Callan Method 1

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How Callan Method Stages compare to CEFR* levels

and University of Cambridge General English exams

* Common European Framework of Reference

It is difficult to compare the Callan Method books directly with the CEFR levels and
Cambridge exams, but below is an approximate guide.

Callan Method Stages

CEFR Cambridge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Levels Exams






pen pencil book a
what is (what’s) this it is (it’s)
What’s this? It’s a pen

table chair light wall

floor room ceiling window

door clock box picture

is this? yes

*TUIJTBQFO  Yes, it’s a pen

no, it is not (isn’t)

*TUIJTBQFO  No, it isn’t a pen; it’s a pencil

*TUIJTBQFODJM  No, it isn’t a pencil; it’s a book

long short the contraction

*TUIFQFOTIPSU  No, the pen isn’t short; it’s long

*TUIFQFODJMMPOH  No, the pencil isn’t long; it’s short

*TUIFSPPNTIPSU  No, the room isn’t short; it’s long

large small

*TUIFUBCMFTNBMM  No, the table isn’t small; it’s large

*TUIFCPYMBSHF  No, the box isn’t large; it’s small

city town village

London is a city. Windsor is a town. Grantchester is a village.

*T -POEPO BWJMMBHF  No, (London) isn’t a village; it’s a city

*T 8JOETPS BDJUZ  No, (Windsor) isn’t a city; it’s a town

*T (SBOUDIFTUFS BUPXO     No, (Grantchester) isn’t a

town; it’s a village




man woman boy girl

What’s this? It’s a man. It’s a woman. It’s a boy. It’s a girl.

*TUIJTBHJSM  No, it isn’t a girl; it’s a man

*TUIJTBNBO  No, it isn’t a man; it’s a woman

*TUIJTBXPNBO  No, it isn’t a woman; it’s a boy

*TUIJTBCPZ  No, it isn’t a boy; it’s a girl

one two three four five

1 2 3 4 5
on under in
*TUIFQFOJOUIFCPPL     No, the pen isn’t in the book;
it’s under the book
*TUIFQFOVOEFSUIFCPPL     No, the pen isn’t under the
book; it’s on the book

Mr Mrs Jack Anna

*TUIJT"OOB#SPXO  No, it isn’t Anna Brown; it’s Mr Brown

*TUIJT.S#SPXO  No, it isn’t Mr Brown; it’s Mrs Brown

*TUIJT.ST#SPXO  No, it isn’t Mrs Brown; it’s Jack Brown

*TUIJT+BDL#SPXO  No, it isn’t Jack Brown; it’s Anna Brown

black white green brown

what colour?

What colour’s this pencil? This pencil’s black, white etc.

six seven eight nine ten

6 7 8 9 10


Where’s the pen? The pen’s on the book

Where’s the book? The book’s on the table

Where’s the pen? The pen’s under the table

Where’s the picture? The picture’s on the wall

Where’s the light? The light’s on the ceiling


I am I’m
you are you’re
he is he’s
she is she’s
it is it’s

"N*  Yes, you’re ...

Are you ...? Yes, I’m ...

*TIF.S#SPXO  Yes, he’s Mr Brown

*TTIF.ST#SPXO  Yes, she’s Mrs Brown

I am not I’m not

you are not you aren’t
he is not he isn’t
she is not she isn’t
it is not it isn’t

"N*.ST#SPXO  No, you aren’t Mrs Brown; you’re ...

"SFZPV.S#SPXO  No, I’m not Mr Brown; I’m ...

*TIF.S4NJUI  No, he isn’t Mr Smith; he’s Mr Brown

*TTIF.S#SPXO  No, she isn’t Mr Brown; she’s Mrs Brown

in front of behind me you

Where’s the table? The table’s in front of me

*TUIFXBMMJOGSPOUPGZPV     No, the wall isn’t in front of

me; it’s behind me
*TUIFUBCMFCFIJOENF     No, the table isn’t behind you;
it’s in front of you

him her house

Where’s the house? The house is behind him

Where’s the house? The house is behind her

Are you behind her? No, I’m not behind her; I’m in front of her

"N*JOGSPOUPGIJN    No, you aren’t in front of him;

you’re behind him

standing sitting

Are you standing on the floor? No, I’m not standing on the floor;
I’m sitting on the chair
"N*TJUUJOHPOUIFDIBJS    No, you aren’t sitting on the chair;
you’re standing on the floor
Are you standing in front of me? No, I’m not standing in front of you;
I’m sitting in front of you

taking from putting on

"N*QVUUJOHUIFCPPLPOUIFʞPPS    No, you aren’t putting

the book on the floor; you’re
taking the book from the table
"N*UBLJOHUIFQFOGSPNUIFUBCMF   No, you aren’t taking the
pen from the table; you’re
putting the book on the table
opening closing

"N*DMPTJOHUIFEPPS     No, you aren’t closing the

door; you’re opening the book
"N*PQFOJOHUIFXJOEPX    No, you aren’t opening the window;
you’re closing the book

doing what am I doing?

8IBUBN*EPJOH  You’re taking the book from the table

8IBUBN*EPJOH  You’re opening the book

8IBUBN*EPJOH  You’re closing the book

8IBUBN*EPJOH  You’re putting the book on the table


Which pencil’s black? This pencil’s black

8IJDIQFODJMǽTXIJUF  This pencil’s white

Which pencil’s green? This pencil’s green

8IJDIQFODJMǽTCSPXO  This pencil’s brown

open closed

Which book’s open? This book’s open

Which book’s closed? This book’s closed


this that chart

What colour’s this pencil? This pencil’s black

What colour’s that pencil? That pencil’s white

Where’s this pencil? This pencil’s on the Chart

Where’s that pencil? That pencil’s on the wall

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen

11 12 13 14 15

plural of etc.

What’s the plural of “book“? The plural of “book” is “books”

What’s the plural of “clock“? The plural of “clock” is “clocks”

8IBUǽTUIFQMVSBMPGǿXBMMǿ  The plural of “wall” is “walls”

we are we’re

"SFXFTJUUJOH Yes, we’re sitting

8IFSFBSFXFTJUUJOH  We’re sitting on the chairs

they are they’re

Are they standing? Yes, they’re standing

Where are they standing? They’re standing in front

of the house
they are not they aren’t

Are they sitting? No, they aren’t sitting; they’re standing

Are they standing behind the house? No, they aren’t standing
behind the house; they’re
standing in front of the house

we are not we aren’t

"SFXFTUBOEJOH  No, we aren’t standing; we’re sitting

"SFXFTJUUJOHPOUIFʞPPS   No, we aren’t sitting on the floor;

we’re sitting on the chairs

red blue yellow grey

What colour’s this pencil? This pencil’s red, blue etc.

these those and

What colour’s this pencil? This pencil’s black

What colour’s that pencil? That pencil’s white

What colour are these pencils? These pencils are black and green

17 What colour are those pencils? Those pencils are white and brown

Where are these pencils? These pencils are on the Chart

Where are those pencils? Those pencils are on the wall

What colour are these chairs? These chairs are ...

What colour are those chairs? Those chairs are ...

men women say

What’s the plural of “man“? The plural of “man“ is “men“

8IBUǽTUIFQMVSBMPGǿXPNBOǿ  The plural of “woman“ is “women“

sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

16 17 18 19 20


What are these? These are clothes

shoe boot sock trousers jacket

suit shirt tie hat bag

What’s this? It’s a shoe, boot etc.

What are these? These are trousers

alphabet letter

What letter’s this? A, B, etc.

vowel consonant

These are the five vowels: A, E, I, O, U.

What are these? These are the five vowels

8IBUBSFUIFʝWFWPXFMT  The five vowels are A, E, I ,O, U

The letters B, C, D etc. are consonants.

*TUIFMFUUFS#BWPXFM     No, the letter B isn’t a vowel;

it’s a consonant

before after

Which letter’s before E? D’s before E










Where’s the table? The table’s in front of us

"SFUIFXBMMTJOGSPOUPGVT    No, the walls aren’t in front of us;

they’re behind us
*TUIFUBCMFCFIJOEVT     No, the table isn’t behind us;
it’s in front of us


Where’s the house? The house’s behind them

Are you behind them? No, I’m not behind them;
I’m in front of them
"N*JOGSPOUPGUIFN  No, you aren’t in front of
them; you’re behind them
student teacher

"N*BTUVEFOU  No, you aren’t a student; you’re the teacher

Are you the teacher? No, I’m not the teacher; I’m a student

thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty

30 40 50 60 70 80

ninety hundred thousand million number

90 100 1,000 1,000,000

What number’s this? 30, 40 etc.

What numbers are these? 30–13; 40–14 etc.

What number’s this? 313 1,815 1,950,630

plus equals 2+2=4

What’s this? It’s 2 + 2 = 4

how much

)PXNVDIJTQMVT  13 plus 5 equals 18

)PXNVDIJT 18 + 40 5 + 10
60 + 19 6+3
16 + 30 20 + 15
90 + 15 10 + 30

there is there’s

*TUIFSFBQFOPOUIJTCPPL  Yes, there’s a pen on this book 

*TUIFSFBMJHIUPOUIFDFJMJOH  Yes, there’s a light on the ceiling

*TUIFSFBCBHJOUIJTSPPN  Yes, there’s a bag in this room

there are now

*TUIFSFBQFOPOUIFCPPL Yes, there’s a pen on the book

"SFUIFSFUXPQFOTPOUIFCPPLOPX    Yes, there are two pens on

the book now


chairs in this room


pictures on these walls

there is not there isn’t

*TUIFSFBQFOPOUIFCPPL  No, there isn’t a pen on the book

*TUIFSFBCPPLPOUIFʞPPS  No, there isn’t a book on the floor

*TUIFSFBDMPDLPOUIFUBCMF  No, there isn’t a clock on the table

there are not there aren’t

 No, there aren’t

three clocks on that wall;
there’s one clock on that wall

Are there a hundred pictures in this room? No, there aren’t a

hundred pictures in this room;
there are ... pictures in this room

Are there a thousand chairs in this room?

No, there aren’t a
thousand chairs in this room;
there are ... chairs in this room
high low but

*TUIFDIBJSIJHI  No, the chair isn’t high; it’s low

*TUIFXBMMMPX  No, the wall isn’t low; it’s high

No, the table isn’t high; it’s low


imperative take! put! open!

close! please

The imperative is “take!”, “put!”, “open!”, “close!” etc.

Take the book, please.

What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s taking the book

Open the book, please.

What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s opening the book

Close the book, please.

What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s closing the book

Put the book on the table, please.

What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s putting the book on the table

here there cell phone

Where's mZcell phone? Your cell phone's there in front of you

Where's your cell phone? My cell phone's here in front of me

Is my cell phone there in front of you? No, your cell phone isn't here in
front of me; it's there on the table
capital England Russia Greece China

London Moscow Athens Beijing

What’s the capital of England? London’s the capital of England

What’s the capital of Russia? Moscow’s the capital of Russia

8IBUǽTUIFDBQJUBMPG(SFFDF  Athens’s the capital of Greece

What’s the capital of China? Beijing’s the capital of China

reading writing

8IBUBN*EPJOH  You’re reading the book

8IBUBN*EPJOH  You’re writing in the book

"N*XSJUJOHJOUIFCPPL     No, you aren’t writing in the

book; you’re reading the book
"N*SFBEJOHUIFCPPL     No, you aren’t reading the
book; you’re writing in the book

coat tights dress skirt scarf

blouse pullover pocket handkerchief

What’s this? It’s a coat, dress etc.

What are these? These are tights

how many?

There are ...
pictures on these walls
There’s one clock in this
 this room


this room

going to

8IBUBN*EPJOH  You’re going to the door

8IBUBN*EPJOH  You’re going to the window

8IFSFBN*HPJOH  You’re going to the wall

"N*HPJOHUPUIFEPPS    No, you aren’t going to the door;

you’re going to the window
Europe Asia Italy France India

*T(SFFDFJO"TJB  No, Greece isn’t in Asia; it’s in Europe

*T*OEJBJO&VSPQF  No, India isn’t in Europe; it’s in Asia

"SF'SBODFBOE*UBMZJO"TJB    No, France and Italy aren’t in Asia;

they’re in Europe

first second third fourth

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

fifth sixth twelfth twentieth

5th 6th 12th 20th

cardinal ordinal

What are the cardinal numbers? The cardinal numbers

are 1, 2, 3, etc.
What are the ordinal numbers? The ordinal numbers
are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
Which is the first letter of the alphabet? A’s the first letter of the
Which is the third letter of the alphabet? C’s the third letter of
the alphabet
Which is the fifth letter of the alphabet? E’s the fifth letter
of the alphabet
letter of the alphabet
Which is the thirteenth letter of the alphabet? M’s the thirteenth
letter of the alphabet
letter of the alphabet
8IJDIJTUIFUXFOUZʝSTUMFUUFS  U’s the twenty-first letter

8IJDIJTUIFUXFOUZUIJSEMFUUFS  W’s the twenty-third letter

8IJDIJTUIFUXFOUZʝGUIMFUUFS  Y’s the twenty-fifth letter


Which’s the last letter of the alphabet? Z’s the last letter
of the alphabet
letter of the alphabet; it’s
the first letter of the alphabet


Take the book, please.


What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s giving you the book

Take the book, please.


What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s giving him/her the book

French German Italian English

"SFZPV 'SFODI PS (FSNBO     No, I’m not (French) or

(German); I’m ...
"N* *UBMJBO PS 'SFODI     No, you aren’t (Italian)
or (French); you’re ( )
"SFUIFTUVEFOUT (FSNBO PS &OHMJTI  The students are ...

my your

*TUIJTZPVSCPPL  No, it isn’t my book; it’s your book 

*TUIBUNZ( )  No, it isn’t your ( ); it’s my ( )

his her
Are these his boots? No, they aren’t his boots; they’re her boots

Are these her shoes? No, they aren’t her shoes; they’re his shoes

*TUIJTIJTCBH  No, it isn’t his bag; it’s her bag

*TUIJTIFSTVJU  No, it isn’t her suit; it’s his suit

What colour’s his suit? His suit's grey

our your their

Are these our shoes? No, they aren’t our shoes;

they’re their shoes
What colour are their shoes? Their shoes are black

Are these their books? No, these aren’t their books;

they’re our books
Where are our books? Our books are on the table(s)

"SFBMMUIFXBMMTJOUIJTSPPN  Yes, all the walls in this
room are ( )
Are all the books in this room English books? Yes, all the books in this
room are English books
Are all the students sitting? Yes, all the students are sitting
person people

What’s the plural of “person”? The plural of “person” is “people”


this room

How many people are there in your town? There are ... people in
my town

coming from

"N*DPNJOHGSPNUIFXJOEPX No, you aren't coming from the

window; you're going to the window

"N*HPJOHUPUIFXJOEPX  No, you aren’t going to the window;

you’re coming from the window

8IBUBN*EPJOH     You're going to the door


8IBUBN*EPJOH  You’re touching the table

8IBUBN*EPJOH  You’re touching your shirt


What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s touching his/her ...


What’s this? It’s a sentence

word verb use for action

What’s this? It’s a word


in this sentence
word of this sentence
this sentence
word of this sentence
8IJDIǽTUIFTJYUIXPSE  “For“ is the sixth word of this sentence

8IJDIǽTUIFMBTUXPSE  “Actions“ is the last word of this sentence

question mark ? full stop .

comma , colon :
semi-colon ;

What’s this? It’s a question mark

What’s this? It’s a full stop

What’s this? It’s a comma

What’s this? It’s a colon

What’s this? It’s a semi-colon


8IBUXPSEǽTUIJT  It’s the word “umbrella“


umbrella on the table



What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s pronouncing the word “what“


What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s pronouncing the word “colour“

a an the the /ði:/

We say a book, but an umbrella. The book, but the umbrella. Before a
consonant we say “a“ – a book. Before a vowel we say “an“ – an umbrella.
Before a consonant we say “the“ – the book. Before a vowel we say “the“
– the umbrella.

1SPOPVODFUIFTFXPSET QMFBTF   a book – an umbrella; the

book – the umbrella


What’s this? This is the body

*TUIJTIFSCPEZ  No, it isn’t her body; it’s your body

part foot feet

What part of the body is this? This part of the body is the foot

What’s the plural of “foot”? The plural of “foot” is “feet”

leg back arm wrist

hand finger thumb

What’s this? It’s a leg, the back, an arm, a wrist etc.

right wrong

2 + 2 = 7: is that right? No, it isn’t right; it’s wrong

5IFXBMMǽTIJHIJTUIBUXSPOH  No, it isn’t wrong; it’s right

*TJUSJHIUZPVǽSF.S#SPXO      No, it isn’t right I’m Mr

Brown; it’s wrong. I’m ...
question answer

What part of the body is this? This part of the body is the foot

What’s this? It’s a question

What’s this? It’s an answer

*TUIJTBOBOTXFS  No, it isn’t an answer; it’s a question



word “use“ in ... is “...“
word “table“ in ... is “...“
word “for“ in ... is “...“
word “chair“ in ... is “...“
the word “action“ in ... is “...“


What’s my name? Your name’s ...

What’s your name? My name’s ...

What’s his name? His name’s Mr Brown

What’s her name? Her name’s Mrs Brown

head face chin mouth

nose eye ear hair tongue

What’s this? It’s the head etc.


8IBUBN*EPJOH  You’re going to the window

8IBUBN*EPJOH  You’re coming from the window

"SFZPVHPJOHUPUIFXJOEPX    No, I’m not going to the

window; I’m remaining on the chair
"N*SFNBJOJOHPOUIFDIBJS   No, you aren’t remaining on the
chair; you’re going to the window

country Spain

What’s the name of your country? ... is the name

of my country
France’s the name of the country
between England and Spain

translate into


8IBUBN*EPJOH     You’re translating a sentence

from English into ...

What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s translating a

sentence from English into ...

What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s translating a

sentence from English into ...
Translate this sentence, please: “There are ten chairs in this room“.

What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s translating a

sentence from English into ...


8IPBN*  You’re ( )

Who are you? I’m ( )

Who’s he? He’s Jack Brown

Who’s she? She’s Anna Brown

Who are they? They’re Mr and Mrs Brown


What’s the name of this thing? The name of that thing is a tie

What colour’s this thing? This thing’s red


things on that book

tall short Scandinavia

*T.S#SPXOTIPSU  No, Mr Brown isn’t short; he’s tall

*T"OOB#SPXOUBMM  No, Anna Brown isn’t tall; she’s short
"SFUIFQFPQMFPG4DBOEJOBWJBTIPSU   No, the people of Scandinavia
aren’t short; they’re tall
difference whereas that

The difference between “tall“ and “short“ and
“high“ and “low“ is that we use “tall“ and
“short“ for people, whereas we use
“high“ and “low“ for things

Dictation 1

What’s this?/ It’s a pen./ Is this/ a pencil/ or a book?/ Is the/ long table/ black?/ No,
it isn’t;/ it’s white./ The short box/ is green./ A city is large/ but a village/ is small./
Is Mr Brown/ a man?/ Yes, he is./ Is Anna Brown/ a boy or a girl?/ She’s a girl./ One,
two, three,/ four, five./ Is the clock/ on the table/ or under the chair?/ No,/ it’s on
the wall./ What colour/ is the ceiling?
asking answering

What’s this? It’s a pen

8IBUBN*EPJOH  You’re asking him/her a question

What’s this? It’s a hand

"N*BTLJOHIJNIFSBRVFTUJPO  Yes, you’re asking him/her a question

What’s this? It’s a head

What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s answering your question

What’s this? It’s a mouth


answering your question

To have
I have I’ve
you have you’ve
he has he’s
she has she’s
it has it’s
we have we’ve
you have you’ve
they have they’ve


verb “to have“ is ...
you’ve etc.

got with generally

With the verb “have“, we generally use the word “got“ and we say “I’ve
got“, “you’ve got“, “he’s got“ etc. We say “I have a pen“ or “I have got a

)BWF*HPUUXPFZFT  Yes, you’ve got two eyes

)BWFZPVHPUUXPFBST  Yes, I’ve got two ears

)BTIFHPUUXPMFHT  Yes, he’s got two legs

)BTTIFHPUUXPIBOET  Yes, she’s got two hands

)BWFXFHPUUXPIFBET  Yes, we’ve got two heads

)BWFUIFZHPUGPVSBSNT  Yes, they’ve got four arms

any? yes, some

OPOTQFDJʝD no, not any
specific thirteen etc.

specific non-specific negative

positive for example important

The meaning of “any“ and “some“ is “...“, but we use “any“ in questions
and negative sentences, and “some“ in positive sentences. For example,
we say “Are there any books on the table?” – “Yes, there are some books
on the table”, and we say “Are there any books on the floor?” – “No,
there aren’t any books on the floor“.

We use “any“ in a non-specific question, when the number is not

important. For example, “Are there any books on the table?“ – “Yes,
there are some books on the table“, or “No, there aren’t any books on
the table“. If the number is important, we use “How many“ and there is a
specific answer – “one“, “two“, “three“ etc., or “none“.

The meaning of the words “any“ and “some“ is ...
The difference between
“any“ and “some“ is that we use
“any“ in questions and negative sentences,
whereas we use “some“ in positive sentences


Are there any books on this table? Yes, there are some
books on this table
Yes, there are some
pictures on these walls
shoes on my feet
not any

Are there any books on the floor? No, there aren’t any
books on the floor
Are there any pictures on that chair? No, there aren’t any
pictures on that chair
Are there any chairs on the table? No, there aren’t any
chairs on the table
none class classroom
books on the table



these walls



this classroom


Do Revision Exercise 1

Revision exercises
In your book, you sometimes see ‘Do Revision Exercise …’. These exercises are at the
end of each stage, and you can do them at home. This is a good idea because these
exercises give you extra practice with the English you are learning at school. With the
Callan Method, you learn quickly, but if you want to learn more quickly, you should
study with your book, listen to the audio files, and do the revision exercises.

Write long answers to all the questions, like the answers that you say in the lessons.
Then correct the exercise by looking at the printed answers in your book. Remember,
the exercises are not for class; you do them outside the lesson for extra practice.
Revision Exercise 1 (Lessons 1 – 5)

1 Is London a village?
2 Is a city large or small?
3 Are you standing on the floor?
4 What's the plural of “book”?
5 What's the plural of “man“?
6 What's the plural of “woman“?
7 What are the five vowels?
8 Is the letter “B“ a vowel?
9 Which letter's before “E“?
10 Which letter’s after “G“?
11 Which letter's between “H“ and “J“?
12 Are you the teacher?
13 How much is 13 plus 5?
14 Is there a light on the ceiling?
15 Is there a clock on the table?
16 Are there a hundred pictures in this room?
17 Is the wall low?
18 What's the capital of England?
19 What's the capital of Greece?
20 How many clocks are there in this room?

1 No, London isn't a village; it's a city.
2 A city's large.
3 No, I'm not standing on the floor; I'm sitting on the chair.
4 The plural of “book” is “books”.
5 The plural of “man” is “men”.
6 The plural of “woman“ is “women“.
7 The five vowels are “A E I O U“.
8 No, the letter “B“ isn't a vowel; it’s a consonant.
9 D's before E.
10 H's after G.
11 I's between H and J.
12 No, I'm not the teacher; I'm a student.
13 13 plus 5 equals 18.
14 Yes, there’s a light on the ceiling.
15 No, there isn't a clock on the table.
16 No, there aren't a hundred pictures in this room; there are ... pictures in this
17 No, the wall isn't low; it's high.
18 London's the capital of England.
19 Athens's the capital of Greece.
20 There’s one clock in this room.
Portuguese vocabulary

LESSON 1 5 on .................................................sobre
1 pen .............................................caneta 5 under .......................................embaixo
1 pencil ............................................. lápis 5 in .................................................dentro
1 book ...............................................livro 6 Mr .............................................. senhor
1 a ............................................. uma / um 6 Mrs............................................senhora
1 what is (what’s) .........................o que é 6 black .............................................preto
1 this ...................................................isto 6 white ......................................... branco
1 it is (it’s) ........................................ isto é 6 green ............................................verde
2 table ............................................. mesa 6 brown .......................................marrom
2 chair ...........................................cadeira 6 what colour? ..........................que cor ?
2 light ..................................................luz 7 six..................................................... seis
2 wall ............................................ parede 7 seven .............................................. sete
2 floor ...............................................chão 7 eight ............................................... oito
2 room ............................................... sala 7 nine ...............................................nove
2 ceiling ............................................. teto 7 ten ...................................................dez
2 window .......................................janela 7 where ........................................... onde
2 door ..............................................porta LESSON 2
2 clock .......................relógio de parede 8 I am / I’m ......................... eu sou / estou
2 box.................................................caixa 8 you are / you’re ................. você é / está
2 picture .......................................quadro 8 he is / he’s ............................ele é / está
2 is this ? ....................................... isto é ? 8 she is / she’s ..........................ela é / está
2 yes.................................................... sim 8 it is / it’s ...........................ele/ela é / está
2 no, it is not (isn’t) ..........não, isto não é 9 I am not / I’m not não sou
3 long ....................................... comprido ..................................................../ estou
3 short ............................................. curto 9 you are not / you aren’t....... você não é
3 the .................................................. o / a ...................................................... / está
3 contraction ............................contração 9 he is not / he isn’t ......... ele não é / está
3 large .......................................... grande 9 she is not / she isn’t ...... ela não é / está
3 small .......................................pequeno 9 it is not / it isn’t ............... ele/ ela não é
4 city ...............................cidade (grande) ............................................... / não está
4 town ...........................................cidade 9 in front of .......................em frente de
4 village ........................................vilarejo 9 behind ...........................................atrás
4 or ...................................................... ou 9 me...................................................mim
4 man .......................................... homem 9 you................................................. você
4 woman ...................................... mulher 10 him .................................................dele
4 boy............................................ menino 10 her ..................................................dela
4 girl ............................................ menina 10 house
5 one .................................................. um 11 standing ......................................em pé
5 two ................................................. dois 11 sitting ...................................... sentado
5 three ................................................três 11 taking from .......................pegando de
5 four .............................................quatro 11 putting on ............................colocando
5 five ............................................... cinco 12 opening ....................................abrindo
12 closing ................................... fechando 18 bag ............................................... bolsa
12 doing ....................................... fazendo 18 alphabet ..................................alfabeto
12 what am I doing? ................... o que eu 18 letter ................................... carta / letra
..................................... estou fazendo? 18 vowel ............................................vogal
12 which ............................................. qual 18 consonant ............................consoante
13 open ..........................................aberto 19 before ...........................................antes
13 closed ................................... fechado 19 after ............................................depois
14 this ............................................este (a) 20 between ....................................... entre
14 that ....................................... aquele (a) 20 us ..................................................... nós
14 chart .......................................... gráfico 21 them ............................................. deles
14 eleven ............................................onze 21 student ................................... aluno (a)
14 twelve ............................................doze 21 teacher ............................. professor (a)
14 thirteen ........................................ treze 21 thirty .............................................trinta
14 fourteen ....................................catorze 21 forty ........................................quarenta
14 fifteen.........................................quinze 21 fifty ....................................... cinquenta
14 plural ........................................... plural 21 sixty ......................................... sessenta
14 of 21 seventy ......................................setenta
14 etc. ...................................................etc 21 eighty ........................................oitenta
15 we are / we’re ...... nós somos / estamos 21 ninety ...................................... noventa
15 they are / they’re ......... eles são / estão 21 hundred.......................................... cem
15 we are not / we aren’t ..............nós não 21 thousand
.................................... somos / estamos 21 million........................................ milhão
16 they are not / they aren’t ....... eles não 21 number .....................................número
..............................................são / estão 22 plus ................................................ mais
16 red ......................................... vermelho 22 equals .........................................igual a
16 blue ................................................azul 22 how much .................................quanto
16 yellow ...................................... amarelo 23 there is / there’s ....................há (existe)
16 grey .............................................. cinza 23 there are ............................há (existem)
16 these .......................................estes (as) 23 now ............................................. agora
16 those.................................. aqueles (as) 24 there is not / there isn’t ............. não há
16 and ......................................................e ............................................(não existe)
17 men ..........................................homens 24 there are not / there aren’t ....... não há
17 women ...................................mulheres ................................................(existem)
17 say..................................................dizer 24 high ................................................ alto
17 sixteen ....................................dezesseis 24 low ................................................baixo
17 seventeen ..............................dezessete 24 but .................................................. mas
17 eighteen ................................... dezoito LESSON 5
17 nineteen ................................dezenove
25 imperative ........................... imperative
17 twenty ...........................................vinte
25 take! ..........................................pegue!
17 clothes ....................................... roupas
25 put!......................................... coloque!
18 shoe ............................................sapato
25 open! ............................................ abra!
18 boot ............................................... bota
25 close! .......................................... feche!
18 sock................................................meia
25 please .....................................por favor
18 trousers ....................................... calças
26 here ............................................... aqui
18 jacket ........................................ jaqueta
26 there ............................................ali (lá)
18 suit ................................................terno
26 capital ......................................... capital
18 shirt ............................................camisa
26 England .................................Inglaterra
18 tie ..............................................gravata
26 Russia...........................................Rússia
18 hat .............................................chapéu
26 Greece ........................................ Grécia
26 China ........................................... China 35 people ...................................... pessoas
26 London .....................................Londres 35 coming from........................... vindo de
26 Moscow ....................................Moscou 36 touch ............................................ tocar
26 Athens ....................................... Atenas 36 sentence ......................sentença (frase)
26 Beijing ....................................... Beijing 36 word ..........................................palavra
27 reading ........................................ lendo 36 verb ............................................. verbo
27 writing ................................ escrevendo 36 use ..................................................usar
27 coat ............................................. casaco 36 for .................................................. para
27 tights ....................................meia calça 36 action............................................. ação
27 dress .......................................... vestido 37 question mark ? ...................ponto de
27 skirt ................................................. saia ..........................................interrogação
27 scarf .............................................. lenço 37 full stop . .......................... ponto final
27 blouse ........................................... blusa 37 comma , ...................................vírgula
27 pullover .................................... pulôver 37 colon : ..............................dois pontos
27 pocket...........................................bolso 37 semi-colon ; ...............ponto e vírgula
27 handkerchief ................................ lenço 38 umbrella .........................guarda-chuva
28 how many ? .......................quantos (as) 38 pronounce ...........................pronunciar
28 going to ................................. indo para 38 a .................................................. um (a)
LESSON 6 38 an................................................ um (a)
38 the /ðə/ ........................................... o / a
29 Europe ....................................... Europa
38 the /ði:/ ........................................ os / as
29 Asia ................................................ Ásia
39 body ............................................ corpo
29 Italy ................................................Itália
39 part ...............................................parte
29 France ......................................... França
39 foot ....................................................pé
29 India ............................................. India
39 feet .................................................. pés
29 first 1st.....................................primeiro
39 leg................................................ perna
29 second 2nd. ............................ segundo
39 back .............................................costas
29 third 3rd.................................... terceiro
39 arm ...............................................braço
29 fourth 4th. ..................................quarto
39 wrist ..............................................pulso
29 fifth 5th ......................................quinto
39 hand .............................................. mão
29 sixth 6th ........................................ sexto
39 finger ............................................ dedo
29 twelfth 12th ..............décimo-segundo
39 thumb ....................................... polegar
29 twentieth 20th ...................... vigésimo
40 right .............................................. certo
29 cardinal .....................................cardinal
40 wrong .........................................errado
29 ordinal ....................................... ordinal
31 last .........................................último (a) LESSON 8
31 give .................................................. dar 41 question ................ questão (pergunta)
32 French ........................................Francês 41 answer .....................................resposta
32 German ....................................Alemão 41 meaning ..............................significado
32 Italian ....................................... Italiano 42 name ........................................... nome
32 English ......................................... Inglês 42 head ...........................................cabeça
32 my .................................................. meu 42 face ......................................face / rosto
32 your ................................................. seu 42 chin .............................................queixo
32 his ...................................................dele 42 mouth ............................................boca
32 her ..................................................dela 42 nose ...............................................nariz
33 our .......................................... nosso (a) 42 eye ................................................. olho
33 your ...................................... seus / suas 42 ear .............................................. orelha
33 their ................................... deles / delas 42 hair ............................................. cabelo
34 all ......................................... todo (a) (s) 42 tongue ........................................ língua
LESSON 7 43 remaining .....................permanecendo
43 country ........................................... país
35 person ....................................... pessoa
43 Spain ........................................Espanha
43 translate ...................................traduzir
43 into ...................................................em
44 who ............................................. quem
45 thing ..............................................coisa
45 tall................................................... alto
45 short .............................................baixo
45 Scandinavia ......................Escandinávia
46 difference .............................. diferença
46 whereas ......................... enquanto que
46 that ................................................. que
48 asking .............................. perguntando
48 answering........................respondendo
49 to have.............................................. ter
49 I have / I’ve..............................Eu tenho
49 you have / you’ve ...................você tem
49 he has / he’s ...............................ele tem
49 she has / she’s ............................ela tem
49 it has / it’s.............................ele/ela tem
49 we have / we’ve ................... nos temos
49 you have / you’ve ................. vocês tem
49 they have / they’ve .................. eles tem
50 got .usado com have – sem significado
50 with
50 generally.............................geralmente
50 specific...................................específico
50 non-specific................... não específico
50 negative ................................. negativo
51 positive .................................afirmativo
51 for example ..................... por exemplo
51 important ........................... importante
51 when ........................................quando
51 any .............................................. algum
52 not any .................................... nenhum
52 none ........................................ nenhum
52 class ............................................. classe
52 classroom .......................... sala de aula
Spanish vocabulary

LESSON 1 5 five................................................ cinco

1 pen ....................................un bolígrafo 5 on ................................... encima, sobre
1 pencil ........................................un lápiz 5 under ......................................... debajo
1 book ......................................... un libro 5 in ...........................................en, dentro
1 a ................................................ un, una 6 Mr .................................................señor
1 what is (what’s) .......................¿qué es? 6 Mrs..............................................señora
1 this ..................................................esto 6 black ................................negro/a/os/as
1 it is (it’s) ................................... (esto) es 6 white
2 table ............................................. mesa 6 green ......................................... verde/s
2 chair .................................................silla 6 brown .......................marrón/marrones
2 light ..................................................luz 6 what colour? .................¿de qué color?
2 wall .............................................. pared 7 six..................................................... seis
2 floor .............................................. suelo 7 seven ............................................. siete
2 room ............................ habitación, sala 7 eight ..............................................ocho
2 ceiling .......................................... techo 7 nine .............................................nueve
2 window ................................... ventana 7 ten ..................................................diez
2 door ............................................puerta 7 where .......... dónde (en una pregunta)
2 clock ...............................reloj de pared LESSON 2
2 box.................................................. caja 8 I am / I’m ......................... (yo) soy/estoy
2 picture ....................................... cuadro 8 you are / you’re .............. (tú) eres/estás
2 is this ? ....................................¿es esto? 8 he is / he’s ............................ (él) es/está
2 yes....................................................... sí 8 she is / she’s .......................(ella) es/está
2 no, it is not (isn’t) ................... no, no es 8 it is / it’s ............................ (esto) es/está
3 long .................................. largo/a/os/as 9 I am not / I’m not ....... (yo) no soy/estoy
3 short ................................. corto/a/os/as 9 you are not / you aren’t..... (tú) no eres/
3 the ................................el, la, los, las, lo .......................................................estás
3 contraction .........................contracción 9 he is not / he isn’t ........... (él) no es/está
3 large ....................................... grande/s 9 she is not / she isn’t ..... (ella) no es/está
3 small ...........................pequeño/a/os/as 9 it is not / it isn’t ........... (esto) no es/está
4 city ..............................................ciudad 9 in front of ..... delante de, en frente de
4 town ............................ pueblo grande, 9 behind .........................................detrás
.................................... ciudad pequeña 9 me......................................................mí
4 village ............................. pueblo, aldea 9 you.......................................................ti
4 or ..................................................... o/u 10 him .....................................................él
4 man ..........................................hombre 10 her ................................................... ella
4 woman ........................................ mujer 10 house
4 boy.................... niño, chico, muchacho 11 standing pie
4 girl .....................niña, chica, muchacha 11 sitting .......................... sentado/a/os/as
5 one ....................................... uno/a, un 11 taking from ...................... cogiendo de
5 two .................................................. dos 11 putting on ........................poniendo en
5 three ................................................tres 12 opening ..................................abriendo
5 four ............................................. cuatro 12 closing .................................... cerrando
12 doing ......................................haciendo 18 hat ......................................... sombrero
12 what am I doing? ................ ¿qué estoy 18 bag ................................... bolsa, bolso
............................................. haciendo? 18 alphabet ............. abecedario, alfabeto
12 which ..........................................cuál/es 18 letter ................................... letra, carta
13 open ..............................abierto/a/os/as 18 vowel ............................................ vocal
13 closed ........................... cerrado/a/os/as 18 consonant ......................... consonante
LESSON 3 19 before .................. delante de, antes de
19 after ................... detrás de, después de
14 this ............................................... este/a
14 that ............................................... ese/a LESSON 4
14 chart ............................... gráfico, tabla 20 between ....................................... entre
14 eleven ............................................once 20 us ........................................ nosotros/as
14 twelve ............................................doce 21 them ..........................................ellos/as
14 thirteen .........................................trece 21 student .................................. alumno/a
14 fourteen .................................... catorce 21 teacher .................................profesor/a
14 fifteen.........................................quince 21 thirty ...........................................treinta
14 plural ........................................... plural 21 forty ........................................ cuarenta
14 of 21 fifty ........................................cincuenta
14 etc. .................................. etc (etcétera) 21 sixty .......................................... sesenta
15 we are / we’re ...................(nosotros/as) 21 seventy ......................................setenta
......................................somos/estamos 21 eighty ...................................... ochenta
15 they are / they’re ....(ellos/as) son/están 21 ninety ...................................... noventa
15 we are not / we aren’t ......(nosotros/as) 21 hundred.......................................... cien somos/estamos 21 thousand
16 they are not / they aren’t ....... (ellos/as) 21 million......................................... millón son/están 21 number .....................................número
16 red ...................................... rojo/a/os/as 22 plus ................................................. más
16 blue ........................................... azúl/es 22 equals .........................................igual a
16 yellow .......................... amarillo/a/os/as 22 how much ................................. cuánto
16 grey ............................................ gris/es 23 there is / there’s .............. hay (singular)
16 these .........................................estos/as 23 there are ............................. hay (plural)
16 those.......................................... esos/as 23 now ............................................. ahora
16 and ................................................. y / e 24 there is not / there isn’t hay
17 men ........................................ hombres .............................................. (singular)
17 women .....................................mujeres 24 there are not / there aren’t hay
17 say..................................................decir ................................................... (plural)
17 sixteen ..................................... dieciséis 24 high .................................... alto/a/os/as
17 seventeen .............................. diecisiete 24 low ..................................... bajo/a/os/as
17 eighteen ................................ dieciocho 24 but ................................................. pero
17 nineteen .............................. diecinueve LESSON 5
17 twenty .........................................veinte
25 imperative ........................... imperativo
17 clothes ........................................... ropa
25 take! ..............................¡toma!, ¡coge!
18 shoe ........................................... zapato
25 put!.............................................. ¡pon!
18 boot ............................................... bota
25 open! .......................................... ¡abre!
18 sock........................................... calcetín
25 close! .........................................¡cierra!
18 trousers .............. pantalón/pantalones
25 please .....................................por favor
18 jacket .................................... cazadora,
26 here ........................................ aquí, acá
............... americana, chaqueta de traje
26 there ......................................... allí, allá
18 suit ................................................. traje
26 capital ......................................... capital
18 shirt ............................................camisa
26 England .................................Inglaterra
18 tie ............................................. corbata
26 Russia............................................ Rusia
26 Greece ........................................ Grecia LESSON 7
26 China ........................................... China 35 person ..................................... persona
26 London .....................................Londres 35 people ........................ personas, gente
26 Moscow ...................................... Moscú 35 coming from..................venir de/desde
26 Athens ....................................... Atenas 36 touch ............................................ tocar
26 Beijing ..........................................Pekín 36 sentence ........................................frase
27 reading .....................................leyendo 36 word ......................................... palabra
27 writing ................................escribiendo 36 verb ............................................. verbo
27 coat ............................................. abrigo 36 use ..................................................usar
27 tights ......................................... medias 36 for .................................................. para
27 dress .......................................... vestido 36 action.......................................... acción
27 skirt ............................................... falda 37 question mark ? ....................signo de
27 scarf .........................................bufanda ........................................ interrogación
27 blouse ........................................... blusa 37 full stop . ...................................punto
27 pullover ....................................... jersey 37 comma , ....................................coma
27 pocket........................................ bolsillo 37 colon : ...............................dos puntos
27 handkerchief ........................... pañuelo 37 semi-colon ; ................. punto y coma
28 how many? .......................¿cuántos/as? 38 umbrella ................................ paraguas
28 going to .................................. ir a/hacia 38 pronounce ...........................pronunciar
LESSON 6 38 a ................................................ un, una
29 Europe ....................................... Europa 38 an.............................................. un, una
29 Asia ................................................ Asia 38 the /ðə/ .........................el, la, los, las, lo
29 Italy ................................................Italia 38 the /ði:/ .........................el, la, los, las, lo
29 France ........................................ Francia 39 body .......................................... cuerpo
29 India ............................................. India 39 part ...............................................parte
29 first 1st...................................primero/a 39 foot ...................................................pie
29 second 2nd. ......................... segundo/a 39 feet ................................................. pies
29 third 3rd.................................. tercero/a 39 leg............................................... pierna
29 fourth 4th. ............................... cuarto/a 39 back .......................................... espalda
29 fifth 5th ...................................quinto/a 39 arm .............................................. brazo
29 sixth 6th ..................................... sexto/a 39 wrist ..........................................muñeca
29 twelfth 12th .................... duodécimo/a 39 hand ............................................ mano
29 twentieth 20th .................... vigésimo/a 39 finger ............................................ dedo
29 cardinal .....................................cardinal 39 thumb ......................................... pulgar
29 ordinal ....................................... ordinal 40 right ............................ correcto/a/os/as,
31 last .................................. último/a/os/as ........................................exacto/a/os/as
31 give .................................................. dar 40 wrong ...................... incorrecto/a/os/as,
32 French ................ francés/francesa/es/as ............................... equivocado/a/os/as
32 German ............ alemán/alemana/es/as LESSON 8
32 Italian ........................... italiano/a/os/as 41 question ................................ pregunta
32 English ....................inglés/inglesa/es/as 41 answer ...................................respuesta
32 my ............................................. mi, mis 41 meaning ..............................significado
32 your ............................................ tu, tus 42 name ........................................nombre
32 his .................................... su, sus (de él) 42 head .......................................... cabeza
32 her ................................ su, sus (de ella) 42 face ................................................. cara
33 our ................................ nuestro/a/os/as 42 chin ........................................... barbilla
33 your .............................. vuestro/a/os/as 42 mouth ............................................boca
33 their ........................ su, sus (de ellos/as) 42 nose ...............................................nariz
34 all .......................................todo/a/os/as 42 eye ................................................... ojo
42 ear ...................................... oreja, oído
42 hair .................................. pelo, cabello 52 not any ........ ningún, ninguno/a/os/as;
42 tongue ....................................... lengua ....................................... no cualquier/a
42 remaining ........ quedarse, permanecer 52 none ...........................ninguno/a/os/as;
43 country ........................................... país 52 class ........clase (grupo de estudiantes),
43 Spain .......................................... España ................................................... lección
43 translate ................................... traducir 52 classroom ............. aula, clase (sala de)
43 into .................................... al (translate
.................into>traducir al + language)
44 who ..................................... ¿quién/es?
45 thing ...............................................cosa
45 tall....................................... alto/a/os/as
45 short ........... bajo/a/os/as, corto/a/os/as
45 Scandinavia ......................Escandinavia
46 difference ............................. diferencia
46 whereas .... mientras que, en tanto que
46 that ................................................. que
48 asking ..............................preguntando
48 answering........................ contestando,
49 To have .........................................tener
49 I have / I’ve............................(yo) tengo
49 you have / you’ve ................. (tú) tienes
49 he has / he’s ............................ (él) tiene
49 she has / she’s ...................... (ella) tiene
49 it has / it’s..................... (esto/eso) tiene
49 we have / we’ve ................(nosotros/as)
................................................ tenemos
49 you have / you’ve ............. (vosotros/as)
49 they have / they’ve ................. (ellos/as)
.................................................... tienen
50 got .................partícula que se añade a
................veces tras el verbo ”to have”
......................sin cambiar el significado
50 with .................................................con
50 generally... en general, por lo general,
50 some ...................algún/alguno/a/as/os;
............................................ cualquier/a
50 specific...................... específico/a/os/as
50 non-specific......... no específico/a/os/as
50 negative ..................... negativo/a/os/as
51 positive ........................positivo/a/os/as,
51 for example .......................por ejemplo
51 important .........................importante/s
51 when ........................................ cuando
51 any ......................algún/alguno/a/as/os;
............................................ cualquier/a

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