CCED - Pipeline Repair Job - SOW

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Company intends to carry out further petroleum operations and activities in connection
with its on-going exploration, development and production programs in Blocks 3
(Afar) and 4 (Ghunaim), onshore in Oman and is desirous of procuring services for
the ‘Provision of Saiwan to QAS 16'' Pipeline Repair and Services’ to support these
activities. Company have operated Oman Blocks 3 and 4 since 2008 and established
Production facilities namely Farha, Saiwan, Shahd B and Shahd F.

Company intends to engage an experienced and competent contractor for the provision of
“Saiwan to QAS 16'' Pipeline Repair and Services” to support the routine operations and
maintenance activities and upcoming projects as and when required basis.
Contractor shall supply on a Call-Off basis, Personnel and materials (as per the desired
specifications) required to perform the pipeline repairs at identified locations as and when
Company shall have the right, but not the obligation, to order work that it requires on a
call-out basis by issuing a Call-off Service Order. The contractor is required to mobilize
its resources to site on execution of such Call-Off Service Order that will prescribe the
Quantity of services required, place of service, location of the pipeline and the
completion timelines.
Each Call-off Order shall be notified to the Contractor in writing no less than Thirty (30) Days
prior to the Commencement Date Deadline set out therein.

COMPANY: Consolidated Contractors Energy Development (CCED)
MOM: Ministry of Manpower
ROP: Royal Oman Police
POC: Point of Contact
OPAL: Oman Society of Petroleum Services
IOGP: International Association of Oil and Gas Producers
ISO: International Organization of Standardization
JSA: Job Safety Assessments
PTW: Permit to Work
SOP: Standard Operating Procedure
SOW: Scope of Work
Blocks 3 and 4 are remote sites located approx. 350 kilometres south west of Muscat. There
are established asphalted public highways which reach to within approximately 80 kilometres
of graded gravel packed roads from the north and approximately 15 kilometres from the
The work will be conducted in a remote location where the personnel/workers will
experience extreme heat in a harsh environment. The Contractor is expected to
understand this requirement as part of the scope of work, and incorporate this issue
into its Management System.
In addition to the above, Contractor shall take account of the high relative humidity
leading to heavy condensation at night time, extremes of weather conditions including
seasonal sand and dust storms, infrequent but high intensity rainfall with flash flooding,
electrical storms and the effects of long journeys over rough graded roads, often with
wash-board surfaces.

Table # 1
Maximum black-bulb temperature 82 °C
Maximum Ambient temperature 55 °C
Minimum Ambient temperature 0°C
Maximum daily variation in temperature 25 °C
Maximum relative humidity 98%
Minimum relative humidity 15%
Minimum barometric pressure 98.8 kPa
Maximum barometric pressure 100.5 kPa
Soil thermal resistivity 240 °C cm/watt.
Solar radiation 0.12 W/mm2
Maximum Ground temperature at 1.0 meter depth 30 °C (Summer Max)
Minimum Ground temperature at 1.0 meter depth 22 °C (Winter Min)
Rain fall ( Max. 5 min rain ) for 10 years 8.1 mm

The contractor must fully understand the hazards, risks and the required mitigations to
execute the service safely.
The Contractor shall have extensive experience in providing Repairs of Pipelines, flowlines,
vessels piping and have the required in-house expertise to execute the services in line with the
applicable standards (Ref. ISO 24817 & SA 2.5), best industry practices, material specifications
and application process.
All personnel shall work according to clearly established procedures and instructions that
guarantee highest quality of the works being carried out. Contractor shall also
understand the need for efficiency, expediency and safety.
Contractor shall provide the services as detailed in this section including its obligations
under the contract such as providing experienced, qualified and competent personnel
with the repair material, appropriate tools and equipment to ensure the pipeline repair
services are delivered as per the standards and timelines defined by the Company.
Consequently except where explicitly stated as being provided by Company herein,
Contractor shall perform all the Services, including but not limited to:
5.1 From the Commencement Date, the Contractor shall have available at the Site all
personnel, equipment and material including sufficient consumables as may be
required to allow the work to be conducted without interruption to the
performance standards and timelines desired by the Company as stated herein.
Contractor shall be responsible for the management and supervision of the desired
Service and ensure conformance to the required standards as specified in the scope
of work.
5.2 All activities related to the 12’’ & 16’’ repair shall be performed in accordance
with the Company approved technical specifications of the wrapping material to
be used.
5.3 Contractor must submit the technical details, brands, manufacturer’s details of
the material to the Company for review and approval.
5.4 Contractor shall submit a detailed method statement of the services to be
performed to the Company for review and approval.
5.5 Based on the pipeline wall loss/ defect observed, the Contractor shall ascertain the
number of layers of wrapping required for a particular location. The Company shall
review and approve the number of layers of SRS with HA resin required to repair
the line.
5.6 Contractor shall submit a copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of the
materials and ensure the same are in both Arabic and English Languages.
5.7 The Company and Contractor shall carry out a joint inspection of the area repaired
to evaluate its integrity of the line and quality of the workmanship.
5.8 Contractor shall prepare the Surface area prior to the application of the
engineered composite material.
5.9 Grit blasting for the surface preparation is under scope of contractor. Contractor
must ensure adequate protective measures are taken such as covering and
barricading the sand blasting area, frequent collection of the grit and cleaning the
area. Contractor must ensure usage of fine grit only that will not enable any spark
emission during blasting activity. Manual buffing to be used for uneven surfaces
where grit blasting is not feasible. Contractor has to ensure minimum nozzle
distance to avoid spark appearance during grit /sand blasting.
5.10 Contractor shall isolate the surrounding area (using appropriate barricading
material / tapes) while performing the job at the location or as advised by the
Company’s HSE department.
5.11 Basis of design
Subject Specification

Design pressure (bar) 1-40 bar

Design temperature ( C) 82°C

Repair lifetime (years) 10-20/ permanent

1. Saiwan to QAS 16’’ Pipeline Epoxy Grout Sleeve Repair
(API 1160), with minimum of 2 meter length, including
materials, recoating and cathodic protection package
2. Stopaq Putty Application
a. Stopaq® Putty is a non-toxic corrosion
preventative material, suited for application on tank
manhole covers and irregular shaped pipeline
fittings like flanges and valves. It is compatible
with adjacent factory coatings like PE, PP, FBE, etc
Requirements from Contractor Remarks

Provide Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of each used material

Identify No. of layers of SRS with HA resin and shall be approved by CCED

Design requirements of engineered repairs shall be approved by CCED.

Provide the method of statement and shall be approved by CCED

Prepare the surface prior to application of engineered pipeline repairs.
Execute the engineered pipeline repairs at identified locations
Diligently and efficiently carry out any jobs assigned by the Company’s authorized
Post inspection of applied engineered pipeline repairs will be conducted by CCED to
evaluate its integrity
Provide warranty of the engineered pipeline repairs service for 20 years lifetime.

6.1. The Contractor shall apply the composite material based on the number of
layers required for the repair (to be jointly agreed by both parties). The
Contractor shall invite the Company’s representative for a joint inspection
to verify the quantity and quality of the job carried out.

6.2. A measurement sheet as per the agreed template shall need to be submitted to
the Company’s representative on completion of each location as defined in the
call out order for review and approval.

7.1 The warranty period of the engineered pipeline repairs shall be for ten (10)
to Twenty (20) years effective from the date of completion of the service.
7.2 Contractor will mobilize its crew, material and equipment to Site to carry out
any repairs.
All cost associated with the mobilization of the required resources, materials
etc to carry out the above rectification works shall be borne by the


8.1. Contractor shall have, from the Commencement Date, sufficient materials
required to perform the services as per the quantity defined in the Call-Off
Order and suitable Equipment including all accessories, tools, Grit and
consumables and other items necessary to execute the service as defined in
the scope of work.
8.2. Contractor’s equipment / machines must undergo a pre-mobilization inspection
carried out by a Contractor’s engineer. Any defects observed should be remedied
immediately and a fitness certificate of the same must be submitted to the
Company for review. Such equipment/machines should be suitable for use in
hazardous areas / hydrocarbon zones.
8.3. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all its material, equipment and
consumables, and will ensure all work is carried out to a very high standard
and conforms to Company and international procedures, standards and
codes. Contractor must remain conversant with and work practicing the
latest industry developments.
8.4. Defective/sub-standard/unapproved materials shall be prohibited to be
used and should be removed from site as soon as possible. During their stay
on site pending for removal, they should be properly labelled to show that
they are rejected and should not be used.
8.5. A suitable place shall be provided at site for storage of paint, grit, associated
materials, tools or equipment. The storage area shall be clearly identified with
appropriate hazardous signage boards.
8.6. Contractor must have back-up Equipment in case of breakdowns or failures
to ensure continuous service to support Company’s operations.
8.7. Contractor shall be responsible for the Security and safe custody of its
equipment and material.


9.1. The Contractor must ensure strict compliance to the Omani Labour Laws at
all times during the Contract period.
9.2. Meals and Accommodation for Contractor’s personnel at Site:
9.2.1. The Company will provide accommodation (Twin Sharing) & laundry
services for its senior staff on Field such as Supervisors / Technicians /
skilled manpower.
9.2.2. The Company will provide Labour accommodation and laundry services
for the drivers, helpers and un-skilled personnel.
9.2.3. The Company will provide meals for all Contractor personnel deployed
at Site; however the Contractor is responsible for collecting the food
from the camp and delivering the same to its field personnel at the job


The following matrix provides information on the responsibilities shared between the
Company and the contractor during the course of the contract.

Table # 2
Sr. Description Responsibilities
No Contractor Company
1 Meals for Contractor’s personnel while at Site ✔
2 Drinking Water for Contractor’s personnel while at Site ✔
3 Accommodation for Contractor’s personnel while at Site ✔
4 Electricity / power supply at site (day and night). (Note: ✔
Contractor must provide the detailed input socket size and specification of the
anticipated Electrical power requirement)
5 Potable Water at designated locations in the plant. ✔

6 Responsibility of lifting heavy equipment if where required ✔

using Cranes
7 Diesel for Contractor’s Vehicles (Approved by Company) ✔
while on Duty at Site only
8 Scaffolding if required to access the location ✔

9 Supply of all material and consumables as per the approved ✔

technical specifications and required standards.
10 Inventory management, stock control of contractor owned ✔
material, consumables (required for the job)
11 Safe Storage and security of contractor’s material ✔
12 Work Benches if required at Location to execute the repairs ✔
13 Transportation of Contractor’s material, equipment and ✔
personnel from the place of origin to the Site and return.
14 Transportation of material, equipment and personnel within ✔
the fields
15 Distribution of Meals for Contractor’s personnel ✔
16 PPE for Contractor’s manpower working at Site (as specified ✔
in B7)
17 Hand Tools, tackles, other equipment required to carry out ✔
the service
18 Stationery for office use ✔
19 Pre-hire and Annual Medical Health Check-up for ✔
Contractor’s manpower
20 Obtaining Permit to Work prior to commencement of work ✔
(Permit holder & applicant)
21 Preparing the measurement sheets for each activity / each ✔
location completed.
22 At the work area: General housekeeping, clearing of debris, ✔
waste and scrap disposal, removal of damaged material,
keeping the work area clean at all times.
23 Permits and approvals in place to operate and transport ✔
Contractor’s equipment within Oman.
24 Provide necessary details to the Company’s security officer at ✔
least 10 days before mobilization for making gate passes for
Personnel and equipment.
25 Winter Jackets (During Winter season), Raincoats (in cases of ✔
rains) for personnel.
26 MSDS for all chemicals, resins (in English and Arabic) ✔
27 Marking and labelling of Containers, Barrels, Cans containing ✔
Chemical / resins.
28 Workbench of required at the work location ✔
29 Pipeline coating removal and recoating including crew and ✔


11.1 The Contractor shall commence the services within One (1) week of
execution of Call-Off Service Order.
11.2 Contractor shall mobilise its Equipment, Materials, Personnel and all other
items as per this Contract such that it is ready to fulfil its obligations on the
Commencement Date.
11.3 Within maximum of ten (10) Days from the contract execution, the
Contractor shall submit to the Company for approval; a mobilization plan,
outlining all key activities that will be executed to mobilize prior to the
Commencement Date
11.4 Contractor’s personnel working at the field or on visit to the field must hold a
valid residency card or visa that is issued by the ROP. For avoidance of doubt,
ROP will not approve personnel working on the field who are in possession
of an express visa, unless they are in a supervisory position. The Contractor is
accountable for arranging the right type of visa for its crew in compliance to the
statutory requirements/ROP guidelines as appropriate. If the Contractor uses
Sub-Contractors, an approval from MOM on the sub-Contractor to Contractor
contractual agreement must be available upon request from the Company. (Refer
to the attached B7 for details on Visa requirements)


Contractor shall have a minimum of seven (07) years of experience in providing

pipeline Repairs services to the Oil and Gas, Refineries, Petrochemical plants.

Contractor shall provide experienced manpower having appropriate knowledge, skill

set and ability to perform the services as per the criteria defined below:

12.1 Contractor shall provide qualified, competent, and trained Personnel

required for the performance of its obligations under the Contract.
Personnel shall be dedicated to the Services and be continuously available
as and when required from the Commencement Date of the Contract /
service call-off order as appropriate.
12.2 Contractor shall provide a Key Account manager (Base Office) and Site Supervisor
(Site Office) to oversee the services and coordinate with the Company’s
representatives at Site.
12.3 Contractor shall provide all the necessary support personnel, including but
not limited to drivers, administrative personnel to perform the Services
efficiently and safely.
12.4 The Company has the right to advise the contractor for replacement of its
personnel in case of any issues related to noncompliance, non-performance,
poor knowledge of the job, HSE violations, HSE Incidents or near misses that
may have occurred as a result of the individual’s negligence or failure to
comply to the SOP, systems and processes etc. that may be
observed/reported during the course of the contract.
12.5 Candidates selected shall not be changed/ replaced during the execution of the
Contract without the prior written consent of the Company. In the event of any
change in Personnel, the Contractor shall ensure that there is an appropriate
handover to the satisfaction of the Company.
12.6 Drivers need not be additional team members if the supervisors or
technicians have ROP approval and are of the appropriate age and are
qualified to drive in the required vehicle.
12.7 Contractor’s field supervisory team shall be required to communicate in
English with a strong preference for Arabic also. The standard of English
must enable clear instruction and understanding to perform the work
efficiently and to ensure active participation in Company HSE emergency
drills and to be communicative in the event of an emergency situation.
12.8 All Contractor personnel deployed to site must undergo and pass a pre-
employment medical check-up and an annual medical check-up. Contractor
shall maintain the documents and certifications of Contractor personnel as
applicable to their positions and make this available to Company upon
12.9 Contractor’s manpower shall generally work under their own supervision to
provide the requested services, complying with all instructions from
Company while carrying out the work.
12.10 Contractor shall appoint a Supervisor to carry out the work as per Company
requirements whenever and where ever their personnel are working.
12.11 Supervisors shall be fully aware of the nature of the job to be performed,
risks involved, safety measures to be taken, Company Permit to Work
system requirements, First Aid, emergency procedures etc.
12.12 Contractor shall provide replacement personnel if any of the supplied
personnel becomes ill or unavailable for work.
12.13 Contractor shall be solely responsible for the good conduct and disciplined
behaviour of his personnel. In cases where disciplinary action requires
dismissal from the Work Site, Contractor bears full responsibility for the
removal/demobilization of such personnel from the site, and replacement
with qualified staff in a timely manner that will not jeopardize the quality or
continuity of safe operation of the facility.
12.14 Contractor shall be knowledgeable of quality related procedures, practices
and standards and ensure that these are maintained.
12.15 Contractor Key Personnel:
In addition to technical and operational competence and the roles and
responsibilities defined below, all Key Personnel shall have well developed
communication skills as well as strong leadership, supervisory and coaching

12.15.1 Operation Manager (Point of Contact at base office / head office /

regional office)
This position shall handle the day to day operation of the Contract
and liaise with the Company’s Contract Holder and the
Contractor’s field personnel. The responsibilities of the Key
Account Manager shall be as follows: Responsible for the overall Contract and service

performance, Adherence to HSE management systems and execution
preparation (including not but limited to ensuring
availability of material as per the required technical
specifications, tools, equipment and consumables), Providing guidance and technical support to the field
personnel Submission of correct and accurate Invoices as per the
approved timesheets. Ensuring progress of contract scope as per the agreed
terms and conditions and Completion timelines. Ensure all personnel have undergone their medical
checks prior to mobilization to field. Ensure all personnel have undergone the required
Training programs and an accurate record of the same
is maintained and presented when requested by the

12.15.2 Site Supervisor (Point of Contact at the field)

The Contractor shall also provide a Site supervisor deployed at the field at
its own cost to oversee the services and shall be able to perform the
following tasks diligently: Lead the field team and coordinate with the Company’s
representatives at Site and Contractor’s head office. Obtain Permit to Work, functions as a Permit Holder and Attend
the PTW meeting at site. Ensure the services are carried out as per the desired standards
and technical specifications. Ensure all personnel are equipped with the appropriate PPE. Ensure personnel reach the work location on time. Carry out joint inspections of the pipeline with the Company’s
representatives Experience: At least Ten (10) years of overall experience in
oil & gas, refineries, chemical, petrochemical
industries. At least three (3) years in holding responsible
supervisory position or managing a major
contract of similar scope / pipeline repairs. Should have worked in remote locations Should hold an appropriate engineering
certificate / diploma

12.15.3 Technicians/ QC Engineer Experience: At least Five (5) years of overall experience in oil
& gas, refineries, chemical, petrochemical
industries. At least three (3) years in executing similar
scope / pipeline repairs.

13. HSE
13.1 The Contractor shall be fully responsible for maintaining highest standards of
safety, fire prevention and first aid support at all times. The Contractor shall
follow Company HSSE requirements stipulated in Section B7 of the Contract
and other statutory safety regulations as per the regulations in the Sultanate
of Oman.
13.2 Contractor must ensure adherence to the quality, health and safety related
procedures, industry best practices, appropriate codes and standards and
ensure compliance to the same.
13.3 Drivers should obtain permission from the gatehouse to enter through the
Plant gates.
13.4 Contractor shall be responsible for the removal and disposal of all its waste
from the Site such as waste wrapping material, drums, pallets, plastics, empty
sacks, paper bags, waste lubes/oils/grease/chemical/resins and any other
waste or debris generated as a result if its execution of the Work.
13.5 Contractor shall be certified to ISO 9001 or ISO/TS 29001 for all activities
related to this Contract. Contractor shall maintain certification for such
system throughout the term of this Contract.


14.1. The Contractor shall be responsible for mobilizing its resources including
personnel and equipment to/from Site.
14.2. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing transportation for its
personnel to and from their place of work and 4X4 pick-up truck for moving
material and equipment within the fields etc.
14.3. Contractor shall ensure a vehicle is on standby and readily available at the
field for transportation of its personnel, tools etc.
14.4. Diesel fuel for approved Contractor’s field vehicles will be provided by Company
for approved legitimate Contract use.


15.1. Working hours shall be agreed between Company and contractor. The normal
working day of the contractor crew shall be from 6.00 to 18.00, with one hour
lunch break, seven (7) days per week including all national holidays. The
contractor’s personnel shall be available for work as per requirement on any day
including holidays and weekly off days.
15.2. No additional payment shall be made by the Company to the Contractor for
any Work in excess of normal working hours.
15.3. Contractor must ensure that its staff are provided with adequate breaks /
annual leave / rest period as per the laws of the Sultanate of Oman.
15.4. The Contractor shall arrange and manage rotational and annual leave for
the crew ensuring there is proper coverage at Site and Company’s work
requirements are satisfied without disruption.


16.1. The contractor must ensure the measurement sheets or service completion reports
as applicable are duly approved by the concerned line manager on a daily basis or
on completion of each activity (as defined in the Call Off Service Order).
16.2. The contractor should promptly demobilize from site on completion of the contract
period or on completion of each job defined in the call-off service order. The
contractor must ensure all its manpower, equipment, tools, material etc are
cleared from the Company’s premises (including but not limited to clearing any
debris, waste material, excess or waste paints, consumables, containers, barrels,
scrap disposal, packing material, removing of damaged material etc. generated as a
result of this activity) within the agreed timelines with proper documentation and
in compliance to Company’s security procedures.

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