2. All Polytechnic Colleges in the state of Kerala (Government / Aided / Self Financing)
shall normally be the centres of examination. The Controller of Technical Examination
is empowered to make necessary changes in the selection of centres for the examination.
3. The Principals of the Polytechnic Colleges (examination centres) shall be the Chief
Superintendents at the respective centres.
7. General Instructions
i. Students eligible for Fee concessions shall also complete the registrations with in
the dates prescribed, failing which they have to remit the fine applicable as per
Clause 5.
ii. The Fee for the examination shall be remitted through online mode along with the
registration. Payment through other modes will not be accepted.
iii. Remittance of fee will not be a claim for writing the examination.
Regular candidates are eligible to write the examination only after fulfilling the
conditions laid down in para 2.9(ii) a and b in the GO(MS) No. 212/2015/HEdn
dated 27.05.2015.
8. Hall Ticket
i. The Hall ticket of the candidate shall be issued to all the eligible candidates.
ii. Supplementary candidates have to produce a valid Government issued photo
identity card (Aadhar, PAN Card, Driving Licence, Office id from Government
Public sector institutions) along with the hall ticket.
iii. No candidate is permitted to appear for the examination without Hall Ticket.
9. The rules now in force with regard to the realization of Examination fee from Scheduled
Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Educationally Backward Classes may be followed. The
Principals of Polytechnic Colleges should get the amount reimbursed from the SC/ST
10. Changes of Centre for the Examination will not be allowed to any candidate.
11. Extra time up to 10 minutes per hour for the scheduled duration of each theory paper for
all the papers of the examination is sanctioned to physically handicapped candidates
with 40% and above disability as per G.O.(MS) No.09/92/H.Edn dt:6.1.1992. Such
candidates should obtain permission from the Director of Technical Education in this
12. Malpractice in any form during the examination is not permitted. Candidates indulging
in malpractices are liable to undergo punishment as contained in GO(Rt) No.
1077/2020/HEdn dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 24.08.2020.
13. The conduct of examinations shall be strictly adhering to the health advisories in force.
The claims for Grace marks are expected to be submitted well in advance to the
publication of results and in any case not later than 3 months from the date of
publication of results.
17. For clarifications if any required regarding examination registration, candidates can
contact 0471-2775440/43, 2775408 during office hours.
Sasikumar K.N
Joint Controller