suited for forecasting models due to resulting in semi-supervised models to improve the
supporting non-linear relationships, which are often results. Thus, incorporating both learning types, su-
found in time series data. However, traditional ML pervised and unsupervised, into industrial forecasting
algorithms, such as random forest or support vector models and developing novel hybrid approaches can
machines, were employed by 9 out of 29 reviewed be considered to be subject to future work. More-
over, since none of the reviewed literature sources Consequently, the systematic search process was
considered reinforcement learning, exploring this based on specific research questions and search
learning type might lead to new progress in the field terms, resulting in an initial screening of 183 litera-
of industrial forecasting. In particular, the application ture sources. During this first phase, 38 sources were
of process optimization (potentially with simulated found to be relevant. Nevertheless, after a full-text
assets) could benefit from reinforcement learning assessment was performed, 29 journal papers and
[62]. conference proceedings were included in the review,
RQ6. The analysis of data-driven tasks revealed where predefined data fields were extracted to an-
that all reviewed literature sources contained either swer the research questions.
regression or classification (or both) tasks. Even As shown by the quantitative results, although sev-
though most sources relied on regression-based fore- eral economic sectors are referenced in the literature,
casting models, it was shown that classification can three were found to be particularly focused on indus-
also be utilized for forecasting. However, the target trial forecasting models. Additionally, this study iden-
must be properly adapted to represent a classification tified five generic industrial forecasting applications
problem. The remaining tasks (FE, FS, SC) are ap- based on common characteristics determined in the
plied in conjunction with regression or classification reviewed literature. In this regard, forecasting models
to improve the results. Therefore, these tasks are not are mainly applied for quality, fault, or process be-
suited for stand-alone usage in forecasting models. havior prediction, as shown by the results. In contrast
RQ7. Both, regression and classification tasks, are to related SLR studies, it was found, that NN mod-
performed by NN models and the specific charac- els represent the majority of data-driven categories,
teristics of time series data leads to a dominant role whereas traditional ML, such as random forest, is
of recurrent NN models (RNN, LSTM, GRU) and also considered to be a relevant approach. Neverthe-
their bidirectional derivatives. In particular, LSTM less, these two categories are not equally employed
models are mainly applied in industrial forecasting across different applications. As determined by this
applications (35 % of all reviewed sources). Auto- study, while NN models are similarly distributed
encoders based on NN are used to extract com- among different applications, traditional ML models
pressed features, which normally yield superior re- are mostly focused on quality and process behavior
sults. Nonetheless, these FE techniques are currently predictions. Additionally, the findings revealed that
only applied by a minor subset of reviewed sources, all forecasting models incorporate at least one super-
hence, additional opportunities are expected in other vised component. Importantly, only five sources con-
applications. Although, CNN models are inherently sidered a semi-supervised approach and no reference
well suited for image processing (e.g., object recogni- to reinforcement learning was found. In accordance
tion), they can be employed for time series forecasts with these findings, all reviewed sources focused on
as well. For this purpose, the characteristic of CNN either regression or classification (or both) as super-
algorithms to detect patterns among neighboring data vised learning tasks. Other aspects, such as feature
points can be exploited for time series data and en- extraction, feature selection and soft clustering, are
hanced in future research. exclusively used in conjunction with these tasks. Fur-
thermore, the industrial forecasting models are dom-
inated by recurrent neural networks, in particular by
6. Conclusion the LSTM algorithm, and their bidirectional deriva-
tives. Moreover, auto-encoders are suitable to extract
To sum up this work, data-driven models are compressed features, while CNN models are used to
employed across different industries and contrib- detect patterns among neighboring data points.
ute to the competitive advantage of implementing As stated in the introduction, with these findings,
organizations. These models are also utilized for this study closes the research gap for forecasting ap-
industrial forecasting applications to anticipate the plications in the production domain considering
performance, quality, efficiency, and yield in produc- non-linear and time-varying dependencies. Through
tion systems. However, due to time series consid- its results and identification of the current state-of-
eration, forecasting conceptually differs from other the-art, this study provides a theoretical contribution
data-driven models. Therefore, in contrast to existing to the scientific discourse. Additionally, practitioners
literature, this work conducted a dedicated SLR to can utilize these findings as an indicator for suitable
determine the state-of-the-art of industrial forecasting methods for a specific application and problem con-
models. text. Consequently, this paper is situated between
SLRs focusing on the applicability of general con- characteristics can be successfully exploited
cepts [7-9] and SLRs identifying state-of-the-art meth- for time series data as well. Therefore, the
ods for specific applications [10-14] and comple- field of industrial forecasting can benefit
ments these related works. from related disciplines of image and video
However, certain limitations regarding the re- processing/analysis.
search design and selection criteria are present. First,
while providing a definition of generic industrial In conclusion, forecasting in production systems
forecasting applications allows to determine general is actively researched at a fast pace. Correspondingly,
trends in the applicability of data-driven categories, the findings of this SLR provide insights into this do-
the actual applicability is determined by the specifics main to foster an understanding of the current state-
of the application and problem domain. Therefore, of-the-art for industrial forecasting to facilitate future
the results can only act as an indicator and not as the research initiatives.
sole criteria for selecting appropriate forecasting mod-
els for a specific application. Second, even though this
study extends the considered domain to the produc- References
tion context in general, other applications, such as
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Appendix A
Table 5 contains literature sources, which were not considered relevant and excluded after the full-test as-