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How to Cite : Ariani, A., Wahyudi, M., Rugaiyah, R. (2019). Inclusive Education: Cooperation Between Class Teachers, Special Teachers, Parents to Optimize Development of
Special Needs Childrens. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 1 (5), 396-399
the community. All relevant parties are responsible for
Inclusive education is a new breakthrough in the world of
the development of these children.
education that provides opportunities for children with
special needs to get quality education services, together In the context of inclusive education, the existence of a
with regular children his age. According to Sapon-Shevin special guidance teacher (SGT) is very necessary to help
O’Neil, the inclusive education service system requires classroom teachers provide services to children with
that all children with special needs be served in the special needs so that they are maximized in the learning
nearest schools, in regular classes together with their age process. SGT has special competencies so that it can serve
friends (Garnida, 2015). Children with special needs are according to the needs of these children (Paul: 2012). In
children who have special characteristics or barriers that accordance with the Governor of South Kalimantan
are different from their age children which shows the Regulation No. 65 of 2012 and technical guidelines for the
mental, intellectual, social, emotional, or physical implementation of inclusive education in South
inability (Mudjito, 2012) (Rachmayana, 2013). Therefore Kalimantan Province, the minimum qualification of SGT
they need educational services that are appropriate to is the Extraordinary Education (S1) Bachelor
their needs and characteristics. (orthopedagog).
The aim of inclusive education is for children with Practices in inclusive education, children with special
special needs to get quality education to optimize all their needs and regular children mingle learning, play together
potential and skills so that they grow into independent in one class. This requires cooperation between the
individuals (Kustawan & Meimulyani, 2013), (Divine, classroom teacher and the supervising teacher specifically
2013). Therefore it needs serious handling from various in providing assessment, compiling individual learning
parties such as schools (especially principals, class programs (ILP), as well as giving remedies or enrichment
teachers, special counselors), parents, government, and (Rahmaniar, 2016) and (Rudiyati, 2005). But in reality
Ariani et al International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, Vol. 1, No. 5, September 2019, pp. 396-399
there are often misunderstandings about the role of the Coordination with classroom teachers is carried out in
special counselor in the school. Children with special terms of the learning process, subject matter, and
needs that should also be the responsibility of the class assessment of student learning outcomes. If the teacher
teacher, are left entirely to special counselors by reason of with special needs prepares the PPI, it will coordinate
lack of knowledge about children with special needs and with the class teacher so that the learning is more
skills in dealing with and teaching children with special systematic in accordance with the characteristics and
needs (Fitria, 2012) and (Jurkowski, 2018). abilities of the child. But if you do not make a PPI, the
In addition to the school, parents essentially have the ABK follows the same learning material as regular
main responsibility in the education of their children. students, and if you have to complete the assignment, the
Limited time, energy, and limited knowledge make special tutor will assist and assist in accordance with the
parents have to ask for help from other parties (schools) in child's abilities.
the education process of their children. However, it does Coordination with parents is carried out in terms of
not mean that parents give up their responsibilities at providing information about children's development,
school, given the active involvement of parents is very learning processes and materials in class, assignments, or
important in learning and developing children with children's needs in the learning process related to
special needs (Chao, 2018) and (Sugiarti, 2013). Knowing understanding and responsibility for school assignments
the importance of collaboration between class teachers, that are still relatively low. But in all the schools studied,
special counselors, and parents for the development of coordination on this matter was only carried out by a
children with special needs, the main question of this special counselor. While class teachers coordinate
research is how the collaboration takes place and its intensively only with parents of regular students. This is
relation to the development of academic attitudes, social because according to those who understand the situation
skills, emotions, and independence of children with better and the development of children with special needs
special needs. is a special counselor.
All tutors specifically coordinate with parents via SMS,
WA, or verbally when picking up or delivering children.
2. METHODS Only a few shadow teachers use connecting book media to
convey children's needs in the learning process, convey
This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with a
child development, and other special events. This
focus on student management and development of children
connecting book is a special tutor's diary about students'
with special needs. The research was conducted in five
behavior in class and abilities that have been achieved by
elementary schools that provided inclusive education in the
students (Rahmaniar, 2016) and (Zakia, 2015). Based on
city of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, namely SDN
this record, the teacher can make a report on the progress
Banua Anyar 8, SDN Banua Anyar 4, SDN Gadang 2,
of the child at the end of the semester through the process
SDN-SN Sungai Miai 5, and SDN Kuin Selatan 3. The
of analyzing synthesis and interpretation. If the teacher's
participants in this research consisted of five principals, ten
record is incomplete, it is feared that the results of the
class teachers, eleven special teachers, and ten parents of
report will be subjective and based on mere guesswork.
students. Participation is determined by purposive
sampling technique, namely, the subject directly related to
the education process of children with special needs. Data 3.2 Development of academic attitudes, social skills, emotions,
collection was done through documentation, questionnaire, and independence
direct observation, interviews for three months starting Four aspects of development that were observed in this
from January till March 2018. Data analysis techniques study were academic attitudes, social skills, emotions, and
used are data reduction, data display, and conclusion independence. Children with special needs show progress
drawing/verification (Sugiyono:2014). Specific data during their education in school, even though the
analysis aims to find out the cooperative relationship development shown is very small, it takes a long time, and
between class teachers, special teachers, and parents. In sometimes the behavior that is expected to be
addition, it also knows the development of students with inconsistent.
special needs which includes the development of academic,
When compared between the four aspects studied, the
emotional, social skills, and independence attitudes. The
prominent developments are aspects of social skills, then
researcher triangulated data sources and techniques to get
the development of emotions, independence, and the last
valid data.
is academic. Social skills between one child and another
vary depending on their characteristics and needs
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Diahwati, 2016). But with guidance and school efforts to
3.1 Collaboration between class teachers, special guidance create an atmosphere of togetherness and diversity
teachers (SGT), and parents between children with special needs and regular children,
it allows the imitation of positive behavior in children
Special guidance teachers build coordination with class
with special needs. They learn to greet, greet and return
teachers and parents of children with special needs.
greetings, learn to cooperate, play, control themselves,
Ariani et al International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, Vol. 1, No. 5, September 2019, pp. 396-399
Ariani et al International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, Vol. 1, No. 5, September 2019, pp. 396-399