Activity Plan Part 2 F22
Activity Plan Part 2 F22
Activity Plan Part 2 F22
Idea(s) to be Emphasized: Police are there to keep the community safe, recognize where they have seen
police help in their own lives. For example, showing kids with books how police are there to help.
Showing kids police badges and how it identifies them.
Description of Activity: This activity is something the children can do while we are talking to them about
police and what they do for us. We would bring the badges cut out already for them to use. First, we will
have a badge done to show them an example of what they can do or follow if they want too. They can
color and write their names on it while we are talking to them about what police do for our community
and the people in it. We will ask them questions like, “What have you seen police do for someone else or
for you?” On the back of their badge, we will ask them to draw what they have learned about the police.
Either what they have learned from us, from their other teachers/lessons, or what they might already
know. We will also have an example of this for them. An example might be drawing a police officer help
guide traffic/cars. When they are finished with their badge, we will punch a hole through the top with a
hole puncher and help guide them to feed the string through the hole. We then can help them put it on.
Evaluation of Implementation of Activity Plan: (respond to the following questions, type responses)
1. Were you on time and did you remain for at least an hour and a half? What did you do
specifically to prepare to implement this activity? What did you set up the day of your lab
experience? Was everything for the activity set up before the children began to arrive? If not,
what could have been done to better prepare so that the activity was ready to be implemented as
soon as preschool began?
Yes, I was able to arrive at 12:40 to get ready and help set up the room with Abby. I helped by setting up
our station while two other girls brough the paper badges and string. I set up all the materials that the lab
had available to us like the glue, crayons, and pompoms. Abby and I did this somewhat together as we
arrived early to help. I cleaned the table that had pain on it from previous classes. Yes, the set up was
ready for the kids as they were walking in. The only thing we could improve on is getting the material
there earlier we were just finishing cutting some badges as the kids were starting to come.
2. What considerations were made when setting up the activity in order to smoothly implement the
activity? For example: How was the space used and defined? Were the materials thoughtfully
selected and prepared? What did you do to make the activity appear engaging? What
considerations were made so that children could work as independently as possible? Suggest for
any change in how the activity was set up that would better facilitate the children’s participation
in the activity.
For the activity to go smoothly we did already have some badges cut to help kids quickly jump into
the activity. We did pompoms at the advice of Sister Riddle as she said her class loves glue and
pompoms, which was true. I wore an example around my neck with some pompoms on it and that
enticed every kid that saw it. We were able to get some kids to art just because of what they saw us
wearing or doing. We had the materials spread out to give easy reach for the kids and it made it look
like there was more going on to seem engaging. We did pre think the materials and asked the teacher
as she knows her class best. I think overall the activity was good the teacher said more kids went to
art and engaged in us than normal. Personally, for me I think I would change were I sat. Every time I
went to the table the chair that was available or the ground I kneeled on because all the chairs were
full, my back was to the classroom. So, I could not see that many kids walk by and try to invite them
to join us.
Yes, we had safety scissors though most asked us to cut it for them or took a badge precut.
4. How did the activity support the understanding of the selected Idea(s) to be Emphasized? What
did the children say or do to indicate their understanding?
I was able to talk to some of the kids about the police and what they do for us. Some kids I could tell
were not responding well to my questions or statements, so I just talked to them about other things.
But the kids that would talk back they understood a lot about police and their roles for the
community. The kids loved the police badge that Avery brought in, and it was a big tool for them to
see as I would talk to them. The children would answer my questions about police and the cars they
drive and what they do around town.
5. What skills did the children practice as they engaged in this activity? Identify social, cognitive,
and physical skills that were practiced.
Lots of kids used the social skills as I asked questions and they would respond about their day or their
favorite things. They did fine motor skills trying to squeeze out the glue, one child used the scissor, and
they all would pick up the smaller pompoms and place them on the paper and hold it down to stay. They
were talking to me about the police or animals or the snow outside and were very aware of the world
around them. They even brough up something I didn’t think about for the activity. They wanted to write
out police as well so, I helped them spell.
6. What went well?
Overall, I think the best part was just interacting also seeing around the room at my teammates we all
got along with the kids. I talked to almost all of them and were able to talk to them later because they
came back to me to play.
I think I might change up the way to bring the children into the activity. Some kids just wanted to mess
with the pompoms then leave. But pushing doing the activity or talking about the police before they
settled down made them want to leave.
8. What was the most important thing you learned by participating in this activity, or new insight
gained about working with young children?
I think the main insight was that kids are smarter than we think. They are very creative and
understand more then we lead on. I enjoyed working with kids and understanding their world and
perspective on things. I work with young kids in my work, but it is teaching swim lessons, so it isn’t
just talking to them like in this activity. Also, kids are friendly and like to interact when you have a
smile on your face, that’s the biggest thing if you are having a good time with one kid another will
show up to join.