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21.0 PREAMBLE1.1 INTRODUCTIONThe Family and Religious Studies learning area is a two year syllabus
that provides learners with skills that enable them to criticallyreflect on religious concepts and
experiences. The learning area helps the learners understand and interpret religious and moralconcepts
in their everyday life. It is a multi-faith, non-proselytising approach to the study of religion which makes
learners to be awareof their respective religious identities in the context of Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu and
religious plurality. It inculcates in the learners theinvaluable ability to hold responsible dialogue where
they tolerate each other’s religion in a peaceful environment. The lear ning areaenables learners to
evaluate and synthesise religious concepts to formulate theoretical frameworks for sustainable
development. Thesyllabus employs a thematic approach that will graduate learners to a mature
relationship with religious and moral thinking andpractice. The learning phase will see learners being
assessed through both continuous assessment and summative examination.1.2 RATIONALEThe Family
and Religious Studies learning area focuses on selected concepts in four religions in Zimbabwe;
Indigenous Religion,Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The learning area facilitates the respect for human
dignity and diversity. The Family and ReligiousStudies learning area is significant in that it enables
learners to actively conceptualise, analyse, evaluate and apply data gathered fromtheir observations of
religious phenomena to develop Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu, social responsibility and ethical principles
from thereligions. The learning area develops learners into critical, self-driven and responsible citizens
who participate in sustainabledevelopment.The Family and Religious Studies syllabus enables learners to
develop skills in: Problem solving Critical thinking Decision making Conflict resolution Leadership
4The above suggested methods are enhanced by the application of methods that employ multi-sensory
approaches to teachingsuch as individualization, totality, concreteness, tactility, stimulation and self-
activity.1.4.2 TIME ALLOCATIONEight periods of 40 minutes per week should be allocated for adequate
coverage of the syllabus. A minimum of two seminarsper year and some educational tours should be
allocated.1.5 ASSUMPTIONSIt is assumed that learners: are aware of background issues are aware of
diversity of religions are aware that religion is dynamic are conscious of Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu and
moral values in the diversity of religions have the potential to critique different religions in a rational
manner are aware that the religion has the potential to influence change in the society1.6 CROSS-
CUTTING THEMESFamily and Religious Studies as a learning area encompasses the cross-cutting themes
listed here-under: Gender Health Environmental management Enterprise Human Rights
Sexuality Heritage Good Citizenship, Social Responsibility and Governance
64.4 delineate the traits of Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu in Judaism, Christianity and Islam4.5 Discuss
concepts in the four religions that shape identity and national values4.6 Assess the role of religion in
fostering the dignity of hard work and team work4.7 synthesise religious concepts from the four
religions into the models of hard work and team work forSustainable development5.0 PRESENTATION
OF THE SYLLABUS5.1 RELIGIONS Indigenous Religion Judaism Christianity Islam5.2 Indigenous
Religion Tenets Of Indigenous Religion Indigenous Religion and Medium ship
Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu in Indigenous Religion5.3 Indigenous Religion and Contemporary issues
Indigenous Religion and Marriage Indigenous Religion and Gender Relations Indigenous Religion and
7 Indigenous Religion and the Natural Environment Indigenous Religion and Health Indigenous
Religion and Politics5.4 JudaismProphecy Prophecy and its origins – including possible origins outside
ancient Israel The early manifestations of prophecy and functions of prophets Methods used by
prophets to receive and communicate their messages True and false prophets Prophecy, politics and
social justiceNote: Examples on the above concepts may be drawn from pre-canonical prophets and
canonical prophets – Amos,Hosea, Isaiah of Jerusalem and Jeremiah5.5 Judaism and Contemporary
issues Marriage institution Death and related beliefs Health and well being The portrayal of women
in Judaism Judaism and the land question Environmental conservation
85.6 Islam Tenets of Islam Mohamed, prophecy and revelation Ethics in Islam5.7 Islam and
Contemporary issues Islam and gender relations Islam and social responsibility Islam in Politics
(peace building) Islam and marriage Islam and the natural environment5.8 CHRISTIANITY Tenets of
Christianity Jesus – birth, baptism, death and resurrection Key teachings of Christianity5.9 Christianity
and contemporary issues:- Christianity and marriage- Christianity and enterprise- Christianity and
politics (peace building)- Christianity and health/wellbeing- Christianity and gender relations-
Christianity, prophecy and miracles in the contemporary Zimbabwean context
96.0. SCOPE AND SEQUENCE6.1. TOPIC 1: Indigenous ReligionSUB TOPIC FORM 5 FORM 6Tenets Of
Indigenous Religion Concept of God Existence and functions of spirits Concept of ancestors Totems
and indigenous identities Communication with the spirits Symbolism Belief in life after death The
nature of Medium ship -Indigenous Religion andMedium ship Concept of medium
ship-Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu inIndigenous Religion Family relations and ethical conduct Respect for
the elders Community and Social responsibility-Indigenous Religion andMarriage Marriage
institution Divorce-Indigenous Religion andGender Relations Status of women in Indigenous Religion
Women participation in politics-Indigenous Religion and Land Concept of land in Indigenous Religion
Indigenous Religion and land ownership-Indigenous Religion and theNatural Environment Reverence
for nature and kinship withnature-
10SUB TOPIC FORM 5 FORM 6 Sacred phenomena in the naturalenvironment Taboos and the natural
environmentIndigenous Religion andEnterprise Indigenous Religion and wealthcreation-Indigenous
Religion and Health Concept of health Methods of healing-Indigenous Religion andPolitics
116.2. TOPIC 2: JudaismSUB TOPIC FORM 5 FORM 6Tenets of Judaism Covenant Law-Prophecy
Prophecy and its origins – includingpossible origins outside ancient Israel The early manifestations of
prophecy Functions of prophets Ways in which prophets received theirmessages Methods used by
prophets tocommunicate their message True and false prophets Prophecy, politics and social justice-
Judaism and Contemporaryissues Marriage institution Death and related beliefs Health and well
being Status of women in Judaism Judaism and the land question Environmental conservation-
126.3. TOPIC 3: ChristianityTenets of Christianity - Authority of the Bible Sin Salvation Holy Spirit
Concept of the church EschatologyJesus’s life - Birth Baptism Passion and Death
ResurrectionMinistry of Jesus - Kingdom of God Parables Miracles Ethics of Jesus
136.4. TOPIC 4: IslamSUB TOPIC FORM 5 FORM 6Tenets of Islam - Authority of the Koran Concept of
Allah Five pillars of Islam Sharia LawMohammad, prophecy andrevelation - Role of Mohammad in
Islam Mohammad as the prophetEthics in Islam - Love Rules of behaviourIslam and gender relations
- Status of women in Islam Participation of women in politicsIslam and social responsibility -
Humanitarian service Islamic charity organisations/NGOsIslam and Politics - Concept of governance in
Islam Concept of Jihad Islam and conflict transformationIslam and marriage - Marriage institution
DivorceIslam and the naturalenvironment - Natural environment preservation
37 Authority of theKoran Explain the nature of theKoran Evaluate the importanceof the Koran in
Islam Nature of the Koran Significance of theKoran Identifying the nature of theKoran Analysing the
significance ofthe Koran Textbooks Talking bookbraille ICT toolsConcept of Allah Explain the
concept of Allah Identify the attributes of Allah The deity of Allah Attributes of Allah Discussing the
concept of Allah Analysing the attributes of Allah Textbooks Talking bookbraille ICT toolsFive pillars
of Islam Identify the five pillarsof Islam Assess the significanceof the five pillars of Islam Pillars of
Islam Significance of thefive pillars Examinig the five pillars ofIslam Evaluating the five pillars
ofIslam Textbooks Talking bookbraille ICT toolsShariah Law Explain Shariah Lawhow instances
whereShariah Law is applied Shariah Law Instances whereapplicable Discussing Shariah Law
Illustrating the application ofShariah Law in Islam Textbooks Talking bookbraille ICT toolsSUB TOPIC:
ableto:-CONTENT (Skills,knowledge, attitude)SUGGESTED LEARNINGACTIVITIES AND
NOTESSUGGESTEDLEARNINGRESOURCESRole of Muhammad explain the role ofMuhammad in
theestablishment of Islam evaluate the legacy ofMuhammad Muhammad’s role Muhammad’s
legacy Identifying key eventsinvolving Muhammad in theestablishment of Islam Examining
theachievements ofMuhammad in Islam Textbooks Talking bookbraille ICT tools
45The learners shall be assessed through both continuous assessment and summative examination.
The summative examination consistsof two component papers which are FRS 1 and FRS 2.SUMMATIVE
ASSESSMENTPAPER DESCRIPTIONFRS 1 (3 hours)This component consists of 10 essay questions on two
religions in this syllabus. The component is in two sections of which SectionA iscovering Indigenous
Religion and Section Bcovering Judaism.FRS 2 (3 hours)This component consists of 10 essay questions on
two religions in this syllabus. The component is in two sections of which SectionA iscovering Christianity
and Section B covering Islam.NOTE: In both papers candidates must answer four questions, choosing at
least one question from each section.
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