Tourism IV
Tourism IV
Tourism IV
I've lost my key. I lost my key last week.
21 (present perfect and simple past 3)
Sometimes you can use the present perfect (I have lo st / he has gone, etc.) or the
simple past (I lo st / he w ent, etc.).
■ “Is Peter here?” “N o, h e’s gon e hom e.” or “No, he w en t hom e.”
B ut w ith a finished tim e (yesterday / last w eek, etc.), we use only the simple past (not the
present perfect).
Do not use the present perfect (have arrived / have d on e / have been, etc.) w ith a
finished time:
■ I saw Paula yesterday, (not I have seen)
■ W here were you on Sunday afternoon? (not W here have you been)
■ We d id n ’t take a vacation last year. (not We haven’t taken)
■ “W hat did you do last night?” “I stayed at hom e.”
■ W illiam Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616. He was a writer. He w rote many
plays and poems.
Use the simple past to ask W hen . . . ? or W hat tim e . . . ?
■ W hen did you buy your com puter? (not W hen have you bought?)
■ W hat tim e did Andy go out? (not W hat tim e has Andy gone out?)
Com pare:
42 present perfect —►Units 16-18 present perfect and simple past —►Units 19-20
Exercises U N I
21.1 Complete the answers to the questions.
21.2 Are these sentences OK? Correct the verbs that are wrong. (The verbs are underlined.)
1. I’ve lost my key. I can’t find it.________________ O K ____________________________________
2. Have you seen Kate yesterday? D id you se e ___________________________
3. I’ve finished my w ork at 2:00. I finish
4. I’m ready now. I’ve finished my work. ok
5. W hat time have you finished your work? did you finish
6. ok
Sue isn’t here. She’s gone out.______________ _________________________________________
7. Steve’s grandm other has died two years ago. _________________________________________
8. were you
W here have you been last night?_____________________________________________________
Look at the photos.
1 Where are they?
E X AMPLE ata hotel
Z What type of tourist or visitor is being welc?med in
each case?
Welcome - the first encounter
1 Match the words with their dictionary definitions.
1 encounter 3 hospitality
2 experience 4 welcome
a friendly and generous behaviour towards guests
b a meeting, especially one that is sudden and
c a greeting that is given to some body when they
arrive, especially a friendly one
d something that has happened to you, often unusual
or exciting
Z Read the text. Which subtitle do you think is the best?
• Tourism: the encounters industry
• Tourism: the experience industry
• Tourism: the hospitality industry
• Tourism: the welcome industry
3 Which of the six points (a-f) would include this advice?
An introduction to
1 Offer to carry a bag, to get a drink, to open the door, worki ng in tourism
anything to show you're there to help.
Tourism is about encounters - encounters with
2 Do your research - know who you're meeting, know
people, with places, and with experiences. And the
where you're going.
most important encounter is the first one : arrival and
3 Have confidence in your abilities and personality. greetings . Get that one right and the rest is much
4 There are many ways of greeting in different easier.
countries, but the smile is universal.
Arrival encounters can take place anywhere : at
5 Dress appropriately - be smart, clean, and tidy. the airport, at the hotel, at the campsite, in the
6 Find out about the person you're with, and ask them restaurant, on the tour bus, or at the attraction.
about themselves. Wherever it takes place, the rules are the same:
4 Can you think of more advice to add to the list above? a Be prepared d Be interested
b Look the part e Be helpful
c Smile f Be yourself.