Act 5 Scene 1 (Summary)
Act 5 Scene 1 (Summary)
Act 5 Scene 1 (Summary)
The scene takes place in the avenue to Portia's house.
LorenZO Portia
Jessica Antonio
Stephano Bassanio
Launcelot Gratiano
Scene in DetaiL
Lorenzo and Jessica Romanc1ng They are interrupted when they suddenly hear the
argument between Nerissa and Gratiano. Gratiano
Lorenzo and Jessica are seen sitting in Portia's garden insists that Nerissa is angry because he has given his
in Belmont. It is night time and the moon is shining wedding ring to the lawyer's clerk in Venice. Nerissa
brightly. The two tovers induge in a sort of game, accuses him of lying and giving the ring to some
by narrating stories of famous mythological and pretty young woman instead. Portia reproaches
legendary lovers like -Troilus and Cressida, Pyramus Gratiano soying that Nerissa's anger is justified and
and Thistbe, Dido and Aeneas. They are interrupted that he should not have parted with the ring.
by Portia's servant, Stephano, who brings the news Portia then remarks that if Bassanio had parted with
of the arrival of Portia and Nerissa. He also informs the she would have actually been mad ot him.
that Portia has been visiting hols places in Belmont Gratiano then informs her that Bassanio too had
at that time and praying for her happy married lfe. given away his ring to the lowyer. On hearing this,
Stephano enquires about Bassanio. Lorenzo informs Portia feigns anger and charges Bassarnio of deceit.
that he has not come yet, but may soon arrive. She refuses to accept his eloquent apologies.
After that Launcelot enters and announces the arrival
Antonio feels quilts on being the cause of the quarrel
between the couples. Bassanio promises Portia that
of Bassanio before day break. he would never again break his trust. Antonio offers
Lorenzo asks Stephano to instruct the musicians to his soul as a surety for Bassanio's future faithfulness
come outdoors and play music to welcome Portia to Portia.
home. Portia, gives Antonio a ring to be given to Bassanio.
Left alone with Jessica, Lorenzo appears to be in a Bassanio is surprised to see the same ring that he had
romantic mood. He speaks about the delightful and given to the lawyer in Venice.
soothing effect of music. According to him, music is
very important in life. Disclosure of the Truth
Portia, then unravels the whole plot devised by her to
Portia and Nerissa Arrive save Antonio's life. She apologises for having teased
and tormented Bassanio and admits that it was she
Portia and Nerissa enter quietly and enjoy the music.
Portia remarks at its sweetness. Lorenzo recognises who was Antonio's lawyer and Nerissa was her clerk.
Portia's voice and welcomes her home. He informs She shows them the letter from Dr. Bellario as proof.
her that her husband is about to arrive soon. She
gives instructions that no one should tell her husband Happy Ending
about her absence from the house, while he was Portia gives Antonio a letter which has the good
away. A trumpet sound is heard which announces news that three of his ships have returned safely toto
the arrival of Bassanio, Antonio, Gratiano and their the harbour. Antonio his adeep gratitude
followers. her, for she had not only saved his lIfe, but also his
The Ring Episode Portia then asks Nerissa to give Lorenz0 and Jessica a
Portia welcomes Bassanio as he arrives, and special gift, which is the deed of Shylock which states
introduced to Antonio by him. He tells Portia, how that after Shylock's death, half of his wealth will pass
Antonio has helped him by risking his life. Antonio on to them. Lorenzo is elated and is all praises for the
informs Portia that he has been acquitted. two ladies.
Portia then says that since it is a new morning, they
should all go inside the house and celebrate together.
Thus, the scene ends on a happy note-lovers are
united; romance has prevailed; nobility has triumphed:
greed and hatred are banished and forgotten.