What Are Time Periods in History - Time Periods For Kids
What Are Time Periods in History - Time Periods For Kids
What Are Time Periods in History - Time Periods For Kids
Teaching your children about time periods in history? Find out how we break down the
past with this Teaching Wiki. From prehistory, to contemporary history.
Teaching your children about historical time periods? Here, we'll be outlining historical
time periods within the three-age system, including pre-history, to eras from the ancient
world, to modern-day. These periods and events are those that are taught as part of the
National Curriculum. One of the best ways to visualise different historical time periods
is by organising them into a timeline. By creating a periods in history timeline, you and
your pupils will be able to clearly see the progression from era to era over time in one
concise summary.
2.5 million years ago - 5,000 years ago: Prehistory is the period between the
appearance of early humans and the invention of writing systems. Archaeological
discoveries show the evolution of humans, the use of stone tools and early forms of
writing in this large expanse of time.
Prehistory encompasses the Stone Age, the time when early humans began using
stone tools. Take a look at this Teaching Pack, featuring a range of helpful resources
on prehistory and the Stone Age.
Ancient History
6000 BCE - 650 CE: Ancient history is the time period in history between the origins of
human civilization and the fall of ancient empires.
The Bronze Age begins here, around 3000 BC. This marks a movement from humans
using stone tools, to bronze.
Ancient history also falls within the Iron Age, beginning in 1200 BCE, and ends in 600
BCE. Therefore, the Classical Era also falls within this period of history, beginning
around 1000 BCE with the emergence of iron tools. The Classical period mostly refers
to the Mediterranean region, mainly Ancient Greece and Rome.
Ancient civilizations overlap and the dates are approximate estimates, emerging and
developing all around the world.
The Indus Valley Civilization (3300 BCE - 1300 BCE). Located in modern-
day Pakistan and Northern India, the Indus Valley was of the world's earliest
civilizations. Here, we see developed urban planning and technical
The Shang Dynasty (1600 BCE - 1046 BCE). The earliest dynasty of China,
and the beginning of the Bronze Age in China, the Shang Dynasty saw
developments in maths and military technology.
Ancient Rome (753 BCE - 476 CE). With the establishment of the Roman
Empire, this period encompassed most of Europe, northern Africa and
Western Asia. Here we see developments in human civilization, from public
health to architecture, roads and the Julian Calendar.
Find out more about the Ancient World with this collection of teaching resources.
Medieval Period
475 CE - 1500 CE: Also known as the Middle Ages, this time period in history falls
between the fall of the ancient civilizations and the beginning of the Renaissance.
This period marked the end of a centralized European authority but increased mass
migration, development of world religions and the formation of new kingdoms.
The Byzantine Empire (395 CE - 1453). After the fall of Rome, this was a
continuation of its empire in the East. The Byzantine Empire became a
leading civilization and its capital, Constantinople, a centre for trade.
The Islamic Golden Age (750 CE - 1300). During the Middle Ages, Islam
grew larger, conquering parts of the Middle East. During the golden age,
Baghdad was the world's largest city and there were impressive cultural and
economic developments.
The Viking Age (793 CE - 1066). This period marked the large-scale raiding
of Britain and large parts of Europe by Scandinavian Norsemen. Voyaging
as far as North America, Vikings settled in Britain and other parts of Europe,
co-existing with Anglo-Saxons.
The Crusades (1096 - 1291). The Catholic Church began military
expeditions to spread the influence of Christianity and claim the Holy Land
in the Middle East, under the control of Muslims. Religion became
increasingly important and influential.
Take a look at this collection of Medieval history resources for help when teaching
your children about this important time period.
The Renaissance
14th century - 17th century: Falling within the Early Modern Period of history, the
Renaissance was the time period in history that saw increased European explorations,
the invention of the printing press, and the development of international trade. There is
significant economic, political, cultural and religious developments across the world,
with military expansion occurring alongside increasing conflict between nations.
Elizabethan era (1558 - 1603). Known as the ‘Golden Age’ in English history,
the reign of Elizabeth I oversaw international expansion, economic growth
and the re-emergence of Classical philosophy.
Here are a few eras/events that fall within, and occur in the late modern period:
The French Revolution (1789 - 1799). This movement overthrew the French
monarchy and replaced it with a government. It resulted in Napoleon
Bonaparte becoming an absolute monarch.
World War I (1914 -1918). The first global war in history, the Allied powers
fought against Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire.
This led to the fall of dynasties and further destruction and war.
World War II (1939 - 1945). The second global war was fought between the
Allies and the Axis. This resulted in millions of deaths, due to the conflict
and the Holocaust. The war resulted in the fall of Nazi Germany, the creation
of the United Nations and the beginning of the Cold War.
Take a look at this PowerPoint for more about the impact of the Industrial Revolution.
Contemporary History
1945 - present: Contemporary, or modern, history is mostly considered beginning post-
World War II up until present day.
The Space Age (1957-). The Cold War also encompassed the Space Race.
This was the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to
see who could achieve spaceflight and reach the Moon first. After this,
space exploration continued to progress and develop.
The Digital Age (1970s-). Also known as the information age, the digital age
is defined by the significant development of computer, informational and
digital technology and the shift this caused within the economy.
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