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Space Exploration Holdings, LLC

ICFS File No. SAT-MOD-20230207-00021

ICFS File No(s): SAT-MOD-20230207-00021 1 GRANTED IN PART/

Licensee/Grantee: Space Exploration Holdings, LLC (SpaceX) DEFERRED IN PART –
Call Sign: S3069
Satellite Name: SpaceX Starlink Constellation Gen2 (Gen2 Starlink) With Conditions
Orbital Location: Non-geostationary orbit (NGSO). 2

(required station- Up to 3,360 satellites at an altitude of 525 km and

keeping tolerance) inclination of 53 degrees
Up to 3,360 satellites at an altitude of 530 km and
inclination of 43 degrees
Up to 780 satellites at an altitude of 535 km and
inclination of 33 degrees.
Space Bureau
Administration: United States of America
Nature of Service: N/A Satellite Policy and Programs
Scope of Grant: Modification of SpaceX’s license for its Gen2 Starlink satellites to: (1) authorize SpaceX
to deploy a modified version of the previously authorized Gen2 Starlink satellites with the
capability to operate in certain frequencies in the 1429 MHz to 2690 MHz range; and (2)
to operate these satellites on frequencies within the 1910-1915 MHz and 1990-1995 MHz
bands for limited on-orbit check out of the antennas immediately following deployment of
each satellite for a period of 10 days or less, to ensure initial functionality of the satellite
antenna. 3
Previous Grant(s): Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, Application for Approval for Orbital Deployment and
Operating Authority for the SpaceX V-Band NGSO Satellite System, Memorandum
Opinion, Order and Authorization, 33 FCC Rcd 11434 (2018) (SpaceX V-band

Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, Application for Approval for Orbital Deployment and
Operating Authority for the SpaceX V-Band NGSO Satellite System, Grant Stamp, ICFS
File No. SAT-LOA-20170301-00027 (granted Jun. 9, 2020) (SpaceX 50.4-51.4 GHz

This modification application was placed on public notice on April 18, 2023. Space Bureau and Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau Seek Comment on Filings of SpaceX and T-Mobile Requesting to Establish Supplemental
Coverage from Space; Space Exploration Holdings, LLC Application Accepted For Filing, Public Notice, DA 23-338 (Apr.
18, 2023). See ICFS File No. SAT-MOD-20230207-00021 and GN Docket No. 23-135. DISH Network Corporation (DISH)
filed a Petition to Dismiss or Deny, Omnispace LLC and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory filed Oppositions, and
several parties filed comments. However, we will only address here those that relate to this limited, deployment-only
authorization, and we defer consideration of other issues raised in the record.
This grant incorporates by reference the full range of orbital parameters described in connection with the SpaceX Gen2
Starlink application and grant and the SpaceX Gen2 V-band modification grant. See generally SpaceX Gen2 Partial Grant;
ICFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-20200526-00055 and SAT-AMD-20210818-00105; SAT-MOD-20230322-00062.
SpaceX has requested authorization for additional testing pursuant to the Commission’s experimental licensing process. See
Experimental Licensing System (ELS) File No. 2398-EX-ST-2023 (filed Nov. 29, 2023). SpaceX has also filed an earth
station operation under part 25. SpaceX has also filed an application for certain earth station operations post-deployment.
The ICFS file number has not yet been assigned. See ICFS Submission ID IC2023006753.
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Space Exploration Holdings, LLC
ICFS File No. SAT-MOD-20230207-00021

Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, Request for Orbital Deployment and Operating
Authority for the SpaceX Gen2 NGSO Satellite System, Order and Authorization, FCC 22-
91 (rel. Dec. 1, 2022) (SpaceX Gen2 Partial Grant)

ICFS File No. SAT-MOD-20230322-00062 (granted-in-part/dismissed-in-part Nov. 9,

2023) (SpaceX Gen2 V-band Grant)
Service Area(s): N/A
Frequencies 4: Initial limited on-orbit check out:
1910-1915 MHz (Earth-to-space) (within the U.S. only)
1990-1995 MHz (space-to-Earth) (within the U.S. only)

Operations under this grant must comport with the legal and technical specifications set forth by the
applicant or petitioner and with the Federal Communications Commission’s rules not waived herein. This
grant is also subject to the following conditions:

1. SpaceX must timely provide the Commission with the information required for Advance Publication,
Coordination, and Notification of the frequency assignment(s) for this constellation, including due
diligence information, pursuant to Articles 9 and 11 of the ITU Radio Regulations. This authorization
may be modified, without prior notice, consistent with the coordination of the frequency assignment(s)
with other Administrations. See 47 CFR § 25.111(b). SpaceX is responsible for all cost-recovery fees
associated with the ITU filings. 47 CFR § 25.111(d).
2. All operations by SpaceX for the limited on-orbit check out authorized in this grant in part 5 shall be on an
unprotected and non-harmful interference basis, i.e., SpaceX shall not cause harmful interference to, and
shall not claim protection from interference caused to it, by any lawfully operating station.
3. In the event of any harmful interference during SpaceX’s limited on-orbit check out, 6 SpaceX shall cease
operations immediately upon notification of such interference, and shall inform the Commission, in
writing, immediately of such an event.
4. SpaceX shall coordinate with any potentially-affected operators, including operators authorized to use the
above-listed frequency bands, 7 before operating in those bands for its planned on-orbit check out.
SpaceX must provide to the other operator(s) the dates of the testing and a stop-buzzer point of contact in
the event that harmful interference occurs.
5. SpaceX shall maintain full control of its satellites at all times and shall operate its satellites in accordance
with any existing coordination agreements.
6. Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuant to this grant is solely at SpaceX’s
own risk. This grant in part only addresses operations in the 1910-1915 MHz and 1990-1995 MHz bands
for purposes of limited on-orbit checkout with authorized earth station(s) in the United States. SpaceX
must obtain additional approval from the Commission before conducting any operations with its satellites
in the 1429 MHz to 2690 MHz frequency range with any locations outside the United States. This grant
does not authorize SpaceX to provide service, perform any launch and early orbit phase (LEOP)

This list specifies only the frequency ranges authorized for limited on-orbit satellite check out. For information regarding
the other frequencies currently licensed for the SpaceX Starlink Gen2 satellites and related conditions, see generally SpaceX
Gen2 Partial Grant; SpaceX Gen2 V-band Grant.
See Scope of Grant.
See Frequencies.
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Space Exploration Holdings, LLC
ICFS File No. SAT-MOD-20230207-00021

operations other than the limited satellite check out specified in the scope of grant, conduct testing, or
send or receive any other transmissions in the 1429 MHz to 2690 MHz range. 8
7. All operations of the Gen2 Starlink satellites must also comport with the Commission’s decision in the
SpaceX Gen2 Partial Grant, 9 ICFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-20200526-00055 and SAT-AMD-20210818-
8. All operations of the Gen2 Starlink satellites must also comport with the terms and conditions in the
SpaceX Gen2 V-band Grant, 10 ICFS File No. SAT-MOD-20230322-00062.
9. We GRANT IN PART AND DEFER IN PART SpaceX’s request for waiver of section 25.114(a)(1), 47
CFR § 25.114(a)(1), which requires that an application for space station authorization contain a completed
Schedule S. 11 SpaceX states that it cannot accurately describe its system in certain respects due to
limitations in Schedule S itself.12 SpaceX has included the orbital characteristics of the Starlink Gen2
system in this application by reference and has accordingly provided a sample of its information in the
Schedule S to satisfy the validation requirements of the form.13 In addition, because SpaceX only has
authority to launch and operate up to 7,500 satellites in three orbital shells at 525 km, 530 km, and 535 km
altitudes, SpaceX has included the full complement of satellites requested in these three shells for purposes
of the Schedule S. 14 SpaceX explains that aspects of the system will not be accurately captured, such as
the “Total Number of Satellites in the Active Constellation” and the inclusion of minimum and maximum
saturation flux density (SFD) values for each space station receive antenna that is connected to
transponders. 15 Because SpaceX has implemented work-arounds to provide the relevant information on its
application regarding the orbital parameters of its satellites, we find that a waiver of the requirement to
complete the fields of the Schedule S related to the orbital parameters as relevant to this grant-in-part, is
warranted. However, we defer consideration of this waiver request as it could apply to other aspects of the
Schedule S that relate to satellite operations and provision of service
10. SpaceX’s Gen2 Starlink satellites must operate consistent with all technical specifications provided to the
Commission, including any supplemental specifications in connection with this application for
modification. Should SpaceX wish to alter any other technical specifications, including but not limited to
any information presented in its orbital debris mitigation plan for the Gen2 Starlink system, it must apply
for further license modification from the Commission.16

Accordingly, this grant does not address considerations associated with any operations in these frequency bands, including
the need for any waivers of the Table of Frequency Allocations, section 2.106(a) of the Commission’s rules. 47 CFR §
See generally SpaceX Gen2 Partial Grant.
See generally SpaceX Gen2 V-band Grant.
We only address herein this waiver request that relates to this immediate grant, and we defer consideration of other waiver
See ICFS File No. SAT-MOD-20230207-00021, Waiver Requests at 11.
See id.
See id.
See id. at 11-12.
SpaceX incorporates by reference the orbital debris showings from its authorized Gen2 Starlink system. See Letter from
David Goldman to Marlene H. Dortch, ICFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-20200526-00055 and SAT-AMD-20210818-00105 (dated
Jan. 17, 2023); Consolidated Opposition to Petitions and Response to Comments of Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, GN

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Space Exploration Holdings, LLC
ICFS File No. SAT-MOD-20230207-00021

11. This authorization is subject to modification to bring it into conformance with any rules or policies adopted
by the Commission in the future. Accordingly, in making any investments relating to operations authorized
in this order, SpaceX assumes the risk that it may be subject to additional conditions or requirements as a
result of any future Commission actions. This includes, but is not limited to, any conditions or requirements
resulting from any action in the proceedings associated with IB Docket 22-271 and GN Docket 23-65, 17 IB
Docket 18-313, 18 WTB Docket 20-443, 19 WT docket 20-133, 20 IB docket 21-456, 21 and GN Docket 22-
352. 22
12. This grant is without prejudice to any future action taken in connection with any other pending requests
before the Commission by SpaceX, including but not limited to, ICFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-20200526-
00055, SAT-AMD-20210818-00105, SAT-AMD-20221216-00175, SAT-MOD-20230207-00022, and

Docket No. 23-135, at 22 (filed May 30, 2023) (SpaceX Consolidated Response). DISH argues that SpaceX needs to provide
an updated Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR) to account for the increase in mass due to the addition of the new
antenna. See Petition to Dismiss or Deny of DISH Network Corporation, GN Docket No. 23-135, ICFS File No. SAT-MOD-
20230207-00021 at 8-9 (filed May 18, 2023) (DISH Petition). DISH further argues that SpaceX relies on an attachment
containing satellite dimensions and NASA’s Debris Assessment Software (DAS) information with which SpaceX is not
bound to comply. See Reply of DISH Network Corporation, GN Docket No. 23-135 at 11 (filed June 5, 2023). However,
SpaceX clarifies that, with the addition of the new antenna, satellite operations will fall within the area-to-mass ratio of the
largest form factor that the Commission approved for the Gen2 Starlink system in the SpaceX Gen2 Partial Grant. See
SpaceX Consolidated Response at 23. In addition, SpaceX provides information about two of its new antenna form factors
and sample DAS logs that demonstrate that this new antenna fits within the parameters SpaceX already provided. See id. at
24, Attachment A. SpaceX must operate consistent with all technical specifications previously provided to the Commission,
except as updated in this modification. Based on SpaceX’s statements regarding the new antenna vis-à-vis its previously
submitted orbital debris mitigation demonstration, we find that the specific concern expressed by DISH has been addressed.
Nothing in this grant, however, precludes the Commission from additional review of orbital debris mitigation issues as
specified in the SpaceX Gen2 Partial Grant.
See generally Single Network Future: Supplemental Coverage from Space, Space Innovation, Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, FCC 23-22 (Mar. 17, 2023).
See generally Space Innovation Mitigation of Orbital Debris in the New Space Age, Report and Order, 37 FCC Rcd 11818
(2022); Mitigation of Orbital Debris in the New Space Age, Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,
35 FCC Rcd 4156 (2020).
See generally Expanding Flexible Use of the 12.2-12.7 GHz Band; Expanding Use of the 12.7-13.25 GHz Band for Mobile
Broadband or Other Expanded Use, Report and Order, Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, FCC 23-36 (May 18, 2023); Expanding Flexible Use of the 12.2-12.7 GHz Band, et al., Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, 36 FCC Rcd 606 (2021).
See generally Modernizing and Expanding Access to the 70/80/90 GHz Bands, et al., Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and
Order, 35 FCC Rcd 6039 (2020).
See generally Revising Spectrum Sharing Rules for Non-Geostationary Orbit, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems, Report and
Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 23-29 (Apr. 21, 2023); Revising Spectrum Sharing Rules for Non-
Geostationary Orbit, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems; Revision of Section 25.261 of the Commission's Rules to Increase
Certainty in Spectrum Sharing Obligations Among NGO FSS Systems, Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 36 FCC
Rcd 17871 (2021).
See generally Expanding Flexible Use of the 12.2-12.7 GHz Band; Expanding Use of the 12.7-13.25 GHz Band for Mobile
Broadband or Other Expanded Use, Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, FCC 23-36 (May 19, 2023); Expanding Use of the 12.7-13.25 GHz Band for Mobile Broadband or Other
Expanded Use, Notice of Inquiry and Order, 37 FCC Rcd 13427 (2022).
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9−16. Name of Contact Representative

Name: William Wiltshire Phone Number: 202−730−1300

Company: HWG LLP Fax Number:
Street: 1919 M Street NW, Eighth Floor E−Mail:

City: Washington State: DC

Country: USA Zipcode: 20036−
Attention: Relationship: Legal Counsel

17. Choose the button next to the
classification that applies to this filing for (N/A) b1. Application for License of New Station
both questions a. and b. Choose only one (N/A) b2. Application for Registration of New Domestic Receive−Only Station
for 17a and only one for 17b. b3. Amendment to a Pending Application
b4. Modification of License or Registration
a1. Earth Station
b5. Assignment of License or Registration
a2. Space Station b6. Transfer of Control of License or Registration
b7. Notification of Minor Modification
(N/A) b8. Application for License of New Receive−Only Station Using Non−U.S. Licensed
(N/A) b9. Letter of Intent to Use Non−U.S. Licensed Satellite to Provide Service in the United
(N/A) b10. Other (Please specify)
(N/A) b11. Application for Earth Station to Access a Non−U.S.satellite Not Currently Authorized
to Provide the Proposed Service in the Proposed Frequencies in the United States
(N/A) b12. Application for Database Entry
b13. Amendment to a Pending Database Entry Application
b14. Modification of Database Entry

17c. Is a fee submitted with this application?
If Yes, complete and attach FCC Form 159. If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
Governmental Entity Noncommercial educational licensee
Other(please explain):


Fee Classification

18. If this filing is in reference to an 19. If this filing is an amendment to a pending application enter both fields, if this filing is a
existing station, enter: modification please enter only the file number:
(a) Call sign of station: (a) Date pending application was filed: (b) File number:
05/26/2020 SATLOA2020052600055

20. NATURE OF SERVICE: This filing is for an authorization to provide or use the following type(s) of service(s): Select all that apply:

a. Fixed Satellite
b. Mobile Satellite
c. Radiodetermination Satellite
d. Earth Exploration Satellite
e. Direct to Home Fixed Satellite
f. Digital Audio Radio Service
g. Other (please specify)

21. STATUS: Choose the button next to the applicable status. Choose 22. If earth station applicant, check all that apply.
only one. Using U.S. licensed satellites
Common Carrier Non−Common Carrier Using Non−U.S. licensed satellites

23. If applicant is providng INTERNATIONAL COMMON CARRIER service, see instructions regarding Sec. 214 filings. Choose one. Are these
Connected to a Public Switched Network Not connected to a Public Switched Network N/A

24. FREQUENCY BAND(S): Place an ’X’ in the box(es) next to all applicable frequency band(s).
a. C−Band (4/6 GHz) b. Ku−Band (12/14 GHz)
c.Other (Please specify upper and lower frequencies in MHz.)
Frequency Lower: 1910 Frequency Upper: 1995 (Please specify additional frequencies in an attachment)

25. CLASS OF STATION: Choose the button next to the class of station that applies. Choose only one.
a. Fixed Earth Station
b. Temporary−Fixed Earth Station
c. 12/14 GHz VSAT Network
d. Mobile Earth Station
e. Geostationary Space Station
f. Non−Geostationary Space Station
g. Other (please specify)


Transmit/Receive Transmit−Only Receive−Only N/A
"For Space Station applications, select N/A."


27. The purpose of this proposed modification is to: (Place an ’X’ in the box(es) next to all that apply.)

a −− authorization to add new emission designator and related service

b −− authorization to change emission designator and related service
c −− authorization to increase EIRP and EIRP density
d −− authorization to replace antenna
e −− authorization to add antenna
f −− authorization to relocate fixed station
g −− authorization to change frequency(ies)
h −− authorization to add frequency
i −− authorization to add Points of Communication (satellites & countries)
j −− authorization to change Points of Communication (satellites & countries)
k −− authorization for facilities for which environmental assessment and
radiation hazard reporting is required
l −− authorization to change orbit location
m −− authorization to perform fleet management
n −− authorization to extend milestones
o −− Other (Please specify)


28. Would a Commission grant of any proposal in this application or amendment have a significant environmental Yes No
impact as defined by 47 CFR 1.1307? If YES, submit the statement as required by Sections 1.1308 and 1.1311 of
the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. 1.1308 and 1.1311, as an exhibit to this application.A Radiation Hazard Study
must accompany all applications for new transmitting facilities, major modifications, or major amendments.

ALIEN OWNERSHIPEarth station applicants not proposing to provide broadcast, common carrier, aeronautical en route or
aeronautical fixed radio station services are not required to respond to Items 30−34.

29. Is the applicant a foreign government or the representative of any foreign government? Yes No

30. Is the applicant an alien or the representative of an alien? Yes No N/A

31. Is the applicant a corporation organized under the laws of any foreign government? Yes No N/A

32. Is the applicant a corporation of which more than one−fifth of the capital stock is owned of record or voted by Yes No N/A
aliens or their representatives or by a foreign government or representative thereof or by any corporation organized
under the laws of a foreign country?

33. Is the applicant a corporation directly or indirectly controlled by any other corporation of which more than Yes No N/A
one−fourth of the capital stock is owned of record or voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foreign
government or representative thereof or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?

34. If any answer to questions 29, 30, 31, 32 and/or 33 is Yes, attach as an exhibit an identification of the aliens or
foreign entities, their nationality, their relationship to the applicant, and the percentage of stock they own or vote.


35. Does the Applicant request any waivers or exemptions from any of the Commission’s Rules? Yes No
If Yes, attach as an exhibit, copies of the requests for waivers or exceptions with supporting documents.

Waiver Requests

36. Has the applicant or any party to this application or amendment had any FCC station authorization or license Yes No
revoked or had any application for an initial, modification or renewal of FCC station authorization, license, or
construction permit denied by the Commission? If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explination of circumstances.

37. Has the applicant, or any party to this application or amendment, or any party directly or indirectly controlling Yes No
the applicant ever been convicted of a felony by any state or federal court? If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an
explination of circumstances.

38. Has any court finally adjudged the applicant, or any person directly or indirectly controlling the applicant, Yes No
guilty of unlawfully monopolizing or attemptiing unlawfully to monopolize radio communication, directly or
indirectly, through control of manufacture or sale of radio apparatus, exclusive traffic arrangement or any other
means or unfair methods of competition?If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explanation of circumstances

39. Is the applicant, or any person directly or indirectly controlling the applicant, currently a party in any pending Yes No
matter referred to in the preceding two items? If yes, attach as an exhinit, an explanation of the circumstances.

40. If the applicant is a corporation and is applying for a space station license, attach as an exhibit the names,
address, and citizenship of those stockholders owning a record and/or voting 10 percent or more of the Filer’s
voting stock and the percentages so held. In the case of fiduciary control, indicate the beneficiary(ies) or class of Ownership Response
beneficiaries. Also list the names and addresses of the officers and directors of the Filer.

41. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies, that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is Yes No
subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti−Drug Act of
1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See
47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

42a. Does the applicant intend to use a non−U.S. licensed satellite to provide service in the United States? If Yes, Yes No
answer 42b and attach an exhibit providing the information specified in 47 C.F.R. 25.137, as appropriate. If No,
proceed to question 43.
Technical Narrative

42b. What administration has licensed or is in the process of licensing the space station? If no license will be issued, what administration has
coordinated or is in the process of coordinating the space station?

43. Description. (Summarize the nature of the application and the services to be provided). (If the complete description does not appear in this
box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
SpaceX requests authorization to operate its direct−to−cellular payload to communicate on
an unprotected, non−interference basis in the 1910−1915 MHz uplink E−s and 1990−1995 MHz
downlink s−E bands PCS G Block with off−the−shelf cellular mobile devices otherwise
authorized by the Commission to operate in the same frequencies.

43a. Geographic Service Rule Certification A
By selecting A, the undersigned certifies that the applicant is not subject to the geographic service or geographic
coverage requirements specified in 47 C.F.R. Part 25.
By selecting B, the undersigned certifies that the applicant is subject to the geographic service or geographic
coverage requirements specified in 47 C.F.R. Part 25 and will comply with such requirements.
By selecting C, the undersigned certifies that the applicant is subject to the geographic service or geographic
coverage requirements specified in 47 C.F.R. Part 25 and will not comply with such requirements because it is not
feasible as a technical matter to do so, or that, while technically feasible, such services would require so many
compromises in satellite design and operation as to make it economically unreasonable. A narrative description
and technical analysis demonstrating this claim are attached.

The Applicant waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the
United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and requests an authorization in accordance with this
application. The applicant certifies that grant of this application would not cause the applicant to be in violation of the spectrum aggregation limit
in 47 CFR Part 20. All statements made in exhibits are a material part hereof and are incorporated herein as if set out in full in this application.
The undersigned, individually and for the applicant, hereby certifies that all statements made in this application and in all attached exhibits are
true, complete and correct to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith.

44. Applicant is a (an): (Choose the button next to applicable response.)

Unincorporated Association
Governmental Entity
Other (please specify)

45. Name of Person Signing 46. Title of Person Signing

David Goldman Senior Director of Satellite Policy

(U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD−PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060−0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember − You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060−0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.


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