Trench, Olguín y Minervino, 2015
Trench, Olguín y Minervino, 2015
Trench, Olguín y Minervino, 2015
To cite this article: Máximo Trench, Valeria Olguín & Ricardo Minervino (2015): Seek, and ye shall find:
Differences between spontaneous and voluntary analogical retrieval, The Quarterly Journal of Experimental
Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2015.1044543
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The present study tackles two overlooked aspects of analogical retrieval: (a) whether argumentation
activities elicit a spontaneous search for analogical sources, and (b) whether strategic search can relax
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the superficial bias typically obtained in experimental studies of analogical retrieval. In Experiment 1,
participants had to generate arguments for a target situation under three conditions: without indication
to use analogies, with indication to use analogies, and with indication to search for sources within
domains provided by the experimenters. Results showed that while voluntary search yields analogical
retrievals reliably, the argumentation activity seldom elicits spontaneous remindings. A second set of
results demonstrated that the superficial bias can be strategically relaxed, leading to a majority of
distant retrievals. Experiment 2 replicated this result with the instruction to search within domains
different from that of the target, and without providing a list of specific domains. The theoretical
and educational implications of these findings are discussed.
Analogical reasoning plays a crucial role in activities traditional taxonomy (e.g., Gentner, 1989;
as diverse as hypothesis generation, problem Holyoak & Thagard, 1995) distinguishes between
solving, instruction, or argumentation (Gentner intradomain analogies (when the compared situ-
& Smith, 2013; Holyoak, 2005). Based on the rec- ations pertain to the same domain) and interdomain
ognition that the elements of two situations are analogies (when they belong to different domains).
organized by a similar system of relations In intradomain analogies, the compared analogues
(Gentner, 1983; Gentner & Markman, 2006; maintain superficial similarity, as the base objects
Minervino, Oberholzer, & Trench, 2013), it and relations tend to be semantically similar to
allows transferring knowledge from a relatively their counterparts in the target (Gentner,
better known situation (the base or source analogue) Rattermann, & Forbus, 1993). The present study
to a novel situation (the target analogue) in order to was carried out to assess the extent to which
improve the comprehension of the latter. A people can deliberately regulate the number and
Correspondence should be addressed to Máximo Trench, Psychology Department, University of Comahue, Quintral 1250
CP(8400), S. C. de Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina. E-mail:
A preliminary version of this study was presented at the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Berlin,
Germany, 2013. The authors want to thank Ken Kurtz for helpful comments on earlier versions of the paper.
This work was supported by the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) [grant number PIP0266];
the National University of Comahue [grant number C108]; the Interamerican Open University [grant number PIB2013]; and the
National Agency for Scientific and Technical Research (ANPCyT) [grant number PICT 2352], [grant number PICT 2650].
type of base analogues that are retrieved from long- a position in an ordered series to all concepts in
term memory (LTM). LTM and counting how many times each
A large body of empirical studies has demon- concept appears in each of the stored situations.
strated that people can easily understand analogies Upon taking the vector products between the
even in the absence of superficial similarity (e.g., content vector of the target and the vector of all
Gentner et al., 1993; see Holyoak, Novick, & situations in LTM, the MAC stage submits the
Melz, 1994, for a review). In contrast with the rela- winning base analogues (most of them superficially
tive ease of finding the right mapping between a similar to the target) to the FAC stage. For each
source and a target that are simultaneously active base analogue, FAC starts by creating all possible
in working memory (WM), the process of retriev- local mappings between elements of the same
ing interdomain sources from LTM turns out to formal type, with the added restriction that
be rather demanding. A number of studies have mapped relations must have identical meaning.
shown that intradomain sources are retrieved The program then incrementally coalesces local
between two and four times more frequently than matches into global mappings that satisfy the con-
interdomain sources (e.g., Gentner et al., 1993; straints of parallel connectivity (if two predicates are
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Holyoak & Koh, 1987; Keane, 1987; Trench & mapped, their arguments must also be mapped)
Minervino, 2014). These results led researchers to and one-to-one mapping (elements in one analogue
conclude that superficial similarity represents a must map to only one element in the other ana-
crucial precondition for analogical retrieval, with logue). Finally, FAC scores the quality of global
explanations ranging from the evolutionary to the mappings as a function of their size, their depth,
computational. In terms of psychological adap- and the semantic similarity of their corresponding
tation, this superficial bias is thought to represent objects. This last criterion amplifies the bias of
no big loss, since surface features tend to correlate MAC towards base analogues bearing superficial
with deeper structural features in the natural similarity with the target.
world (i.e., the “kind world” hypothesis, Gentner, LISA (learning and inference with schemas and
1989). In the words of Gentner (1989, p. 267): analogies; Hummel & Holyoak, 1997) is the latest
“By and large, if something looks and roars like a computational model developed by proponents of
tiger, it probably is a tiger.” In terms of psychologi- the multiconstraint theory of analogy (Holyoak &
cal plausibility, computational modelers of analogi- Thagard, 1989, 1995). Its architecture encom-
cal retrieval agree that the computational cost passes retrieval, mapping, inference, and schema
implicated in carrying out a structural mapping abstraction by a unified set of core processes more
between the target analogue and every potential neurally plausible than in earlier attempts (e.g.,
situation stored in LTM would be prohibitive Thagard et al., 1990). LISA’s architecture is a
(Forbus, Gentner, & Law, 1995; Thagard, system for representing dynamic role–filler bind-
Holyoak, Nelson, & Gochfeld, 1990). ings in working memory (WM) and encoding
In line with the above criteria, proponents of the them in LTM for later retrieval. When a prop-
structure mapping theory (Gentner, 1983) devel- osition unit (P) like Peter loves Susan gets activated,
oped MAC/FAC (for many are called, few are it propagates top-down activation to subproposi-
chosen; Forbus et al., 1995), an algorithm designed tion units (SPs) that represent bindings between
to simulate human patterns of analogical retrieval each of the case roles of the proposition and its cor-
through psychologically realistic computations. responding filler. During the lapse while each SP
MAC/FAC divides retrieval into two phases: unit remains active, it transfers top-down activation
MAC, a fast superficial filter, and FAC, a compu- to two independent structure units representing a
tationally expensive structural matcher. The MAC case role and its filler (e.g., Peter and lover),
phase begins by generating content vectors for the which fire in synchrony with each other and out
target and every situation stored in LTM, with of synchrony with the units of the complementary
each content vector being generated by assigning SP (i.e., Susan and beloved). Case roles and their
fillers—which represent the lowest level in the locate those sources in LTM. Given the impor-
structural hierarchy—in turn activate a collection tance of this distinction within current memory
of semantic units representing their meaning. research (see Mace, 2010, for a review), the first
Therefore, when a proposition such as Peter loves objective of the present study was to assess the
Susan is selected, the semantic primitives of lover extent to which the activity of generating argu-
(e.g., emotion1, positive1, and strong1) fire in syn- ments for a target situation elicits a spontaneous
chrony with the semantic primitives of Peter (e.g., search for base analogues in LTM. A second objec-
human, male, and adult), while units representing tive of the present study concerns whether the
the beloved role (e.g., emotion2, positive2, and search process involved in deliberate attempts to
strong2) fire in synchrony with units representing retrieve analogous situations from LTM is invari-
Susan (e.g., human, female, and adult). When the ably biased towards superficial matches, as in
semantic primitives of a given role–filler binding current implementations of the dominant models,
in the target fire in WM, predicate, object, and or if it can be strategically oriented towards areas
SP units from one or various sources compete in of knowledge different from that of the target—a
responding to this array as a function of the central preoccupation of psychologists and educa-
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extent to which their semantic units overlap. tors (see, e.g., Loewenstein, 2010). Before present-
Syntactic constraints are enforced by sets of excit- ing our study, we briefly review the available
atory and inhibitory links. Within a base analogue, evidence bearing on these two questions.
units of different hierarchy are linked by symmetric
excitatory connections, whereas units of the same
Voluntary versus involuntary retrieval of base
level share symmetric inhibitory links. This way,
when predicate and object units in a base analogue
respond to patterns of activation in WM, they acti- It is a rather common experience to be reminded of
vate SP and P units above them, which inhibit analogous situations during activities as diverse as
other units of the same type, enforcing the one- problem solving, hypothesis generation, expla-
to-one mapping constraint. Once a P unit in the nation, or argumentation (Hofstadter & Sander,
target has activated a corresponding P unit the 2013; Holyoak & Thagard, 1995). However, a sen-
base analogue, the constraint of parallel connec- sible question to be asked concerns the extent to
tivity is enforced by top-down activation of the which being engaged in the above activities reliably
structure units below them. As in MAC/FAC, elicits a spontaneous search for base analogues in
LISA’s reliance on semantic similarities between LTM. Even though no studies on analogical retrie-
the sources and the target leads to a majority of val have yet manipulated whether or not partici-
superficial remindings. pants are explicitly invited to think of analogous
In contrast with the emphasis placed in justify- situations during the processing of a target situ-
ing the appropriateness of the representational ation, across-studies comparisons within the
and computational assumptions incorporated in problem-solving literature suggest that participants’
each of the above models (e.g., while MAC/FAC attempts to find a solution automatically elicit a
uses serial operations on symbolic representations, search for base analogues in LTM. For instance,
LISA uses connectionist computations on distribu- using roughly comparable materials, Keane (1987)
ted representations), the presentations of these and Holyoak and Koh (1987) assessed the retrieval
models are ambiguous as to whether the models of a base problem and its solution during a tem-
are meant to account for voluntary remindings, porally and contextually separated problem-
involuntary remindings, or both. While involuntary solving activity. Even though the former study
remindings are spontaneous responses to the pro- (but not the latter) explicitly asked participants to
cessing of the target without any conscious look for analogous problems prior to attempting a
attempt to retrieve sources from memory, voluntary solution, both obtained comparable rates of retrie-
retrievals are the outcome of a deliberate effort to val. This suggests that attempting to solve a
problem suffices to trigger a search for analogous arguments reliably triggers a spontaneous search for
situations, and that the explicit intention to analogous situations, we had another group receive
remember analogous situations adds little over the same target and the same instructions to argue
and above the mere disposition to solve the in favour of the intended action, but without any
problem. Other studies of spontaneous analogical indication to base their arguments on analogous
retrieval during problem solving (e.g., Chen, Mo, situations.
& Honomichl, 2004) point in the same direction.
With these antecedents in mind, the specific ques-
The superficial bias in analogical retrieval:
tion that concerns us here is whether this automatic
Can it be strategically relaxed?
search for analogous situations generalizes to other
relevant activities for which analogical reasoning As stated above, a wealth of laboratory studies
represents a useful heuristic. demonstrated that people retrieve mostly superficial
A number of studies (e.g., Blanchette & matches to the target, and most retrieval algorithms
Dunbar, 2000; Trench, Oberholzer, & were specially engineered to simulate such pattern
Minervino, 2009; Trench, Olguín, & Minervino, of results. More recently, however, a series of natur-
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2011) have shown that when being asked to gener- alistic studies (e.g., Blanchette & Dunbar, 2000,
ate analogies to convince somebody of performing 2001, Christensen & Schunn, 2007; Kretz &
an action, people profusely retrieve analogous situ- Krawczyk, 2014; Richland, Holyoak & Stigler,
ations from memory. For example, Blanchette and 2004) have obtained a more balanced proportion
Dunbar (2000) introduced college participants to of intradomain and interdomain analogies, a
the zero-deficit strategy for controlling the increase result has been interpreted as calling into question
in public debts and asked them to generate analo- the validity of the superficial bias obtained by the
gies that could be used to convince the population experimental tradition. Dunbar (2001) has
about the necessity of supporting (or resisting, suggested that the reason behind the divergent
depending on the condition) such strategy. They results of both traditions—termed “the analogical
obtained a high number of analogical responses, a paradox” by the author—lies in the artificiality of
result that was interpreted as reflecting the fact experimental tasks. As these tasks typically fail to
that participants were able to retrieve their own highlight the structural features of the base and
sources in the service of an ecologically valid target analogues during their encoding, participants
target activity. However, no studies have investi- can only rely on surface features to retrieve the
gated whether this hint to base persuasive argu- experimental sources from memory. In contrast,
ments on analogies represents an advantage over a when participants are allowed to retrieve their
similar condition where participants are not own sources in the service of meaningful tasks
hinted to base their arguments on analogies. like generating analogies for a realistic situation,
As in the above studies, the procedure followed base and target analogues are processed attending
by one of the groups of the first experiment to their structural features. Therefore, retrieval
reported in the present study consisted in present- does not need to rely on the existence of shared
ing participants with a target situation admitting surface features (Dunbar, 2001; Hofstadter &
two alternative lines of action and asking them to Sander, 2013).
provide as many analogies as they could in favour The second objective of the present study was to
of one of such actions. Based on the results of the assess whether participants who are voluntarily
above studies, we predicted that the explicit indi- attempting to retrieve analogous cases from LTM
cation to search for analogies in the service of argu- can focalize their search on specific domains in
mentation—that is, a prompt for voluntary retrieval the service of interdomain analogizing. In relation
—would lead to the frequent retrieval of source to this possibility, some of the computational
analogues from LTM. In order to determine the models of analogical retrieval left open the question
extent to which the activity of generating persuasive of whether the superficial bias typically obtained in
behavioural studies could be “tuned” by the analo- though, they explore the extent to which these
gizer, be it by means of relaxing the weight given tags can be strategically exploited by the analogizers
to object attributes by the structural component of to orient the search process in a particular direction.
the system (e.g., the FAC stage of MAC/FAC)
or by having the whole retrieval algorithm run on
a subset of LTM selected via other general mech- EXPERIMENT 1
anisms of memory, such as spreading activation or
indexing (Gentner & Forbus, 1991). Regarding Method
the indexing capabilities of the human memory,
Ripoll (1998) obtained evidence for the existence Participants and design
of a synthetic level of representation that specifies One hundred and twenty undergraduate students
the thematic domain to which a problem belongs at University of Comahue volunteered to partici-
and demonstrated how these “domain tags” pate in the experiment (mean age = 21.49 years,
operate during the time-course of analogical retrie- SD = 3.42). An even number of participants was
val. The procedure consisted in coupling superfi- randomly assigned to the argumentation condition
(GAR), the analogical argumentation condition
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GAN and the GAN+D was that while participants of we sought to detect all the situations that were
the GAN received no instructions concerning the retrieved from LTM in response to the target
domains of the base analogues to be used in their task, judges were handed all responses produced
analogies, participants of the GAN+D were asked by the participants, regardless of whether they
to sequentially focus their search within four were reported during the argumentation phase, or
domains different from economy: health, human during the later requirement to list all other situ-
relations, housekeeping, and breeding of animals ations that had come to mind during the first
and plants. In order to prevent participants of the task, but were not included among the final propo-
GAN and GAN+D from reporting base analogues sals. Judges agreed in 82% of the cases regarding the
not originated in retrieval processes, they were analogical status of proposals, and in 94% of the
encouraged to base their analogies on past episodes cases regarding their intra/interdomain nature.
that had happened to them or to others, or that Cases of disagreement were resolved by discussion.
were learned from verifiable sources such as news- In order to assess whether the different conditions
papers, books, movies, and so on. Participants of affected the quality of the analogies, two new
the GAR and the GAN were given 20 min to com- judges blind to the objectives of the study were
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plete the argumentation task. In the case of the asked to rate the structural similarity between the
GAN+D, participants were allotted 5 min for each target situation and the base situation contained
of the suggested domains. Once this time had in each of the analogical proposals (1 = not analo-
elapsed, participants of all groups were allotted 5 gous, 5 = completely analogous). To this end,
more minutes to report all other arguments (or ana- judges received an explanation about the concept
logies, depending on the group) that had come to of structural similarity in terms of the extent to
mind during the previous phase but which were which the central elements of the target analogue
not reported for whatever reasons. This question have a clear counterpart in the base analogue.
was intended to reveal base analogues that were in This explanation was coupled with five examples
fact retrieved but were not reported (cf. Trench corresponding to different degrees of structural
et al., 2011), like when a source is rejected for not similarity. The score used for statistical analyses
being persuasive or, in the case of the GAN+D, for was the average of the scores provided by the two
not belonging to the specific domain that was judges.
Results and discussion
Data analysis
Two judges received instruction on the concept of Across conditions, participants proposed a mean of
analogy, as well as on the general distinction 2.10 responses (SD = 0.94), out of which 44% were
between intradomain and interdomain analogies. rendered analogical by the judges. Further com-
For the target analogue at stake, they were parisons and statistical analyses were restricted to
instructed to regard as “analogical responses” all analogical proposals. Collapsing across conditions,
proposals including the following elements: (a) a 71.17% of analogical proposals were included in
problem of increasing magnitude, (b) a delay in the proper argumentation task, and 28.83%
the attempts to solve it, and (c) a consequent during the later prompt to report other situations
increase in the cost of solving it. Following a cri- that were remembered during the argumentation
terion akin to that of Blanchette and Dunbar activity.
(2000), judges were instructed to score as intrado- Our first empirical question concerned the
main all situations where the problem of increasing extent to which the task of generating arguments
magnitude was economic (e.g., a public debt) and would elicit the spontaneous retrieval of base ana-
to score as interdomain all instances in which the logues from LTM, as evaluated by most studies
problem of increasing magnitude was not of econ- on problem solving. Taking together intradomain
omic nature (e.g., an illness or a plague). Given that and interdomain proposals, participants of the
GAR retrieved a total of 7 base analogues in An intriguing question raised by the possibility
response to the target situation (M = 0.18, of shifting search away from the target domain con-
SD = 0.45). This level of analogical retrieval is cerns whether the increased number of distant
markedly lower than that of GAN (M = 0.73, matches comes at the expense of missing a
SD = 0.60), where participants were explicitly number of intradomain sources that would be
asked to base their arguments on analogies to retrieved under a non-strategically-oriented
known situations, t(72.14) = 4.658, p , .01 (see search, as a “shift of focus” metaphor might
Figure 1). Given the performance exhibited by suggest. A comparison between the GAN and the
the GAN, the disappointing number of sources GAN+D in terms of the mean number of superficially
retrieved by participants of the GAR cannot be similar and superficially dissimilar base analogues
attributed to a lack of base situations potentially showed that whereas the mean number of distant
available in LTM for retrieval. Rather, it indicates sources generated by the GAN+D (M = 1.23,
that the pragmatic of generating arguments for a SD = 1.17) clearly surpassed the mean number of
hypothetical target situation elicits few spontaneous distant sources retrieved by the GAN (M = 0.28,
analogical remindings. A likely explanation for the SD = 0.45), t(50.48) = 4.806, p , .001, participants
Downloaded by [maximo trench] at 04:22 03 June 2015
difference between our results and those obtained of GAN+D did not retrieve a lesser amount of super-
with problem-solving tasks might lie in the fact ficially similar sources than participants of the GAN
that while the types of problems typically used in (M = 0.65, SD = 0.83, vs. M = 0.45, SD = 0.50,
the problem-solving literature (e.g., the tumour respectively), t(64.14) = 1.299, p . .05. Rather
problem, Gick & Holyoak, 1980) do not admit than simply shifting the focus towards interdomain
direct methods of solution based on general heuris- retrieval, it seems that participants of the GAN+D
tics like means–ends analysis, our tasks were amen- are broadening the scope of their search, an operation
able to direct argumentation. Conversely, it is that boosts access to distant analogues while still
possible that for target situations for which direct retaining baseline levels of intradomain analogizing.
(i.e., nonanalogical) argumentation were less A second relevant question raised by the possi-
straightforward, the retrieval of base analogues bility of shifting search away from the target
from LTM would be more frequent. domain concerns whether the increased number
Our second empirical question dealt with of distant matches was obtained at the expense of
whether the search mechanisms underlying volun- relaxing the demands of structural similarity
tary analogical retrieval are invariably set to favour between the target and the sources. Judges’ scores
superficially similar situations. Judges’ analysis of of structural similarity revealed that the quality of
the analogical proposals reported by the GAN the distant analogies reported by participants of
showed that 62.07% of the retrieved sources were the GAN+D did not differ from the quality of the
semantically similar to the target, and 37.93% of distant analogies reported by the GAN (M = 4.63,
the retrieved sources were semantically dissimilar SD = 0.29, vs. M = 4.73, SD = 0.41, respectively),
from the target. In contrast with this standard U = 100.00, p . .05. This result confirms that the
pattern of retrievals, judges’ analysis of the analogies increase in distant retrievals in the GAN+D was
generated by the GAN+D showed that whereas originated in a more efficient retrieval of sources
34.67% of the retrieved sources came from the and not in a more lenient control of structural
same domain of the target, 65.33% of the retrieved similarity.
sources were interdomain, a result that goes against In view of the observed success of the GAN+D in
the superficial bias typically obtained in the exper- retrieving distant analogues, an interesting question
imental literature on analogical retrieval, and that concerns the extent to which the cognitive system
aligns well with results from naturalistic studies. can bootstrap its own resources in the service of
This increase in the number of interdomain retrie- interdomain analogizing—that is, whether a reason-
vals thus suggests that participants can strategically able increase in the number of interdomain retrievals
favour the retrieval of interdomain sources. can still be obtained without providing participants
Figure 1. Mean number or retrievals, Experiment 1. GAR = argumentation condition; GAN = analogical argumentation condition;
GAN+D = analogical argumentation with predefined domains condition.
task, and 24% during the later prompt to report As in Experiment 1, the augmented pro-
other situations that were remembered during the portion of interdomain retrievals in the prointer-
argumentation activity. domain condition was not obtained at the
The main objective of Experiment 2 was to expense of missing a number of intradomain
assess whether a significant increase in interdo- retrievals. A comparison between the GAN and
main retrieval could still be obtained without pro- the GANint in terms of the mean number of
viding participants with a set of interdomain close and distant retrievals showed that whereas
search areas to look for analogous situations. the GANint clearly surpassed the GAN in the
Whereas the analogies proposed by the GAN number of interdomain retrievals (M = 0.65,
were 62.5% intradomain and 37.5% interdomain, SD = 0.98 vs. M = 0.30, SD = 0.46), t(55.80) =
the analogies proposed by the GANint were 2.05, p , .05, both groups retrieved similar
39.53% intradomain and 60.47% interdomain. amounts of intradomain sources (M = 0.43,
Though not as strong as in Experiment 1, this SD = 0.59 vs. M = 0.50, SD = 0.60, respectively),
reversal demonstrates that participants can volun- t(78) = 0.562, p . .05. Once again, it seems that
tarily alter the superficial bias classically obtained a strategic search for interdomain sources can
Downloaded by [maximo trench] at 04:22 03 June 2015
in experiments of analogical retrieval with the powerfully boost access to distant analogues,
mere intention to search for thematically distant while still retaining baseline levels of intradomain
sources in LTM (see Figure 2). retrieval.
Figure 2. Mean number or retrievals, Experiment 2. GAN = analogical argumentation condition; GANint = prointerdomain argumentation
Also as in Experiment 1, the quality of the analogies to known situations. Results showed that
distant analogies reported by participants of the when participants are not explicitly asked to base
prointerdomain condition did not differ from the their arguments on analogies to prior situations,
quality of the distant analogies reported by partici- this activity seldom occurs spontaneously. In light
pants of the GAN (M = 4.79, SD = 0.20 vs. M = of the performance of the group that was explicitly
4.71, SD = 0.50, respectively), U = 81.00 p . .05, asked to base their arguments on analogies to
thus confirming that the increase in distant retrie- known situations, the low level of spontaneous
vals in the GANint was in fact originated in a retrieval obtained by the group that did not
more efficient retrieval of sources and not in a receive this indication cannot be attributed to a
looser control of structural similarity. lack of available source analogues in LTM. These
results have implications for models of analogical
retrieval, since they can help specify the activities
GENERAL DISCUSSION under which the proposed mechanisms seem to
operate. Further studies should determine
In order to simulate human patterns of analogical whether other thoughtful activities like generating
Downloaded by [maximo trench] at 04:22 03 June 2015
retrieval, extant computational models have speci- hypotheses, explaining concepts to others, or asses-
fied in great detail a number of assumptions sing the probability of future events reliably elicit a
about the types of representations and compu- spontaneous search for base analogues in LTM.
tations implied in retrieving source analogues As in most experimental studies of analogical
from LTM. In contrast to this long-lasting preoc- retrieval (e.g., Gentner et al., 1993; Trench &
cupation, their descriptions are ambiguous as to Minervino, 2014), the analogies proposed by par-
whether the postulated mechanisms are meant to ticipants in the above groups were mostly intrado-
account for the processes of spontaneous remind- main. Our second concern dealt with whether
ing, voluntary retrieval, or both. Albeit unsyste- participants’ deliberate disposition to search for
matic, the available evidence related to eventual distant sources can in fact relax the superficial bias
differences between spontaneous and voluntary typically obtained in experimental studies of analo-
analogical retrieval comes mainly from studies of gical retrieval and simulated by the dominant com-
problem-solving. As those experiments in which putational models (e.g., MAC/FAC, Forbus et al.,
participants were asked to think of analogous pro- 1995; or LISA, Hummel & Holyoak, 1997). To
blems yielded similar results to experiments where this end, a third group of participants was required
participants had to solve a target problem without to generate analogical arguments for the received
being hinted to look for analogous situations, it target situation, but with the additional instruction
seems that the mere disposition to find a solution to search for base analogues pertaining to four the-
to a problem reliably elicits a search for analogous matic domains provided by the experimenters. In
sources in LTM. contrast with participants not receiving any indi-
The first experiment of the present study tackled cation as to the domains on which to base their ana-
two interrelated issues. The first one was concerned logies, those participants that were provided with a
with spontaneous analogical retrieval and had to do series of distant domains to focus their search
with whether the activity of generating persuasive retrieved mostly interdomain analogies.
arguments can elicit this kind of remindings In view of these results, in Experiment 2 we
reliably, as it seems to be the case with problem- further probed the cognitive system’s ability to
solving activities. To this end, we had two groups bootstrap its own resources in the service of inter-
of participants come up with arguments that domain analogizing. As in the previous experiment,
could be used to support a given line of action. we had two groups of participants come up with
While one of the groups did not receive any refer- analogies that could be used to support a given
ence about the use of analogies in their arguments, a line of action. While one of the groups (similar to
second group was asked to base their arguments on the GAN of Experiment 1) was not given any
indication as to the domains from which to search during a traditional problem-solving activity.
for potential source analogues, the second group Prima facie, we envision two ways in which this
was simply asked to identify base analogues per- highlighting of particular regions of LTM can
taining to domains different from that of the take place: one of them more parallel, and the
target situation. Albeit less extreme than the other one more serial. Consistent with established
results of the GAN+D of the previous experiment, models like MAC/FAC or LISA, the first possi-
this simpler and less direct instruction still yielded bility would consist in loading the WM probe
a majority of interdomain remindings, in sharp with concepts pertaining to the particular domain
contrast to the intradomain pattern exhibited by within which search is to be circumscribed (e.g.,
participants not receiving any indication as to the “sports”) and having massive inexpensive matchers
domain of the intended analogies. (e.g., the MAC stage of MAC/FAC or the
In terms of psychological mechanisms, we bottom-up responding to the semantic primitives
speculate that the increase in interdomain retrievals of LISA) run in parallel across the whole of
obtained by participants of the GAN+D and the LTM. According to the second possibility, and
GANint might be due, in part, to a process of late upon strategically selecting a specific domain
Downloaded by [maximo trench] at 04:22 03 June 2015
analogical abstraction (Gentner, Loewenstein, within which to focus search, the reasoner sequen-
Thompson, & Forbus, 2009). According to tially loads WM with specific situations pertaining
Gentner et al. (2009), the remotion of surface to such domain (e.g., sports-related problems that
information from the WM probe to be used for the reasoner has experienced) and carries out a
retrieval can increase the retrieval of distant ana- full-fledged structural comparison between the
logues by way of reducing the competition exerted target situation and each of the evoked represen-
by nonanalogical surface matches that would tend tations until an analogical match is found, or else
to be evoked by virtue of their surface overlap iterates this process within other domains that she
with the original (unabstracted) target. It seems regards as promising. Any of these two processes
likely that the very task of looking for interdomain would operate in a deeper and more systematic
analogies promotes a remotion of surface features way under the conditions of the GAN+D of
from the memory cue to be used for retrieval, in Experiment 1, in which participants were given a
favour of more general descriptors (e.g., “a little set of domains to focus search, than in the more
problem”). However, the fact that the number of open-ended interdomain instruction of
interdomain retrievals was higher in the GAN+D Experiment 2. Future studies should attempt to
of Experiment 1 than in the GANint of determine which of these processes makes a larger
Experiment 2 suggests that this process of late ana- contribution to strategic analogical retrieval. In
logical abstraction cannot be the sole explanation, any case, the fact that participants of the prointer-
since the advantage of abstracting away surface domain conditions of both experiments still
information from the target representation seems retrieved a significant number of intradomain
to be as useful for searching within a particular matches suggests that strategic search can be some-
domain as for searching for interdomain sources what demanding, leading to recurrent cycles of
more broadly. In both cases, the inclusion of nonstrategic retrieval attempts.
surface information about the target in the Albeit never implemented, the developers of
memory probe seems equally inconvenient. In MAC/FAC left open the possibility of relaxing
light of the observed differences between these con- its superficial bias either by suspending FAC’s
ditions, we conjecture that participants of the computation of object attributes, or by having the
GAN+D and the GANint are coping with the stra- system run on a subset of LTM selected via mech-
tegic retrieval tasks that were assigned to them by anisms of spreading-activation or indexing. Given
using domain tags in order to concentrate search the strong superficial constraints imposed by the
on a partition of LTM, somewhat akin to the MAC stage, it seems that only by running on a
“search area effect” obtained by Ripoll (1998) subset of LTM (e.g., on a subset defined by
thematic search areas or domains) the program implemented in computer models like LISA or
might have a chance of obtaining the pattern of MAC/FAC. According to this widely shared
interdomain analogizing elicited during strategic view, the limitations of a fixed surface bias of the
analogical retrieval. kind implemented in LISA and MAC/FAC
The present results bear some implications for would only become apparent within a very narrow
the debate around the adaptive nature of the mech- category of situations, such as when scientists
anisms underlying analogical retrieval. The failure need to acknowledge that the same abstract prin-
of classic studies like Gick and Holyoak (1980) or ciple cuts across disparate situations having non-
Keane (1987) to elicit interdomain retrieval typi- overlapping surface features.
cally elicits a mixture of astonishment and Contra the assumption of rigidity embraced by
concern. As eloquently expressed by Gentner most theoretical accounts of analogical reasoning,
et al. (1993, p. 567): “How can the human mind, some authors have contended that the cognitive
at times so elegant and rigorous, be limited to system can circumvent the superficial constraints
this primitive retrieval mechanism?” According to of the memory mechanisms to some extent
an evolutionary account, memory retrieval is an (Loewenstein, 2010). In line with the proposal,
Downloaded by [maximo trench] at 04:22 03 June 2015
older achievement than the types of relational the striking contrast between the analogies pro-
reasoning afforded by the human prefrontal posed by our GAN and those proposed by the
cortex, and is thus incapable of computing a fully- GAN+D and the GANint suggests that the surface
fledged structural match between the target and bias of human retrieval mechanisms can be tuned
every representation in LTM. However, the nega- to some extent. On this alternative account, the
tive implications of basing retrieval upon surface preference for surface matches could be considered
resemblances might have been overstated, partly a default, rather than a fixed criterion. Just as in
as a consequence of regarding surface similarities classic theories of problem solving, which rec-
as being inherently inconsequential. According to ommend resorting to general heuristics only when
the kind world hypothesis (Gentner & Medina, more specific procedures are not at hand, we
1998), in the world we live in, the types of surface suggest that the proficient analogizer begins by
similarities that people follow are rarely, if ever, including surface information about the target in
causally irrelevant. Taking our own materials as the WM probe that will be used for retrieval,
an example, when participants in our GAN inadver- and opts for removing target-specific information
tently include target concepts like debt or money in and/or highlighting potential search domains only
the memory probe that will be used for retrieval, the if more inferentially powerful intradomain sources
favoured base analogues are likely to be more do not come to mind.
similar to the target not only at the level of explicitly This majority of interdomain retrievals in the
represented systems of relations (e.g., two cases prointerdomain conditions of Experiments 1 and
where postponing the cancellation of a debt 2 also suggests an alternative explanation of the
renders its future cancellation more problematic), analogical paradox (Dunbar, 2001)—that is, the
but also at deeper levels that might not be explicitly fact that interdomain retrievals are rare in exper-
represented in the analogizer’s memory, or that imental settings but common in naturalistic activi-
might not be represented at all (e.g., the fact that ties. By stressing the potential of voluntary retrieval
in both situations the problem involves a debt to focus search away from the target domain, the
implies that in both cases the growing function of present results suggest that at least a portion of
the problems is geometric). Under these consider- the interdomain analogizing observed in naturalis-
ations, many theorists have argued that the way in tic settings might originate in people’s deliberate
which we handle mundane situations like those intention to seek for interdomain sources under
represented by our materials is not severely hin- specific circumstances—for example, when the rea-
dered by a rigid and hard-wired bias towards soner presumes that base analogues pertaining to
retrieving semantically related situations, as domains that are generally familiar to the recipients
of the analogy (e.g., soccer) will be better suggest some straightforward ways of increasing
understood. the accessibility of distant sources at retrieval time,
The present results on voluntary and strategic but in ways that are not subject to these applicability
analogical retrieval also suggest important instruc- limitations. On the one hand, the results arising
tional applications. Until recently, instructional from our distinction between spontaneous and
efforts to circumvent the limitations of the voluntary analogical retrieval suggest that the mere
memory systems—sometimes called “the problem indication to search for analogous situations
of inert knowledge” in educational environments— increases retrieval probabilities significantly, and
were aimed at promoting an abstract encoding of without providing participants with any kind of
the base analogues, so as to render them more acces- target-specific information. Regarding the distinc-
sible during later encounters with analogous situ- tion between strategic and a nonstrategic forms of
ations lacking surface similarities. Successful voluntary retrieval, our results also suggest some
interventions included presenting the base analogue straightforward and portable ways of boosting
together with its abstract schema (Goldstone & access to semantically distant sources. Even though
Wilensky, 2008) or with an analogous situation participants of our GAN+D were still provided with
Downloaded by [maximo trench] at 04:22 03 June 2015
(Catrambone & Holyoak, 1989) and asking partici- target-specific information (a set of promising
pants to compare them. More stripped-down—but search domains), the GANint of our second exper-
still successful—interventions included asking par- iment retrieved mostly interdomain sources with
ticipants to discuss the base analogue with another the sole instruction to search within domains differ-
student (Schwartz, 1995), asking participants to ent from that of the target—that is, without receiv-
discuss it with themselves (Ahn, Brewer, & ing target-specific information. We believe that the
Mooney, 1992), removing irrelevant information austerity of these interventions opens up encoura-
from the base analogues (Goldstone & Son, 2005), ging perspectives for the flexible use of analogy in
and even replacing domain-specific terms of the educational environments.
base situation with domain-general ones (e.g., repla-
cing “typing” by “writing”, Clement, Mawby, &
Giles, 1994). In recent times, the emphasis started
to shift from improving the representation of the
base analogues during their initial learning to REFERENCES
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