Water and Forests
Water and Forests
Water and Forests
School of Bioresources Engineering and Environmental Hydrology, University of KwaZulu-Natal,
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Years of research in various parts of the world has highlighted the interaction between forests and water. Forests
impact on the hydrological cycle affecting processes such as interception, transpiration, infiltration, groundwater
recharge, and runoff. These inevitably manifest themselves as impacts on the water resource, both positive and
negative. In this article, the role of forests in the hydrological cycle is described, and the potential impacts for
water resources are considered.
the state of hydrological knowledge in the field. However, Table 1 Estimated extent (1996) of the global forest area
contradictory results and difficulties in the measurement of (http://www.unep-dwcmc.org/forest/homepage.
some variables mean that a conclusive interpretation of how htm)
forests influence water resources is not always possible. 1996 Forest 1996 Protected
The strong perceptions and misconceptions that exist are Region area (km2 ) forest area (km2 )
symptomatic of problems in natural resource management, Africa 5 683 130 496 927
where the use of scientific information can degenerate into Australasia 1 493 234 125 619
simple application of generalized values and a widespread Caribbean 53 847 7899
belief is allowed to pass as fact. The result is that many Central America 901 984 88 096
aspects of land cover and water resource decision making Continental S and 1 707 679 192 461
SE Asia
are based more on perceived wisdom (myth) than scien- Europe 1815396 144 832
tifically established reality (Calder, 1999). These general- Far East 1 456 027 77 401
izations are seldom explicitly tested and are often applied SE Asia 1 468 360 247 497
inappropriately to address specific problems at local scales Middle East 167 661 6386
over short time periods. The consequence is that a body of North America 8 453 988 699 956
Russia 8 257 159 150 637
“pseudo-fact” is generated in a self-reinforcing mode that South America 8 429 459 874 924
seldom challenges theory, and eventually forms a barrier
World 39 887 924 3 112 835
to effective, scientifically based management and perpet-
uates inappropriate paradigms or myths (Gunderson et al.,
1995). The failure of many individuals and organizations to hectare), and that are harvested in less than 20 years
understand the relationships between forest and water has (Cossalter and Pye-Smith, 2003). The rapid growth rates
led to the “misuse of both money and land” (Cossalter and of such plantations imply high water use by them, and the
Pye-Smith, 2003). typically short (6–12 year) crop rotations are intended to
The subdiscipline of “forest hydrology” considers the optimize this.
scientific basis for these perceptions, whilst many of these It is estimated that forest plantations cover approximately
misperceptions are explored in Chapter 187, Land Use 10 million ha worldwide and that this area is growing at a
Impacts on Water Resources – Science, Social and rate in the order of 1 million ha per year (UNEP, 1996;
Political Factors, Volume 5. Cossalter and Pye-Smith, 2003).
effects of forests on the water cycle, the history of forest Bowen Ratio and Eddy Covariance, and more recently
hydrological research in China can be traced back to the scintillation techniques has allowed more spatially and tem-
mid-period of the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644)(Xinxiao, porally detailed measurements of total evaporation, whilst
1991). The earliest forest hydrology studies in Europe sophisticated heat pulse and isotope studies have allowed
are reported to have been undertaken in Switzerland, for direct estimation of the transpiration component of
reported by Engler (1919), and cited by McCulloch and the hydrological cycle. Advances with soil-water measure-
Robinson, 1993). A major work by Zon (1927), in which the ment instruments, such as neutron moisture meter and time
available literature on forest influences was summarized, domain reflectrometry have informed scientists about root
preceded a period of “unparalleled research” (Lee, 1980; uptake patterns and groundwater recharge beneath forests.
p. 16) not only in Europe and America, but also in Furthermore, advances in tracer studies are providing the
East Africa (Blackie et al., 1979), South Africa (Nänni, impetus for the development on new theories of soil water
1970; Scott et al., 2000), and Australia (Best et al., 2003). and runoff generation (Bonell, 1998), whilst advances in
Kittredge, (1948) published his highly influential book remote sensing techniques provide opportunities for large-
“Forest Influences” that became a major reference work. scale estimates of total evaporation.
Bruijnzeel (2004) reports that a heated debate on the Some argue that these process studies have been under-
hydrological role of forests took place in the 1930s and taken at a vast expense, resulting in many publications,
1940s in the forestry journal of the former Dutch East but have done little to enhance the applicability of the sci-
Indies (Tectona). In the past 40 years, major text book ence in a water resources management context and they
contributions to the subject have been made by Hewlett and at least need revisiting to address issues that are now rele-
Nutter (1969), which were later revised by Hewlett (1982) vant (e.g. DeWalle, 2003). In particular, the complexities of
and Lee (1980) and more recently by Chang (2002), as scaling results from detailed hydrological process studies at
well as chapters and sections in the myriad hydrological an experimental site to the catchment have slowed some of
text books that exist. However, the work by Hewlett – the expected progress in this regard. However, there have
Principles of Forest Hydrology (Hewlett, 1982) probably been notable cases where such process studies have had
remains the most prescribed forest hydrology text, and the a direct influence on water resources planning decisions
review of forested catchment experiments by Bosch and as highlighted in Section “Forests and water resources”
Hewlett (1982) remains one of the most cited hydrological below.
publications. Forest hydrology studies have been at the
forefront of development of many hydrological theories.
Perhaps, the most well known of these is the “variable
source area” concept of runoff generation (Hewlett and
Hibbert, 1967) proposed in 1965 at the International Forest The influences of land cover on the hydrological cycle
Hydrology Symposium held at Penn State University. are well known (see Chapter 117, Land Use and Land
Prior to 1980, the vast majority of forest hydrology Cover Effects on Runoff Processes: Urban and Sub-
studies were focused on water balance approaches such urban Development, Volume 3–Chapter 120, Land Use
as paired catchment or split sample experiments. These and Land Cover Effects on Runoff Processes: Fire,
studies were inevitably “input–output” type studies, with Volume 3). Forests, as a tall and often evergreen land
the result that critical processes such as transpiration and cover, typically with deep root systems, litter layers, and
soil-water uptake had to be inferred, rather than measured. secondary canopies occupy a particular niche in studies
Arguably, the most significant advance in the studies of of land cover on hydrological functioning. The subdis-
forest hydrology over the past 25 years have been allied cipline of forest hydrology has as its focus the way in
with the advances in computing power and microcomputing which forests influence the hydrological cycle. As high-
techniques, which have provided the opportunities for the lighted above, “modern” scientific understanding on forest
development of techniques and methodologies which allow hydrology has evolved from almost 100 years of research
the study of these processes representing internal catch- from forests based on paired catchment, water balance, and
ment storages and fluxes and a more sophisticated study of more recently detailed hydrological process studies. The
“whole tree” water use. By 1993, at the “Water Issues in vast majority of these studies indicate decreased runoff
Forests Today” symposium held in Canberra, Australia, it from areas under forests as compared with areas under
was felt that the need for such process studies had been shorter land covers. Furthermore, research has highlighted
widely accepted as a new paradigm in forest hydrology the potential for differences in water use between dif-
(O’Loughlin and Dunin, 1993), and recent literature shows ferent forest and tree types, and the rapid increase in
that researchers have undertaken detailed hydrological pro- the area of forest plantations since the 1960s has high-
cess studies in both forested and nonforested catchments as lighted the importance of different growth stages in tree
part of this new paradigm. Energy balance approaches using water use.
Solar radiation
Precipitation Precipitation
Infiltration Interception
Surface runoff
Fog interception
Soil moisture Through fall
Stem flow
Groundwater percolation
Root uptake
partitioning points Groundwater
Figure 1 The key water partitioning points in the forest hydrology cycle. A color version of this image is available at
1600 Forest
Mixed veg.
Forest trend line
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Annual rainfall (mm)
Figure 2 Relationship between annual total evaporation and rainfall for different vegetation (After Zhang, 1999,
Reproduced by permission of the Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia). A
color version of this image is available at http://www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/ehs
the catchment is of critical importance in this regard, as it water use” and water use efficiency is probably the most
partitions rainfall between water vapor flows to the atmo- topical research aspect in forest hydrology today.
sphere as evaporation and transpiration (green water), and The main reasons for water use differences between
the flow of water to rivers and groundwater (blue water). In forests and other land covers and different tree genera
arid and semiarid areas, runoff to rivers (i.e. blue water pro- and species are related to physiological differences, that
duction) is generally less than 10%. Thus, a small change is, canopy and root structure. In assessing water use by
in the partitioning of rainfall by land cover, which is typi- different forest genera and species, a number of general
cally the case when forest plantations are established, can points emerge:
have a relatively large impact on runoff.
• Different tree types have varying rates of transpiration
The Soil – Vegetation– Atmosphere Continuum under conditions of adequate available soil water (Bosch
Forests and water cannot be considered in isolation, as and Smith, 1989; Wullschleger et al., 1998; Lands-
the influences of forestry on water are largely dependent berg, 1999).
on the soil and climate conditions as well as the physio- • Some trees maintain near-optimal rates of transpiration,
logical characteristics of the tree itself. Although it may even at relatively low soil-water content (Russel, 1973;
be useful to isolate different components of forest water Pryor, 1976; Landsberg, 1999). Others, however, are
use, it must always be recognized that these processes are generally more conservative water users and reduce
part of a continuum. The fundamental importance of the transpiration rates at higher soil-water contents and
soil–vegetation–atmosphere relationship and the hydrolog- different atmospheric demands than other species.
ical role thereof has been increasingly highlighted in recent • The distribution of roots differs with both age and
years, as process studies in forests have gained impetus, tree type (Sherry, 1971) and in the case of man-made
leading some to state that “Climate-Soil-Vegetation dynam- forestry plantations, will be affected by the method of
ics is the core of hydrology” (Rodriguez-Iturbe, 2000). Tree site preparation used (Boden, 1984).
water use is driven by above (leaf area and pattern) and • The density of the trees’ canopy will affect the amount
below ground (rooting depth and pattern) structure, and the of rainfall intercepted at the canopy level (Crockford
rate at which water is used (interception and transpiration) and Richardson, 1990a).
that is further controlled by atmospheric and soil condi- • The thickness and nature of the litter layer on the forest
tions. The role of soil properties in controlling infiltration, floor will differ according to climatic conditions as well
root water uptake, and evaporation from the soil as well as tree type and age. The older the forest, the greater the
as percolation of water through the soil and groundwater build up of litter, and the higher the litter interception
recharge coupled with an increase in studies of “whole tree is likely to be.
Litter Interception Most forest stands have a forest many of the tree and climatic characteristics that affect
floor of accumulated debris through which rainfall must evaporation of water intercepted by the tree canopy also
pass before it enters the soil. Litter is usually regarded affect the transpiration process. Forest species vary consid-
as beneficial to the forest system. Litter may play an erably in physiological characteristics such as height, leaf
important role in increasing infiltration rates in forest soils area, stomatal resistance, whether deciduous or not, with
and may also protect the soil from temperature and moisture the result that the amount of energy available to drive the
extremes as well as providing protection from erosional evaporation and transpiration processes varies considerably
forces such as raindrop impact (Metz, 1958; Schutz, 1990). between tree types. In this regard, researchers have high-
Litter also constitutes a critical source in the nutrient cycle lighted the strong relationship that exists between leaf area
and is a key to maintaining productivity in plantation and transpiration rates (Calder, 1998; Landsberg, 1999).
systems. In many forests, but in particular in tropical and Furthermore, the amount of water that is available for tran-
subtropical forests, tree roots use water and nutrients from spiration depends on the texture and depth of the soil and
the lower levels of the litter layer and as the forest stand the ability of the plant to extract it. The drier the soil, the
matures, the importance of the litter layer in the nutrient greater the tension between soil and water particles and
cycle increases until it may eventually replace the mineral the more difficult it is for trees to extract water result-
soil as the principal source of nutrients (Schutz, 1990). ing in reduced transpiration rates. The ability of plants to
As rainfall passes through the litter layer, some rainfall extract water from the soil varies according to root depth
is retained and part later returned to the atmosphere by and pattern, as well as other physiological aspects, with
evaporation. The litter layer may have important effects the result that different tree types reduce their transpiration
on surface runoff, sediment yield and, as mentioned pre-
rates at different soil-water tensions (Russel, 1973; Pryor,
viously, infiltration into and evaporation from the soil.
1976). Furthermore, the depth to which water is extracted
Researchers have shown that moisture intercepted by lit-
corresponds to the rooting depth of the tree. In many cir-
ter is governed primarily by moisture holding capacity and
cumstances, trees with deep roots can extract water that is
initial storage capacity of the litter, and by the evaporative
unavailable to other plants. Initially, water is almost exclu-
demand following the rainfall event (Rowe, 1955; Helvey
sively extracted from the surface layers; as the soil dries
and Patric, 1965). Litter interception values range from 2%
of mean annual precipitation (MAP) in temperate deciduous out, water is extracted from increasingly deeper levels of
forests (Blow, 1955) to 4% in mature pine forests (Rowe, the soil profile (Richards and Caldwell, 1987).
1955; Bernard, 1963; Helvey, 1967). Pathak et al. (1985) Rates of transpiration from plants and the tree physiolog-
estimated litter interception to be approximately 12% of ical factors that affect them are much debated. Coniferous
MAP in a Himalayan forest. vegetation has also been reported to close stomata when
the surrounding atmosphere is dry, even if soil moisture
Transpiration is freely available. However, in the case of fast-growing
eucalypt species, stomatal conductance and transpiration
The rate at which forests transpire is a function of the
have been shown to be most strongly related to predawn
available radiant energy, atmospheric demand, windspeed,
leaf water potential and, thus, to soil moisture content
the nature of the rooting system, and the amount of water
available in the soil as well as resistance imposed by the (Mielke et al., 1999; White et al., 2000). Experiments and
vegetation through stomatal conductance and the surface measurements based on porometer measurements of leaf
area of the leaves exposed to the atmosphere (Landsberg, conductance and rates of soil moisture depletion have high-
1999). In an undisturbed landscape, it is likely that the lighted differences in transpiration rates between species
structure and leaf area of the vegetation will tend towards (Chang, 2002). In South Africa, Dye (Pers. Comm., 2003)
being optimal to utilize available water (Specht, 1972). have evidence that slow growing indigenous forest trees
Essentially, transpiration is the process whereby water of the Podocarpus genus have much lower transpiration
is evaporated through the stomata on the leaves of plants rates than commercially grown plantation species such as
(see Chapter 104, Satellite-Based Analysis of Ecologi- Eucalyptis grandis. However, although there may not be
cal Controls for Land-Surface Evaporation Resistance, consensus regarding differences in stomatal conductance
Volume 3). Transpiration is both a result of, and a funda- in trees, it is accepted that leaf area varies considerably
mental component of the photosynthesis process. In order and that these differences are likely to be more important
to assimilate carbon, plants need to open their stomata. As than differences in stomatal responses (Landsberg, 1999).
the internal cells of the stomata are coated with water, the Periodic soil-water stress is also known to cause long-term
relative humidity within the stomata is assumed to be high, adaptive reductions in leaf area, stomatal conductance, and
resulting in a vapor pressure deficit between the interior sapwood structure and these may limit the rate of water
of the leaf and the surrounding atmosphere and thus, the use even in seasons when soil water is plentiful (Eamus
movement of water from the leaf to the atmosphere. Thus, et al., 2000).
A phenomenon that has received some attention in recent affected by such preferential flow and provides evidence of
years is that of “hydraulic lift”, which is described as the recharge rates that increase from a range of 2.2–7.2 mm
movement of water from lower and wetter soil layers to year−1 to 50–100 mm year−1 .
upper drier layers. This results from the flow of water
extracted from the deeper soil layers by the “trees” tap Drainage and Groundwater Recharge
root, down the “trees” lateral roots, and extruded into the It is difficult to define the groundwater recharge compo-
upper soil layers during the night when transpiration has nent of the hydrological cycle, and often this perspective
ceased (Richards and Caldwell, 1987). This phenomenon depends upon the scale at which associated processes are
is not typical of all tree types, but where it does occur, observed (Lorentz et al., 2003). There has been much
transpiration rates may increase as water becomes more research on the hydrological functioning of the unsaturated
readily available to the upper layers of the soil. zone, both in humid and arid regions. Important differences
between them, such as the fact that the unsaturated zone is
Infiltration, Drainage, and Recharge usually deeper in arid and semiarid areas lead to different
interactions with land cover. Forests influence groundwater
Typically, forest soils have a high infiltration capacity. This levels by direct abstraction of water from the phreatic sur-
is due both to the presence of above ground vegetation face where this is accessible to tree roots, but perhaps more
and litter that protect the soil from compaction caused by importantly by impacting the rate of recharge of percolating
raindrop impact and because of the well-structured porous water to the groundwater table, as tree roots abstract water
and highly permeable soils that are found to exist in forested from the unsaturated zone during the transpiration process.
areas. It is the forest floor rather than the canopy that is most Whilst these two processes are probably most significant,
important in controlling infiltration rates in forest stands the interaction of forests and groundwater is highly com-
(Hornberger et al., 1997). However, it is also true that the plex and depends upon the nature and type of vegetation, as
forest canopy and litter reduce the mechanical effect of well the position of the landscape as illustrated in Figure 3.
water drops that in turn protects and maintains the surface Forests are widely reported to have deep roots that can
soil structure. High proportions of stemflow are common access groundwater directly. However, because hydrologi-
in many forest tree types and associated with this are high cal studies tend to focus on the upper portion of the soil
infiltration rates of the water flowing down the tree trunk profile, there are very few studies that substantiate this
to the soil surface. perspective. Consequently, some authors believe that the
In forest plantations, certain site preparation techniques, ability of trees to dry out soil profiles to great depths or
for example, deep soil ripping or the construction of access groundwater directly is “not generally appreciated”
terraces can substantially increase infiltration. However, the (Le Maitre et al., 1999).
infiltration capacity can also be reduced by management
practices associated with logging activities or fire.
Movement of Water in the Soil FORESTS AND WATER RESOURCES
The downslope movement of water in the unsaturated zone The processes associated with the key precipitation parti-
(often called interflow ) is believed to play a very important tioning points highlighted above inevitably manifest them-
role in the generation of both low flows and high flows selves as impacts on the water resource. It is now gener-
(Rice and Hornberger, 1998; Lorentz et al., 2003). It is ally accepted that forest cover has a negative impact on
clear from isotopic signatures that substantial portions of the total water yield from a catchment. However, the impact
storm hydrograph consist of pre-event water (Bonell, 1998). of forests on low flows and on floods is highly contro-
In addition, forest soils are often characterized by high versial as has been highlighted by several authors (e.g.
levels of macropore development (Bonell, 1993; Lorentz McCulloch and Robinson, 1993; DeWalle, 2003; Robin-
et al., 2003) and it is generally accepted among forest son et al., 2003). The following sections serve to high-
hydrologists that preferential flow within these macropores light the water resources impacts and benefits associated
is a significant component of the hydrological functioning with forests.
in forested catchments. Macropores form pathways where
roots have rotted, or where cracks in the soil or animal bur-
Runoff and Catchment Yield
rows exist, and can form extensive networks, with the result
that subsurface flow in these situations is transported in sat- Many years of research in forested catchments worldwide
urated form within these areas of the unsaturated soil matrix has highlighted the major role that vegetative cover has
(see Chapter 111, Rainfall Excess Overland Flow, Vol- on the total evaporation component of the hydrological
ume 3–Chapter 191, Environmental Flows: Managing cycle and the resulting catchment runoff. In some cases,
Hydrological Environments, Volume 5). Johnston (1987) this has resulted in the development of government policy
reports that recharge of groundwater can also be positively specific to forests. For example, in South Africa, concern
Figure 3 Some typical interactions between vegetation and groundwater (Drawing on ideas developed by Le Maitre
et al., 1999). A color version of this image is available at http://www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/ehs
regarding the impact of forest on available water resources highlighted a reduction in runoff from areas converted
has led to legislation controlling the establishment of to forest plantations, a summary of which is shown in
commercial forest plantations since 1972. Under a new Figure 4.
National Water Act promulgated in 1998, forest plantations Peel et al. (2001) have highlighted the role that changes
have been declared “Stream Flow Reduction Activities”, in ET may play in affecting variability in runoff. On
and as such landowners are required to apply for a water use the basis of an analysis of several catchments worldwide,
licence before planting plantation forests. This legislation they concluded that the variability of annual runoff is
has been informed by many years of paired catchment 1–9% higher for catchments with evergreen, as opposed
and forest hydrology process studies, all of which have to deciduous cover and presented the equation (for annual
1 4
2 7
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Years after afforestation
Figure 4 Streamflow reduction measured from six different paired catchment studies in South Africa with different
extents of forest (Dye and Bosch, 2000, South African Institute of Forestry)
Authors such as Zadroga (1981) and Bruijnzeel (1990, have a detrimental affect on groundwater recharge, and thus
2001) have highlighted the hydrological significance of water resources in the area.
tropical montane cloud forests (TMCF) and their role Some forest species, by way of their deep roots are
in generating dry season flows through the interception able to access the phreatic surface and directly abstract
of fog. However, Bruijnzeel (2001) concluded that it is water, especially in cases where the groundwater table
the infiltration properties of the forest that are critical is shallow. Studies of the soil water use by trees of the
in determining how the available water is partitioned Eucalyptus family under soil-water deficits in India (Calder
between runoff and recharge and that decreased dry season et al., 1993) and Australia (Ruprecht and Stoneman, 1993)
flows following deforestation in areas of TMCF may not have found that trees at some sites were obtaining most of
necessarily result from the loss interception of fog, but their soil water from the groundwater, resulting in direct
possibly from decreased infiltration capacity of the soil depletion of the groundwater. Conversely, there are many
once the forest cover has been removed. This highlights the reports of rising water tables following the deforestation of
importance of the partitioning points illustrated in Figure 1, parts of Australia, and reforestation is often seen as part of
and gives credence to Rodriguez-Iturbe’s assertion that the solution to salinity problems that have arisen in these
Climate-Soil-Vegetation dynamics is the core of hydrology areas (Schofield, 1992.).
(Rodriguez-Iturbe, 2000) with the recognition that different The issue of trees and groundwater in India has provoked
and often competing processes may dominate at different much controversy. Many impoverished rural communities
sites and that the direction, let alone the magnitude of are dependent upon access to relatively shallow groundwa-
the impact, may be difficult to predict for a particular site ter for their survival. However, a number of developments,
(Calder, 1998). including abstractions for irrigation and large-scale estab-
lishments of eucalypt plantations, have resulted in a lower-
ing of the groundwater table, with concomitant impacts on
Groundwater Resources rural livelihoods. Shiva and Bandyopadhyay (1983), focus-
Worldwide, forests have been reported to both increase ing on the Karnataka region in southern India, described
and decrease groundwater depths (Chang, 2002). The com- eucalyptus as a “disastrous tree for India” highlighting, inter
bination of complex forest plant characteristics and sub- alia the potential for the lowering of local groundwater
surface stratigraphy and soil functioning mean that gen- tables through a reduction in the recharge of groundwater.
eral statements in this regard are often not applicable at The controversy has resulted in many publications, includ-
ing reviews by the British Overseas Development Agency
local scales. However, most reports on the influences of
(ODA, now DFID) (Calder et al., 1993; Calder, 1994) and
forests on groundwater suggest that the perception that
the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO, 1989). Both
forests are “good” for groundwater resources is false. Some
reports confirm the potential for eucalypts to lower ground-
authors have reported increases in available groundwa-
water tables, but moderate many of the claims made by
ter following deforestation (Hamilton, 1987; Ruprecht and
Shiva and Bandyopadhyay (1983). Calder et al. (1993) con-
Stoneman, 1993) whilst others, particularly in arid and
cluded that in three of the four sites studied eucalypts would
semiarid regions, have reported a lowering in the ground-
not use more water than the indigenous vegetation, but
water surface following afforestation. Hamilton and King
would use more water than many of the locally produced
(1983) made a strong statement that “the overwhelming
crops. However, in one of the sites, water use was found
evidence from catchment research is that following refor-
to exceed rainfall, leading Calder et al. (1993) to conclude
estation, groundwater levels are lowered and stream yields
that it was possible that the trees were using groundwater
are reduced, both effects being more pronounced during the
directly. The FAO (1989) report recognized the potential for
dry season or growing season”.
detrimental affects on local groundwater tables, but high-
There is an extensive body of literature that highlights
lighted the water use efficiency by eucalypts suggesting that
lowering of groundwater levels in response to afforestation
they consume less water for each ton of biomass produced
(e.g. Bari and Schofield, 1992). In semiarid regions, most
compared to many other species.
notably areas of Australia, there has been extensive research
into the water resources problems associated with the rise
of saline groundwater tables in response to removal of Flood Peaks (Volume and Timing)
trees, particularly eucalyptus, to establish other forms of It is in analyzing the role of forest on floods that some of
agriculture. In central England, a study by Calder (1999) the most heated arguments surrounding water and forests
showed there was no wetting of the soil profile beneath arise. It is often claimed that forests prevent floods and
newly planted stands of Corsican pines, whereas wetting that deforestation is a major cause of floods. A flood
fronts were observed down the profile beneath stands of is the result of many complex catchment interactions. A
indigenous oak and heath vegetation. This suggests that catchment exhibits variable responses to similar magnitude
large-scale establishment of Corsican pine in the area will rainfall events because of multiple interacting processes,
spatial variability in the susceptibility of the catchment to requires a sound scientific underpinning. The investment in
impacts, impacts of land cover and associated management forest hydrology research worldwide has provided some of
practices, and amplification or suppression of response due the best databases in the world in this regard. Ongoing inno-
to differing environmental conditions. With reference to vations in hydrological process studies will continue to add
Figure 1, it could be expected that interception of rainfall value to this body of information. However, management of
by forests may reduce the magnitude of flood peaks, delay forests and water requires not only a sound scientific base,
their onset by intercepting a proportion of the storm rainfall but also understanding, commitment, and collaboration of
and by creating soil moisture deficits prior to the event. the responsible and affected organizations. As is the case
Such effects would be most significant for small storms in many aspects of natural resource management, scientists
and least significant for the larger events. Furthermore, high and researchers have failed to ensure that the results of their
infiltration rates under natural forests may also serve to research are properly applied. The problems lie as much in
reduce surface runoff and flood response. scientists’ reluctance to follow through to implementation
However, forest hydrological studies carried out in many of their research and present and promote their findings
parts of the world: America (Hewlett and Helvey, 1970), in management forums, as with the reluctance of man-
South Africa (Hewlett and Bosch, 1984), United Kingdom agement to deal with complexity. The interfaces between
(Kirby et al., 1991), New Zealand (Taylor and Pearce, these stakeholders are still inadequate, and in particular, the
1982), and Asia (Bruijnzeel and Bremmer, 1989) have all satisfactory implementation of research findings into man-
concluded that there is little linkage between land cover agement operations is an area that needs much attention.
and storm flow. However, Fahey and Jackson (1997) have
shown that significant decreases of 60% in mean flood
peaks for different rainfall classes on small catchments REFERENCES
in New Zealand, which were converted from indigenous
Bari M.A. and Schofield N.J. (1992) Lowering of a shallow,
tussock grasslands to pine plantations. More recently (La
saline water table by extensive eucalypt reforestation. Journal
Marche and Lettenmair, 2001; Robinson et al., 2003; Sikka
of Hydrology, 133, 273 – 291.
et al., 2003) have all concluded that the impacts of forest on Bernard J.M. (1963) Forest floor moisture capacity of the New
floods are only likely to be noticeable for minor events and Jersey pine barrens. Ecology, 44, 574 – 576.
on small catchments. Bonell (1998) through a detailed study Best A., Zhang L., McMahon T., Western A. and Vertessy R.
of catchment runoff mechanisms has shown that floods can (2003) A Critical Review of Paired Catchment Studies with
occur from pristine forested drainage basins on the same Reference to Seasonal Flows and Climatic Variability, CSIRO
scale as from disturbed areas. When unusually heavy storms Land and Water Technical Report 25/03, CSIRO; CRC for
form, floods are liable to occur whether forests are present Catchment Hydrology Technical Report 03/4, CRC.
or not. Blackie J.R., Edwards K.A. and Clarke R.T. (1979) Hydrological
However, field studies generally indicate that it is often research in East Africa. East African Agricultural and Forestry
Journal, 45, entire special edition, edited by Blackie.
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