Trade Unionism-1
Trade Unionism-1
Trade Unionism-1
The employees’ perception of Trade Unions as something undesirable and unwanted, about
four to five decades ago, has lost its relevance and now Trade Unions are accepted as an
integral part of Industrial Relations system. As defined by Sidney & Beatrice Webb – “It is a
continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining & improving the
conditions of their working lives. Basically Trade Union got evolved as an agent of workers and
working class to protect the workers interest.
However, as per the section 2(h) of The Trade Union Act 1926 of India – “A Trade Union is
any combination, whether temporary or permanent, formed primarily for the purpose of
regulating the relation between workmen and employers, or between workmen and workman,
between employers and employees, or for improving restrictive conditions on the conduct of any
trade or business, and include any federation of two or more trade unions”.
Hence it can be said that – A Trade Union is (i) An association either of employees or
employers or of independent workers, (ii) It is relatively permanent and not temporary or a
casual, (iii) It is an association of workers engaged in securing economic
economic benefits of members,
(iv) Character of Trade Union is constantly changing and (v) Its origin and growth has been
influenced by a number of ideologies.
Analyzing the above factors we can say that Trade unions are voluntary associations. Here
the workers may ay or may not join the trade unions. If still a worker joins a trade union, then
question arises ‘Why should a worker join a particular organization?’ The reason may be the
a) Job security: employees need to have a sense of job security and want tto be sure that
management will not make unfair and arbitrary decision about their employment. They
look unions to ensure that their jobs are protected.
b) Wage and Benefits: employees work for their lively hood i.e. bread and butter. They
think that the union with its united strength will ensure fair wage at par with those of the
other workers in the community.
c) Working conditions: every employee wants to work in a healthy and safe environment.
There are some statutory provisions made for this. Employees still feel more secured
knowing that trade Union is directly involved in providing all such safety and health
related issues.
d) Fair and Just supervision: the days are long gone when managers could rule over
employees. This Trade Union has changed the scenario from
from autocratic leadership /
management to Participatory management. Now the manager treats their employees as
human resources. In case of ill treatment the employee can file a written grievance
against the employer.