Budi692r-Budi Santosa-20231027 Trade - Confirmation
Budi692r-Budi Santosa-20231027 Trade - Confirmation
Budi692r-Budi Santosa-20231027 Trade - Confirmation
1, RG KPIG - MNC LAND TBK I 1 100 67 6.700 0
Please transfer the due amount to your qq account : Gross Amount 6.700 0
BSIM 0017610511
Brokerage Fee 0,2503% 13 0
for effective value date on Selasa, 31-Okt-2023 (good fund).
JSX Levy 2 0
Please process payment not later then 4.00 P.M.WIB
Penalty of 45% pa from the due amount will be charged for VAT (Brokerage + Levy) 1 0
any delayed payment. KPEI 1 0
Minimal Fee untuk Transaksi Negosiasi Mulai Tanggal 01 September 2018 adalah Rp. 10.000,- (Sepuluh Ribu Rupiah)
if you need assistance or further information please contact us 150555 or email cs@sinarmassekuritas.co.id