Day 17
Day 17
Day 17
Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah Tat-savitur Varenyam Bhargo
Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat
May the pure Divine light illumine our physical body, our
intellect and our consciousness. May we move from darkness
to light in all dimensions of our existence
Aim Discipline
Now take your awareness to a memory where you
were spending time with your closest friends. What
was the environment like ? Where were u all ? Were
you all laughing and talking or playing games ? Did
you all go out shopping ? Or did u all watch a
movie ? How did you feel ?
Now take your awareness when you went for a long
drive. Were you alone or with people ? Which car
were you in ? Were the windows open or did you
put on the AC ? Was there music playing?
Now bring your awareness to the present moment and
open your eyes.
Think of awareness like a ball, and we can throw it in
different places. Eg. If asked to bring the ball to our leg, we
can take it to our legs, to our arms, to a childhood memory, to
a time when we were giving an exam, or went on a drive. So
this ball of awareness can be taken all over our mind, to the
past, to the future, or anywhere we want.
Enema is absolutely safe, no damage can be caused by plain
water, there is no pain and it's not dirty.
When we are born, we have absolutely clean
intestines but as we keep growing older and
keep eating processed food, our intestines
start to become dirtier.
Many of the foods that we eat are so different
in nature than how mother nature made them,
they do not get fully digested. Eg. Maida, so
the residual remains stuck in our intestines and
then this residue makes the intestines very toxic,
after which the same toxicity is also transferred
to the bloodstream.
On the insides of our intestines, there are very tiny finger-like
structures called the VILLI. The job of this villi is to keep
absorbing nutrients from the food. Since so much dirt is stuck
in the intestines, they also get absorbed into the bloodstream
and travel to the entire body and all organs, because of this
a lot of diseases are caused.
When waste is stuck in specific parts/glands,
the disease starts forming in that area. Eg.
heart related diseases.
Constipation is the mother of all diseases.
Even if our bowels are getting cleared every
morning, everybody's intestines still have dirt.
When our pots and pans become very greasy, we soak them in
water for some time and after that, we are able to clean them
very easily. Similarly, Enema allows us to soak our colon with a
little bit of water. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then when
we clear our bowels we will see so much waste coming out.
1. Buy it from any chemist near or order online from our website.
2. Clean it with plain water and fill
150-200 ml of water in the container.
3. Rub some oil around the tip of the
nozel and around anus.
4. The tip goes into the anus.
5. Place the container on a height and through gravity the
water will flow down into our colon.
6. The best position to take it in is by kneeling, if not possible
then we can also take it sitting on a pot.
7. Hold it in for 10-15 minutes and massage the stomach.
8. When the pressure kicks in, clear the bowels.
9. The best time to take enema is in the morning after clearing
our bowels. Do not take it immediately after the meals. Keep a
gap of minimum 3 hours.