EAC Pathology Midterm Review
EAC Pathology Midterm Review
EAC Pathology Midterm Review
• A 55-year-old man with history of uncontrolled
diabetes and hypertension presented to the
emergency department with a 3-day history of
nagging chest pain. Four hours earlier, the chest pain
got much worse and radiated to both arms and his
neck. It was accompanied by diaphoresis and
• On exam: BP 160/100, HR 110, RR 24, O2 98% on
room air. Heart rate is regular and there is trace
bilateral edema. CBC and BMP are
unremarkable. CK-MB is 42, CK 300, Troponin T 0.89.
ECG shows 3 mm of ST elevation in leads V2-V4.
• The cardiac catherization lab treats him with
thrombolytic agents for a diagnosis of ST elevation
myocardial infarction. Approximately 20 minutes
after infusion begins, he experiences ventricular
tachycardia and dies
• Which of the following best describes the pathologic
A.Caseous necrosis
B.Coagulative necrosis
C.Fat necrosis
D.Fibrinoid necrosis
E. Gangrenous necrosis
• Which of the following best describes the nuclear
changes seen here?
A.Chromatin condensation
B.DNA cleavage into nucleosomal subunits
• Increased eosinophilia of the dead myocytes is most
directly linked to which of the following molecular
A.Cytoplasmic blebbling
B.Denaturation of cytoplasmic proteins
C.Increased cytoplasmic RNA
D.Generation of myelin figures
E.Loss of glycogen particles
• Which of the following is a feature of necrosis?
A.Caspase activation
B.Chromatin condensation
C.Cytoplasmic blebbing
D.DNA cleavage into nucleosomal subunits
• Which of the following is the most likely explanation for
the onset of ventricular tachycardia following initiation
of thrombolytic therapy?
A.Direct toxic effect of the thrombolytic therapy
B.Reperfusion injury
C.Second thrombus in the same site
D.Systemic hypotension
E.Ventricular rupture
• A 67-year-old woman with a long history
of hypertension and a remote myocardial
infarction presented to the emergency
department with a two-hour history of left-
sided weakness. She reported that she
had a “fluttering” sensation in her chest
and that her cardiologist had
recommended treatment for atrial
fibrillation which she had refused. While in
the emergency department, she developed
left-sided hemiparesis. She was admitted
to the hospital for observation; however,
her condition worsened and she went into
a coma. She died 17 days after admission.
• Which of the following best describes the pathologic
A.Caseous necrosis
B.Coagulative necrosis
C.Fat necrosis
D.Liquefactive necrosis
E.Gangrenous necrosis
• Which of the following processes did the necrotic cells in
this specimen undergo?
A.Caspase activation
B.Cell shrinkage
C.Chromatin condensation
D.DNA cleavage into nucleosomal subunits
E.Loss of membrane integrity
• When the patient’s artery was initially occluded by
thrombus, ischemia led to a rapid decrease in
intracellular ATP levels. Which of the following is a
consequence of this process?
A.Efflux of calcium
B.Detachment of ribosomes
C.Increased pH
D.Influx of potassium
E.Decrease in anaerobic glycolysis
• In this ischemic environment, the mitochondria are
unable to maintain normal oxidative phosphorylation,
resulting in release of reactive oxygen species into the
cytoplasm. Which of the following is the most direct
consequence of this release?
B.Failure of the Ca2+ pump
C.Increased phospholipid breakdown
D.Leakage of metabolites into the extracellular space
E.Lipid peroxidation of membranes
• A 64-year-old morbidly obese
woman was admitted to the
emergency department with a 6-
hour history of nausea, vomiting
and jaw pain. While she was in
the emergency department she
collapsed and died. Autopsy
revealed a massive myocardial
infarction as well as significant
liver pathology.
• Which of the following is the most likely cause of this
A.Decreased a-glycerophosphate activity
B.Impaired fatty acid oxidation
C.Increased apoprotein synthesis
D.Peripheral sequestration of fatty acids
E.Reduced acetate concentration
• A 53-year-old obese man presents to a
free clinic. He reports that he has had
“heartburn” for the last ten years that he
has been treating with an over-the-
counter proton pump inhibitor that has
offered partial relief. He has no other
symptoms. Endoscopy is performed with
biopsy. Following biopsy analysis, an
endoscopic mucosal resection is
performed. However, surgical margins
are found to be positive and a
subsequent partial esophagogastrectomy
is performed.
• Which of the following is the appropriate term for the
pathologic process that accounts for the presence of
goblet cells in this specimen?
• Which of the following is the mechanism by which this
process is thought to occur?
A.Activation of intestinal epithelial nests
B.Chromosomal translocation
C.Migration of epithelial cells from different sites
D.Reprogramming of stem cells
• An 18-year-old woman presented to the
emergency department with a two-day
history of nausea, vomiting and
periumbilical and lower abdominal pain.
Earlier that day, she experienced shaking
chills and fever. Physical exam showed
local tenderness and rigidity with rebound
pain in the lower abdomen. Laboratory
tests revealed a white blood cell count of
21,900/ dL, C-reactive protein of
300 mg/L (normal <3.0 mg/dL) and an
erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 104
mm/h (normal 0-20 mm/h). A peripheral
smear showed immature neutrophils
(“band” cells). She underwent an
exploratory laparotomy.
• Which of the following is the most
prominent morphologic pattern of inflammation seen
in this case?
A.Fibrinous inflammation
B.Granulomatous inflammation
C.Purulent inflammation
D.Serous inflammation
• Which of the following accounts for the immature
neutrophils (“band” cells) seen in the peripheral smear?
E.Shift to the left
• The pain experienced by this patient is MOST
LIKELY the result of the formation of which of the
following two chemical mediators?
A.Complement C3b and IgG
B.Interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor
C.Histamine and serotonin
D.Prostaglandin and bradykinin
E.Leukotriene and HPETE
• The edematous appearance of the appendix
is primarily due to the effects of which of the following
inflammatory mediators?
C.Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (HETE)
D.Lipoxin A4
E.Thromboxane A2
• A 54-year-old man presented to his
primary care physician with a one-year
history of intermittent upper abdominal
pain. Laboratory results were as follows: