Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
Name of the Date Classification Dose/Frequency Mechanism of Action Specification Contradictions Side Effects Nursing
Drug Ordered (Indicate the Precautions
(Generic and reason why the
Brand) drug is ordered)
Generic name: 03/01/22 Stimulants, Pediatric Patients Methylphenidate Used to treat or Marked anxiety, Common side -Ensure proper
Methylphenidate ADHD Agents (6 years and inhibits the reuptake lessen the tension, and agitation effects diagnosis before
hydrochloride older) of dopamine and symptoms of are contraindications to include: administering the
5mg two norepinephrine, attention deficit Ritalin, since the drug headache, drug.
Brand name: times a day increased hyperactivity may aggravate these decreased -Monitor and
Ritalin, Ritalin SR, for 14 days dopaminergic and disorder (ADHD). symptoms. Ritalin is appetite, record blood
Ritalin LA noradrenergic Disturbance contraindicated also in stomach ache, pressure and
activity in the (ADHD). Ritalin patients known to be nervousness, pulse.
prefrontal can help you pay hypersensitive to the trouble -Height, weight,
cortex may explain attention and drug, in patients with sleeping, and appetite
its efficacy in ADHD. concentrate. glaucoma, and in nausea, should be
reduce patients with motor tics irritability, recorded.
impulsiveness, or with a family history palpitations, -Patients with an
hyperactivity, or diagnosis of diarrhea, element of
and other ADHD Tourette’s drowsiness, agitation may react
symptoms in syndrome. Ritalin is restlessness, adversely;
patients. contraindicated during dizziness. discontinue
treatment with therapy if
monoamine oxidase. necessary.
inhibitors, and also - Monitor CBC and
within a minimum of 14 platelet count
days following periodically in
discontinuation of a patients on long-
monoamine oxidase term therapy.
inhibitor (hypertensive -Notify the
crises may result). pediatrician/
physician about
any side symptoms.