CS DSE-1, 5th Semi, 2022
CS DSE-1, 5th Semi, 2022
CS DSE-1, 5th Semi, 2022
Numerical Techniques
Time3 hours
Full Mark - 60
Answer all parts as per instructions.
Parts of each question should be answered continuOusly.
Marks allotted to each question is indicatedd
on the right hand margin.
1. Answer all the question [8*1-8]
a) are used to discretise these
mathematical equations that are usually represented by
partial differential equations representing the governing
physics taking place, and the behaviour of the materials
that make up the electronic or photonic device?
b) i s the round off value of 8.4501upto 1
c) What is the convergence rate of bisection method?
d) What is the convergence rate of secant method?
e) Define Langrange form?
Define Newton's form?
g) What do you mean by Euler's method?
h) What is trapezoid rule?
2. Answer any Eight Questions [8x1.5-12]
3. Answer any Eight Questions [8 2-16]
) Define round off error?
Write down two types of floating point numbers?
- c ) What are the types of error(s)?
d) Write down the formula for bisection method?
Write down the formula for secant method?
Write down the formula for Newton Raphson method?
g)What are the basics ofinterpolation? Give an example.
h) What is Gregory Newton forward method?
i numerical integration?
Write down the formula for Runge-Kutta method of order 2?
(21 P.T.O