Ivano Donchieu
Ivano Donchieu
Ivano Donchieu
Ivano Donchieu
Professor Reed
ENGL 1301
6 November 2023
Christy Bieber, a personal finance, and legal writer with more than a decade of
experience declares that “In fact, 72% of couples reported they didn’t fully understand the
commitment involved in marriage before they tied the knot” (Forbes Advisor). Divorce remains
a controversial issue in the United States. Divorce always entails the canceling of the legal duties
and responsibilities of marriage, thus dissolving the bonds of matrimony between a married
couple under the rule of law of a particular state. Patrick F. Fagan and Aaron Churchill assert
that “Each year, over a million American children suffer the divorce of their parents” (Marriage
& Religion Research Institute). Divorce causes irreparable harm to all involved, but most
especially to the children. Divorce has many consequences both for children and for society.
Reasons for preventing divorce are many, but the most relevant are cyclical brokenness in the
To begin with, divorce has many consequences both for children and on society because
it leads to a cyclical brokenness in families. The primary effect of divorce is a decline in the
relationship between parents and children. Children in divorced families receive less emotional
support, financial assistance, and practical help from their parents. Fagan and Churchill report
that, “Ninety percent of nonresidential parents are fathers, and the stress of divorce damages the
parent-child relationship for as many as forty percent of divorced mothers” (Marriage & Religion
Research Institute). For example: A teenager from a divorced family living with his mother,
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turns to complicate his relationship with his mother out of frustration due to the absence of his
father. This entails the different challenges he encounters in certain aspects of his life as he
grows up. A boy is not comfortable in bringing up certain topics with his mother compared to his
father. Divorce implies a cyclical brokenness because many children from divorced families
suffer from a psychological trauma which impacts them all their lives. Parents suffering from
marital disputes, trying to sort them out specifically, make the best decision for their children.
Moreover, divorce has many consequences both on children and society because it is one
of the main reasons for juvenile delinquency. Children from divorced families most of the time
suffer from a lack of parental control and care. Alexandra S. Burt et al, acknowledge that
(American Psychological Association). For example: Many minors today turn to take poor
decisions is a result of lack of parental supervision. Most children from divorced families suffer
the disequilibrium because of them living with only one of their parents. Psychologists play a
great role in saving marriages, giving the opportunity to parents to guarantee the future of their
Furthermore, divorce has many consequences both on children and on society because it
causes depression. Marriage experts argue that most children from divorced families suffer from
depression as they are affected by the fact that they live with one of their parents. When judges
give the choice to children in some divorce cases to pick between their parents, the effect is
devastating. For example: A child from a divorce will certainly have nostalgic feelings about the
happy days of his parents’ marriage. This impacts greatly on the psychological condition of
children. Parents are not exempt from depression in some cases. Catherine E. Ross, and John
Mirowsky argue that “Previously observed marital status differences in psychological well-being
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reflect decreases in well-being associated with divorce more than they reflect preexisting
Ultimately, divorce impacts children and society negatively. Reasons for preventing
divorce are many, but the most relevant are cyclical brokenness in the family, juvenile
delinquency, and causes depression. Children are the priority in every recognized marital union
and parents guarantee their moral support, by maintaining a peaceful and stable marriage.
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Works Cited
Patrick F. Fagan and Aaron Churchill. “The Effects of Divorce on Children”. Marriage &
Catherine E. Ross, and John Mirowsky. Citing Sources : Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol.
Alexandra S. Burt et al. “Parental divorce and adolescent delinquency: Ruling out the impact of