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Unit 1: Introduction to Programming with Karel

1. Basic Karel


Students will be able to

● Write their first Karel program by typing out all the Karel commands with proper syntax.
● Identify the direction that Karel is facing.
● Predict what direction Karel will be meeting after executing a series of commands.
● Explain the purpose of the Run Method.
● Utilize the turnRight () method they created to write cleaner, more apparent Karel
● Explain the difference between defining and calling a method.
● Create methods to teach Karel new commands.

2. Top-Down Design and Decomposition in Karel


Students will be able to

● Break a significant problem down into more minor, more straightforward problems.
● Write methods that solve the more straightforward problems and use them as building
blocks to solve the more significant issues.
● Compare programs and identify good vs poor decomposition.
3. Control Structures


Students will be able to

● Create loops to repeat code a fixed number of times.

● Explain when a for loop is a helpful tool.
● Utilize loops to write programs that would be difficult/impossible without loops.
● Utilize while loops to solve new types of problems.
● Test their solutions on different Karel worlds.
● Explain the purpose of an If/Else statement.
● Create If/Else statements to solve new types of problems.
● Identify when an If/Else statement is appropriate to be used.
● Explain why it is essential to indent code.
● Identify proper indentation.
● Write programs with proper indentation.
● Identify the different control structures we can use to modify the control flow through a
● Combine control structures to solve complicated problems.
● Choose the proper control structure for a given problem.

Unit 2 Basic Java


Students will be able to

1. Variables and Data type

● Declare variables of the correct types to represent primitive data.

2. User Input
● Students can ask for user input and print out the input in the console program using
readLine, readInt, readDouble, and readBoolean.
3. Arithmetic Expression
● Write programs with arithmetic expressions in their programs.
● Use increment and decrement shortcuts when writing their code.
● Evaluate arithmetic expressions in a program code.
4. Casting
● Evaluate arithmetic expressions that use casting.
5. Boolean
● Create Boolean variables to represent meaningful yes/no values.
● Print out the value of a Boolean variable.
● Evaluate Boolean expressions that use relational operators in program code.
6. Logical operator
● Describe the meaning and usage of each logical operator: OR (||), AND (&&), and NOT
● Construct logical statements using Boolean variables and logical operators.

Assessment plan for how achievement will be measured.

Unit 1: Introduction to Programming with Karel

1. Basic Karel
➢ In assessments, Students Independently complete activities after they receive clear
● Introduction to programming with Karel quiz.
● Your First Karel program.
● Short Stack.
● Discussion question activities
● Create a custom project on the sandbox.

2. Top-Down Design and Decomposition in Karel

➢ In assessments, Students Independently complete activities after they receive clear
● Top-Down Design and Decomposition Quiz.
● The Two Towers - Exercise
● The Two Towers + Comments - Exercise
● Super Karel Quiz
● Hurdle Karel (with Super Karel) - Exercise
● The Two Towers + Super Karel - Exercise
● Discussion question activities
● Create Custom Project in Sandbox

3. Control Structures
➢ In assessments, Students Independently complete activities after they receive clear
● For Loops Quiz - Exercise
● Marathon Karel - Exercise
● For Loop Square - Exercise
● Lots of Hurdles - Exercise
● While Loops in Karel Quiz
● Just Keep - Exercise
● Lay Row of Tennis Balls - Exercise
● Big Tower - Exercise
● If Statement Quiz
● Is There a Ball - Exercise
● If/else Statements Quiz
● Right Side Up - Exercise
● Random Hurdles - Exercise
● Discussion questions activities
● Create Custom Project in Sandbox

4. End of Unit 1
➢ Karel Challenges
● Fetch
● Racing Karel
● Tower Builder
● Super Cleanup Karel
● Double tennis Balls
● Mid-Point Karel
● Karel Challenges Badge
➢ Unit 1 Quiz
➢ Written Summative Assessment.
Unit 2 Basic Java

1. Variables and Data type

➢ In assessments, Students Independently complete activities after they receive clear
● Variables and Types Quiz
● Our First Integer - Exercise
● Answering Questions - Exercise
● Discussion questions activities
● Business card version 1 - Project

2. User Input
➢ In assessments, Students Independently complete activities after they receive clear
● User Input Quiz
● About you - Exercise
● Poetry - Exercise
● Discussion questions activities
● Business card version 1 - Project

3. Arithmetic Expression
➢ In assessments, Students Independently complete activities after they receive clear
● Arithmetic expressions Quiz
● Area of a Rectangle - Exercise
● Add Fraction - Exercise
● Discussion questions activities

4. Casting
➢ In assessments, Students Independently complete activities after they receive clear
● Arithmetic expressions Quiz
● Area of a Rectangle - Exercise
● Add Fraction - Exercise
● Discussion questions activities

5. Boolean
➢ In assessments, Students Independently complete activities after they receive clear
● Booleans Quiz
● Ice Cream Exercise
● Discussion questions activities

6. Logical Operator
➢ In assessments, Students Independently complete activities after they receive clear
● Logical operators Quiz
● Roller Coaster Exercise
● Discussion questions activities

7. At the End of Unit 2

➢ Basic Java Exercise 1: Debugging - Sandbox
➢ Basic Java Exercise 1: Debugging - Sandbox
➢ Unit 2 Quiz
➢ Summative - Project - Sandbox

A remediation plan for students who need help understanding.

● Pinpoint the exact areas where the student is encountering difficulties through the
administration of a focused assessment.
● Provide detailed feedback to the student, highlighting areas of weakness and areas for
● Offer one-on-one sessions to clarify concepts and provide additional resources such as
readings, videos, or supplementary materials.
● Develop modified assignments that focus on the key concepts the student is struggling
with, providing an opportunity for targeted practice.
● Organize peer tutoring sessions to encourage collaboration and mutual learning among
students, fostering a supportive learning community.
● Implement a system to monitor the student's progress regularly, adjusting the
remediation plan based on improvements or continued challenges.
● Engage in communication with parents or guardians to apprise them of the remediation
plan and request their assistance in reinforcing learning at home.
● Offer small group instruction to address common challenges a subset of students faces,
promoting collaborative problem-solving.
● Integrate educational technology tools that cater to diverse learning styles, providing
interactive and personalized learning experiences.
● Administer formative assessments throughout the remediation period to gauge progress
and adjust the plan accordingly.
● Maintain open communication with the student, regularly discussing goals, progress,
and any challenges faced during the remediation process.

Grading criteria

Knowing & Understanding:

● 1-2: Programs consistently have syntax errors and do not compile or run—no evidence of
understanding programming concepts.
● 3-4: Programs may compile and run, but syntax errors exist—limited use of programming skills
and control structures. Runtime errors are common. Logical errors are frequent.
● 5-6: Programs compile and run with minimal syntax errors—adequate use of programming skills
and control structures. There are a few runtime errors. Logical errors are infrequent. Programs
meet basic expectations.
● 7-8: Programs compile and run with no syntax errors. Displays advanced proficiency in utilizing
programming skills and control structures. No unallowed runtime errors. No logical errors.
Programs surpass project expectations by clearly explaining coding structures and algorithms.
Inquiring & Designing:
● 1-2: Code needs proper style and structure, making it easier to read. There needs to be evidence
of design patterns or alignment with conventional techniques.
● 3-4: Basic use of code styles, but the structure could be more consistent. There needs to be
more adherence to design patterns. Some elements could be more straightforward to
● 5-6: Programs use proper code styles and are well-structured. Adheres to the design patterns
discussed in class, ensuring a cohesive and well-organized code structure that enhances
readability and maintainability. The code exhibits a generally clear and understandable structure.
● 7-8: Exceptional use of code styles throughout projects. Programs are highly structured,
following advanced design patterns. Code is easily readable and understandable for other
Processing & Evaluating:
● 1-2: Programs need more communication with users. The user interface needs to be more
apparent, and documentation needs to be present.
● 3-4: Programs communicate with users to some extent. The user interface could be more
straightforward at times—limited documentation.
● 5-6: Programs effectively communicate with users. The user interface is straightforward, and
users have few questions. Adequate documentation.
● 7-8: Programs clearly and effectively communicate with users. The user interface is intuitive, and
users have no questions—comprehensive and adequate documentation.
Reflecting on the Impacts of Computer Science:
● 1-2: Limited ability to explain challenges and solutions using computer science vocabulary. No
awareness of bugs or skills needed for improvement.
● 3-4: Can explain challenges and solutions—limited awareness of bugs and skills needed for
● 5-6: Can effectively explain challenges and solutions using computer science vocabulary. Aware
of bugs and skills needed for improvement.
● 7-8: Exceptional ability to explain challenges and solutions using computer science vocabulary.
Thorough awareness of bugs and skills needed for improvement. Detailed road map for future
improvements. Comprehensive self-assessment.

Expectations for teacher for interactions

● The teacher will provide clear instructions, objectives, and expectations for each lesson.
● Important information, such as assignment details and due dates, will be communicated
clearly and in advance.
● The teacher will encourage student participation through class discussions, group
activities, and interactive elements.
● The teacher will incorporate regular check-ins and feedback sessions to assess student
understanding and address concerns.
● Recognizing diverse learning styles, the teacher will employ various instructional
methods, such as lectures, multimedia presentations, hands-on activities, and
collaborative projects.
● The teacher will use educational technology to enhance communication through online
forums, emails, and messaging systems.
● Digital resources and tools will be incorporated to supplement traditional teaching
● The teacher will be accessible for one-on-one consultations, providing additional
support to students needing clarification or extra assistance.
● Tailoring instruction to individual needs, the teacher will address learning gaps and offer
personalized guidance.
● The teacher will provide prompt and constructive feedback on assessments and
assignments to guide students' learning journey.
● Teachers will use assessment results to discuss areas of improvement and growth with
● The teacher will stimulate critical thinking skills by posing thought-provoking questions,
encouraging analysis, and nurturing a classroom culture where curiosity thrives.
● Recognizing and respecting diversity, the teacher will create a classroom setting that
fosters inclusivity, ensuring each student feels esteemed and heard.
● The teacher will weave awareness and consideration of cultural distinctions into
discussions and activities.
● The teacher will remain flexible, adjusting teaching strategies based on ongoing student
progress and needs assessments.
● The curriculum may undergo modifications to address unexpected challenges or
capitalize on opportunities for more thorough exploration.
● Establishing a positive and supportive tone, the teacher will foster a classroom
environment where students feel motivated, confident, and eager to participate.

Expectations for students interactions

● The teacher expects students to seek clarification and express questions and concerns
● Actively participating in class discussions and asking relevant questions during lessons is
● Students will actively participate in various learning activities, such as group discussions,
projects, and hands-on exercises.
● Engaging with the material and expressing opinions fosters a dynamic and collaborative
learning environment.
● Students are responsible for submitting assignments and assessments by the specified
● Communicating proactively with the teacher about any challenges or extenuating
circumstances affecting timely submissions is expected.
● If students encounter difficulties understanding the material, they are encouraged to
seek additional support from the teacher during designated office hours or through the
communication channels provided.
● Actively participating in feedback sessions, students should reflect on the provided
feedback and use it to enhance their understanding and performance.
● In the face of academic or personal challenges, students must communicate
constructively with the teacher, addressing concerns and seeking guidance.
● Students are encouraged to utilize technological platforms and tools provided for
communication, such as online forums or messaging systems, to connect with the
teacher outside of class.
● Students expect to adhere to established classroom etiquette, including active listening,
respect for diverse perspectives, and positively contributing to the learning atmosphere.
● In showcasing critical thinking skills, students should analyze information, pose insightful
questions, and actively engage in thoughtful discussions.
● Students should actively engage with the material during assessments, showcasing their
understanding and applying critical thinking skills to demonstrate their knowledge.

Appropriate behavior criteria for students

● Students should treat peers, teachers, and staff with respect, fostering a positive and
inclusive learning environment.
● Actively engage in class activities, discussions, and group work, demonstrating a
commitment to learning.
● Arrive to class on time and submit assignments by the specified deadlines, showing a
sense of responsibility and respect for others' time.
● Communicate openly and respectfully with peers and teachers, constructively expressing
thoughts and opinions.
● Use technology responsibly for educational purposes and adhere to any guidelines or
policies set by the school.
● Follow established classroom etiquette, which includes attentive listening, raising hands
to speak, and refraining from disruptive behavior.
● Uphold principles of honesty and integrity in all academic and interpersonal interactions,
including submitting original work and giving credit to others.
● Work collaboratively with classmates, demonstrating teamwork and a willingness to
contribute to group projects and discussions.
● Maintain a positive and proactive attitude towards learning, even when facing
challenges or setbacks.
● Adhere to all school policies and rules, inside and outside the classroom, contributing to
a safe and supportive school community.
● Attend classes regularly and actively engage in learning activities, recognizing the
importance of consistent attendance for academic success.
● Constructively resolve conflicts, seeking assistance from teachers or appropriate
channels when necessary.
Due dates for all assignments

Assignment #1: Karel Challenges

Due: August 15, 2023

Assignment #2: Fetch

Due: August 15, 2023

Assignment #3: Racing Karel

Due: August 15, 2023

Assignment #4: Tower Builder

Due: August 15, 2023

Assignment #5: Super Cleanup Karel

Due: August 20, 2023

Assignment #6: Double Tennis Balls

Due: August 20, 2023

Assignment #7: Mid-Point Karel

Due: August 20, 2023

Assignment #8: Karel Challenges Badge

Due: September 5, 2023

Assignment #9: Unit 1 Quiz

Due: September 7, 2023

Assignment #10: Written Summative Assessment

Due: September 10, 2023

Assignment #11: Variables and Data Type Quiz

Due: September 12, 2023

Assignment #12: Our First Integer - Exercise

Due: September 12, 2023

Assignment #13: Answering Questions - Exercise

Due: September 12, 2023

Assignment #14: Business Card Version 1 - Project

Due: September 15, 2023

Assignment #15: User Input Quiz

Due: September 12, 2023

Assignment #16: About You - Exercise

Due: September 12, 2023

Assignment #17: Poetry - Exercise

Due: September 15, 2023

Assignment #19: Business Card Version 1 - Project

Due: September 17, 2023

Assignment #20: Arithmetic Expressions Quiz

Due: September 19, 2023

Assignment #21: Area of a Rectangle - Exercise

Due: September 19, 2023

Assignment #22: Add Fraction - Exercise

Due: September 19, 2023

Assignment #23: Arithmetic Expressions Quiz

Due: September 21, 2023

Assignment #24: Area of a Rectangle - Exercise

Due: September 21, 2023

Assignment #25: Add Fraction - Exercise

Due: September 21, 2023

Assignment #26: Booleans Quiz

Due: September 24, 2023

Assignment #27: Ice Cream Exercise

Due: September 24, 2023

Assignment #28: Logical Operators Quiz

Due: September 28, 2023

Assignment #29: Roller Coaster Exercise

Due: September 28, 2023
Assignment #30: Basic Java Exercise 1: Debugging - Sandbox
Due: October 5, 2023

Assignment #31: Basic Java Exercise 1: Debugging - Sandbox

Due: October 5, 2023

Assignment #32: Unit 2 Quiz

Due: October 7, 2023

Assignment #33: Summative - Project - Sandbox

Due: October 12, 2023

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