Eberron DD 35 Shadows of The Last War
Eberron DD 35 Shadows of The Last War
Eberron DD 35 Shadows of The Last War
Keith Baker
Bill Slavicsek
Christopher Perkins
Andrew Finch
Manacine Epitor
Kim Mohan
Robert Raper
Wayne Reynolds
Daniel Hawkins
Lisa Hanson
ee ———
Renton WA 98037-4707
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Wizards of the Coast, Belgium
T Hofveld bd
nd-Level Adventure
Dennis Kauth
Rob Lazzaretti
Candice Baker
Probuction Manacers
Josh Fischer
Randall Crews
Tommy Castillo
worth p
details, pi the following adventure code:
Based on the original Dungeons & Dracons® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
Arneson and the new
Dunceons & Dracons game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
Richard Baker, and
Peter Adkison.
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d20 System License, please visit www.wizards.com/d20.
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This product isa work of fiction, Any similarity to actual peaple, organizations,
places, or events is purely coineidental
Shadows of the Last War follows the events of The Forgotten Forge,
the lst-level adventure included in the Eberron Campaign Set-
ting. In that adventure, the party of adventurers recovered
an ancient schema—part of a creation pattern used hy the
fabricators of House Cannith—for Elaydren d'Cannith.
To find this item, they had to brave the dangers of the
deepest levels of Sharn while overcoming agents of the
warforged extremist, the Lord of Blades.
Ire ————————
Thunder rumbles in the distance as you cross the rain-slick skybridge that
leads to Barmin Tower. The rain falls at a steady pace, causing waterfalls
to spill over the sides of the slanted rooftops and balcony railings. Ahead,
the door to the House Sivis message station hangs open at a strange angle,
one of its hinges separated from the doorframe. Lightning flashes, and you
think you hear a groan from somewhere inside the otherwise quiet shop.
Let the PCs approach the message station as they see fit.
The trouble that visited the place a short time ago has
already moved on, and all the adventurers can accom-
plish here is to determine that someone has again taken
an interest in their activities.
The tables and stools within the message station are in disarray; some
are overturned or smashed, others have been forcefully scattered from
their usual places. Behind the counter, lying atop a spilled shelf of scrolls
and parchment sheets, is the gnome clerk who runs the station. She
moans, unconscious but apparently still alive.
Back outside in the wind and the rain, the PCs have
only a moment to decide what they should do before
something large swoops toward them. Read:
The rain seems to slack off os you walk away from the message station.
Around a tower bend, at least a dozen people mill about on a partially
covered terrace. A gang of children splashes in the puddles near the curu-
ing wall, laughing merrily. A merchant pushes an empty cart, presumably
returning from the market exchange. A guard of the Sharn Walch looks
the crowd over from his place beneath a shop awning.
officer of the City Watch calls out: “Why are you attack-
ing that messenger? Stop that this instant!” The giant
owl, unperturbed, delivers the scroll case and flies off.
If the PCs continue to harass it, it returns and strikes
back. All the while, the officer of the Watch attempts to
stop the violence before it escalates and someone gets
seriously injured.
Today the Broken Anvil only has one customer, a woman in a worn
brown cloak. She sits at a table at the far end of the raom. As you enter,
she raises her hand as if to cast a spell, then stops and pulls back her
hood. Despite her disheveled hair and the dirt that covers her face, you
recognize her. She is Elaydren d'Cannith, the woman who hired you to
explore the depths of Sharn.
Hier our eres fave discovered sie and | 10 The Forgotten Forge, Elaydren wore
expensive jewelry
Your portion,
Suddenly the door to the street bursts open. Four small figures leap
through the doorway—kobolds! They move in pairs to each side of the
chamber, clearing the space in front af the entrance. A fifth figure steps
into the doorway, a broad humanoid in a dark, hooded cloak carrying
light crossbow. He raises the crossbow and launches a bolt at Elaydren.
Female human
aristocrat 2/
sorcerer 2; CR
3; Medium hu-
manoid: HD
2d8+2d4; hp
17; Init +5; Spd
30 f.; AQ 15,
touch 11, flat-
footed 14; Base
Atk +2; Grp +14
Atk +1 melee (1d4—1/19—-20, masterwork dagger) or +3
ranged (1d4—1/19-20, masterwork dagger); Full Atk +1
melee (1d4—1/19-20, masterwork dagger) or +3 ranged
(1d4—1/19~20, masterwork dagger); SA —; SQ least Mark
of Making: make whole 1/day; AL N; SV Fort +0; Ref +1;
Will +7; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16.
A. Common Room.
E. Latrine )
(bracelet); potion of cure maderate wounds, glamerweave court-
ier's outfit; masterwork dagger; jewelry (150 gp); and 20
gp. 28 pp, and identification papers in a belt pouch.
Language: Common.
Ag fornrict e
Tow odect poe recovered Sor 2 Swoon Lhe resins
Center Pocket
* 80 arrows
+ 80 bolts
Right Pocket
* 1 everbright lantern
* 1 flint and steel
* 1 healer's kit
* 5 torches
* 3 sacks
Left Pocket
The night is warm and quiet, and the trio of moons in the sky reflects
ghostly light onto the water.
“Glad to have adventurers such as yourselves along for this trip,” the
caravan boss says, slapping one of you an the back. “The mountain clans
have been acting up lately, and we could use your steel and muscle to
make sure all of us make it to Rhukaan Draal in one piece. To show my
appreciation, I'll give you twenty~five gold apiece when we safely make
it to the goblin city.”
Languages: Common, Goblin.
The placard above the door displays a mummified ogre’s hand clenched
tightly in a fistand nailed in place. This rundown tavern appears to cater
to humans and members of the other common races.
“Rose Quarry? Very far away. Near the border. Near the gray mist.
Mining town. I can take you, Yes. But it will cost you. Sixty gold each,
forty up front. You bring your own supplies.”
Failin (formerly
of House Orien):
Male human ex-
pert 4/rogue I;
CR 3; Medium
humanoid; HD
5d6; hp 18; Init
+7; Spd 30 ft.;
AC 13, touch 13,
flat-footed 10;
Base Atk +3; Grp
+2; Atk +2 melee
dagger); Full Atk +2 melee (1d4—1/19-20, dagger); SA
sneak attack +1d6; SQ dimension leap 1/day, trapfinding; AL
N; SV Fort +1, Ref +8, Will +5; Str 9, Dex 16, Con 10, Int
11, Wis 12, Cha 11.
“Let's go, let's go,” Failin says, leaping up from the table and gesturing
toward the door. “Follow me, quickly! My land cart is hidden nearby.”
On their way to the land cart, Failin and the PCs are
interrupted when two bughbears step out of the shadows
and confront Failin. Read:
“Failin, you cheat us!” growls one of the bugbears as both of them raise
their morningstars to threatening positions.
The elemental bound to the land cart rumbles with a sound like Eberron
itself stirring from an ancient sleep. The wheels slide partially into the
earth itself, and then the land cart slides along without regard to broken
ground or other natural obstacles,
“The village of Rose Quarry belonged to Gyre before the war,” Failin
says. “Now it lies within Darguul territory. Originally, House Cannith
prospectors established the village when they found a massive vein of red
marble. Cannith brought in dwarves from the Mror Holds to mine-and
excavate the marble, Anywhere you see Cannith architecture, you may
find Rose marble—Sharn, Flamekeep, Korth, even Rhukaan Draal—half
the red stone in Khoruvaire probably comes from the quarry.”
You also notice another source of light. In the southern part of the
village, a fire glows in a large pit, which is surrounded by four large tents.
Figures move around this makeshift campsite.
From this spot, you get a clearer view of the camp. Six humans are
gathered around the fire, and four skeletons armed with scythes stand in
silent vigil nearby. The humans wear tabards emblazoned with a green
claw over chainmail. Northwest of the fire, in a clearing between two
tents, @ man in banded mail clutches an ornate dagger and appears to
be chanting or praying.
Languages: Common.
Languages: Common.
Mallora: Female
human mnecro-
mancer 2; CR
2; Medium hu-
manoid; HD
2d4+2; hp 8; Init
—1; Spd 30 ft;
AC 16, touch 12,
flat-footed 14;
Base Atk +1; Grp
+0; Atk +1 me-
lee (1d4-1/19-
20, masterwork
dagger) or +3 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow): Full
Atk +1 melee (1d4-1/19-20, masterwork dagger) or +3
ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SA —; SQ —; AL
LE; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4; Str 8, Dex 14, Con 13,
Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Feat: Toughness.
A strange layer of glass covers much of the village. It coats the ground. It
cascades from the shattered stone walls. Toward the center of the village,
one or two buildings appear to be more intact than the rest of the ruins
around them. Two other sights leap out at you as you look around. First,
you can see the occasional forms of burned dwarves buried within the
glass, their expressions twisted in fear and pain. Second, someone has
been breaking the glass around some of the ruins, shattering it as though
searching for something that may have been trapped within it when the
glass cooled and hardened.
The Situation: The village of Rose Quarry has
been buried under a l-foot-thick layer of a glasslike
substance. This material is tougher than normal glass.
It has hardness 3 and 3 hit points per inch of thickness.
The glass is not perfectly smooth, and it can be a pre-
carious surface to traverse. Characters have to make a
DC 10 Balance check every round in which they are ina
dangerous situation (such as while fighting zombies, for
example). Characters who fail this check fall prone.
The screeching sound of glass scraping across glass leads you to a pair of
hideous figures. Dwarves who died horribly in fire and molten glass now
shamble as zombies. Unlike ordinary zombies, these undead dwarves
are covered in a coating of translucent glass that seems to act as an extra
layer of skin. The dwarf zombies gaze at you with clear, dead eyes. Then
they charge.
Feat: Toughness.
This large building, constructed of walls of red marble, has the engraved
gimbal of an anvil and gorgon carved into the keystone above the
arched doorway—the symbol of House Cannith. While the outer walls
are intact, little else is left of the building. The roof, doors, and upper
floors have been reduced to cinders and rubble. Light can be seen glowing
from deep inside the building.
The large 50 ~foot-wide chamber hos been cleared of most of the rubble
and glass you ‘ve seen thro ughout the rest af the village. The floor emerges
from the shattered glass, formed from red marble and decorated with an
embossed design.
Kaela: Female
human fighter 2;
CR 2; Medium
humanoid; HD
2d10+2; hp 17:
Init +2; Spd 20
ft. (base 30 ft.);
AC 19, touch 12,
flat-footed 17;
Base Atk +2; Grp
+4; Atk +6 me-
lee (1d8+2/19—
20, masterwork
longsword) or +4 ranged; Full Atk +6 melee (1d8+2/
19-20, masterwork longsword) or +4 ranged; SA —; SQ
—; AL LE; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +3; Str 15, Dex 14,
Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.
Languages: Common.
The large chamber contains a few enormous blocks of rough red stone.
This place was probably where the marble was shaped, polished, and
prepared for shipping. Large fireplaces occupy the center of the north,
south, and west walls, each made of a different type of stone: red stone
for the north, white stone for the south, and black stone for the west
fireplace. Six statues stand around the room, two to each side of one
of the fireplaces. The floor of the chamber features a detailed map of
central Khorvaire showing the nations of Aundair, Gyre, Karrnath,
The structure before you appearsto be a church, andyou can see symbols
of the Sovereign Host carved into the stone walls. The roof has fallen in,
but the walls appear solid and strong. A graveyard sits behind the church,
and the sounds of tools striking glass echo from that direction.
es ————
of the-Sovereign Host.
Treasure: A success-
ful DC 20 Spot check
or DC 15 Search
check made inside the
church uncovers Olladra’s
chalice (see the sidebar).
The Emerald Claw sol-
diers discovered this
item but didn’t bother
salvaging it, since
they have no interest
in a minor relic of a
benevolent faith. If the
PCs wish to recover the
chalice, they must care-
fully dig it out of the
glass that encases it.
The Cemetery: In
the graveyard behind
the church, the PCs
spot two dwarf glass
zombies chipping
away at the sheets of
glass that cover the red
marble gravestones. Four
of the graves have already
been emptied, and the remains
of four dwarves have been piled to
one side waiting for Garrow’s atten- wt °
tion. If Garrow has not been encoun-
tered earlier in the adventure, he watches
the zombies work from the shadows beneath
a glass-coated tree (Hide check result of 18).
After the encounter with Garrow, the adventurers
should have the impression that they need to leave as
quickly as possible. According to the map, Whitehearth
lies thirty miles into the Mournland. If the PCs can
convince Failin to take them in the land cart, they can
reach the location in about 3-1/2 hours. It might take
more gold, a DC 20 Diplomacy check, or both, to con-
vince Failin to brave the dangers of the Mournland.
Otherwise, the adventurers must travel on foot or steal
some of the horses from the Emerald Claw camp. Either
way, Garrow has his men make a show of chasing the
PCs, but he wants them to escape and lead him to the
location of Whitehearth.
ee ————
Components: MN. 5 F
Range: Touch
Spell Resistance: No
my 0 ar Le TE
The wall of roiling mist rises ahead of you, appearing solid and ephem-
eral at the same time. Passing into the cloying mist is like entering an
alien plane of existence. Light barely reflects through the shifting layers of
vapor. Sounds become muffled and distant, even when produced nearby.
The place has a narrow, ominous feel to it, and a feeling of isolation and
growing dread builds within you as you travel deeper into the mist.
The fallen soldiers look as though they were killed merely moments ago,
though they surely died more than four years ago during the Last War.
Still, their wounds appear fresh and they have nat yet begun to show the
slightest effects of decomposition.
Languages: —
A mound of corpses
a in the Mournland
of crossbow bolts and a multitude of shields and suits of
* 1 cloak of resistance +1
* 1 potion of invisibility
* 3 vials of antitoxin
At the base of a low hill, a timbered opening leads into a dark tunnel. At
first glance, it looks like any other abandoned mineshaft. Then, with a
more careful inspection of the opening, you spot the House Cannith seal
emblazoned on the center crossbeam.
EE sess. |
By A tr Ae TR
* A permanent
Mordenkainen’s private
sanctum spell protects
the entire complex,
making it hard to locate
by magical means.
Sound: None.
Dim light, little more than that provided by a flickering candle, emanates
from a crystalline globe embedded next to the entrance. This strange
metal chamber is a perfect sphere, approximately 20 feet across. The
only exit from the room appears to be the shaft you descended. An
octagonal metal plate is set into a pedestal at the center of the room.
This metal plate is I foot across and contains nine sockets—five blue
enamel sockets, two green sackets, and two brown sockets.
A powerful vibration shakes the walls of the chamber, and slowly the
entire room begins to rotate. You have to move to keep from falling down,
but the grooved floor helps you stay on your feet. In less than a minute
the chamber has rotated, and now the entryway appears as a doorway
into a corridor instead of a hatch in the ceiling.
The PCs can either leave to explore the corridor, or pick
a different socket and try again.
Trip (Ex): A dire wolf that hits with a bite attack can
attempt to trip its opponent (+11 check modifier) as a
free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. If
the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the
dire wolf.
‘W10. BATH (EL 1)
Eleven steel cages line the walls of this kennel, and gray
wolves occupy seven of the locked cages. Ever-filling
containers within the cages keep the wolves fed and
watered. When the PCs enter this chamber, or when
the stone wolf reveals itself, read:
This creature has the shape of a wolf, but plates of black marble have
been fused to its flesh. In addition to the stone armor that shields its
flanks, its muzzle has been replaced by an elongated maw filled with
row upan row of obsidian teeth.
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Skills and Feats: Hide +2, Listen +5, Move Silently +3,
Spot +5, Survival +1; Alertness, Track.
Until the red keycharm is used to turn off the trap, only
the green keycharm slot and the opening to the well can be
Treasure: None.
This large chamber stretches away from the doorway, and intense heat
shimmers in the air. A raging bonfire burns about 40 feet away, near
the far wall, casting dancing shadows across the room. A second one
burns about 60 feet away, along the southern wall. In the center of
the room, a large crucible filled with bubbling malten glass radiates
terrible heat. Long, snaking heads made of iron and brass rise up from
the molten pool like some metal hydra. Just south of the crucible and
the construct, a crystalline chest reflects the hot light. Through the
translucent material, you can see that the chest contains a variety of
objects, including what can only be the diamond-shaped schema that
you seek. Then, with an angry crackle of flame and a threatening hiss
of steam, the bonfires begin to move toward you.
Creation Pattern
| =
After the PCs defeat the fire elementals and recover the
schema (both the original and the copy) and the creation
pattern, they can leave Whitehearth without incident. They
can either leave through the open dome above area W22, or
they can backtrack to the mine above area W2. Depending
on how things went with Rorsa and her pack, they might try
to find a way to get the wolves out of the facility as well.
One last encounter awaits the adventurers. Garrow
and his Emerald Claw soldiers have followed the PCs to
Whitehearth and wait to ambush them when they exit.
“It is futile to fight us,” the vampire says. “Give me the third schema,
and | will let you live. Oppose us, and I will take it from your corpses,
and then raise your bodies to serve me.”
U:S. $9.95
# © * Shadows. of the Last War is a stands alone adventure for the Dron &F La 2 a
oT ad
- DRAGONS? game that will immerse your characters in the EBERRON" Tope Fle 8 of Be
A The ruined Mouse Cannith citadel of Whitehearth hols the key to’
constructing a terrible magic. weapon. “Agents of the Emerald’ Claw will
— stop at nothing.to recover the ancient device. As malevolent forces hunt
Pen. “forthe artifact, Tesourceful Weroes battle the perils of the: Mournland to 1}
112 « reach Whitehearth first and Iscqyey the secrets ial lie within. 2
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