Jay Jones Iep
Jay Jones Iep
Jay Jones Iep
Student’s Name:
Other Information:
The LEA and parent have agreed to make the following changes to the IEP without convening an IEP meeting, as documented by:
The Individualized Education Program team makes the decisions about the student’s program and placement. The student’s parent(s), the student’s special
education teacher, and a representative from the Local Education Agency are required members of this team. Signature on this IEP documents attendance, not
* The IEP team must invite the student if transition services are being planned or if the parents choose to have the student participate.
** If the student is, or may be, participating in the regular education environment.
*** As determined by the LEA as needed for transition services and other community services.
**** A teacher of the gifted is required when writing an IEP for a student with a disability who also is gifted.
One individual listed above must be able to interpret the instructional implications of any evaluation results.
For purposes of education, the age of majority is reached in Pennsylvania when the individual reaches 21 years of age. Likewise, for purposes of the Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act, the age of majority is reached for students with disabilities when they reach 21 years of age.
I understand that the school may charge the School-Based Access Program (“SBAP”)—or any program that replaces or supplements the SBAP—the cost of certain
special education and related services described in my child’s IEP. To make these charges to the SBAP, the school will release to the administrator of that
program the name, age, and address of my child, verification of Medicaid eligibility for my child, a copy of my child’s IEP, a description of the services
provided and the times and dates during which such services were provided to my child, and the identity of the provider of such services. I understand that
such information will not be disclosed, and such charges will not be made, unless I consent to the disclosure. I acknowledge that I have provided written
consent to disclose such information.
I understand that my consent is ongoing from year-to-year unless and until I withdraw it. I can withdraw my consent in writing, or orally if I am unable to
write, at any time. My refusal to consent or my withdrawal of consent will not relieve the school of the obligation to provide, at no cost to me or my family,
any service or program to which my child is entitled under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”) or that is necessary to enable my child to
receive a free appropriate public education as described in my child’s IEP.
Require me or my family to sign up for or enroll in any public benefits or insurance program, such as Medicaid, as a condition of receiving a free appropriate
public education for my child;
Require me or my family to incur any expense for the provision of a free appropriate public education to my child, including co-payments and deductibles,
unless it agrees to pay such expenses on my or my family’s behalf;
Cause me or my family to pay for services that would otherwise be covered by a public benefits or insurance program and that are required for my child
outside the time that he or she is in school;
Risk the loss of eligibility for home and community-based waivers, based on aggregate health-related expenditures.
X No
X No
X No
Does the student exhibit behaviors that impede his/her learning or that of others?
Yes The IEP team must develop a Positive Behavior Support Plan that is based on a functional assessment of behavior and that
utilizes positive behavior techniques. Results of the functional assessment of behavior may be listed in the Present Levels
section of the IEP with a clear measurable plan to address the behavior in the Goals and Specially Designed Instruction
sections of the IEP or in the Positive Behavior Support Plan if this is a separate document that is attached to the IEP. A
Positive Behavior Support Plan and a Functional Behavioral Assessment form are available at www.pattan.net
X No
Other (specify):
Jay is a 1st grade student at Mercer. His teacher is Ms. Williams. He is an activity kid who gets along well
with his peers. He aims to please in class. Jay is restless in class and frequently gets up. He has a
speech and language disability and has be receiving therapy since he was three years old for that.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones did not provide any written information prior to the Re-Evaluation and IEP team
meeting. They were encouraged to provide their input during the IEP meeting. He interacts with his
peers appropriately and is friendly.
Jay’s teacher, Ms. Williams, writes in Jay’s planner each day to communicate behaviors with his mother
and has her sign it every night. She reports that Jay wants to please. She reports that he is respectful,
polite, and well-liked by his peers. Jay requires numerous breaks and often misses instruction while he
is walking around, looking for material, and talks to his peers any time he is near them. Jay struggles
with sitting on the carpet.
The following assessment was administered to Jay: Fall Kindergarten Dynamic Indicators of Early
Literacy Skills (DIBELS) assessment. He scored on the intensive range for all of the components. By the
end of kindergarten, Jay’s scores improved to the strategic range. Reduced speech intelligibility with
correct production of speech sounds during the phoneme segmentation task. He was unable to
produce /g,k,f,v/ sounds. He correctly produced all vowel sounds and 8 consonants. The articulation
errors that occurred during DIBELS were also evident in formal articulation assessment. These errors
impact his ability to be understood by his peers, teachers, and family. Jay will need to be able to
produce the most common sound associated with individual letters such as /g,k,f,v/ in a structured
activity both in formal instructional setting and in formal settings. He has been in Speech-Language
services since he was three years old. His conversational speech is not easily understood and requires
careful listening. Jay’s reduced speech intelligibility interfered with correct production of speech
sounds during the phoneme segmentation task. His language delays continue to impact his progress in
acquiring basic reading skills, including phonemic awareness, and decoding printed materials. He has
difficulty verbally answering questions related to comprehension of orally presented materials.
Curriculum- based assessments reveal that Jay is able to provide basic details of a story but is only able
to answer comprehension questions in 2/10 trails. In the classroom, he is typically unable to answer
“who”, “what”, “where”, “why”, “when” questions which limits his progress in first grade reading
materials. Jay will need to be able to demonstrate comprehension of reading materials by answering all
the “wh” questions through daily classroom work samples and classroom assessments.
III. TRANSITION SERVICES – This is required for students age 14 or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP team. If the student does not attend the
IEP meeting, the school must take other steps to ensure that the student’s preferences and interests are considered. Transition services are a coordinated
set of activities for a student with a disability that is designed to be within a results oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and
functional achievement of the student with a disability to facilitate the student’s movement from school to post school activities, including postsecondary
education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent
living, or community participation that is based on the individual student’s needs taking into account the student’s strengths, preferences, and interests.
POST SCHOOL GOALS – Based on age appropriate assessment, define and project the appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that address education
and training, employment, and as needed, independent living. Under each area, list the services/activities and courses of study that support that goal.
Include for each service/activity the location, frequency, projected beginning date, anticipated duration, and person/agency responsible.
Courses of Study:
Employment Goal:
Measurable Annual Goal
(Document in Section V)
Courses of Study:
Courses of Study:
State Assessments
Not Assessed
X No statewide assessment is administered at this student’s grade level.
No English proficiency assessment administered because the student is not an English Learner.
PSSA (Math and English Language Arts (ELA) administered in grades 3-8; Science administered in grades 4 and 8)
Without With
Tested Subject Accommodations Accommodations Accommodations to be Provided
Keystone Exam (Replaces the 11th grade PSSA in high school; Student must participate by 11th grade)
Without With
Tested Subject Accommodations Accommodations Accommodations to be Provided
Algebra 1
Keystone Project Based Assessment (Available when student is unable to demonstrate proficiency on a Keystone Exam or Keystone Exam
Without With
Tested Subject Accommodations Accommodations Accommodations to be Provided
Algebra 1
PASA (Administered in grades 3-8, 11 for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math; Grades 4, 8, 11 for Science)
The IEP team must review each of Pennsylvania’s 6 eligibility criteria to determine participation in the PASA. The IEP team must answer “YES” to ALL
six criteria in order for the student to participate in the PASA. If the answer is “NO” to any of the questions, the student must participate in the
PSSA/ Keystones with or without accommodations, as determined appropriate by the IEP team.
1. Will the student be in grade 3,4,5,6,7,8, or 11 by September 1st of the school year during which the IEP will be operative?
2. Does the student have significant cognitive disabilities? Pennsylvania defines significant cognitive disabilities as pervasive and global
in nature, affecting student learning in all academic content areas, as well as adaptive behaviors and functional skills across life
3. Does the student require intensive, direct, and repeated instruction in order to learn and generalize academic, functional, and
adaptive behavior skills across multiple settings?
4. Does the student require extensive adaptations and support in order to perform and/or participate meaningfully and productively in
the everyday life activities of integrated school, home, community, and work environments?
5. Does the student require substantial modifications to the general education curriculum?
6. Does the student’s participation in the general education curriculum differ substantially in form and/or substance from that of most
other students? Students found eligible to take the PASA must have measurable annual goals AND short-term objectives reflected in
the IEP.
Student will participate in the PASA.
Explain why the student cannot participate in the PSSA or the Keystone Exams, even with accommodations:
Explain why the PASA is appropriate considering the six eligibility criteria:
Explain any specific accommodations the student may require on the PASA (i.e., Assistive Technology, Signing):
Explain why the student cannot participate in the ACCESS for ELs:
Local Assessments
Explain why the student cannot participate in the local regular assessment:
Explain why the local alternate assessment is appropriate:
V. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES – Include, as appropriate, academic, and functional goals. Use as many copies of this page as needed to plan appropriately.
Specially designed instruction may be listed with each goal/objective or listed in Section VI.
Short-term learning outcomes are required for students who are gifted. The short-term learning outcomes related to the student’s gifted program may be
listed under Goals or Short-Term Objectives.
Reading Decoding- By the end of the school year, Jay is currently on level Cold reads will be done four Progress will be reported on the
Jay will be able to decode on a first-grade level B. A cold read is a one times each nine weeks. benchmark levels.
(level G) in small group instruction as measured by minute read of a story the
1-minute cold read with an 85% accuracy in 3 out student as not read
of 4 trials. before. He is graded on
his accuracy of the words
and how many words he
reads correctly in a
minute. His cold reads
will start on level B and
go up in level as he
Comprehension- By the end of the school year, Jay is currently on level Comprehension assessments Progress will be reported on the
Jay will be able to comprehend on a first-grade B. A comprehension on a passage will be done benchmark levels.
level (level G) in a general education classroom as assessment on a passage four times each nine weeks.
measured by answering “wh” questions in read to the class will be
response to class reading with an 100% accuracy in done four times each nine
3 out of 4 trials. weeks. His passage will be
on a level B and continue
to go up when he masters
a level.
SHORT-TERM OBJECTIVES – Required for students with disabilities who take an alternate assessment aligned to alternate achievement standards (PASA).
Reading Decoding 2: By the end of the second nine weeks, Jay will be able to decode on a first-grade level (level E) in small group instruction as
measured by a 1-minute cold read with an 85% accuracy in 3 out of 4 trials.
Reading Decoding 3: By the end of the third nine weeks, Jay will be able to decode on a first-grade level (level F) in small group instruction as
measured by a 1-minute cold read with an 85% accuracy in 3 out of 4 trials.
Reading Decoding 4: By the middle of the fourth nine weeks, Jay will be able to decode on a first-grade level (level G) in a small group instruction as
measured by 1-minute cold read with an 70% accuracy in 2 out of 4 trials.
Comprehension 1: By the end of the first nine weeks, Jay will be able to comprehend on a first-grade level (level D) in a general education classroom
as measured by answering “wh” questions in response to class reading with an 100% in 3 out of 4 trials.
Comprehension 2: By the end of the second nine weeks, Jay will be able to comprehend on a first-grade level (level E) in a general education
classroom as measured by answering “wh” questions in response to class reading with an 100% in 3 out of 4 trials.
Comprehension 3: By the end of the third nine weeks, Jay will be able to comprehend on a first-grade level (level F) in a general education classroom
as measured by answering “wh” questions in response to class reading with an 100% in 3 out of 4 trials.
Comprehension 4: By the middle of the fourth nine weeks, Jay will be able to comprehend on a first-grade level (level G) in a general education
classroom as measured by answering “wh” questions in response to class reading with an 75% in 2 out of 4 trials.
and extracurricular services and activities.
Modifications and SDI Location Frequency Projected Beginning Date Anticipated Duration
Brain Breaks Classroom Twice a day for 10 minutes 10/30/23 10/29/24
Fidgets Classroom During instruction 10/30/23 10/29/24
Twice a week for 30
Wilson Program: Reading Learning Support Classroom 10/30/23 10/29/24
B. RELATED SERVICES – List the services that the student needs in order to benefit from his/her special education program.
C. SUPPORTS FOR SCHOOL PERSONNEL – List the staff to receive the supports and the supports needed to implement the student’s IEP.
Support Service
Support Service
Support Service
E. EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR (ESY) – The IEP team has considered and discussed ESY services, and determined that:
Student IS eligible for ESY based on the following information or data reviewed by the IEP team:
As of the date of this IEP, student is NOT eligible for ESY based on the following information or data reviewed by the IEP team:
Jay is not eligible because he should be able to make a lot of progress in closing the gap during the school year.
The Annual Goals and, when appropriate, Short-Term Objectives from this IEP that are to be addressed in the student’s ESY Program are:
If the IEP team has determined ESY is appropriate, complete the following:
ESY Service to be Provided Location Frequency Projected Beginning Date Anticipated Duration
A. QUESTIONS FOR IEP TEAM – The following questions must be reviewed and discussed by the IEP team prior to providing the explanations regarding
participation with students without disabilities.
It is the responsibility of each public agency to ensure that, to the maximum extent appropriate, students with disabilities, including those in public
or private institutions or other care facilities, are educated with students who are not disabled. Special classes, separate schooling or other removal
of students with disabilities from the general educational environment occurs only when the nature or severity of the disability is such that education
in general education classes, EVEN WITH the use of supplementary aids and services, cannot be achieved satisfactorily.
What supplementary aids and services were considered? What supplementary aids and services were rejected? Explain why the supplementary
aids and services will or will not enable the student to make progress on the goals and objectives (if applicable) in this IEP in the general
education class.
What benefits are provided in the general education class with supplementary aids and services versus the benefits provided in the special
education class?
What potentially beneficial effects and/or harmful effects might be expected on the student with disabilities or the other students in the
class, even with supplementary aids and services?
To what extent, if any, will the student participate with nondisabled peers in extracurricular activities or other nonacademic activities?
Explanation of the extent, if any, to which the student will not participate with students without disabilities in the regular education class:
Explanation of the extent, if any, to which the student will not participate with students without disabilities in the general education curriculum:
Jay will be doing a Wilson program for reading. He will be in a learning support classroom to develop
reading skills twice a week.
Student’s Name:
B. Type of Support
X Itinerant: Special education supports and services provided by special education personnel for 20% or less of the school day
Supplemental: Special education supports and services provided by special education personnel for more than 20% of the day but less than
80% of the school day
Full-Time: Special education supports and services provided by special education personnel for 80% or more of the school day
Autistic Support
Emotional Support
X Learning Support
Physical Support
Name of School Building where the IEP will be implemented: Mercer Elementary School
Is this school the student’s neighborhood school (i.e., the school the student would attend if he/she did not have an IEP)?
X Yes
VIII. PENNDATA REPORTING: Educational Environment (Complete either Section A or B; Select only one Educational Environment)
To calculate the percentage of time inside the regular classroom, divide the number of hours the student spends inside the regular classroom by the total number of hours in the school day (including
lunch, recess, study periods). The result is then multiplied by 100.
SECTION A: For Students Educated in Regular School Buildings with Non Disabled Peers – Indicate the Percentage of time INSIDE the regular classroom for this student:
Time spent outside the regular classroom receiving services unrelated to the student’s disability (e.g., time receiving ESL services) should be considered time inside the regular classroom.
Educational time spent in age-appropriate community-based settings that include individuals with and without disabilities, such as college campuses or vocational sites, should be counted as time
spent inside the regular classroom.
Calculation for this Student:
6 hours and 30 minutes 7 hours 92% __92%___% of the day INSIDE the Regular Classroom 80% or More of the Day
INSIDE the Regular Classroom 79-40% of the Day
INSIDE the Regular Classroom Less Than 40% of the Day
SECTION B: This section required only for Students Educated OUTSIDE Regular School Buildings for more than 50% of the day – select and indicate the Name of School or
Facility on the line corresponding with the appropriate selection: (If a student spends less than 50% of the day in one of these locations, the IEP team must do the calculation
in Section A)
Approved Private School (Non Residential) _________________________ Other Public Facility (Non Residential) _________________________
Approved Private School (Residential) _________________________ Hospital/Homebound _________________________
Other Private Facility (Non Residential) _________________________ Correctional Facility _________________________
Other Private Facility (Residential) ________________________ Out of State Facility _________________________
Other Public Facility (Residential) ________________________ Instruction Conducted in the Home _________________________
Total hours the student spends in the Total hours in a typical school (Hours inside regular classroom ÷ hours in school day) Section A: The percentage of time student
day (including lunch, recess & x 100 = % spends inside the regular classroom:
regular classroom per day
study periods) (Column 1 ÷ Column 2) x 100 = %
Example 1 5.5 6.5 (5.5 6.5) x 100 = 85% 85% of the day
(Inside 80% or More of Day)
Example 2 3 5 (3 5) x 100 = 60% 60% of the day
(Inside 79-40% of Day)
Example 3 1 5 (1 5) x 100 = 20% 20% of the day
(Inside less than 40% of Day)
For help in understanding this form, an annotated IEP is available on the PaTTAN website at www.pattan.net Type “Annotated Forms” in the Search feature on the website. If you do not have access
to the Internet, you can request the annotated form by calling PaTTAN at 800-441-3215.