Tactic Electoral Theater Guerella
Tactic Electoral Theater Guerella
Tactic Electoral Theater Guerella
Larry Bogad
Larry Bogad is a lifelong creative strategist
(guided and goaded by Harpo, Groucho, and
Zero), co-founder of the Rebel Clown Army,
founding director of the Center for Artistic
Activism (West Coast), and professor of political
performance at the University of California,
Davis. He writes, performs, and strategizes with
the Yes Men, Agit-Pop, and La Pocha Nostra.
The term electoral guerrilla yokes two seemingly incompatible RELATED TOOLS
approaches. Electoral activists work within the state’s most
conventional avenues in an attempt to reform the system peacefully. Stories
Guerrillas, in the military sense, exist on the extreme margins of the
social system, launching surprise, swift attacks against the state - Billionaires for Bush
before disappearing again. This contradiction is what makes - Panty power
electoral guerrilla theatre a wild card in the repertoire of resistance.
It is an unstable and problematic combination that can take all
players involved by surprise. - Creative disruption
- Cultural disobedience
Winning is rarely the goal. However, by piggybacking on the
- Culture jamming
massive media attention that elections gather (see: TACTIC: Media-
- Hoax
jacking), a clever guerrilla campaign can attract much more public
- Identity correction
attention than might otherwise be possible. Craft a compelling and
- Legislative theatre
funny character that fits your critique, say, a pro-corruption pharaoh
who wants to get in on the easy plunder that national - Media-jacking
establishments in Cairo have been witnessing, for example. Craft
your persona, and start crashing mainstream political events — or Principles
make a scene when you are prevented from crashing (see: TACTIC:
- Anyone can act
Creative disruption). Even better, earn more scandalous attention
- Balance art and message
by bringing your absurdity through the front door of the power
- Brand or be branded
structure by getting a slot in an “equal time” debate, or getting on
- Bring the issue home
the ballot with your silly character name, or getting interviewed by
- Develop an inside-outside
the straight media in character.
When trying this approach, there are a couple of things to keep in - Do the media’s work for them
mind. First, do what they do but with a critical difference (see: - Know your cultural terrain
THEORY: Alienation effect). If you’re doing this right, by absurdly - Play to the audience that isn’t
aping the clichés of the “proper” candidates you can call attention there
to the fact that they are just as socially constructed and fake as your - Put your target in a decision
pharaoh/witch/rhino/etc. Cut ribbons. Kiss babies. Bring out the dilemma
empty symbolism of these rituals, and insert your own radical - Reframe the issue
critique. - Stay on message
- Turn the tables
Second, combine serious and playful elements in your election - Use humour to undermine
platform. You should actually have a serious point you’re making, authority
and in the middle of all the absurdity and pranks, while you’ve got - Use others' prejudices against
people’s attention, make that point. Jello Biafra did a great job them
illustrating this principle during his run for mayor of San Francisco in - Use the law, don’t be afraid of
1979. Some of his “if I am elected” platform made folks laugh it
bitterly; some planks — like suggesting that beat cops be elected - Use your radical fringe to shift
by the neighborhoods they patrol — made folks think “hmmm . . . the Overton window
actually that’s not a bad idea.” Get people’s attention with humour
and follow up with a few simple yet radical ideas — The-World-We- Theories
Want-to-See type of ideas (see: THEORY: Prefigurative politics). This
- Alienation effect
way you’re not just talking about what you’re against, but what
- Ethical spectacle
you’re for.
- Floating signifier
When done right, electoral guerrilla theatre is serious play at its - Prefigurative politics
best. - The propaganda model