Product-Oriented Rubrics
Product-Oriented Rubrics
Product-Oriented Rubrics
Ramos, Emelia G.
BSEd English 3102
Ed 109-Assessment in Learning
To Kill a Mockingbird
The students are expected to analyze the characters and scenarios in “To Kill a Mockingbird” and determine the theme.
The students are tasked to create a reflective essay about one of the universal themes in the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird”.
Reflective Essay (Analytic Rubric)
Coherence Shows The concept is There are some vague The concept is unclear
interconnectivity in connected to the main parts but the idea is thus not delivering its
terms of essay parts. idea but have some delivered. concept.
The overall concept is loopholes.
Composition The output exhibits The output utilizes The output seldom uses The output doesn’t
excellent use of literary some necessary literary certain literary observe proper writing
elements and correct elements in writing. elements for writing. styles at all.
Creativity The output showcases The output The output seldom The output lacks
experimental writing incorporates some observe the creative creativity at all and the
e.g utilizing different creative writing styles aspect of writing but content is not really
writing styles and and the content is still the content is still authentic.
content authenticity. authentic. authentic.
Reflective Essay (Holistic Rubric)
Excellent (20 points) Proficient (15 points) Adequate (10 points) Limited (5 points)
The output exhibits The output is authentic The output is authentic The output is not really
authentic and interesting and the topic is decent. but at times fail to authentic and there is
content. The idea and point of pique the interests of lack of interest in the
The output has the piece are well the readers. main point of the
excellent portrayal of delivered to the There is a connection output.
ideas and it shows readers. between the texts in the Some of the texts and
interconnectivity of the It features a literary output. idea lead to confusion
texts. form that embodies a It has some literary for it is not related to
It utilizes different good essay. elements and the the main point.
literary elements to It uses experimental punctuations and There is minimal use of
produce a well- writing. grammar are correct. literary elements thus
constructed literary The output is not really lacking qualities of a
piece. creative in nature but it good essay.
It has a different and is a decent essay. The output still needs
unique style in terms of improvement in terms
writing, form, and of writing creatively.