A Comprehensive Review On Cost Optimizat
A Comprehensive Review On Cost Optimizat
A Comprehensive Review On Cost Optimizat
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24113/ijoscience.v4i9.159
Abstract: Resources play vital role in construction The time taken for the construction of road projects at the
projects. The performance of construction industry beginning of 19th century took a very long duration because
depends chiefly on how best the resources are managed. of lack in techniques used which leads to wastage of money,
Optimization play pivotal role in resource management, time as well as the resources used for construction. As the
but task is highly haphazard and chaotic under the
influence of complexities and vastness. Management days passed their we saw the improvement in the
always looks for optimum utility of resources available construction technologies used which could complete the
with them. Hence, the project management has got project with the appropriate usage of money, time and
important place especially in resource allocation and resources for these improvements their comes the proper
smooth functioning with allocated budget. To achieve project management tools which would help in planning,
these goals and to exercise enhance optimization certain scheduling and resource allocating one such tool is
tools are used for resource allocation optimally.
Primavera P6.
Implementation of construction project needs a proper
planning and scheduling is of vital importance for the A. Project Planning
project to be executed and run smoothly. A best schedule Project management could play a very important role in the
has to be prepared in such a way that meets the primary construction industry. By using these management tools it
objectives of the total project. Those essential will be very helpful to execute the project in a very
destinations are to make a quality venture, finished on economical way as well with the limited duration with usage
time, inside spending plan, and in a sheltered workplace. of optimum resources. This also enables to store the
Keywords: Primavera, Project planner, Optimization of information and manage the project in a central location
resources, Resource management, Resource levelling, .The project management consist of balancing the needs
Resource Allocation, Project Scheduling which could be identifiable or unidentified expectation of
the stake holders by giving the quality, scope, and time of
I. INTRODUCTION the project. The project management uses the information
The development of infrastructure plays a main role for the and turns it in a manner for execution in a skilled way with
development of country. The important part of economic lot of strategies to satisfy the requirement of the construction
growth of the country depends on the road transportation. projects. Every project has main goals to achieve that are:
The construction projects like road construction needs a On time project completion
careful attention while planning as well it requires a very Optimal usage of resources
huge amount of resources. In minimum investment
As it’s known the road construction projects is different The goal of project planning is to create a work chart with
from one another as there will be changes in place, situation, the activities which should be done on after another with a
weather condition by seeing all this it is very tedious in proper date of start and completion. By scheduling we could
planning and allocating resources as the resources are know the activities which are in a crucial position where it
repetitively used in the execution of the project. should be started and completed within the duration so that
www.ijoscience 1
it will not affect the project completion duration. The It is very helpful in planning and scheduling of the
allocation of the resources required for the project activities projects quickly and conveniently.
will cut down the wastage of materials which could affect It recognizes the available floats and determine the all
the funds that are allocated for the resources in a project. possible critical paths by the project.
In this software there is facility to get the attractive
B. Scheduling customized colorful Gantt charts, network diagrams,
Scheduling refers to slotting out the time duration by the histograms and time based logic diagrams.
thorough and explicit analysis of the planning team to each It creates principal program schedule by integrating the
and every activity to know the final project duration and the schedules from owners, engineers, architects, planners
project delivery date. In other words it governs the timing of and subcontractors.
each work activities recognized by the planning process It controls budgets, estimates even after changes at
before or during project execution. Typically, it shows and finishing point to relic successful delivery of the
signifies the sequential order or phasing various individual project.
project activities in a systematic way to complete the It enables spot and instant planning for the forthcoming
project. The schedule is a tool or a technic of every project days, weeks, months, years and so on and activities.
management team which is used and practiced to predict Application of works to allocate the resources for the
most probable project completion time and thus enabling the activities can be done precisely to haunt how the work
in/ on time resources conception which are budgeted on the is carried.
particular work. The general steps to develop a proper Improves relationship and alliance by timely E-mailing
schedule are as follows: to the concerned entire project.
It expedites the communication related to project status
1. Proper time estimation of every activities.
to the stakeholders, contractors, owners and other
2. Project planner should know the obligations of time for
project management team members by customized
the project completion and delivery.
reports of industry standards.
3. The activities such as must start and must finish should
be establish well recessed. To build any kind of new projects lowering of templates
4. Sorting out of activities which are crucial to timely is the best practice to follow up and it is even helpful
completion of project should be recognized and kept in for the complete project as well
mind. By using earlier performance of activities in the project
earned value analysis can be done to see the future more
II. PRIMAVERA accurate cost to completion.
oppressive. By utilizing Oracle's Primavera P6 Software undertaking director to guarantee the working of the venture
printed material can be decrease, bringing about as indicated by its dispensed spending plan and due dates.
diminishment of weight. Primavera P6 give change in For any development venture, legitimate arranging, booking,
development administration. Primavera P6 is the time compelling asset allotment and refreshing the exercises is to
redeemable device, with legitimate asset enhancement. a great degree basic to improve the task and build up most
extreme spending augmentation. Dishonorable planning,
Ghadge et. al. [2] discussed that project cost is the one of the
sporadic checking and poor treatment of the continuous
governing factor in project success. Project management is
exercises builds the venture term and sum with a significant
used to increase productivity in terms of human resource
edge. Subsequently, it is fundamental to embrace expansive
and materials. Earned value management (EVM) is a project
scale administration extends effectively with the assistance
performance evaluation technique which has been adapted
of PC helped programming. The well ordered strategy to
for application in project management. The technique helps
embrace an undertaking has been clarified and a definitive
in comparison of budgeted cost of work to actual cost. The
use of Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio
present study deals with the review of the project
Management (EPPM) has been condensed.
management involving earned value analysis.
P.M. Wale et. al. [6] expressed that the undertaking may
Nimbal et. al. [3] considered that owing to an expanding
have a straightforward objectives that does not require
setting of condition, Construction industry is ever forthright
numerous individuals or a lot of cash or it might be very
for the improvement and headway in instruments and gear
perplexing, calling for different abilities and plenty of assets
highlights, apparatuses of correspondence, systems of
and furthermore gave similar examination between
effective administration, instructing the HR about it. This
customary way and Microsoft venture arranging. They
exceptional specialization requires profoundly engaged
reasoned that Traditional route ends up being uneconomical
whose development was intended to begin at Pune,
and expends additional time with numerous complexity and
Maharashtra, India. Undertaking Planning and Controlling
gigantic mistake while Microsoft Project is the cutting edge
devices or systems. In the present investigation we
apparatus of Project Management that guide to conquer the
actualized the PC based Project Management
hindrances confronted attributable to conventional method
programming/apparatus Primavera P6 for the Planning,
for Planning and Management.
Scheduling and Allocation of assets for a (G+8) private
condo building It knows the likeness between the arranged Shaik Mohammad Masood et al. [7] represented that
the arranged advance of development work and real advance numerous development venture experience the ill effects of
of the performed work. In this way the centrality and the time and cost overwhelms because of various elements.
benefits of utilizing Primavera will be sketched out through EVM is an erformance of task assessment which is utilized
the information comes about acquired. The acknowledgment for the application in venture administration. This method
of the product Primavera as a stage of booking is been on a helps in examination of planned cost of work to real cost of
blast in Multi National Construction Companies, yet because work performed
of obliviousness and absence of Project Management ideas
Hamed et al. [8] illustrated that every organization, at least,
and demoralize towards the utilization of PC based projects,
has four types of resources to be allocated in order to
little and medium scale Indian development organizations
achieve organizational aims. These resources are: human
go up against different issues, for example, wasteful
resources, physical resources, financial resources, and
arranging, venture delays, wastefulness of assets and
technology resources. Resources should be allocated in an
numerous different issues. In this way, we likewise endeavor
efficient and appropriate manner since success is achieved
to teach one such medium scale development organization
when plans, employees, performance, controls and
about the upsides of Primavera in execution of any
commitments made act to maintain and survive allocated
development extends proficiently.
T.Shiva Nagaraju et al. [4] discussed the role of scheduling
k swarna et al. [9] discussed the present construction
and proper usage resources to timely completion of a
practices in India is still adopt the methodology of as and
construction project. Results showed the drawbacks of the
when required resource management. Which results in Lack
present project management system in station work project
of professionalism, training programs no real time records.
and the importance of efficient planning, as well as the need
equipment cost for any project comprises of mainly 20-30%
and effectiveness of project management software like
of project cost man power planning is the process by which
Primavera P6 in a construction project.
an organization ensures that it has the right number and right
R. Kohli [5] reasoned that Efficient task administration is kind of people at the right place at right time. Which all
the need of great importance and it is the sole duty of the
should be controlled by proper allocation of resources so International journal of engineering sciences & research technology,
ISSN: 2277-9655, January, 2018, PN (110-117).
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In the present scenario there is an immensely increase in
demand for the road construction projects due to the rate of
development in India which is increasing day by day .in
India as we have observed there are many underperforming
projects which is effecting on time and cost.to overcome all
the facts that are effecting the construction of project with
poor performance there we should include proper planning
and scheduling techniques to have a good and effective
performance of the construction economically. So to include
the best planning and scheduling techniques we can use
Primavera P6 for the minimum duration construction of road
construction. Primavera P6 gives a proper project
management solution for the planning and scheduling team
of the enterprise.