Mathematics As
Mathematics As
Mathematics As
(;.,aphlnltMIIO<>do at<U>efullotln>"MiiplinJ ihtlt"fflln<trkpop<nlh
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:",:;,:::.".:'::~ Examplel
• SimplifyourdL
•<tprnl<~ol u l>njllr;.onddrcln.
• lkrpop<nl<ooJWmU.tuim&ln.. l l llndth<di"lrK<b<t>.-..,tA(-"l.l!)OIIdtl(:t - 1)
'" • $•,-•,)'•1,,-,,)'
5.1 Lin es Joining two points
Cartesian coordinates
l ;&rtMian<l)f)fdinotnu.. onVilpolnt tJ, c..!lrJ th< otlsJn .ondol"irof
p<t p<ndirul.>r~n<o t hroogh Utoloc-ot<aJ>Oint<lflaJ>Iatl<. llnt~n<lot!r.,.· n
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c.JI«< o ht,.a\1~ lhft<lino•at<coll<d t :&rt ..ionu<L
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· .t:'+W
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0 !hod points .. ~<.,.,.,~inotM &t<•m.r.l. lh• point ( 1 . 1~
The midpoint of the line joining two given points
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lhtl<t!<"A. II . ... &tc"lt....,lor lhodJ>Oin,.and th oktt<"I'.Q. ... fRf
1hrr<lor<Mitthtpoin t (l.2~
ISBN 978-0-19-837596-8
111111 II
9 780198 375968
P.ublished for
kt essm
Review .......................................................................................... 260
m •••••••••••••••••••••• m•m••••••••m•••m mm• 263
Answers ....................................................................................... 366
Index ............................................................................................. 386
This book has been specially created for the Oxford AQA International AS Level
Mathematics examination (9660).
It has been written by an experienced team of teachers, consultants and
examiners and is designed to help you obtain the best possible grade in your
maths qualification.
In each chapter the lessons are organised in a logical order to help you to
progress through each topic. At the start of each chapter you can see an
Introdu ction, to show you how you will use the knowledge in this chapter, a
Recap of what prior knowledge you will need to recall and a clear list of the
Objectives that you will fulfil by the end of the chapter.
The Note boxes give you help and support as you work through the examples
and exercises.
Clear, worked examples show you how to tackle each question a nd the steps
needed to reach the answer.
Key points are in bold and the chapter colour to make it clear that this
information is important.
Exercises allow you to apply the skills that you have learned, and give the
opportunity to practice your reasoning and problem solving abilities.
At the end of a chapter you will find a summary of what you have learned,
together with a review section that allows you to test your fluency in the basic
skills. Finally there is an Assessment section where you can practise exam-style
At the end of the book you will find a compreh ensive glossary of key phrases
a nd terms and a full set of answers to all of the exercises.
We wish you well with your studies and h ope that you enjoy this course and
achieve exam success.
Introduction Objectives
Working with algebraic expressions is needed in any mathematics course By the end of this chapter,
beyond GCSE. This chapter gives the facts and the practice necessary for you should know how to ...
you to develop these skills. ..,. Identify like and
unlike terms .
..,. Expand brackets .
..,. Explain the meaning
of a surd .
..,. Simplify an expression
containing surds.
..,. Work with numbers
in index form.
•• • • •• • •• •• •• • •• •• •• • • • ••• •• •• ••• •• •• •
1.1 Algebraic expressions
The terms in an algebraic expression are the parts separated by a plus or
minus sign.
Like terms contain the same letters to the same powers; like terms can be
added or subtracted.
For example, 2ab and 5ab are like terms and can be added,
so 2ab+ Sab= 7ab
Unlike terms contain different letters; they cannot be added or subtracted.
For example, ab and ac are unlike terms because they contain different letters.
Also r and .il cannot be added because they are to different powers.
Example 1
Exercise 1
0 2.x2 - 4x+.x2 e 5a -4(a+3) 0 2y-y(x-y)
0 2
8pq -9p -3pq 0 4xy-y(x - y) 0 x'l-U+r-4x+5x+7
0 t2-4t+3-2f+5t+2 0 2
2(a -b)-a(a+b) ( ) 3-(x-4)
G Sx-2- (x+ 7) G 3x(x+ 2) +4(3x-5) CD a(b - c)- c(a - b) -(x- 4) means - 1(x- 4).
e 2ct(3 - t) + 5t(c- llt) ~ .x2(x+ 7) - 3xl+x(r - 7)
G) (3f+4y - 2) - (7f-20y + 8)
C Write down the coefficient of x in .x2 - 7x+ 4.
$ What is the coefficient of if in the expression t + 2xy2 - 7xy?
C) For the expression xl- 3x + 7, write down the coefficient of
a xl b .x2 e x
® =2.x2 - 6x+4x- 12
(2x+ 4)(x - 3)
v @
=2r-2x- 12
(2x + 3)2 means (2x+ 3)(2x+ 3)
.. (2x+3)2 = (2x+3)(2x+3)
= (2x)2 + (2)(2x)(3) + (3)2
= 4r + 12x +9
In general, (ax+ b)2 = a 2r + (2)(ax)(b) + b2
= a 2r + 2abx + b2
and (ax - b)2 = a 2r - 2abx+ b2
Exercise 3
Expand and simplify.
0 (x - 2)(x+ 2) e (5+x)(5-x) 0 (x+3)(x-3)
0 (2x- 1)(2x+ 1) e (x - B)(x+ 8) 0 (x-a)(x+a)
Questions 1 to 6 show
0 (x- l)(x+ 1) 0 (3b + 4)(3b-4) 0 (2y- 3)(2y + 3)
that the expansion of
G (ab+6)(ab - 6) G (5x+ 1)(5x-1) e (xy+4)(xy-4) (ax+ b)(ax- b) can be
Expand. written down directly, so
e (x+4)2 e (x+2)2 e (2x+ 1)2 (ax+ b)(ax - b) = a2r - 1J2.
Use this result to expand the
~ (3x + 5)2 (D (2x+ 7)2 0 (x- 1) 2
brackets in Questions 7 to 12.
~ (x -3)2 ~ (2x-1) 2 f) C4x-3)2
f) (5x- 2) 2 f) (3t-7)2 ~ (x + y)2
Gl (2q+9) 2
e (3q - 11)2 $ (2x- 5y)2
f! Expand and simplify (x - 2) (3x - 4). Write down the coefficients ofrand x.
The next exercise has different expansions including some given above.
Example 2
Harder expansions
Expanding expressions such as (x - 2)(r - x + 5) should be done systematically.
First multiply each term of the second bracket by x, writing down the separate
results as they are found. Then multiply each term of the second bracket by - 2.
Do not collect like terms at this stage.
(x- 2)(r- x+ 5)
=i' -x2 + 5x- 2x2+ 2x-10
Now collect like terms
= _x3 - 3.x2 + 7X - 10
Example 3
(x+2)(2x- l)(x+4) = (x+2)(2r + 7x- 4) brackets.
= 2i'+ 7r - 4x+ 4r + I4x- 8
= 2i'+llr+ IOx- 8
Exercise 4
0 (2x-3)(4-x) e (x - 7)(x+ 7) 0 (6 - x)(l - 4x)
0 (7p + 2)(2p - 1) 0 (3p -J)2 0 (5t+ 2)(3t-l)
0 C4-p)2 0 (4t - 1)(3- 2t) 0 (x+2y)2
~ (4x-3)(4x+3) G) (3x+7) 2 e (R+3)(5-2R)
G) (a-3b) 2
e (2x -5)2 e (7a+2b)(7a-2b)
G (3a+5b)
f3 (2x-1) (x + 2)
f) C3x -1)3
fl) (4x+ 3)(x+ 1)(x-4) ~ (x- 1)(2x-1)(2x + 1)
0 (2x+ 1)(x+ 2)(3x-1) e (x + 1)3
e (x - 2)(x+ 2)(x+ 1) ~ (x + 3)(2x+ 3)(x-1)
G) (3x- 2)(2x+5)(4x - 1) f) 2(x-7)(2x+ 3)(x- 5) Note
G (x+ y)3 6) (x+ y)4 For question 42 use the
G) cxz- 5) 3
~ (2 - 3XZ)3 general result of the
0 Find the coefficients of x3 and XZ in the expansion of (x- 4)(2x + 3)(3x- 1). expansion of (a+ b)3 and
replace a by 2x3 and b by -3.
(!) State the coefficient of;(' in the expansion of (2x3- 3)3•
Cube roots
When a number is given as the product of three equal factors, that factor is
called the cube root of the number.
For example 27 = 3 x 3 x 3 so 3 is the cube root of27.
This is written ifi7 =3.
Other roots
The notation used for square and cube roots can be extended to represent
fourth roots, fifth roots, and so on.
For example 16 = 2 x 2x 2 x 2 => :ifl6 = 2
and 243 = 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 => ifjA3 =3
In general, if a number, n, can be written as the product of p equal factors then
each factor is called the p'h root of nand is written f./Yi..
J9 =3,$5 =5,~ =~
This is not true of all square roots. For example .Ji, J5 and Jll are not
rational numbers. Such square roots can be given to as m any decimal places as
are needed, for example
J3 = 1.73 correct to 2 d.p.
J3 = 1.73205 correct to 5 d.p.
but they can not be expressed exactly as a decimal. They are called irrational
numbers, and cannot be written as b where a and bare integers.
The only way to give an exact answer for an irrational number is to leave them
in the form .Ji,.J7 and so on.
In this form they are called surds. At this level of mathematics answers should
be given exactly unless an approximate answer is asked for; for example, give
your answer correct to 3 significant figures.
Simplifying surds
Consider JlS.
One of the factors of 18 is 9, and 9 has an exact square root,
so ../18 = ~(9x2) =J9
But J9 =3, therefore 3..[2 is the simplest possible surd form for Jl8
Similarly {2 =~ 2 = ..[2 .
VZs 5X5 5
Multiplying surds
Consider (4 -J5)(3+.J2)
The multiplication is carried out in the same way and order as when multiplying
two linear brackets.
so ( 4-J5) (3+.Ji)= ( 4)(3)+(4)(.Ji)-(3)(JS)-( Jf,)(..{i)
= 12+4.J2 - 3J5 -(J5)(.Ji)
= 12+4.J2 - 3J5 -JW
Exa mple 4
Exercise 5
Express in terms of the simplest possible surd.
om e .J32 8 .J27
0 ~ 0 J20o Om
·~ 0 J288 O Fs
(:) ~ G JSOO 'i) $o
Expand and simplify where possible.
e ./3(2 - -/3) ~ J2(5+4J2)
e .J5(2+v'75) o J2c.J32 -!8)
4D (./3+ l)(J2-l) 4) (./3+2)(-/3+5)
G) C.J5- l)(.J5+1) $ (2J2-l)(J2-I)
G C.J5-3)(2.J5-4) $ (4+.[7)(4-../7)
e c.J6 -2) 2 ~ (2+3-/3)2
Multiply by a bracket which will make that product rational.
e (4 - /5) o c~+ 3)
G (2-/3-4) $ c.J6-.J5)
e (3-2./3) ~ (2.J5-J2)
Rationalising a denominator
A fraction whose denominator contains a surd is more awkward to deal with
than one where a surd occurs only in the numerator.
There is a technique for transferring the surd expression from the denominator
to the numerator; it is called rationalising the denominator (that is making the
denominator into a rational number).
3J2 3J2(s+J2)
s- JZ = (s-J2)(s+J2)
3~ .
5- v2
A product of the type
(a-.fb)(a+Jb) is wholly
rational. In this question
- 25-(J2)(J2)
multiply numerator and
15J2+6 denominator by 5+J2.
= 23
Example 8
I- s· r fy 3J2+J3
lffipl 2J3+J2'
Exercise 6
Rationalise the denominator and simplify where possible.
3 1
O JZ o ft 0~
0 3J2
0 -127
1 a .J5
0 d-1 o 3Fz
: 5+J2 0 2-/3-3
1.5 Indices
Base and index
In an expression such as 34, the base is 3 and the 4 is the power or index (the
p lural is indices).
Working with indices involves using properties which apply to any base, so
these laws are given in terms of a general base a where a stands for any number.
Law l
Because a3 means a x a x a and a2 means a x a it follows that
a 3 x a2 =(a x ax a) x (ax a) = as
so a3 x a2 =a 3 + 2
Examples with different powers all show the general law that
Law 2
For division
f(x;t x f( x f( x axaxa
a7 + a4 = a3
f{Xf{ Xf{ Xf{
Therefore a0 = 1
any base to the power zero is equal to l.
(a2)3 = (a x a)J
=(ax a)x (ax a) x (ax a)
so (a2)3 = a2xJ
In general
(a1' )q =aPq
This law explains the meaning of a fractional index. From the first law
a2 xa2= a 2+2 =a 1 =a
so a =a 2 x a 2
But a=.Ja x.Ja
Therefore a 2 means .[a, which is the positive square root of a.
Also a3 xa3 xa3 =a3+3+3=al =a
But ifi_x:(/axifa=a
=~(a)1' or ( ra.r
Example 9
2 3x27 b3
a -- c ~a b x-
4 5
- 43 a
2 3x2 7 23x27 2 3+7 210
a - - = - - = - -=-=24 Note
43 (22 )3 22X3 26
1 1
First express all the terms to
b (x 2 )1 xx-3=x 2X1x - =x 14 X-=x 11 base 2.
xa xa
Example 10
I Evaluate
(64) -3
3 =--
b ( 295J2
(64)3 '
1 1 (~)'
could have been
= ~=4 written as v(fs-) but
this Involves much bigger
Example 11
State the value of p given that
a 125=5P b (~ r =1 c
a 125 = 53
Therefore p = 3.
b Any number to the power zero is 1, so p = 0.
0 22x 43
42x 2 -3 0
1 4 1 3
0 x3 X1x 3 p2 xp 4
X 3 p 4
0 (y 2)2 X y-3 0 (16)4+ 8 3
5 4
1 2
y sx y 3
~ (~l
cg (8rJ
0 -
-1 G (Hl () (2:l
~ c~oJ
G co.64) - 2
e (-ir G) (121) 2
.!. 1
G 8 x3~2
ED 121 = llP 1
- = 7P
G 1=(~r
~ ~=(2:r
- =2P
ED 83 x4 3 =2P 3 2 X 4P= -
G) xPxx- 2 =x
G) (x Yx x-<~ = x-
2 1
The denominator of JE can be rationalized by multiplying numerator and
denominator by Jb.
The denominator of a c can be rationalized by multiplying numerator and
denominator by b-../C.
a" X a111 = a"+m
'ifQ, =a-;.
0 Simplify a 2(3 - a)- (a - a3).
0 Expand and simplify (2x - 7)(x + 5).
0 Expand and simplify ( 4x - 3) 2•
0 Expand and simplify (2x - 3)(2x+ 3).
0 Expand and simplify (3 - 5x)(2x +1).
0 Expand and simplify (2x- 3y)(x + y)2 •
0 State the coefficient of a 2 b in the expansion of (3a- 2b) 3 •
0 Express Jl50 in terms of the simplest possible surd.
Q Expand ( 4-3J3r and simplify if possible.
For Questions 10, 11and 12 state the letter that gives the correct answer.
1'-\ 1- .fi
w ----r;; is equal to
a 1 b -1 c d 3
I 3
p 2 X p4
G) I simplifies to
p 4
I I 3
a p2 b p 2 c p4 d p
1 11 11
a b c 1-
12 12 12
Oa Given that ~ = 3' state the value of r.
b Given that .J3 = 3' state the value of r.
Oa The expression (x - 3)(x 2 -5x+6) can be written in the form
x 3 +px2 +qx-18. Show that p =-8 and find the value of q.
b The expression (x2 +6) 3 can be written in the form x 6 + px 4 +qx2 +216.
Find the values of p and q.
0 a Show that J72 = pJ2 giving the value of p.
b Show that .J8 ::S = n where n is an integer. State the value of n.
3 2
b Express ( ~: in the form ax!' giving the values of a and b.
() a Simplify ( 3J2r
Find the width of the rectangle, giving your answer in the form (m + em,
where m and n are integers.
Example 1
Example 2
The x term in each bracket is x as x2 can only be x x x. The sign in one bracket is
positive and the other is negative so x2- 3x -10 = (x- )(x + ).
Mentally expanding the
The numbers could be 10 and 1 or 5 and 2.
brackets checks that they are
Checking the middle term shows that they are 5 and 2.
r-3x -10=(x-5)(x+2)
Example 3
The x terms in the brackets could be 6x and x, or 3x and 2x, one positive and the
other negative.
The number terms could be 12 and 1 or 3 and 4 (not 6 and 2 because the
coefficient of x in the quadratic is odd).
Now try different combinations to find the correct one.
12 -x - 6r= (3 + 2x)(4- 3x)
Common factors
A common factor is a number or letter that is a factor of each term in an
When the terms in a quadratic equation have a common factor it should be
factorised first.
For example 4r+8x+4 = 4(x!-+ 2x+ 1)
The quadratic inside the bracket now has smaller coefficients and can be
factorised more easily
4r+ Bx+ 4 = 4(x+ 1)(x+ 1)
= 4(x+1)2
Not all quadratics factorise.
Look at 3r- x+ 5.
Example 4
Factorise2x'-8x+ 16.
The possible brackets are (x - 1)(x- 8) and (x- 2)(x- 4). Neither pair expands
to r - 4x+ 8, so there are no further factors.
Exercise 2
Facto rise.
0 6r+x- 12 0 4r -llx+6 0 4r+3x- 1
0 3r-17x+10 e 4r - 12x+9 0 3-5x-2r
0 2s.x2- 16 () 3-2x -r 0 5r -6l x+ 12
«!) 9r+30x+25 G 3 +2x - r G 12+7x - 12r
( ) 1- r (0 9r + 12x+4 CD r+ 2xy+i
G l - 4r $ 4r-4xy+y 2
CD s-4r
G) 36+ 12x+r $ 40r - 17x-12 G 7r - 5x- 150
e 36-25r G) xz - y ~ 8l r-36xy+ 4y
e 49-84x+36r ~ 25r-4y $ 36r+60xy+25y
G) 4r- 4xy -3y2 fD 6r+ uxy+4y ~ 49p2q2 - 28pq + 4
Factorise where possible.
G r+x +1 $ 2r+4x+2 G r+3x+2
~ 3r+ 12x- 15 G) r +4 f) r- 4x - 6
ED r+3x+ 1 G) 2r-8x+8 G) 3r-3x-6
$ 2r-6x+8 0 3r-6x-24 G r-4x- 12
(D r+ l ~ 4r -loo CD 5r - 25
(D 7r+x+ 4 G lOr - 39x- 36 CD r+xy+y
2.2 Quadratic equations
When a quadratic expression has a particular value this is a quadratic equation,
for example 2r - 5x + 1 = 0
Using a, band c to stand for any numbers, any quadratic equation can
be written in the general form axZ + bx + c =0 where a ¢ 0.
Example 5
x2+ 6x- 7 =0
~ (x - l)(x+ 7) =0
~ x- 1=0 m x +7 =0
~ x= 1 or x =- 7
The roots of the equation are 1 and - 7.
4x - .i=3
~ O=r-4x+3
~ r-4x+3 =0 ~ (x - 3)(x- 1)=0
~ x-3= 0 or x- 1 = 0
~ x=3orx= 1
Losing a solution
Quadratic equations sometimes have a common factor containing the
unknown quantity. Do not divide by the common factor because this
loses part of the solution. The example below shows this.
Correct solution Faulty solution
r-5x=O r-5x= O
x(x-5)=0 x - 5 = 0 (Dividing by x. )
x= Oor x- 5=0 x =5
~ x=Oorx =5 The solution x = 0 has been lost.
Dividing an equation by a numerical common factor is correct and sen sible,
but dividing by a common factor containing the unknown quantity means
losin g a solution.
Exercise 3
Solve the equations.
0 r+5x+6=0 E) r+x-6=0 e .t-x-6=0
0 r+6x +B =O 0 .i-4x+ 3=0 0 r+2x - 3 = 0
0 2r +3x +l=O 0 4r-9x+2=0 0 r+4x - 5=0
0 r+x -72 = 0
Find the roots of these equations.
G .r-2x-3=o 4) .t-5x+4=o ~ .i-6x+5=0
e r +3x-10=0 4) .t-sx- 14 = 0 G .i-9x+ 14 =0
Solve each equation, maldng sure that you give all the roots.
Q r+ 10-7x = O C 15- r -2x= O G) r - 3x=4
$ l2 - 7x + x2= 0 fD 2x-1+3r = O fl} x(x+7)+6=0
f) 2r-4x= O 0 x(4x+5) =-1 G) 2-x=3r
e 6r + 3x =0 $ r + 6x = 0 ED .i =lOx
~ x(4x+1)=3x ~ 20+x(l - x) =O t) x(3x-2)=8
E) x2-x(2x-1)+2 =0 G) x(x+ 1) =2x ~ 4+r=2(x+2)
t ) xCx-2)=3 t) 1- r=x(1+ x)
Example 7
Solve the equation x' - 4x- 2 =0. Give thesolution in surd form.
Add {
:=) (x - 2)2 = 6
:=) J6
x-2 = ±
:=) x=2+ J6 or x=2 - J6
~ Find in surd form the roots ofthe equation 2X' - 3x- 3 =0.
2( x2 -~x ) =3 ~
x 2 - - x= -
2 3
x --x+-=-+-
3 9
2 16
( x-~J =~!
.. x-~=±Jf!
4 16
x= -±-53
4 4
Exercise 4
Add a number to each expression so that the result is a perfect square.
0 x2-4x f.) x2+ 2x
0 x2-6x 0 r+lOx
0 2XZ-4x 0 x2 +5x
0 3r - 48x 0 r+ 18x
0 2x2-40x C XZ+x
G 3XZ-2x e 2x2+3x
Solve the equations by completing the square, giving the solutions in surd form.
G) x2+8x= 1 e x2-2x-2=0
e r+x- 1 = o G 2r+2x= 1
4D x2+3x+ l =O () 2x2-x-2=0
G) x2 + 4x = 2 ~ 3x2 + x- 1 = 0
e 2x2+4x=7 $ x2- x =3
G) 4x2 + x- 1 = 0 ~ 2x2 - 3x - 4 = 0
You need to learn this
Example 9
I- Find, by using the formula, the roots of the equation 2r -7x-1 = 0 giving them
correct to 3 decimal places.
2r-7x-1 =O
Comparing with ar+ bx+ c= 0 gives a= 2, b=-7, c =-1
-b ±.Jb2 -4ac 7±~49-4(2)(-1)
Using the formula gives X=
2a 4
Therefore, in surd form, x=
The roots are 3.637 and - 0.137 correct to 3 decimal places.
Exercise 5
Solve the equations by using the formula. Give the solutions in surd form.
0 r+4x+2=0 e 2r - x -2=0 e r+5x+ 1 =0
0 2r-x - 4=0 e r+1 = 4x 0 2r - x = 5
0 1 + x- 3r = o 0 3r = 1 - x
Find, correct to 3 decimal places, the roots of these equations.
( ) 5r+9x+2=0 ~ 2r-7x+4=0 G 4r-7x - 1 = O
e 3x=5 - 4r e 4r+3x=5 e 1 =5x - 5r
e 8x-r=1 ~ r - 3x = l
2a 2a 2a 2a
When the roots are added, the terms containing the square root disappear
sum of roots =- -
This fact is useful as a check on the accuracy of roots that have been
Example 10
x2-6x+ 1 =0
I a = 1,b =-6, c= 1
b2- 4ac = (-6)2 - 4(1)(1) = 32
b2 - 4ac > 0 so the roots are real and different.
Example 11
~ If the roots of the equation 2x' - px + 8 = 0 a<e equal, find the value of p.
a= 2, b =- p, c =8
The roots are equal so b2 - 4ac = 0,
therefore (-p)2 - 4(2)(8) = 0
=> p2 - 64 = 0 => p2 = 64 so p = ±8
Example 12
~ Prove thatthe equation ( k- 2)x' + 2x- k = 0 has real roots for any value of k.
Solve the equations
2r-3f= 15
x-y=2 [1]
2r-3f=15 [2]
Equation [1] is linear so use it for the substitution
Substitutingy+ 2 for x in [2] gives
2(y+2)2 -3f= 15
=> 2(y2 + 4y+ 4)- 3f = 15
=> 2f+8y+8 -3f= 15
Collecting terms on the side where f is positive gives
=> O=(y-7)(y-1), so y=7ory =1
Now use x = y + 2 to find corresponding values of x.
Therefore x = 9 andy= 7 or x=3 andy= 1. The values of x and y must
be given In corresponding
pairs. It Is Incorrect to write
Exercise 7
the answer as y = 7 or y = 1
Solve the following pairs of equations. and x = 9 or x = 3 because
O r+f= 5 0 f-r=s y= 7 with x= 3
y - x=1 x+y =2 y = 1 with x=9
O 3r - f =3 0 y=4r are not solutions.
2x-y= 1 y+2x=2
O t+xy=3
2x+y= 1
e yr-xy=
=3- x
f) xy=2 0 2x - y=2
x+ y -3= 0 r-y=s
C) y - x=4 ~ x+f= 10
f - 5r=2o x-2y=2
G 4x+y = 1 $ 3xy - x=O
4r+y=o x+3y= 2
CD r +4f=2
2y+x + 2 = 0
e x+3y = 0
2x+3xy = 1
0 3x-4y = 1 () r +4f=2
6xy = 1 x+2y=2
Methods for solving quadratic equations
0 Collect the terms in the order ax2 + bx+ c = 0, then factorise the left-hand
side if possible.
e Arrange in the form ax2 + bx =- c, then complete the square on the left-
hand side, adding (%) to both sides.
-b±.Jb 2 - 4ac
0 Use the formula x = - -- --
Roots that are not rational should be given in surd form unless an
approximate form (such as correct to 3 significant figures) is asked for.
Properties of roots
The nature of the roots depends on the value of the discriminant, that is, on the
value of b2- 4ac.
b2- 4ac > 0 ~ real different roots
b2 - 4ac = 0 ~ real equal roots
b2 - 4ac ~ 0 ~ real roots
b2- 4ac < 0 ~ no real roots
0 Factorise 3r- 9x + 6.
0 Factorise 4r - 36.
0 Solve the equation x2- 5x- 6 =0.
0 Solve the equation x2- 6x- 5 =0.
0 Solve the equation 2r + 3x = l.
0 Solve the equation 5 - 3x2 = 4x.
In Questions 7 and 8 solve the pair of equations simultaneously. (Choose your
substitution carefully to keep the amount of squaring to a minimum.)
0 2x2-y=7
x +y=9
0 2x=y-l
x2-3y+ 11 = 0
0 a The equation x 2 - (p -2)x+(p-2) =0 has equal roots. Show that
p satisfies the equation p 2 -Bp+ 12 =0.
b Solvetheequation p 2 -8p+12=0.
c Hence find the two possible forms of the equation
x 2 - (p- 2)x+ (p- 2)=0.
0 a
Express x 2 - 3x- 6 in the form ( x- a ) + b stating the values of a and b.
b Hence solve the equation x 2 -3x-6 =0 giving your answer in surd form.
0 a Express r
- 5x + 7 in the form ( x- a ) + b stating the values of a and b.
b Hence show that the equation r - 5x + 7 = 0 has no real roots.
0 Solve the equations x 2 - 2y = 2
C) a Find the value of the discriminant of the expression 2x2 - 5x+ 2.
b Hence show that the equation 2x2 - 5x+ 2 = 0 has real and distinct
G The quadratic equation (2k - 7)x 2
- (k - 2)x+(k - 3)=0 has real roots.
Show that 7k2 - 48k+ 80 ~ 0
AQA MPCl June 2013 (part question)
Gi Express r - 6x+ 11 in the form (x- p) 2
+ q.
il Use the result from part (i) to show that the equation XZ- 6x + 11 = 0
h as no real solutions.
AQA MPC1 January 2013 (part question)
Example 1
2x2 -6x+17
x+3) 2x 3 +0x2 -x+S x into 2x 3 goes 2x 2 times.
2x 3 + 6x 2 Multiply 2x 2 by x + 3 and subtract.
-6x 2 -x
-6x2 -18x x into - 6x 2 goes - 6x times.
Exercise 1
Carry out each of the following divisions, giving the quotient and the remainder.
0 (2r+Sx-3)+(x+2) G (r-x+4)+(x+1)
0 (4x'l+x - 1)+(2x-1) 0 (2x'l- r+2)+(x-2)
Algebraic Division I
Exercise 2
For the divisions in Questions 1 to 8, find just the remainder.
0 x:1-2x+ 4, x-1 f) x:1+3XZ-6x+2,x+2
0 2x:1- XZ + 2, x- 3 0 x" - 3x:1 + 5x, 2x- 1
0 9.XS- 5XZ, 3x + 1 ( ) x;l - 2XZ + 6, x- a
0 XZ+ax+b,x+c 0 x"-2x+1,ax-1
0 XZ- 7 x + a has a remainder 1 when divided by x + 1. Find a.
These two facts can be used to facto rise similar forms, for example r - 8 = x;3 - 23,
so replacing a by xand b by 2 in [1] givesr- 8 = (x- 2)(r+2x+ 4).
Example 2
From the factor theorem, the value of the expression is zero when x = ..!:_
(the value of x for which 2x - 1 = 0).
As 2x - 1 is a factor of 4:il- 2r +ax- 4,
1 1 1
so ---+-a- 4=0 therefore a=B.
2 2 2
Algebraic Division
Example 3
The equation 4.x2 + px + q = 0 has equal roots. When 4.x2 + px + q is divided by
x + 1 the remainder is 1.
Find the values of p and q.
Exercise 3
0 State whether X- 1 is a factor of r - 7X+ 6.
e Is X+ 1 a factor of r - 2.x2 + 1?
0 Find whether x- 3 or 2x+ 1 or both are factors of 4r -7x+ 9.
0 Showthatx- 3 is a factor ofr -7x - 6.
0 Factorise fully
a r+2x2-x- 2 b r-.x2-x-2 c 2r-.x2+2x- 1
0 x- 4 is a factor ofr- ax+ 16. Find a.
0 Find one factor of 2r + x2 + 9x- 5. Hence express 2r + x2 + 9x- 5 in the
form (ax+ b)(px2 + qx+ r) giving the values of a, b, p, q and r.
0 (x+ 1) and (x+ 2) are both factors of2x3 +bx2- 5x+ c. Find the values of band c.
0 r - 4x2- 25 has a factor (x - a). Find the value of a.
C When 5r - px2 + x- q is divided by x- 2, the remainder is 3.
(x- 1) is a factorof5r - px2 +x - q. Findp and q.
G Show that the polynomial r - x2- X- 2 has only one linear factor.
C!) Show that x3- 2.x2 - 9x+ 4 = (x - 4)(a.x2 + bx+ c) and find the values of
a, band c.
The remainder theorem
The remainder theorem states that when a polynomial in x is divided by x- a,
the remainder equals the value of the polynomial when a is substituted for x.
~~ Algebraic Division
0 Divide 2.x2 + 3x + 4 by x- 2, giving the quotient and the remainder.
3x2 -5x+1
Hence express as a linear expression plus a proper fraction.
0 Divide XI- 4.x2 + 5 by x- 1, giving the quotient and the remainder.
H ence express
xJ - 4x2+5 as a quad ratlc
. . I f .
expressiOn p us a proper ractwn.
0 If x;2- 7x + a has a remainder 1 when divided by x + I, find a.
0 Show that x- 3 is a factor of XI- 5.x2 + 7x - 3. Hence factorise XI- 5.x2 + 7x- 3.
0 Divide XI- 4.x2 + 5 - 1 by x- 1.
x 3 +4x 2 +5x-1 d
Hence show that a.x2 + bx + c +--and state the values
x -1 x- 1
of a, b, c and d.
0 a Use the remainder theorem to find the remainder when x 3 - 3x2 + x-3
is divided by x- 1.
b Use the factor theorem to show that x- 3 is a factor of x 3 - 3x2 + x- 3.
c Express x 3 -3x2 + x- 3 in the form (x- 3)(ax 2 +bx+c).
0 a Both (x-1) and (x + 2) are factors of x 3 +ax2 +bx-6. Find the values of
a and b.
b Express x 3 + ax 2 + bx - 6 as the product of three linear factors.
Algebraic Division
C) 'The polynomial p(x) is given by
p(x) =il+ 7r+ 7x-15
a i Use the Factor Theorem to show that x + 3 is a factor of p(x).
II Express p(x) as the product of three linear factors.
b Use the Remainder Theorem to find the remainder when p(x) is divided
c Verify thatp(-l) < p(O).
AQA MPCl June 2010 (part question)
• Algebraic Division
Introduction Objectives
This chapter introduces the basic idea of a function and looks at how By the end of this chapter,
I graphs of functions can be used to interpret the solutions of equations and you should know how to ...
L inequalities. .,.. Define linear,
quadratic and
cubic functions and
recognise the shapes
Recap of their graphs.
You need to remember how to ... .,.. Apply
.,.. Plot points on a graph. transformations to
.,.. Solve quadratic equations . graphs and know
.,.. Factorise quadratic and cubic polynomials. the effect that
.,.. Use the discriminant to determine the nature of the roots of a transformations have
quadratic equation. on the equations of
curves .
.,.. Use the shapes
•• • •• ••••••• ••••• •• • • ••••• •• • ••••• •• • • of graphs to help
4.1 Functions solve equations and
When any number is substituted for X in the expression r- 2X, there is a inequalities.
single answer.
For example when X= 3, r - 2x = 3.
r- 2x is an example of a function.
A function is any expression involving one variable which, when a
number is substituted for the variable, giv~s a single answer.
The notation 'f' is used to mean function. The notation f(x) m eans a
'function of X.
f(3) means the value of the function when 3 is substituted for x.
Using the example above, f(x) = r- 2x and f(3) = 32 - 2(3) = 3.
Linear functions
The general form of the linear function is f(x) = ax+ b
where xis a variable and a and bare constants and a¢ 0.
C(x) A constant is a letter that
The graph of a linear function is a straight line.
represents one number. A
Two points are needed to draw a sketch of variable is a letter that can
its graph. take many different values.
For example, to sketch the graph of f(x) = 2x - 3,
two points are given by
x = 0, f(x) =- 3 and x= 1, f(x) =- 1.
2~ J
4 2
The first bracket is constant. The second bracket is squared, its value is zero
whenx =-- and greater than zero for all other values ofx. Therefore
when a is positive, f{x) =ar+ bx+ c has a least value when x = - -
when a is negative, f{x) = + bx+ c has a greatest value when x =- -
Example 1
This gives one point on the graph off(x) and the curve is symmetrical about this
value ofx.
To locate the curve more accurately we need another point so use f(O) as it is
easy to find.
f(O) = -4
'Sketch' a graph means that an accurate drawing is not needed. The axes do not
need to be scaled, but the shape of the graph needs to be clear and points that
show how the graph is placed on the axes need to be shown.
Functions and Graphs II
Example 2
~x) ~
Cubic functions
The general form of a cubic function is
f(x ) =ax" + b.r+ ex+ d
where a, b, c and d, are constants and a¢ 0.
Investigating the curve y = ax3 + b~ +ex+ d for different values of a, b, c and d
shows that the shape of the curve is
Sometimes there are no turning points and the curve looks like this
The graph of a cubic function always crosses the x-axis. The graph may
cross the x-axis at three distinct points, it may cross the x-axis once
and touch it once or cross the x-axis just once.
Sketch the graph of f{x) = (x- 2 )(x- 1)(x+ 3).
Looking at the form of f(x) shows that if the brackets are expanded, the
coefficient of A-,J is 1.
The graph cuts the x-axis where f(x) = 0.
1his is where (x -2)(x -1)(x+3)=0 => x=2, x= 1 andx=-3.
TI1e graph cuts the vertical axis where x = 0 => f(x) = 6.
This gives enough information to sketch the graph.
Exercise 1
0 Find the greatest or least value of f(x) where f(x) is
a r - 3x +5 b 2.x2- 4x + 5 c 3 - 2x- x2
0 Sketch the graph of each of the following quadratic functions, showing the
greatest or least value and the coordinates of the vertex.
a r - 2x + 5 b x2 + 4x - 8 c 2.x2 - 6x + 3
d 4-7x-x2 e 2-5x-3.x2
0 Write down the equation of the line of symmetry and draw a quick sketch of
each of the following functions.
a (x- l)(x -3) b (x +2)(x - 4) c (2x-1)(x -3)
d (1+x)(2-x) e .x-2-9 r 3r
Find the values of x where the graph of y = f(x) cuts the x-axis and sketch the
curve when
0 f(x) =x(x-1)(x+ 1) 0 f(x) = (x-1)(x+ 1)(x - 2)
0 f(x) = (.x-2 - 1)(2 -x) 0 f(x) =x(x+ 1)(4 -x)
Whenar+ bx+ c=O has two When ar + bx+ c= 0 has equal When ax2 + bx+ c= 0 has no
distinct roots, the curve cuts the roots, the curve touches the real roots, the curve is all above
x-axis at two different values of x. x-axis at one value of x. (or below) the x-axis.
Functions and Graphs •
Graphical interpretation of cubic equations
When y = axl + br +ex+ d, the curve is a cubic curve.
The curve cuts the when y = 0; these are the solutions of the cubic
equation ax1 + br +ex + d = 0.
The shape of the curve shows that it always cuts the x-axis at least once.
Therefore ax1 + br + ex+ d = 0 always has at least one real root.
axl+ br+ ex+ d=O has axl+ br+ex+d= 0 has ail+br+ex+d= Ohas ar+ br+ ex+ d =Ohas
three distinct roots. The a pair of equal roots. The three equal roots. The only one real root. The
curve cuts the at curve cuts the once curve touches the curve cuts the once.
three different values of x. and touches the x-axis at and crosses it at the same
one value of x. value of x.
Solving the simultaneous equations y = r andy = 2x + 3 gives the values of X y
andy that satisfy both equations.
The points where the curve y = r and the line y = 2x + 3 intersect
have values of x andy that satisfy both equations.
Therefore the values of x andy at the points of intersection are x2 = 2x+ 3
the solutions of the simultaneous equations.
In general, the points of intersection of the curves y= f(x) andy= g(x)
are found by solving the equations y= f(x) andy= g(x) simultaneously.
When there are no real solutions, the curves do not intersect.
When there is a repeated root, the curves wlll touch (they may also
Intersect at another point).
Example 4
The curve c has equation y = r - 3x + 9.
a Express r -3x+ 9 in the form (x- a)2 + b.
b Show that C does not cross the
c The line L has equation y = 4x+ 3.
Show that the values of x where C and L intersect are the solutions of the
equ ation r -7x + 6 = 0.
d Sketch the graphs of C and L.
a r-3x + 9= +9-4
= ( x-~J + 2:
b The coefficient of r is 1 so the curve has a least value.
y= ( x--3 ) +-
27 has a least value of-
27 whtch
. IS. postttve.
2 4 4
Therefore C does not cross the x-axis.
(Alternatively, the discriminant of r - 3x+ 9 = 0 is 9- 4(9) = -27.
-27 is n egative, therefore x2 - 3x + 9 = 0 has no real roots so C does not cross
the x-axis.)
c The curve C and the line L intersect where x2- 3x + 9 = 4x + 3
~r -7x+6 = 0.
Therefore the values of x wh ere C and L intersect are the solutions of the
equation x2 -7x+ 6 = 0.
d 1he curve y = r - 3x + 9 has a least value of 4 and crosses they-axis
where x= 0 wheny= 9.
The line y= 4x+ 3 crosses the x-axis where y = 0 when x= -~ X
and crosses they-axis where x = 0 when y = 3.
Exercise 2
0 a Show th at the equation r -7x + 13 = 0 has no real roots.
b The curve C has equationy =r -7x+ 13 and the line L has equation
y=7 - 2x.
Show that the value of x at the points where C and L intersect satisfy
the equation r - 9x + 6 = 0.
0 a Express 5 - 4x- r in the form p- (q + x)2•
b Hence give the values of x andy at the vertex of the parabola
y=5 - 4x-r.
c Sketch the curve y = 5 - 4x- r.
0 a Factorise il- 1.
b Sketch the curve y = il - 1.
0 a Factorise il- 3x- 2.
b Sketch the curve y = il - 3x - 2.
0 Show that the curve C with equation y = 2r - 3x + 1 and the line y = x- 3 do
not intersect.
() a The equation of a curve Cis given byy= (2- x)(r-x+ 11).
Sketch the curve.
b The equation of a line Lis given by y = 2- x.
State the number of points of intersection of C and L.
4.3 Inequalities
An inequality compares two unequal quantities.
For example, comparing the two real numbers 3 and 8 shows that 8 > 3.
lhe inequality remains true, that is the inequality sign is unchanged, when the
same term is added or subtracted on both sides, for example
8+2 > 3+2 ~ 10 >5
and 8 - 1 > 3 - 1 ~ 7>2
The inequality sign is unchanged also when both sides are multiplied or divided
by a positive quantity, for example
8 X4 >3X 4 ~ 32> 12
and 8 + 2 > 3 + 2 ~ 4 > 1.!.
When both sides are multiplied or divided by a negative quantity the inequality
is no longer true.
For example, multiplying 8 > 3 by - 1, the 8 becomes - 8 and the 3 becomes - 3.
The correct inequality is now - 8 < -3.
a+ k> b + k for all values of k
ak > bk for positive values of k
ak < bk for uegative values of k.
Find the set of values of x that satisfy the inequality x- 5 < 2x+ 1.
I => - x < 6
=> x > -6
So x- 5 < 2x + 1 when x > -6.
A quadratic inequality involves a quadratic function, for example X:- 3 > 2x.
The solution is a range or ranges of values of the variable.
When the terms in the inequality can be collected and factorised, a graphical
solution can be found.
Example 6
Find the mnge(s) of values of x that satisfy the inequality x! - 3 > 2x.
X:-3>2x => x2- 2x -3 > 0
=> (x-3)(x+1)>0
A sketch the graph of f(x) sh ows that f(x) > 0 where the graph is above the x-axis.
The values of x corresponding to these portions of the graph satisfy f(x) > 0.
Therefore the ra nges of values of x which satisfy X: - 3 > 2x are x < - 1 and x > 3.
In this example there are two separate ranges. X
But the solution of the inequality (x - 3)(x+ 1) < 0 is the part of the graph below
the x-axis between x :::: - 1 and x:::: 3.
This is written as one range: - 1 < x < 3.
Example 7
l- lhe curve C has equation y :::: aX:+ 7x - 2. Find the range of values of a for which
C cuts the x-axis in two distinct places.
y:::: aX:+ 7 x - 2 cuts the x-axis when aX: + 7x - 2 :::: 0 has two distinct roots,
This is when 'fil- 4ac '> 0 => 49 + 8a> 0
8a > - 49
49 1
a > - - or -6-
8 8
0 Look at the function g(x) = -f(x) =- 2x. y=2x
Example 8 y
The function f is given by f(x) = xl. The diagram shows a sketch of the
curve y=r.
On the same set of axes sketch the curves y = g(x) andy= h(x) where
g(x) =r + 1, h(x) =(x+ 1)3.
II- The curve y = r is translated by the vector [ _
Write down an expression for g(x).
] to the curve y = g(x).
The curvey= f(x - a)+ b is a translation of the curvey= f(x) by the vector [:].
~ Therefore g(x) = (x- 3)3- l.
Exercise 4
0 On the same set of axes sketch the graphs off(x) = r, f(x) = (x+ 1)2 ,
f(x) =-X'- and f(x) = 2 + r.
0 The equation of a line Lis y = 2x- l.
a The line Lis transformed to the line y= x-..!.. Describe the
b The line Lis transformed to the line y = 6x- 3. Describe the
transform ation.
0 The curve with equation y = 3x+z -5 is reflected in they-axis to give the
curve y =g(x). Write down an expression for g(x).
0 The curve with equation y = 3x+2 -5 is stretch ed by a scale factor 2 in the
direction of the y-axls to give the curve y = g(x). Write down an expression
forg(x). [ ]
0 The curve with equation y = .J2x - 1 is translated by the vector ~ to give
the curve y = g(x). Write down an expression for g(x).
() The curve with equation y = - is transformed to give the curve with
equationy= g(x). Describe the transformation when g(x) is given by
1 2 1 1
a - b - c -- d -+2
2x x x+2 x
f) 2
The curve with equation y=.J4-x is stretched by a scale factor 2 in the
direction of the x -axls to give the curve with equation y =g(x).
Write down a n expression for g(x).
0 2
The curve with equation y = - - is reflected in the y -axls to give the curve
. h equat10n
w1t . y = g(x) . 1-x
The points of intersection of the curves y = f(x) andy= g(x) are found by solving
the equations y = f(x) andy= g(x) simultaneously.
If there are no real solutions then the curves do not intersect.
If there is a repeated root, the curves will touch (they may also intersect at
another point).
When a> b a+ k> b+ k for all values of k
ak > bk for positive values of k
ak < bk for negative values of k.
The curvey= f(x- a)+ b is a translation of the curvey= f(x) by the vector [: ].
The curve y = - f(x) is the reflection of the curve y = f(x) in the x-axis.
The curve y = f(-x) is the reflection of the curve y = f(x) in they-axis.
The curve y = af(x) is a one-way stretch of the curve y = f(x) by a scale factor
a parallel to they-axis.
The curve y= f(ax) is a one-way stretch of the curve y= f(x) by a factor.!_
parallel to the x-axis. a
0 Find the greatest or least value of each of the following functions and state
the value of x at which they occur.
a f(x)=r-3x+5 b f(x) =2r -7x+ l c f(x) = (x- l )(x +5)
Factorise x;l + 1. b Sketch the curve y = x;l + 1.
Show that the values of x where the line y = x + 7 intersects the curve
y = 2Jil + Bx + 3 satisfy the equation 2Jil + 7x - 4 = 0.
b Hence find the values of x andy at the points of intersection of the curve
y= 2r + Bx+ 3 and the line y= x + 7.
a Factorise x - x completely.
b Explain why C1 intersects the x-axis at three distinct points.
c The curve c2 has equationy=x3 +(k-2)x 2 +k.
Show that the x-coordinates of the points of intersection of C1 and C2
satisfy the equation (k -2)x 2 +x+ k= 0.
d The curves C1 and C2 intersect in two distinct points. Show that 4k 2 - Bk -1 < o.
e Solve the inequality 4k 2 + 4k + 1> 0.
0 The curve C has equation y = ../2x2 -1
a The curve Cis stretched parallel to they-axis with scale factor 2 to give
the curve with equation y = g(x).
Write down an expression for g(x).
b The curve C is reflected in thex-axis to give the curve with equationy=h(x).
Write down an expression for h(x).
() a Express r + 3x + 2 in the form (x + p) 2 + q, where p and q are rational
b A curve has equation y = r + 3x + 2.
Use the result from part a to write down the coordinates of the
vertex of the curve.
ii State the equation of the line of symmetry of the curve.
•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
5.1 Lines joining two points
Cartesian coordinates
Cartesian coordinates use a fixed point 0, called the origin, and a pair of
perpendicular lines through 0 to locate a point on a plane. One line is drawn
h orizontally and is called the x-axis. The other line is drawn vertically and is
called they-axis. These lines are called Cartesian axes.
Three types of points are used in coordinate geometry:
0 Fixed points whose coordinates are known, e.g. the point (1, 2).
0 Fixed points whose coordinates are not known numerically. These points
are referred to as (x1, y), (x2, y2), • •• etc. or (a, b), etc.
0 Points which are not fixed. These are general points and we refer to them as
(x, y), (X, Y), etc.
The letters A, B, .. . are used for fixed points and the letters P, Q, ... for
general points.
The axes usually use identical scales to avoid distorting the shape of figures.
y 8(3, 4)
The distance between two points
The distance between points A and B can be found by using Pythagoras'
AB2 =AN 2 + BN2 2
0 X
• Coordinate Geometry
For A(1, 2) and B(3, 4), the length of the line is given by
AB2 = (3 - 1)2+ (4 - 2)2
Therefore AB = J8 = 2J2.
In the same way the distance between any two points A(x1, y 1) and
B(x2, y 2) can be found.
From the diagram, AB2 = AW + BN 2
= (x2- x.)2 + (y2- Y. )2
~ AB=~(x2 - xy +(y2 - y 1 ) 2
the distance between A(x1, y.) and B(x2 , y2 ) is given by
AB = ~(x2 - xy +(y2 - Y. )2 X
This formula is true when some, or all, of the coordinates are negative.
Example 1
AB = ~(X2 - xY +(Y YY 2 -
A(- 2, 2) y
="'(3-{-2})2 +(-1-2)2
="'52+ ( - 3)2
From the diagram, BN = 3 + 2 = 5 and AN = 2 + 1 = 3
~ AB2= 5 2+32=34 ~ AB=5
This confirms that the formula used above also works when some of the
coordinates are negative.
Coordinate Geometry G
In general, if A(x1, y.) and 8(x2, y) are two points, then the coordinates of M, y
the midpoint of AB, can be found in the same way.
The x-coordinate ofM is halfway between x 1 and x 2
. 1s
so 1t . -1 (x + x ) •
1 2
They-coordinate of M is half way between y 1 and y2
. 1 (y + y ) •
. lS-
so lt 1 2
The coordinates of the midpoint of the line joining A(x1, y 1) and B(x2 , y 2 )
Example 2
I Find the coordinates of the midpoint of the line joining A(-3, -2) and B(I, 3).
= [~(-3+1),~(-2+3) ]=(-1,~)
Alternatively, from the diagram, M is h alf-way from A to 8 horizontally 5
and vertically, I X
1 1 1 I
therefore at M x = -3+-(4) = - 1 and y = -2+-(5)=- I
2 2 2 I
Exercise 1
0 Find the distance between the points
a A(I, 2) and 8(4, 6) b C(3, 1) and D(2, 0) c E (4, 2) and F(2, 5)
0 Find the coordinates of the midpoints of the lines joining the points
in Question 1.
0 Find
the length
li the coordinates of the midpoint of the line joining
a A( - 1, - 4), 8(2, 6) b C(O, 0), D(-1, -2) c E(- 1, - 4), F(- 3, - 2)
0 Find the distan ce from the origin to the point (7, 4).
0 Find the length of the line joining the p oint (-3, 2) to the origin.
0 Find the coordinates of the midpoint of the line from the point ( 4, -8)
to the origin.
f) Show, by using Pythagoras' Theorem, that the lines joining A(I, 6),
8(- 1, 4) and C{2, 1) form a right-angled triangle.
• Coordinate Geometry
0 The points A, Band C have coordinates (7, 3), (-4, 1) and (-3, - 2)
a Show that triangle ABC is isosceles.
b Find the midpoint ofBC.
0 The vertices of a triangle are A(O, 2), B(l, 5) and C(- 1, 4). Find
a the perimeter of the triangle
b the coordinates ofD where Dis the midpoint ofBC
c the length of AD.
~ Show that the lines OA and OB are perpendicular where A and B are the
points (4, 3) and (3, -4) respectively.
fD The point M is the midpoint of the line joining A to B. The coordinates
of A and Mare (5, 7) and (0, 2) respectively. Find the coordinates of B.
5.2 Gradient
The gradient of a straight line is defined as the Increase in y divided by
the Increase In x between one point and another point on the line.
The diagram shows the line passing through A(1, 2) and B(4, 3).
From A to B, the increase in y is 1,
the increase in xis 3.
Therefore the gradient of AB is .!..
3 0 X
The gradient of a line can be found from any two points on the line.
increase in y -2 l y
Moving from A to B -----'-=-=--
increase in x 4 2
increase in y __2___ .!,
Alternatively, moving from B to A
increase in x -4 2
This shows that it does not matter in which order the two points are used,
provided that they are used in the same order when calculating the increases in
xand iny.
1hese two examples show that the gradient of a line can be positive or negative.
Coordinate Geometry •
In general, the gradient of the line passing through A(x1, y 1) and B(x2 , y 2 ) is Y.
the increase in y Y2 - Y1
-------=- = - --
the increase in x X2 - X
Parallel lines
If 11 and 12 are parallel lines, they are inclined at the same angle to the positive
direction of the x-axis,
Perpendicular lines
The lines AB and CD are perpendicular with gradients m 1 and
m2 respectively.
The line AB makes an angle Owith the x-axis so the line CD also makes
an angle Owith they-axis.
Y. c
The gradient of AB is ST = m,
and the gradient of CD is - = ffl2 =} - = -m2 •
0 R QR
But PS = PQ (triangles PQR and PST are similar)
therefore m1 = - - or m1m2 =-1. D
The product of the gradients of perpendicular lines is -1,
therefore when one line has gradient m, any perpendicular line
has gradient - - .
Example 3
Find, by comparing gradients, find whether or
A(f, I)
not the following three points are collinear X
(meaning they lie on the same straight line). X B (l,f)
A(~,l}s(l,~}qz, -1) 0
X C (2, - 1)
• Coordinate Geometry
The gradient of AB is ~ = -%·
- - 1 Note
1 The diagram is not necessary
-1- -
The gradient ofBC is _ _ 2 =-~. but it gives a check that the
2-1 2 answer is reasonable.
As the gradients of AB and BC are the same, A B and Care collinear.
Exercise 2
0 Find the gradient of the line through each pair of points.
a (0, 0), (1, 3) b (1, 4), (3, 7) c (5, 4), (2, 3)
d (- 1, 4), (3, 7) e (-1, -3), (-2, 1) f (- 1, -6), (0, 0)
g (-2, 5), (1,-2) h (3, -2), (-1, 4) (h, k), (0, 0)
0 Find whether the given points are collinear.
a (0, - 1), (1, 1), (2, 3) b (0, 2), (2, 5), (3, 7)
Coordinate Geometry Gl
Therefore the coordinates of points on the line satisfy the relationship 2y = x,
and the coordinates of points that are not on the line do not satisfy this
2y =xis called the equation of the line.
The equation of a line (straight or curved) is a relationship between the x and
y-coordinates of all points on the line.
This relationship is not satisfied by any other point on the plane.
Example 4
Find the equation of the line through the points A( I, - 2) and B(-2, 4).
P(x, y) is on the line if and only if the gradient of PAis equal to the gradient of
AB (or PB).
y - (-2) y+2
The gradient of PAis = - -.
x-1 x-1
1he gradient of AB is - - - = -2.
Therefore the coordinates ofP satisfy the equation y+ 2 =-2
x-1 X
giving y + 2x = 0.
Example 5
a Write down the gradient of the line 3x - 4y + 2 = 0.
b Find the equation of the line through the origin which is perpendicular to
the given line.
• Coordinate Geometry
a Rearranging 3x-4y+ 2 = 0 to the general form gives y=~x+..!..
4 2
Comparing withy= mx+ ewe can 'read' the gradient (m) and the intercept
on they-axis.
The gradient of the line is~ .
b The gradient of a perpendicular line is _ _!_, that is _i. It passes through the
· · so th e mtercept
· · 0. m 3
ongm on the y-ax.Js
· IS
Theretore . . . 4
Its equation Isy=--x+O => 3 y+4x= 0.
Example 6
Sketch the line x- 2y + 3 0.
This line can be located accurately in the xy-plane when we know two points on
the line. We will use the intercepts on the axes as these can be found easily
x=O => y=- andy=O => x=-3.
[The diagram is a sketch, not an accurate plot, but it shows reasonably
accurately the position of the line in the plane.]
Exercise 3
0 Write down the equation of the line that passes through the origin and has
a 2 b -1 c ..!. d _..!_ e 0
3 4
E) Write down the equation of the line passing through the given point with
the given gradient.
1 2
a (0, 1), - b (01 0)I -- c (-1, - 4),4
2 3
Draw a sketch showing a ll these lines on the same set of axes.
0 Write down the equation of the line passing through the points
a (0, 1), (2, 1) b (1, 4), (3, 0) c (- 1, 3), (-4, -3)
0 Write down the equation of the line that p asses through the origin and is
perpendicular to
a y=2x+3 b 3x+2y-4 = 0 c x-2y+3=0
0 Write down the equation of the line that passes through (2, 1) and is
perpendicular to
a 3x+y-2=0 b 2x-4y-1 = 0
0 Write down the equation of the line that passes through (3, -2) and is
parallel to
a 5x- y + 3 = 0 b x + 7y - 5 = 0
0 A(1, 5) and B(4, 9) are two adjacent vertices of a square. Find the equation
of the line on which the side BC of the square lies. How long are the sides of
this square?
Coordinate Geometry •
Finding the equation of a straight line
Straight lines are important in graphical analysis. This section gives two ways in
which the equation of a straight line can be found. Each gives a formula that can
be used to write down the equation of a particular line.
In some cases it is often easier to work from a diagram than to apply a formula.
~ m=y2-yl
So the equation of the line through A and B is
y- y
X - X I
) [2]
2 I
Example 7
Find the equation of the line with gradient -~ that passes through (2, - 1).
1 1
~ -1=--(2)+c ~ c=--
3 3
1 1
Therefore y=- - x--
3 3
~ x+3y+ 1 = 0
• Coordinate Geometry
Example 8
Find the equation ofthe line through the points (I, -2) and (3, 5).
==> 7x-2y-ll=O
Example 9
Find the equation of the line through (1, -2) which is perpendicular to the line
3x -7y+ 2 = 0 and passes through (1, 2).
So the perpendicular line has a gradient of _7_ and it passes through (1, 2). X
Exercise 4
0 Find the equation of the line with the given gradient that passes through
the given point.
a 3,(4,9) b -5, (2,-4) c -, (4, 0)
-~ -~)
d 0,(-1,5) e -~, (i, 4 ) f s'
5' 2
e Find the equation of the line passing through the points
a (0, 1), (2, 4) b (-1, 2), (1,5) c (3,-1), (3, 2)
Coordinate Geometry Cl
0 State which of the following pairs of lines are perpendicular.
a x- 2y+4 = 0and2x +y=3 b x+ 3y = 6 and 3x+ y+2 = 0
c x +3y- 2= 0andy =3x +2 d y + 2x + 1= 0 and x = 2y - 4
0 Find the equation of the line through the point (5, 2) that is perpendicular
to the line x - y + 2 = 0.
0 Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the line joining
a (0, 0), (2, 4) b (3, -1), (- 5, 2) c (5, - 1), (0, 7)
0 Find the equation of the line through the origin which is parallel to the line
4x +2y-5 = 0.
f) The line 4x - 5y + 20 = 0 cuts the x-axis at A and the y-axis at B.
Find the equation of the line through 0 and the midpoint of the line AB.
0 Find the equation of the line through 0 that is perpendicular to the line AB
defined in Question 7.
( ) Find the equation of the perpendicular line from (5, 3) to the line 2x-y+4 = 0.
t1:) The points A(l, 4) and B(5, 7) are two adjacent vertices of a parallelogram
ABCD. The point C(7, 10) is another vertex of the parallelogram . Find the
equation of the side CD.
5.4 Intersection
The point where two lines (or curves) cut is called a point of intersection.
If A is the point of intersection of the lines
y - 3x+ 1 = 0 [1]
and y+x - 2=0 [2] X
Exercise 5
0 Show that the triangle whose vertices are (1, 1), (3, 2) and (2, - 1) is
e Find the area of the triangular region enclosed by the X andy axes and the
line 2x - y - 1 = 0.
0 Find the coord inates of the vertices of the triangular region enclosed by the
linesy= 0, y= x + 5 and x+ 2y - 6 = 0.
0 Write down the equation of the perpendicula r bisector of the line joining
the points (2, -3) and ( -~, 3~}
0 Find the equation of the line through A(5, 2) wh ich is perpendicular to
the line y = 3x- 5. Hence find the coordinates of the point where the
two lines meet.
• Coordinate Geometry
( ) Find expressions in a and b for the coordinates of the point where the
perpendicular from the point (a, b) to the line x+ 2y- 4 = 0 meets the line
X+2y-4= 0.
0 The coordinates of a point Pare (t+ 1, 2t- 1). Sketch the positions of P
when t = -1, 0, 1 and 2. Show that these points are collinear and write down
the equation of the line on which they lie.
0 Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the line joining the
points (a, b) and (2a, - 3b).
C) The equations of two sides of a square arey= 3x-1 and x + 3y - 6 = 0.
The point (0, - 1) is one vertex of the square. Find the coordinates of the
other vertices.
~ The lines y = 2x, 2x + y - 12 = 0 andy= 2 enclose a triangular region of the
xy-plane. Find the coordinates of the vertices of this region.
Lines joining two points
The distance between points A(x 1, y 1) and B(x2, y) is given by
AB = ~(x2 -xy +(y2- yl)z
The coordinates of the midpoint of the line joining A(x1, y) and B(x2 , y 2 ) are
The gradient of the line through A(x1, y 1) and B(x 2, y2) is
the increase in y Y2 - Y1
the increase in x X2 - X 1
Parallel lines have equal gradients.
The product of the gradients of perpendicular lines is - 1.
xz- x,
The formulay- y 1 = m(x - x ) or the formula y- y 1 = -y - -y- ' (x - x 1 ) can be
Given a line with equation ax+ by+ c = 0, the equation of any perpendicular
line is bx - ay+ k = 0
Coordinate Geometry CD
In Questions 1 to 4 state the letter that gives the correct answer.
0 The distance between the points (3, -4) and (-7, 2) is
a 2.J3 b 16 c 2$4 d 2.J5 e 6
0 The midpoint of the line joining (- 1, -3) to (3, -5) is
a (1, 1) b (0, 0) c (2, - 8) d (1, -4) e (1,-1)
0 The gradient of the line joining (1, 4) and (-2, 5) is
1 1
a - b -- c 3 d -3 e 1.3
3 3
0 The gradient of the line perpendicular to the line joining (-1, 5) and
(2, -3) is
1 2
a 3 b -2-
c d 2 e 2-
8 3 2 3
0 a Find the gradient of the straight line 2x+ 3y = 5.
b Find the equation of the line through (-2, 1) that is perpendicular to
c Find the coordinates of the point where these two lines intersect.
G The vertices of triangle ABC areA(-3, 1), B (10, -8) and C (1, 4).
a Find the equation of the line passing through A and B.
b Show that CA and CB are perpendicular.
0 The straight line through the point P (2, 1) and Q ( 4, p) has gradient -~.
Find the value of p.
0 The line L has equation 2x+ 3y - 4 = 0.
a Find the gradient of L.
The point Chas coordinates (3, - 1).
b Find the equation of a line through C parallel to L.
c Find the equation of the line through C perpendicular to L.
0 The vertices of triangle ABC are A (-3, 1), B (10, -8) and C (1, 4)
a Find the equation of the line passing through A and B.
b Find the gradients of the lines CA and CB. Hen ce show that CA a nd CB
are perpendicular.
c The point Dis the midpoint of AB. Write down the coordinates of D.
0 The line 3x + y + 2 = 0 crosses the x-axis at the point A and crosses they-axis
at the point B.
a Write down the coordinates of the point A and B.
b Find the area of the triangle OAB where 0 is the origin.
c Find the equation of the line through 0 and the midpoint of AB.
• Coordinate Geometry
0 The coordinates of the point A are (1, 12) and the coordinates of the point B
are (-2, p).
The equation of the line through A and B is y = 3x + 9.
a Find the value of p.
b Find the gradient of AB.
c Find the coordinates of the midpoint of AB.
d Find the equation of the line through the point (1, 1) that is
perpendicular to AB.
0 The line L1 has equation y = 5x- 2. The point A with coordinates (3, p) lies
on the line L1•
a Find the value of p.
The line L2 has equation 2x- 3y+ 1 = 0.
b The lines L1 a nd L 2 intersect at the point C. Find the coordinates of the
point C.
c Find the length of the line AC.
( ) The line AB has equation 7x + 3y = 13.
a Find the gradient of AB.
b The point C has coordinates (-1, 3).
i Find an equation of the line which passes through the point C and
which is parallel to AB.
ii Th~ point ( 1~, - 1) is the mid-point of AC. Find the coordinates of the
pomt A.
c The line AB intersects the line with equation 3x + 2y = 12 at the point B.
Find the coordinates of B.
AQA MPC1 June 2011
f) The point A h as coordinates (- 1, 2) and the point B h as coordinates (3, -5).
a i Find the gradient of AB.
ii Hence find an equation of the line AB, giving your answer in the form
px + qy =r, where p, q and rare integers.
b The midpoint of AB is M.
Find the coordinates of M.
ii Find an equation of the line which passes through M and which is
perpendicular to AB.
c The point C h as coordinates (k, 2k + 3). Given that the distan ce from
A to C is .Jl3, find the two possible values of the constant k.
AQA MPC1 June 2014
Coordinate Geometry •
Introduction Objectives
As a car accelerates, the speed of the car changes as time changes. By the end of this chapter,
Differentiation is a way of measuring how one quantity changes as another you should ...
quantity changes. This chapter also shows other situations that may ..,. Understand and be
involve finding conditions that will minimize or maximize a quantity. able to use the rule
for differentiating
simple functions .
..,. Understan d the idea
Recap of stationary points.
You need to remember how to... ..,. Be able to use
..,. Work with surds and indices. methods for
..,. Solve quadratic equations. distinguishing
..,. Find the equation of a straight line. between different
..,. Use the formulae for the volume of a cuboid and the volume of a cylinder. types of stationary
..,. Use Pythagoras' Theorem. points.
When a rocket is launched its speed increases rapidly. The rate at which
the speed increases can be found when the distance of the rocket from the
launch pad is expressed as a function of the time since launch.
A rectangular box is made from a sheet of cardboard with a fixed length
and width. The volume of such a box can be optimized when the volume is
expressed as a function of one of its dimensions.
• Differentiation
The word touch has an exact m eaning. A line that meets a curve at a point a nd Point of contact
carries on without crossing to the other side of the curve at that point, touches
the curve at the point of contact.
The line perpendicular to the tangent at A is called the normal at A.
Gradient defines the direction of a line (lines can be straight or curved).
However when we reach A the direction we are
pointing in is along the tangent AT, so
The point B is a point o n the curve, fairly close to A, so the gradient of the chord
AB gives an approximate value for the gradient of the tangent at A.
As B gets nearer to A, the chord AB gets closer to the tangent at A so the
approximation becomes more accurate.
The numbers in the last row of the table show that, as B gets nearer to A, the
gradient of the chord gets nearer to 2, so
This m ethod is too long to use every time the gradient at a point on the curve is
needed, so a gen eral m e thod is required. To find the gradient at any point on
the curve y = x2 a general point A(x, y) is used and a variable small change in the
value of x between A and B.
The symbol, o, is used to mean a small change.
When is a prefix to any letter representing a variable quantity, it means a small
increase in that quantity.
For example ox means a small increase in x
oy means a small increase in y
ot means a small increase in t.
(ois only a prefix. It has no independent value and cannot be treated as a factor.)
Using any point A(x, y) on the curve y =rand a point B on y =r where the
x-coordinate of B is x + ox,
gives they-coordinate of Bas (x + ox)2 = r + 2xox+ (ox) 2•
. of chord AB 1.s gtven
The grad tent . by _increase
___ y from
in..:....__ _A_
increase in x from A to B
(x+ox)2 -x2
=2x+ ox 0
AsB~A, ox~O
6.2 Differentiation
The process of finding a general expression for the gradient of a curve at any
point is called differentiation.
The general expression for the gradient of a curve y = f(x) is also a function so it
is called the gradient function.
For the curve y = r, the gradient function is 2x.
The gradient function is derived from the given function, it is also called the
derived function or the derivative.
The example above shows that the derivative is found from
(the increase iny) + (the increase in x) so it also gives the rate at which the value
of y changes with respect to x.
The method used above, in which the limit of the gradient of a chord is used to
find the derived function, is called differentiating from first principles. It is the
method by which the gradient of each new type of function is found.
• Differentiation
We now need a short way to write 'the derivative of r is 2X. Note
One notation uses the equation of the curve. d has no independent
For example when y = r, the derived function is written as dy = 2x (spoken as meaning and must never be
dx thought of or used as a factor.
The complete symbol~ m eans 'the derivative with respect to x of:
So, : m eans 'the derivative with respect to x of y'
Differentiating x"
The table shows the results of differentiating some equations from first
y xz xs x4 x -•
2x 3x 2 4x 3 -x - 2 ( 1 )
or - ~
From this table it appears that to differentiate a power of x, multiply by that
power and then reduce the power by 1,
so wheny = x",then dy = nx"-1
The rule works for all numerical powers of x, including those that are fractiona l
or negative.
For example - ( x 7 ) = 7 x 6
d d ~ 3 .!.
and -(x-2 )= - zx-3 - (xz) =- x 2
dx dx 2
Example 1
~~ Differentiate with respect to x
i :x~:x') d 1
a Use - (x") =nx"-1 wheren=--
dx ' 3
dy 1 _.!_ _) 1 -~ 1
- =- - x =--x = - --
dx 3
.rr::3'\ ~ 3
b {,t(x 3 ) can be written x 4 , so n = -
d ~ 3 ~ - 1 3 _.!_ 3
dx =(x4) = 4 x 4 =4x 4 or 4ifX
Exercise 1
Differentiate with respect to x.
0 XS e x -3 0 XJ
0 _!_
Q xlo 0 -1
O N 0· x-2
V 7 G x3 1!\
A 1
~X eR ~ _..!.7__
G) x1
o ~(x2 )3
Therefore y =c dy = 0. ~
Any line with equation y = kx has gradient k,
y =kx ~ dy =k
Wheny is a constant multiple of a function of x, soy= af(x) then dy = af'(x ).
For example when y=3x5 , dy = 3 x 5x 4 = 15x 4
Exercise 2
Differentiate each of the following functions with respect to x.
0 r-r+ 5x- 6 e 3x +7-i 2
0 1
.JX+ -
0 zx4-4r
3 3
e r -2r -8x
-3 -X -2I +X --2I
Q x4 - X4+x 0 3r- 4r + 9x- 10 X2
I I 4 x3
~ X 4 -x s - +-
x3 4
Q 3.[X- 3x X- zx- 1
- 3x-3
~ .JX + x2
Qil x2 .JX
Differentiating products and fractions
The rules given above can be used to the differentiate expressions containing
products or quotients only when they can be multiplied out or divided into
separate terms.
• Differentiation
Example 2
Example 3
. d dt h 6z 2 +z-4
Fm - w en t= .
dz 2z
6z 2 +z-4 6z 2 z 4
t=---- - + -- -
2z 2z 2z 2z
1 2
=3z +-- -
2 z
==> dz =3+0 - 2( -z-2 )
=3 +-
Exercise 3
Differentiate each of the following equations with respect to the variable
0 y=(x+ 1)2 0 z=x-2 (2-x)
0 y=(3x-4)(x+5) 0 y=(4-z)2
es rl+3t2
2t 2
( ) s= t 2+t
z3 -z
0 y=(~)cx 2 +1) 0 y= JZ
Differentiation fl
Example 4
I- Find the coordinates of the points on the curve y = 2xl- 3x2- 8x + 7 where the
gradient is 4.
Exercise 4
In Questions 1 to 12, find the gradient of the tangent and the gradient of the
normal at the point given on the curve.
0 y= x2+ 4wherex= 1 e y=~ wherex=-3
0 y =.JZ wherez= 4 0 s=2fwhere t= - 1
In Questions 13 to 20, find the coordinates of the point(s) on the curve where
the gradient has the value given.
e y = 3-~;~ ~ z=x2-xl; - 1
e f - 12t+ 9; 15
s= G v=u+.!..;
~ s=(t+3)(t-5); 0 ~ y = ~)
2 x 4
G) y = (2x- 5)(x+ 1); -3 ~ y = z3-3z; 0
Equations of tangents and normals
The tangent is a line touching a curve at a given point A on the c urve so the
gradient of the tangent can be found at that point. Therefore the equation of the
tangent can be found using y - y 1 = m(x - xJ
The equation of a normal can be found in the same way.
Example 6
I- Find the equation of the n ormal to the curve y = i at the point where x = l.
y =-
- = - -2
dx x
Example 7
I Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y =X:- 6x + 5 at each of the points
where the curve crosses the x-axis. Find also the coordinates of the point where
these tangen ts meet.
The curve crosses the x-axis where y = 0,
that is where X: - 6x + 5 = 0 ::::} (x - 5)(x- 1) = 0
::::} x=5 and x= 1
Therefore the cu rve crosses the x-axis at (5, 0) and (1, 0)
y= r - 6x+5 ::::} dy = 2x - 6
At (5, 0), the gradient of the ta ngent is given by dy = 10- 6 = 4
therefore the equation of this t angent is y- 0 = 4(x- 5) ::::} y = 4x - 20.
Differentiation fl
Exercise 5
In Questions 1 to 6 find, at the given point on the curve
a the equation of the tangent b the equation of the normal.
0 y =r- 4wherex= 1 0 y=r+ 4x-2 wherex= O
0 y = .; where X= - 1 0 y = r + 5 where X= 0
0 y =r-5x +7wherex=2 ( ) y= (x-2)(r -1)wherex=-2
f) Find the equation of the normal to the curve y = r + 4x- 3 at the point
where the curve cuts the y-axis.
0 Find the e quation of the tangent to the curve y = r - 3x - 4 at the point
where this curve cuts the line x= 5.
Q Find the e quation of the tangent to the curve y = (2x - 3)(x - 1) at each of
the points where this curve cuts the x-axis. Find the point of intersection of
these tangents.
C Find the e quation of the normal to the curve y = r - 6x + 5 at each of the
points where the curve cuts the x-axis.
CD Find the e quation of the tangent to the curve y = 3r + 5x - 1 at each of the
points of intersection of the curve and the line y = x- 1.
e.l Find the equations of the tangent to the curve y = r + 5x - 3 at the points
where the line y = x + 2 crosses the curve.
G) Find the coordinates of the point on the curve y = 2r where the gradient
is 8. Hence find the equation of the tangent toy = 2r whose gradient is 8.
~ Find the coordinates of the point on the curve y = 3r - 1 where the gradient is 3.
e Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y = 4x2 + 3x whose gradient is -1 .
~ Find the equation of the normal to the curve y = 2r - 2x + 1 whose gradient
is .!..
$ Find the value of k for which y = 2x + k is a ta ngent to the curve y = 2r- 3.
() Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y = (x - 5)(2x + l) that is
parallel to the x-axis.
e Find the coordinates of the point{s) on the cu rve y = r - 5x + 3 where the
gradient of the normal is i·
$ A curve has the equation y = xl - px + q. The tangent to this cu rve at the
point (2, - 8) is parallel to the x-axis. Find the values of p and q.
Find also the coordinates of the other point where the tangent is parallel to
the x-axis.
• Differentiation
Example 8
Show that the function given by f(x) = 2x- X: is
a an increasing function for values of x less than 1
b a decreasing function for values of x greater than 1.
at a stationary point
j~,or f' (x), is zero
the tangent is parallel to the x - axis.
Example 9
dy at A 1 is +ve, dy at A 2 is -ve
dx dx
For a minimum point, B
dy at 8 1 is -ve, dy at B2is +ve
dx dx
For a point of inflection, C
dy at c. is +ve, dy at c 2is +ve
dx dx
These conclusions are summarised in the table:
Passing through a Passing through a Passing through a
Sign of dy maximum point minimum point point of inflection
dx + 0- -0+ :does not
change sign
Gradient I- \ \- I 1-1
This method looks at how dy changes with respect to x going through a
. . dx
statwnary pomt.
The rate at wh 1c dx mcreas~~ w1'th respect to x can b .
e wntten d(dy)b
dx dx ut
this notation is shortened to
d 2y
J (spoken as 'd 2 y by dx squared').
dy A
dx 2 is the second derivative of y with respect to x. If dx is increasing as
x increases then -d 2 is +ve.
X d
Looking at the behaviour of~ at each stationary point shows:
Th'ISme tho d.IS eas: to use b ut ddxy can b e zero at a turnmg . and.It can aIso
. pomt
be zero at other pomts.
Therefore this method fails when d y =0 at stationary point so the first method
must be used.
Example 10
I- Find the stationary points on the curve y = + 3r - 6x- 1 and determine the
nature of each one.
y = + 3r - 6x- 1
::::} dy =12x2 +6x-6
Differentiating dy with respect to x gives d y2 = 24x + 6.
dx dx
When x=-, d y = 12 + 6 which is positive
2 dx2
Exercise 7
In Questions 1 to 15 find the stationary points on the following curves and
distinguish between them.
0 y = 2x-r e y=3x-x1 0 y = ~+x
X 1
0 y=r(x-5) O y=r A y =x+ -
V 2x2
0 y = 2r-X' 0 y = X' 0 y=(2x+1)(x-3)
e y=x!'-5x
~ y =x2+-
e x+~
e 3 -x+r G) x2(3r - 2x - 3)
(l) Show that the curve with equation y = x!' + x1 + 4x- 3 has no stationary
(Hint: replacer by w in the derivative.)
The example below shows how a variable (in this case the volume of a box) can
be optimised.
• Differentiation
Example 11
An open box is made from a square sheet of cardboard, with sides half a metre
long. Squares are cut from each corner. The sides are then folded up to make
the box. Find the maximum volume of the box.
The volume of the box depends on the unknown length of the side of the square
cut from each corner so use x metres for this length. The side of the cardboard
. 1
sh eet ls-m,so th'1smeans thatO<x<-. 1
2 4
Using metres throughout,
the base of the box is a square of side (
and the height of the box is x,
i- 2x) I
therefore the volume, C, of the box is given by I
2 :..--- (..!.- 2x)~
C =x ( --2x ) =-x-2x
1 2 1
+4x 3 for O<x<- I
2 4 4
==> dC = .!._ - 4x + 12x2
dx 4 ----+---+
At a stationary value of C, ~ =0
therefore12x2 -4x +- =0 ==> 48r-16x+1=0
1 1
=>(4x-1)(12x-1)=0 ==> x=- or x=-
4 12
Therefore there are stationary values of C when x = .!._ and when x = _.!.__.
4 12
It is not possible to make a box if x = .!._ so only check that x = _.!.__ gives a
4 12
maximum volume.
d 2C
--=-4+24x wh'1ch.1snegat1vew
. h enx=-
dx 2 12
1 ( 1 1) 1
Therefore C has a maxi~um value of 12 2-6 = 108 so the maximum
capacity of the box is -mJ.
Example 12
I and height is 2 m.
Find an expression for the volume, V cubic metres, of the cylinder in terms of
r only. Hence find the maximum volume.
v = nrh and r + h = 2
Therefore V = nr(2- r) = 1t(2r- r)
For maxtmum vo Iume,-dV
= 0,
so 1t(4r- 3r2 ) = 0 => nr(4- 3r) = 0.
Therefore there are stationary values of Vwhen r= 0 and r=i.
When r= 0, V = 0 so no cylinder exists. Therefore check the sign of d V2
4 dr
only for r =-. h
--=n 4- 6 r ) wh'1c h.1s negat1vew
d 2V ( . h en r=-.
dr 2 3
r=1and is n(1) 2-1}
Therefore the maximum volume is n m3 •
Exercise 8
0 A farmer wants to use an 80 m length of fencing to make three sides of a
rectangle against an existing straight fence, which forms the longer side of
the rectangle. The shorter side of the rectangle is x m long.
a Find the length of the longer side of the rectangle in terms of x.
b Show that the area of the enclosure is given by A = 2x(40 - x)
c Hence find the maximum area that he can enclose and give its
0 An open rectangular cardboard box is to be made with a square base and a
volume of 4m3 •
a The length of the base is x m. Find an expression for the height of the
box in terms of x.
b Show that the area of cardboard used to make the box is given by
A=x2+ 16 .
c Hence find the dimensions of the box which contains the minimwn
area of cardboard.
0 The diagram shows a cylinder cut from a solid sphere of radius 3m.
a Given that the cylinder has a h eight of 2h m, find its radius in terms of h.
b Hence show that the volume, V cubic metres, of the cylinder is given by
v = 27th(9- h 2
• Differentiation
0 A rectangle has a perimeter of 20 em.
a The length of the rectangle is em. Find an expression for the width of the
rectangle in terms of x.
b Find an expression for the area of the rectangle and h ence find the
lengths of the sides when the area is as large a possible.
0 A rectangle whose length and width vary has a constant area of 35 cm2•
Find the lengths of the sides when the perimeter is a minimum.
() The curvey= ar
+ bx+ c crosses they-axis at the point (0, 3) and has a
stationary point at (1, 2). Find the values of a, band c.
Chords1 tangents 1 normals and gradients
The tangent to a curve at a point A touches the curve at A.
The normal to a curve at a point A is perpendicular to the tangent at A.
The gradient of a curve at a point A on the curve is the gradient of the tangent to
the curve at A.
When y = x', : = nx"-1 for all values of n.
Wheny = k, - = 0.
Wheny =ax', dy =anx"-1 •
• Differentiation
0 The point (x, y) is on a curve forwhichx> 0 a nd the gradient of the curve is
. b dy 4
g1ven y-=--3x 2
dx x
a Find ~. b Find ~.
c The point P is on the curve and the x coordinate of Pis 1. Find the
equation of the tangent to the curve at the point P.
0 The equation of a curve is y= _!_+A for X> 0. The point P(1, 2) is on the
a Find the value of dy at the point P.
b Show that the equation of the normal to the curve at the point P is
0 An open tank is made with a square base and vertical sides and holds
32 cubic metres of water.
The side of the square base is x m long and the length of the vertical
sides isy m.
a Show that ry = 32. Hence find the length of the vertical sides in terms of X.
b Sh ow that the area A m 2 of the sh eet metal used to make the tank is
giVen byx 2 -128
c Find the dimensions of the tank when the area of sheet metal used to
make it has a minimum value.
0 Triangle ABC has a right angle at C. The shape of the triangle can vary but
the sides BC a nd CA have a fixed total length of 10 em.
a Given that AC = x em, find an expression the length of BC.
b Show that the area, A cm2 of the triangle is given by A= .!.x(10- x).
c Hence find the maximum area of the triangle.
C) The curve with equation y = x;S - 3r + x + 5 is sketched below. The point 0 is
at the origin and the curve passes through the points A(- 1, 0) and B(1, 4).
• Differentiation
Introduction Objectives
When xf is differentiated with respect to x the derivative is 2x. By the end of this chapter,
Reversing this, when the derivative of an unknown function is 2x then the you should know how to ...
~ Explain the meaning
unknown function could be X:.
of an indefinite and a
This process of finding a function from its derivative, which reverses the
definite integral and
operation of differentiating, is called integration.
how to find them.
~ Find areas bow1ded
by straight lines and
Recap a curve by using
You need to remember how to... integration.
~ Find an approximate
value of a definite
integral using the
trapezium rule.
7.1 Indefinite integration
The derivative of xf is 2x, but it is also the derivative of X:+ 3, xf - 9, and the
derivative of X: + any constant.
Therefore the result of integrating 2x is not a unique function but is of the form
xf + c where c is any constant
c is called the constant of integration.
This is written J2x dx = X:+ c
J! r(x) dx = f(x) +c
• Integration
Example 1
J( l+x + :
- .JX )dx= (l+ x 7 +x-2 -x~)dx
= J1dx + Jx 7
dx+ x-2dx- Jx~ dx
1 8 l -l 1 !
= x+ - x +- x - - x 2 +c
8 -1 t
1 1 2 ~
= x+-x8 ----x2+c
8 X 3
Example 2
The gradient of a curve is given by dy = 2x+ 4 and (1, 3) is a point on the curve.
Find the equation of the curve. dx
~ y=x 2+4x+c
dy =2x+4
(1, 3) is a point on the curve, therefore 3 =1 + 4 + c ~ c = -2.
Integration ..
Exercise 1
Integrate with respect to x
xs 0 {1x 0 ,rl
( ) x -2
Oxl 0 {/x
() 1+r
G 2x- JX G l+J...
x2 e x(1 +x)
0 :x=a
(- .--
,c:::.. """"' ;::,~ ,L .--r-r-._ .--
0 X 0 X
The sum of the areas of the rectangular strips gives an approximate value for the Y.
required area. The approxim ation gets better as the strips get thinner.
Every strip h as one end on the x-axis, one en d on the curve a nd two vertical
sides, so all the strips have the same type of boundaries.
Look at a typical element bounded on the left by the ordinate through a gen eral
p oint P(x, y). (An ordinate is the length of a line from a point x= a on the x-axis
to a curve and parallel to they-axis, that is the ordinate is they-coordinate of 0 x=a --~>x- x= b x
the point on a curve where x =a.)
• Integration
The width of the element represents a small increase in the
value of X and SO can be called 8x.
Also, if A represents the part of the area up to the ordinate through P, then the
area of the element represents a small increase in the value of A and so can be
A typical strip is approximately a rectangle of h eight y and width ox.
Therefore, for any element 8A y 8x <:$ [1]
The approximate area can now be found by adding the areas of all the strips
from x = a to x = b.
The notation for this is LOA where L m eans 'the sum of:
As ox gets smaller the accuracy of the results increases w1til, in the limiting
This form too becomes more accurate as ox gets smaller, giving lim oA = y.
&t-+0 ox
But li m -
M .ISdA- dA
so -=y
&<->00X dx dx
Hence J
A= ydx.
The boundary values of x defining the total area are x =a and x = band we
indicate this by writing
total area= J: y dx
The total area can therefore be found in two ways, either as the limit of a sum or
by integration,
xmb b
therefore lim~ y8x = f ydx
ox-+0£. {I
X • ll
and this shows that Integration Is a process of summation.
Definite integration
This section shows how to calculate the value of expressions like faby dx.
For example, using the method above find the area bounded by the x-axis, the
lines x =a and x = b and the curve y = 3XZ gives A = 3x2 d x , so A = x1 + c.
From this area function we can find the value of A corresponding to a particular
value ofx.
Hence using x =a gives A a= a 3 + c
and using x = b gives Ab = b3 + c.
Then the area between x =a and x = b is given by Ab- A a where
Ab - A 0 = (hl+ c)- (a3 + c) = b3- a 3
Ab- A a is called the definite integral from a to b of 3r and is denoted by
S: 3x dx, so S: 3x dx =(x
2 3
)x=b - (x 3)x=a
The right hand side of this equation is usually written in the form [ x 3 where a J:
and b are called the boundary values or limits of integration; b is the upper limit
and a is the lower limit.
I- Evaluate
41 J4
J _!_dx.
J -x dx = x - dx
1 2
4 1 3
= [ -x- 1] = {-4-1}- {- 1-1}= --+1 = -
1 4 4
Exercise 2
Evaluate each ofthe following definite integrals.
0 f JX dx 0 f( x 2+2x-1)dx 0 f( x 3 -3x)dx
• Integration
Example 4
I- Find
area in the first quadrant bounded by the x andy axes and the curve
The area starts at they-axis where x = 0 and ends where the curve crosses the
y= l-x2
Area= lim"X=l
~H0£..J Jo
yox= 1(1-x2 )dx= [ x-~3 ]I = ( 1--
1 ) -(0-0)= -2
3 3
x=O 0
. -2 of a square umt.
Th e area Is .
Look at the area bounded by y = 4x1, the x-axis and the lines
a x= 1 andx=2 b x=-2 andx= -1.
This curve has rotational symmetry about the origin so the two shaded
areas are equal. )(
x =2
J y dx
a A = lim" y ox=
lh--to£..J 1
= 1 2
4x 3 dx
=[x 4 =16-1=15e 0 X
x=- 1 _
b B =lim" yox=J ydx
lit--t0£..J -2
x =-2
=J- -2
4x 3 dx 0 X
=[ x 4
[~ =1 -16= -15
The diagram shows the curve y = x(x- 1)(x- 2) and the x-axis.
a Find the area marked A on the diagram.
b Find the area marked B on the diagram.
Integration •
a Area A = J: ydx= J:(x 3 -3x2 +2x)dx
b AreaB = f( x 3 - 3x 2 + 2x)dx = [ : -x +x
3 2
I Note
The minus sign refers only to
=(4-8+4) - (±- 1+1) the position of area B relative
1 to the x-axis. The actual area
=-- is 2 of a square unit.
4 4
I Example 6
Find the area between the curve y= x' and the line y =3x.
~ .!.. x 3 x 9-
x 2 dx = 13.!..-[..!:.x3 ]
2 3
= 13~ -9 =4~
Exercise 3
In Questions 1 to 9, find the a rea with the given boundaries.
0 The X-axis, the curve y = r + 3 and the lines X= 1, X= 2.
G The curve y = ../X, thex-axis and the lines x= 4, x= 9.
0 The X-axis, th e lines X=- 1 X= 1, and the curve y = r + 1.
D Integration
G Find the area below the x-axis and above the curve y =X: - 1.
G Find the area bounded by the curve y = 1 - xl, the x-axis and the
lines x = 2, x = 3.
e Find the area between the X andy axes and the curve y = (x - 1)2 •
G) Sketch the curve y = x(X:- 1), showing where it crosses the x-axis. Find
a the area enclosed above the x-axis and below the curve
b the area enclosed below the x-axis and above the curve.
~ Repeat Question 4 for the curve y = x( 4- X:).
Q Evaluate
Integration G
.Y. y
\ \
\ \
\ \
, __..,.,
' __ ...
..... ~
' I
~ "1::! ;,.';
Yo YI Yz Yn- 2 Yn-I Yn
-;:; ~
I -
b .5
-I N -IN §... -IbN
0 -+d•-+d•
------- -+d•-+d• X 0
With n strips all with the same width, d, and with the vertical edges of the strips
labelledyo,yi,y2, .. ·•Yn - I'y",
then the sum of the areas of all the strips is
1 1 1 1 1
2(Yo + Yl)(d)+2(yl + Y2)(d)+2CY2 + Y)(d)+· ··+2(Yn-z + y"_)(d)+2(Yn-I + Y")(d)
A "' -2 (d )[y 0 + 2yI +2y2 + ..·+2yn - 1 + y n ]
Be careful not to confuse the number of strips and the number of ordinates-
they are not the same.
Example 7
Use the trapezium rule and four strips to find an approximate value for the
definite integral ls x 3•
Five ordinates are used when there are four strips whose widths must all be the Y.
same. From x = 1 to x =5 there are four units so the width of each strip must be
1 unit. Hence the five ordinates are where x = 1, x = 2, x = 3, x = 4 and x = 5.
Using the trapezium rule,
y0 = 13 = 1, y 1 = 23 =8, y2 = 33 = 27, y3 = 64, y4 = 125
The area, A, is given by
1 0
A "'-(1)[1+ 125+2{8+27+64}] = 162
• Integration
Exercise 4
In Questions 1 to 6 to estimate the value of each definite integral, using the
trapezium rule with five ordinates.
Give answers correct to 3 significant figures where necessary.
0 Jo -x dx
The indefinite integral of x•with respect to xis given by J x 11 dx = - - x 11+1 +c
11 + 1
so to integrate a power of x, increase that power by 1 and divide by the new
Integration can be done term by term, so J (f(x)+g(x))dx = J f(x)dx+ J g(x)dx.
The area between a curve y = f(x), the x-axis and the ordinates
wherex=a andx= b is given by x= J: ydx.
The trapezium rule gives an approximate value for the definite integral
f(x)dx where
where dis the width of each strip and the values of yare the lengths of the
parallel sides of the trapeziums, that is, they-coordinates of the points on the
curve at the edge of each strip.
Integrate the ftmctions in Questions 1 to 6 with respect to x.
0 2
x --
x2 0
0 x./X-1
Evaluate the definite integrals in Questions 7 to 9.
vA J JG (6- x)2dx 0. J s 3y dy
-1 ~
0 J 32( if; _ _
(;) Find the area bounded by the x a ndy axes and the curve y = 1 - :CJ.
G Find the area bounded by the curve y =.X: - 4 and the x- axis.
f) Find the area between the curve y = 4 - .x;2 and the line y = 4 - x.
ea Find an approximate value for the area between the x-axis and the curve
y = (x- 1)(x- 4), using the trapezium rule with four ordinates.
can be expressed as 1--+-.
x2 x4
c Hence find J x x- 3
b Hence find the area of the shaded region bounded by the curve
y= 6 -x-r and the line AB.
0 The point P(4, l) lies on the curve with equation y = f(x) where
0 a Use the trapezium rule with three ordinates to estimate the value of
J: (3+x)dx.
b Find the value off (3+ x)dx.
with equation y = i 2.
b Use the trapezium rule with four ordinates (three strips) to estimate
the area between the curve y = i 2, the x-axis and the lines x =l and
• Integration
G The curve with equation y = x;5- 3x + x + 5 is sketched below. The point 0 is
at the origin and the curve passes through the points A(- 1, 0) and B(1, 4).
ii Hence find the area of the shaded region bounded by the curve between
A and B and the line segments AO and OB.
AQA MPC1 January 2012 (part question)
0 a Use the trapezium rule with five ordinates (four strips) to find an
approximate value for
4 2x
1 - - dx
o x+1
giving your answer to three significant figures.
b State how you could obtain a better approximation to the value of the
integral using the trapezium rule.
AQA MPC2 January 20 12
Integration ~~
Introduction Objectives
Look at this set of numbers: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ... By the end of this chapter,
This set of numbers, in the order given, has a pattern. There is also you should know how to ...
a clear rule for getting the next number and as many following .,.. Decide if a sequence
numbers as needed. Sets like these are called sequences and each is convergent or
member of the set is a term of the sequence. divergent.
.,.. Distinguish between
Now look at this sum: 2+ 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 + ...
a finite series and an
The terms of the sequence, in order again, are added. Sums like
infinite series.
these are called series.
.,.. Understand and use
the :E notation.
.,.. Define an arithmetic
series and a
geometric series.
You need to remember how to.. .
.,.. Find the sum of an
.,.. Expand brackets such as (1 + 2x)(x2- 3x - 7).
arithmetic series
.,.. Solve a pair of simultaneous equations.
and the sum of a
.,.. Solve a quadratic equation.
geometric series
.,.. Solve a linear inequality.
including the sum to
.,.. Expand (a+ b)" as
a series wh en n is a
Applications positive integer.
To calculate 2.01 6 without a calculator involves several long
multiplications. By expressing 2.01 6 as (2 + 0.01)6 , it is possible to expand
(2 + 0.01)6 as the sum of terms involving powers ofO.Ol. This makes the
arithmetic simpler as powers of 2 and 0.01 are easy to calculate.
u" = 2" - 1 can now b e used to find any term of the sequence, for example, the
ninth term, u9, is given by u9=29 - 1
Example 1
Write down the first four terms of the sequence defined by
n u
a u = -- b u =2 u =--~~-
11 n+1 1 ' 11 + 1 u +1
n 1 1
a u = - - => u 1 = - - = -
11 n+1 1+1 2
2 2
u = --=-
2 2+1 3
3 3
u =--=-
3 3+1 4
4 4
u =--=-
4 4+1 5
b u1=2,andu 1= -11-
ll + u +1 II
u 2 2
=> u =--1- = - - =-
2 u1 +2 2+1 3
u =
3 2
3 =~5
- +1
5 2
4 2 7
- +1
The behaviour of un as n --7 oo
1 2 3 4
Lookatthesequence -,-, - ,-, .. .
2 3 4 5
All the terms are less than 1, and the values of the terms are increasing
as n increases. As the sequence progresses, the value of the terms is getting
closer to 1. Expressing this in symbols gives
U 11 ~1asn~= or limu
11-tOO II
and the sequence is called convergent.
Sequences and Series •
We can illustrate this on a graph by plotting values of U11 against values of n. u,I
Any sequence whose terms approach one finite value, L, converges to L.
0.8 • • •
A sequence that is not convergent is called divergent. •
When a sequence is defined by a recurrence relation, u,.. =f(u,.), then if the 0.4
both u,. and U11+1 approach Las n__, oo. Therefore replacing U +
and U by Lin 0
11 11
2 4 6 8 10 12 ll
U11• 1 = f(u,.) gives the equation L = f(L).
The solutions of the equation L = f(L), if they exist, do not always give a
reasonable value for lim u 1. They need to be looked at together with the first few
n-+oo '
terms of the sequence.
For example, when u1 = 3 and U11 • 1 = 2U11, the first few terms of the sequence are
3, 6, 12, 24, ... so the sequence clearly does not converge. However the equation
L = 2L gives L = 0 which is not a reasonable answer.
Exercise 1
0 Write down the first six terms of each sequence and state whether it is
convergent or divergent.
a u =-
b uII = (-1) 11 211 c llII =(-1)"
II 2"
0 Write down the first six terms of the sequence given by the recurrence
relation. Give answers correct to 2 decimal places where necessary.
a u =- - '-' j u =3
11 + 1 1+2u 1
d uII = -(5
5 - {u11 - 1 } )· u1 = 1
0 A sequence is generated by the recurrence relation u - .
II + 1
a u1= 1 b u 1 =-1 c u 1 =2
Find the value to which the terms of the sequence converge for those
sequences that do converge.
simply as ~)~~ - ~.
Placing the lowest and highest value that n takes below and above
I respectively, shows that n takes all integer values between and including
these extreme values.
So L,,n 3
means 'the sum of all terms of the form n3, where n takes all integer values
r~ = l 10
from 1 to 10 inclusive; that is In = 13+2 + 3 + 4 +5 +6 + 7 +8 +9 + 10
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
11 = 1
... -
when n is odd.
Because (- 1)" is positive when n is even and n egative when n is odd,
the nth term can be written (- 1)" 2".
Exercise 2
0 Write the following series in the sigma notation:
a 1 + 8 + 27 + 64 + 125 b 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + ... + 20
1111 1 111
c -+-+ - + - + .. . + - d 1+-+ - + - + .. .
2 3 4 5 50 3 9 27
e - 4 -1 + 2+5 ... + 17 f
8+4+2+1 +-+ .. .
0 Write down the first three terms and, where there is one, the last term of
each of the following series:
a f]_
11 = ! n
L,n(n - 1)
c L20
n+2 d
~ (n21+1)
, .
(n +l)(2n +l)
8 00
ns l /1 = 1
For the following series, write down the term indicated, and the number of
terms in the series.
9 8
a L 2", 3rd term b I,C2n + 3), 5th term
fl • l
~(~)".nth term
L (n +l)(n+2) ,20th term
c d
Ji m !
1 1 1 1
e 8+4+0 - 4 - 8- 12 ... - 80, f - +-+-+- + ... +32 7thterm
16 8 4 2 I
15th term
a If the firs t term of the series is a and the common d ifference is d, then the
eighth term is a+ 7d,
Therefore a +7d = 11 [1)
The 15th term is a + 14d, => a + 14d =21 [2)
I- The nth term of a n arithmetic series is 12- 4n. Find the first term and the
common differe n ce.
The nth term is 12 - 4n so the first term ( n = 1) is 8 and the second term
(n = 2) is 4.
Therefore the common difference is -4.
. 1
Because the nth term, I, IS equal to a+(n-1)d, then S =-n[a+a + (n-1)d].
II 2
Therefore S =- n[2a+ (n - 1)d ].
II 2
Either of these formulae can be used to find the sum of the first n terms of an
arithmetic series.
Example 5
Find the sum of the following series
a an arithmetic series of eleven terms whose first term is 1 and whose last
term is 6
a The first and last terms and the number of terms are given so use
1 11 77
S =-n(a+I) => S = - (1+6) = -
11 2 II 2 2
b ±(2- 2')=!+~+0-~-
~ 3 3 3 3
.. . - 10
. an an'th metic
. IS . senes 4 d
. w1'th8 terms wh ere a=-, 2
Th IS = - -.
3 3
The swn of the first ten terms of an arithmetic series is 50. The 5th term is three
times the 2nd term.
Find the first term and the sum of the first 20 terms.
Using S=.!.. n[2a +(n - 1)d] gives S10 =so = s(za + 9d) [1]
Using u, =a + (n - I)d gives u5 =a + 4d and u 2= a+ d
Therefore a+ 4d = 3(a + d) [2]
Solving [1] and [2] simultaneously gives d = 1 and a= - .
So the first term is.!_ and the sum of the first 20 terms is S20 where
S20 = 1o(1 + 19 x 1) =zoo.
Example 7
Exercise 3
0 Write d own the fifth term and the nth term of the following arithmetic
a I,c2n - 1) b 'L,4(n - 1)
ll• l 11 = 1
a Prove that the series is an arithmetic series, stating the first term and the
common difference.
b Find the sum of the terms from the 3rd term to the 12th term inclusive.
G) In an arithmetic series the 6th term is half the 4th term and the 3rd term is 15.
a Find the first term and the common diffe rence.
b How m any terms are needed to give a sum that is less than 65?
For a first term a and common ratio r, the nth term is ar'' - 1•
Therefore when n =5, arA = 8 [1 ]
and when n = 3, ail = 4 [2]
[1] + [2] => r2 = 2
Therefore r = ± ../2 and a =2.
a(r11 - 1)
Using S = gives,
II /' - 1
when r=../2,S10 =
2 ((.J2f
-1) =-r:;--
2-1 v2-1 (continued)
when r=-.J2,S10 = .J2 =~
- 2-1 v2+1
ButS10 > 0, so r =.J2 andS10 =~= 62(.J2+1)
v2 -1
Example 9
The first term of a geometric series is 3 and the common ratio is
a Write down the sixth term of the series.
b Find the sum of the first 5 terms.
Exercise 4
0 Write down the 5th term and the nth term of the following geometric series.
a 2, 4, 8, .. . b 2, 1, -, .. .
2 8 . 1
c 3, - 6, 12, .. . d fi rst term , common ratio --
e first term 3, last term_!__, 6 terms
e 81
Find the sum, to the number of terms given, of the following geometric
a 3 + 6 + ... , 6 terms b 3 - 6 + ... , 8 terms
1 1 . 1
c 1+-+- + ... ,20 terms d first term 5, common ratio -,
2 4 5
5 terms
1 . 1
e fi rst term - , common ratio-- , lO terms
2 2
f first term 1, common ratio -1, 2001 terms.
E) The 6th term of a geometric series is 16 and the 3rd term is 2. Find the first
term and the common ratio.
0 Find the common ratio, given that it is negative, of a geometric series when
a = Sanda= - .
0 Evaluate L(1.05) 11
11• 1
0 Find the sum of the first n terms of the following series.
a x+x2+ r +... b x+ l+-+ ...
x 2 x3 x 4
c 1 - y+f - ... d x+ - +-+ - + ...
2 4 8
e l - 2x + 4x2- 8r+ ...
~3 (3)
10 11
Q Evaluate 4 .
Convergence of series
When a piece of string, of length l, is cut up by first cutting it in half and keeping
one piece, then cutting the remainder in half and keeping one piece, and so on,
the sum of the lengths that are kept is
l l l l
-+-+-+-+ ...
2 4 8 16
This process can (in theory) be carried on indefinitely so the series formed
above is infinite.
After several cuts have been made the part of the string that is left will be very
small indeed, so the sum of the cut lengths will be very nearly equal to the total
length, l, of the original piece of string. The more cuts that are made the closer
to l this sum becomes.
Therefore, if after n cuts, the sum of the cut lengths is !_+_!_+_!__+ ... +_!__
2 22 23 2 11
l l l lim[!_+_!_+ ... +_!__] =l
then, asn~ oo, -+-+ ... +- ~l or 11-->~ 2
2 2 11 2
2 2
lis called the sum to infinity of this series.
When S is the sum of the first n terms of any series and if lim[s exists and is
11 -~ 11
finite then the series is convergent. ·
The sum to infinity of a convergent series, S.o' is given by s.. = !L~!![ S11 J.
. -l +-
The senes l +-
l + ... 10r
c examp1e, IS
. convergent as Its
. sum to 'fu'
m uty 'IS[.
2 2 23
However, for the series 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n, S = .!..n(n+ 1).
11 2
As n ~ oo, S11 ~ oo so this series does not converge, it is divergent.
For all arithmetic series S11 = ~n[2a+(n-1)d], and this always approaches
infinity as n ~ oo.
Therefore all arithmetic series are divergent.
Clr l means the positive value of rwhether ris positive or negative, so lrl<1 is a
shorter way of writing - 1 < r < 1 .)
Example 10
I Find out whether each series converges. If it does, give its sum to infinity.
a 3+5+7+...
1 1 1
b 1- -+---+...
4 16 64
Example 11
I- l
Find the condition satisfied by x so (x- )" converges. Find s_when
x-1.5. ~ 2"
(x- 1)" = x-1 +(x-1 ) + ...
n=l 2" 2 2
This series is a geometric series with common ratio - - and so converges if
- < 1, that is if-1 < -x -1
- <1
l 2 2
=> -1 <X< 3.
When x =1.5, the series converges
2 3
- (x- 1)"
and I-2-,.- =
Loo (
n =-l
1 )" 1 ( 1 ) ( 1 )
4 =4 + 4 + 4 +· · ·
usmg 1 and a=-
S = -a- r =- 1 g1ves
. S = -4- =-
- 1- r 4 4 - 1_.!_ 3.
Example 12
The 3rd term of a convergent geometric series is half the sum of the 1st and
2nd terms.
a Find the common ratio.
b The first term is 1. Find the sum to infinity.
a Usinga+ar+afl+a,.-J+ ...
then ar 2 =-(a+ar)
a :t 0, so 2fl- r-1 = 0 =::} (2r+ l)(r-1) = 0
so r=-- or r=1
The series is convergent so the common ratio is-~.
1 1 2
b When r=--anda=1, S =--=-.
2 ~ 1 3
Exercise 5
0 Decide if each of the series given below converges.
4 4
a 4+-+-+ .. . b 9+7+5+3+ ...
3 32
5 5 5
c 20-10 + 5-2.5 + ... d - + - + - - + ...
10 100 1000
1 1
e p+2p+3p+ ... f 3-1+---+ ...
3 9
0 Find the range of value of x for which the following series converge.
1 1
a 1+x+x2+il+... b x+1+-+-+ ...
x x2
c 1 +2x+4x2 +8il+ ... d 1-(1-x)+(1-x)2 -(1-x)3 + ...
1 1
e (a+x)+(a+x)2+(a+x) 3 + ... f (a+x)+l+--+ + ...
a+x (a+x)2
0 Find the sum to infinity ofthose series in Question 1 that are convergent.
0 The sum to infinity of a geometric series is twice the first term. Find the
common ratio.
C) The sum to infinity of a geometric series is 16 and the sum of the first
4 terms is 15. Find the first four terms.
() a, b and care the first three terms of a geometric series. Prove that J(i +
.Jb + JC is another geometric series.
starts and ends with 1 and each other number is the sum of the two 3 3
numbers in the row above it, as shown. When the pattern is known, 4 6 4
Pascal's triangle can be written down to as many rows as needed. 5 10 10 5
Using Pascal's triangle to expand 6 15 20 15 6
(a+ b)6, for example, we go as far as row 6, shown in diagram 2. Diagram 2
We then use our knowledge of the pattern of the powers, together
with row 6 of the array, to fill in the coefficients,
so (a+ b) 6 = a 6 + 6a5 b + 15 a 4b2 + 20a3 bl + 15a2b4 + 6ab 5 + b6
The following worked examples show how expansions of other brackets can be
Example 13
I Expand (x + 5)3.
Example 14
= xl + 15x2+ 75x + 125
I Expand(2x-3)'.
Replacing a by 2x and b by -3 gives
(2x- 3)4 = (2x)4 + 4(2x)3 ( -3) + 6(2x)2 ( - 3)2 + 4(2x) (-3) 3 + (-3) 4
= 16x4- 96r + 216xl- 216x + 81
( r
)=n(n - I)(n - 2)...(n - r + I)
n(n - 1) 2 2
=a" +na'o-tb+ a"- b + ...+b"
For example
(a+bt =as+6asb+ (6)(5) a4b2+ (6)(5)( 4) a 3b3+ (6)(5)( 4)(3) a2b4+ (6)(5)( 4)(3)(2) abs+ bs
2! 3! 4! 5!
= a 6 + 6a 5 b+15a 4 b 2 +20a 3b 3+ 15a b 4 +6ab 5 +b 6
Example 15
Write down the first three terms in the expansion in ascending powers of x of
a (1 + x)8
b (3 - 2x) 8
b (3-2x) 8 =3 8 (1-~x J.
Replacing x by -~ x and n by 8 in the expansion of (1 + x)" gives
Therefore the first three terms of this series are 38- (16)(37)x+ (112)(36)r.
Example 16
Find the 4th term in the expansion of (a - 2b)20 as a series in ascending powers
of b.
2b) 20
and n by20.
2 2
The 4th term is a20 ( ; )(- : J 2
( 0)(~~)( )
(a) 17 (8)(b)3 = -91 20a 17 ~.
Write down the first three terms in the binomial expansion of (1- 2x l(1+~ X r
The third term in the binomial expansion contains i'-, so start by expanding
10 •
1+~x ) as far as the term m i'-.
- 45 2
-l+5x+-x +...
Exercise 6
0 Write down the first four terms in the binomial expansion of
a (1 + 3x)1 2 b (1- 2x) 9
c (2+x) 10 d (~-~r
e (2-~xY f (~ + 2x J
0 Write down the term given in the binomial expansion of each of the
following functions.
=1+( 7) x+ ( ~ )x+( ~ }
2 3
+ ... +(; ) x' +... +x"
In Questions 1 to 3, write down the first six terms of each sequence and describe
the behaviour of the terms as the sequence series.
0 u, = ,.2~1
0 ur+l=(ul - u,
a when u1 = 1 b when u 1 = 0.5
e 1
u,+l = 1-u when
a u1 =2 b u1 = 1
In Questions 4 to 8, find the sum of each series.
0 1-.!.+..!._.!.+ ...
2 4 8
0 2- (2)(3) + (2)(3)2 - (2)(3)3+ ... + (2)(3)10
0 I,4r
M 1
O I,-
r= 1
0 a Expand (1 + 3x) 5 as a series of ascending powers of x.
b Hence write down the expansion of (1- 3x) 5•
c Hence show that (1 + 3 J3 ) + (1- 3 J3 ) = 7832.
5 5
e The second term of a geometric series is 6 and the sixth term of the
series is 96.
a Find the common ratio of the series.
b Find the first term of the series.
c The nth term of the series is u . Show that "u
11 ~~~
= 3{2 30 -1) .
e n:==l
The first term of an arithmetic series is 6. and the common difference is 1.
b Show that"
~, u -£..J
" u11 =u1•
n= l n- 1
G The nth term of a sequence is u,.. The sequence is defined by u,.+ 1 =pu,. + q
where p and q are constants.
The first two terms of the sequence are given by u 1 =60 and u2 =48.
The limit of u,. as n tends to infinity is 12.
a Show that p = ~ and find the value of q.
b Find the value of U 3•
AQA MPC2 June 2011
0 a i Using the binomial expansion, or otherwise, express (2 + y)3 in the
form a+ by+ cf + y, where a, band care integers.
ii Hence show that (2 + r 2 3
) + (2- r 2 3
can be expressed in the
This chapter looks at a variety of methods for dealing with coordinate a circle.
geometry problems involving the equations of circles. ~ Find the effect of a
translation on the
equation of a circle.
Use the properties of
Recap tangents to circles to
· You need to remember how to... solve problems.
~ Find the midpoint and the distance between two points in the xyplane.
~ Solve a quadratic equation.
~ Solve a pair of simultaneous equations when one equation is
~ Understand the meaning of a translation including when it is defined
using vector notation.
~ Find the equation of a straight line given a point on the line and its
~ Remember the meaning of a normal to a curve.
the path that P follows is a circle whose centre is C and whose radius is r. I
A point P(x, y) is at a constant distance, r, from the point C(a, b). I
' ............
CP = (x- a) + (y- b)
2 2 2
P(x,y)is onthe circle ~ (x - a )2 + (y - b)2 =r.
nterefore (x- a )2+ (y - b)2 = r is the e quation of a circle
with centre (a, b) and radius r.
For example, the equation of a circle with centre (- 2, 3) and radius 1 is
[x-(-2)]2+[y - 3]2 =1 ~ (x+2)2+(y - 3) 2 =l ~ r + y + 4x-6y+ l2 =0
Example 1
To compare the given equation with (x- a)2+ (y - b)2= r, first rearrange the
given equation as r+ Bx+ T- 2y=-13, then complete the square on r + Bx
r+y2+8x-2y+13=0 => r+8x+16+y-2y+1=16+1-13
=> (x+4) 2+(y-l)2 =4
Therefore the centre of the circle is (- 4, 1) and the radius is 2.
Example 2
a Show that 2r + 2y- 6x+ lOy = 1 is the equation of a circle and find its centre
and radius.
b Find they coordinates of the points where the circle cuts they-axis.
( x-~)2
+(y+~)2 = .!:.+~+ 25 = 9
2 2 4 4
1herefore the equation does represent a circle.
The centre is moved p units parallel to the x-axis and q units up they-axis.
Therefore the centre of the translated circle is the point (a+ p, b + q).
So the equation of this circle is
(x-(a+ p)t +(y - (b+q)t =r2 ~ (x-a-p)2 +(y - b - q)2 =r 2
Example 3
The circle whose equation is ,il + f- 4x+ 6y+ 7 =0 has centre C and is
- r- - -
il+f-4x+6y+7=0 ~ (x-2)2+(y+3)2=4+9-7=6 - 2
1- r-
il+f+4y-2 = 0 ~ .il+(y+2)2=6 r-- 2 -
Therefore Cis the point (2, -3) and Dis the point (0, -2).
R ~c
Find the equation of circleD in the form (x- a)2 + (y- b)2 = r.
0 The equation of a circle Cis r + f- Bx-10y+ 5 = 0. C is translated by the
Example 4
A circle of radius 2 units wh ich has its centre at the origin, cuts the x-mds at the
points A and Band cuts the y-mds at the point C. Prove that angle ACB =goo.
The diagram sh ows the information given in the question and properties known
about the figure.
2 0
From the diagram, the gradient of AC is - 1
0- (-2)
A(-2, 0)
and the gradient ofBC is -0 = - 1.
0- 2
Therefore (gradient of AC) x (gradient of BC) = -1
so AC is perpendicular to BC => angle ACB =goo.
Example 5
A circle contains a triangle whose vertices are at the points A(O, 4), B(2, 3) and
C(- 2, - 1). Find the centre of the circle.
' \
2 2 I
ofACis -- I
5 I
. . . 2 11 I
an d 1ts equauon1s y= --x+- => 4x+ 10y-ll =0 [1) I
5 10 I
The midpoint of AB is ( \
Example 6
The centre of a circle is the point C{2, 5) and the radius of the circle is 3 units.
The equation of a line, L, is x+ y- 2 = 0.
a Find the equation of the line J that goes through C and is perpendicular to L.
b Find the distance of C from L and hence determine whether Lis a tangent to
the circle.
Example 7
Find the equation of the tangent at the point (3, l) on the circle with equation
.x2 +1- 4x+ lOy- 8 = 0.
The gradient of CA is l- (- 5) = 6.
Therefore the gradient of the tangent at A is _.!_ and the tangent goes
through A(3, 1).
Soitsequationisy-1 = _.!_ (x-3) => 6y+x=9.
I- Find the equatio n of the circle whose diameter is the line joining the points
A(!, 5) and B(-2, 3).
Exercise 4
0 The line x - 2y + 4 = 0 is a tangent to the circle whose centre is the point
C(- 1, 2).
a Find the equation of the line through C that is perpendicula r to the line
x-2y+4= 0.
b Hen ce find the coordinates of the point of contact of the tangent and the
E) The point A(6, 8) is on the circumferen ce of a circle wh ose centre is the
point C(3, 5). Find the equation of the tan gen t that tou ches the circle at A.
0 Write down the equation of the tangent to each circle at the given point.
a X: + f- 2x +4y -20 =0; (5, 1)
b r+f - 10x - 22y + 129= 0;(6, 7)
c r + f- By +3 =0; c- 2, 7)
0 Find the equation of the tangent at the origin to the circle
r+f + 2x+4y =O
0 The line y =3x- 4 is a tangen t to the circle whose centre is the point (5, 2).
Find the equation of the normal to the circle a t the point of contact of the
0 The centre of a circle is the p o int C(5, 3). The gradient of the ta ngent to the
. A'1s - -1 .
. leat th e p omt
Find the equation of the lin e through C and A.
0 The equation ar+ by+ fx+ gy+ c= 0 is the equation of a circle with radius
3 and its centre at the origin. Find the values off, g and c.
f) Which of the following equations is the equation of a circle? Give reasons
for your answers.
a r+2y= 1 b (x-2) 2 -(y-1)2 =4
c r+y+2x-2y+ 1=0 d r+y +4=o
Q The points A(5, 5) and B(-3, -1) are the ends of a diameter of the circle C.
a Write down the coordinates of the centre of the circle.
b Find the equation of the circle in the form (x - a)2 + (y- b)2 = r.
0 A circle C has equation (x- 2) 2 + (y- 4)2 = 20.
a Write down the coordinates of the centre of the circle and its radius.
b Show that the point (-1, 3) lies inside the circle.
0 The circle c has equation r + y + 2x- 6y- 3 = 0.
a Find the radius and the coordinates of the centre of C.
b Show that the point (1, 6) lies on the circle.
G Find the equations ofthe following circles.
a A circle has its centre on the line x + y = 1 and passes through the origin
and the point (4, 2).
b The line joining (2, 1) to (6, 5) is a diameter of a circle.
c A circle with centre (2, 7) passes through the point (-3, -5).
d A circle intersects they-axis at the origin and at the point (0, 6) and also
touches the x-axis.
0 The equation of a circle is (x - 4) 2 + (y-2) 2 =25.
a Find the coordinates of the points where the circle crosses the x-axis.
b Find the equation of the tangent at the point where the circle cuts the
positive x-axis.
0 The centre of a circle is the point C(-1, 3). The gradient of the tangent to the
circle at the point A is~. Find the equation of the line through C and A.
ii Find the radius of the circle, giving your answer in the form nJ2.
c The point P with coordinates (4, k) lies on the circle. Find the possible
values of k.
d The points Qand R also lie on the circle, and the length of the chord
QRis 2.
b Find the x-coordinates of the points where the circle crosses the x-axis.
c The tangent to the circle at the point A has gradient 2· Find an equation
of the line CA, giving your answer in the form rx + sy + t = 0, where r, s
and tare integers.
You need to remember how to...
.,.. Use the sum of the interior angles of a triangle to help with calculations .
.,.. Use Pythagoras' Theorem.
.,.. Work with surds.
Triangulation is a process used in surveying which uses triangles to work
out distance between places. The length between two points is measured
and the angles to another distant point are measured from each end of
the line. The triangle formed is used to work out the distances of the third
point from each end of the line.
When any of these trigonometric ratios is given as a fraction, the lengths of two
of the sides of the right-angled triangle can be marked. The third side can then
be found using Pythagoras' theorem.
Example 1
Given that sin
find cos A and tan A.
sin A = opp , so draw a right-angled triangle with the side opposite angle A c
3 w1its l~~ and a hypotenuse 5 units long.
Using Pythagoras' theorem in triangle ABC gives
(AB)2 +32 =52 => AB=4.
Then cos A= adj = i and tanA = opp =~
hyp 5 adj 4'
Plotting a graph of these values gives a shape called a cosine curve. cos f)
(The symbol eis the most commonly used symbol for a variable angle.)
The values in the table and the graph show that an acute angle has a positive
cosine and an obtuse angle has a negative cosine. These values also show that
cos 60° = 0.5 and cos 120° = -0.5 - 1
so cos 120° =-cos 60° (120° + 60° = 180°)
and cos 45° = 0.71 and cos 135°= -0.71
so cos 135° = - cos45° (135° + 45° = 180°)
An accurate graph also shows that the cosine of an angle is equal to minus the
cosine of the supplementary angle, so
cos 6=- cos (180°- 6)
The sine of an obtuse angle
Using a calculator to find the sines of angles from 0 to 180° gives the values
shown in the table.
Trigonometry G
Plotting these values gives this graph which is called a sine curve. sin 0
Again relationships can be seen between the sines of pairs of supplementary
angles, for example 0.5
Example 2
Using a calculator, the angle with a sine of 0.2 is 11.5°.
to 1 decimal place.
Exercise 1
sin 11.5° =sin (180° -11.5°),
therefore when sinO=.!.., two possible values of are 11.5° and 168.5° correct
0 tanA =
. Find sin A and cos A.
• Trigonometry
G cos X=~.
Find sin X.
f) sine=!. Find, to the nearest degree, two possible values of e.
0 Given that sin A= 0.5 and cos A= -0.8660, find angle A correct to
1 decimal place.
~ Is there an angle X where
a cosX= 0 and sinX= 1 b sinX=O and cosX= 1
c cosX=OandsinX= - 1?
~ Given cos A= -cos B, state a relationship between angle A and angle B.
G An angle A has tan A= 1. Write down the exact value of cos A.
$ An angle X has sin X= J2.
Give two possible values of X that lie between
0° and 180°.
180° -A
A line drawn from C perpendicular to AB, extended if necessary, divides each
triangle ABC into two right-angled triangles, CDA and CDB.
In triangle CDA sinA = ~ ~ h = bsinA (sin(180 -A)= sinA).
. h
In triangle CDB sm B = - ~ h = a sin B.
a b
Therefore asinB=bsinA ~ sinA = sinb'
The triangles ABC can also be divided into two right-angled triangles by
drawing the perpendicular line from A to BC (or from B to AC). This gives the
b c
result--= - -.
sinE sin G
Combining the two results gives the sine rule.
In any triangle ABC, _ a_ = _ b _ = _ c_ (use in this form to find a side)
sinA sinB sinG
sinA sinH sinG .
or - - = - - = - - (use in this form to find an angle)
a b c
Trigonometry •
The sine rule is made up of three separate fractions and only two of them can be
used at a time. Therefore select the two fractions that contain three known
quantities and only one unknown quantity.
To use the sine rule, the information needed is
either two sides and the angle opposite one of them
or two angles and a side.
When the sine rule is used to find an unknown angle, it can be used in the form
sin A sinB sinC
- - = -- = - -
a b c
Example 3
I In triangle ABC, BC = 5 em, angle A= 43° and angle B = 61°. Find the
length of AC.
Example 4
0 Trigonometry
Look at a triangle ABC in which angle A = 20°, b = 10 and a= 8. B
The two triangles with these measurements are shown in the diagram;
in one of them B is a n acute angle, and in the other one B is obtuse.
There are n ot always two possible triangles.
For example when angle A= 20°, b = 6 and a= 8, there is only one triangle that
fits the information.
Therefore when a known angle is not between the two known sides in a triangle,
always ch eck whether the obtuse angle is possible.
Example 5 c
Sides a and c and angle A are known so the sine rule can be used to find angle C.
sinA _ sin C ____.. sin35° __ sinC ____.. sm
· C= 5xsin 35° B
----.' ----.' - - - =0.955 ...
a c 3 5 3
73° (to the nearest degree) is one angle whose sine is 0.955 ...
but 107° (to the nearest degree) is also an obtuse angle with the same sine.
If angle C = 107°, then a ngle A + angle C = 107° + 35° = 142°
~ B = 180° - 142° = 38°.
So there is a triangle in which angle C = 107° and there are two possible triangles.
Therefore angle C is either 73° or 107°.
Example 6
Use the part of the sine rule that involves x, y, angle X and angle Y
sinX sinY sin X sin41° . 8xsin41°
- - = - - ~ - - = - - ~ sm X= =0.4771. ..
X Y 8 11 ll
The two a ngles with a sine of 0.4771 ... are 28° and 152° (to the nearest degree). Y
I In this case then, there is only one possible triangle conta ining the given data:
the triangle in which angle X= 28°.
Exercise 2 ~em
Give answers correct to 3 significant figures.
0 In triangle ABC, AB = 9 em, angle A= 51° and angle
C = 39°. Find BC.
f) In triangle PQR, angleR= 52°, angle Q = 79° and PR = 12.7 em. Find PQ. 11 em cuts sid e
of triangle only once
0 In tria ngle DEF, DE= 174 em, angleD= 48° and angle F = 56°. Find EF.
0 In triangle XYZ, angle X= 130°, angle Y = 21° and XZ =53 em. Find YZ.
f) In triangle PQR, angle Q = 37°, angleR= 101° and PR = 4.3 em. Find PQ.
( ) In triangle XYZ, XY = 92 em, angle X= 59° and angle Y = 81°. Find XZ.
0 In triangle PQR, angle P = 78°, angleR= 38° and PR = 15 em. Find QR.
0 In tria ngle ABC, AB = 10 em, BC = 9.1 em and AC = 17 em. Can you use the
sine rule to find angle A? If you answer YES, write down the two parts of the
sine rule that you would use. If you answer NO, give your reason.
In Questions 9 to 14, find the angle shown by a question mark. Give two valu es
when there are two possible triangles.
Give angles correct to the n earest degree.
0 2.9cm 6.1 em ? 40°
CD 2l cm 36cm 29.5° ?
e 9cm 7 cm ? 40°
• Trigonometry
Triangle ABC has no right angle. BD is drawn perpendicular to AC.
Labelling AD as x, the length of CD is (b- x) or (x- b). Labelling BD as h, and
using Pythagoras' theorem in each of the right-angled triangles BDA and BDC
h2 =Cl - r and h2 =a2 -(b-x) 2 or (h2 =a2 - (x - b)2 )
Therefore c2 - -~ = a 2 - (b -x)2
=> r;2 - r =a 2
- b + 2bx- r
=> a 2 =b2 + r;2 - 2bx.
In triangle DAB, x = c cos A.
Therefore a 2 = b2 + Cl - 2bc cos A.
When the height is drawn from A or fro m C sim ilar expressions for the other
sides of a triangle are obtained, giving
Example 7
=> c = 8.30l...
Therefore AB = 8.30 em correct to 3 significant figures.
Example 8
XYZ is triangle in which angle Y = 121', XY =14 em and YZ =26.9 em. Find xz.
I y = (14)2 + (26.9) 2 -
Hencey= 1307.53 .. .
(2)( 14)(26.9) cos 121°
=> y=36. 15 ...
Therefore XZ = 36.2 em correct to 3 significant figures.
z ~o y
Trigonometry ~
Example 9
In triangle ABC, a= 9, b = 16 and c = 11. Find, to the nearest degree, the largest
angle in the triangle.
needed in this question.
c2 +a2-b2
cos B = .:...__;__----
121+81 -256
=-0.2727 ...
The negative sign sh ows that angle B is obtuse.
Therefore angle B = 106° to the nearest degree.
Example 10
The sides a, b, c of a triangle ABC are in the ratio 3 : 6 : 5. Find the smallest a ngle
in the triangle correct to 3 significant figures.
The lengths of the sides are not necessarily 3, 6 and 5 units so represent them by
3x, 6x and 5x.
The smallest angle is A (opposite to the smallest side).
b 2 +c2 - a2
C ~ A
36x 2 +25x 2 - 9x 2
= - = 0.8666 ...
60x 60
Therefore the smallest angle in triangle ABC is 29.9° correct to 3 s ignificant
Exercise 3
In Questions 1 to 8, use the information given for triangle PQR to find the length
of the third s ide. Give answers correct to 3 significant figures.
0 44cm 62cm no
0 19.4cm 12.6cm 167°
• Trigonometry
In Questions 9 to 15, give angles correct to the nearest degree.
0 In triangle }0{Z, }0f = 34 em, YZ = 29 em and ZX = 21 em. Find the smallest
angle in the triangle.
~ In triangle PQR, PQ = 1.3 em, QR = 1.8 em and RP = 1.5 em. Find angle Q.
G In triangle ABC, AB =51 em, BC = 37 em and CA = 44 em. Find angle A.
~ Find the largest angle in triangle }0{Z given that x = 91, y = 77 and z = 43.
G) In triangle BC, a= 13, b = 18 and c = 7. What is the size of
a the smallest angle
b the largest angle?
~ In triangle PQR the sides PQ, QR and RP are in the ratio 2 : l : 2. Find angle P.
0 ABCD is a quadrilateral in wh ich AB = 5 em, BC = 8 em, CD = 11 em,
DA = 9 em and angle ABC= 120°. Find
a the length of AC correct to 3 significant figures
b the size of the angle ADC.
Exercise 4
Questions 1 to 6 refer to a triangle ABC. Fill in the unshaded spaces in the table.
Give lengths correct to 3 significant figures and angles correct to 1 decimal place.
A B c a b c
0 80° 50° 68cm
Trigonometry •
10.3 The area of a triangle
The simplest way to find the area of a triangle is to use the formula
Example 11
Find the area of triangle PQR, given that P = 65°, Q= 79° and PQ = 30 em. R
The given facts do not give two sides and the included angle so another side is
The sine rule can be used to find a side.
AngleR = 180°- 65° - 79° = 36°.
p I'
From the sine rule, - - = - -
sinP sinR
::} p= =46.25 ...
Therefore area triangle PQR =! pr sin 79° = 681.1 ...
So the area oftriangle PQR is 681 cm2 (correct to 3 significant figures).
Exercise 5
Find the area of each triangle given in Questions 1 to 5. Give answers correct to
3 significant figures.
0 Triangle XYZ; XY = 180 em, YZ = 145 em, angle Y = 70°.
0 Triangle ABC; AB = 75 em, AC = 66 em, angle A = 62°.
0 Triangle PQR; QR = 69 em, PR = 49 em, angleR = 85°.
0 TriangleXYZ;x=30,y=40, angle Z= 49°.
0 Triangle PQR; p = 9, r = 11, angle Q = 120°.
() In triangle ABC, AB = 6 em, BC = 7 em and CA = 9 em. Find angle A and the
area of the triangle.
• Trigonometry
0 In triangle PQR, angle P = 60°, angleR= 50° and QR = 12 em. Find PQ and
the area of the triangle.
( ) In triangle XYZ, XY = 150 em, YZ = 185 em and the area is 11000 cm2• Find
angle Y and XZ.
0 The area oftriangle ABC is 36.4 cm2• Given that AC = 14 em a nd angle
A= 98°, find AB.
~ In triangle ABC, BD is perpendicular to AC. Using has the length of BD,
find an expression for h in triangle ABD. Hence prove that the area of
triangle ABC is..!.. be sin A.
The sine, cosine and tangent of an acute angle A in a right-angled triangle are
defined as
adjacent . A opposite A opposite
cos A = , su1 = , tan
hypotenuse hypotenuse adjacent
cos e= - cos(180° - e)
sine = sin(180° - e)
tan e=- tan {180°- e)
In any triangle ABC,
a b c
the sine rule is - - = - - = - -
sin A sinE sinC
the cosine rule is a 2 = b2 + c2 - 2bc cos A,
b2 = c2+ a 2 - 2ca cosB and c2 =a2 + b2- 2ab cos C
1 1 1
the area is 2 be sin A = 2 ab sin C = 2 ac sin B.
0 Angle A is between 0° and 180°. Find the value of angle A when
a cosA=-cos64° b sin94° =sinA.
0 Angle Xis acute and sin X=!____, Find cos(180° -X).
0 Given that sin A= ~.find tan A in surd form when
a angle A is acute b angle A is obtuse.
Trigonometry G
0 Use the information in the diagram to find, in surd form, sin 8 and cos 8.
a b
Assessment B
• Trigonometry
0 The line with equation y = x and the x-axis form two sides of the triangle OAB.
The line with equationy + 2x- 5 = 0 intersects the line y= x at A
and the x-axis at B.
a Find the coordinates of A and B.
b State the size of the angle AOB.
c Find the area of triangle OAB.
0 The points P and Q are two points on land which are A
The size of angle BAC is 72° and the size of angle ABC is 48°. The length of
BCis20 em.
a Show that the length of AC is 15.6 em, correct to three significant figures.
b The midpoint ofBC isM. Calculate the length of AM, giving your answer,
in em, to three significant figures.
AQA MPC2 June 2015
0 The triangle ABC, shown in the diagram, is such that A
AB is 10 metres and angle BAC is 150°.
The area of triangle ABC is 40 m 2 •
a Show that the length of AC is 16 metres.
b Calculate the length of BC, giving your answer, in metres, to
two decimal places.
c Calculate the smallest angle of triangle ABC, giving your answer to the
AQA MPC2 January 2012
Trigonometry 0
Introduction Objectives
The angles used so far are angles that are measured in degrees and angles By the end of this chapter,
that can be found in a triangle, that is angles in the range 0° to 180°. you should know how to ...
This chapter introduces a different measure of angles and defines .,.. Define a radian as a
trigonometric functions for angles of any size. measure of an angle.
.,.. Find the length of an
arc and the area of a
sector of a circle.
Recap .,.. Define the
You need to remember how to... trigonometric
.,.. Use the formulae for the circumference and radius of a circle. functions for sinx,
.,.. Use the exact values of the sine, cosine and tangent of30°, 45° and 60°. cos x and tan x .
.,.. Understand the meaning of rotational symmetry. .,.. Solve equations
.,.. Understand the effect on the equation of the curve y = f(x) of a involving the sine,
translation, a reflection and a one way stretch. cosine and tangent of
angles in a range of
values of the angle.
•• • •••• •• • •• •••••• • ••• •• ••• •••••• • ••••
11.1 Angle units
So far angles have been measured in d egrees but there is another unit.
Before introducing that unit, here is a reminder of the names for parts of a
Part of a circle is called an arc.
If the arc is less than half the circle it is called a minor arc;
if it is greater than half the circle it is called a major arc.
Example 1
so to convert degrees to radians, multiply by_!!__ .
75° = 75 x _!!____ radians= Sn radians
180 12
Example 2
n radians = 180° ~ 1 rad = ; so to convert radians to degrees,
180 n
multiply by - .
1800 450
_.!.._ n radians= ~x = = u.!..o
16 16 n 4 4
Exercise 1
0 Express each of the following angles in radians as a fraction of n.
a 45° b 150° c 30° d 90°
e 270° f 120° g 60° h 22.5°
240° j 300° k 315° 135°
The length of arc AB = r8.
Example 3
An arc sub tends an angle of 3 at the centre of a circle with radius 4.5 em. Find
the length of the arc in terms of n.
Length of arc= r() = 4.5 x- em = 1.5n em .
Example 4
The units must be consistent when using any formula. In this question we use
millimetres for both the length of the arc and the radius. Remember also that
When an angle is given or
when using 'length of arc = rfl the angle must be m easured in radians. needed in degrees, use
length _
_:::....__ _= e
of arc
Length of arc = r8. 2nr 360
Therefore 8 = 408 ~ 8 = 0.2 rad.
Exercise 2
0 The radius of a circle is 4 em. Find, in terms of n, the length of the arc that
subtends an angle of .!.n radians at the centre ofthe circle.
e 6 5
An arc sub tends an angle of - n radians at the centre of a circle of radius
10 em. Find, in terms of n, the length of the arc.
0 Find, in radians, the angle subtended at the centre of a circle of radius 5 em
by a n arc of length 12 em.
0 Find the size of the angle subtended at the centre of a circle of radius
65 mm by an arc of length 45 mm. Give your answer in radians correct to
3 significant figures.
0 Find in terms ofn the radius of a circle in which an arc of length 15 em
subtends an a ngle of n radians at the centre.
G An arc of length 20 em subtends an angle of in
radians at the centre of a
circle. Find in terms of n the radius of the circle.
A sector contains an angle of() radians at the centre of the circle. Major
The complete angle at the centre of the circle is 2n:.
& • area of sector angle contained in the sector
Th ere1ore usmg =
Minor segment
area of circle complete angle at the centre
. area of sector (}
gtves =-.
area of circle 2n:
The area of the circle is m2 ,
() 1
therefore area of sector=- x n:r 2 = -r 2 0.
2Tr 2
The area of sector AOB = - r 2 9.
Example 5
I Find, in terms of n, the area of the sector of a circle of radius 3 em that contains
an angle of-.
I Example 6
1 2() = -1 ( 3) 2 ( -n: ) em2 =9Tr
Area of sector = -r
2 2 5 10
- em.
AB is a chord of a circle with centre 0 and radius 4 em. AB is of length 4 em and
divides the circle into two segments. Find, correct to two decimal places, the
area of the minor segment.
A graph of this shape is called a sine wave and shows the following properties of Search online for 'animation
the sine function. of the sine graph' to see
The curve is continuous {it has no breaks). this graph develop from the
-1Ssin8Sl definition.
The shape of the curve from e=0 to e=2n is repeated for each complete
revolution. Any function with a repetitive pattern is called periodic or cyclic.
The width of the repeating pattern, as measured on the horizontal scale, is
called the period.
'Tite period of the sine function is 2n.
Other properties of the sine function shown by the graph are as follows.
sin e= 0 when e=mr where n is an integer.
The curve has rotational symmetry about the origin so, for any angle a.
sin (- a)= - sin a, for example sin (-30°) =-sin 30° = _.!_
An enlarged section of the graph for 0 s; e s; 2n shows further relationships.
The curve is symmetrical about the line e= .!.. Tf 1 SO
sin (n - a)= sin a, for example sin 130° = sin(l80° - 130°) =sin 50°
The curve has rotational symmetry about 0 = n, so
sin(n+ a) = - sin a and sin(2n- a)=- sin a
I Example 8
~ Sketch the graph of y = s;n ( 0- ~") for values of 6 between 0 and 21r.
~ Use the fact that the curve y= f(x- a) is a translation ofthe curve y= f(x) by the
~~ vector [ ~ l 8
Exercise 4
For Questions 1 to 4, find the exact value of
0 sin120° E) sin-2n
0 sin300° 0 sin-210°
0 Write down all the values of() between 0 and 6n for which sin()= 1.
G Write down all the values of ebetween 0 and - 4n for which sine= - 1.
For Questions 7 to 10 express in terms of the sine of an acute angle
0 sin125° 0 sin290°
C) sin-120° G sin2.n
For Questions 11 tol6 sketch the curve for values of() in the range 0 ~ e ~ 3n.
G) On the same set of axes draw the curves y= sin() andy= sin30. What can
you deduce about the relationship between the two curves?
G) Sketch the curves
a y =sin4 f) b y=4sin()
The cosine function
For any position of P, cos()=~.
When P is in the first quadrant,
X decreases from r to 0 as ()increases, SO COS() decreases from 1 tO 0.
The cycle then repeats itself, giving this graph off( 8) = cos8.
8 P(x,y)
Exercise 5
0 Write in terms of the cosine of an acute angle
a cos 123° b cos250°
c cos(-20°) d cos(-154°)
E) Find the exact value of
a cos 150° b COS- TC
5 2
0 On the same set of axes, sketch the graphs y=cos eandy= 3 cos e.
0 On the same set of axes, sketch the graphsy = cos eandy = cos3e.
0 Sketch the graph off( e)= cos 4e for 0 s; e s; 1t.Hence state the values of e in
this range for which f( e) =0.
The graph shows that the properties of the tangent function are different from
those of the sine and cosine functions.
1 1 3
It is not continuous, as it is undefin ed when 8= . . . - -n,- n,- n, ...
2 2 2
The ra nge of values of ta n 8 is unlimite d.
It is periodic with a period of n (not 2n as for sin 8 and cos 0).
Example 9
~~ Express tan
4 n as the tangent of an acute angle.
1 tane
=- tan-n
Exercise 6 8
0 Find the exact value of
9 2 7
a tan - n b tan 120° c tan--n d tan-n
4 3 4
e Write in terms of the tangent of an acute angle
12 7
a tan 220° b tan - n c tan310° d tan--n
7 5
0 Sketch the graph of y = tan() for values of() in the range 0 to 2n. From this
sketch find the values of() in this range for which
a tan() = 1 b tan e = -1 c tan e = 0 d tan e = 00
I The graph shows that when sin x = -0.3, the values of x in the given range are
180° + 17.5° and 360° -17.5°.
When sinx= -0.3, x= 197.5° and 342.5°.
Example 11
When the range of values is
given in degrees, the answer
should also be given in
degrees and the same is true
for radians.
I- Find the smallest positive value of e for which cos e= 0. 7 and tan e
is negative.
tan e is positive when e is in the first quadrant and negative when eis in the
fourth quadrant. Therefore the value of eis 314.4°.
cos +
Example 12 tan+
tan -
Solve the equation 2 cos' e- sin e" I lor values of ein the range 0 to 2rr.
The equation is quadratic, but it involves the sine and the cosine of e, so use
cos 2 e+ sin2 e= 1 to express the equation in terms of sine only.
2cos2 8-sine= 1
==> 2(1- sin2 8)- sine= 1
2sin2 e +sine- 1 = 0 l.
I- Solve the equation
= sinx for values of x from 0 to 360°.
Both sides of an equation can be multiplied by any number except zero. The
equation can be simplified by multiplying by sinx provided that sinx;t: 0. So any
values of x for which sinx= 0 must be excluded from the solutions.
cosx 0
0 Using tan()= sine show that the equation tan e=sin() can be written as
sine (cos e- 1) = 0, provided that cos e=1- 0.
Hence find the values of() between 0 and 2n for which tan()= sin e.
Solve the following equations for angles in the range 0::; e::; 360°.
0 sine= J3
G cos8=0 0 tan8=-J3
Solve the following equations for angles in the range -1r::; e::; 1r.
e 5 cos ()-4 sin2 8= 2 e 2 cos e-4 sin2 8+2= 0
e 2sin8cos8+sin8=0 0 F3tan8=2sin8
I Find the values of ein the inte,val-n < e<n,fo' which cos( e- ; ) = ~.
Using (e- ~)=¢gives cos<P=i·
Values of() are to be found in the interval-n ::; ()::; 1r, so values of¢= ( e- ~)
must be found in the interval -1r - !:.. ::; ¢::; 1r- n.
3 3
1r 7r . 1 1 1
In the range-n --::; ¢::; 1r-- the solutwns of cos¢= - are --1r,-1r.
3 3 2 3 3
But¢= ( 8-- 1r) ~ 8=¢+-, 1r 1 1 -1r+
therefore e= - -n+-1r, 1 -1 1r =0, -1r
3 3 3 33 3 3
~ e=o,-1r.
3 Trigonometric Functions and Equations
Exercise 8
In Questions 1 to 6, find the solution of the equation, for values of e in the range
os; es; 180°.
0 tan (e- 30°) = 1 0 cos(e-45°)=-0.5
0 sin(e+l5°)=- J2
0 cos(e-45°)=0
C) sin(e+30°)=-1 0 tan(e-60°) = 0
0 tan(e-~)=-FJ 0 cos(e-n)=~
Q tan( e+ ~ )=-1 ~ cos( e+~n )=~
G) tan( e-~n )=-1
One radian (1 rad) is the size of the angle subtended at the centre
of a circle by an arc equal in length to the radius of the circle.
The length of arc AB is re.
The sine function, f(x) =sin x, is defined for all values of x, Sine function
is periodic with a period 2n,
The cosine function, f(x) =cos x, is defined for all values of x, Cosine function
is periodic with a period 2n,
has a maximum value of 1 when x = 2nn, a minimum value of -1
whenx= (2n+ 1)n, is zero when x=±(2n+1)n.
The tangent function, y= tan x, is undefined for all odd Tangent function
multiples of..!.,., is periodic with period n.
tan e= - - and sin2 e+ cos2 e= 1
Oa Solve the equation sin x = 2_ in the interval 0° < x< 360°.
b Show that sin 2 e-sin ()cos8=12 can be expressed as
tan 2 e-tan() - 12=0
c Hence solve the equation sin 2 8 -sin()cos() = 12 in the interval
0° < x < 360° giving your answer to the nearest degree.
G The diagram shows an arc ADC of a circle with centre 0 and radius 4 em. A
The angle AOC = - .
3 0 n/3 D B
a Find the length of the arc ADC.
b Find the area of the sector OADC.
c The line AB and AC are tangents to the circle at A and B.
Find the length of OB.
d Hence find the area enclosed by the arc ADC and the lines AB and BC.
0 The diagram shows a sector of a circle whose centre is 0 and whose radius A
0 ~"
isr m.
The angle AOB is eradians and the perimeter of the sector AOB is 20 m.
a Showthat () = - - .
b The area of the sector is A m 2• Find an expression for A in terms of r.
1 1
J(x) 0~ ... - - - 0.93 1 1.07 2 1024 .. . ~ oo
1024 2
..,. as x ~ -oo, the curve gets closer and closer to the x-axis -2
..,. the curve never crosses the x-axis
..,. the x-axis is an asymptote. Note
Any function of the form f(x) =a', where a> 1, crosses they-axis at (0, 1)
Any line that a curve gets
b ecause a 0 = 1.
closer and closer to but
The curve f(x) =ax is similar in shape to that of f(x) = 2x. never crosses is called an
Example 1 asymptote.
Sketch the graph of a y=3x-1 b y=Jx'
-4 -2 2 4 X
-4 -2 2 4 X
Exercise 1
0 a Write down the values of f(x) = ( ~ J corresponding to
12.2 Logarithms
The statement 102 = 100 can be read as 'the base 10 raised to the power 2 is
equal to 100:
This relationship can be rearranged to give the same information, but in a
different order:
2 is the power to which the base 10 must be raised to equal100.
In this form the power is called a logarithm (log).
The whole relationship can then be shortened to read
2 is the logarithm to the base 10 of 100 or 2 = log 10 100
102 = 100 and 2 = log 10 100 are equivalent.
In the same way, 23 = 8 <=> 3= lo~ 8
and 4
3 = 81 <=> 4 = log3 81
Similarly log5 25 = 2 <=> 25=5 2
and lo~3 = - <=> 3=92
The base of a logarithm can be any positive number, including an unspecified
positive number represented by a letter, for example
b= a< ~ log. b= c
The power of a positive number always gives a positive result, for example
42 = 16,4- 2 =-.
Therefore when log. b = c, b =a<, so b must be positive, therefore logarithms of
positive numbers exist, but
the logarithm of a negative number does not exist.
Example 2
a Write lo8z 64 = 6 in index form.
b Write 53 = 125 in logarithmic form.
c Complete the statement 2-3 = ? and then write it in logarithmic form.
a lo8z 64 =6 means that the base is 2, the number is 64 and the power is 6.
l08z 64 = 6 => 64 = 26
b 53 = 125 means that the power is 3, the base is 5 and the number is 125.
53 = 125 => 3 = log5125
c 2- 3 =-
The base is 2, the power is -3 and the number is .!..
2- 3
=~ => -3 = log 2 ( ~)
Using a calculator
A scientific calculator can be used to find the values of logarithms with
a base of 10.
The button marked [log] gives the value of a logarithm with a base of 10.
Exercise 2
Convert each of the following facts to logarithmic form.
0 103 = 1000 e 24 = 16
0 32=9 () 42=16
0 9 2 =3
G 12°= 1
e x>'=2
Convert each of the following facts to index form.
( ) log 10100000 = 5 Q log4 64 = 3 ~ log10 10= 1
G) lo~4=2 ~ lo~32=5 ED log 1000 = 3
G) log 27 = 3
3 ~ lo~66 = ~ $ log.1 =0
loga5= b ~ logPq=r
In Questions 31 to 46, find the value of the logarithm without using a calculator.
t) log24 E) log 1000000
G) log264
~ log3 81 G) log8 64 G) log4 64
$ lo~3 G) log! 4 ~ log10 0.1
$ log12 1 11 0 log5 1 (!) log22
(D log644 (D lo~9 1 G) log273
G logaa3
G Use a calculator to evaluate, correct to 3 significant figures,
a log 10 3 b log10 2.4 c log 10 0.201
d log 10 17.3 e log10 5.6 f log 10 250
This is the second law oflogarithms and again this law applies to the log of any
product provided that the same base is used for all the logarithms in the formula.
Using b = log.(.X"') => ab= x!'
at =x
log.(x!') = k log.x
This is the third law of logarithms. Because all three laws are true for any base,
the base d oes not n eed to be included.
In each of these laws the base of every logarithm must be the same.
logx+logy= log(xy)
k logx= log (.vi')
Example 3
log (pq2 .Jr) = log p + log q 2 + lo; .Jr
~ ~
Exprc" 3log p + n log q 4 log r as a single logarithm.
3 log p+ n log q- 4log r = logp3 + log q"-log t'
=log - -
Example 5
Exercise 3
log x= log 4(x+ 1) - log
- 1og
0 log(pq) e log(pqr)
Exercise 4
Solve the equations in Questions 1 to 12. Give answers that are not exact correct
to 3 significant figures.
0 3X=9
e gx=27
0 22x =5
0 3x- 1=7 0 4 2x+l =8 When the base of a logarithm
C) lo~x= lo~ (2x - 1) C log x=2 is not given, assume that the
base is 10.
G logx=2 log(x-2) log2+2 logx=log(x+3)
An exponential function is one where the variable is in the index,
for example f(x) = 2x.
The shape of the curve y =ax is
4 X
For all values of a, the curve crosses they-axis at the point (0, 1).
b =a' ¢:::> log0 b = c
The logarithm of a negative number does not exist.
Laws of logarithms
log x+ logy= log (xy) log x -logy= log ( ~) k logx=log.xk
(In each of these laws every logarithm must be to the same base.)
0 Sketch the graph of f(x) = (
E) Evaluate
a log( (~2 )) b
b log (a")
0 a Sketch the graph ofy= ~.
Probability is used widely in everyday life, from assessment of risk to
reliability of consumer products, from trading in financial markets to testing
of new medicines; in the biological and physical sciences; in engineering;
in business; in politics; the list is endless.
13.11ntroduction to probability
The probability of an event is a measure of the likelihood that it will happen
and it is given on a numerical scale from 0 to 1. Probabilities can be written as a
decimal, fraction or percentage.
The two extremes on the probability scale are impossibility at one end and
certainty at the other end.
For example:
There is an 'even' chance of a fair coin showing heads when it is tossed;
the probability is ! = 0.5 = 50%.
• Probability
There is a one in four chance of a fair tetrahedral die marked 1, 2, 3, 4
landing on 3;
the probability is!= 0.25 = 25%.
The weather forecaster may say that there is a 70% chance of rain;
the probability is 70% = 0. 7.
If you select a tennis ball from a box of yellow tennis balls
the probability that you will select a yellow ball is 1 (certain)
the probability that you will select a blue ball is 0 (impossible).
These probabilities are shown on a probability scale below:
! I
Impossible 4 2 Certain
0 0.25 0.5 0.7
Practical probability
When a drawing pin is dropped it lands in one of two positions: 'point-up' or
What is the probability that the drawing pin will/and 'point-up'? point-up point-down
You could estimate the probability by dropping the pin a number of times
and working out the proportion, known as the relative frequency, that land
'point-up; where
. fr number of 'points-up'
relatiVe equency = ---------=-----=-----
total nwnber of times the pin is dropped
How many times should you drop the drawing pin to get a good estimate?
To investigate this, a drawing pin was dropped 200 times and the relative
frequency of the number that landed 'point-up' was calculated after every
10 throws. Here is part of the table of results:
~ 0.4
~ 0.3
~ 0.2
~ 0.1
0 10 20 30 40 50 100 150 200
Number of times the pin is dropped
Probability ..
You can see that as the pin is dropped more and more times, the relative
frequency appears to be settling to a value around 0.6. This limiting value is
taken as an estimate of the probability that the pin will land 'point-up'.
In general, if an event occurs r times in n trials, an estimate of the probability is
given by the long-term relative frequency, which is the limiting value of!....
The reliability of the estimate increases as n increases.
Theoretical probability
Suppose you wanted the probability of a fair coin showing heads when it is
tossed. You would give the answer.!. straight away, without bothering to toss a
coin a large number of times to work out the long-term relative frequency.
Intuitively, you would use the definition of probability that applies when
outcomes are equally likely:
number of successful outcomes
prob a billty= - - - - - - - - -- - - -
total number of possible outcomes
When a fair coin is tossed, there are twci possible outcomes, hea9 or tail, only
one of which (getting a head) is successful. Since the coin is unbiased, each
outcome is equally likely, so the probability of a head is.!..
so A' denotes the event 'not A'.
Since an event either occurs or does not occur,
P(A) + P(A') = 1
so P(A') = 1-P(A)
Example 1
a A fair cubical die is thrown. The 'score' is the number on the uppermost
face. Find the probability that
i the score is less than 3 ii the score is at least 3.
b Two fair cubical dice are thrown. Find the probability that
the sum of the scores is 6 ii the sum of the scores is not 6.
~~ Probability
a Possibility spaceS= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, so n(S) = 6.
If event A is 'the score is less than 3', then A= {1, 2} and n(A) = 2. IGtD 3 4 s 61s
P(score is less than 3) = P(A) = n(A) = 3. = 2..
n(S) 6 3 A
A box contains 20 counters numbered 1, 2, 3, ... up to 20. A counter is picked at
random from the box. Find the probability that the number on the counter is
a a multiple of 5 b not a multiple of 5 c higher than 7.
When you pick a counter at random from the box, there are 20 possible
outcomes and each outcome is equally likely to occur.
a The multiples of 5 are {5, 10, 15, 20}, so there are 4 successful outcomes.
P(multiple of 5) =..!. = 0. 2
b P(not a multiple of 5) = 1 - 0.2 = 0.8
c The numbers higher than 7 are {8, 9, ... 20}, so there are 13 successful
• A
Jack of hearts
2 of diamonds
Ace of spades 9 of clubs
Example 3
A card is dealt from a well-shuffled ordinary pack of 52 playing cards.
a Find the probability that the card is
i the 4 of spades ii a diamond or the 4 of spades.
b The first card dealt is placed face-up on the table. It is the 3 of diamonds.
What is the probability that the second card is from a red suit?
Example 4
A party bag contains a selection of balloons, as shown in the frequency table.
Blue Red Gr een Yellow TOTAL
Long 17 20 10 18 65
Round 15 19 14 7 55
TOTAL 32 39 24 25 120
Yizi takes a balloon at random from the bag. Find the probability that the
balloon is
a red b a blue round balloon
c not yellow.
a P(red) a B R G y
39 13 ! Long
=-= -
120 40 [Round
39 120
b P(a blue round balloon) b B R G y
15 1 ! Long
= - =- rRound 15
120 8
c P(not yellow) c B R G y
32+39+24 19 r Long
= - -- - - -
120 24 !Round
Alternatively: 32 39 24 120
P(not yellow)
= 1 - P(yellow)
25 19
= 1--= -
120 24
Exercise 1
0 An ordinary fa ir cubical die is thrown. Find the probability that the score is
a even b lower than 7
c a factor of 6 d at least 4
e higher than 1.
0 In a box there are 10 red, 15 blue, 5 green and 10 yellow highlighters.
One fifth of the highlighters have dried up and will not write. Che picks a
highlighter at random from the box.
Find the probability that the highlighter
a is blue b is n either green n or yellow
c is purple d will write.
0 An integer is picked at random from the integers from 1 to 20 inclusive.
A is the event 'the integer is a multiple of 3' and B is the event 'the integer is
a multiple of 4'. Find
a P(A) b P(B ' ).
0 A card is dealt fro m a well-shuffled ordinary pack of 52 playing cards.
a Find the probability that the card dealt is
i a Queen
ii a heart or a diamond
iii a picture card showing spades.
b Two cards are dealt and put face-up on the table. They are the 4 of clubs
and the 7 of diamonds. A third card is now dealt. What is the probability
that it is a club or a 7?
0 Every work day Kusuma catches a bus to work. The bus is never early but it
is som etimes late.
Kusuma decided to record the number of m inutes the bus is late over a
period of 10 days. Here are his results.
0, 3, 4, 1, 0, 0, 5, 4, 6, 0
a Find the probability that on a randomly chosen day from the 10 days
the bus was on time
ii the bus was more than the m ean number of minutes late.
b Jamie estimates that the probability that his bus will be late when he is
on his way home fro m work is 0. 75. What is the probability that his bus
will not be late wh en h e is on his way home from work?
( ) A cubical die, with faces number ed 1 to 6, is weighted so that a 6 is twice as
likely to occur as any other number.
Find the probability that wh en the die is thrown th e score is
a 6 b odd.
Probability ..
A fair five-sided spinner has sides numbered 1, 1, 2, 3, 3.
3 3 • • • • •
The spinner is spun twice. Use the possibility space diagram to find the • • • •
·§.. 3 •
probability that <I)
:::: 2
• • • • •
a the spinner stops at 1 at least once u
• • • • •
A person is selected at random from those who took their driving test
that week. Find the probability that the person
a passed the driving test
b was assigned to Examiner II
c was assigned to Examiner III and passed the test
d was not assigned to Examiner III.
( ) Two fair coins are tossed together. Find the probability that
a exactly one tail is obtained
I: : : H T
b at most one head is obtained. First coin
«i) A tetrahedral die has four faces and they are labelled 1, 2, 3, 4. When the
die is thrown, the score is the number on which the die lands. Two fair 4 • • • •
tetrahedral dice are thrown. Find the probability that :a"0"' 3 • • • •
a the sum of the scores is divisible by 4 0
u 2 • • • •
• • • •
b the product of the scores is an even number
c the scores differ by at least 2. 1 2 3 4
$ Two ordinary fair cubical dice are thrown together and the scores are
First die
multiplied. P(N) denotes the probability that the number Nis obtained.
a Find i P(9) ii P(4) iii P(l4) iv P(37)
b If P(N) =..!., find the possible values of N.
• Probability
A orB s
The outcomes in event A orB are those in A orB or both. This is the union of
A and Band is written Au B.
P(A or B)= P(A u B)= P(A occurs orB occurs or both occur)
Neither A nor B
A v Bmean sAQr B .QI both
The outcomes in event neither A nor B are those that are not in the union of s
A and B.
The outcomes in event A only are outcomes that are in A but not in B. You can s
think of this in two ways, where
A or Borboth
The addition Jaw is stated in set notation in the Formulae and Statistical Tables
booklet. Note that, although it will not be essential to use set notation in the
examination, you are expected to understand it.
Example 5
Events A and Bare such that P{A) =0. 7, P(A or B) = 0.8 and P(A and B) =0.25.
a P(B')
b P( only A occurs)
c P{exactly one of A orB occurs).
Probability ~-~
a By the addition law:
P(A or B)= P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)
0.8 = 0.7 + P(B)- 0.25
P(B) =0.35
P(B' ) = 1 - P(B)
= 1-0.35
= 0.65
b P(A only)= P(A)- P(A and B)
....---------., s
c P(exactly one of A or B) = P(A or B)- P(A and B)
= 0.8-0.25
= 0.55
Alternatively, you could use
P(exactly one of A or B) = P(A only)+ P(B only)
Example 6
All100 pupils in a year group were asked whether they had read two particular
comics, Whizz and Wham, during the past week. The results showed that 65 had
read Whizz, 55 had read Wham, 30 had read both Whizz and Wham and some
pupils had not read either comic.
A pupil was selected at random from the year group to answer more questions.
Find the probability that the pupil had read
a Whizz or Wham
b neither of the comics
c Whizz but not Wham.
Let Z be the event 'the pupil had read Whizz' and M be the event 'the pupil had
read Wham:
65 55 30
a P(Z)=- = 0.65, P(M)= - =0.55,(ZandM)=- = 0.3
100 100 100
P(Z or M) = P(Z) + P(M)- P(Z and M)
= 0.65 + 0.55- 0.3 P(Z v M) = P(Z) + P(M) - P(Z r'l M)
b P(neither Z norM) = 1 - P(Z or M)
= 1- 0.9
= 0.1
c P(Z but not M) = P(Z only)
= P(Z)- P(Z and M)
=0.65 - 0.3
= 0.35
Alternatively, you could use a Venn diagram directly as follows:
Fill in the 30 who read both comics in the intersection (overlap).
Then fill in those who read Whizz only and those who read Wham only.
• Probability
20 35 Both comics
a P(WhizzorWham) = 35 + + = 90 = 0.9
100 100 s
b P(neither comic) = _!Q_ = 0.1
c P(Whizz but not Wham) = = 0.35
Notice that it is easy to find other probabilities from the Venn diagram.
For example,
35 25
P(pupil had read on ly one of the comics) = + = 0.6
Whizz only Wham o n ly
65 - 30=35 55 - 30 = 25
Probability tables
Often actual frequencies are not as important as the relative frequencies
between categories and it can be m ore convenient to work with proportions or
percentages of the total.
So, in Example 6 above, since there were 100 pupils in the year group, you know
that the proportion that read Whizz was 0.65, the proportion that read Wham
was 0.55 and the proportion that read both was 0.3.
These proportions (relative frequencies) can be shown in a two-way table
probability table, som etimes called a relative frequency table.
Step I Step 2
From th e given information you Now complete the missing entries
are able to fill in the following by making the totals agree. These
entries. Remember that the total are shown in red.
proportion (probability) is 1.
z Z' Total z Z' Total
M 0.3 0.55 M 0.3 0.25 0.55
M' M' 0.35 0.1 0.45
Total 0.65 I Total 0.65 0.35 I
P(Z or M) = 0.3 + 0.25 + 0.35 = 0.9 green, blue and yellow cells
P(n either Z nor M) = 0.1 pink cell
P(Z but not M) = 0. 35 blue cell
P(only one of Z or M) = 0.35 + 0.25 = 0.6 blue and yellow cells
A probability table is also useful when you are given the probabilities of events
In general, for two events A and B, label the columns A and A' and the rows B
and B'.
The column totals show P(A) and P(A') and the row totals show A A' Total
P(B) and P(B').
B P(AandB) P(only B) P(B)
The entries in the four cells give the probabilities of the combined B' P(only A) P(neither) P(B')
events shown.
Total P(A) P(A') 1
The grand total shows the sum of all the probabilities, so it is
always 1. 1
Total probability= 1
Example 7
Mario always contacts two particular friends, Jack and Sakchai, by text message.
The event that he contacts Jack is denoted by A and the event that he
contacts Sakchai is B. On any one day, Mario may contact neither, or one, or
both friends.
A A' Total
a Complete the table of probabilities for these events, where A' and B'
B 0.55
denote the events not A and not B respectively.
B' 0.4
b Hence find the probability that on a particular day, Mario:
Total 0.35
i contacts both Jack and Sakchai
ii contacts either Jack or Sakchai, but not both
iii contacts Jack or Sakchai.
a Use the row totals, column totals and 'grand total' to complete missing A A' Total
entries. These are written in red in the table.
B 0 .25 0.3 0.55
B' 0.4 0.05 0.45
b P(A and B)= 0.25 green cell
Total 0.65 0.35 1
ii P(either A orB, but not both)
= 0.4+ 0.3 blue and yellow cells
iii P(A or B)
= 0.25 + 0.4 + 0.3 green, blue and yellow cells
Note that if you are given P(A or B), you cannot enter it directly
into the table, but you can use it to find P(neither A nor B), since
P(neither A nor B) = 1 - P(A or B).
A A' A A'
B P(AandB) P(only B) B
B' P(onlyA) B' P(neither)
The sum of these entries This entry gives P(neither A nor B).
gives P(A or B).
D Probability
Example 8
Two events, A and B, are such that
P(A or B)= 0.95, P(A') = 0.45, P(B) = 0.65
a Find P(neither A nor B).
b Draw up a two-way probability table for events A and B.
c Find
i P(A and B) ii P(A) iii P(A only)
a P(neither A nor B)= 1 - P(A or B)
= 1-0.95
b Enter the known values into the table, along with the grand total of 1.
You can then fill in the missing values, shown below in red.
A A' Total
B 0.25 0.4 0.65
B' 0.3 0.05 0.35
Total 0.55 0.45 1
Probability •
Example 9
A card is dealt from an ordinary pack of 52 playing cards. Find the probability
that the card is
a a club (C) or a diamond (D)
b a club (C) or a King (K).
a A card cannot be a club and a diamond at the same time, so the events 11(S) = 52
are mutually exclusive.
P(C) =~ P(D)=~
52 I 52
13 13 26 1
So P(CorD)=P(C)+P(D)= - + - =-=-
52 52 52 2
b The events C and K are not mutually exclusive since the King of clubs is 11(S) =52
both a King and a club.
P(CandK) = -
P(C orK) =P(C)+ P(K) - P(CandK)
13 4 1 16 4
=-+---= - =-
52 52 52 52 13
Example 10
A fair cubical die is thrown. Events are defined as follows:
A: the score is at most 3
B: the score is at least 3
C: the score is lower than 3
D: the score is higher than 3
Identify pairs of events that are mutually exclusive.
List the outcomes in each event.
A= {1, 2, 3} B = {3, 4,5,6} C= {1, 2} D= {4, 5, 6}
Look for pairs where there is no overlap.
P(A and D) = 0, P(B and C) = 0, P(Cand D) =0
The following pairs of events are mutually exclusive:
A and D, Band C, C and D
Example 11
Jo, Paula and Maladee are playing a game in which there can be only one
winner. The probability that Jo wins is 0.3, the probability that Paula wins is 0.2
and the probability that Maladee wins is 0.4. Find the probability that
a Jo or Maladee wins
b Jo or Paula or Maladee wins
c someone else wins.
• Probability
Since there can only be one winner in the game, the events are mutually
a P(Jo or Maladee wins) = 0.3 + 0.4=0.7
b P(Jo or Maladee or Paula wins)= 0.3 + 0.4 + 0.2 = 0.9
c P(someone else wins)= 1-0.9 = 0.1
Exercise 2
0 An ordinary fair cubical die is thrown.
Find the probability that the score on the die is
a even b prime
c even or prime d even and prime.
0 All the students in a class of 30 study at least one of the subjects, physics
and biology. Of these, 20 study physics and 21 study biology. Find the
probability that a student chosen at random studies
a both physics and biology
b only physics
c only one of the subjects.
8 From an ordinary pack of 52 playing cards the seven of diamonds has been
lost. A card is dealt from the well-shuffled pack. Find the probability that
the card is
a adiamond b a Queen
c a diamond or a Queen d a diamond or a seven
e a diamond and a seven.
0 In a quality control test, all the components produced by three machines
on a particular day are tested. The results are summarised in the table.
Probability •
G Two fair cubical dice are thrown. Using a possibility space diagram, find the
probability that the sum of the scores is
a a multiple of 5 b greater than 9
c a multiple of 5 or greater than 9 d a multiple of 5 and greater than 9.
0 The probability that a randomly chosen boy in Class 2 is in the football team
is 0.4, the probability that he is in the chess team is 0.5 and the probability
that he is in both teams is 0.2.
Find the probability that a boy chosen at random from the class
a is in the football team, but not in the chess team
b is in the football team or the chess team
c is not in either team d is in just one of the teams.
0 Events X and Yare such that P(X) = 0. 75, P(Y') = 0.45 and P(X and Y) = 0.5. X X' Total
Complete the probability table and use it to find y 0.5
a P(X or Y) b P(neither X nor Y). Y' 0.45
C) Events A and Bare such that P(A) = P(B), P(A and B)= 0.1 and Total 0.75
P(A or B) =0.7.
a P(A') b P(B only).
(!) Events A and B are such that
P(A occurs)= 0.6, P(B occurs)= 0.7, P(neither A nor B occurs)= 0.1.
a P(both A and B occur) b P(at least one of A and B occurs)
c P(A occurs orB occurs but not both A and B occur).
Q Events X and Yare mutually exclusive and P(X) = 0.5, P(Y) = 0.25.
a P(X or Y) b P(X and Y).
e Events A, Band Care mutually exclusive.
P(A orB or C) = 0.8, P(A') = 0.95, P(A or B)= 0.45.
a P(B) b P(C) c P(A or C) d P(Band C).
e Two fair cubical dice are thrown.
Even t' A is the scores on the dice are the same.
Event B is the product of the scores is a multiple of 3.
Event Cis the sum of the scores is 7.
State, with a reason, whether the following pairs of events are mutually
a A andB b AandC c Band C.
• Probability
13.3 Conditional events
Suppose you have a box of milk and plain chocolates. If you randomly select a
ch ocolate, eat it, then randomly select another one, the probability that the
second chocolate is plain depends on whether the first one was plain or milk.
The events are conditional.
The conditional probability that B occurs, given that A has occurred, is s
P(B given A), written P(B IA).
Since A has occurred, th e possibility space is reduced to just A.
P(B IA)= n(B and A )
So, n(A) .
Dividing the top and bottom of the fraction by n(S) gives
P(B I A) = P(B and A)
Example 12
Of the 120 first year students at a college, 36 study chemistry, 60 study biology
and 10 study both chemistry and biology.
A first year student is selected at random to represent the college at a
conference. Find the probability that the student studies
a ch emistry, given that the student studies biology
b biology, given that the student studies ch emistry.
b P(did not have eye condition, given man) c C' The possibility space has been
=P(C'IM) reduced to the 60 men.
M 35 60
35 w
• Probability
Example 14
I- Two events X and Yare such that P(X) = 0.2, P(Y) =0.25 and P(YI X)= 0.4. Find
a P(Xand Y)
= 0.2x 0.4
b P(XIY)= P(XandY)
=- -
c P(X or Y) = P(X) + P(Y)- P(X and Y)
= 0.2 + 0.25- 0.08
Example 15
There are 5 red counters and 7 blue counters in a bag. Vuka~in selects a cou nter
at random from the bag and puts it on the table. He then selects another
counter at random. This is known as sampling
without replacement, as
Find the probability that he selects
the first counter is not put
a a red counter then a blue counter
back Into the bag before the
b two counters that are the same colour second counter is taken out.
c at least one blue counter. The events are conditional.
b P(same colour)
= P(both red)+ P(both blue)
= P(R 1) x P(R2 i R1) + P(B.) x P(B2 i B.)
= C~ ~~)+C 2
7 6
X X 11)
5 7
33 22
Probability I
c P(at least one blue)
= 1 - P(both red) frompartb
Alternatively, P(at least one blue)= P(both blue)+ P(R1 and B2) + P(B, and R).
Example 16
There are three shelves in the classroom bookcase and the number and type of
books on each shelf is shown in the table.
Hardback Paperback Total
Shelf I 21 9 30
Shelf 2 8 7 15
Shelf 3 15 12 27
Total 44 28 72
A student is asked to select three books at random from the bookcase.
Calculate, to three decimal places, the probability that the student selects
a a hardback, then a hardback, then a paperback
b two hardbacks and one paperback
c one book from each shelf.
If you pick a hardback first, there are only 43 hardbacks left,
. /so reduce the numeratoron the second selection. There are,
/ however, still 28 paperbacks.
44 43 28
a P(H,H,P)= - x -x-
72 71 7~ After the first book has been selected, there are only
........_ 71 books to choose from and after the second selection
there are only 70, so reduce the denominators on the
second and third selections.
= 0.1480.. . =0.148 (3 dp)
b P(two hardbacks and one paperback)
= P(H, H, P) + P(H, P, H)+ P(P, H, H)
= ( 44 X 43 X 28
72 71 70
)+( 44 X 28 X 43) + ( 28 X 44 X 43 )
72 71 70 72 71 70
= 3 X 44 X 43 X 28 Notice that the probability Is the
72 71 70 same for each arrangement, so you
= 0.4441.. . could just find 3 x P(H, H, P).
= 0.444 (3 dp).
c There are 6 arrangements for the selection of the shelves:
1 2 3, 1 3 2, 2 3 1, 2 1 3, 3 2 1, 3 12
The probability is the same for each arrangement, so find the probability of
one arrangement and multiply by 6.
P(one book from each shelf)
=6 x P(Shelf 1, Shelf2, Shelf3)
30 15 27
=6X - x - x -
72 71 70
=0. 2037 ...
= 0.204 (3 dp)
Exercise 3
0 Each of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 is written on a card and the nine
cards are shuffled.
A card is then dealt.
Given that the card is a multiple of3, find the probabiJity that the card is
a even b a multiple of 4.
f) In a large group of people it is known that 10% have a hot breakfast, 20%
have a hot lunch and 25% have a hot breakfast or a hot lunch. Find the
probability that a person chosen at random from this group
a had a hot breakfast and a hot lunch
b had a hot lunch, given that the person had a hot breakfast
c had a hot breakfast, given that the person did not have a hot lunch.
Q In a group of 100 college students, 80 own a laptop computer, 65 own
a desktop computer and 50 own both a laptop computer and a
desktop computer. Find the probability that a student ch osen at random
from the group
a owns a desktop computer, given that the student owns a laptop computer
b does not own a laptop computer, given the student owns a desktop
c does not own a laptop computer or a desktop computer.
0 Two fair tetrahedral dice, each with faces labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, are thrown and
the number on which each lands is noted.
Find the probability that
a the sum of the two numbers is even, given that at least one die
lands on a3
b at least one die lands on a 3, given that the score is even.
e The table shows how pupils at a certain school travelled to school on the
first day of te rm.
Walk Cycle Bus Car
Boy 60 22 48 70
Girl 72 15 52 71
Probability ..
Find the probability that a randomly selected pupil from the school
a was a boy who had travelled to school by car
b had cycled to school or was a boy
c was a girl, given that the pupil travelled by bus
d travelled by car, given a boy was selected
e was a boy, given that the pupil did not walk or cycle.
0 Two events A and Bare such that P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.45 and P(A IB)= 0.2. Find
a P(A and B) b P(B IA) c P(B or A).
0 Two events Wand X are such that P(WIX) = 0.5, P(XI VV) = 0.4 and
P(VV) = 0.7. Find
a P(WandX) b P(X)
c P(Wor X) d P(neither W nor X).
0 A bag contains 20 identical sweets apart from the colour: 10 are pink, 7 are
green and 3 are yellow. Jovian randomly selects two sweets from the bag,
one after the other, and eats them. Find the probability that
a she eats two pink sweets
b the first sweet is green and the second sweet is yellow
c she eats exactly one pink sweet
d neither sweet is green.
C) A card is picked from an ordinary pack containing 52 playing cards. It is
then replaced in the pack, the pack is shuffled and a second card is picked.
Find the probability that
a both cards are the seven of diamonds
b the first card is a heart and the second card is a spade
c at least one card is a Queen.
G) A large apartment block consists of apartments with either 1, 2, 3 or 4
bedrooms. They are either owner-occupied or let to tenants.
The number of each type is shown in the table.
I bedroom 2bedrooms 3bedrooms 4bedrooms
Owner-occupied 8 27 45 11
Let to tenants 12 34 10 3
a Two apartments are selected at random. Find the probability that
neither has 4 bedrooms
II one is let to tenants and the other is owner occupied.
b Three apartments are selected at random.
Find the probability that one is owner-occupied and two are let to tenants.
Independent events
In general, for events A and B:
P(A and B)= P(A) x P(B IA)
However, if either event can occur without being affected by the other, the
events are said to be independent.
• Probability
Since it makes no difference that A has occurred,
The rule can be extended to n independent events This is the 'and' rule for
independent events.
P(A1 and A2 a nd A 3 and··· and A) = P(A 1) X P(A2) X P(A3 ) X ··· X P(An)
Example 17
a A fair cubical die is thrown twice. Find the probability that
the score is 3 on both throws
II the score is 3 only on one throw
iii neither score is 3.
b The die is thrown four times. Find the probability that the score is even on all
four throws.
. 1 5
a The scores are mdependent so, for each throw, P(3) = -, P(not 3) =-.
6 6
1 1 1 The outcomes in parts i, ii and iii
P(3onboth)= - x - = -
6 6 36 cover all the possible outcomes.
They are also mutually exclusive, so
II P(onlyone3)=(.!. x
6 6
~)+(~6 x .!.)=~=~
6 36 18 the total probability is 1.
. 5 5 25 Check:
iii P(neither shows 3) =- x - = -
6 6 36
_!36_ +!Q+ 25 = 36 = 1
36 36 36
b The scores are mdependent so, for each throw, P(even) = -.
4 2
P(score is even on all four throws)= (.!.)2 = _!_,
Example 18
There are 5 red counters and 7 blue counters in a bag. Eliza takes a counter from
the bag, notes its colour and then puts it back into the bag. Obren then takes a Note
counter from the bag. Find the probability that This is known as sampling
a Eliza takes a red counter and Obren takes a blue counter with replacement, as the
b Obren's counter is the same colour as Eliza's counter. first counter Is put back into
the bag before the second
As Eliza's counter is put back into the bag, the events are independent so, for counter is taken out. The
both Eliza and Obren, events are independent.
5 7
P(R)= ,P(B) =U
a P(Eliza picks red and Obren picks blue)
= P(RE) X P(B0 )
=~X _7_ ...,.,___ _ There are still l 2 counters in the bag, of
12 12 which 7 are blue.
Probability G
b P(same colour)= P(both red)+ P(both blue)
= P(RE) X P(R0 ) + P(BE) X P(B0 )
5 5 7 7
=- X-+-X -
12 12 12 12
Example 19
Three coffee machines are installed in an office. The probability that this type of
machine will break down on any day is 0.1. Find the probability that on
a all three machines break down
b exactly one machine breaks down
c at least one machine is working.
Let B be the event 'the machine breaks down' and Wthe event 'the machine is
a P(all three machines break down)
= P(B 1 B2 B)
=0.1 x0.1 x 0.1
= 0.001
b P(exactly one machine breaks down)
= P(B 1 W2 W 3) + P(W1 B 2 W) + P(W1 W 2 B3) Notice that each probability is the
= (0.1 X 0.9 X 0.9) + (0.9 X 0.1 X 0.9) + (0.9 X 0.9 X 0.1) same, so you could just calculate
=0.243 3 X 0.1 X 0.92•
c P(at least one machine is working)
= 1- P(all three break down)
= 1 - 0.001 from part a
= 0.999
Example 20
A supermarket sells three types of mille red top, green top and blue top.
The probability that a customer will buy a particular type of milk is shown in
the table.
Milk Probabllity
Red top (R) 0.3
Green top (G) 0.55
Blue top (B) 0.15
Three customers were selected at random from those who had bought one type
of mill<. Find the probability that
a they all bought green top
b exactly two bought red top,
c one bought red top, one bought green top and one bought blue top.
D Probability
The events R, G and B are independent.
a P( all bought green top) = P( GGG)
= 0.55 X 0.55 X 0.55
= 0.166375
= 0.166 (3 s f)
b P(R) =0.3, P(R' ) =0.7
There are 3 arrangements of RRR' and each has the same probability, so
P( exactly two bou ght red top) = 3 x P(RRR' )
= 3 X0.3 X0.3X 0.7
= 0. 189
c There are 6 arra ngem ents of RGB, each with the sam e probability, so
P(one R, one G, one B) = 6 x P(RGB)
= 6 X 0.3 X 0.55 X 0.15
= 0.1485
Exercise 4
0 a A fai r cubical die is thrown twice. Find the p rob ability of obtaining
l a score of 2 on both throws
ll a score of 2 on just one of the two throws
ill a score of 4 on at least one throw
lv a score lower than 3 on both throws.
b The die is thrown 3 times. Find the probability that the score is even on
all three throws.
e A manufacturer makes p ens. When the process is going well, o nly 2.5% of
the pens are defective. The su p ervisor selects two p ens at random fro m the
production line. Find the probability that
a both pen s are defective
b exactly one p en is defective.
0 A coin is biased so that it is three times as likely to show heads than tails.
a The coin is tossed once.
Fin d the probability of obtaining a head.
b The coin is tossed twice.
Find the prob ability of obtaining at least one head.
c The coin is tossed three times.
Find the p ro bability of obta ining at m ost 2 h eads.
0 Anzer, Barb ara a nd Clefta are m embers of the skating club. The
indep endent probabilities that Anzer, Barbara and Clefta will go
to the club o n a Friday evening are shown in the ta ble.
Name Probability
Anzer 0.4
Barbara 0.3
Clefta 0.5
Probability ..
Find the probability that, on a randomly selected Friday,
a all three girls go to the skating club
b only Barbara goes to the skating club.
C) In an experiment, a coloured ball is selected at random from a bag
containing 6 red balls, 3 yellow balls and 1 blue ball. Its colour is noted and
the ball is put back into the bag.
a The process is performed twice. Find the probability that
two red balls are selected
ii a yellow and a blue ball are selected
iii neither ball is blue.
b The process is performed 3 times. Find the probability that
I one ball is red and two balls are yellow
ii a ball of each colour is selected.
c The process is performed 5 times. Find the probability that all the balls
selected are red.
Example 21
Each day I travel to work by route A or route B. The probability that I choose
route A is 0.2. The probability that I am late for work ifl choose route A is 0.3
and the probability that I am late ifl choose route B is 0.65.
a Find the probability that I am not late for work.
b Given that I am not late for work, find the probability that I chose route B.
Give your answer to 3 decimal places.
Event A: I go by route A P(A) = 0.2
Event B: I go by route B P(B) = 1 - 0.2 = 0.8
Event L: I am late for work P(L IA)= 0.3, P(L' IA)= 0.7
P(L I B) = 0.65, P(L' IB) = 0.35
First draw a set of branches to show the routes and write in the probabilities.
Then draw a set of branches from A to show whether or not I am late for work.
L' P(A and L') = P(A) x P(L'I A)= 0.2 x 0.7 = 0.14
L P(B andL) = P(B) x P(L I B) =0.8 x 0.65 = 0.52
L' P(B and L') = P(B) x P(L' IB)= 0.8 x 0.35 = 0.28 *
Probability e
Example 22
A coin is biased so that the probability it shows heads is 0.8. The coin is
tossed twice.
Find the probability that there is
a exactly one head
b at least one head
c exactly one head, given there is at least one head.
T P(H1 and T2)=P(H1)x P(T)= 0.8x 0.2=0.16 *
D Probability
Example 23
Dafydd, Eli and Fabio are members of an amateur cycling club that holds a time
trial each Sunday during summer. The independent probabilities that Dafydd,
Eli and Fabio takes part in any one of these trials are 0.6, 0. 7 and 0.8.
Find the probability that, on a particular Sunday during summer:
a none of the three cyclists takes part;
b Fabio is the only one of the three cyclists to take part;
c exactly one of the three cyclists takes part;
d either one or two of the three cyclists takes part.
AQA MS1B January 2007
Event D: Daffyd takes part P(D) = 0.6, P(D') = 0.4
Atree diagram is not
Event E: Eli takes part P(E) = 0. 7, P(E') = 0.3
essential, but it may help to
Event F: Fabio takes part P(F) = 0.8, P(F') = 0.2
clarify the probabilities.
The events are D, E and Fare independent.
Daffyd Eli Fabio
a P(none takes part)
= 0.4x 0.3 x 0.2
E ~F'
b P(only Ftakes part) D
= P(D'E'F)
0.6 0.3
= 0.4 X 0.3 X 0.8
= 0.096
c P( exactly one takes part)
= P(only D)+ P(only E)+ P(only F) /F
= (0.6 X 0.3 X 0.2) + (0.4 X 0.7 X 0.2) + 0.096 0.4
= 0.188
d P(either one or two)
= 1- P(none)- P(all three take part)
= 1-0.024- (0.6 X 0.7 X 0.8)
Exercise 5
Think carefully about whether events are independent or conditional.
0 A mother and her daughter are both entering a cake making competition
at a show. From past experience they estimate that the probability that the
mother will win a prize is ~
and, independently of her mother's result, the
probability that the daughter will win a prize is ~ .
Probability GJ.
Find the probability that
a either the mother or the daughter, but not both, wins a prize, First Second
b the mother wins a prize, given that just one of them wins a prize, chocolate chocolate
centres. Sadie takes two chocolates from the box and eats them.
a Find the probability that just one of the chocolates has a soft centre.
b Find the probability that the first chocolate has a soft centre, given that Hard
just one of the chocolates has a soft centre. Hard
G In a large batch of flower seeds 70% have been treated to improve
germination. The treated seeds have a probability of 0.8 of germinating,
whereas the untreated seeds have a probability of 0.3 of germinating.
A seed is selected at random from the batch. By drawing a tree diagram, or
otherwise, find the probability that
a the seed will germinate
b the seed has been treated, given that it has germinated.
0 A box contains 9 pens of which 6 are red and 3 are blue. Verlind is doing an
experiment as part of his mathematics homework.
a He takes a pen from the box at random, notes its colour and then puts it
back in the box. He does this a second time, then a third time.
Find the probability that he takes out
a red pen each time
ii at least one blue pen.
b Verlind now repeats the experiment, but this time he does not return the
pen to the box each time.
Find the probability that he takes out
l a red pen each time
ii at least one blue pen.
C) At a children's party each of the 12 guests is to receive a toy. Mohammed is
hoping to get a torch and Rebekah wants a ball. The 12 toys, consisting of
4 balls, 3 torches and 5 pens, are placed in a bag. Mohammed receives the
first toy drawn out ofthe bag and Rebekah receives the second toy drawn
out of the bag. Assume that at each stage each toy has an equal chance of
being drawn.
a Find the probability that Rebekah will get a ball.
b When Rebekah's parents arrive at the end of the party, Rebekah
shows them the ball that she got in the draw. Find the probability that
Mohammed got a torch.
C) Some students are answering multiple choice questions. In each question,
there are four choices.
a Amy does not know the answer to a particular question, so she guesses.
What is the probability that Amy guesses the correct answer?
D Probability
b Fahed guesses the answers to two of the multiple choice questions. Find
the probability that
i both answers are correct
ii exactly one answer is correct.
c Imogen guesses the answers to three of the multiple choice questions.
Find the probability that
i all three are incorrect
ii exactly two answers are correct
iii at least two answers are correct
iv fewer than two answers are correct.
d Caliti guesses the answers to four multiple choice questions. Find the
probability that all his answers are correct.
0 Pippa is playing a game at a fund raiser event in which she randomly
selects a coloured disc from a bag. The bag contains 10 discs of which 9 are
blue and 1 is white. If she selects the white disc she will win a teddy bear.
She is allowed three attempts and no disc is returned to the bag once it has
been chosen.
a Find the probability that Pippa wins the teddy bear.
b Given that she wins the teddy bear, find the probability that she only
needed one attempt.
0 Garuda is playing table tennis. Each time that sh e serves, the
probability that she wins the point is 0.6, independent of the result of
any preceding serves. At the start of a particular game she serves for
the first five points.
a Find the probability that, for the first two points of the game,
i she wins both points
ii she wins exactly one of the points.
b Calculate the probability that she loses all five points.
0 When a particular firm needs to hire a taxi, the receptionist calls one of
three firms, X, Y or Z.
40% of the calls are to X, 50% are to Yand 10% are to Z.
9% of the taxis hired from X are late, 6% of those hired from Yare late and
20% of those hired from Z are late.
Find the probability tl1at the next taxi hired
a will be from X and will not arrive late
b will arrive late
c is from X, given that it arrives late.
Probability G
G Jodie and Kapil are playing a game in which they have two bags containing
coloured cubes.
Bag A has 7 red cubes and 3 blue cubes.
Bag B has 4 red cubes and 6 blue cubes.
a Jodie takes a cube at random from bag A and Kapil takes a cube at
random from bag B. Find the probability that
i both cubes are red
U just one of the cubes is red.
b The cubes are returned to their correct bags. Jodie now takes a cube at
random from bag A and after noting the colour she p uts it in bag B.
Kapil now takes a cube at random from bag B. Find the probability that
it is red.
Example 24
When a cubical die is thrown, the number on the uppermost face is the score. B c A
Two fair dice are thrown, one red and one blue. 6
The outcomes resulting in events A, B and Care shown on the possibility space
:a"' 5
::0 4
diagram, where c:
0 3
A is the event: the score on the red die is more than 4; "'....u0 2
B is the event: the sum of scores is 7;
C is the event: the sum of the scores is 8.
1 2 3 4 5 6
a Giving a reason for your answer: Score on red die
state which two of the events A, Band Care mutually exclusive
li show that events A and B are independent.
b Find P(A I C).
li Are events A and C independent? Give a reason.
a i Since it is not possible for the sum to be 7 and 8,
P(B and C)= 0, so events Band Care mutually exclusive.
2 1
ii P(A and B)= - =-
36 18
12 1 6 1
P(A)= -=-,P(B)=-=-,
36 3 36 6
1 1 1
soP(A)xP(B)= -x-=-
3 6 18
Since P(A and B) = P(A) x P(B), events A and Bare independent.
b P(A I C)=-
ii From part a, you know that P(A) = -
Therefore P(A I C)-:;; P(A), so events A and Care not independent.
Example 25
The table shows an analysis of the tickets purchased for a performance at a
theatre. There are three types of tickets available: child (up to 15 years old);
adult ( 16-59) and senior (60 or over) and the tickets are either for the balcony
or the stalls.
Child Adult Senior Totals
Balcony 12 20 13 45
Stalls 8 15 7 30
Totals 20 35 20 75
a State, giving a reason, whether the event of selecting a balcony ticket and the
event of selecting a child's ticket are independent.
b Give an event that is mutually exclusive to the event of selecting a ticket in
the stalls.
a Let B be the event 'selecting a balcony ticket' and C the event 'selecting a
child's ticket'
Alternatively, show P( CI B) = P( C)
P(B) =
=0.6, P(B I C)= ~=0.6 or P(Band C) = P(B) x P(C).
75 20
Since P(B I C) = P(B), events Band Care independent.
b The event 'selecting a balcony ticket' is mutually exclusive to 'selecting a
ticket in the stalls' .
Example 26
Events A and Bare such that P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.6 and P(A or B)= 0. 72.
Probability G
a P{A or B) =0.72 Note
P{A) + P{B) = 0.3 + 0.6 = 0.9
Remember to state your
Since P{A) + P{B) ~ P(A or B), events A and Bare not mutually exclusive. conclusion.
b By the addition law
P(A or B) = P{A) + P{B) - P(A and B)
0.72 = 0.3 + 0.6- P(A and B)
so P{A and B)= 0.18
Now, P{A) X P(B) =0.3 X 0.6 =0.18.
Since P(A and B) = P{A) x P(B), the events A and Bare independent.
Exercise 6
0 The events A and Bare such that P{A IB) = 0.4, P(B IA) = 0.25 and
P(A and B)= 0.1 2.
a Are A and B independent? Give a reason for your answer.
b Find P{A or B).
0 Events A and Bare such that P(A) =0.45, P(B) =0.35 and P(A or B)= 0.7.
a Find P(A and B).
b Show that events A and Bare not independent.
c Find P(A IB).
e Events A and Bare such that P(A) = 0.7, P{A only)= 0.49, P(B) = 0.3
A A'
B 0.3
B' 0.49
0.7 1
a Complete the probability table.
b State, with a reason whether
I events A and B are independent
II events A and Bare mutually exclusive
iii events A' and B are independent.
D Probability
0 Events X and Yare mutually exclusive where P(X) =0.3 and P(Y) =0.4.
Are events X' and Y' mutually exclusive? Give a reason for your answer.
0 A school has 100 teachers. In a survey on the use of the school car park, the
teachers were asked whether they had driven a car to school on that day.
Of the 70 full-time teachers, 45 had driven a car to school and of the
30 part-time teachers, 12 had driven a car to school.
a Copy and complete the two-way table, where C denotes c C' Total
the event 'the teacher had driven a car to school that daY, Full-time teacher
b Find the probability that a teacher chosen at random Part-time teacher
is a part-time teacher who had driven a car to school Total 100
ii is a full-time teacher who had not driven a car to school
iii is a full-time teacher or had driven a car to school
iv is a part-time teacher, given that the teacher had driven a car to
c Are the events 'the teacher had driven a car to school' and 'the teacher
is full-time' independent? Give a reason for your answer.
d Describe two events that are mutually exclusive.
Probability a
Work out the totals, checking that the row totals and column totals add
up to 400:
Type Black Blue Red Green
Permanent marker 44 66 32 18 160
Non-permanent marker 36 53 21 10 120
Hlghllghter 0 41 37 42 120
80 160 90 70 400
160 2
a P(blue) = - =-
400 5
160+120 7
b P(markerpen) = =- First two rows.
400 10
c P(blue pen or marker pen)= - Count all the marker pens
and the blue highlighters.
d P(green, given highlighter pen) = = ]_ The sample space is reduced to
120 20
just highlighters.
Example 28
Roger is an active retired lecturer. Each day after breakfast, he decides whether
the weather for that day is going to be fine (F), dull (D) or wet (W). He then
decides on only one of four activities for the day: cycling (C), gardening (G),
shopping (S) or relaxing (R). His decisions from day to day may be assumed to
be independent.
The table shows Roger's probabilities for each combination of weather and activity.
Fine (F) Dull (D) Wet(W)
Activity Cycllng(C) 0.30 0.10 0
Gardening (G) 0.25 0.05 0
Shopping (S) 0 0.10 0.05
Relaxing (R) 0 0.05 0.10
D Probability
b Calculate the probability that, on a particular Saturday and Sw1day, Roger
decided that it was going to be fine and decided on the same activity for
both days.
AQA MS 1A January 2013
a I P(F and C) = 0.30
II Since G and S are mutually exclusive,
P( G or S) = P( G) + P( S)
= (0.25 + 0.05) + (0.10 + 0.05)
= 0.45
iii P(C IF)= P(CandF) = 0.30 =~
P(F) 0.55 11
' ) _ P(F and C') _ 0.25 _ 5
iv P(F I C - (C') - -- -
p 0.6 12
b P(F and C)= 0.30, so P(F and Con both days)= 0.302
P(F and G)= 0.25, so P(F and G on both days)= 0.25 2
P(fine and sam e activity on both days)
= 0.302 + 0.252
= 0.1525
Example 29
Twins Alec and Eric are members of the same local cricket club and play
for the club's under 18 team.
The probability that Alec is selected to play in any particular gam e is 0.85.
The probability that Eric is selected to play in a ny particular game is 0.60.
The probability that both Alec and Eric are selected to play in any particular
game is 0.55.
a By using a table, or otherwise:
show that the probability that neither twin is selected for a particular
game is 0.10;
II find the probability that at least one of the twins is selected for a
particular game;
iii find the probability that exactly one of the twins is selected for a
particular game.
b The probability tllat the twins' younger brother, Cedric, is selected for a
particular game is:
0.30 given that both of the twins have been selected;
0.75 given that exactly one of the twins has been selected;
0.40 given that neither of the twins has been selected.
Calculate tlle probability that, for a particular game:
I all three brothers are selected;
II at least two of the three brothers are selected.
AQA MS 1A January 2012
a Draw up a probability table
A A' Total
E 0.55 0.05 0.60
E' 0.30 0.10 0.40
Total 0.85 0.15 1
From the table
P(neither) = P(A' and E' ) = 0.10
Jl P(at least one)= 1 - P(neither)
=1 - 0. 10
ill P(exactly one)= P(A only)+ P(E only)
b Draw a tree, with the first layer showing the three outcomes for Alec and Eric Twins Cedric
(both, only one, neither) and the second layer showing the conditional
probabilities for Cedric (selected or not).
P(all three are selected) 0.55
The probability of an event is a measure of the likelihood it will happen.
A probability of 0 indicates that the event is impossible.
A probability of 1 indicates that the event is certain to happen.
All other events have a probability between 0 and 1.
D Probability
The complement of A is A', where A' is the event 'A does not occur'.
P(A') = 1 - P(A)
Conditional probability
P(A,givenB) = P(AIB) = P(B)
. P(BandA)
P(B,gtvenA) = P(B IA)= )
Independent events
For independent events A and B,
P(A IB)= P(A)
Also, P(B IA) = P(B)
P(A a nd B) = P(A) x P(B) 'and' rule for independent events
In set notation P(A n B) = P(A) x P(B)
For n independent events:
P(A 1 and A2 andA 3 and ... and A,.)= P(A) X P(A) X P(A 3) X ... X P(A,).
Probability G
Tree diagrams
For events A and B,
> multiply the probabilities along the branches
>add the final probabilities of the successful end outcomes.
First event Second event
P(A and B)= P(A) x P(B I A)
A'<B B'
P(A' and B)= P(A ') x P(B I A')
0 Events Cand Dare such that P(C)=~,
P(D)=~ and P(C or D)=~. Find
5 5
a P( C and D) b P(D only) c P( CorD but not both).
f) In a survey of the members of an arts club, it was found that 73% had seen
the most recent play, 49% had seen the most recent ballet and 15% had not
seen the play or the ballet.
Find the probability that a person chosen at random from the arts club had
a the play or the ballet b both the play and the ballet
c only the ballet.
e Two fair coins are tossed.
a Events A and Bare mutually exclusive.
A is the event 'at least one head is obtained'. Define event B.
b X is the event 'one head is obtained'. Define an event Y such th at X and
Yare not mutually exclusive.
0 A local greengrocer sells fruit, 30% of which is organically grown and 70%
is conventionally grown. Sales of apples constitute 20% of the organically
grown fruit and 45% of the conventionally grown fruit.
A customer who has purchased fruit is chosen at random to take part in a
a Find the probability that the customer bought apples.
b Given that the customer bought apples, find the probability that the
apples were organically grown.
0 On any morning, the probability that I have to wait at the traffic lights on
my way to school is 0.25.
a Find the probability that, on two consecutive m ornings, I have to wait at
the traffic lights
i on exactly one morning
ii on the second morning, given that I have to wait at the traffic lights
on exactly one m orning
b Find the probability that, on three consecutive mornings, I have to wait
at least once.
( ) Two golfers, Chris and Tayib, are attempting to qualify for a golf Chris
tournament. On past performance, the probability that Tayib will
qualify is 0.8, the probability that Chris will qualify is p and the
probability that both Tayib and Chris will qualify is 0.6. The event
'Chris qualifies' is independent of the event 'Tayib qualifies'.
< qualifies
Chris does
not qualify
a Findp. Tayibdoes
b Find the probability that just one qualifies. not qualify Chr is does
not qualify
c Given that just one qualifies, find the probability tl1at it is Chris.
0 In a certain country, 52% of the population is male.
It is known that 16% of the males are left-handed and 12% of the females
are left-h anded. A person is chosen at random and found to be left-handed.
By drawing a tree diagram or otherwise, find the probability that the person
is male, given that the person is left-handed.
0 Uday and Bonnie play each other at table tennis. Each game results in
either a win for Uday or a win for Bonnie. IfUday wins a particular game,
tile probability of him winning the next game is 0.8, but, if he loses, the
probability of him winning the n ext game is 0.3. The probability of Uday
winning the first game is 0.7.
Find the probability that
a Uday wins the first game, given that he wins exactly one of the first two
b Bonnie loses two games and wins one game in the first three games.
0 In an archery competition, Abhaya is allowed up to three attempts to hit the
target. If he succeeds on any attem pt, he does not make any more attempts.
The probability that he will hit the target on the first attempt is 0.6. If he
misses, the probability that he will hit the target on his second attempt is
0.7. If he misses on the second attempt, the probability that he will h it the
target on his third attempt is 0.8.
a Find the probability that Abhaya will hit the target.
b Given that Abhaya hits the target, find the probability that he made at
least two attempts.
Probability ~
G It was found that 56% of passengers on a train bought a drink from the
buffet car during their journey. Of those buying a drink from the buffet car,
45% were under 30 years old, 25% were between 30 and 65 years old and
the rest were over 65 years old.
Of those not buying a drink from the buffet car, 23% were under 30 years old
and 64% were over 65 years old.
Given that a randomly selected passenger is 42 years old, find the probability
that this passenger bought a drink from the buffet car during the journey.
G) A large bookcase contains two types of book: hardback and paperback. The
number of books of each type in each of four subject categories is shown in
the table.
Subject category
Crime Romance Science fiction ThriUer Total
Type Hardback 8 16 18 18 60
Paperback 16 40 14 30 100
Total 24 56 32 48 160
a A book is selected at random from the bookcase. Calculate the
probability that the book is:
I a paperback;
II not science fiction;
iii science fiction or hardback;
lv a thriller, given that it is a paperback.
b Three books are selected at random, without replacement, from the
Calculate, to three decimal places, the probability that one is crime, one
is romance and one is science fiction.
AQA MS1A June 2009
CD Gary and his n eighbour Larry work at the same place.
On any day when Gary travels to work, he uses one of three options: his car
only, a bus only or both his car and a bus. The probability that h e uses his
car, either on its own or with a bus, is 0.6. The probability that he uses both
his car and a bus is 0.25.
a Calculate the probability that, on any particular day when Gary travels
to work, he:
does not use his car;
II uses his car only;
ill uses a bus.
b On any day, the probabiJity that Larry travels to work with Gary is 0.9
when Gary u ses his car only, is 0. 7 when Gary uses both his car and a
bus, and is 0.3 when Gary uses a bus only.
Calculate the probability that, on any particular day when Gary travels
to work, Larry travels with him.
AQA MS1A January 2009
D Probability
G) A reliable estimate for the proportion of a population of fis~ with a certain
disease is 60 per cent. A test for the presence of the disease in fish is
possible. The test gives ones of three conclusions:
diseased, inconclusive, non-diseased.
For a diseased fish, the probabilities of these three conclusions are:
diseased 0.75
inconclusive 0.15
non-diseased 0.10
For non-diseased fish, the probabilities of these three conclusions are:
diseased 0.05
inconclusive 0.15
non-diseased 0.80
a A fish is selected at random. Using a tree diagram, or otherwise,
calculate the probability that:
i the fish has the disease and the test concludes that it is diseased;
ii the test concludes that the fish has the disease;
iii the test gives a correct conclusion.
b Three fish, all with the disease, are tested. Find the probability that the
test concludes that two fish are diseased and one fish is non-diseased.
AQA MS1A June 2005
~ Which of the following is the more likely to occur?
i a throw of six at least once in 4 throws of a single die
ii a throw of double six at least once in 24 throws of a pair of dice?
Give numerical justification for your answer.
0 Emma visits her local supermarket every Thursday to do her weekly shopping.
The event that she buys orange juice is denoted by J and the event that she
buys bottled water is denoted by W. At each visit, Emma may buy neither,
or one, or both of these items.
a Complete the table of probabilities completed below, for these events,
where!' and W' denote the events 'not!' and 'not W' respectively.
I ]' Total
w 0.65
W' 0.15
Total 0.30 1
b Hence, or otherwise, find the probability that, on any given Thursday,
Emma buys either orange juice or bottled water, but not both. [2]
c Showthat:
the events J and Ware not mutually exclusive;
li the events J and Ware not independent. [3]
AQA MS1A June 2011
Probability G
0 Events A and Bare such that P(A) = 0.5, P(A and B)= 0.2 and P(A or B) = p.
Find, in terms of p,
a P(B) [2]
b P(A given B) [2]
c If A and B a re independent events find the value of p. [2]
0 Xavier, Yuri and Zara attend a sports centre for their judo club's practice
sessions. The probabilities of them arriving late are, independently, 0 .3, 0.4
and 0.2 respectively.
a Calculate the probability that for a particular practice session:
i all three arrive late; [1]
ii none of the three arrives late; [2]
iii only Zara arrives late. [2]
b Zara's friend, Wei, also attends the club's practice sessions. The
probability that Wei arrives late is 0.9 when Zara arrives late, and is 0.25
when Zara does not arrive late.
Calculate the probability that for a particular practice session:
both Zara and Wei arrive late [2]
ii either Zara or Wei, but not both, arrives late. [3]
AQA MS1B January 2006
0 Each school-day m orning, three students, Rita, Said and Ting, travel
independently from their homes to the same school by one of three
methods: walk, cycle or bus. The table shows the probabilities of their
independent daily choices.
Walk Cycle Bus
Rita 0.65 0.10 0.25
Sald 0.40 0.45 0.15
Ting 0.25 0.55 0.20
a Calculate the probability that, on any given sch ool-day morning:
i all 3 students walk to school; [2]
ii only Rita travels by bus to school; [2]
Iii at least 2 of the 3 students cycle to school. [4]
b Ursula, a friend of Rita, never travels to school by bus. The probability that:
Ursula walks to school when Rita walks to school is 0.9;
Ursula cycles to school when Rita cycles to sch ool is 0. 7.
Calculate the probability that, on any given school-day morning, Rita
and Ursula travel to school by:
i tl1e sam e method; [3)
ii different m ethods. [1]
AQA MS1A January 2010
D Probability
0 Rea, Suki and Tara take part in a shooting competition. The final round of
the competition requires each of them to try to hit the centre of a target,
placed at 100 metres, with a single shot. The independent probabilities that
Rea, Suki and Tora hit the centre of this target with a single shot are 0.7, 0.6
and 0.8 respectively.
Find the probability that, in the final round of the competition, the centre of
the target will be hit by:
a Toraonly; [2]
b exactly one of the three competitors; [3]
c at least one of the three competitors. [3]
AQA MSlA January 2007
0 Fred and his daughter, Delia, support their town's rugby team. The
probability that Fred watches the game is 0.8. The probability that Delia
watches the game is 0.9 when her father watches the game, and is 0.4 when
her father does not watch the game.
a Calculate the probability that:
both Fred and Delia watch a particular game; [2]
ii neither Fred nor Delia watch a particular game. [2]
b Molly supports the same rugby team as Fred and Delia. The probability
that Molly watches a game is 0.7 and is independent of whether or not
Fred or Delia watches the game.
Calculate the probability that
all three supporters watch a particular game; [3]
ii exactly two of the three supporters watch a particular game. [4]
AQA MSlB June 2005
Introduction Objectives
In everyday life you constantly receive factual information from all manner By the end of this chapter
of sources such as the internet, n ewspapers and television, but how do you you sh ould be able to ...
make sense of it? .,.. Find measures of
The information is a collection of observations known as data which is central tendency
often difficult to interpret in its raw form. and spread for
discrete data.
This ch apter starts by looking at ways of summarising discrete data by
.,.. Work with discrete
finding averages and also working out m easures of spread to show the
random variables
variability of the data.
and their associated
These ideas are then linked with probability to explore m odels to describe
real situations. The m odels are formed using discrete random variables and
are called probability distributions. .,.. Calculate the
m ean, variance and
standard deviation
Recap - of discrete random
You need to remember how to find the ... variables
.,.. mode, m edian, m ean - of a simple
.,.. range function of a
.,.. quartiles and interquartile range. discrete random
You will also need the following, from Chapter 13
- of the sum or
.,.. probability m ethods.
difference of two
••• •••••• • • • •••• • • • • ••• •••• • •• •• •• • ••• discrete random
14.1 Discrete variables - of the sum of
A variable is a quantity that may take more than one value. When it is possible to independent
m ake a list of its individual nwnerical values, the variable is said to be discrete. observations of a
Discrete variables can take only exact values such as discrete random
.,.. the number of rally cars passing a checkpoint in a ten -minute interval variable .
.,.. the number of hits on an internet website in an hour
.,.. the shoe sizes of children in a class
.,.. the number of goals scored in a football match.
By contrast, a continuous variable, such as a length, mass or time, cannot be
stated p recisely bu t can be given only to a specified degree of accuracy.
For example, a height recorded as 144 em, to the nearest em, could have
arisen from any valu e in the interval143.5 $; height < 144.5 em.
In this chapter only discrete variables will be considered.
Measures of central tendency
Measures of central tendency are averages, which are typical or representative
values of a set of data. The three main averages are the mode, mean and median.
lhe mode is the value that occurs most often.
The mode is useful when you want to know the m ost popular value but not all
sets of data have a mode and some may have more than one, so it is often not a
helpful average.
The mean uses all the observations and so represents every item. It is the most useful
average as it is the basis for much further work in statistics. However, a disadvantage
is that it can be affected Wlduly by one or two extreme values (outliers).
The mean is denoted by x, (read as "x bar") and is calculated by dividing the
sum of all the observations by the number of observations.
The symbol :E is used to
For n observations,
denote "the sum of". It is a
__ x. +x2+ •.• +x,. _ tior i -1 Greek upper case letter and is
x- _ - , 2 , 3 , ••. ,n
n n read as "sigma".
For data in a frequency distribution
- 'Lx,J,
x =-- for i =1,2,3, ..• ,n Often the subscript i is omitted.
I f,
Example 1
The members of an orchestra were asked how many instruments each could
play. Their replies are summarised in the frequency distribution.
Number of instruments, x 1 2 3 4 5
Freque ncy,f 11 10 5 3 1
Calculate the mean number of instruments played.
X f x xj
- L,xf
1 11 11 x =-- Note that the mean is not
2 10 20 necessarily an integer, even if the
3 5 15 =30 data set consists only of integers.
4 3 12 =2.1
5 1 5
'L/=30 L,xf=63
Total number of
\Total number of
people instruments played
b 27 29 32 136 391 39 41 43
Since there are 8 values, the median is the ..!.cs + 1)1h =4.5th value. This is the
mean of the 4th and 5th values,
. 36+39
so medtan = - - - = 37.5
Measures of spread
Another way of summarising data is to give an idea of the variability, or spread.
The three main measures of spread are the range, interquartile range and
standard deviation.
The range gives a quick snapshot of the overall spread of the data and is based
entirely on the extreme values of the distribution.
Range= highest value -lowest value
lnterquartile range
The interquartlle range is based on the upper and lower quartiles. These are the
values that, together with the median, split a distribution into four equal parts.
23 25 25 ~ 29 30 32 ~ 36 38 40 [g) 43 45 86
t t t
lower quartile median upper quartile
So, interquartile range= 42-26 = 16.
e Take the positive square root to give tl1e standard deviation ~L,(x~x)
s. d ' = ~ L.(x - x)
s.d. = - - - x
-2 h - L.x
w ere x = -
n n n
The variance is the s quare of the standard deviation, where
L.(x - x ) 2 . L,x 2 _ 2 The calculation version can be memorised as "the mean of the
variance =-=-.:'----"- vanance = ----;;-- x +-- squares minus the square of the mean ".
varian ce= (standard deviation)2
standard deviation= "variance
~L.: x
s.d. =~L.(x-xY s.d. =
= / !8 -4.82
Sometimes you have to work with summary data, rather than individual values.
Example 4
When data are in a frequency distribution, the formula for the standard
deviation is as follows:
Definition vers ion Calculation version
L.(x - xY J - I; xf
wh ere x = - -
s.d. =
L. J 2: /
The mean of this distribution is 2.9. Find the standard deviation.
I ; I ~ I : I : I : I : I
X xz f xzxf
1 1 3 3
s.d.= ~~~ -x 2
2 4 4 16
3 9 8 72
4 16 2 32 =~198 -2.92
5 25 3 75
Do not add the xcolumn
I/=20 I,(x2 f) = 198 = 1.22 (3 sf)
or the x2 column.
Note that the calculator key labelled lxO",HIgives the value of s, the unbiased
estimate of a population standard deviation b ased on a sample. This is not
required until module S2.
Example 6
Sweets are packed into bags with a nominal mass of75 grams. Ten bags are
picked at random from the production line and weighed. Their masses, in
grams, are
76.0, 74.2, 75.1, 73.7, 72.0, 74.3, 75.4, 74.0, 73.1, 72.8
t X X X
Original data X X XX>O<
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
New data X X X X X >O< X X X
New mean
Exercise 1
You may use a calculator in statistical mode unless instructed otherwise.
0 These are the test marks of 11 students.
a the median b the lower quartile
c the u pper quartile d the interquartile range.
Possible values
1he score when you throw an ordinary fair cubical die. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
The number of heads when you toss a fair coin 3 times. 0, 1, 2, 3
Your profit in dollars when you play a game with an -1, 4, 9
entry fee of$1 and prizes of$5 and $10.
The number of times you toss a coin until a tail occurs. 1, 2, 3, 4, ... to infinity
Consider throwing a fair cubical die. For convenience, an upper case letter,
X say, is used as shorthand notation for 'the score on the die'. The values that
X can take {the possible scores) are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
The probability that X takes the value 4, for example, is written P{X = 4). Since
the die is fair, each number is equally likely to occur, so P(X = 4) = L
In general:
.,. Random variables are denoted by upper case letters, such as X, Y, R, ...
.,. Particular values of the variable are denoted by lower case letters,
such as x, y, r, ...
.,. The probability that the variable X takes a particular value x is written
P(X=x) .
.,. Alternatively, the x values may be denoted by x 1 , x2 , x3 , ... , x,, and their
probabilities summarised by writing p1 wh ere i = 1, 2, 3, ... , n, such that
P1 = P{X = x), p2 = P{X = x2), and so on.
This probability distribution provides a model for the scores obtained when the
die is thrown a number of times.
Suppose the die is thrown 120 times. The expected frequency for each score
is 120 x.!.=20.
When the experiment was performed 120 times the number of times each score
occurred was n oted. These observed frequencies, together with the expected
frequencies according to the probability distribution, are shown below.
Scorex 1 2 3 4 5 6
Observed frequency 15 22 23 19 23 18
Expected frequency 20 20 20 20 20 20
Notice that the observed frequencies are close to the expected frequencies,
which is what you would expect if the die is fair.
Sum of probabilities
Consider the discrete random variable X with the following probability
X XI x2 xJ ''' X II
I, P(X =x) = l
all x
Example 8
Jeremias takes out the two used batteries in his torch to replace them with new
ones. Unfortunately, he mixes them up with three new batteries. All five
batteries are identical in appearance.
Jeremias selects two of the batteries at random. Draw up a probability
distribution table for X, the number of new batteries that Jeremias selects.
Probability functions
Sometimes the probability distribution of X can be defined in terms of x by a
probabillty function.
Example 9
The discrete random variable R h as probability function
P(R = r) = kr, for r = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25.
Find the value of k.
Now use the fact that the sum of the probabilities is l. (continued)
Example 10
Paavo throws two fair tetrahedral dice, each with faces labelled 1, 2, 3, 4.
The random variable X, the sum of the numbers on which the dice land,
has probability distribution given by
P(X=x)={x1~1 9-x
x=2,3,4, 5
x=6,7, B
a Write out the probability distribution table.
b Find the probability that the score is at least 4.
c Given that the score is at least 4, find the probability that it is less than 7.
a Substitute the x-values into the appropriate formula to get the prob abilities.
Probability distribution of X
X 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 3 2 1
P(X=x) - - - - - - -
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
= 1-c~ + 1~)
c P(score is less than 7, given it is at least 4)
= P(X is 4, 5 or 6) = 16 = 10
Recall: Conditional probabi lity
P(X ;::; 4) 13 13
16 section 13.3.
1 2 3 4 5
0.2 0.25 0.4 c 0.05
a the value of c b P(1 s; X s; 3)
c the probability that X is at least 3 d P(2<X<5)
e the probability that X is at most 2 f P(X is greater than the mode of X).
Q The discrete random variable Yhas the following probability distribution.
y 10 15 20 25 30
7 1 1
P(Y= y) a 5a - - -
16 32 32
a Find the value of a.
b Find P(Y> 18).
c Find P(Y = 251 Y > 15).
e The discrete random variable R has the following probability distribution
function, where k is a constant:
P(R = r) = k(r-10) for r= 12, 13, 14
a Draw up a probability distribution table for R in terms of k.
b Find the value of k.
c Find the probability that R is an even number.
0 The discrete random variable X can take the values 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 only and
P(X =x) =k(r+ 2)
a Find the value of the constant k.
b Find P(1 < X < 4).
0 The discrete random variable X has probability function
P(X=x)=-k- forx=0,1,3,4.
Practical approach
Consider again the observed frequency distribution showing the scores on the
fair cubical die when it was thrown 120 times.
Score x 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequencyf 15 22 23 19 23 18 Total N = 120
X=L( ~) X1 X
= X1 X f. + x 2 X j 2 +...+X,. X /,,
15 22 18
= 1X-+ 2 X-+ ... + 6 X-
120 120 120
=3.5583 ...
Theoretical approach
The probability distribution for X, the score on the fair cubical die, is shown below.
X 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 1 1 1 1
P(X =x) - - - - - -
6 6 6 6 6 6
The expectation, or expected mean, is obtained by multiplying each score by its
1 1 1 1 1 1
so J.!=E(X)=1 X-+2X-+3X-+4X-+5X-+6X-= 3.5
6 6 6 6 6 6
The expectation can be thought of as the average value when the number of
experiments increases indefinitely.
Calculating E(X)
If the discrete random variable X has the following probability distribution:
X XI x2 x3 ... x,
P(X = x) PI p2 p3 ... P,
to calculate J.L = E{X):
Ill- multiply each value x, by its corresponding probability p1
Ill- add these products together.
X -2 -1 0 1 2
P(X=x) 0.3 0.1 0.15 0.4 0.05
a Find the value of~~.
b Find P(X < f.l).
a p =E(X) = L.xP(X=x)
=(-2) X0.3+(-1) X 0.1 + 0 X 0.15+ 1 X 0.4+ 2 X0.05
b P(X< f.l)=P(X <- 0.2)
= P(X= - 1) + P(X=-2)
= 0.3+0.1
= 0.4
Example 12
The discrete random variable X has the probability distribution shown in the
table and illustrated in the vertical line graph. Find the mean of X.
2 3 4 5 0.3
I;(X=x) I o\ I 0 2 10 4 10 2 10 1 I 0.2
=~X 0.1 +2 X0.2+3 X0.4+4 X 0.2+5 X0.1 J 2 3 4
By symmetry, f.1 = 3.5, confirming the calculation for E(X) on page 238. ~
1 23456
Example 13
The discrete random variable X has the following probability distribution.
E(g(X)) =L g(x,)p 1
For example
E(X - 3)= L(x - 3)P(X =x)
E(X2 ) = LX2 P(X = x) +--- Notice that the xvalues are squared but the probabilities are not.
E(X- 2) = E(- = L_!_P(X=x)
x2) x2
Example 14
The table below shows the probability distribution of the discrete random
variable X.
X 1 2 3 4
P(X=x) 0.05 0.15 0.6 0.2
Example 15
A cube has side of length X, where X has probability distribution as shown.
2 3
I:(x ~x)
I 0 3 1 0 5 10 2 1
a Find the mean of S, the surface area of the cube.
b Find the mean of V, the volume of the cube.
a If Sis the surface area of the cube, then S =6X2.
X 1 2 3
6x 2 6 24 54
P(X= x) 0.3 0.5 0.2
E(S) = E(6.X'!)
= I6x P(X = x)
= 6 X0.3 + 24 X 0.5 +54 X0.2
b If Vis the volume of the cube, then V = X3•
X 1 2 3
xs 1 8 27
P(X= x ) 0.3 0.5 0.2
E(aX-b) =aE(X)- b
For example
E(2X + 3) = 2E(X) + 3
E( 4 - 3X) = 4 - 3E(X)
The rule also applies to functions such as
E(5X2) = 5E(X 2)
E((X + 4)2 ) = E(X2 + BX + 16) = E(X 2) + 8E(X) + 16
Take special care with the following
E -10) IS
. not equal ta-10-
~ )=10 E( ~)
( X E(X)
E(loX- ) = E(
E(loox-2) = E( ~n = 100 E( ; 2 )
E( ~~) is not equal to [ E(~ )
Example 18
Exercise 3
0 The probability distribution of the discrete random variable X is shown in
the table below.
X 10 20 30
P(X= x) a 0.5 b
The discrete random variable X has the probability distribution given by the
following, where c is a constant.
!_)X X= 1,2,3,4,5
P(X=x) =
a Find the value of c.
b Find the mode of X.
c Find the mean of X.
( ) The random variable Whas the probability distribution shown in the table.
I;(W= w) I 0 3 1
:. 13 1
= I.(x,- xr X h
writing N for I.t;
Va r(X) = E(X 2) - (E(X) )2 . . - - - - - 'The mean of the squares minus the square of the mean'.
a =../Var (X)
Example 19
The discrete random variable X has the probability distribution shown in
the table.
X 1 2 3 4
P(X =x ) 0.1 0.3 0.45 0.15
a Calculate
I E(X) Iii Var(X)
b The mean of X is J1 and the standard deviation is a.
Find P(J.L - a < X< J1 + a).
a I E(X) = IxP(X=x)
= 1 X0.1 + 2 X0.3+3X0.45+4 X 0.15
il E(X = I.x2P(X = x)
) Do not square the probabilities.
= 1 X 0.1 + 2 X 0.3 + 3 X 0.45 + 4 X 0.15
2 2 2 2
Iii Var(X) = E(X 2) - J12
= 7.75 - (2.65) 2
= 0.7275
b J.1 = E(X) = 2.65 and a= ..)0.7275
J.l- a = 2.65- ..)0.7275 = 1.80 (3 sf) and J.l+ a = 2.65 + ..)0.7275 = 3.50 (3sf)
I- Given that E( Y) = 10 and E((Y- 10)2) = 4, find the standard deviation of the
discrete random variable Y.
Note that there is no quick way of finding var( ~). You would n eed to calculate
it using
a E(X)
b Var(X)
c Var( ~X-9)
Discrete Random Variables 0
a E(X) = 2.5 (by symmetry)
b E(X2) =l:,.ilP(X =x)
= 12 X 0.2 + 22 X 0.3 + 32 X 0.3 + 42 X 0.2
Var(X) = E(X2) - [E(X)F
=7.3 -(2.5)2
= 1.05
= - x 1.05
= 0.003125
Example 22
Exam marks, X have mean 66 and standard deviation 6.
The marks are scaled using the formula
so that the scaled marks, Y, have mean 60 and standard deviation 5.
a Find the values of a and b.
b Find the scaled mark corresponding to a mark in the examination of 72.
a If Y=aX+ b
then E(Y) = aE(X) + b
But E(Y) = 60,
so 60=66a+b (1)
NowVar(Y)= a 2 Var(X)
=a2 x 6 2
But you know that Var(Y) =5 2 = 25,
so 36a2 =25
2 25
Substitute into equation (1)
60 =66X-+b
60 =55+b
So a =- and b = 5.
b The for~ula for the scaling is Y =~X + 5.
Example 23
The number of fish, X, caught by Pearl when sh e goes fishing can be modelled
by a discrete probability distribution:
X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ?. 7
P(X=x ) 0.01 0.05 0.14 0.30 k 0.12 0
3 5
I ;(X=x) I 0 210 31 0~4 ~ 0~1 I
a E(X) b Var(X)
e Find Var(X) for each of the following probability distributions.
X 1 3 5 7 9
1 1 1 1
P(X =x ) - - -1 - -
6 4 6 4 6
r -2 -1 0 1 2
P(R= r) 0.05 c 0.43 3c 0.12
X 1 3 6 n 12
P(X= x) 0.1 0.3 k 0.25 0.15
( ) (x~1)
P X=x =
x= 4,5
(x2 -1)
• Discrete Random Variables
a Show that k= .
b Find the probability that X is less than 3 or greater than 4.
c Find E{X).
d Find Var(X).
0 The random variable R has probability distribution
0~4 ~
2 4
I;(R = l I o\ I
r 04 1 01 I
Find Var{3R + 2).
0 A computer is programmed to produce a sequence of integers, R, in the
range 0 to 5 inclusive.
R has probability function given by
r = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
a Calculate E{R).
b Calculate
i Var(R) ii Var{4R) iii Var{3- 2R)
0 The random variable X has mean 20 and variance 4.
Find the mean and variance of the following random variables
a Y=6X+ 1 b D=3X-2 c W=.!:_X - 4 d V= - 4X
«:> The random variable Yhas standard deviation 3. The random variable
aY + 9 has standard deviation 7.5, where a is a constant. Find the value of a.
CD Test marks, X, have mean 60 and standard deviation 5.
The marks are scaled using the formula Y = aX+ b.
The scaled marks have mean 80 and standard deviation 7.5.
a Find the values of a and b.
b Find the scaled mark corresponding to a mark of 50.
~ The discrete random variable X has probability distribution
X 1 2 3
1 3 3
P(X= x) - - -
10 5 10
Example 24
A restaurant charges $17 for a 2-course meal and $20 for a 3-course meal.
On any day, the number, X, of 2-course meals served has mean 23 and standard
deviation 5 and the number, Y, of3-course meals has mean 18 and standard
deviation 3.5.
a The daily takings, in dollars, for the meals served in the restaurant is W
Write an expression for Win terms of X and Y.
b Find the mean daily takings from meals served.
c Find the standard deviation of the daily takings. Give your answer to the
nearest dollar.
a The amount taken for 2-course meals is 17X and the amount taken for
3-course meals is 20 Y, so W = 17X+ 20 Y
b E(W) = E(17X + 20Y)
= 17E(X) + 20E( Y)
= 17 X 23 + 20 X 18
The mean daily takings from m eals is $751.
c Var(W) = Var(1 7X + 20Y)
= 172Var(X) + 202 Var( Y)
= 172 X 5 2 + 202 X 3.52
= 12125
s.d. of W = ../12125 = 110.11...
The standard deviation of the daily takings is $110 (nearest dollar).
E(X,,) = Jl Var(XII ) = a2
Form a n ew variable, X1+ X2+ oo• +X,. This is sum of the n observations.
Now E(X1+ X2 + 00 0+X,.)
= E(X1) + E(~) + oo • + E(X,,)
= Jl + J.1.+oo.Jl
= nf.1
Var(X1+ ~ + 000+ X12)
= Var(X1) + Var(X2) + oo • + Va r(X, )
= 0'2+ 0'2+ ... + 0'2
= na 2
In general
These can be written
E(X1 + X 2 + ... + x,) = nE(X)
E(LXI) = I E(XI )
Var(X1 +X2 + ..• +X,)= nVar(X) Var(LX1) = I Var(X1)
Example 25
Paper clips are packed by a m achine into boxes. The m ean number of pap er
I;(X= X) I I -I I
ii Hence find E(X).
b Karen is able to eliminate two of the incorrect answers from the five
alternative answers given for each question before guessing the answer from
those remaining.
Given that the examination paper consists of24 questions, calculate Karen's
expected total m ark.
AQA MS2B June 2007
a I P(X = 4) = P(correct answer) =-
P(X=-1) = P(incorrect answer)=~
X 4 -1
1 4
P(X=x) - -
5 5
= 4x.!.+(-1)x~
5 5
b Let Ybe the number of marks obtained by Karen for each question.
Since she is choosing from 3 alternatives,
1 2
P(Y=4) =- andP(Y= - 1) =-
3 3
First find Karen's expected mark for a question.
1 2 2
E(Y) = L.yP(Y= y) = 4 X- +(-1)x -=-
3 3 3
Let T be Karen's total mark for the questions on the examination paper.
So T= yt + y2 + ... + y24 Note
E(T) = 24E(Y)
2 Tis the sum of 24 independent
=24X- observations
= 16
Karen's expected mark is 16.
X 1 2 3 4
1 1 1 1
P(X=x) - - - -
4 4 4 4
Now throw the die twice and consider S = X1 + ~. where S is 'the sum of the two
nwnbers on which the die lands:
s 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 3 2 1
P(S = s) - - - - - - -
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Multiple Sum
Mean E(nX) =n E(X) E(X1 + X2 + ... +X,.) =n E(X)
Variance Var(nX) =n2 Var(X) Var(X, + X2 + ... +X,) =n Var(X)
Exercise 5
Q X and Yare independent random variables such that
E(X) =8 and E(Y) = 10
Var(X) =2 and Var(Y) =3
a E(~X+6Y)
b Var(2X + 7Y)
c the standard deviation of W, where W = 4X- 3 Y.
0 Independent random variables X and Yhave probability distributions as
shown in the tables below.
1 2 3 4
I:(X=x) I 0.1 I 0.2 I 0.4 I 0.3 I
0 1 2
I;(Y=y) I 0.5 I 0.4 I 0.1 I
a Find E(X) and Var(X) ii E(Y) and Var(Y)
b Anew variable, Tis formed, where T= 2X+ SY.
Find the mean and standard deviation of T.
c Five independent observations are taken from Y. The sum of these
observations is denoted by S.
I Find E(S). ii Find Var(S).
0 Nikhil is playing a game with unusual shaped fair dice. He has a dodecahedron
which has 12 faces numbered from 1 to 12 and an octahedron with 8 faces,
nwnbered 1 to 8. His turn consists of rolling the two dice together.
The score on the dodecahedron is D and the score on the octahedron is C.
a State the values of E(D) and E( C).
Nikhil is awarded Tpoints for his turn, where T= 6D + 4C.
b Find the expected number of points he obtains for his turn.
Example 28
A house has a total of five bedrooms, at least one of which is always rented.
The probability distribution for R, the number of bedrooms that are rented at
any given time, is given by
0.5 r =1
P(R =r) = 0.4(0.6)'- r =2,3,4
0.0296 r=5
I:(R~r) I
1 2 3 4 5
0.5 0.0296
b Find the probability that fewer than 3 bedrooms are not rented at any
given time.
c i Find the value ofE(R).
ii Show that E(R2) = 4.8784 and hence find the value ofVar(R).
d Bedrooms are rented on a monthly basis.
The monthly income, £M, from renting bedrooms in the house may be
modelled by
M = 1250R- 282
Find the mean and standard deviation of M.
AQA MS2B June 2012
r 1 2 3 4 5
P(R = r ) 0.5 0.24 0.144 0.0864 0.0296
c i mean=E(R)= [ rP(R = r)
= 1 X 0.5 + 2 X 0.24 + 3 X 0.144+ 4 X 0.0864 + 5 X 0.0296
= 1.9056
ii First find E(R2).
E(R2) =[ r2 P(R =r)
= 12 X 0.5 + 22 X 0.24 + 32 X 0.144 + 42 X 0.0864 +52 X 0.0296
= 4.8784
Var(R) = E(R2) - [E(R)j2
= 4.8784- 1.90562
=1.2470... =1.25 (3 sf)
d E(M) = E(1250R - 282)
= 1250 E(R) - 282
= 1250 X 1.9056 - 282
So, mean of M is 2100.
Var(M) = Var(1250R - 282)
=12502 Var(R)
=12502 X 1.2470...
s.d.of M = .../1948576 =1395.9... = 1400 (3 sf)
Example 29
The discrete random variable X has
E(X) = 4 and E(X 2) = 17.2.
a Find the value ofVar(X).
b A circle has radius (X+ 8).
Find, in terms of Tr, values for the mean and variance of the circumference,
C, of the circle.
Discrete data
The mode is the value that occurs most often.
- LX Note
Forraw d atax =-
These formulae are not given
For data in a frequency table x= iX: in the examination.
Range= highest value - lowest value
Interquartile range (IQR) = upper quartile - lower quartile
s.d.=~'L(x~x)2 s .d. =
For data in a frequency distribution
'L(x -x) f
s.d.= I!
Variance= (standard deviation)2
0 Lizzie, the receptionist at a dental practice, was asked to keep a weekly
record of the number of patients who failed to turn up for an appointment.
Her records for the first 15 weeks were as follows.
20 26 32 a 37 14 27 34 15 18 b 25 37 29 25
Unfo rtunately, Lizzie fo rgot to record the actual values for two of th e
15 weeks, so sh e recorded them as a and b. However, she did rem ember
that a < 10 and that b > 40.
a Calculate the m edia n and the interquartile range of these 15 values.
b Give reasons why, for these data:
i the mode is not a n appropriate m easure of average;
ll the standard deviation cannot be used as a m easure of spread.
c Subsequent investigations revealed that the missing values were 8 an d 43.
Calculate the m ean and standard deviation of the 15 values.
AQA MS1B January 2010
a Find the value of a.
b Write down the most likely number of parcels delivered.
c Find the mean number of parcels delivered.
d Find the probability that the number of parcels delivered is fewer than
the mean.
e Find the variance of D.
0 The number of spelling mistakes, X, that Jo makes when writing an essay
can be modelled by the following probability distribution.
I 0~3
1 2 3 4
:(X=x) 0.31 0.27 0.14 0.05
The mean number of spelling mistakes is Jl and the standard deviation is a.
a Find the values of Jl and a.
b Find P(X> Jl +a).
0 The random variable X takes values 2, 4, 6 and 8. p
The probability distribution of X is illustrated in the vertical line graph.
Find Var(X). 0.3
0 -'---'--+-t--l~
2 4 6 8 X
c 2c 3c 4c
a Find the value of the constant c.
b Find E(X) and Var(X).
c Find P(X> E(X)).
Q The probability distribution of the random variable X is shown in the
following table.
The mean of X is 3.3.
1 2 3 4 5
0.1 a a b a
a Write down two equations involving a and band hence find the values
of a and b.
b Calculate the variance of X.
c Find E(4X+2).
d Find Var(4- 5X).
0 Aiden takes his car to a garage for its MOT test. The probability that his car
will need to have X tyres replaced is shown in the table.
0 1 2 3 4
X 40 45 55 74
P(X=x) 0.30 0.24 0.36 0.10
a Calculate the mean and standard deviation of X. [4]
b For special celebrity charity performances, Globe Express
increases the cost of the trips to £Y, where
Y= 10X+250
Determine the mean and standard deviation of Y. [2]
AQA MS2B January 2006
e A box contains a large number of pea pods. The number of peas in a pod
may be modelled by the random variable X. The probability distribution of
X is tabulate d below.
X 2 or fewer 3 4 5 6 7 8ormore
P(X = x) 0 0.1 0.2 a 0.3 b 0
P(X=x)={ ~: 2
x=1,2,3, 4
x =1,2,3,4,5
P(X=x) = x
0 otherwise
5 15 25 35
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Example 1
I- A coin is biased so that it is three times as likely to show tails as h eads. Write out
the probability distribution for Y, the number of tails when the coin is tossed.
A counter is picked at random from the bag. Find
a the mean number of red counters picked
b the standard deviation of the number of yellow counters picked.
a There appear to be three outcomes: red, blue, yellow, but you are only
interested in whether the counter is red or not.
Define 'success' as picking a red counter and 'failure' as picking a counter
that is not red.
This is a Bernoulli trial with p = P(red) = 0.6.
If R is the number of red counters picked, then R - Bernoulli(0.6).
Mean number of red counters picked= p = 0.6.
b Now you are only interested in whether the counter is yellow or not.
Define 'success' as picking a yellow counter and 'failure' as picking a counter
that is not yellow.
This is a Bernoulli trial with p = P(yellow) = 0.1.
If Yis the number of yellow counters picked, then Y- Bernoulli(0.1).
Variance= pq = 0.1 x 0.9 = 0.09.
Standard deviation = -./0.09 = 0.3.
Exercise 1
0 The discrete random variable Yhas probability distribution
I~(Y=y} I 0.~. I ~ I
Find the mean and standard deviation of Y.
0 The discrete random variable Yhas a Bernoulli distribution with
P(Y=O) =~.Find the mean and standard deviation of Y.
0 A bag contains 15 discs, numbered 1, 2, 3, ... , 15. A disc is randomly
selected from the bag.
a Find the m ean number of discs that show a multiple of 5.
b Find the standard deviation of the number of discs that show an odd
0 A fair cubical die has faces numbered 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4. The score is the face
uppermost when the die is rolled. Find the mean and variance of the
number of even scores obtained on one roll of the die.
0 Given that W - Bernoulli(p) and Var(W') = 0.16, find the two possible values
for p.
15.2 The binomial distribution
The binomial distribution is another special discrete distribution which has
many important applications in statistics. The following example illustrates how
a binomial situation arises.
Example 3
A coin is biased so that the probability of obtaining a head when it is tossed is 0.7.
Find the probability of obtaining exactly two h eads when the coin is tossed
a 3 times
b 6times.
a A tree diagram shows clearly the possible outcomes in 3 tosses.
.,.. Draw the tree with three sets of branches, one for each toss of the coin.
See more about tree
.,.. Locate the end results that give exactly 2 heads, so 2 h eads and 1 tail . diagrams in section 13.4.
.,.. Find the sum of the probabilities of these end results.
First Second Third 'I he trials a re indep e nde n t so
toss toss toss you m ultiply the probabilitie s.
0.3 T P(HHT) = 0.7 X 0.7 X 0.3 = 0.72 X 0.3
0.3 T
0.3 T
0.3 T
In both experiments the process is carried out 6 times, so the number of trials is
fixed. Also each trial results in a successful outcome (the cow1ter is green) or an
unsuccessful outcome (the counter is red).
Levla's experiment
Since the counter is put back into the bag after each selection, the outcome of a trial
does not depend on the outcomes of preceding trials, so the trials are independent.
Also, since P(green) = J!._ for each trial, the probability of success is constant.
So X follows a binomial distribution in Leyla's experiment.
Waleed's experiment
Since the counter is not put back into the bag after each selection, each
outcome depends on the outcomes of preceding trials, so the trials are not Sampling withoutreplacement.
independent. X does not follow a binomial distribution.
Note that if you are sampling without replacement from a large population, the
variation in the probability of success for each trial would be negligible, so it is
usually considered to be a binomial situation.
Example 5
Kwasi is playing a board game where he has to throw a six on the die in order to
start. The random variable X is the number of times he throws the die until he
throws a six. Explain why X does not follow a binomial distribution.
Kwasi might get a six on his first throw, but he might need to throw the die many
If you know only that a trial is repeated a fixed number of times, you will need to
make certain assumptions related to the context in order to use a binomial
Example 6
Fred takes 12 shots at a goal. State any assumptions necessary for the number of
goals he scores to follow a binomial distribution.
P(X = O)
P(X= 1)
P(X = 2)
P(X= 3)
P(X = 4)
P(X= 5)
P(X = 6)
Check the sum of the probabilities:
I P(X =x)= (q + p)6 = (1 - p + p)6 = 16 = l , as expected.
Example 7
s( 11, ~). Calculate
X follows a binomial distribution, wh ere X -
a P(X= 4)
b P(X=9)
X- B(ll, ~) n= 11, p= -,31 q= 1- p ==-23
(~ }
a P(X = 4) == 4
q7 The indices add up to 11.
== 0.238 (3 sf)
== 0.00124 (3 sf)
Example 8
At a certain supermarket 49% of customers pay by debit card. Find the
probability that in a random sample of 12 customers,
a exactly 7 pay by debit card
b at most 2 pay by debit card
c at least 3 but fewer than 5 pay by debit card
d all pay by debit card.
Let D be the number of customers in a sample of 12 who pay by debit card.
D - B(12, 0.49) n= 12, p=0.49,q=l - p=0.51 Define the variable in words
a P(exactly 7)
and say how it is distributed.
=P(D =7)
=C:) X 0.49
X 0.5P
=q12 +
)p1qll + c:}2q10
= 0.5P 2 + c 1
) X 0.491 X 0.51 11 + c:) X 0.492 X 0.5110
= 0.02274.. . == 0.0227 (3 sf) (continued)
Bernoulli and Binomial Distributions
c P(at least 3 but fewer than 5)
= P(3 s; D < 5)
= c:)p3q9+ c:}4q8
: : c:) X 0.49 3 X 0.519 + c:) X 0.494 X 0.518
~)ex= x) =1,
so the sum of all possible probabilities is 1.
Example 9
On average, three quarters of the patients who have a check-up at a particular
dental practice do not need follow-up treatment.
Find the probability that, in a random sample of 9 patients from the practice,
the number that do not need follow-up treatment is
a at most 7 b at least 3.
Let X be the number of patients in a sample of9 who do not need follow-up
X- B(9, 0.75) n =9, p = 0.75, q= 0.25
a P( at most 7)
= P(Xs; 7)
= 1-P(X > 7)
= 1-(P(X= 8) + P(X=9))
= 1- [ ( : )p8q1 + p9)
= 1- [( : ) X 0. 75' X 0.25' + 0.75°)
= 1 - 0.3003 ...
= 0.700 (3 sf)
b P(at least 3)
= P(X~ 3)
= 1 - (P(X=O) +P(X= 1) + P(X= 2))
D Bernoulli and Binomial Distributions
Exercise 2
0 IfX- B(10,0.3),find
a P(X= 2) b P(X=6) c P(X= 10) d P(X=O)
E) If X- B(8, 0.25) find
a P(X=5) b P(X=3) c P(Xs; 3) d P(X~ 7)
0 If X- s( 9, ~)find
a P(X=5) b P(X < 2) c P(X > 7)
0 If X- B(9, 0.45) find
a P(2s;Xs;4) b P(5 <X< 8)
C) If X- B(13, 0.7) find
a P(8<Xs;IO) b P(s s;x < 1o)
0 If X- B(11, 0.64), find
a P(X~ 8) b P(X > 2)
0 If M - B(8, 0.73), find
a P(Ms; 7) b P(M > 6)
0 A coin is biased so that the probability of obtaining a tail is 0.42. The coin is
tossed 12 tim es. Find the probability that the number of tails obtained is
a exactly 6 b at least 10 c no more than 2.
0 The probability that a patient attending a clinic has a particular health
condition is 0.4. Find the probability that in a randomly chosen group of
7 patients the number with the health condition is
a exactly 3 b more than 5
c fewer than 2 d at least 2 but no more than 4.
C':) A 5-sided spinner is equally likely to stop on any of the numbers 1, 2, 3,
4 or 5. Aaliyah spins the spinner 10 times. Find the probability that the
spinner stops on
a an even number on exactly 7 spins
b an odd number on more than 7 spins.
4D In an experiment 5 fair coins are tossed together. Find the probability that
they land showing
a exactly 3 tails
b fewer than 3 tails
c more than 3 heads
d at least 2 h eads but no more than 4 heads.
p O.ot 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 p
X 11 =7 X
0 0.932 1 0.8681 0.8080 0.75 14 0.6983 0.6485 0.6017 0.5578 0.5168 0.4783 0.3206 0.2097 0.1335 0.0824 0.0490 0.0280 0.0152 0.0078 0
1 0.9999 0.992 1 0.9029 0.9706 0.9556 0.9382 0.9 187 0.8974 0.8745 0.8503 0.7166 0.5767 0.4449 0.3294 0.2338 0.1586 0.1024 0.0625 1
2 1.0000 0.9997 0.9991 0.9980 0.9962 0.9937 0.9903 0.9860 0.9807 0.9743 0.9262 0.8520 0.7564 0.6471 0.5323 0.4 199 0.3 164 0.2266 2
3 1.0000 1.0000 0.9999 0.9998 0.9996 0.9993 0.9988 0.9982 0.9973 0.9879 0.9667 0.9294 0.7840 0.8002 0.7102 0.6083 0.5000 3
4 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.9999 0.9999 0.9998 0.9988 0.9953 0.9871 0.9712 0.9444 0.9037 0.847 1 0.7734 4
5 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.9999 0.9996 0.9987 0.9962 0.9910 0.98 12 0.9643 0.9375 5
6 1.0000 1.0000 0.9999 0.9998 0.9994 0.9984 0.9963 0.9922 6
7 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 7
0 0.2097 P(X~O)
1 0.5767 P(X~ l)
2 0.8520 P(X ~2) P(X ~ 0) =P(X = 0)
3 0.9667 P(X ~3)
4 0.9953 P(X~4)
5 0.9996 P(X~5)
6 1.0000 P(X ~6)
7 P(X~7)
Example 11
In a particular production process, the probability that an item is faulty is 0.08. In a
quality control test, a random sample of 50 items is taken. Find the probability tlmt
a exactly 4 are faulty
b more than 5 but fewer tha n 9 are faulty
c at least 40 are not faulty.
Let X be the number of faulty items in the sample of 50. Note
Then X- B(50, 0.08).
See Table 1 in Formulae and
Use cumulative binomial probability tables for n =50 and p = 0.08 Statistical Tables.
a P(exactly4arefaulty)
= P(X=4)
1!=50 p= 0.08
= P(X:::; 4)- P(X :::; 3)
= 0.6290- 0.4253 x= O 0.0155
1 0.0827
= 0.2037 = 0.204 (3 sf)
2 0.2260
b P(more than 5 but fewer than 9 are faulty) 3 0.4253
= P(5 <X< 9) ... 45 6 7 8 9 ... 4 0.6290
= P(X :::; 8)- P(X :::; 5) 5 0.7919
6 0.8981
= 0.9833 - 0.7919
7 0.9562
= 0.1914 = 0.191 (3 sf)
8 0.9833
c P(at least 40 are not faulty) 9 0.9944
= P(at most 10 are faulty) Not faulty ... 40 41 42 ... 49 50 10 0.9983
= P(X :::; 10) Faulty .. . 10 9 8 ... 1 0 11 0.9995
12 0.9999
= 0.9983 = 0.998 (3 sf)
13 1.0000
Note that this technique is helpful when using the tables when p > 0.5.
Exercise 3
Use cumulative binomial probability tables where appropriate.
0 If Y- B(14, 0.4), find
a P(Y:s; 7) b P(Y<5) c P(Y > 9)
d P(Y ~ 6) e P(Y=8)
0 If X - B(10, 0.45), find
a P(2:s;X:::;7) b P(2<X:s; 7)
c P(2:s;X< 7) d P(2 < X < 7)
0 The random variable X follows a binomial distribution with n = 25 and
p = 0.35. Find
a P(10 :s;x:::; 15) b P(X= 12) c P(X < 7)
d P(X~9) e P(4 < X < 14)
0 On average 1 in 10 of the chocolates produced in a factory are mis-shaped.
In a random sample of 40 chocolates, find the probability that the number
of mis-shaped chocolates is
a fewer than 9 b at least 3 but at most 10
c 6 or more.
0 A certain tribe is distinguished by the fact that 45% of the males have
six toes on their right foot. Stating any necessary assumptions, find the
probability that, in a selected group of 25 males from the tribe, more than
13 have six toes on their right foot.
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
I I y
0 2 3 4 5 0 2 3 4 5
By symmetry, you can see that
P(X= 1) = P(Y=4)
P(X =2) =P(Y= 3) and so on.
Also note, for example, that
P(X < 2) = P(Y> 3) P(X~ 2) = P(Y~ 3)
c P(X= 5)
1hese two probabilities add up to l.
~ ~
X - 8(8, 0.6), so consider Y - 8( 8, 0.4) and use the table for n = 8 and p = 0.4. Y - B(8, 0.4)
a P(X ~ 3) = P(Y ~ 5) = 0.9502 n =B p = 0.4
t t
1hese two numbers add up to 8.
y= O
2 0.3154
b P(X ~ 2) =P(Y~6)
3 0.5941
4 0.8263
= 1-0.9502 5 0.9502
= 0.0498 6 0.9915
c P(X=5) = P(Y=3) 7 0.9993
8 1.0000
= P(Y ~ 3)- P(Y~ 2)
= 0.5941-0.3154
= 0.2787
Example 13
In a particular region, 85% of adults own a cell phone. A random sample of
30 adults is selected from the region. Determin e the probability that the number
of adults in the sample that own a cell phone is:
a more than 25
b more than 22 but fewer than 28
c at least 20 but fewer than 28.
P(owns a cell phone) = 0.85
Let X be the number of p eople in 30 wh o own a cell phone.
Then X- 8(30, 0.85f
Since p > 0.5, consider Y, the number of p eople in 30 who do not own a cell See Table 1 in Formulae and
phone. Statistical Tables.
Exercise 4 Note
Use cumulative binomial probability tables where appropriate.
~~> It is often quicker to use
0 If X - B(11, 0.65), find cumulative probability
a P(X= 6) b P(X<3) c P(X~9) tables but sometimes
E) The random variable X is distributed as B(50, 0. 7). Find you may have to use the
a P(X ~ 40) b P(32 $ X$ 41) formula as the tables
are not available for all
c P(X< 29) d P(X=35)
possible values of p or
0 When Alex tries to send a fax, the probability that he can successfully send of n.
it is 0.85. Each attempt is independent of all other attempts. He tries to send 11> The values given in the
50 faxes. tables usually agree, to
Find the probability that he can successfully send at least 46 faxes. 3 decimal places, with
0 An experiment consists of taking shots at a target and counting the number calculated values.
of hits. The probability of hitting the target with a single shot is 0.8. Stating
any necessary assumptions, find the probability that in 13 consecutive
attempts the target is hit at most 11 times.
0 In a survey it is found that 65% of shoppers choose Soapy Suds washing
Stating any necessary assumptions, determine the probability that, in a
group of 10 shoppers, the number who buy Soapy Suds washing powder is
a at most 8 b at least 4 c fewer than 3.
0 At a particula r hospital, records show that each day, on average, 80% of
people keep their appointment at the outpatients' clinic.
a Find the probability that in a random sample of 10 patients, more than
7 keep their appointment.
b Find the probability that in a day when 30 appointments have been
booked the number that keep their appointments is
at most21
ii at least 23
ill more than 20 but fewer than 27
iv exactly 25.
IfX- B(n,p),
m ean = E(X ) = np
va riance= Var(X) = npq where q = 1- p
standard deviation = ~npq
X- B(50, 0.15) n =50, p= 0.15, q=0.85
mean= np =50 x 0.15 = 7.5
standard deviation = Jnpq = ~50 x 0.15 x 0.85 = 2.524 ... = 2.52 (3 sf)
Example 15
The random variable X has distribution B(20, 0.25). The mean of Xis ft. and the
standard deviation is a.
a Find the values of ft. and a.
b Calculate the percentage of the distribution that lies within one standard
deviation of the mean. Give your answer to 2 significant figures.
X- B(20, 0.25) n=20, p=0.25, q=0.75
a ft. =np
a= Jnpq
= -J,-20_ x_ 0_.2_5-x -0-.7-5 = 1.936.. . = 1.94 (3 sf)
b ft. - a = 5- 1.94 == 3.06 and ft.+ a= 5 + 1.94 = 6.94 n = 20 p = 0.25
P(Xlies within one standard deviation of the mean) x =O 0.0032
= P(3.06 <X <6.94) 1 0.0243
=P(X= 4, 5, 6) X takes integer values only 2 0.0913
3 0.2252
= P(Xs; 6) - P(X s; 3) 0 1 23 456 78 ....
4 0.4148
= 0.7858- 0.2252 5 0.6172
= 0.5606 6 0.7858
= 56% (2 sf) etc
Example 16
The random variable X is distributed B(n, p ). The mean of X is 5 and the
standard deviation is 2.
Find the values of n and p.
Mean=np=S (1)
Variance = npq = 2 = 4 (2)
Substitute for np from (1) into (2)
q =0.8
p = 1 - 0.8 = 0.2
Substitute for pin (1)
Son= 25, p = 0.2 and X- B(25, 0.2).
Example 17
A fair coin is tossed 10 times and the number of tails recorded.
a The random variable X is the number of tails.
State the mean and variance of X.
b The number of tails is multiplied by 3 and denoted by the random variable Y.
State the mean and standard deviation of Y.
a Xis the number oftails in 10 tosses.
X - B(lO, 0.5) n= 10,p=O.S, q= 1-p=O.S
Mean= np= 10 x 0.5=5
Variance= npq = 10 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 2.5
b Y=3X
E(Y) = 3E(X) = 3 X 5 = 15
Var( Y) = 32 Var(X) = 9 Var(X) = 9 x 2.5 = 22.5
s.d.ofY = --/22.5 = 4.743 ... = 4.74(3sf)
Exercise 5
0 The random variable X has distribution B(14, 0.36). Find
a themean b the variance
c the standard deviation.
0 The random variable Yhas distribution B(20, 0.4). Find the probability that
Yis equal to the m ean of Y.
0 The probability that an item produced by a machine is satisfactory is 0.92.
a Find the expected number of satisfactory items in a random sample of
25 items produced by the machine.
b Find the standard deviation of the number of unsatisfactory items in a
random sample of 50 items produced by the machine.
0 The random variable Yhas distribution B(n, 0.3) and E(Y) = 2.4.
a Find n. b Find P( Y = 5).
c Find the standard deviation of Y.
+( l: ) X0.35 X0.65
3 15
Example 19
An amateur tennis club purchases tennis balls that have been used previously
in professional tournaments.
The probability that each such ball fails a standard bounce test is 0.15.
The club purchases boxes each containing 10 of these tennis balls. Assume that
the 10 balls in any box represent a random sample.
a Determine the probability that the number of balls in a box which fail the
bow1ce test is:
at most 2; ii at least 2;
iii more than 1 but fewer than 5.
b Determine the probability that, in 5 boxes, the total number of balls which
fail the bounce test is:
more than5; ii at least 5 but at most 10.
c Calculate the mean and variance for the total number of balls in 50 boxes
which fail the bounce test.
AQA MS1A June 2011
n = 10 p=0.15
a Let X be the number of balls in a box of 10 which fail the bounce test.
Then X - B(n, p) where n = 10, p = 0.15, soX- B(10, 0.15). x=O 0.1969
i P(at most 2) = P(X ~ 2) = 0.8202 = 0.820 (3 sf) 1 0.5443
2 0.8202
ii P(at least 2) = P(X:2: 2)
3 0.9500
= 1 - P(X ~ 1) 4 0.9901
= 1 - 0.5443 5 0.9986
= 0.4557 = 0.456 (3 sf) 6 0.9999
7 1.0000
(continued) 10
Example 20
A bank issues three versions of its credit card: classic, gold and platinum. A
customer's application for a credit card may be refused because of the
customer's poor credit rating.
a The proportion of customers who are refused the classic version of the
bank's credit card is 0.275.
Calculate the probability that, from a random sample of 10 customers
applying for the classic version, exactly 2 applications are refused.
b The proportion of customers who are refused the gold version of the bank's
credit card is 0.65.
Determine the probability that, from a random sample of 40 customers
applying for the gold version, the number of applications that are accepted is:
no more than 15; ii at least 10 but at most 20.
c The proportion of customers who are refused the platinum version of the
bank's credit card is 0.85.
Determine the probability that, from a random sample of 50 customers
applying for the platinum version, more than 40 applications are refused.
AQA MS1A June 2012
Bernoulli distribution: Y- Bernoulli(p)
Mean, variance and standard deviation
A discrete random variable Ywith probability distribution function Probability distribution for
P(Y = 0) = 1 - p Y - Bernoulli(p):
{ P(Y = l) = p for 0 :::;; p:::;; 1
0 1
has a Bernoulli distribution with parameter p.
1-p p
If Yis the number of successes in a single Bernoulli trial with probability of
success p then Y - Bernoulli(p).
Binomial probabllltles
The probability of x successes in n trials is given by
0 The probability that a component produced by a particular machine is
unsatisfactory is 0.05.
A random sample of 12 components is selected from the production line of
the machine.
Find the probability that the number of unsatisfactory components in the
sample is
a exactly 3 b at least 2.
0 The faces on a special fair cubical die are numbered 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3.
Find the probability of obtaining fewer than 6 odd numbers in 7 throws of
the die.
0 The random variable X has a binomial distribution with parameters n = 30
and p = 0.5. Find
a P(12<X<15) [2]
b P(X=E(X)). (3]
f) The random variable X has the distribution B(9, 0.45). Find
a E(X) [2]
b the standard deviation of X. [3]
0 Ghyslaine passes through 6 sets of traffic lights when she walks to
work each morning. She estimates tl1at, for each set of traffic lights, the
probability that the lights show red is 0.3.
Stating any necessary assumptions, find the probability that, as she walks to
work on a particular morning,
a 3 or fewer sets show red [3]
b more than 4 sets show red (2]
c all 6 sets show red. [2]
Bernoulli and Binomial Distributions ~
0 Stopo./fowns a chain of hotels. Guests are presented with the bills for their
stays when they check out.
The number of bills that contain errors may be modelled by a binomial
distribution with parameter n and p, where p = 0.30.
Determine the probability that, in a random sample of 40 bills:
a at most 10 bills contain errors; [2]
b at least 15 bills contain errors; [2]
c at least 6 bills but at most 18 bills contain errors. [3]
AQA MS1A January 2013
0 The probability that Shayna receives at least one telephone call on any day
is 0.8. The number of telephone calls she receives is independent from day
to day.
a Calculate the probability that, during a particular fortnight, Shayna
receives at least one telephone call on exactly 9 days. [3]
b Calculate the mean number of days in April on which she does not
receive any telephone calls. [3]
0 The post office in a market town is located within a small supermarket.
The probability that an individual customer entering the supermarket
requires a service from :
the post office only is 0.48;
the supermarket only is 0.30;
both the post office and the supermarket is 0.22.
It may be assumed that the service required is independent from customer
to customer.
a For a random sample of 12 individual customers, calculate the
probability that exactly 5 of them require a service from the post office
only. [3]
b For a random sample of 40 individual customers, determine the
probability that more than 10 but fewer than 15 of them require a
service from the supermarket only. [3]
c For a random sample of 100 individual customers, calculate the mean
and standard deviation for the number of them requiring a service from
both the post office and the supermarket. [3]
AQA MS1A January 2007
0 Plastic clothes pegs are made in various colours.
The number of red pegs may be modelled by a binomial distribution with
parameter p equal to 0.2.
The contents of packets of 50 pegs of mixed colours may be considered to
be random samples.
a Determine the probability that a packet contains:
less than or equal to 15 red pegs; [2]
il exactly 10 red pegs; [2]
iii more than 5 but fewer than 15 red pegs. [3]
b Sly, a student, claims to have counted the number of red pegs in each
of 100 packets of 50 pegs. From his results the following values are
Mean number of red pegs per packet= 10.5
Variance of number of red pegs per packet= 20.41.
Comment on the validity of Sly's claim. [4]
AQA MS1B January 2006
() The table shows, for a particular population, the proportion of people in
each of the four main blood groups.
Blood group 0 A B AB
Proportion 0.40 0.28 0.20 0.12
a A random sample of 20 people is selected from the population.
Determine the probability that the sample contains:
at most 10 people with blood group 0; [2]
il exactly 3 people with blood group A; [3]
iii more than 4 but fewer than 8 people with blood group B. [3]
b A random sample of 500 people is selected from this population.
Find values for the mean and variance of the number of people in the
sample with blood group AB. [2]
AQA MS1A January 2006
When a plane lands it decelerates. Designers of new planes need to
calculate the time taken and distance traveled when the plane brakes so
they know the minimum length of runway that a plane would need to stop.
D 0 B A
50 Clir )oj
40cm )t 30 cm
When the engine reaches B, it has travelled a distance of 50 em and it is also
50 em from 0. The engine then reverses direction and moves 20 em back
towards 0 to point C, then
the total distance that the engine has travelled is 70 em
but the distance of the engine from 0 is 30 em (to the right).
The engine now continues moving towards 0 and carries on to point D, beyond 0,
the total distance that it has travelled is 140 em
but the distance of the engine from 0 is 40 em (to the left).
Calling the direction from 0 to A the positive direction then
the distance from 0 in the direction from 0 to A is called the displacemen t.
Therefore, from 0, the displacement ofB is 50 em
the displacement of C is 30 em
the displacement ofD is -40 em.
Example 1
Starting from floor 4, a lift stops first at floor 11, then at floor 1 and finally at
floor 6. The distance between floors is 4 m. Taking the upward direction as
positive write d own, for each of the stops,
a the displacem ent, of the lift floor from floor 4
b the distance the lift floor has travelled since first leaving floor 4.
Taking the level of floor 4 as the start and the upward direction as positive: 11
a At floor 11 the displacement is+ 7 x 4 m = 28 m 10
the distance travelled is 28 m. 6
b At floor 1 the displacement is -3 x 4 m = - 12 m 7
the distance travelled is (10 + 7) x 4 m =17 x 4 m = 68 m. 5
Atfloor6 the displacement is + 2 x 4 m = 8 m s=O
the distance travelled is (10 + 7 + 5) x 4 m = 22 x 4 m =88 m. 2
~21~~~/~~~~~-\ H~~~~~/-~~~~~~--~+4]\---H~~~h+~
When P starts from 0 and moves to the right, the positive direction, the velocity
of P is +5 ms-•.
After 1 second the displacement of P from 0 is +5 m, after 2 seconds it is+ 10m,
and so on.
The displacement is increasing at a rate of +5 ms-•.
When P starts from A and moves to the left with the same speed, its velocity
is-5 ms-• .
after 2 s aft er 1 s A
----'--....L..-...____._ __,__.....__.____,__ _.__...____._ __.__ _ +ve direction
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
The initial displacement of P from 0 is+11 m and after 1 second the
displacement is 6 m.
The displacement has decreased by 5 m, so it has increased by -5 m.
Also, after 2 seconds the displacement is 1m and has increased by - 10m.
The displacement is increasing at a rate of -5 ms-•
therefore velocity is the rate at which the displacement increas es.
Acceleration is the rate at which velocity is increasing.
Therefore when the velocity of a particle moving in a straight line increases
steadily from 3 ms-• to 11 ms-• in 4 seconds, the acceleration is +2 ms- 2 •
When the velocity decreases from 14 ms-• to 5 ms-• in 3 seconds (the velocity
has increased by -9 ms-•) the acceleration is -3 ms- 2•
Exercise 2
0 State whether each of the following statements is correct or incorrect. Give
a reason for the statements that you think are incorrect.
a A car driving due north at 40 mph has a constant velocity.
b A toy train runs round a circular track with constant velocity 2 ms-•.
c A plane flies in a straight line from London to Newcastle so its velocity is
This table gives the value oft at each point, where tis the number of
seconds that have elapsed since the particle first passed through A.
B c D E
t 5 8 15 19
Find the velocity of the particle, constant in each section, in travelling from
a A to B b B to C c C to D d D to E.
( ) The velocity of a particle changes steadily from -5 ms- to -21 ms- 1 in
This displacement-time graph shows the information in the table.
,, It
/ ; j
~ 5
s v ) '\ I"
,_if t··-
"" / ' • 1-
..,8 0
/ '\
0 f'\.lp *
Cl) 'ime, t (se< onds
• • [\. 'I
'I I~ '\
.. J I ;j fl ;t IJ., ,. :: j '\. :
I : ; I•• \ c
- 10
I· t-
r ;.,_ I• l
For example the average velocity from 0 to B is - ms-• = ~ ms-• (this is equal
6 0
to the gradient of the chord OB) 7-0 7
• (rom A to C IS
the average ve1oc1ty . --9-10 I 19 I ( h' • 1
- - ms- . = - - ms- t IS IS equa to
the gradient of the chord AC) 12 - 5 7
~ ~·~di~"·~~··~~··
velocity from 1 to 1 1 5
Example 2
A and 0 are two fixed points on a straight line. A particle P moves on the line so
that, at time t seconds its displacement, s m etres, from 0 is given by
s = (t-l)(t- 5).
When t = 0, the p article is at point A.
Sketch a displacement- time graph for values oft from 0 to 6.
a At what times does the particle pass through 0?
b What is the average speed over the 6-second time interval?
c What is the average velocity over the 6-second time interval?
d At what time is the velocity zero?
e Find the velocity when t = 5.
The curve whose equation is s= (t-l)(t- 5) is a p arabola. The curve crosses the s
t-axis where t = 1 and t = 5 so is symmetrical about the line t = 3. 6
The curve has a minimum value of -4 where t = 3.
a When the particle is at 0 its displacement from 0 is zero, that is when s = 0.
The particle passes through 0 when t = l and t =5.
b P starts at A where s =+5. P then covers 5 m to 0 and continues beyond 0 for -4
a further 4 m to B where s = - 4. -6
Then P goes back to 0, that is 4 m back, and a further 5 m to A.
(] (]
I> I>
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4 5
Exercise 3
0 A boy is kicking a ball straight towards a wall. For each kick he sees how far
the ball rebounds. This graph shows, for one kick, the displacement of the
ball from the boy in the direction towards the wall.
" ~:If •r ,m wn t It-•
f !"t
/ "' \
I • :I
• t· 't .I • ~ ;If
/ I
.• !! 1
i- I I
' ~ .·l·j f+
l lr 1.' :J
0 ~ ;-....,.
- I'lme tCse·c bnds)
tl r r---:--- I !
0 2 3 4
Time (seconds)
Velocity-time graphs
For an object P travelling in a straight line, a velocity-time graph shows how the
speed of P in a particular direction varies with time.
The graph on the next page shows the velocity ofP during a 20-second time
interval, starting from a point 0 on the straight line.
In the first 5 seconds the velocity increases steadily from zero to 15 ms- 1 so the
acceleration in this section is 3 ms- 2 and the gradient of this section of the
graph is 3.
In the next 2.5 seconds the velocity is constant so the acceleration is zero, and
the gradient the graph is also zero.
Then the velocity decreases until after another 7.5 seconds the graph crosses
the time axis. This shows that the velocity has reduced to zero and that P has
momentarily com e to rest.
For this section the acceleration is - - ms- 2 and the gradient is -2. (The
velocity is decreasing but it is still positive, so P is still moving forward.)
When t =15 the velocity is zero and immediately after that the velocity becomes
negative, so P stops going forward and begins to move in the opposite direction
with an acceleration of-~ ms- 2 (the gradient is - 2).
For the last 2.5 seconds the velocity is becoming less negative, so. it is
increasing. The acceleration is 0 - (- 15) ms- 2 =2 ms- 2 and the gradient is 2.
The velocity is still negative so P is still m oving backwards until, when t= 20,
P comes to rest.
Each section demonstrates that, for motion with constant acceleration, the
gradient of the velocity-time graph represents the acceleration.
Now look at the distance moved by Pin each section, rem embering that
P moves forward for 15 seconds and then moves in the opposite direction.
Using average velocity x time gives the following results.
This shows that the distance moved in each section is represented by the area
between that section of the graph and the time axis. Take any area that is below
this axis as negative, the displacement of an object moving with constant
acceleration is represented by the area between the velocity-time graph and the
time axis.
When the acceleration of a moving object is not constant the velocity-time
graph is curved. Similar arguments show that, for any velocity-time graph,
straight or curved:
Exercise 4
·o0 10
0 lO 20 30 40 50
Time (s)
The graph shows the velocity of a car as it moves along a straight road,
starting from a point A.
For motion with constant speed:
total distance
distance = speed x time average speed
total time
Velocity is the rate of increase of displacem ent.
Acceleration is the rate of increase of velocity.
In a displacement-time graph the velocity at a particular time, t, is given by the
gradient of the tange nt to the graph at that value oft.
In a velocity-time graph the acceleration a t a particular time, t, is given by the
gradient of the tangent to the graph at that value oft,
the displacement after time tis given by the area under the graph for that time
0 A car travels along a straight horizontal road with constant acceleration
from a speed of 10 ms- 1 to a speed of20 ms- 1 and covers a distance
of200 m.
a Sketch a velocity-time graph showing this motion.
b Find the time taken by the car to travel the 200 m.
c Find the time taken by the car to travel the first 100m.
e The graph shows how the velocity of a train changes as it travels along a
straight horizo ntal track.
15 - --------- -- 1~--
10 ------------i-------
0 15 24 33 t seconds
T t seconds
a Find the time taken for the journey between the two stations.
The acceleration of the train is 0.3 m s- 2 •
b Find the distance the train travels while it is accelerating.
0 The diagram shows the displacement-time graph for a particle moving in a
straight line.
8 - ---- -------------
Time (s)
0 8
a Find the distance between the fronts of the two trains when they have
the same velocity and state which train has travelled further from the
b Find the time when A has travelled 9 metres further than B.
AQA MM1B June 2015
0 The graph shows how the speed of a cyclist, Hannah, varies as she travels
for 21 seconds along a straight horizontal road.
When a firework rocket is launched, it accelerates rapidly but gravity will
act to slow it down as the fuel runs out.
Designers of fireworks need to know the distance it travels upwards before
the explosion is triggered and the time taken to reach that point.
• •• • • • • •• • • • •• •• •• •• •• • ••• •• •• • • •• •• • •
17.1 Equations of motion with constant
The velocity-time graph illustrates an object Velocity
moving for t seconds with constant acceleration a
At the start of the time interval the velocity
is u units and the end of the time interval it is v
v=u+at [1]
The area under the velocity-time graph represents the displacem ent. The area of
this trapezium is .!.(u+ v) x t. Therefore
s= - (rt+ v)t [2]
Eliminating v from [1] and [2] by substituting u+ at for v in [2] gives
s=.!.(u + u + at)t. Therefore
s= ut+- af [3]
Eliminating u from [1] and [2] gives
s=vt- - af [4]
Eliminating t from [1] and [2] gives
From [1] t =- -
Substituting in [2] gives s =.!.(v+u) (v-u) = _!_(v 2 -u 2 ) ~ 2as= u2- u2
2 a 2a
Rearranging gives
These five formulae can now be used to solve by calculation any problem on
motion with consta nt acceleration.
Each formula contains four quantities from u, v, a, sand t but n ot the fifth
quantity. The formula to use can be found by looking for the quantity that is not
However, many problems can be solved using a sketch of a velocity-time graph.
Also a velocity-time sketch graph often makes the solution clearer when using
the formulae.
When acceleration is constant (acceleration is a vector so its direction is
constant as well as its magnitude), it follows that all the motion takes place
along a straight line but the object can move in either direction along the line,
Therefore start a problem by deciding which direction is positive; the opposite
direction is then negative.
Then make a list of the given information, and what is needed, using u for the
initial velocity and v for the final velocity. Many motion problems are clearer
when a simple diagram is drawn, using different arrow h eads to indicate
different quantities.
This book uses:
I> ))
for velocity, for acceleration, for a length
~ tm/s2
A e---- - - ----"- ---. B - +Ve
~ 3m/s 5
~ 5m/s
Example 2
A cyclist starts to ride up a straight steep hill with a velocity of 8 ms-•. At the top
of the hill, which is 96 m long, the velocity is 4 ms-•. Find the value of the
constant acceleration.
Given: u = 8, v = 4, s = 96
Wanted: a, so use the formula without tin it,
if- u2 =2as
42 -82 = 2a(96)
- 48 - 1
~ a =-=-
192 4
The acceleration is _.!_ ms-2 •
Velocity (ms- 1)
Working in metres and seconds:
Given: a= -0.2, v = 0, t = 90
Wanted: (a) u (b) s
a Using v = u + at gives
0 = u+ (- 0.2)(90)
Therefore u = 18.
The speed of the train was 18 ms-1 = ~ x 60 x 60 kmh- 1 = 64.8 kmh-1•
1 .2 •
b Using s = vt - -ar g1ves
s = (0)(90)-.!. (-0.2)(90)2 = 810
This is the displacement of the point where the train stops from the point
where the brakes were applied. Therefore the distance the train travels
is 810m.
Example 4
A particle A starts from rest at a point 0 and moves on a straight line with
A and B travel different distances. Using s to represent the shorter distance, that
is the distance that A travels; B then travels a distance (s + 12) m. A and B move
for the same time.
Given: u=O, a=2 wanted: distances, time tis the same for both particles
1 1
s=ut+- at2 ~ s=- (2)[2 [1]
2 2
Given: u =5, a = 3 wanted: distance (s + 12) m, timet is the same for both
1 1
s= ut+- at2 ~ s+ 12=5t+- (3)[2 [2)
2 2
Exercise 1
Give answers that are not exact correct to 3 significant figures.
In Questions 1 to 10 an object is moving with constant acceleration a ms-2 along
a straight line. The velocity at the initial point 0 is u ms-1 and t seconds after
passing 0 the velocity is v ms- 1 and the displacement from 0 iss m.
0 u=O, a=3, v = 15; find t.
0 t = 10, s=24, u=6; findv.
0 a= 5, u = 4, s = 2; find v.
0 u = 16, v=B, t=5; finds.
C) t=7, u=3, v=17; finda.
0 t=7, u=l7, v=3; finda.
0 u= 5, t= 3, a=-2; finds.
0 a=-4, u =6, v=O; find t.
C) v=3, t= 9, a= 2; finds.
«:) v=7, t= 5, a= 3; find u.
G A particle starts from rest and moves in a straight line with a constant
acceleration of2 ms-2• Find the distance covered
a in the first four seconds
b in the fourth second of its motion.
CD A particle moves in a straight line with a constant acceleration of - 3 ms- 2
The particle has an initial velocity at point A of 10.5 ms- •
a Show that the times when the displacement from A is 15m are given by
f-7t+l0=0 .
b Find the time when the displacement from A is -15 m.
4!) A car is travelling at 10 ms- when the driver sees a broken-down car on the
road 100 m ahead. The driver brakes, decelerating at 18 ms-2• How far from
the broken-down car does the driver stop?
~ A body moving in a straight line with constant acceleration takes Note
3 seconds and 5 seconds to cover two successive distances of 1 m.
Find the acceleration. Hint: use distances of 1 m
and 2 m from the start of
the motion.
Example 5
An object is dropped from a point A and hits the ground 3 seconds later. Find
the height of A above ground.
Anything that is 'dropped' from a stationary point is not thrown but released
from rest, so its initial velocity is zero.
Taking the downward direction as positive:
A Known: u=O wanted: s
i9.8 t=3
Using 1 a f gtves
s= ut+- .
s = 0 +- (9.8)(32)
Therefore s = 44. 1.
The h eight of point A is 44.1 m.
Known: t = 2 Required: v
s=O Parts a and b show that a
1 .2 •
particle thrown upwards with
Using s = vt-- ar gtves a velocity u, returns to the
same level with a velocity -u,
0=2v-.!_ (-9.8)(4) that is with equal speed in
Therefore v = -9.8. the downward direction.
Example 8
A boy kicks a ball vertically up next to a wall that is 2.5 m high. He kicks the ball
from a height of 0.4 m with a speed of 14 ms- 1• How long is the ball above the
top of the wall?
Known: u = 14 wanted: t
a= - 9.8
s= 2.1 (measuring displacement upward
from a point 0.4 m above the ground)
1 .2 •
Using s = ut+- ar gtves
2.1 = 14t- 4.9f
----~-==-Q_ => 0.3 =2t- 0.7f
=> 7f-20t+ 3= 0
2 400 84
=> t = o±.J - =2.698or 0.159 (continued)
Motion In a Straight Line 0
The ball is at the height of the top of the wall at two different times. Therefore it
takes 0.159 seconds to reach the top of the wall when going up, and returns to
that height 2.698 seconds from the start.
So the ball is above the wall for (2.698- 0.159) s = 2.54 s, correct to 3 significant
Exercise 2
Take gas 9.8 ms-2 and give answers correct to 2 significant figures.
0 a A stone dropped from the top of a cliff takes 5 seconds to reach the
ground below. Find the height of the cliff.
b A stone is thrown vertically down with from the top of the cliff. Find the
velocity needed for the stone to land on the ground 4 seconds later.
f) A particle is projected vertically upward from ground level with a speed of
24.5 ms-•. Find
a the greatest height reached
b the time taken for the particle to return to the ground.
0 A brick falls from the top of a building. Find how far it falls
a in the first second
b in the first two seconds
c during the third second.
0 A ball is thrown vertically upward and is caught at the same height
3 seconds later. Find
a the distance it rose
b the speed with which it was thrown.
0 A brick is dropped down a shaft, 50 m deep.
a For how long does it fall?
b With what speed does it hit the bottom?
C) A parachutist is descending vertically at a steady speed of 2 ms-• when he
drops a watch. If the watch hits the ground 3 seconds later at what height
was the parachutist when he dropped it?
0 A flare is projected straight up from the bottom of a shaft that is 30 m deep.
To be seen, the flare must reach at least 10m above the ground. What is the
least speed with which it must be fired?
0 A ball is thrown vertically, with a speed of7 ms-• from a balcony 14m above
the ground. Find how long it takes to reach the ground if it is thrown
a downwards b upwards.
Find also the speed with which it reaches the ground in each of these cases.
0 A stone is dropped from the top of a building and at the same instant
another stone is thrown vertically upward from the ground below at a
speed of 15 ms-•. The stones pass each other after 1.2 seconds. Find the
height of the building.
These relationships can be used to solve problems in which the motion varies
with time.
Starting with the acceleration, then
a = dv => v=fadt
and v = - =>s= fvdt
Therefore when the acceleration of a moving body is a function of time,
velocity can be found by integrating a with respect to t
displacement can be found by integrating v with respect to t.
Example 9
A body moves along a straight line so that its displacement, s metres, from a
fixed point 0 on the line after t seconds, is given by s = f3- 3f- 9t.
a Find the velocity after t seconds.
b Find the time(s) when the velocity is zero.
c Sketch the velocity-time graph.
a s = fl- 3f- 9t
v= -=3f- 6t - 9
b Whenv=O, 3f-6t-9=0
3(f-2t-3)-0 => 3(t-3)(t+ l) =O => t=3or-l
Therefore the velocity is zero after 3 seconds; it was also zero 1 second before
the body reached 0. (continued)
Motion in a Straight Line
c The expression for the velocity is a quadratic function for which the graph is
a p arabola crossing the t-axis where t = 3 and t = - 1.
- ·-I - 9
- I 6
I i-3 I
0 t
2 i'i_3 f
·- - -
- r-9 [\ 12 /
- ·15
Example 10
A particle P moves in a straight line and has an initial velocity of 2 ms-1 at a point 0
on the line. The acceleration of the particle t seconds later is given by (2t - 6) ms- 2•
When t = 5 find expressions for
a the velocity
b the displacement of P from 0.
Example 11
A particle moves in a straight line. The velocity, t seconds after the particle
passes through a point 0 on the line, is given by v = 3f - 12t + 9. Find the
times(s) when the p article changes direction.
The direction of m otion is defined by the sign of the velocity (not by the sign of
the displacement). Hence, whenever the direction of motion is reversed, the
velocity is instantaneously zero.
When v=O, 3t2 - 12t+ 9= 0 ~ 3(t2-4t+3) =0 ~ 3(t-1)(t- 3) = 0
Therefore v = 0 when t = 1 or 3. (continued)
• Motion In a Straight Line
Therefore the particle changes d irection after 1 second and again after
3 seconds.
A sketch of the velocity-time graph confirms that v changes sign at t = 1 and t = 3.
10 -l--.--r----r-
2 -l- \+--t----11-/
Example 12
A particle P moves in a straight line. The acceleration ofP is given by a= 2(t+ 1)
at any time t seconds. Initially P has a velocity of 2m s-1• Express the velocity of
P as a function oft.
I Therefore
Exercise 3
v= ]2(t+ 1)dt= (f + 2t) + c
t=O, v=2
v= f+2t+2
=> c=2
Equations of motion in a straight line with constant acceleration
v= u+at
s =-(u + v)t
1 1
s=ut + -at 2 and s=vt - -at 2
2 2
v2- u2 =2as
where u =initial velocity, v =final velocity, a= acceleration, t = time and
s = displacement.
The acceleration due to gravity is denoted by g and on the su rface of the earth,
g=9.8 m s-2•
Motion in a straight line with variable acceleration
ds dv
v =- and a =-
dt dt
v =fadt and s=fvdt
0 A car is moving along a straight road with uniform acceleration. The car
passes a point A with a speed of 12 ms- 1 and another point C with a speed of
32 ms-1• The distance between A and C is 2000 m.
Find the time taken by the car to move from A to C.
0 A particle P moves in a straight line and passes a fixed point 0 on the line at time
t =0. After t seconds, P is moving with a velocity v m s-1 where v =2fl + 2t + 1.
a Find the acceleration of P when t = 2.
b Find the distance covered by P between t = 1 and t = 4.
() A particle P moves in a straight line and passes a fixed point 0 on the line at
timet= 0. For values oft> 2, the velocity of the particle is given by v = ~.
a Explain why the particle is decelerating for all values oft greater than 2.
b Find the distance covered by P in the interval between t = 4 and t = 5.
0 A car travels on a straight horizontal race track. The car slows down with
constant deceleration from a speed of 18 ms-1 to a speed of 10 ms-1 as it
travels a distance of700 metres.
a Find the time that it takes the car to travel the first 640 metres.
b Find the deceleration of the car during the first 640 m etres.
f) A car is travelling at a speed of20 ms-• along a straight horizontal road. The
driver applies the brakes and a constant braking force acts on the car until
it comes to rest.
a Assume that no other horizontal forces act on the car.
After the car has travelled 75 metres, its speed has reduced to 10 ms-•.
Find the acceleration of the car.
ii Find the time taken for the speed of the car to reduce from 20 ms-•
to zero.
AQA MM1B June 2012 (part question)
When an object is moving some people think there must be a force acting
on it to keep it moving.
A p uck is struck with a stick and sent moving across an ice rink (a force
starts the motion), but the puck continues to move although there is
nothing to push it once it h as left the stick. This shows that a force is not
necessary to keep the keep the puck moving. However the puck will
gradually slow down so a force is acting to slow it down but not to keep it
When a small push Pis applie d horizo ntally to the book then, if the book and
the surface a re not slippery, the book probably will not move. Therefore there
must be another force equal and opposite to the push to balance it. This is a
friction force. Friction happens only when objects are in rough contact.
A friction force acts on a body along the surface of contact and in a direction
which opposes the potential movement of that body.
This diagram shows all the forces acting on the book.
It is unusual for there to be no friction at all between an object and a surface but
there can be so little that its effect can be ignored. In this case the contact is
called smooth.
A stone at rest hangs by a string from a fixed p oint. The ston e does not m ove so
its weight acting down must be balanced by an upward force. This force is the
tension in the string.
A string can n ever push and it can pull only if it is taut.
A string cannot be taut at one end and slack at the other, so a taut string exerts
an inward pull at each end on the object which is attached at that end. The
tension in a string acts along the string.
A rod can be in tension or in thrust.
For example wh en a rod is attached to a beam and a heavy object is susp ended
vertically attached to the rod at the other end, the rod is in tension.
When a rod is clamped at both ends and the clamps are tightened, the rod is in
In both cases the forces at each end of the rod are equal and opposite.
Drawing diagrams
To work on any p roblem involving the action of forces on a body the first (and
necessary) step is to draw a clear diagram of the forces acting on the object.
Example 1
A truck is attached by a rope to an engine which is being driven along a
horizontal smooth track.
Show the forces acting on
a the truck
b the engine.
a Looking at the truck, the only forces acting are the weight of the truck, the
vertical normal reaction and the tension in the rope which acts away from
the truck (inward along the rope).
The driving force of the engine does not act on the truck, it is the tension in
the rope that pulls the truck forward.
b Acting on the engine alone is the weight, the normal reaction, the driving
force and the tension in the rope which acts towards the centre of the rope
(it is a drag on the engine).
Example 2
A stone is projected vertically upwards. Draw a diagram to show the forces
acting on the stone when it is
a going up
b falling back down.
a The stone is not attached to anything so the only force acting is the weight of
the stone.
b The stone is not attached to anything so the only force acting is the weight of
the stone. Note
Resultant force T
The diagram shows an object connected to a string.
The forces acting on it are its weight and the tension in the string.
If Tis equal toW, the fo rces are in equilibrium and the object will not move. w
If Tis greater than W, the forces are not in equilibrium. There is an excess force
equal to T- W acting vertically upwards and the object will move.
T- W is called the resultant force.
Newton's first law defines what force is: force is the quantity that, when acting
on a body, changes the velocity of that body.
When the velocity of a body changes, there is an acceleration, so:
When a body has an acceleration there is a resultant force acting on it.
When a body has no acceleration there is no resultant force acting on it.
Example 3
An object is at rest under the action of the forces shown. All forces are measured
in the same w1it.
Find the values ofF and R.
Example 4
Exercise 2
=> T = 7
In Questions 1 to 5, the diagram shows the forces, all in the same unit, acting on
an object which is at rest.
0 0 0 0
II- A resultant force of 12 N acts on a body of mass 5 kg. Find the acceleration of the
Example 6
I- A set of forces act on a mass of3 kg and give it an acceleration of 11.4 ms-2•
Find the magnitude of the resultant force.
When m = 3 and a= 11.4 usingF= magives
F=3 X 11.4 =34.2
The resultant force is 34.2 N.
Example 7
I- The diagram shows the forces that act on a particle making it move vertically
downward with an acceleration a ms-2• Find the values of Panda.
The resultant force vertically down is (6 - 3) N = 3 N
Using F= rna gives
3 6N
3=5a => a = -
Some problems give some facts about how an object is being made to moue with
constant acceleration and other information about the motion of the object. So
use both F = rna and one of the equations of motion which contains a.
Example 8
A resultant force F n ewtons acts on a particle of m ass 3 kg.
a The particle accelerates uniformly from 2 ms-• to 8 ms-• in 2 seconds. Find
the value of F.
b IfF= 6 find the displacement of the particle 4 seconds after starting from
a For the motion of the particle:
u = 2, v = 8, t = 2 and a is required.
Using v = u + at gives 8 = 2 + 2a ~ a =3
Now usingF= rna gives F =3 x 3
~ F =9
The force is 9 N.
b The force is known so we use Newton's Law first.
Using F= rna gives 6 = 3a
~ a =2
For the motion of the particle:
u = 0, a= 2, t = 4 and s is required.
Using s = ut + .!:_ at 2 gives s = 0 + .!_ (2)( 4)2
2 2
~ s= 16
The displacem e nt of the particle is 16 m .
Exercise 3
0 A resultant force of 12 N acts on a body of mass 8 kg. Find the acceleration
of the body.
b c
0 Each diagram sh ows the forces acting on ~ body of mass 3 kg. Find the
magnitude and direction of the acceleration of the body in each case.
a 9~ b c
0 A body of mass 3 kg is accelerating vertically down at 5 ms-2 under the
action of the forces shown, all measured in newtons. Find the values of
C) A body of mass 2 kg accelerates uniformly from rest to 16 ms- 1
in 4 seconds.
Find the resultant force acting on the body.
C) A force of 100 N acts on a particle of mass 8 kg. The particle is initially at rest.
Find hpw far it travels in the first 5 seconds of its motion.
«:) A block of mass 6 kg is pulled along a smooth horizontal surface by a
horizontal string. The block accelerates uniformly and reaches a speed of
20 ms- 1 in 4 seconds from rest. Find
a the acceleration
b the tension in the string.
(D A constant force of 80 N acts for 7 seconds on a body, initially at rest, giving
it a velocity of 35 ms- 1• Find
a the acceleration
b the mass of the body.
e A force of 12 N acts on a particle of mass 60 kg making the velocity of the
particle increase from 3 ms- 1 to 7 ms-1• Find the distance that the particle
travels in this time interval.
e A body of mass 120 kg is moving in a straight line at 8 ms-1 when a force of
40 N acts in the direction of motion for 18 seconds. What is the speed of the
body at the end of this time?
An object of mass m kg, falls freely under gravity with an acceleration g ms-2•
The force producing the acceleration is the weight, Wnewtons, of the object, so
using F =ma gives W =mg.
Therefore a body of mass m kilograms has a weight of mg newtons.
Exercise 4
0 a Find the weight of a body of mass 5 kg.
b Find the mass of a sack of potatoes of weight 147 N.
c Find the weight of a ball of mass 60 g.
E) On the moon the acceleration due to gravity is 1.2 ms- 2•
1750g newtons
ii lowering the rope with just one block with an acceleration of~ ms-2 •
750g newtons
b The tension in the rope is 14 700 N when the rope, partly loaded, is being
raised at constant speed. Find the mass of the extra blocks.
0 A balloon of mass 1400 kg is descending vertically with an acceleration of
2 ms-2• Find the upward force exerted on the balloon by the atmosphere. This force Is called air resistance.
contact but exert equal and opposite forces on each other because of the equal
0 ) ( 0
tensions in the string which act inwards at each end.
This is true even if the string passes round a smooth body, such as a pulley, T
which changes the direction of the string. T
The tensions in the two portions of the string are the same and each portion
exerts an inward pull at each end. So in each portion the tension at one end acts
on the particle and at the other end the te nsion acts on the pulley; all these
tensions are equal.
(If the string passes round a rough surface the tensions in the different portions
of the string are not equal.)
Exercise 5
Copy the diagram in each question. Make your copy twice as big and mark on it
all the forces that are acting on each body (in Question 4 draw a small block to
represen t the person). Use either a different colour or a different type ofline (for
example broken and solid) for the forces that act on separate objects. Ignore
forces that act on fixed surfaces- these are shown by hatching.
0 A load hangs from a beam which is supported at each end.
~ 6 i
A m ass on a table is linked by a string to a mass hanging over the smooth edge.
0 A mass B hangs by string from another mass A which hangs from a fixed point.
Example 10
A light inextensible string passes over a smooth fixed pulley and particles of
masses 5 kg and 7 kg, are attached, one at each end. The system is moving
freely. Find in terms of g
a the acceleration of each particle
b the tension in the string
c the force exerted on the pulley by the string.
The two particles have the same acceleration, a ms- 2, and the two parts of the
ar ra
a [1] + [2] gives 2g = 12a => a=6 g A B
Example 11
A small block of mass 6 kg rests on a table top and is connected by a light
inextensible string that passes over a smooth pulley, fixed on the edge of the
table, to another small block of mass 5 kg which is hanging freely. Find, in terms
of g, the acceleration of the system and the tension in the string when
a the table is smooth
b the table is rough and a frictional force of 2g N acts between the table and
the block.
R a
Use F =rna for each block in its direction of motion. ~
a For the block A 4 T= 6a [1] A
. 1s
The acce1eratwn
. -5 g ms-2 an d th e tenswn
. 1.s -30 g N .
b For the block A 4 T- 2g= 6a [3]
R a
For the block B -1- 5g- T= 5a [4] ~
[3] + [4] => 3g= 11a => a=-g
and T= 6a+2g= - g
. -3 g ms-2 and th e tens10n
. 1s
Th e acce1eratwn . 1s. -40 g N .
11 11
The diagram shows the forces acting on a car and trailer at the instant ~ l OON
Exercise 6
Give the answers in terms of g.
0 Each diagram shows the forces, in newtons, acting on two particles connected
by a light in extensible string which passes over a fixed smooth pulley. In each
case find the acceleration of the system and the tension in the string.
a b c
T T T at T
2 kg lOkg 15 kg mkg
6kg M kg
2g lOg l 5g mg
6g Mg
e 1\vo p articles are connected by a light inextensible string which passes over
a fixed smooth pulley. Find the acceleration of the system and the tension
in the string wh en the masses of the particles are
a 5 kg and 10 kg
b 12 kgand8 kg.
0 1\vo particles A and B of masses 8 kg and 4 kg respectively hang one at each
end of a light inextensible string which passes over a fixed smooth pulley. Find
a the acceleration of the system when the particles are released from rest
b the distance that each particle m oves during the first 5 seconds.
0 A particle of mass 5 kg rests on a sm ooth horizontal table and is attached to
one end of a light inelastic strin g. The string passes over a fixed smooth pulley
at the edge of the table and a particle of mass 3 kg hangs freely at the other end.
When the system is released from rest find
a the acceleration of the system
b the tension in the string.
A further increase in P will make the book move and then P > R
Once an object begins to move, the frictional force opposing motion remains
The value of J.1. depends upon the materials which make up the two surfaces in
contact- it is not a property of one surface- so ideally we should always refer to
rough contact but it is not always used. A shorter form of wording is often used
such as 'a block moves on a rough plane' and it means that there is friction
between the block and the plane.
In the context of mechanics, 'rough' means that there is friction at the contact;
'smooth' m eans that friction is ignored at the contact.
Example 13
A small block of weight 32 N is lying on a rough horizontal plane. A horizontal
force of P newtons is applied to the block until it is on the point of moving the
a When P = 8 find the coefficient of friction J..L between the block and
the plane.
b If J..L = 0.4, find the value of P.
a For A: R =50g R
1 ZR
Using F= rna: ~ T - -R=50a ~ T-25g=50a [1]
ForB: Using F= rna:.!- 50g - T = 50a [2] ~a
Exercise 7
Give answers that are not exact corrected 3 significant figures.
0 A particle of weight 24 N is on a rough horizontal plane and is being
pulled by a horizontal string. If the particle is just on the point of moving
when the tension in the string is 8 N, find the value of the coefficient of
friction, Jl.
E) A particle of weight 16 N is on a rough horizontal plane and is being pulled
at a steady speed by a horizontal string. The coefficient of friction between
the particle and the table is 0.4. Find the tension in the string.
0 A block is pulled along a rough horizontal table by a string and is
accelerating at 5 ms- 2• The tension in the string is 80 N and the coefficient of
friction between the block and the table is 0.3.
Find the weight of the block.
0 A horizontal force P newtons is applied to a n object of weight 80 N, in rough
contact with a horizontal plane.
The coefficient of friction between the object and the plane is ..!:. . What is
the magnitude of the frictional force when
a P = 10 b P =40 c P =50?
State in each case whether or not the body moves. If it does move find its
Normal reaction is the force acting on an object and is perpendicular to the
surface of contact.
Tension in a taut string acts along the string.
Friction exists when two objects are in rough contact and have a tendency to
The frictional force F is just large enough to prevent motion, up to a limiting
When the limiting value is reached, F ={tR where R is the normal reaction and
{tis the coefficient of friction.
For rough contact 0 :5 F :5 {tR.
When contact is smooth {t = 0.
0 Write down the letters of the statements that are correct.
a A particle is moving with uniform velocity so there is a resultant force
acting on the particle.
b When a friction force acts on a body, it is not always of value ltR where R
is the normal contact force.
c When a body has a resultant force acting on it the body will accelerate in
the direction of the force.
d A particle is hanging freely attached to a light inextensible string. The
string is made to accelerate vertically upward. The tension in the string
is greater than the weight of the particle.
e A car is towing a trailer at a steady speed. The tension in the tow rope is
greater than the resistance to the motion of the trailer.
f When a particle has a constant acceleration it must be moving in a
straight line.
f) A resultant force Pacts on a particle of mass 2 kg for 5 seconds, increasing
the velocity of the particle from 5 ms-• to 10 ms-•. Find
a the acceleration of the particle. b the value of P.
e A block of mass 10 kg is pulled along a rough horizontal surface by a horizontal
rope. The acceleration of the block is 0.2 ms-2 and the coefficient of friction
between the block and the surface is 0.45. Find the tension in the rope.
0 A light inextensible string passes over a small fixed smooth pulley. A
particle of mass 1 kg is attached at one end of the string and a particle
of mass 1.5 kg is attached at the other end. Find the acceleration of the
particles and the tension in the string.
C) A smooth pulley is fixed at a height 1 m above a horizontal table and a
light in extensible string hangs over the pulley. A particle A of mass 2 kg is
attached to one end of the string and a particle B of mass 4 kg is attached
to the other end. The system is held at rest with the particles both hanging
2m above the table. The system is then released from rest. Find
a the acceleration of the system
b the speed with which the particle of mass 4 kg hits the table.
0 A lorry, whose mass is 5000 kg is towing a trailer whose mass is 3500 kg
along a horizontal road. The lorry and trailer are connected by a rod.
As they move, there is a constant resistance force of900 newtons acting
on the lorry and a constant resistance force of R newtons acting on the
trailer. The driving force of the lorry is 3500 newtons. The acceleration of the
system is 0.3 ms-2•
a Find the resistive forceR acting on the trailer.
b Find the force that the rod exerts on the trailer.
0 Two particles A and B are connected by a light string that passes over a
smooth fixed peg as shown in the diagram.
The mass of A is 3 kg and the mass of B is 7 kg.
The particles are released from rest when P and Qare at the same level.
a Form an equation of motion for each particle and hence find the A(3 kg) B (7 kg)
acceleration of the system.
b Find the tension in the string.
A B c
Assume that there is no air resistance acting on either the block or the
particle, and that the size of the block is negligible.
When two snooker balls collide, they move away from each other with
different velocities. Trying to predict where the balls will go and their
speed after the collision is part of playing the game.
~ Ft=mv-mu
Therefore the change in momentum, that is final momentum minus initial
momentum, is given by the product of the force and the time for which it acts.
The product of the force and the time for which it acts is called the impulse of
the force and is denoted by I,
so I= Ft Therefore
Example 1
~~ brought to rest. What is the m agnitude of the impulse exerted on the hammer?
All the initial momentum of the hammer is lost when it hits the nail.
The change in the momentum of the h ammer is 0.8 x 12 Ns = 9.6 Ns.
Therefore the impulse exerted on the hammer is 9.6 Ns.
Example 2
A particle of mass 2 kg is moving in a straight line with a speed of 5 ms- 1• A force
of 11 N acts on the particle for 6 seconds in the direction of motion. Find
a the magnitude of the impulse exerted on the particle
b the speed of the particle at the end of this time.
Example 3
The velocity of a particle of mass 7 kg, travelling along a straight line, changes
from 13 ms-• to 3 m s-• in 5 seconds under the action of a constant force. Find
the magnitude of the force.
- - - ( ) - - - - ----<r-----x
Example 4
I- A truck of mass 1200 kg is travelling at 4 ms-• when it hits a buffer and is brought
to rest in 3 seconds. What is the average force exerted by the buffer?
Velocity Velocity
of truck ---{7 of truck
is4 ms- • is zero
/ / /
Example 5
A particle of mass 3 kg is moving along a straight line with speed 6 ms-• when a
force is applied to it. After 4 seconds the particle is moving in the opposite
direction with speed 2 ms-•. Find the magnitude an d direction of the force.
The initial momentum is 3 x 6 Ns, the final momentum is 3 x (- 2) Ns and the
impulse of the force is (-F) x 4 Ns.
Using Ft = mv - mu gives
-4F =-6-18 => F=6
The force is 6 N acting in the direction opposite to the initial direction of
Impulsive forces
When a large force acts for a very short time, it is not easy to find either the force
or the time for which it acts, for example, a cricket bat hitting the ball, a shot
being fired, a footballer kicking a ball.
These are examples of impulsive forces and in such cases the impulse of the
force cannot be calculated using I = Ft. The change in momentum caused by the
impulse can be used to find the impulse.
Example 6
A cricket ball of mass 0.2 kg has a speed of20 ms-• when the bat strikes it at right
I angles and reverses the direction of the ball. The speed of the ball immediately
after being struck is 36 ms-•.
Find the impulse given by the bat to the ball.
- 1~____j()~===i~~v~m~s-~-B
to it for 8 seconds. Its speed then is again 7 ms-1 but in the opposite
direction. Find the magnitude of the force that has caused this change.
G A dart of mass 40 g hits the dartboard at a speed of 16 ms- The dart comes
to rest in the board in 0.02 seconds, find the average force exerted by the
board on the dart.
$ A particle of mass 5 kg moving in a straight line has a velocity 16 ms- 1 when
a force -4 N begins to act on it.
Find the velocity of the particle when the force h as been acting for
a -s b 5 s.
e A stationary truck is shunted into a siding by a locomotive that exerts· a
force of 2600 N on the truck for 12 seconds.
a What is the momentum of the truck at the end of this time?
The truck carries on without change of speed until it is brought to rest in
2 seconds when it hits the buffers at the end of the line.
b What is the magnitude of the impulse exerted on the truck by
the buffers?
c What is the average force exerted on the truck by the buffers?
In Questions 14 to 18 calculate the impulse given.
~ A ball of mass 1.1 kg strikes a wall at right angles with a speed of 6 ms-•
and bounces off at 5 ms-•.
e The speed of a ball just before it is hit is 38 ms-•.
The bat hits the ball at right angles, giving it a return speed of 30 ms-•.
The mass of the ball is 0.15 kg.
( ) A shot of mass 50 g, fired at 250 ms-•, is stopped when it hits a steel barrier.
CD A bird of mass 60 g is stopped when it flies at 12 ms-• directly into a window.
( ) A stone, of weight 24 N, dropped from a window, hits the ground at 45 ms-•
and does not bounce.
I particle B with mass 2 kg and travelling at 4 ms-• in the same direction. After
impact, B moves in the opposite direction at 2 ms-•. Find the velocity of A.
Just before impac t~
5 ms- • 4 ms- 1
3kg 2kg
Just after impact~
Example 8
A truck of mass 2 tonnes moves along a track at 8 ms-• towards a truck of mass
5 tonnes moving at 5 ms-• on the same track. The trucks become coupled at
impact. Find the velocity at which they continue to move given that before
impact they move
a in the same direction b in opposite directions.
a A 8ms-•
Just before impact~ - - -+ ve
Exercise 2
In Questions 1 to 5 a body A of mass mAtravelling with velocity uA, collides
directly with a body B of mass m8 moving with velocity u8 • 1hey coalesce at
impact. The velocity with which the combined body moves on is v.
Just before impact ~uA ~ua
mA ma
Just a fter impact CD [> v
An object of mass m, moving with velocity v, has momentum where
momentum= mv.
impulse = change in momentum so I= mv- mu
The Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum states that when in a given
direction, no external force affects the motion of a system, the total momentum
in that direction remains constant.
In Questions 1 to 3, write down the letter that gives the correct answer.
0 A sphere A of mass 2m collides directly with a sphere B of mass m. Before
impact the spheres are moving in opposite directions with speed u. A is
brought to rest by the collision.
2n1 m
0 - -+(>31> u u -E(j-1--0 - - • +ve direction
After impact the speed ofB is
a -u b u c 2u d - u.
0 Two masses with the same mass collide and coalesce as shown in the
diagram. What is the speed V of the combined mass just after impact?
Just before impact ~ 3rt
a 2u b 3u c u d 5u.
0 A ball of mass 1.5 kg falls from rest from a point vertically 4 m above firm
horizontal ground.
a Find the speed with which the ball hits the grow1d
The ball rebounds with speed 4 ms-1•
b Find the change in momentum of the ball during the rebound.
c Hence find the impulse of the ground on the ball.
f) Two particles A and B have masses of2 kg and 1 kg respectively. The
particles are moving in the same direction along the same straight line on a
smooth horizontal surface when they collide and coalesce.
Before they collide the velocities of A and B are 2 ms-1 and 1 ms-1
Find their combined velocity after they collide.
0 Two balls A and B are moving towards each other along the same straight
line on a smooth horizontal surface when they collide. The mass of a ball A
is 0.4kg.
Before they collide the velocities of A and B are 1.5 ms-1 and -0.4 ms-1
After they collide their combined velocity is 1 ms-1•
Find the mass of the particle B.
f) Two toy trains, A and B, are moving in the same direction on a straight
horizontal track when they collide. As they collide, the speed of A is 4 ms-1
and the speed ofB is 3 ms-1 • Immediately after the collision, they move
together with a speed of 3.8 ms-1 •
The m ass of A is 2 kg. Find the mass of B.
AQA MM1A June 2012
0 A trolley, of mass 5 kg, is moving in a straight line on a smooth horizontal
It has a velocity of 6 ms- 1 when it collides with a stationary trolley, of mass
Immediately after the collision, the trolleys move together with velocity
2.4 ms- 1•
Find m.
AQA MMlB January 2011
• Glossary
distance how far an object travels G
divergent a sequence or a series is divergent when the nth geometric series a series where each term is the same
term or the sum respectively does not approach a finite constant multiple of the term before it
value as n increases gradie nt function the general expression for the gradient of
dividend the expression that is divided by another a curve
expression gradient the gradient of a straight line is the increase in
divisor the expression that divides another expression y divided by the increase in x between one point and
dynamic friction the maximum value of the friction force another point on the line.
gravitational attraction the force that attracts an object to
the earth
equally likely outcomes each outcome has the same
probability of occurring
equation of a curve the equation that gives the relationship Improper algebraic fraction a fraction where the highest
between the x andy coordinates of the points on a curve power of the numerator is equal to or greater than the
or line highest power of the denominator
equilibrium an object is in equilibrium when it is not impulse the product of a force and the time fo r which it acts
accelerating impulsive force a large force that acts for a very short time
event one or more possible outcomes of an experiment; a indefinite integration integration where an unknown
subset of the possibility space constant needs to added to the integral
event: A and B outcomes in A 11 B, so in both A and B independent events the outcome of an event is unaffected
event: A only outcomes in A but not in B by the outcome of any other event
event: A orB outcomes in Au B, so in A orB or both (in at index (plural: indices) the index of a number, written as
least one of A and B) a superscript, gives how many of the same number are
multiplied together, also called the power
event: neither A nor B outcomes that are not inA u B
inequality a comparison between two unequal quantities
expectation of a function of X, E(g(X)) the mean or
expected value of g(X) infinite series a series whose terms continues indefinitely
expectation of X, E(X) the mean 11 or expected value of the Integration the process of finding a function from its
random variable X derivative
expected value expectation, average value intercept the distance from the origin where a grap h crosses
they or x axis
experimental mean x the mean of a set of data
lnterquartlle range diffe rence between the quartiles:
exponential function a function where the variable is part upper quartile - lower quartile
of a power
intersection of sets A 11 B, the overlap of sets
exponent index or power
Intersection the points where two graphs cut each other
Irrational nwnber a number that cannot be expressed as
F alb where a and bare integers
factorial the product of the integers from one to a
given number
factorislng expressing as the product of factors L
like terms terms in an expression that contain the same
factor theorem (x- a) is a factor of a polynomial in xwhen combination of variables
f(a) = 0
limiting friction the maximum value of a friction force
fair unbiased
limiting value value to which a quantity tends as n tends
finite series a series with a finite number of terms to infinity
force the quantity that, when acting on a body, changes the linear combination of X and Y combination of the form
velocity of that body. aX + bY, where a and bare constants
frequency distribution a table showing how many times line of symmetry a line that divides a figure into two that a re
each observation occurs the mirror image of each other
frequency the number of times an observation occurs logarithm the power to which the base must be raised to
friction a force that opposes motion or potential motion equal a number
function a function is an expression involving one long-term relative frequency value to which r/ n tends as
variable which gives a single answer, when a number is n tends to infinity
substituted for the variable
Glossary ..
lower quartile the median of all the observations before the p
median in an ordered set of data; the observation 'A of parabola the shape of a curve whose equation is
the way through an ordered set of data y = ax2 +bx+ c
perfect square an expression or number that can be
M expressed as the product of two equal factors
mass a measure of the quantity of matter in an object periodic a function with a repeating pattern
maximum point a point on a curve where the gradient period of a function the length of a repeating pattern
changes from positive to negative
perpendicular the angle between perpendicular lines is a
maximum value the value of a function at a point on a curve right angle
where the gradient changes from positive to negative
polynomial a collection of terms containing powers of x
mean of a random variable X p, the expectation or expected which are positive integers, for example, 2.xl- 5x+ 2
value of X
possibility space diagram a diagram showing equally likely
mean of a set of data x, the sum of the observations divided outcomes as pairs on a grid, such as the outcomes when
by the number of observations two dice are rolled
measure of central tendency of data average or typical possibility space set of all distinct possible outcomes in an
value measured by mean, mode, median experiment
measures of spread of data the variability of data measured power of a munber the power of a number, written as a
by range, interquartile range, standard deviation superscript, gives how m any of the same number are
median middle value in an ordered set of data multiplied together, also called the index
minimum point a point on a curve where the gradient probability (relative frequency) table a two-way table
changes from negative to positive showing probabilities relating to events
minimum value the value of a function at a point on a curve probability distribution of X the probabilities of the values
where the gradient changes from negative to positive of the random variable X, P(X = x)
mode observation that occurs most often (most popular) in probablllty function the probability distribution of X
a set of data written as a function of x
momentum the product of mass and velocity probability the likelihood of an event happening
multiplication law for Independent events relation ship proper algebraic fraction a fraction where the highest
between P(A), P(B) and P(A and B) when the outcome of power of the numerator is less than the highest power of
event A does not affect the outcome of event B the denominator
multiplication law of probability the general relationship
between P(A and B) and conditional probabilities relating Q
to A andB quadratic equation an equation of the fo rm ax'+ bx + c = 0
mutuaJly exclusive events events that cannot occur at the where a. b and care constants and a :t- 0
same time qu adratic function a polynomial where the highest power
of x is 2
N quotient the result of a division
newton the unit of force where 1 N is equal to the product of
a mass of 1 kg and acceleration in ms-2
normal reaction a force acting on a body on a surface radian an angle unit, 1 radian is the angle subtended at the
perpendicular to the surface of contact and away from centre of a circle by an arc equal in length to the radius
that surface
random selection all outcomes are equally likely; there is
normal to a curve a straight line at right angles to a tangent no bias
to a curve
range the spread of the distribution given by the differen ce
between the maximum and minimum values
0 rational number a number that can be written as alb where
obtuse angle an angle between 90° and 180° a and bare integers
one way stretch a process that stretches a shape in one real number the set of numbers that includes the rational
direction and irrational numbers
ordinate the length of a line from the x-axis to a curve recurrence relation a rule that gives the next term in a
origin the point where the x-axis andy-axis cross sequence in terms of the previous term
outcome result of a trial in an experiment reflection reflection in a line creates a mirror image of a shape
relative frequency (proba bility) table a two-way sum mary d ata a summarised form of the data, such as I,x
table showing frequencies written as proportions or or L,r, rather than individual observations
percentages of the total
surd an irrational number left in square root form su ch as J2
remainder the expression or number left over after a
remainder theorem the value of a polynomial when a is
tangent of a n angle the ratio of the opposite side to the
substituted for x
adjacent side of an angle in a right-angled triangle
resulta nt force a single force equivalent to all the forces
tangent to a curve a line that touches a curve at a point, but
acting on a body
does not cross the curve at that point
roots the values that satisfy an equation
ten sion the force in a taut string
rough contact contact between an object and a surface
terms the parts of an expression separa ted by plus or minus
where friction opposes motion along the surface
tetrahedral die a die with 4 faces usually numbered 1, 2,
s 3, 4; the score is the value on which die lands when it is
sampling without replacement selecting an item but n ot thrown or rolled
re turning it to the population before another item is
selected thr ust the force in a rod that is in compression
sampling with replacement selecting an item then returning transforma tion a process that moves or reflects in a line or
it to the population before another item is selected stretches a curve
scalar a quantity that has magnitude but no direction tra nslation a process that moves a curve
secant of a circle a straight line passing through a circle tree d iagram a diagrammatic way of showing outcomes of
combined events
second derivative the rate at which the gradient function
increases trigonome try relationships involving lengths and angles in
sector of a ci rcle the part inside a circle bounded by two
radii and the circle tuming point a point on a curve where the gradient
changes sign
segment the part inside a circle bounded by a chord and the
sequence a set of numbers in a given order u
union of sets A v B; all of sets A and B, A or B or both
series the sum of the terms of a sequence
unlike terms terms in an expression that do not contain the
simulta neous equ ations equations that contain more same combination of variables
than one variable and that can b e solved to find values
that satisfy all the equations upper quart ile the median of all the observations above the
median in an ordered se t of data; the observation % way
sine of an angle the ratio of the opposite side to the through an ordered set of data
hypotenuse of an angle in a right-angled triangle
s ine wave the shape of the curve y = sin x
smooth contact contact between an object and a surface variable a quantity that can take more than one value
where there is n o frction force
varia nce of a set of da ta square of the standard deviation of
s peed the rate of c hange of distance a set of observations
square root one of two equal factors whose product is a vari ance of X a2 = Var{X), the expectation of (X - tt)2
vector a quantity that has magnitude and direction
sta ndanl devia tio n of a set of da ta measure of the spread of
veloci ty the rate of increase of displacement
the observations about the mean x
Venn diagram a diagrammatic way of representing sets
standard deviation of X a, a measure of the spread of the
random variable X about 11 vertex the point at which a parabola turns or the point
where two sides of a polygon meet
stationary point the coordinates of a point on a curve where
the gradient is zero vertical line graph a diagram consisting of vertical lines
illustrating discrete data
stationary value the value of a function at a point where the
gradient is zero
s tatistical mode calculator mode giving statistical values w
such as mean a nd standard deviation directly weight the force that attracts an object to the earth
subte nds a line or an arc forming an angle at a particular point
when straight lines from its ends are drawn to that point
Glossary •
1 Expanding Brackets, Surds and Indices
Exercise 1 7 9J2 8 12,fi 9 sJJ
1 3.l.. ,- 4x 2 a - 12 3 2y-xy + y2 10 4./3 11 lOJ5 12 2../5
4 Spq-9p' 5 3xy+y2 6 x'-x"+x+7 13 2-/3 -3 14 s,fi + 8 15 2../5 +SJIS
7 5+ 1-t' 8 a' - ab -2b 9 7 -x
16 4 17 J6+J2 -J3- 1
10 4x-9 11 3x"+ 18x -20 12 ab -2ac+cb
13 I let - 2ct 2 - SSt' 14 -x" +7x"-7x 15 - 4y2+24y - 10 18 13+7./3 19 4 20 s -3J2
16 -7 17 2 18 a 1 b 0 c -3 21 22-10,[5 22 9 23 10-4J6
• Answer
34 -1 35 -5 36 Assessment 1
2 1 a -3 b 2
37 5 38
39 3 2a 21 b p= 18, q= 108
3 3
40 2 3 a 6 b 5 c p=1 , q=-z
__.!. 1 3 3
4 a 2 2 , r=-
2 b -x1 , a=-, b=1
Review 2 2
5 a 2x'-x'-4x+3 b 3,-8
1 3a2 -a 2 2x 2 +3x-35 3 16x2 -24x+9
4 4x 2 -9 5 3+x- 10x' 6 2x3 +x'y-4zy2 -3y3
6 a I 18 II 30 b 3- JfQ 7 5-2J3
7 - 54 a 5,J6 9 43-24..[3
10 d 11 a 12 B
28 x= Oorx= IO
31 x=2orx=-i
34 x=Oor x=2
29 x=Oor x=-z
32 x=2orx =-1
35 x=3orx=-1
30 x=5 or x=-4
33 x=Oorx= l
36 x=-1orx= .!:.
400 X
5tffitB l l ~ l-2 1
y -3
2 -2
2 y -2 5
Answer •
' ffiffij 8
tffi1E 4
9 X= l ,y = S Review
3(x-1)(x -2) 2 4(x-3)(x+3) 3 - 1,6
4 3±Ji4 5 ±(-3±Ji7) 6 ~(-2±v'l9)
10 ~ 11 X=-, y =-1
2 12 f f· i :1B ]
0j 7 x=4,y=5orx=-22,y=31
8 x=2,y=5orx = 4,y=9
ITS y 3
I 2
3 2
9 5,3 a rational b it facto rises
1 I
13 X=-1,y=-z 14 x= l,y=-3 15 I 2 10 a not real b real and different
X 3 3 c real and equal d real and different
y .!. 11 4,-1
2 4
1 Assessment
16 X= l,y=z
17 ~ X
18 0 -4
I0 b p =6 or2 c x 2 -4x+4=0;x2 = 0
~ y -2 3
2 a (x-~)·- 33 . a=-~,b=- 33
2 4 ' 2 4
19 tffi1]j b
4' 2 4
21 ~ 22
X - 1 7-
b Is not a real number.
[2EGJ y 2
4 x= - 6,y = l7;x=2,y=1 5 a 9 7 I (x-3)2 +2
3 Algebraic Division
Exercise 1 7 (2x-1)(x 2 ;+-x+5); a=2, b =-1, p = 1, q=1, r = 5
1 quotient 2x+ 1, remainder -5 8 b=3,c=-6 9 5
2 quotient x- 2, remainder 6 10 p = 11, q=-5 12 a = l, b= 2, c = - 1
3 quotient 2i' + x+ 1, remainder 0 Revi ew
4 quotient2i' + 3x+6, remainder 14
2x+7, 18 2 3x2 - 5x+4; -7
43 2
Exercise 2 3 3x-14--- 4 x 2 - 3x-3 2·x2 -3x -3 + - -
x+3 ' ' x-I
3 2 18 3 47 5 -7 6 yes, whenx= I then x'- 2x2 + 1 =0
35 16 7 (x -3)(x - 1) 2 8 (x - !)(x+ 1)(2x - 1) 9 -6
4 5 6 a'-2a2 + 6
16 27
7 c> -ac + b 8 _!_ - ~+ I 9 -7 1 x•-3x+2+--
2 b (x + 1)2 (x- l)
a• a x- I
Exercise 3 a = !,b =-3,c=2,d= l
3a -4 c (x-3)(x 2 +1)
1 yes 2 no 3 neither are
4 a a = 4, b = 1 b (x - I)(x+2)(x+3)
5 a (x- I )(x+ l)(x+2) b (x-2)(i'+x+ I)
5 a 5 b x = 2or3
c (2x - 1)(i'+ 1)
6 a II (x+ 3)(x- l)(x+ 5) b 35
6 20
7 a I 36 Ill (x+ 2)(i'- 5x+ 10) lv -2
d e
• Answer
3 a b Exercise 2
u ~
2 a 9 - (x+2)2 b (-2, 9)
c f(x )
d y
-8 4 X
3 a (x- 1)(x' +x+ 1) b J(x)
0 _!_
3 X
4 y
3 X
5 J(x)
6 6 a J(x) b 1
-3 -2
-3 -2 - 1 0 3 X
-6 - 10
6 f(x) 7 a (3, -6) b
7 f(x)
- 12
9 a r+ (l 2 - p)x+25=0 b 2,22
Answer •
Exercis e 3 2 a (x+ l)(x'-x+ I) b y
X<- 2 X> 4 3 X> -3
2 I
4 X>-2 5 X< - - 6 X<-3
1 8 3
7 X< - - 8 X>- 9 X>-
4 3 8 3 X
10 x > 2and x<1 11 x ?: 5andx:5 -3 12 - 4 <x<2
13 X~ .!. and X :5 - I 14 x >2+J7 andx<2-J7
15 --<X<-
2 2
x~~and x:5-5
16 -4 :5 x :5 2
19 x> 4 andx<-2
17 x>landx <-~
5 3 b (- 4,3)and
4 a x'-x'+x - 1 = 0
b x= l
20 ~( -3 - Jf7) :5 X :5 ~(-3 + Jf7) 21 x>7andx <-l 6 a X< I b
c x<-2and x>3
2 3
22 k< 49 23 -4 <b <4 24 k<O and k > 2 d --<X<- e -Jl3 <x < Jl3 f x<-1 an dx > 7
12 3 2
25 true for all real values of a
7 a one way stretch parallel to they-axis by scale factor 2
b one way stretch parallel to the x-axis by scale factor 2
Exercise 4
c translation [ -~] d reflection in the x-axis
X X 2x+ l
8 a b c
l +x 3 -X x+ J
-:l +(x+~)
I a b x =--
c ( _'!__
4 d
I 8
2 a one way stretch by scale factor 2 parallel to they-axis
2 b (0, 0)
b one way stretch by scale factor 3 parallel to they-axis
3 y = 3•-•-5 4 y = 2(3<+>- 5) 5 y=5+.J2x-7
c translation by[~]
I 3 c (0, 2) when k = 2,
6 a one way stretch by scale factor 2 parallel to they-axis OR one
and (I, 3) when k=3
way stretch scale factor 2 parallel to x-axis
4 a x(x+ l)(x- I) e h-.!.
b one way stretch by scale fac tor 2 parallel to they-axis OR one 2
way stretch scale fa ctor 2_ parallel to x-axis 5 a 2.J2x' - I b -.J2x' - l
5 Coordinate Geometry
Exercise 1 3 a ~. (~, 1) b vrs,(-~. -~) c 2J2,(- 2,-3)
1 a 5 b J2 c
4 J65 5 Jl3 6 (2, - 4) 8 b (-~, ~~)
2 a (%,4) b
(%·~) c (3,~) 9 a .J5(2+J2) b (o, ~) c 2.!. 11 (- 5, -3)
• Answer
Exerc ise 2 2 a 3x-2y+2=0 b 3x- 2y+ 7 = 0 c x=3
3 3 a, cand d 4 x+y-7=0
1 a 3 b c
2 3 5 a x+2y-5=0 b 16x-6y+ 19=0 c 10x- l6y+23 = 0
3 6 2x+y=O 7 4x+5y=O 8 5x-4y=O
d e -4 6
4 9 x+2y- ll =O 10 3x-4y+ 19 = 0
g - -37 h
h Exercise 5
2 a yes b no cyes d yes
3 a parallel
d neither
c perpendicular 2 ~sq. units 3 (-i, 11
}(-5,0),(6, 0) 4 10x-26y - 1 = 0
Exerc ise 3
5 x+3y - ll=O,c:. : ) 6 [~(2+2a - b),~(8 -2a+b)]
1 a y =2x b x+y=O c 3y=x 7 y= 2x - 3 8 8by - 2ax+ 81f + 3a' =0
d 4y+x=O e y=O
2 a 2y =x+2 b 3y+2x=O c y=4x 9 (~~)and(-~
26).(-27 _ _!_)or(36,J!..) (27,-~)
10 ' 10 10' 10 10 10' 10 10
10 (1 , 2), (5, 2), (3, 6)
I c 2 d 3 b 4 a
-2 O • 2
4 6 X 5 a
b 2y - 3x=8
c (-~ ~)
13' 13
-4 6 a 9x+ l 3y+14=0 7
3 a y= 1 b y+2x-6 = 0 c y=2x +5 Assessment
4 a 2y+x = O b 2x-3y=O c 2x+y= O 2
a -- b 2x + 3y-3=0 c 3x - 2y - 11=0
5 a x - 3y+ 1 =0 b 2x+y-5=0 3
a 5x-y- 17 = 0
b x+7y+11=0
y 2 a · 9x+l3y+14=0 b
4' - 3
c G·-f)
3 a ( -~, 0} (o, - 2) b ~square units c y=3x
( -~, ; )
4 a p= 3 b 3 c d x+3y-4=0
5 a p= l3 b
7 9)
(13'13 c
- - -
6 a b I 7x+3y=2 II (4, -5) c (- 2,9)
7 a I -4 II 7x+4y= I
Exercise 4 3 4
b I (I, - 1.5) II y+-=-(x-1) c 1-~
1 a y=3x-3 b 5x+y - 6=0 c x-4y-4=0 2 7 ' 5
d y=5 e 2x+5y-21 = 0 f 30x+80y- 277 = 0
6 Differentiation
Exercise 1
4 .!. 3 _2 3 ..2. 3 .!. I ..2. 1 2
1 5X' 2 -3x-" 3 -X' 4 7 - - X '1 - - X 4 + 1 8 9x"-8x+9 9 -x>- -X 2 - - X 2
3 x' 4 4 2 2 2
2 3 1 2 1 3,JX -2 3 -1 2
5 lOt' 6 7 -JX 8 - -X 2
x' 2 2 10 - -+- - II - + - 12 - - + -
2,JX 2 x' x' 2 # x'
4 1 2. 1 2
9 10 - X' II --X •I 12
x' 3 4 - 1 2 9 .!. 1 -"- 1 ....:! 12 3x'
13 - x ' +-x' 14 -x•--x > 15 - - + -
-7 ) ..2. 2 2 4 5 x• 4
13 '!. . ,JX> 14 15 -X 7 16 3x"
2 x' 7 4 10 18 _3__ 3
16 - - - - + - 17 18 1 + 2.r' - 9.r4
x' x' x ·• 2,JX
Exercise 2
1 I 3 5 - 3,JX 3,JX
3x'-2x+5 2 6x+_i_ 3 2,JX- 2x,JX 19 -JX --x,JX 20 - - +- -
x' 2 2 2x3 2
4 8~"'- Bx 5 3x"- 4x - 8 6 2x+--
Exercise 3 Exercise 7
(1, 1) max 2 (- l , - 2)min;(l,2)max
dy =2x+2 2 dz = -4x_, + x-• 3 dy =6x+ 11
dx dx dx
3 (3, 6) min; (-3, -6) max 4 (0, 0) max; ( -10 ,- -500) rrun
ds 3 ds 1 3 27
4 dy = 2z- 8 5 -=-- 6 -=-
dz dt 2t' dt 2
5 (O,O)min 6 (!• %)min
7 dy = 1 - _!_ dy 5z' - 1 dy
8 dx =zrz 9 - = 18x' - 8 7 (- 1, 1) max; (0, 0) min; (1, 1) max
dx x' dx
dy 3!X+28 9 ( -5 - -49) mm
11 ds = 1_2_
10 ds =2l 8 (O, O)min
12 4' 8
dt dt t' dx 2x3
10 (- 1,4)max; (l , - 4)min 11 (-2,-16)min; (O,O)max; (2, -16)min
12 (-2, 8) mln; (2, 8) min 13 (- 1, -2) max; (1, 2) min
Exercise 4
2· - .!. 3 .!.. -4 4 6·-!.. 14 ( ~· 141 ) min 15 ( -~, - 1~ )min, (0, 0) max, (1,-2) mln
' 2 4' ' 6
1 1 16 5X' + 3r + 4 = 0 has no real roots so there is no stationary point
5 1;-1 7 11; - 11 8 - 11; -
Exercise 8
9 4 • _.!_ 5 4 12 2· _.!_
' 4
11 4;-5 ' 2 a 80 -2x c 800 m2; 20 m x 40 m
13 (2, 2) and (- 2, 4) 14 (I 0) and(-.!.
' 3' 27
_i.) 2 a
c 2mx2m x lm
• Answer
7 Integration
Exercise 1 15 y a -2 b 2 c 0
4 ~
~.\.s +K 2 -~x.... +K 3 -x•+K
6 4 5
2 2
-~x-' +K
4 5 - - X ' +K 6 2x2 +K
2 3
7 ~x' +K 3 !
8 -XJ+K 9 x+~x'+K
2 2 3 6 16 4
16 a - b 17 18 19 I 20 4,/3
2 !
10 x'- -x• +K 11 x-~+K 12 ~x' +~x' +K 3 3 6 3 3
3 X 2 3
15 ---+~+K 1
13 ~
4 a 27 ~ b 27~
2 2
c a is exact b ecause the area under the line is that of a trapezium.
a 4 b 4
14 \ . b ~(5,fi +6) =7.54 (3 significant figures)
6 6 II 2
7 a 6.43 b in crease the number of strips
Answer ..
8 Sequences and Series
Exercise 1 Exercise 4
I a 32,211 b c 48,3(-2)" - 1
l a 1 .!_ .!_ ..!._ _..!_ _..!_ convergent a·~
'4 '9'16'25 '36
b - 2, 4, - 8, 16, -32, 64 divergent
d 2,(- 1)•-l 2
cr· 1
e 27 ' cr·
1 1 1 I I 1
c - - - -- - - - - c onvergent
2' 4' 8' 16 ' 32' 64
2 a 3, 0.57, 0.73, 0.70, 0.71, 0.71
2 a 189
b -255
c 2- -
b - 4,-10,-88, -7654,-5.9 X 107, -3.4 X 1015 d e
c 0.5, 1.2, 0.88, 1.1, 0.97, 1.0 125 1024
d 1, 0.8, 0.87, 0.85, 0.86, 0.85 1 1
3 .!.2 4 5 - 2,1024 6 13.21 to 4 s.f.
3 a Undefined after u,, divergent b divergent 2' 2
c divergent
4 a converges (to 0.4) b converges (to 0.4) x - xn+l x(1 - :. ) 1+(-1)'"1 y•
c converges (to 0.4) 7 a b c
1-x ) -.!_ l +y
Exercise 2 d
x(2" -x•)
x(2" -x" )
5 10
2"-1 (2-x) 2"-1 (2 -x)
1 a I,11 b I ,z11
8 62 or 122 9 8.493 to 4 s.f.
•• I
n• l
Exercise 5
1 a yes b no c yes
• d yes e no f yes
e I , (-7+311) 1 1
n• l 2 a - I <X< I b x<-l,x> 1 C - -<X<-
2 2
2 a 1+.!_+.!_+ ... b 0+2 + 6+ .. ·+20 d 0 <x< 2 e -1-a<x< 1-a x < - (1 +a), x > 1 -a
2 3 1 5 9
3 a 6 c 13- d
1 4 5 22 1 1 1 3 9 4
c 2+15+ 28 ... + 861 d -+-+-" ·
2 5 10 1
4 - 5 8, 4, 2, 1 or 24,-12, 6, -3
e 6+ 24+72 · .. +720 -a-a'+ a' ... 2
3 a 8;9 b 13; 8
Exercise 6
C 462 ;oo 1 a 1 + 36x + 594x" + 5 940x'
b I - I 8x+ 144x'- 672x'
e - 48; 23 f 4; 10 c I 024 + 5 120x+ 11520x" + 15 360x'
d 1 _ 20 x+ 190 x' _ 380 x'
Exercise 3 3 9 9
a 9, 211 - 1 b 16, 4(11 - 1) c 15,311 e 128 - 672x+ 1512x" -1 890x'
d 17,3n +2 e -2, 8 -211 f p + 4q,p + (n - 1)q f 19683 + 59049 x + 19683 x' + 15309 x'
g 18, 8+ 211 h 17,411 - 3 o, 1 (5 - n) 512 128 8 2
J 8,311 - 7 2 a 336x' b - lOx c -21840x"
2 a 100 b 180 c 165 d 3360p"q'1 e 34992a' b 7920.l'1
d 185 e - 30 f 5(2p+9q) g 63x" h 56a'li'
5 3 a 1 - 8x+27x" b I + I9x+ 160x" c 2 - 19x+ 85x"
g 190 h 190 d 1 - 68x+2136x"
J 95 4 a x 5 +5x'1y + 10x'y' + 10x'y' + 5xy' + y•
3 a= 27.2, d = - 2.4 4 d =3; 30 .!. o·-.!.2.
5 1'2 b 32 + 80(0.01) + 80(0.01)' + 40(0.01 )3 + 10(0.01) 4 + (0.01)5
' , 2
c 32.8080401001
6 a 28.!_ b 80 c 400
d 80 e 108 f 3n(1 - 611)
1 23456
g 40 h 2m (m +3) - - - - - -converges to 0
2 '5 ' 10' 17 '26 '37
7 4, 211 -4 9 2, 364 10 39 2 a 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 con verges to 0
11 64 12 a 1, 4 b 270 b 0.5, --Q.25, 0.3125, -{).215, 0.261, --Q.1 93 converges (slowly to 0)
13 a a =21,d=-3 b less than 4 or more than 11
3 a cycles 2, - 1, -1 b undefin ed for r > 1
• Answer
2 Assessment
4 - 5 ..!:.c1 + 3") == ss574
3 2 1 a 1 + 15x + 90x" + 270x' + 405x' + 243-~..s
6 ab' (l - b' )" 7 2(n+5)(n -4) b 1 - 15x + 90x' - 270x' + 405x' - 243x"
l -b' 2 a r==±2 b a== ±3
3 a A== -0.5, 8 == 5.5 b 11
8 1 9 2.5or -1
4 a 4, 2, 6, - 2
5 a a== 1, b= - 2n ,c= 2n(n-l), d = - (n - 1)(n -2) b 0.88584
10 I, 7, 19,37;3n2 - 3n + 1 11 16 .!!. 3
6 a 3 b 39
12 I 13 a==2±J2, r = ~(2 ±J2) 7 a I 8 + 12y+6y'+y' II 16+ 12y-'
14 l + l 8x+ 144x', 5 12x" 15 512 - 6g12x+ 41472.x2 -145 152x' b I 16x - 4x- + c II 19.5
10 Trigonometry
Exercise 1
12 5 3 3
1 sin A=13• cos A =13 2 tan x=
4 , sin X=s 10 52°
13 57°
11 150°
14 goo
12 ggo
15 ago
9 40 I 5
3 cosP = 4I• tanP =9 4 sin A = J2 == cos A 16 17 53° or 127° 18 150°
6 cos A ==~J:i'; 30°
5 sin Y=3JS, tan Y= 2 JS 19 a yes, 90° b yes, 0 c no
20 A+8= 180° 21
J2 22 45°, 135°
7 cos X == 2
Exercise 2 Review
ll.lcm 2 10.2 em 3 156cm I a 116° 2
4 113 em 5 7.01 em 6 141 em 25
3 a s./39 b s./39
7 16.3cm 8 no; you do not know any angles in the triangle
39 39
9 18° IO 58° or 122° 11 17°
I2 35° I3 57° or 123° 14 30° ,fi ,fi 5
Exercise 3
4 a
z-·-z- b 3Ji3
13' 13
6 9.05cm 7 4.82 8 83.3°
5.29cm 2 12.9cm 3 53.9 em 4 4.04 em 9 54. 1°, 125.9° IO 22°,50°, 108° I2 75.8 e m '
5 101 em 6 12.0cm 7 64.0cm 8 31.8 e m I
9 38° IO 55° I3 a
II 45° I2 94° 2
I3 a 18° b 126° 14 29° b yes, the triangles where two adjacent sides are each 6 em and
I5 a 11.4 em b 68° the included angle is either 30° or 150° both have the same
area of9 em'
Exercise 4
I b=87.4 em 2 B=30.4°;c=23.8cm Assessment
3 c= 17.5cm 4 B= 81.0°;a= ll 2cm 1 a gao b 19.8cm2 c 3.96cm
5 a= l64 cm ;c=272cm 6 B=34°; a =37.0 cm 2 a 6.4cm b 15.9cm c 11.6°
7 40.5°, 53.0°, 86.5°
3 a ( ~3' ~) (~ o)
3 ' 2' c
12 .
square umts
Exercise 5
12 300cm' 2 2 190 em ' 3 1680 cm' 4 a 364m b 201m c 477m
4 453 square units 5 42.9 square units 6 51.0°, 21.0 em' 5 a 889 m b 196000 m' c 785m
7 10.6 em, 59.8 em' 8 52.4°, ! 51 em 9 5.25 em 6 a 15.6 cm b 13.7 em
IO h =csinA 7 b 25. 16m C ll.5°
Exercise 2
2Tr 15
- em 2 ZSrr em 3 2.4 rad 4 0.692 rad 5 - em
3 2 Tr -I
0 Answer
- 21r 21r Review
12 - l r , -, 0,-,lr 13 ±0.723 rad
3 3 e 2 d 3 d
1 1
15 -If _!.If
0 !.If Jr
'3 16 - Jr - - If 1 0 1 - I f 1r
6 6 I 4 sin/3 = ± J3, tan/3 = ±J3 5
71r 51r
2 12'-12
6 ±70.5°, ± 180°, 0° 7 30 8 -90°,30°, 150°
Exercise 8
75° 2 165° 3 none Assessment
4 135° 5 none 6 60° 1 a 30°, 150° e 76°, 108°, 256°, 288°
21r 1r 2 a 8.38em b 16.8 em 2 e 8 em d ll.Oem2
7 8 3 9
3 4 1
10 -
3 b 2 r(20 - 2r) b 0, 1r
12 12 _!
5 a sinx=l 6 a 0.8 b 10 em2
' 5
3 3
47 a 0.477 b 0.380 e -0.697 d 1.24
b y=( ~ is the reneelion of y = 2' in they-axis. e 0.748 2.40
2 a Y. b Y. Exercise 3
logp+logq 2 logp+logq+ log r 3 logp - logq
4 log p+ log q -log r 5 logp-logq-log r 6 2 logp+logq
7 logq -2 logr 8 logp+-logq
9 2 logp+ 3 log q - log r 10 - logq- -log r
2 2
3 X II nlog q 12 nlogp+ m log q
-3 -2 - 1 0 1 2
13 logpq 14 logp2q 15 log-;-
e d Y. p• pq 2
10 16 logq"p'' 17 log- 18 lo g -
q r'
8 19 log5+ logx 20 log5+ 2 logx
6 21 log 3+ log (x+ l) 22 logx - log (x+ 1)
4 23 log2+logx-log(x- 1) 24 logx+2 logy
2 25 log x+ log (x+4) 26 log(x+ l) + log(x - 1)
27 2log x+ log (x+ y) 28 2log a+ log x+ log (x- b)
-3 -2 - 1 0 1 2 3 X 1 2 3 X
29 log2x 30 31 log( ~)
Exercise 2
log,0 000 = 3 I 2 log2 16 =4 3 log 10 10 000 = 4
32 log(- x)
(l -x) 2
33 log( :);~I) 34 log (;: )
4 log3 9 = 2 5 log4 16 = 2 6 log5 25 =2
7 log10 0.01 =-2 8 log,3= - 9 log5 1 =0 Exerci se 4
2 3
I 1 2 2 -2 3 - 4 1.63
10 log 2= - 11 log, 2 1 = 0 12 log 2=- 2
4 2 8 3
5 1.16 6 0.861 7 2.77 8
9 10 16 11 1, 4 12
2 2 a tog( ~) b 6.4 x to• 3x
3 a lo g -
3 2
b y=-=-
13 logx (%). ~.JS 14 15 log, ( ;, ).y= 3x'
16 y' -
'2 4 a log_-=._ b x=y' 5 b
Review 5
6 a 1.39 b >: c
>: 2 a 7 b 2
c 0 d 5
8 3 a 3 loga - logb-2 logc
6 b nloga- Iogb
4 c loga+ logb - logc
-3 -2 - 1 0 3 X
d loga+2log(l +b)
-3 -2 -1 0 2 3 X 4 a Iogb b - toga
[~5 ]
5 a log..=_ b loglOO(x+l) c logAx d logy
y 7 a y b translation by
6 3 7 2 8 ~10 9 2 c II 2.332
1 a >: c 0.132
8 a b =a'
-2 2 4 X
13 Probability
Exercise 1 4 a 0.41 b 0.005 c 0.98
2 5 5 a 0.35 b 0.55 c 0.15 d 0.75
1 a b 1 c 3 d 2 e 6 7 1 5
2 6 a d
3 5 4 36 b 6 c 18 12
2 a b 8 c 0 d 5
8 7 a 0.2 b 0.7 c 0.3 d 0.5
3 a 0.3 b 0.75 8 a 0.8 b 0.2 9 a 0.6 b 0.3
1 I 3 7 10 a 0.4 b 0.9 c 0.5 11 a 0.75 b 0
4 a i 13 II Z iii 52 b 25 12 a 0.4 b 0.35 c 0.4 d 0
5 a i 0.4 II 0.5 b 0. 25 13 a No, P(A and B) ot- 0 b Yes; P(A and C) = 0
2 3 c No, P(B and C) ot- 0
6 a b 7 7 a 0.64 b 0.68
5 41 41 3 Exercise 3
8 a b d 5
7 140 c 140 1
I 3 1 3 3 1 a b 0 2 a 0.05 b 0.5 c 0.0625
9 a b 10 a 3
2 4 4 b 4 c 8 5 3 3 3
1 3 a 8 b 13 c 20 4 a 7 b 8
11 a i ii iii 0 iv 0 b 6, 12
36 12
7 43 13 7 118
5 a 41 b 82 c 25 d 20 e 241
Exercise 2
5 6 a 0.09 b 0.3 c 0.66
1 a b c d 6
2 2 6 7 a 0.28 b 0.56 c 0.98 d 0.02
11 9 19 9 21 10 39
2 a b 30 c 30 8 a 38 b 380 c 19 d 95
4 4 5 5 9
a 2704 b 16 c
3 a b d e 0 169
17 51 c 17 17
10 a i 0.821 ii 0.480 b 0.282
Answer G
Exercise 4 5 a c C' Total
1 5 II 1 f Full-time teacher 45 25 70
1 a I
36 II 18 Ill 36 lv 9 b 8 I Part-time teacher 12 18 30
3 15 37 Total 57 43 100
2 a 0.000625 b 0.04875 3 a b 16 c 64 I2
4 a 0.06 b 0.09 b I 0.12 II 0.25 Ill 0.82 lv 57
5 a I 0.36 II 0.06 Ill 0.81 c No,P(C)xP(F).,P(CandF) d Fand P; Cand C'
b I 0.162 II 0.108 c 0.07776
Exercise 5 7 17
1 a b c
5 1 17 30 6 30
1 a 14 b 3 c 42 2 a 0.85 b 0.37 c 0.12
15 1 56 3 a no heads b fewer than 2 heads
2 a 38 b 2 3 a 0.65 b 65 4 a 0.375 b 0.16 37
4al_!!_ II~ b I~ II~ 5 a I 0.375 II 0.5 b64
27 27 21 21 3
5 a
1 3
6 a b 116
6 a 0.75 b 0.35 c 7
3 b 11 4 8 14
7 0.591 8 a 23 b 0.226
27 9 5 27 1
c 1- II 64 lll 32 lv 32 d 256 9 a 0.976 b 0.385 10 0.710
5 4 37 3
7 a
8 a I 0.36 II 0.48 b O.OI024 11 a I 8 115 Ill 80 lv lO b 0.0642
10 b 3
18 12 a I 0.4 II 0.35 Ill 0.65 b 0.6I
9 a 0.364 b 0.086 c 43 13 a I 0.45 II 0.47 Ill 0.77 b O.I6875
47 14 I is more likely since p =0.518; for II p =0.491
10 a I 0.28 II 0.54 b 110
Exercise 6 1 a b 0.25
I I' Total
1 a No, P(B)-¢ P(B IA) b 0.66 lw 0 .55 0.1 0.65
2 a 0.1 b P(A) x P(B)-¢ P(A and B) c 7 lw 0.1 5 0.2 0.35
Total 0.7 0.30 1
3 a A A'
c I Reasons include P(W and J) = 0.55 tc 0,
In 0.21 0.09 0.3
II Reasons include P(W) x P(J) = 0.455"" P(Wand f)
I B' 0.49 0.2I 0.7
0.7 0.3 I 0.2
2 a p - 0.3 b -- c 0 .7
p - 0.3
b I Yes, P(A) x P(B) = P(A and B)
3 a I 0.024 II 0.336 Ill 0.084 b I 0.18 II 0.22
II No, P(A and B) -¢ 0 II 0.345
4 a I 0.065 II 0.17 Ill 0.298 b I 0.655
Ill Yes, P(A ') x P(B) = P(A 'and B)
5 a 0.096 b 0.188 c 0.976
4 No, P(X' and Y' ) tc 0
6 a I 0.72 II O.I2 b I 0.504 II 0.328
• Answer
7 b
b 0 1 2
8 a 1~ b I 4~ II 66~ Hi 16~
1 16 14 6 36 9 9
P(B =b) -
-33 -33 9 a 121, 144 b 58,36 c 6, 1 d - 80,64
10 2.5 11 a a= 1.5, b= -10 b 65
1 1
12 a 2 c 30
Exercise 5
Ill 0.352
1 a 64 b 155 c 7.68
2 a I 2.9, 0.89 il 0.6, 0.44 b 8.8, 3 .82
c I 3 il 2.2 3 a 6.5, 4.5 b 57
4 11, 2.5 5 100,4.47 6 a 80, 12 b 80,6
Exercise 3
7 a 72,24 b 72,9 .80
1 a 2.9 b 0.6 2 a 6.9 b 35.5
3 a 1.4 b 5.6 c 1.8 Review
12 a 26, 16
4 a b 11
X 0 1 2 b I No unique value
II 1\vo values are unknown, so s.d. cannot be calculated
P(X=x) -112 -11
c 26, 9.42
11 2 a c e 11
s 1 2 3 4 6 12
5 a a+ b=0.5 b 10a+ 30b=7 2 3 6
1 1 1 1 1 1
c a=0.4, b =0. 1 d 16 1 63 H 2 4 6 12 P(S = s) -
r-----~--~-. 7 a b 1 8 4 8 8 4 8
6 c 32 Coin
32 T 2 3 6
3 a 0.1 b c 1.75 d 0.5 e 1.2875
13 4 a 1.47, 1.14 b 0.1 9 5 2.56
8 a 4.6 b 30 c 31 d 2 6 a 0.1 b 2, 1 c 0.4
7 a 3a+b= 0.9,5a+2b= 1.6,a=0.2,b=0.3 b 1.61
9 a 3 b 9.5 c 27.5 d 0.5
c 15.2 d 40.25
10 4 11 a 2.25, 1.1875 b II 33 8 a 1.3275 b I T=C+nX II c + l.85n, 1.3275n 2
9 a 0.25 b 10 10 a 8 b 32
Exercise 4
1 a 5.8 b 3.36 2 a 4.2 b 7..!:.
3 a 3 a 70.4, 2.03 b 10.4, 2.03 2 a 50, 10.13 b 750, 101
0.1 b 0.34 c 0.982
3 a 0.09 b I a = 0.3, b = 0.1 Ill 5.2, 2.27
4 a 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13; g'g'g'g'g'g b a.!. c 2.98 4 a II 2.35 lv 0.417 b 185, 124
3 c 1.875, 0.324
5 a 0.5
5 a 0.2 c 11.6 6 a I 25, 10 II 255 b 0.8844
6 b d 1.23 7 5.85 7 a 60 b 148 c 100,9.49 8 9, 3
Exercise 5 6 a I 0.925 it 0.0011 iii 0.3535
b 0.0593
1 a 5.04 b 3.2256 c 1.80
c I 5, 1.43
2 0.180 3a 23 b 1.92
it means same, variances similar, claim appears valid
4 a 8 b 0.0467 c 1.30
7 a 0.086 b 4.2 c 25
5 a 5, 1.58 b I 0.0107 it 0.0107 c 0.0215
8 a 0.624 b 2.5 c 1.275
6 a 0.25 b 5, 1.94 c 0.561
9 a 0.0008 b I 0.720 it 0.186
7 a 0.0081 b 1.6 c 0.84
10 a I 0.1742 it 0.4325 iii 0.5003 b 4.8, 2.02
8 a 0.3 b 8 c 0.0100
9 a 9, 0.4 b 0.232 Assessment
10 a 0.1 b 0.354 c 6 d 25
1 a 0.247 b 0.144 2 a 4.05 b 1.49
11 a 0.13 b 2.6 c 2.1
12 a 0.216, 0.288 b 1.2, 0.72 c 1.2, 0.72
3 a 0.930 b 0.0109 c 0.000729
4 a 0.309 b 6 c 0.977
Review 5 a 0.086 b 6 6 a 0.207 b 0.499 c 22,4.14
7 a I 0.969 it 0.140 iii 0.891
a 0.0173 b 0.118 2 0.737
3 a 2.4 b 0.439 c 2.04 b J1 = 10, cr' = 8; means similar, variance much larger than
4 a 0.0749 b 9, 6.75 5 0.133 expected, doubt validity of claim
8 a I 0 .8725 II 0.0940 iii 0.338 b 60,52.8
b Incorrect; the direction is changing all the time so velocity \ Tin e (s)
~ 0
not constant
c Incorrect; do not know whether the speed is constant
~-2 1\
2 a 1 ms-• b - 2 m s-• c 2 ms-• d - 0.5 ms-•
-4 \
3 -4 ms-2 4 a - 2 ms-2 b -3 ms-2 -6
5 a 23 ms-• b -7 ms-• c 5 ms-•
b 2.5 s c - 5ms-• d I -1 ms-• it 3.08 ms-•
Exercise 3 4 a 1 s, 1.75 s, 2.5 s, 3 s, 3.5 s, 3.8 s
b I l ms-• it 0.8ms-• iii 0.7ms-•
1 a I 24 ms-• II 0 ms-• ill - 1.6 ms-•
c I - 1 ms-• it Oms-• ill Oms-• d -{).22 ms- 1
b I Oms-•
II Ball hits wall and its direction of motion reverses Exercise 4
c After 3 s
a 3 ms-2 1 ms-2 c I 152m it 400 m
b Ill 200 m;
2 the car moves in the same direction all the time.
4 I•
J,....- T""'--- 2 24v- t r n
1/ !'.....
v ""
ime (s)
-2 I--
--4 -
1\ ol±klt 30
c."' -6
! i\ 3 v ., a l=5 b 16m c 34m
"' ~I
\ 10
I' 5
It! 0
"'-r.. .
- 12
-5 ~
a I 2 ms-• it -2 ms-• IU Oms-• tv -4 ms-•
b I 2 ms-• it 2 m s-• Iii 2 ms-• lv 4 ms-• - 10 ~
c 4ms-• d 2s
• Answer
4 a I Accelerates at a reducing rate to zero acceleration 5 a v
ii Constant velocity Ill Accelerates at varying rate
b 185m; less, becau se trapeziums have smaller area than that
under the curve
5 a I after 82 s II after 20 s b 6 s, 15 s after starling v
c The girl stops accelerating and begins to slow down.
- 1
__ I-
- - ·-
6 a
3 ms-2
b v(m/s)
'L 1T 30 I
l 00 -l---.---.-T-"-.---,---,
d 42m
60 ~-~-4-+--~-+~
1 a vms- 1 b 13.3 seconds c 7.75 s
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 (s)
0 I seconds
v 3
7 a b -s c 8.04 s
4 2 a 547.5 m b l 6.6ms-• 3 a 400 s b 1215m
4 a 36m b 1.8 ms· • c - 0.5 m s· '
t! 5 a y b 1=2 c 6ms-•
1- 20
\ 15 - t--
I t
2 .l
- !""""
Exercise 3 Assessment
85 m s· • 2 50ms- 2 3 26 m s- 2 1 a 14.3 m s· • b 1.22 s
2 a 7.67 ms·• b 5.42 m s· ' c 1.11 s
4 82~m 5 17 ms· '; 12m 6 t = 2 and 4 3 a 9ms·2 b -3. 17 m 4 a 50 s b 0.16 ms-2
7 t = ~and..!.
5 a v =ft' -61 + 10 b I = 2 and t= 10 c 42.7 m
8 v= t'; s=..!.t" 9 292. m s· •; 47..!. m
3 3 3 3 3 6 a 40 s II 0.2ms-2
IO a l = ~s.t=2s b -
m,Om b 0.4 ms-2 II 40 ms·• c 22.4 ms· •
3 27
( i)'
7 a -2ms·' II 10 seconds
11 v = 3 t + 35
+ which is always positive
18 Forces and Newton's Laws
Exercise 1
R 2
y·, 't Exercise 5
R2 2
•r,trr :t
3 / 4
R W1
6 b
Exercise 6
T g
1 a a =lL, T=3g b a =-, T = 12g
2 5
1 P = 10 2 P = 20,Q=90 3 P= 18 2 a b
4 P= 12, Q = 4 5 P = 12, Q = 26 6 Yes, h orizonta l 3 3 5 5
lL 25g
7 Yes, vertical 8 No 9 Yes, vertical 3 a b - m
b I T>F II T =F 3 6
F T 4 a 3g b 15g
8 8
5 a lL ms-• b gm c gms-•
w 2
6 a lL b
Exercise 3 9 3
1.5 ms-• 3 40kg
4 a 38N
c P =34N, Q = 30N
2 28N
b P= IO N, Q = 8N
7 a lL
b gN cJf
8 a 130N b 600 N 9 1400N
b 16ms-2 , 7 c ms-2,7
3 Exercise 7
6 a m = 4kg,P=23N b m =5 kg, P =30 N
c m = 10kg,P = 40N 2 6.4N 3 98.7 N
7 P = 8N, Q =31 N 8 8N 9 31.25 m 3
4 a 40 N,no b 40 N, no Gust on the point of moving)
10 a 5 ms-2 b 30 N
c 40 N, yes
11 a 5 ms-2 b 16 kg
12 100m 13 14 m s-• 5 a 30g m s-• b 28g N
Exercise 4
I a 49N b 15 kg c 0.59N
6 a c ~g) m s- 2
D Answer
Assessment 5 a 3.27ms-2 b 1.96 ms-2
1 a SON b llOON 2 a 3.92 ms-2 b 41.2 N 8g 12g
c decreased: before T= 3, after T= - -
3 a b 69.2 N 5
6 a 3.92ms-2 b 3.07 ms-•
F =IJ.R c -o.785 ms-2 d 2.83 ms-•
e If the size of the block is not negligible there will be ntixed
friction on the block as it passes from the smooth to rough
4 a R b 220 N c 0.561 sections of the surface.
7 a R b 39.2 N
F 220N
40g 4g
c 11.8 N d 4.56ms-2
Answer ..
A collinear points 60- 1 discrete random variables 231, 261
acceleration 301- 2,310 combined events 182-3 comparing the distributions of 2X and X 1 +
equations of motion with constant common difference 107 x2 255- 7
acceleration 314-19,326 common factors 18- 19 E(X), expectation ofX237-45, 261
motion in a straight line variable common ratio 111 further applications 257-60
acceleration 323-6, 326 complements 178, 213 notation 231
addition law of probability 183-5, 213 completing the square 22-3 probability distribution 232
algebraic expressions 2 conditional events 191-2 probability functions 234-7
coefficient s 3 conditional probability 191, 213 sum of independent observations of a
angle units 148 connected particles 342-5 discrete random variable 253-4
angles 154 conservation of linear m omentum sum of probabilities 232- 4
angle w1its 148- 50 357- 60,360 sum or difference of t\vo independent
trigonometric ratios of acute angles con stant of integration 90 random variables 251- 2, 262
134-5, 145, 154 finding the constant of integration 91-2 variation and standard deviation
trigonometric ratios of obtuse angles 135-7 con stants 40 of X245-51, 262
arcs 150-2, 162 constant of integration 90-2 discrete variables 222, 260
arithmetic series 107, 120 differentiating constants and multiples measures of central tendency 223-4
sum of an arithmetic series 108 of x74 measures of spread 224-5, 261
sum of the first 11 natural n umbers 108- 10 continuous variables 222 discriminant 25-7
asymptotes 167 convergent sequences 103-4 displacem ent 298-300
averages 222 convergent series 113 displacem ent-time graph s 302-5
coordinate geometry 56 dividends 32
B effect of a translation on equation of a division
base 10 circle 126- 7 division of a polynomial by x- a 32-3
Bernoulli distribution 268-9, 292-3 equation of a circle 124-6, 131 factor theorem 34-5, 36
Bernoulli distribution with parameter p 268 equation of a straight line 61-6, 67 factors of a' - IT and a' + b' 35-6
Bernoulli trial 268 geometric properties of circles 127-8 remainder theorem 33- 4, 36
mean and variance 269- 70 gradient of straight lines 59-61, 67 divisors 32
binomial coefficients 117 lines joining two points 56-9, 67 56 dynamic friction 345-8
binomial distribution 271-2,293 tangents to circles 128-30 coefficient of fr iction 346-8
binomial probabilities and the binomial cosine rule 140- 1, 145
expansion of(q+ p) n274-7 general triangle calculations 143 E
binomial theorem 274 using the cosine rule to find an angle 141-3 equally likely outcomes 178, 212
conditions for a binomial distribution 272 cosines 134, 145 equations
cumulative binomial distribution cosine function 156- 8, 162 cubic equations 44
function 278-85 cosine of an obtuse angle 135 equation of a circle 124-7, 131
d eciding whether a binomial distribution cube roots6 equation of a straight line 61- 6,67
is appropriate 272-4 cubic equations 44 equations containing logarithms or x as a
formula for calculating binomial cubic polynomials 34 power 172- 3
probabilities 274- 8, 293 cumulative binomial distribution function equations of motion with constant
further applications 289-92 278-85 acceleration 314-19, 326
m ean, variance and s tandard deviation of curved lines 70-2 equations of tangents and normals 77-8
a binomial distribution 285- 9, 293 differentiation 72-5 graphical interpretation of equations
binomial theorem 115- 19, 120, 274 gradients of tangents and normals 75-8 43-6
maximum and minimum points 80- 2 quadratic equ ations 19-29
c stationary points 79- 80, 85 sim ultaneous equations 27-9
calculators 169 cyclic functions 155 trigonometric equations 159-62
using a calculator in s tatistical mode 227- 8 equilibrium 33 1
Cartesian coordinates 56 D events 178
chords 70, 85 definite integration 93-4 combined events 182- 3
circles 124, 131 finding area by definite integration 94 -5 conditional events 191-2,213
area of a sector 152-3, 162 finding compound areas 96-7 independent events 196-200,213
effect of a translation on equation of a meaning of a negative result 95-6 mutually exclusive events 187-90, 213
circle 126-7 denominators 8- 10 showing whether events are
geometric properties of circles 127-8 derivatives 72 mutually exclusive or independent
length of an arc 150-2, 162 differentiation 72, 85 206-9
radians 148-50, 162 applications 82- 5 expansion of two brackets 3, 14
recognising the equation of a circle 124-6 differentiating constants and multiples binomial probabilities and the binomial
tangents to circles 128-30 ofx74 expansion of(q+ p)" 274-7
coalescing 357 differentiating products and fractions difference of two squares 4
coeffi cients 3 74-5 harder expansions 5-6
binomial coefficients 117 differentiating X' 73-4 important expansion s 5
coefficient of friction 346-8 notation 73 squares 4
• Index
expectation ofX237, 261 graphs40-3 binomial distribution 285-9
calculating E(X) 238-40 displacement-time graphs 302-5 mean of a simple function of X 242-5
E(g(X)), expectation of g(X) 240-1,261 graphical interpretation of equations 43-6 mean ofX237
E(X) 237 shape of the graph ofj(x) =ax 166-7 measures of central tendency 222
expected mean 237 transformations of graphs 48-51, 52 mean 222, 260
expected value 237 velocity-time graphs 305-10 median 223, 261
mean of a simple function of X242-5 vertical line graphs 232 mode 222, 260
mean ofX237 gravity 319-23 measures of spread 224
practical approach 237-8 interquartile range 224-5
theoretical approach 238 I range 224, 261
exponential functions 166, 173 improper fractions 32 median 223, 261
shape of the graph ofJ(x) =ax 166-7 impulse 352,353,360 minimum points 80-2
impulsive forces 355-7 minimum value 80
F units of impulse 353-5 mode 222, 260
factorials 117 indefinite integration 90-2 momentum 352-3, 360
factors independent events 196-200, 213 conservation of linear momentum
common factors 18-19 showing whether events are mutually 357-60,360
factor theorem 34-5, 36 exclusive or independent 206-9 units of momentum 353-5
factorising quadratic equations 19-20 indices (index) 10-13, 14 motion in a straight line 314
factorising quadratic polynomials 16-19 base and index 10 equations of motion with constant
factors of a3 - b3 and a3 + b3 35-6 Law110 acceleration 314-19, 326
finite series 105-6 Law210-11 free fall motion under gravity 319-23
forces 330 Law313 Newton's first law of motion 333-5, 348
connected particles 342-5 Law411-12 Newton's second law of motion 335-40, 348
drawing diagrams 331-3 inequalities 46, 52 Newton's third law of motion 341-2,348
dynamic friction 345-8 solving linear inequalities 46-7 variable acceleration 323-6, 326
friction 331 solving quadratic inequalities 47-8 multiples 256
Newton's first law of motion 333-5, 348 infinite series 105-6 differentiating constants and multiples
Newton's second law of motion 335-40, 348 integration 90, 99 ofx74
Newton's third law of motion 341-2,348 definite integration 93-4 multiplication law of probability 192-6
normal reaction 331, 348 finding area by definite integration 94-7 independent events 196-200, 213
resultant force 333-5 finding area by indefinite integration 92-3 two events 193-4, 213
tension 331, 348 finding the constant of integration 91-2 mutually exclusive events 187-90,213
weight330 integrating a sum or difference of addition law 187
fractions 32, 64-5 functions 91 showing whether events are mutually
free fall motion under gravity 319-23 trapezium rule 97-9, 99 exclusive or independent 206-9
friction 331, 348 intersections 44-6, 52, 66-7
dynamic friction 345-8 irrational numbers 7 N
functions 40, 52 Newton's first law of motion 333-5, 348
cubic functions 42-3 L resultant force 333-5
derived function 72 like terms 2 Newton's second law of motion 335-40, 348
exponentialfunctions 166-7, 173 limiting value 178 weight 338-40
gradient function 72 linear combinations 251 Newton's third law of motion 341-2,348
increasing and decreasing functions 78-9 linear equations 27-9 normal reaction 331, 348
linear functions 40 linear functions 40 normals 71,85
probability functions 234-7 linearinequalities46-7 equations of normals 77-8
quadraticfunctions41-2 linear momentum 357-60, 360 gradients of normals 75-6
trigonometric functions 154-9 lines joining two points 56-9, 67
Cartesian coordinates 56 0
G distance between two points 56-7 one-way stretches 48, 50
geometric series 110-11, 120 midpoint of the line joining two given ordinates 92
convergence of series 113 points 57-9 outcomes 178
sum of a geometric series 110-13 logarithms 168, 173 equally likely outcomes 178, 212
sum to infinity of geometric series 113-15 equations containing logarithms or x as a
gradient of curved lines 70-2, 85 power 172-3 p
gradient function 72 evaluating logarithms 169 parabolas 41
gradients of tangents and normals 75-8 laws of logarithms 170-2, 173 parallel lines 60
gradient of straight lines 59-61, 67 using a calculator 169 Pascal's Triangle 116, 274
collinear points 60-1 long-term relative frequency 178, 212 period 155
parallel lines 60 periodic functions 155
perpendicular lines 60 M perpendicular lines 60
graphical interpretation of equations maximum points 80-2 polynomials 16-19
cubic equations 44 maximum value 80 cubic polynomials 34
intersections 44-6 mean 222, 260 division of a polynomial by x- a 32-3
quadraticequations43 Bernoulli distribution 269-70 factorising quadratic polynomials 16-19
possibility space 178 s rationalising a denominator 8-10
powers 10 sampling without replacement 193 simplifying surds 7
equations containing logarithms or x as a sectors 152-3, 162 symmetry 239
power 172-3 segments 152
probability 176-7, 212 sequences 102, 120 T
addition law of probability 183-5,213 behaviour of u, as n ~ oo 103-4 tangents 70, 85
combined events 182-3 convergent sequences 103-4 equations of tangents 77-8
conditional events 191-2 defining a sequence 102-3 gradients of tangents 75-6
definitions and notation 178-82 series 102, 120 tangent function 158-9, 162
equally likely outcomes 178, 212 arithmetic series 107-10, 120 tangents of an angle 134, 145
further applications 209-12 finite series 105-6 tangents to circles 128-30
multiplication law of probability geometric series 110-15, 120 tension 331, 348
192-200 infinite series 105-6 terms2
mutually exclusive events 187-90, 213 simultaneous equations 27 transformations of graphs 48-51, 52
practical probability 177-8 solution of one linear and one quadratic reflections 49-51
probability dj.stribution 232 equation 27-9 translations 48-9
probability functions 234-7 sine rule 137-8, 145 translations 48-9
probability tables 185-7, 213 ambiguous case 138-40 effect on equation of a circle 126-7
showing whether events are mutually sine waves 155 trapezium rule 97-9,99
exclusive or independent 206-9 sines 134, 145 tree diagrams 200-6,214
sum of probabilities 232-4 sine function 154-6, 162 triangles 134, 145
theoretical probability 178 sine of an obtuse angle 135-6 area of a triangle 144-5
tree diagrams 200-6,214 smooth contact 331 general triangle calculations 143
products 74-5 speed 300-1, 310 sine rule and cosine rule 137-43
proper fractions 32 square roots 6 trigonometric equations 159-61
cube roots 6 equations involving compound angles
Q other roots 6 161-2
quadratic equations 19, 29 squares 4 trigonometric functions 154-9
discriminant and the nature of roots completing the square 22-3 cosine function 156-8, 162
25-7 difference of two squares 4 definition of trigonometric ratios 154
formula for solving a quadratic equation standard deviation 225-31, 261 general definition of an angle 154
23-4 mean, variance and standard deviation of sine function 154-6, 162
graphical interpretation 43 a binomial distribution 285-9, 293 tangent function 158-9, 162
losing a solution 21 using a calculator in statistical mode 227-8 trigonometric ratios 154
properties of the roots of a quadratic standard deviation of X245, 262 trigonometric ratios of acute angles
equation 24-7, 29 practical approach 245 134-5, 145
rearranging the equation 20-1 theoretical approach 245-7 exact values 135
solution by completing the square 22-3 variance of a simple function of trigonometric ratios of obtuse angles
solution by factorising 20 X247-51, 262 135-7, 154
solution of one linear and one quadratic stationary points 79-80, 85 turning points 80
equation 27-9 investigating the nature of stationary
quadraticfunctions 41-2 points 80-2 u
quadraticinequalities47- 8 stationary value 79 unlike terms 2
quadratic polynomials 16 straight lines 59-61, 67
common factors 18-19 equation of a line passing through (x" y, v
factorising quadratic polynomials 16-18 and x2, y2) 64-6 variables 222
harder factorising 18 equation of a line with gradient m and variance 261
quartiles 224-5, 261 passing through the point (x,, y,) 64 Bernoulli disu·ibution 269-70
quotients 32, 33 finding the equation of a straight line 64-6 mean, variance and standard deviation of
general form of the equation of a line 62- 3 a binomial distribution 285-9, 293
R intersections 44-6, 52, 66- 7 variation and standard deviation of
radians148-50, 162 summary data 226 X245, 262
range 224, 261 sums256 practical approach 245
interquartile range 224-5 integrating a sum or difference of theoretical approach 245-7
rational numbers 7 functions 91 variance of a simple function of
real numbers 25 sum of a geometric series 110-13 X247-51, 262
recurrence relations 103 sum of an arithmetic series 108-10 velocity 300-1, 310
reflections48,49-51 sum of independent observations of a acceleration 301-2
relative frequency tables 185, 213 discrete random variable 253-7 velocity-time graphs 305-10
remainders 32, 33 sum of probabilities 232-4 vertical line graphs 232
remainder theorem 33-4, 36 sum or difference of two independent vertices (vertex) 41
resultant force 333-5 random variables 251- 2,262
roots 6 sum to infinity of geometric series 113-15 w
properties of the roots of a quadratic surds 7, 14 weight330
equation24-7, 29 multiplying surds 7-8 Newton's second law of motion 338-40