Report Final For Print
Report Final For Print
Report Final For Print
AUGUST, 2016
The undersigned certify that they have read, and recommended to the Institute of
Engineering for acceptance, a project report entitled "Design, CFD Analysis and
Modelling of Archimedean Spiral-Type Wind Turbine" submitted by Ashish Bhattarai,
Hari Prasad Bashyal, Sudip Sapkota and Upama Nepal in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering.
Supervisor, Er. Ramendra Kumar
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Department of Automobile and Mechanical Engineering
IOE, Thapathali Campus
External Examiner, Er. Sudip Bhattrai
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
IOE, Pulchowk Campus
Committee Chairperson, Er. Laxman Palikhel
Head of Department
Department of Automobile and Mechanical Engineering
IOE, Thapathali Campus
The author has agreed that the library, Department of Mechanical and Automobile
Engineering, Thapathali Campus, Institute of Engineering may make this report freely
available for inspection. Moreover, the author has agreed that permission for extensive
copying of this project report for scholarly purpose may be granted by the professor(s) who
supervised the project work recorded herein or, in their absence, by the Head of the
Department wherein the project report was done. It is understood that the recognition will be
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Department of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering
Thapathali Campus, Institute of Engineering
Thapathali, Kathmandu
This report represents the preliminary design of Archimedean spiral-type wind turbine, one of
the emerging HAWT, with the aid of calculations and the observations of various geometric
parameters by CFD analysis along with its fabrication and testing.
Through numerous simulations conducted for turbine diameter of 150 mm at 3.5 m/s wind
velocity by varying the turbine pitch and opening angle, the geometry of final model was
selected as 112.5 mm pitch (1.5 times radius) and 60° of opening angle for maximum power
coefficient. A range of 3.5 m/s to 12 m/s of the inlet wind velocity was considered and
scrutinized through CFD to estimate the power output of the designated model. At 7 m/s, 8
m/s and 9 m/s, maximum power output was 0.92 W, 1.38 W and 1.98 W respectively. The
maximum power coefficient was 0.25 acquired at tip-speed ratio of 1.5.
Then, the preeminent model was fabricated using a 3D printer and tested. The tests was carried
out in a wind tunnel of size 30 cm × 40 cm available in Kathmandu University at 7 m/s, 8 m/s
and 9 m/s and the corresponding power achieved was 0.45 W, 0.73 W and 0.95 W which is
around half of the value obtained from CFD. The causes of this low power were explored.
A geometry of turbine for power output of 0.25 kW was nominated for wind speed of 10 m/s
assuming power coefficient is still maximum at pitch of 1.5 times the radius, 60° opening
angle and tip speed ratio of 1.5. Turbine diameter was calculated as 1500 mm.
We would like to show our sincere gratitude to Department of Automobile and Mechanical
Engineering for providing us the opportunity to conduct this thesis which we have anticipated
will show us doors for further research and developments.
We are thankful especially to Er. Laxman Palikhel, Head and Er. Kismat Maharjan and Er.
Khem Gyanwali, Deputy Head, for providing the prospect of conducting our final year project.
We also would like to thank our colleagues for boosting us in conduction of this project.
We owe our gratitude to our respected supervisor, Assistant Professor Mr. Ramendra Kumar
for his untiring effort towards mentoring, guiding and supporting our project.
We also express our deepest appreciation to Assistant Professor Mr. Sudip Bhattrai for
providing the insights that led us to immense benefits.
Lastly, we would like to thank all friends, staffs and teachers who have directly or indirectly
helped for the completion of our project.
APPROVAL .............................................................................................................................2
COPYRIGHT ............................................................................................................................3
ABSTRACT ..............................................................................................................................4
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................5
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................69
Figure 1.1: Phases of design process ................................................................................17
Figure 2.1: Archimedean Spiral in a graph .......................................................................22
Figure 2.2: The used flat plane and extended spatial figure for Archimedean Spiral blade
Figure 2.3: Geometry of Archimedes Wind Turbine Blade .............................................23
Figure 3.1: Model of turbine rotor with pitch at 112.5 mm ..............................................30
Figure 3.2: Turbine domain setup in ANSYS MESHING ...............................................32
Figure 3.3: Graph representing Cp Vs λ at pitch = 0.25R .................................................34
Figure 3.4: Average velocity fieldand static pressure distribution at pitch = 0.25R at
central plane of turbine ...........................................................................................................34
Figure 3.5: Graph representing Cp Vs λ at pitch = 0.5R ...................................................35
Figure 3.6: Static pressure distribution and average velocity field at pitch = 0.5R at
central plane of turbine ...........................................................................................................36
Figure 3.7: Graph representing Cp Vs λ at pitch = 0.75R .................................................37
Figure 3.8: Average velocity field and static pressure distribution at pitch = 0.75R at
central plane of turbine ...........................................................................................................37
Figure 3.9: Graph representing Cp Vs λ at pitch = R ........................................................38
Figure 3.10: Average velocity field and static pressure distribution at pitch = R at central
plane of turbine .......................................................................................................................39
Figure 3.11: Graph representing Cp Vs λ at pitch = 1.25R .................................................40
Figure 3.12: Average velocity field and static pressure distribution at pitch = 1.25R at
central plane of turbine ...........................................................................................................40
Figure 3.13: Graph representing Cp Vs λ at pitch = 1.5R ...................................................41
Figure 3.14: Average velocity field and static pressure distribution at pitch = 1.5R at
central plane of turbine ...........................................................................................................42
Figure 3.15: Graph representing Cp Vs λ at pitch = 1.75R .................................................43
Figure 3.16: Average velocity field and static pressure distribution at pitch = 1.75R at
central plane of turbine ...........................................................................................................43
Figure 3.17: Graph representing Cp Vs λ at pitch = 2R ......................................................44
Figure 3.18: Average velocity field and static pressure distribution at pitch = 2R at central
plane of turbine .......................................................................................................................45
Figure 3.19: Graph representing Cp Vs λ at opening angle at 30° ......................................46
Figure 3.20: Graph representing Cp Vs λ at opening angle at 45° ......................................47
Figure 3.21: Graph representing Cp Vs λ at opening angle at 60° ......................................48
Figure 3.22: Graph representing Cp Vs λ at opening angle at 75° ......................................49
Figure 3.23: Graph representing Cp Vs λ at opening angle at 90° ......................................50
Figure 3.24: Graph between pitch and power coefficient ...................................................52
Figure 3.25: Graph representing effect of viscocity at different pitch ................................ 53
Figure 3.26: Graph between power coefficient and opening angle ....................................54
Figure 3.27: Graph representing power coefficient vs tip speed ratio at different wind
Figure 3.28: Averaged velocity fields obtained by the steady simulation on a central plane
Figure 3.29: Static pressure distribution obtained by the steady simulation on central plane
Figure 3.30: Static pressure distribution obtained by the steady simulation on Front and
Rear side of Turbine respectively ...........................................................................................59
Figure 3.31: Drag coefficient on turbine at different tip speed ratio ..................................61
Figure 4.1: Experimental Setup………………………………………………………….63
Figure 4.2: Band Type Braking System ............................................................................63
Figure 4.3: Torque vs. Rpm obtained from experiment....................................................65
Figure 4.4: Comparison between simulation and experimental result ..............................66
1.1 Background
To secure the energy supply issues and address the climate change, reductions of Greenhouse
Gas (GHG) emissions, biodiversity protection and development of renewable technologies,
energy conservation, and efficiency improvements are becoming increasingly important.
Among the renewable resources, wind energy is a fairly established technology with huge
possibility for commercialization and bulk production. The major application of wind power
is electricity generation from large grid-connected wind farms. With the expansion of the
power grid and the reduction of electricity scarce areas, small-scale wind turbines are now
being applied in several countries and in many fields, such as city road lighting, mobile
communication base stations, offshore aquaculture, and sea water desalination.
Small scale wind turbines yet have not been addressed and taken seriously in context of Nepal.
Though with many potentials and with growing energy problems, this small but significant
technology can provide much assistance in the households of Nepalese community.
1.3 Objective
1.3.1 General Objective
To design, conduct CFD analysis and develop a model of Archimedes spiral-type wind turbine.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives
1. To select the best model of Archimedes wind turbine with the help of CFD analysis.
2. To fabricate a model to fit in the wind tunnel available.
3. To perform wind tunnel test for the fabricated model.
4. To compare the result obtained from wind tunnel test with the numerically obtained result.
1.4 Methodology
The methodology adopted during the project is described below:
The basic problem to be addressed by this project is to devise an economical small scale wind
turbine in a region where wind velocity lies between 3m/s and 12m/s. It is obvious that an
appropriate small scale wind turbine could fulfill the energy requirement where national grid
is not reached and deficit energy due to load shedding where national grid is available.
1.4.3 Design
The selection of the most efficient design for the given constraints was done by following
steps given below:
Figure 1.1 Phases of design process
1.4.4 Fabrication
The fabrication was done using 3D- printer for the construction of the turbine blade and shaft
was integrated separately to produce as a whole. Then, the frame was attached separately using
suitable materials unified with the other part using appropriate processes, resources and tools.
1.6 Limitations
1. Appropriate wind tunnel is not available for testing procedure.
2. Mechanical loss is not accounted in the CFD analysis of the wind turbine.
3. Sensitive torque measurement device is not available for accurate torque value.
4. Only turbine shaft output power is calculated during the testing process.
5. Complete arrangement is not designed in the turbine to get the electrical output.
6. Safety arrangements are not designed for high wind velocity during the wind tunnel
A modern large wind turbine is not practical in Nepal as the blades cannot be disassembled
and need to be delicately handled, which requires good road access for transportation. So for
the time being, smaller wind turbines are ideal for the country. The hill effect on wind turbines
placed on hills provides additional benefits to the wind turbine projects in Nepal.
Surrounding mountainous range around the Kathmandu Valley is about 105 km and if small
wind turbines as pilot project could be installed at an interval of 100 meters, it could generate
about 5MW. If they are installed as a cluster, certainly more power could be obtained.
The development of small scale wind power system could be done including turbine,
generator, controller and tower using local resources. Lack of proper testing to obtain
performance of the system such as power curve with respect to tip speed ratio and
unavailability of wind data are the major factors impeding the development of the technology.
With a good design, the system can be manufactured locally to reduce the cost of the
technology. The indigenous manufacturing techniques can be used with some clever design of
wind turbine rotor and low speed permanent magnet generator.
2.3 Features and components of HAWTS
The main parts of a HAWT are the blades, the hub, the transmission system, the gearbox, the
generator and the yaw and pitch control systems. The blades are the key to the operation of
the wind turbine. Three – bladed designs are the most common for modern wind turbines. The
blades of a HAWT are fastened to the central hub. As the rotor turns, its blades generate an
imaginary surface whose projection on a vertical plane is called the swept area.
Figure 2.1 Archimedean Spiral in a graph
Figure 2.2: The used flat plane and extended spatial figure for Archimedean Spiral blade
(Source: The aerodynamic method of the Archimedes Windturbine, drs. M. Mieremet, Msf)
Archimedes spiral wind turbine, is one of the HAWT, however, there is marked contrast
between new wind turbine design and traditional HAWT models. The spiral allowed better
measurement of a circle’s circumference and thus its area. However, this spiral was soon
proved inadequate when Archimedes went on to determine a more accurate value of π that
created an easier way of measuring the area of a circle.
In old HAWT scheme, lift force is the one of the main factor to take power from wind energy,
but the Archimedes spiral small wind turbine is mainly depended on the drag force.
In March 2007, Tu Delft carried out a test which showed the efficiency of approximately 10%.
In 2009 an improved model was tested at the Peutz wind research center which broke at 21
m/s so the number of revolutions along the rotor axis was reduced to one from pi number of
revolution. This increased efficiency to about 15 %. In 2012 a very detailed study at Pusan
Korea University was begun. CFD analysis confirmed the calculations made earlier and the
theoretical efficiency was determined at 25%. Over the two subsequent years rotor efficiency
rose to an astonishing 52 % [21].
Definition of tip speed ratio,
= 𝑉0
𝛚 is the angular velocity of the wind turbine rotor, R is radius of the rotor and 𝑉0is the wind
speed. A higher tip speed ratio results in higher noise levels and require stronger blades due
to large centrifugal force.
The relationship between rotational speed and tip speed ratio is shown in below equation:
= 60𝑉0
Where N is the rotational speed of the rotor, R is the rotor radius and V0 is the wind speed.
Thus, an inverse relationship between the rotational speed and the blade span can give the
required speed. Due to the same tip speed ratio, a blade with a big span has a low rotational
speed [5].
T = Torque
𝛚 = Angular velocity
A = Swept area of the blade
V= Wind velocity
Betz limit = 27 × (Kinetic energy of wind)
2.7.1 Principle theories relevant to CFD modelling
No matter what kind of CFD software is, the main processes of simulation are the same.
Setting up governing equations is the precondition of CFD modelling; mass, momentum and
energy conservation equation are the three basis governing equations. After that, Boundary
conditions are decided as different flow conditions and a mesh is created. The purpose of
meshing model is discretized equations and boundary conditions into a single grid. A cell is
the basic element in structured and unstructured grid. The basic elements of two-dimensional
unstructured grid are triangular and quadrilateral cell. Meanwhile, the rectangular cell is
commonly used in structured grid. In three-dimensional simulation, tetrahedral and
pentahedral cells are commonly used, unstructured grid and hexahedra cell is used in
structured grids. The mesh quality is a prerequisite for obtaining the reasonably physical
solutions and it is a function of the skill of the simulation engineer. The more nodes resident
in the mesh, the greater the computational time to solve the aerodynamic problem concerned,
therefore creating an efficient mesh is indispensable. Three numerical methods can be used to
discretize equations which are Finite Difference Method (FDM), Finite Element Method
(FEM) and Finite Volume Method (FVM). FVM is widely used in CFD software such as
Fluent, CFX, PHOENICS and STAR-CD, to name just a few. Compared with FDM, the
advantages of the FVM and FEM are that they are easily formulated to allow for unstructured
meshes and have a great flexibility so that can apply to a variety of geometries [5].
2.7.3 Solution Methods
Standard k−ε model: it has a nice stability and precision for high Reynolds number
turbulent flow but it is not suitable for some simulation with rotational effect.
RNG k−ε model: it can used for low Reynolds number flow, as considering the
rotational effect, the simulated accuracy will be enhanced in rapidly strain flow.
Realizable k−ε model: it is more accurate for predicting the speeding rate of both planar
and round jets but it will produce non-physical turbulent viscosities when the simulated
model includes both rotating and stationary fluid zone
Standard k-ω model: it contains the low-Reynolds-number effects, compressibility and
shear flow spreading. It has a good agreement with measurements with problems of
far wake, mixing layers and plane, round, and radial jets.
Shear-stress transport (SST) k-ω model: because it absorbs both the property of good
accuracy in the near-wall region of standard k-ω model and nice precision in the far
field region of k−ε model, it is more accurate and reliable for a wider class flow than
the standard k-ω model.
Reynolds stress model: Abandoning the eddy-viscosity hypothesis, the Reynolds stress
model (RSM) calculates the Reynolds stresses directly. Theatrically, it is much more
accurate than k−ε and k-ω model, but five additional transport equations in 2D flows
and seven additional transport equations in 3D flows seize huge resources in computer
and a long simulated time [5].
3.4 Aerodynamic Analysis of the Turbine
3.4.1 Modelling of Geometry
The turbine incorporates a single shaft and three blades of equal diameter. The turbine is
initially designed in SOLIDWORKS 15. The blades are kept at a diameter of 150 mm.
Likewise, a helix of variable pitch provided in the software is used to give the curvature that
the blade required and the required variable pitch is input accordingly. Total of 12 different
geometries of various dimensions were constructed.
Where u is the friction velocity at the nearest wall, y is the distance to the nearest wall; ν is the
local Kinematic Viscosity of the fluid. Y+ is the non-dimensional wall distance for a wall
bounded flow.
The wall distance value of the model is found to be in the range from 0.2mm to 0.32 mm
according to the increase in velocity which was taken from the online source using the Y-Plus Distance Estimation tool. The input parameter
being free-stream velocity, density of fluid, dynamic viscosity, boundary layer length and
desired Y-Plus value of 4 for SST Model, we get the approximate value of Reynolds number
and the wall distance. The input parameters for the wall distance estimation is given below:
3.7 Boundary conditions
The constant speed of the turbine is 3.5 meters per second. The operating condition is at sea
level. The fluid is thus at normal atmospheric pressure. Therefore, the gauge pressure is taken
as 0. The Reynolds number was calculated as Re = 4.937 × 104 using the following equation:
𝑅𝑒 =
ρ = 1.225 kg/m3,
µ = 1.875 ×10-5 kg/m-s,
l = reference length = 162 mm
Different models were used for the same boundary conditions but with varying tip-speed
Velocity inlet boundary condition is defined to provide the flow velocity of the incompressible
fluid flow. The velocity magnitude and direction helps to provide the flow at different
inclination from the global axes.
Pressure outlet boundary conditions require the specification of a static (gauge) pressure at
the outlet boundary.
Reference Values to be set are area, density, enthalpy, length, pressure, temperature, velocity,
dynamic viscosity and ratio of specific heats. For the analysis, all the parameters are set to
default once we choose to compute from Inlet.
Second order discretization upwind is used to solve the problem with a pressure based solver.
Each boundary conditions are initialized with flow velocity value. Then iterations are run.
Two pressure-based solver algorithms are available in ANSYS FLUENT, a segregated
algorithm, and a coupled algorithm. A coupled algorithm or scheme is selected for the
Table 3.3: Simulation data for different tip speed ratios at pitch = 0.25R
The table illustrates the resultant torques, theoretical power and power coefficient for a range
of tip-speed ratios from 1 to 2. It is evident that when the tip-speed ratio increases, the values
of torque decrease and reaches at 0.471 × 10-3 N-m at tip-speed ratio of 2 with corresponding
angular velocity of 93.33 rad/s. But, though the values of torque decrease, the values of power
and power coefficient somewhat fluctuates. The power coefficient Cp which is the considered
entity, at first increases then at another point, the values starts to decrease. The maximum
power coefficient Cp has a value of 0.109 at tip-speed ratio of 1.5. The corresponding graph
between Cp and λ is given below:
Cp vs λ
1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Figure 3.4 Average velocity and Static pressure distribution field at pitch = 0.25R at central
plane of turbine
Table 3.4: Simulation data for different tip speed ratios at pitch = 0.5R
λ ω (rad/s) T (× 10-3 N-m) P (W) Cp
1.25 58.3333 1.093 0.06378 0.1374
1.5 70 0.952 0.06665 0.1436
1.75 81.6666 0.823 0.06725 0.1449
2 93.3333 0.704 0.06575 0.1416
2.25 105 0.584 0.06132 0.1321
The table illustrates the resultant torques, theoretical power and power coefficient for a range
of tip-speed ratios from 1.25 to 2.25. It is evident that when the tip-speed ratio increases, the
values of torque decrease and reaches at 0.584 × 10-3 N-m at tip-speed ratio of 2.25 with
corresponding angular velocity of 105 rad/s. But, though the values of torque decrease, the
values of power and power coefficient somewhat fluctuates. The power coefficient Cp which
is the considered entity, at first increases then at another point, the values start to decrease.
The maximum power coefficient Cp has a value of 0.1449 at tip-speed ratio of 1.75. The
corresponding graph between Cp and λ is given below:
Cp vs λ
1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25
Table 3.5 Simulation data for different tip speed ratios at pitch = 0.75R
Figure 3.6 Average velocity and Static pressure distribution field at pitch = 0.5R at central
plane of turbine
Here, the pressure difference between the tip and the end is 11.149 Pa.
The table illustrates the resultant torques, theoretical power and power coefficient for a range
of tip-speed ratios from 1 to 2.25. It is evident that when the tip-speed ratio increases, the
values of torque decrease and reaches at 0.752 × 10-3 N-m at tip-speed ratio of 2.25 with
corresponding angular velocity of 105 rad/s. But, though the values of torque decrease, the
values of power and power coefficient somewhat fluctuates. The power coefficient Cp which
is the considered entity, at first increases then at another point, the values start to decrease.
The maximum power coefficient Cp has a value of 0.1880 at tip-speed ratio of 1.75. The
corresponding graph between Cp and λ is given below:
Cp vs λ
1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25
Figure 3.8 Average velocity field and static pressure distribution at pitch = 0.75R at central
plane of turbine
Table 3.6: Simulation data for different tip speed ratios at pitch = R
λ ω (rad/s) T (× 10-3N-m) P (W) Cp
1.25 58.3333 1.577 0.09202 0.1982
1.5 70 1.407 0.09853 0.2123
1.75 81.6666 1.218 0.09950 0.2144
2 93.3333 1.031 0.09627 0.2074
2.25 105 0.818 0.08597 0.1852
The table illustrates the resultant torques, theoretical power and power coefficient for a range
of tip-speed ratios from 1 to 2.25. It is evident that when the tip-speed ratio increases, the
values of torque decrease and reaches at 0.8187 × 10-3 N-m at tip-speed ratio of 2.25 with
corresponding angular velocity of 105 rad/s. But, though the values of torque decrease, the
values of power and power coefficient somewhat fluctuates. The power coefficient Cp which
is the considered entity, at first increases then at another point, the values start to decrease.
The maximum power coefficient Cp has a value of 0.2144 at tip-speed ratio of 1.75.
Cp Vs λ
1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25
Figure 3.9 Graph representing Cp Vs λ at pitch = R
Figure 3.10 Average velocity field and static pressure distribution at pitch = R at central
plane of turbine
Table 3.7: Simulation data for different tip speed ratios at pitch = 1.25R
λ ω (rad/s) T (× 10-3 N-m) P (W) Cp
1 46.6666 1.985 0.0926 0.1996
1.25 58.3333 1.745 0.1018 0.2194
1.5 70 1.515 0.1060 0.2285
1.75 81.6666 1.294 0.1057 0.2278
2 93.3333 1.045 0.0976 0.2103
2.25 105 0.785 0.0825 0.1777
The table illustrates the resultant torques, theoretical power and power coefficient for a range
of tip-speed ratios from 1 to 2.25. It is evident that when the tip-speed ratio increases, the
values of torque decrease and reaches at 0.785 × 10-3 N-m at tip-speed ratio of 2.25 with
corresponding angular velocity of 105 rad/s. But, though the values of torque decrease, the
values of power and power coefficient somewhat fluctuates. The power coefficient Cp which
is the considered entity, at first increases then at another point, the values start to decrease.
The maximum power coefficient Cp has a value of 0.2285 at tip-speed ratio of 1.5. The
corresponding graph between Cp and λ is given below:
Cp vs λ
1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25
Figure 3.12 Average velocity field and static pressure distribution at pitch = 1.25R at
central plane of turbine
Table 3.8: Simulation data for different tip speed ratios at pitch =1.5R
λ ω (rad/s) T (× 10-3 N-m) P (W) Cp
1 46.6666 2.121 0.0989 0.2132
1.25 58.3333 1.834 0.1069 0.2305
1.5 70 1.565 0.1095 0.2361
1.75 81.6666 1.275 0.1041 0.2245
2 93.3333 0.980 0.0915 0.1972
The table illustrates the resultant torques, theoretical power and power coefficient for a range
of tip-speed ratios from 1 to 2. It is evident that when the tip-speed ratio increases, the values
of torque decrease and reaches at 0.98 × 10-3 N-m at tip-speed ratio of 2 with corresponding
angular velocity of 93.33 rad/s. But, though the values of torque decrease, the values of power
and power coefficient somewhat fluctuates. The power coefficient Cp which is the considered
entity, at first increases then at another point, the values start to decrease. The maximum power
coefficient Cp has a value of 0.2361 at tip-speed ratio of 1.5.
Cp vs λ
1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Figure 3.14 Average velocity field and static pressure distribution at pitch = 1.5R at central
plane of turbine
Table 3.9: Simulation data for different tip speed ratios at pitch =1.75R
The table illustrates the resultant torques, theoretical power and power coefficient for a range
of tip-speed ratios from 0.75 to 1.75. It is evident that when the tip-speed ratio increases, the
values of torque decrease and reaches at 1.206 × 10-3 N-m at tip-speed ratio of 1.75 with
corresponding angular velocity of 81.66 rad/s. But, though the values of torque decrease, the
values of power and power coefficient somewhat fluctuates. The power coefficient Cp which
is the considered entity, at first increases then at another point, the values start to decrease.
The maximum power coefficient Cp has a value of 0.2356 at tip-speed ratio of 1.25.
Cp vs λ
0.75 0.95 1.15 1.35 1.55 1.75
Figure 3.16 Average velocity field and static pressure distribution at pitch = 1.75R at
central plane of turbine
Table 3.10: Simulation data for different tip speed ratios at pitch = 2R
λ ω (rad/s) T (× 10-3 N-m) P (W) Cp
0.75 35 2.677 0.09372 0.2019
1 46.6666 2.238 0.10447 0.2251
1.25 58.3333 1.848 0.10784 0.2324
1.5 70 1.458 0.10211 0.2200
1.75 81.6666 1.080 0.08821 0.1900
2 93.3333 0.689 0.06433 0.1386
The table illustrates the resultant torques, theoretical power and power coefficient for a range
of tip-speed ratios 1 to 2. It is evident that when the tip-speed ratio increases, the values of
torque decrease and reaches at 0.689 × 10-3 N-m at tip-speed ratio of 2 with corresponding
angular velocity of 93.33 rad/s. But, though the values of torque decrease, the values of power
and power coefficient somewhat fluctuates. The power coefficient Cp which is the considered
entity, at first increases then at another point, the values start to decrease. The maximum power
coefficient Cp has a value of 0.2324 at tip-speed ratio of 1.25.
Cp vs λ
0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Figure 3.18 Average velocity field and static pressure distribution at pitch = 2R at central
plane of turbine
After analyzing the above data and graphs, we conclude a final pitch value where the
maximum power coefficient is obtained which is at pitch = 1.5R at tip speed ratio of 1.5.
Opening Angle
Now, the opening angles are varied from 30° to 90° to find out the optimum result.
Table 3.11: Simulation data for different tip speed ratios at angle = 30°
The table illustrates the resultant torques, theoretical power and power coefficient for a range
of tip-speed ratios 0.75 to 1.5. It is evident that when the tip-speed ratio increases, the values
of torque decrease and reaches at 0.652 × 10-3 N-m at tip-speed ratio of 2 with corresponding
angular velocity of 70 rad/s. But, though the values of torque decrease, the values of power
and power coefficient somewhat fluctuates. The power coefficient Cp which is the considered
entity, at first increases then at another point, the values start to decrease. The maximum power
coefficient Cp has a value of 0.1711 at tip-speed ratio of 1. The corresponding graph between
Cp and λ is given below:
Cp vs λ
0.75 1 1.25 1.5
Table 3.12: Simulation data for different tip speed ratios at angle = 45°
The table illustrates the resultant torques, theoretical power and power coefficient for a range
of tip-speed ratios 1 to 1.75. It is evident that when the tip-speed ratio increases, the values of
torque decrease and reaches at 0.968 × 10-3 N-m at tip-speed ratio of 2 with corresponding
angular velocity of 81.66 rad/s. But, though the values of torque decrease, the values of power
and power coefficient somewhat fluctuates. The power coefficient Cp which is the considered
entity, at first increases then at another point, the values start to decrease. The maximum power
coefficient Cp has a value of 0.2201 at tip-speed ratio of 1.25. The corresponding graph
between Cp and λ is given below:
Cp vs λ
Cp 0.2
1 1.25 1.5 1.75
Table 3.13: Simulation data for different tip speed ratios at angle = 60°
The table illustrates the resultant torques, theoretical power and power coefficient for a range
of tip-speed ratios 1 to 2. It is evident that when the tip-speed ratio increases, the values of
torque decrease and reaches at 0.980 × 10-3 N-m at tip-speed ratio of 2 with corresponding
angular velocity of 93.33 rad/s. But, though the values of torque decrease, the values of power
and power coefficient somewhat fluctuates. The power coefficient Cp which is the considered
entity, at first increases then at another point, the values start to decrease. The maximum power
coefficient Cp has a value of 0.2361 at tip-speed ratio of 1.5. The corresponding graph between
Cp and λ is given below:
Cp vs λ
Cp 0.2
1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Table 3.14: Simulation data for different tip speed ratios at angle = 75°
The table illustrates the resultant torques, theoretical power and power coefficient for a range
of tip-speed ratios 1 to 2. It is evident that when the tip-speed ratio increases, the values of
torque decrease and reaches at 1.046 N-m at tip-speed ratio of 2 with corresponding angular
velocity of 93.33 rad/s. But, though the values of torque decrease, the values of power and
power coefficient somewhat fluctuates. The power coefficient Cp which is the considered
entity, at first increases then at another point, the values start to decrease. The maximum power
coefficient Cp has a value of 0.2197 at tip-speed ratio of 1.75. The corresponding graph
between Cp and λ is given below:
Cp vs λ
Cp 0.2
1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Table 3.15: Simulation data for different tip speed ratios at angle = 90°
The table illustrates the resultant torques, theoretical power and power coefficient for a range
of tip-speed ratios 1.25 to 2. It is evident that when the tip-speed ratio increases, the values of
torque decrease and reaches at 0.771 × 10-3 N-m at tip-speed ratio of 2 with corresponding
angular velocity of 93.33 rad/s. But, though the values of torque decrease, the values of power
and power coefficient some what fluctuates. The power coefficient Cp which is the considered
entity, at first increases then at another point, the values start to decrease. The maximum power
coefficient Cp has a value of 0.1636 at tip-speed ratio of 1.75. The corresponding graph
between Cp and λ is given below:
Cp vs λ
Cp 0.2
1.25 1.5 1.75 2
The above figures 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 3.10, 3.12, 3.14, 3.16, 3.18 show the calculated ensemble
pressure distribution and velocity fields of the overall flow field on the central plane of the
Archimedes spiral wind turbine at single wind speed of 3.5 m/s, which are characterized by
the contours. The tip speed ratios taken at in-flow velocity of 3.5 m/s were 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5,
1.75, 2 and 2.25 respectively.
The flow field along the turbine rotor is from left to right. Because of the spiral effect, the
velocities from the leading edge increases at the inner side of each blade. A recirculation zone
with lower speeds is also observed in the wake regions because the incoming airflow is
obstructed by the hub cone and rotor. A circular accelerating zone exists behind the rotor,
which results in a low pressure near the wall of the rotating domain. A low-speed region
formed behind the hub of the rotor, indicating the wake region. The pressure distribution is in
the center plane of the wind turbine. When the blade is rotating, there is a pressure difference
between the pressure side and the suction side. Due to the spiral surface of the blades, the
pressure difference (a force) generates torque. In general, the front side of the blade has higher
pressure while the corresponding rear side has a lower pressure.
When the in-flow velocity increases, the pressure difference becomes larger. The pressure
difference is large at the blade tip but small at the root region. This means that most of energy
can be extracted near the blade tip like a three blade HAWT. The maximum pressure
differences between the root and tip were approximately 4.079 Pa. On the suction side,
however, the pressure differences are much higher. The pressure differences were more than
15 Pa lower at the tip than the root. Therefore, the pressure difference between the two sides
at a section increase towards the tips of each blade. For all the cases, the rear side pressure is
negative, so that thrust force can be exerted to the shaft.
The wake of a wind turbine is typically divided into a near and a far wake. The former is the
region from the turbine to approximately one rotor diameter downstream, where the turbine
geometry determines the shape of the flow field, determining the performance of the turbine.
The axial pressure gradient is important for the development of the wake deficit. The
difference in velocity between the air inside and outside the wake results in a shear layer,
which thickens when moving downstream. In the shear layer turbulent eddies are formed. Due
to the ambient shear flow, the turbulence in the shear layer is non-uniform, i.e. the turbulence
intensity in the upper part is larger than in the lower part. In the near wake this leads to two
peaks in the turbulence intensity, but in the far wake they are no longer discernible. The higher
the thrust on the rotor, the lower the wake.
Table below shows the maximum power coefficient obtained at different pitch.
Table 3.16: Pitch Vs Cp
Pitch (× R) Cp
0.25 0.1094
0.5 0.1449
0.75 0.1880
1 0.2144
1.25 0.2361
1.75 0.2356
2 0.2324
Pitch vs Cp
0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Pitch(× R)
Due to viscosity of the fluid which causes resistant to movement, negative torque acts on the
rotating turbine which reduces the torque generated due to the pressure differences. Thus, net
torque is less than the torque generated by pressure difference.
Effect of viscosity
0.2 Pressure
0.15 Viscous
0.1 Net
0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Pitch (×R)
Figure 3.25 Graph representing effect of viscosity at different pitch
Opening angle vs Cp
30 45 60 75 90
Opening angle (degrees)
Figure 3.26 Graph between power coefficient and opening angle
So, from the data and graphs above, the best model selected would be the turbine with pitch
at 112.5mm and the opening angle at 60°.
Table 3.20: Simulation data at wind speed 6m/s
Table 3.22: Simulation data at wind speed 10m/s
λ ω (rad/s) T (× 10-3 N-m) P (W) Cp
0 0 22.760 - -
0.25 33.3333 22.472 0.7491 0.0692
0.5 66.6666 23.703 1.5802 0.1460
0.75 100 21.125 2.1125 0.1951
1 133.3333 18.246 2.4328 0.2247
1.25 166.6666 15.865 2.6442 0.2443
1.5 200 13.637 2.7275 0.2519
1.75 233.3333 11.246 2.6242 0.2424
C p Vs λ
3.5 m/s
0.15 6 m/s
8 m/s
10 m/s
0.05 12 m/s
0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75
Figure 3.27 Graph representing power coefficient Vs tip speed ratio at different wind speed
The graph here shows that the maximum power coefficient obtained is about 0.25 at the tip-
speed ratio of 1.5 which is independent of the wind speed. Below are the velocity and pressure
contour at tip speed ratio of 1.5 and wind speed of 3.5 m/s.
Figure 3.28 Averaged velocity fields obtained by the steady simulation on a central plane
The figure portrays the average velocity fields experienced by the turbine. The figure describes
different velocities at different sections of the turbine. The maximum velocity is 4.88 m/s
which is at the tip region of the turbine blades. The minimum velocity is at the end of the
turbine shaft which is zero since all the inflow air gets blocked around there. Likewise, it can
also be observed that the speed of the inflow air decreases as it passes by the turbine and
reaches behind.
Figure 3.29 Static pressure distribution obtained by the steady simulation on central plane
The figure here represents the general pressure distribution along the turbine. The pressure is
maximum at the hub section of the turbine whose value is at 7.293 Pa. Initially, most of the
flow gets concentrated in the hub and then later gets distributed along the turbine. It can also
be seen that the lowest pressure experienced by the turbine at the end of the shaft and also
behind the turbine blade near the tip. Prominent pressure differences can be seen between the
inner and outer side of the blades which indicated that torque is generated and the turbine
rotates. The maximum pressure difference between the inner and outer section is 12.247 Pa.
Likewise, the root and the tip also contain some pressure differences which is most projecting
at the outermost blade which receives very less inflow air as the most of the air is blocked by
the initial blades.
Figure 3.30 Static pressure distribution obtained by the steady simulation on Front and Rear
side of Turbine respectively
The figure shows the pressure distribution on front and rear side of the turbine which is
represented by the contours. The front side experiences more amount of pressure while the
rear side has less pressure which indicates pressure difference. This pressure difference is
obtained due to blockage of inflow air by the front side of the turbine. The maximum pressure
obtained is at the hub which is 6.809 Pa more than the atmospheric pressure and the maximum
pressure difference between the front and rear side of the turbine is 17.118 Pa.
Drag on Turbine at different wind speed:
The drag forces experienced by the turbine at different wind speed are shown in the tables
given below:
Table 3.24: Drag of turbine at 6m/s
λ Drag (N) Cd
0 0.3734 0.9584
0.25 0.3783 0.9709
0.5 0.4103 1.0531
0.75 0.3771 0.9679
1 0.3370 0.8650
1.25 0.3103 0.7965
1.5 0.2864 0.7350
1.75 0.2621 0.6726
Above tables shows that drag coefficient on turbine is independent of wind speed. Drag is
formed due to pressure difference at front and back side of the blade in axial-direction. Drag
is in decreasing order as the tip speed ratio increases. Plot of drag coefficient and tip speed
ratio is shown below.
Cd vs λ
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75
The fabrication of the turbine blade was done using 3D-printer. Ball bearings were installed
in the forward and backward of the blade shaft and the system was placed in frame as shown
in the figure below. Different process used during fabrication of frame were drilling, shaping,
turning, reaming and welding.
The testing procedure was conducted in the wind tunnel rig available in the laboratory of
Kathmandu University. The open suction type wind tunnel employed in this study has 30 cm
× 40 cm as a cross-sectional area. The experimental model was placed in the one-third of the
total distance of the wind tunnel.
Wind speed in the tunnel was varied from 0 to 9 m/s. Torque was calculated by using dry
friction dynamometer.
4.1 Torque measurement using Dry friction Dynamometer
Experiment Procedure
For this experimental set up, band type brake system is used for torque calculation. Belt is
attached to turbine shaft. Initially coefficient of friction is calculated by using a known weight
and spring balance outside the tunnel. Then the setup is placed inside the wind tunnel where
one end of the belt is fixed and other end is free where load is added. As the load is increased
the rotational speed of turbine decreases. Rotational speed of rotor is measured at different
load using tachometer. This experiment is repeated for different wind speed. The wind speed
is measured using digital anemometer.
4.2 Experimental data
The table below depicts the weight that were added and the respective rpms at different wind
Table 4.1: Dynamometer test Data
4.3 Data Analysis
Hence, the torque and thus the power and power coefficient of the system is calculated. This
result can be best described through a graph as follows:
Torque Vs RPM
9 m/s
0.006 8 m/s
0.004 7 m/s
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
C p VS λ
0.2 Theoretical(3.5m/s
8 m/s(Experimental)
0 7 m/s(Experimental)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Above graph reveals that power coefficient is near to the values obtained by simulation at
lower tip speed ratio of around 0.5 but power coefficient is quite low at higher tip speed ratio.
Also the plot at different wind speed is not coincident as in the plot obtained by simulation.
The possible reasons for these variation from simulation data are:
a) Since the torque is very low (in the order of 10-3 N-m), bearing friction may become
significant, which is not considered in our calculation.
b) Blockage of airflow by the bearing house (30 mm × 56 mm) mounted in front of the
inlet of turbine.
c) Torque measurement method used is not precise for small torque measurement.
d) Proper wind tunnel with suitable sensors to measure aerodynamic forces, pressure
distribution, or other aerodynamic-related characteristics was not available for testing.
Where Cpd is the design power coefficient, ƞd is the drive train efficiency, ƞg is the generator
efficiency and Vd is the design velocity.
For wind velocity of 10 m/s assuming following data:
Cpd = 0.3, ƞd = 0.95, ƞg = 0.75
We get
R = 0.779 m
Choosing radius of 750 mm, simulation is done at tip speed ratio of 1.5 and following results
are obtained.
Table 4.3: Data obtained from simulation at different wind speed
Wind velocity (m/s) ω (rad/s) Torque (N-m) Power (W) Cp
6 12 6.155 73.86 0.3159
8 16 10.99 175.84 0.3173
10 20 17.215 344.3 0.3180
12 24 24.95 598.8 0.3201
From above table at 10 m/s Power output is 344.3 W. After drivetrain and generator losses.
Power can be calculated as:
Pnet = 344.3 (0.95) (0.75) =245 W
5.1 Conclusions
An innovative kind of HAWT accepting the Archimedes spiral blade layout was familiarized.
Design, CFD analysis, modelling and testing of the turbine blade led to following conclusion:
A theoretical tactic to design the Archimedes wind turbine was addressed. An
evaluation by the full 3D CFD analysis of the different geometries of the Archimedean
type turbine was done.
The optimum geometry for the model obtained from the analysis was the pitch at 112.5
mm and opening angle at 60° with tip-speed ratio of 1.5 for a turbine diameter of 150
The performance characteristics of the best selected model of Archimedes wind turbine
by 3D CFD analysis showed power coefficient, Cp = 0.25 while the experimental
results showed that the power coefficient, Cp = 0.13.
A small scale wind turbine of 0.25 KW was designed through CFD analysis on the
basis of the model developed. The geometry parameters determined are 1500 mm
diameter, 1125 mm pitch and 60° opening angle for which Power coefficient of 0.32
was obtained at tip-speed ratio of 1.5.
5.2 Recommendations
Experimental study in proper wind tunnel where aerodynamic force, pressure and other
aerodynamic characteristics can be observed can be conducted for further development
of the turbine.
Further analysis for developing a suitable size of ASWT to fulfill household power
(development of add-on system with solar PVC) requirement can be done.
Stress analysis of turbine blade to maximize survival speed at different wind sites of
Nepal can also be performed.
Use of highly sensitive torque measuring device for torque calculation can be done for
better experimental results.
By developing a large scale turbine through the determined scale, the turbine can be
applicable for urban use as well as used in between large wind farms for production of
energy when the wind speed is low and financial analysis can be done.
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Solving for T,
We get, T = 2.7N-m
Note: Estimated torque on shaft is well below 2.7 N-m
Photo 5: Load addition on turbine shaft
Photo 8: Wind Tunnel