Preparation of Process Schedule
Preparation of Process Schedule
Preparation of Process Schedule
12.1 Introduction
Process schedule is one of the important activity of planning, before diverting milk to
different section for product manufacturing. It is prepared well in advance to give
instructions to boiler operator, refrigeration plant operator, different process section
incharge to plan for the activity of different unit operations for processing the milk to
have smooth operation of the process. It also helps to prevent product losses and to
have efficient use of equipments, energy and water.
Planning for operations involved in processing of any dairy product has to be done in
advance so that maximum use is made of men and material with little waste of time.
Process schedule which is more or less work plan ensures that the proposed operation
will run smoothly. It provides the basic information from which schedule of service
requirements and list of equipment can be made. Time and operation graph can be
made which will indicate at what time particular operation has to be performed. It
may be noted that all operation for manufacture of any particular dairy product can
not be started at time. There must be a sequence for performing an operation in the
plant and that is why the process schedule is required.
The features of the plant considered during preparation of process schedule are:
• Reception capacity,
• Unit processing cost,
• Frequency of CIP,
• Installed capacity of the plant,
• Handling capacity of the plant,
• Running hours and Idol time of plant,
• Quantity of milk received in different season,
• Capacity of the various equipments installed for the processing and production
purpose viz. PHE, SEPARARTOS, PUMPS, CATLES, VAT, etc;
• Capacity of the services and providing machines viz. Air compressor, refrigeration,
boiler, water, ETP, etc;
• Product dispatch timing
Milk is received two times in a day approximately 82,000 lit in evening and 68,000 lit
in the morning.