Saktranomicon Use
Saktranomicon Use
Saktranomicon Use
by Grawyvern G. Graywyvern
(which i am thinking of using the Vulcan word rigolaya
for, instead)
I think true empathy is a talent, & a rather uncommon
one. (I learned this from becoming close friends with a
highly empathic person: her life was filled with people
telling her their troubles, from friends to total strangers;
in another society she might have become a counselor,
or a witch doctor.)
207. Let us imagine that the people in that country
carried on the usual human activities and in the course
of them employed, apparently, an articulate language. If
we watch their behaviour we find it intelligible, it seems
'logical'. But when we try to learn their language we find
it impossible to do so. For there is no regular connexion
between what they say, the sounds they make, and their
on becoming a
Historiography, needless to say, belongs to the triumphant;
although there was a Cato to declare, "The victor pleased the
Gods, but the loser pleased me," it was not until very recently
that underdogs as a class could be said to have had actual
advocates, & their claims granted merit. We are only now
feeling the loss of the Dodo, the Great Auk, & the Passenger
Pigeon, which worried nobody earlier (when it was
preventable). With that in mind i can start to contemplate
sundry human & human-caused extinctions. Perhaps some of
them even include my own--such as the case of left-handed
children forced to indite with their other hand ("parasinistral"
i say): when my generation of benighted helpfulness passes,
there will come no more.
On being uncommon
Over the years, people i have known of various acknowledged
minorities i have made common cause with, would sooner or
later reach a point where they had to acknowledge (or rather,
avow) how THEY had experienced a quality of majority-
oppressiveness that i, as a straight white anglo male, could
only know vicariously at best. I was on their side, plainly: but
i could have chosen otherwise.
In other words, the Court of Love. Our Super Powers fail us.
Each clinker leaves its scar. Interviews, they say, are decided
in the first 15 seconds (or whatever)--like science fiction
nuclear wars--surely romantic interviews fare little better. If it
were up to natural procreation to reproduce our kind, alas, i
think we would not ever have managed to become known.
The one thing we might try to remember is that, even for those
of the likelier persuasions, lasting love has never been
common, cheap or easily available--only its counterfeits.
--or "late bloomer" although this is so at odds with my
scholastic prowess as to be an easy secret to keep (mostly). For
example, i taught myself to read by looking over my mother's
shoulder as she read out loud to my year-older brother (the
"average", "normal" one). I always made straight A's & picked
things up so readily that my study practice became to simply
read the textbook at the beginning of the year cover to cover,
& never open it again.
--Charles Olson
on being truthful
It is rather a judgment against society, than the reverse, that a
superior truthfulness should prove so unhandy. In almost
every given situation it is better to lie; & this gives a distinct
advantage to those who are able to lie convincingly, & in fact
find it their most graspable tactic.
toleration, activism
The first thing that comes to mind, is the fact that the
group of like-minded (i associate these with Myers-
Briggs dominant Sensing, mostly Extraverted Sensing
types--but this pattern is not limited to those) is
susceptible to what they are told; & if they are told there
is a new minority among them that needs to be
respected, eventually they will raise their kids to respect
them & it will not always be prejudicial to grow up as
one of that minority.
When i was growing up, i wasn't very coordinated; i
couldn't throw, or run, or fight like a good kid was
supposed to.
I was a reader of science fiction from early on. when i
finished all the kids' sci-fi i started in on the adults'.
I was a mutant.
Word denoting what, highest accolades? Earth-shaking?
All-around handy? Incomprehensible, but--? Word used
to aggravate me. I felt as rebuke. I never wanted to be a
quiz kid: i couldn't help it. How was test-taking not part
& parcel of the regimentation around me i so deeply
abhorred? If they had rewarded me with freedom it
might have meant something. They didn't.
23 Vulcan words
a'rie'mnu: passion's mastery
besau: to map
mnu: mastery
nel-dath: pattern
nirsh-saktra: neurotypical
ri'a'gra: singleminded
shi'dunap: library
telvan: reading
terish: the art of combining
trau'es: honesty
vakh-hal-tor: to go boldly
I took to it immediately i guess it was the year of Bobby
Fischer; i was an unformed pre-adolescent & it gave me,
for the first time, an area outside of school i could excel
The first thing that comes to mind, is the fact that the
group of like-minded (i associate these with Myers-
Briggs dominant Sensing, mostly Extraverted Sensing
types--but this pattern is not limited to those) is
susceptible to what they are told; & if they are told there
is a new minority among them that needs to be
respected, eventually they will raise their kids to respect
them & it will not always be prejudicial to grow up as
one of that minority.
Drawing for me falls into distinct phases. I remember
being very visual as a child & how, at some point, i
realized i was becoming less so. When i read a book, i
really didn't experience the words as words but as a dim
set of imagery, something like a movie i was making up
as it went along. I had a sense of loss after i began only
reading words, the sense & sound of the words
becoming something i was afterwards conscious of
to read
Somehow i just picked it up by looking over my mother's
shoulder as she read to my brother, who was just one
year older; this was prior to school age. So it was awhile
before i came to anything there that i didn't already
theism, theists
Theism itself is oppressive. God everywhere, watching &
keeping track.
on neurodiversity politics
neurotypical privilege
There has never been a job i've worked at, that did not
favor verbal instructions over written. (Sometimes they
even associate having to read something written down,
as punitive.)
Yes. Because the people with good ideas are not going to
be listened to, social evolution depends upon tamper-
monkey innovation as the single motor of progress.