SAP GRC Old Material
SAP GRC Old Material
SAP GRC Old Material
1. Which ticketing tool you are using? Why it is used and how many tickets you will get per
day and how many you resolved a day?
We are using Snow ticketing tool. Snow is software which provides solutions for the
Ticket means a problem. There are many ticketing tools are available. Ex: REMEDY,
Service Now is used for create an incident and resolve it.
We are getting 10 to 15 tickets per day. I am going to resolve 7 tickets per day.
A User ID needs to be created in ECC for the RFC setup, with required
Connectors are the links between SAP Access Control tool and target systems to fetch
data into the SAP Access Control System.
Connector is nothing but RFC connection to which you are connecting GRC system to
plug in systems to getting data about user authorization or to perform risk analysis.
Connectors are used for communication between GRC system and target systems where
GRC plug-in is deployed.
In SAP GRC Connectors and Connector types are defined globally.
Create and maintaining connector settings from a SAP GRC system to any SAP / Non-
SAP systems to get different data, execute risk analysis or create and provide for roles.
Connector Types:
As a part of creating connectors, you need to define connection types and map the actual
connectors with the connection types.
Different types of connections that are available to use in SAP Access Control are…
SPML (Service Provisioning Markup Language)
Connector Groups:
Connector group is a logical group to use common rule set. Like standard you can create
your own group map with rule set, whoever connector defined in that group will use the
same rule set.
So, to clarify: If I have ECC, HR, SRM, CRM systems in my landscape and I want to use
same rule set across these systems I will use a Connector Group.
1. Logical Group:
Logical group consists of the systems that are logically the same.
Ex: All SAP ERP systems or Oracle systems.
2. Cross-system Group:
1. Create Connectors
2. Maintain Connectors and Connection types
3. Maintain Connection Settings
Language: EN
Client: 100
Password: india123
RFC Destination name and Client logical system name must be same
You can find Gateway Host Name and Gateway service details, in
Menu Go to Parameter Display
Connection Test fails means need to check Technical settings tab Host name and System number.
Authorization Test fails means need to check Logon Security Tab user name and Password.
2. a. Define Connectors
2. a. Define Connectors:
If portal connectors are planned in your project, you need to maintain the
subsequent connector definition.
Subsequent connector meant to maintain a logical port as an additional
requirement to connect and get the data.
Double click on Define Connectors ------ Select an entry
T90CLNT090and Double click on Define Subsequent Connector.
Note: Whenever we are going to Sub folder one entry has to be chosen
from Main folder.
Subsequent Connectors are defined only for JAVA System not required
for ABAP System.
Click SAVE
Ex: The AUTH Scenario is meant for the Access Risk Analysis tool of SAP Access Control
to connect with the target system.
Integration Scenario: AUTH
Scenario-Connector Link
Target Connector Con.Type Connection Type Text
T90CLNT090 SAP SAP System
Click SAVE
Do the same for rest of the integration scenarios like PROV, ROLMG, and
Dialog Structure
Maintain Connector Settings Maintain Connector Setting
Assign Attributes to the Target Appl Environme Path PSS
connector Connector Type nt Id
T90CLNT090 1 Production
5. Maintain Mapping for Actions & Connector Groups:
New Entries
Dialog Structure
Maintain Connector Group Status Maintain Connector Group Status
Assign default connector to Connection Group Active Appl Type
connector group SAP_R3_LG 1
Assign group field ABAP_GROUP 2
Assign group
parameter mapping
Dialog Structure
Maintain Connector Group Status Maintain Connector Group Status
Assign default connector to Conn. Group Action Target Connector Default
connector group SAP_R3_LG 1 T90CLNT090
Assign group field SAP_R3_LG 2 T90CLNT090
mapping SAP_R3_LG 3 T90CLNT090
Assign group SAP_R3_LG 4 T90CLNT090
parameter mapping SAP_R3_LG 5 T90CLNT090
If the Connector Group has more than one system, than this step has to be
repeated for every system under the connector group.
Only one system can be defined as Default connector for one action under
connector group.
Action List:
1. Role Generation
2. Role risk Analysis
3. Authorization Maintenance
4. Provisioning
5. HR Trigger
Post Installation Steps
Login into SAP GRC ======= Systems ===== Status ==== SAP
System Data ===== Component information.
2. Activate all the BC Sets related to *GRAC* and *MSMP* using T Code: SCPR20:
BC Set ====== *GRAC* click on Continue button ====== Select each BC Set
===== Click on “Activate BC Set (F7) symbol”. Or Menu BC Set Activate.
BC Set Activated or not we can check through ============ Click on
“Activation Logs symbol”.
If we want to check BC Set details / delivered values ========= Click on
“Overall View button (F6)”.
To see list of Activated BC Sets === SE16 ===== SCPRACTP.
3. Activate all the Services related to *GRAC* and *NWBC* through T Code: SICF:
And also
We have to activate all of the steps from this transaction individually at all the five
sub-heading level to complete basic workflow engine related settings.
Right click on each activity and Click on Execute Activity / Auto Customizing.
Select the Sub Activity under Main Activity ====== Click on Execute. ======
To activate all the items, you need to update WF-BATCH which is carrying
Background Jobs.
T Code: SU01
User: WF-BATCH ===== Modify User
Change password to india123
Email: (Compulsory)
Profiles: SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW
The purpose of EAM is to allow users to complete tasks outside their normal day to day
responsibility (authorizations). Means never and rarely used T Codes required to users to
resolve some production issues or critical &emergency access conditions.
EAM component gives temporary access (24 Hours / 2 Days) to users when assigned for
solving a problem by giving broad - regulated access which can be audited.
1. EAM allow users to perform additional activities outside of their normal job function.
2. Allow temporary access for users when they required resolving some business tasks but
regulated access.
3. This temporary access will monitor and reviewed by the FF Controllers.
Pre requisites:
Never assign SAP_ALL profile to FFID; instead FFIDs are classified according to
module wise like… FFDEV1, FFDEV2, FFDEV3 (OR) FFBI1, FFBI2, FFBI3…………
these separate set of IDs are assigned with respective development access.
If we assign SAP _ALL to FFID, then FFID becomes itself a risk.
If we assign Finance FFID with SAP_ALL, he will have the possibility of modifying the
system and it is a risk.
To handle extreme conditions beyond Development access, we create a FFID accessible
to all teams with a role (Which is a copy of SAP_ALL Profile). These FFIDs will need
highest approval (Senior Manager) and its usage is strictly monitoring.
4. Firefighter types or user types in GRC?
I. Fire Fighter:
User ID with extra privileges; it can only be accessed in the GRC server using transaction
GRAC_SPM. As per latest update from SAP 10.1 FFID user type either Dialog/ Service.
Firefighting: The act of using a firefighter ID.
Fire Fighter ID/Role will be created on Target SAP ERP System.
Fire Fighter ID will be synchronized to the SAP GRC System.
Fire Fighter ID will be added to the Fire Fighter using NWBC Setup work set.
Rama Rama FF
FFID Owners are responsible for maintaining Firefighter IDs and their assignment to
Controllers and Firefighters.
FF Owners are responsible to assign FFIDs to FFs and FF Controllers.
FFID Owner is a person from respective modules (GL, AP and BASIS Manager) who
approves assignment of FFID to FF.
Create a user called Fire Fighter Owner in SAP GRC System.
And Assign Fire Fighter Owner to Fire Fighter using NWBC Setup work set.
Reviews and approves (if necessary) the log files generated by a firefighter.
FFID Controller is responsible for monitoring and reviewing of activities done by FF
by using FFID.(SM20 FF Audit Logs)
As we provided fire fighter to the Rama, we have to monitor the Rama activities.
Fire Fighter Controller is responsible to monitor the activities of Fire Fighter Users.
Assign Fire Fighter to Fire Fighter Controller using NWBC Setup work set.
Generally this person is from Controls Team, who reviews Audit logs against the
Reason Codes and T Codes mentioned by FF before using his FFID access.
FFID Controller can be notified in 3 ways.
a. Email
b. Workflow
c. Log display
NWBC -------- Setup ---------- Access Owners -------- Access Control Owners.
3. Define FFID Owner & Controller for the FFID in GRC system:
NWBC --------- Setup --------- Super User Maintenance -------- Reason Codes.
4. Technically wise types of Firefighter Applications?
1. ID Based Firefighter:
The Firefighter ID created in the ECC System will be assigned to the user in the
GRC system. Either manually or via an access request (NWBC).
The Firefighter accesses their assigned Firefighter ID in the GRC server using the
SAP GUI and transaction GRAC_SPM.
The Firefighter ID for all remote systems assigned to the firefighter will be
accessed from this transaction.
The Firefighter roles created in the remote system will be assigned to the user in
the GRC server.
The Firefighter directly logs into the remote system using their user ID and
performs activities which are provided in the user’s role and Firefighter role
assigned to the user.
The web interface facilitates the following:
Firefighter ID/Role Owner Maintenance.
Firefighter ID/Role Controller Maintenance.
Reason Code Maintenance (system specific).
Firefighter ID/Role assignment to Firefighter, Owner, Controller.
Note: Firefighter access is done centrally using the GRC server. Firefighters will log on to the
GUI backend and execute transaction GRAC_SPM. Firefighter IDs for emergency access for all
systems assigned to the user will display.
Access Control 10.0 provides a centralized logon pad for accessing the Firefighter IDs in all
connected backend systems. There are 2 types of FFs.
i) Centralized FF concept
ii) Decentralized FF concept
1. Centralized FF Concept:
Note: The Firefighter can now do Firefighting activities on the connected backend system. When
finished you need to close the session.
A FF can login into any plugin system from centralized GRC System.(Instead
of user login into each plugin system)
Since license cost increases planning to move to Decentralized.
When GRC system is down for maintenance, all plugin systems are down and
FF concept is not working.
FF has to exist in GRC system. This increases license cost.
2. Decentralized FF Concept:
The purpose of Synch jobs is to identify plug-in system data in GRC through NWBC.
1. Authorization Synch:
7. If FFID Controller is on leave or not available? What you can do in this situation?
In order to avoid this type of situation a single FFID Owner is not available
a) We maintain 2 FFID Owners for both Onshore (US) & Offshore
(India). (Multiple Owner Strategy)
b) Delegation of Ownership – Controls team can delegate the
approval of FFID Owner from one person to another person.
8. If there is more than one FF accessing the system, how the controllers get FF Logs?
9. How do you pull FF Logs? (Or) How are you getting FF Logs?
FF Log synch.
Reports and Analytics Work center ----------- Consolidated Log Synch.
From STAD pulls the data.
EAM Reports:
Access risk means one / more actions or permissions that are available to a single
user/ single role/ profile/ HR Object that leads to fraud or unintentional errors. To
avoid this type of miss use of authorizations SAP introduces SAP GRC ARA.
The Access Risk Analysis tool is the backbone of SAP GRC Access Control. This
is used to detect, remove, and prevent access and authorization risks means
reporting SoD violations before they occur.
I. Identifying the Risk and notifying the access and authorization-related IT tasks.
II. Risk Remediation means when the risk identified we are going to remove the
access of T Codes and Authorizations if they are conflicting.
III. Risk Mitigation means when the risk identified and can’t be removed access due
to job nature or for some other reason and we are going to monitor their activities.
Risk means one or more T Codes or Authorization Objects are available to a single
user is called as Risk. Risk means potential threat which needs to be managed in order
to avoid potential losses to the organization.
Example: SCC4 + SE09 or SCC4: S_TABU_DIS+ SE09: S_TRANSPORT.
1. SoD Risk:
SoD means one person having the ability to perform two or more conflicting
functions to control a whole process from beginning to end without the
involvement of others.
When a user having access to two or more Conflicting Functions that is called as
SoD Risk.
Note: In order to avoid false positives we need to run risk analysis at Permission
level also.
When a user is having the access to a Critical T Codes, which alone can damage
the SAP system it is called as Critical Action Risk.
Some T Codes are so critical in nature, who has access needs to be identified and
assigned to ensure that access is appropriate.
This is different from SoD risks in this the person only needs to have access to a
single function.
3. Critical Permission Risk:
Having background job administration permissions might be considered
critical by certain organizations.
S_DEVLOP (01, 02) / S_TABU_DIS or NAM (01, 02, 06-Delete) /
S_PROGRAM (01, 02, 05- Execute).
14. What is Global Rule set, Business Process and Sub Process? Risk ID? Function ID?
Rule set is a combination of risks and generated rules, using which we do risk analysis of
plug in system for different types of risks. Rules generated from the Risk are called as
Rule set.
Why Rule Set: To create Risk Ids, generate rules from risk ids and for running risk
analysis Rule set is required.
Identifying any combination of these conflicting actions and permissions from user
profiles is more difficulty to handle manually.
To simplify this activity Access Risk Analysis Rule Set is created by grouping of
Transactions and Functions. Conflict between two functions is called as SoD.
There are 154 risks identified and delivered in SAP GRC system as part of the Global
Rule Set.
T Code: SCPR20 and BC Set: GRAC_RA_RULESET_COMMON and then activate
it. This populates the Business Process, Sub-Process, Functions and Rule Set.
SPRO --- IME --- GRC --- AC --- Maintain Business Process and Sub Process.
Rule Set is used for determining the group of access risks that are used when running an
ARA. Several Rules are combined together in a Rule set. The Rules are available as
Rule IDs in a separate table called GRAC ACT RULE (SoD Action Rule Details).
B. Business Process:
BP includes categorization of our business functions. Ex: Finance, MM, CRM, HR.
C. Sub process:
Even within business process we can define sub process. This sub process is used for
Mitigation control and maintenance.
Ex: In my organization they define IT has BP and sub processes like BASIS, Security,
and DBA. Finance BP ------> AP, AR, GL, Asset Management.
Both Functions and sub process are a sub classification of Business process. Whereas
Functions are used for defining a risk and Sub process is used for Mitigation control
and maintenance.
D. Risk ID:
Risk IDs are combination of two or more conflicting functions. Each function is grouped
with Actions and permissions. Actions are T Codes of SAP ERP system and Permissions
are Authorization Objects.
E. Function IDs:
Function IDs are group of Actions and permissions. Functions are a sub classification of
Business process and used for defining a risk.
Ex: Under BASIS BP we have functions like Client & Transport Administration.
15. Rule Set types and How to create Customized Rule Set?
Rule set is a combination of risks and generated rules using which we do risk analysis
of plug in system for different types of risks.
Once these BC Sets are activated, it will create a Globalized Rule set delivered by SAP.
Creating a new SoD Risk.
Creating a new Critical Action Risk or Critical Permission Risk.
Activating or Inactivating a Risk.
Increasing or Decreasing the Risk levels (High, Low).
Creating risks for Customized T Codes and Authorization objects.
Ex: According to SAP GRS having Functions - Client admin and Transport admin is a
High/Medium level SoD risk. Where as in real time companies can't afford to have
separate BASIS teams for Client admin and Transport Administration. So we will discuss
with Control/business teams to make it has Low level/ De activate.
Prerequisites: Run the Authorization synch Job and Repository Object synch Jobs.
Risk means potential threat which needs to be managed in order to avoid potential
losses to the organization. Risk means two or more T Codes and Authorization
Objects are available to a single user is called as Risk.
This risk can be analysis in 2 ways.
1. User Level Risk Analysis: We analysis only Roles at user level.
2. Role Level Risk Analysis: We analysis T Codes (Action).
Risk Analysis: NWBC----- Access Management ------ ARA ------ User Level.
17. Risk life cycle or when we use RS, RR, and RM?
Defining Risk
Risk Identification
Remove Risk (R Remediation)
Reduce Risk (R Mitigation)
Continues Compliance (Simulation)
Simulation or what if mode was used during Continues compliance/ support phase
whenever changes to be made we are expect to run risk analysis in Simulation mode
in GRC Development / Quality system connected to my Plug in Development system.
Simulation or what if mode means where risk analysis is done before actual roles or
users gets created/ modified.
Risk simulation, means Role assigned to a user or T Codes added/removed from a
role and sees the possible changes will make on the risk analysis.
Ex: A new user needs to be created a set of roles. (or) Existing user may request for a
new role.
If the project has only ARA and EAM components we will do risk analysis
If we are using ARM also my risk analysis stage is configure to run risk
analysis in Simulation mode using ARM.
Repository Object synch which pulls data of Users, Roles and Profiles.
Using Role Import we need to import all technical roles from plug in system into
BRM Repository.
19. Risk Remediation?
Removal of risk is called as RR. RR is an activity which is run after doing risk analysis; it
aims to cleanup roles in plug in system.
Removing the T Codes from the role which are conflicting in nature and ensuring role is
SoD free.
It is a time consuming part, as you need to check each and every role for risk analysis.
Activities in RR:
Note: The first option is selected on daily basis, whenever user has a risk at user
level. Second option is selected when there is a risk at role level or the same risk
is repeated for multiple users.
Even though there are SoD conflicts, which cannot be removed from the role and allows
the users to access them. These T Codes might be necessary for that particular role to
execute that task and assign Mitigation Controllers to monitor user activities.
Here t-codes will be retained in the role itself and monitor user activities using GRC
system through Mitigation Controls.
Security team creates Mitigation Controllers in GRC system and internal control team is
responsible for assigning Mitigation Controllers to Risk IDs.
Required attributes for RM:
Mitigation Controllers (Owners and Monitors).
Organizational Hierarchy.
Risk IDs.
Create Mitigation Controllers (Owners and Monitors) with required roles using SU01 in
GRC System.
Add Mitigation Owner and Controller in Owners table using NWBC --------> Setup ---->
Access Owners ----------> Access Control Owners.
Create Root organization Hierarchy using SPRO --------> IMG -------> GRC --------->
Shared Master Data settings -----------> Create Root organization Hierarchy.
Define owners for the Root Organization Hierarchy using NWBC --------> Setup ------->
Organizations ---------> Organizations.
Assign Mitigation Control IDs to Risk IDs and others using NWBC ---------> Setup ---->
Mitigation Controls --------> Mitigation Controls.
Once a set of Mitigation Control IDs are created during implementation phase then at
SoD Control stage my internal control teams will take care of assigning Mitigation
Control IDs to users/ requestor.
Before run offline risk analysis must be configure Parameter 1027 “Enable Offline Risk
Analysis” to YES.
Offline risk analysis is not real-time data, but it is dependent on the last date of the
running Batch Risk Analysis. The Batch Risk Analysis is run as background job in GRC
by using
The benefit of using offline risk analysis is it responds in time.
The system uses Offline Risk Analysis data to update and generate UAR review
workflow requests.
This is the same batch risk analysis that is run to update the management reports and
companies should be running this on a frequent basis to ensure their management reports
are accurate. Running the Offline analysis is the same as drilling down via the
Management View.
Ex: Whenever we are running risk analysis, we have the option to change ignored locked
users field other than what is set up in the configuration. However, if you change this to
NOT ignore locked users and run RA in Offline mode, you will not receive any conflicts.
Because no locked users were evaluated during the batch risk analysis. Running this
report in online mode may turn up conflicts with locked users.
A. Create Button
Group Type
Owner Group
LDAP Group
Click SAVE
Click Close
B. Create Button
Group Type
Owner Group
LDAP Group
Click SAVE
Click Close
C. Create Button
Group Type
Owner Group
Click SAVE
Click Close
It’s mandatory to configure the Access Control Owners (Risk Owner, Mitigation
Controller/Approver, and Mitigation Monitor) in Organization.
Organization Hierarchy Root Org Unit Open
Owners TAB
Mitigation Controller/Approvers:
MAs are assigned to control and they are responsible for approving changes to the control
definition and assignment when workflow is enabling.
Mitigation Monitor:
MMs are assigned to control to monitor activity and may receive control monitor alerts.
The plug-in system is configured to connect with Access Risk Analysis and stop any further
processing if you have risk during one of the following four scenarios:
When transactions are added to a role and it’s generated using T Code: PFCG.
When users are assigned to a role using T Code: PFCG.
When a role/profile is assigned to a user using T Code: SU01
When a role/profile is assigned to a user using T Code: SU10.
24. Maintaining SAP Access Control ARA Configuration Parameters and checks?
The risk analysis can be performed against single users or multiple users; similarly Batch
Risk Analysis also applies to single or multiple roles or profiles from SAP NWBC.
Performing the risk analysis across the entire system for users and roles is called as
Batch Risk Analysis.
System: T90CLNT090
Object Selection:
User Analysis
User: *
User Group: *
Role Analysis
Role: *
Technical Role
Profile Analysis
Profile: *
Action Level
Permission / Critical Action / Critical Permission Level
Critical Role / Profile Level
Now, you can monitor the background JOB with TCODE: GRACRABATCH_MONITOR
After completion of this background job, you should be able to view various reports from Access
Risk Analysis reporting dashboard.
Advantages of Automation:
User Administration:
User Creation
User Modification
User Deletion.
ARM is used for automated user administration process and other things.
Access Request Management (ARM) is the provisioning tool that will provide the
company with the ability to manage SAP user access management and Role assignment
within connected system.
Provisioning access to users involves the user completing the forms that request access to
backend system.
Access request is created in GRC by requestors and submitted for approval. The
requestor would be responsible for selecting required by the user. Once submitted the
request is routed online by workflow to relevant approvers.
User Access Management automates the access provisioning approval process and
provisioning appropriate roles and permissions via workflow to the respective requested
plug-in systems.
When a user (requestor) requests resources (roles or access privileges) for which the user
doesn’t have permissions using User Access Management.
It automatically forwards the access request to designated managers and approvers via
At the end of approval process, roles and permissions are automatically applied to the
respective systems with requested privileges when the access requests are approved.
During this process User Access Management checks for Segregation of Duties (SoD)
and Critical Access Analysis for the user by combining the user’s existing privileges with
those requested using the integrated Access Risk Analysis tool.
Whenever a request at Risk analysis stage is found with risk the request now its take a
Detour path to internal controls team to assign Mitigation Controllers.
At user level we assign Mitigation Controllers.
We have made configuration for ARM request if one role is rejected at any level whole
request it gets rejected.
User needs to submit the request again.
Escalation Path:
Whenever approver fails to approve especially role owner after 5 days, the request will
get alternative approver (every BR will have 2 approvals i.e. Primary & Alternative).
Security team making sure that roles are provisioning to user correctly to check the logs
SLG1 in GRC System.
We have a problem for removal of groups in portal in remove request. In that case we
need to check SLG1 logs for errors.
Sometimes whenever Manager is on Out Of Office (OOO), security team is asked to
forward the request to "Managers Manager" . (Go to search request -----> Enter the
request no. -------> Click on Administrator --------> Click on Action type Forward and to
give Managers Manager USER ID).
To find the status of request at which stage it is pending ---------> Go to search request
------------> Click on Incident status.
If somebody raises a wrong request, will cancel the request at Cancel Incident.
For JAVA systems providing FF access we will manually assign FF Role to users
(Technical Team) based on Incident.
We are not using FFID concept directly in JAVA systems.
1. General Users
2. Requestors
3. Approvers
4. Administrators
5. Auditors
1. General Users:
For some customers the situation demands some or all of the new users not to
have any other authorization, but still they need to create their user requests to
have proper IT access to perform their duties.
This can be performed by the user if the user can access a generic URL.
These are basic roles, required to log on to the SAP Access Control system to
create a new request or change a request.
2. Requestors:
Sometimes this role is confused with general users. The simple variations is
that a requestor is the person who creates a request on behalf of others,
whereas a general user is the terminology used to represent the person whose
user ID is in the access request.
Requestors should have privileges to access the SAP GRC system, and the
roles are the same as mentioned previously for general users.
3. Approvers:
In SAP Access Control there are different types of users in the system, such as
firefighter ID, firefighter users, owners, controllers, and so on.
Various Approvers in the SAP Access Control System are role content owners, role
assignment owners, function approvers, control owners, mitigation owners, and
various access approvers that will be maintained in various stages in the MSMP
4. Administrators:
SAP GRC System administrators are privileged to configure, maintain master data or
change master data, and troubleshoot some issues in the system.
This type of user has all of the privileges of the SAP Access Control system. While
providing wide access to the system, make sure that all changes carried out by anyone
who has privilege to change master data in SAP Access Control are captured in the
change log of the system to monitor and audit them later.
5. Auditors:
Auditors are those who verify whether IT or system access are provided correctly, and
they are in place to meet the governance and compliance enforced in the company to
avoid any access risks.
These users will get only the reporting authorization to execute various reports in the
SAP Access Control System.
MSMP Steps:
Click on Display/Change button.
Click Add or Modify button from the Notification Settings area.
This global setting is required for the first two workflow processes only, and the
rest may not require this Notification Settings because they send notification to
pass information to the user or requestor about access request upon submission of
the request, at the start of the workflow, and completion of request at the end of
2. Maintain Rules:
These are the default rules for different rule types such as agent rules, initiator rules,
notification rules, and so on.
You need to maintain the global rules for the initiator and for notification; you can have
one initiator per process.
It’s a more generic setting, and those who are approvers are actually defined in
every stage and maintained in step 5 – Maintain Paths.
5. Maintain Paths:
For the MSMP workflow configuration, you maintain the workflow path and
define various stages.
Approvers or agents are assigned to these stages with the functions or tasks that
need to be performed at every stage. You also define here what type of
notification is sent to whom.
MSMP is the new workflow engine used within SAP Access Controls 10.0 and is capable
of directing requests down multiple approver routes simultaneously.
It’s used for the management of automated approval workflows in User Access
Management but can also be triggered for the other SAP Access Control modules,
including Access Risk Analysis master data updates or role building approval workflows.
The big change is that it works off of a multitude of different rules to govern what should
happen to the requests. All of these rules to be defined up front before they can be
assigned in the configuration and used in the workflow processes.
Based on the GRC_MSMP_CONFIGURATION BC Set activation, there are eight
different processes and process ID’s such as Access Requests, Function or Risk
Maintenance, User Access Review, SoD review and Firefighter Log Review and so on.
Components of all these processes are populated with MSMP related core values in these
various steps to carry out configuration.
Upon invoking MSMP workflow, MSMP workflow initial screen shows seven steps with
the first process SAP_GRAC_ACCESS_REQUEST highlighted.
Process ID’s are pre-delivered as part of the MSMP BC Set
These processes basically cover a specific scenario and the process description for each
process ID is self-explanatory for scenarios.
You can start editing the entire MSMP process by clicking the Display/Change button.
PROCESS GLOBAL SETTINGS there are two variables for you to set.
2. Escalation Date:
This is the date on which all work items for this process are
1. Notification Event:
2. Template ID:
3. Recipient ID:
1. Escape Conditions:
This table has two entries, one each for two escape conditions:
a. Approver Not Found
b. Auto Provisioning Failure.
3. Escape Path:
Path the request follows if no agents are found for any stage or
failure during auto-provisioning. This is set in Step 5 and is
required when Escape Routing is enabled.
To maintain the escape path, it should be created in Step 5 to set
the stage for the above mentioned escape path to which the request
should follow.
4. Escape Stage:
The purpose of Rules and Rule Results is to identify agents in the workflow and
condition based determination of different workflow paths.
Rules are decisions that are associated with rule results.
MSMP Workflow engine makes use of rules and their rule results to take decisions like....
a. In case of New Request, the request has to take which path.
b. Within a stage who should be the Approver.
Four different rule types are available to maintain in the system:
1. ABAP Class Based Rule
These rules are used to find the correct Path, Agents or Routing to a different path based
on logic designed in the rules.
1. Rule ID:
The unique name for the rule to identify different rule types and
rule kinds that are used in the MSMP workflow process.
2. Rule Description:
3. Rule Type:
There are four rule types based on the underlying technology that
helps to make decisions.
4. Rule Kind:
Four different rule kinds are used during the execution of the
MSMP workflow process to determine results for initiator, agents,
routing, and notification variables.
A. Agent Rule
B. Initiator Rule
C. Routing Rule
D. Notification Variable Rule
This rule is used to direct the workflow path based on the rule, result
which is defined by the rule type.
This rule determines the path which a request needs to take when a request
is successfully submitted.
You can use this rule to route a request from one path to another based on
the rule result.
These rule determines route which a request should take if a condition it
Ex: When the request faces SoD Violation the request should be routed to
another path (Detour) to controls team to assign Mitigation Controls to
User IDs.
Most of the times we make use of SAP Standard FMBR Routing rules in
our MSMP Workflow.
This is also defined once per process in global settings. This rule helps to
send notifications to various agents.
Rule Results:
The rule result value can be a single or multiple results, which is used in
workflow paths or stages to determine either agents or paths depending on the
rule kind.
Process Initiator:
There can be only one active initiator per process. This initiator needs to cover all
paths defined for the process that are to participate in the process.
Notification Rule:
Rule defined in the BRF+ application to get rule results depending on conditions
inside the rule
BRF+ rule defined for only one line item. (This rule is called once for each line
item in the request).
3. Maintain Agents
After configuring rules and rule results, we have to define various agents like
Access Request Approvers, Role Owners and Notification agents (requestors and
end users involved in workflow process).
a. Agent ID: Define the logical approver ID, which is a required field.
b. Agent Name: Give a description of the logical approver ID.
c. Agent Purpose: Agents are defined in the MSMP workflow for either approval purposes
or to notify about the activities.
Approval: This agent will get work item from workflow for approval purpose.
Notification: Agents in the system for notification purpose to convey the information about the
Agent Type: -Define dynamic approvers that can be assigned to any workflow stage.
PFCG Roles:
PFCG roles assigned to a user as agent and workflow determines the agent based on the
role assignment.
Every workflow path contains one or more intermediate nodes for the decision making
process called stages in the SAP Access Control Workflow.
You can create stage less workflow also. At every stage you need to define various
parameters that are important for decision making and workflow processes.
Dynamic conditions such as SoD violations identified in making the request or type of
request, changing the stage owner, or adding a role might require switching the entire
workflow path to a different one. For this reason you need to maintain multiple workflow
paths within the process. At the approval stage level, if there is any SoD risk violation,
you need to define whether any routing is required. These details will be maintained in
next step, MAINTAIN ROUTE MAPPING, with approval stage information and paths
where it is routing from and to.
Business Role Management (BRM)
Note: Whenever a user requests a role from ARM he needs to select a Business Role.
Business Role is like a shell role / Composite role created in GRC system containing individual
technical roles from different plug-in systems.
Once a request is approval the user is getting created in all the plug-in systems in one go.
Go to Role Maintenance ----------> Click on Create BR. There are 3 stages. i.e.
1. Define Role
2. Provisioning
3. Complete
Note: Every role must be moved to complete status, otherwise it will not visible in
requestors ARM request.
33. User searches for Business Role in GRC system but however he is unable to find out-
Explain the reason?
Role Import can be done for a Single Role or Mass by using TEXT Templates.
In Risk Analysis we run Repository Object Synch and in BRM we need to bring roles
into GRC System using Role Import.
NWBC ------- Access management ------- Role Mass Maintenance ------- Role Import.
Mandatory Fields: