Jacobi An

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Manipulator Differential Motion and Statics

Onlv the first three elements of 4 x I column vector are meaningful.

Angular Velocity of a Link

The angular velocity of link i is the vector sum of the angular velocity of link
1) and the component generated by joint (i). In case joint i is prismatic, it
allows only a translational motion between link (i-1) and link i and, hence, it
does not contribute to the angular velocity of link i. Thus for prismatic jointi
Ifthe joint () is rotary, the relative rotation of linki with respect to link (i- 1)
makes a contribution, so that
The speed of rotation of link i with respect to link (i - 1), is ê, about the z-
axis. When referred to frame {0}

Substituting in Eq. (5.49
, j - 1 + "R-1 Zi-16, = 0 - + "R- Z-1
It is easily concluded from Eq. (5.51) that the rotary joint i contributes to the
angular velocities of all links from linki to n. Further, it is to be noted that, both,
the angular velocities of the manipulator links and the joint velocity are relative to
the base frame {0}.
I tis thus found from the above account that (i) linear velocities of all
manipulator links are obtained using Eq. (5.46), and (ii) angular velocities of all
the links are obtained using Eqs. (5.48) and (5.51).


From the results of the previous section, it is observed that the Cartesian velocities
(linear as well as angular) of the end-effector are
linearly related to the joint
velocities. The relationship between infinitesimal (differential) joint motions with
infinitesimal (differential) changes in end-effector position (and orientation) is
investigated now. As these changes take place in infinitesimal (differential) time,
We are really looking for a mapping between instantaneous end-effector velocity,
i n Cartesian space) to instantaneous joint velocities (in
joint space). This
mapping between differential changes is linear and can be expressed as
V 0) = Jq)D4 (5.52)
where V0) 6x 1 Cartesian velocity vector. [Eq. (5.15)].

Jg) 6 xn Manipulator Jacobian or Jacobian matrix,


4 n x l vectorofn joint velocities.

quation (5.52) can be written in column vectors of the Jacobian, that is,

V.(0)= [J (g) J2(q) J,q)l4t) (5.53)

160 Robotics and Control
of the Jacobian matrix
the above equation, J{g) is the th column
Eq. (5.15) and Eq. (5.53)
-Jg)4) (5.54)
Equation (5.54) represents the forward diferential motion model
in Fig. 5.7, which
differential kinematics model presented schematically
similar to the forward kinematic model. Note that the Jacobian Jg) is a function
of the joint variables.
Operating point

Joint End-effector
Jacobian Jg)
velocities velocity

Joint-link parameters

The forward differential motion model

Fig. 5.7

are associated with the

linear velocity of
The first three rows of Jacobian J(q) o of
while the last three rows correspond to the angular velocity
end-effector v, and/or some
the end-effector. Each joint of the manipulator
generates some linear
at the end-effector. Column' i,
of Jacobian matrix Jq) is,
angular velocity and three angular velocity
made up from three linear velocity components j
componentsja and can be expressed

- Joxi

Jou. and angula
the component, k of linear velocity
where jvki and joki represents and i= 1, 2, 3,
contributed by joint i withk =x, y, orz
velocity, respectively, depending on

The contribution of joint i to the column J; is computed

joint i is prismatic or rotary.

5.5.1 Jacobian Computation
end-effector is J 4 and to
i to linear velocity of
o b i a n

The contribution
One simple method of computation of
velocity of
end-effector Joi 4,.
Manipulator Diftorential Motion and SMaties3

tadetemine J,,and for joint . This in carried ut in the following section

for both prismatic
and revolute joints.

5.5.2 The Prismatie Joint Jacoblan

Consider the prismatic joint 1, a whown in Pig. 5.8. The link i translates aleong
with joint (sCalar) velocity d. To find the " column J(4) of the
L. axis locked in position.
Lacobian matrix J(q), assume that all joints except joint i are


Fig. 5.8 Prismatic joint contributing to end-effecter velocity

i will produce a linear velocity at
In this situation, the translating prismatic joint
direction as the jointiaxis, z . Ifa vector poínting
the end-effector in the same
to base frame is denoted as P-j, the linear
along the direction zLI, With respect
link i is
velocity produced at the end-effector by translating
P- d (5.56)
Note that for convenience P-1 is written in place
of "P-. that is, the leading
cannot contribute any angular
superscript 0 is dropped. The prismatic joint
velocity at the end-effector, that is,
= 0
the J{q) for a prismatic joint is, therefore
From Eqs. (5.55) and (5.56),
Ja)J the coordinate
Vector Pin the above equation is computed using
unit vector in frame
transformations from base frame {0} to frame {i--1}. A
ú [0 0 1]'.
along zL-axis, with respect to frame {i-1} givem by
is =

to base
The vector PL is the transformation of this unit vector ü with respect
trame {0). The homogeneous transformation matrix from frame {0} to frame
(i-1) is
T,(41) T4-)= °T
The vector P is obtained as

P-= R- (5.59)
where R , is the 3 x3 orientation sub-matrix (the rotation matrix) of 7j-1
Note that third column of the rotation matrix
P is the "RJ
162 Robotics and Control
5.5.3 The Rotary Joint Jacobian
Next, consider the joint i to be a rotary
joint with angular velocit gular velocity
6, ah
-1axis, as shown in Fig. 5.9. With all joints, except joint i, locked inab
ne rotary joint rotates all the distal links from link i to linkn at t i
velocity @. For a rotary joint, the angular velocity will be given angul

where P is the vector in frame {0) describing the axis of rotation

IS Z-1-axis. joint:
nt i,th

Link i-

'Pi-1 On


Fig. 5.9 Motion of
end-effecter generated by rotary joint
The angular
velocity of link i also produces a linear
due to the rotation of
all the distal links velocity at the end-eftedu
origin O,-I of frame {i-1}. along with the end-effector
defined by a position vector From O-, the end-effector aboutx
frame, frame
(5.60), the linear velocity Pr as shown in Fig, 5.9. From Eqs. (O. {
generated by o, is
It follows from Eqs. (5.60) and
= o,xP, (P-xP,)®, (5.61)

(5.61), that for a

rotary joint,

For P
computing J; in Eq. (5.62), we
P is obtained from Eq. (5.59), whileneed
a n d P.. The vecto
vectors Pi-
vector'P, is found from ig.
( 5 . 9 ) a s

origin of frame in }atHP=°P-

The the
for origin of any frame i.e. end-effector is O. [ 0 applies

be written as
forany value ofn. The
o o 11.1This*

vector equation
vector equation
Manipulator Differential Motion and Statics

P, =°T(g)..T,) 0,1-T(41)..7410,
P°7,0, -T,0, (5.63)

computation right-hand side of Eq. (5.63) would yield the three

ats ofposition
lementsof po vector and the fourth term will be unity, the scale factor
The vector"P; can be in homogeneous coordinates as 4x 1 vector or

3xl vector.
Nsjcalcoordinates as
is obtained by determining all the elements using
The manipulator Jacobian
Bos. (5.5 (5.59), (5.62) and (5.63). In summary, it is:

for a prismatic joint

for a revolute joint

Jacobian of a

Eguation (5.64) simple, systematic method of computing

is a
is not z-axis, the above
If, for any joint, the displacement axis
manipulator. modified. Note that the Jacobian
have to be appropriately
in which end-effector velocity is expressed.
depends on the frame

end-effector track a specified trajectory

In practice, to make the manipulator's motions.
it is required to coordinateindividualjoint
with a given velocity proile, joint
end-effector velocity Ve, the corresponding
In other words, for a given
move at the desired
must be found that will cause the end-effector to
velocities (g)
velocity. that the Jacobian of a manipulator
defines a
In Section 5.5, it has been shown
the vector of the joint velocities and
linearmapping (5.52)] as
to Cartesian space [Eq.
velocity V,, from joint space
V, =Ja)
Cartesian space to joint space
From this, the reverse mapping from
it must be a square matrix. The
for inverse of a matrix to exist,
known that
lt is
ann-DOF manipulator is a 6 X n matrix. Therefore, only
CODan, in general, for matrix. The inverse
the Jacobian J is a 6x6 square
0ra6-DOF manipulator,
at the current configuration,
in which case
exists, if J is nonsingular
X velocities required to obtain desired
.66) determines the individual joint
end-effector velocity. the Jacobian inverse exists,
it is
Onsequently at a configuration, where
direction with an arbitrary
pOSs to move the end-effector inan
e that all the six components of
6-DOF manipulator it
efty. For, a be controlled by varying the six joint
Or linear and angular velocities

164 Robotics and Control
In earlier it has been shown that a manipulator m e
Similarly, 6-DOF,at e
6-DOF to locate the end-effector in an arbitrary location.
necessary for moving the end-effector in arbitrary direction with-D)
speed. an arbitar
The above discussion is restricted to
manipulator with
Nevertheless, there are manipulators with less than 6-DOF for exactl exactly 6-D
For example, to many annl
manipulate objects lying within a cylindrical wordion
4-DOF SCARA robot described in
that only four end-effector
Examples 3.6 can be used. It can
velocities, v,4 Uy4» Vz4» and o4 can be e
varying four joint velocities at any given configuration.
the control
velocity vector is V, =[v, V,4 V4 l Hence, the c.
and Jacobian J(q) is a 4x artesian
x44 ma
matrix with
10, 6,d, 0,1 and =[ê, è, d^ 0,1.
If manipulator has less 6-DOF (n < 6), it has n

result, there will be n controllable controllable joint rates . Asa

Cartesian velocity
acceptable for the jobs to be performed by the components. If thic
square matrix, provided it is not in a manipulator, its Jacobian
is ny
singularities are discussed in the next section. contiguration. Jacobia

The manipulator JacobianJ, a function of the

deficient or singular at certain configurationq, become rank
inverse Jacobian does not configuration in Cartesian space.may
In such cases. te
exist and Eq. (5.66) is not
configurations at which J becomes noninvertible valid. Those manipulat
singularities and the configuration is itself called are termed as Jacobuan
At a
singular configuration, the Jacobian singular.
column vectors are matrix J is not full rank; hence. i
direction in which thelinearly dependent. This means that there exists at
end-effector cannot be moved least
forjoint velocities qi to ún. irrespective of values Osen cn
The study of
manipulator singularities is of great
significance for the toluo
(a) It is not
possible to
give an arbitrary motion to
Singularities represent end-effector that

manipulator is reduced.configurations at which structural mob1bility ofthe

(b) At a
(c) In the
singularity, no solution may exist for
neighborhood the inverse Jacobian vblem

space require very

of a singularity, small e
high velocities in the velocities in he
when the joint space. This causes

the singularity. required to track a trajectory that pas

At a singular
configuration, the manipulator loses
freedom. The singular degr
r e e s .

of configurations
the location end-effectorin th are
one or
classified into two catego
d-effector in the e classified hase
ore asedn

Manipulator Differential Motion and Statics

Roundary singularities occur when the end-effector is on the boundary of

workspace, that is. the manipulator is either fully stretched out or fully
retracted. For example, consider the case of a two-link. 2-DOF-planar
am fully stretched out, as shown in Fig. 5.10. In this configuration, two
links are in a straight line and the end-effector can be moved only in a
direction perpendicular to the two links because it cannot move out of the
workspace Thus, the nmanipulator loses one degree of freedom. A similar
situation will occur with 62 equal to 180°. Boundary singularities can be
avoided by ensuring that the manipulator is not driven to boundaries of the
reachable workspace during its work cycle.
) Interior singularities occur when the end-effector is located inside the
reachable workspace of the manipulator. These are caused when two or
more joint axes become collinear or at specific end-effector
configurations. For example, many spherical wrists cause interior
singularities due to the lining up of two or more joint axes. These
singularities cause serious problems such as path planning and control.
They can occur anywhere in the reachable workspace. For certain
manipulator configurations, the interior singularity points form a volume
within the workspace called void.


Fig. 5.10 Two-link, 2-DOF planar manipulator fully stretched out

In all the situations, it is essential that singularities are avoided. Therefore, one
portant criterion for a good design of manipulator configuration is to minimize
the singularities.

Computation of Singularities
Computation of internal singularities can be carried out by analyzing the rank
the Jacobian matrix. The Jacobian matrix loses its rank and becomes
ditioned at values of joint variablesq at which its deteminant vanishes, that

IJl=0 (5.67)
C Solutions of Eq. (5.67) give the singular configurations of a
simplify the that have 3-DOF arm and 3-DOF spherical wrists, it is
two separate problem of singularity computation by dividing the problem into
166 Robotics and Control

Computation of singularities resulting from motion of first three

called am singularities. joir
Computation of singularities resulting from the motion
of wrist i
called wrist singularities.
This is achieved by partitioning the Jacobian matrix
matrices as
into four 33..

[J Ji2]
JJa J2
As the singularities are typical of a configuration and are not

frames chosen for kinematic analysis, the origin of the end-etfectordependent

frame can
chosen at the end-of-arm point. This will make
J2 =0
In such a situation computation of determinant is greatly simplified, as,
IJl=1J1J2 (5.70
Hence, for a manipulator with a spherical wrist, the arm singularities are foun
1Jl=0 (5.71
and wrist singularities are found from

1J22l=0 (5.72
Note that this form of Jacobian cannot be used to relate joint velocities ane
end-effector velocities. It is useful only for singularity computations.

5.7.2 Wrist Singularities

Consider a spherical wrist shown in Fig. 5.11 with and
04. 65, 6, as Jom

6s 0

Arm end
Z3 Zs

Fig. 5.11 Spherical wrist at a

singularity configuration
It is known that a singularity occurs whenever two joint axes are alignea. The
kinematic structure of the wrist reveals that only axis za and axis zs Can
aligned. For the configuration in Fig. 5.11 this occurs whenever
70 Robotics and Contro

is the
5W t -s'
n x 1 vector of infinitesimal end-effector displace.
where emenm
x S o , ) caused by the endpoint force . In the above, it is assumed that.
joints of the mechanism are frictionless and the joint torques are the net tor he
that balance the endpoint force.
From Eq. (5.52). the Jacobian J relates infinitesimal joint displacement
infinitesimal end-effector displacement p as:

Substituting Eq. (5.82) into Eq. (5.81) and rearranging
SW=(f-Jq))'Sq (5.83
According to the principle of virtual work the manipulator mechanismis
static equilibrium, if and only if, the net virtual work is zero for arbitrary virtu
displacements, that i1s.
SW =0 (5.84
Substituing it in Eq. (5.83), leads to the result
T Jq) (5.85
Equation (5.85) states that the transpose of the Jacobian matrix transforms the
end-effector torque to the corresponding jointtorques.

Example 5.1 Angular velocity of a frame
A moving frame {1} is represented by the following rotation matrixR, where ais
the angle of rotation of the frame {1} with respect to the base frame. If a s1
find the angular velocity of {1}.frame
Ca-Sa 01
OR, =Sa Ca
o (5.86

The given rotation
matrix is the fundamental rotation
frame {1} about z-axis of frame {0), see Eq. (2.54). From
Eq. (5.26).
S)= R()R (0)
[-dSa -aCa 0 Ca Sa 01
or S)= Ca -Sa 0-Sa Ca 0
0 ol 0
0 - 0]
S) = [à 0 0 (5.8

0 0 0
Manipulator Differential Motion and Statics

mparing Eq. (5.87) with Eq. (5.27) gives


ular velocity
of the frame about z-axis.
aole 5.2
ENample5 . 2 Velocity of RR-manipulator
h ulate thethe velocity of the tip of the two-link, planar, RR-manipulator arm

in Fig.
hON7 is
The frame assignments and joint-link parameters identification
dOut as discussed in Chapter 3 and are shown in Fig. 5.13 and Table 5.1.
of origin ofthis
ene (2) is attached to the end of manipulator and the velocity with
respect to
neis to be determined. This velocity can be expressed
- well as with respect to frame {0). Assume length of each link is 1,
2) as
that 1s
L =L2= 1
matrices are:
The link transformation

C-5 0 C1
S2 C 0 S2
S (5.89)
T0 0 10 0 0 1 0

o 0 0 1J 0 0 1J
c S -C-5C 0 G+CC -S,5]
ad7,=H+SC G%-S,S2 0 S+GS2+SC|
0 0
0 0 0


L2 Z2
Yo X1

Xo Z

Fig. 5.13 A two-link, RR planar manipulator
Manipulator Differential Motion and Statics

-S-Ci% S,S-CC 0
-5,5+C,C -5C2-CS,
0 0 0
[-GS-SC -CC+S,5, 0 -CS -SC;]
a'7G-S,5 -C.S-5C 0 CC-S,5,
0 0
0 0 0
The position vector of endpoint of link 2 is origin of frame {2), that is

D =[0 0 0 11
Substituting these gives,

-S,6,-S2(®, +0,
C+Ca(0, +0, 0

nd for the angular velocity of the endpoint,

From Eq. (5.89) and Eq. (5.92) this simplifies to

Example 5.3 Jacobian of articulated arm
Determine the manipulator Jacobian matrix for the 3-DOF articulated arm
discussed in Example 3.3 and shown in Fig. 5.14.

2 93
62 B3


Fig. 5.14 3-DOF articulated manipulator arm

Solution Each column of Jacobian matrix is computed separately and all the
coluruare combined to form the total Jacobian matrix. The joint displacements
Robotics and Control

e . , and , and joint velocities è, è.and 8, areshown in the figure and

and th
ranstormatión matrices are given in Eqs. (3.19)-(3.22).
The Jacobian matrix column J, for joint 1, which is a rotary iains
nt, i
determined as follows:
From Eq. (5.59), the joint axis vector Po (P- for i =
1) is
Po= "Ro ü
The transformation mairix T and rotation matrix Ro are the
matrices. Thus,

o ol
The end-effector position vector (for i = 1 andn = 3) is determined fron
Eq. (5.63).

Substituting °T from Eq. (3.22), in above equation gives

[CC3 -CS23 S G(LC2+ LGTO
SC3 -SS23 -C SLC23 +L2C) 0 1 o o 0
S23 Ca 0
L2+L2S 0 0 1 0
0 Iu lo o o illu
[CLC23 + LC2)|
or S(LC23+L,C2)| (5.101)
LS23 + L2S

The first column

of Jacobian, Jj, is computed by substituting Eq. (5.100) a
Eq.(5.101) in Eq. (5.64), for
revolute joint. Thus,
roj C(LC23 + LC)]1. -S(LC23+L,C2)
s(LC23+LC) C(LC2+L4C2)|
J LS23 L,S 0
Manipulator Differential Motion and Statics 15

obtained as
following the similar steps for joint 2 and joint 3, J, and J, are

[-C,(L4S2 + LS2)]
-S,(LS2 +L1S,)
J LC2 t C (5.103)

J3 LC23 (5.104)
matrix for the articulated arm
Combining the three columns, the total Jacobian

[-S,(LC23 +LC2) -G(LS23 + L,S,) -LCS23

CG(L,C + L,C) -S(LS23 + LSa) -LzSS23
LC23 (5.105)
-C -C
1 0

Example 5.44 Singularities and joint velocities of a 2-DOF arm

both the links of unit
the 2-DOF-planar arm shown in Fig. 5.13, assuming velocities in terms
,determine (a) configuration singularities,and (b) joint
d endpoint velocities.
On To determine the singularities of a given configuration manipulator
0an is required. The Jacobian can be computed using Eq. (5.57), which
Eapostion vectors and unit vector of joint axes. From Eq. (5.89) and
ty 15.90) the
) the position vectors for various links are

0 C+ C2
P=0 P=S P=|S, +S2 (5.106)

The unit
Vectors along the revolute joint axes are

fhe Jacobian i (5.107)

Dlan is
given by (from Eq. 5.64)
176 Robotics and Control

Substituting from Eqs. (5.106) and
-S S2 -S12]
C +Ci2 C2
0 0
J (5.109

Jacobian, Eq. (5.109) three rou

(a) Configuration singularities In the
null and one row is unity. The arm has only 2-DOF, that is, it requires only
variables to be controlled. Hence, the upper 2x2 boCk of the Jacobian is onh
significant and sufficient for computing positions of two links. The significa
Jacobian, to describe the relationship between the joint velocities and the am
endpoint linear velocity, is therefore

--h2-Si2] (5.110
LG+Ci2 C2
It is instructive to note that Eq. (5.91) and Eq. (5.96) of Example 5.2, when
written in the form


lead to the same result for J as in Eq. (5.109) from which J' of Eq. (5.110

Singularities of the configuration occur when determinant ofJ vanishes. Fron

Eq. (5.110), the determinant of J' is

-S1-S2 -2= S
S2S2 (5.112

The determinant vanishes for non-zero link
Note that the Jacobian determinant is independent of first joint variabie

of first jo
e =0 or 6, = T
Hence, singular configurations occur when
the outer
arm-endpoint is located he
boundary (6, 0) or on the inner boundary (0,= r) of the rea

workspace, that is, fully extended or fully retracted. At these values o1 2*

columns of J become linearly dependent
implying (i) the Jacobian i not

(and the rank becomes one); (ii) the tip velocity components U, and
independent, and (ii) the two links are collinear, as in Fig. 5.10. v,
(b) Joint velocities The joint velocities in terms of ies

v, are obtained from Eq. (5.54). That is endpoint veloc

Manipulator Differential Motion and StaticS 77


The inverse o f J i s

C Sy2
UT S,l-C-C2 S+S (5.114)

velocities are
Thus. the joint
v,Ci2 +ySi2 (5.115)
-,(C+C2)+0,(S1+ Sh2) (5.116)
Atregions near singular points, the denominator in Eqs. (5.115) and
that is, to move the endpoint in the vicinity of the
116) is almost zero,
velocities are required.
singularities excessively large joint
The joint velocity profiles for tracking specified trajectory
a at specified speed
the angles that correspond to the endpoint
7.)can be obtained by finding
and 6,) substituting these into Eqs.
position on the trajectory, that is, 6,0)
5.115) and and plotting
(5.116) joint velocities with respect to time.
arm configuration
Example 5.5 Singularities of articulated
Determine the singularities of the 3-DOF articulated arm configuration
n Example 5.3.
olution A close examination of the Jacobian of the articulated arm,
of the Jacobian are linearly
t4 (5.105) indicates that only three of the six rowsthree
ihGependent. It is also known that the arm has only degrees of freedom, that
3x 3 block
S,ilrequires only three variables to be controlled. Hence, the upper
u acobian is only significant and worth considering. The significant Jacobian is

-S(LC3+ L,C) -CLS2 -L,CS31 +L2S,)

J'= C(L,C+ LC2) -S,(L,s2 +L4S) -LsSs
I5 Worth noting that for this 3-DOF arm endpoint angular velocity o, and ,
are structure does not allow
0independent, since S,w, -C 0, and this

dDitrary endpoint angular velocity .

determination ofsingularities, consider the Jacobian J, in Eq. (5.117). Its
determinant is
IJ=-LL,S3(L,C +LaC23) (5.118)
178 Robotics and Control
of first joint Var
from the determinant that it is independent
It is seen

determinant vanishes for nonzero

and/or L4C2 lyc
link lengths when.S=0 and/orL,Ce +
, 0 is possible for 6,- 0 or 6,
Case either =

of the values of e, two links of arm

are aligned, fully outstras
retracted. This is similar to singularity condition of the RR planar
1ar tretched
discussed in Example 5.4.
Case 2 L,C + L,C2s = 0.
This occurs when the endpoint lies on the axis of base frame, zg. hat is

P: Py
= 0

Example 5.6 Singularitles of RPY wrist

Determine the singularities of the RPY wrist discussed in Example 3.4
Solution To determine the singularities of the wrist, its Jacobian is determin
first. For the 3-DOF RPY wrist, the link transformation matrices were obtaine
in Example 3.4, Eqs. (3.24) - (3.26), as

O S 0
S 0-C
T 0 10 0 (5.119
LO 0 0

-S%0 C2 01
C2 0 S2 0
T01 00 (5.120
Lo 0 0 1
C -S3 0 0
S3 C3
0 (5.12
0 0 0 1
The rotational transformation matrices for the
three links of the wrist are g ve
by the upper-right-3 x3 submatrix of the respective transformation matriCes
Eqs. (5.119), (5.120) and (5.121), as
[C 0 S1
R =S 0 -C (5.122

Lo I 0

'R=C 0 S2 (5.123

Manipulator Differential Motion and Statics

C -S 01
C 0 (5.124)

incobian for the 3-DOF RPY wrists is computed using Eq. (5.62) as all
The Ja
are revolute
joints joints.
That is


ch P., and P , given by Eq. (5.59) and Eq. (5.63), respectively.

EI= I andn = 3, the first coloumn of Jacobian J is given by

where from Eq. (5.59)

Pa-Ra=lo 1 o (5.127)
lo o i
ad from Eq. (5.63) and Eqs. (5.119), (5.120) and (5.121)

°P=°7, 05--°T,O,
-C,S,Cg +S,S CS,S3 +S,C3 GC 01 f0 fi o o 0To
-S,S,C-CS, SSS-CC SCa o I0 0 0
P 0 0 o o
CC3 -C2S3 S2 0
0 0 loo o 1



, =Llo

Sumilarly, for i 2,
180 Robotics and Control

0 S TO S
P =°R,=|S 0 -C =-C (5.13


and [Rx P|
S 5.132
and for i =3
P=°R i -C S,C|SC(5.13
Ca 0

P-°7,0- 7,0, = .134


(Note: "R and T2 are obtained from

Eqs. (5.119), (5.120) and Eqs. (5.12-
5.123), respectively). Thus,

From Eqs. (5.129), (5.132) and
(S5.135) the Jacobian for the RPY wrist
0 0
J=UJ J]= 0 S
0 (5.136

-C S,C2
Manipulator Differential Motion and Statics

hat the first three rows of this Jacobian for the wrist are zero. This means
wrist is
have no linear velocities. This is expected because a
t h at links
th e w r i s t

ientation only.
f o ro or
of the RPY wrist are determined using the last three rows
in Eq.
136). The pseudo-Jacobian is
J'=0-C SC2
0 S
or in
will when inverse of J' cannot be found,
The wrist singularities
determinant ofJ
becomes ill conditioned. This occurs whenever
sher wordsJ
the conditions of singularity are found from
nishes. Thus,
[o S CGC
U=0 -C SC2=0
0 S
S(SC-0)+ CC0 +C) =0
C2 =0

those positions of joints 2 where

RPY wrist
Hence, singularities of the

62=90° or 270 (5.140)

Example 5.7 RPR arm Jacobian

Jacobian to express
5.15 below, obtain the
Forthe manipulator shown in Figure velocities. Obtain the singularities
the Cartesian velocities in terms of the joint
the manipulator.



Fig.5.15 A 3-DOF RPR arm

of a manipulator

on In order to determine the Jacobian of the arm,
first its forward
mo0 in terms of transformation matrices is required.
ematics model
o frames are assigned as per
Adetermine the transformation matrices,
SOthm 3.1 and these are shown in Fig. 5.16. The joint-link parameters
18Robotics and Control

Z Z2

Fig. 5.16 Frame assignment for RPR arm

obtained there from are tabulated in Table 5.2 and the three transformatian
matrices obtained from these are given in Eqs. (5.141), (5.142) and (5.143),

Table 5.2 Joint-link parameters for RPR arm

0 0
C 0
90° L 0 S3 0
G0-S, 0
T S0 -1

O 00
10 0 01
0 10 0
T2=0 0 1

[C 0 S
S 0-C LS3
T=0 1 0 (5.143
L0 0 0
From the individual ts o
transformation matrices following P
transformation matrices are computed:
Manipulator Differential Motion and Statics

S0 C Cd (5.144)
0 0 0

SC C SS L45G+G5.145)
7-°7,7,=| -S 0 C3 -LS3
0 0 0 1

The link 1 is a revolute link and Jacobian for link 1 is computed using
Eq. (5.62) as:

=x (5.146)
where from Eq. (5.59)
1 0 07TO7 0
Po= Ro = 0 1 0o (5.147)
L0 0 1
and from Eq. (5.63)
[LGC-S4] 0 [LCC-Sd
-7 7 L3SC +Cd 5C+a|(5.148)
0 -LgSs LS3
1 0

ro LC,C-Sd2 [-LS,C, -Cd21
0 x LSC3 +CGd2
J -LSs (5.149)

ink 2, a prismatic link, the Jacobian is given by Eq. (5.57) as:



0 -1 0
184 Roboties and Control

0 5.15
For the revolute joint 3, the Jacobian is computed from

Pa 5.153
P2=R =|S (5.15
0 -1

P=°T, 0,-°T, O,
LCGC-Sd,1 C 0-S -Sd2 [LCGC
2 LSC +Cd S0 C Cd2 LgSC
or P -LgS3 0 -1 -LS
1 Jlo 0 0
Substituting Eqs. (5.154) and (5.155) in Eq. (5.153) gives

-S1 SLC,C]-L,CGS,]
C1 LgS,C3 -LS1S
J3 = oJl-Ls -LC (5.156

-S -S
The Jacobian for the manipulator is, therefore, obtained by co
Eqs. (5.149), (5.152) and (5.156).

[-LS,C3Cd2 -S -LgCS1
LCC3-S,d2 C -LS,S 5.157
0 -LC3
J=| 0 -S
0 C
Manipulator Differential Motion and Statics 185
determination of singularities, consider first three rows ofJ in Eq. (5.157)

-LSC3-d,C -5-LC,S1
J=| L,GC3-S,d2 C
C LS,S3 (5.158)
determinant ofJ is

J'= Lzd,5, (Ci +St)= Lad,S3 (5.159)

The singularity condition is

L dh Cg 0 =

Since L and d^ cannot be zero, singularities occurs at C3=0

or 0=90° or 270 (5.161)

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