Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude - Napoleon Hill
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude - Napoleon Hill
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude - Napoleon Hill
Year of publication: 2007
Author: Napoleon Hill
384 pages
• You can achieve what you want if you establish it as a goal to
9 Aplicability be reached. Set a deadline, define ways to achieve what you
10 Inspiration
• The important thing is to not give up, success comes for those
8 Innovation that keep trying and Positive Mental Attitude can teach you
9 Impact on results how to never give up.
• To become the best in any area, practicing is essential. Never
9 Structure stop practicing.
• When you have a goal, your job becomes easier, because it is
the way to get you there.
• Problems can become seeds that, if planted with PMA (Positive
Mental Attitude), can become achievers.
• One of the greatest powers that a person possesses comes
from their mind.
The content of this work has a compilation of stories of great successful entrepreneurs, so this book is
indicated to you that aspire to become an entrepreneur capable of marking history and to revolutionize the
It is also indicated for those who are needing guidance to change their attitude and thoughts in order to
become successful professionals and to develop themselves in their area through a change of mindset. 1 of 55
Overview of the book
We can train our mind to activate the PMA side of our talisman by using techniques of autosuggestion and
self-suggestion. But how can we do that?
A method that the author teaches us is to repeat positive self-affirmations such as “Day by day in every
respect I am getting better and better!”.Self-affirmations repeated frequently and with emotion can affect our
subconscious by starting an attitude change!
Did you face a problem and you believe that you failed? Do you know what great thinkers have in common?
They write down their ideas and they don’t give up. Use the most important and simple tool ever created in
your favor: pen and paper!
The author tells us about the importance of writing down our ideas, perhaps the solution you need for your
problem will appear at an unexpected moment. You don’t want to be unprepared when it happens, do you?
Do you feel like you don’t have what it takes to start to act as soon as possible to achieve success? Napoleon
Hill teaches you to overcome procrastination and inertia and the secret to do it is simpler than you think!
There is a self-starter that forces you to act. The self-starter is a self-motivator… DO IT NOW! This self-starter
will flash from your subconscious to your conscious mind, when it happens, DO IT!
After all the tips that the author gave us above, do you feel unmotivated to begin your journey? Know that
motivation is what leads to action.
You must be asking yourself, but how do I motivate myself? Napoleon Hill tells us that in order to motivate
yourself, you have to try to understand which principles motivate others and to motivate others we have to
understand the principles that motivate us. 2 of 55
Is it clear now? If it’s not, the author explains it a little better.
We can motivate others when we have faith in them. When you have faith in someone, you motivate them.
Your faith is able to get out of the belief area and become an action because the possibility of achieving
success was assumed.
You become successful or you fail because you are motivated or not. Motivate others through suggestion
and faith and motivate yourself through self-suggestion.
Do you think it is possible that there is a shortcut to wealth? The author not only tells us that it exists, but
also shows us how to meet it!
The shortcut to wealth is to think with PMA! Throughout the reading, we will learn how the power of a
positive mental attitude can help us reach the citadel of wealth faster.
If you want to become rich, the first step to attract wealth is to think! Think, meditate, reflect on your goals
and how to achieve them. Hereinafter, you have to set your goal and there is a correct way to do it:
The Positive Mental Attitude will keep you motivated to continue trying to achieve your goal even if things
get difficult, the Negative Mental Attitude will make you give up in the face of obstacles.
To begin your journey in search of achieving your goal you need money, what should you do if you don’t
have it? The author teaches us that honest people can use OPM for that!
You don’t know what OPM is? OPM is Other People’s Money. An honest person with a good character has a
good reputation and that’s enough for people to trust you and give you credit. Whenever you use OPM,
refund the person all the money invested with a compensation or favourable profit.
Another important feature in your journey to success is to feel satisfied with your job. Being satisfied is a
mental attitude.
You will feel more satisfied with your job if you work with something that you are apt or you naturally enjoy
doing. If your job doesn’t make you feel satisfied, if it is boring, monotonous, there is no problem!
Try to see your work as a way to achieve your goals. See beyond the routine. If you use your work to achieve
your goal, this work may bring you the satisfaction that you seek!
To finish this third part of the book, the author stresses that doing what is good for others is a way to attract
blessing on your life. But keep in mind that the real good deed must be kept secret.
Therefore, when someone tells you that something can’t be done, you should develop a Magnificent
Obsession and make your wish come true. When people tell you that something can not be done, through
work, find a way to do it.
Napoleon Hill comes to a very important point about PMA. Positive Mental Attitude demands a good level
of energy. When we are tired, exhausted, our feelings and emotions tend to become negative.
We need to train and force our body and mind until the limit so we can get the necessary energy that PMA
requires. And to be able to reach our limit, we need to sleep and eat well.
Remember: Health is one of the most precious things that we have. Many people would like to exchange
their wealth for good health. So, do not let uncertainties about your health undermine your PMA. Safety and
health come first. 3 of 55
The author yet reminds us that positive thoughts are capable of changing the way we feel. What affects our
mind also affects our body.
As well as we can attract wealth and improve our health, we can also achieve happiness. To become happy,
we need to be understanding with other people.
Not everyone thinks and feels the same as you. When you understand that others are different, you will find
it easier to develop PMA in yourself. Make an effort to let your relatives and people around you happy, that
way your home and social life will become happier and more successful.
On the journey to develop a Positive Mental Attitude we can get face to face with guilt. The feeling of guilt
is good, it means that you know how to distinguish what is right from what is wrong. Guilt can teach us to
be more considerate of others and this consideration is a quality that we must learn and develop.
Although the feeling of guilt being a good sign about our character, we must always make amends and
improve our actions. 4 of 55
What do other authors say about it?
The book “The miracle morning”, written by Hal Elrod, helps you to find ways to change your mind so you
can become more motivated, focused and less grumpy in order to make you enjoy your day better.
The book “Desbloqueie o poder da sua mente”, by Michael Arruda, also presents how our mind can be
used for or against our goals.
To finish, the book “The things you can only see when you slow down”, written by Haemin Sunim, will help
you deal with the anxieties that come from the modern world and it will teach you how to slow down so you
can find strength and joy.
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