Compliance Letter Final
Compliance Letter Final
Compliance Letter Final
Office of the Authority's Engineer for Widening & Up gradation to 2 -Lanes with Paved Shoulder of NH-54 in State
of Mizoram
(Section -1, Package 1,2&Bypass)
Subject: Widening and up gradation to 2-lane with paved shoulder configuration and geometric
improvements of NH-54 in the State of Mizoram from km 8.000 to km 65.000”. (Section-1: Civil
Contract Packages- 1) on EPC mode, with JICA loan assistance: Compliance of Observation
Raised by PMU-Seling -Regd.
Dear Sir,
Observations Compliances
a. Methodology has not been approved and site 1. The rock fall prevention wall inventory
inventory/drawing of rock fall prevention wall has been carried out but officially not
or other special slope protection work has not submitted by the Contractor till date. The
been prepared till date. chainage which is in the SPS -32 under
comes as per Site requirement. As the
contractor submitted the officially we will
approved and forwarded to you.
b. The AE has not approved the drawing of 2. The drawing of Bus-bayed and Junction
Junction and Bus-Bayed till date. are under review.
c. In Annexure A, the Approval date of work 3. Corrected
Program is incorrect.
d. In Para 1 of the Cover letter, the bill date is 4. Corrected.
e. Erroneous calculation of length of wet 5. The calculation is right but in print the
masonry R/Wall (Ht. 3m) in Sr no.4,16,24,26 digit after decimal digit is not showing
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5th Floor, Eros Corporate Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
Consortium of
Office of the Authority's Engineer for Widening & Up gradation to 2 -Lanes with Paved Shoulder of NH-54 in State
of Mizoram
(Section -1, Package 1,2&Bypass)
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5th Floor, Eros Corporate Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
Consortium of
Office of the Authority's Engineer for Widening & Up gradation to 2 -Lanes with Paved Shoulder of NH-54 in State
of Mizoram
(Section -1, Package 1,2&Bypass)
2. Due to the Peak season of the Work, The 50% amount of Junction and Bus-bay
quantity has been considered for smooth flow of work. No hampering in work due
to financial crises to the EPC contractor, that the contractor completes the Project
within the target date.
Thanking You,
Sincerely Yours,
Manjunath Naik
Team Leader
Copy forwarded to the followings for favor of information and necessary action please:
ED (P) RO-Aizawl, NHIDCL
GM (P), PMU-Seling, NHIDCL
The AE, NK-STUP-NKI, New Delhi
Manager (PKG1), PMU-Seling, NHIDCL
Internal Circulation:
ME-1, EE, Sr.QS. & Sr. CS
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5th Floor, Eros Corporate Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019