Stockmann 2016
Stockmann 2016
Stockmann 2016
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In recent years portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) spectrometers have been recognised as an in-field tool for soil
Received 13 August 2015 analyses as they offer rapid, real-time, simultaneous multi-element analysis of soil samples with no or minimal
Received in revised form 7 January 2016 sample preparation. Portable XRF has been used quite extensively to estimate the degree of soil contamination
Accepted 7 January 2016
with heavy metals and to measure the concentration of elements in soils that are important for the soil's fertility,
Available online xxxx
but more recently it has also been used to calibrate for a range of soil chemical and physical properties to perform
digital soil morphometrics. However, this still relatively new technology also offers an opportunity for soil scien-
Portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer tists to investigate processes of pedogenesis in the field, which in turn will complement the in-field descriptions
Pedogenesis of soils profoundly. Here, we employed a handheld pXRF spectrometer to investigate the pedogenesis pathways
Weathering indices and likely parent materials of three different soil types, utilizing elemental concentration data and geochemical
Geochemical indices indices. Our study site, a property called ‘Nowley’, is situated on the Liverpool Plains in the Spring Ridge district
Elemental ratios on the North West Slopes of New South Wales, Australia, in one of the most versatile dryland cropping regions of
Lithologic discontinuity the continent. The variation in soil types and parent materials across the property offers an unique opportunity to
study the impact of parent materials and topography on soil formation. A total of three soil pits were excavated to
a depth of 1.0 m to expose the lower B horizons. Soil pit faces were then scanned at 0.1 m depth increments
starting from the top of the soil profile to the lowest B horizon exposed. Our results show that elemental data ac-
quired in field condition, which are affected by sample heterogeneities and soil moisture content, are comparable
to elemental data acquired in air-dried, ground condition, as geochemical index values show similar trends down
the soil profile. We found that the use of pXRF is a very effective in-field tool to assess pedogenic pathways and
parent material origin, because of the instant computation of weathering indices and elemental ratios. We
conclude that pXRF can be applied successfully and readily to study the soil's weathering history and identify
processes of soil formation in the field.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0341-8162/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
U. Stockmann et al. / Catena 139 (2016) 220–231 221
results showed that pXRF devices provide good analytical precision The property Nowley is entirely contained within the Curlewis
when compared to laboratory-based, conventional methods of analysis 1:250,000 Soil Landscape Mapsheet area (Banks, 1995). The two most
such as inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP- prominent soil landscape units mapped across Nowley are ‘Noojee’
AES) (Horta et al., 2015). Furthermore, pXRF has been used to measure and ‘Trinkey Forest’, with very small areas of ‘Mount Milbulla’ and
the concentration of elements in soils that are important for the soil's ‘Quirindi Creek’ at the eastern and western margins of the property,
fertility and thus plant production. For example, Zhu and Weindorf respectively (Fig. 2) (Banks, 1995). The dominant lithological units of
(2009) used pXRF spectroscopy to determine the total concentration the Noojee soil landscape are Jurassic basalts, dolerites and tuffs of the
of calcium (Ca) in soils, concluding that this element can be measured Garrawilla Volcanics while for the Trinkey Forest soil landscape the
rapidly and accurately employing this technology. McLaren et al. main lithological units are horizontally-bedded sandstones and mud-
(2012) used pXRF for rapid total elemental analysis of agriculturally im- stones of the Jurassic Purlewaugh Beds and Pilliga Sandstones, with
portant elements in Vertisols of northern NSW, Australia, and found some areas of conglomerates (Banks, 1995). The Mount Milbulla soil
that non-destructive pXRF analysis compared well to laboratory based landscape lithology is also characterized by Jurassic basalts and dolerites
measurements such as ICP-OES analysis, particularly for Ca, Fe, Mn of the Garrawilla Volcanics, while the Quirindi Creek soil landscape is
and P. More recently, pXRF results have also been used to calibrate for dominated by alluvium. Topographically, Nowley is comprised mainly
a range of soil chemical and physical properties. These studies use the of Quaternary alluvial plains and outwash fans derived from the
total elemental concentrations to infer a range of soil properties using Garrawilla Volcanics, Purlewaugh Beds and Pilliga Sandstones that un-
multiple linear regression models. For example, Weindorf et al. (2009) derlie and flank the steeply sloping eastern edge of the property. The
and Weindorf et al. (2013) used pXRF to quantify the amount of gypsum north–south running range of hills to the immediate east of Nowley,
(CaSO4·2H2O) in soils. Zhu et al. (2011) related pXRF elemental esti- which includes the Mount Coolanbilla and Mount Colly Blue ‘peaks’
mates to soil texture, and found that Fe and Rb were of particular signif- (Fig. 3), attains an average height of approximately 625 m a.s.l., while
icance for predicting clay content. More recently, Wang et al. (2013) the lower-lying western half of the property has an elevation of approx-
proposed the complementary use of pXRF elemental measurements imately 320 m a.s.l. The Liverpool Plains area, which includes Nowley,
and Fourier transform NIR spectral data to infer soil texture, while experiences a dry sub-humid climate with a summer dominant rainfall
Weindorf et al. (2012c) attempted to differentiate spodic and andic fea- system and has an average annual rainfall of about 650 mm.
tures of soil horizons employing pXRF based on the assumption that The varying topography and soil parent materials of Nowley have
spodic/andic horizons are often characterized by particular metallic given rise to a variety of soil types across the property. On the upper
complexes. Sharma et al. (2014) employed elemental data acquired slopes at the eastern end of the property, shallow and stony soils weath-
through pXRF as a proxy for soil pH, however predictions were of rea- ered from basalt are present, grading to deeper and dark-coloured
sonable accuracy only. Adding additional auxiliary information such as Vertosols (World Reference Base equivalent Vertisols, Soil Taxonomy
texture and organic matter slightly improved predictions. equivalent Udic Haplusterts) in the upper mid-slope and mid-slope
Pedogenetic aspects, however, have not been specifically addressed positions. Also prominent in these mid-slope positions are texture-
in most of these studies. Weindorf et al. (2012b) used pXRF to investigate contrast Chromosols (World Reference Base equivalent Luvisols, Soil
soil profile development by characterizing the degree of horizonation for Taxonomy equivalent Udic Rhodustalfs), while in the lower slope
a range of soil profiles. The authors characterized the changes in elemen- positions poorly drained, grey-brown Vertosols (World Reference Base
tal concentrations throughout a soil profile in relation to topsoil and sub- equivalent Vertisols, Soil Taxonomy equivalent Sodic Gypsiusterts), and
soil horizons and found that elemental data aligned with morphological texture-contrast Sodosols (World Reference Base equivalent Solonetz,
horizon descriptions, and concluded that pXRF could be used as an addi- Soil Taxonomy equivalent Aquic-Arenic Natrustalfs) are present.
tional tool to distinguish characteristic soil horizons (such as multiple This general pattern of soil type distribution is well reflected in Fig. 4,
spodic, gypsic horizons). More recently, Weindorf et al. (2015) assessed which shows the total gamma radiometric emissions from the topsoil.
lithologic discontinuities in soils via abrupt changes in standardized The area of conspicuously low gamma radiometric counts in the south-
pXRF-measured differences in element concentrations and differences west of Nowley corresponds to the extent of Sodosols, which exhibit
in vis–NIR reflectance spectra. very low topsoil clay contents. The area of higher counts in the centre
There is the opportunity, however, to also use pXRF data to investi- of the property corresponds to the more clayey topsoils of the dark-
gate soil development by estimating the degree of soil weathering; coloured Vertosols and Chromosols, while the poorly drained grey-
which previously could only be conducted employing laboratory instru- brown Vertosols in the northwest of the farm emit an intermediate
ments such as ICP-AES, XRD or XRF (e.g. Che et al., 2012; Chittleborough, gamma radiometric count.
1991; Chittleborough et al., 1984; Sauer et al., 2007). This new and read-
ily available technology now needs to be embraced and taken to the
field to perform ‘digital soil morphometrics’ (Hartemink and Minasny, 2.2. Study soils — and presumed pedogenesis pathways
2014) as well as investigations into the degree of soil weathering ‘on
the spot’. In this work, we employed a handheld pXRF spectrometer to As indicated on Fig. 2, three soil types present at Nowley were
investigate the likely parent materials and degree of weathering under- selected for this work; a Black Vertosol, a Red Chromosol and a Brown
gone by a variety of soil types, utilizing geochemical indices. Sodosol. The Black Vertosol soil profile is situated on the upper
footslopes of Mt. Coolanbilla and is situated within the Noojee soil land-
2. Materials and methods scape unit as defined by Banks (1995). The presumed pedogenesis of
this soil is the weathering of Jurassic basalt, along with short-range col-
2.1. Study site luvial transport of this weathered material, to yield black, smectitic soil
showing characteristic vertic features, viz. high clay content throughout,
This study was conducted at the E.J. Holtsbaum Agricultural Re- the presence of pronounced shrinkage cracks through the profile, and
search Station, ‘Nowley’, which is operated and managed by the Faculty lenticular peds and slickensides in the Bw and Bk1 horizons. Some sec-
of Agriculture and Environment at The University of Sydney. The ondary calcium carbonate (calcite) accumulation is also apparent in
Nowley property covers a total of 2083 ha and is currently run as a com- the lower B horizons (N0.6 m depth). The pH (1:5, soil:water) of the
mercial mixed farming enterprise. Nowley is located on the Liverpool topsoil is 6.9 and gradually increases down the profile to 8.9 at the
Plains in the Spring Ridge district of the North West Slopes of New depth of 0.9 m. Also at this depth of approximately 0.9 m, an abrupt
South Wales, Australia, near the town of Gunnedah in one of the most lithologic discontinuity occurs, with a seam of water-worn gravels over-
versatile dryland cropping regions of Australia (Fig. 1). lying a distinctly reddish-brown buried soil.
222 U. Stockmann et al. / Catena 139 (2016) 220–231
The Chromosol profile is situated in a mid-slope position on the long, and matches precisely the floodplain soil of the Trinkey forest soil land-
gentle footslope of the range of hills to the east of Nowley. Its location scape catena (Banks, 1995). The profile exhibits a strong texture-
falls within the area mapped as the Noojee soil landscape unit in contrast, with a pinkish, apedal, sandy topsoil abruptly overlying a
Fig. 3, but the particular stretch of unit boundary near this profile is strongly columnar, mottled, orange-brown, light to medium clay subsoil
marked as being ‘approximate’. This soil type does not appear in the typ- at a depth of 0.4 m. A further feature of this profile indicating the past
ical catenary sequence of soils for the Noojee soil landscape, but is sim- processes of solodization is the presence of a 0.05 m thick silicified
ilar to an upper footslope soil type described in the adjoining Trinkey (silica-rich) and cemented layer at the interface of the top- and subsoil,
Forest soil landscape. It is therefore presumed that this soil evolved effectively capping the domes of the large columnar peds of the B hori-
from the weathering and partial colluvial transport of soil material zon. The pH (1:5, soil:water) of the sandy topsoil is 6.0 and increases to
from the mudstones of the Purlewaugh Beds of this soil landscape around 6.5 in the clayey subsoil horizons. The pedogenesis of this soil is
unit. The Red Chromosol is a texture-contrast soil, with a shallow assumed to follow the model set-out by Hallsworth and Waring (1964)
(0.1 m thick), brown, clay loam A horizon overlying a series of strongly for solodized-solonetz soils of northern New South Wales; the long-
prismatic, red, light medium clay B horizons. A hypercalcic horizon con- term weathering and organisation of a coarse-textured parent material
taining soft, pedogenic carbonates occurs in the lower part of the profile. in a semi-arid environment, with abundant argilluviation, a dearth of
The pH (1:5, soil:water) of the topsoil is 7.1 and ranges between 7.7 and calcium-bearing minerals, a source of sodium, and the cycling of silica
8.5 in the subsoil horizons. This profile shows features consistent with through the rhizosphere via plant roots and leaf fall. Fig. 5b shows the
argilluviation (lessivage), including the presence of smooth ped fabric prominence of clay coatings and plugs in the upper B horizon of this
for the angular blocky peds of the B horizons, and clay coatings Sodosol. An alternative pedogenic pathway for this profile is that
(argillans) evident in thin section (Fig. 5a). The profile also shows evi- sandy colluvium sourced from the Jurassic sandstone of the district
dence of some vertic character, with occasional lenticular peds present has been deposited over a pre-existing sodic, clayey alluvium to yield
in the Bt3 horizon; the clay mineral smectite was also identified through a texture-contrast, solonetzic profile.
X-ray diffraction analysis of this horizon (Quilty, 2007). At a depth of
1.2 m, a lithologic discontinuity is observed, with a thin stone line giving 2.3. In-field soil profile scanning utilizing pXRF
way to a horizon of red, fine sand.
The Sodosol profile is located on the flat, lower footslopes at the For each of the three soil types, a pit was excavated to a depth of
western margin of Nowley and is located within the ‘Trinkey Forest’ more than 1.0 m in order to expose the lower B horizons (refer
soil landscape unit. This Sodosol exhibits classic solonetzic features, to Fig. 1 for locations). An Olympus Delta Premium handheld portable
U. Stockmann et al. / Catena 139 (2016) 220–231 223
Fig. 2. Soil landscape units of the Curlewis 1: 100,000 sheet map (Banks, 1995) encompassing Nowley Farm.
Fig. 4. Spatial variation in soil total gamma radiometric emissions on Nowley Farm.
X-ray fluorescence analyser was used to scan the soil pit faces in field to measure the concentration of K, Ca, Mn, Ti and Zr whereas the
condition at 0.1 m depth increments starting from the top of the soil geochem mode was employed to measure the concentration of Al, Si
profile, with a total of 9 samples for the Vertosol, 13 samples for the and Fe.
Chromosol and 10 samples for the Sodosol (Olympus InnovX-Systems, Prior to pXRF measurements in the field, the instrument was
US, 2010). The Olympus Delta Premium pXRF features an Au anode calibrated using an Alloy 316 Stainless Steel Cal Check Standardization
X-ray tube of 10–50 kVp at 10–200 μA and operates based on an internal Coupon, containing 16.13% Cr, 1.78% Mn, 68.76% Fe, 10.42% Ni, 0.20%
factory installed calibration procedure which uses the Compton Cu and 2.10% Mo, and the scanning of the SiO2 blank to detect potential
Normalization method to estimate the elemental concentration of the contamination on the pXRF measurement window. The performance of
soil directly in mg kg−1 or %. In-field measurements were first taken the pXRF instrument was verified using a range of NIST soil standards
in the soil mode, followed by the geochem operational mode. The soil with varying elemental concentrations (SRM 2709, SRM 2710, and
mode operates in a three-beam configuration at 50, 40 and 15 kV, re- SRM 2711a). Performance results of NIST SRM 2709, San Joaquin soil,
spectively, whereas the geochem mode operates in a two-beam config- for the elements of interest in this study were (pXRF reported/NIST cer-
uration at 50 and 10 kV. Samples were scanned for a duration of 30 s tified [recovery]): K, 20,300/18,854 mg kg−1 [1.08]; Ca, 18,900/
per beam. The geochem mode uses longer count rates, which makes it 19,581 mg kg− 1 [0.97], Mn 538/527 mg kg− 1 [1.02]; Ti, 3420/
possible to use this configuration for the measurement of low atomic 3341 mg kg−1 [1.02]; Zr, 160/123 mg kg− 1 [1.30]; Si, 29.66/27.84%
number elements, such as Al and Si (LOD of 1%), that are of importance [1.07]; Al, 7.5/6.56% [1.14]; Fe, 3.5/3.84% [0.91]. Following the scanning
for calculating geochemical weathering indices. The soil mode was used of each pit face at 0.1 m increments (Fig. 6), sub-samples of soil were
Fig. 5. Micrographs of (a) the Bt2 horizon of the Red Chromosol profile, with A indicating a clay coating, and (b) the Btn2 horizon of the Brown Sodosol profile, with B indicating a zone of
prodigious clay coatings and clay plugs.
U. Stockmann et al. / Catena 139 (2016) 220–231 225
Fig. 7. a. Concentrations of major elements with increasing depth in the Vertosol profile, assessed in both field condition and air-dried and ground condition. b. Concentration of major
elements with increasing depth in the Chromosol profile, assessed in both field condition and air-dried and ground condition. c. Concentrations of major elements with increasing
depth in the Sodosol profile, assessed in both field condition and air-dried and ground condition.
Table 1
Major element concentrations for the expected Nowley Farm soil parent materials.
most significant effect is related to the nature of the sample matrix, i.e. below the occurrence of the silicified layer at a depth of 0.45 m. Concen-
the less homogeneous the sample, the less precise is the estimate trations of the major elements K, Fe and Ti increase sharply in alignment
(Hou et al., 2004; Laiho and Perämäki, 2005; Markowicz, 2008). Fur- with the abrupt change in texture from a sand in the topsoil to a light to
thermore, soil moisture can also affect the estimation of the elemental medium clay in the subsoil. This indicates that there is a change in ma-
concentrations through pXRF (Ge et al., 2005). Low atomic number ele- terials and an enrichment in clay minerals caused by the processes of
ments such as Al, Si and Ti which are important for weathering studies argilluviation (Fig. 5b). The Ca and Mn concentrations do not show
are especially affected. In addition, a recent study by Brand and Brand this trend and are uniformly low throughout the profile. Elemental
(2014) found that the performance of handheld pXRF spectrometers is concentrations of the Sodosol topsoil match very well with those of
also related to the manufacturer's internal calibrations, which need to the sandstone, while those of the subsoil match quite well those of the
be updated regularly. Deterioration of the instrument's performance mudstone.
can occur within several months after calibrations through the manu-
facturer. The instruments battery-packs can also have a measureable in- 3.2. Investigating pedogenesis employing geochemical indices and elemen-
fluence on the instrument's performance. It is therefore important to tal ratios sourced from pXRF measurements
keep track of these changes by testing the pXRF's performance using
NIST standards prior to every sampling round. Because of these various 3.2.1. Changes in geochemical indices and elemental ratios with soil depth
influences on the pXRF's performance, in this work we compared the el- As in the case of the elemental concentration data, although there
emental and geochemical index estimates acquired from the field mea- are some substantial differences in geochemical index and elemental
surements of soil and rock with those acquired in the laboratory using ratio values obtained under field and laboratory scanning conditions,
the air-dried and ground (b 2 mm) soil samples, and the air-dried and the depth trends are generally similar. The Ruxton and Desilication
pulverized rock samples. index values for the Vertosol (Fig. 8a) and Chromosol (Fig. 8b) soil pro-
file change only marginally down the profile, especially those calculated
3. Results and discussion from laboratory scanned elemental data. There is no clear tendency,
for these index values to increase with soil depth, suggesting that
3.1. Concentrations of major elements down the soil profile weathering intensity or duration has varied little in these profiles. The
Ruxton index values for the Chromosol profile range between 1 and 4
Fig. 7a, b and c shows the depth functions of K, Ca, Fe, Mn and Ti, whereas the values for the Vertosol profile are slightly lower, ranging
measured by pXRF in field condition as well as air-dry, ground condi- between 1 and 2, with soil depth. Similarly, for the Desilication index,
tion. It is immediately evident that for certain elements and profiles, the Chromosol values range between 0.4 and 1.2, whereas the Vertosol
the estimates of element concentration vary markedly between the values range between 0.3 and 0.9. These different ranges of values
field and laboratory measurements, but for both scanning conditions presumably reflect the different parent rocks of the two soils. The
the changes in elemental concentrations down the profile follow gener- Ti/Zr elemental ratio depth functions for the Vertosol and Chromosol
ally similar trends. Similarly, in some cases, the major elemental con- are conspicuously more variable, particularly in the B horizons and par-
centrations of the rock samples (Table 1) vary quite considerably ticularly for the field-based measurements, but again there is no consis-
between the field and laboratory scanning conditions, but the order of tent trend with depth. The Ti/Zr ratio of the Vertosol is approximately
magnitude for the various elements in the four rock types is generally twice that of the Chromosol, again reflecting the different parent mate-
consistent. rials of the two soils.
For the Vertosol profile, most element concentrations are relatively From a pedogenetic point of view we can conclude that the Vertosol
constant down the profile (Fig. 7a), which relates well to the uniformly and Chromosol profiles have both been derived from long-term
high clay content of this soil. A slight enrichment of elements such as Fe weathering of colluvium, but that the sources of the colluvial materials
and Mn occurs, however, where the texture grade reaches a heavy clay differ somewhat for the two soils. To strengthen this argument we com-
at around 0.6 m depth. A prominent spike in Ca content below 0.6 m pared the index and elemental ratio values of the soil profiles with those
depth is related to the presence of secondary carbonates (calcite) at of the four Nowley rock types (Table 2). The geochemical index values
depth. Comparing the Vertosol elemental data with that of the four of the basalt, dolerite and mudstone are all similar to each other, and
Nowley rock types sampled (Table 1), the Fe, Mn and Ti data in particu- so are not good discriminators of likely soil parent material in this con-
lar show a strong match to the basalt and dolerite. text, but the Ti/Zr ratios, of the basalt and dolerite were distinctly higher
The variation of most elements down the profile is also relatively than those of the mudstone. This difference is mirrored in the compari-
minor for the Chromosol but this profile development also shows son of the Vertosol and Chromosol Ti/Zr ratios, strengthening the notion
some loss and enrichment of elements in the topsoil and subsoil. The that the Vertosol is derived from colluvium sourced from the basalt and
Fe content is relatively high at about 4% throughout the profile, but possibly dolerite, while the Chromosol is derived from colluvium
based on either the field or laboratory scanning, there is enrichment sourced primarily from mudstone, but also some basalt and/or dolerite.
in Fe content noticeable in the Bt2 horizon between the depths of 0.2 In contrast to the generally uniform geochemical trends in the
and 0.4 m, which presumably reflects the accumulation of clay by Vertosol and Chromosol, the Ruxton and Desilication indices and Ti/Zr
argilluviation evident in Fig. 4a. The Mn concentration varies somewhat ratio of the Sodosol profile do show a conspicuous change with soil
with depth, showing depletion in the Bt2 horizon and enrichment in the depth (Fig. 8c). Prominent spikes in all three geochemical measures
adjacent horizons. The prominent spikes in Ca content below 0.7 m occur at the boundary between the A and E horizons and above the
depth are also related to the formation of secondary carbonates (calcite) Btqn horizon (Fig. 8c). The Ruxton index value changes significantly
through processes of calcification. The comparison of the Chromosol el- throughout the soil profile, with the A horizon having a value close to
emental data to that of the potential parent rocks does not give a clear 10, the E horizon reaching a maximum value of 55 between 0.3 and
match, the Chromosol Ca concentrations suggest a contribution from 0.5 m depth, and the B horizons showing values of less than 4 from a
basalt or dolerite, while K, Mn and Ti concentrations are more consistent depth of 0.6 m. These Ruxton index values suggest that the clayey B
with an input from the mudstone. The large discrepancies in elemental horizons have experienced the longest weathering history and/or
values between the field and laboratory-scanned mudstone samples that they evolved from different parent material. Both, the Ruxton and
makes this comparison difficult, but it seems likely that the Chromosol Desilication index values from the E horizon are very similar to the
has a combination of generally fine-grained parent rocks. values calculated for the Purlewaugh Beds and Pilliga sandstone
In contrast to the Vertosol and Chromosol, for the Sodosol, most el- (Table 2), which suggests to us that the upper part of the Sodosol profile
ement concentrations show a very distinct increase in the B horizons is evolved from alluvial and colluvial deposits sourced from these
228 U. Stockmann et al. / Catena 139 (2016) 220–231
U. Stockmann et al. / Catena 139 (2016) 220–231 229
Table 2
Geochemical indices and elemental ratio readings for the expected Nowley Farm soil parent materials.
Parent material Soil type Ruxton index Desilication index Stable element ratio
Fig. 9. Comparison of geochemical indices values and the elemental ratio of Ti/Zr, calculated from soil samples in field condition and air-dried and ground condition.
sandstones. The subsoil, however, with its very low Ruxton and 3.2.2. Comparison of in-field and laboratory-based pXRF performance
Desilication index values, and Ti/Zr ratios similar to those of the As discussed in Section 2.4, scanning the soil in field condition is
Chromosol, looks to have formed through the long-term weathering affected by several factors such as soil matrix heterogeneity, sample
of alluvium and colluvium sourced from the Purlewaugh Beds mud- density, surface roughness and soil moisture. Geochemical indices and
stone. In conclusion, the geochemical changes throughout the Sodosol elemental ratio values calculated from soil samples scanned in field con-
profile indicate that the topsoil did not evolve from the same parent ma- dition were therefore related to those scanned in air-dry, ground condi-
terial as the subsoil, and the Sodosol profile can thus be regarded as con- tion. This relationship was evaluated using x–y plots and the values of
taining a lithological discontinuity. Considerable changes in weathering goodness of fit, i.e. the R2 (R squared coefficient of determination) and
indices values down the Sodosol profile confirm that the pedogenesis the RMSE (root mean squared error) (Horta et al., 2015). Here, it is as-
model set-out by Hallsworth and Waring (1964) for solodized- sumed that weathering indices values calculated from the air-dry,
solonetz soils of northern New South Wales discussed in Section 2.2, ground data are more precise as they are in the same condition as the
cannot be applied here. The results strengthen our proposal of an alter- standards used to calibrate the pXRF.
native pedogenic pathway, i.e. that sandy colluvium sourced from Juras- Fig. 9 and Table 3 show the goodness of fit for all soil profiles and it is
sic sandstone has been deposited over a pre-existing sodic, clayey evident that indices/ratio values acceptably compare. The relationship
alluvium to produce a texture-contrast, solonetzic profile. between weathering index values calculated from air-dried and ground
For all three profiles examined, the Ti/Zr ratio values showed consid- samples as compared to field-moist samples shows good agreement,
erably more variability with depth than the other two indices. Maynard with R2 values of 0.79, 0.81 and 0.61 for the Ruxton index, Desilication
(1992) discussed that this variability is generally related to soil mineralo- index and Ti/Zr elemental ratio, respectively. The Desilication index
gy. During weathering zirconium will most likely reside in zircon which is values exhibit the best fit with the highest R2 and the lowest RMSE.
considered to be one of the most weathering resistant minerals. In con- This is most likely due to the fact that the limit of detection varies for
trast, titanium will most likely reside in minerals that are comparatively the pXRF elemental concentrations used to populate the weathering in-
more easily weathered such as mica or ilmenite. In addition, clay mobility dices; with b 1% (Al, Si), b 10 mg kg−1 (Fe, Ti) and b5 mg kg−1 (Zr); and
throughout the profile which becomes more pronounced after alkalis are the abundance of these elements naturally in the soil. The detection of
leached out can also influence the vertical distribution of these elements. lighter elements in respect to the periodic table such as Al, Si and Ti, is
If one element (most likely Ti) is redistributed through dissolution or clay also affected by the fact that these cannot be measured as sufficiently
eluviation, the Ti/Zr ratio tends to increase with depth, a tendency that is with current operational pXRF setups. This is due to their (reduced)
noticeable for the Sodosol profile in particular. fluorescence signal after X-ray excitation and thus the presence of less
Fig. 8. a. Pattern of geochemical indices and the elemental ratio of Ti/Zr with increasing depth in the Vertosol profile, assessed in both field condition and air-dried and ground condition. b.
Pattern of geochemical indices and the elemental ratio of Ti/Zr with increasing depth in the Chromosol profile, assessed in both field condition and air-dried and ground condition. c.
Pattern of geochemical indices and the elemental ratio of Ti/Zr with increasing depth in the Sodosol profile, assessed in both field condition and air-dried and ground condition.
230 U. Stockmann et al. / Catena 139 (2016) 220–231
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