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Procedia Engineering 145 (2016) 82 – 87

International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction

Dynamic Management of Cost Contingency: Impact of KPIs and

risk perception
Bilal Ayuba, Muhammad Jamaluddin Thaheema*, Zia ud Dinb
Dept. of Construction Engineering and Management, National Institute of Transportation, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad – 44000, Pakistan.
Del E. Webb School of Construction, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering,
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281, USA.


Risks are inherent in construction projects. In order to manage risks, contingency amount is set aside usually in an escrow
account. Cost contingency can be a handsome amount that would get blocked during the execution of the project for further use,
incurring constant opportunity cost. The stakeholders may wish to use this held amount for other endeavors during project
execution. The managerial practices for dynamic contingency management are of extreme importance. Stakeholders anticipate
risks and hindsight project performance by eyeing key performance indicators of a project to direct decisions. The aim of this
research is to integrate project key performance indicators with future risk perception to develop a decision support system for
facilitating cost contingency release requests. The model is expected to help decision making to ease the managerial burden
ensuring effective use of contingency. The findings are not conclusive due to ongoing nature of research.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering
and Construction
Peer-review 2015.
under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICSDEC 2016

Keywords: Risk; Cost contingency; Key performance indicators; Decision support system

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +92-51-9085-4164

E-mail address: jamal.thaheem@nit.nust.edu.pk

1877-7058 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICSDEC 2016
Bilal Ayub et al. / Procedia Engineering 145 (2016) 82 – 87 83

1. Introduction

Construction projects are intricate endeavors involving time, cost and other resources [1]. Herroelen and Leus [2]
suggested that effective management may ensure success of the project but risks will always be there impacting the
idealized project objectives. Cost contingency funds are added in project budget to financially furnish the mitigation
of the identified risks. An escrow account is set up for collection and better handling of the cost contingency. Cost
contingency estimation in the planning phase alone is often misinterpreted as contingency management but the full
scope of contingency management includes iterative process of decision making regarding contingency amount such
as reappropriation, reallocation, withdrawal, reuse of funds for other purposes, etc..
Due to their probabilistic nature, many of the anticipated risks may or may occur during execution of the project and
the contingency fund anticipated for the mitigation of those risks might become an opportunity to be released. The
released contingency sum may be collected as profit or capital for investment or might be reallocated to some other
use outside the project [3].
Prudence might suggest a relation between project performance and decision making of contingency management.
Since cost contingency has been a research topic for long, the main focus was with the estimation of contingency
amount but less work has been done in the domain of contingency management [3]. To address the gap in this area,
this paper is a humble effort to address the cost contingency release request during the execution of the project by
proposing a decision support system to ease the distress caused by such scenario. Relying on the key performance
indicators (KPIs), future risk perceptions and managerial mental models, this study tries to address the cost
contingency release requests on factual project based grounds rather than pure intuition. As a part of an ongoing
research, the findings are not conclusive yet but with the planned methodology, following the model proposed by
Ford [4] and improvements suggested by Marco, Rafele [3], a mathematical model would be generated to calculate
the amount of cost contingency fund to be released at any point of project execution.
This research paper is structured as follows. At first, significant literature is synthesized addressing the problem
area. Secondly, research design for this paper is discussed in detail. Thirdly, the current findings are expressed.
Finally, discussion is carried out marking the conclusions.

2. Literature Review

Cost contingency has been a focus area of research for long attending the need of proper estimation of funds with
application of diverse appropriate methods [5]. For an estimator, it is important to perceive the project in whole
beforehand to have better understanding and maturity relating to the risks involved to achieve actual project costs
[6]. Cost contingency is defined as “an amount of money within the cost baseline that is allocated for identified
risks, which are accepted and for which contingent or mitigating responses are developed” [7]. Estimation of cost
contingency can done using traditional [8], qualitative and semi-quantitative [9], probabilistic [10] and simulation-
based [11] methods as are in practice in the prosent constuction industry.
Marco, Rafele [3] identified the lack of research in the area of cost contingency management and studied the
managerial pressures by project stakeholders during the contingency release process. There can be a budding
confusion with practitioners that once the cost contingency is estimated and added in the budget, everything will be
as planned but construction projects rarely live up to the plans due to the risks associated and the overall uncertainty
[12, 13]. Risks need to be identified and managed as an iterative process, not only in the planning phase but during
the project execution also [14, 15].
Involving reassessment, reestimation and possible reallocation of cost contingency amount, Xie, AbouRizk [16]
suggested that project cost contingency should be updated during the project execution at major milestones.
Baccarini [17], Baccarini [18] studied the impact of different stakeholders on cont contingency suggesting that cost
contingency decision making and management is based on personal point. The dynamism is due to the interests and
influence of individual stakeholder. There is always an uncertainty in all of the decision [19]. It is quite logical to
suggest that risk perception of an individual stakeholder might impact the overall decision making [20] which can be
outlined as a person’s evaluation of inherent risk and the confidence in overall situation [19]. A good number of
project managers do not formally manage project cost contingency resulting in exhaustion of cost contingency funds
84 Bilal Ayub et al. / Procedia Engineering 145 (2016) 82 – 87

before project closure requiring additional funds to address risks later in the project [21]. For humans, the ability to
consider large number of influencers in decision making is very less [22]. Also, there is a reliable relationship
between risk perception and decision making suggesting consideration the incorporation of risk perception in
decision making process [23].
Ford [4] created a dynamic model for cost contingency management upon system dynamics approach studying the
mental models of project managers managing contingency funds. The study divided the cost contingency utilization
in three main functions i.e. resolving emergencies, schedule control and facility improvement. Marco, Rafele [3]
improved upon Ford [4] model further by introducing concept of contingency fund release as profit and managerial
pressures as a driving factor.

3. Methodology

The research presented was carried out as follows:

Figure 1. Methodology flowchart

In literature review, Special focus was on the work of Marco, Rafele [3] and Ford [4] as they are the basis of this
research. For the identification of KPIs, research papers were studied from year 2001 to 2015 giving recent trends in
the research area. “Google Scholar” was used as main search engine for the retrieval of pertinent research papers
with keywords “engineering”, “management”, “business”, “decision making” and “key performance indicators”
from which 110 relevant research publications were studied. A total of 53 performance indicators (PIs) were
identified with a maximum appearance of a single performance indicator at 22, giving a relevance index of 20%.
After literature review, unstructured interviews are conducted from field professionals to understand the basics of
cost contingency, its usage and decision making. Interviews are aimed to gather information regarding managerial
influences, assessment of project performance and risk perception regarding the ongoing projects. Scenario of
contingency release in a project was conversed giving an insight towards the decision making process behind this
request and its mental model. Sample size for number of interviews was consulted from Hertzog [24] and Van Belle
[25] suggesting minimum number of interviews should be 10 whereas for a healthy data, interviews should fall in
between the numbers 10 and 40. The interviews will be carried out in two phases from which first phase interviews
are completed. A number of 9 professionals were interviewed in the first phase, giving an impetus for a raw
Bilal Ayub et al. / Procedia Engineering 145 (2016) 82 – 87 85

equation depicting the decision making process of contingency release. Further improvements on the equation will
be requested in the second phase.
Simultaneously with the primary interviews, pilot study interviews are also being carried out involving international
industry professionals from the ranking of each PI that is identified via the literature review. This ranking will help
the researchers in pin pointing the PIs that would be termed as KPIs for cost contingency decision making process.
A total of 400 industry professionals are contacted via the internet for their input regarding the ranking of PIs. 7
interviews have been carried out till now. After both streams of interviews, a mental model equation will be
generated incorporating the KPIs and other influencers. A flowchart of methodology is given in Figure 1.

4. Data Analysis and Results

From the synthesis of literature, a list of PIs was created with their respective appearance frequency and relative
importance index (RII) was calculated following the methodology of Gündüz, Nielsen [26]. A list of PIs sorted
according to their RII values is given in Table 1.

Table 1. List sorted according to RII of PIs identified via literature review
Scope Changes and
On Time Completion 0.773 0.227 Units/MH 0.091
Change Orders
Cost Of Overall Job 0.727 Lost Time Accounting 0.182 $/Unit 0.091
Stakeholder Satisfaction 0.727 Growth 0.182 Percentage Completion 0.091
Safety 0.591 Financial Stability 0.182 Absenteeism 0.091
Quality 0.591 Business Efficiency 0.182 Specifications 0.091
Profitability 0.500 Market Share 0.182 Competency In Human 0.091
Resource Management
Productivity 0.409 Labour Efficiency 0.182 Continuous Improvement 0.091
Resource Management 0.318 0.182 Technological Capability 0.091
Innovation 0.318 Turnover 0.136 Empowered Work Force 0.091
Human Resource Training
0.318 Motivation 0.136 Change Management 0.091
And Development
Communication and Effectiveness Of
0.318 0.136 Project Complexity 0.091
Coordination Management Planning
Managers Competency
Partnership And
And Project Team 0.273 0.136 Price and Schedule 0.091
Performance Revisions
Penetration and Investment Policy Or Law Of
0.273 0.136 Punch List 0.045
in New Markets Government
Number Of High-
Research And
0.273 Performance 0.136 Successful Tenders Rate 0.045
Conflicts And Disputes 0.227 0.136 Capital 0.045
Cash Flow 0.227 Time Variation 0.136 Interest Cover 0.045
Risk Management 0.227 Net Present Value 0.136 Project Constraints 0.045
Environmental Impact 0.227 Functionality 0.136

The findings suggest that the key project criteria identified by PMI [7] are synonyms to the top 5 PIs identified i.e.
on time completion, cost of overall job, stakeholder satisfaction, quality and safety indicating that academia
86 Bilal Ayub et al. / Procedia Engineering 145 (2016) 82 – 87

confirms the heuristics of general decision making influencers in construction industry.

Primary interview are to be conducted in two phases from managerial personnel possessing job titles such as project
manager, project director and construction manager. First phase has been completed with 9 interviews, which were
conducted in person lasting between 30 to 45 minutes. The insight from the first phase is of extreme importance
because of the evolving nature of interview discussion. Current project performance, risk perception for the
remaining project duration, management pressure to release contingency, amount in hand and percentage execution
of the project are identified as influencers in the decision making process of cost contingency management.

5. Conclusions

After the study relating to decision making, Rodriguez, Saiz [27] suggested use of KPIs as an input to the process.
On time completion, overall cost of project, stakeholder satisfaction, quality and safety are critical KPIs in a project
and playing vital part in decision making also involving perception of future risk in a project as established by the
findings of this research till now. PMI [7] recognizes these five criteria and risks fundamental which further validate
the findings. Cost contingency is also managed over this principle by project managers. Every project manager
creates a mental model for ease of decision making, need of organization and demands. The influencers i.e. project
performance, risk perception, percentage execution etc. are identified are important players in the overall decision
making process related to cost contingency release.
No conclusive results and conclusion is furnished as the research is still in progress.


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