7 E-Invoicing Letter To Suppliers
7 E-Invoicing Letter To Suppliers
7 E-Invoicing Letter To Suppliers
Dear Vendor
In an endeavor to reduce the time it takes to pay suppliers, Eskom is enhancing its processes to
move submission of invoices from manual to electronic submission via email.
This letter is aimed to empower you to start with the configuration of your system so that you can
submit invoices electronically from go-live date on 16 November 2014 and also to provide you with
time to raise your queries that we might not have thought of.
Invoices can be submitted using the emails below from the 16 November 2014. Ensure you
pick the right email address as there are different emails addresses.
Between now and the 16 November 2014 you may continue to submit your invoices manually, or via
email provided the invoices are submitted in original PDF format and comply with tax requirements
to mwp@eskom.co.za. Further information is detailed hereunder.
Ensure that the Eskom order number is clearly indicated on your invoice together with the
line number on the order you are billing for.
All Electronic invoices must be sent in PDF format only.
Each PDF file should contain one invoice; or one debit note; or one credit note only as
Eskom’s SAP system does not support more than one PDF being linked into workflow at a
Your E-mail may contain more than one PDF file (e.g. 2 invoices on 2 separate PDF files in
one e-mail)
Before 16 November 2014, send all invoices in original PDF format via e-mail to Eskom email
address mwp@eskom.co.za
With effect from 16 November 2014, send all invoices in PDF straight from your system to
an Eskom email address (see email addresses below)
Shared Services
3 Simba Road, Sunninghill
Tel +27 11 800 8111 www.eskom.co.za
Eskom Holdings SOC Limited Reg No 2002/015527/06
For Foreign invoices, suppliers will still be required to physically deliver hard copies of original
documents to the respective documentation management centers even though you have e-
mailed those invoices (Eskom is still seeking clarity from the South African Reserve
Bank regarding e-invoicing for Foreign Invoices or invoices in foreign currency.
Current requirements are that these manual invoices should still be submitted. You
can send the invoice copy to the email addresses indicated below).
Tax Requirement
o A PDF file that was created directly from a system meets the definition of original
document and is allowed (including saving documents from excel to PDF, word to
PDF etc.)
o An Invoice that was printed and then scanned to PDF by the Vendor is not
acceptable as this is not an original tax invoice by SARS definition but a copy.
o The following wording needs to appear on the invoice: “Your invoice is encrypted
in order to comply with SARS requirements that invoices and statements sent
electronically are tamperproof.”
If there is Cost Price Adjustment (CPA) on your invoice we recommend that you issue a
separate invoice for CPA so that if there are any issues on the CPA the rest of the invoice
can be paid while resolving the CPA issues.
Introduction of electronic invoicing does not guarantee payment but will ensure visibility of all
invoices and ensure that no invoices get lost. If the goods receipt is not done the invoice will
be parked and the system will automatically send an e-mail to the end user to do the goods
receipt. This is also tracked by Eskom through the park invoice report.
Your company can request a park invoice report from the Finance Shared Services (FSS)
contact center which can then be followed up and corrected. You are welcome to forward
the details of invoices corrected to the FSS contact center.
You do not require a goods receipt (GR) number to submit your invoices. When the
GR number is received you can then send the GR number to the FSS contact center
at FSS@eskom.co.za or 011 800 5060.
All queries and follow up on invoice payments should made by contacting the FSS Contact
o Tel: 011 800 5060
o e-mail: fss@eskom.co.za
Yours sincerely