The document provides instructions for playing the C-Factor game. It states that participants should use a laptop to play the game in one sitting without taking breaks or screenshots. The game will take 15-20 minutes to complete, and top scorers will be evaluated on competencies and traits to advance to the next round. It also provides guidance on what to do if the game crashes or internet disconnects during play.
The document provides instructions for playing the C-Factor game. It states that participants should use a laptop to play the game in one sitting without taking breaks or screenshots. The game will take 15-20 minutes to complete, and top scorers will be evaluated on competencies and traits to advance to the next round. It also provides guidance on what to do if the game crashes or internet disconnects during play.
The document provides instructions for playing the C-Factor game. It states that participants should use a laptop to play the game in one sitting without taking breaks or screenshots. The game will take 15-20 minutes to complete, and top scorers will be evaluated on competencies and traits to advance to the next round. It also provides guidance on what to do if the game crashes or internet disconnects during play.
The document provides instructions for playing the C-Factor game. It states that participants should use a laptop to play the game in one sitting without taking breaks or screenshots. The game will take 15-20 minutes to complete, and top scorers will be evaluated on competencies and traits to advance to the next round. It also provides guidance on what to do if the game crashes or internet disconnects during play.
We recommend using a laptop to play the game to get the best result. play the game? 2 I took the C-factor test before. Do I Yes, as this is a new program, you have to take the test. have to retake it? 3 How many times can I play the One participant can play the game only once. games? 4 No, participants will have to play the game in one sitting. Taking a break or Can I take a break while playing the opening anything else on the device while playing the game will end the game game? immediately. 5 Can I take a screenshot of the Taking a screenshot or recording the game is strictly prohibited. Participants game? doing so will be disqualified immediately. 6 Participants will be evaluated based on Banglalink competencies and leadership What are the evaluation criteria? traits. 7 Which browser should I use to play All browsers can be used to play the game EXCEPT Safari. However, we the game? recommend Google Chrome to play C-Factor. 8 What is the duration of the game? The game will take approximately 15-20 minutes.
9 What will I do if the game crashes? Please reply back to the email at “”.
10 What if my internet gets
disconnected while playing the You will be able to play with the same login email once after that. game? 11 Will I automatically get the score of No, Banglalink will communicate with you after reviewing your result. the game after completion? 12 What is the next stage? Based on the overall scores, top scorers will be selected for the next round.
13 Whom should I contact if I have any
Please reach out to us by sending an email to "". queries? 14 Please check the spam/junk folder of your email first. If the link is not present in What should I do if I do not receive the spam folder as well, please reach out to us by sending an email to the C-Factor link? "". 15 Will I get a confirmation No, you will not receive a confirmation email from Banglalink. Only shortlisted email/message after completing candidates for the next round will get a call. the game? 16 Do I need to provide my CV for No, for playing the C-Factor game, you do not need to provide your CV. playing the game?
(Later Medieval Europe, 11) Katherine L. Jansen, Guy Geltner, Anne E. Lester (Eds.) - Center and Periphery - Studies On Power in The Medieval World in Honor of William Chester Jordan-Brill (2013)