CATs 1 & 2 Comm Skills 7 Oct
CATs 1 & 2 Comm Skills 7 Oct
CATs 1 & 2 Comm Skills 7 Oct
a) Define the term communication (2 marks)
b) Explain the role/ purpose of communication in an organization (8 marks)
c) Discuss the effects of Communication Technology on Business Productivity (10 marks)
d) State the challenges posed by the use of ICT in communication (10 marks
e) List and explain the components of the process of communication (10 marks)
f) Discuss the importance of vertical communication (5 marks)
g) Discuss the importance of horizontal communication (5 marks)
(10 marks)
d) Explain the ways of overcoming the barriers to visual and audio-visual communication
(10 marks)
e) State the barriers to audio, visual, and audio-visual communication (10 marks)
f) What are the challenges that one may encounter while writing a report (10 marks)
Class presentations will be carried out on 27th October & 3rd Nov 2023.
Each group to prepare a word document and a PowerPoint for presentation in class.
Maximum of 5 pages
Cover page (Topic, group members’ names, student reg. No. Lecturer’s name, University
name and department, date of submission, Unit name, Unit code).
Must have the following sub-divisions i.e. Introduction, Body, Conclusion, references.