Eberron DD 35 Shadows of The Last War

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Keith Baker


Bill Slavicsek

Christopher Perkins

Andrew Finch

Manacine Epitor
Kim Mohan

Director oF RPG R&D:

Bill Slavicsek


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Wayne Reynolds
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Big a. et miner



nd-Level Adventure

Dennis Kauth
Rob Lazzaretti


Carmen Cheung

Candice Baker

Probuction Manacers
Josh Fischer
Randall Crews

Tommy Castillo


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This adventure propels a party of four 2nd-level charac-

ters through a harrowing search for an ancient artifact
of terrible and wondrous power. With minor adjust-
ments, it can handle smaller or larger groups as well.
To get the most out of this adventure, you need copies
of the following D&D books: Player's Handbook, Dungeon Mas-
ter’s Guide, Monster Manual, and the Eberron Campaign Setting.


Shadows of the Last War follows the events of The Forgotten Forge,
the lst-level adventure included in the Eberron Campaign Set-
ting. In that adventure, the party of adventurers recovered
an ancient schema—part of a creation pattern used hy the
fabricators of House Cannith—for Elaydren d'Cannith.
To find this item, they had to brave the dangers of the
deepest levels of Sharn while overcoming agents of the
warforged extremist, the Lord of Blades.

Why does Elaydren d'Cannith seek the pieces of

this ancient creation pattern? To understand this, you
need to understand the recent history of House Can-
nith. When the nation of Cyre, the ancestral home
of House Cannith, disappeared in a conflagration of
arcane energy near the end of the Last War, it took the
patriarch and many other family leaders with it.

In the four years since Cyre became the Mournland,

three factions have emerged within House Cannith.
Cannith West, based in Fairhaven, serves Aundair,
Thrane, and the Eldeen Reaches, and is led by Jorlanna
d'Cannith. Merrix d'Cannith leads Cannith South,
which operates out of Sharn and oversees house activi-
ties in Breland, Zilargo, and Darguun. Cannith East,
based in Korth, operates in Karrnath, the Mror Holds,
and the Lhazaar Principalities, and is led by Zorlan
d'Cannith. The party's patron, Elaydren d'Cannith,
appears to be attached to the western enclave, but she
actually serves the southern branch of the family.

Creation patterns of all sorts exist, from those used

to magically craft mundane items to those designed to
craft exceptionally powerful magic items. The first
schema, recovered from a forgotten Cannith forge deep
in the bowels of Sharn, is one of four parts that make
up an ancient creation pattern. This particular pattern
wasn't developed by House Cannith. It was discovered
on the mysterious continent of Xen'drik by Kedran
d’Cannith shortly before the start of the War of the
Mark, some fifteen hundred years ago.

What did Kedran find? He found one part of a four-

part pattern, as well as a stone tablet describing the pat-
tern itself. As the War of the Mark escalated, Kedran
hid the schema in his secret foundry, where it remained
until the adventurers uncovered it a short time ago.

Kedran also prepared a number of texts that his

family used over the centuries. Some of these texts
described the purpose of creation patterns that Kedran
studied and researched on his trips to Xen'drik, and

which House Cannith was eventually able to develop

into the patterns used by their own artificers and mage-
wrights. One text, the journal describing the location of
Kedran's hidden vault, was lost to antiquity until Bonal
Geldem of Morgrave University discovered it. In fact,
Geldem worked with Lady Elaydren until an agent of the
Lord of Blades murdered him and the journal fell into
the hands of the adventurers.

Kedran's most valuable text, which contains all his

notes on the four-part pattern and the secrets of its
creative powers, has been in the hands of Baron Merrix
d’'Cannith and his immediate family for more than eight
hundred years. Two incomplete copies of this text also
exist—one that was used at the secret Cannith research
facility in Cyre, and the other in the hands of Gannith
East and their allies—the Order of the Emerald Claw.
With the destruction of Gyre and the loss of the house
elders, the location of the hidden facility was also lost.
Rumors of success at the facility began to circulate right
before Gyre was destroyed, and now the race is on to find
the hidden facility and the secrets it might contain.


Three separate groups seek the Xen'drik pattern and the

schemas that comprise it: Gannith South, represented
by Elaydren d'Cannith (though she claims to represent
Cannith West); the Lord of Blades and his warforged fol-
lowers operating out of the Mournland; and the Order
of the Emerald Claw (which is working with Cannith
East). The first part of the pattern, the Sharn schema,
has been recovered and is in the hands of Cannith South
thanks to the actions of the adventurers in The Forgotten
Forge. The pattern itself and a second schema are believed
to be in the Whitehearth facility—if it can be found and if
it still exists within the ruins of the Mournland. A third
schema has been found by the Emerald Claw, but no one
outside that organization knows this yet.

The adventurers start out in Sharn, the City of

Towers. Once more, Lady Elaydren requests their help
and offers them a generous reward. From Sharn, the
adventurers must travel to Darguun to discover the loca=-
tion of Whitehearth. Then, it's off to the Mournland to
find the next schema and the ereation pattern it fits into
before someone else does.



This adventure works best if the adventurers first com-

plete The Forgotten Forge, found in the Eberron Campaign Setting.
If you'd rather start with this adventure, then some other
group recovered the first schema and the party has not
had prior dealings with Elaydren d'Cannith. In this
case, she approaches the adventurers because they appear
capable, she needs help, and she is running out of time.
Adjust descriptions and encounters accordingly.

Ire ————————

This adventure picks up where The Forgotten Forge leaves

off—in Sharn, the City of Towers. After recovering the

star-shaped schema and turning it over to Lady Elay-

dren d'Cannith, the adventurers were told to periodi-
cally check in with the House Sivis message station at

Barmin Tower in case House Cannith had additional

work for them.

The following events occur in Sharn:

* The adventurers discover that the House Sivis mes-

sage station was attacked by kobold marauders, and
that a message that had been waiting for them was

* Lady Elaydren sends a second message, via a giant

owl, calling for the adventurers to meet her once
again at the Broken Anvil tavern. She fears that her
role in recent events has been discovered and that
she is in imminent danger.

= At the Broken Anvil, the adventurers sit down to

converse with Lady Elaydren just as a warforged loyal
to the Lord of Blades and his kobold mercenaries
break into the tavern.


Another rainy day in Sharn, another opportunity for

danger and adventure. The adventurers make their
way to Barmin Tower to visit the House Sivis message
station. Read:

Thunder rumbles in the distance as you cross the rain-slick skybridge that
leads to Barmin Tower. The rain falls at a steady pace, causing waterfalls
to spill over the sides of the slanted rooftops and balcony railings. Ahead,
the door to the House Sivis message station hangs open at a strange angle,
one of its hinges separated from the doorframe. Lightning flashes, and you
think you hear a groan from somewhere inside the otherwise quiet shop.

Let the PCs approach the message station as they see fit.
The trouble that visited the place a short time ago has
already moved on, and all the adventurers can accom-
plish here is to determine that someone has again taken
an interest in their activities.

Inside the message station, the adventurers see that

the place has been ransacked. Read:

The tables and stools within the message station are in disarray; some
are overturned or smashed, others have been forcefully scattered from
their usual places. Behind the counter, lying atop a spilled shelf of scrolls
and parchment sheets, is the gnome clerk who runs the station. She
moans, unconscious but apparently still alive.

The gnome clerk can be roused by a simple Heal check

(DC 10) or any curative magic. Once treated, she sits
up, blinks to clear her eyes, and then attempts to stand.

"The messages!” she eries. “I have to check on the


Development: The PCs can check around the shop

looking for clues, as well as question the clerk about what

Search checks to examine the shop reveal some

information, depending on the result of the checks, as
described below. A higher result includes the informa-
tion that is learned with a lower result.

Search DC 10: The PC notices sling stones scattered

around the room.

Search DC 15: The PC spots a series of small, clawed

footprints in the spilled ink near one of the overturned
tables. The footprints appear to belong to at least two
different individuals of the same humanoid species. A
successful DC 15 Survival check or DC 20 Knowledge
(nature) check identifies them as kobold footprints.

Search DC 20: The PC spots a single, larger, split-

toed footprint on a sheet of parchment, apparently
made when a rain-soaked foot stepped on the parch-
ment sheet. A successful DC 15 Survival check or
DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) check identifies it as a
warforged footprint.

The clerk takes a moment, but eventually recognizes

the PCs from their frequent visits to the message sta-
tion since they completed their first mission for Lady
Elaydren. She explains that a band of kobolds charged
in and attacked her. There were at least four of the vile
creatures. After they subdued her and made sure the
place was otherwise empty, a human-sized individual
wrapped in a dark cloak entered the shop.

“The stranger had a deep, rumbling voice that was

strong and threatening, and the kobolds followed his
direction without question. He asked if there were any
messages for you,” the clerk admits, pointing at the PC
she has most likely dealt with on past occasions. “It was
an amazing coincidence,” the clerk explains, “because |
had just transcribed a message for you from the speak-
ing stone, 1 must have glanced at the scroll 1 was hold-
ing, and the next instance the man in the cloak had
snatched the seroll with one hand and hit me with the
other. That's the last thing | remember."

The clerk cannot reveal what the message said

because House Sivis clerks are trained to transcribe
of their clients. If a character makes a DC 15 Diplomacy
check or offers the clerk 5 or more gold pieces, she reluc-
tantly admits that she remembers who sent the message:
“It was from Lady Elaydren d'Cannith.”

If she is prompted for details of the message itself,

the clerk cannot be of help. “It isn't really any of my
business,” she says. Then she nervously examines the
area behind her counter to check on the other messages
in her care, as well as to make sure the precious speaking
stone is undamaged.

Satisfied, she makes a quick check of the rest of the

shop. The clerk's cursory examination indicates that
nothing else was taken, not even the handful of gold
pieces in the till.
A CALL ror HELP (EL 9)

Back outside in the wind and the rain, the PCs have
only a moment to decide what they should do before
something large swoops toward them. Read:

The rain seems to slack off os you walk away from the message station.
Around a tower bend, at least a dozen people mill about on a partially
covered terrace. A gang of children splashes in the puddles near the curu-
ing wall, laughing merrily. A merchant pushes an empty cart, presumably
returning from the market exchange. A guard of the Sharn Walch looks
the crowd over from his place beneath a shop awning.

Ablur of feathers suddenly rockets toward you out of the cloud-filled

sky. It's agiant owl, and it circles once before tipping the satchel it carries
in its talons to drop a scroll case at your feet.

The giant owl delivers its cargo and streaks away.

Creature: Fighting the giant owl is unnecessary and

unwise, because the creature is a dangerous challenge

for a low-level party and it means them no harm.

Giant Owl: hp 26: Monster Manual page 205.
Tactics: If the PCs attack the giant awl, the nearby


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officer of the City Watch calls out: “Why are you attack-
ing that messenger? Stop that this instant!” The giant
owl, unperturbed, delivers the scroll case and flies off.
If the PCs continue to harass it, it returns and strikes
back. All the while, the officer of the Watch attempts to
stop the violence before it escalates and someone gets
seriously injured.

Development: The scroll case is sealed with wax,

but no imprint has been pressed into the wax. Inside
the case is a letter. (See the illustration on this page.)


The Broken Anvil is a small tavern with a handful of

rooms for rent in the Mason's Tower. It is run by House
Ghallanda and hosted by a halfling matron. The inte-
rior common room is dark and cozy, with dim illami-
nation provided by a large hearth, two everbright lanterns
hanging from the walls, and a number of ordinary

candles scattered throughout the chamber.

Use the map on page 5 when running this encounter.
When the PCs decide to keep their meeting with

©" Lady Elaydren, read:

The Broken Anvil is located in the Mason's Tower, carved into a

bend in the tower wall. Inside, everbright lanterns at either end of

the room provide flickering illumination. A round table is set to either
side of the entrance, and three longer tables are scattered throughout
the room.

Today the Broken Anvil only has one customer, a woman in a worn
brown cloak. She sits at a table at the far end of the raom. As you enter,
she raises her hand as if to cast a spell, then stops and pulls back her
hood. Despite her disheveled hair and the dirt that covers her face, you
recognize her. She is Elaydren d'Cannith, the woman who hired you to
explore the depths of Sharn.

need your hey cgi, Toorie 15 short Teel J

Hier our eres fave discovered sie and | 10 The Forgotten Forge, Elaydren wore
expensive jewelry

2 and fine glamerweave clothing. Today she wears a


Met 1ne wd the Bivokben Apoit tavern,

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mud-spattered traveler's outfit, and an alert observer

(Spot DC 20) notices that she isn't even wearing her
House Cannith signet ring.

When the matronly innkeeper emerges from the

kitchen, Elaydren dismisses her with an imperious

wave of her hand and calls the party over to her table

in the northeast portion of the room. Read:

“Quickly, quickly!" Elaydren calls in a strained voice. “Thank Olladra

that you're here. There is no time to waste.”

Elaydren lifts a leather backpack off the floor and places it on

the table. The leather is worn, but its brass fittings are still bright.
It appears light, almost empty. “There is no time to explain,”
Elaydren says, her fear-filled eyes darting from you to the door
/ and back again. “Instructions, gold, and supplies are in this pack.
\ Take it and ga. The letter in the left-hand pocket explains every-
thing, but you must go now! Trust me. Ifyou can accomplish this

Your portion,

task, the reward will be vast.”

Elaydren’s desperation is no act. Various opposing
forces seek her and the schema that the PUs acquired
for her. She hands the backpack to one of the PCs.
Before they can ask questions or examine the contents
of the backpack, the warforged agent of the Lord of
Blades and his kobold mercenaries burst into the

common room. Read:

Suddenly the door to the street bursts open. Four small figures leap
through the doorway—kobolds! They move in pairs to each side of the
chamber, clearing the space in front af the entrance. A fifth figure steps
into the doorway, a broad humanoid in a dark, hooded cloak carrying
light crossbow. He raises the crossbow and launches a bolt at Elaydren.

If Saber survived and escaped at the end of The Forgotten

Forge. then he has returned to deal with Elaydren and
the PCs. If not, then this is Cutlass, another of the elite
warforged followers of the Lord of Blades. Like many
of the Lord's followers and chief lieutenants, Cutlass
has taken to the practice of naming himself after a
bladed weapon.

Creatures: The warforged fighter leads a party of

kobold mercenaries and is intent on killing Lady Elay-
dren and recovering the ancient schema for his master,
the mysterious Lord of Blades.

Female human
aristocrat 2/

sorcerer 2; CR
3; Medium hu-
manoid: HD
2d8+2d4; hp
17; Init +5; Spd
30 f.; AQ 15,
touch 11, flat-
footed 14; Base
Atk +2; Grp +14
Atk +1 melee (1d4—1/19—-20, masterwork dagger) or +3
ranged (1d4—1/19-20, masterwork dagger); Full Atk +1
melee (1d4—1/19-20, masterwork dagger) or +3 ranged
(1d4—1/19~20, masterwork dagger); SA —; SQ least Mark
of Making: make whole 1/day; AL N; SV Fort +0; Ref +1;
Will +7; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16.

Skills and Feats: Bluff +10, Concentration +2, Diplomacy

+10, Gather Information +8, Intimidate +8, Knowledge
(arcana) +4, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +7, Sense
Motive +8, Spellcraft +4; Least Dragonmark (Cannith),

Improved Initiative, Negotiator.

Languages: Common, Giant, Gnome.

Sorcerer Spells Known (6/5): 0—acid splash, detect magic,

detect poison, mending, prestidigitation; 1st—charm person (DC
14), mage armor.

Possessions: House Cannith signet ring; coward’s pearl


A. Common Room.

THE BROKEN pomsmoems So

ANVIL INN wer : Re

E. Latrine )

¢ et F. Common Guest Room 2

N dk | G. Guest Suite
} 3] & | H. Elaydren’s Room :
I | | \ i Gini 1 E I. Innkeeper's Quarters $ §
el J. Secret Passage - Cig
B |] F i
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1751 Le
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2] :

(bracelet); potion of cure maderate wounds, glamerweave court-
ier's outfit; masterwork dagger; jewelry (150 gp); and 20
gp. 28 pp, and identification papers in a belt pouch.

Kobold Mercenaries (4): hp 6 each; Monster Manual

page 161.

Cutlass: Male personality warforged fighter 3; CR

3; Medium living construct; HD 3d10+6; hp 28; Init +5;
Spd 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 18; Base Atk +3;
Grp +5; Atk +7 melee (1d8+3/19-20, +1 longsword) or +4
ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); Full Atk +7 melee
(1d8+3/19-20, +I longswerd) or +4 ranged (1d8/19-20,
light crossbow); SQ) damage reduction 2/adamantine,
warforged traits; AL LE; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +2;
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 10.

Skills and Feats: Intimidate +6, Spot +4; Adamantine

Body, Improved Initiative, Power Attack? Weapon
Focus (longsword).

Language: Common.

Possessions: +1 longsword, light crossbow with b crossbow

bolts, traveling cloak, backpack.

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Warforged Traits (Eo): Immunity to poison, sleep effects,

paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects
that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.

Tactics: The kobold mercenaries close with the

adventurers, seeking to fight in pairs and taking
advantage of flanking while their warforged leader
fires crossbow bolts from the doorway. Once he
has fired all his bolts, or if one or more of the PCs
approach him, he draws his longsword and moves to
engage in melee.

During the battle, Cutlass enjoys hurling insults

at the “weak-fleshed errand boys” or the “flesh-loving
warforged” (if there are any warforged characters in
the party). He isn't above proclaiming that the end
of the weak-fleshed nations is at hand, quoting freely
from the speeches and sermons of his leader, the Lord
of Blades.

Elaydren ducks behind the table, taking cover. If

the initial attack injures her, she drinks her potion of cure
moderate wounds to recover from the injury. If the party is
on the verge of defeat, Elaydren uses her coward’s pearl,

J filling the room with fog and teleporting away.

BE = The warforged fighter battles to the death. He

plans to capture the schema for the Lord of Blades

or die trying. The kobolds also fight to the death,
for they have been intimidated into doing s0 by the
warforged who leads them.

Where Is the Schema? The first part of the cre-

ation pattern, the schema shaped like a six-pointed
star, is safely in the hands of Baron Merrix d'Cannith.
Elaydren turned the item over to the baron after she
acquired it from the adventurers. Then Merrix sent
her to continue investigating rumors concerning the

pattern itself,” Merrix urged Elaydren. “The pattern

holds the key to the work I have been laboring at since
before you were born.”

Development: If the PCs defeat the mercenaries,

Elaydren urges them to leave quickly. This is the last
agent of the Lord of Blades in the area, though neither
Elaydren nor the PCs know this. (The Lord of Blades
and his agents return to hound the PCs in a future
adventure.) Even so, Elaydren knows that others are

on her trail, and if her mission is to be successful, the

pattern. “You must locate the other schemas and the

adventurers must depart immediately. Read:

“More of these assassins may show up at any moment. All the

information you need is in the left pocket of the backpack. Take it
and go! Get out of the city as quickly as you can!”

Elaydren does not wait for the adventurers to

come to a decision. She grabs a weapon from one
of the fallen attackers and darts into the street,
disappearing into the nearest alleyway.

At some point, the PCs examine the backpack they

received from Elaydren. The bag feels as if it is almost
empty, but the character who opens it is in for a surprise.
The backpack is a Heward’s handy haversack, loaded with
gear. The backpack contains the following items.

Center Pocket

* 80 arrows

+ 80 bolts

* 50 feet of silk rope

* 1 bedroll per party member

* | waterskin per party member, filled

* 3 days trail rations per party member

Right Pocket

* 1 everbright lantern
* 1 flint and steel
* 1 healer's kit

* 5 torches

* 3 sacks

Left Pocket

* Letter from Lady Elaydren

* 3 vials of holy water

* 3 potions af cure light wounds

+ Atiny rod of blue metal, three inches in length, with

a sapphire embedded at one end

* 1 pouch containing 150 pp

* 1 casket containing 500 gp

+ Aletter of credit for House Orien and House Lyran-

dar to cover passage to Rhukaan Draal, depending
on which route the adventurers decide to take

The most important object in the haversack is the letter

from Lady Elaydren (see the illustration on the facing
page). The blue rod is a keycharm tied to Whitehearth,
which the PCs need in Part Five of this adventure.


The PCs might want to do a little checking before they

rush off to Darguun and the Mournland. Characters
who make at least two DC 20 Gather Information checks
or DC 15 Knowledge (nobility and royalty) checks ean
obtain facts that back up parts of Elaydren's story. The
PCs can confirm that the leaders of House Cannith
died in the Cyre disaster, and that now the family is
divided into three segments, each under the authority
of a different scion.

A few inquiries with any arcane scholar confirm

that House Cannith fabricators make use of creation
patterns in ‘their work, but most patterns are designed
to help speed the production of mundane items and
minor magic items. Some examples of more powerful
patterns exist, such as the one used in conjunction with
the creation forges to create the warforged, but such
examples are rare and extremely costly.

The PCs can ask around and determine that there

are three ways to get to Darguun relatively quickly: by
air, by sea, or by lightning rail and trade caravan.

The first possibility turns out not to be an option;

no airship privateers are currently operating in Sharn,
and House Lyrandar airships don't make regular runs
to the goblin nation.

A House Lyrandar galleon, on the other hand, regu-

larly travels from Sharn to Rhukaan Draal. The water
vessel follows the southern coast of the continent before
turning inland and traveling up the Ghaal River to the
goblinoid city.

House Orien offers a land route to Rhukaan Draal.

It requires the PCs to travel by lightning rail to Stern-
Pass along the Orien trade road with the next caravan
heading east.

Inquiries into the whereabouts of Lady Elaydren

meet with no success. She seems to have disappeared.

If the PCs aren't on the road by the following day,

they begin to notice that they are being watched. Forces
loyal to the Order of the Emerald Claw are beginning to
gather around them, and Sharn is becoming an increas-
ingly dangerous place for them to stay.

When the adventurers are ready. go on to Part Two.

Part Two:

The trip to Darguun takes some time. Traveling by

House Lyrandar elemental galleon provides the fastest
voyage, a little more than four days. The land route isn't
nearly as fast. The trip via lightning rail to Sterngate
can be accomplished in under three days, but the over-
land trip through Marguul Pass takes an Orien caravan
almost twelve days to complete.

Once the PCs reach the city of Rhukaan Draal, they

find directions to Rose Quarry, where they can begin
looking for clues to the location of the Cannith facility
of Whitehearth.


The House Lyrandar galleon leaves from the ports at the

base of the Sharn cliffs. It travels from the Hilt into the
Straits of Shargon, staying close to the southern coast as
it moves from Brelish to Zilargo waters and eventually
turns north into Kraken Bay. From there, the elemen-
tal-powered vessel enters the Ghaal River for the final
leg of the journey to Rhukaan Draal.

The half-elf crew operates the ship and tends to the

passengers on board. In addition to the adventurers, a
dozen traders, travelers, and diplomats are aboard for the
trip. Many will disembark when the ship stops briefly in
Korranberg, but a handful are scheduled to go all the way
to the goblineid nation’s capital. Cargo and trade goods,
however, occupy the bulk of space aboard the vessel.

On the third evening of the voyage, after the galleon

has entered Kraken Bay, the ship encounters an undead
menace called forth by an agent of the Order of the Emer-
ald Claw. This event occurs late in the evening, well after
most of the crew and passengers have retired. Read:

The night is warm and quiet, and the trio of moons in the sky reflects
ghostly light onto the water.

Any adventurers who are awake when this encounter

starts can make checks to notice what's happening.
The type of check required depends on where they are
aboard the vessel: in their cabin or on deck.

If a PC is inside the large cabin the party shares,

he or she can make a DC 20 Listen check. If the check
succeeds, the PC hears a strange scratching noise that
sounds like something hard scraping across the hull.

If a PC is on deck, he or she can make either a DC

15 Listen check or a DC 20 Spot check. If the Listen
check succeeds, the PC hears the same strange seratch-
ing noise, although the sound is clearer. It sounds like
something covered with hard protrusions is climbing
out of the water and up the side of the ship. If the Spot
check succeeds, the PC notices that the evening fog is
growing thicker just as he or she spots a skeletal hand
reach over to grip the rail.

Anyone who is resting or asleep doesn't get to make

a check,

PCs who succeed get to dct in the surprise round of

the encounter.

Creatures: A necromancer loyal to the Order of the

Emerald Claw has set a squad of eight human skeletons
against the PCs. They give no quarter and ask for none
in return. Due to the fog, most of the galleon’s crew
must stay at their posts. However, the ship's captain
orders four crew members to assist the adventurers in
defending the vessel. They join the fray in the second
regular round of combat.

Human Skeletons (8): hp 6 each; Monster Manual

page 226.

Half-Elf Crew Members (4): hp 4 each; AC 14

(Dex, studded leather), touch 11, flat-footed 13; Base
Atk +2 melee (1d6/19-20, short sword).

Tactics: The skeletons use the cover of night and

the fog to surprise the crew and passengers. The skel-
etons and any PCs who succeeded on Listen or Spot
checks get to act in the surprise round, which starts
with the skeletons climbing over the rail and onto the
galleon's deck.

Before this happens, determine where each of the

PCs are on the ship. The galleon is a 40-foot-wide by
60-foot-long vessel with a curved bow and stern. Cargo
and cabin space fill the middle of the ship, leaving a
10-foot-wide open deck around the outside of the ship.
The skeletons act in pairs, two of them attacking from
each side of the vessel.

Development: The necromancer stays around long

enough to set his trap in mation. Then he disappears
into the wild country of southern Darguun. The PCs
have no chance to catch up with him, and he won't really
bother them again. His role in this adventure is to set
this trap and move on to his next assignment for the
Order of the Emerald Claw,

If the PCs successfully defend the galleon, the cap-

tain offers them a reward. In addition to the thanks of
House Lyrandar (in the form of a written commenda-
tion), he provides the PCs with 50 gp each for protecting
the ship, its cargo, and its passengers.


House Orien’s lightning rail travels north and east out

of Sharn, making stops at Wroat and Starilaskur before
turning south to the PCs’ destination, Sterngate. This
trip takes just under three days to accomplish. Noth-
ing out of the ordinary occurs during the lightning
rail journey.

In Sterngate, the PCs must meet up with an Orien

caravan that will take them through Marguul Pass and
into Darguun. The caravan boss takes the PCs aside
before the journey begins. Read:

“Glad to have adventurers such as yourselves along for this trip,” the
caravan boss says, slapping one of you an the back. “The mountain clans
have been acting up lately, and we could use your steel and muscle to
make sure all of us make it to Rhukaan Draal in one piece. To show my
appreciation, I'll give you twenty~five gold apiece when we safely make
it to the goblin city.”

The trip through the pass and the subsequent trek to

Rhukaan Draal takes almost twelve days. The first two
days pass uneventfully. Starting on the third day, PCs
can make DC 20 Spot checks each day to see if they
notice the signs that a large number of creatures are
shadowing their trail. On the sixth day, the DC drops
to 15.

The attack occurs on the seventh day. A larger force

than the one presented here is actually attacking the
entire caravan. The numbers provided in this encoun-
ter represent the portion of the goblin forces that come
into contact with the PCs.

Creatures: A Marguul war party has been tracking

the caravan since the third day after it entered the pass.
On the seventh day, the war party decides to attack. The
PCs must deal with a bugbear and the three goblins that
he commands.

Bugbear: hp 16; Monster Manual page 29.

Goblins (3): hp 5 each; Monster Manual page 133.

Tactics: The attacking goblinoids ambush the cara-

van from the rocks and cliffs that form the walls of the
pass. Any PC who makes a DC 15 Spot check notices the
hiding goblinoids and can act in the surprise round.

In the surprise round, the goblinoids hurl their

javelins. For the PCs, this means that they are targeted
by four javelins. In the first regular round of combat,
the bugbear and his goblin warriors charge to engage
the PCs in melee combat.

Development: If the PCs defeat the bugbear and

three goblins that attack their location within the cara-
van, assume that the rest of the caravans defenders have
been equally successful. The Marguul war party breaks
ranks and flees back into the mountains. The caravan
makes the rest of the journey to Rhukaan Draal without
further incident.


Whether they arrive by sea or by land, eventually the

adventurers reach the city of Rhukaan Draal. Read:

It is mid-morning when you finally arrive in Rhukaan Draal. The

goblinoid city was built around what was once a Cyran frontier town,
and today it has grown into a sprawling goblinoid metropolis. The city
appears as a erazy architectural tapestry; mud and timber huts surround
ancient structures of stone and brick, interspersed with canvas tents and
pavilions. Most of the roads are bare earth, and few of the wonders or
conveniences of Sharn are evident here. Within this ramshackle city, a
single building dominates the skyline—an enormous tower of red stone
that rises up from the very center of the city. This is Khaar Mbar'ost, the
court of the Lhesh Haruue, the hobgoblin king.

Finding the Bloody Market is simple enough. While

most of the inhabitants have an unfriendly attitude
toward strangers, any merchant can provide directions

to the vast marketplace. The Bloody Market takes. its

name from the violent haggling that commonly occurs
among the goblinoids, although guards defend mer-
chants if blood is actually shed. (The merchants, mind
you—the customers are on their own.) An ocean of tents
and milling goblins fills the marketplace. The goods are
not of the highest quality, but almost anything can be
found here, including poisons and other goods usually
outlawed in more civilized nations.

While finding the market is a simple task, locating

the mysterious Failin is considerably more difficult. The
PCs can try a number of approaches.

Asking or Offering Bribes: Most of the people in Rhu-

kaan Draal, including the merchants, are unfriendly.
Simple requests and even bribery don't work; people
gladly take the party's gold and send the characters off
on wild goose chases.

Gather Information: A successful DC 18 Gather Infor-

mation check leads the adventurers ta the tavern where
Failin does business, a place called the Clenched Fist.
It also provides some details about Failin himself.

Failin of House Orien was disowned years ago for

unknown reasons. (It was for participating in a smug-
gling ring, although this isn’t common knowledge.) He
makes his living exploring ruins throughout Darguun
and selling relics (or imitations of said relics) to his
contacts back in central Khorvaire.

Failin's most prized possession, an elemental-pow-

ered land cart, helps his archeological endeavors. When
relic hunting doesn’t pay the bills, he ferries visitors
throughout the northern portion of the nation for a
premium fee.

Diplomacy: A successful DC 25 Diplomacy check can

convince a local goblin to help the PCs find Failin.

Intimidate: A successful Intimidate check against a

local goblin (with the target receiving a +2 bonus on
its modified level check) provides the same informa-
tion as a successful Diplomacy check. However, after
Failin has been located, the now-hostile goblin that
was intimidated convinces a pair of bugbears to beat up
the offending PC.

Creatures: The market is full of goblinoids of

all types, along with some humans and members of
the other common races. If the PCs cause too much
trouble, they must deal with market guards in the form
of a patrol of two hobgoblins and a bugbear. Engaging
the guards in battle is a bad idea; the guards call for
reinforcements, and an identical patrol arrives every
fourth round of combat.

Bughbear: hp 16; Monster Manual page 29.

Hobgoblins (2): Male warrior 2; CR 1; Medium

humanoid (goblineid); HD 2d8+2; hp 10, 11; Init +2;
Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +2;
Grp +4; Atk +3 melee (1d8+1/19-20, longsword); Full
Atk +3 melee (1d8+1/19-20, longsword); SA—; 80 —;
ALN; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will —1; Str 13, Dex 14, Con
13, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Hide +4, Intimidate +4, Move Silently

+65 Power Attack,

Languages: Common, Goblin.

Possessions: Studded leather armor, light wooden shield,

longsword, pouch containing 2d4 ep and 2d6 sp.

Ad Hoc Experience Award: If the PCs locate Failin

without inciting violence, they receive 100 XP each.


The search for Failin eventually leads the adventurers

to the Clenched Fist, a tavern located a block or so from
the Bloody Market. Read:

The placard above the door displays a mummified ogre’s hand clenched
tightly in a fistand nailed in place. This rundown tavern appears to cater
to humans and members of the other common races.

If the PCs ask a patron (or perhaps the barkeep)

about Failin, they are directed toward a corner table
in the rear of the room where a man sits alone. This
is Failin, a gangly human with a shock of unruly red
hair and bright blue eyes in sunken sockets. His lined
and weathered skin contrasts with his clean and well-
tailored clothing. He does not appear to be short of
gold. He watches the PCs curiously as they approach,
but does not speak.

Failin waits for the adventurers to say what they want.

He says little, but when he does speak he talks in rapid-
fire bursts. If the PCs explain that they want to get to
Rose Quarry, read:

The Bloody Market in

Rhukaan Draal

“Rose Quarry? Very far away. Near the border. Near the gray mist.
Mining town. I can take you, Yes. But it will cost you. Sixty gold each,
forty up front. You bring your own supplies.”

A character can lower the price by making a DC 20

Diplomacy check. For every point of the check result
higher than 19, the price goes down by 2 gp. If one of
the PCs has a strong connection to House Orien (the
Least Dragonmark feat or the Favored in House feat, for
example), he or she can call on Failin’s old loyalties by
making a favor check. On a result of 15 or higher, Failin
agrees to ferry the party at no charge. On a result of 10
to 14, he cuts the price in half. If the result is less than
10, the request brings back bad memories and Failin
angrily doubles his fee.

Failin (formerly
of House Orien):
Male human ex-
pert 4/rogue I;
CR 3; Medium
humanoid; HD
5d6; hp 18; Init
+7; Spd 30 ft.;
AC 13, touch 13,
flat-footed 10;
Base Atk +3; Grp
+2; Atk +2 melee
dagger); Full Atk +2 melee (1d4—1/19-20, dagger); SA
sneak attack +1d6; SQ dimension leap 1/day, trapfinding; AL
N; SV Fort +1, Ref +8, Will +5; Str 9, Dex 16, Con 10, Int
11, Wis 12, Cha 11.

Skills and Feats: Appraise +2, Diplomacy +8, Gather

Information +2, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge
(geography) +7, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge
(nobility and royalty) +7, Sense Motive +9, Sleight
of Hand +4; Improved Initiative, Least Dragonmark
(Orien), Lightning Reflexes.

Languages: Common, Gnome, Goblin.

Possessions: Dagger, elemental-powered cart,

explorer’s outfit, sunrod, pouch containing 15 sp,

10 gp, and 5 pp.


Once the party has settled on a price, Failin eagerly

pushes them to get moving. The PCs aren't the only
ones trying to find Failin, however. When the details
are settled, Failin rises and gestures for the party to
follow him. Read:

“Let's go, let's go,” Failin says, leaping up from the table and gesturing
toward the door. “Follow me, quickly! My land cart is hidden nearby.”

On their way to the land cart, Failin and the PCs are
interrupted when two bughbears step out of the shadows
and confront Failin. Read:

“Failin, you cheat us!” growls one of the bugbears as both of them raise
their morningstars to threatening positions.

Creatures: These two bugbears are intent on

retaliating against Failin for some past grievance or

Bugbears (2): hp 16 each; Monster Manual page 29.

Tactics: The bugbears both target Failin with their

first attacks. In subsequent rounds, they contend with
whoever seems to pose the greatest threat.

As Failin's first action, he uses dimension leap to retreat

toa nearby alley. If the PCs want to get to Rose Quarry,
they need to deal with the bugbears in Failin's stead;
otherwise, Failin refuses to leave his hiding place.

If a bugbear is reduced to 3 hit points or less, he

attempts to flee.

Development: The bugbears think Failin cheated

them in their last business transaction. Once they are
defeated or driven off, Failin emerges to continue his
dealings with the PCs.
The adventurers may have just saved his life,
but Failin still charges them for his services. He
believes that it is in the PCs’ best interest to protect
him from harm. However, if one of the PCs helps to
heal his injuries, he waives that character's portion
of the fee. Despite his tough negotiating position, it
is clear that he appreciates what the party has done,
and this gratitude keeps him from abandoning the
PCs later in this adventure.

If the PCs wish to purchase supplies, they can make

use of the Bloody Market. Otherwise, it's time to head
for the border.


Failin owns and operates an elemental-powered land

cart. It was one of the last things he acquired as a
member of House Orien before the patriarch disowned
him and stripped him of his name.

The land cart, a large covered wagon with a forward

bench and four wheels, can hold a sizable amount of
cargo or up to eight passengers in the rear compart-
ment. A Khyber dragonshard, mounted at the front,
binds an earth elemental to the wagon, which has the
side effect of making the wagon look as though it is deco-
rated with stones, gems, and crystalline protrusions.

As long as the land cart touches the ground, the

bound earth elemental can propel the vehicle at a
speed of 15 miles per hour. Rough ground or natural
obstacles mean nothing to the land cart—the earth
elemental allows the vehicle to traverse such terrain as
though it were traveling across smooth, level ground.
The wheels actually partially merge with the earth as
the cart travels, sharing the elemental’s natural earth
glide ability.

When Failin and the PCs approach the land cart’s

hiding place, read:

Failin leads you to a large stone outcropping in a secluded area not

far from the Bloody Market. He rolls up his right sleeve to expose a
dragonmark, touches the birthmark to the stone, and mutters a strange
word. He steps back as the stone rumbles, and a strange covered wagon
emerges from the rack wall. The four-wheeled vehicle has a canvas
cover that encloses a large rear compartment, while an open bay at the
[front features a bench and foot well. The wagon appears to be made of
woad, but an undulating pattern of constantly shifting rack, gem, and
crystalline structures seem to overlay the wagon's wooden frame.

“My land cart,” Failin says in a quick burst. “Earth elemental

powered. Get in. Time's short. Long road ahead.”

Any PC with the Knowledge (nobility and royalty) or

Knowledge (arcana) skill can make a check to see what
he or she knows about Failin's dragonmark. A DC 15
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) check reveals that the
dragonmark is indeed an Orien mark. ADC 15 Knowl-
edge (arcana) check reveals that the mark is a least drag-
onmark of Passage. Anyone who speaks or understands
the Draconic language knows that Failin said the word
“travel” in the ancient tongue—obviously a command
word used in conjunction with his dragonmark to call
forth the elemental-powered land cart.



Rose Quarry was once a Cyran frontier town. Now it lies

within Darguun, north of the ruins of Lyrenton, off the
Orien trade road and within sight of the wall of dead-
gray mist that separates Darguun from the Mournland.
Failin's elemental-powered land cart can make the trip
from Rhukaan Draal to Rose Quarry in about three and
a half days.

Failin fits the land cart with various banners of safe

passage. Then the trip to Rose Quarry begins. Read:

The elemental bound to the land cart rumbles with a sound like Eberron
itself stirring from an ancient sleep. The wheels slide partially into the
earth itself, and then the land cart slides along without regard to broken
ground or other natural obstacles,

The trip to Rose Quarry can be as uneventful or dan-

gerous as you want to make it. The PCs can spend the
time recuperating and preparing for their next chal-
lenges, or you can throw hostile goblins or wild and
dangerous creatures from the wilderness at them. (If
the characters are ambushed or drawn into combat
while traveling in the land cart, consider the cart to
have a speed of 90 feet for the purpose of resolving a
combat encounter.)

Failin can tell them what he knows about Rose

Quarry if the PCs ask questions. Read:

“The village of Rose Quarry belonged to Gyre before the war,” Failin
says. “Now it lies within Darguul territory. Originally, House Cannith
prospectors established the village when they found a massive vein of red
marble. Cannith brought in dwarves from the Mror Holds to mine-and
excavate the marble, Anywhere you see Cannith architecture, you may
find Rose marble—Sharn, Flamekeep, Korth, even Rhukaan Draal—half
the red stone in Khoruvaire probably comes from the quarry.”

If the PCs want to ask questions, play out the conversa-

tion. Failin has little information to add. As a House
Cannith outpost, the village was primarily occupied by
immigrant dwarves, House Cannith retainers, and a
handful of Cyran laborers. Since the quarry was seen as
the property of House Cannith, it was largely left alone
during the war. The Darguuls have laid claim to all
territory extending to the Mournland, but they haven't
made any concentrated effort to settle the village.

Twilight descends on Darguun as the land cart closes on

Rose Quarry. The wall of dead -gray mist that forms the
border of the Mournland can be seen in the distance.
The sight seems to make Failin nervous and sad at the
same time. As the land cart crests a small rise in the
land, read:

“Were you expecting company?" Failin asks. A vast plateau, bounded

to the west by a narrow canyon, stretches before you. The quarry
extends for at least a mile, and the nearby village spreads across the
plateau—at least, what's left of it. Anything made of wood has been
burned to cinders, leaving a handful of stone facades, rock founda
tions, and chimneys behind. Though warm weather surrounds you, the
village appears covered in a layer of ice that glitters in the light of the
rising moons.

You also notice another source of light. In the southern part of the
village, a fire glows in a large pit, which is surrounded by four large tents.
Figures move around this makeshift campsite.

Have each character make a Spot check. Use the follow-

ing information to determine what they can see, based
on each PC's check result. Characters without low-light
vision receive a —4 penalty on the check.

Spot Check Result 14 or Lower: A character with this result

sees what was described in the read-aloud text—a camp-
fire, four tents, and a number of figures moving around
the camp.

Spot Check Result 15-19: A character with this result

notices sixteen horses, two covered wagons, and seven
human-shaped figures. The human shapes appear to be
wearing helmets and chainmail armor, judging by how
the firelight reflects off their gear. None of the figures
appears to be maintaining a watch.

Spot Check Result 20 or Higher: An extremely observant

character notices that the helmets have a distinctive
half-faceplate design. A character with this result also
notices two skeletons standing in the shadows by one of
the tents, as though on guard duty.

Listen Check: Characters who make a successful DC 12

Listen check hear a periodic ringing sound, like that
of a pick striking stone or ice. This sound seems to be
coming from the north end of the village, but nothing
related to the noise can be seen.



The numbers given for the following encounters refer to

the map of Rose Quarry. Use the map on page 13 when
running these encounters.
Failin won't risk his land cart or his life for the
adventurers. He insists on waiting behind the rise for
the PCs to finish their work. He promises to wait for
them, and will keep his word for an entire day before
he decides that they aren't coming back and he's free to
return to Rhukaan Draal.


Here's a quick overview of the locations in this part of

the adventure. The encounters are described in more
detail later in this section. The PCs approach Rose
Quarry from the south.

R1. Emerald Claw Camp: This is the first thing

the PCs see. The PCs are better off avoiding the order's
soldiers than facing them in direct combat.
7 1 So
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R2. Molten Glass Ruins: These locations, scattered

throughout the village, feature a new undead menace.

R3. Cannith Refinery: This place was once used

to process the red marble excavated in this area. The
PCs must defeat Emerald Claw soldiers within this site
to gain access to the location of Whitehearth.

R4. Ruined Church: In this location, the PCs meet

the villainous changeling Garrow and have an oppor-
tunity to claim a wondrous item.


The camp sits on a relatively flat piece of ground in the

southwestern portion of the ruined village. The par-
tially intact walls of a collapsed building provide some
cover and protection along the camp's southern edge.

Nine soldiers of the Order of the Emerald Claw

occupy the camp, sharing space in the four tents set up
around the fire pit. A cleric, a necromancer, and four
skeletons are also on hand to guard the camp.

The POs should get the impression that they are

better off avoiding a confrontation with this large group
of opponents. If they attract the full attention of the
camp, they likely will suffer heavy casualties.

Other features of the camp are described below.

Light: A large fire blazes in the center of the camp

(bright light for 30 feet), while moonlight provides
shadowy illumination to the area beyond.

Sound: A successful DC 16 Listen check allows a

character to hear prayers being said somewhere in the
camp. Anyone who hears the prayers can make a DC 15
Knowledge (religion) check to identify the chanting as
a rite of the Blood of Vol.

Reaction: If anyone in the camp hears suspicious

noises, three soldiers and two skeletons are sent to inves-
tigate. If anyone in the camp spots the PCs, the cleric,
five soldiers, and four skeletons are sent to pursue the
intruders, while the remaining soldiers provide ranged
weapon support.
The Situation: The Order of the Emerald Claw
arrived at Rose Quarry three days ago. Since then, the
soldiers of the order have been excavating the village
in search of clues to the location of the Whitehearth
facility. A direct confrontation with the order's sol-
diers could prove disastrous. After a few days without
incident, however, the soldiers have become careless
about watching for intruders. Clever characters can
sneak past the camp before anyone within can raise
an alarm,

Any character who comes within 50 feet of the

camp must make a Hide check (opposed by two
Spot checks, no modifiers) to avoid being noticed.
Anyone moving within 50 feet of the camp must make
a Move Silently check (opposed by two Listen checks,
no modifiers) to avoid being heard. If the soldiers
hear a sound, they send a patrol to investigate. If
the adventurers are seen, a larger force attempts to
eliminate them.

If the PCs wait for 5 hours, five of the soldiers goto

sleep. After this, the soldiers in the camp collectively

get one Spot and one Listen check to notice intruders.

Sleeping soldiers are awakened by any commotion and
hurry to help deal with intruders, but they have no time
to don their armor.

As long as characters stay more than 50 feet away

from the camp and extinguish any light sources, they
can pass by undetected.

If any characters do get within 50 feet of the camp

and remain undetected, they get to see a few more
details. Read:

From this spot, you get a clearer view of the camp. Six humans are
gathered around the fire, and four skeletons armed with scythes stand in
silent vigil nearby. The humans wear tabards emblazoned with a green
claw over chainmail. Northwest of the fire, in a clearing between two
tents, @ man in banded mail clutches an ornate dagger and appears to
be chanting or praying.

A charismatic character might approach the camp and

try to talk to the soldiers, though the presence of the
skeletons suggests that this is a bad idea. The soldiers
expect competition from House Cannith, and they
are vaguely aware of the adventurers’ role in Lady
Elaydren’s schemes. Even if a PC has a plan that pre-
vents the soldiers from attacking immediately, all of
the Emerald Claw agents have a hostile attitude toward
the adventurers.

Creatures: The camp contains nine Emerald Claw

soldiers, four skeletons, a cleric named Keltis Doran,
and a necromancer called Mallora. Depending on
when the PCs approach the camp, as many as five of
the soldiers could be in the tents, sleeping and out of
their armor.

Emerald Claw Soldiers (9): Human warrior 2;

CR 1; Medium humanoid; HD 2d8+5; hp 14 each;
Init +0; Spd 20 ft. (base 30 ft.); AC 17, touch 10, flat-
footed 17; Base Atk +2; Grp +3; Atk +3 melee (1d8+1,
flail) or +2 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); Full
Atk +3 melee (1d8+1, flail) or +2 ranged (1d8/19-20,
light crossbow); SA —; SQ —; ALLE; 8V Fort +4, Ref
+0, Will +0; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12 , Int 9, Wis 10,
Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Intimidate +3, Knowledge (religion)

+0, Ride +4; Power Attack, Toughness.

Languages: Common.

Possessions: Chainmail, heavy wooden shield, flail,

light crossbow with 20 bolts, sunrod, tabard, pouch
with 2d6 silver pieces and 1d8 gold pieces, identifica-
tion papers (two sets, one false).
Keltis Doran:
Male human
cleric 2 (Blood
of Vol); CR 2;
Medium hu-
manoid; HD
2d8+2; hp 16;
Init —1; Spd 20
ft. (base 30 ft.);
AC 17, touch 10,
flat-footed 16;
Base Atk +1; Grp
+3; Atk +4 melee
(1d8+2, masterwork morningstar) or +0 ranged; Full

Atk +4 melee (1d8+2, masterwork morningstar) or +0

ranged; SA rebuke undead 4/day (+1, 2d6+3, 2nd); SQ
mage hand at will; ALLE; SV Fort +4, Ref —1, Will +5; Str
14, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats: Concentration +4, Diplomacy +3, Heal

+4, Knowledge (religion) +3; Extra Turning, Spell
Focus (necromancy).

Languages: Common.

Possessions: Banded mail, heavy steel shield, master-

tabard, hand of the mage, potion of cure light wounds, vial of
unholy water, pouch containing 5 sp, 8 gp, and 2 pp.

Cleric Spells Prepared (4/4); 0—cure minor wounds (2), detect

magic, guidance; 1st—bane (DC 13), cause fear (DC 14), inflict
light wounds™ (DC 14), protection from good*:

*Domain spell. Domains: Evil (cast evil spells at +1

caster level), Necromancy (cast necromancy spells at +1
caster level).

Mallora: Female
human mnecro-
mancer 2; CR
2; Medium hu-
manoid; HD
2d4+2; hp 8; Init
—1; Spd 30 ft;
AC 16, touch 12,
flat-footed 14;
Base Atk +1; Grp
+0; Atk +1 me-
lee (1d4-1/19-
20, masterwork
dagger) or +3 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow): Full
Atk +1 melee (1d4-1/19-20, masterwork dagger) or +3
ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SA —; SQ —; AL
LE; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 13,
Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 10.

Skills and Feats: Concentration +3, Craft (alchemy)

+2, Knowledge (arcana) +2, Knowledge (the planes)
+2, Spellcraft +3; Dodge, Scribe Scroll®, Spell Focus


Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven.

Possessions: Masterwork dagger, wand of magic missile (1st

level; 21 charges), potion of cure light wounds, pouch contain-
ing 6 sp, 2 gp. and 3 pp.

Wizard Spells Prepared (4/4): 0— daze, detect magic, read magic,

touch of fatigue (DC 13); 1st—cause fear (DC 14), mage armor,
magic missile, ray of enfeeblement.

Skeletons (4): hp 5, 6, 7, 8; Monster Manual page

225. The skeletons are armed with scythes instead ‘of
scimitars and shields; this gives them an AC of 13 and
an attack of +1 melee (2d4+1/x4, scythe).

Vulture Zombie: CR 1/2; Small undead; HD

2d12+3; hp 16; Init +1; Spd 10 ft., fly 80 ft. (clumsy);
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +1; Grp —2;
Atk +3 melee (1d4+1, talons); Full Atk +3 melee (1d4+1,
talons); SA —; SQ single actions only, damage reduction
5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., undead traits; AL N; SV
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 13, Con —, Int —,
Wis 10, Cha 1.

Feat: Toughness.

Single Action Only (Ex): A zombie can only perform a

single move or attack action each round. The only way
that it can move and attack is if it attempts a charge.

Tactics: In a serious conflict, the skeletons and four

of the soldiers charge into melee. The remaining sol-
diers (notably, any unarmored warriors) provide missile
support with their crossbows.

Keltis begins by casting protection from good on himself.

In the second round he uses cause fear, looking first for
a PC using a bow or crossbow, and failing that, target-
ing the primary PC melee combatant. He then charges
into battle, preferably engaging a cleric of an opposing
faith. He saves his cure spells for his own use, as opposed
to healing the order's soldiers.

When she hears the call to battle, Mallora casts mage

armor before emerging from her tent. She remains with
the crosshowmen and targets enemy spellcasters with
magic missiles, using cause fear against any enemy who closes
to melee range. If she runs out of lst-level spells, she
retreats; in this case, she leaps upon a horse and rides
north to join Garrow at location R4.

The vulture zombie waits in one of the covered

wagons. The zombie is the pet of Brother Garrow and
will not leave the wagon unless it is attacked.
Treasure: In addition to the goods carried by the
individual soldiers, the wagons contain 1,000 crossbow
bolts, 2 light crossbows, 2 morningstars, 2 scythes,
assorted picks and tools, 3 vials of unholy water, 30
sunrods, a sack of 20 black onyx gems (worth 25 gp
each), a chest containing three 5-pound sacks of silver
dust (worth 25 gp each), and a chest containing 500 gp
and 100 pp.

Development: As indicated by the encounter level,

this is not a battle the PCs have much chance of winning.
If they are wise, they try to avoid a conflict. If the char-
acters plan to charge the camp, you might want to warn
the players that the soldiers look extremely competent. If
they attack anyway and take heavy losses, the PCs might
be able to flee to the land cart and escape. The soldiers
are slowed by their armor, they are suspicious of being


led into an ambush, and they refuse to venture far from

the camp in the dark,

Ad Hoe Experience Award: If the PCs successfully

bypass the camp without raising an alarm, they receive a
300 XP story award. In this case, discretion is the better
part of valor.


These encounter areas are scattered around the village.

As the PCs make their way through the village toward
the distant sound of picks striking glass and stone, they
notice that only the stone portions of the buildings
remain. All other building materials seem to have been
consumed in a terrible fire.

Another odd sight also greets them: What the PCs

might have mistaken for ice from a distance is actually
a thick layer of glass that appears to have been poured
(while it was in a molten state) over the entire village.
The glass has hardened into interesting shapes and pat-
terns that coat the ruins. Undead creatures similar to
zombies wander the ruins, and the PCs must deal with
some of them each time they get close to one of the areas
marked R2 on the map.

Other features of these locations are described


Light: Moonlight provides shadowy illumination

throughout the ruined village.

Sound: A DC 10 Listen check allows a character to

hear the scraping sound of glass sliding across glass as
the zombies move about. The PCs can also hear the
distant sounds of metal tools striking glass at regular
intervals. This sound comes from location R4, but it
takes a DC 18 Listen check to discern the source despite
the strange echoes reverberating through the ruins.

Reaction: The strange zombies react with hostility if

they see or hear the PCs.

When the PCs approach one of the areas marked R2

on the map, read:

A strange layer of glass covers much of the village. It coats the ground. It
cascades from the shattered stone walls. Toward the center of the village,
one or two buildings appear to be more intact than the rest of the ruins
around them. Two other sights leap out at you as you look around. First,
you can see the occasional forms of burned dwarves buried within the
glass, their expressions twisted in fear and pain. Second, someone has
been breaking the glass around some of the ruins, shattering it as though
searching for something that may have been trapped within it when the
glass cooled and hardened.
The Situation: The village of Rose Quarry has
been buried under a l-foot-thick layer of a glasslike
substance. This material is tougher than normal glass.
It has hardness 3 and 3 hit points per inch of thickness.
The glass is not perfectly smooth, and it can be a pre-
carious surface to traverse. Characters have to make a
DC 10 Balance check every round in which they are ina
dangerous situation (such as while fighting zombies, for
example). Characters who fail this check fall prone.

The dwarves who were indoors when disaster struck

were burned to death in their homes, and charred bones

are all that remain of these victims. The corpses on the
streets were preserved within the molten glass, their skin
charred but their bodies otherwise intact.

The Emerald Claw invaders have been here for a few

days, excavating the village in search of clues to the loca-
tion of the Whitehearth facility. One of their first actions
was to animate a few of the well-preserved dwarf corpses
to use as zombie labor. The PCs encounter a pair of these
creatures at each location marked R2 on the map.

The PCs can detect the approach of these ghastly

zombies with a DC 10 Listen or Spot check (1 penalty
on the check for every 10 feet between the zombies and
the PCs; the Spot penalty is increased to —2 if the char-
acter does not have darkvision or low-light vision).

Creatures: Pairs of dwarf glass zombies wander

the ruined village. When the PCs first encounter these
creatures, read:

The screeching sound of glass scraping across glass leads you to a pair of
hideous figures. Dwarves who died horribly in fire and molten glass now
shamble as zombies. Unlike ordinary zombies, these undead dwarves
are covered in a coating of translucent glass that seems to act as an extra
layer of skin. The dwarf zombies gaze at you with clear, dead eyes. Then

they charge.

Dwarf Glass Zombies (2): CR 1; Medium undead;

HD 2d12+10; hp 20, 23; Init —1; Spd 15 ft., can't run;
AC 13, touch 9, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +1; Grp +2;
Atk +2 melee (1d6+1, slam); Full Atk +2 melee (1d6+1,
slam); SQ) single actions only, damage reduction 5/(see
text), darkvision 60 ft., glasswalking, undead traits; AL
N; SV Fort +0, Ref —1, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 8, Con —,
Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1.

Feat: Toughness.

Damage Reduction (Ex): The glass that has fused to

the body of each zombie must be smashed with a
blunt instrument before the creature can be hacked
apart. Initially, a glass zombie has damage reduction
5/bludgeoning. Once the creature has taken 8 points of
damage, its glass covering shatters, and it has damage
reduction 5/slashing instead.

Glasswalking (Ex): The zombies can move across the

glass sheet at normal speed, without having to make
Balance checks, due to the layer of glass that surrounds
their bodies.

Single Actions Only (Ex): A glass zombie can only perform

a single move or attack action each round. The only way
it can move and attack is if it attempts a charge.

Tactics: The zombies have been ordered to patrol

the village and attack anyone who is not wearing the
symbol of the Emerald Claw. On spotting the adven-
turers, they charge the nearest enemy and fight until
destroyed. Note that the zombies possess darkvision and
are not hampered by the shadowy illumination.

Development: If the PCs fight the glass zombies

near the camp (the two R2 locations nearest the Rl
location), they attract the attention of the soldiers in
the camp. Two soldiers of the Emerald Claw arrive in
1d4+1 rounds to investigate the disturbance.


One of the two more or less intact buildings at the

center of the village, this large stone structure was
once used by House Cannith to process the red marble
drawn from the quarry. Now, two soldiers of the Order
of the Emerald Claw and a glass zombie work to clear a
chamber that contains a map showing the location of the
Whitehearth facility.

Other features of this location are described


Light: Sunrods provide bright illumination within

the refinery.

Sound: As the PCs approach this location, it becomes

clear that it is one source of the sounds of excavation that
echo throughout the ruins. ADC 13 Listen check allows
the PCs to hear snippets of conversation between breaks
in the chiseling and clearing. A DC 15 Listen check
allows a PC to hear a glass zombie carrying a load of
refuse moving from the interior of the building toward
the entrance.

Reaction: On noticing intruders, the soldiers draw

their weapons and attack. The glass zombie drops the
load it carries and attacks upon spotting the PCs.

When the PCs approach the area marked R3 on the

map, read:

This large building, constructed of walls of red marble, has the engraved
gimbal of an anvil and gorgon carved into the keystone above the
arched doorway—the symbol of House Cannith. While the outer walls
are intact, little else is left of the building. The roof, doors, and upper
floors have been reduced to cinders and rubble. Light can be seen glowing
from deep inside the building.

The Situation: Two Emerald Claw soldiers work

inside the building, sifting through the rubble in
search of a clue as to how to read the map. One glass
zombie helps by carting debris from the large interior
chamber and piling it in one of the two smaller cham-
bers near the entrance. An entrance at the front of the
building opens on the main village road. The walls are
30 feet high and mostly intact, though covered with a
sheet of glass.

The PCs must quietly deal with the glass zombie

or otherwise get past it to approach the large chamber
without alerting the soldiers. (Because the floor in this
area is mostly cleared of glass, Balance checks are not
necessary here.) In most cases, they first encounter the
glass zombie in the dark entry hall, which then alerts the
soldiers to their presence. When they get a chance to see
into the large chamber, read:

The large 50 ~foot-wide chamber hos been cleared of most of the rubble
and glass you ‘ve seen thro ughout the rest af the village. The floor emerges
from the shattered glass, formed from red marble and decorated with an
embossed design.

Creatures: Two Emerald Claw soldiers, one grunt

and the military commander of this mission, Kaela,
work in the large chamber. A dwarf glass zombie cdrts
debris from the large chamber and deposits it in one of
the smaller antechambers. -

Emerald Claw Soldier: hp 14; see page 14.

Dwarf Glass Zombie: hp 20; see page 16.

Kaela: Female
human fighter 2;
CR 2; Medium
humanoid; HD
2d10+2; hp 17:
Init +2; Spd 20
ft. (base 30 ft.);
AC 19, touch 12,
flat-footed 17;
Base Atk +2; Grp
+4; Atk +6 me-
lee (1d8+2/19—
20, masterwork
longsword) or +4 ranged; Full Atk +6 melee (1d8+2/
19-20, masterwork longsword) or +4 ranged; SA —; SQ
—; AL LE; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3; Str 15, Dex 14,
Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Intimidate +2, Ride +5; Combat

Expertise, Iron Will, Quick Draw”, Weapon Focus

Languages: Common.

Possessions: Chainmail, +1 heavy steel shield, dagger,

masterwork longsword, potion of cure light wounds, tabard,
pouch with 5 silver pieces and 12 gold pieces. Her shield
bears the symbol of the Emerald Claw, which may lead
to trouble if the item is claimed by a PC.

Tactics: The warrior immediately draws his weapon

and attacks the party. The minions of the Emerald Claw
are fanatics and cannot be reasoned with; they believe
that if they die they will be reanimated to continue to
serve the Order. Unless the PCs have found a way to
prevent it, the soldier calls for assistance as he fights.
His cries won't reach the camp, but they alert the glass
zombies in the nearest area R2 (if they have not been
defeated by the PCs prior to this encounter) and Garrow
in area R4. The zombies immediately move to join the
fight, but Garrow waits until after the characters have
had a chance to study the map, then makes a properly
dramatic appearance.

Unlike the Emerald Claw soldier, Kaela uses a move

action to don her shield, drawing her sword as a free
action. For the first three rounds of combat, she uses
Combat Expertise to gain a +2 bonus to AC (with a cor-
responding —2 penalty on attack rolls) while she evaluates
her opponents and calls for help. Given the choice, she
targets characters bearing the symbol of the Silver Flame;
she spent three years fighting Thrane in the Last War and
harbors a grudge against the church.

Treasure: The Emerald Claw has already stripped

most of the valuables from this building. A successful


DC 15 Search check allows a character to find a casket

containing 50 pp and a bottle of sale of slipperiness (labeled
“Compound 12" in Common).

Developments: Once the soldiers and the zombies

have been defeated, the adventurers can examine the
large chamber. Read:

The large chamber contains a few enormous blocks of rough red stone.

This place was probably where the marble was shaped, polished, and
prepared for shipping. Large fireplaces occupy the center of the north,

south, and west walls, each made of a different type of stone: red stone
for the north, white stone for the south, and black stone for the west
fireplace. Six statues stand around the room, two to each side of one
of the fireplaces. The floor of the chamber features a detailed map of
central Khorvaire showing the nations of Aundair, Gyre, Karrnath,

Thrane, and Breland. While cities, topographical features, and even

major mines are shown in bas relief on the map, no text identifies
the locations.

The statues depict a dragon and a lion carved from red

marble, a wolf and a falcon carved from white marble,
and an armored knight and a griffon carved from black
marble. If the PCs examine the back of each statue's
head (or make a successful DC 20 Search check), they
find messages carved into the stone. The messages read
as follows.

Fed Dragon: “Whitehearth, White Seal, NE 9."

Red Lion: “Tallis, Black Seal, E 4.”

White Wolf: “Cabblen Hall, Red Seal, SW 15."

White Falcon: “Blackhearth, Black Seal, SE 12.”

Black Knight: “Kronu Hall, White Seal, N 6.”

Black Griffon: “Redhearth, Red Seal, SE 7."

Interpreting the Map: The PCs must bring the fol-

lowing information together—the messages carved into
the back of each statue's head, the House Cannith seals
carved into the floor in front of each fireplace (rubble
and glass must be cleared from atop the north and south
seal; the west seal has already been cleared and is vis-
ible when the PCs examine the chamber), and the map
carved into the floor itself.

The message on the back of each head names a

hidden House Cannith research facility. The seal men-
tioned represents where to start to find the location on
the map. Then it provides a direction to walk and how
many paces to reach the spot on the map. The only place
important for this adventure is Whitehearth, which a
PC of Medium size can find by starting on the seal in
front of the white stone fireplace and walking nine

paces to the northeast. (If a Small character attempts

to pace off the distance, he discovers that going nine
paces to the northeast leaves him in an unmarked spot
on the map—only by continuing for another nine paces
will he reach the correct location.) Doing this places
the character in the hills of southwestern Cyre. At this
location, a character notices a faint symbol of a crossed
pick and shovel. This clue reveals that Whitehearth is
in a mine approximately thirty miles beyond the gray-
mist border of the Mournland, directly due east of the
hamlet of Olkhaan. (The messages carved into the other
statues are not important for this adventure, but can be
developed by the DM; unlike Whitehearth, some or all
of these other locations could still be active.)

Ad Hoc Experience Award: The adventurers receive

a total of 200 XP for solving the puzzle and determining
the location of Whitehearth.


The other more or less intact structure at the center of

the village is a stone church dedicated to the Sovereign
Host. More of the sounds of shattering rock and glass
emanate from the cemetery behind this structure.

Other features of this location are described below.

Light: Moonlight provides shadowy illumination

within the ruined church and in the cemetery behind

Sound: As the PCs approach this location, it becomes

clear that it is a source of the sounds of excavation that
echo throughout the ruins.

Reaction: None. No enemy waits within the church,

and the zombies working in the cemetery are solely
devoted to the task that Garrow has assigned them.
Garrow is treated as a separate encounter (see below);
he might show up in area R3 after the PCs interpret the
map, he might deal with them if they approach the cem-
etery, or he might appear anywhere else in the village if
the PCs draw enough attention to themselves.

When the PCs approach the area marked R4 on the

map, read:

The structure before you appearsto be a church, andyou can see symbols
of the Sovereign Host carved into the stone walls. The roof has fallen in,
but the walls appear solid and strong. A graveyard sits behind the church,
and the sounds of tools striking glass echo from that direction.

The Situation: A changeling priest named Garrrow

leads the Emerald Claw expedition. (Kaela commands

es ————


This golden chalice has two useful funetions. On com-

mand, any liquid placed within it is purified, as by the
spell purify food and drink. Twice per day, it can be used to
change 1 pint of normal water into holy water, as by a bless
water spell, These powers can only be invoked by a cleric

Faint transmutation; CL lst; Craft Wondrous Item,

bless water, purify food and drink, creator must be a priest of
the Sovereign Host; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 2 1b.

of the-Sovereign Host.

my Sar ————————————— ——— S————

the soldiers but takes her orders from Garrow.) Frus-
trated by his team's inability to interpret the map room,
he has decided to exhume the corpses buried in the
graveyard. By using speak with dead, he hopes to uncover
the secret of the map room. If a particular corpse can't
give him that information, he plans to animate it to
serve him. The noises from behind the church are the
sounds of Garrow’s zombies breaking glass in order to
dig up the bodies.

Inside the Church: Rubble from the

collapsed ceiling fills the interior of the
church. The altar can be seen poking
up through the debris, but rubble
and a coating of glass obscure
all other features of the
interior area.

Treasure: A success-
ful DC 20 Spot check
or DC 15 Search
check made inside the
church uncovers Olladra’s
chalice (see the sidebar).
The Emerald Claw sol-
diers discovered this
item but didn’t bother
salvaging it, since
they have no interest
in a minor relic of a
benevolent faith. If the
PCs wish to recover the
chalice, they must care-
fully dig it out of the
glass that encases it.

The Cemetery: In
the graveyard behind
the church, the PCs
spot two dwarf glass
zombies chipping
away at the sheets of
glass that cover the red
marble gravestones. Four
of the graves have already
been emptied, and the remains
of four dwarves have been piled to
one side waiting for Garrow’s atten- wt °
tion. If Garrow has not been encoun-
tered earlier in the adventure, he watches
the zombies work from the shadows beneath
a glass-coated tree (Hide check result of 18).

Dwarf Glass Zombies (2): hp 21, 22; see page 16

for details.

Tactics: The zombies have been ordered to dig, and

they do not initiate contact with the adventurers. If
any of the PCs attack, the zombies drop their tools and
defend themselves.


The priest named Garrow commands this Emerald

Claw expedition. The encounter with Garrow serves as

the dramatic capstone of the PCs’ exploration of Rose

Quarry. The PCs can encounter Garrow in a number
of different locations.

If the PCs make a significant amount of noise while

exploring the Cannith refinery, Garrow shows up to
investigate the disturbance after the adventurers have
had time to unravel the mystery of the map room.

If they investigate the sounds coming from behind

the ruined church, Garrow emerges from the

shadows and greets them.

If the adventurers defeat the soldiers

in area R3 and solve the riddle of the
map room without alerting the rest of
the village, Garrow crosses paths with

them as they near the edge of the village

on their way back to Failin and the land


Garrow enjoys using his abilities to frighten

and confuse opponents. He takes on the

appearance of a vampire when he meets up
with the adventurers.

When the PCs do encounter Garrow,


Atall, emaciated man, wearing a beautiful hooded robe of

black silk, slides out of the shadows.
He has deathly white skin, and a
thick scar runs from the
corner of one gleaming
red eye back past a
pointed ear. He smiles,
flashing sharp fangs.
“What have we here?” he
hisses, measuring you with a casual
glance of his crimson gaze.

Garrow: Male changeling cleric

5 (Bload of Vol); CR 5; Medium
humanoid (shapechanger); HD
5d8; hp 26; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.;
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 14;
Base Atk +3; Grp +3; Atk +4
melee (1d4/19-20, masterwork
dagger) or +5 ranged (1d4/19=20,
masterwork dagger); Full Atk +4 melee

(1d4/19-20, masterwork dagger) or +5

ranged (1d4/19-20, masterwork dagger); SA

death touch, rebuke undead 5/day (+2, 2d6+7, 5th);

SQ changeling traits, minor change shape, +2 on saving
throws against sleep and charm spells; AL LE; AP 3; SV
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +7; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 14,
Wis 16, Cha 14.

Skills and Feats: Bluff +3, Concentration +4, Diplomacy

+7, Disguise +4 (+14 when using minor change shape),
Hide +3, Knowledge (religion) +4, Sense Motive +4,
Spelleraft +7; Heroic Spirit, Spell Focus (necromancy).

Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin.

Changeling Traits: Changelings have a +2 racial bonus

on saving throws against sleep and charm effects.


Cleric Spells Prepared (5/5/4/8); U—cure minor wounds

(2), detect magic, guidance, resistance; Lst—eure light wounds (2),
absturing mist, protection from good, ray of enfeeblement™; 2nd—
command undead® (DC 16), inflict moderate wounds (DC 16),
silence, undead eyes (new spell; see sidebar); 3rd—animate
dead meld into store, speak with dead (DC 17).

*Domain spell. Domains: Death (death touch once per

day, damage 5d6), Necromaney (cast necromancy spells
at +1 caster level).

Possessions: +1 glamered breastplate, masterwork dagger

(holy symbol), potion of invisibility.

Tactics: Garrow prefers to mimic the form of

a vampire, both as a way to frighten opponents and
because he hopes to one day become a true vampire
in the service of Vol. He plays the role with amazing
believability, but he doesn't possess any of the abilities
of a true vampire.

Garrow's frustration over failing to solve the puzzle

of the map room has caused his temper to rise. Seeing
the adventurers, he concludes that Cannith (through
Lady Elaydren, whom the order has been keeping tabs
on) sent them to recover another schema. Rather than
attempting to destroy the PCs, he decides to let them
escape so that he can follow them.

To accomplish this, on his first action he casts

obscuring mist. At the first opportunity afterward, he
drinks his potion of invisibility and then shouts, “To me,
my warriors, while I feast on the intruders’ blood!” His
goal is to leave the party with the impression that he has

shifted to gaseous form.

Any attempt to turn Garrow or to use holy water

against him has no effect, since he is not actually a vam-
pire. If he is targeted by a harmful effect, he can spend
an action point to enhance his saving throw.

Development: Garrow wants the party to escape.

He sends his vulture zombie from area Rl to follow
the party and spy on their progress from a discreet

After the encounter with Garrow, the adventurers
should have the impression that they need to leave as
quickly as possible. According to the map, Whitehearth
lies thirty miles into the Mournland. If the PCs can
convince Failin to take them in the land cart, they can
reach the location in about 3-1/2 hours. It might take
more gold, a DC 20 Diplomacy check, or both, to con-
vince Failin to brave the dangers of the Mournland.
Otherwise, the adventurers must travel on foot or steal
some of the horses from the Emerald Claw camp. Either
way, Garrow has his men make a show of chasing the
PCs, but he wants them to escape and lead him to the
location of Whitehearth.

ee ————



Level: Cleric 2, sorcerer/wizard 2

Casting Time: | round

Components: MN. 5 F

Range: Touch

Target: One mindless undead creature

Duration: | day/level

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: No

This spell allows the caster to form a telepathic link

with a mindless undead creature that the caster has first
cast control undead upon. The telepathic link provides two

benefits. First, the caster can issue telepathic commands

to the target (with the normal restrictions for control
undead). Second, the caster can form a sense-link to the
target as a free action. This link allows the caster to see
and hear through the senses of the undead creature.

While using the sense-link, the caster is considered

stunned; he cannot take any physical actions and is only
dimly aware of events going on around him.

Focus: The caster must possess a piece of the body of

the undead creature he links with—a tuft of hair, a sliver
of bone, a finger, or something similar. If the focus is
removed from the caster, the link is broken.

my 0 ar Le TE

Cyre, once the jewel of the Galifar crown, was

destroyed four years ago in a terrible and mysterious
release of arcane energy. In the afterglow of the dev-
astating effect, the Mournland was born. See pages
188-191 of the Eberron Campaign Setting for complete
details on the Mournland.

A number of encounters are presented for use

during this portion of the adventure. Only two of
these actually need to occur: the Dead-Gray Mist and
the Mouth of the Mine. Use the others as you see fit as
the PCs make their way into the desolate region. The
encounters are not keyed to a map; they are sequential
events presented in the order that they should occur.


The adventurers see the wall of dead-gray mist on the

eastern horizon for the entire trip from Rose Quarry
toward the Mournland. As the PCs cross into the
mist, read:

The wall of roiling mist rises ahead of you, appearing solid and ephem-
eral at the same time. Passing into the cloying mist is like entering an

alien plane of existence. Light barely reflects through the shifting layers of

vapor. Sounds become muffled and distant, even when produced nearby.
The place has a narrow, ominous feel to it, and a feeling of isolation and
growing dread builds within you as you travel deeper into the mist.

If the PCs travel on the elemental-powered land cart,

they can avoid the need to make a Survival check while
moving through the mist. The elemental, tied to the
earth and touching the ground, can't get lost in the
dead-gray mist.

If the PCs travel on foot or by horse, they must

make a DC 20 Survival check upon entering the mist.
(The character at the front of the party should make
the check.) If the check fails, the adventurers become
disoriented and travel in a random direction for 1d4
hours before regaining their bearings.

Sooner or later, depending on the manner of travel

the PCs use, they emerge from the wall of dead-gray
mist and enter the Mournland. Read:

The mist gives way to a desolate, barren landscape. The ground is

cracked and broken, and in some places it has fused into jagged glass.
Few plants grow in this region, and those that do appear to be twisted
and dangerous.


After a short time in the Mournland, the PCs come

across the ruins of a siege engine used in the Last War.
Its shattered form is scattered over a small patch of land,
and the bodies of a handful of Brelish soldiers lie among

the broken pieces. When the PCs get close enough to

make out significant details.of the area, read:

The fallen soldiers look as though they were killed merely moments ago,
though they surely died more than four years ago during the Last War.
Still, their wounds appear fresh and they have nat yet begun to show the
slightest effects of decomposition.

Other features of this location are described below.

Light: Depending on the time of day, the Mournland

is bathed in perpetual twilight or the darkness of a
cloud-covered night.

Sound: The scene is silent.

Reaction: If a character approaches within 30 feet of

the ruined siege engine, a group of wolf skeletons (see
below) emerges from hiding and attacks.

The Situation: The dead Brelish soldiers are dis-

turbing, but they pose no threat to the PCs. The real
threat is the mutated wolf skeletons lurking in the shad-
ows of the shattered siege engine. Any PC who makes
a successful DC 15 Spot check notices the advancing
skeletons and avoids being surprised. The PCs who fail
the check don't get to act in the surprise round.

Creatures: Three wolf skeletons are hiding among

the ruins of the siege engine. They are wolf skeletons in
all respects except for the cosmetic changes wrought by
the weird arcane effects of the Mournland. Now the skel-
etons appear twisted and deformed, and human skeleton
parts have been fused to the spines of these creatures.

Wolf Skeletons (3): hp 13; Monster Manual page 226.

Treasure: If the PCs feel comfortable looting the

bodies of the Brelish soldiers, they can recover 83 gp,
191 sp, 24 pp, and a +I light mace.

Spot Check: After the PCs have defeated or moved

away from the twisted wolf skeletons, a character can
make a DC 18 Spot check to notice a single carrion bird
circling on the horizon behind them.


The PCs continue their trip through the Mournland

toward the Whitehearth facility when they come upon
an even more terrible sight than what they encountered
around the broken siege engine. They ride (or walk) into
the remains of a massive battle. Most of the corpses—Brel-
ish infantry and Cyran archers—died in a battle that took
place on the Day of Mourning, four years ago. Mixed in
with these older (but still fresh-looking) corpses are the
victims of a more recent skirmish. Two days ago, a warband
made up of Valenar elves encountered a party of Talenta
halfling hunters. The two opposing bands fought among
the ruins of the older battle until they were surprised by a
terrible monster hiding beneath the corpses. The carcass
crab emerged and struck quickly and with great ferocity.
The halflings and elves defended themselves and wounded
the monster, but they could not kill it. Now their bodies lie
among those that fell on the Day.of Mourning.

Other features of this location are described below.

Light: Depending on the time of day, the Mournland


is bathed in perpetual twilight or the darkness of a cloud-

covered night.

Sound: The scene is eerily silent. No scent of death

or decay is discernible in the air, despite the number of
bodies scattered across the field.

Reaction: If a character approaches within 20 feet of

the mound of halfling and elf bodies, the carcass crab
emerges from hiding and attacks.

When the carcass crab emerges, read:

The mound of corpses and discarded weapons shifts, rising up from

the ground on eight crablike legs. Four eyestalks emerge, and the giant
crustacean covered with corpses shambles toward you.

The Situation: This is a deadly battle with consider-

able rewards. The carcass crab that lurks in this region is
a young version of the monster presented in the Eberron
Campaign Setting. It was injured in its battle with the Valenar
elves and halfling hunters, and this experience has left it
in an angry mood. It wants to relieve its pain by inflicting
pain on others, and the PCs who wander into its path must
deal with this exceptionally violent young carcass crab.

The soldiers of Cyre and Breland died on the same

day of the mysterious disaster that ereated the Mourn-
land. The halflings and elves fell more recently, slain
by the young carcass crab hiding within this field of
corpses. Anyone who makes a successful Spot check
opposed by the crab’s Hide check result notices the
outline of the crab among the bodies and is not sur-
prised when the creature emerges. As far as the other
characters are concerned, the valley appears lifeless.

Creatures: A young carcass crab lurks beneath

the mound of corpses, resting and recovering from
its battle with the elves and halflings. When the crab

attacks, it bursts from its hiding place, flinging bodies

in all directions.

Carcass Crab: CR 4; Large magical beast; HD

6d10+18; hp 51; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 19, touch 16,
flat-footed 16; Base Atk +6; Grp +14; Atk +9 melee
(1d8+4, claw) or +8 ranged (1d3 plus poison, barb);
Full Atk +9/+9 (1d8+4, 2 claws) or +8 ranged (1d3 plus
poison, barb); Space/Reach 10 £t./10 ft.; SA bite 1d4+2
(attack bonus +4 when grabbling an opponent), poison
(Fortitude DC 16, initial and secondary damage 1d3
Dex); SQ adhesive, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision,
spiny defense (a creature that hits the crab with a natural
weapon or unarmed attack takes 1d4 points of piercing
damage); ALN; SV Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +2; Str 18, Dex
15, Con 16, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 9.
Skills and Feats: Hide +1 (+8 circumstance bonus on
Hide checks in the Mournland), Spot +6; Point Blank
Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot.

Languages: —

Possessions: Standard treasure,

Tactics: The crab is not a subtle opponent. It is

hurt and wants to hurt others. Any character who
comes within 30 feet of its hiding spot becomes a target
for the creature's rage. If the PCs notice the crab and
attack with ranged weapons or spells, the crab emerges
from its hiding place and moves toward its opponents,
hurling venomous barbs at the enemy who deals the most
damage. If the PCs decide to leave the area, the carcass
crab won't chase them. [t will, however, continue to hurl
barbs as long as the PCs are within range.

Treasure: While hundreds of bodies are strewn

throughout the valley, most of the soldiers were simple
infantrymen equipped with mundane arms and armor.
Any simple weapon can be found, along with hundreds

A mound of corpses

a in the Mournland
of crossbow bolts and a multitude of shields and suits of

leather armor. With a dedicated search (and preferably

the casting of detect magic), the following items may be.

picked out of the heap:

+ Talaen Kara, +1 Valenar double scimitar (see sidebar)

* 1 masterwork Talenta tangat

* | wand of magic missiles (1st level)

* 1 cloak of resistance +1

* 3 potions of cure moderate wounds

* 1 potion of invisibility

* 1 suit of half-plate armor

* 1 flametouched iron holy symbol (Sovereign Host)

* 3 vials of antitoxin

* 1 vial of acidic fire

* letter of credit with the Kundarak Banking Guild

for 400 gp

* Atotal of 250 sp, 38 gp, and 4 pp

It takes 1d4+2 hours of searching to locate and recover

these items from this killing field, and the adventurers
must literally strip the bodies of fallen soldiers in some
cases to recover all of this treasure.

Spot Check: After the PCs have defeated or moved

away from the carcass crab, a character can make a DC
15 Spot check to notice a single carrion bird circling on
the horizon behind them.


(EL 1/2)

Eventually, the PCs reach the location that corresponds to

the spot on the map from Rose Quarry. When they reach
this area, they find whatappears to be an abandoned mine-
shaft dug into a low hill. Before they can enter the shaft
and make their way into the Whitehearth facility, they must
deal with Garrow’s spy and pet, the vulture zombie.

Other features of this location are described below.

Light: Depending on the time of day, the Mourn-

land is bathed in perpetual twilight or the darkness of
a cloud-covered night.
Sound: The area around the mineshaft is quiet. A
successful DC 20 Listen check allows a PC to hear
the occasional rustle of the nearby vulture zombie's
skeletal wings.

Reaction: If a character approaches the entrance to the

mine, the vulture zombie attacks.

When the PCs reach this location, read:

At the base of a low hill, a timbered opening leads into a dark tunnel. At
first glance, it looks like any other abandoned mineshaft. Then, with a
more careful inspection of the opening, you spot the House Cannith seal
emblazoned on the center crossbeam.

The Situation: This is indeed the entrance to the

secret Whitehearth facility. Garrow, watching through
the undead eyes of the vulture zombie perched on a
nearby withered tree, experiences joy and anger at this
moment. He is happy that his plan worked and that the
adventurers have led him to Whitehearth, but he feels a
raging anger that they might get to enter the installation
before he does.

Let the PCs examine the entrance as they see fit.

Other than the House Cannith seal, nothing indicates
the nature or purpose of this mine. No traps or alarms
are present at the entrance, and the tunnel stretches
into darkness. As the PCs set up a marching order to
enter the 10-foot-wide tunnel, Garrow orders his vul-
ture zombie to attack.

If the PCs noticed the vulture following them ear-

lier, they can each make a DC 12 Spot check. Anyone
who fails the check is caught by surprise as the rotting
vulture swoops down from the sky.

Creatures: Garrow controls the vulture zombie as

it attacks the party.

Vulture Zombie: hp 16; see page 15.

Tactics: Garrow guides the vulture's actions, so it

displays unusual cunning for a zombie. It targets a wizard
or sorcerer if one is present. If not, it streaks toward a
target wearing the least amount of armor. Garrow hurls it
at the party knowing that it will be destroyed—he hopes to
inflict as much damage as possible before that happens.

EE sess. |


Talaen Kara is a +1 Valenar double scimitar with the following

characteristics: AL CG; Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12; Empa-
thy, 30 ft. vision and hearing; Ego score 5.

Lesser Powers: Bless 3/day, additional +1 enhancement

bonus when used on horseback.
Personality: This beautiful weapon holds the essence
of a proud Valenar warhorse, the lifelong companion of
the ranger Valea Ildallia. When her faithful steed finally
fell in battle, Valea forged this blade so her companion
could continue to ride with her into battle. While the
weapon is intelligent, it has the mind of a horse and only
communicates with strong, pure emotions—anger, joy,
suspicion, and so on.

Initially, Talaen Kara only uses its powers on behalf

of an elf. A ranger of another race can win the respect
of the blade by making a DC 20 wild empathy check;
the ranger can attempt this check once per week,

Each of the scimitar’s two blades is engraved. One

bears the stylized image of a horse's head, while the
second features a flowing horse's tail. When the weapon
is whirled about in battle, these images seem to move
and gleam with a silvery light. The handle is bound with
black leather and silver wire, and bears the name of the
weapon in Elven script.

Strong evocation; CL 15th; Price 4,925 gp.

By A tr Ae TR


The magewrights, artificers, and wizards of the White-

hearth facility were not the architects of the Mournland,
and the cause of the devastation remains a mystery.
House Cannith was selling magic weapons to all five
of the great nations, and Whitehearth was where the
house developed spells and items considered to be too
dangerous or volatile to test near civilization. On the
Day of Mourning, the energies that created the Mourn-
land swept across Whitehearth. Many of the researchers
and support staff were killed instantly. They were the
lucky ones—others were destroyed by arcane experi-
ments thrown out of control. Now chaos and death fll
the halls of Whitehearth. House Cannith has sent a few
teams to investigate the place over the intervening four
years, but none have returned.

This section of Shadows of the Last War is a traditional

dungeon crawl. The adventurers must overcome mysti-
cally altered beasts, living spells, and arcane traps while
searching for the schema and information concerning
the creation pattern it ties to.

Whitehearth was carved out of the stone using

powerful magic. Unless otherwise noted, assume the
following conditions to be true:

* Walls are smooth gray stone (hardness 8, 15 hp/inch

of thickness, generally 1 foot thick between rooms),
and ceilings are 8 feet high.

. Everbright lanterns once lit the workshops, but

the mystical shock wave overloaded the lanterns,
and now they only give off a dim radiance
equivalent to shadowy illumination.

* Standard doors are made from three

inches of steel (hardness 10, 90 hp, break
DC 30) and sealed with arcane lock
(raising the break DC to 40).
These locks are tied to
color-coded keycharms.
When the proper charm
is pressed into a
socket next to the
door, the portal
is unlocked.

* A permanent
Mordenkainen’s private
sanctum spell protects
the entire complex,
making it hard to locate
by magical means.


Three rotator rooms separate the different sections of
the Whitehearth facility. Each rotator room is a hollow
steel sphere approximately 20 feet across with a single

entryway. Various corridors lead to a rotator room, but

the entryway only lines up with one corridor at a time.

To rotate the sphere and realign an entryway, a

character must manipulate the control panel located
at the center of each room. The panel features a set of
color-coded sockets. If a character uses the appropri-
ate color-coded keycharm, the room rotates to line up
the entryway with the corridor that corresponds to the
colored socket. Any corridor that leads to the rotator
room has a panel set in its wall so that the sphere can be
accessed from the outside.

The walls of the rotator rooms have been alchemically

and magically treated to make them extremely durable
(hardness 10, 1,800 hp), since these served as the primary
security and safety measures employed by the facility.


The diagram on page 25 and the map on page 29 must

be used together to determine how the PCs progress
through the facility. The Rotator A Control Panel cor-
responds to the corridors that encircle the
rotator room marked W2. The Rota-
tor B Control Panel corresponds
to the rotator room
marked W14 and its sur-
rounding corridors. The
Rotator C Control Panel corresponds
to the rotator room marked W18 and its
surrounding corridors.
Rotator Room A, for example, begins in the
position that allows the entryway to line up with
the access shaft from area W1 (blue). If the PCs use
their blue keycharm in the Rotator A Control Panel, the
room rotates to line up with the corridor that corre-
sponds to whichever blue socket they insert the keycharm
into. For example, if the PCs insert the keycharm into
the right-hand blue socket (the east position), the room
rotates to the corridor that leads to room W3.


The following encounters are keyed to the Whitehearth

facility map. Use the map on page 29 when running
these encounters,


The steep, sloping tunnel into the mine leads to a large,

rough-hewn stone chamber. An opening in the far wall
leads to three narrow, snaking tunnels designed to con-
fuse and mislead intruders.
Other features are described below.

Light: This portion of the mine is completely dark.

Sound: The PCs can't hear any unusual sounds.

Reaction: Nothing animate or alive occupies this

location; instead, traps protect the area and discourage
further investigation.

The Situation: In each of the snaking tunnels, a

circular, 4-foot-wide adamantine hatch is set into the
floor. There is a simple locking mechanism at the center
of the hatch, and a small socket just to the left of the
locking mechanism, coated in blue enamel. The socket
is designed to fit a blue keycharm such as the one that Lady
Elaydren placed in the handy haversack. If the keycharm is
placed in the socket, the hatch unlocks without any
difficulty. Otherwise, any attempt to open the hatch
triggers a deadly trap.

Traps: Each hatch is rigged with a shocking

grasp trap that activates if someone tries to open it
without using the proper keycharm.

Shocking Grasp Trap: CR 3; magic device; touch trig-

ger; automatic reset; spell effect (shocking grasp, 3rd-level
wizard, 3d6 electricity damage); Search DC 26; Disable
Device DC 26.

Developments: Things are not always what they

seem. The hatches marked as “a” on the map are decoys.
When these hatches are opened, a second shocking grasp
trap is triggered. The hatch marked “b" opens onto a
circular metal shaft with a metal ladder running down
one wall. A wall of darkness, the edge of the Mordenkainen's
private sanctum effect, conceals the bottom of the shaft.
The shaft descends 30 feet, leading to area waa.


The rotator room starts out with its entryway pointed

up, granting access from the hatch in area W1.

Other features of this location are described below.

Light: A weakened everbright lantern provides shadowy


Sound: None.

Reaction: None; the rotator room is empty.

After the PCs descend the ladder, read:

Dim light, little more than that provided by a flickering candle, emanates
from a crystalline globe embedded next to the entrance. This strange
metal chamber is a perfect sphere, approximately 20 feet across. The
only exit from the room appears to be the shaft you descended. An
octagonal metal plate is set into a pedestal at the center of the room.
This metal plate is I foot across and contains nine sockets—five blue
enamel sockets, two green sackets, and two brown sockets.

Initially, the adventurers can only access the areas that

correspond to the blue sockets. The first time a character
selects a blue socket and inserts the keycharm, read:

A powerful vibration shakes the walls of the chamber, and slowly the
entire room begins to rotate. You have to move to keep from falling down,
but the grooved floor helps you stay on your feet. In less than a minute
the chamber has rotated, and now the entryway appears as a doorway
into a corridor instead of a hatch in the ceiling.
The PCs can either leave to explore the corridor, or pick
a different socket and try again.


This corridor, accessed by a bluekeycharm, leads to a laun-

dry room. At first, it might appear to be a vast linen
closet. A narrow corridor runs between four rows of
floor-ta-ceiling shelves, with fresh bedsheets, blankets,



towels, and clothing stacked high upon them. The room

is completely free of dust, and the pleasant smell of clean
cloth fills'the air. At the far side of the room, a large
washbasin is set into the floor, If the PCs watch, a clean
white tunic floats out of the basin, folds itself, and stacks
itself on a shelf.

This room showcases a domestic experiment. The

washbasin uses a limited form of prestidigitation to clean
any object placed within it, and it also generates a per-
manent unseen servant to handle the chores of cleaning.

Creatures: The unseen servant ignores the party,

even if it is attacked. If the servant is destroyed, the wash-
basin automatically manifests a new servant in 1 hour.

Unseen Servant: 6 hp (special); Player's Handbook

page 297.


This corridor, accessed by a blue keycharm, leads to the area

where the House Cannith researchers went to rest and
relax after each day's work.

Light: The weakened everbright lanterns provide shadowy


Sound: A DC 15 Listen check alerts a PC to the sound

of crackling flames from area W5.

Reaction: The living flaming sphere attacks any

intruders it notices.

The Situation: The rotator room opens on a cor-

ridor that smells of burnt wood and charred flesh. Soot
and ash coat the corridor and stick to the walls and
ceiling. A metal door at the end of the hall appears to
have melted into slag.

When the disaster reached Whitehearth, a spell

that one of the researchers was casting got out of con-
trol and turned into a living spell. The living flaming
sphere burned everything it could, and happily moves
to destroy the PCs once it realizes they have intruded
upon its private domain.

Spot Checks: Anyone who makesa DC 12 Spot check

notices a glow such as that cast by a bonfire coming from
the room at the end of the hall (area W5). Anyone who
makes a DC 18 Spot check also notices a number of
human bones mixed in with the soot and ash that covers
the floor.

Encounter: If the PCs move quietly, they can reach

the rooms at the end of the hall without incident. If they
don't take care to be quiet, the living flaming sphere
from area W5 makes a Listen check to notice the sound
of the approaching PCs. If the living flaming sphere
succeeds on the check, it engages the party in the
narrow corridor.


This room once served as the living quarters for those

working in the Whitehearth facility. Now enly hints of
the tables, beds, bookshelves, and bodies stick up from
among the charred remains. The raging fires of the
living flaming sphere that uses this chamber as a lair
have destroyed almost everything of value.

Other features of this location are described below,

Light: Four weakened everbright lanterns provide shadowy

illumination, If the living flaming sphere is present, it
provides bright illumination.

Sound: If the living flaming sphere is present, the PCs

can hear crackling flame.

Reaction: The living flaming sphere moves to attack

any living intruders.

Creatures: The living flaming sphere is a mass of

roiling, white-hot protoplasm. While mindless, it is
driven by a hunger for destruction.

Living Flaming Sphere: CR 3; Medium ooze; HD

3d10+3; hp 19; Init —1; Spd 40 ft.; AC 11, touch 11, flat-
footed 11; Base Atk +2; Grp +b; Atk +3 melee (1d4+1,
slam); Full Atk +3 melee (1d4+1, slam); SA burn,
engulf; SQ damage reduction 10/magie, ooze traits,
spell resistance 13; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +0;
Str 12, Dex 9, Con 12, Int —, Wis 9, Cha 12.

Burn (Sw): Flammable materials such as cloth, paper,

parchment, and thin wood burn if touched by a living
flaming sphere. A character can extinguish burning
items as a full-round action.

Engulf (Ex): To evade the living flaming sphere's

engulf attack, a target must make a DC 13 Reflex save.
Engulfed creatures take 2d6 points of fire damage and
suffer the effects of the burn ability each round.

Tactics: The sphere attempts to engulf the nearest

opponent, maintaining contact until its fire damage
destroys him.
Treasure: The room's contents have been reduced
to ash by the living flaming sphere.


A 10-foot-long pool of cool, clear water occupies

the first chamber, and a row of marble latrines is set
against the walls in the far chamber. The living flam-
ing sphere refuses to enter the bath area, so the PCs
can dive into the pool or otherwise retreat to relative
safety in this room. If the PCs search the far cham-
ber, they discover a partially charred human corpse
in a robe propped against the wall next to one of the
latrines. As with all corpses in the Mournland, this
one appears freshly killed, even though she must have
died four years earlier.

Every 24 hours, the pool is magically purified and

refilled. The corpse is the body of a wizard researcher.

Treasure: The corpse wears a belt pouch contain-

ing 5 sp, 3 gp, and a brown keycharm. She wears an arcane
signet ring bearing the House Cannith seal.


This corridor, accessed by a brown keycharm, leads to a

locked metal door. The lock is an average lock (Open
Lock DC 25). Inside, the PCs find shelves full of dried
or magically preserved food, skins full of water and
wine, and a variety of mundane supplies including
clothing, bed rolls, rope; and the like. There's also a
box containing 2 potions of cure moderate wounds and 3 potions
of lesser restoration.

This corridor, accessed by a blue keycharm, leads to the

living area of the facility's support staff. Servants,
guards, and laborers were housed in this wing.

Other features of this location are described below.

Light: Weakened everbright lanterns provide ‘shadowy


Sound: Any PC who makes a successful DC 15 Listen

check can hear splashing water and indistinct yaps and
growls from area W10.

Reaction: If the PCs make noise or otherwise alert her

to their presence, Rorsa appears in the doorway of area
WY and initiates conversation.

‘When the rotator room opens on this corridor, read:

A corridor of plain gray stone extends ahead of you. In the flickering

light from the dim everbright lanterns embedded in the walls, you see
a few trails of crusted blood running along the floor, as if someone
was dragged down the corridor. At the far end of the hall you see three
portals: an open archway to the left, a door propped open straight
ahead, and a sealed metal door to the right.

The Situation: While members of the common

races died on the Day of Mourning, other creatures
were affected in different ways by the arcane storm
that raged across Cyre. Two guard wolves, led by an
awakened dive wolf named Rorsa, have claimed this
wing as their own. Rorsa has learned to manipulate
the keycharms with her teeth, and her pack has access
to water and meat—in the form of corpses located
throughout the facility.

The wolves have keen ears. As the PCs move down

the corridor, make two Listen checks (+8 modifier for
Rorsa, +6 for her wolf companions). If the wolves hear
the approaching adventurers, Rorsa appears in the
doorway of area W9 and hails the party. Refer to area
WS for details.


This room served as a barracks for the servants of

Whitehearth. Fourteen bunks are spread across the
room, each with a wooden chest set at its foot. A round
table is set to either side of the door. The awakened dire
wolf Rorsa leads the small wolf pack that consists of two
male wolves and Rorsa. The pack has claimed this area
as its den. When the PCs arrive, Rorsa is here: the two
wolves are in W10,

Seven servants were in the barracks when disaster

struck. In addition to these corpses refusing to decom-
pose and roi, some arcane aftereffect keeps them in
the same state they were in when they died. In this way,
the wolves have been able to feast upon the flesh of the
corpses for four years. While the wounds that relate to
their deaths never disappear, any damage the wolves
cause is repaired within 1d4 hours.

The Situation: Rorsa and the wolves (originally

located in area W10) defend themselves if the PCs attack,
but the awakened dire wolf would rather talk than fight.
She hails the adventurers when she becomes aware of

their presence, greeting them in Common. If the PCs

behave in a civilized manner, they can share informa-
tion with Rorsa. If not, Rorsa calls the wolves from area
W10 and attacks.

What Rorsa Knows: Rorsa explains that she remembers

very little prior to the moment four years ago when she
awoke to full consciousness. All the humans whe had
cared for her and her kind were dead. She managed to
figure out how to open the doors and operate the rotator
rooms, and she and her friends moved to this wing. She
admits to eating the former inhabitants of the base, but
points out that they were already dead. And besides, they
grow back.

Rorsa wants to hear about the outside world. In

exchange, she tells the party about the living flaming
sphere in the northeast (W5) and the stone wolf in the
southwest (W16). Rorsa has always wanted to find a way
to free the rest of the wolves from area W16, but she is
frightened of the bizarre creature that guards them.
Rorsa asks the adventurers to destroy the stone wolf, and
in exchange she promises to give them a green keycharm and
her pearl of power.

Creatures: Rorsa, an awakened dire wolf.

Rorsa, Awakened Dire Wolf: CR 4; Large magical

beast (augmented); HD 8d10+24; hp 69; Init +3; Spd 50
ft.; AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +8; Grp
+19; Atk +13 melee (1d8+10, bite); Full Atk +13 melee
(1d8+10, bite); SA trip; 8Q darkvision 60 ft., low-light
vision, scent; AL N; SV Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +3; Str 25,
Dex 16, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14.

Skills and Feats: Hide +6, Knowledge (local) +6; Listen

+8, Move Silently +8, Search +6, Sense Motive +8,
Spot +8, Survival +6; Alertness, Blind-fight, Combat
Expertise, Run, Track.

Trip (Ex): A dire wolf that hits with a bite attack can
attempt to trip its opponent (+11 check modifier) as a
free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. If
the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the
dire wolf.

Possessions: Blue keycharm, green keycharm, pearl of power (1st

level). All these items are mounted on fine chains, and
Rorsa wears them around her neck.

Tactics: Rorsa and the wolves have no experience

fighting spelleasters. They typically engage the closest
target. All three try to use their trip ability to keep foes
off balance. Rorsa is a cautious fighter and generally uses
Combat Expertise to add 5 points to her AC.

Treasure: The chests scattered around the room

are unlocked. They mostly contain artisans outfits,
artisan’s tools, and other mundane items. A few of
the chests belonged to guards. These contain § chain
shirts, 3 longswords, 3 daggers, and 2 short swords. A
total of 30 gp and 80 sp can be found scattered through-
out the chests.

Ad Hoc Experience Award: If the PCs avoid fighting

and agree to help deal with the creature in area W16, they
receive an award of 600 XP.

‘W10. BATH (EL 1)

This double chamber is similar to area W6. It contains

a pool of fresh water and a row of latrines. Rorsa's com-
panions; two wolves, rest in here when the PCs enter
this wing, occasionally taking lazy laps of water. If the
PCs reach this location without alerting the wolves or
Rorsa to their presence, the wolves become confused at
the sight of living humans. They bark and howl to get
Rorsa’s attention and then attack the intruders.

If Rorsa is attacked, they immediately go to her aid.

If Rorsa commands them to stop, they reluctantly do so
as long as the PCs stop making hostile actions.

Wolves (2): hp 13 each; Monster Manual page 283.


Alocked metal door, accessed by a brown keycharm, leads to

the richly appointed quarters of Whitehearth’s captain
of the guard. A large ironbound chest is set against the
foot of the bed. On the right side of the room, a mas-
sive bronzewood wardrobe engraved with Elven symbols
stands against the wall. In the far corner, an array of
swords hangs from a rack on the wall, along with a shield
bearing the House Cannith seal and a beautiful blue-
enameled chain shirt.

The wooden chest is unlocked. The wardrobe is

sealed with an average lock, and the bronzewood can
absorb a significant amount of damage (hardness 10, 40
hp, break DC 26, Open Lock DC 25). The true treasures
are sealed in a hidden compartment in the base of the
wardrobe, Finding this compartment requires aDC 15
Search check.

Treasure: The weapons rack includes a masterwork

greatsword, a masterwork longsword, a masterwork short
sword, a heavy steel shield, and a masterwork chain
shirt, The wooden chest contains an assortment of
blankets and traveling clothes. The wardrobe contains
boots and clothing, including a darkweave cloak. The
secret compartment in the base of the wardrobe contains
a purse holding 25 pp, a ring of silver and jet set with an
oval-cut bloodstone (worth 100 gp), one vial of silversheen,
two vials of oil of magic weapon, and a red keycharm.


This corridor, accessed by a blue keycharm, leads to the

office once used by the ranking House Cannith repre-
sentative at the facility. The everbright lantern in this room
functions properly. The room appears to be a small
library or study. Two sturdy oak desks are set against
the left wall. The rest of the room is filled with shelves
lined with scrolls and leather-bound books. On close
examination, mast of these items appear to be business
ledgers: They are concerned with quantities of food
purchased, receipts for bulk spell components, and
similar kinds of information.

The corpse of a dead female clerk is slumped over

the nearer of the two desks. Anyone who makes a DC 15
Spot check notices that she has collapsed on top of an
especially ornate seroll.

Treasure: The dead woman is lying on top of a

scroll of resist energy. She is also wearing a House Can-

nith signet ring.


This corridor, accessed by a brown keycharm, leads to the

dining hall. Four long tables are set up around the main
room, and an archway on the far wall leads into a large
kitchen. Ten humans—seven men and three women—
died in this hall. These corpses are warm to the touch,
and rigor mortis has not set in; they seem to be sleeping,
but they can’t be awakened.

The kitchen contains a well filled with pure water,

cabinets filled with pots and pans, a wine rack with an
assortment of vintages, and various other cooking utensils.
A large ebony cabinet with multiple drawers and complex
mithral patterns inlaid on its surface rests against one
wall. Each drawer produces a particular prestidigitation effect,
either chilling, heating, or flavoring food.

Treasure: Among the bodies, the PCs can recover

9 blue keycharms, 2 brown keycharms, 20 sp, and 10 gp.


This chamber is similar to area W2, except the control

panel has a different configuration of colored slots. See
the diagram on page 25 for details.


This corridor, accessed by a green keycharm, leads to the

kennel. Normal wolves and a strange stone wolf occupy
this wing of the facility.

Other features of this location are described below.

Light: Dim everbright lanterns provide shadowy illu-


Sound: Any PC who makes a successful DC 13 Listen

check can hear the growls and snarls of wolves coming
from area W16.

Réaction: If the PCs make their presence know, the

stone wolf comes to investigate.

Development: If the party tries to enter area W17

before area W16, each character needs to make a Move
Silently check opposed by the stone wolf's Listen check. If
anyone fails this check, the stone wolf emerges from area
W16 to investigate. However, it cannot open doors, so the
PCs can quickly duck inta W17 and close the door.

W16. KENNEL (EL 4)

Eleven steel cages line the walls of this kennel, and gray
wolves occupy seven of the locked cages. Ever-filling
containers within the cages keep the wolves fed and
watered. When the PCs enter this chamber, or when
the stone wolf reveals itself, read:

This creature has the shape of a wolf, but plates of black marble have
been fused to its flesh. In addition to the stone armor that shields its
flanks, its muzzle has been replaced by an elongated maw filled with
row upan row of obsidian teeth.

The Situation: This stone wolf is the result

of Whitehearth experiments to combine flesh and
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construct characteristics. Now this half-golem wolf

guards the kennel and attacks anyone who enters the
area—wolf and human alike.

Creature: The half-stone golem wolf is consumed

by an irrational hatred of all humanoid creatures; it has
a hostile attitude and immediately attacks.

Half-Stone Golem Wolf: CR 4: Medium construct;

HD 2d8+8; hp 17; Init +1; Spd 50 ft.; AC 22, touch 11,
flat-footed 21; Base Atk +1; Grp +2; Atk +7 melee (1d6+6,
bite); Full Atk +7 melee (1d6+6, bite); SA slow, trip; SQ
damage reduction 5/adamantine, low-light vision,
immunity to magic, scent; AL N; SV Fort +9, Ref +4,
Will +1; Str 23, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 1.

Skills and Feats: Hide +2, Listen +5, Move Silently +3,
Spot +5, Survival +1; Alertness, Track.

Slow (Su): This half-golem can use a slow effect, as the

spell, as a free action once every 2 rounds. The effect has
a range of 10 feet and duration of 7 rounds, requiring
a DC 15 Will save to negate.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): This half-stone golem wolf is

immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell
resistance (see page 137 of the Monster Manual).

Treasure: A pile of garbage includes a few odds

and ends collected from the wizards and artificers who
died. This pile includes an orange keycharm, an essence node
of blinding, a House Cannith signet ring, and a small
mithral-and-bloodstone brooch depicting a crescent
moon (worth 130 gp).


This chamber is empty.


This chamber is similar to area W2, except the control

panel has a different configuration of colored slots. See
the diagram on page 25 for details.

Trap: If a character uses an orange keycharm before using

a red heycharm, the chamber slowly rotates. The everbright
lantern goes out and the room is plunged into darkness.
When the chamber finally comes to a stop, the entrance is
pointed straight down into a well. Anyone in the chamber
must make a DC 7 Balance check to keep from sliding
through the hole and falling into the water below.

Anyone who falls into the water takes falling damage

as usual (it's a drop of 30 feet to the surface of the water),
and then needs to make Swim checks to avoid drowning
in the 20-foot-deep well.

Until the red keycharm is used to turn off the trap, only
the green keycharm slot and the opening to the well can be


This corridor, accessed by a yellow keycharm, leads to a

strange room.

Light: Bright illumination is provided by a living

color spray spell.

Sound: All sound is absorbed in this room; the PCs

Reaction: The living color spray attacks if the PCs

attempt to cross the room.

The Situation: The sudden lack of sound and the

mirrored walls and floor make this chamber a discon-
certing place. A vast mass of brilliant, swirling color
so bright as to be almost blinding bounces within the
mirrors and then moves toward the party. The absence
of sound is an illusion. It is not the same as a magical
silence effect, and characters can cast spells with verbal
components while in the room. However, anyone in the
room is considered to be deafened for the duration of
the stay.

Creatures: A living color spray inhabits this room.

Living Color Spray: CR 2; Large ooze; HD 3d10;

hp 16; Init —1; Spd 15 ft.; AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9:
Base Atk +2; Grp +6; Atk +3 melee (1d6 plus colorblind,
slam); Full Atk +3 melee (1d6 plus colorblind, slam); SA
colorblind, engulf; 80 damage reduction 5/magic, ooze
traits, SR 13; AL N; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +0; Str 11,
Dex 8, Con 11, Int —, Wis §, Cha 11.

Colorblind (Su): A living color spray is a blazing mass

of color and light. Anyone struck by its slam attack
must make a DC 11 Will save or suffer the effect of the
color spray spell: A creature with 2 or fewer Hit Dice is
unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds,
then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then
stunned for | round; a creature with 3 or 4 Hit Dice
is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned
for 1 round; and a creature with 5 or more Hit Dice is
stunned for 1 round.

Engulf (Ex): In order to evade the living colar spray's

engulf attack, a target must make a DC 11 Reflex save.
Engulfed creatures suffer the effects of the colorblind
ability each round.

Tactics: The living color spray engulfs anyone that

it can fit within its body, and then crushes until there
is nothing left to crush. It fights to the death.

Treasure: None.


This is another chamber of illusions—one that provides

the PCs with a warning about the final challenge they
must face to claim the schema. When the characters
enter this area, they experience an illusion as though
they had entered area W22. Tt takes a moment to real-
ize there is no sensation of heat or smell of flame. This
room functions as an enormous crystal ball set to sery on
area W22. If a character makes a DC 18 Spot check while
watching the scene, he or she notices a chest contain-
ing the schema and two vials marked with a symbol that
looks like a flame. A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check
reveals that this symbol indicates that the vials contain
potions of resist energy.

Treasure: A quick examination of the room, and

a DC 15 Search check, uncovers a red keycharm hanging
from a hook on the wall.

can't hear anything—incloding each other.


This corridor, accessed by an orange keycharm (but only

after first disarming the trap by using a red keycharm, as
detailed in area W18), leads to the chamber where the
schema is stored.

On the far wall, the PCs see a pair of adamantine doors

bearing the seal of House Cannith, and waves of heat pour
off the doors and ripple through the corridor.


This chamber contains the eldritch machine that

destroyed Rose Quarry, as well as the second schema
and the creation pattern the schema belongs to.
The eldritch machine, wrecked and no
longer working, appears as a terrible
multiheaded construct rising from
a crucible of molten glass. The
danger here comes not from
the machine, but from two fire
elementals that were once
bound to it and now wander
the chamber freely.

Light: Bright illumina-

tion is provided by the two
fire elementals and the
crucible of molten glass;
dim everbright lanterns pro-
vide shadowy illumination
in the rest of the chamber.

Sound: No Listen check

is necessary to hear erackling
flames and the bubbling of a pool
of molten glass.

Reaction: If the doors are opened, the

fire elementals move to attack.

When the PCs open the double doors, read:

This large chamber stretches away from the doorway, and intense heat
shimmers in the air. A raging bonfire burns about 40 feet away, near
the far wall, casting dancing shadows across the room. A second one
burns about 60 feet away, along the southern wall. In the center of
the room, a large crucible filled with bubbling malten glass radiates
terrible heat. Long, snaking heads made of iron and brass rise up from
the molten pool like some metal hydra. Just south of the crucible and
the construct, a crystalline chest reflects the hot light. Through the
translucent material, you can see that the chest contains a variety of
objects, including what can only be the diamond-shaped schema that
you seek. Then, with an angry crackle of flame and a threatening hiss
of steam, the bonfires begin to move toward you.

The Situation: This chamber houses the eldritch

machine that destroyed Rose Quarry. Using the creation
pattern discovered in Xen'drik and one schema, the
artificers of Whitehearth developed the hydra-headed
eldritch machine that spat white-hot molten glass from
its five heads to rain upon the helpless village. They
tested it just before the event that destroyed the rest
of Cyre occurred, not sure exactly what the machine

Creation Pattern

was going to do. Overjoyed and a little horrified by the

powers of the machine, the artificers were in the process
of shutting it down when the Day of Mourning swept
across the land. The eldritch machine was damaged, and
the fire elementals bound within it were released. Due
to the damage and the uncooperative fire elementals,
this machine will never work again.

Anyone who examines the ceiling notices a retract-

able dome directly above the machine. Controls for
opening the dome can be found in the southern alcove
nearest the doorway. A successful DC 15 Use Magie
Device check or a DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) check
allows a character to figure out the controls
and open the dome. If the dome is
opened while the fire elementals are
still alive, they immediately break
off combat and flee through the
opening into the bleak Mourn-
land countryside.

Terrible heat fills the cham-

ber, emanating from the pool
of molten glass. If the PCs
choose to stay in the chamber
for an extended period, they

need to worry about severe

heat damage (see page 303 of the
Dungeon Master's Guide).
Creatures: The fire elemen-
tals that were bound in the eldritch
machine are free and wandering the
chamber. They have no desire to be
returned to their prison. The elementals
believe that the party has come to restore the
binding spells, so they attack without mercy. If
the dome in the ceiling is opened, the elementals
stop fighting and seek to escape from the facility.

Medium Fire Elementals (2): hp 26 each; Monster

Manual page 99.

Tactics: The fire elementals fight the party directly

and savagely, believing that they are fighting for their

The Crystalline Chest: In front of the ruined

eldritch machine sits a large chest formed of a heat-
resistant crystalline substance and sealed with an
average lock (hardness 10, 40 hp, break DC 26, Open
Lock DC 25, +15 hardness against fire damage). The
treasure contained within could play a critical role in
the characters’ surviving the encounter.

Treasure: The translucent chest contains two

copies of the diamond-shaped schema (the original and
an exact copy created by the Whitehearth artificers), 2
potions of resist energy (10 points fire damage), 2 potions of cure
moderate wounds, 1 scroll of resist energy, and the Xen'drik
creation pattern. The pattern is a large disk formed
of adamantine and covered with mithral-laced runes
and symbols. It contains sockets for four schemas, like
the ones found beneath Sharn and in the chest. It is 3
inches thick, 2 feet across, and weighs 10 pounds.

| =



After the PCs defeat the fire elementals and recover the
schema (both the original and the copy) and the creation
pattern, they can leave Whitehearth without incident. They
can either leave through the open dome above area W22, or
they can backtrack to the mine above area W2. Depending
on how things went with Rorsa and her pack, they might try
to find a way to get the wolves out of the facility as well.
One last encounter awaits the adventurers. Garrow
and his Emerald Claw soldiers have followed the PCs to
Whitehearth and wait to ambush them when they exit.


Garrow and a small unit composed of Emerald Claw sol-

diers and undead lie in wait for the PCs to emerge from
Whitehearth. They are ready at whichever exit the PCs
utilize, either the mine or the dome above the ruined
eldritch machine.

Light: Depending on the time of day, the Mourn-

land is bathed in perpetual twilight or the darkness of
a cloud-covered night.

Sound: The area around the exit is quiet.

Reaction: Garrow wants to conduct this encounter

peacefully. His troops won't attack until he orders it.

When the PCs emerge from Whitehearth, read:

“Well done, adventurers,” calls a voice you recognize as that of the

vampire from Rose Quarry. Figures appear from out of the shadows
surrounding you: six Emerald Claw soldiers armed with crossbows, four
skeletons armed with scythes, and a female necromancer. The vampire
is nowhere to be seen, but you can hear his voice.

“It is futile to fight us,” the vampire says. “Give me the third schema,
and | will let you live. Oppose us, and I will take it from your corpses,
and then raise your bodies to serve me.”

The Situation: Garrow wants the schema. He

doesn't know about the creation pattern. If the players
are paying attention, they have learned that the schema
they have found is the third schema, not the second.
Garrow and the Order of the Emerald Claw have previ-
ously located the crescent-shaped schema.
If the PCs want to fight, make initiative checks and
proceed with combat. If they decide to turn over one of
the two copies of the diamond-shaped schema, they can
leave with the schema and the pattern after fighting a
reduced number of the enemy. If they decide to fight,
Garrow commands his troops from hiding, and the PCs
must battle his entire force.

If the PCs give one of the schemas to Garrow, the

apparent vampire says, "A wise decision. You have the
gratitude of Garrow and the Order.” He mounts his
horse, and Mallora and two soldiers follow, but the
others remain behind. “Kill them!” Garrow calls as
he rides off into the Mournland.

Creatures: If the PCs face the full force of enemies,

they must deal with Garrow (see page 19), Mallora (see
page 15), six Emerald Claw soldiers (see page 14), and
four skeletons. If they hand over the schema, they face
a reduced force of four soldiers and four skeletons.

Skeletons (4): hp 6, 6, 7, 7; Monster Manual page

225. The skeletons are armed with scythes instead of
scimitars and shields; this gives them an AC of 13 and
an attack of +1 melee (2d4+ 1/%4, scythe).


If PCs Triumph: If all goes well, the PCs defeat some

portion of the Emerald Claw force, recover their ride
(either their mounts or Failin and his elemental-pow-
ered land cart), and then return to Darguun without
incident. Garrow, meanwhile, escapes with one of the
copies of the schema.

Following this outcome, the PCs meet up with Lady

Elaydren back in Rhukaan Draal. She sends word to
them on where to meet her shortly after they return to
the goblinoid city. She gladly accepts the schema and
the creation pattern in the name of Cannith West. She
gives the PCs a reward of 2,000 gp for their remarkable
efforts on behalf of her house.

If the PCs mention the nation of a third schema

(based on Garrow's outburst in “Ambushed!”), Lady
Elaydren’s countenance turns grave. “Then it is true,”
she says. “The Emerald Claw has found one of the sche-
mas. Time indeed grows short for us all.”

With their business apparently concluded, Elaydren

has one more request to make of the adventurers. “If you
accompany me back to Sharn,” she says with a twinkle in
her eye, “I'll see to it that you receive an additional 1,000
gold after we arrive safely.” She will pay for their return
trip, by sea, if they travel as her escort and bodyguards.

If PCs Are Defeated: If the PCs make the wrang choices,

or if the battles simply wind up being too much for them
to handle, Garrow's forces reduce them to negative hit
points but don't necessarily kill them. With the PCs
unconscious, Garrow takes both copies of the schema
from their packs. He leaves the creation pattern, because
he wasn't expecting it and doesn't know what it is. He
then leaves the PCs to die or recover as fate decides.

If the PCs stabilize, they eventually recover and

make their way back to Rhukaan Draal. If Failin was
waiting for them, he provides aid and helps them recover
more quickly. Lady Elaydren is disappointed in the loss
of the schema and the news that the Emerald Claw alsa
has the third part. She takes some pleasure in acquiring
the creation pattern, and gives the PCs a reduced award
of 1,000 gp for obtaining it. Then she offers them the
job of escorting her back to Sharn, as described above.

Next? You can use Shadows of the Last War as a springboard

to more adventures of your own creation. Or you can
follow the story line that continues in Whispers of the
Vampire's Blade, the second in a three-part series.


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# © * Shadows. of the Last War is a stands alone adventure for the Dron &F La 2 a
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