Unec 1700548088
Unec 1700548088
Unec 1700548088
Winter Session
September 15th, 2023 – December 29th, 2023
Instructor Details:
Instructor: Huseyn Hasanov Ph.D.
Office hours: (By appointment via email) phone
Phone: +994 (0) 50 382 15 06
Email: hasanov.huseyn@unec.edu.az
Course Description:
In today’s harsh competition environment with high level of risk and uncertainty involved, it is of great
importance to have sound knowledge on marketing for engaging customers and managing profitable customer
relationship through providing superior customer value. The course sheds light on main marketing concepts,
explores the role of marketing within organizations, and the role of marketing in society. As an integral part of
this course, importance of value and role of customer in value creation process will be analyzed. This course will
equip students on how to capture customer insights and conduct marketing research, identify target customers,
develop consumer-driven marketing strategy, understand organizational and consumer buyer behavior. This
course allows students to build foundational marketing skills, which can be further explored through elective
course offerings.
Course Objectives
➢ Introduce you to the fundamental principles of marketing.
➢ Give you a broad understanding of consumers and marketing behavior of firms.
➢ Apply marketing theory and concepts to what marketers do in “the real world.”
➢ Understand the importance of consumer satisfaction and delivery of superior customer value.
➢ Design consumer value-driven marketing strategy.
➢ Develop an Integrated Marketing mix strategy.
➢ Conduct marketing research and analyze collected data set for right decision making.
➢ Analyze consumer behavior model.
➢ Use marketing concepts to make business decisions.
➢ Describe and explain current topics and issues in marketing.
➢ Encourage you to question the limitations of marketing management and to suggest ways of
overcoming its many challenges.
Teaching methods
➢ Lecture
➢ Active participation and discussion
➢ Case Analysis
➢ Workshops
➢ Presentations
➢ Role playing
➢ Simulations
➢ Screening, e.g. video, map, data and so forth
Attendance Policy
➢ Attendance refers to the participants’ physical presence in class. Participants must attend all classes.
➢ Come to sessions on time. Attendance will be checked during the first 10 minutes. Those who come later
than 10 minutes will receive absent.
The instructor views the course syllabus as an educational contract between the instructor and participants. Every
effort will be made to avoid changing the course schedule but the possibility exists that unforeseen events will
make syllabus changes necessary. The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus as deemed
necessary. Participants will be notified in a timely manner of any syllabus changes via email.
Grade Weights
Physical attendance -
Midterm Exam -
Group presentation -
Final Exam -
Grading Scale
91-100 excellent A
81-90 very good B
71-80 good C
61-70 satisfactory D
51-60 unsatisfactory E
below 51 failed F
Assignment Overview
There will be 2 in-class colloquiums during the spring semester. Exact date of quizzes and topics covered will be
communicated beforehand. Each quiz will yield 10%. here will be no make-up exams! If you miss either
midterm or final exam for any reason except for medical emergency, you will get zero points on that
Students have to form groups of at most four people and prepare a presentation on provided topics that cover
different directions and concepts within marketing. Students are free to choose presentation topics that most
appeal to them. Find below provided topics:
➢ Real time marketing
➢ Viral marketing
➢ Guerrilla marketing
➢ Neuromarketing
➢ Green Marketing
➢ Sustainable marketing
➢ Event marketing
➢ Cause related marketing
➢ Corporate social responsibility
➢ Unethical behaviors of businesses
Building upon all topics covered students have to develop a marketing plan. You may do this assignment
individually or in a group of two people. It is of great importance to find an innovative business idea and write a
marketing plan for introducing a product in Azerbaijan by taking into account a real situation in a local market.
The word requirement for your Marketing plan is set minimum 4.000. Marketing Plan is due on December 01,
2023 and is to be submitted to the blackboard account of this module. Marketing Plan must (but not limited to)
be comprised of following sections:
Executive Summary
Company Description
Situation analysis
- Market summary
- Market trends
- Market demographics
- SWOT analysis
- Micro-environment analysis
- Macro-environment analysis
- Marketing Research
Mission and Vision
Goals and Objectives
Marketing Strategy
- Segmentation
- Targeting
- Positioning
- Marketing Mix strategy
Forecast and Marketing Budget
- Sale Forecast
- Marketing Budget Forecast
Implementation and Control
- Marketing Organization
- Implementation
Azerbaijan State University of Economics
Exact date of the exam will be specified and communicated to students beforehand. No books and electronic devices are allowed.
There will be no make-up exams! If you miss either midterm or final exam for any reason except for medical emergency,
you will get zero on that exam.
Academic Honesty: The academic community assumes that you understand the ethical violation of plagiarism. Successful
academic and professional writing involves careful reading and composing skills so as to avoid any semblance of plagiarism. Be sure
to give yourself plenty of time to complete various assignments in order that you will never be so overwhelmed that you are tempted
to, or inadvertently, claim another’s work as your own. Clearly, you will not learn or benefit cognitively by plagiarizing. Strict
standards of academic honesty will be enforced in this course. Serious repercussions will be issued if you are caught plagiarizing.
Academic work always relies on other people’s work, and there are standards on how to do that while acknowledging those people.
To understand what plagiarism is, see the followings:
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (2018). Principles of marketing (17th. Ed.).Columbus, OH: Pearson. Pride, W. M. (2013). Marketing 2014.
Cengage Learning.
Supplementary Literature
Roger A. Kerin, Steven W. Hartley & William Rudelius (2017). Marketing 13th edition. McGraw-Hill Education
Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2016).Research methods for business: A skill building approach. John Wiley & Sons.
Kim, W. C., & Mauborgne, R. A. (2014).Blue ocean strategy, expanded edition: How to create uncontested market space and make the
competition irrelevant. Harvard business review Press.
Scott, D. M. (2015). The new rules of marketing and PR: How to use social media, online video, mobile applications, blogs, news releases,
Further readings
Vargo, S. L., Maglio, P. P., & Akaka, M. A. (2008). On value and value co-creation: A service systems and service logic perspective.
European management journal, 26(3), 145-152.
Sheth, J. N., & Uslay, C. (2007). Implications of the revised definition of marketing: from exchange to value creation. Journal of Public
Policy & Marketing, 26(2), 302-307.
Mitchell, R. K., Agle, B. R., & Wood, D. J. (1997). Toward a theory of stakeholder identification and salience: Defining the principle of
who and what really counts. Academy of management review, 22(4), 853-886..
Smith, N. C., Drumwright, M. E., & Gentile, M. C. (2010). The new marketing myopia. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 29(1), 4-
Huang, P., Lurie, N. H., & Mitra, S. (2009). Searching for experience on the web: an empirical examination of consumer behavior for
search and experience goods. Journal of marketing, 73(2), 55- 69..
Nitzan, I., & Libai, B. (2011). Social effects on customer retention. Journal of Marketing, 75(6), 24-38.
Greatorex, M., Mitchell, V. W., & Cunliffe, R. (1992). A risk analysis of industrial buyers: The case of mid‐range computers. Journal of
Marketing Management, 8(4), 315-333.
Wilson, D. F. (2000). Why divide consumer and organizational buyer behaviour?. European Journal of Marketing, 34(7), 780-796.
Fuchs, C., & Diamantopoulos, A. (2010). Evaluating the effectiveness of brand-positioning strategies from a consumer perspective.
European Journal of Marketing, 44(11/12), 1763-1786..
Park, D. B., & Yoon, Y. S. (2009). Segmentation by motivation in rural tourism: A Korean case study. Tourism management, 30(1), 99-
Singh, J., Kilgore, J. E., Jayanti, R. K., Agarwal, K., & Gandarvakottai, R. (2005). What goes around comes around: Understanding trust–
value dilemmas of market relationships. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 24(1), 38-62..
Gallarza, M. G., Gil‐Saura, I., & Holbrook, M. B. (2011). The value of value: Further excursions on the meaning and role of customer
value. Journal of consumer behaviour, 10(4), 179-191.
Wright, M., & Charlett, D. (1995). New product diffusion models in marketing: an assessment of two approaches. Marketing Bulletin,
6(4), 32-41.
O'Rand, A. M., & Krecker, M. L. (1990). Concepts of the life cycle: Their history, meanings, and uses in the social sciences. Annual
review of sociology, 16(1), 241-262.
Yilmaz, C., Eser Telci, E., Bodur, M., & Eker Iscioglu, T. (2011). Source characteristics and advertising effectiveness: The roles of
message processing motivation and product category knowledge. International Journal of Advertising, 30(5), 889-914.
Buil, I., De Chernatony, L., & Martinez, E. (2013). Examining the role of advertising and sales promotions in brand equity creation.
Journal of Business Research, 66(1), 115-122.
Laurent, G., Chandon, P., & Wansink, B. (2011). Hedonic and utilitarian consumer benefits of sales promotions (No. hal-00599426).
O'Shaughnessy, J., & Jackson O'Shaughnessy, N. (2007). Reply to criticisms of marketing, the consumer society and hedonism.
European Journal of Marketing, 41(1/2), 7-16.
El-Ansary, A. I., & Stern, L. W. (1972). Power measurement in the distribution channel. Journal of Marketing research, 47-52.
Klemperer, P. (1987). Markets with consumer switching costs. The quarterly journal of economics, 102(2), 375-394.
Course Schedule
Week 1 – Understanding Marketing Management. Creating customer value and
Reading Chp 1. Kotler & Armstrong 16th Global Edition (2016) Group discussion
Activity 3: Which Marketing Orientation/Philosophy?
Activity 4: What is Customer Value?
Case Study JetBlue. Consider case discussion questions Teamwork &
Presentation Role of Marketing in a Firm
Teamwork &
Presentation Responding to Marketing Environment. Determining Micro and Macro Environmental Forces
Exam Questions
N Mövzu Bal Suallar
Define customer needs, wants, and demands and identify the main
2 1 5 bal 1 asan
differences of them.
9 2 10 bal 2 orta What is a growth-share matrix? Discuss the BCG growth-share matrix.
12 3 5 bal 1 asan Briefly describe the different types of publics that marketers must consider.
13 3 5 bal 1 asan Discuss how companies can react to the marketing environment.
18 4 5 bal 1 asan Discuss and outline the function of a marketing information system (MIS)?
19 4 5 bal 1 asan Discuss three different research objectives. Provide examples for each type.
Discuss decisions made within the Research plan development stage of the
21 4 10 bal 2 orta
marketing research process.
What are the steps of the marketing research process? How do companies
22 4 20 bal 3 çətin
conduct research?
Discuss buyer decision making process for high and low involvement
25 5 10 bal 2 orta
products. Provide examples for each.
Compare and contrast the four types of buying decision behavior exhibited
26 5 10 bal 2 orta
by consumers. Provide product examples for each behavior type.
Name the four major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior.
27 5 20 bal 3 çətin
Provide example where possible.
Define different stages in the buyer decision process. Pick up one product of
28 5 20 bal 3 çətin
your choice and describe the buyer decision making process.
What is the Buying center and who are members of the buying center in the
29 6 5 bal 1 asan
Define the business market and explain how business markets differ from
30 6 10 bal 2 orta
consumer markets.
31 6 20 bal 3 çətin Discuss Major Types of Buying Situations. Provide examples for each type
List and discuss the major bases for segmenting consumer and business
37 7 20 bal 3 çətin
38 8 5 bal 1 asan Based on the product of your choice, discuss different levels of products.
39 8 5 bal 1 asan Discuss different product line decisions. Provide company examples.
41 8 10 bal 2 orta Discuss characteristics of the Consumer Products based on different factors.
43 8 20 bal 3 çətin List and discuss four brand sponsorship options of manufacturers.
44 9 5 bal 1 asan Explain how companies find and develop new product ideas.
Discuss Concept Development and Testing stage within the New product
45 9 5 bal 1 asan
development stage.
Marketers can prolong the lives of many products in the maturity or decline
46 9 10 bal 2 orta stages of the PLC, sometimes even moving these products back into the
growth stage. How is this undertaken?
51 10 5 bal 1 asan Discuss and provide an example for Customer Value–Based Pricing strategy
Identify and define the other important external and internal factors affecting
52 10 10 bal 2 orta
a firm’s pricing decisions
54 10 20 bal 3 çətin Identify the three major pricing strategies. Provide examples for each.
Discuss pricing strategies for pricing new products. Provide examples for
55 11 5 bal 1 asan
each strategy.
58 11 20 bal 3 çətin Discuss Product Mix Pricing Strategies by providing example for each
Pick up a company of your choice and discuss Dynamic and Online Pricing
60 11 5 bal 1 asan
strategy by providing company examples.
Discuss channel behavior: vertical and horizontal channel conflicts that can
63 12 10 bal 2 asan
happen within the channel members.
66 12 20 bal 3 asan Explain how companies select, motivate, and evaluate channel members.
Discuss different Promotion Mix Strategies: push and pull strategies. Provide
67 13 5 bal 1 asan
examples for each.
Discuss different promotion budgeting strategies that are available for the
70 13 10 bal 2 asan
company. Which one is the best based on your perception.
Define and discuss the differences between strategic and tactical decisions
72 13 20 bal 3 asan
for formulation of communication strategy.
Discuss the changing communications landscape and the need for integrated
73 13 5 bal 1 asan
marketing communications.