Industrial Management AND SAFETY
Industrial Management AND SAFETY
Industrial Management AND SAFETY
Chapter 1
It is a place where ten or more persons are working with the help of power and
machines for manufacturing any product.
It is defined as an event which interrupts the orderly progress of a work in an
Incidence rate = (Number of injuries / Total number of employees) x 1000
Frequency rate = (Number of lost time accident / Total number of man hours worked) x 1000000
Severity rate: It is defined as the number of man-days lost per million man-
hours worked, in a year.
Severity Rate = Number of man days lost / Total number of man hours worked) x 1000000
Accident Proneness
It is defined as the continuing tendency of a person to have more accidents as a
result of his characteristics.
Reasons for Accident Proneness
1) Inattentiveness and Day-dreaming
2) Poor eyesight and Lack of stamina
3) Poor adjustment of work
4) Dislike of the supervisor
5) Lack of training and skill to do a work
6) Insufficient intelligence
7) Lack of experience
8) Lack of coordination
9) Lack of health
10) Immature age
i) Select only those candidates with appropriate mental and physical standards for
the job.
ii) Transfer accident prone workers to less hazardous jobs
iii) Impart adequate training
iv) Encourage employees and avoid unnecessary frustrations.
v) Stick to safety rules.
Causes of Accidents
b) Environmental factors
a) Mechanical Factors
1) Unsafe mechanical design/construction
2) Hazardous arrangement
3) Improper Machine guarding
4) Unsafe apparel
5) Defective devices
6) Improper material handling
7) Broken safety guards
8) Leaking values
9) Untested boilers and pressure vessels
b) Environmental Factors
4) Enforcement
To enforce the employees to obey the safety rules and safe practices.
If the safety practices are violated, penalties are given.
Safety Organization
Role of Management
Management should:
1) Provide a safe and healthy place to work including safe equipment and tools,
inspection system etc.
2) Provide adequate training and supervision to develop safe work habits among
4) Make it clear to all levels of supervision and workers that management is behind
the safety program
A fast and effective response to an accident can limit injury to the people as well as
damage to the property and environment.
Response participants can be developed including -Fire and police departments, public
health authorities, transport companies and emergency health services.
Emergency response plan should cover Criteria for triggering alarm signals
Clear reporting procedures
Adequate emergency equipments
Communication equipments that can reach all
1. All the electrical supply lines and apparatus should have sufficient strength and
meet specific power ratings.
2. Service lines are provided with suitable cut out devices.
3. Bare electrical conductors should be inaccessible to human contact and switches are
to be given.
4. First aid boxes, fire extinguishers are to be provided.
5. Every electrical appliance should have name plate indicating rated voltage, power,
ampere etc.
6. Only authorized and licensed electricians should do the work.
7. Every installation should be periodically tested.
8. Proper earthing should be given.
9. Proper clearance has to be given
10.Lightening arrestors and electrical surge protections has to be given if necessary.
1. Every moving part of machinery should be safe guarded by casing and fencing
2. Only trained adult male worker wearing tight fitting clothing should be allowed to
work near moving machinery.
3. No women or young person shall be allowed to clean or lubricate moving
4. Devices for cutting off power shall be provided.
5. Every hoist and lift shall be of good mechanical construction and strength, protected
by an enclosure fitted with gates.
6. All parts including working gears, chains, ropes etc. shall be of good construction
and strength and examined in regular intervals.
7. Detailed information should be affixed on every revolving machinery, indicating
speed and load.
8. No person shall be employed to lift or carry heavy loads which cause injury.
9. The workers should be provided with suitable goggles and screens to protect eyes.
10. Proper fire exits should be present.
11.Proper safety valves, pressure gauges etc must be given and examined regularly.
12. Pits and openings in floors should be properly covered.
Chapter 2
The word ‘Entrepreneur’ is derived from a French word ‘Entreprendre’ means ‘to
undertake the risk of activity’.
Entrepreneur is an innovator, risk taker, an organization builder etc. He introduces
new ideas, thoughts or products, carries on new activities, coordinates the factors of
production and decides how to run the enterprise.
Entrepreneurship is the purposeful activity of an individual or a group of associated
individuals undertaken to initiate, maintain or getting profit by production or
distribution of economic goods and services.
Profile of an Entrepreneur
Hard work
Desire for high achievement
Highly optimistic
Good organiser
Team spirit
High confidence level. (high self-confidence)
Functions of an Entrepreneur
Perceives opportunities for profitable investment
Explores the possibilities and prospects of starting an enterprise.
Obtain required technical knowledge
Obtain industrial license
Manage business and take decisions
Promotes new inventions
Effectively marketing of products
Coordinates different factors of production
Deals with various Govt. departments
Employs workers of requisite skills and pay wages
Risk Training Qualities of an Entrepreneur
Risk taking ability
Self confidence
Leadership quality
High level of motivation
Problem solving capacity
Should be dynamic
Realistic approach
Independence of thoughts and actions
Strong determination &will power
Profit oriented
Factors leading to Failure of an Entrepreneur
No clear cut vision
Improper management of finance
Lack of management skills
Not maintaining secrets
Not employing the right person
Wrong business decision
Wrong financial investment
Inconsistency and lack of honesty
Over promising and under delivering
Product design problem
Lack of regards for customers
All universities in Kerala will give 5% grace marks and 20% attendance to student startups
which have one woman as a cofounder.
The Government of India has taken a number of steps for the promotion, protection and
development of micro, small and medium Enterprises. Some of the programs are:
a) MSME Policy (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises):
It is to encourage, promote and support small scale industry, village and cottage
Science & Technology Ministries and Department have taken several steps for the
development and transfer of technologies to industries.
1. Directorate of Industries
2. District Industries Centre (DCI)
3. KSIDC – Kerala Small Industries Development Corporation
4. Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation ( KIIDC)