PC-3000 Catalogue DF 2019

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PC-3000 - the ultimate standard for all areas

of forensic data recovery:


April 2019 marks Use the power of PC-3000 to:

25 years since the PC-3000
►►Recover data when no other tools can do it
►►Extract digital evidence from both healthy and physically/

Technology was developed! logically damaged drives of all types

►►Protect the data integrity from the OS influence due
to the connection through the PC-3000 board
►►Fully, partially or temporarily restore the operability
of damaged data storage devices
►►Bypass the password protection
►►Get access to the Service Area to obtain the evidence
that can be hidden there

PC-3000 is more than just a set of essential tools:

You may be сertain that with PC-3000 you’ll get the 360 degrees approach to your needs:
►►Constant development and perfection of the hardware
►►Regular software updates with many useful features
►►Comprehensive technical support to help you with especially difficult cases
►►A variety of training opportunities to master your skills in data recovery
Find PC-3000 that will suit your
forensic data recovery needs
Product name\
Storage media type NAND Flash

PC-3000 Mobile PC-3000 Mobile

PC-3000 Portable +
PC-3000 Portable System Data Extractor Portable

PC-3000 Portable +
PC-3000 Portable SSD System Data Extractor Portable
PC-3000 SSD

PC-3000 Portable RAID System Data Extractor

PC-3000 Portable Portable RAID Edition

PC-3000 Portable Ultimate System Data Extractor

PC-3000 Portable PC-3000 SSD Portable RAID Edition

PC-3000 Express System PC-3000 Express +

Data Extractor Express
PC-3000 Express +
PC-3000 Express SSD System PC PC-3000 SSD
Data Extractor Express

PC-3000 Express RAID System Data Extractor

PC-3000 Express
Express RAID Edition
Data Extractor
PC-3000 Express Ultimate System PC-3000 Express PC-3000 SSD Express RAID Edition

PC-3000 UDMA + Data

PC-3000 UDMA System Extractor UDMA

PC-3000 UDMA + Data

PC-3000 UDMA SSD System Extractor UDMA PC-3000 SSD

Data Extractor
PC-3000 UDMA RAID System PC-3000 UDMA UDMA RAID Edition

Data Extractor
PC-3000 UDMA Ultimate System PC-3000 UDMA PC-3000 SSD

PC-3000 SAS + Data

PC-3000 SAS System
Extractor SAS
Data Extractor
PC-3000 SAS RAID System PC-3000 SAS
SAS RAID Edition

PC-3000 Flash + basic set

PC-3000 Flash Basic Package
of adapters
PC-3000 Flash + extended
PC-3000 Flash All-in-One Package Spider Board Adapter
set of adapters
PC-3000 Mobile NEW!
►►The built-in power control adapter
►►Multifunctional extension port
►►Logical recovery and data analysis capabilities
►►SD/microSD memory cards support
►►Support of access methods through JTAG protocol
►►Specialized SD/MMC adapters to support the following
types of MMC memory chips:

Type/Size 11.5 x 13 10x11 9x11 14x18 12x18

eMMC 152/169 + + + + + +
eMCP 162/186 + + + + + +
eMCP 221 + + + + + +
Intelligent. EXTRA POWERFUL. Multi-function
eMCP 529 + + + + + +

A new approach to evidence recovery from Mobile Devices

The PC-3000 Mobile is a hardware-software solution intended for recovering data from mobile devices such as mobile phones,
The PC-3000 Mobile Kit:
smartphones, tablets as well as other devices that use NAND-based storage as internal memory. Depending on the condition
of the device and circumstances of the exact case, PC-3000 Mobile provides several approaches to get data: high-level access
by conventional means or in-depth research, that includes the disassembling of the storage media and Chip-Off methods.

What’s special about

PC-3000 Mobile
PORT SD/eMMC JTAG/UART ►►USB 3.0 interface to connect the PC-3000 Mobile
controller to a PC in your lab or a laptop for on-site data
recovery tasks
PWR IN EXT ►►2 USB ports to connect mobile devices
►►USB ports overcurrent protection and analysis of USB bus
USB 3.0 errors
►►Ability to control the power supply on the USB ports
2xUSB 3.0 SD/eMMC mSD of the PC-3000 Mobile controller
►►2 independent extension ports to work with
eMMC/eMCP chips
1. PC-3000 Mobile controller – 1 pc. 5. Micro USB cable – 1 pc.
►►Chips reading speed up to 100 MB/sec, 1, 4, 8 bits bus
support 2. Power supply unit – 1 pc. 6. JTAG cable – 1 pc.
►►Hardware write protection switchers for SD/MMC ports 3. USB 3.0 cable – 1 pc. 7. PC-3000 Mobile software, resource database – 1 pc.
►►Algorithms to improve the quality of reading Universal eMMC adapter – 1 pc. User manual
4. 8. – 1 pc.
PC-3000 Portable III Systems NEW! What’s special about PC-3000 Portable III
►►Possibility to connect the devices based on SATA-III (compatible with SATA-I/II) and USB interfaces corresponding to the Mass
Storage Device classification: external USB 2.0/3.0 HDD and USB Flash drives
Perfectly efficient ►►Ability to use PC-3000 Portable as a standalone system to create data images that contain HDD, SSD*, and USB Flash media
wherever you need snapshots even without a host computer.
►►All operations are logged and outputted to a report that can be saved or printed later
►►A full-featured mode is available when using a host computer (similar to the PC-3000 Express and PC-3000 UDMA modes). Besides,
you will be able to use a simplified mode which makes the job easier and better organized.

The PC-3000 Portable III System Kit:

All-new systems for on-site data recovery from SATA/USB

4-port 3 SATA/1 USB Fast imaging
controller ports with speed up to + SATA/USB
360 MB/s drives

3 HDD can be connected to the PC-3000 Portable at the same time.

1. PC-3000 Portable III controller – 1 pc
. 11. ATCS, ATDA probe unlock – 1 pc
Write protection a special jumper on the device blocks any alteration of data during
the extraction or imaging with SATA 0 and USB ports. 2. PC USB TERMINAL 3 adapter – 1 pc. 12. USB 2.0 cable – 1 pc.
3. SATA-micro SATA adapter – 1 pc. 13. USB 3.0 cable – 1 pc
Diagnostic ports / SATA 1 SATA 2 PC-3000 Portable III System is a hardware-software solution
Image copy intended for diagnostics, repair and data recovery from HDDs 4. PC-FUJ.SATA adapter – 1 pc. 14. SATA/POWER cable – 3 pcs.
with issues caused by hardware malfunctions and corruption
5. PC-SAMSUNG adapter – 1 pc
. 15. Power supply unit – 1 pcs.
of file systems occurring on the logical level. Together with
the ACE Lab’s software products, PC-3000 Portable III forms 6. PC-SEAG.SATA adapter – 1 pc. 16. IDC10 (30 cm) cable – 1 pc.
the systems to recover data from SATA/USB HDD, RAID and
SSD both in the lab and on-site: 7. PC-SEAGATE adapter – 1 pc. 17. PC-3000 Portable III software, – 1 pc
►►PC-3000 Portable System (PC-3000 Portable + 8. PC-TOSH.SATA adapter – 1 pc. resource database
Data Extractor Portable)
9. PC-WD 3.5" adapter – 1 pc. 18. User manual – 1 book
USB 3.0 ►►PC-3000 Portable RAID System (PC-3000 Portable +
Data Extractor Portable RAID Edition) 10. PC-WD 2.5“ adapter – 1 pc.

►►PC-3000 Portable SSD System (PC-3000 Portable +

Data Extractor Portable + PC-3000 SSD)
►►PC-3000 Portable Ultimate System (PC-3000 Portable + * to work with Solid-State drives you need the PC-3000 solution which supports SSD: PC-3000 Portable SSD or Ultimate Systems
Diagnostic ports
with write protection USB 2.0 SATA 0 Data Extractor Portable RAID Edition + PC-3000 SSD)
PC-3000 Express Systems What’s special about PC-3000 Express Rev. 2.0.
►►More efficient HDD diagnostics due to the oscilloscope functions of the new Intelligent Power Supply Unit
►►Better compatibility with modern PC power supply units as a result of substitution of the old 4-pin PATA Power Connectors
with SATA Power connectors
►►The increase of the data transfer rate and improvement of the SATA ports stability thanks to the new circuit design of the Serial
ATA 3.0 GB/s bridges

The PC-3000 Express System Kit:

The flagship data recovery solution when the speed of digital evidence
recovery from SATA/IDE HDD, RAID and SSD is a top priority

1. PC-3000 Express controller – 1 pc. 14. PC-WD 2.5“ adapter – 1 pc.

2. PC-USB PWR adapter – 1 pc. 15. ATCS, ATDA probe unlock – 1 pc.
3. PC USB TERMINAL 3 adapter – 2 pcs. 16. USB 2.0 cable – 2 pcs.
4. PC-2" adapter – 1 pc. 17. SATA RAID edition (100 cm) cable – 4 pcs.
5. SATA-micro SATA adapter – 1 pc. 18. – 2 pcs.
6. MX-SAFE adapter – 1 pc. 19. IDC10 (30 cm) cable – 2 pcs.
The PC-3000 Express is a hardware-software solution intended for diagnosing and repairing damaged SATA/IDE HDDs. Together with 7. PC-FUJ.SATA adapter – 1 pc. 20. MX-SAFE power cable – 1 pc.
other ACE Lab’s software products, it forms the fastest, most efficient and powerful systems to recover data from SATA/IDE HDDs,
RAID and SSD that ever existed: 8. PC-QUANTUM adapter – 1 pc. 21. SATA HDD (100 cm) power cable – 2 pcs.
9. PC-SAMSUNG adapter – 2 pcs. 22. PATA HDD (85 cm) power cable – 2 pcs.
►►PC-3000 Express System (PC-3000 Express + Data Extractor Express)
10. PC-SEAG.SATA adapter – 2 pcs. 23. PATA-SATA (15 cm) power adapter – 2 pcs.
►►PC-3000 Express RAID System (PC-3000 Express + Data Extractor Express RAID Edition)
►►PC-3000 Express SSD System (PC-3000 Express + Data Extractor Express + PC-3000 SSD) 11. PC-SEAGATE adapter – 2 pcs. 24. PC-3000 Express software,
– 1 pc
12. PC-TOSH.SATA adapter – 2 pcs. resource database
►►PC-3000 Express Ultimate System (PC-3000 Express + Data Extractor Express RAID Edition + PC-3000 SSD)
13. PC-WD 3.5" adapter – 1 pc. 25. User manual – 1 book
* SATA0 and SATA1 are the primary ports, SATA2 and SATA3 ports are switchable with the PATA ports (PATA0 and PATA1).
PC-3000 UDMA Systems What’s special about PC-3000 UDMA Rev. 2.0.
►►The data transfer speed and the SATA ports stability is increased with the new 88SA8052-64 QFN Serial ATA 3.0 Gb/Sec bridge
►►The stability of power supply and electromagnetic compatibility is improved with jam-resistant package of coils with the 1.2V
and 3.3V power supply regulator on Xilinx chipset. The connection of balanced capacitors is changed. The printed board
of the adapter is improved for large currents with the enhanced circuitry of the power control adapter
►►The safety and stability of HDD power supply is boosted with a highly reliable power supply connector – SATA POWER

The PC-3000 UDMA System Kit:

The main “workhorses” to recover data from SATA/IDE HDD, RAID

and SSD in digital forensic labs

1. PC-3000 UDMA controller – 1 pc. 14. PC-WD 2.5“ adapter – 1 pc.

2. PC-USB PWR adapter – 1 pc. 15. ATCS, ATDA probe unlock – 1 pc.
3. PC USB TERMINAL 3 adapter – 1 pc. 16. USB 2.0 cable – 1 pc.
4. PC-2" adapter – 1 pc. 17. SATA RAID edition (100 cm) cable – 2 pc.
5. SATA-micro SATA adapter – 1 pc. 18. – 1 pc.
6. MX-SAFE adapter – 1 pc. 19. IDC10 (30 cm) cable – 1 pc.
The PC-3000 UDMA is a hardware-software solution intended for diagnosing and repairing damaged SATA/IDE HDDs. Together with 7. PC-FUJ.SATA adapter – 1 pc. 20. MX-SAFE power cable – 1 pc.
other ACE Lab’s software products, it represents the systems with optimal combination of high efficiency and reasonable price
to recover data from SATA/IDE HDDs, RAID and SSD: 8. PC-QUANTUM adapter – 1 pc. 21. SATA HDD (100 cm) power cable – 1 pc.
9. PC-SAMSUNG adapter – 1 pc. 22. PATA HDD (85 cm) power cable – 1 pc.
►►PC-3000 UDMA System (PC-3000 UDMA + Data Extractor UDMA)
10. PC-SEAG.SATA adapter – 1 pc. 23. PATA-SATA (15 cm) power adapter – 1 pc.
►►PC-3000 UDMA RAID System (PC-3000 UDMA + Data Extractor UDMA RAID Edition)
►►PC-3000 UDMA SSD System (PC-3000 UDMA + Data Extractor UDMA + PC-3000 SSD) 11. PC-SEAGATE adapter – 1 pc. 24. PC-3000 UDMA software, – 1 pc.
12. PC-TOSH.SATA adapter – 1 pc. resource database
►►PC-3000 UDMA Ultimate System (PC-3000 UDMA + Data Extractor UDMA RAID Edition + PC-3000 SSD)
13. PC-WD 3.5" adapter – 1 pc. 25. User manual – 1 book
* SATA0 is the primary port, SATA1 is switchable with the PATA port (PATA0).
PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s Systems NEW! What’s new in the PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s
►►The possibility to work faster as a result of increase of the drive’s reading speed to 6 Gbit/s
►►More efficient diagnostics and analysis of the drives due to the oscilloscope functions of the new Intelligent Power Supply Unit
►►Better compatibility with modern PC power supply units thanks to the new advanced SATA Power connectors

The PC-3000 SAS System Kit:

Maximum possible speed of working with SAS/SCSI drives

restricted only by the internal speed

4-port 4 SAS Fast imaging

with speed up to + of healthy


PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s controller
SAS SFF-8482/SATA/Molex (100cm) cable
– 1 pc.
– 4 pcs.
600 MB/s drives
3. HDD SCSI (50 cm) power cable – 4 pcs.
4. PC-3000 SAS software – 1 pc.

4 SAS drives can be connected to the PC-3000 SAS at the same time. 5. User manual – 1 book

The PC-3000 SAS is a hardware-software solution intended for diagnosing and repairing damaged SAS/SCSI HDDs.
Together with other ACE Lab’s software products, it forms the most sophisticated and the fastest systems to recover data
from SAS/SCSI HDDs and RAID :

►►PC-3000 SAS System (PC-3000 SAS + Data Extractor SAS)

►►PC-3000 SAS RAID System (PC-3000 SAS + Data Extractor SAS RAID Edition)
Evidence recovery from Hybrid RAID Evidence recovery from SSD

To work with Hybrid RAID arrays which consist of SATA and SAS/SCSI HDDs, ACE Lab has developed a powerful solution
to help you in the most efficient way. A new PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s System paired with PC-3000 Express RAID System or
PC-3000 Express System paired with PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s RAID System will turn your tools into the PC-3000 Hybrid System.

The PC-3000 Hybrid ►►Recover data and evidence from hybrid RAID arrays which
consist of different hard drive types: SATA and SATA/SCSI.

System offers you ►►Operate with big RAID arrays which contain up to 8 HDDs
(4 SATA drives are connected to the PC-3000 Express
new opportunities. board and 4 more drives — to the PC-3000 SAS board).
Thus, if you have such RAID array, you will be able
By using it, you will be to connect all the drives to the PC-3000 ports and
be sure that the data will not be changed during the data
able to: recovery process.
►►Connect any number of devices to available ports. High-
speed PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s allows to connect SATA
and SAS HDDs and work with them at the highest
possible speed, both for reading and writing data DRIVE THE CHANGE
(for example, when creating a copy).

The unique professional solution

to recover data from SSD in techno mode
To recover data from SSD you need one
The PC-3000 SSD is a professional software product which operates of the following Systems:
in tandem with one of the three up-to-date hardware-software solutions
– PC-3000 Express, PC-3000 UDMA or PC-3000 Portable. It is intended ►►PC-3000 Express SSD/Ultimate System
for restoring SSD and recovering data from damaged SSD. ►►PC-3000 UDMA SSD/Ultimate System
►►PC-3000 Portable SSD/Ultimate System

The PC-3000 SSD contains a set of specialized utilities which enable to deeply diagnose SSDs, perform service operations, re-write
the drive microcode, get a direct access to memory chips, carry out low-level formatting blocking the damaged cells and placing
their addresses into the defect table, as well as perform many other useful operations.
The PC-3000 SSD is launched from the main window of the PC-3000 Express, UDMA or Portable Systems by clicking the button
on the toolbar.

PC-3000 Express
PC-3000 SAS
System Supported Supported
manufacturers interfaces
A-DATA, AMD, Corsair, Crucial, G.Skill, GoodRam, Intel, Kingspec, ►►SATA ►►PATA
Kingston, Lexar, Lite-On, Micron, OCZ, Patriot, Plextor, PNY, QUMO,
Data Extractor Express/ RevuAhn, RunCore, Samsung, SanDisk, Seagate, Silicon Power, ►►microSATA ►►LIF with the capacity range
SAS RAID Edition Smartbuy, Toshiba, Transcend, WD, etc. of 32 GB to 2 TB
More manufacturers are added with the updates. ►►mSATA ►►ZIF

►►M.2 (NGFF)
Evidence recovery from Hybrid RAID Evidence recovery from SSD

To work with Hybrid RAID arrays which consist of SATA and SAS/SCSI HDDs, ACE Lab has developed a powerful solution
to help you in the most efficient way. A new PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s System paired with PC-3000 Express RAID System or
PC-3000 Express System paired with PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s RAID System will turn your tools into the PC-3000 Hybrid System.

The PC-3000 Hybrid ►►Recover data and evidence from hybrid RAID arrays which
consist of different hard drive types: SATA and SATA/SCSI.

System offers you ►►Operate with big RAID arrays which contain up to 8 HDDs
(4 SATA drives are connected to the PC-3000 Express
new opportunities. board and 4 more drives — to the PC-3000 SAS board).
Thus, if you have such RAID array, you will be able
By using it, you will be to connect all the drives to the PC-3000 ports and
be sure that the data will not be changed during the data
able to: recovery process.
►►Connect any number of devices to available ports. High-
speed PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s allows to connect SATA
and SAS HDDs and work with them at the highest
possible speed, both for reading and writing data DRIVE THE CHANGE
(for example, when creating a copy).

The unique professional solution

to recover data from SSD in techno mode
To recover data from SSD you need one
The PC-3000 SSD is a professional software product which operates of the following Systems:
in tandem with one of the three up-to-date hardware-software solutions
– PC-3000 Express, PC-3000 UDMA or PC-3000 Portable. It is intended ►►PC-3000 Express SSD/Ultimate System
for restoring SSD and recovering data from damaged SSD. ►►PC-3000 UDMA SSD/Ultimate System
►►PC-3000 Portable SSD/Ultimate System

The PC-3000 SSD contains a set of specialized utilities which enable to deeply diagnose SSDs, perform service operations, re-write
the drive microcode, get a direct access to memory chips, carry out low-level formatting blocking the damaged cells and placing
their addresses into the defect table, as well as perform many other useful operations.
The PC-3000 SSD is launched from the main window of the PC-3000 Express, UDMA or Portable Systems by clicking the button
on the toolbar.

PC-3000 Express
PC-3000 SAS
System Supported Supported
manufacturers interfaces
A-DATA, AMD, Corsair, Crucial, G.Skill, GoodRam, Intel, Kingspec, ►►SATA ►►PATA
Kingston, Lexar, Lite-On, Micron, OCZ, Patriot, Plextor, PNY, QUMO,
Data Extractor Express/ RevuAhn, RunCore, Samsung, SanDisk, Seagate, Silicon Power, ►►microSATA ►►LIF with the capacity range
SAS RAID Edition Smartbuy, Toshiba, Transcend, WD, etc. of 32 GB to 2 TB
More manufacturers are added with the updates. ►►mSATA ►►ZIF

►►M.2 (NGFF)
Evidence recovery from HDD Evidence recovery from RAID


Recovers more data than any other tool in the world The easiest, fastest and smartest systems to recover data
The Data Extractor professional software product is an essential part of the PC-3000 hardware-software systems intended for recovering
data from SATA (Serial ATA), ATA (IDE) HDDs 3.5”, 2.5”, 1.8”, 1.0”, SAS (Serial Attached SCSI), SCSI, USB HDD, SSHD (Solid State Hybrid Drive), etc.
and digital evidence from RAID
PC-3000 Systems allow reading only necessary data due to the powerful integrated functionality for logical analysis of file systems.
This advanced technology greatly reduces the volume of the read data, the workload on damaged HDDs and the time required
for data recovery. Thus, you can read the data even if a drive has considerable physical damage The Data Extractor RAID Edition is an essential part of the PC-3000 Systems To recover data from RAID you need one
intended for recovering data from RAID arrays. The hardware-software of the following Systems:
Supported SATA/IDE combination enables to solve the most complex RAID cases when one
or several drives have not only logical (deleted partitions, virus attacks,
►►PC-3000 Express RAID/Ultimate System

HDDs: To recover data from HDD you need one of the following Systems: etc.) but also serious physical damages.The Data Extractor RAID Edition
contains all the features of the Data Extractor.
►►PC-3000 UDMA RAID/Ultimate System
►►PC-3000 Portable RAID/Ultimate System
Damaged (physically and logically), encrypted ►►PC-3000 Express/Express RAID/Express SSD/Express Ultimate System
and healthy SATA/IDE HDDs of various vendors: ►►PC-3000 SAS RAID System
►►PC-3000 UDMA/UDMA RAID/UDMA SSD/UDMA Ultimate System
►►Western Digital ►►Seagate ►►Samsung
►►PC-3000 Portable/Portable RAID/Portable SSD/Portable Ultimate System
►►Maxtor ►►Toshiba ►►Quantum
►►Fujitsu ►►Hitachi
►►PC-3000 SAS/SAS RAID System
Supported virtual RAID levels
Supported SAS/SCSI ►►0 (Stripe), 1 (Mirror), 1E Offset and Adjacent, JB0D, 4, 5, 5E, 5EE, 6 and 6-Adaptec

HDDs: ►►Various combined levels: 10, 50, 51, 60 and others (due to the possibility to use virtual RAID array as a member)
►►Software-based RAID and multi-disk storage systems: LDM and mdadm structure analysis, WSS (Windows Storage Spaces),
Damaged (physically and logically), encrypted
ZFS RAID-Z, BtrFS RAID, Apple Fusion Drive (HFS+, APFS)
and healthy SAS/SCSI HDDs of various vendors:
►►Custom configurations that are set by user with the tabular (matrix) presentation
►►IBM ►►Seagate
►►Hitachi GST
►►Maxtor ►►Fujitsu

Supported file 0 1 XOR 2 3 XOR

and storage systems: 5 XOR 4 7 XOR 6

File systems: FAT, exFAT, NTFS, HFS+, APFS, EXT2/3/4, XOR 8 9 XOR 10 11
XFS, ReiserFS, BtrFS, VMFS, UFS1/2, ZFS
DVR Files Systems: WFS0.4, DHFS4.1
Virtual drives: flat (raw image), vhd, vhdx, vmdk, dmg
Evidence recovery from Hybrid RAID Evidence recovery from SSD

To work with Hybrid RAID arrays which consist of SATA and SAS/SCSI HDDs, ACE Lab has developed a powerful solution
to help you in the most efficient way. A new PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s System paired with PC-3000 Express RAID System or
PC-3000 Express System paired with PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s RAID System will turn your tools into the PC-3000 Hybrid System.

The PC-3000 Hybrid ►►Recover data and evidence from hybrid RAID arrays which
consist of different hard drive types: SATA and SATA/SCSI.

System offers you ►►Operate with big RAID arrays which contain up to 8 HDDs
(4 SATA drives are connected to the PC-3000 Express
new opportunities. board and 4 more drives — to the PC-3000 SAS board).
Thus, if you have such RAID array, you will be able
By using it, you will be to connect all the drives to the PC-3000 ports and
be sure that the data will not be changed during the data
able to: recovery process.
►►Connect any number of devices to available ports. High-
speed PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s allows to connect SATA
and SAS HDDs and work with them at the highest
possible speed, both for reading and writing data DRIVE THE CHANGE
(for example, when creating a copy).

The unique professional solution

to recover data from SSD in techno mode
To recover data from SSD you need one
The PC-3000 SSD is a professional software product which operates of the following Systems:
in tandem with one of the three up-to-date hardware-software solutions
– PC-3000 Express, PC-3000 UDMA or PC-3000 Portable. It is intended ►►PC-3000 Express SSD/Ultimate System
for restoring SSD and recovering data from damaged SSD. ►►PC-3000 UDMA SSD/Ultimate System
►►PC-3000 Portable SSD/Ultimate System

The PC-3000 SSD contains a set of specialized utilities which enable to deeply diagnose SSDs, perform service operations, re-write
the drive microcode, get a direct access to memory chips, carry out low-level formatting blocking the damaged cells and placing
their addresses into the defect table, as well as perform many other useful operations.
The PC-3000 SSD is launched from the main window of the PC-3000 Express, UDMA or Portable Systems by clicking the button
on the toolbar.

PC-3000 Express
PC-3000 SAS
System Supported Supported
manufacturers interfaces
A-DATA, AMD, Corsair, Crucial, G.Skill, GoodRam, Intel, Kingspec, ►►SATA ►►PATA
Kingston, Lexar, Lite-On, Micron, OCZ, Patriot, Plextor, PNY, QUMO,
Data Extractor Express/ RevuAhn, RunCore, Samsung, SanDisk, Seagate, Silicon Power, ►►microSATA ►►LIF with the capacity range
SAS RAID Edition Smartbuy, Toshiba, Transcend, WD, etc. of 32 GB to 2 TB
More manufacturers are added with the updates. ►►mSATA ►►ZIF

►►M.2 (NGFF)
PC-3000 Flash (4.0.) PC-3000 Flash Basic Package

1. PC-3000 Flash Reader (ver.4.0) – 1 pc. 5. Circuit Board adapter – 1 pc.

2. TSOP-48 adapter – 1 pc. 6. USB 2.0 Cable – 1 pc.
3. LGA/TLGA-52/60 (14x18) adapter – 1 pc. 7. PC-3000 software – 1 pc.
4. BGA-152/132 adapter – 1 pc. 8. User manual – 1 pc.

PC-3000 Flash All-in-One Package

State-of-the-art solution with the advanced modes for the most
successful data recovery from NAND Flash devices
The PC-3000 Flash professional hardware-software system is well- it offers the widest range of features and newest algorithms to
known as the most efficient, comprehensive and user-friendly recover data with the maximum success rate. PC-3000 Flash will
solution with the advanced modes for NAND data recovery. It is help you with both simple cases using «one-click» solutions and
a highly-demanded product among data recovery engineers as the most complex ones using a large selection of manual modes.

Supported Flash Devices

Common Structure: Monolith Structure:
►►USB Sticks (UFD) ►►SD (in monolith package)
►►CF (Compact Flash) ►►UFD (in monolith package)
►►SD (Secure Digital) ►►MS (in monolith package)
►►Voice Recorders ►►xD
►►MS (Memory Stick)

Only PC-3000 Flash has: 1. PC-3000 Flash Reader (ver.4.0) – 1 pc. 9. LGA-52/TSOP-48 Module – 1 pc.
►►The widest range of adapters to deal with various NAND-based devices, including the revolutionary Spider Board 2. Spider Board adapter – 1 pc. 10. BGA-152/VBGA-100 Module – 1 pc.
►►Adapter - a universal all-in-one solution for safe data recovery from monoliths
3. TSOP-48 adapter – 1 pc. 11. BGA-152/132 adapter – 1 pc.
►►Over 7000 «one-click» solutions in the PC-3000 Flash Global Solution Centre to recover data in 5 minutes
4. TSOP-48 W (wide) adapter – 1 pc. 12. TSSOP-56 adapter – 1 pc.
►►The highest data recovery success rates with the Hardware Retries mode to read out damaged memory chips
5. LGA/TLGA-52/60 (14x18) adapter – 1 pc. 13. VBGA-100 adapter – 1 pc.
►►Regularly updated Online Databases (XOR, Dynamic XOR, ECC, Page Format, ReadRetry Tables) to get the latest resources
for the present-day flash drives 6. LGA/TLGA-52/60 (12x17) adapter – 1 pc. 14. Card Adapter – 1 pc.
►►The most universal and affordable technologies and an extensive Monolith Database to recover data from a great 7. Multiboard Adapter – 1 pc. 15. USB 2.0 Cable – 1 pc.
variety of monoliths
8. Monolith Module – 2 pcs. 16. PC-3000 software + User manual – 1 pc.
Evidence recovery from Hybrid RAID Evidence recovery from SSD

To work with Hybrid RAID arrays which consist of SATA and SAS/SCSI HDDs, ACE Lab has developed a powerful solution
to help you in the most efficient way. A new PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s System paired with PC-3000 Express RAID System or
PC-3000 Express System paired with PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s RAID System will turn your tools into the PC-3000 Hybrid System.

The PC-3000 Hybrid ►►Recover data and evidence from hybrid RAID arrays which
consist of different hard drive types: SATA and SATA/SCSI.

System offers you ►►Operate with big RAID arrays which contain up to 8 HDDs
(4 SATA drives are connected to the PC-3000 Express
new opportunities. board and 4 more drives — to the PC-3000 SAS board).
Thus, if you have such RAID array, you will be able
By using it, you will be to connect all the drives to the PC-3000 ports and
be sure that the data will not be changed during the data
able to: recovery process.
►►Connect any number of devices to available ports. High-
speed PC-3000 SAS 6 Gbit/s allows to connect SATA
and SAS HDDs and work with them at the highest
possible speed, both for reading and writing data DRIVE THE CHANGE
(for example, when creating a copy).

The unique professional solution

to recover data from SSD in techno mode
To recover data from SSD you need one
The PC-3000 SSD is a professional software product which operates of the following Systems:
in tandem with one of the three up-to-date hardware-software solutions
– PC-3000 Express, PC-3000 UDMA or PC-3000 Portable. It is intended ►►PC-3000 Express SSD/Ultimate System
for restoring SSD and recovering data from damaged SSD. ►►PC-3000 UDMA SSD/Ultimate System
►►PC-3000 Portable SSD/Ultimate System

The PC-3000 SSD contains a set of specialized utilities which enable to deeply diagnose SSDs, perform service operations, re-write
the drive microcode, get a direct access to memory chips, carry out low-level formatting blocking the damaged cells and placing
their addresses into the defect table, as well as perform many other useful operations.
The PC-3000 SSD is launched from the main window of the PC-3000 Express, UDMA or Portable Systems by clicking the button
on the toolbar.

PC-3000 Express
PC-3000 SAS
System Supported Supported
manufacturers interfaces
A-DATA, AMD, Corsair, Crucial, G.Skill, GoodRam, Intel, Kingspec, ►►SATA ►►PATA
Kingston, Lexar, Lite-On, Micron, OCZ, Patriot, Plextor, PNY, QUMO,
Data Extractor Express/ RevuAhn, RunCore, Samsung, SanDisk, Seagate, Silicon Power, ►►microSATA ►►LIF with the capacity range
SAS RAID Edition Smartbuy, Toshiba, Transcend, WD, etc. of 32 GB to 2 TB
More manufacturers are added with the updates. ►►mSATA ►►ZIF

►►M.2 (NGFF)
PC-3000 Flash (4.0.) PC-3000 Flash Basic Package

1. PC-3000 Flash Reader (ver.4.0) – 1 pc. 5. Circuit Board adapter – 1 pc.

2. TSOP-48 adapter – 1 pc. 6. USB 2.0 Cable – 1 pc.
3. LGA/TLGA-52/60 (14x18) adapter – 1 pc. 7. PC-3000 software – 1 pc.
4. BGA-152/132 adapter – 1 pc. 8. User manual – 1 pc.

PC-3000 Flash All-in-One Package

State-of-the-art solution with the advanced modes for the most
successful data recovery from NAND Flash devices
The PC-3000 Flash professional hardware-software system is well- it offers the widest range of features and newest algorithms to
known as the most efficient, comprehensive and user-friendly recover data with the maximum success rate. PC-3000 Flash will
solution with the advanced modes for NAND data recovery. It is help you with both simple cases using «one-click» solutions and
a highly-demanded product among data recovery engineers as the most complex ones using a large selection of manual modes.

Supported Flash Devices

Common Structure: Monolith Structure:
►►USB Sticks (UFD) ►►SD (in monolith package)
►►CF (Compact Flash) ►►UFD (in monolith package)
►►SD (Secure Digital) ►►MS (in monolith package)
►►Voice Recorders ►►xD
►►MS (Memory Stick)

Only PC-3000 Flash has: 1. PC-3000 Flash Reader (ver.4.0) – 1 pc. 9. LGA-52/TSOP-48 Module – 1 pc.
►►The widest range of adapters to deal with various NAND-based devices, including the revolutionary Spider Board 2. Spider Board adapter – 1 pc. 10. BGA-152/VBGA-100 Module – 1 pc.
►►Adapter - a universal all-in-one solution for safe data recovery from monoliths
3. TSOP-48 adapter – 1 pc. 11. BGA-152/132 adapter – 1 pc.
►►Over 7000 «one-click» solutions in the PC-3000 Flash Global Solution Centre to recover data in 5 minutes
4. TSOP-48 W (wide) adapter – 1 pc. 12. TSSOP-56 adapter – 1 pc.
►►The highest data recovery success rates with the Hardware Retries mode to read out damaged memory chips
5. LGA/TLGA-52/60 (14x18) adapter – 1 pc. 13. VBGA-100 adapter – 1 pc.
►►Regularly updated Online Databases (XOR, Dynamic XOR, ECC, Page Format, ReadRetry Tables) to get the latest resources
for the present-day flash drives 6. LGA/TLGA-52/60 (12x17) adapter – 1 pc. 14. Card Adapter – 1 pc.
►►The most universal and affordable technologies and an extensive Monolith Database to recover data from a great 7. Multiboard Adapter – 1 pc. 15. USB 2.0 Cable – 1 pc.
variety of monoliths
8. Monolith Module – 2 pcs. 16. PC-3000 software + User manual – 1 pc.
Professional technical support Professional data recovery training

Highly qualified engineers to help you with any data recovery cases A rapid way to data recovery mastership
Need to recover evidence faster?
Want to be up-to-date on the latest solutions for present-day drives?
Become a certified PC-3000
Stuck with an especially difficult case? data recovery engineer
Recover more cases easier with our top-skilled Storage Type Training Type Level Duration
Basic 4 days
Technical Support Engineers HDD Data Recovery
PC-3000 HDD Data Recovery Expert Training
PC-3000 HDD Data Recovery Advanced Training Advanced 2 days

PC-3000 Flash Data Recovery Expert Training Basic 4 days

Flash Data Recovery
14 hours ►►Professional consulting by ACE Lab engineers via the CRM Ticket System
►►TeamViewer assistance with the most complex issues
PC-3000 Flash Data Recovery Advanced Training Advanced
2 days
1 day
a day ►►Regular software updates containing new unique features that no other tools have
SSD Data Recovery
Monolith Data Recovery
PC-3000 SSD Data Recovery Expert Training
PC-3000 Monolith Data Recovery Expert Training Basic 1 day

RAID Data Recovery PC-3000 RAID Data Recovery Advanced Training Advanced 4 days

FREE helpful online resources Training Locations

►► blog.acelaboratory.com – ACE Lab Blog with much-needed video tutorials and interesting articles

►► forum.acelaboratory.com – ACE Lab Forum, where you can share your knowledge and opinions with experienced
PC-3000 users and with ACE Lab engineers
►► www.youtube.com/user/PC3000datarecovery – ACE Lab YouTube channel with useful video tutorials

More information at www.acelab.eu.com & ts.acelaboratory.com together h

wit together h

About us ACE Lab certificates

As a market leader in the development of data recovery

technologies, we continually review and improve our
Quality Management and Information Security Systems
which comply with the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC
27001:2013 to ensure that we not only meet but exceed
our customers’ expectations.
EKO-KOM Certificate
for PC-3000

27+ 117+ 16 750+

years countries customers
ACE Lab is internationally recognized as a pacesetter in the Our company has been certified with ISO 9001:2015
development of the solutions for recovering data and evidence and ISO/IEC 27001:2013. Thus, our customers can be sure
from the widest range of storage devices. For 27 years we have that ACE Lab fully conforms to the quality management
been setting the benchmark and remaining the proven leader and the strictest information security requirements.
in the field by constantly perfecting our products and services.
Through the PC-3000 product line we provide customers with
the most comprehensive and reliable professional data recovery SOLVING THE UNSOLVABLE
tools on the market. Upward of 16 750 professionals from over
117 countries award their trust to ACE Lab and get profit from
the PC-3000 solutions.
since 1992! ISO 9001:2015 certification
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification
Electrical Safety Certificate
for PC-3000 Express, UDMA,
UDMA-E, Portable, SAS

Core competencies

Professional data Products Application of data Full-scale Training in all

recovery R&D manufacturing recovery techniques technical support areas of data
in digital forensics service recovery ISO 9001:2015 certification ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification Electrical Safety Certificate
(Czech) (Czech) for PC-3000 Flash
Contact us

Manufacturing: Support:

Postal address: Support time frame:

ACE Lab Europe s.r.o. For Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia
680/10b, Krizikova 09:00 – 18:00 GMT +02:00
Karlin, Prague 8 For North and South Americas
the Czech Republic, 186 00 15:00 – 23:00 GMT +02:00

Phone: Technical Support:

►►+420 222 361 605 ts.acelaboratory.com

E-mail: Blog:
info@acelab.eu.com blog.acelaboratory.com

Website: Forum:
www.acelab.eu.com forum.acelaboratory.com

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