Security Risk Assessment in Cloud Computing Domains

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Doctoral Dissertations Student Theses and Dissertations

Spring 2018

Security risk assessment in cloud computing domains

Amartya Sen

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Department: Computer Science

Recommended Citation
Sen, Amartya, "Security risk assessment in cloud computing domains" (2018). Doctoral Dissertations.

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Presented to the Graduate Faculty of the


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree





Approved by

Dr. Sanjay Madria, Advisor

Dr. Sajal Das
Dr. Wei Jiang
Dr. Simone Silvestri
Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani
Copyright 2018
All Rights Reserved


This dissertation consists of the following six articles which have been submitted
for publication as follows:

Paper I: Pages 31 to 67 was published in IEEE Transactions on Services

Computing, 2017.

Paper II: Pages 68 to 83 was published in IEEE Cloud Computing, 2015.

Paper III: Pages 84 to 124 was submitted to IEEE Transactions on Services

Computing, 2018.

Paper IV: Pages 125 to 153 was published in Proceedings of the 19th Interna-
tional Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN),

Paper V: Pages 154 to 191 was submitted to IEEE Transactions on Services

Computing, 2018.

Paper VI: Pages 192 to 220 was submitted to the 37th IEEE International
Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 2018.


Cyber security is one of the primary concerns persistent across any computing
platform. While addressing the apprehensions about security risks, an infinite amount of
resources cannot be invested in mitigation measures since organizations operate under bud-
getary constraints. Therefore the task of performing security risk assessment is imperative
to designing optimal mitigation measures, as it provides insight about the strengths and
weaknesses of different assets affiliated to a computing platform.
The objective of the research presented in this dissertation is to improve upon existing
risk assessment frameworks and guidelines associated to different key assets of Cloud
computing domains - infrastructure, applications, and users. The dissertation presents
various informal approaches of performing security risk assessment which will help to
identify the security risks confronted by the aforementioned assets, and utilize the results to
carry out the required cost-benefit tradeoff analyses. This will be beneficial to organizations
by aiding them in better comprehending the security risks their assets are exposed to and
thereafter secure them by designing cost-optimal mitigation measures.


First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the support and guidance of my
advisor, Dr. Sanjay Madria. I sincerely appreciate his faith in recruiting me, and being
encouraging and patient during the tough times. His ample experience and knowledge will
keep coming handy for me as I continue my academic career.
I would like to extend my humble gratitude towards the members of my dissertation
committee, Drs. Das, Jiang, Silvestri, and Sarangapani, for their constructive feedback and
advice in and beyond the context of this dissertation. I would also like to acknowledge the
support of the Department of Computer Science staff and other faculty members during the
course of my degree program.
Further, I would also like to acknowledge the help and contributions from the
members of my research group, past and present. Special thanks to my friends, Dr.
Kenneth Fletcher, Venkata Prashant Modekurthy, Dr. Roy Cabaniss, Shashank Kumar, Dr.
Vimal Kumar, and Doug McGeehan, for their invaluable support during different stages of
my PhD journey, both professionally and personally.
Finally, my deepest gratitude and respect to my parents, Dipika and Amit Sen for
their unconditional love and support. They have been a part of the successes and hardships
of this journey as much as I have, and I dedicate this dissertation to them.



PUBLICATION DISSERTATION OPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii

LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv

LIST OF ALGORITHMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi


1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1. RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.1.1. Security Risk Assessment Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.1.2. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Risk Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.2. RISK ASSESSMENT IN CLOUD COMPUTING DOMAINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.2.1. Risk Assessment in Sensor Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.2.2. Risk Assessment in Traditional Cloud Computing Domains . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.2.3. A Secure User-centric Framework for Service Provisioning . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.3. DISSERTATION OBJECTIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

1.3.1. Risk Assessment in a Sensor Cloud Using Attack Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

1.3.2. Offline Risk Assessment of Cloud Service Providers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1.3.3. A Secure User-centric Framework for Service Provisioning . . . . . . . . . . 19


2. LITERATURE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.1. RISK ASSESSMENT IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20





TACK GRAPHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

2. PROPOSED METHOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

2.1. The Sensor Cloud Network Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

2.2. Attack Graphs for Wireless Sensor Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

2.3. Risk Assessment Using Bayesian Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

2.3.1. Static risk assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

2.3.2. Dynamic risk assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

2.4. Time Frame Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

3. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

3.1. Network Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.2. Attack Graph for WSN Security Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.2.1. Confidentiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.2.2. Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3.2.3. Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

3.3. Expected Threat Levels vs. Net Threat Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

3.4. Time Frame Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3.4.1. Developing service levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

3.4.2. Computing state transition rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54


3.5. Complexity Analysis and Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4. VALIDATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.1. Initial Security Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.2. Attack Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

4.2.1. Attack model 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

4.2.2. Attack model 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

4.2.3. Attack model 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4.3. Results and Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4.3.1. Estimated net threat level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4.3.2. Observed net threat level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4.3.3. Analysis of the results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

5. RELATED WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65


ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

2. PROPOSED METHOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

2.1. Mission Oriented Risk Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

2.1.1. Project assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

2.1.2. Risk assessment of system design using STRIDE . . . . . . . . . . 72

2.2. Cloud Service Provider Security Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

2.3. Cloud Adoption Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

3. CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82


OFFLINE RISK ASSESSMENT OF CSPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

2. PROPOSED CLOUD MIGRATION FRAMEWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

2.1. Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

2.2. Cost Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

2.3. Security Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

2.4. Migration Feasibility Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

2.5. Problem Formalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96


4. FRAMEWORK EVALUATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

4.1. Use-Case Scenario Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

4.2. Use-Case Scenario Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

4.3. Framework Input Sensitivity Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109


6. OBSERVATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

7. RELATED WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

8. CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122


AND ASSURANCE REGISTRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

2. RELATED WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128


3.1. The STAR Registry: Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130


3.2. Document Pre-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

3.3. Analysis and Lessons Learned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

4. ENHANCEMENTS TO STAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143


6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152


SECURITY DOMAINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

2. PROPOSED FRAMEWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

2.1. Mission-Oriented Risk Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

2.1.1. Threat model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

2.1.2. Integration of cloud domains to application risk assessment163

2.1.3. Identification of critical application elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

2.2. Complexity Analysis and Scalability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

3. SIMULATION AND RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175

4. DISCUSSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

5. RELATED WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187


ING IN IOT ENVIRONMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

2. RELATED WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196


3. PROPOSED FRAMEWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

3.1. Functional Preferences and Cost Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

3.1.1. Cost model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

3.2. Non-functional Preferences and QoS-Security Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

3.2.1. User preference on QoS factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

3.2.2. Variable security preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

3.3. Tradeoff in Security, QoS, & Cost Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

3.3.1. Optimization problem formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

3.4. Validation of User Satisfaction Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210

4. EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

4.1. Dataset Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

4.2. Service Provisioning Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

4.3. Satisfaction Feedback Evaluations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219


3. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223

VITA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231


Figure Page


1.1. Key Assets related to the Sensor Cloud Computing Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


1. List of Vulnerabilities - Nessus Network Scan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

2. Proposed Risk Assessment Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3. An Illustration of an Attack Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4. An Attack Graph Represented as a Bayesian Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

5. Attack Graph for Exploitation of Confidentiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

6. Attack Graph for Exploitation of Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

7. Attack Graph for Exploitation of Availability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

8. Expected Threat Level vs. Net Threat Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53


1. Proposed Off-line Risk Assessment Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

2. DFD for Online Movie Streaming Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

3. Tree Structure of CAPEC DB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

4. Cloud Service Provider Security Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79


1. University Club Manager Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

2. Non-Federated Migration Plans CSP1, CSP2, and CSP3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

3. Federated Migration Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

4. Total Order Sensitivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

5. Dependency between Framework Input Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

6. Hypervolume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

7. Maximum Pareto Front Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

8. Generational Distance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115


1. Cloud Control Matrix’s Control Group Structure - Part 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

2. Cloud Control Matrix’s Control Group Structure - Part 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

3. Distribution of Yes Responses in STAR Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

4. Distribution of No Responses in STAR Registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

5. Distribution of NA Responses in STAR Registry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

6. Offline Risk Assessment for CSPs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

7. Cloud Security Domain in Design Phase Application Risk Assessment . . . . . . . . . . 149


1. Hotel Reservation - Use Case Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

2. Use Case Scenario: Data Flow Diagram for Hotel Room Reservation Web
Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

3. Critical Application Element Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

4. Misuse Case Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

5. State Transition Diagram for Use Case Scenario in Figure 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

6. Attack States and Transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169


1. User-centric IoT Service Provisioning Framework Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

2. Traditional User Satisfaction Feedback Evaluation [8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

3. User1 Optimal Services:Unranked (Left), Ranked (Right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

4. User 2 Optimal Services:Unranked (Left), Ranked (Right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

5. t-SNE Plot for Train Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

6. Training Dataset Accuracy Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

7. Training Dataset Loss Variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218



Table Page


1. Attack Definition and Attack Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

2. Attack Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

3. CVSS Metric Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4. CVSS vectors to calculate MF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

5. CVSS vectors to calculate MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

6. Evaluation of Misuse Frequency of attacks on WSN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

7. Environmental Metric for Physical WSN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

8. Service Levels for WSN Security Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

9. Rate Transition Matrix for WSN Security Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55


1. Mapping STRIDE Vulnerabilities to CAPEC Attack Pattern Categories . . . . . . . . . 75


1. Hardware & Software Specifications for use-case scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

2. NSGA-II Parameters for Use-case Application Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

3. Solution Set for Different Cloud Migration Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

4. Framework Input Sensitivity Analysis Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

5. Evolutionary Algorithms Solution Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114


1. CCM Control Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

2. Impact of Control Groups on Cloud Platform Domains - 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

3. Impact of Control Groups on Cloud Platform Domains - 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

4. Score Responses from CSPs on Individual CAIQ Control Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138


5. Most Frequent Terms in the Corpus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

6. Top Bi-grams and Their Frequencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

7. Top Tri-grams and Their Frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

8. Top Four-grams and Their Frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

9. Analysis Results and Actionable Insights - Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151


1. AppDesign, AttPattern, and CloudExploit Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

2. Quantitative Ratings for CAPEC Qualitative Scores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

3. Cloud Domains Security Relevance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

4. Cloud Security Domain Ranked List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

5. Attack Set for Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

6. Asset Type and ωi Ranges for Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

7. Assumed Asset Levels for Use Case Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

8. Simulation Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

9. Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180


1. IoT Device Profile for Simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

2. QoS Value Data Bounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

3. NSGA-II Algorithm Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

4. Simulation Parameters for Multilayer Perceptron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217



Algorithm Page

1. Cloud Migration Framework - Driver Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

2. MigrationComputations(vi, v iMig−Const−Flag ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

3. Misuse Case Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165


Cybersecurity is one of the primary concerns in any computing platform. Given

the interconnectivity of billions of devices and their networks, the risks of attacks by
unscrupulous minds have also been continuously going up. Such exploitations of any
network end up with a huge adverse/devastating effect. This is evident in the fact that Cyber
crime damage costs is estimated to reach $6 trillion annually by 2021 1 which will prompt
a cybersecurity spending increase of more than $1 trillion from 2017 to 20212. This trend
will only intensify with the notable rise in paradigms like Internet of Things, industrial IoT,
vehicular security, and so forth. However, in terms of addressing cybersecurity incidents
it is not sufficient to merely identify and analyze attacks and implement numerous security
measures with the hopes that a network will remain secure. This is because, from a socio-
economic perspective security is a non-functional requirement and given the budgetary
constraints of organizations or clients, they are skeptical to invest in security measures.
Nonetheless, even in the absence of budgetary constraints it is not effective to
simply implement numerous random security measures. Since, without an understanding
of the risks associated to the platforms which hosts a client’s or organization’s application,
developing and implementing security measures are futile leading to inefficient utilization
of limited security resources. Therefore, addressing Cyber security threats by formulating
efficient and effective security measures is a multi-step process which requires performing
security requirements analysis, risk assessment, risk management and mitigation. These
processes will also help clients understand the benefits of their investment in Cyber security.

Risk assessment lies in the crux of the multi-step process, enabling the incorporation of
organization-wide assessment to determine the security threats, vulnerabilities and their
impact on network security parameters like confidentiality, integrity, and availability. It
also helps in prioritizing the risks that needs to be addressed thereby playing an important
role aiding the allocation of security measures constrained by an organization’s budget.
However, performing idealistic risk assessments for a large scale organization can still
be very expensive and may produce results which might require considerable domain
knowledge in order to comprehend and generate useful insights. Therefore, the task of risk
assessment is not trivial and requires careful consideration.


The process of security risk assessment is guided by identifying security require-

ments and thereafter performing extensive evaluations of an organization’s Cyber security
prospects. These tasks involve assessing the network infrastructure for security threats due
to vulnerabilities that are present and the attacks that can exploit them. Risk assessment
also enables the evaluation of another important organization asset - the people. Users of an
application and an organization’s employees are also susceptible to different threats which
can result in the Cyber security incidents. These threats cannot be detected by running a
vulnerability scanner tool on the network, further necessitating the need of performing risk
assessment. At the end, risk assessment provides a detailed report on the threats confronted
by an organization in different domains (network, people, security policies, etc.) which
can be used in the risk management and mitigation process to either patch security vulner-
abilities and prevent certain attacks or to pro-actively develop prioritized security incident
response plans to minimize the effect of an exploit. Therefore, risk assessment acts as an
estimation and validation tool for an organization by shedding light into security return on

investment, get feedback on implemented security measures, and help to understand their
cohesion with respect to best security practices, compliance and standards as laid down by
regulatory bodies like NIST [77] or ENISA [78].
1.1.1. Security Risk Assessment Process. The security risk assessment process is
used to determine the strengths and weaknesses of an organization’s systems, identifying and
minimizing threats below a threshold which is acceptable as per the security requirements of
the organization. An example of an organization’s security requirements could be ensuring
a certain level of assurance in confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their application
and the data it processes. Risk assessment generally focuses on evaluating the likelihood
of an undesired event (for e.g. a data breach, or an unauthorized access) and the impact it
will have on the exploitation of the system and the organization as a whole. Once this is
evaluated, risk mitigation measures are designed and developed to minimize the likelihood
and impact of the risks. In broader terms, risk assessment can be used to identify risks
in different areas of an organization and not just related to Cyber security. For example,
traditional risk assessment in the domain of information security and IT security can be used
to evaluate systems and applications that support the functional services of an organization,
its network and servers, physical security of the devices and premise, risks present (due)
to employees of the organization. The process of risk assessment is normally (and must
be) utilized during the conception of an IT service. Other than this, addition of new
functionalities to an application/service; changes in the networking environment; change in
technology (Software or Hardware updates) should also prompt the utilization of the risk
assessment process.
Prior to performing any risk assessment process, organizations must follow through
with the creation of risk assessment policies which outlines a blueprint to guide the risk
assessment process to be carried out by an organization. Such a blueprint consists of
guidelines establishing factors such as:

• When does an organization need to perform risk assessment


• How often should it be repeated

• What will be the scope of risk assessment (how comprehensive it is going to be)

• Who will be in charge of carrying out the task (internal or third party)

• What is expected from it (actionable insights)

• Prioritizing risk levels (what sort of risks will be acceptable and which ones will be
deemed critical)

• What methods will be used to perform risk assessment (qualitative, quantitative or


The risk assessment process is an exhaustive task and is initiated with the risk
assessment policies document. It helps in defining the scope of the task and appointing
personnels who will be responsible to carrying it out. Thereafter, risk assessment procedures
are chosen (or developed) and a list of threats are identified which is followed up with
identifying vulnerabilities. In this context, a threat is defined as an unwanted event that may
cause harm; Vulnerability is defined as a weakness which may provide a way for a threat
to materialize; Impact is defined as the consequence(s) of a threat that has materialized.
After vulnerability identification, security measures are determined and evaluated which
might either help to mitigate, transfer (getting insurance policies), or avoid the threat and
its impact. Thereafter, all the aforementioned information are used to estimate probability
values which will depict the likelihood of occurrence of the threat in the presence of
evaluated security measures. This is generally done either by using experts with domain
knowledge, historical logs of threats, or statistical analysis. For prioritizing, the estimated
probability can be further categorized as Very likely, Isolated incidents, Rare, Very unlikely,
and Almost impossible. These categorizations are subjective and typically depends on the
organization and their risk assessment policies outline and followed up with sensitivity
analyses like Monte-Carlo analyses.

Once probabilities are estimated, the damage is quantified in terms of the impact of
the identified threats when they exploit the vulnerabilities. This followed up with risk level
estimations which is defined by threat multiplied by its likelihood and impact probabilities.
Although, organizations like NIST have a scale for categorizing risk levels (for e.g. 1.0:
High, 0.5: Medium, 0.1: Low), it is a challenging task to be able to quantify and categorize
risk levels based on monetary loss or loss of reputation. After risk level estimations,
security measures are re-evaluated and suggested for implementation which are presented
in the reports generated from the risk assessment process.
For traditional risk assessment many tools are available [13] [25] however any tool
developed for carrying out risk assessment should have the some of the following features:

• Structured report generation to show the risk probabilities and their impacts

• Questionnaires and checklist to assess concerns related to compliance, policies, and

best practices

• List of threats and Security measures that can be used to suppress them

• Software automation

1.1.2. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Risk Assessment. Risk assessment involves

the comprehensive identification of different threats an organization will face and evaluate
their likelihood and impact. There are two primary methods of doing this: qualitative
and quantitative. Qualitative risk assessment involves subjectively evaluating the identified
risk’s impact or likelihood using metrics like High, Medium, or Low. The categorization of
the identified risks is usually done based on organizational policies and their understanding
of decisions like what constitutes of a high impact risk on the organization. This process
is simplistic in nature and allows for organizations to develop a ball-park estimation of the
overall threats faced by an organization.

Quantitative risk assessment in contrast involves numerical estimations and mathe-

matical equations. This is done by using estimation techniques like Bayesian networks or
Monte-Carlo analysis to determine the probability of success for the likelihood or impact of
different threats. Although, an inherent challenge in this technique is to able to accurately
obtain the initial probability or risk values of the assets which are exposed to the identified
threats. However, tools and techniques are available like Common Vulnerability Scoring
System (CVSS) [17] which can be used a foundation to customize the empirical estimation
according to the needs of an organization. In doing so, quantitative risk assessment will
allow for quantification based on different categories like inherent difficulty of exploiting
the threat, priority given to different network security parameters, impact of initial security
measures and so on. Nonetheless the goal of this method is to develop a framework that can
lead to some actionable insights and not just provide an understanding of the threat level
of the organization. The actionable insights may involve computing the security return on
investment by performing cost-benefit tradeoff analysis, or evaluating the effectiveness of
different security measures.
However, performing accurate and comprehensive quantitative risk assessment is
ideally complex and costly, and therefore cannot be universally incorporated by small
or medium scale organizations. A more pragmatic approach lies in using hybrid risk
assessment methods that involves qualitative and quantitative techniques. Such a hybrid
approach will involve initially estimating and prioritizing identified threats using qualitative
assessment measures and then apply quantitative measures to design and develop actionable


The traditional IT services were hosted on organization’s private networks. This

bounded the extent of the risks that their applications were exposed to like traditional threats
due to poor router controls, poorly configured firewall policies, and web browser security

concerns like phising, script injection and so forth. All the vulnerability categories like
personnels, system hosting facilities, network communications, and software vulnerabilities
were within the trust boundaries of the organization. Although in terms of Cyber security
this gave the organizations more control over their systems, they had to own and maintain
all the commodities and facilities required to host their application. This prospect was quite
expensive, especially when there was a seasonal need to scale up resulting in hardware
investments and facilities upgrade which might remain underutilized after the demands go
The Cloud computing paradigm was designed to address this challenge of having to
own and maintain your own hardware and facilities wherein it pooled computing resources
and provided it to clients based on a pay-as-you-use model. This was achieved through
three different delivery models - Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-service
(PaaS), and Software-as-a-service (SaaS). IaaS rents out computing infrastructures on which
clients can deploy and develop their applications, for e.g. Amazon Web Services3. In PaaS
development platforms are rented which maybe required to develop certain applications,
for e.g. Apprenda4. SaaS delivers ready made applications to clients which have been
developed by cloud service providers, for e.g. Google Apps5. Even though such a paradigm
was cost efficient, it resulted in an increase in security concerns since applications, data,
physical facilities were no longer within the trusted boundaries of the client and their
organization. This further made the aspects of risk assessment challenging because it
was not straightforward for the clients to evaluate the cloud service provider’s network,
personnels, or physical facilities. Additionally, cloud computing introduced new paradigms
like multi-tenancy and resource sharing which required risk assessment methodologies to
evolve in order to adapt with the changes.

Along this direction, the scope of our dissertation is captured through the scenario
summarized in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1. Key Assets related to the Sensor Cloud Computing Domain

In this context, there can be two set of users:

• owners - who possess infrastructure consisting of various sensing devices like wire-
less sensor networks, cellphones, wearable body sensors, etc. These sensory devices
are capable of sensing environmental phenomena like temperature, humidity, atmo-
spheric pressure, user’s physiological attributes (heart rate, skin temperature), and so

• clients - who possess different applications which require some kind of sensing
attributes for their functionality for example applications related to the domain of
remote health care, smart assisted living, industry, and so forth.

Traditionally, owners can use their infrastructure to run or support their applications
in a dedicated fashion. Ideally, sensory infrastructure may be operational all the time,
however this is seldom done in practical scenarios. This is because, applications requiring
sensing capabilities utilize the devices based on certain sensing frequency and duration,
which in turn might leave the infrastructure underutilized. Whereas, clients may have the
infrastructure to host their applications, however they might not have the capabilities to own
or maintain their sensory infrastructure. Therefore, to connect these two set of users - owners
and clients, the Missouri S&T Sensor Cloud platform was designed and implemented [79].
Sensor Cloud facilitates infrastructure-as-a-service by allowing different owners to register
their wireless sensor networks (WSNs) with its middleware. Further, clients can subscribe
to the data originating from the Sensor Cloud infrastructure as a service thereby facilitating
the concept of sensing-as-a-service, similar to software-as-a-service in the traditional cloud
computing domains. In addition to renting the sensing infrastructure and subscribing to the
data generated by them, clients may also opt to migrate their applications from their private
networks to the middleware of a Sensor Cloud service provider hosted on a public cloud
In such a scenario, the three key assets that will be vulnerable to different security
exploits are the - infrastructure, applications, and clients. Therefore, in order to develop
optimal security measures to protect these assets it is necessary to understand their strengths
and weaknesses, thereby necessitating the need to perform security risk assessments. This
is addressed via. this dissertation in the form of three security risk assessment frameworks
(Figure 1.1):

1. Risk Assessment framework for wireless sensor networks in a Sensor Cloud.

2. Off-line risk assessment framework for cloud service providers.

3. A secure user-centric framework for service provisioning.


In the following sections, we discuss the challenges that necessitates the need for more
efficient risk assessment frameworks with respect to the aforementioned assets.
1.2.1. Risk Assessment in Sensor Cloud. A Sensor Cloud framework consists of
a collection of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) which is used to provide sensing-as-a-
service to users via the cloud platform. These WSNs have different ownership entities and
maybe heterogeneous in nature. Therefore, different WSNs may have different routing and
security protocols, the way in which they connect with the cloud platform might also vary.
In addition to understanding the standalone risks that are present in these WSNs, one must
also be able to understand the logical co-relation between stand alone risks. Successful
execution of an attack may leave a network vulnerable to further degenerate attacks. For
example in a WSN, execution of a malware attack propagated from the cloud platform
may lead to node subversion, which can be further exploited to execute Sinkhole or Sybil
attack. Current risk assessment frameworks for WSNs do not take into account such kind
of logical co-relationship between attacks. This requires the design of a risk assessment
framework for these WSNs in a Sensor Cloud that takes into consideration such logical co-
relation between the feasible set of attacks on a WSN. This can be done by using techniques
such as attack graphs to depict cause-consequence relationship between the attacks and
model it as Bayesian networks for quantification purposes. A quantitative risk assessment
approach will help in determining the net threat level to WSN’s security parameters like
confidentiality, integrity and availability and in turn efficiently allocate security resources
as well as schedule maintenance activities to check the largely unattended WSNs in a Sensor
Attack graphs has been extensively studied in the literature for wired networks [80]
[81] [82]. However, it cannot be applied as is to perform risk assessment for WSNs in a
Sensor Cloud. This is because when an attack graph for a wired network is generated, the
network is scanned using a vulnerability scanner tool such as Nessus [13]. These scanners

detect the list of vulnerabilities present on each system in a wired network which is then
parsed into an attack graph generating tool [83]. However, no comparable vulnerability
scanning tool currently exists for WSNs.
Even if such vulnerability scanning tool existed for WSNs, generating a list of
vulnerabilities would be insufficient for the purpose of performing risk assessment. Since,
sensor nodes in WSNs collaborate to achieve a common goal and suffer from inherent
resource limitations which is the primary cause of WSNs vulnerabilities as they do not
allow the implementation of desired security measures to safeguard the network. Hence
the vulnerability list will be identical for all nodes and no concrete conclusions could be
formulated from it. Thus, rather than focusing on vulnerabilities in a sensor node or network,
an alternative will be to perform risk assessment by considering the feasibility of attacks on
a particular WSN in a sensor cloud. The successful execution of different attacks will vary
according to security measures used, tasks being carried out, and deployed environment
of a WSN. Due to the above factors, risk assessment in WSNs under a sensor cloud is
challenging task. However, these existing works can be adopted and applied to this domain
which will help understand the cause-consequence relationship between WSN attacks and
identify ways in which a particular WSN security parameter may be exploited.
1.2.2. Risk Assessment in Traditional Cloud Computing Domains. Traditional
Cloud computing is a viable solution for applications which depend on scalability and
reliability for an uninterrupted service. Cloud services in the form of Software-as-a-
Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cuts
down application maintenance and development costs dramatically. However migration of
applications to the cloud platform gives rise to security issues as applications are no longer
within the secure domains of its organization. The security threats present varies from one
application to another and as such the promise of generalized security measures provided
by cloud service providers (CSPs) may not be sufficient to alleviate the security concerns.
Hence, the security solutions provided by a CSP is like a big black box to its clients.

Currently the means to assess security of a CSP is by going through their security white
papers, SLA agreement, or tendor notes. An organization can also employ the services of
a third party to do the same.
However, frequent external security audits on a cloud service provider may expose
the infrastructure and security details and if acted upon maliciously may result in adverse
effects. Alternatively, organizations can internally undertake the risk assessment procedure
by referring to guidelines established by the authorities like ENISA [78] or CSA [84] to
assess the security provided by a cloud service provider. Additionally, standards such
as PCI-DSS [85], HIPAA [86] lays down guidelines for cloud service providers hosting
application related to specific fields like health care, applications comprising of financial
transactions. However, accuracy of internal security audits requires considerable domain
expertise. Further, risk assessment results either performed externally or internally, will
also be impacted by the keenness of the evaluator. Additionally, the cloud platform is quite
dynamic and security and/or service policies are subject to change on a short notice. Thus,
personnels responsible for performing risk assessment need to keep themselves up-to-date
with these changes which might not be pragmatic in the presence of multiple possible cloud
service providers to host an organization’s application. In addition to these challenges,
risk assessment evaluations for cloud service providers need to account for the security
requirements of an application to be migrated to the cloud platform. A security measure
present in a cloud service provider may be applicable to one application, but it may not be
sufficient for another application.
A more effective way to assess a cloud service provider’s security will be to do it
in contrast to the security threats present in an application. To do so, one must be able
to identify the vulnerabilities that are present in an application and determine if a cloud
service provider addresses it using their available security measures. One way of identifying
application vulnerabilities is to use vulnerability scanner tools like Tenable [13], but this
can be done once the application has been fully conceived and is operational. As such any

repairs/patching at this point could be an expensive task. Therefore, security vulnerabilities

in an application should ideally be evaluated during the system design phase. In this
regard, tools like EMC’s Developer Driven Threat Modeling [26] and Microsoft’s STRIDE
[22] are present. Application threat modeling as discussed by Open Web Application
Security Project (OWASP) [24] gives useful guidance in vulnerability detection and secure
application development. It helps to identify, quantify and address the security risks
associated with an application. Although these methods are quite suitable in terms of
identifying vulnerabilities in an application, they are not sufficient. Since these applications
will eventually be considered for cloud migration, design phase application risk assessment
cannot be simply performed using traditional methods which consider applications to be
hosted in an organization’s private in-house hosting facilities. For example, if a client
application uses a malicious virtual machine instance from the cloud repository it might lead
to undesirable outcomes like data breach or unauthorized access. Therefore, application risk
assessment methodology needs to adapt by including cloud security domains like encryption
and key management, infrastructure and virtualization security, data center security and so
on [87].
Additionally, security measures, cloud platform infrastructure and safeguards differs
from one cloud service provider to another. The techniques used by a cloud service provider
to address and mitigate threats on their cloud platform changes with time and without prior
knowledge of consumers. If an application is hosted by a federation of cloud service
providers, there could be every possibility of certain incompatibility issues amongst the
different cloud service providers. Hence, the presence or absence of security solutions on
the cloud platform is no longer sufficient to assess the security of an application on the
1.2.3. A Secure User-centric Framework for Service Provisioning. The services
of the sensing infrastructure subscribed by the clients and their applications is facilitated by
encapsulating their way of life with the Big data sensed by surrounding wireless devices. In

this context, service provisioning will involve developing frameworks which will identify a
subset of wireless devices from the available infrastructure, tasked to serve different users
based on their service requests. Generally, such frameworks consist of two primary layers
- perception layer, comprising of sensory devices, and management layer like the Cloud or
Edge platforms to process the sensed data.
Existing frameworks extend these two layers according to their client’s or appli-
cation’s need, in different domains like industry [88], or health care [89]. Therein, they
address specific issues either arising due to resource constrained wireless devices or in-
teroperability challenges as a result of device heterogeneity [90], or discuss about making
the management layer more efficient [91]. Although novel in their own regards, these
frameworks lack the inclusion of user-centric behavior to dispense services accounting for a
user’s variable Quality of Service (QoS) and security preferences. The aspect of addressing
user QoS during service discovery and selection has been presented in [92]. The primary
focus there is to outline the process of dynamic identification of wireless sensory devices
for service selection. However, they do not consider the satisfaction or variability of a user’s
QoS/seurity preferences.
In addition to QoS, users’ security requirements from the participating devices
serving their application, plays an important role. However, addressing security in this
domain is a challenging task since the wireless devices are resource constrained (mainly
in terms of memory, energy, and bandwidth) and thus, cannot support the well established
resource intensive security protocols. Rullo et al. [93] address this challenge by leveraging
concepts of optimization and game theory. However, the allocation of security resources is
done from the infrastructure’s perspective and do not include users in the loop. For the task
of service provisioning composed of sensory wireless devices, the aspect of security cannot
be treated as a constant parameter. This is because security attacks on a network (e.g denial
of service) has an impact on the QoS parameters (e.g. response time). Therefore, similar

to network QoS, a user may have variable security preferences which must be taken into
consideration, in addition to their QoS and functional preferences (e.g. region of interest,
service duration) during service provisioning.
To address this requirement, a service provisioning framework such as the Sensor
Cloud should be modeled in a secure user-centric fashion allowing its clients to specify their
functional, variable QoS, and security preferences. This paradigm will include clients/users
in the service provisioning loop instead of solely relying on the innate networking and
security capabilities of the middleware/infrastructure. In turn, this will alleviate some
of users’ apprehension about the security provided by their subscribed services, thereby
improving the overall user experience; something that existing frameworks do not address.


In the following sections, the outlines of the research objectives and contributions
are discussed for the proposed security risk assessment frameworks designed for the afore-
mentioned assets of a Sensor Cloud computing platform as shown in Figure 1.1.
1.3.1. Risk Assessment in a Sensor Cloud Using Attack Graphs. The primary
objective in this research domain is to design and develop a risk assessment framework for
wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in a Sensor Cloud environment by adapting the techniques
of attack graphs from the domain of wired networks. This will help in elucidating the
logical relationships between the feasible set of attacks that can exploit WSNs. Further,
these attack graphs will be modeled using the concepts of Bayesian networks in order
to apply to quantitative risk assessment such that we are able to compute the net threat
level to different wireless sensor networks security parameters like confidentiality, integrity,
availability. These results will be used along with continuous-time Markov modeling such
that we are able to estimate different time frames estimating the probable degradation of the
aforementioned network security parameters and scheduled maintenance activities for the
largely unattended wireless sensor networks.

We outline our contributions to the proposed risk assessment framework in a Sensor

Cloud as follows:

1. Design and develop attacks graphs for wireless sensor networks in a Sensor Cloud to
depict the logical relationship between attacks on a wireless sensor network.

• Develop attack patterns and attack module database for attacks in the domain of
wireless sensor networks.

• Create attack graphs for each network security parameter (confidentiality, in-
tegrity, and availability) by using the attack module.

2. Depict attack graphs as a Bayesian network quantifying the likelihood and impact
of attacks on a wireless sensor network and the net threat level to network security

• Design and develop severity ratings for attacks captured in its likelihood and
impact estimations by adopting the guidelines established by Common Vulner-
ability Scoring System (CVSS) [17].

• Compute probability of success of an attack using its frequency and impact

estimations in order to evaluate the net threat level to network security parameters
of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

3. Compute time frames predicting the degradation of network security parameters by

modeling the risk level estimations as a continuous-time Markov process.

• Utilize impact estimations of attacks to design and develop service levels de-
picting the degradation level of a wireless sensor network’s security parameter.

• Utilize likelihood estimations of attacks to compute the transition probability

from one service level to another.

• Evaluate time frames to schedule maintenance by using the transition probability

of the most degraded service level.

1.3.2. Offline Risk Assessment of Cloud Service Providers. The primary objec-
tive in this research domain is to develop a risk assessment framework which is able to
assess the security provided by different cloud service providers by evaluating the security
requirements of an application which will be migrated to their platform. To do so in a cost
efficient fashion, we develop the risk assessment framework such that it can be applied dur-
ing the design phase of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) of the application. The
application risk assessment during design phase also incorporates various cloud security
domains which was identified by analyzing Cloud Security Alliance’s Security, Trust, &
Assurance Registry (STAR) [87]. These evaluations produced the risk level estimations of
an organization’s application (client’s security requirements) which will be migrated to the
cloud platform of cloud service providers. The security provided by a cloud service provider
was measured by contrasting their security policies gathered from publicly available docu-
ments with the client’s security requirements. Finally, a cost-benefit tradeoff analysis was
performed, designed as multi-objective optimization problem, in order to develop optimal
cloud migration plans with a balance between security achieved and cost incurred, account-
ing for constraints arising due to factors such as budget, technical and legal issues, and
legacy systems.
We outline our contributions to the proposed risk assessment framework for cloud
service providers as follows:

1. Design and develop mission oriented risk assessment methodology for design phase
application risk assessment.

• Perform project assessment through system design represented using data flow

• Analyze system design for security threats arising due to traditional web appli-
cation paradigm.

• Design and develop risk assessment methods to increase the client’s certainty
about cloud service provider’s security policies by introducing cloud security
metrics during an application’s design phase risk assessment.

2. Design and develop cloud service provider risk assessment methodology in order to
evaluate the security provided by various cloud vendors with respect to the client’s
security requirements.

• Aggregate security measures provided by various cloud vendors through pub-

licly available documents and other third party reviews, especially from Cloud
Security Alliance’s (CSA) Security, Trust, & Assurance Registry (STAR).

• Perform descriptive and exploratory analysis of CSA STAR to better understand

the context of answers from different cloud service provider for different cloud
security domains.

• Improve the STAR registry structure and develop a comprehensive knowledge

base incorporating the aggregated security evaluations from STAR with the
proposed risk assessment framework.

3. Design and develop methodologies to generate optimal cloud migration strategies.

• Perform cost-benefit tradeoff analysis by modeling it as a multi-objective opti-

mization problem.

• Formulate different cloud migration scenarios accounting for hybrid cloud mi-
gration in a federated and non-federated cloud hosting.

• Performance evaluation of different evolutionary algorithms to model our pro-

posed cost-benefit tradeoff analysis.

1.3.3. A Secure User-centric Framework for Service Provisioning. The primary

objective in this research is to develop a user-centric service provisioning framework for
the clients/users of a Sensor Cloud service provider, designed to achieve variable security,
QoS preferences and evaluate users’ satisfaction, addressing the following challenges:

• incorporate user security preferences during service provisioning,

• allow users to linguistically express their preferences on different objectives of service

provisioning, and

• evaluate a user’s subjective satisfaction feedback from the provisioned service by

analyzing the quality of experience information gathered from user’s physiological

In doing so, the contributions to this research are as follows:

1. Introduce the concept of variable security composition paradigm to capture a user’s

variable preferences on their desired security protocols.

2. Model service provisioning by integrating concepts of multi-objective optimization

and user elastic preference specification.

3. Design a multilayer perceptron to accurately validate users subjective satisfaction

feedback by incorporating physiological sensor data and deep learning emotion clas-
sification methodologies.


The scope of this dissertation deals with three primary related work fields: (1) Risk
assessment in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), (2) Risk assessment of a traditional web
application, and (3) Risk assessment of Cloud computing platforms. In the first field, we
discuss the various attacks that can be executed on WSNs, the different ways in which attack
graphs are designed and developed for wired networks, the concept computing probabilistic
likelihood and impact of attacks using Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), and
representing attack graphs using Bayesian networks. In the second field, we outline the
different methods which are used to perform application risk assessment during its design
phase. Finally, we discuss some of the existing frameworks for carrying out risk assessment
of Cloud computing platforms as well as some of the works that address Cloud migration


The scope of attacks sustained by a WSN has been surveyed and discussed in [1]
[2] [3]. The authors have assessed well-known sets of WSN attacks along with their
countermeasures. They discuss various security issues related to the fields of secure data
transfer, denial of service attacks and its counter measures by using techniques such spread
spectrum frequency hopping. They also outline the limitations that sensor nodes have
due to their inherent resource constraints resulting in limited energy and processing power
which makes the application of traditional security measures like public key cryptography
a very challenging, near impossible task. This gives rise to the need for efficient and secure
techniques to manage key distribution. Additionally, WSNs also requires secure routing
protocols enabling authentication of the messages that are broadcast between the sensor
nodes and that to the base station.

Finally, challenges also exist in performing secure data aggregation which is es-
sential to preserve the limited energy of sensor nodes. These works also give directions
into the various threat models for WSNs, considering the aspects of insider and outsider
attacks; active and passive attacks, helping to categorize the known attacks on WSNs like
eavesdropping, jamming attacks, Sybil attack into these categories. They also present the
different security requirements which is desired in a sensor network like secrecy, graceful
degradation, efficient key management techniques, etc. However, these works did not dis-
cuss the inherent characteristics of an attack like how difficult is it to execute the attacks,
how resourceful an attacker needs to be in order to execute the attack and so forth.
Walter [4] in his survey provides a more in-depth insight on security issues of
a WSN establishing the parameters based on which security of a WSN is characterized.
These parameters were confidentiality, integrity and availability. We are able to design
the attack patterns and attack module from this information for our work and analyze the
attacks on a broader perspective. Analysis of various attacks adopted by the adversary to
exploit security parameters and ways in which they could be averted were also discussed
in [4]. Although, it did not address the likelihood of exploitation of an attack. Wood [5] and
Xu [6] gives exposition on the omnipresent denial of service (DoS) attack. DoS are not only
hard to predict but also to counter. This helped us in understanding the nature of jamming
attacks in WSNs. The absence of predictability and correlation with other attacks in case of
DoS attack, is a drawback on the security administrator’s part. Karlof [7], Kannhavong [8]
and Newsome [9] gives an in depth analysis on routing layer attacks and the Sybil attack
respectively. However, these attacks can be exploited by successful execution of attacks in
different network layers. For this purpose we should identify the interdependencies between
different feasible attacks. Mauw [10] and Phillips [11] demonstrated this kind of logical
relationship via attack graphs or trees. Using the principles from the work of Lee [12], we
were able to assess the risks to a network. But the drawback was that they were for a wired
network scenario. Sheyner [14] discussed the various types of attack graph and models.

This contributed immensely towards the development of the attack graph model
for WSN. In this context, the generation of traditional attack graphs whose nodes depict
different wired network vulnerabilities, is a multi-step process in which the first step involves
the generation of the attack patterns which outlines the definition of an attack/vulnerabilities
and network security parameter that it intends to exploit/compromise. For traditional wired
networks this can be identified by running vulnerability scanner tools like Nessus [13] which
will output the list of vulnerabilities a particular system in the wired network is exposed to.
This task is followed up with designing the data structure called the attack module which
forms the basis for the generation of an attack graph. It consists of information related
to an attack pattern such as pre and post conditions of the attack pattern. Pre-conditions
illustrates the set of the network conditions/resources that need to be satisfied in order to
successfully execute the attack or exploit the vulnerability. Whereas, post-condition are the
set of network conditions/resources that becomes vulnerable due to the successful execution
of an attack. Additionally, an attack module also holds the information about the join type
of a particular attack pattern in the attack graph which can be one of two types - OR join,
AND join. An OR join type in the attack graphs depicts that if any one of the child nodes of
an attack pattern is successfully exploited, the parent node becomes exploitable. In contrast,
an AND join illustrates that all of the child nodes of an attack pattern need to be successfully
exploited in order to compromise the parent node.
Gallon [15] devised the methods to quantitatively assess the attack nodes in the
attack graph; although they were not meant for a WSN. National vulnerability database
[16] established the vectors to calculate the severity ratings of vulnerabilities in a wired
network. Using the same principles, we calculated the severity ratings for the attacks on
WSN. The CVSS metrics are used to quantitatively compute two specific characteristics
of an attack/vulnerability: (1) misuse frequency (how likely is it to execute/exploit the
attack/vulnerability), and (2) misuse impact (what will be the extent of the damage if the
attack is executed or the vulnerability is exploited).

In order to compute misuse frequency, CVSS provides two core metrics known as
Base metric and Temporal metric, whereas misuse impact is computed using Base metric
and Environmental metric. Base metric is used to express the level of difficulty to exploit
a vulnerability. Temporal and environmental metrics are used to express the effect of the
network’s deployment environment and surroundings in the exploitation of the vulnerability.
This metrics are further made up of sub-categories like attack complexity, available tools
and techniques for exploitation, security requirement, and so on. A detailed description of
the CVSS scoring system is available in the CVSS scoring guide [17].
Thereafter, the work of Frigault [18] gave insight on implementing attack graphs as
a Bayesian network. This gave us a better understanding about the adversary’s capability,
likelihood and impact of attacks for various attack scenarios. Dantu [19] and Liu [20] ana-
lyzed attacks by assigning probability values to the attack graph nodes. Furthermore, using
the concepts of Bayesian networks on these probability values, they calculated potential
attack paths and modeled network vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, these computations were
not for an attack scenario of a WSN and as such could not be applied to the proposed attack
graphs for a WSN. Houmb [21] proposed the methodologies of risk level estimations using
the exploitation frequency and impact of vulnerabilities in a wired network. We adopted
these concepts to identify the metrics necessary to compute net threat level to the root
node of our attack graph when it is represented as a Bayesian network. This gave a degree
of diversification and uniqueness to the WSNs with respect to quantitatively analyzing our
attack graphs and using the results to estimate maintenance period for the largely unattended
WSNs in a Sensor Cloud.


The task of risk assessment for traditional web application is essential in order to
identify the vulnerabilities and threats to the application. However, this process cannot be
undertaken when an application is fully developed.

This is because the process of addressing the identified risk in a fully developed
application can increase the costs incurred by clients. Therefore, in order to efficiently
perform risk assessment on traditional one should consider doing it during the application
design phase. This allows us to not only assess different architecture/outline for our appli-
cation, but also assess the risks that will be associated with them. Thereby, helping to come
up with security application architecture in which risks can addressed by optimal allocation
of security resources.
With respect to performing design phase application risk assessment, some notable
works are Microsoft’s STRIDE [22] [23], and EMC’s Developer Driven Threat Modeling
(DDTM) [26]. Application threat modeling as discussed by Open Web Application Security
Project (OWASP) [24] also gives some useful guidance in vulnerability detection and secure
application development during its design phase. These methods help to identify, quantify
and address the security risks associated with an application. STRIDE is an acronym for
the different categories of vulnerabilities that may be present in an application. It stands for:
Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of service, Elevation
of privilege. It operates by taking as input the application design in the form its data
flow diagram (DFD). Data flow diagrams gives an overview of system functionalities; the
data flow among the different system components by showing entry and exit data points
as well as where data gets processed. This is passed onto Security Development Lifecycle
(SDL) and Threat Modeling tool [25] which conceptualizes STRIDE to identify the set of
vulnerabilities related to the elements of an application’s DFD. This set however, is not
application dependent but rather element dependent. To elaborate this notion, consider the
various elements of a DFD - external entities, for e.g. users interacting with the application;
process, for e.g. a particular functionality of the application; data store, for e.g. a database
storing the data generated and processed by the application; data flow, for e.g. the flow
of data between processes and to external entities. STRIDE produces a generic set of
vulnerabilities for each element type.

For example, given a data store element, it will generate four possible set of vulner-
abilities: {T,R,I,D}. Depending on the type of application and the protocols it uses all the
four vulnerability category may not be applicable to its data store. For example, repudiation
will not be feasible if all activities in and out of the data store is authenticated and logged
by another element of the application. This action can be carried out by using the set
of questionnaire provided in the SDL tool to narrow down the vulnerabilities. However
it still requires domain knowledge of the application architecture and security expertise.
For a professional application design with a DFD consisting of many levels and numerous
elements this process can become very tedious. EMC’s DDTM improves STRIDE by only
considering the data flow elements of the DFD which considerably reduces the amount of
elements which needs to be analyzed; the reasoning behind doing this is the the data at flow
will only lead to vulnerabilities, otherwise it will be secure behind the boundaries of the
application. The rest of assessment technique is the same as that of STRIDE.
Along these lines, the works in [27] [28] also supports the fact that risk analysis
has become an integral part in the various stages of the software development process and
not just the design phase. Building in security from the design to the testing phase of a
software results in more secure software and makes the overall process cost-efficient. Several
works present in the literature builds upon STRIDE to improve the risk assessment process
like [29], [30], [31], [32]. Furthermore, authors in [33] have addressed the automation
of the risk assessment models during the software design phases. The works like [34]
have also presented techniques for inclusion of security mechanisms in the various stages
of the agile software development process which is now one of popular models in the
software development process. In addition to inclusion of security mechanisms in the
software design and development stages, several works like [35], [36], [37] have addressed
the security aspects in the software testing stages. Their primary focus in this domain being
the automated generation of security aware software test cases.


Risk assessment of cloud computing platforms and the services offered by different
cloud vendors has been one of the prominent fields of work related to the cloud computing
domain. This is because of several factors like migrating the client’s application from
their private domain to the public domain of the cloud providers, partially losing control
over their data, and uncertainty regarding the cloud provider’s security policies and their
assurance. Several works related to this field can be found in the literature, however, there
are still numerous open and emerging security challenges and threats to the domain of cloud
computing as identified in [38]. Further, the advent of Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm
supported by cloud computing platforms will also introduce new security challenges [39].
This notion is further corroborated from the author’s work presented in [40] which
surveys risk assessments methodologies related to cloud computing platform. Some of
the earlier works in this domain discusses the security impacts uniquely arising due to the
cloud infrastructure like in [41], which investigates the threats occurring due to the setup
and distribution of cloud services, outlining the threats in terms confidentiality, integrity,
and availability of cloud infrastructure. Whereas, other risk assessment works discuss
security concerns related to very specific domains such as network based attacks [42], and
security concerns related to the data residing on the cloud platform [43]. The authors
in [44] have also explored into the possibilities of providing risk assessment as a service to
clients contemplating hosting their application on the cloud platform. Other works like [45],
introduces security metrics to service level agreement (SLA) documents such that clients
can not only assess the quality of service related to a cloud service they want to rent but also
the security risks associated to it. Further with respect to assessing the security of cloud
platforms a challenging aspect is to keep up with the dynamic environment of the cloud
platform as well as the evolving needs of the clients. In this regard, authors in [46] have
proposed a tool for dynamic and flexible service provisioning of cloud services to clients
which can account for estimation of parameters such as trust, associated risks, and cost.

Such tools will help clients in predicting and efficiently adapting to unanticipated
changes in resource requirements on the cloud platform. In more recent trends, authors
in [47] propose a risk assessment framework for cloud computing platforms by assessing
the SLA as presented by clients and evaluating from the cloud vendor’s perspective to check
the number of SLA violations that might take place in accordance to the demands presented
by the clients in their SLA. Other recent works in risk assessment of cloud service provider
as presented in [48], utilizes information gathered from clients and cloud vendors to assess
different risk scenarios. They do so by proposing a machine learning framework which
leverages the security evaluation documents of various cloud vendors publicly available on
Cloud Security Alliance’s (CSA) Security, Trust and Assurance Registry or STAR to present
a quantitative rating output to describe the risk associated with different cloud services.
Furthermore, other instances of works that utilizes CSA STAR repository and its
CAIQs can be found in [49]. In [50], authors discuss another quantitative model to evaluate
and compare the security dispensed by CSPs which is based on the concept of developing
security service level agreements (SecLAs). The authors make use of the Analytic Hierarchy
Process (AHP) for its decision making purpose and evaluate the SecLAs qualitatively and
quantitatively. Additionally, authors in [51] present the concepts of automatically enforcing
SecLAs in the cloud platforms. The authors propose a model in this regard which engages
the software life cycle of the components that is covered in the SecLAs to determine
the associated constraints of the security components, the security requirements of the
clients and follows it with automatic provisioning and configuration of the selected security
resources. However, evaluating and addressing security concerns on the cloud platform
is not the end game. Given the dynamic nature of the cloud, architecture and policies
are susceptible to change on a short notice. Therefore, clients need assurance that the
identified security policies are still in place. The context of security assurance has been
discussed extensively in [52]. Along these lines, authors in [53] have proposed the concept
of continuous auditing.

This will help to keep up with the dynamic cloud environments and evaluate the
change in security policies and their assurances. Furthermore, authors in [54] propose
techniques to dispense real-time cloud security assessment. Their approach, called the
Moving Interval Process can help clients compare their security assessments with the
security offerings of the CSPs and also help CSPs compare their services with other CSPs
by understanding the needs of their clients with high accuracy and computational efficiency.
Additionally, other works focus solely on evaluating particular types of delivery models
like software-as-a-service [55], infrastructure-as-a-service [56], or a specific domain of the
cloud security like data security [57].
Nevertheless, performing risk assessment requires an actionable output which its
users can make use of. In this regard, quantitative estimates have leverage over qualitative
analysis. Therefore, several works can be found across the literature both in terms quantita-
tive risk assessment for software applications [58] and for cloud security [59], [60]. Finally,
a pre-requisite to performing risk assessment is to be able to understand and estimate the
types of security threat an application (or platform) might be exposed to. In this regards,
security attack patterns coupled with misuse cases is good way to elicit the mechanisms
in which an application might be attacked. Security attack patterns for software applica-
tions have been studied rigorously by the community [62] and its coupling with application
abuse [64] and misuse cases [65], [66], [67] have well-found acceptance and feasibility. But
in contrast to the well-studied attack and misuse patterns of software applications, cloud
misuse patterns [61] are still in its dormant stages and requires further analysis to be able to
create a comprehensive knowledge base which can be used in a modular fashion to analyze
the risks associated to software applications which will be migrated to the cloud platform.
There have been several researches in the recent past in the direction of cloud migra-
tion. Most of which primarily aimed at cost reduction with identification of other critical
factors such as organizational policies and some introductory identification of security
issues which did not fully address the security concerns from the application’s perspective.

The authors in [68] describe a hybrid cloud migration process with the primary
goal of reducing total cost of ownership for large scale organizations. They present a
comprehensive study, identifying numerous cost factors that govern cloud migration poli-
cies. In [69], authors present a case study showing the cost implications of migrating an
application to the IaaS platform of Amazon EC2. They have also identified that cost is not
the sole criteria affecting cloud migration as other non-financial aspects like reputability of
CSPs, technical unfamiliarity play an important role in the decision making process. They
extended their case study presenting a comprehensive modeling tool [69] that provides cost
estimates of migrating to public IaaS cloud platform. The benefits are in its capability to
compare and contrast the services provided by different CSPs. Authors in [70] present the
challenges of migrating existing applications to the cloud platform like changes made to the
software environment, programming models such that it can operate on the cloud platform.
They present a model identifying the tasks involved in the cloud migration process and
analyzed them according to the cost involved in performing them. This work helped in the
formulation of our migration feasibility model. In [71], authors discuss the technical and
non-technical challenges of migrating a web server to the cloud platform. They discuss the
nontrivial aspects in cloud migration which involves taking into consideration many criteria,
addressing all of which manually is challenging. As such, they propose an automated frame-
work, CloudGenius, for helping clients in the decision making process for cloud migration.
Authors in [72] present an overview of the challenges in performing cloud migration like
financial aspects, security concerns arising due to cloud migration such as multi-tenancy
and data confidentiality. The authors in [73] present a detailed cloud migration decision
making framework. It takes into account the architecture of an application to be migrated
along with its service requirements in terms QoS factors, security risks involved, and the
financial aspects of the process. In [74] [75], the authors discuss some challenges of
migrating preexisting and legacy application to the cloud platform. They propose some
well-formulated and in-depth approaches to address the underlying challenges.

Authors in [75] perform an in-depth review of existing cloud migration techniques

related to hosting legacy systems on the cloud platforms. Their literature review discusses
the similarities between Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Cloud platforms. In [74],
authors present an evolutionary, iterative approach to help small-medium enterprises (SME)
is able to migrate their legacy applications to the cloud platform. The outlined solution
aims in making the process less dependent on any particular kind of technology support
or CSP. Through these works, we were able to identify and acknowledge the impact and
challenges of migrating legacy applications to the cloud platform. The work in [76] briefs
about the concept of fault tolerance to help high performance computing applications, which
are allocated large number of virtual instances to address their computation intensive tasks.




Amartya Sen and Sanjay Madria

Department of Computer Science
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, Missouri 65409–0050
Email: {asrp6,madrias}

A sensor cloud consists of various heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. These
wireless sensor networks may have different owners and run a wide variety of user appli-
cations on demand in a wireless communication medium. Hence, they are susceptible to
various security attacks. Thus, a need exists to formulate effective and efficient security
measures that safeguard these applications impacted from attack in the sensor cloud. How-
ever, analyzing the impact of different attacks and their cause-consequence relationship is
a prerequisite before security measures can be either developed or deployed. In this paper,
we propose a risk assessment framework for wireless sensor networks in a sensor cloud that
utilizes attack graphs. We use Bayesian networks to assess and analyze attacks on wireless
sensor networks. The risk assessment framework will first review the impact of attacks on a
wireless sensor network and estimate reasonable time frames that predict the degradation of
wireless sensor network security parameters like confidentiality, integrity and availability.

Using our proposed risk assessment framework allows the security administrator
to better understand the threats present and take necessary actions against them. The
framework is validated by comparing the assessment results with that of the results obtained
from different simulated attack scenarios.
Keywords: Attack graphs, security, risk assessment, sensor clouds, wireless sensor net-
works, bayesian networks


Sensor cloud [14] consists of several different wireless sensor networks (WSNs).
These WSNs are provided, as a service, to users through the sensor cloud platform. WSNs
are comprised of low-cost nodes deployed in an ad-hoc fashion over a large area [22] [10]
to collect temperature, humidity and other sensitive data, as requested by user applications.
These deployments maybe done in hostile environments wherein they are not physically
monitored for long time intervals. Additionally, with the integration of WSNs with different
ownerships under a sensor cloud platform running a variety of user applications, possibility
of attacks are more likely. As such, there is a need for a risk assessment mechanism to
estimate the likelihood and impact of attacks on these WSNs in a sensor cloud. We should
be able to answer questions like - how can we better secure these networks, what are the
possible attacks on our network and their risk level in the presence or absence of various
security measures. This will help in strengthening the network security before we integrate
a WSN in a sensor cloud. Further, understanding the cause-consequence relationship
between different attacks is also necessary. For example, a malware attack can lead to node
subversion [8] and an adversary can use the compromised node to break the authentication
scheme. This will prompt the execution of other degenerate attacks like sinkhole [18] or
Sybil [17].

Although the complete safety of a network in sensor cloud is an idealistic scenario,

being able to predict the degradation of WSN security parameters such as confidentiality,
integrity and availability [27], and taking appropriate precautions such as redeploying the
WSN using improved security measures is always a better alternative.
We studied the works in attack graph for wired networks [23] [4] [21] and research
these ideas to adapt in WSNs within a sensor cloud framework. This will help understand
the cause-consequence relationship between attacks and identify ways in which a particu-
lar WSN security parameter may be exploited. But establishing such relationships alone
however, is not sufficient. Empirical evidence [26] suggests that risk evaluation requires
a quantitative perspective. Instead of saying that a sensor network is secure, we are more
interested in knowing the extent of this security vulnerability and should be able to numer-
ically assess the likelihood and impact of an attack. The National Institute of Standards
and Technology’s (NIST) Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) 1 equips us with
the means to calculate severity ratings of vulnerabilities in only wired networks. We adapt
these mechanisms to quantify the attack nodes in our attack graph, merging them with the
concepts of Bayesian networks [5]. Hence, we can numerically evaluate the risk of security
parameters within a WSN. In addition to quantitative perspectives, time frames with respect
to WSN uptime is another useful estimate that help us reason better. For this purpose,
we adapt risk level estimations modeled as a continuous-time Markov process in Houmb’s
Misuse frequency model [7] for WSNs. This help in predicting the degradation of security
parameters within a WSN.
Risk assessment for wired networks using attack graphs has been studied [23] [4]
[21], but a sensor cloud consisting of WSNs is inherently different and the existing works
on attack graphs cannot be applied. This is because when an attack graph for a wired
network is generated, the network is scanned using a vulnerability scanner tool such as
Nessus [1]. These scanners detect the list of vulnerabilities (Figure 1) present on each

Figure 1. List of Vulnerabilities - Nessus Network Scan

system in a wired network which is then parsed into an attack graph generating tool [24].
However, no comparable vulnerability scanning tool currently exists for WSNs. Even if
such vulnerability scanning tool existed for WSNs, generating such a list (Figure 1) would
be insufficient. This is because sensor nodes in a WSN collaborate to achieve a common
goal and suffer from inherent resource limitations. These limitations are the primary cause
of WSN vulnerabilities as they do not permit the application of desired security protocols
to safeguard the network. Hence the vulnerability list will be identical for all nodes and no
concrete conclusions could be formulated. Thus, rather than focusing on vulnerabilities in
a sensor node or network, we focus on the feasibility of attacks on a particular WSN in a
sensor cloud. The successful execution of different attacks will vary according to security
measures used, tasks being carried out, and deployed environment of a WSN.
Due to the above factors, risk assessment in WSNs under a sensor cloud is challeng-
ing and hence, we propose the following methodologies:

• We formulate attack graphs to depict the logical correlation between the attacks on
WSNs [20] (Section 2.2). These attack graphs will then used to analyze how the
attacks can exploit the WSN security parameters [27].

• We depict the attack graphs as a Bayesian network (Section 2.3), quantifying the
likelihood and impact of the attacks in a WSN and the net threat level to WSN
security parameters.

• We compute time frames predicting the degradation of WSN security parameters

by modeling our risk level estimations as a continuous-time Markov process (Sec-
tion 2.4). Given these time frames we can take precautionary measures and perform
maintenance in an unattended WSNs before they reach an irreparable state.


The proposed risk assessment framework will determine the likelihood and the
impact of the attacks on a WSN. The likelihood of attacks is influenced by factors such
as sensor node configuration, topology and routing measures. Additionally, execution of
an attack increases the possibilities of other attacks [8]. These types of interdependencies
between the attacks can be modeled using attack graphs. Quantifying these attacks based
on CVSS parameters helps us to determine the feasibility of various attacks. When we
merge these attack graphs with the principles of Bayesian networks, we can estimate the net
impact of the feasible attacks on the WSN security parameters. A flow chart summarizing
the risk assessment framework is illustrated in Figure 2.

Attack Graph
Develop attack pattern Create attack graph from
& attack module attack module

Threat level estimations – Bayesian network

Severity ratings of attacks as Attack’s probability of
per CVSS guidelines success from severity ratings

Time frame estimations

Determine misuse frequency & Model problem as a continuous-
misuse impact of attacks time Markov process

Figure 2. Proposed Risk Assessment Framework


2.1. The Sensor Cloud Network Architecture. A sensor cloud, composed of

WSNs owned by different entities, provides sensing services to users. Sensor cloud separates
network ownership from users, allowing multiple users to access the available WSNs
simultaneously. This paradigm has been realized by the use of virtual sensors present on
the cloud platform which are incorporated as an image of the actual physical sensors. The
users deal with these virtual sensors which contains information about the actual physical
sensors working for a user’s application.
Sensor cloud consists of three layers, namely - client centric layer, middleware
layer, and sensor-centric layer. The client centric layer deals with users and acts as an user
interface for the sensor cloud. The middleware layer, is responsible for tasks such as - service
negotiation management, integrating the communication between client centric layer and
sensor centric layer, and managing the virtual sensors. Sensor centric layers deals with
the actual physical sensors. Since risk assessment using attack graphs for wired networks
are already present, we will not delve deep into this sphere. We would deal with the risk
assessment for the physical WSN of a sensor cloud network. A WSN in a sensor cloud is
considered as an undirected graph G = (V, E), where V is the set of vertices containing
the sensor nodes and E is set of edges denoting connectivity between these nodes. For
simplicity, we have assumed these WSNs to be static.
2.2. Attack Graphs for Wireless Sensor Networks. Attack pattern generation is
a prerequisite in developing attack graphs. It gives insight about the goal of an attacker
and allows us to avert the attack. An attack on a WSN will tend to exploit one or more of
the WSNs security parameters viz. confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Thus, we can
group the attacks according to the security parameter they tend to exploit. This will help in
developing the attack pattern for attacks on a WSN [2].

Definition 2.1. Attack Pattern: An attack pattern is a tuple Pi = (si , φ). Where, si , is
the attack and, φ ∈ [Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability], is one of the exploited WSN
security parameters.

Attacks on a WSN can be categorized as active or passive attacks [19]. Active

attacks, such as sinkhole, are executed to alter the network resources or operations such as
routing protocol. Passive attacks, such as eavesdropping, are executed to gather information
about the network which can then be used to execute Active attacks. The set of attacks
along with their definition and attack pattern [27] [28] [2] is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Attack Definition and Attack Pattern

Attack Definition Target Security Parameter
Eavesdropping Listening to communication between the nodes C
Jamming & DoS Disrupting network communication by jamming communication frequency or sending ad- A
ditional garbage packets the network cannot handle
Node Subversion Adversary taking over a legitimate sensor node C; I
Sybil Adversary node creating false virtual node identities and making them seem like legitimate C; I
sensor nodes
Spoofing Adversary node pretending to be a legitimate node of a WSN C; I
Altering; Replay Continuously changing the route of packets; Sending the same packets over and over again I; A
Wormhole; Sinkhole; Blackhole Adversary falsely advertising efficient route paths and rerouting traffic from actual paths - C; I; A
All traffic can now pass through the adversary & (s)he may choose to drop all the packets
Selective Forwarding Once packet traffic gets rerouted through the adversary (s)he may decide to selectively drop C; I; A
some of the packets
Acknowledgment Spoofing Falsifying acknowledgment during authentication procedure or when legitimate sensor C; I
nodes are trying to identify its neighbors
Node Malfunction A legitimate sensor node functionally abnormally due to scare resources or a malware I; A
running on them
Node Replication An adversary creating a rogue sensor node which is based on a legitimate sensor node C; I
False Data Injection Adversary introducing garbage packets within the actual packet transmission I
Node Outage When a legitimate sensor node is no longer able to function A
Directed Physical Attack Physical damage brought unto the sensor nodes A
Hello Floods Continuous Hello messages sent to sensor node, which makes them unable to handle any A
other messages and drains their resources as a result of constantly having to deal with these
Hello messages
Desynchronization Sensor nodes constantly trying to re-establish broken communication and not being able to A
do so
Malware Attack Execution of a malicious code on a legitimate sensor node C; I; A

Further, to understand the cause-consequence relationships between attacks on a

WSN, we should be aware of the conditions required to execute a particular attack (pre-
conditions of an attack) and the consequences of successful execution of an attack (post-
conditions of an attack). If the post-conditions of an attack satisfies the pre-conditions of
another attack then these two attacks will have a cause-consequence relationship (an edge
in the attack graph). We develop an attack module that will capture the cause-consequence
relationship between the attacks (Table 2).

Goal State
Attack Scenario 3 Attack Scenario 4

Attack Scenario 1 Attack Scenario 2

Figure 3. An Illustration of an Attack Graph

In some cases, pre-conditions of an attack may be satisfied by the post-conditions

of a single attack, these kinds of attacks will be connected by an OR type join in the
attack graph (Figure 3). Whereas, if post-conditions of two or more attacks are required
simultaneously to satisfy the pre-conditions of an attack, they are connected by AND type

Definition 2.2. Attack Module: An attack module is defined as a tuple, (Pi , S pre , S post , ),
where Pi is the attack pattern, s pre is the pre-conditions required to execute the attack, s post
are the post-conditions after the execution of the attack, and  is the join type,  ∈ [OR,

Once the attack module has been developed, we can use it to implement attack
graphs for each of the WSN security parameters. By doing so, we can visualize the ways in
which an attacker might exploit the WSN security parameters. Additionally, the root node
of an attack graph is considered to be an attacker’s ultimate goal. Hence, exploitation of one
of the WSN security parameters - confidentiality, integrity or availability, will be the root
node of an attack graph for a WSN. All other nodes in the attack graph will be intermediate
states an attacker can take during the course of their attack. We assume that an attack state
cannot be undone once it has been exploited, preventing any form of backtracking.

Table 2. Attack Module

Attack Pre-condition Post-condition Join Type
Eavesdropping Adversary node within physical reach of WSN & un- Acquire unencrypted data AND
encrypted communication
Jamming & DoS Adversary within the reach of WSN Disrupt network communication OR
Node Subversion Inability to authenticate; running malicious codes Attacks that require bypassing authentication OR
Sybil Node Subversion; Inability to authenticate Bypass authentication; breaking of key distribution AND
Spoofing Sybil; Node Subversion Further degradation of authentication OR
Altering; Replay Sybil; Spoofing Loss of energy; Loss of integrity OR
Wormhole; Sinkhole; Blackhole (Node Subversion)Sybil; Spoofing Route control; Packet drop - partial or complete; com- AND-OR
munication disruption
Selective Forwarding Wormhole; Sinkhole Network more vulnerable to replay and rerouting AND
Acknowledgment Spoofing Node Subversion; Sybil spoofing; wormhole; sinkhole AND
Node Malfunction Low Energy of the sensor nodes; Execution of Mali- Erroneous data in the network OR
cious codes on the sensor
Node Replication Physical Tampering Adversary node legitimate part of WSN AND
False Data Injection Adversary node; In communication range of WSN Presence of garbage data in the WSN; jamming due to AND
more traffic
Node Outage Severe Energy drain; Directed Physical Attack ; Black- Network disruption OR
Directed Physical Attack Topology discovery Node Outage OR
Hello Floods Spoofing; Sybil Energy drain; breaking route table due to continuous OR
Hello Packet transmissions
Desynchronization Node Outage; Hello Floods; Replay; Reactive Jamming Communication disruption OR
Malware Attack architecture of the sensor nodes; user can execute Node Subversion AND
his/her code

Definition 2.3. Attack Graph: An attack graph is a tuple containing the attributes (sroot , S,
τ, ), where sroot is the goal of the attacker - one of the WSN security parameters. S denotes
the complete set of attacks (Table 1). τ denotes the set of pre- and post-conditions of all
attacks in S.  is the join type,  ∈ [OR, AND].

2.3. Risk Assessment Using Bayesian Networks. An attack graph’s nodes maybe
assigned with either true or false values implying that an attack state is either successfully
executed or not executed at all. To better analyze an attack scenario, we can assign numerical
values, like the probability of success of executing an attack si , Pr(si ). The probability
of success of attacks can be derived from their severity ratings and can be computed by
adopting the scoring metric established by CVSS for wired networks.
CVSS scores are based on three criteria; base metrics, temporal metrics and en-
vironmental metrics. Base metric is used to express the level of difficulty to exploit a
vulnerability. Temporal and environmental metrics are used to express the effect of the net-
work’s deployment environment and surroundings in the exploitation of the vulnerability.
A brief description about their sub-categories and attributes is given in Table 3.

Table 3. CVSS Metric Description

CVSS metrics Sub-categories Attributes Description
Access Vector Vulnerability exploitation from within network domain or remotely
Exploitability sub-score Access Complexity Difficulty in exploiting vulnerability
Base Authentication Instances Number of authentication measure that needs to be bypassed
Confidentiality Impact on confidentiality
Impact sub-score Integrity Impact on integrity
Availability Impact on availability
Exploitability tools & Current state of available exploitation techniques
techniques (T_{E})
Temporal Remediation level Type of solutions available to fix the vulnerability
Report Confidence Evidences available about existence of vulnerability

Envnmnt Collateral Damage Impact of exploited vulnerability on organization’s economy

Security required Amount of security required for organizational assets like confidentiality, integrity
and availability

A detailed description of the CVSS scoring system is available in the CVSS scoring
guide [16]. WSN attacks have not yet been corroborated by CVSS and the base metrics will
be evaluated subjectively. We assumed that, although preventive measures for the attacks
are available, they are the solutions that individual researchers have reported. Hence, based
on the definition of remediation level, we have considered these solutions as workaround
fixes. Environmental metrics are context specific varying for different organizations and
being constant for any given organization. Houmb’s misuse frequency model [7] performs
risk level estimations as a conditional probability over the Misuse frequency (MF) and
Misuse Impact (MI) estimates of an attack. MF and MI of an attack helps in depicting the
likelihood and impact of an attack respectively taking into account the intrinsic attributes of
the attack, network architecture, and security measures used. It is useful in estimating time
frames predicting the degradation of organizational assets like confidentiality, integrity and
availability. Hence, to compute the probability of success of attack nodes in our attack
graph, we have adopted Houmb’s misuse frequency model. MF of an attack is calculated
using (1) - (3) and CVSS parameters specified in Table 4. A detailed depiction of the rating
values in Table 4 can be found in [16]. Initial misuse frequency, MFinit , in (1) is calculated
using exploitability sub-score under the base metrics (Table 3 and 4). We normalize the
values of B_{AR}, B_{AC}, B_{AU} for the attack considered, to keep the final score
between 0→1 (MF is a probability and cannot be over 1).

The MF of an attack however, may change over time according to the availability
of security solutions and techniques for executing the attacks. These factors are reflected
using temporal metrics, computed as MFuFac (2).

1 Õ
M Finit = ( ) (B_{AR}, B_{AC}, B_{AU}) (1)
3 s ∈S

1 Õ
M FuFac = ( ) (T_{E }, T_{RL}, T_{RC}) (2)
3 s ∈S

1 Õ
MF = ( ) (M Finit, M FuFac ) (3)
2 s ∈S

Table 4. CVSS vectors to calculate MF

CVSS metrics CVSS Attributes Rating Rating
group value
Local (L) 0.395
Access vector (B_{AR}) Adjacent network (A) 0.646
Network (N) 1.00
High (H) 0.35
Base Metrics Attack complexity (B_{AC}) Medium (M) 0.61
Low (L) 0.71
Multiple (M) 0.45
Authentication instances (B_{AU}) Single (S) 0.56
None (N) 0.704
Unproved (U) 0.85
Exploitability tools & techniques (T_{E}) Proof-of-Concept (POC) 0.90
Functional (F) 0.95
High (H) 1.00
Official Fix (OF) 0.87
Temporal Metrics Remediation level (T_{RL}) Temporary Fix (TF) 0.90
Workaround (W) 0.95
Unavailable (U) 1.00
Unconfirmed (UC) 0.90
Report Confidence (T_{RC}) Uncorroborative (UR) 0.95
Confirmed (C) 1.00

MFuFac is then added to (MFinit ) and the final misuse frequency (MF) is computed
in (3). Similar computations are done to calculate MI using the impact sub-score under
base metrics and environmental metrics (Table 5) [16] and (4) - (7). Initial MI estimate,
MIinit , was estimated using impact sub-score of the base metrics in (4). This estimate is
a vector depicting the effect of an attack on confidentiality, integrity, and availability of a
network. MIinit was then updated on the basis of the collateral damage potential (E_CDP)
in (5). The MI estimates were further updated as per the security requirements information
in (6). Finally, the resulting MI estimate, M I, is obtained in (7).

Table 5. CVSS vectors to calculate MI

CVSS metrics group CVSS Attributes Rating Rating value
None (N) 0.00
Confidentiality Impact (B_{C}) Partial (P) 0.275
Complete (C) 0.660
None (N) 0.00
Base Metrics Integrity Impact (B_{I}) Partial (P) 0.275
Complete (C) 0.660
None (N) 0.00
Availability Impact (B_{A}) Partial (P) 0.275
Complete (C) 0.660
Low (L) 0.50
Confidentiality Requirement (E_{CR}) Medium (M) 1.00
High (H) 1.51
Low (L) 0.50
Integrity Requirement (E_{IR}) Medium (M) 1.00
High (H) 1.51
Low (L) 0.50
Environmental Metrics
Availability Requirement (E_{AR}) Medium (M) 1.00
High (H) 1.51
None (N) 0.00
Low (L) 0.10
Collateral Damage Potential (E_CDP) LowMedium (LM) 0.30
MediumHigh (MH) 0.40
High (H) 0.50

M Iinit = [B_{C}, B_{I}, B_{A}] (4)

M ICDP = E_CDP[M Iinit ] (5)

M IEnv = [B_{CR}, B_{I R}, B_{AR}] (6)

M I = M ICDP × M IEnv (7)

Once we compute the MF, we can estimate an attack’s probability of success, Pr(si ),
using (8):
Pr(si ) = (1 − µ)M Finit + µ(M FuFac ) (8)

where, µ is a constant and is defined as the security administrator’s belief of the impact of
the security measures on an attack’s MF (base metrics) and temporal metrics. It can vary
from [0,0.5]. If a security administrator is uncertain about the impact of security measures
of an attack (like in cases of new or unknown attacks), then the probability of success is
based on the base metrics, by taking µ as 0. After assigning attack graph’s nodes with
their probability of success, we depict it as a Bayesian network. This will help us ascertain
the non-deterministic nature of the attacks for different network scenario with a reasonable
amount of accuracy.

A Bayesian attack graph in our framework can be defined as:

Definition 2.4. Bayesian Attack Graph: A Bayesian attack graph is a tuple containing the
attributes (S, τ, , Pr), where, S, is the complete set of possible attacks on a WSN (Table 1),
τ, is the set of the pre- and post-condition of all the attacks in S,  is the join type,  ∈ [OR,
AND], for the attacks in S, and Pr, is the set of probability values specifying the success
rate of an attack node in a Bayesian attack graph.

For an attack si ∈ S, Pa[si ] denotes the parent set of attack si i.e. if an attack
s j ∈ Pa[si ], post condition of attack s j will lead to pre-condition of attack si . As such,
attack s j will be the parent of attack si in the attack graph. The probability of each attack’s
success is captured in a Local Conditional Probability Distribution (LCPD) table. These
values are assigned as per the subjective belief of the security administrator regarding their
network. LCPD can be defined as:

Definition 2.5. Local Conditional Probability Distribution: For a Bayesian attack graph
containing the tuples (S, τ, , Pr), the local conditional probability distribution function of
any si ∈ S is given as Pr(si |Pa[si ]) and is defined as,

1.  = AND

 0, ∃s j ∈ Pa[si ] | si = 0

Pr(si | Pa[si ]) =

 Ñ
 Pr( si =1 si ), otherwise

2.  = OR 
 0, ∀s j ∈ Pa[si ], si = 0

Pr(si | Pa[si ]) =

 Ð
 Pr( si =1 si ), otherwise

2.3.1. Static risk assessment. The difficulty of executing an attack is given by

its probability of success, Pr(si ) ∀ si ∈ S, also known as the prior probability. With this
set of prior probabilities captured in a node’s LCPD, we can compute the unconditional
probabilities. Consider the attack scenario described in Figure 4.

Figure 4. An Attack Graph Represented as a Bayesian Network

The probability of attack 1’s success is assigned based on the subjective belief of a
security administrator. Using the concepts Bayesian networks, we estimate the probability
of success of the remaining nodes in the attack graph. Once we have the probability of
success of every node, we calculate the joint probabilities of all the variables in a Bayesian
network using the chain rule in (11). The unconditional probability of the goal state is then
computed as the joint probability of all of the nodes effecting the goal state’s outcome. Thus,
in Figure 4, Pr(Goal) will be computed as shown in eq. 12. The unconditional probability
of each node is computed similarly by considering the sub-tree rooted at that node.

Pr(s1, ..., sn ) = Pr(si | Pa[si ]) (11)

Pr(Goal) = Pr(Goal, A3, A2, A1)

= Pr(Goal | A3, A2) × Pr(A2 | A1) × Pr(A3 | A1)

= [Pr(Goal | A3, A2) × Pr(A2 | A1) × Pr(A3 | A1) × Pr(A1)]
A3, A2, A1∈ {T,F }
= (1.0 × 0.75 × 0.70 × 0.60)TTT +

(0.65 × 0.75 × 0.30 × 0.60)T FT +

(0.80 × 0.25 × 0.70 × 0.60)FTT

Pr(Goal) ≈ 0.49

2.3.2. Dynamic risk assessment. Static risk assessment is done by assuming non-
zero prior probabilities of the attacks. However, once WSNs in a sensor cloud has been
deployed, we may observe evidence of certain attacks. The probability of success of those
attack node will become one, leading to re-evaluation of risk level estimations. We did this
using the Bayesian inference techniques of forward and backward propagation. Successor
of the attack node with probability 1 will be updated by forward propagation. The initial
assumptions on all prior probabilities during static risk assessment will be corrected with
backward propagation. The updated unconditional probabilities are known as posterior
probabilities. Given a set of attacks si for which we have evidence of exploit, the probability
of success for those attack nodes is now 1. Thus, we need to determine the probability of
0 0
success for the attack nodes that are affected by si , i.e. the set of s j ∈ {S - si }. We compute
the posterior probability, Pr(s j | si ) using Bayes theorem:

0 [Pr(si | s j ) × Pr(s j )]
Pr(s j | si ) = 0 (13)
Pr(si )

where Pr(s j ) and Pr(si ) are the prior unconditional probabilities of the corresponding nodes.
The conditional probability of joint occurrence of si given the states of s j is denoted by
Pr(si | s j ). In Figure 4, If we have evidence of the goal state being compromised, we
can compute its effect on attack 3 by assuming Pr(Goal) = 1.0 and eq. 13. Hence, the
unconditional probability of attack 3 has gone up from 0.49 to 0.85 in the evidence of an
exploit. Similar computations can be done for other nodes.

[Pr(Goal | A3) × Pr(A3)]

Pr(A3 | Goal) =

Pr(Goal | A3) = [Pr(Goal | A2, A3 = T) × Pr(A2)

= (1.0 × 0.49)T + (1.0 × 0.51)F


Pr(Goal | A3) = 1.0

Pr(A3) = 0.42 and Pr(Goal) = 0.49

Therefore Pr(A3 | Goal) = 0.85

2.4. Time Frame Estimation. Predicting time frames for degradation of a WSN
security parameter is a useful tool to carry out maintenance of an unattended WSN and take
precautionary measures before they reach an unrepairable state. The MF and MI estimates
of WSN attacks is used to build such a risk level estimation. We model our risk assessment
framework as a continuous-time Markov process. Such a model consists of a finite state
space E, having n service levels - SL0 to SLn . Each service level is a subset in E. We define
a service level as:

Definition 2.6. Service Level: Service level is a state composing of non-empty sets of
attacks s k ∈ S. Attacks belonging to a service level have equivalent misuse impact.

Attacks are grouped based on their MI on WSN security parameters - confidentiality

(C), integrity (I), and availability (A). This gives us the number of service levels in the state
transition model. The first service level, SL0 , has no impact on a WSN security parameter, in
contrast to the final service level, SL x which has full impact. The time frame estimation will
be a two-step process; (1) Develop state transition model from MI estimates: Creation of
service levels. (2) Compute state transition rates from MF estimates using a rate transition
matrix: the probability of transition from a service level with lower impact to that of a
service level with higher impact. These two processes are elucidated in Section 3.4.


In the following sections, we outline our experimental results and analysis. There-
after, we present our observations regarding the feasibility of our proposed approach.

3.1. Network Deployment. The deployed sensor cloud network consisted of five
WSNs. The deployment region of these networks were pre-defined. Three of the WSNs
were deployed on the second floor of the Missouri S&T computer science department and
the remaining two on the third floor. The networks on the second floor consisted of three
sensor nodes each in addition to the base station and those on the third floor consisted of
four and five sensor nodes respectively. The sensor cloud served three users, tasked to
sense three different phenomena - temperature, humidity and light intensity. This network
deployment was used to perform validation of the proposed risk assessment framework
(Section 4).
3.2. Attack Graph for WSN Security Parameters. This section shows the rep-
resentation of attack graphs using SeaMonster 2 security modeling software. They were
modeled to depict the net threat level for individual WSN security parameters for one of
the WSN deployed on the second floor (Section 3.1). We calculated the probability of
success for each attack node in the attack graph to determine the threat level estimations
(Section 2.3.1, eq. 11). This was done assuming that the WSN had no security measures and
thus all attacks (Table 1) were feasible. This assumption helps in illustrating the complete
set of attacks on a WSN through an attack graph. In the presence of security measures for a
particular attack, the probability of success for that attack node will be zero (Section 4.1).
For the illustrated attack graphs (Figure 5, 6, 7), the expected threat level for a particular
security parameter was assumed to be 50% (expected probability of successful exploitation
of the goal state). The expected threat level indicates the subjective belief of a security
administrator about the chances of degradation of their WSN’s security parameter due to an
attack. In the absence of security measures, there is an equal likelihood of an attack being
feasible or otherwise. Although one can argue that absence of security measures should
prompt in a higher percentage of expected threat level, but to encompass the uncertainty of
an attacker’s attack, the assumption of 50% expected threat level is justified.

The outcome of the net threat level, due to the executed attacks on a WSN security
parameter, will vary based on the expected threat level. The effect on computation of net
threat level as expected threat level increases is discussed in Section 3.3. The unconditional
probability of success for each attack is given along with nodes of the attack graph. These
values are used to compute the net threat level. They are computed adopting the techniques
used to calculate the severity rating for vulnerabilities of wired networks established by
CVSS (Section 2.3).
3.2.1. Confidentiality. We select the attacks from Table 1 with confidentiality of a
WSN as their attack pattern. These attacks become the attack nodes in the attack graph for
confidentiality. Then, we analyze the pre- and post-conditions of each of these attacks from
the attack module (Table 2), building the logical correlation and depicting it via the attack
graph. Once we have created the attack graphs, we need to assign the attack nodes with their
probability of success. This is done by evaluating the Base metrics and Temporal metrics
(Table 4) for the attacks. An instantiation of this evaluation is given in Table 6. Misuse
frequency (MF) is then computed using (1) - (3). Confidentiality of a WSN can be exploited
via eavesdropping attack node (Eav) by successful execution of topology discovery (TD)
and adversary within communication range (ACR) attacks conjunctively (Figure 5). We
compute the unconditional probability of eavesdropping attack node using (9) and MF of
these three attack nodes (Eav: 0.82, TD: 0.74, ACR: 0.825).

Table 6. Evaluation of Misuse Frequency of attacks on WSN

Attack Name Base_Metrics Temporal_Metrics MF MFu F a c
(B_AR,B_AC,B_AU) (T_E,T_RL, T_RC) i ni t
Eavesdropping Adj,Low,None F,W,C 0.686 0.966
Node Subversion Network, Medium, POC,W,C 0.723 0.95
Sinkhole/Selective Network,Medium,MI FEE,W,C 0.686 0.966

Violation of confidentiality
(expected threat level – 50% /
Net threat level – 20.3%)

Eavesdropping Blackhole
(0.50) (0.501)

AND Sybil Sinkhole/Selective

(0.486) forwarding 0.612)

AND (0.511)

Adversary within AND

range (0.825)
Node Subversion Spoofing
(0.761) (0.82)

Node Replication Malware attack

(0.413) (0.86)


Topology Physical tamper

Discovery (0.74) (0.716)

Figure 5. Attack Graph for Exploitation of Confidentiality

Then, we compute the unconditional probability for Eav using (9) as shown in eq. 14.

Pr(Eav)uncond. = Pr(Eav)T ∗ Pr(T D)T ∗ Pr(ACR)T

= (0.82 ∗ 0.825 ∗ 0.74) = 0.50

Similarly, node subversion (NS) can be exploited via successful execution of either malware
attack (MA) or node replication (NR) attack node. The MF of NS, NR, and MA is 0.83,
0.413 and 0.86 respectively. Since, we have a disjunctive join in the attack graph, the
unconditional probability for NS will be computed using eq. 10. Similar computations are
done for other attack nodes. We see from Figure 5 that an attacker can exploit confidentiality
of a totally unprotected WSN by executing Eavesdropping, Sybil, Blackhole, or Selective
forwarding, either individually or in combination, giving them 24 attack options. But some
of these combinations will not contribute towards the exploitation of confidentiality. For
example, Blackhole attack is a successful consequence of Selective Forwarding.

Violation of integrity
(expected threat level – 50% /
Net threat level – 73.5%)

False data Node Alter/
injection Malfunction Replay
(0.506) (0.78) (0.326)

Energy drain Acknowledgement Sybil

attacks Wormhole
spoofing (0.398) (0.486) (0.511)


Malware Node
attack Subversion
Adversary (0.82)
(0.86) (0.761)
tion range
(0.825) Node


Topology Physical
Discovery tamper
(0.74) (0.716)

Figure 6. Attack Graph for Exploitation of Integrity

If Selective Forwarding does not contribute towards the exploitation of confidential-

ity then there will be no contribution from Blackhole. Hence for an expected threat level of
50%, the computed net threat level for confidentiality will be 20.3%. Since it is very hard
to get hold of the information unless the adversary knows the location of the sensor nodes
and can closely monitor and capture the traffic. Given the protective measures used, this
can be challenging since the adversary must decipher the captured information.

(Pr(N S)T ∗ Pr(N R) ∗ Pr(M A))
(N R,M A)∈{T,F}

Pr(N S)uncond. = 0.761

3.2.2. Integrity. Figure 6 depicts the exploitation of integrity of a WSN through

the execution of five attack states, either individually or in combination. The attack states
are - False data injection, Node malfunction, Alter/Replay attack, Sybil, and Sinkhole.

This gives an attacker 25 options to exploit integrity, out of which few will be
nullified based on the unsatisfying JOIN criteria of an attack graph. For a node having
AND join, if any one of its child nodes are not executed, then the probability of execution
of that attack is zero. For example, if Sybil is not executed (Figure 6), the chances of
exploiting integrity via Alter/Replay attack goes down to zero. Hence, for an expected
threat level of 50%, the computed net threat level for integrity is 73.5%. The high threat
level to integrity is as a result of the fact that even if an adversary cannot decipher the
meaning of the captured information, they can very well corrupt the information such that
even the destination cannot comprehend it.
3.2.3. Availability. The attack graph for availability in Figure 7 illustrates that an
attacker can cause service disruption by exploiting either of three attack states - Frequency
jamming, Node outage, and Desynchronization. Executing these attacks in combination,
gives them up to 23 choices to cause permanent or partial breakdown of WSN services.
Hence, for an expected threat level of 50%, the computed net threat level for availability is
49.3%. The means to exploit availability of WSN is quite simple (jamming, node outage)
but quite difficult to counter. As such the expected threat level is close to net threat level.
3.3. Expected Threat Levels vs. Net Threat Levels. The computation for net
threat level of WSN security parameters in previous section was done assuming expected
threat level to be a probability of 0.5. In this section, we will depict the computation of net
threat level by varying expected threat level from a probability of 0.0 to 1.0, incrementing
it by 0.1 each time. The y-axis depicts the probability values of the net threat levels and the
x-axis depicting the variation of expected threat level from 0.0 to1.0.
Figure 8 illustrates the trend of varying expected threat level versus that of net threat
level for the three WSN security parameter - confidentiality, integrity and availability. As
one increases the expected threat level, the security measures implemented will also be
high. Increase in security measures makes the exploitation of confidentiality complex.

Violation of availability
(expected threat level – 50%
/ Net threat level – 49.3%)

Frequency Node Desynchro-

jamming outage nization
(0.83) (0.579) (0.831)

Sinkhole/ Node HELLO

Selective malfunction flood
forwarding (0.78) (0.511)

Sybil Wormhole
(0.486) (0.511)


Spoofing Node
(0.82) Subversion
Node Malware
Replication attack
(0.413) (0.86)


Topology Physical
Discovery tamper
(0.74) (0.716)

Figure 7. Attack Graph for Exploitation of Availability

Although, the net threat level towards integrity goes up. This is because an attacker
does not need to decipher the captured information to exploit integrity. They can corrupt
the information itself. Thus, as the belief for exploitation of integrity rises, we see that
the net threat level goes higher than the expected value with probability of 0.7 being
the threshold value depicting the non-deterministic nature in the estimation of net threat
level for integrity. Similarly, availability can be exploited by jamming the sensor node’s
communication frequency or congesting the sensor nodes with a large number of packets
(denial of service). These mechanism are simple to execute and difficult to counter. Further,
being able to deterministically predict these attacks are difficult. As such the expected threat
level and net threat level does not vary much.
3.4. Time Frame Estimation. We estimate reasonable time frames depicting the
degradation of WSN security parameters in the absence of security measures. The first step
in computing time frames of degradation is to create service levels (Section 2.4). These
service levels are based on the Misuse Impact (MI) of the attacks.


Net Threat Level




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Confidentiality Integrity Availability

Figure 8. Expected Threat Level vs. Net Threat Level

The MI of attacks is computed using the environmental metric and impact category
of base metric (Table 5). The environmental metric depends on an organization deploying
the WSN. Assuming we have three different WSN - A, B, and C, their environmental metrics
can be summarized as shown in Table 7. Based on these metric the times frame estimations
will vary from one physical WSN to another as a result of different number of service levels.
Given the metrics in Table 7, WSN A has 4 service levels for confidentiality, 4 service levels
for integrity and 5 service levels for availability. Similarly, WSNB has 4 service levels
for confidentiality (MI - 0,0.15,0.30,1), 3 for integrity (MI - 0,0.05,1) and 4 for availabil-
ity(0,0.15,0.30,1). WSNC has 4 service levels for confidentiality (MI - 0,0.16,0.39,1), 4 for
integrity (MI - 0,0.16,0.39,1) and 4 for availability (MI - 0,0.05,0.13,1). Computation for
time frames using Misuse Frequency (MF) is shown assuming the environmental metrics
of WSN A (Section 3.4.1).
3.4.1. Developing service levels. Computing the MI of the attacks whose attack
pattern is confidentiality (Table 1), we have two sets of impact - 0.14 and 0.33 (Table 5
and (7)), along with service levels SL0 (fully operational) and SL x (total degradation). The
attacks having an impact of 0.14 was grouped into service level SL1 and those having an

Table 7. Environmental Metric for Physical WSN

Network Confidentiality Integrity Availability Collateral
requisite requisite requisite Damage
A High High High High
B High Low High Low-
C High High Low Medium-

impact of 0.33, was grouped into service level SL2 . Confidentiality degrades and reaches
an irreparable state, as we traverse from SL0 to SL x . Similarly for integrity, there are two
sets of impacts as well - 0.14 and 0.33. For availability, we have three sets of impact - 0.14,
0.33 and 0.50. The service for all three WSN security parameters is summarized in Table 1.

Table 8. Service Levels for WSN Security Parameters

Service Attacks Attack Pattern
SL0(0.0) - -
SL1(0.14) Node Subversion, Spoofing, Node Replication, Mal- C; I
ware attack, Wormhole, Selective Forwarding
SL2(0.33) Eavesdropping, Sybil, Selective Forwarding, Spoof- C; I
ing, Alter/Replay, Acknowledgment Spoofing, Node
SL3(0.50) Frequency Jamming, Denial of Service A
SLx(1.0) - -

3.4.2. Computing state transition rates. We compute the rate transition matrix
using MF estimates (Table 4 and (3)) once we have created the service levels. The transition
rates for the service level are illustrated in Table 9. We assume that a transition from a
higher service level to a lower service level is not feasible. Also, we assume that a network
cannot reach SL x directly from SL0 or SL1 , since, SL0 is a fully operational level with
no harmful attacks. Furthermore, execution of attacks in SL1 will result in a transition to
the next service level (SL2 and not SL x since, the impact of attacks in SL1 is lower that
of attacks in SL2 . The network would be functioning in SL0 in the absence of attacks.

Execution of an attack belonging to SL1 , causes a traversal from SL0 to SL1 and so
forth. The transition from SL1 to SL2 is dependent on the transition rate for SL0 to SL1 and
is computed as MF(SL1SL2)| MF(SL0SL1).
Given a time frame of 30 days, a WSN in absence of security measures will have
its confidentiality fully compromised in about 13 days. Since, the probability of full
compromise, reaching SL x , is around 0.44, which translates to 13 days (44 % of 30 days).
We also conclude that in such a WSN, there is 66.27% chance that the data will be fully
compromised. Integrity, in close co-relation to confidentiality, will also be lost in 13 days.
Since, the probability of full compromise, i.e. reaching SL x is around 0.44, which translates
to 13 days (44 % of 30 days). This result makes sense because a network cannot maintain its
integrity after confidentiality is fully compromised. Whereas for availability, there is a 20%
chance that a WSN will face communication disruption beyond the point of recovery. Since,
probability of full compromise ( SL x ) is around 0.20. Thus, a complete degradation might
occur in about 6 days (20 % of 30 days) if precautionary measures are not taken to protect
the WSN. The rate transition matrix computation for all three WSN security parameters is
summarized in Table 9.

Table 9. Rate Transition Matrix for WSN Security Parameters


SL0 0 (0.83)C, I, A (0.81)C,I (0.83) A 0
(0.77) A
SL1 0 (0.83) A (0.66)C,I (0.69) A 0
(0.64) A
SL2 0 0 0 (0.44) A (0.44)C, I
SL3 0 0 0 0 (0.20) A
SLx 0 0 0 0 0

3.5. Complexity Analysis and Scalability. In this section, we will discuss the
complexity involved in designing the proposed risk assessment framework and its scalability
with respect to large scale sensor clouds.

The initial steps involves the creation of a database which contains the information
on different WSN attacks regarding their attack patterns, pre- and post-conditions, and JOIN
type in the attack graph. Creation of attack graphs requires extracting this information from
the database. This process involves considering each attack attribute as a root node and
traversing the remaining attack attributes in database and determining if the pre-condition
of the attack attribute being considered as the root node matches the post-condition of the
remaining attack attributes in the database.
We perform this step three times, once for each of the three WSN security parameters.
Hence, this process is upper bounded by O(n2 ), where n being the number of WSN attacks
taken into account. Creation of attack graphs is followed by scoring the attack nodes in
the graph with their probability of success which takes a constant amount of time. We
then compute the net threat level of the root node using the concepts of the Bayesian
networks, computational complexity of which is upper bounded by constant time. Time
frame estimations involves the creation of service levels from the Misuse Impacts and then
computing the transition matrix from the Misuse frequency values, which is again upper
bounded by a constant time. Hence the total computational complexity of our proposed risk
assessment framework is squared.
The framework creates three attack graphs for a given WSN network. As such if N is
the total number of WSNs in the sensor cloud, the total number of attack graphs that will be
generated is 3N. For larger values of N, the number of attack graphs that needs to generated
and evaluated increases rapidly. Although this increase is linear and the generation of the
attack graphs is not dependent on either the number of sensor nodes or the number of WSNs
present in the sensor cloud. Hence, the proposed risk assessment can scale with respect
to the increase in number of WSNs in the sensor cloud. However, a challenge lies with
the security administrator to draw inferences from net threat level values generated by the
attack graph and is something we will address as a future work.


In this section we will study the impact of various attacks on deployed WSN (Sec-
tion 3.1) in a sensor cloud environment in order to determine the effectiveness of our
proposed risk assessment framework.
4.1. Initial Security Measures. Section 3.2 depicted the attack graphs for a de-
ployed WSNs in the absence of security measures. This illustrated the full potential of the
attack graphs since none of the attack nodes had their probability of success as zero. But
for validation purposes we used a set of initial security measures for the deployed WSNs.
The implemented sensor cloud was supported with proxy re-encryption scheme.
Although the encryption service is optional and depends on a user’s preference. Thus, data
coming from a WSN serving their application may or may not be encrypted. Our current
sensor cloud architecture also supports ten different frequency bands for communication.
The sensor node of a WSN is programmed with a unique frequency band during the pre-
deployment phase to prevent collisions while communicating. However, we can reprogram
these nodes with a backup frequency band. Thus, in case of a Denial of Service attack, if
the primary frequency band is jammed the nodes can switch to the backup band to send
out a distress signal, alleviating the effects of a DoS attack. We consider this as a partial
solution to a DoS attack. Additionally, Node malfunction at times can result due to the lack
of sensor node battery power. The sensor nodes having low battery might not be able to
correctly perform its operations (sensing) and send incorrect or infrequent data. Our sensor
cloud architecture has the capability of powering up the nodes using Ethernet cables and
USB connectivity instead of the traditional AA batteries. Thus, if a deployed WSN is in
close vicinity of a USB power source we consider this capability as a solution to attacks
that rely on depleting a sensor node’s energy. These are available to the WSN deployed on
the second floor of the Missouri S&T computer science department.

Further, the five deployed WSN are sparse. This fact is relevant since the density
of a WSN belonging to a sensor cloud determines the feasibility of attacks like node
capture. Hence, if the deployment of a WSN is dense, two or more sensor nodes might have
redundant sensing region, as such if a node is captured it will be harder to detect it than in a
sparse network. Although attacks like node capture also depend on how easily the deployed
networks can be discovered (nodes deployed for health monitoring can be easily discovered
in contrast to the nodes deployed to track wildlife) and as such are susceptible to physical
node capture. Finally, we have also assumed that addition of new nodes to existing WSN
requires authentication.
4.2. Attack Models. We incorporate three attack scenarios on the deployed WSNs
belonging to the sensor cloud. Each scenario is targeted to exploit a given WSN security
4.2.1. Attack model 1. The attacker in this scenario is an insider to the sensor
cloud. As such they might be aware of the encryption keys and deployment regions. Users
selecting encrypted way of data delivery still might be at risk from this kind of attacker.
Additionally, the attacker might also be aware of authentication procedures and might
add rogue nodes as legitimate nodes to the existing WSNs. The main motive here is to
compromise data. To avoid disclosing their identity by getting caught, they will refrain
from using attacks that will disrupt the availability of the network or cause inconsistencies
in data received by legitimate users. The straightforward way to achieve this would be by
adding a rogue node or subverting an existing one. As such the unconditional probability
of node subversion becomes 1.0. As a result, further exploitation of attacks such as Sybil
or wormhole eases up.
4.2.2. Attack model 2. The attacker in this scenario does not have the same ca-
pability as the previous attack model. As such, they will not be able to compromise data.
However, they can corrupt the data by causing data injection attacks and will try to sub-
vert the nodes not by physical capture (deployment region is not known) but by sending

malicious codes, which if executed will subvert the nodes and give them the capability of
the attacker discussed in attack model 1 (escalation). In this context, the probability of
success of False Data Injection will be 1.0. Additionally with respect to escalation, the
attacker will also try to execute malware attack, making its probability of success as 1. This
malware attack might lead to node malfunction and not node subversion. Escalations are a
possibility, but the attacker does not have the required resources or expertise to cause it.
4.2.3. Attack model 3. The attacker here is not concerned about the network data.
Their objective is to disrupt available services and as such jam communication frequencies,
overload sensor nodes with spurious message packets and so on. In such a scenario, the
most tempting attack will be to destroy the sensor nodes. But if the topology cannot be
discovered, the next available option will be to jam the network communications. This can
be achieved by jamming the wireless communication frequency around the approximate
vicinity of the WSN. Additionally Desynchronization attacks can also be initiated through a
malware attack, causing a node to malfunction and not be able to establish communication
with neighboring nodes and transfer data.
4.3. Results and Observations. We performed risk assessment for the deployed
WSNs, given the initial security measures as discussed in Section 4.1. After computing
the net threat levels to the WSN security parameters, we simulated attacks according to the
attack models described in Section 4.2. Given these attacks we utilize our risk assessment
framework to re-compute the observed net threat levels. Once we have the estimated and
observed net threat levels, we compare and contrast the results to evaluate the effectiveness
of our proposed risk assessment framework.
4.3.1. Estimated net threat level. In this section, we assess the net threat level
to the WSN security parameters, estimated during the pre-deployment phase of the WSNs
under the sensor cloud. The probability of success for the attack node, physical tampering,
is assumed to be zero. This is because the deployed WSNs are sparse and as such absence

of a node will be detected and addressed before the attack can be successfully executed.
Similarly, given the ethernet-usb power sources for the sensor nodes, the probability of
success of the attack node, energy drain attacks, is also assumed to be zero.
Confidentiality can be exploited from four attack nodes (Figure 5). If each of
these attack nodes contributes equally in the exploitation of confidentiality, there is a 25%
chance of exploitation from each node. But eavesdropping, can be suppressed if the user
opts for the available encryption service for their application. Given the uncertainty in
a user’s encryption service selection, exploitation coming from successful execution of
eavesdropping is not taken into account for expected threat level. Additionally, absence of
physical tampering will reduce the probability of successful execution of node replication
attack. This will reduce the expected threat level further (5% approximately, using the
concepts of forward propagation in Bayesian networks). Hence, the expected threat level
for confidentiality is estimated to be about 70%.
Similarly, integrity can be exploited from 5 different attack nodes (Figure 6). Con-
sidering equal contribution from each of these attack nodes, there is a 20% chance of
exploitation towards integrity coming from these nodes. But the probability of success of
one of the child nodes of the contributing attack node is assumed to be zero (energy drain
attacks). This reduces the contribution of that node (Node Malfunction) by 10%. Hence,
the expected threat level to integrity is estimated to be 90%. This zero probability of success
for energy drain attacks will also be reflected in the attack graph for availability as well.
Availability can be exploited by three attack nodes (Figure 7), approximately 33% contri-
bution from each node. But the attack node, Desynchronization, has node malfunction as
its child node, which in turn is the parent node of energy drain attacks. Hence, the expected
threat level to availability was estimated to be 88%.
Given these expected threat levels, the estimated net threat level to confidentiality,
integrity and availability was 56.14%, 74.95%, and 86.82% respectively. Computations
performed were similar to the ones discussed in Section 3.2.

4.3.2. Observed net threat level. Dynamic risk assessment (Section 2.3.2) is used
to compute the observed net threat level. These estimations are performed after the evidence
of a successful attack execution. As such, the probability of success of attack nodes which
has been successfully exploited becomes one and the net threat level to the root node of the
attack graph (confidentiality, integrity or availability) for WSNs are re-computed.
The simulated attacks are based on the attack models described in Section 4.2.
The observed attacks from attack model 1 are node subversion, spoofing, and Sybil. The
observed net threat level due to which is estimated to be 45.19%. Observed attacks from
attack model 2 is malware attack and data injection attack. The observed net threat level
due to which is estimated to be approximately 72.00%. Similarly, the observed attacks from
attack model 3 was frequency jamming. The estimated observed net threat level owing to
this was approximately 28.38%. Each of these observed attack states are highlighted in
Figure 5, 6, 7.
4.3.3. Analysis of the results. The estimations of the risk assessment framework
can be utilized to allocate resources to reduce the net threat level during the deployment
phase of the WSNs. As such, higher the value of the estimated net threat level, greater
the amount of security resources that will be deployed. For example, if the nature of
applications being hosted by the sensor cloud becomes sensitive (military applications),
then using encryption becomes a necessity instead of an option. Similarly, the observed net
threat level values can be used to evaluate whether or not the invested security resources
is sufficient. If it is not then what all resources the security administrator must levy to
reduce the observed net threat level and re-deploy the WSNs using the updated security
resources. This allocation of resources can be traced back to the metrics used for computing
the probability of success of the attack nodes in the attack graph. Variation of these metrics
will help in identifying the resources that needs to be invested and their target instance

in the network. For example, whether the number of authentication instances needs to be
increased or whether the way in which the network interacts with the outside domain needs
to be made more secure and so on.
In the experiments performed, we observe that the estimated net threat levels for
confidentiality and integrity were able to encompass the observed net threat levels due the
attacks that were directed to exploit them from attack model 1 and 2. This is owing to the fact
that the measures to exploit and counter confidentiality and integrity is bounded. There are
some set ways to exploit these two WSN security parameters and safeguarding these ways
reduces the chances of successful exploitation. Although, there was an over investment of
security resources. For confidentiality, the over investment was 19.5% and that for integrity
was 3.93%. But in contrast to confidentiality and integrity, although the estimated net
threat level for availability was able to encompass the observed net threat level, the invested
resources were under utilized to a large extent - 67.31%. This is because even though there
was an observed instance of frequency jamming, it did not affect the entire sensor cloud
network. There was partial disruption to one of the WSNs. But according to the proposed
risk assessment framework, the unconditional probability of an attack node is taken to be
1.0 if it has been observed. This is a challenge that needs to be addressed in our framework
with respect to assessing availability as it is not able to identify the extent of exploitation
and help in re-allocating security resources accordingly. For example, if an observed attack
phenomena has affected the sensor cloud network partially, the risk assessment framework
will re-compute the net threat level considering that the observed attack has affected the
entire network. This area will be addressed as a part of future work.


The scope of attacks sustained by a WSN has been surveyed and discussed in [28]
[25] [19]. The authors have assessed well-known sets of WSN attacks along with their
countermeasures. They were, however, oblivious about the attack’s impact on a network

and efficiency of the countermeasures. Walter [27] in his survey on security issues of a
WSN established the parameters based on which security of a WSN is characterized. These
parameters were confidentiality, integrity and availability. We are able to design the attack
patterns from this information for our work and analyze the attacks on a broader perspective.
Analysis of various attacks adopted by the adversary to exploit security parameters and ways
in which they could be averted were also discussed in [27]. Although, it did not address the
likelihood of exploitation of an attack.
Wood [29] and Xu [30] gives exposition on the omnipresent denial of service (DoS)
attack. DoS are not only hard to predict but also to counter. This helped us in understanding
the nature of jamming attacks in WSNs. The absence of predictability and correlation
with other attacks in case of DoS attack, is a drawback on the security administrator’s
part. Karlof [11], Kannhavong [9] and Newsome [17] gives an in depth analysis on
routing layer attacks and the Sybil attack respectively. However, these attacks can be
exploited by successful execution of attacks in different network layers. For this purpose
we should identify the interdependencies between different feasible attacks. Mauw [15]
and Phillips [20] demonstrated this kind of logical relationship via attack graphs or trees.
Using the principles from the work of Lee [12], we were able to assess the risks to a
network. But the drawback was that they were for a wired network scenario. Sheyner [24]
discussed the various types of attack graph and models. This contributed immensely towards
the development of the attack graph model for WSN. Gallon [6] devised the methods to
quantitatively assess the attack nodes in the attack graph; although they were not meant
for a WSN. National vulnerability database established the vectors to calculate the severity
ratings of vulnerabilities in a wired network. Using the same principles, we calculated the
severity ratings for the attacks on WSN. Frigault [5] gave insight on implementing attack
graphs as a Bayesian network. This gave us a better understanding about the adversary’s
capability, likelihood and impact of attacks for various attack scenarios. Dantu [3] and
Liu [13] analyzed attacks by assigning probability values to the attack graph nodes.

Furthermore, using the concepts of Bayesian networks on these probability values,

they calculated potential attack paths and modeled network vulnerabilities. Nevertheless,
these computations were not for an attack scenario of a WSN and as such could not be
applied to the proposed attack graphs for a WSN. Houmb [7] proposed the methodologies
of risk level estimations using the exploitation frequency and impact of vulnerabilities in
a wired network. We adopted these concepts to identify the metrics necessary to compute
net threat level to the root node of our attack graph when it is represented as a Bayesian
network. This gave a degree of diversification and uniqueness to the WSNs with respect
to quantitatively analyzing our attack graphs and using the results to estimate maintenance
period for the largely unattended WSNs.


In this paper, we have presented a risk assessment framework for WSNs in a sensor
cloud environment. We depicted the cause-consequence relationship for attacks on WSNs
using attack graphs and perform quantitative assessment by representing them as Bayesian
networks. Thus, we are able to compute the net threat level to WSN security parameters
- confidentiality, integrity, availability and develop time frames estimating the degradation
of these WSN security parameters.
Static risk assessment helps in identifying critical resources in the network. This
information can be utilized to determine the effective placement of a intrusion detection
system (IDS) to monitor these resources in the network. Further, static risk assessment takes
into account the logical relationship between different attacks. Using this as a supplement
to current IDS will benefit them in their monitoring tasks by not having to wait till the
attack is taking place to raise an alarm. The proposed risk assessment will also be used
to determine how efficient a security measure will be, which can be measured in terms of
resource utilization and the capability to reduce the overall threat level to WSN security

We will use this as the basis to estimate the net threat level of overlay WSN formulated
by using individual sensor nodes from different existing WSN in the sensor cloud. Since a
substantial amount of overlay networks could be formed given the combination of sensor
nodes that are available, the current risk assessment framework will take the aid statistical
analysis to help the security administrator better analyze the obtained results. These facets
will be taken into account as a part of our future work.


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Sanjay Madria and Amartya Sen

Department of Computer Science
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, Missouri 65409–0050
Email: {madrias,asrp6}

The acceptance of cloud as an infrastructure to host applications has been a growing
trend in the recent times. Facilitating and hosting applications on the cloud reduces the
support and maintenance cost. However, the security concerns of these applications on the
cloud is one of the primary reasons which makes organization avoid complete adoption of
cloud services. Despite the fact that cloud provides standard security, they do not address
it with respect to application’s security requirements. Without clear understanding of the
degree of security provided with respect to the scope of applications, organizations have
been cautious about migrating their application onto cloud platforms. In this paper, we
propose an off-line risk assessment framework to evaluate the security provided by a cloud
service provider from the perspective of an application to be migrated on it. Once the most
secure cloud service provider is identified for a given application, the proposed framework
will perform a cost-benefit tradeoff analysis in terms of security dispensed and service costs
to gauge an ideal cloud migration plan.
Keywords: Risk Assessment, Cloud Computing


Cloud computing is a viable solution for applications which depend on scalability

and reliability for an uninterrupted service. Cloud services in the form of Software-as-
a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cuts
down application maintenance and development costs dramatically. However migration of
applications on to the cloud platform gives rise to security issues as applications are no
longer within the secure domains of its organization. The security threats present varies
from one application to another and as such the promise of generalized security measures
provided by cloud service providers (CSP) may not be sufficient to alleviate the security
concerns. Hence, the security solutions provided by a CSP is like a big black box to its
Currently the means to assess security of a CSP is by going through their security
white papers, SLA agreement, or tendor notes. An organization can also employ the services
of a third party to do the same. Guidelines established by the authorities like ENISA [8] or
CSA [5] would help an individual assess the security of a CSP. Additionally, standards such
as PCI-DSS [2], HIPAA [3] lays down guidelines for CSP hosting application related to
specific fields. The drawbacks of these current measures is twofolds. First, a third party or
self assessment depends on the keenness and expertise of the evaluator which may or may
not be up-to-date with security standards laid down by a CSP. Secondly, such evaluations
are not from the perspective of security requirements of an application to be migrated onto
the cloud. A security measure present in a CSP may be applicable to one application, but
it may not be sufficient for another. For example, a cloud service provider hosting e-health
data needs to be HIPAA compliant like FireHost’s cloud platform with the inclusion of
explicit security measures like the one discussed in [9].
Thus, a better and an accurate way to assess a CSP’s security will be to do it in
contrast to the security threats present in an application. To do so, one must be able to
identify the vulnerabilities that are present in an application.

Thereafter to evaluate if a CSP addresses it using the available security measures.

There are several means to identify vulnerabilities in an application. Tenable [14] has the
tools to check an application for security issues. But this can be done once the application
has been deployed. As such any repairs at this point would be costly. We need to assess
the security vulnerabilities in an application during the system design phase. In this regard,
threat modeling tools like EMC’s Developer Driven Threat Modeling [7] and Microsoft’s
STRIDE [15] are helpful. Application threat modeling as discussed by Open Web Applica-
tion Security Project (OWASP) [13] gives some useful guidance in vulnerability detection
and secure application development. It helps to identify, quantify and address the security
risks associated with an application.
In this paper, we propose a suitable and dependable framework for assessing the
security provided by a CSP from the perspective of an application to be migrated on it. Our
framework will help in determining, given the risks that are present, whether or not it would
be cost effective to perform cloud migration. The applicability of our framework is before
the CSP selection phase and during the system design phase. It will help organizations
identify the threats associated with the functional elements of their applications. This
will be interpreted as the security requirements of their application. Given these security
requirements, an organization will be able to determine the extent of security that a CSP
will dispense for their applications.
Additionally, security measures, cloud platform infrastructure and safeguards differs
from one CSP to another. The techniques used by CSPs to address and mitigate threats on
their cloud platform changes with time and without prior knowledge of consumers. If an
application is hosted by a federation of CSPs, there could be every possibility of certain
incompatibility issues amongst the different CSPs. Therefore, the presence or absence of
security solutions on the cloud platform is no longer sufficient to assess the security of an
application on the cloud.

Our proposed framework will aggregate all security measures of various CSP and
keep it up-to-date, taking into account the interaction between federation of CSP, while
performing security assessment for an application to be migrated onto the cloud platform.


The off-line risk assessment framework is composed of three modules viz. - Mis-
sion Oriented Risk Assessment, Cloud Service Provider Security Assessment and Cloud
Adoption Strategies. A flow chart summarizing the off-line risk assessment framework is
given in Figure 1. The objective of this work is to evaluate the security capabilities of

Figure 1. Proposed Off-line Risk Assessment Framework

various CSPs based on the security requirements of a client’s application. This information
will be then used to develop an optimal cloud migration strategy. In the following sections,
we will discuss each module of the proposed framework in detail.
2.1. Mission Oriented Risk Assessment. The Mission Oriented Risk Assessment
module is responsible for identifying the security threats that are present in an application
and create the client’s security requirement that has to be addressed by a CSP. It consists of
two parts: (1) Project Assessment, (2) Risk Assessment.

2.1.1. Project assessment. Project Assessment helps in design and analysis of an

application that aids in carrying out risk assessment during the system design phase. To
perform project assessment, system design in the form of Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) [10]
is given as an input to the framework. In this context, there can be two scenarios:
Scenario 1: An organization has already developed their application. They have their DFDs
ready and is now considering cloud migration.
Scenario 2: An organization is yet to conceive their application. The DFDs are not ready
but the organization is considering cloud migration once their application is developed.
In the first scenario, our framework will gather an application’s goals and objectives
by analyzing their DFDs. For the second scenario, our framework can assist in the creation of
mission ontology in the form of Context Flow Diagrams (CFD) and DFD. Once the mission
ontology is available, the information is passed through a vulnerability detection process.
For this purpose, we use the concepts of Microsoft’s STRIDE [15] in our framework.
STRIDE can analyze a system architecture and identify vulnerabilities and threats associated
with the functional elements of a system (elucidated by DFD). Hence our framework can
identify the exact locations of threats in an application along with the required mitigation
measures. Thus, we can not only identify the threats but also where they are present. Impact
of these threats are then computed by ranking them. Ranking helps in determining the high
impact risks and prioritize their mitigation. It is more beneficial to integrate risk assessment
to the process of system design since mitigating faults in the system design phase is more
economical than after its deployment (Applicable only to Scenario 2).
2.1.2. Risk assessment of system design using STRIDE. This is applicable only
to Scenario 2 discussed in Section 2.1.1. Mission ontologies and system designs are
generated in the form of several DFDs. Data flow diagrams gives an overview of system
functionalities; the data flow among the different system components by showing entry and
exit data points as well as where data gets processed. DFDs are easier to understand by
technical and non-technical audiences alike [10].

Hence, for the purpose of system design generation and analysis, we have considered
DFD of an application as an input to our framework. The mission ontologies are then
passed through Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) and Threat Modeling tool [12].
SDL conceptualizes STRIDE to identify the threat related to the elements of a DFD.
Analyzing System Design for Vulnerabilities. STRIDE is an acronym for the different
categories of vulnerabilities [15] that may be present in an application. It stands for:
Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information disclosure, Denial of service, Elevation
of privilege. For each element in a DFD, STRIDE gives a set of feasible vulnerabilities.
This set however, is not application dependent but rather element dependent. For example,
consider the DFD of an Online Movie Streaming Application shown in Figure 2.

Logging DB Account Bank

Username and Validation Info Written Financial

password Financial
into DB Verification

User Financial Invoice

Logging Details Managing Details Billing
Registration Service Financials Management

w Existing User
Us Watch Movies
Movie Files
Results of
User Action Movies
Streaming Database
User API Manager
User Accessing
the API Movies DB

Movies Menu Accessed Movies Saved

Inventory Info
by Anonymous Users Into

Viewing Movie Owner

Inventory DRM Provides Original
Movies Indexed
Movie List Info

Movies Movie Store


Figure 2. DFD for Online Movie Streaming Service

It was drawn in Microsoft SDL. For process elements in a DFD, STRIDE gen-
erates five possible sets of vulnerabilities (spoofing, tampering, repudiation, information
disclosure, denial of service and elevation of privilege).

Whereas for data store elements it generates four possible sets of vulnerabilities
(tampering, information disclosure, repudiation and denial of service). Depending on the
type of application, these set of vulnerabilities may or may not be applicable. For instance in
the online movie streaming service, the sets of possible vulnerabilities that STRIDE gener-
ates for "Customer Account" data store are "tampering, information disclosure, repudiation
and denial of service". However, in this domain, "repudiation" would not be feasible since
all transactions within "Customer Account" are authenticated and logged using a trusted
third party - "Bank", hence it will be omitted. Similarly, considering "Movies Metadata"
data store, the data in this store is made available for public consumption. Therefore "in-
formation disclosure" will not be applicable. Similarly, the possible set of vulnerabilities
is narrowed down to the ones that are applicable. This process is manual as it requires
human intervention (system designer) to understand the functionality of the elements of an
Identifying Attacks. Once the set of possible vulnerabilities in the system compo-
nents(s) are narrowed down, our framework proceeds to identify the attacks that can exploit
these vulnerabilities. In order to do so, we use MITRE’s Common Attack Pattern Enumer-
ation and Classification (CAPEC) [4] which is an attack database containing information
on conditions that are required to execute an attack, its mitigation measures, and impacts
due to successful execution. CAPEC’s database, available in XML format, is imported into
our framework. We map the set of STRIDE vulnerabilities to the attack pattern categories
of CAPEC. The mapping is illustrated in Table. 1.
Additionally, each CAPEC attack pattern category has sub-attack pattern categories.
We depict this relationship using a tree structure (Figure 3). To find an attack that can
exploit an identified vulnerability, our framework finds the attack pattern category that the
vulnerability maps onto (Figure 1). This attack pattern category then becomes the root
node of a tree. Any attack pattern category or attack that has the root node as its parent
(information provided in imported XML file) will be grouped under it.

Table 1. Mapping STRIDE Vulnerabilities to CAPEC Attack Pattern Categories

STRIDE Vulnerability CAPEC Attack Pattern Category

Spoofing Spoofing
Tampering Data Structure Attacks, Injection, Remote Code Inclu-
Repudiation Attack categories of Spoofing and Tampering
Information Disclosure Data Leakage Attacks, Path Traversal, Functionality
Denial of Service Resource Depletion Attacks
Elevation of Privilege Exploitation of Authentication, Exploitation of Privi-
lege or Trust, Privilege of Escalation

The tree structure is populated in this way; for attacks which are not the parent
of any other attack become the leaf nodes. Our framework traverses down from the root
to leaf level, registering feasible attacks and deleting attacks which are infeasible due to
the presence of initial security measures in the application. This gives a specific set of
attacks related to each functional element of the system. For example, our framework
would not just output that a process is vulnerable to spoofing attack, but it will give
the specific instantiation of spoofing attack pattern category (Phising, Man-in-the-middle,
etc.). Similarly for rest of the vulnerability types our framework traverses through the
CAPEC database and identifies attacks that will exploit the identified vulnerabilities. While
registering attacks, our framework will also import their proposed security mitigations as
provided by CAPEC. These mitigation strategies will form the basis of client’s security
requirements. This process is semi-automated. In events of absence or lack of information
about initial security measures present, our framework will ask the user a set of heuristically
developed yes/no questions in order to ascertain whether a registered attack is feasible.
Ranking Identified Attacks. Once the relevant attacks have been identified our frame-
work ranks their impact on the application. For the purpose of ranking, we use DREAD [15]
ranking system. Other ranking techniques such as Attack Surface Metrics [11] can also be
used which identifies the threats in an application’s executable code.

Figure 3. Tree Structure of CAPEC DB

Thereafter the identified threats are ranked based on their damage potential. How-
ever, it requires the executable code of an application and as such cannot be utilized during
the system design phase. DREAD, a logical extension to STRIDE analysis, is an acronym
and stands for,

• Damage (D): Impact of the attack,

• Reproducibility (R): How easy is it to reproduce the attack,

• Exploitability (E): How complex is the execution of the attack,

• Affected users (A): How many people will the attack impact, and

• Discoverability (Di): How easy is it to discover the threat.

Parameters such as "Affected users" depends on an organization and hence, is subjective

in nature. For rest of the attributes, CAPEC’s attack description quantifies them as high,
medium or low. Depending on the scale an organization will choose, 0-3 or 0-10 or 0-100,
they can quantify high, medium and low. For example, if the organization opts for the scale
0-100, they can quantify "low" as [0-30], (30-70] as "medium" and "high" as (70-100]. It
is evident that this type of quantization is subjective in nature.

Since, it depends on the scale an organization will choose and how they will interpret
high, medium and low. In this regard, our framework uses the scale of 0-10. To find the
final ranking of an attack, our framework sums up the scores of each DREAD attribute and
normalizes it so as to keep the final ranking in between 0 and 10. For example, if we have
the following scores for the DREAD attributes of a registered attack X,
(D : 8; R : 10; E : 6; A : 6; Di : 5)
Its rank will be given as,
Rank(X) = ((D + R + E + A + Di)/5)
Rank(X) = 7
In this way the rank of all registered attacks are computed. Once the ranks are
obtained, they are sorted in decreasing order. Based on a threshold, chosen by an organiza-
tion, security mitigation measures are exported for those registered attacks whose ranks are
above the set threshold. This becomes the client’s security requirement and input to module
2 of our framework, cloud service provider security assessment.
2.2. Cloud Service Provider Security Assessment. Cloud service providers mostly
use a low-touch self-service model to implement SaaS, PaaS and IaaS. These self-service
models are economical with respect to renting the services provided by the cloud platform.
Nonetheless it impedes effective evaluation of cloud’s infrastructure security.
Additionally most details regarding cloud platform security are presented in a way
that are obscure to the clients. Otherwise they are cajoled within the facts of advertisement.
As such, a security evaluator has to carefully extract the relevant security information from
all such documents regarding security. This module of our framework evaluates various
CSP’s security measures as per the client’s security requirements.
We address facts like given a set of client’s security requirements, how much security
coverage is guaranteed by a CSP. Our framework evaluates a client’s security requirements
as described in Section 2.1. To perform security assessment of a CSP, our framework
collects public information of different CSPs regarding their security measures.

These public information are available in the form of tendor notes, security white
papers and other third-party statistical report. For evaluation purposes, we consider three
cloud service providers namely - Amazon, Microsoft and Defense Information Systems
Agency’s Department of Defense Cloud Broker (DISA: DoD Cloud Broker).
Security evaluations based on public information regarding a CSP’s security mea-
sures can answer questions like,

1. What kind of security measures does a CSP have?

2. Whether or not a CSP adheres to certain standard compliant like SAS-70 [1], PCI-
DSS [2], or HIPAA [3]?

3. What does a CSP guarantee with respect to application security through its Service
Level Agreement (SLA)?

Even though such questions may help in assessing a CSP’s security, it digresses
from the client’s security requirements. But in contrast to such traditional means of risk
assessment, our proposed framework keeps the client’s security requirements in mind.
Hence, the security assessment extends from project to cloud infrastructure. Our framework
after collecting security information of different CSPs, contrasts it with mission-oriented risk
assessment. This is achieved by comparing the resources (conditions) required to execute the
registered attacks with that of the resources (conditions) secured by the security measures
dispensed by a CSP. If the resources (conditions) required by an attack is safeguarded
by a security measure, that particular attack is suppressed by a CSP. We denote this as
the security coverage provided by a CSP. A CSP’s security measures is mapped onto the
prioritized registered attacks (output of module 1). Each mapping is then scored by a risk
reduction factor denoted by αi j . For a CSP’s security measure, Mi , and an attack, T j ,
(Mi ,T j ) is a security coverage if Mi reduces the attack execution probability Pr(T j ) with a
reduction factor αi j . The concept of security coverage is depicted via Figure 4.

Figure 4. Cloud Service Provider Security Coverage

Cloud security measures, S1 ,...,Sn , is mapped onto application vulnerabilities,

V1 ,...,Vn . This mapping need not always be one-to-one. It can either be conjunctive
or disjunctive in nature. In conjunctive form, a single security threat requires more than one
security measure to be suppressed. Whereas in disjunctive form a single security measure
can suppress a given threat. For example, we can see that the mapping of V2 and Vi are
conjunctive in nature and that of V1 and Vn is disjunctive in nature (Figure 4). The reduction
in the execution probability of an attack will vary based on the conjunctive or disjunctive
nature of coverage. This is elucidated via "risk reduction factor".
Thus, given the security coverage and risk reduction factor of a CSP, we compute
its trust based on its capability to reduce the threats present in an application to be hosted
on it. The output of this module will then be given as the most trustworthy CSP amongst
all the available options to host an application.
2.3. Cloud Adoption Strategies. Module 2 of our framework gives the security
coverage provided by the most trustworthy CSP. However, there are possibilities that these
security coverages might not envelop all the threats present in an application. As such the
security coverages that are not available needs to be imposed by the organization.

To accomplish such a task requires a cost-benefit tradeoff analysis. The analysis will
determine which cloud-based solution will be economical in terms of providing required
service and ensuring complete application security.
This module of our framework computes a CSP’s service cost and security control
cost incurred by the client to impose their security requirements, also known as client’s
share of responsibilities. Given the migration of all or few of the functional elements
of an application, module 3 estimates the security coverage provided by a CSP for the
threats present in the functional elements. The threats which are not covered by a CSP’s
security coverage identifies the security controls that an organization needs to implement.
It then estimates the total cost (cloud service cost and security control implementation cost)
due to cloud migration. Based on such an analysis it develops a suitable cloud migration
strategy - complete, partial or none. In other words, migrating all functional element of the
application onto the cloud platform, migrating some functional element of the application
onto the cloud platform, or not migrating any functional element of the application onto the
cloud platform.
To this extent, mission ontology is considered as a graph G=(V,E). V is the set of
nodes representing the system elements. E is the set of edges representing the functional
dependencies. A series of what-if analysis will be performed on this graph, assessing the
consequences of outsourcing a group of vertices onto the cloud platform. A cloud adoption
plan will consist of varying combination of more than one vertices. Then for each cloud
adoption plan formed, cloud migration is considered. Security coverage for the threats
present in each cloud adoption plan is assessed. The threats which are secured by the cloud
is known as provider’s share of security responsibility. We then compute client’s share of
responsibility by identifying the cost of implementing the security controls for the threats
that are not present in the security coverage provided by the cloud for that particular cloud
adoption plan.

Therefore, given a cloud adoption plan P , the cost assessment is computed as,

− →
− →

PlanAssessment( P ) = V enServ( R ) ⊕ CliCst(¬ R ) (1)

− →

where V enServ( R ) denotes provider’s service and security coverage cost and CliCst(¬ R )
denotes client cost for implementing the security measures of threats not covered in the
security coverage of the cloud.
Cost-benefit tradeoff analysis is performed in a similar way for rest of the developed
cloud adoption plan. Organization will choose a plan that minimizes V enServ( R ) ⊕

CliCst(¬ R ). But chances are, the provider cost and client cost can be of different units. To
address this issue of multi-objective problem, the concept of Pareto-optimality [6] can be


The security provided by cloud service providers has not been addressed adequately
in terms of the security requirement of an application to be migrated on to it. As such
organizations have been uptight in completely migrating their applications to the cloud plat-
form. In this paper, we have presented an off-line risk assessment framework for evaluating
the security of various cloud service providers (CSP) as per the security requirements of an
application to be migrated on to it. This gives an organization a better understanding about
the security of their application on the cloud platform rather than generically evaluating the
security of a CSP. Our framework helps in developing (if used during software development
phase) and identifying the vulnerabilities associated with an application. It then evaluates
the security of different available CSPs by contrasting it with the application’s security
requirements. Once the most suitable (secure) CSP is identified, the framework performs a
cost-benefit tradeoff analysis.

This is done to determine the most optimal cloud migration plan. In other words,
to identify the application’s components whose migration onto the cloud platform will be
beneficial both in terms of cost and security.
Currently, we are building the tool by implementing the off-line risk assessment
framework and validating the obtained results. The work will then be extended to the
risk assessment domain when the application is running on the cloud platform; online risk
assessment of cloud service providers. The online risk assessment of cloud service providers
will take into account the security issues arising due to multi-tenancy and interoperability.


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[2] Payment card industry (pci) data security standard, v3.0. PCI Security Standards Coun-
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[8] European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). Cloud computing:
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[9] Jiankun Hu, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, and Ting-Wei Hou. A hybrid public key infrastructure
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[13] Marco M. Morana. Managing software security risks using application threat model-
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Amartya Sen and Sanjay Madria

Department of Computer Science
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, Missouri 65409–0050
Email: {asrp6,madrias}

Organizations find it beneficial to host their applications on the public cloud platform
because it reduces infrastructure ownership as well as maintenance cost. However, they
are skeptical about completely hosting their applications on these cloud platforms due to
security concerns. The security assured by cloud providers is not specific to the requirements
of user applications hosted on these cloud platforms. To address this important issue, we
proposed an off-line risk assessment framework for cloud service providers. The proposed
framework assesses the security provided by a cloud service provider with respect to the
security risks present in an organization’s application to be hosted on the selected cloud
platform. In this paper, we present a cloud migration strategy for our proposed off-line
risk assessment framework to perform a comprehensive sensitivity analyses of the factors
that play a vital role in cloud migration. We do so by modeling our cloud migration
strategy as a multi-objective optimization problem and applying it to a cloud migration use
case scenario. We discuss in details the relationship between different conflicting cloud
migration parameters like cost, application security, migration constraints, and scalability
along with a performance evaluation study to compare the impact of different evolutionary
algorithms to model a cloud migration framework.

Keywords: Cloud Migration, Sensitivity analyses, Multi-objective optimization, Genetic

Algorithm, Risk Assessment


Cloud computing platforms can host clients’ applications helping in reducing own-
ership and maintenance liabilities by not having to acquire hardware, software, and facilities
to operate their applications. This benefit clients as they can reduce their revenue expen-
ditures by hassle free use of publicly available cloud platforms. Clients can also use cloud
services according to their pay-as-you-use model which makes scaling up and down rel-
atively easier in comparison to a private cloud hosting. However, these benefits are not
devoid of challenges and risks since cloud migration moves a client’s application from the
secure boundaries of their private network to more or less an untrusted domain. Therefore,
security is a primary concern that prevent clients from fully migrating to the cloud.
The process of cloud migration involves moving a client’s application and associated
data to the cloud platform of different available cloud service providers (CSPs). In doing
so, several objectives are to be considered, most notable of them being cost and security.
The frameworks presented in [16] [13] [22] [15] address the cost component of cloud
migration, whereas other frameworks like [2] [17] [8] which have discussed aspects related
to application and cloud platform security. Additionally, other works have introduced non-
financial facets like technical/legal concerns [16] [27], or legacy applications [9] which play
a critical role in determining the migration of a client’s application to a cloud platform.
The decision making process of cloud migration involves several such parameters, and it
becomes more challenging as some of these vital parameters are conflicting in nature, for e.g.
strengthening the security of an application hosted on the cloud platform by implementing
additional security measures will increase the overall cost. Similarly, consider an instance
when a part of an organization’s application is not migrated to the cloud platform either due
to legal or technical issues.

In such instance, organizations are responsible for hosting, maintaining, and securing
the partial application on their private networks. They will also have to address any
associated scalability issues. Given such a scenario, the question is, if it will be beneficial
for organizations to migrate and address their legal or technical issues, or should they
host their partial application on their private networks. Further, organizations also need
to consider if they should host their entire application on a single cloud service provider
(CSP) or distribute their application on multiple CSPs. To be able answer such challenging
questions, requires us to understand the relationships that exists between these different
parameters involved in the decision making process of performing cloud migration. As
such, there is a need to perform a comprehensive sensitivity analyses.
Along this direction, we develop a holistic cloud migration framework built on
top of our previously proposed off-line risk assessment framework [20]. The security of
hosted applications on the public cloud platform is given high priority. Notable works
like [7] address the challenges of performing security risk assessment for the cloud platform
by assessing the SLA presented by clients and evaluating from the CSP’s perspective the
number of SLA violations that might happen based on the demands presented by the
clients in their SLA. Similarly, authors in [4] present a risk assessment framework of
CSPs which utilizes information gathered from clients and cloud vendors to assess different
risk scenarios. They do so by proposing a machine learning framework which leverages
the security evaluation documents of various CSPs publicly available on Cloud Security
Alliance Security, Trust and Assurance Registry to output quantitative ratings describing
the risks associated with different cloud services. However, such evaluations are not from
the perspective of the security requirements of an application to be migrated onto the cloud.
A security measure present in a CSP may be applicable to one application, but it may not
be sufficient for another. This is addressed via the off-line risk assessment framework by
introducing the concepts of security coverage, total risk reduction, and share of security

We incorporate these novel concepts to design the security model of our cloud
migration framework, and adopt other parameters like cost, migration feasibility from
existing cloud migration frameworks [16] [13] [9]. Additionally, we have introduced a new
concept of fault tolerance, which will allow clients to group parts of their application with
similar functionality and host them separately, thereby ensuring that the entire application
is not compromised in the event of an attack belonging to a specific attack pattern.
Overall, the sensitivity analyses of our cloud migration framework is modeled as an
multi-objective optimization problem with the help of Non-Dominated Sorting Algorithm
- II (NSGA-II) [6]. Although there are many ways to solve a multi-objective optimization
problems [23] [5] [25], the selection of NSGA-II was based on our study of other evolution-
ary algorithms (Section 5). The presented results in this regard will be beneficial to extend
our proposed cloud migration framework using other evolutionary algorithms for different
cloud migration scenarios and design. Our contributions in this work are as follows:

• Performed an extensive sensitivity analyses of the vital parameters involved in cloud

migration by proposing a cloud migration framework built on top of the offline risk
assessment framework of CSPs (Section 2).

• Introduced a novel security model for cloud migration which helps in evaluating the
security of different CSPs as per the security risks present in an application.

• Introduced a new concept of fault tolerance in performing cloud migration allowing

clients to specify grouping of parts of their application with similar functionality.

• Presented the performance evaluation of different multi-objective evolutionary al-

gorithms to model our cloud migration framework and statistically validating our
selection of NSGA-II, and provided insights into modeling our framework with other
evolutionary algorithms (Section 5).


The most cost-efficient CSP might not be the ideal host for a client’s application
while performing cloud migration. Similarly, the most secure CSP might not be the best
option for all or some of the application’s elements. Since, with the guarantee of the desired
security, if the migration costs more than what it would cost to host an application privately
then the migration is not that fruitful. But another contrasting scenario could be that a client
might consider to pay a high cost if the security dispensed is more than that of the private
domain and alleviates the responsibilities of maintaining the security patches. Hence, an
ideal CSP for hosting a client’s application needs to provide the desired security at the cost
which a client is willing to pay. In such cases where multiple objectives are involved in a
cloud migration process, decision making is not a trivial task and some cost-benefit tradeoff
analysis needs to be performed.
In our proposed cloud migration framework, we have modeled the cost-benefit
tradeoff analysis as a multi-objective optimization problem to solve multiple conflicting
objectives [5]. In our case, these objectives are reducing security risks, costs incurred
by clients, and the number of application elements not hosted on the cloud platform.
Solving such problems requires to find a set of decision variables satisfying the constraints
established by the problem and concurrently optimizing a vector function, →
−x representing

all the involved objectives. The evaluation of two or more objectives in →

−x produces a

solution vector →
−y . To compare any two solutions in →
−y (say →

y1 and →

y2 ) a dominance criteria
is defined, also known as the Pareto criteria as shown in eq. 1. The Pareto criteria states
that a feasible solution vector, →

y1 , is said to dominate another solution vector, →

y2 ( →

y1 < →

y2 ),
if no component of →

y2 is greater than the corresponding components of →

y1 , and there exists
at least one component of →

y1 which is greater than the components of →

y2 (eq. 1).

1. fi (→

y1 ) ≤ fi (→

y2 ), ∀i ∈ {1, 2, ..., k} and,
2. f j (→

y1 ) < f j (→

y2 ), ∃ j ∈ {1, 2, ..., k}

In order to solve this multi-objective optimization problem, we have used the Non-
dominated Sorting Algorithm - II (NSGA-II) [6] based on our study discussed in Section 5.
2.1. Problem Statement. The objective of our cloud migration framework is to
find a cloud migration plan consisting of an application’s elements such that it maximizes
overall security of the application and minimizes the cost. We formally define a cloud
migration plan as follows:

Definition 2.1. Cloud Migration Plan: Given an application’s data flow diagram G = {V,E},
where V is the set of elements in the data flow diagram,

V = {v1, v2, ..., vN } (2)

for a total of N elements, and E is a |V | × |V | adjacency matrix representing edges between

these elements,

 1, ∃vi → v j

Ei j =


 0, Otherwise

A cloud migration plan can be defined as a vector, P j ,

P j = {v1, v2, ..., vq } (4)

where, 1 ≤ q ≤ N and N is the total elements in the data flow diagram. And 1 ≤ j ≤ 2N ,

is the maximum possible cloud migration plans that can be formulated. P j = true if all the

elements in P j are migrated to the cloud platform.

In order to formally establish the problem of cloud migration as a multi-objective

optimization problem using NSGA-II, we need to develop our objective functions. For our
proposed cloud migration framework, we consider the objectives of minimizing (1) security
threats present in the application, (2) overall expenditure of a client, and (3) the number

of application elements that are not migrated to the cloud platform. Along these lines, we
devise three models; a cost model, a security model, and a migration feasibility model. We
comprehensively discuss these models in the following sections.
2.2. Cost Model. Costs incurred by an organization can be on many different fronts.
In terms of cloud migration, it will cost to avail the services of a CSP and for any service
negotiations (security related or otherwise) which are not present in the service level agree-
ments. Costs will be incurred by an organization if they choose not to migrate an application
on the cloud platform since they have to acquire resources (hardware and software) to op-
erate their application and will also be responsible for securing them. Considering these
facets, we categorize the cost that a client might incur as - Client Cost (CClient ), Security
Control Cost (CSCC ), Vendor Service Cost (CV endor ).
The category of Client Cost covers all costs that a client will have to bear if they
choose to host some of the application’s elements by themselves. Such costs encompasses
but are not limited to buying - hardware, licensed software, physical location to host the
hardware, electricity to operate the hardware, and Internet services [15]. Some of these
costs like physical location to host the hardware, licensed software, Internet can be fixed
whereas others like, electricity or hardware might vary based on usage or decisions to scale
up or down. Additionally, self-hosting will also include labor costs, software and hardware
maintenance costs. We have not taken into consideration the labor cost, since we reckon that
for either private, cloud or hybrid hosting labor costs will be involved and will be subjective
in nature but it is constant for any given organization. Hence, it will not affect the migration
scenario. Corrective maintenance cost is assumed to be 20% of software and hardware cost.
As such, the cost of self-hosting an application’s element is as follows:

CClient = CH/W + CS/W + CM (5)

∀v∈(1−P j )

where, CH/W is the cost of all required hardware and physical resources, CS/W is the
cost of buying all required licensed software, and CM is the corrective maintenance cost.
Additionally, if some elements of a client’s application are legacy systems, there might be
certain compatibility issues if these elements are migrated to the cloud platform since the
available resources on the cloud platform do not provide support for legacy systems [27].
Thus, if clients consider migrating a legacy system then they have to rewrite the system
using resources whose support will be available on the cloud platform. This will have a
cost of its own. We formalize this as follows:

Constraint 2.1. Legacy Systems: If a node v ∈ V, in a cloud migration plan, P j , being
considered for cloud migration is a legacy system, then it needs to be rewritten using
software or hardware resources provided by the cloud. The cost of rewriting such a legacy
system is depicted as follows:
λi × Clegacy (vi ) (6)

where λi is the legacy constraint flag for a node vi ∈ P j and,

 1, if vi = legacy system

λi =


 0, Otherwise

In eq. 6, q is the total number of application elements in P j , and Clegacy is the cost of
rewriting the legacy system.
Security Control Cost is the cost that clients have to invest in to reduce the security
risks present in their application. In this regard, there can be two different kinds of cost.
First, if an application’s element having a security risk is not migrated to the cloud platform
then it has to be patched or suppressed by the clients. Secondly, if an application’s element
is migrated to the cloud platform but the cloud needs to implement a specific security
measure (which is not a part of SLA) to suppress the security risk (and are willing to do so),

then the client has to pay for that extra service. For example, a particular hardware on the
cloud platform hosts multiple virtual instances. If a client’s application requires a security
measure to be incorporated for the entire hardware then the cloud cannot ask the users of
other virtual instances to pay for it. Since other user’s application might not be vulnerable
to such a security risk and do not require the security measure. As such, the cost of the
security measure needs to be paid by the client who has requested for it. This scenario is
adopted from [11] and can be expressed as follows:

Constraint 2.2. Security Measure Implementation: The security control cost required to
mitigate a security risk in an application’s element is to be implemented by the client if the
element is not migrated on to the cloud platform. Otherwise, it will be implemented by the

q Õ
ηi ·(CSCC )V endor ×
CV enSCC = (1−ηi )·(CSCC )Client (8)
i=1 ∀T(vi )

where for a cloud migration plan consisting of q number of application elements and each
element having a set of threats T(vi ), ηi is the security share flag for vi given by:

 1, vi is migrated to cloud

ηi =


 0, Otherwise

thus, the total security control cost (CSCC ) is given by:

CSCC = CSCC (v)) + CV enSCC (10)

∀v∈(1−P j )

where CSCC (v) is the cost of implementing security measures for those application elements
that were not migrated to the cloud and had some associated security risks.

Vendor Service Cost is composed of the costs that a client has to pay in order to avail
the services provided by a CSP. These costs are expressed in terms of the cloud computing
service models that will be used by a client and varies for different CSPs. For example,
if a client is going to use Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) [16], the Vendor Service Cost
is expressed in terms of number of virtual instances used, number of cores used, storage
devices required, their type and billing option. An instantiation of such cost option can be
found on Amazon EC2 pricing page.
Additionally, we identify scaling up as an aspect that will attribute towards the
vendor service cost. The size by which the system might expand will increase the size and
number of required instances and feasibility of private hosting. Thus, the cost associated
with respect to scalability is as follows:

Constraint 2.3. Cost of Scalability: For any node of an application, v ∈ P j , such that

P j = true, has a factor of scalability associated with it, then it adds to the vendor cost as
CV endor = CV endor (vi ) × σ (11)

where σ (σ ≥ 1) is a factor for scalability and will be determined by an organization based

on their policies. Thus, the total cost (TC) for a cloud migration plan (P j ) is:

TC(P j ) = CClient + CSCC + CV endor (12)

2.3. Security Model. Security provided by various CSPs can be evaluated by dif-
ferent methods like security level agreements [10], generating knowledge bases to assess
threats confronted by Cloud assets [14], or developing security service level agreements
(SecSLAs) and individually analyzing the trust of different Cloud providers [8]. These
methods are able to identify the security threats and their counter measures present on a
CSP but does not answer how relevant they will be to a particular client’s application.

To do so, we extend the notions of security evaluation from these works and incor-
porate it with our previously proposed offline risk assessment framework [20] to output the
ranked set of security risks that a client needs to mitigate when migrating their application
to the Cloud. In this regard, we introduce and define the concepts of security coverage, total
risk reduction, and share of security responsibility to build our proposed cloud migration
framework’s security model.

Definition 2.2. Security Coverage: Let T be a set of threat and M be a set of cloud security
measures. Security coverage, SC, is defined as a mapping SC : M × T −→ {0,1}. Then,
given a security measure, ml ∈ M, and a threat, th ∈ T, ml is a security coverage of threat
th , (ml ,th ) ∈ SC, if probability of exploiting threat th , Pr(th ), is reduced by applying ml , i.e.
Pr(th | ml ) = αlh * Pr(th ) with a reduction factor 0 ≤ αlh < 1.0

The above definition states that if a security measure employed by a CSP suppresses
a security risk in a client’s application then that particular CSP is providing security coverage
to the client’s application. The security coverage provided by a CSP will lead to reduction of
the security risks present in an application. We express this in terms of total risk reduction
R(th ) as follows:

Definition 2.3. Total Risk Reduction: Given a threat th ∈ T and a security coverage SC,
total risk reduction R(th ) is measured as:

 Î
(αlh ), if tlh is disjunctive

 ∀ml ∈M |(ml,th )∈SC

R(th ) =

(1 − αlh )), otherwise

 1 − (
∀ml ∈M |

(ml,th )∈SC

Security coverage along with the total risk reduction gives clients an idea on how
secure their application will be if migrated to a particular CSP. Along these lines, the client
expects that if an application element is migrated to a CSP then it should provide security
for that element. We define this using Share of Security Responsibility in Definition 2.4.

Definition 2.4. Share of Security Responsibility: Given a cloud adoption plan P j , and a set
of threats T, let Θ represent a set of chosen application elements to be migrated on the cloud

platform according to the plan P j . We define provider’s share of security responsibility as:

Pr(th (θ)) (14)
θ∈Θ th (θ)∈T

where θ is an application element in set Θ and th (θ) is the threat(s) associated with that

Thus, the client’s share of security responsibility, R , is equal to the aggregated
impact of security threats present in application elements which do not belong in Θ,

R = Pr(th (δ)) (15)
(δ∈V) th (δ)∈T

where δ is an application element in the set of elements V. The objective while performing
cloud migration will thus be to minimize a client’s share of security responsibilities, R , for a

− 0
given cloud migration plan, P j . The value of R is based on the security rating quantization
scale selected by an organization and is subjective in nature. Generally, the rating scales
can vary as [0,1], [0,10], or [0,100]. Based on the adopted rating scale, security rating of
high, medium, and low will be quantized appropriately. For example, if the rating scale is
[0,10], low threat can be interpreted as [0,3], medium as (3,7], and high as (7,10]. Hence,
for a security scale of [0,10] if probability of exploitation of a threat (Pr(t)) is say, 0.56,
then it will be scored as 5.6 (0.56 × 10).
2.4. Migration Feasibility Model. In this model, we assess any restrictions clients
have while performing cloud migration. First, if migration of certain elements like data
store, results in a violation of legal or organizational policies like privacy of the users then
it might not be feasible to migrate such elements beyond the domain of an organization’s
private network. For example, some CSPs have their data centers located across various

countries where the IT laws are different. Some of it might require the CSPs to share a
copy of their data with government agencies. Secondly, if a particular application element
cannot leave the trust boundaries of a client’s private network as a result of performing
some private operations or hosting sensitive data, then it cannot be considered for cloud
migration. We depict these constraints as follows:

Constraint 2.4. Migration Constraint: An application’s element, v ∈ V, can be considered

for cloud migration if and only if,

∀ vi ∈ P j , τvi ∧ γvi = f alse (16)

where τvi depicts whether or not an application element, vi , has any organizational trust
issues related to cloud migration. And, γvi depicts whether or not there could be any legal
issues if vi is migrated to the cloud platform. As such, minimizing the number of application
elements that are not migrated to the cloud platform can be expressed as:

Mig(P j ) = vN − vq (17)

where vN is the total number of application elements and vq is the total number of applica-

tion’s elements present in a cloud migration plan, P j .
2.5. Problem Formalization. We can now formalize the cloud migration frame-
work as a multi-objective optimization problem:
For an application’s data flow diagram depicted as a graph G = {V, E }, devise a cloud

migration plan, P j composed of elements of the application such that,

− 0 →
− →

minimize: TC(P j ), R (P j ), Mig(P j ) (18)

subject to:

TC(P j ) ≤ TC(threshold)
0 →
− →
R (P j ) ≤ R (threshold)
λi × Clegacy (vi )
i=1 (19)
Õq Õ
ηi · (CSCC )V endor × (1 − ηi ) · (CSCC )Client
i=1 ∀T(vi )
CV endor = CV endor (vi ) × σ

∀ vi ∈ P j , τvi ∧ γvi = f alse


Our proposed cloud migration framework will determine which of the elements
of an application is most suitable for hosting on a cloud platform taking into account the
aspects of cost and security. In this regard, many different scenarios can be feasible. The
two broad categories that are applicable is as follows; (1) Non-Federated Migration: The
most ideal elements migrated on a selected cloud service provider’s platform and the rest
on a client’s private network. (2) Federated Migration: The most ideal elements migrated
across a federation of cloud service providers and the rest on a client’s private network.
Under both of these categories, we follow the concept of hybrid hosting and in
the best case, the entire application may be hosted on a CSP or a federation of CSPs.
Additionally, our proposed framework also considers the concept of fault-tolerance. We
elaborate on the aspect of fault-tolerance for our scenario using the following example.
Consider a simplistic web application requiring web servers, backend servers and database.
All of these elements can be hosted on a single large physical (virtual) instance on the
cloud platform. Although in the event of a hardware failure, the entire functionality of the
application might become unavailable.

Alternatively, one can host the same application using a small instance and two
medium instances. In such a deployment, hardware failures might only result in a partial
breakdown of the application’s functionality. Hence, we introduce a level of fault-tolerance
by hosting the application elements on separate physical (private hosting) or virtual (cloud
hosting) instance based on their functionalities. Thus, we extend the previously stated
cloud migration scenarios as follows; (1) Non-Federated Migration without fault-tolerance.
(2) Non-Federated Migration with fault-tolerance. (3) Federation Migration with fault-
The capability to specify the extent of fault-tolerance is available to the users via an
input field, clustering label. All application elements belonging to the same clustering label
will be hosted on the same physical (virtual) instance. We further discuss these concepts
using the algorithms for some of the major functionalities of our framework which we have
divided into two broad categories; Initialization (Algorithm 1) and Migration Computations
(Algorithm 2).

Algorithm 1 Cloud Migration Framework - Driver Method

Require: Set of Application Elements, MigrationConst flags, UniqueClusters in V
1: for all vi ∈ V do
2: if (MigrationConst == 1) then
3: Mig-Const-Flag += 1
4: end if
5: end for
6: for all vi ∈ V do
7: Aggregate Number of UniqueClusters
8: end for
9: Create Two Arrays
10: PrivateHosting[UniqueClusters+1]
11: CloudHosting[UniqueClusters+1]
12: for all vi ∈ V do
13: invoke MigrationComputations(vi , v M
i g−C o ns t −F l ag
14: TotalCost +=Temp-Cost
15: TotalResDmg += Temp-ResDmg
16: end for
17: //eq. 18 and 19
18: Declare Objectives(TotalCost, TotalResDmg)
19: Declare Constraints(legacy,elasticity,security,migration)
20: invoke NSGA-II(Objectives, Constraints)
21: return Cloud migration plans

The initialization of the framework requires users to specify the input in a text file
format containing rxw attributes where r denotes the number of framework input (e.g.
eq. 10, 11) associated to a single or multiple CSPs under consideration and w denotes

the number of elements in an application’s data flow diagram (DFD). Additional inputs

are required corresponding to total number of application elements (N), cost (TC(P j ),
eq. 12) and client’s share of security responsibility (R ) threshold. The threshold values are
specific to an organization and are to be determined based on the organizational policies
and requirements. As depicted in Algorithm 1, in the beginning of initialization process,
our framework goes through all the specified application elements and stores any migration
constraints that might be associated with them in the form of a migration constraint flag
(line 1-5, eq. 16). Then it aggregates the total number of unique clustering label information
for all the elements (line 6-8). This is followed by a creation of two arrays whose size is
determined by the total number of clusters specified as shown in line 10 and 11. These arrays
will be utilized to make sure that during the computations our framework takes into account
the cost of a cluster only once. After all preliminary information are read and mapped
correctly, our framework traverses through every node invoking the migration computation
method passing it the node information and migration constraint flag (line 12-13). The
migration computation method returns the cost and R values (line 14-15) which is then
incorporated in the objective functions and constraints function (line 18-19). The objectives
and constraints are then passed to the MOEA framework’s NSGA-II package to return the
optimal cloud migration plans to the user (line 20-21).
The algorithm for migration of computation (Algorithm 2) is responsible for com-
puting the net cost and client’s share of security responsibility (R , eq. 15) value for each
application element. For federated scenario, this is done for multiple CSPs in contrast to a
single CSP in non-federated scenario. Cloud hosting computations (line 3-19) begins with
aggregating the total cost of hosting an application element on the cloud platform. It starts
by checking if the application element is coded using legacy software and if there are any
additional costs in re-coding the element using the technology which is supported by the
cloud platform (line 4, eq. 6). Our framework then computes the vendor service costs by
taking into account the scalability factor (σ, eq. 11) of the application element.

Algorithm 2 MigrationComputations(vi, v iMig−Const−Flag )

Require: Set of Application Elements, Cost and Residual Damage of elements, Clustering Labels, Legacy, Security Coverage, and Scalability Flag of elements in V
1: Temp-Cost = 0
2: //Hosted on Cloudi
3: if (vi == 1 && v M i g−C onst −F l ag == 0) then
4: C-legacy-temp[i] = C-legacy[i]*legacyFlag[i]
5: if (clustering-label[i] == 1) then
6: C-vendor-temp = C-vendor[i]*scalability[i]*60
7: else
8: if (!CloudHosting[clustering-label[i]]) then
9: C-vendor-temp = C-vendor[i]*scalability[i]*60
10: CloudHosting[clustering-label[i]] = true
11: end if
12: end if
13: if (security-coverage[i] == 0) then
14: C-ven-scc = (C-scc-client-cloud[i]*(1-cloud-SC-flag[i])) + (C-scc-vendor[i]* cloud-SC-flag[i])
15: else
16: C-ven-scc = 0
17: end if
18: C-cloud[i] = C-vendor-temp[i] + C-legacy-temp[i] + C-ven-scc[i]
19: Temp-Cost = C-cloud[i]
20: else
21: Cost-Client[i] = C-scc-client[i]
22: Temp-ResDmg += Security-Risk-Impact-Level[i]
23: //For Database Elements
24: if (clustering-label[i] == 1) then
25: Cost-Client[i] += C-sw[i] + C-hw[i]
26: else
27: //Other Element Clusters
28: if (!PrivateHosting[clustering-label[i]]) then
29: Cost-Client += C-sw[i] + C-hw[i]
30: Temp-Cost = Cost-Client
31: PrivateHosting[clustering-label[i]] = true
32: end if
33: end if
34: end if
35: return (Temp-Cost, Temp-ResDmg)

This is done for a period of sixty months (line 6). In doing so, it takes into account
any specified clustering label information (line 8). For security implementation costs, the
framework will check if security coverage (SC, Definition 2.2) is present for the identified
security risks. If security coverage is present, the client does not incur any additional costs
(line 16). In private hosting computations (line 20-33), the framework aggregates the cost
of software (CS/W ), hardware (CH/W ), security implementations (CSCC , eq. 10) for a given
node. Security risks in private hosting falls under client’s share of security responsibilities
0 0
(R , eq. 15). Hence, our framework aggregates the R value, if any. While computing costs,
our framework accounts for the differences arising due to specification of clustering labels
(line 23-26 and line 28-31). The complexity of our framework algorithm is guided by the
number of elements in the DFD being assessed (Algorithm 1, line 1). Every other operation
taking place after that takes constant time.

As such, the time complexity of our framework is equivalent to O(N), where N is the
number of elements in a DFD. Although, large scale applications might not be constrained
to level zero DFD and for an application having DFDs upto level h, the net time complexity
of our framework is governed by O(hN).


The objective of our cost-benefit tradeoff analysis framework is to find an optimal

cloud migration plan for our use-case application depicted in Figure 1. For this purpose,
we have considered three different semi-synthetic cloud service providers (CSPs). This is
because the publicly available documents about the security measures promised by different
available real CSPs are almost same. As such, if we consider real life CSPs, the assessment of
our proposed framework will be reduced to finding a cloud service dispensing the minimum
cost. Hence, in order to exhibit a variation in the security policies used by different CSPs
and to show the complete applicability of our proposed framework, we are considering
semi-synthetic CSPs.
Although, we have modeled the cloud service costs according to the structure
provided by real CSPs. We believe that if an extensive documentation about the security
measures of real CSPs is available, then there will be some variations and the assessment
for such scenario will be governed by what we present here. We have used the open
source Java framework, MOEA version 2.10’s Executor method to implement our cloud
migration framework using NSGA-II. The Executor method takes as input NSGA-II relevant
parameters (Table 2) and the problem class to be solved (algorithm 1 and 2). It further
invokes other notable methods like Evaluate and Solution whose input arguments are our
framework objectives and constraints (eq. 18, 19.

Verify Edit
Log-in DB Log-in Profile User DB
6 10
Club DB

Access Control Finance

Control Finance Operation
Page 9

Club Club
API Transaction
Info Activity
2 11
Handle Application Boundary
Bank Finance DB
1 User

Figure 1. University Club Manager Application

These methods then results in the generation of optimal cloud migration plans
(Table 3). MOEA’s documentation3 and our implemented code is available on GitHub4.
Experiments were run on a machine hosting a Linux operating system having 8GB of RAM
and core i5 processor.
4.1. Use-Case Scenario Description. The data flow diagram depicted in Figure 1
will form the basis of our use-case application for which we plan to estimate an optimal cloud
migration strategy. The application shown in Figure 1 is a web application for managing
and registering club activities of a university. Users can access the API which consists
of three functionalities: user log-in, club information, and managing financing operations.
Access to the log-in or financing operations page will follow an access control and log-in
verification operation. The authentication data is stored in a Log-in database. Once logged
in, a user can modify their user profile. This information gets stored in a User database.
Further operations after authentication phase might involve updating the activities of a club
and/or managing its financing operations.

The activities related to a club are stored in the Club database. Financing operations
are logged in a Finance database and performed with the help of a trusted external entity,
Bank. We assume that our university club manager web application will require 10 web
servers, 2 middle tier servers and 4 databases. The databases will run Microsoft SQL
server, enterprise edition. We also assume that for private hosting the application will
require acquiring new software licenses. The application user interface will require high
availability (99% and above). The application will not require any disaster recovery. We
further assume for private hosting, hardware needs to be acquired; servers, routers, firewall.
Storage area (room, electricity, Internet services) are assumed to be already available.
Corrective maintenance costs are considered to be 20% of total software and hardware
costs [1]. Labor cost is not taken into account in this scenario. The typical hardware
refresh rate for an on premise hardware is between 36 months to 60 months. In our case,
we have considered it to be 60 months. Since most of the in-house servers will start to lose
their ability to adapt to increasing workload after 48 months. The generic IT infrastructure
refresh rate is thus about 60 months. The specifications of our private hosting servers and
their approximate cost are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Hardware & Software Specifications for use-case scenario

Type Specification Cost

Server Dell Precision T7610 $2,969
Router Linksys LRT224 $178
UPS APC-BR 1500G $171
Storage Area Network Dell PowerVault MD3400 $4409
Rack Cost Tripp lite SR420B $930
Load Balancer Cisco Localdirector 416 $450
Windows Server 2012 2 cores $700
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 8 core $4924

In terms of cloud hosting, we have considered three unique CSPs. The service and
cost model of these CSPs has been designed in accordance to Amazon EC2, Microsoft
Azure, and Rackspace.

Although, due to the absence of a fully detailed publicly available security docu-
mentation of these CSPs, we have made some assumptions regarding their security coverage
(Section 2.3). This is done in order to depict some diversity of our proposed cloud migration
Hence, we consider our CSPs for the use-case scenario to be semi-synthetic, with a
real-world cost and service model and a synthetic security model. The minimum require-
ments to host our use-case application on the cloud platform will require about 10 small
instance for web servers, 2 medium instances for the 2 middle tier servers and 4 databases.
Alternatively, all of these can be hosted on a single large instance. This decision is based
on the client and is guided by their selection of cloud migration scenario as discussed in
Section 3. The input to our framework is specified in text file containing all the detailed
cost and security values for the given application and the CSP under consideration. The
output of our framework for non-federated cloud migration scenarios (with or without fault-
tolerance) will be a binary string. Each bit of this binary string will correspond to an
application element in the data flow diagram. The order needs to be pre-determined and for
our use-case scenario it is depicted numerically alongside the DFD nodes in Figure 1. A bit
value of 1 will correspond to the application element being migrated to the cloud platform
and a bit value of 0 will correspond to private hosting. In federated migration scenario,
the output will be an integer encoded string with bit values ranging from 0 to C, where 0
to C − 1 will represent various unique CSP under consideration and C represents private
hosting. In the following sections, we present the results of our framework evaluation and
sensitivity analysis.
4.2. Use-Case Scenario Evaluation. This section presents the results of our frame-
work applied to our use-case application. We have assumed a cost threshold of $300,000
for a five year period and a client’s share of security responsibility (R ) threshold of 40 for
our use-case application. The R value is based on our security rating quantization scale,
which we have assumed as: [0,10] where a value of zero indicates no security impact, and

ten represents highest security impact. As such, for our use-case application containing
fourteen elements (excluding the external entities), the net R value will fall in the range
of [0,140]. Hence, a R threshold of 40 units elucidates low security risk. This value is
subjective in nature and is proportional to the security rating quantization scale.
We estimate cloud migration plans for different migration scenarios as depicted in
Section 3. The effect of variation of threshold values and other input parameters on our
framework output is shown and discussed in Section 4.3.
Further, our use-case application has been modeled using NSGA-II which is depen-
dent on several parameters like evaluation number, population size, mutation and crossover
rate. In addition to the search space, these parameters play an important role in obtaining
the desired solution set. This is because the parameters (mutation and crossover rate) can
take probabilistic values. As such, there are chances that a model output might be sensitive
to the values these parameters take. We studied the sensitivity of our cloud migration
framework output due to the variation of NSGA-II input parameters. In doing so, we varied
the value of one NSGA-II parameter at a time, keeping the rest constant, and analyzed the
obtained model output. The population size determines the starting search space. Bigger the
population size, better the obtained diversity. Evaluation number dictates the total iteration
of searches performed to reach optimality of solution set. Crossover rate determines the
creation of child population using the encoding of the previous population set. Mutation rate
determines the chances of modifying the encoding of a given individual in the population
to generate a new individual. Mutation brings about diversity in the population and has
an evident effect on models having lower population size. Although mutation brings about
diversity, it prevents the search process from converging to an optimal solution set. Hence,
it is not desirable to have a very high mutation rate.
In our framework, we determined that the output is most sensitive to evaluation
number. On an average, for all different cloud migration scenarios, after evaluation number
passes 1200 mark, the solutions on the pareto front becomes constant.

Further, they are unaffected by the variation of other NSGA-II parameters. The
population size is the second most dominating criteria, yielding optimal results between the
175 to 250 mark. After this point, increasing population size had no significant effect on the
obtained solutions. We did not observe any significant effect on our framework output due
to the remaining NSGA-II parameters. Based on these analyses, we finalized the NSGA-II
parameter values as summarized in Table 2.


16 Cost×103

14 25
12 15
0 10 20 30 0 5 10 15 0 20 40
0 0 0

Figure 2. Non-Federated Migration Plans CSP1, CSP2, and CSP3

Table 2. NSGA-II Parameters for Use-case Application Evaluation

Parameter Value Parameter Value

Evaluations 1200 Population Size 250
Crossover Rate 0.6 Mutation Rate 0.1
Crossover Distribu- 15.00 Mutation Distribu- 10.00
tion Index tion Index

Figure 2 shows the output of our cloud migration framework for non-federated
migration (NFM) with and without fault-tolerance. Figure 3 shows the output for federated
migration with fault tolerance (FM-FT). In these figures, the y-axis shows the cost incurred
by the clients and x-axis shows R value of the estimated cloud migration plans. The
obtained solution sets depicted in Figure 2 and 3 is also summarized in Table 3.

In the cloud migration plans for the two scenarios (Figure 2 NFM - circle marked and
NFM-FT - cross marked), we note that some of the R values are in close proximities. For
0 0
example, R in NFM-CSP1 is 0.00 and 8.65 (first two coordinates) and R in NFM-FT-CSP1
is 0.00 and 8.65. For a R value of 0.00, the cloud migration plans in both scenarios is all 1
bit which means all elements of an application are migrated to a cloud platform.
Although, the cost varies in the two scenarios; For a 0.00 R value in NFM scenario,
the migration plan costs $176,750 for a five year period, whereas for NFM-FT scenario it
is $133,430 for five years (Table 3). Given our description of fault-tolerance (Section 3),
in NFM-FT scenario, we envision the hosting of application elements in a set of small
and medium instances according to their functionality, whereas in NFM we try to host all
elements in a single large instance. This reduces the cost in NFM-FT scenario, but may
introduce other overheads like maintaining these separate small clusters. Additionally, we
reckon that such setups may also introduce latency due to transfer of data between clusters
of application elements (if they end up being hosted on separate physical instances on the
cloud platform). Such overheads are not depicted in terms of its monetary value in Figure 2
and is something a client needs to consider while contrasting between NFM and NFM-FT
migration scenarios.
Further, in the NFM-FT scenario the number of solutions obtained is more than in
NFM scenario. We can attribute such behavior to the change in cost in NFM-FT scenario
computations which is inherently less than that of NFM scenarios. As such, a migration plan
0 0
in the NFM-FT-CSP1 (Cost - $111,238 and R - 12.94) having R value in close proximity
(as in the case for R of 8.63 and 8.65) when projected to NFM scenario, will get dominated
by presented output due to an increase in cost. Similar behavior can be seen for migration
output of CSP2 and CSP3. On an average, NFM-FT scenario gives cost reductions of at
least 20% as compared to the NFM scenario.

13 FM-FT



0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 3. Federated Migration Plans

Figure 3 shows the cloud migration plans for FM-FT migration scenario. Unlike non-
federated cloud migration, we can observe a much more uniform spread in the solution set
for FM-FT migration scenarios. This is because FM-FT migrations take into consideration
the hosting capabilities of all CSPs for every individual application element. This capability
along with different available clustering specification due to fault-tolerance option helps in
obtaining better solutions. When compared to the solutions obtained in NFM-FT scenario,
for a R value of 0.00, FM-FT gives a cost reduction of approximately 3.6% for CSP1 and
50% for CSP3. In case of CSP2, the costs are considerably lower than that for CSP1 and
CSP3 since databases requiring Microsoft services cost much less when hosted in Microsoft
Azure. As such, ideally one of the federated cloud migration plans could have been to host
the entire application on CSP2 (cost modeled after Microsoft Azure). But given the search
design of our framework, the tradeoffs in finding security coverage for application elements
and thus emphasizing in reducing the responsibilities of clients to enforce and look after
security of the application does not yield such an ideal output. Although, CSP2 for 0.00
R valued cloud migration plan, is hosting 50% of the application’s elements and as such
striking a balanced tradeoff between cost and security features.

Another uniform observation across all cloud migration scenarios is that one can
nullify R (client’s share of security responsibilities) for the use-case application. Although
such an option will cost clients the most with respect to the other feasible migration plans.
For example, considering cloud migration plans for NFM-FT-CSP3 scenario (Figure 2,
0 0
circle marked and Table 3) the cost value of 0.00 R is $247,475. For our assumed R
0 0
threshold of 40 units, and considering R of 0.00 to be 100%, the R of the second plan
is approximately 78.5% (100 − (8.65/40)%), at the expense of a cost reduction of 2.81%
((($247, 475 − $240, 732)/$240, 732)%).
Similarly, for the next cloud migration plans having R of 11.15 (72%), 15.19
(62%), and 17.69 (56%), there is not ample cost differences (0.015%, 0.044%, 0.015%) as
compared to the first two plans with R of 0.00 and 8.65. With all the migration plans being
pareto optimal, clients can select from any one of them, but certain considerations need to
be made when it comes to making a decision to select from the first two plans. Selection of
the second migration plan having a R of 8.65 will save the users a considerable amount of
revenue and they can choose to patch the security risks themselves. But, such actions will
not account for any additional costs that might apply in future due to security upgrades or
new patches. Decisions for such a scenario need to be made in accordance to the policies
followed by a client’s organization.
Further, the cost aspect for CSP2 is significantly less than that for CSP1 and CSP3,
since our use-case application assumes the use of Microsoft SQL servers. For Microsoft
Azure platform there is no additional licensing cost for the same. This significantly cuts
down the overall cost as compared to hosting on Amazon EC2 or Rackspace modeled CSPs.
The decision to migrate in such scenarios is based on some additional factors which we
have discussed in Section 4.
4.3. Framework Input Sensitivity Analysis. Evaluation frameworks that model
real world scenario are generally complex in nature and consist of many input parameters. In
this regard, our proposed cloud migration framework consists of nineteen input parameters.

Table 3. Solution Set for Different Cloud Migration Scenario

Scenario $ Cost (5 years) Residual Migration Plan
176,750 0.00 11111111111111
170,007 8.65 11111111111101
31,837 0.00 11111111111111
25,087 11.15 10111111111101
24,949 15.19 11011111111101
24,942 17.69 10011111111101
247,475 0.00 11111111111111
240,732 8.65 11111111111101
NFM-CSP3 240,695 11.15 10111111111101
240,587 15.19 11011111111101
240,550 17.69 10011111111101
133,430 0.00 11111111111111
114,498 8.63 11111111111110
111,238 12.94 11111011111110
107,755 17.28 11111111111100
104,495 21.59 11111011111100
101,716 28.71 11111011101100
25,282 0.00 11111111111111
19,191 10.87 11111101111101
257,520 0.00 11111111111111
191,428 8.63 11111111111110
163,628 12.94 11111011111110
163,607 15.16 11111001111110
120,752 28.27 11111010101110
113,988 39.14 11111000101100
128,640 0.00 01011110102100
109,753 8.63 22002110202013
103,345 17.28 21022110101233
100,186 24.40 01011110232233

These input parameters can be broadly categorized as cost values, security risk
level values, and discrete binary values (true or false) to depict presence or absence of
security measures. In most cases, some of these input parameters play an important role
in determining the output. A straightforward way to evaluate the same is to vary one
input parameter and keep rest of the input parameters constant [19]. The challenge of this
approach lies in the fact that in real world scenario multiple input parameters can vary
simultaneously and affect each other in determining the output. In order to address this
challenge, we utilized Sobol sensitivity analysis [26].
The Sobol sensitivity analysis takes into account the interactions between input
parameters while computing their effect on model output. It is a useful technique for being
able to measure the effect of an input or a group of input on the output of a model. The
model input parameters are passed through a sample generator to generate a set of random

input values while performing Sobol sensitivity analysis for a framework. This is done
by specifying a range using the minimum and maximum values a given input parameter
can take. The randomly generated input set is then used to evaluate the model output and
produce two basic results in the form of first-order sensitivities for measuring the effect of
individual input on output and total-order sensitivity accounting effect of group of input on
the output. Given the challenge of performing sensitivity analysis for real world models
as discussed earlier in this section, we are interested in the total-order sensitivities for our
model. The total-order sensitivity value ranges from 0 to 1, with a value of more than 0.8
considered as significant in terms of affecting the model output. A step-by-step application
of Sobol sensitivity analysis can be found in [29]. We identified two of our input parameters,
cost threshold and R threshold, to be the most important criteria. Since, these parameters
not only act as input, but are also a part of the constraints. Thus, they determine the feasible
search space for finding the model output. The input parameter specifications for our Sobol
analysis is summarized in Table 4.

Table 4. Framework Input Sensitivity Analysis Parameters

Attribute Value Attribute Value

Initial Samples 5,000 Cost Distribution 100,000-
R Distribution 10-140 Total Runs per plan 30,000
Redundant Runs 10

From Table 4, one can note that, for 5,000 initial samples, the random sampler
generates 30,000 input samples in the specified input distribution range. The simulations
were run ten times with a different random seed in every run. Thus, the obtained results are
averaged over 300,000 simulation runs. Figure 4 shows the total-order sensitivities of cost
and R values for all of our proposed cloud migration scenarios.
In most cases, the threshold value of cost dominates R (NFM-CSP1, NFM-CSP3,
NFM-FT-CSP2). This can be interpreted as the availability of security coverage on the
cloud platform and as such the clients do not have to invest in security measures.

Total Order Sensitivity

Cost R


P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 T

Figure 4. Total Order Sensitivities

This leaves cost threshold as the primary criteria in the formulation of a feasible
cloud migration plan. The absence of security coverage is reflected when R threshold is
equally sensitive as cost threshold (NFM-FT-CSP1) and at times dominates it (NFM-CSP2).
Although a continuous distribution can be specified for our remaining input parameters like
vendor cost, security risk of individual application elements and so forth, we have not
included these parameters in our Sobol analysis. This is because variances of the values
for these input parameters are influenced by other inputs which in our model have discrete
values of either 0 or 1 and is subjective in nature. Hence, their inclusion in Sobol analysis
is not fully applicable. These relationships between the input parameters of our framework
is shown through a dependency chart in Figure 5. We note from Figure 5 that discrete
parameters such as Scalability, Security Coverage, Migration Constraint are the primary
factors that determine the variance of other input parameters like cost of Software or
Hardware, vendor services, implementing security measures and so on. Given the auto
scale up and down options present in most of the cloud platforms, scalability will primarily
affect the software and hardware costs incurred during private hosting. Security Coverage
directly affects R , which might result in costs related to patching any potential security
risks. Migration constraint also plays an important role in determining costs incurred by
clients for private hosting.

Cost Vendor

Client Security Security Cost
Cost on Cloud

Legacy Cost Security

Share Flag

Security cost

Security Residual
Coverage Damage

Migration Cluster
Constraint Scalability Label

Figure 5. Dependency between Framework Input Parameters

This in turn might increase the financial implications if coupled with scalability
factor. Migration constraints can also influence R , since one cannot migrate an element
to a cloud platform even if it has security coverage present there, thereby increasing total
cost of ownership. Thus, for our framework, we reckon that migration constraint plays
the most important role in determining the obtained output. This is followed by security
coverage along with cost threshold, R threshold, and finally scalability along with the other
remaining input parameters.


In this section, we compare different evolutionary algorithms that could have been
used to model our proposed cloud migration framework. Our objective here is to statistically
validate our selection of NSGA-II to model our proposed cloud migration framework and to
provide insights into feasibility of other evolutionary algorithms to model our framework.
The comparison is based on criterion such as Hypervolume, Maximum Pareto Front Error,

and Generational Distance [18]. We have considered six different evolutionary algorithms.
Their selections were made based on the rationale used by them to solve multiobjective
problems. The list of algorithms and their solution strategy is summarized in Table 5.

Table 5. Evolutionary Algorithms Solution Strategies

Algorithm Type Algorithm Type

NSGAIII Reference Point GDE3 Differential Evolution
PAES Evolutionary Strategy eNSGAII -Dominance
OMOPSO Particle Swarm NSGAII Genetic Algorithm

Figure 6 shows the Hypervolume of the algorithms specified in Table 5. Hypervol-

ume is one of the indicators to measure the closeness of the estimated pareto front to the
desired pareto front in the solution space. In this regard, larger the size of Hypervolume,
better is the performance of the algorithm.
From our experiments, we note that NSGA-II and NSGA-II have the best values
(∼0.51), followed by GDE3, NSGA-III, PAES, and OMOPSO. Further, NSGA-II and
NSGA-II are statistically indifferent from each other.





Figure 6. Hypervolume

Figure 7 shows the Maximum Front Error of the different algorithms under consider-
ation. By definition, smaller the value of the Maximum Front Error, better the performance
of the algorithm. From our analysis, we note that OMOPSO and PAES have the maximum

pareto front error, followed by GDE3. NSGA-III and NSGA-II have almost the same
Maximum Pareto Error, with NSGA-II having marginally lesser value. NSGA-II has the
least Maximum Pareto Front error amongst all other algorithms.

Max Pareto Front Error



Figure 7. Maximum Pareto Front Error

Figure 8 shows the Generational Distance comparison for the algorithms. Gener-
ational Distance, like Hypervolume is the measure of the pareto front generated and its
closeness to the desired ideal pareto front. Smaller the value of Generational Distance
better is the performance of an algorithm. We note from the obtained results in Figure 8
that PAES and OMOPSO have the maximum generational distances. The performance of
the remaining four algorithms are in close proximities of each other with NSGA-II having
the best results. Although, NSGA-II is statistically indifferent as compared to NSGA-II.

Generational Distance



Figure 8. Generational Distance


To summarize the findings above, our currently proposed cloud migration framework
yields optimal results when modeled using NSGA-II, which in most cases is statistically
insignificant when compared to NSGA-II and NSGA-III. Although, we reckon that the
performance of NSGA-II will improve over traditional NSGA-II if the number of objective
functions increases for our proposed cloud migration framework. For example, if attributes
of the objective function for cost is broken down to create individual objective functions.
Along these lines, reference point evolutionary strategy will give better results if clients
fine tune the migration constraints along with cost and security requirements by specifying
desired cloud migration plans as reference point for the cloud migration framework. In
such a scenario, the framework will try to find optimal cloud migration strategies by taking
into consideration the client’s desired cloud migration plans. The particle swarm evolution
strategy in contrast to genetic algorithm strategy does not utilize crossover and mutation.
Particle swarm also does not employ any sorting techniques as used by genetic
algorithm, giving it a computational advantage over genetic algorithm strategy. Although,
this benefit of particle swarm is not fully utilized in our case where maximum population
size for non-federated migration scenario can be approximately 2N (where N is the number
of elements in the data flow diagram) and N = 14. But, considering the cases of industrial
applications where data flow diagrams (DFD) will not be restricted to level zero DFD, the
maximum population size could be approximately 2hN (where h is the depth of the DFD).
Further, this population size in the case of federated migration consisting of C number
of cloud providers will become, C hN . In such cases, we reckon particle swarm will be a
better option in modeling the cloud migration framework than genetic algorithm. In the
case of differential evolution, its uniqueness lies in the way it generates child population
and its application of crossover, mutation and selection parameters as compared to genetic
algorithm. It will perform better than genetic algorithm when applied exclusively for our
federated cloud migration framework having large number of available cloud providers.

This is because federated migration with large number of cloud providers will result
in a solution vector encoding composed of real numbers with adequate diversification,
which is the forte of differential evolution strategy.


In terms of performing cloud migration, our proposed framework performs cost-

benefit tradeoff analysis by giving priority to the security threats present in an application
instead of cost and security features of available CSPs. This is evident from the obtained
results as some of the output for client’s share of security responsibility (R ) values across
different migration scenarios are the same (R of 0.00 and 8.00). But, there is also uniqueness
in the solution set for different cloud migration scenarios. This is due to the characteristics
of different CSPs. Thus, our framework extends its assessment from the client to cloud
platform as claimed in our previous work [20].
Intuitively, increasing cost incurred by a client (for services and security measures)
should tend to reduce R . But, we note from our output for scenarios like, NFM-CSP2 and
NFM-FT-CSP1, that this is not always the case. This can be attributed to security coverage
on a given CSP which does not require clients to invest in security patching and as such
reducing R without an increase in total cost. Another factor that might also attribute to
such a behavior is the amount of fault-tolerance (clustering label) that could be specified by
a client which can add to either the service cost or security cost (in case security coverage
is not present).
Further, federated migration scenarios inherently reduce cost as it assesses and
selects the best option for an application element from various available CSPs. Although,
in doing so clients will have to keep in check the service policies of multiple CSPs at any
given instant. These service policies are susceptible to change on a short notice. Thus,
clients can reap the cost and security benefits that federated migration has to offer but
should also be able to keep themselves up-to-date with the changes in CSP’s policies and

if necessary, react to it. Solely in terms of cost-benefits, we note that CSP2 has the best
output since it has been modeled after Microsoft Azure and our use-case application has
a reliance on Microsoft software. Overall, the percentage of migration achieved for our
use-case scenario on an average is about 80% (see Table 3). But, we reckon that this can
be affected by changes in the model input (Figure 5). Although, our framework being
modeled as a multi-objective optimization problem will still provide users with a set of
alternative solutions regardless of the migration scenario. This will enable them to compare
and contrast the obtained migration plans and assess it for various organizational factors
that might be applicable. For example, Quality of Service parameter like performance of
the application can be evaluated by observing the elements that has been suggested for
migration [3] and comparing it to the migration status of the elements that directly interact
with the later.
This aspect is very useful if users opt for federated migration scenario. Further,
given the modular structure of our framework, users can add additional input factors and
objectives (or constraints) to tailor model output to meet their comprehensive needs.


The task of cloud migration benefit clients as it reduces the inconvenience of owning
and maintaining software or hardware to run their applications. However, the task itself has
several challenges and careful considerations are required with respect to various parameters
most notably cost effectiveness, security of applications on the cloud platform, and migration
constraints due to legacy applications. In the following paragraphs we summarize some
compelling works related to cloud migration, categorized by the aforementioned parameters
they take into consideration.
The authors in [15] describe a hybrid cloud migration process with the primary goal
of reducing total cost of ownership for large scale organizations. They present a comprehen-
sive study, identifying numerous cost factors that govern cloud migration policies. In [16],

authors present a case study showing the cost implications of migrating an application to
the IaaS platform of Amazon EC2. They have also identified that cost is not the sole criteria
affecting cloud migration as other non-financial aspects like reputability of CSPs, technical
unfamiliarity play an important role in the decision making process. They extended their
case study presenting a comprehensive modeling tool [17] that provides cost estimates of
migrating to public IaaS cloud platform. The benefits are in its capability to compare and
contrast the services provided by different CSPs.
Authors in [27] present the challenges of migrating existing applications to the cloud
platform like changes made to the software environment, programming models such that it
can operate on the cloud platform. They present a model identifying the tasks involved in
the cloud migration process and analyzed them according to the cost involved in performing
them. This work helped in the formulation of our migration feasibility model.
In [21], authors discuss the technical and non-technical challenges of migrating a
web server to the cloud platform. They discuss the non-trivial aspects in cloud migration
which involves taking into consideration many criteria, addressing all of which manually
is challenging. As such, they propose an automated framework, CloudGenius, for helping
clients in the decision making process for cloud migration. Authors in [2] present an
overview of the challenges in performing cloud migration like financial aspects, security
concerns arising due to cloud migration such as multi-tenancy and data confidentiality. The
authors in [13] present a detailed cloud migration decision making framework. It takes into
account the architecture of an application to be migrated along with its service requirements
in terms QoS factors, security risks involved, and the financial aspects of the process.
Authors in [12] perform an in-depth review of existing cloud migration techniques
related to hosting legacy systems on the cloud platforms. Their literature review discusses
the similarities between Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Cloud platforms. In [9],
authors present an evolutionary, iterative approach to help small-medium enterprises (SME)
is able to migrate their legacy applications to the cloud platform. The outlined solution

aims in making the process less dependent on any particular kind of technology support
or CSP. Through these works, we were able to identify and acknowledge the impact and
challenges of migrating legacy applications to the cloud platform. Authors in [28] discuss
the impact of various NSGA-II algorithmic parameters on the optimization process and the
obtained solution set. The experiments and results presented in [28] helped us form our
basis for NSGA-II sensitivity analysis. Our proposed cloud migration framework extends
our previously proposed risk assessment framework [20] and addresses the optimality
between most notable factors like client cost and application security while performing
cloud migration. In doing so, we have extended and refined cost parameters as presented
in [15] [16] and introduced the costs related to addressing the security risk by implementing
the security measures. For security evaluations we utilized our risk assessment framework
which introduces the novel concepts.
These are security coverage, risk reduction factor, and client’s share of security
responsibility, extending application risk assessment hosted on the client’s private network
to one or multiple CSPs. This sort of security evaluation is more economical and outlines the
relevance of the security policies of different CSPs, giving more confidence to clients in the
security aspect of cloud migration as compared to existing works using security SLAs [8]
or security checklist [17]. Additionally, our proposed cloud migration framework also
incorporates other challenges of performing cloud migration like hosting existing legacy
applications, migration constraints due to technical or legal concerns, and elasticity [9]
[27]. We have also introduced the concept of fault-tolerance which differentiates from
existing approaches of providing cloud migration reliability [24] by using hosting based
on application functionality instead of replication. The nature of our cloud migration
framework is generic, integrating several different parameters and is not specific to any
particular clients like small or medium enterprises [22]. Our framework modeling is done

using genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) in an attempt to semi-automate the challenging task of

hybrid cloud migration for federated and non-federated scenarios which to the best of our
knowledge is the first attempt in this direction.


In this paper, we have presented cost-benefit analysis of a cloud migration framework

modeled as a multi-objective optimization problem for optimizing the cost of migration and
client’s share of security responsibilities. We have proposed various migration scenarios
like non-federated and federated cloud migrations supported by a newly introduced concept
of fault-tolerance which allows to separately host application elements based on their
functionality. We have applied our proposed migration framework to a use-case application
scenario and analyzed the output as well as the sensitivity of input parameters used in
our framework. Furthermore, we have evaluated the performance of different evolutionary
algorithms to model our proposed framework.
This helped in statistically validating the selection of NSGA-II and provided insights
into the applicability of other evolutionary algorithms for cloud migration problem. These
insights can be used to model different migration scenarios (Section 5) which relies on
application design.
Nevertheless, we reckon that cost and security cannot be the only factors to deter-
mine a suitable CSP for a client’s application. Once an optimal cloud migration plan has
been generated and adopted, the decision on its continuity is met with various challenging
aspects. In this regard, one should be able to supplement the proposed cloud migration
framework with subjective information like reputability of a CSP and objective information
like availability, throughput, and other performance metrics. Hence, as an extension to
our current cloud migration framework, we plan to formulate an On-line Trust Evaluation

Framework to address these challenges by collectively associating the subjective and ob-
jective parameters to quantify the suitability of selected cloud service providers to continue
hosting a client’s application.


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Amartya Sen and Sanjay Madria

Department of Computer Science
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, Missouri 65409–0050
Email: {asrp6,madrias}

The security of clients’ applications on the cloud platforms has been of great
interest. Security concerns associated with cloud computing are improving in both the
domains; security issues faced by cloud providers and security issues faced by clients.
However, security concerns still remain in domains like cloud auditing and migrating
application components to cloud to make the process more secure and cost-efficient. To
an extent, this can be attributed to a lack of detailed information being publicly present
about the cloud platforms and their security policies. A resolution in this regard can be
found in Cloud Security Alliance’s Security, Trust, and Assurance Registry (STAR) which
documents the security controls provided by popular cloud computing offerings. In this
paper, we perform some descriptive analysis on STAR data in an attempt to comprehend
the information publicly presented by different cloud providers. It is to help clients in
more effectively searching and analyzing the required security information they need for
the decision making process for hosting their applications on cloud. Based on the analysis,
we outline some augmentations that can be made to STAR as well as certain specific design
improvements for a cloud migration risk assessment framework.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Data Analyses, CSA STAR, Risk Assessment


The cloud platforms have received a gradual acceptance in the community due to its
beneficial services provided through well-known delivery models like software-as-a-service
(SaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). However, se-
curity of client’s application on the cloud platform is still one of the primary concerns that
make them reluctant in completely adopting their services. A client’s requirement in these
regards has been to procure from cloud service providers (CSPs) transparent and concrete
information regarding the security of their platform across different delivery models. To
bridge this gap, several works from industry and academia alike have been proposed in the
recent past. Some of these works [6] [21] [14] provide guidelines for clients to help them
perform security assessment of various CSPs while others [1] [15] help in establishing best
practices regarding application security on the cloud platform.
Nevertheless, comprehending cloud security is not a trivial task as the process
becomes convoluted in the presence of multiple dimensions across which security needs to
be addressed like networking, application, data storage, and so forth. Additionally, CSPs
are reluctant to publicly publish detailed internal security information of their platforms due
to market competitiveness and the risk of enhancing malicious activities. A stellar effort
in publicly making available the security assessments of numerous CSPs with a certain
degree of transparency and accuracy can be found in Cloud Security Alliance’s (CSA)
Security, Trust and Assurance Registry (STAR) [3]. The security evaluations of CSPs
in STAR is conceived using the Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ)
which is based on CSA’s Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) [2]. These security evaluations are
addressed across different cloud platform dimensions like - identity and access management,
encryption and key management, auditing, and so forth which CSA has coined as control
groups. These control groups pose a set of assessment questions.

In CAIQ version 3.0.1, these questions can be answered by a CSP in a yes, no, or
not applicable fashion. Further, they can also provide supplementary notes to the yes or no
answers and specify the compliances that they are following for a control group.
Several works are present in the literature which have addressed the concerns of
security assessment of CSPs by utilizing CSA STAR [6] [9]. The primary objectives of
these works have been to analyze the control groups answered by various CSPs to create
quantitative security rating scales helping clients to objectively understand the security
provided by different CSPs. These kinds of quantitative approaches benefits the clients
as it could be quite tedious to manually peruse the entirety of STAR registry looking for
CSPs that might synchronize with their security requirements. However, we reckon that
these approaches do not fully alleviate the security concerns that clients might have once
their applications are hosted on the cloud platform. This is because the objective security
assessment performed in these approaches does not account for the security threats present in
a client’s application and how the underlying security practices of a CSP will nullify them.
To address this challenge, the offline risk assessment of CSPs framework was proposed
in [19]. The notable features of the offline risk assessment framework can be summarized
in its capability to perform application risk assessment during the design phase including
cloud security metrics, aggregating the cloud security metrics of various CSPs, and then
performing a cost-benefit tradeoff analysis to develop an optimal cloud migration plan for
the client’s application. The tradeoff analysis is an important aspect of the framework in
contrast to other cloud security assessment approaches since security is one of the primary
concerns but not the only one which impedes complete adoption of cloud services.
Considering the outlines of the offline risk assessment framework, our contributions
in this work are as follows:

• Perform a descriptive and exploratory analysis of CSA’s STAR registry to better

understand the pattern and context of answers from different CSPs.

• Use the results of our analysis to suggest improvements to the structure of CAIQ and
CCM which is used to populate the STAR registry.

We envision that the results of this study will further help in improving the design of
the offline risk assessment framework. This is because analyzing the pattern and context
with which CSPs have responded to the security assessment questions will help clients
further improve the design of their application and reduce some of their impending security
The rest of the paper is organized as follows - Section 2 discusses some of the
works in the literature that utilizes CAIQ and STAR to perform security assessments of
CSPs. We present our descriptive and exploratory analysis of STAR in Section 3. Section 4
discusses the enhancements we suggest to CAIQs and STAR registry from the results
obtained through our analysis. Section 5 outlines the improvements that can be made to the
offline risk assessment framework by using our results. We conclude our work in Section 5.


Risk assessment of cloud computing platforms and the services offered by different
cloud vendors has been one of the prominent fields of work related to the cloud computing
domain. This is because of several factors like migrating the client’s application from their
private domain to the public domain of the cloud service providers (CSPs), partially losing
control over their data, and uncertainty regarding the cloud provider’s security policies
and their assurance. Several works related to this field can be found in the literature,
however, there are still numerous open and emerging security challenges and threats to the
domain of cloud computing as identified in [8]. Further, the advent of Internet of Things
(IoT) paradigm supported by cloud computing platforms will also introduce new security
challenges [20].

The authors in [6] proposed a risk assessment model evaluating CSPs utilizing the
public information available in CSA’s STAR registry and built a quantitative framework
profiling different CSPs based on their security, privacy and services. Other instances of
works that utilizes CSA STAR repository and its CAIQs can be found in [9]. In [21], authors
discuss another quantitative model to evaluate and compare the security dispensed by CSPs
which is based on the concept of developing security service level agreements (SecLAs).
The authors make use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for its decision making
purpose and evaluate the SecLAs qualitatively and quantitatively. Additionally, authors
in [5] present the concepts of automatically enforcing SecLAs in the cloud platforms.
The authors propose a model in this regard which engages the software life cycle of the
components that is covered in the SecLAs to determine the associated constrains of the
security components, the security requirements of the clients and follows it with automatic
provisioning and configuration of the selected security resources. However, evaluating
and addressing security concerns on the cloud platform is not the end game. Given the
dynamic nature of the cloud, architecture and policies are susceptible to change on a short
notice. Therefore, clients need assurance that the identified security policies are still in
place. The context of security assurance has been discussed extensively in [4]. Along
these lines, authors in [12] have identified that in order to keep up with changing cloud
environments and evaluate the change in security policies and their assurances there is a
need for continuous auditing. Furthermore, authors in [14] propose techniques to dispense
real-time cloud security assessment. Their approach, called the Moving Interval Process
can help clients compare their security assessments with the security offerings of the
CSPs and also help CSPs compare their services with other CSPs by understanding the
needs of their clients with high accuracy and computational efficiency. Additionally, other
works focus solely on evaluating particular types of delivery models like software-as-a-
service [22], infrastructure-as-a-service [11], or a specific domain of the cloud security like
data security [7].


In this section, we will give a brief overview of the CSA STAR registry followed by
our document pre-processing techniques that we performed on the datasets collected from
the STAR registry. Thereafter, we present the results of our descriptive and exploratory
analysis and discuss some of the lessons learnt from them which will be used as the
foundation to suggest enhancements to the STAR registry such that it can be optimally
integrated with the offline risk assessment framework for cloud service providers (CSPs).
3.1. The STAR Registry: Background. A good publicly available source in terms
of aggregating security measures employed by different CSPs can be found on Cloud
Security Alliance’s (CSA) Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR) [3]. This registry
is based on CSA’s Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) document [2], which provides security
assessment questions across sixteen cloud security domains (referred to as control groups).
These security assessment questions also known as the Consensus Assessments Initiative
Questionnaire (CAIQ), can be used by CSPs to provide security assessment of their services
and by client’s to evaluate the security guidelines present with a particular CSP. Some
examples of the control groups used in CCM are Application and Interface Security, Audit
Assurance and Compliance, Identity and Access Management, and so on. These domains are
further broken down into their subcategories which help in elaborating the kind of security
elements that should be addressed in these control groups. CCM also lists the impact of
these control groups on cloud platform’s architectural domains like, Physical infrastructure,
Networking, Computing, Storage, Application, and Data along with its applicability to
delivery models like, SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. It also specifies if the exploitation of a control
group solely affects the service provider and/or clients along with its impact on corporate
governance. Finally, it lists the appropriate compliance and standards that CSPs should
follow and be certified with (if applicable) like, HIPAA, COBIT, ISO 27001 and so forth.
We consider CCM version 3.0.1 which consists of 133 total assessment questions in general
(16 control groups and their subcategories).

Out of these, 71 assessment questions affect clients (in union with service providers;
no exclusivity) whereas, 61 exclusively affects service providers. Some of the assessment
questions are further sub-categorized by CSPs while answering them in the STAR registry.
In such cases, there is a net total of 295 assessment questions. In CAIQ version 3.0.1, which
we have considered for our analysis purposes, CSPs discretely address them according to
yes, no, or not applicable answers along with some optional notes elaborating or providing
supplementary information to their answers. The 16 control groups and their acronyms as
outlined in CCM is summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. CCM Control Groups
Control Group Control Group
App. and Interface Security AIS Human Resources HRS
Audit Assurance and compliance AAC Identity and Access Management IAM
Business Continuity Management and op- BCR Infrastructure and Virtualization Security IVS
erational resilience
Change, Control and Configuration Man- CCC Interoperability and Portability IPY
Data Security and Information Lifecycle DSI Mobile Security MOS
Data center Security DCS Security Incident Management, E- SEF
discovery and Cloud
Encryption and Key Management EKM Supply Chain Management, Transparency STA
and Accountability
Governance and Risk Management GRM Threat and Vulnerability Management TVM

3.2. Document Pre-processing. We scrapped the STAR registry on CSA’s website

to collect CAIQ documents answered by 201 CSPs. Majority of these were present in *.xls
format with some in *.pdf. Out of these, we found 138 of them (all in *.xls format) to
be in accordance with CAIQ version 3.0.1. Although, these documents followed a similar
structure (CAIQ and CCM documentations), their answering techniques varied for some
CSPs. To elaborate this, while answering questions as yes, no or not applicable, some CSPs
have used check marks like x, while others use characters like Y, or strings like Yes. We
cleaned all the collected documents with the objective of creating a universal structure of
the answering columns. To address such challenges and others like these, we imported all
the collected documents into R studio. We cleaned all the extra rows and columns due to the
import process of an excel document to a R data frame. Thereafter, for the answering column
inconsistencies, we replaced an affirmation response, either in yes, no, or not applicable

column, with a numerical 1 and remaining answering columns (of the same row) with a 0.
We further broke down each document import into two separate data frames; one (let us refer
to this as dfGen) consisting of the control ID of the CAIQ questions, its description, notes
columns (all of which were character datatype), and the yes/no/not applicable answering
columns (numerical). The other data frame (let us refer to this as dfComp) of a CSPs import
consisted of the control ID, its description and compliance information (all character data
types). Additionally, document import also introduced NAs which were addressed and
removed from the created data frames. However, the pre-processing techniques could not
be applied to all of the 138 documents because some of the documents were write protected
by the CSPs due to which we could not make certain changes in the original xls documents
which were required by the cleaning procedures written in R. This reduced our sample size
for descriptive and exploratory analysis from 138 to 108 CSPs.
3.3. Analysis and Lessons Learned. We first present a summarized analysis of the
CCM document. The objective behind it is to get a general understanding about facts like
how many assessment questions belong to a control group and how they affect different cloud
platform domains like network, storage, data, and so forth. The total number of security
assessment questions posed in each of the 16 control domains in the Cloud Control Matrix’s
(CCM) Control Group Structure is shown in Figures 1 and 2. In these figures, the x-axis
represents the 16 different control groups and the y-axis represents the number of assessment
questions belonging to each of these control groups. The question we ask ourselves from
this is - whether the quantity of questions presented in a control group a direct indicator of
its emphasis in the cloud security. In other words, does a control group like Mobile Security
(MOS) consisting of the largest number of questions (20) reflects the sentiments of the cloud
community in terms of emphasizing its importance with respect to cloud security. Such
notions will then convey the ideology that the community emphasizes on MOS category

more than Encryption and Key Management (EKM) which has 4 assessment questions
(Figure 1). However, basing these notions on a single criterion (total number of questions
in a control group) will not help in depicting the complete picture.

11 11
10 9

8 7
6 5
4 4
4 3






Figure 1. Cloud Control Matrix’s Control Group Structure - Part 1


15 13 13
10 9
5 5
5 3






Figure 2. Cloud Control Matrix’s Control Group Structure - Part 2

We further explored the relative impact of these 16 control groups on the different
aspects of the cloud platform as shown in Table 2 and 3. In these tables, the column

Table 2. Impact of Control Groups on Cloud Platform Domains - 1


Physical 25 100 73 20 0 100 0 46
Network 75 100 64 20 14 44 75 46
Compute 100 100 64 100 71 44 25 55
Storage 100 100 64 100 86 56 100 55
App 100 100 55 100 86 33 75 55
Data 100 100 64 80 100 33 100 55
CorpRelevance 50 100 82 100 71 22 75 100
Tenant 50 67 36 40 57 22 50 82

represents the control groups proposed in CCM and the row shows the different cloud
platform domains that these control groups affect. Each cell of these tables exhibits the
relative percentage impact of the control groups on the cloud platform domains.

Table 3. Impact of Control Groups on Cloud Platform Domains - 2


Physical 64 62 54 20 40 100 100 0
Network 55 69 77 100 25 100 100 100
Compute 55 85 100 80 40 100 100 100
Storage 55 85 69 80 15 100 100 67
App 64 92 69 80 65 100 100 100
Data 91 85 69 80 35 100 100 33
CorpRelevance 100 31 46 40 90 100 100 33
Tenant 100 62 46 20 45 100 22 68

For example, in Table 2, an impact value of 25% of Application and Interface

Security (AIS) control group on Physical infrastructure domain of the cloud platform
elucidates that given all the security assessment questions and their sub-categories belonging
to the AIS control group, a quarter of them impacts the Physical domain. Analyzing Table 2
and 3 row-wise, we can perform categorical analyses to further (and more accurately)
understand how different cloud platform domains are impacted by the control groups as
exhibited by the CCM document structure. For example, consider Storage domain; the
highest impact is 100% from 6 control groups (AIS, AAC, CCC, EKM, SEF, STA). The next
impact category can be considered to be 80% and above which will have 3 control groups
(DSI, IAM, IPY). The remaining impact categories can be 50% to 80% and below 50%,
having 6 (BCR, DCS, GRM, HRS, IVS, TVM) and 1 (MOS) control groups, respectively.
Additionally, column-wise analysis of these tables by aggregating the relative impact scores
of each control group across all cloud domains can shed light from another perspective
into the relevance of the control groups in terms of security assessments of CSPs. While
using the STAR registry for security evaluation of the CSPs, users can take into account
such information to have a better comprehension of the assessments provided and further
improve upon it by adding their requirements. For example, does a user give more emphasis
on the Storage domain over Compute for their application. We will discuss more on this in
the enhancement to STAR registry in Section 4.

We then performed exploratory analysis on the dfGen data frame which consisted
of yes, no, or not applicable responses for 295 net total CAIQ questions from 108 CSPs.
The objective behind this was to understand the pattern of yes, no, and not applicable
answers from different CSPs. The summarized answering response scores for yes, no, and
not applicable are shown in Figure 3, 4, and 5, respectively. The min and max scores for

100 150 200 250 300

Score Value

Figure 3. Distribution of Yes Responses in STAR Registry

0 50 100 150 200

Score Value

Figure 4. Distribution of No Responses in STAR Registry

yes responses (Figure 3) are 128 and 294, respectively. Its mean lies approximately at 236.
It also consists of 3 outliers (score - 60,101,118). The no response scores (Figure 4) have
a min and max of 0 and 98, respectively with mean value approximately 26 and consisting
of 4 outliers (score - 113,124,136,207). Finally, for the not applicable responses (Figure 5)
the min and max scores are 0 and 90, respectively. The mean score is approximately 26,
with 3 outliers (score - 96,116,192).

Overall, we observed that some of the CSPs that are the outliers of the no and not
applicable response set are mostly SaaS vendors. They offload most of the infrastructure
tasks to other vendors. This results in high count of no or not applicable with respect control
groups like DCS or IVS since currently there is no way to nullify these control groups from
the CAIQ (We discuss this further in Section 4). Additionally some of the CSPs have either
answered yes or no (and ignored the not applicable column altogether), or in some instances
they have answered yes and no for an assessment question. Hence, intuitively, the outliers of
the yes response set are outliers in either the no or not applicable response set. In addition

0 50 100 150
Score Value

Figure 5. Distribution of NA Responses in STAR Registry

to the scores, the dfGen data frame consists of Notes from CSPs explaining some of the
vendor specific control group parameters. One of the considered attempts to comprehend
these notes in a (semi-)automated way was to make a compilation of the entire notes set
for a CSP. However, doing so would have made the whole analysis too broad like reading
through a policies whitepaper without any focus as to what the reader might be looking for,
thereby making the process generic in nature. Alternatively, one can aggregate only the
notes of those control group assessment questions which has been responded either with
a No or Not applicable. Although, as we considered the highest score outlier for the No
responses (Figure 4) we could not find any supporting notes. Further, in these cases most
of the notes were documented as “in progress” or “can be ordered”.

Similarly, for the highest score outlier for not applicable responses, no notes were
provided. In contrast, many vendors who answered Yes have provided notes which were
much more detailed. As such, we reckon that notes should be present when CSPs respond
with a no or not applicable and when available it can be followed up with manual analysis.
However, for one of the assessment questions - BCR-06.1: “Are any of your data
centers located in areas having high probability of environmental risk”; responding it with a
no is positive affirmation. This has also been pointed out in other works like [6]. Although,
this is the only question of its kind amongst the 295 questions so while scoring using version
3.0.1, one cannot simply count the number of Yes and No responses. Nevertheless, this
should not be sufficient grounds to reject the usage of the version 3.0.1 and when it comes
to (semi)automated analysis, being aware of the context of the question will be essential.
For example, in CGID BCR-1.2 - “Do you provide tenants with infrastructure service
failover capability to other providers”, if a vendor responds with no, should this be rated
negatively and reduce the categorical rating of the vendor? Since, in notes they explain why
they do not provide the specified control and the counter/failsafe to the requested control
is provided. As such, solely relying on aggregating no scores will negatively impact the
scoring and we need to able to integrate context aware analysis for the assessment questions.
For example, to accurately rate BCR-1.2’s answer, one needs to be able to assess the kinds
of counter/failsafe options that are provided and if they are comparatively better than the
control specification stated in the assessment question. Automated analysis of such kind of
information without or minimal human intervention is not a trivial task, but it is something
that needs to be addressed. Furthermore, when assessment questions are responded with
a yes, it may induce follow up questions like for AAC-2.4 - “Do you conduct internal
audits regularly as prescribed by industry best practices and guidance”. The response to
these questions is typically yes, but at times it either does not mention which industry best
practices they follow, or clarify if those best practices are universally applicable across all
CSPs (considering delivery and deployment models).

Although, at times CSPs cannot reveal all the information in details on a public
forum due to several reasons like market competitiveness and/or presence of malicious
entities which can then compromise their security. We will discuss ways to address this in
Section 4.
Additionally, we analyzed assessment question responses of the 16 control groups
individually to see their pattern and check if there were any similarities across different
CSPs (aggregating by their delivery model and so forth) and contrasting it with the analyses
of the original CCM structure as presented in Table 2 and 3.

Table 4. Score Responses from CSPs on Individual CAIQ Control Groups


Yes% 82 86 72 86 75 82 65 85
No% 8 11 16 7 13 8 21 12
Not Applicable% 10 3 12 7 12 10 14 3
Yes% 85 79 79 70 49 80 80 85
No% 9 15 6 11 17 16 11 7
Not Applicable% 6 6 15 18 34 4 9 8

From Table 4, we note that on average the control groups of AAC and CCC have
the maximum yes responses. The maximum no responses belongs to the control group
EKM and maximum not applicable responses to MOS control group, which also has the
minimum yes responses. The minimum no response belongs to the IVS control group and
thereafter the minimum not applicable belongs to the control groups AAC and GRM. If
we hypothesize the importance of a control group based on its relevance impact across
different cloud platform domains (Table 2 and 3), we would say that control groups like
AIS, AAC, CCC, SEF, and STA will be the top contenders which the CSPs will address and
respond with yes to the assessment questions belonging to these control groups. However,
considering the summarized results in Table 4 and taking into consideration the survey
performed by RightScale in their 2017 state of the art cloud report [16], our hypothesis is

partially true. To further elaborate on this, according to our hypothesis it does turns out that
control groups of AAC and CCC are of importance and majority of CSPs respond positively
to the assessment questions in this domain.
This notion is also affirmed by RightScale’s survey that as the maturity of cloud
platform models and understanding of the client base keep on increasing, issues like com-
pliance and audits take priority over raw security aspects of the cloud platform. Therefore,
CSPs seems to increasingly address these areas more positively leaving very little or no
ambiguities (minimum not applicable response for AAC). As far as security itself goes, one
may state that the notions outlined in control groups of IAM and EKM is of value and would
be addressed by CSPs as positively as compared to AAC or CCC control groups. However,
this does not seem to be the case as we saw from our analysis that EKM consisted of the
maximum no responses from the CSPs and IAM also has a leaning towards the minimal
bounds. We attribute this behavior to two reasons, (1) as RightScale’s survey show there is
reduction in the overall security concerns of clients compared to the previous years with the
maturity of the cloud models and, (2) we reckon that CSPs believe that the aspects of these
control groups will be more effectively handled by clients themselves giving them more
control over the security of their hosted application. Furthermore, quite a few of the CSPs
from our collection did not have IaaS provisioning or borrowed the services of other CSPs
for performing storage and computation aspects. This could also attribute towards the high
no count for domains like EKM which otherwise seems to be of importance when it comes
to security on the cloud platform.
The control group of MOS itself has the maximum number of assessment questions
as compared to the other control groups. However in terms of its relative impact with respect
to the cloud platform domains, it is lackluster if compared to AAC, CCC, SEF, SEF, and
so forth. When it comes to responding to this control group, as we can see from Table 4, it
has the minimum yes responses and maximum not applicable responses. Its no responses
is also the second highest in the spectrum.

According to RightScale’s survey the notion of this control group is not touched
upon extensively. We strongly believe that with the rising trend in the concept of Internet of
Things (IoT), CSPs should pay more attention to this area since, its eventual exploitation will
impact other control groups. Finally, based on our CCM structure analysis we hypothesized
that the control groups of SEF and STA have considerable impact on all the considered cloud
platform domains and it will be addressed positively on average by the CSPs. However, this
hypothesis is not reflected from the results in Table 4. On the contrary, SEF has the third
highest no responses.
Another valuable trove of information is embedded in the notes column of the CSP’s
CAIQ responses. Generally, these notes are textual, unstructured information providing
supplementary information regarding the CSP’s yes, no, or not applicable responses to the
different control group questions posed in accordance to CSA’s CAIQ pattern, however
certain CSP’s did not provide any supporting information for their CAIQ responses. To
understand the context of the textual information present in the notes column, we performed
some basic text mining operations on them. In this direction, we stripped all the 108
CSP’s notes information and created a free flowing text documents, one for each CSP.
We then created a corpus for all these 108 text documents in R and applied various text
mining document pre-processing steps. This involved the general pre-processing steps like
removing punctuations, whitespaces, English stop words, and stemming the documents.
We also removed certain custom words applicable to our domain, for example removing the
name of the CSPs. After finishing the pre-processing steps, we acquired a corpus with 108
text documents, containing 883 unique terms and a 0% sparsity. We followed this with the
creation of the document term matrix to initially identify the most frequent terms which is
summarized in Table 5. As a result of document stemming, terms like security, secured,
securing, and so forth are reduced to its core form “secur”. We can note from the results in
Table 5 that custom, system, security, and access are the top four most frequent terms.

This indicates that CSPs while elaborating on their policies related to the 16 different
control groups as proposed in the CAIQ emphasizes on security of the system that are in place
to support the infrastructure. Additionally there is information related to customizations of
the client’s applications that are hosted on their platform, their policies in terms of access
control and so forth. This gives some insights into what the CSPs believe the clients should
be aware of when it comes to the policies about their cloud platforms.
However, solely relying on term frequency for understanding the context can be
misleading. This is because a particular term like security, systems, or customization can
be repeated in several different contexts. Therefore, to obtain a deeper level of granularity in
terms of context of the supporting notes we performed tokenization on our corpus, consid-
ering phrases built from individual terms and identifying their frequencies. In this regard,
we utilized the ngram analysis. The ngram analysis shows how frequently a particular term
is followed by another term. We generated bi-grams, tri-grams, and four-grams from our
corpus of 108 CSP text documents. The top results for our obtained bi-grams, tri-grams,
and four-grams are summarized in Table 6, Table 7, and Table 8 respectively. For a given
row in these tables, the first column illustrates the generated n-gram phrase followed by the
term that most frequently follows that specific n-gram in the first column. The last column
shows the frequency of occurrence (across all the 108 documents) of the generated n-gram.
A few of the frequent contexts from the bi-grams (Table 6) can be associated to groups and
employees; their assignment for access controls and encryption keys; CSP service zones.

Table 5. Most Frequent Terms in the Corpus

Term Frequency Term Frequency

custom 16740 system 13284
secur 11448 access 10368
inform 9180 respons 8964

In addition to that, the uptime of the cloud computing infrastructure, details of

communicating and discussing security related incidents and policies, and descriptions on
security information and event management (SIEM) systems and their protocols.
However, as we increase our tokenization terms i.e. move from bi-grams to four-
grams, we notice that the context of presented textual information shifts focus from encryp-
tion, identity and access control (as in the case of bi-grams) towards application interface
management and security, performing audits, data management and its security (as in the
case of tri-grams shown in Table 7), and finally towards actual physical security of the
cloud computing infrastructure and their employees (as in the case of four-grams shown
in Table 8). Therefore, we can encapsulate the contexts mined from the textual data in
the notes column into three broad categories: (1) access control and application security,
(2) protocols (security and otherwise) used by CSPs and how often they are reviewed, (3)
information related to the physical security of cloud infrastructure. Coupling a tokenization
feature to the STAR registry will benefit both the CSPs that participate and the clients who
will access it. We will discuss the outline of such a prototype and its benefits to CSPs and
their client in Section 4.
Mining the textual information present in the notes for different CSPs gave us an
understanding of the contexts that were presented in them. However, we also wanted to
ascertain if the CSP’s responses (yes, no, or not applicable) were statistically significant
when compared to each other. For this assessment we performed t-tests on our data
frames accounting for the 295 assessment questions.

Table 6. Top Bi-grams and Their Frequencies

bi-grams Next Term Frequency

group employe assign 216
zone provid oper 108
up system generat 324
communic discuss secur 108
replic siem system 324

Table 7. Top Tri-grams and Their Frequencies

tri-grams Next Term Frequency

interfac use content creator 108
perform period review iptabl 108
data real time configur 108
begin state implement tool 108

Table 8. Top Four-grams and Their Frequencies

four-grams Next Frequency

manag process evidenc within inform 108
exterior physic secur personnel enter 108
secur oper personnel anomali detect 108

Our null hypothesis was if the mean of the yes (or no/not applicable) answers were the
same for any two given CSPs in the collection of our 108 CSPs then they will be statistically
significant to each other. The t-values were too large to support the null hypothesis and
the alternative hypothesis was accepted depicting that there was no significant statistical
significance between any of the CSPs with respect to their responses to the assessment


Based on our analysis presented in Section 3.3, in this section we will discuss some
enhancements to the STAR registry and the CAIQ documentation which can improve it in
general and will also be used to improve some of the outlines of offline risk assessment
framework. More specifically, the offline risk assessment framework aims at integrating
cloud security domains to risk assessment procedures performed during the design phase
of an application which might be migrated to the cloud platform in the future. Therefore,
according to the CCM structure (CAIQ v.3.0.1) and the answering patterns of the CSPs,
combined with the 2017 user surveys from RightScale, we outline the following evaluation

criterion that should be integrated to the STAR registry framework - (1) Compliance
applicability, (2) Client’s security emphasis on cloud platform domains, and (3) Relevance
of a control group (CGID) and its assessment questions.
The increase in maturity of the cloud platform models have seen a shift in client
concerns from security towards cloud compliance, audit reviews, and cost efficiency. Com-
pliances are currently listed in a comprehensive fashion in the CCM documents. A client
who is new to this domain will not make much sense of “NIST SP 800-53 R3 SC-7 (1)”.
This will require them to manually go over the compliance standards which are documented
elsewhere. This process, for all the compliances listed for one given CSP, can be tedious
and may deter newcomers from the process of cloud migration. In order to better under-
stand compliance applicability, STAR registry can be implemented with a phrase-based
description database of its compliance list. This can be supplemented with a schema for
comparing it with the CSP’s compliances giving further insights into the applicability of
compliances with respect to the functionality of a client’s application. The aforementioned
criterion can be further coupled with client input like - (1) Application functionality (health,
e-commerce, government, and so forth), (2) Delivery model (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS) and
Deployment model (public, private, and hybrid).
Application functionality can be used to narrow down the compliance applicability
estimation process. This will also make the process a bit more client-centric then what it
current state. The process of selection of a CSP to host an application given the category of
that application and the type of data it stores and processes, certain compliance standards
need to be present on the CSP. For example, a CSP hosting an educational application needs
to be FERPA compliant. Similarly, medical applications need HIPAA compliant CSPs and
e-commerce needs PCI DSS compliance standards. As such in the evaluation category for
compliance applicability, a risk assessment framework should populate the available list of

compliances in CCM documentation with tag phrases elucidating their functionality. These
tag phrases coupled with client input for application category will be used to identify the
CSPs which are following the required compliances.
Delivery and deployment model client input will be used to shortlist the set of control
groups that impact clients, changing the evaluation criteria from the CSPs perspective to
the client’s requirements. This will be further useful because in the current CAIQ version
used by the STAR registry, CSPs which are not IaaS providers have to respond with no
or not applicable. As such control groups not relevant to a deployment model should be
nullified. Thereby, companies do not have to answer not applicable if the response is based
on the fact that they do not provide such functionalities. This will help to focus on the not
applicable responses which are actually relevant. Given this improvement, if a CSP states
that they are IaaS providers and there is a control group related to IaaS, but the CSP has
answered not applicable or no to it; then one can better focus and analyze the impact of such
responses. Once the control groups have been shortlisted, a risk assessment framework can
use it to better perform a (semi)automated analysis of the evaluation criterion - Relevance
of a control group and the answer to its assessment question. In doing so, more preference
is given towards the control groups that impact clients more and then perform generic CSP
evaluations. To this extent we have analyzed the impact of control groups on cloud platform
domains along with its impact on client and/or service provider (Table 2 and 3). Given the
nature of the delivery and deployment models used, the division of responsibilities between
the client and CSP will vary and a much fine grained evaluation can be performed using the
STAR registry by incorporating this information.
The information present in the notes section of the CAIQ responses of a CSP in
the STAR registry provide details regarding the actions a CSP has taken with respect to
an assessment question belonging to a control group. Manual analysis of such information
will help a client shortlist the set of CSPs that might meet their functional and non-
functional requirements. Nonetheless, this in itself is a tedious task and sometimes this

information might have partial details (or not be present at all) which are not sufficient to
make accurate decisions. We reckon one of the reasons behind this could be attributed to
the market competitiveness because of which CSPs might be reluctant to provide complete
information about their CAIQ assessment. Therefore a workaround to this concern could
be to perform privacy preserving document comparisons by encrypting the notes section
of the STAR registry. Clients can perform analysis on the encrypted information, without
having the CSPs to reveal the information to other competing CSPs and the clients itself.
Alternatively, one may argue that clients can get such information from CSPs by contacting
them. However, CSPs may be reluctant to reveal all their cloud platform information.
If they do, they might have the clients sign a non-disclosure agreement, which ideally
is not foolproof. Therefore, CSPs can encrypt some of their more detailed information and
outsource it to the STAR registry. With the STAR registry acting as a trusted third party,
clients can submit their queries which can then be used to perform document similarity
threshold detection, or querying of k nearest CSPs that matches with certain functional
requirements of the clients and so forth. In this regard, several works in the literature
are present [23] [18] which can adopted and applied to the schema of the STAR registry
to obtain the desired outcomes. Furthermore, submission of information using encrypted
means can be beneficial with respect to physical security of the cloud infrastructure. The
CSPs can make their employees undergo a training routine, the aggregate scores of which
can be shared to the STAR registry through encrypted mechanisms. The clients can then
query this information to determine physical security aspects like which CSP’s employees
have scored better or between multiple CSPs when was the last security training carried out.
Additionally, the tokenization performed as a part of our text mining (end of Sec-
tion 3.3) gave us an insight into the context presented through the textual information by
CSPs in the STAR registry. This process can be extended and utilized to implement a
queryable data database for STAR registry. Such a registry will enable clients to enter
the phrases for which they seek information like application management or access control

policies and so forth. The query feature can be supported by n-gram dictionaries as a result
of which the search process can narrow down the set of CSPs which present information
whose context matches with that of the client’s query context. This kind of process will
make the client’s assessment task of CSPs much more efficient and effective as compared
to manually analyzing the entire STAR registry. Further, n-gram dictionaries can also lay
the foundation for prediction algorithms. Thereby, clients who are not fully aware of their
exact query terms can be suggested (via. prediction) a set of phrases which will reduce
their search uncertainties. This process of a query-able database through tokenization can
also benefit CSPs since they can use the client’s query to estimate contexts that clients are
typically looking to assess and reformat and better align their responses (textual ones) to
the needs of the client base.


The offline risk assessment framework evaluates the security provided by different
cloud service providers based on the security risks present in a client’s application [19].
Based on its evaluations, it suggests a pareto-optimal cloud migration strategy for the
client’s application. In doing so, it also takes into account any migration constraints that
may arise due to client’s finances, legal and technical concerns. A summary of the functional
objectives of the offline risk assessment framework is shown in Figure 6.
Traditional risk assessment during design phase of an application addresses the
security concerns present in them. To validate a CSP’s security, third party security audits
can be performed on them, which may increase the service costs and too many third party
audits can expose CSP’s infrastructure information to outsiders [15] compromising the
cloud platform. However, if clients have a way to safeguard their application related to
cloud domains that are either within or beyond their control, it will reduce their level
of uncertainty about a CSP’s security policies. This can be done by performing risk
assessments during design phase addressing security threats from hosting an application on

Mission Oriented Risk Assessment


Cloud Vendor Risk Assessment

Cost-benefit tradeoff Analysis

CSP’s Security

Cloud Adoption Strategies

Phase Policies


Risk Application
Assessment in Security on

Figure 6. Offline Risk Assessment for CSPs

the cloud. Analysis of the STAR registry gives us insight into how a CSP has responded to
questions raised in the CAIQ for a particular control group. Incorporating this information
in the risk assessment framework will make the assessment process more effective and cost
efficient. This can be achieved by including cloud security issues during the design phase,
belonging to a control group of the CAIQ that has not been addressed in detail by the CSP.
To do so, data models like exploit, include, threaten, mitigate can be developed capturing
the application design with incorporated security measures and misuse patterns, different
feasible attack patterns, and cloud misuse patterns [10]. The correlation between these data
models can be established using techniques such as misuse case diagrams [17]. This can
be further extended to include new models developing transition of security threats arising
from the cloud misuse patterns into the applications hosted on it. For example, consider
the scenario shown in Figure 7 which shows the risk assessment of a hotel reservation
web application hosted on a cloud platform using misuse patterns of the web application in
isolation and that of the cloud platform.

Actors Use Case Misuse Case: Security use Misuse Case:

Application case Cloud


Log in <<exploits>>
Encryption Attacker
Employee <<threaten>>
Reservations Verify

DoS Validate
Input Malicious
Steal User
Attacker Credentials
VM Resource
Injection Usage
and <<invokes>> Monitoring

Figure 7. Cloud Security Domain in Design Phase Application Risk Assessment

As we transition from cloud misuse patterns like using Malicious virtual machine
instances (see invokes in Figure 7) to application attack patterns (Malware injection leading
to possible theft of user credentials), we will be able to identify threats which might not have
been considered if an application was hosted on a private domain. As such, this kind of
assessment facilitated by STAR registry evaluations as shown in Table 4 will make clients
relatively more prepared in terms of (securely) designing their applications with plans of
future cloud migration. This will considerably cut down cost and uncertainties related to
cloud security while performing migration.
Furthermore, the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has been growing at an un-
precedented rate. According to IHS estimates, in 2015, there were 15.4 billion connected
devices and it is projected to rise up to 30.7 billion and 75.4 billion by 2020 and 2025,
respectively [13]. This will have a notable effect on platforms like Cloud (along with
edge and fog computing) computing whose essential feature lies in its capability to pool
various computing resources and provide it as a pay-as-you-use model. The presence of
vast amount of mobile and embedded devices will change the ways in which clients connect
to the cloud computing infrastructures. Therefore, a divergence from accessing the cloud

computing resources from traditional devices to mobile or embedded devices will increase
the attack surfaces of the cloud computing infrastructure as well as the client’s applications
hosted on them. Securing these attack surface rising as a result of these mobile devices
becomes even more challenging since many of these devices are resource (energy and com-
puting) constrained. Further concerns arise due to the lack of proper standardization and
compliance documentation related to these interconnected mobile and embedded devices.
The emphasis to such mobile security concerns has been foreshadowed by CAIQ’s mobile
security (MOS) control group, which amongst all the 16 control groups has the highest
set of questions. However, based on the responses provided by the participating CSPs it is
evident that mobile security control group is not a top concerns when compared to control
groups like audit, assurance, and compliance (AAC) or datacenter security (DCS).
Current cloud risk assessment frameworks, including the offline risk assessment
framework for CSPs, do not take into account the aspect of mobile security which may
result in overlooking various security concerns that will eventually arise due to the growth
of IoT paradigm affecting the cloud computing infrastructure and applications hosted on
it. Thus, we outline the inclusion of the mobile security (as established by cloud control
matrix’s CAIQ) to improve the functional output of the offline risk assessment framework.
Additionally, as discussed in Section 4, some of the enhancements to the STAR registry
like tokenization, privacy preserving document comparison, and phrase-based description
of compliance applicability can also be applied to improve the functionalities of the offline
risk assessment framework. A summary of our analysis results and actionable insights to
improve the STAR registry and risk assessment frameworks is given in Table 9.


In this paper, we have presented exploratory and descriptive analysis of data from
Cloud Security Alliance’s (CSA) Security, Trust and Assurance Registry (STAR). We
analyzed the answering pattern of various CSPs related to the control groups that has been

Table 9. Analysis Results and Actionable Insights - Summary

Analysis Action Benefits
No specific support for delivery models Breakdown CAIQ based on question relevance to CSPs and
delivery models Clients
In terms of responses, lack of emphasis on Mobile Increase emphasis to Mobile security CSPs and
security Clients
Many CSPs make use of other CSP’s services Integrate responses from externally referred CSPs Clients
Compliances have no information to elaborate Elucidate compliances with annotations or tag Clients
functionality words to evaluate relevance to application
Manual analysis of notes section of CAIQ can be Introduce tokenization and data mining to express Clients
tedious for a very large sample space context of textual data to narrow down search
No interaction between CSPs and Clients Incorporate query-able framework wherein Clients
clients can express their needs to narrow down
search scope
No interaction between CSPs and Clients Allow CSPs to access client’s query to understand CSPs
client requirements
Lack of detailed information in some sections to Present sensitive information in encrypted format CSPs and
make accurate decisions and query on it Client
An insight into the emphasis given by CSPs to Incorporate cloud security metrics to design Clients
different security aspect of the Cloud phase application risk assessment

outlined in the Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ) like auditing, data
security, encryption and key management. We also analyzed the context provided in the
textual information presented by the CSPs in their STAR assessments by performing n-gram
analysis. In doing so, we were able to identify several features that can be incorporated
in the STAR registry to help clients more effectively analyze and search for the required
security (or related to other domains like auditing) information they need for the decision
making process for hosting their applications on a cloud provider’s platform. Along with
also helping the CSPs better comprehend the needs of clients and customize the information
they present to clients accordingly. Additionally, through our analysis we have also outlined
some design optimizations that can be incorporated in the offline risk assessment framework
to make its evaluations of a CSP more accurate, further reducing the security uncertainties
of the client. As a future work, we would like to integrate this with the off-line assessment
tool for the complete risk assessment of an application.


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Amartya Sen and Sanjay Madria

Department of Computer Science
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, Missouri 65409–0050
Email: {asrp6,madrias}

Security of applications on the cloud platform has been one of the primary issues that
prevent clients from completely adopting the services provided by various cloud vendors.
Although there is a general notion of security present on the cloud platform, it is not
addressed with respect to the security threats present in a client’s application. To address
this concern, the offline risk assessment of cloud service providers framework was proposed
earlier. Nonetheless, while performing risk assessment during the software design phase
of an application it neither considers cloud security domains as an assessment category nor
identifies resources that needs to be protected in the likelihood of a successful attack. In this
paper, we present a framework that will address these challenges during the design phase
of an application, making client applications adequately prepared for cloud hosting and
reducing some of their prevalent security uncertainties related to migrating their application
on the cloud platform. Furthermore, the proposed framework will aim to reduce a client’s
demand for having cloud vendors validate their provided security by performing multiple
third party security audits. We present a use-case study showing the applicability of our
proposed framework along with discussions about its usefulness.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Risk Assessment, Software Development Lifecycle, Misuse


Cloud computing platforms through its deployment models (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS)
have provided clients with many notable benefits [21]. These benefits range from not having
to own or maintain computing infrastructure to integrating built-in software APIs with a
client’s application. Although these advantages are well-received in the community, clients
are still skeptical to migrate their applications on a cloud platform. This is because of the
security concerns arising due to applications being migrated from the secure boundaries of
a client’s private network to a more or less untrusted domain of a cloud service provider
(CSP). The CSPs do provide a notion of security but it does not address the fact that how
relevant they will be with respect to the threats present in a client’s application. This concern
was addressed by proposing the offline risk assessment framework for CSPs in [35].
The mission oriented risk assessment methodology in the offline risk assessment
framework addresses the security evaluation of an application during its software devel-
opment lifecycle (SDLC) phase. This is done by evaluating different components of an
application like processes, databases, or users interacting with the application; collectively
known as application elements, using well known techniques like Microsoft’s STRIDE5.
Security risk evaluation during SDLC phase is economical in nature as it allows clients
to effectively evaluate the consequences of different implementation architectures. How-
ever, before one can start the secure SDLC process the security requirements specifications
phase [17] needs to be addressed. In this phase, design and security teams specify the crit-
ical assets of an application, their assumed asset level (high, medium, or low), and security
measures that should be implemented.
Nevertheless, there are two potential shortcomings in this method. First, it does not
consider the successful execution of an attack due to which multiple application elements
can be left exposed to further exploits. As such formulation of security measures should
consider the spread of attacks in an application and identifying critical elements.

These elements needs to be secured in a way such that it halts the spread of attacks and
minimizes damage. Secondly, assumed asset level outlines the security priority of different
application elements. However, existing technique [23] of using qualitative classification
(high, medium, or low) is not capable of answering the following - “In the event of a security
exploit, should we give all the assets belonging to the same asset level equal priority?”
Furthermore, when an application is migrated on the cloud platform, CSPs provide
some basic level of security related to domains that are beyond the clientâĂŹs control [8].
A way for clients to validate this is by leveraging third party security audits. This might
give rise to two foreseeable concerns. First, CSPs might have to spend extra dollars to have
these audits performed which in turn may increase their service costs. Secondly, performing
too many third party audits will reveal information related to cloud infrastructure (security
and otherwise) to many outsiders [1] and if used maliciously, may compromise the cloud
platform. Although, if clients have a way to safeguard their application related to the
domains that are beyond their control, it will reduce the level of their uncertainty about
a CSP’s security protocols. This can be achieved by securely designing an application
accounting for the threats originating from the cloud platform.
To address the aforementioned challenges, we propose a novel design phase risk
assessment framework extending the mission oriented risk assessment methodology by
including cloud security domains during the SDLC phase. We do so by considering semi-
automated generation of cloud misuse patterns as proposed in [18] and integrating it with
security evaluation of an application’s data flow diagram (DFD). Along this direction,
we can identify those application elements which needs to be protected in the event of a
successful attack either arising from the cloud platform or due to the application’s inherent
nature of being a web-application. Our proposed framework will help in identifying critical
application elements, providing a deeper level of granularity to the asset level classification
technique and thereby improving the design of early intervention policies in the event of a
successful attack on an application.

Our contributions in this work are as follows:

• Designing and developing a novel design phase risk assessment framework by intro-
ducing cloud security metrics.

• Identifying critical application elements to be protected in the event of different

attacks, and providing a deeper level of granularity to asset level classification tech-

• Simulating the proposed framework on a use case scenario analyzing the effectiveness
of considering cloud security metrics during the design phase risk assessment of an

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce our use case
scenario and briefly discuss the outlines of the previously proposed offline risk assessment
framework. In Section 2.1, we present the outlines of our proposed framework discussing
our threat model and relevant algorithms. Thereafter, we show the applicability of our
proposed framework by presenting the obtained results from our use case scenario and
discussing its physical significance in Section 3. We further discuss the usability of our
proposed framework in Section 4. In Section 2 we discuss some of the significant literature
with respect to risk assessment performed for software applications and the cloud platform.
Finally, we conclude the paper in Section 5.


An effective way to assess the security provided by different CSPs is to compare

them with respect to the security risks present in an application that will be hosted on their
platform. To do so, one must be able to identify the security risks present in an application
and determine if CSPs address them using their security measures. This concept is addressed
by the previously proposed offline risk assessment framework for CSPs [35].



Fulfill Close
Reservation Reservation

Figure 1. Hotel Reservation - Use Case Diagram

The framework identifies security risks that are present and determines whether it
would be cost efficient to perform cloud migration on a CSP. These tasks are facilitated with
the help of three independent but correlated modules: (1) mission oriented risk assessment,
(2) cloud vendor security assessment, and (3) cloud adoption strategies.
Our proposed risk assessment framework’s primary objective is to address the
challenges in mission oriented risk assessment methodology as discussed in Section 1.
We have designed our framework to be generic enough such that it can applied to any
application scenario, however for a better understanding we will elaborate it using a use
case scenario that depicts a web application framework for a hotel management, in particular
the process of reserving a hotel room. Users or hotel management employees can access
the API which consists of three functionalities: log-in, room information, and managing
reservations. Access to the log-in page by users will follow a log-in verification operation.
The authentication data is stored in a Log-in database. Once logged in, a user can perform
room reservations. This information gets stored in a Reservation database. Operations
during the reservation phase involve creating, confirming, canceling, fulfilling, and/or
closing the room reservations. In case a reservation is fulfilled, the payment information
(credit card) is validated through a trusted external entity, Bank. The actions that can be
taken by legitimate users and employees are summarized in the use case diagram shown in
Figure 1 and its corresponding data flow diagram is given in Figure 2.

Verify Edit
Log-in DB Log-in Profile User DB
6 10
Club DB

Access Control Finance

Control Finance Operation
Page 9

Club Club
API Transaction
Info Activity
2 11
Handle Application Boundary
Bank Finance DB
1 User

Figure 2. Use Case Scenario: Data Flow Diagram for Hotel Room Reservation Web

In the following sections, we will be referring to this application scenario while

describing in detail the different components of our proposed framework.
2.1. Mission-Oriented Risk Assessment. The mission oriented risk assessment
module [35] semi-automates performing risk assessment during the design phase of an
application. Nevertheless, the whole approach is based on an optimistic outlook. In
other words, its security requirements phase only collects information primarily related to
the domains of security objectives, critical security assets, their asset levels, and security
measures to be implemented. Such an optimistic outlook does not consider identifying
critical application element(s) which needs to be secured during a successfully executed
attack scenario to minimize the incurred damages. This assertion is based on the fact that
one cannot guarantee the complete safety of an application. Although the implemented
security measures (identified through risk assessments performed in the design and testing
phase) will be able to protect against some attacks, it does not assure that other (unknown)

attacks with similar exploitation objectives will not be able to bypass the implemented
security measures. To understand this motivation, let us consider a very näive example of
cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks on web applications.
XSS attack [3] in its simplest form, can be used to inject javascript code in input
fields from client side which is executed on the server side to cause malicious activities.
For example, an attacker can use the Log-in Page (Figure 2) to inject malicious scripts
which needs to be submitted and validated against the Log-in DB. If the attack remains
unchecked it can return log in credentials leading to elevation of privilege. An example
of such an injected script is shown in eq. 1. Although it alerts the message Hello, World,
attackers can inject much more malicious code. To counter this, a security measure could
be to apply techniques such as filtering or obfuscation as shown in eq. 2. For example in
filtering, double quotes within the script tags will be filtered out thereby nullifying the attack
attempt. This security measure can be bypassed by using ASCII characters instead of using
characters like single and double quotes or backslashes therefore bypassing the implemented
filtering technique (eq. 3). With this example, our intention is not to demonstrate that XSS
can be bypassed as other security measures are available to prevent it. However, we use
this instantiation to depict that no set of security measures (either used disjunctively or
conjunctively) can assure complete safety. As such, clients should be prepared with certain
early intervention policies (EIPs) to minimize the damage in the event of a successful attack
< script > alert(“Hello, W orld 00) < /script > (1)

< script > alert(filtered-empty body) < /script > (2)

< script > String. f romCharCode(

97, 108, 101, 114, 116, 40, 34, 72, 101, 108, 108
111, 44, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 34, 41)

< /script >


Nonetheless, clients operate under budgetary constraints which limits the amount
of security resources that can be incorporated in an application. Therefore, a pre-requisite
to developing early intervention policies is to identify application elements prioritized
according to their level of exploitation in the event of successful attacks. Hence, through
our proposed framework, our objective is to perform analysis identifying critical applications
elements that needs to be protected for different attack patterns such that the limited security
resources can be allocated in timely fashion minimizing the spread and damage due to the
To identify these critical applications elements (CAEs), we incorporate attack pat-
tern category database such as Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification
(CAPEC) along with the application design to generate possible misuse cases. These mis-
use cases coupled with implemented security measures will be used to develop probabilistic
state transitions which will be further modeled using the concepts similar to that of perco-
lation centrality [31]. Percolation centrality (PC) of a node v in a network with N number
of total nodes at a time interval t is computed as follows:

1 Õ σs,r (v) xst

PCvt = (4)
N − 2 s,v,r σs,r [ xit ] − xvt

where s and r are the source and destination nodes, respectively. σs,r (v) is the number
of shortest paths between s and r passing through v. σs,r is the number of shortest paths
between s and r. xst (0 < xst < 1) is the state of infection or spread at the source node during
the time interval t. xvt is the spread of infection at node v during t. Such concepts are helpful
in identifying the relevance of a node in a network with respect to the spread of a virus
instead of solely relying on their position in the network topology. Figure 3 summarizes the
outlines of our proposed framework with respect to identifying CAEs.

Misuse Probabilistic
Cases State

Application Security
Design Controls

of critical


Figure 3. Critical Application Element Assessment

The CAPEC database archives the list of known attack patterns that can be used in
order to exploit an application. We have used it to model our misuse cases because even
if an attack is unknown (uses a different exploitation mechanism), its overall pattern and
objectives will be similar to that of a known attack. Hence, while generating misuse cases
we group the attack pattern categories based on their exploitation objective (or pattern).
In this regard, we account for CAPEC’s domains of attacks (view ID: 3000) which lists
the different attack categories. The application design block in Fig 3 will consist of input
information such as the application DFD (Fig 2), external entities interacting with the
application and the use cases associated with them (Figure 1). Additionally, we consider
the security threats resulting due to the characteristics of the cloud platform (multi-tenancy,
shared resources and so forth). To do so, we incorporate misuse cases of the cloud platform
adopted from the works of [18].
2.1.1. Threat model. The threat model with respect to our use case scenario con-
siders the attacker to have intermediary expertise and access to tools and resources (bot
scripts) which can help in carrying out the attacks. The exploitation objective of the at-
tacker would be to either compromise the services provided by the hotel management web
application (denial of service, CAPEC ID#469) or steal legitimate user credentials in the

form of their identity or financial information. For the latter, attacker might use a collection
of different attacks - man in the middle (CAPEC ID#94), command injections (CAPEC
ID#248), Simple Script Injection (CAPEC ID#63), Exploitation of Trusted Credentials
(CAPEC ID#21; parent of session replay and cross-site request forgery) and so forth.
In the cloud computing platform, the attacker can execute attacks from beyond
the network boundaries or pretend to be a legitimate user (malicious insider). As such,
attackers may rent virtual instances collocated in the same physical infrastructure as that
of our hotel management web application. They can then monitor the resources utilized
by the legitimate application and choose to disrupt services by demanding more resources
during its peak utilization hours resulting in denial of service. Attackers may also create
and submit malicious virtual machine instances to the cloud repository [18] which in turn
if used by the legitimate user may result in malware injection. These malwares can then
monitor the virtual machine (VM) activities, steal user credentials and relay the information
back to the attacker.
Finally, we assume the cloud provider to be a trusted party and they will not collude
with the attacker. In accordance to these attributes of our threat model, an instantiation of
the generated misuse cases for our use case scenario is shown in Figure 4. The notations
used in our misuse case diagram like include, threaten, exploits, and mitigate has been
adopted from the works of [32]. Their utilization is further explained in Algorithm 3 shown
in Section 2.1.2.
2.1.2. Integration of cloud domains to application risk assessment. The gen-
eration of our misuse case diagrams requires three key input parameters - AppDesign;
information about the application elements, AttPattern; application attack patterns gener-
ated from CAPEC, and CloudExploit; misuse cases for threats and vulnerabilities specific
to the cloud computing platform. Each column in these tables consists of the information
shown in Table 1, and the rows represent elements of the application. AttPattern consists
of attacks exploiting a web application hosted on a private network represented by I Dwa .

Actors Use Case Misuse Case: Security use Misuse Case:

Application case Cloud


Log in <<exploits>>
Encryption Attacker
Employee <<threaten>>
Reservations Verify

DoS Validate
Input Malicious
Steal User
Attacker Credentials
VM Resource
Injection Usage
and <<invokes>> Monitoring

Figure 4. Misuse Case Generation

CloudExploit is composed of attacks originating from the cloud platform which is

encapsulated in I Dcc . Using the information in AppDesign and AttPattern, and Cloud-
Exploit we create five more data structures which will be required to generate the misuse
case diagrams in our proposed risk assessment framework. The four traditional well-known
misuse pattern notations [32] are exploit, include, threaten, and mitigate.

Table 1. AppDesign, AttPattern, and CloudExploit Attributes

AttPattern AppDesign CloudExploit

IDwa , Name Element Name, Type IDcc , Name

Prerequisite Resources Asset level (High,Medium,Low) Prerequisite Resources

Likelihood and Severity Interaction (forms, file upload) Consequences

Mitigation Security Measures Mitigation


Additionally, we introduce a fifth one - invoke (see Figure 4) which will be used for
the integration of the threats originating from the cloud platform into the application. The
generation of these data structures is shown in Algorithm 3.

Algorithm 3 Misuse Case Generation

Require: AppDesign, CloudExploit, and AttPattern
Ensure: Misuse case data structures
1: << include >>:
2: for all elem1 ∈ AppDesign do
3: for all elem2 ∈ AppDesign do
4: if elem1 → elem2 then
5: include ← (elem1, elem2)
6: end if
7: end for
8: end for
9: << invoke >>:
10: for all IDc c ∈ (CloudExploit) do
11: for all IDw a ∈ AttPattern do
12: if (ID c c .Consequence == ID w a .PrereqResource) then
13: invoke ← (ID c c , ID w a )
14: end if
15: end for
16: end for
17: << ex ploit >>:
18: for all elem ∈ AppDesign do
19: for all IDw a ∈ AttPattern do
20: if (PrereqResource == Interaction) then
21: exploit ← (ID w a , elem)
22: end if
23: end for
24: end for
25: << thr eaten >>:
26: for all elem2 ∈ exploit && include do
27: include ← (IDw a , elem1)
28: end for
29: << mitigate >>:
30: for all elem ∈ exploit && AppDesign do
31: if (SecurityMeasure → elem) && (SecurityMeasure → prereqResource) then
32: mitigate ← (elem, ID w a )
33: end if
34: end for
35: return include, invoke, exploit, threaten, mitigate

The include data structure is generated by traversing all the elements in AppDe-
sign. If there is an edge between the application elements - elem1 and elem2, then those
element pairs are registered in include (lines 2 to 8). We then traverse the misuse patterns
present in CloudExploit and estimate if the consequences of their successful exploitation
(I Dcc .Consequence) might result in the satisfying the prerequisite of any attack pattern in
AttPattern (I Dwa .PrereqResource) (lines 10 to 12). If it does, we register the cloud misuse
pattern and application attack pattern in invoke (line 13). For the exploit data structure, our
framework traverses all the attack patterns stored in AttPattern for each application element
in AppDesign (line 18 and 19). For a given attack pattern and application element, if the
resource required to execute the attack is available in the interaction type of the element

(line 20) then the attack pattern along with the application element is registered in the
exploit data structure (line 21). The threaten data structure is then created by using exploit
and include. Given an element present in exploit, if it also present in include, then the
corresponding attack pattern and connected element is added to the threaten data structure
(lines 26 to 28). Finally to create mitigate, our algorithm uses AppDesign and exploit to
identify the security measures that the elements have and checks if those security measures
suppresses the required resources to execute the attacks exploiting those elements (line 31).
If true, the element (along with its security measure) and corresponding attack patterns are
added to the mitigation data structure (line 32).
The inclusion of the invoke data structure introduces the cloud security domains
to the application security assessment procedure. As we transition from the cloud misuse
patterns to the application attack patterns (<< invoke >> in Figure 4), we can identify the
threats which might not have been considered if an application was hosted on the client’s
private network. As such, this kind of assessment will make clients relatively more prepared
in terms of (securely) designing their applications with plans of future cloud migration. This
will in turn considerably cut down the cost and uncertainties related to cloud security.
Once the misuse case diagrams have been generated, we model them as state transi-
tion diagrams to estimate the probabilistic spread of an attack in the event of their successful
execution. This is done by taking into consideration the severity and likelihood information
of the attack patterns present in AttPattern (Table 1). The state transition diagram shown in
Figure 5 for our use case scenario (Figure 2) depicts the routes that an attacker (or legitimate
user) can take across the application elements present in the system. In our use case scenario
for a hotel management web application’s reservation process, the usage starts with the log
in state for a user (if used by employee, they can directly access the next states with their
credentials). From log in, one can transition to creating a room reservation (or accessing an
already created one). This can be followed up with confirming the reservation, canceling
it, or fulfilling it.

Confirming a reservation can be followed up with either fulfilling it or closing it.

Once a reservation is fulfilled, it will be closed. From the canceled or closed states the
application usage reaches the stop state.

Confirm Fulfill
Reservation Reservation


EMPLOYEE Cancel Close

Reservation Reservation

Figure 5. State Transition Diagram for Use Case Scenario in Figure 2

The state transition diagram will then be used to depict the flow of different attacks
in the application. This information will be used to determine that - given a particular attack
pattern, which application elements are most susceptible (or critical) and thus, should be
protected in the event of an attack detection belonging to that pattern. These kinds of assess-
ments are necessary since it helps in the decision making process of effectively allocating
security measures for resource constrained clients. An intuitive approach in this assessment
would be to identify the nodes (application elements represented as DFD) which have the
highest connectivity, i.e. to measure the betweenness centrality of nodes. Although, relying
just on the topography of the graph (DFD) will not yield comprehensive results since there
is also a need to identify the nodes which are attributing most towards the spread of the
attack. In order to evaluate this we model our state transition diagram (Figure 5) by adopting
techniques similar to the concepts of percolation centrality [31] as defined previously in
eq. 4.

2.1.3. Identification of critical application elements. For our framework, in order

to model our state transition diagram (Figure 5) estimating the level of exploitation on a
particular node, we need to assess the following factors:

• Level of exploitation for a node.

• Transmission probability of an attack from one node to another.

To estimate the above factors, we will use the qualitative information related to the likelihood
and impact of attacks available from CAPEC and store it in our AttPattern table (Table 1).
In CAPEC, likelihood of an attack depicts the probability of success of an attack, taking into
consideration factors like attack prerequisite, skills and resources required, available and
implemented security measures and so on. Similarly, attack severity defines the average
impact of an attack on the targeted software which in conjunction with confidentiality,
integrity, and availability (CIA) impact can be used to determine the overall impact of
a successful attack. These CAPEC categories are qualitatively scored as very low, low,
medium, high, and very high. We will use attack severity and CIA impact to estimate
the level of exploitation of the nodes in our transition diagram (Figure 5) and the attack
likelihood to estimate the transmission probabilities. As such, we do not assume that if a
safe node is in contact with an exploited node, then it will also be compromised; we account
for the attack’s complexity and application design for such evaluations.
To quantitatively use the CAPEC’s qualitative ratings in our percolation centrality
computations, we assume a subjective rating scale of 0 → 1 and adopt the concepts similar
to [28] to generate the required rating scales as shown in Table 2. Given our rating scale
(0 → 1), we have assumed an error delta of ±0.1 units. We model the state of the attacks on
a node in the state transition diagram (Figure 5) based on the concepts presented in [30] for
infection spread across a network. In our context, we assume that at any given time interval
for a node attacks can be in one of the following states - exploited, safe, or exposed. An
attack in exploited state conveys that it has been successfully executed on that node.

Table 2. Quantitative Ratings for CAPEC Qualitative Scores

Qualitative Score Quantitative Scale Rating value

Very Low 0-0.2 0.1

Low 0.2-0.4 0.3

Medium 0.4-0.6 0.5

High 0.6-0.8 0.7

Very High 0.8-1 0.9

A safe state will indicate that a node has not been compromised by the attack, and
exposed state depicts that there has not been any evidence of a successful attack, but the
chances are high. We summarize these states and their state transition matrix setup in
Figure 6.

| p11 p12 p13 |

| p21 p22 p23 |
| p31 p32 p33 |
State Transition Matrix EXPLOITED

(2) (3)

Figure 6. Attack States and Transitions


For the sake of simplicity in our estimations, we assume that in each time interval,
an attacker will traverse a distance of one-hop in the state transition diagram (Figure 5) and
there will be no backtracking (an attack on a node in exploited state will not transition to
safe or exposed state).
Accordingly, projecting Figure 6 on Figure 5; for a node with an attack in the
exploited state in a given time interval, can either transition to exploited, safe or exposed
states on its connected forward node. If an attack on a node is in safe state it will also be in
safe state on the connected forward node in the next time interval. Finally, for an attack on
a node in exposed state can transition into either the exposed, safe, or exploited state on the
connected forward node. Hence, we can update our state transition matrix as:

   
 p11 p12 p13   p11 p12 p13 
   
 21 p22 p23  =  0 p22 0 
   
p    (5)
   
 p31 p32 p33   p31 p32 p33 
   
   

In eq. 5, a value of pi j = 0 indicates that there can be no transition from state

i to j. The remaining transition probabilities will be estimated using the likelihood of
success (given by l) of an attack k computed as (P(l) k ), a subjective security bias factor
(µ j ) estimating the impact of a security control to suppress an attack on a node j, and a
balancing weight (ωi ) based on the state (exploited, safe, or exposed) of the attack on the
previously connected node(s) i, as shown below:

P(s)i j = ωi × P(l) k ∗ µ j , ∀k ∈ AK


where P(s)i j is estimated transition probability of an attack between two nodes, vi and
v j having states i to j and AK is the total number of attacks under consideration for the
current node, v j . The security bias factor µ j ranges between 0 → 1, where 0 conveys the
belief that the implemented security measure can suppress the likelihood of the attack(s) in

AK completely and 1 indicates that the security measures has no impact on the attack(s).
Practically, the impact of µ j can be evaluated following the guidelines laid down for security
measures in [2]. The balancing weight ωi ∈ {E x, S, E p}, where E x, S, E p correspond to
Exploit, Safe, and Exposed state respectively. The estimate of P(s)i j will lie between 0 → 1.
We subjectively divide this into three ranges to determine the ωi value of the current
node. Since each of the nodes will correspond to an application element, one can determine
these ranges based on the specified asset level (Table 1 - high, medium, or low) of the
element during the security requirements phase. For example, an instantiation of these
ranges for a high security asset could be as follows:

0 → 0.1, ω j ∈ Sa f e ∧ ω j = 0

P(s)i j = 0.1 → 0.3, ω j ∈ E xposed ∧ ω j = 0.5


 0.3 → 1, ω j ∈ E xploited ∧ ω j = 1

These ranges can be adjusted according to the security objectives of a client. There-
fore based on P(s)i j , if an attack’s state on the current node v in a time interval t is estimated
to be in exploited state, then the level exploitation (xvt ) can be estimated as follows:

1 Õ Õ
Sevv j × NodeImpact (8)
AK ∀A ∀ak ∈AK

where AK is the total attacks under consideration for the current node, v j . Its quantitative
value can be estimated based on the rating scale shown in Table 2. a k is an attack in
AK . Sevvi and Sevcur is the net exploitation amount of the previous and current node,
respectively. The obtained value of xvt is normalized over the total number of attacks under
consideration in order to keep the final output in the range of 0 → 1. NodeImpact is an

application specific criteria which can be estimated as follows:

1 Õ Cak + Iak + Avak
Asset Level × (9)
AK ∀a ∈A 3
k K

where Asset Level ∈ {high, medium, low}, is the security relevance of the current node as
specified by the clients. Cak , Iak , Avak ∈ {high, medium, low} is the successful impact of
the current attack a k ∈ AK on confidentiality (C), integrity (I), and availability (Av). This
is further normalized to keep the final estimate within the selected quantitative scale. It can
be noted that if the previous node’s ωi ∈ Sa f e, Sevv j = 0, i.e. severity of the current node
connected to a safe node will be zero.
Finally, we need to update the level of exploitation computed in eq. 8 by including the
impact of the cloud platform misuse patterns which invokes the application attack patterns
(Figure 4). To do so, we use the result of the surveys conducted by cloud security alliance
(CSA) with regards to the top 12 cloud security threats and how they affect different cloud
security domains as listed in CSA’s cloud controls matrix documentation. A good publicly
available source in this domain can be found on Cloud Security Alliance’s (CSA) Security,
Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR)6. This registry is based on CSA’s Cloud Controls
Matrix (CCM) document [4], which provides security guidelines across sixteen cloud
security domains. These guidelines can be used by CSPs to provide security assessment
of their services and by client’s to evaluate the security guidelines present with a particular
CSP. Some examples of the security domains used in CCM are Application and Interface
Security, Audit Assurance and Compliance to Identity and Access Management and so
on. Each of these domains are broken down into their subcategories accompanied by
their control specification which helps in elaborating what kind of security measures and
compliance should addressed in these domains. CCM also lists the impact of these control
specifications on the cloud platform’s architectural domains like, Physical infrastructure,


Networking, Computing, Storage, Application, and Data as well as its applicability to

delivery models like, SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. We consider CCM version 3.0.1 which consists
of 133 total control specifications (16 domains and their subcategories). For more detailed
analysis, readers are kindly referred to work in [36].
We utilized the results presented in [36] to create a list (Table 3) showing the
importance of cloud security domains in terms of their security relevance. The score

Table 3. Cloud Domains Security Relevance

Domain Score
Identity and Access Management 8
Virtualization, Encryption and Key Management, Application Secu- 7
rity, Information Management and Data Security
Incident Response, Traditional Security Business Continuity and Dis- 5
aster Recovery, Cloud Computing Architectural Framework
Data Center Operations, Governance and Enterprise Risk Manage- 4
Interoperability and Portability, Legal Issues 2
Security as a Service, Compliance and Audit Management 1

column in Table 3 shows how many of the 12 cloud security threats affects the given cloud
security domains. For most of these cloud security domains, a cloud service provider (CSP)
does provide some level of security. Nonetheless, a client does have some responsibilities
related to them. We shortlist these domains and create our own ranked list in Table 4 using
the scores given in Table 3.

Table 4. Cloud Security Domain Ranked List

Domain Rank
Identity and Access Management 5
Virtualization, Encryption and Key Management, Application 4
Security, Information Management and Data Security
Disaster Recovery 3
Legal Issues 2
Compliance 1

We estimate the impact of our cloud misuse patterns on these cloud security do-
mains and update eq. 8 to compute the net exploitation level of an application element by
multiplying the normalized cloud security domain impact or CSDI using the ranks of the
cloud security domain as follows:

(CSDI × xvt )
(xvt )net = (10)
T otalDomains

where T otalDomains is the total number of unique cloud security domains affected in the
computation of xvt for a node v in the application. The resulting output of our framework
will then be a ordered list of application elements having a (xvt )net value ranging from
0 → 5. This value will depict their importance in terms of security evaluation after taking
into consideration the feasibility of attacks that can exploit it when either hosted on a
private network or a cloud platform. We demonstrate the results of applying our proposed
framework to the use case scenario in Section 3.
2.2. Complexity Analysis and Scalability. In this section, we discuss the com-
plexity involved in designing our proposed risk assessment framework and its scalability
with respect to large scale application scenarios.
The initial steps involves the input of the application design using data flow diagrams
and creation of a database using algorithm 3. The database consists of information like
include, invoke, exploit, threaten, and mitigate. The generation of these data structures is
upper bounded by O(n2 ) (for e.g. algorithm 3, lines 4 to 18). Although for an application
having a set amount of security measures and assuming that the number of entries in attack
pattern together with cloud exploits (Table 1) over a period of time remains constant, we can
state that the generation of our database takes place in a constant time. The generation and
input of these information is followed by the estimations of the net exploitation levels ((xvt )net )
by the traversing state transition diagrams as shown in Figure 5. These state transition
diagrams can be considered to be directed acyclic graphs and given the methodologies

used by our proposed risk assessment framework, an optimal way to traverse it will be to
apply breadth first search. For a graph consisting of V vertices and E number of edges, the
complexity of breadth first search is upper bounded by O(|V | + |E |) which is linear time.
As we visit each node, we compute the transition probabilities (P(s)i j ) and net exploitation
level of each node which takes constant time. Hence, assuming uniform attack patterns and
cloud exploits, our framework scales linearly as the size and complexity of the applications
On the contrary if we keep the application design constant and vary attack patterns,
cloud exploits, and security measures by taking into consideration different threat models
simultaneously, then the complexity and scalability of our risk assessment framework will
be squared. In a more pragmatic setup, we reckon that an application’s functionality
and security objectives drive the establishment of the attack models and not vice versa.
Therefore, it is more likely that future iterations of the design process will add more
application elements while keeping uniform attack models and security objectives.


In this section, we present the simulation results of our proposed risk assessment
framework applied to the use case scenario for a hotel management web application as
depicted in Figure 2. The primary input to our framework will be the state transition
diagram of our use case scenario which is obtained as explained in Section 2.1.2 and shown
in Figure 5. According to algorithm 3, we generate misuse patterns for our simulations
(Figure 4) which results in the set of the attacks as shown in Table 5.
The listed attacks having the superscript 1 originates in the application due to cloud
misuse pattern - malicious virtual machine instance. Whereas, attacks with superscript 2
is as a result of the misuse pattern - resource monitoring by adversary of collocated virtual
machines on the cloud platform. Remaining attacks can occur in the application due its

Table 5. Attack Set for Simulation

Attack CAPEC Attack CAPEC

Targeted Malware Attack1 542 Footprinting1 169
Directed Internal 529 Man in the Middle2 94
XSS through log files2 106 DoS - Excessive resource 130
Embedding scripts in non- 18 Embedding scripts in http 86
script element headers
Command injection OS 88 Command injection LDAP 136
command injection injection
Command injection SQL 66 Http DoS (outside cloud 469
injection boundaries)
Simple Script Injection 63 MitM (outside cloud 94

nature of being a web application, irrespective of being hosted privately or on the cloud
platform. We aggregate the severity, likelihood and CIA impact values of these attacks from
CAPEC and obtain their quantitative estimates according to our rating scales (Table 2).
While applying the risk assessment methodologies to Figure 5, we assume the start
node (application API) is susceptible to the attack set (AK ) (Table 5). As such, initially
the start node is assumed to be in the exploited state. Even though our framework will
help clients evaluate the impact of their incorporated security measures (µ j in eq. 6), its
primary focus is the prioritized identification of critical application elements which needs
to be protected in the event of different attack executions. The feasibility of this evaluation
relies on assuming the start node to be in the exploited state for all the attacks in AK .
The remaining transition probabilities (P(s)i j ) is computed according to eq. 6, which for
transition of an attack k ∈ AK between nodes, vi → v j , considers the likelihood of the attack
(P(l) k ), state of attack in vi , ωi ∈ {S, E p, E x} (eq. 7), and the security control µ j present
for attack k on node v j .

Table 6. Asset Type and ωi Ranges for Attacks

High Medium Low ωi

0 → 0.1 0 → 0.3 0 → 0.7 S
P(s)i j 0.1 → 0.3 0.3 → 0.7 0.7 → 0.9 Ep
0.3 → 1 0.7 → 1 0.9 → 1 Ex

For the sake of simplicity in our simulations, we have randomly selected the value
of µ j for the attacks from a continuous probability distribution of 0 → 1, where a value of 0
will indicate that the security measure is able to suppress the attack completely and a value
of 1 means that the security measure has no impact on the attack. For practical scenarios,
one can estimate µ j more accurately according the concepts of security measure evaluation
as given in [2]. Based on the estimates of the transition probabilities for the attacks and the
asset level of the node v j , we will shortlist the set of attacks that can exploit v j , expose it,
or reside in the safe threshold. This shortlist is created according to eq. 7 and we present
the ranges for high, medium, and low assets used for our simulations in Table 6.
In our simulation, the estimations of the assumed asset levels for our nodes in
Figure 5 is given in Table 7 along with the reasoning of our selections given the threat
model discussed in Section 2.1.1. All the remaining estimation parameters involved in our
risk assessment simulation along with their quantitative boundary values are summarized
in Table 8.
Let us consider the assessment of the following attacks from Table 5 - Embedding
scripts XSS in http headers, Footprinting, and XSS through log files. The likelihood (P(l) k )
for these attacks are 0.7, 0.7, and 0.5 respectively. The estimated µ j values for these attacks
on a simulation run are 0.02, 0.75, and 0.27 respectively. This indicates amount of security
on log in node for the considered attacks. Assuming an ωi value of 1 (estimated state of
attacks on start node), the transition probability from start node to Log in node for say XSS
in http headers attacks will be computed according to eq. 6 as shown in eq. 11. Similarly,
transition probabilities for Footprinting and XSS through log files attacks are - 0.525 and

Table 7. Assumed Asset Levels for Use Case Scenario

Node Asset Notes

Log in High Coupled with user credentials; source node
Create Reservation High If spoofed can occupy empty room slots,
denying service to legitimate users
Confirm Reserva- Medium Not of same value as create; but unwarranted
tion confirmations can still lead to unwanted con-
Cancel Reservation Low Reduces negative outcome even for spoofed
reservations. Not much value to adversary
Fulfill Reservation High Involves user financial transactions; destina-
tion node
Close Reservation Low Since it comes after fulfill, at this point there
is nothing to exploit

0.135. Once transition probabilities values are obtained, our framework estimates the state
of the attacks on the node they transitioned to. This is based on the specified asset level of
the nodes (Table 7) and ranges to determine the state (Table 6).

ωi × P(l) k ∗ µ j = 1.0 ∗ 0.7 ∗ 0.02

= 0.014

Table 8. Simulation Attributes

Attribute Notation Values

Attack likelihood (Continuous) P(l) k 0→1
Security bias (Continuous) µj 0→1
Balancing weight (Discrete) ωi {0,0.5,1}
Transition probability (Continuous) P(s)i j 0→1
Exploitation level (Continuous) (xvt )net 0→5
Asset level (Discrete) AssetLevel {0.7,0.5,0.3}
CIA impact (Discrete) C, I, Av {0.7,0.5,0.3}
Cloud security domain impact (Discrete) CSDI {1,2,3,4,5}

For our use case scenario, Log in node’s asset level is high. Hence, XSS in http
headers will fall into the safe state and thus, will not be considered for further transitions.
Footprinting and XSS through log files will fall in exploited and exposed categories, and
will be considered as the new attack set from which attacks can transition to the next
nodes. Further, in order to compute the net exploitation of a node ((xvt )net ) in state transition
diagram (eq. 8, 9, and 10), we consider only the attacks that are present in exploited state for
a given node. As such exploitation due to Footprinting attack will be computed as shown
in eq. 12. These computations will involve normalizations if multiple attacks are present
in the exploited attack set. Further, if the attacks in the exploited state are initiated due to
the misuse cases of the cloud platform then we update the level of exploitation computed
This is done by including the cloud security domain impact factor (eq. 10), for
e.g. Footprinting attack is invoked as a result of malicious virtual instances. This misuse
pattern can impact the identity and access management domain by injecting malware causing
identity theft in the application or leading to misconfiguration of the application’s virtual

Cak + Iak + Avak

xvt =Sevv j × Asset Level ×
(0.5 + 0.3 + 0.3)
=0.1 ∗ 0.7 ∗ (12)


Thus, we recompute the level of exploitation by using the ranks of these cloud security
domains (Table 4) as follows:

(CSDI × xvt )
(xvt )net = = ((5 + 4) ∗ 0.0252)/2
T otalDomains

Table 9. Simulation Results

Node Severity Cloud Domains Net Exploitation

(xvt ) (CSDI) ((xvt )net )
Log in 0.30 5,4 1.33
Create reservation 0.33 5,4 1.47
Confirm reserva- 0.32 4 1.26
Cancel reservation 0 NA 0
Fulfill reservation 0.39 4 1.53
Close reservation 0 NA 0

These processes are repeated until no more attacks remain in the attack set to transition onto
the next node or all the nodes in the state transition diagram have been traversed. For cases
where a node may have multiple child nodes, like create reservation can be transitioned to
from log in as well as start node (Figure 5), our framework will consider the maximum of
the ωi values of an attack from the multiple transitions. To elaborate this, consider an attack
which transitions from start node to log in node and gets categorized as safe or exposed
state. If categorized as safe, this attack will not be considered for transition from log in
node to create reservation node. For exposed, the ωi value will be taken as 0.5, reducing
the transition capabilities of the attack. But if the create reservation node can be directly
reached from the start node, the adversary can bypass the security measures present in the
log in node. Further, absence of adequate security measures create reservation node, may
result in exploit state. In doing so, if this attack was in safe state from log in to create
reservation it will be added to the attack set (maximum of ωi ∈ {0, 1}) or category will be
updated to exploited (by taking maximum of ωi ∈ {0.5, 1}).
Once we have computed xvt , we update it by adding the cloud domain impact by
identifying the attacks in the attack set belonging the exploited category originating as a
result of the cloud misuse patterns. Accordingly, the final obtained results of (xvt )net value
for our use case scenario nodes are given in Table 9. The net exploitation column in Table 9
translates to the amount of threat an application element is susceptible to in the event of

attacks executed from the set of attacks AK . Sorting net exploitation in descending order
will yield a prioritized list of critical application elements which needs to be secured in the
event of security exploits on the application.
With regards to our use case scenario, the risk assessment framework gives notable
relevance in securing fulfill reservation. This is followed by create, log in, and confirm
reservation. Finally, no emphasis is given to cancel and close reservation elements. We
reckon that this behavior is based on the nature of our use case application wherein the fulfill
reservation element is responsible for handling financial transactions. Create reservation is
given the second highest relevance for two foreseeable reasons. First, it is the crux of the
entire room reservation process making sure that service availability is present for legitimate
users. Secondly, it can be directly accessed by employees of the hotel as well as by external
users through the log in process. Given the possibilities of outsider and insider attacks on
one node in contrast to just outsider attacks on log in node, create reservation in our opinion
gets rated higher than log in node. The third node emphasized in the output is log in, for
being the entry point of all outsider attacks and also hosting user’s authentication facilities.
This makes it prone to attacks that would steal user credentials. Confirm reservation is the
last on the list which is given some security emphasis. Attacks on this node will aggravate
the denial of service situation which can start from the create reservations node. But we
reckon that the reason it gets a lower relevance compared to the other nodes is because
higher capabilities are required by an attacker to exploit this node as they will need to
commit some form of identity to confirm a reservation. Finally, no emphasis is given to
cancel and close reservation which could be because an attacker does not stand to gain
anything by exploiting these nodes with regards to our assumed threat model.
With respect to our use case scenario, such output validates the security objectives
specified in the security requirements phase but it also provides some additional insights
into the scenario. First, our framework provides deeper granularity of security emphasis
to a set of application elements belonging to the same asset level category. To elaborate

this, let us consider the traditional approach to allocate security resources. It is done based
on the asset level (high, medium, or low) of different application elements specified during
the security requirements phase. But then the question is - for all elements belonging
to a particular asset level should we allocate equal amounts of security resource? One
can answer this question by performing a bunch of what-if analysis or using other similar
methods. Although, our assessment framework semi-automates this approach. Considering
our use case scenario, all three nodes - log in, create reservation, and fulfill reservation are
categorized as high asset level. After the output of our framework, we are presented with a
more prioritized output - fulfill reservation ((xvt )net = 1.53) > create reservation ((xvt )net =
1.47) > log in ((xvt )net = 1.33) . In terms of decision making of security resource allocation
and further assessments, this will provide more clarity to clients.
Secondly, the output also factors in the threats arising due to the cloud platform. The
severity column in Table 9 shows the security relevance given to the application elements
while considering it solely as a web application. In this direction, the impact on confirm
reservation (xvt = 0.315) is higher than that of log in (xvt = 0.296) which in a way is
contradictory to the asset level specification of these elements in our use case scenario -
confirm reservation: medium and log in: high. However, once we include the effect of the
attacks originating from the cloud platform which can exploit the application in the form
of cloud security domain impact (Table 4, eq. 10), we see that log in ((xvt )net = 1.33) gets
a higher priority than confirm reservation ((xvt )net = 1.26). Hence, aligning the obtained
output with the specified security objectives.


In contrast to traditional approaches of hosting an application on a private network,

it is more cost efficient for clients to migrate their application to a cloud platform. However,
this move also entails security concerns on the client’s part regarding their application.

Taking such challenges into consideration, our proposed framework has the added inclusion
of cloud security domains in terms of performing risk assessment for their application
during the design phase of the software development lifecycle process.
Clients can use our proposed framework to comprehensively assess the security
threats it might be exposed to as result of being a web application which might be hosted on
a cloud platform in the future. Such kinds of assessment performed during the design phase
makes the development process economical for the clients and also helps them prepare
against the security uncertainties of hosting their application on a cloud platform. The
relevance of our proposed framework can be expressed in two salient features.
First, to help clients estimate the impact of preventative security measures they plan
to incorporate in their application. Secondly, to identify critical assets in the application
that needs to be protected in the event of successful attack exploitations. The latter being
the primary focus of our framework, clients are presented with a list of application elements
prioritized according to their level of exploitation by taking into account a feasible set of
attacks. Such output list will help in the decision making process of allocating security
resources which may be constrained by a client’s budget.
Furthermore, if multiple application elements are declared as high asset levels during
the security requirements phase, it is imperative for clients to decide whether to allocate
them with equal amounts of security resources. One way to address this is to use traditional
mechanisms like annualized loss expectancy (ALE) [40]. But coupling these mechanisms
such as ALE with the output of our framework can be used to gain a deeper understanding
of the security impacts on the application elements belonging to the same asset level and
how much of that impact is contributed by threats from the cloud platform. These outputs
can be further used in conjunction with the functionality of the application elements in
question, which will help in making more informed decisions related to security measures

Additionally, clients can also estimate how much security impact the cloud will
have on their application elements. It will help them analyze scenarios like - will the risk
of an application element solely increase because of being on the cloud. Knowing what
elements could be vulnerable on the cloud at an earlier stage of software development will
make clients much more prepared once they migrate their application to the cloud platform.
This is beneficial in contrast to patching or rewriting their application elements or having
to solely rely on the security provided by cloud vendors.


In this section, we will briefly discuss the literature review related to our proposed
risk assessment framework. In doing so, we have categorized them into two domains -
(1) risk assessment of applications in different stages of the software development lifecycle
process, and (2) risk assessment of cloud computing platforms.
As presented in [40] [41], risk analysis has become an integral part in the various
stages of the software development process. Building in security from the design to the
testing phase of a software results in more secure software and makes the overall process
cost-efficient. One of the most notable risk assessment works in this regard is [5] leading to
the maturation of Microsoft’s STRIDE process which is now one of the widely accepted risk
assessment standards in the community. Several works followed thereafter to improve the
risk assessment process like [38], [25], [6], [42]. Further, authors in [14] have addressed the
automation of the risk assessment models during the software design phases. Along these
lines, works like [27] have also presented techniques for inclusion of security mechanisms
in the various stages of the agile software development process which is now one of
popular models in the software development process. In addition to inclusion of security
mechanisms in the software design and development stages, several works like [29], [12], [7]
have addressed the security aspects in the software testing stages. Their primary focus in
this domain being the automated generation of security aware software test cases.

Numerous works are present in the literature that addresses risk assessments method-
ologies related to the cloud computing domain as surveyed in [20]. Some of the earlier
works in this domains discusses the security impacts uniquely arising due to the cloud
infrastructure like in [19], which investigates the threats occurring due to the setup and
distribution of cloud services, outlining the threats in terms confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of cloud infrastructure. Whereas, other risk assessment works discusses security
concerns related to very specific domains such as network based attacks [24], and security
concerns related to the data residing on the cloud platform [33]. The authors in [39] have
also explored into the possibilities of providing risk assessment as a service to the clients
contemplating hosting their application on the cloud platform.
Other works like [16], introduces security metrics to service level agreement (SLA)
documents such that clients can not only assess the quality of service related to a cloud
service they want to rent but also the security risks associated to it. Further with respect
to assessing the security of cloud platforms a challenging aspect is to keep up with the
dynamic environment of the cloud platform as well as the evolving needs of the clients. In
this regard, authors in [13] have proposed a tool for dynamic and flexible service provisioning
of cloud services to clients which can account for estimations of parameters such as trust,
associated risks, and cost. Such tools will help clients in predicting and adapting efficiently
to unanticipated changes in resource requirements on the cloud platform.
In more recent trends, authors in [10] propose a risk assessment framework for cloud
computing platforms by assessing the SLA as presented by clients and assessing from the
cloud vendor’s perspective to check the number of SLA violations that might take place
in accordance to the demands presented by the clients in their SLA. Other recent works in
risk assessment of cloud service provider as presented in [9], utilizes information gathered
from clients and cloud vendors to assess different risk scenarios. They do so by proposing a
machine learning framework which leverages the security evaluation documents of various

cloud vendors publicly available on Cloud Security Alliance Security, Trust and Assurance
Registry or STAR to present a quantitative rating output to describe the risk associated with
different cloud services.
Nevertheless, performing risk assessment requires an actionable output which users
can utilize. In this regard, quantitative estimates have leverage over qualitative analysis.
Therefore, works can be found across the literature both in terms quantitative risk assessment
for software applications [43] and for cloud security [34], [15]. Finally, a pre-requisite to
performing risk assessment is to understand and estimate the types of security threat an
application (or platform) might be exposed to. In this regards, security attack patterns
coupled with misuse cases is a good way to elicit the mechanisms in which an application
might be attacked. Security attack patterns for software application have been studied
vehemently by the community [26] and its coupling with application abuse [22], [44] and
misuse cases [37], [11], [32] have well-found acceptance and feasibility. But in contrast to
the well-studied attack and misuse patterns of software applications, cloud misuse patterns
[18] are still in its dormant stages and requires further analysis to create a comprehensive
knowledge base which can be used in a modular fashion to analyze the risks associated to
software applications which will be migrated to the cloud platform.
In comparison to the aforementioned works, our proposed framework attempts to
bridge the gap between performing risk assessment for software applications and the cloud
platform. In doing so, we integrated cloud security domains to the risk assessment procedure
of a software application during its design phase. Our framework not only helps clients to
assess the security measures they plan to incorporate in their application but also to identify
application elements which needs to be protected in the event of a successful attack. Such
estimations will also help to single out the impact of the cloud platform thereby boosting
the client’s confidence in terms of the security of their application on a cloud platform.


In this paper, we have presented a risk assessment framework for applications during
its design phase by introducing cloud security domains as an assessment metric. This has
been done with the objective of benefiting clients who might consider migrating their
application to the cloud platform in the future. In doing so, clients will not only understand
the threats that their application might be exposed to, but also how much of that threat is
due to hosting of their application on a cloud platform. This will help clients design and
develop applications with much more preparedness towards the security uncertainties of the
cloud platform.
The presented risk assessment framework will give the clients a list of application
elements that needs to be secured in the event of different attack exploits. Using this output
clients will be able to allocate security resources appropriately in case they are limited by
budgetary constraints. To our knowledge, there is no prior work addressing the design phase
risk analysis of applications to be hosted on cloud platforms.
As a part of our future work, we would like to develop a much more comprehen-
sive cloud misuse pattern database and extend our risk assessment framework to develop
and suggest efficient security measures addressing the economics involved in the security
spending process. We also intend to develop the design phase risk assessment tool in future.


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Amartya Sen, Kenneth K Fletcher*, and Sanjay Madria

Department of Computer Science
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Rolla, Missouri 65409–0050
Email: {asrp6,madrias}
*Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts Boston, USA

The Internet of Things (IoT) environment is characterized by heterogeneous devices
which collaborates to facilitate various sensing services to users in different domains. Cur-
rently, these services are provisioned to users by having them specify their functional and
quality of service (QoS) preferences, similar to traditional QoS-driven web services selec-
tion methods. However, adopting conceptually similar web services selection framework for
IoT environments is not sufficient because they do not allow users to specify their security
preferences. Similar to QoS preferences, a user’s security preferences may vary and change
over time. Hence, there is a need for a framework that will allow users to explicitly specify
their varying security preferences for IoT services. In this paper, we propose a user-centric
framework for secure service provisioning in IoT environments by allowing users to express
their variable security preferences and QoS requirements from the network that will support
their applications. Additionally, we present a multilayer perceptron to validate the users’
satisfaction feedback from the provisioned services.

This is done by utilizing deep learning techniques and quality of experience (QoE)
information captured from the physiological sources like wearable body sensors. In this
regard, we simulate our framework on a case scenario, discuss its applicability and chal-
Keywords: Internet of Things; User-centric modeling; Security Preferences; Variable
Security Compositions;


The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm is becoming a norm across many different
user-centric applications. It facilitates services to users by encapsulating their way of life
with the Big data sensed by surrounding wireless devices. Service provisioning for IoT-
based applications involve developing frameworks which will identify a subset of wireless
devices, tasked to serve different users. Generally, such frameworks consist of two primary
layers - perception layer, comprising of IoT sensory devices, and management layer like the
Cloud or Edge platforms to process the sensed data.
Existing IoT-based frameworks extend these two layers according to their applica-
tion’s need, in different domains like industry [20], health care [10]. Therein, they address
specific issues either arising due to resource constrained IoT devices or interoperability
challenges as a result of device heterogeneity [1], or discuss about making the management
layer more efficient [16]. Although novel in their own regards, these frameworks lack the
inclusion of user-centric behavior to dispense IoT-based services accounting for a user’s
Quality of Service (QoS) and security preferences. The aspect of addressing user QoS dur-
ing service discovery and selection has been presented in [21]. The primary focus there is to
outline the process of dynamic identification of IoT devices for service selection. However,
they do not consider the satisfaction or variability of a user’s QoS/seurity preferences.

In addition to QoS, users’ security requirements from the participating devices in

various IoT based application scenarios plays an important role. However, addressing
security in this domain is a challenging task. This is because IoT devices are resource
constrained (mainly in terms of memory, energy, and bandwidth) and thus, cannot support
the well established resource intensive security protocols. Rullo et al. [17] address this
challenge by leveraging concepts of optimization and game theory. However, the allocation
of security resources is done from the infrastructure’s perspective and do not include users
in the loop. For the task of service provisioning in IoT environments, the aspect of security
cannot be treated as a constant parameter. This is because security attacks on a network (e.g
denial of service) has an impact on the QoS parameters (e.g. response time). Therefore,
similar to network QoS, a user may have variable security preferences which must be taken
into consideration, in addition to their QoS and functional preferences (e.g. region of
interest, service duration) during service provisioning.
To elaborate this scenario, let us consider an instantiation of an IoT service for
disaster management integrated with a Cloud platform. It can consist of an IoT infrastructure
layer enumerated by devices like cellphones, sensor nodes, wearable body sensors, gathering
and relaying data such as temperature, CO2 , user heart rate, images and video feeds. The
management layer can be the traditional Cloud platform or Sensor Cloud [14], a variant of
the Cloud platform to provide sensing-as-a-service. In a typical scenario, normal users may
query for k nearest safe zones or evacuation routes. In contrast, rescue workers and first
responders can analyze and query incoming sensory data (or image/video feeds) to gauge the
disaster affected regions. Service provisioning parameters (functional, QoS and security)
for both regular and first responder category users may not be the same. Furthermore, it is
typical for users, even within the same user category, to have different needs. For example,
one user may give more emphasis to privacy and authentication of data whereas another
may give more priority to availability and latency.

In such a scenario, a framework modeled in a secure user-centric fashion will allow its
users to specify their functional, and variable QoS and security preferences. This paradigm
will include users in the service provisioning loop instead of solely relying on the innate
networking and security capabilities of the IoT infrastructure. In turn, this will alleviate
some of users’ apprehension about the security provided by their subscribed services,
thereby improving the overall user experience; something that existing IoT frameworks do
not address.
The output of a user-centric service provisioning framework is an IoT network
provisioned to a user based on their functional and variable QoS and security preferences.
The effectiveness of this output is evaluated based on the satisfaction of subscribed users
with respect to using the provisioned services. In traditional web services selection domain,
this is measured based on a subjective satisfaction feedback provided by the user [8]
[4]. Although, such a feedback maybe either prone to bias, or inaccurate due to users’
lack of service familiarity leading to sub-optimal results [22]. To address this challenge
during service provisioning in IoT environments, a novel way is to incorporate quantitative
evaluation of users’ quality of experience (QoE) information [7]. This can be obtained from
users’ physiological data like Electrocardiogram (ECG), Galvanic skin response (GSR), or
skin temperature, which can help elucidate different user emotions [18] and validate the
subjective satisfaction feedback provided by the users.
Our objective in this work is to address the aforementioned challenges by proposing
a user-centric service provisioning framework for IoT environments, designed to achieve
variable security, QoS preferences and users’ satisfaction. Our contributions in this regard
are as follows:

• Enable users to specify their personalized security preferences during service provi-
sioning, thereby modeling network security as a variable parameter similar to network

• Introduce the concept of variable security composition paradigm to capture a user’s

variable preferences on their desired security protocols;

• Model service provisioning by integrating concepts of multi-objective optimization

and user elastic preference specification; and

• Design a multilayer perceptron to accurately validate users subjective satisfaction

feedback by incorporating physiological sensor data and deep learning emotion clas-
sification methodologies.

The rest of the paper is outlined as follows. In Section 2 we discuss some of

the notable and significant works in the literature. We present our application scenario
and proposed method in Section 3 and follow it up with our evaluations and analysis in
Section 4. Finally, we conclude our paper and discuss some of the challenges which we will
address as a part of our future work in Section 5.


The task of service provisioning in IoT domain is of importance due to the presence
of numerous heterogeneous energy and resource-constrained IoT devices, collaborating
to provide various services to users. This task becomes especially challenging when the
services have to abide by some quality of service (QoS) and security requirements. This is
because of the dynamic and uncertain nature of the IoT environment in which the services
may span across multiple platforms.
Along these directions, [12] has proposed a probabilistic approach to evaluate the
dependability and cost of service composition in IoT environments. They propose a finite
state machine (FSM) to model the functional preferences and extend their FSM to use
Markov decision processes to model the costs of the IoT services.

[3] has also proposed a method that utilizes social network paradigm to manage
IoT devices and dispense services in a distributed fashion. They make use of RESTful
web services to abstract the device specifications, thereby providing a transparent layer to
invoke their services. Other works like [15] and [11] discuss the topics of conservation
of energy of IoT devices while service provisioning. In this regard, [15] has outlined an
evolutionary game approach which aims at avoiding the congestion of different services
on the same set of IoT devices thereby increasing application hosting lifetime. In [11], in
addition to energy consumption, it also addresses the optimal management of QoS. To do
so, it proposed an energy-centered QoS-aware service selection algorithm (EQSA) which
identifies IOT services based on QoS preferences requested by a user They subsequently
evaluate the preferences based on Pareto optimality of their energy consumption and user’s
QoS preferences. In a similar direction, [21] has proposed an event-aware framework for
dynamic services discovery and selection in IoT domain. Their primary focus in this regard
is the dynamic discovery of the available services in an unpredictable IoT environment
along with accounting for the user’s QoS requirements.
These proposed models and approaches are not comprehensively user-centric as
they do not address the satisfaction and variability of the considered users’ QoS. Further,
users’ security preferences, similar to their QoS requirements may vary, and needs to be
considered while developing a user-centric framework for service provisioning. Addition-
ally, optimization techniques and game theory approaches may yield optimal results, but
it leaves users with the task of identifying the best plan from the Pareto optimal services.
We address this challenge by introducing ranking of optimized service plans by allowing
users to specify their trade-off on optimization objectives like security, QoS, and cost. This
notion is adopted from web services selection which has been heavily based on ranking
services according to their QoS factors as shown in [8]. Since, combining multiple QoS
factors makes QoS-based service selection a difficult task, as users struggle to find the right
service with an optimal QoS factors combination [8].

Recently, the utilization of users’ physiological data to create personalized contents

by evaluating their emotional levels has seen a rising trend in different domains. [9] has
proposed a model that relies on users’ physiological data to analyze their experience related
to video games and created user-tailored contents to increase their levels of engagement. [5]
also proposed a model for self-adaptive software systems which collects several user data
like electrodermal activity, physical activity, and skin temperature. In addition, [2] has
proposed a method to use physiological sensor data to make decisions in the health care
domain. However, these works tend to use an emotion classification index which is binary
in nature i.e. presence or absence of emotions like joy, stress, anxiety, etc. This was
addressed in [18], where a model using pscyho-physiological user data simulated for a
mobile gaming environment using a naive Bayes approach to classify a user’s frustration on
multiple levels has been proposed. Our proposed multilayer perceptron to validate user’s
satisfaction feedback in this work is inspired by the techniques presented in [18]. We classify
multiple levels of user satisfaction using deep learning techniques and supplement users’
physiological data with their functional, QoS, and security preferences used for service
provisioning in IoT environments.


Our proposed user-centric service provisioning framework in IoT environments, for

providing on-demand variable security and QoS comprises of two main stages: (1) IoT
service provisioning, and (2) user satisfaction feedback validation.
In the first stage, service provisioning output for a given user will be a Pareto optimal
set of IoT networks, composed of different combination of IoT devices, formulated based on
three primary user inputs: (1) functional preferences (2) QoS preferences and (3) security
protocol preferences. The service provisioning stage is first modeled as a multi-objective
optimization problem, employing existing genetic algorithms like NSGA-II [6], with the
goal of minimizing cost incurred by users subscribing to the IoT services (Section 3.1),

QoE & Sat.Feedback MLP Classifier

Selected Network

IoT Satisfaction Feedback
Service Provisioning Validation
Optimizer User Linguistic IoT
Engine Trade-off Engine DB

User-centric IoT Service Provisioning

IoT Devices

Figure 1. User-centric IoT Service Provisioning Framework Summary

and maximizing the satisfaction of users’ QoS (Section 3.2.1) and security preferences
(Section 3.2.2). However, optimization approaches minimize the individual objectives
without any regard of the relationship that exists between them.
For instance, security preferences (e.g. a heavyweight encryption scheme) and QoS
(e.g. response time) are conflicting and therefore, both might not be satisfied at the same
time. In such scenarios, users should be able to explicitly trade-off amongst the optimization
objectives, making their overall preferences known to IoT service providers. To do this, we
have adopted the method outlined by authors in [8].
In the second stage, users will subscribe to, and use one of the IoT networks from the
service provisioning stage. While doing so, their physiological data like electro cardiograph
(ECG), galvanic skin response (GSR), and skin temperature will be collected and propagated
to our framework. After the service duration ends, users will provide a subjective satisfaction
feedback on a scale of very high, high, medium, low, very low. This feedback will be used
as ground truth and the collected physiological data along with the input parameters of
stage 1 will be passed through our multilayer perceptron (MLP) (Section 3.4), to accurately
validate the users’ satisfaction feedback. A summary of our proposed framework is shown
in Figure 1.

The service provisioning stage is aided by the optimizer engine and the user pref-
erence trade-off engine (Figure 1), which will help to output a ranked list of optimal IoT
networks, conforming to a user’s explicit trade-off strategy with respect to cost, QoS, and
security preferences. The user satisfaction feedback validation stage is supported by our
proposed MLP classifier that helps to validate a user’s satisfaction feedback by using their
quality of experience (QoE) information. Further, our framework also utilizes an IoT device
metadata database which is detailed in Section 4.
In the following sections, we outline the utility models for cost, QoS, and security
preferences that is used at the IoT service provisioning stage, in conjunction with the
optimization engine (see Figure 1), to generate optimal networks that meets the request of
a particular user.
3.1. Functional Preferences and Cost Model. The IoT service provisioning stage
of our proposed framework first takes a user’s functional preferences input, and matches it
against the IoT metadata database, to identify a candidate set of existing IoT devices, which
can facilitate service for the user. In this regard, a user’s functional preference input consists
of a string containing:

1. The desired sensing attributes, networking, and data protocols;

2. Four coordinates representing their desired region of interest;

3. Sensing frequency and service duration;

4. Cost, QoS, and security satisfaction thresholds; and

5. User preference trade-off strategy on the optimization utilities.

Our framework first performs a functional preference match to filter a set of relevant IoT
devices that are present in the IoT database. Thereafter, from this set, devices which can
provide sensing service in the user’s desired region of interest, are selected as the candidate
set. This candidate set will be passed onto the optimizer engine. In this engine, the utilities

of QoS, Security preferences (Section 3.2.1 and 3.2.2), and costs (Section 3.1.1) will be
evaluated against the threshold values specified by the user, as his/her functional preference
(trade-off analysis discussed in Section 3.3).
3.1.1. Cost model. In our framework, we compute the cost (C) to users for sub-
scribing to the services of the provisioned IoT networks based on the volume of data traffic
(ν) that will generated and transmitted to the user. This will be directly proportional to the
sensing frequency ( f ), service duration (τ), and number of devices (η), constituting the IoT
network serving a particular user, as shown below:

C ∝( f , τ, η)

ν =f × τ ×η (1)

C =K × ν

where K is a constant, representing the subjective service provider specific cost value per
byte of data transmitted. This will be one of the optimization utilities that our framework’s
optimization engine will attempt to minimize. A notable thing in this regard is that, since
the cost C is directly proportional to the number of participating devices in the network (η),
attempts to minimize C will be directly affected by minimizing η, as the other two factors
are user specific constants. Further, if CT is the cost threshold that a user is willing to pay
for a service, we define the cost satisfaction degree iCd as follows:

iCd = (CT − C)/CT | (iCd < 1)&(CT , C) > 0 (2)

As iCd approaches 1, better is the cost satisfaction degree. A negative value for iCd indicates
that the cost of provisioned network is greater than what the user is willing to pay (CT ).
Finally, iCd cannot be 1, since this will mean that there is no service cost involved with the
provisioned network. The objective of our optimization framework will be to maximize the
utility of cost satisfaction degree. In addition to the cost utilities, for each of the networks

formulated using the IoT devices in the candidate set, our framework computes the utilities
of their QoS and security preferences satisfaction degrees. These computations are done
based on a user’s non-functional preference input and our QoS and security preference
models. We outline the same in the following section.
3.2. Non-functional Preferences and QoS-Security Models. The input to our
QoS and security preference satisfaction models is a user’s non-functional preference. This
input will be a string containing: (1) user’s preference trade-off strategy on QoS attributes;
(2) desired upper and lower bound values indicating the user’s variable QoS preferences;
and (3) list of variable security protocols and their preference weights. The first two inputs
will be used to compute the QoS satisfaction degree, whereas the third input will be used
to compute the security preference satisfaction degree of a provisioned network. We detail
these computations in the following subsections.
3.2.1. User preference on QoS factors. As mentioned in Section 3.1, functional
attributes in the domain of IoT can be captured through parameters like region of interest,
sensing frequency, and service duration. On the other hand, non-functional attributes like
QoS preferences, are typically captured based on a combination of factors like availability,
reliability, throughput, and response time. However, with the availability of several devices
in a given region of interest with similar functionality, users may end up with multiple
networks that can facilitate a requested service. Therefore, the challenge is to select
the service, via an IoT network, that best satisfies a user’s requirements. To address
this challenge, users can personalize their preferences on QoS factors, which provides a
distinction among competing IoT networks. Although, this personalization comes with
additional challenges such as having to deal with conflicting QoS attributes and being
unable to explicitly specify their trade-offs among QoS factors to make their preferences
known to service providers.

To ensure that users’ personalized preferences on QoS factors are fully captured,
we employ a method based on fuzzy logic [8]. The method allows users to represent their
variable QoS requirements and associated importance using linguistic terms to specify their
personalized trade-off strategies. Users’ personalized QoS attribute requirements are first
captured through linguistic terms, then by users’ membership function, and finally users’
importance on QoS factor(s). For instance, a user may specify response time QoS factor as
follows: The response time for my IoT network must be HIGH, which is a linguistic term
in fuzzy logic whose membership function specifies a user’s preference on the response
time QoS factor. Formally, let S = {s1, s2, s3, ..., sn } denote a set of services representing
IoT networks formulated using a combination of IoT devices in the identified candidate set,
U = {u1, u2, u3, ..., um } be a set of users, and Q = {q1, q2, q3, ..., qk } a set of QoS factors
describing each provisioned IoT network. The personalized QoS preference PUij for a user
Ui on their QoS factor Q j is a membership function δ and a weighting factor $ given as:

PUij = δ(Ui, Q j ) × $(Ui, Q j ) (3)

Generally, there are several QoS factors that describe a service. Therefore, the overall
personalized service requirement, RUi , can be specified using individual personalized QoS
preference, PUij , and an aggregation operator, as shown in eq. 4. Here, is any of the
à Ã

fuzzy connective operators ∧, ∨ or ⊗. Given a user Ui , their preferences on QoS factors

Q1 and Q2 , PUQi1 and PUQi2 the fuzzy connective operators are computed as shown in eq. 5.
In our proposed framework, the following QoS factors are considered - Response time
(RT), Availability (A), Throughput (T), and Reliability (RE). Therefore, for a user Ui , an
instantiation of eq. (4) using his/her personalized QoS preferences PUij is shown in eq. 6.
Given S, Q, and R, the service provisioning process in the IoT environment can be modeled
as a ranking in terms of the satisfaction of requirement R.

Therefore, for any two services Si and S j composed of a combination of IoT devices,
the concept in eq. 7 should hold true.

RUi = PUij (4)

min(PUQi1, PUQi2 )

 ∧,

Ä 

= ∨,

 max(PUQi1, PUQi2 ) (5)

mean(PUQi1, PUQi2 )

 ⊗,

RUi = PURTi ∧ PUAi ∨ PUT i ⊗ PURE


RUi = min(PURTi , PUAi ) ∨ mean(PUT i , PURE

) (6)

RUi = max(min(PURTi , PUAi ), mean(PUT i , PURE


Si  S j ⇐⇒ Sat R (Si ) ≥ Sat R (S j ) (7)

Where Sat R (Si ) (eq. 6 and 7) represents the QoS satisfaction degree of service Si with
respect to some user requirement R. Hence, using eq. (3) and (4) our framework will
compute the QoS satisfaction utility (Sat R ) which will be maximized by the optimization
engine of our framework during service provisioning. Nevertheless, QoS preferences do
not completely model the secure user-centric paradigm of our proposed framework. In
addition to QoS preferences, an essential component is to account for the user’s variable
security preferences which we discuss in the next section.
3.2.2. Variable security preferences. The different layers of a typical IoT frame-
work may have different security requirements for different application domain (e.g. health
care, smart cities, etc). The different security requirements stems from the presence of
diverse range of participating devices and protocols, which makes the incorporation of

end-to-end security a challenging task. Furthermore, with respect to developing an IoT

framework to account for users security preferences, it is challenging to rely on a univer-
sally defined security policy. This is because a user’s security requirements may vary with
time. For example, they may initially have a higher preference on confidentiality of data,
but at a later stage may have more emphasis on network availability. These circumstances
necessitate the presence of variable security composition (VSC) paradigm, that will be
flexible according to users’ varying security preferences and device capabilities to support
In our proposed framework, VSC will be characterized using two parameters: (1)
users’ security protocol preferences (SPP), and (2) IoT network’s security protocols used.
The first parameter will be influenced by the nature of the IoT application (e.g. health care
vs. military), type of user (e.g. normal users vs. first responders), service requests (e.g. real-
time vs. off-line data requests). Additionally, our framework will impose minimum security
requirements (incorporated by the second parameter) which could be in the directions of
having accurate data, available with some level of confidentiality and integrity. The effect
of a user’s preferences on security will play a role in scenarios such as real-time data access,
where users may give a higher priority to aspects such as data stream rate. As a result,
users may prefer a lightweight encryption scheme with alternate data packet authentication.
Although, if users are more concerned about their privacy, they will give higher preferences
to heavyweight encryption schemes and authenticating every data packet.
At any given instant of time, a single IoT device can be a part of multiple IoT
networks providing services to different users simultaneously. As such, there is a possibility
that an IoT device might be hosting a composition of security measures and inter-operating
between them. These compositions of security measures hosted by an IoT device will be
self contained within a capsule and the emphasis of a capsule will be determined by the

needs and capabilities of the service provisioning networks it is a part of. The number of
capsules in a device will not exceed host device’s processing power and available resources.
We formalize our proposition for this scenario as follows:

Definition 3.1. Variable Security Compositions: Variable security compositions is denoted

by a set {Ψ1, Ψ2, · · · , ΨL }. Where L is the number of layers present in the IoT framework,
and Ψi is a security composition hosted by a device belonging to a layer i, which can
be represented by a set {ϑ1, ϑ2, · · · , ϑm }. Where ϑ is a security capsule composed of
a specific composition of security measures either addressing confidentiality (AES, PES,
Hummingbird2.0), integrity (SHA-2, MD5), availability (channel hopping, message source
authentication, solving challenges), or authentication (digital signatures) (CIAv Au ) of a

Here, m is the number of users hosted by the IoT framework. At any given instance, a
security capsule ϑi will address the minimum security requirements (in terms of CIAv Au )
of the network(s). Further, if maximum resource utility threshold of a device hosting Ψi is
ΛT , then the additive utilization of resources from all ϑi ∈ Ψi is less than or equal to ΛT as
(Λϑi + ΛSi ) ≤ ΛT (8)

where ΛSi is the resource utilization as a result of service provisioning Si for a user Ui .
To practically interpret this notion, let ΛT = 1.0, and ΛSi =80% and sum of Λϑi be
20% of ΛT ; then each ϑi will have the resource utility between 0 ≤ Λϑi ≤ 1 (1 here is 20%
resource utilization of ΛT ). Thus, we can say that a Ψi is composed of 66% of ϑ1 and 34%
of ϑ2 where ϑ1, ϑ2 are any two security capsules. The emphasis given to a ϑi in Ψi (the
percentage of Λ in a particular ϑ), can be determined by evaluating the parameters of VSC
as mentioned above.

Our proposed framework requires users to first specify a set of preferences on their
variable security protocols, on which their requested service will be provisioned. We denote
this set as SPP, which is a personalized weighted input for different security protocols, that
can be used to enforce the security categories of confidentiality (C), integrity (I), availability
(Av ), and authentication (Au ). The set, SPPi , for a user Ui can either be null (no security
preferences) or a list of z number of security protocols (p1, p2, ..., pz ), with their preferences
as shown in eq. 9. In this equation, user preferences (ω) is a five-scale subjective quantitative
rating between one and five. An example instantiation of SPP for two users U1 and U2 is
shown in eq 10.


SPPi =

 {ω.p1, ω.p2, ..., ω.pz } ω ∈ 1, · · · , 5

 |

SPPU1 ={5.AE S − 128, 3.AE S − 256,

5.De f f ie − Hellman, 2.SH A − 2, 5.T LS}

SPPU2 ={3.AE S − 256, 1.ECC − 128, 4.ElGamal

2.Schnorr, 2.I PSec}

For user U1 , the maximum security preference weight is 5 for the security protocols AES-
128 bit encryption, Deffie-Hellman (key exchange method for AES encryption), and TLS
(communication security protocol). The remaining preference weights are 3 (AES-256) and
2 (SHA-2 scheme). One can interpret this as U1 having more preference on an encryption
scheme with lower key size, which can be substituted with a stronger encryption if not
available, thereby relaxing the strength of integrity scheme. Further, U1 also gives more
emphasis to communication channel security (in contrast to U2 ). On the other hand, U2
overall has higher preferences on stronger encryption and lower integrity and communication
security. Note that the security preferences have impact on the QoS.

Therefore, it is to be also noted that users are capable of changing their security pref-
erences during the course of service usage, in which case our framework will re-compute
the networks to be used for service provisioning. Once the user’s security preferences are
specified, it be will be cross-validated against the devices present in the network(s) (repre-
sented by Si ) selected for service provisioning, in order to evaluate a utility IoT Reputability
(iRepUSii ), which will be maximized by the optimization engine of our framework, as shown
in eq. 11. The equation states that if devices in a selected network for service provisioning
constitutes of a ϑi which is able to satisfy the highest user preferences in SPPUi , its iRep
score is 1 (case 1, eq (11)).
Whereas, if it does not match any of the preferences ({ωp1, ωp2, ..., ωpz }) specified
by the user, an iRep score of 0 is assigned. Finally, if some of the security preferences are met
but not the highest preference ones, then a iRep score between 0 to 1 is computed. In case
the user does not specify any security preference (SPPUi = φ), the provisioned network’s
default security protocols will be used and it will not impact the iRep computations.

∀SPPUi , φ,

|∃ϑi ⇐⇒ ωi .pi & ωi = max(ωi )



iRepUSii = 0

 |@ϑi ⇐⇒ ωi .pi

|∃ϑi ⇐⇒ ωi .pi & ωi , max(ωi )

 (0, 1)

3.3. Tradeoff in Security, QoS, & Cost Objectives. In the development of IoT
frameworks for any application scenario, it is imperative to perform a trade-off analysis
considering parameters like network security, QoS, and cost, owing to the heterogeneous and
resource constrained nature of IoT devices. This will help to achieve optimal performance
and security standards within the budgetary constraints of the users. In order to address these
considerations and develop a holistic trade-off analysis and optimization method, we model

our IoT service provisioning by formulating networks as a multi-objective optimization

problem. This will help in developing networks composed of IoT devices which will
optimize the security, QoS, and cost objectives conforming to its respective constraints.
In our framework, optimization approaches like evolutionary algorithms may result
in networks with optimal objectives. However, as mentioned in Section 3, these objectives
are optimized in isolation without regard of the relationship that exist between them. For
instance, QoS and Security are conflicting in nature and therefore, satisfaction for both may
not be satisfied if the constraints are too strict. In such a case, users need the capability
to explicitly specify their trade-off amongst the optimization objectives such that selection
from the optimized result set are customized according to the personalized preferences of
individual users. In this regard, we introduce the method outline in [8] and shown in eq. (6)
on top of our optimization modeling. The final output will be a personalized ranked set of
optimized IoT networks capable of provisioning services to a user.
3.3.1. Optimization problem formulation. Our envisioned multi-objective prob-
lem formulation is as follows: Generate a network Si using N number of IoT devices which
satisfies a user’s functional preferences in the given user’s region of interest, hosting multiple
VSC such that it minimizes the objectives shown in eq. 12.

0 0 0
minimize: iCd Sat R (Si ) iRep (12)

The specified objectives are the inverse of cost satisfaction degree (iCd , eq. 2), QoS satis-
faction degree (Sat R (Si ), eq. 6), and security preference satisfaction degree (iRep, eq. 11).
These objectives will be subject to the constraints as outlined in eq. 13. Where, the total cost
(Cnetwor k ) involved in service provisioning for a user should be less than or equal to their
budgetary constraints (CT ). QoSnetwor k ≥ QoST states that the provisioned network’s QoS
satisfaction degree should be greater than or equal to the user’s specified QoS satisfaction
(Λϑi + ΛSi ) ≤ ΛT
threshold and similarly for security preferences satisfaction degree. i=1

depicts the resource utilization (Λ) of the device, supporting a variable security composition
(Ψ), composed of numerous capsules (ϑi ) and running the services (performing sensing and
transmitting data etc.) should not exceed the threshold resource utilization capacity (ΛT ).


Cnetwor k ≤ CT

QoSnetwor k ≥ QoST (13)

Securit ynetwor k ≥ Securit yT
(Λϑi + ΛSi ) ≤ ΛT

3.4. Validation of User Satisfaction Feedback. In developing a user-centric frame-

work, the optimality of the selected output is evaluated by a user’s satisfaction from engaging
with the provisioned service. This will give insights about the performance of a user-centric
framework which can be used to assist future users to specify their input preferences for
QoS and security.
In traditional service selection approaches, the degree of satisfaction is typically
evaluated as shown in Figure 2 where the y-axis represents the estimated satisfaction degree
of a user (0 → 1) vs. the user’s preference on a given QoS parameter (e.g., response
time). It is assumed in these traditional approaches that as a QoS parameter degrades, the
satisfaction degree of a user will also linearly degrade. However, practically, this need not
be completely accurate in the IoT environment. This is because satisfaction degree may
be influenced by the service that is being used and need not be directly proportional to the
individual QoS parameters. Further, the service itself is a culmination of various QoS and
security preferences, and all of these parameters will not equally contribute towards the
degradation or improvement of a user’s satisfaction.

Therefore, to better validate the evaluation of users’ satisfaction feedback, in our

framework we have proposed the incorporation of QoE data through analysis of user’s
physiological sensor data using deep learning framework’s multilayer perceptron (MLP)
Users’ physiological sensor data can be characterized with attributes such as elec-
trocardiograph (ECG), blood volume pulse (BVP), heart rate (HR), electrodermal activity
(EDA/GSR), and so forth. Traditionally, their usage has been researched in fields like
health care and in more recent endeavors to develop software which can adapt to assure a
basic level of QoS and positive user experience [5]. These physiological data are used to
analyze different human feelings like stress, anxiety, excitement, and can be collected in an
non-intrusive fashion by wearable devices like the E4 wristbands [5]. The aggregation of
these physiological data for user QoE (Quality of experience) measurement will be done in
a continuous fashion during their service usage.
However, an important challenge to note in this regard is that the collected data
needs to correlate to the service usage and not be influenced by external environmental
factors or other psychological aspects which is not related to the service. This is beyond the
scope of our current work and is something we will address in the future.
The collected physiological data will be processed by extracting its statistical features
like mean, maximum, minimum, standard deviations, etc. Then, it will be used along
with the user’s specified QoS and security preferences to create an input vector which
will be passed into our multi-layer perceptron (MLP) for multi-class classification. The
classification will be for user’s satisfaction feedback based on a qualitative five-scale rating
- very low, low, medium, high, very high. Users will also provide this qualitative rating for
their satisfaction as an input after the service usage which will be used as a baseline to train
and test our designed MLP.

Table 1. IoT Device Profile for Simulations

Field Attribute
Device GeoLocation (38.627,-74.005) to (40.712,-90.199)
Device Type 1:Normal Sensor,2:Media Sensor,3:Base Station
Communication Range (20,70) meters
Sensing Range (10,50) meters
Device Energy (1E04,5E04) Joules
Sensing Attributes Temperature, Humidity, Light Intensity, Image
Network Protocols 6LoWPAN, IPv4/IPv6, RPL
Data Protocols MQTT, CoAP, AMQP
Radio type WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee
Security Protocols AES-128,AES-256,ECC-128,ECC-256,SHA-2,MD-


In the following sections we present the outlines of our synthetic dataset and results
of simulating our proposed approach.
4.1. Dataset Generation. All our simulations have been performed on a Windows
7, 3.10Ghz core i5 machine with 8GB RAM. The dataset has been generated synthetically
for 150 users, comprising of their functional, QoS, and security preferences, physiological
sensing values, and satisfaction feedback label. We randomly deployed following a uni-
form distribution, 200 IoT devices between maximum and minimum latitude of 40.712775
and 38.627003 respectively, and maximum and minimum longitude of -90.199404 and -
74.005973 respectively. Each deployed IoT device consisted of a set of attributes (randomly
selected) as displayed in Table 1 and stored in our IoT DB (Figure 1). The QoS values for
users of our framework has been generated following a random uniform distribution whose
lower and upper bounds is summarized in Table 2.
The remaining user preferences like functional and security preferences (region of
interest, sensing attributes, network protocols, security preferences, etc.) has been generated
by keeping the values within the bounds specified in Table 1.

Table 2. QoS Value Data Bounds

QoS Type Bounds (Lower, Upper)

response time (0.0, 15.0)
availability (85,100)
throughput (0,24)
reliability (3,18)

With respect to physiological values, ECG has been simulated using the concept of
Daubechies wavelet [13], which is a rough approximation to a real, single, heart beat signal.
For each signal, we have considered the beats per minute rate (which is 60 while resting and
180 during exercise, usually for a healthy athletic person), and also added a gap after the
signal to simulate when the heart is resting. Finally, we concatenated the number of heart
beats needed and added a random Gaussian distributed noise to obtain our simulated ECG
data. Whereas, we simulated our GSR data by using Poisson distribution. We did this by
calculating the first few moments of the distribution and then added a gap. We concatenated
an arbitrary number of peaks needed to obtain our simulated GSR data.
4.2. Service Provisioning Results. The goal of our service provisioning simulation
experiment is to generate a set of optimal IoT networks, ranked according to a user’s lin-
guistic trade-off strategy on optimization objectives. Our optimization approach is modeled
using the NSGA-II package in MOEA framework7 version 2.10. The algorithmic parame-
ters used to execute NSGA-II, identified through empirical estimations are summarized in
Table 3.

Table 3. NSGA-II Algorithm Parameters

NSGA-II Parameter Value NSGA-II Parameter Value

Max. Evaluations 2000 Population Size 500
Crossover rate 0.6 Crossover distribution index 15.00
Mutation rate 0.1 Mutation distribution index 10.00

We present the service provisioning results for 2 random users, consisting of their
unranked and ranked optimal IoT networks as shown in Figure 3 and 4. The unranked output
(Figure 3 and 4, Left) consists of an optimal list of IoT networks and their satisfaction degrees
for security preference (eq. 11), QoS (eq. 6), and cost (eq. 2). It is to be noted from the
figures that a higher cost utility (iCd ) indicates a lower service cost (C). All IoT networks in
each figure are optimal with respect to the constraints specified in our proposed framework
(eq. 13), and aligns with each user’s functional and nonfunctional preferences. The title
of the plots in Figure 3 and 4 outlines the respective user’s linguistic trade-off on the
optimization objectives along with their specified threshold values.
Figure 3 left and right, shows the unranked and ranked IoT output networks for user
1’s request respectively. It consists of eleven optimal IoT networks, unranked (Figure 3,
Left), as returned by the optimization engine of our framework. The vertical axis of the
figure denotes the satisfaction degree of each optimization objective while the horizontal axis
represents the list of networks. The output of Figure 3, right side, uses the user preferences
trade-off engine of our framework and shows optimally ranked IoT networks (horizontal
axis) based on user 1’s trade-off strategy (title of Figure 3, Right). The trade-off strategy
of user 1 gives more emphasis to security preferences (dotted pattern) and compromises
between cost (vertical lines pattern) and QoS (horizontal lines) of the optimally provisioned
networks which is reflected in our framework’s output. By allowing user 1 to explicitly
specify his/her overall trade-off strategy on the optimal objectives, our framework outputs a
ranked list of IoT networks, a process which would have otherwise been manually performed
by user 1 to determine which of the eleven optimal services would be suitable for his/her
needs. Along this direction, the IoT network provisioned at rank 5 (Ntwk5, Figure 3,
Right) would seem as the best choice because the satisfaction degree on cost objective is
the highest. However, given the overall trade-off strategy of the user 1, explicitly giving
more emphasis to security preference, overall output of our framework suggests it as the
fifth plan that should be selected by the user.

Figure 2. Traditional User Satisfaction Feedback Evaluation [8]

Security (0.8) ∨ QoS (0.8) ⊗ Cost (5.0) Security (0.8) ∨ QoS (0.8) ⊗ Cost (5.0)
Satisfaction Degree

Satisfaction Degree

1 1
N wk9

N wk9
N k1
N k2
N k3
N k4
N k5
N k6
N k7
N k8

N k10

N k3
N k7
N k8
N k6
N k5
N k2
N k1

N k11
N 10





Security QoS Cost Security QoS Cost

Figure 3. User1 Optimal Services:Unranked (Left), Ranked (Right)

Security (0.85) ∨ Cost (50.0) ∨ QoS (0.9) Security (0.85) ∨ Cost (50.0) ∨ QoS (0.9)
Satisfaction Degree

Satisfaction Degree

2.5 2.5
2 2
1.5 1.5
1 1
N wk9

N k9
N k1
N k2
N k3
N k4
N k5
N k6
N k7
N k8

N k10

N k2
N k8
N k4
N k1
N k7
N k6
N wk3
N k10
N 11







Security QoS Cost Security QoS Cost

Figure 4. User 2 Optimal Services:Unranked (Left), Ranked (Right)


Whereas based on user 2’s trade-off strategy (title of Figure 4), our framework
first selects all services with higher QoS; a 1.0 QoS satisfaction degree is computed for
rank 1 and rank 2 (Ntwk2 and Ntwk8) which is the highest satisfaction amongst all three
objectives. Thereafter, from rank 6 (Ntwk6) onwards, the highest satisfactions amongst the
three objectives is for security preferences. As a result of such a trade off strategy, there
is no increasing or decreasing trend within the cost satisfaction degree of the ranked IoT
network services.
4.3. Satisfaction Feedback Evaluations. Our multilayer perceptron (MLP) has
been designed using Keras8 framework running on top of TensorFlow9 backend. It com-
prises of a sequential deep learning model with input vector comprising of 18 dimensions
consisting of 6 statistical features (Section 3.4), each for ECG and GSR values; one value for
skin temperature, four QoS preferences (Section 3.2.1), and security preferences satisfaction
Further, the sequential model has 3 hidden layers, each comprising of fully connected
128 neurons connected to an output layer with 5 states. The rest of parameters used for
training and testing our MLP is summarized in Table 4. During the training phase, we
stripped the user input of the satisfaction feedback labels.

Figure 5. t-SNE Plot for Train Dataset

Table 4. Simulation Parameters for Multilayer Perceptron

Attribute Value
train_test split 80,20
hidden layer activation relu
output layer activation softmax
categorical data transformation one-hot encoding
Dropout 0.2
Loss categorical crossentropy
optimizer rmsprop
metrics accuracy
epochs 200
batch size 32
validation KFold Cross validation

Figure 6. Training Dataset Accuracy Variation

We then analyzed the dataset to identify representational user records from each of
the five satisfaction feedback categories (very low → very high). Thereafter, using these
5 user records as centroids, we applied KMeans clustering (python sklearn package) and
predicted the labels of the remaining user records. The t-SNE plot [19] for the same is
shown in Figure 5. t-SNE plots are typically used to convert high dimensional data and
visualize them in two dimensional space. In Figure 5, each individual color represents
one of five user satisfaction labels to be used by our MLP model during its training. This
training dataset was then used to compile our MLP model. The net accuracy was estimated
to be approximately 90%, with a loss of approximately 0.30. The variations of accuracy
and loss through the training epochs are shown in Figure 6 and 7.

Figure 7. Training Dataset Loss Variation


In this paper, we have presented the outlines of a user-centric framework for secure
service provisioning in IoT environments. In doing so, our framework accounts for the opti-
mal satisfaction of a user’s variable quality of service (QoS) preferences through linguistic
fuzzification, and security preferences by introducing the concept of variable security com-
position paradigm. Finally, our framework further assists the users to efficiently select from
the optimally provisioned services by allowing them to specify their linguistic trade-off on
the optimization objectives. Additionally, we have also presented the design of a multilayer
perceptron which will be able to validate the user’s satisfaction feedback from using the
provisioned service by utilizing the quality of experience collected from physiological body
sensors and deep learning techniques.
As a part of our future work, we would develop a test-bed implementing our synthetic
simulation environment and collecting physiological data from real users and thereafter,
applying our proposed framework to a real-world scenario. This will enable the accurate
modeling of the dynamic and uncertain nature of the IoT environment and carry out dynamic
service provisioning. Further, we will carry out extensive sensitivity analysis with respect to
our framework’s optimization approach, compare and contrast NSGA-II with other available
evolutionary algorithm techniques.


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This dissertation presents three frameworks to carry out security risk assessments
for key assets related to the Sensor Cloud computing domain, namely - infrastructure,
application, and users. The proposed techniques are informal in nature which extends and
improves upon existing approaches outlined by notable organizations like National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST), European Union Agency for Network and Information
Security (ENISA), and Cloud Security Alliance (CSA).
The infrastructure of a Sensor Cloud computing domain typically consists of several
heterogeneous wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The research outlined for carrying out
security risk assessment with respect to such infrastructure introduces the usage of attack
graphs to model the net threat levels to network security parameters (confidentiality, in-
tegrity, and availability) for WSNs in Sensor Cloud. The notable feature of the approach
lies in its utilization of feasible set of known attacks on WSNs to model the attack graphs
instead of the number of sensor nodes in the WSN. This aids in bypassing combinatorial
explosion problem which is persistent in the traditional attack graph approaches. The out-
lined framework further models the attack graphs using quantitative approaches of Bayesian
networks in order to estimate time frames which can be utilized by security administrators
to schedule maintenance and repair activities. This is beneficial since the infrastructure of
these kind of environments are generally deployed in an ad-hoc fashion which is largely
unattended in nature.
Further, a client’s application can be migrated and hosted on a Sensor Cloud service
provider’s platform. This scenario is similar to hosting applications on traditional cloud
computing platforms like Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure.

The security risk assessment framework proposed in this dissertation for client’s
application which may be migrated to a cloud service provider’s (CSP) platform assess
the security provided by a CSP with respect to the security risks present in the client’s
application. This is carried out in two notable phases, namely - application risk assessment
using cloud security domains, and CSP’s security assessment. The first phase introduces the
cloud security domains while performing risk assessment for a client’s application during
its design phase. This makes the outlined techniques economical in nature, allows client’s
to test and try out different application architecture, and reduces their apprehensions of
application security when they migrate to a CSP’s cloud platform. The seconds phase
aggregates and analyses the security provided by different CSPs in the market by perusing
their publicly available security documents in registries like CSA’s Security, Trust, and
Assurance Registry (STAR). The proposed framework can further aid clients in developing
optimal cloud migration minimizing cost and security risks by accounting for the outputs
from phase one and two.
Finally, clients/users are supposed to be present in the center of any service pro-
visioning. Therefore, infrastructure and application security cannot be treated as constant
parameter based on their architecture and security policies. They need to account for the
variable security preferences of clients and accordingly adapt to the specified preferences.
This paves the foundation to customizing security measures and risk assessment techniques,
and it is the premise of the research presented in this dissertation for addressing security
assessment related to the users. The proposed framework introduces the variable security
composition paradigm enabling users to specify their security preferences and optimally
provision networks composed of feasible devices from the infrastructure. The framework
also introduces a multilayer perceptron utilizing deep learning emotion classification tech-
niques and user’s quality of experience information gathered from their physiological data
to accurately validate the satisfaction feedback from using the provisioned services.


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Amartya Sen was born in Kolkata, India in 1990. His initial schooling took place
in three different schools, spread across three states in India. He earned his baccalaureate
degree in Computer Science Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Durgapur,
India in 2012.
Amartya joined Missouri University of Science and Technology, formerly University
of Missouri at Rolla, Missouri, in 2012. He received a Master of Science in Computer
Science from Missouri University of Science and Technology in May 2018. He received
a PhD in Computer Science from Missouri University of Science and Technology in July
2018. During his course as a PhD candidate, he worked under the supervision of Dr.
Sanjay Madria in the broad areas of security risk assessment techniques, Cloud security,
and security in IoT environments. Amartya also mentored multiple undergraduate students
during NSF funded summer research camps, and supported the Department of Computer
Science undergraduate course curriculum as a graduate teaching assistant for three years.
He was the recipient of the Best PhD Forum presentation award in the 16th IEEE
International Conference on Mobile Data Management, Pittsburgh, 2015, and also led
his team to the national data challenge finals hosted by Teradata University Network at
PARTNERS conference, Atlanta, 2016.

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