Effect of natural β-carotene from-carrot (Daucus colouration of an ornamental fish - swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii)
Effect of natural β-carotene from-carrot (Daucus colouration of an ornamental fish - swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii)
Effect of natural β-carotene from-carrot (Daucus colouration of an ornamental fish - swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii)
E-ISSN: 2320-7078
P-ISSN: 2349-6800
JEZS 2018; 6(6): 699-705
Effect of natural β-carotene from-carrot (Daucus
© 2018 JEZS
Received: 16-09-2018
carota) and Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) on
Accepted: 18-10-2018 colouration of an ornamental fish - swordtail
Minal S Wagde
College of Fisheries, Maharana
(Xiphophorus hellerii)
Pratap University of Agriculture
and Technology, Udaipur,
Rajasthan, India Minal S Wagde, Subodh K Sharma, Bhanu K Sharma, Amrita P Shivani
and Naresh R Keer
Subodh K Sharma
College of Fisheries, Maharana
Pratap University of Agriculture Abstract
and Technology, Udaipur, The present experiment was conducted to evaluate the impact of two natural -carotene vegetable
Rajasthan, India sources viz., carrot (Daucus carota) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea) for inducing colouration in an
ornamental fish swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii). The Experimental fish were cultured for 35 days in
Bhanu K Sharma aquarium tanks. The experimental diets were prepared with two natural vegetable sources viz. carrot
College of Fisheries, Maharana (Daucus carota) and spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and fed to the fish once a day at 3 percent of their body
Pratap University of Agriculture
weight to supply 20, 25 and 30 mg of -carotene individually per 100 g of diet. There were 6
and Technology, Udaipur,
Rajasthan, India
experimental diets three for each -carotene sources and 1 common control diet (devoid of -carotene).
The water quality in the entire aquarium was maintained periodically. The proximate analysis of the
Amrita P Shivani experimental diet was also carried out but doesn’t depict any significant changes in their composition.
College of Fisheries, Maharana The colour intensity and prominence of orange colour increased in the fish with diets enriched with
Pratap University of Agriculture natural -carotene sources viz., carrot (T1, T2 and T3) and spinach (T4, T5 and T6). Red-orange colour
and Technology, Udaipur, pigmentation was highest in fish fed with a carrot. The hue angle (h°) and yellow-orange colour intensity
Rajasthan, India was found significantly high (P<0.05) in fish fed with spinach in T4 (h° = 58.33). In the case of carrot h°
value was found highest in T1 (h° = 43.81) where the orange colour intensity was found higher. The
Naresh R Keer maximum luminosity (L*) was found in T2 (20.81). The highest red colour intensity red (a*) value was
(1) College of Fisheries, found in T6 (4.22) whereas, the maximum yellow colour intensity (b*) value was noted in T4 (5.34). The
Maharana Pratap University of
maximum colour saturation i.e. chroma (C*) was observed in T4 (6.29) in case of spinach and in case of
Agriculture and Technology,
carrot it was maximum in T1 (5.81). The result revealed that the fish fed with spinach have developed
Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
(2) Division of Aquaculture, more yellow colour and fish fed with carrot developed red colour. From this study, it could be concluded
ICAR - Central Institute of that the easily available natural β-carotene sources incorporated feed as a colour enhancer can be
Fisheries Education, Panch prepared at a lower cost.
Marg, Off Yari Road, Versova,
Andheri (W), Mumbai, India Keywords: -carotene, colour, orange, carrot, spinach, aquarium
1. Introduction
Attractive colouration of ornamental fishes determines its commercial value. Pigmentation in
the skin is responsible for colouration in the fish. Carotenoids are the key source of the
pigmentation of the skin of fishes. In the natural environment, the fishes meet their carotenoid
requirements by ingesting aquatic plants or through their food chains. Colouration in fishes has
a great importance in camouflaging as well as during breeding.
Fish do not possess the ability to synthesize carotenoid [13]. The carotenoid pigmentation of
fish results from the pigment present in the diet [19, 32]. Pigments are responsible for the wide
spectrum of colours in fishes which is essential prerequisite for their quality as brilliantly
Correspondence colored fishes fetch higher price in the commercial market. As fishes cannot synthesize their
Naresh R Keer own colouring pigments de novo, the colouring agents which are synthesized by plants, algae
(1) College of Fisheries,
Maharana Pratap University of
and microorganisms, need to be incorporated in their diet [23, 9]. Carotenoids are responsible for
Agriculture and Technology, many of the red, orange and yellow hues of plant legumes, fruits and flowers. Thus,
Udaipur, Rajasthan, India pigmentation is an important criteria for the fishes, since their colour affect commercial
(2) Division of Aquaculture, acceptability. The growing interest in aquarium fishes has resulted in a steady rise in the
ICAR - Central Institute of aquarium fish trade globally. Ornamental fishes are nowadays rapidly gaining importance in
Fisheries Education, Panch
Marg, Off Yari Road, Versova,
aquaculture because of their aesthetic and immense commercial value in the export trade world
Andheri (W), Mumbai, India over. The ornamental fish trade with a turnover of US $ 6 Billion and an annual growth rate of
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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
8 percent offers a lot of scope for development in India [27]. experimental diets.
Many studies have proved that the fish can be pigmented by
including processing wastes and plant sources in their diet [22, 2.2 Carotenoid Analysis in natural sources: The natural -
6, 1]
. Carotenoid are the class of 800 natural fat-soluble carotene sources i.e. carrot and spinach were analyzed for
pigments found principally in plants, algae, photosynthetic carotenoid content [33]. Dried ground powdered form of 200
bacteria and some non-photosynthetic bacteria, and they play mg samples were transferred into 10 ml pre-weight glass tube.
critical role in the photosynthetic process. They also occur in The samples were mixed thoroughly in about 5 ml acetone
yeast and moulds where they carry out a protective function containing 1.5 gm of a hydrous sodium sulphate with the help
against damage by light and oxygen. Carotenoid also plays of homogenizer. The extraction quantity was made up to 10
other important functions as pro-vitamin A, antioxidant, ml of acetone. The samples were stored in refrigerator for 3
immunoregulators and they are mobilized from muscle to days at 4°C. They were extracted 3 to 4 times until no more
ovaries in salmonids, which suggest a function in colour would be obtained. The solution was centrifuged at
reproduction [30, 5]. It has also been observed that fishes with a 5000 rpm for 5 minutes and then absorption was measured in
high level of carotenoid are more resistant to bacterial and a spectrophotometer (wavelength (λ) 470, 662 and 645). Once
fungal diseases [30]. The commercial value of these fishes detecting -carotene content in carrot and spinach i.e. 1.10
reflects this requirement; hence, the ornamental fish growers and 1.58 percent respectively, proportional amount of dried
are constantly exploring methods of enhancing skin and powdered natural -carotene source was mixed in basal
colouration. Carotenoid, beta-carotenoid pigments are widely diet, replacing equivalent quantity of rice bran (Table. 1), for
used to produce red, yellow, orange, and pink coloration, achieving 20, 25 and 30 mg/100 g -carotene in experimental
especially in fishes. diet for both the selected sources.
However, recent efforts were focused on naturally available
two vegetables sources of β-carotene i.e. Carrot (Daucus 2.3 Experimental Feed Preparation: The experimental feed
carota) and Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) in powdered form in were prepared with basic ingredients such as wheat flour, rice
diet to work out their effect on the colouration of commonly bran flour, tapioca flour, soya bean flour, fish flour,
cultured live bearer aquarium fish swordtail (Xiphophorus groundnut oil cake and vitamin mixture [29]. All ingredients
hellerii) as an alternative because of concerns about the use of were split into 7 equal parts. The two vegetable sources of -
synthetic additives and their high cost. carotene i.e. carrot (Daucus carota) and spinach (Spinacia
oleracea) were collected, air-dried in dark room to avoid
2. Materials and methods denaturing of carotenoids. The natural sources were oven
2.1 Experimental Fish: Experimental ornamental fish dried at 45οC for 48 hours, and then the contents were
swordtails (Xiphophorus hellerii) were procured from the powdered and sieved in particle size of 0.1 to 0.2 mm,
local ornamental fish trader and acclimatized to laboratory afterward stored in the refrigerator at 4°C. The experimental
condition in glass aquaria. The experiment was run with three diets were prepared using carrot and spinach powder mixed in
hundred sixty swordtail with body length and weight range the basal diet to supply 20, 25 and 30 mg of -carotene per
between 3.6 to 2.8 cm and 0.55g to 0.46g respectively. The 100 g of diet. For the purpose dried carrot powder was added
fish were conditioned and fed with control diet (devoid of - in the diet at the rate of 1.82, 1.27 and 1.72 g per 100 g of diet
carotene source) for 3 weeks to equalize their body carotenoid replacing the rice bran. Similarly, Spinach powder was added
content in indoor conditions. The water exchange and aeration in the diet at the rate of 1.33, 1.67 and 1.99 g per 100 g of diet
were given sufficiently. Three FRP tanks of capacity 200 (Table 1).
litres were used for conditioning of swordtail and 120 fish
were placed in each tank before administrating the
2.4 Feeding Experimental diet: This experiment was carried the experimental diet. Throughout the experiment, physico-
out for one control and six treatments in twenty one chemical parameters were maintained. The experiment was
experimental glass aquaria in the indoor system. There were carried out for 35 days. The observations for colour
three replication for each experimental diet. All fish were fed enhancement of the fish were measured initially and then at
at the rate of 3 percent of their body weight once a day with every 7 days interval and accordingly the diets were
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readjusted every week in each aquaria. The water quality in The results pertaining to the comparative colour
aquaria was maintained by aeration, removal of faecal matter characteristics of swordtail fed with natural -carotene
and replacement of at least 20 percent of water every week. enriched diet i.e. carrot and spinach (20, 25 and 30 mg/100 g
diet) respectively given in Table 3 and revealed that compared
2.5 Analytical Methodology: Water quality parameter viz., to the control fish the maximum luminosity (L*) was 20.81 in
air and water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, T2 in fish fed with carrot mixed diet. The maximum red (a*)
dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide, total alkalinity, N- value was found in T6 i.e. 4.22 on X- axis whereas, the
nitrogen, orthophosphate and total hardness were analyzed maximum yellow colour intensity (b*) value on Y-axis, hue
initially and weekly [4, 34]. The experimental diets were angle (h°) and chroma (C*) was found in T4 i.e.5.34, 58.33°
analyzed for the proximate composition viz., moisture, crude and 6.29 respectively in fish fed with spinach mixed diet
protein, lipid, and carbohydrate and ash contents as per (Table 3 and figure 2). In case of carrot mixed diet the
standard methods [3]. Colour intensity was analyzed by using maximum red (a*) value on X-axis, yellow (b*) value on Y-
colour difference meter equipment (Hunter colour lab, USA). axis, hue angle (h°) and chroma (C*) were found in T1 i.e.
The instrument measures colour parameters in terms of CIE 4.19, 4.02, 43.81° and 5.81 respectively (Table 3 and figure
L* (Luminosity), a* (red to green), b* (yellow to blue), h° 1). The values of a* and b* decides the hue angle (h°) of
(hue angle) and C* (chroma). swordtail. As the hue angle (h°) in Table 3 increases the
The lightness coefficient (CIE L*), ranges from black = 0 to yellow colour intensity of swordtail increases and as the value
white = 100, a* and b* are on the horizontal and vertical axis of hue angle (h°) decreases the red colour intensity increases.
respectively. (+ a*) indicates a hue of red colour and (- a*) The results revealed that fish fed with spinach mixed diet
indicate a hue of green colour on x-axis. On vertical axis i.e. have developed more yellow colour and fed with carrot,
y-axis, (+ b*) indicate yellow and (- b*) indicates blue colour developed more of red colour. Higher doses of -carotene was
values. a* and b* are merely co-ordinates that indirectly found to increase the orange colour intensity in fish. The
reflects hue and chroma but are difficult to interpret result showed that compared to the control fish the colour
separately. These co-ordinates are not independent variables intensity and prominence of orange colour intensity increased
. Chroma (C*) indicates degree of departure from grey in the fish fed with Carrot (T1, T2 and T3) (Table 3 and figure
toward pure chromatic colour and hue angle (h°) indicates 1) and Spinach (T4, T5 and T6) (Table 3 and figure 2).
red, orange, yellow, green etc. a colour from the spectrum. These results showed that the fish fed with spinach have
The proper quantification of tristimulus colorimetric data is developed better yellow colour compared to the fish fed with
based upon trigonometric function [21]. A colour wheel carrot in other words the fish fed with carrot have shown
subtends 360° with red traditionally placed at an angle of 0°, more of red colour. Secondly the higher doses of -carotene
yellow at an angle of 90°, green at an angle of 180° and blue as carrot and spinach in diet increased the orange colour in
at an angle of 270°. fish. These findings confirmed that higher the doses of -
The data obtained for colouration characteristics of swordtail carotene as a carrot, the fish indicated prominent red-orange
fed with -carotene fortified diets were statistically analyzed colouration followed by the results of spinach fed fish which
by applying complete randomized design (CRD) and analysis indicated yellow-orange colouration. As such the ranking of
of variance (ANOVA) for checking the significance (P˂0.05) treatments of orange colour prominence incorporated with
level of treatments [31]. natural -carotene can be arranged in their efficiency to
develop prominence of orange colour in test fish can be
3. Results and discussion written as T3 (29.89°) T2 (41.70°) T1 (43.81°) and T6
No considerable fluctuation in water temperature was (45.06°) T5 (55.98°) T4 (58.33°) and T7 (Control-13.41°)
observed (22.94°C to 23.60°C). The pH of the experimental (Table 3 and figure 1-2).
water was in the range 7.6 to 8.2, whereas, electrical Colouration in fishes is influenced by several external and
conductivity was between 900 to 1040 S/cm. A slight internal factors including dilation of blood capillaries,
fluctuation was recorded in dissolved oxygen and the value reflective irridocytes, chromatophores, genetic and
ranged between 5.4 to 7.1 mg/l. The free carbon dioxide was environmental factors, stress and array of natural and artificial
absent in all the treatments. The total alkalinity ranged colour enhancing compounds and fish diets has also been
between 300 to 340 mg/l and hardness between 460 to 490 tried by several researchers. The skin colour in fishes could be
mg/l. The value of orthophosphate and nitrate-N was recorded changed by altering surrounding conditions, light intensity
between 0.03 to 0.05 mg/l and 0.42 to 0.60 mg/l respectively and dietary conditions [35]. It was found that blue green algae
in experimental water. and spirulina as feed greatly influenced colour development
The proximate composition of vegetable sources i.e. spinach of fish. It was further, reported that in absence of this colour
and carrot mixed diet and control diet used in present study enhancing algae, the plankton feed as control diet was failed
with their maximum values were carbohydrates (45.20 to to produce the natural red colour in cherry barbs. The natural
45.90 percent), lipid (14.39 to 14.70 percent), protein (21.00 microalgae Chlorella vulgaries, Haematococcus pluvialis and
to 22.22 percent), ash (13.10 to 13.22 percent) and moisture Cyanobacteria – Arthrospira maxima and Spirulina platensis
(4.60 to 4.72 percent). can be used as a carotenoid source for enhancing skin
Carotenoid are the primary source of pigmentation in pigmentation and prominent colouration in ornamental fishes
ornamental tropical fish, responsible for various colours like [2, 15, 14]
yellow, orange, red and other related colours. Normally, these Colour enhancing agent as feed additive from plant origin
are obtained through organisms rich in carotenoid content have been successfully tried in ornamental fishes. The present
organisms in the aquatic food chain. Other carotenoid-rich study was supported by the several researchers who found
ingredients used are marigold meal (lutein), red pepper enhancement of pink colour in the fish and flesh of tilapia by
(Capsicum sp.) extract (capsanthin) and krill or crustacean feeding red colour extracted from sandalwood [26]. Some
meals (astaxanthin) [7, 8]. observed the effect of astaxanthin on the pigmentation of gold
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fish (Carassius auratus) and measured a significant increase carrot, followed by marigold petal, china rose petal and rose
in skin pigmentation and survival of fish fed with diets petal [29]. These findings also connote the results of present
containing astaxanthin 36-37 mg/kg [28]. Colour intensity study where prominent colouration was noted with Carrot
enhancement by paprika as feed additives in gold fish and koi supplemented diet; however it was not coefficient as spinach
carp using a computer – assisted image analysis. The ‘r’ value in diet. The application of microbial carotenoids as a source
has a tendency to increase due to paprika feeding but of colouration of Xiphophorus hellerii improved the
significant difference was achieved only after four weeks of pigmentation of ornamental fish effectively further author’s
feeding [18]. indicated that the fish fed with carotenoid enriched feed
Some naturally available micro algal pigments, yeast extract, showed faster recovery of carotenoids in the skin of
marigold, capsicum etc. as a carotenoid rich ingredients were the fish when compared to the control (P˂0.01) [10]. Red
studied and discussed their utility for enhancement of pepper (Capsicum annum) meal at 50 g/kg diet can be
pigmentation in fishes and recommended that 125 ppm appropriate as an alternative natural carotenoid source to
carotene which gave excellent pigmentation and higher doses ensure good pigmentation, suitable growth, and feed
200-300 ppm further improved pigmentation [16]. utilization of juvenile blue streak hap (Labidochromis
Skin colouration of angel fish (Pterophyllum scalare) caeruleus) [36]. The carotenoid content microalgae and
improved due to the increased levels of dietary carotenoid- spirulina are well utilized to enhance the skin colouration in
rich microalgae biomass [25]. However in the present fishes. Natural carotenoid source Spirulina meal has the
investigation the higher doses of -carotene in diet as carrot potential to enhance the coloration on yellow tail cichlid
gave better red-orange colouration and in spinach mixed diet (Pseudotropheus acei.) [17]. There is a general tendency
it gave orange colouration in Xiphophorus hellerii and lower amongst aquatic animals to preferentially accumulate
doses gave better yellow colouration. Several authors xanthophylls rather than carotene pigments. Xanthophylls are
examined the influence of carrot (Daucus carota) and red one of the types of carotene which include; Astaxanthin (red),
pepper (Capsicum annum) as natural pigment material canthaxanthin (pink), zeaxanthine (orange) and lutein
on colouration of cichlid (Cichlasoma severum sp. Heckel, (yellow). The colour intensity in cichilid (Cichlasoma
1840) and investigated carotenoid amount in the fish samples myrnae) was diminished when fish were stressed during a
fed with red pepper and carrot diets were 5.25 ± 0.90 and 5.60 feeding trial with top coated algae in the diet [2]. The gold fish
± 0.29 mg g-1, respectively. Consequently a significant (Carassius auratus) belonging to cyprinidae family is able to
difference was found between individuals fed by natural biosynthesize astaxanthin from lutein sources [20]. However, in
pigment material and those by unpigmented feeds (P<0.05) the present investigation the skin colouration of Xiphophorus
[24] hellerii has indicated an increasing pattern with prolonged
. Likewise few estimated prominent composition and
carotenoid content of natural carotenoid sources and their feeding of -carotene enriched diet. From these observations,
impact on marine ornamental fish (Amphiprion ocellaris it can be inferred that for maintaining appropriate colour in
Cuveir, 1880) for colour enhancement and found that the ornamental fish, suitable pigment enhancing agent should
pigmentation in fish was the highest in diets added with invariably form part of fish diet on a prolonged basis.
Table 3: Colouration parameter showing combine values of L*, a*, b*, h° and C* fed with natural -carotene mixed diet
Colour Characteristics
S. No. Treatments Source -carotene in diet (mg/100g)
L* a* b* h° C*
1 T1 Carrot (1.82) 20 19.91 4.19 4.02 43.81 5.81
2 T2 Carrot (2.272) 25 20.81 3.94 3.51 41.70 5.28
3 T3 Carrot (2.727) 30 16.93 3.88 2.23 29.89 4.48
4 T4 Spinach (1.333) 20 15.33 3.30 5.34 58.33 6.29
5 T5 Spinach (1.666) 25 13.98 3.47 5.14 55.98 6.20
6 T6 Spinach (1.999) 30 11.69 4.22 4.23 45.06 5.97
7 T7 (Control) Nil Nil 11.84 4.11 0.98 13.41 4.22
CD 2.4619 3.16 2.7567 13.8792 3.8057
CV 5.16 27 25 10.94 22.56
SEm± 0.8498 1.0914 0.9516 4.7911 1.3137
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Fig 1: value of A*, h* after feeding carrot (T1, T2 and T3) mixed diet
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Fig 2: Showing the value of A*, B* after feeding spinach (t4, t5 and t6, mixed ddiet and control (t7) diet
4. Conclusion 5. Reference
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