Copy Services Implemantation Guide
Copy Services Implemantation Guide
Copy Services Implemantation Guide
William Rooney
Tariq Hanif
Gabriel Dragan
Dinu Stefan
Catalin Dumitriu
Robert Haimowitz
Octavian Lascu
International Technical Support Organization
September 2017
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page v.
This edition applies to Version 6, Release 1, Modification 4 of IBM Copy Services Manager (product number
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Stay connected to IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Chapter 3. Managing IBM FlashCopy and Metro Mirror sessions with IBM Spectrum
Virtualize-based storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2 Configuring and managing FlashCopy sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.3 Configuring Metro Mirror sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.3.1 Scenario overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.3.2 Creating the Metro Mirror relationship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.4 Metro Mirror failover and failback testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.4.1 Failover (controlled) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.4.2 Failback (controlled) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.5 Enabling practice for Metro Mirror session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.5.1 Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services
Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
7.1 IBM z/OS HyperSwap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
7.1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
7.1.2 z/OS HyperSwap overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
7.1.3 Securing TCP/IP communication for CSM: An overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
7.1.4 Securing communication between z/OS HyperSwap and the CSM Server . . . . 155
7.1.5 Generating a self-signed (CA) certificate in z/OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
7.1.6 Preparing the CSM server for secure communication with HyperSwap . . . . . . . 163
7.1.7 Configuring AT-TLS on z/OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
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AIX® IBM Spectrum Accelerate™ Redbooks (logo) ®
DS6000™ IBM Spectrum Virtualize™ Storwize®
DS8000® IBM z® System Storage®
Enterprise Storage Server® IBM z Systems® SystemMirror®
FlashCopy® Parallel Sysplex® Tivoli®
GDPS® Passport Advantage® WebSphere®
HACMP™ Power Systems™ XIV®
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This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides an overview of IBM Copy Services Manager
(CSM) for IBM Z and open systems, and documents a set of scenarios for using IBM Copy
Services manager to automate and manage replication tasks based on IBM Storage.
This book reviews and explains the usage of copy services functions and describes how
these functions are implemented in IBM Copy Services Manager. IBM Copy Services
Manager key concepts, architecture, session types and usage, and new functionality as of
IBM Copy Services Manager version 6.1 are also described.
This book was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center.
William Rooney is a Senior Technical Staff Member in the IBM Z Operating Systems
Development organization in Poughkeepsie, New York. He has over 35 years of experience
with IBM Z and z/OS®. He is the Software Architect for IBM HyperSwap® for z/OS. His areas
of expertise include I/O configuration, I/O qualities of service, and storage replication.
Tariq Hanif is a Senior Software Engineer in the z/OS System Verification Test group. He
received his PhD degree from Kings College, University of London, UK in 1995. During his
research at Kings, he worked on algorithm-based architecture, signal processing, and parallel
processing architecture for image-processing algorithms. After his PhD, he moved to Canada
where he worked for Royal Bank of Canada as a Software Analyst. In 2000, he joined Nortel
Networks Inc. in the US as a Software Engineer, where his focus was to develop efficient
embedded signal processing software for VoIP gateways. He has several publications related
to Specialized Computer Architecture for Computer Vision, and Parallel Processing. In 2003,
he joined the IBM z/OS System Verification group where he tests the z/OS operating system,
with a focus on z/OS HyperSwap and IBM Tivoli® Storage Productivity Center for Replication
for IBM Z. In z/OS, his areas of interest are disaster recovery, IBM GDPS®, and IBM Parallel
Gabriel Dragan is a Storage Consultant in IBM System Lab Services in Europe. He has more
than 15 years of experience with IBM storage solutions, specialized in the Enterprise Storage
area. He holds a degree in IT&C. His areas of expertise also include storage area network
(SAN) solutions, storage replication, and disaster recovery solutions.
Dinu Stefan is a Senior IBM i Administrator from Romania. He has more than 20 years of
experience in IBM i and the IBM Power Systems™ field. He holds a degree in Electronic
Engineering from the Polytechnical Institute in Bucharest. His areas of expertise also include
IBM i replication and disaster recovery, IBM Storage, and IBM i Operating System
performance tuning.
Robert Haimowitz is a system programmer with the ITSO with over 38 years of large
systems experience with IBM in IBM Z, z/OS, and z/VM®.
Octavian Lascu is a Senior IT Consultant for IBM Romania with over 25 years of experience.
He specializes in designing, implementing, and supporting complex IT infrastructure
environments (systems, storage, and networking), including high availability and disaster
recovery solutions and high-performance computing deployments. He has developed
materials for and taught workshops for technical audiences around the world for the past 17
years. He has written several IBM publications.
William G White
International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center
Randy Blea
IBM Tucson
Bertrand Dufrasne
IBM Mountain View
Andrei Socoliuc
IBM Romania
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Preface ix
x IBM Copy Services Manager Implementation Guide
We provide an overview for IBM Copy Services Manager key concepts, architecture, session
types and usage, and new functionality as of IBM Copy Services Manager version 6.1.
We also introduce IBM Storage Systems that are supported by IBM Copy Services Manager.
Figure 1-1 on page 3 depicts an overview of the IBM Copy Services Manager environment.
IBM Copy Services Manager manages copy services for the following storage systems:1,2
IBM System Storage® DS8000® series
IBM Spectrum Storage™:
– IBM Spectrum Virtualize™:
• IBM SAN Volume Controller
• IBM Storwize® Family:3
- IBM Storwize V5000 and V5000F
- IBM Storwize V7000 and V7000F
- IBM Storwize V7000 Unified
• IBM FlashSystem® V9000
– IBM Spectrum Accelerate™:
• IBM FlashSystem A9000/A9000R4
• IBM XIV® System Storage2
IBM Copy Services Manager automates key replication management tasks to help you
improve the efficiency of your storage replication. You can use a simple GUI to configure,
automate, manage, and monitor all important data replication tasks in your environment,
including the following tasks:
Manage and monitor multisite environments to meet disaster recovery (DR) requirements
Automate the administration and configuration of data replication features
Keep data on multiple related volumes consistent across storage systems in a planned or
unplanned outage
Recover to a remote site to reduce downtime of critical applications
Provide high availability (HA) for applications by using IBM HyperSwap technology
Practice recovery processes while disaster recovery capabilities are maintained
IBM Copy Services Manager might work with older IBM Storage Systems also. However, we do not list these
products anymore because they are at end of service from IBM.
Always check the latest information for end of service information for your IBM Storage (hardware and software).
See the Storwize data sheet.
4 IBM Copy Services Manager 6.1.4 or later.
See the following product documentation for a list of new products and features.
Important: To access Release Notes information from IBM Support, you might need to
authenticate using your IBM ID. If you do not have one, register.
1.3 Terminology
In this section, we describe the following key terms to help you understand and effectively use
IBM Copy Services Manager:
Management server
The management server is a system that has IBM Copy Services Manager Server code
installed. The management server provides a central point of control for managing data
1.4 Architecture
IBM Copy Services Manager high-level architecture is shown in Figure 1-2.
The IBM Copy Services Manager is implemented as an application using the IBM
WebSphere® Liberty framework and Apache Derby database.
The type of copy service that is associated with the session determines the replication actions
that are available for the session. For example, the options for FlashCopy sessions are
different from the options for Metro Mirror sessions.
When copy sets are added to the session, only the storage systems whose location matches
the location of the site are allowed for selection. This ensures that a session relationship is
not established in the wrong direction.
Table 1-1 shows the session types that are available in CSM 6.1.x and the storage systems
that are supported.
Single site
FlashCopy Yes N/A yes N/A
Multitarget sessions
Metro Mirror - Metro Mirror N/A N/A Yesd Yes
Metro Mirror - Global Mirror with practice N/A N/A Yesd Yes
Metro Mirror - Global Mirror with Site 3 N/A N/A Yesd Yes
Global Mirrore
a. SVC, V5000, V7000, and V9000
b. XIV and A9000
c. Available only for z/OS
d. Available only for DS8000 series
e. Available in 6.1.4
Practice sessions include intermediate volumes on the remote site that contains the target
volumes. A FlashCopy operation is completed from the intermediate volumes to the target
volumes. The target volumes contain point-in-time data that you can use to test data-recovery
For example, you can run scripts that map the target volumes to host systems in a remote
site, or complete an initial program load (IPL) on the host in an isolated environment (for
example, using different IPs). Because data replication continues from the source volume to
the intermediate volume in a normal manner, your data is recoverable while you are testing
the practice volume.
Practice sessions:
When practice sessions are used, Copy Services Manager assumes that the set of
volumes that are used for practicing is also used in case of actual recovery. For this
reason, the IBM Copy Services Manager operations and storage resources that are
used for practicing are the same with a real recovery or site switch. This approach
relieves the unpredictably of untested procedures during the real recovery operations.
You can test disaster-recovery actions without the use of practice volumes. However, if
you do not use practice volumes, data replication between sites is interrupted while you
are recovering data to the remote site.
Any existent session can be “upgraded” to use practices. However, on the new session,
the old target volume becomes Intermediary (I), and the new target is a newly created
FlashCopy volume.
Warning For Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, and Metro Global Mirror, the session
might have volumes that are being synchronized or are about to be
synchronized, with no suspended volumes. For FlashCopy, the warning
status is valid only after the start command is issued and before the
flash. This warning status means that the session is either preparing or
is ready for a flash command, but targets do not yet have a consistent
If a HyperSwap session is degraded, which means it is enabled on one
or more sysplex members and disabled on at least one sysplex member,
then the session is in a warning state.
Severe One or more errors must be dealt with immediately. Possible causes
include the following:
One or more volumes are suspended
A session is suspended
A volume is not copying correctly
Active host volumes with This symbol represents volumes that contain
change volumes the source of updated tracks to which the
application is actively issuing read and write
I/O and change volumes.
Snapshot sessions (see Table 1-1 on page 7) create a point-in-time copy of a volume or set of
volumes on the same site (Site 1) without having to define a specific target volume. The target
volumes of a Snapshot session are automatically created when the snapshot is created.
Figure 1-4 shows the volumes for the session.
Figure 1-6 shows the volumes and data flow for the session when data is copied from Site 1
to Site 2.
Basic HyperSwap
Basic HyperSwap sessions provide the same capabilities as Metro Mirror Failover/Failback
session. A new HyperSwap function is added which commands the Z HyperSwap to switch
I/O operations to the other site. Figure 1-7 shows the volumes and data flow for the session
and also the HyperSwap sign.
For this session type, a synchronous copy occurs from a source volume on the local site
(Site 1) to an intermediate volume on the remote site (Site 2). A FlashCopy then occurs from
the intermediate volume to a target volume on the remote site.
Figure 1-8 shows the volumes and data flow for the session when data is copied from Site 1
to Site 2.
Figure 1-9 shows the volumes and data flow for an IBM Enterprise Storage Server, IBM
DS6000, or IBM DS8000 Global Mirror Single Direction session when data is copied from Site
1 to Site 2.
Figure 1-9 Global Mirror single direction session pictogram (DS8000 series)
Figure 1-10 shows the volumes and data flow for an IBM Spectrum Virtualize Global Mirror
Single Direction session when data is copied from Site 1 to Site 2.
Figure 1-10 Global Mirror single direction session pictogram (IBM Spectrum Virtualize)
Also supported on ESS800 and IBM DS6000™
7 Also supported on ESS800 and DS6000
Figure 1-12 Global Mirror failover/failback session pictogram (IBM Spectrum Virtualize)
Note: GMCV sessions are available only for IBM Spectrum Virtualize storage systems.
Figure 1-13 shows the volumes and data flow for the GMCV session when data is copied
from Site 1 to Site 2. C1 and C2 are the change volumes for both sites.
Figure 1-15 Global Mirror failover/failback w/ practice session pictogram (Spectrum Virtualize)
Figure 1-16 Global Mirror either direction with two-site practice pictogram
Note: Metro Global Mirror sessions are available only on DS8000 and ESS storage
Metro Global Mirror sessions combine Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, and FlashCopy replication
into a single session. Metro Global Mirror sessions support three sites that are varying
distances apart.
For this session type, a synchronous copy occurs from the source volume on the local site
(Site 1) to the target volume on the second site (Site 2). An asynchronous copy then occurs
from the volume in the second site to the target volume on the third site (Site 3) followed by a
FlashCopy from the target to the journal volume on the same Site 3.
Note: Metro Global Mirror with Practice sessions are available only on DS8000 and ESS
storage systems.
Metro Global Mirror with Practice sessions combine Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, and
FlashCopy replication across three sites to provide a point-in-time copy of the data on the
third site.
For this session type, a synchronous copy occurs from the source volume on the local site
(Site 1) to the target volume on the second site (Site 2). An asynchronous copy then occurs
from the second site to the intermediate volume on the third site (Site 3) followed by a
FlashCopy from the intermediate volume to the target and journal volumes on Site 3.
Figure 1-18 shows the volumes and data flow for the session when data is copied from Site 1
through Site 3.
Note: Metro Mirror - Metro Mirror sessions are available only for IBM DS8000 storage
systems with a microcode level that supports single source to multi-target relationships. To
determine whether you can use this session type, refer to the IBM DS8000 documentation
for the microcode level that you are using.
Metro Mirror - Metro Mirror session is a multi-target session over three sites. One site (Site 1)
is defined as source for two different Metro Mirror replications to other sites (Site 2 and
Site 3).
Figure 1-19 shows the volumes and data flow for the session when data is copied from Site 1
to Site 2 and Site 3.
Note: Metro Mirror - Global Mirror sessions are available only for IBM DS8000 storage
systems with a microcode level that supports single source to multi-target relationships. To
determine whether you can use this session type, refer to the IBM DS8000 documentation
for the microcode level that you are using.
Metro Mirror - Global Mirror session is a multi-target session against three sites. One site
(Site 1) is defined as source for a Metro Mirror replication to second site (Site 2) and for
another Global Mirror replication to the third site (Site 3).
Figure 1-20 on page 19 shows the volumes and data flow for the session when data is copied
from Site 1 to Site 2 and Site 3.
Note: Metro Mirror - Global Mirror with Practice sessions are available only for IBM
DS8000 storage systems with a microcode level that supports single source to multi-target
relationships. To determine whether you can use this session type, refer to the IBM
DS8000 documentation for the microcode level that you are using.
Metro Mirror - Global Mirror with Practice session provide the same capabilities as Metro
Mirror - Global Mirror session. In addition, this session uses FlashCopy volumes to practicing
disaster recovery without losing your disaster recovery capability. Figure 1-21 shows the
volumes and data flow for the session when data is copied from Site 1 to Site 2 and Site 3
and also the practice volumes.
Figure 1-21 Metro Mirror Global Mirror (multi-target) w/ practice session pictogram
Note: Metro Mirror - Global Mirror with Site 3 Global Mirror sessions are available only for
IBM DS8000 storage systems with a microcode level that supports single source to
multi-target relationships. To determine whether you can use this session type, refer to the
IBM DS8000 documentation for the microcode level that you are using.
Figure 1-22 Metro Mirror - Global Mirror with Site 3 Global Mirror session pictogram
Some commands, such as the Start command, can take an extended amount of time to
complete. By using the GUI, you can still issue commands to other sessions and not hold up
functionality. When a command completes, the GUI console displays the results of the
The complete list of session commands with GUI details can be found in IBM Knowledge
Center for CSM.
Note: The CSM CLI commands use specific syntax. For an example of using the CSM CLI
see 2.2, “CSM command-line interface (CLI)” on page 23.
We briefly describe supported platforms for CSM server deployment and considerations for
CSM server replication options for deploying CSM in a disaster recovery environment,
security considerations for typical deployments, and some considerations for using the CSM
command-line interface (csmcli).
See the following link for detailed requirements (including virtualized environment).
For installation steps, see the IBM Copy Services Manager documentation IBM Copy
Services Manager Documentation.
Note: Both Active and Standby CSM servers must be at the same CSM software level.
The path to the file differs depending on the platform on which the CSM server is deployed and your installation
An example of CSM server recovery is described in 6.2, “Configuring and testing high
availability for the CSM Server” on page 129.
In addition to basic user registry, for CSM server deployment on z/OS, an operating system
repository, such as IBM RACF®, can be used. LDAP can be used for both z/OS systems and
other supported platforms.
For more information, see the IBM Copy Services Manager documentation IBM Copy
Services Manager documentation.
Tip: For running the csmcli, proper Java Runtime Environment (JRE) configuration is
The CSM CLI can be used either for submitting batch commands (scripting, using the
associated options and arguments), or interactively by starting the csmcli (shell) with no
Example 2-1 shows how to use the csmcli in batch mode to retrieve information about the
replication sessions managed by CSM.
Imported in a tabular program, the output of the command in Example 2-1 looks similar to
Figure 2-2.
In this situation, you need to mask the semicolon (;) by the backslash character (\), as shown
in Example 2-3.
The three steps can be combined in one single script. Let’s run them in reverse order:
1. To list all volumes with ID starting with A3, list all volumes in a delim formatted mode:
./ -noinfo lsvol -devtype ds -dev DS8000:BOX:2107.FAW31 -hdr off -fmt
delim -delim \;
2. You can select only the volume ID in CSM format:
./ -noinfo lsvol -devtype ds -dev DS8000:BOX:2107.FAW31 -hdr off -fmt
delim -delim \; |cut -d ';' -f 2
Also, starting with release 8.1 of the DS8000 series Hardware Management Console (HMC),
the CSM server is preinstalled. When running the CSM server on the DS8000 HMC, only
remote csmcli is available for handling scripts or interactive commands (shell).
When running the CSM CLI on a system other than the CSM server, the csmcli libraries are
installed on that system during the installation process, and a secure connection to the CSM
server (using an SSL certificate) is established. Figure 2-3 shows the secure communication
port for remote CLI.
CLI: 9560
GUI: 9559
CSM Server workstation
To install the Copy Services Manager CLI on a remote system, you must download and
extract the appropriate files for your software level and operating system. The following steps
show how to install and start the csmcli:
1. Download the Copy Services Manager CLI installation package (csmcli) to the (remote)
system where you want to run the CSM commands. The package can be downloaded
from the same website as the Copy Services Manager server installation package.
Optionally you can download the remote CLI from the IBM Fix Central site.
The package types and their associated file names are listed in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Copy Services Manager CLI installation package file names by operating system
Operating system Copy Services Manager CLI installation package file name
AIX csm-CLI-6.1.x-aix.tar.gz
z/OS csm-CLI-6.1.x-zos.pax
6. Optionally, you can update the with the username and password
used for accessing the server. Remove the number sign (#) character in front of the
username and password and update accordingly. See Example 2-7.
Example 2-7 Updating file
[root@myLinux CLI]# cat
# This is the properties file for CSM CLI authentication.
# You can place your CSM username and password in this file for automatic CLI
# If the password was entered in the properties file, when the CLI shell is
entered or a CLI command is issued, the CLI
# encrypts your password and rewrites this properties file with the encrypted
password for security reasons.
# If a password is not entered, the CLI prompts for one and does not update
this file with an encrypted password.
# Place this properties file into the same directory that the csmcli.bat or file is located,
# or under the users home directory under csm-cli.
# For example in Windows:
[root@myLinux CLI]#
7. Start the Copy Services Manager CLI running csmcli.bat for Windows, as in
Example 2-8.
Connected to:
Server: Port: 9560 UseREST: false
Server Version: 6.1.4, Build: a20160920-1045
We briefly describe supported platforms for CSM server deployment and considerations for
CSM server replication options for deploying CSM in a disaster recovery (DR) environment,
as well as security considerations for typical deployments.
Note: In our test environment, we have used IP-based replication. Design and
configuration of the transport infrastructure between sites is out of the scope of
this document.
The scenarios described in the following chapters cover a set of what the authors of this
document consider the most common tasks relevant for using IBM CSM. For a list of
storage-based copy services types managed by IBM Copy Services Manager version, we
have used (CSM 6.1.3) see Chapter 1, “IBM Copy Services Manager introduction” on page 1.
Note: IBM Copy Services Manager does not provision (create, delete, or modify) volumes,
pools, or other storage entities. IBM CSM only manages (copy services) session and
consistency groups.
1. In the Copy Services Manager GUI, select Create Session, as shown in Figure 3-2.
2. For our tests, we used the IBM SVC cluster located in the secondary location, as shown in
Figure 3-3. Complete the Session name, Session type, and chose the location (site). Click
OK to proceed.
Chapter 3. Managing IBM FlashCopy and Metro Mirror sessions with IBM Spectrum Virtualize-based storage 33
3. Select Launch Add Copy Sets Wizard to add copy sets to the newly defined sessions,
and then click Next, as shown in Figure 3-4.
4. For defining the copy sets we have chosen to use a file that contains the list of volumes as
comma-separated values (CSV) data file. Example 3-1 shows1 an excerpt of the .csv file
used to define the copy sets.
# Field significance
...<< Snippet >>...
1 The target volumes in SVC_Secondary have been created before defining the session in CSM.
Figure 3-5 Data from the .csv file loaded into CSM
6. Check the copy sets in the following screen, shown in Figure 3-6. Click Next.
Chapter 3. Managing IBM FlashCopy and Metro Mirror sessions with IBM Spectrum Virtualize-based storage 35
Figure 3-7 Actions summary
7. Click Next to confirm. The copy sets are added to the session and the results are
displayed (see Figure 3-8).
The newly defined session is inactive at this point, as shown in Figure 3-9.
8. Before initiating any action, you can check the settings for the FlashCopy (for example,
incremental, background copy, and so on). Use Session Actions → View/Modify
Properties. Figure 3-10 on page 37 shows the View / Modify Properties dialog.
9. After checking and adjusting parameters, we start the session (Session Actions → Start
menu) and confirm the action, as shown in Figure 3-11. The first time the session is
started (right after creating it), both options (Start or Flash) have the same result
10.After the session has been started for the first time, a point-in-time copy is placed on the
target volumes (T1). For subsequent actions, you can use the Flash action (see
Figure 3-11) to create a new point-in-time copy (T1’) of the source volumes. Note that
creating a new point-in-time copy overwrites the previous copy (T1’ overwrites T1).
Chapter 3. Managing IBM FlashCopy and Metro Mirror sessions with IBM Spectrum Virtualize-based storage 37
3.3.2 Creating the Metro Mirror relationship
In this section, we describe how we have configured a Metro Mirror relationship using the
Note: IBM Copy Services Manager does not provision (create, delete, or modify)
volumes and pools or other storage entities. IBM CSM only manages (copy services)
sessions (represented in HW as consistency groups).
3. Next, we select the volume to be paired (DR_site), as shown in Figure 3-14. Click Next.
Chapter 3. Managing IBM FlashCopy and Metro Mirror sessions with IBM Spectrum Virtualize-based storage 39
4. Select Next to proceed, as shown in Figure 3-15.
5. Click Select Copy Sets (from both PRIMARY and DR_site). For this configuration, we
have chosen to add the copy sets one by one, so, after adding the first copy set (shown in
Figure 3-16) we add one more, repeating steps 2, 3, and 4.
6. When finished adding copy sets (H1 and H2), we finalize the process (Confirm), as shown
in Figure 3-17 on page 41.
7. After adding the copy sets, the session is Inactive and no actions are performed at SVC
level at this time. We visualize the session, as shown in Figure 3-18.
Chapter 3. Managing IBM FlashCopy and Metro Mirror sessions with IBM Spectrum Virtualize-based storage 41
Figure 3-19 Start the session
9. Next, we confirm and monitor progress, as shown in Figure 3-20. When the relationship is
in Normal / Prepared state, the copies are in consistent synchronized and H2 can be used
for recovery actions (if necessary).
For exemplification purposes, in Example 3-2 we also show the SVC commands that are
issued by the IBM Copy Services Manager.
Chapter 3. Managing IBM FlashCopy and Metro Mirror sessions with IBM Spectrum Virtualize-based storage 43
3.4.1 Failover (controlled)
Note: We stop I/O on the host systems accessing volumes in the PRIMARY site. Use
platform-specific tools or utilities for this action.
2. We recover the volumes in DR_site for host access (H2), as shown in Figure 3-24 on
page 45.
Metro Mirror (synchronous replication) is block-level replication. Applications are unaware of the moment of
suspending a relationship. In case of primary storage failure, the target can be made available for I/O. However,
application-level recovery procedures might be required.
3. When the session is in Normal / Target Available state, we can activate host systems in
DR_site to perform I/O (H2), as shown in Figure 3-25.
Note: It is out of scope for this material to describe details about how to activate host
systems and access volumes from these. Each operating system has platform-specific
methods and tools or utilities for this purpose.
4. After I/O has been performed on volumes in DR_site, we can enable (if wanted) reverse
replication, as shown in Figure 3-26 on page 46.
Chapter 3. Managing IBM FlashCopy and Metro Mirror sessions with IBM Spectrum Virtualize-based storage 45
Figure 3-26 Enabling copy to PRIMARY site
At this stage, reverse replication has been enabled, but not yet started, as shown in
Figure 3-27.
6. For data consistency,3 we stop the I/O to the volumes in DR_site in preparation for the
failback operation. After the host I/O has been stopped, we can suspend the H2 -> H1
relationship, as shown in Figure 3-30.
Metro Mirror (synchronous replication) is block-level replication. Applications are unaware of the moment of
suspending a relationship. In case of active storage failure, the target volumes can be made available for I/O.
However, application-level recovery procedures might be required.
Chapter 3. Managing IBM FlashCopy and Metro Mirror sessions with IBM Spectrum Virtualize-based storage 47
7. To render the volumes in PRIMARY site accessible for the host systems, we perform
recovery, as shown in Figure 3-31.
8. At this time we can activate host systems in the PRIMARY site and access the volumes for
I/O, and enable copy to DR_site (for continuous protection in case of storage failure), as
shown in Figure 3-32.
Figure 3-33 Failback complete: MM_Test session “Normal / Prepared” for H1 -> H2
You can also check the SVC Activity log (for both PRIMARY and DR_site) for the commands
that have been issued by IBM Copy Services Manager. Example 3-3 shows the commands
issued to the SVC cluster in PRIMARY site.
Example 3-3 SVC in PRIMARY site: Audit log excerpt for Failover / Failback
## FailOver MM
Tip: It is important to follow the steps in the right order to avoid application downtime and
maximize data availability.
Note: During this change, the copy sets part of the initial MM session continues to be
replicated by the underlying HW (IBM SVC), and is in Consistent Synchronized state.
The following is an overview of the steps we have followed to change an existing MM
relationship to MM with Practice:
1. Based on existing session (identified as a consistency group in the SVC), we create in the
DR_site FlashCopy volumes (to be used for practice) for each target volume in the MM
session. This step is done on the SVC directly (GUI or CLI), no CSM involvement.
2. While the MM relationship is in the Normal / Prepared state, we remove the MM
relationship from Copy Services Manager (H1 -> H2) without removing the base hardware
relationship on the storage system. This leaves the copy sets in the base hardware
(storage) untouched (in all copy sets in Consistent Synchronized state).
3. In CSM, we define a new session of type Metro Mirror Failover/Failback with Practice
and “populate” it with the designated volumes (H1, H2, and I2).
4. We start the new (MM with Practice) session and monitor it.
3.5.1 Scenario
The starting point is the existing MM_Test session, as shown in the SVC GUI depicted in
Figure 3-34.
Figure 3-34 Metro Mirror relationship status (Consistency Group MM_Test) in SVC GUI
Chapter 3. Managing IBM FlashCopy and Metro Mirror sessions with IBM Spectrum Virtualize-based storage 49
Complete the following steps:
1. We create the FlashCopy volumes in DR_site based on the existing relationship
(represented as a Consistency Group in the SVC).
Note: It is important to create the volumes before removing the session from CSM,
because this action can be scripted based on the SVC CG information. This is
especially useful for sessions that consist of many copy sets.
If you remove the session from the CSM (without removing the relationships from the
underlying hardware), the Consistency Group information will not be available in SVC
(CLI or GUI), making it difficult to identify the copy sets.
The FlashCopy volumes (designated as H2) in the Secondary site (DR_site) can be
created from the GUI, but this can be cumbersome for sessions with a large number
of volumes.
We have used a script and SVC CLI. The script shown in Example 3-4 can be used for
similar actions. This script creates the following volumes in the Secondary site (DR_site):
Example 3-4 Script for creating volumes (to be used for FlashCopy) for each H2 volume in an MM session
lsrcrelationship -filtervalue consistency_group_name=$CG -nohdr |while read -a rc
lsvdisk -nohdr -bytes -filtervalue id=${rc[8]} | while read -a v
echo Creating volume ${v[1]}"_prct" with virtual size ${v[7]} bytes
mkvdisk -autoexpand -iogrp ${v[3]} -mdiskgrp $POOL -name ${v[1]}"_prct" -rsize 0 -size ${v[7]} -unit b
Hint: The script can be used for other sessions by adjusting the CG and POOL variables.
Attention: SAN Volume Controller scripting and CLI skills are required to perform this
action. Make sure that you understand the actions in the script before running it in your
2. At this point, we proceed to defining the new session, as shown in Figure 3-35 on page 51.
Note: Defining a new session does not impact the existing MM_Test session. By
defining the new session into CSM, we minimize the transition time from MM to MM
with practice session.
Also, data replication is not affected during the transition of the copy sets from MM to
MM with practice sessions (copy sets remain in a Consistent Synchronized state).
3. In the Add Copy Sets wizard, we define H1, as shown in Figure 3-36.
Chapter 3. Managing IBM FlashCopy and Metro Mirror sessions with IBM Spectrum Virtualize-based storage 51
4. Next, we define H2, as shown Figure 3-37.
7. When copy sets have been added to the session, the results are shown. Click Finish to
exit the Add Copy Sets wizard, as shown in Figure 3-40.
Note: No commands are issued to the underlying hardware (SVC) at this time. The
session has been defined into CSM, but we do not activate it before removing the
previous MM session (MM_Test).
Chapter 3. Managing IBM FlashCopy and Metro Mirror sessions with IBM Spectrum Virtualize-based storage 53
8. To start removing the current session select Session Action → View / Modify →
Remove Copy Sets, as shown in Figure 3-41.
9. We select the copy sets to be removed (MM_Test1 and MM_Test2 in this case), as shown
in Figure 3-42.
10.Select the copy sets (in this case, all: MM_Test1 and MM_Test2), as shown in Figure 3-43.
12.You can check the underlying hardware to verify that the MM relationships are available
and in the Consistent Synchronized state, but are not part of a consistency group
anymore, as shown in Figure 3-45.
Chapter 3. Managing IBM FlashCopy and Metro Mirror sessions with IBM Spectrum Virtualize-based storage 55
13.At this point, we can start the previously prepared relationship (MM_Test_prtc), as shown
in Figure 3-46.
16.To prepare the practice volumes (H2) for host access (in secondary site), select Session
Actions → Commands → Flash, as shown in Figure 3-49.
Chapter 3. Managing IBM FlashCopy and Metro Mirror sessions with IBM Spectrum Virtualize-based storage 57
17.Confirm as shown in Figure 3-50, and H2 can be accessed.
Note: It is out of scope for this material to describe details about how to activate host
systems and access the volumes from these. Each operating system has platform-specific
methods and tools or utilities for this purpose.
We briefly describe supported platforms for CSM server deployment and considerations for
CSM server replication options for deploying CSM in a disaster recovery environment, and
security considerations for typical deployments. In addition, the chapter describes exporting
and importing sessions and copy sets.
Note: IBM Copy Services Manager does not provision (create, delete, or modify) volumes,
pools, or other storage entities. All required volumes must be configured before defining
and activating the IBM CSM (copy services) sessions and consistency groups.
In the initial phase, the volumes are accessed by one or more hosts in PRIMARY site (H1).
1. We create a session named GM_Test, as shown in Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1 Creating the GM session and launching the Add Copy Sets wizard
5. The new session (GM_Test) has been created, but is inactive at this time, as shown in
Figure 4-5.
The objective of this test is to verify that the data can be made accessible to one or more
hosts in secondary site in case disaster recovery is needed.
Global Mirror (asynchronous replication) is storage block level replication. Applications are unaware of the moment
of suspending a relationship. In case of primary storage failure, the target can be made available for I/O. However,
application level recovery procedures might be required.
2. Before suspending the session, we stop I/O from hosts in PRIMARY site (I/O to H1). The
suspended session is shown in Figure 4-11.
Note: We stop I/O on the host systems accessing H1 volumes using platform-specific
tools or utilities for this action.
4. When the recovery command has been performed, we start I/O from hosts in the
Secondary site. The H2 volumes are available for I/O, as shown in Figure 4-13.
Note: It is out of scope for this material to describe how to activate host systems and
access volumes from these. Each operating system has platform-specific methods and
tools or utilities for this purpose.
The failback scenario we tested assumes that failback is performed with replicating changes
(H2 -> H1) while I/O has been performed on volumes in DR_site.
3. Note that the volumes in PRIMARY site will be overwritten. We confirm, as shown in
Figure 4-16.
5. Because this is a controlled failback, we stop host systems I/O on volumes in DR_site
before suspending the session (see Figure 4-18).
7. We confirm (see Figure 4-20). At this time, we can start I/O on host systems in PRIMARY
site (H1).
11.When the session reaches Normal / Prepared state (Figure 4-24), the configuration is
back in the initial state and is prepared for disaster recovery.
Global Mirror with Change Volumes (GM w/ CVs) can be implemented to also mask line
fluctuations. In addition, this option can provide protection for workload spikes.
The drawback of using GM w/ CVs is that the delta between the primary and secondary
copies can be significant (increased Recovery Point Objective - RPO) if line throughput is
not properly sized to accommodate the spikes in a timely manner.
a. The IBM CSM feature is named “Basic automatic restart for SAN Volume Controller Global
Mirror suspend operations with reason code 1720 or 1920”.
Scenario overview
In this scenario, we use an existing (active) Global Mirror (GM) relationship and convert it to
Global Mirror with Change Volumes (GM w/ CVs).
Tip: It is important to perform the conversion steps in the right sequence to avoid any
downtime and maximize data availability.
Note: During this change, the copy sets managed by the initial GM session continue to be
replicated by the underlying HW (SVC), and are in “Consistent Synchronized” state.
Note: IBM Copy Services Manager does not provision (create, delete, or modify) volumes
and pools or other storage entities. IBM CSM only manages (copy services) sessions
(represented in the HW as consistency groups).
Hint: It is important to create the change volumes before removing the GM session from
CSM because this action can be scripted based on the SVC Consistency Group (CG)
information. This is especially useful for sessions that consist of many copy sets.
If you remove the session from the CSM (without removing the relationships from the
underlying hardware), the Consistency Group information will not be available in SVC (CLI
or GUI), making it difficult to identify the copy sets.
Hint: The script can be used for other sessions by adjusting the CG and POOL variables.
Attention: SAN Volume Controller scripting and CLI skills are required to perform this
action. Make sure that you understand the actions in the script before running it in your
Note: Creating the volumes to be used as change volumes can be done from SVC GUI
or CLI. We have chosen the script method because it can be easily adapted and
repurposed for other relationships.
Example 4-1 Script to create CVs for Secondary site CVs for H2 volumes)
lsrcrelationship -filtervalue consistency_group_name=$CG -nohdr |while read -a
lsvdisk -nohdr -bytes -filtervalue id=${rc[8]} | while read -a v
echo Creating volume ${v[1]}"_cv" with virtual size ${v[7]} bytes
mkvdisk -autoexpand -iogrp ${v[3]} -mdiskgrp $pool -name ${v[1]}"_cv" -rsize 0
-size ${v[7]} -unit b
This creates in Secondary site the following volumes and associates them as change
volumes with auxiliary volumes:
fc_test_cv (with virtual size 10737418240 bytes)
fc_test_bis_cv (with virtual size 10737418240 bytes)
Example 4-2 Script to create CVs for PRIMARY site (CVs for H1 volumes)
lsrcrelationship -filtervalue consistency_group_name=$CG -nohdr |while read -a
lsvdisk -nohdr -bytes -filtervalue id=${rc[4]} | while read -a v
echo Creating volume ${v[1]}"_cv" with virtual size ${v[7]} bytes
mkvdisk -autoexpand -iogrp ${v[3]} -mdiskgrp $pool -name ${v[1]}"_cv" -rsize 0
-size ${v[7]} -unit b
This creates in the PRIMARY site the following volumes that will be associates as change
volumes to the master volumes:
fc_test_cv (with virtual size 10737418240 bytes)
fc_test_bis_cv (with virtual size 10737418240 bytes)
3. In the CSM, we create another session of type Global Mirror Failover/Failback w/
Change Volumes, as shown in Figure 4-26.
Figure 4-26 Create Session and Launch Add Copy Sets Wizard
11.We have added the second set of volumes (copy set) using a .csv file shown in
Example 4-3.
Example 4-3 The .csv file used for adding the second copy set
#GMCV_Test ,,,
#Global Mirror Failover/Failback w/ Change Volumes ,,,
#Oct 3 2016 2:42:54 PM ,,,
13.We remove the copy sets from the existing GM_Test session as shown in Figure 4-35.
15.The consistency group in the underlying hardware is removed, as shown in Figure 4-37,
but the relationship between the volumes in PRIMARY and DR_site storage is preserved.
19.Figure 4-41 shows how the session is displayed in the underlying hardware (SVC).
2. The copy sets are exported to a file generated by CSM, as shown in Figure 4-43.
Replication using IBM DS8000 series provides multi-target capabilities. The scenarios
presented cover the creation of such configurations and how to manage the environments
using IBM CSM for achieving optimal resiliency and ease of use.
Although a GM-based solution provides an RPO > 0, due to the business requirements, high
availability and a third site must be integrated in the current DR solution. The target of this
deployment is a Multi-Target Metro Mirror - Global Mirror configuration.
Scenario overview
This scenario consists of the following steps:
1. Creating the GM session (an existing GM session can be used as well).
2. Preparing the migration: Creating the new Multi-Target MM-GM session.
3. Managing the replication under the new session (three site, Multi-Target MM-GM)
3. We enter, one by one, the volumes for H1 (Figure 5-3), H2 (Figure 5-4), and J2 (Figure 5-5
on page 88).
In our case, we replicate all volumes from LSS 05 in Manhattan to volumes from LSS 05 in
NJ using journal volumes from LSS 06 in NJ.
Optionally you can use a .csv1 format file to import all copy sets. For details about how to
import copy sets using a .csv file, see the CSM documentation.
The data format in the .csv file depends on the session type and storage stem. You can check the format by
exporting an existing session data.
4. When the wizard has finished and all copy sets have been defined, the new session
becomes Inactive / Defined, as shown in Figure 5-6. At this point in time, the CSM server
has not yet sent any commands to the storage, so there is no active relationship set up on
storage level.
5. To activate and use the session, we first start the (asynchronous) copy of data from H1 to
H2. If the volumes in H2 were used before, all data will be overwritten by the Global Copy
operation. Note that the Global Copy will not create a consistent copy of the data in the DR
site (NJ).
6. The session enters the Preparing state while the data is copied to NJ, as shown in
Figure 5-8. The Warning indicates that the volumes are being synchronized (see the
session status definition in 1.5.2, “Monitoring sessions icons and symbols” on page 9).
8. After the copy from primary to DR has completed and the out-of-sync tracks result is zero
(or almost zero), CSM will show 100% progress for the session (see Figure 5-9). The
session type is still Global Copy, but it is now ready for creating the consistency groups
required for the Global Mirror session.
Note: You can directly start the GM session, but the behavior is the same: a Global
Copy session starts and it waits for out-of-sync tracks to become zero (or near zero).
Only then is a consistency group created together with the GM relation.
10.When the first consistency group is established, the session state transitions to
Normal/Prepared and J2 has a consistent copy of the data, as shown in Figure 5-11.
Figure 5-12 shows an example of detailed information provided in the CSM GUI for each
relation by hovering the mouse cursor over it.
The multi-target MM-GM solution replicates data synchronously (Metro Mirror) from
Manhattan to PoK and asynchronously (Global Mirror) from Manhattan to NJ, adding the high
availability dimension to the initial DR solution (GM only).
Tip: When a session is first created in the Copy Services Manager, no action is performed
on the storage systems before the session is explicitly started. As such, it is safe to create
the new Multi-Target MM-GM session with the same set of volumes that are active in the
current GM session.
This configuration has the following steps:
1. Creating (defining) a new session (we named it MT_MM-GM) and “populate” it with the
existing copy sets (even though these already belong to an existing GM session), then add
the new volumes from the PoK site used for the synchronous replication (NJ becomes H3
in this configuration).
2. Removing the copy sets from the existing GM session. This removes the consistency
groups (as logical entities) without stopping the Global Copy pairs at storage level.
3. Starting GC and GM from Manhattan (H1) to NJ (H3, J3).
4. Starting GC from Manhattan (H1) to PoK (H2).
5. Starting MM from Manhattan (H1) to PoK (H2).
2. Next, we add the copy sets. Click Launch Add Copy Sets Wizard, as shown in
Figure 5-15.
4. For the Global Mirror relation, we replicate all volumes from LSS 05 in Manhattan to
volumes from LSS 05 in NJ using journal volumes from LSS 06 in NJ.
Optionally you can use a .csv format file to import the copy sets (in one operation).
Tip: During the matching process (for volumes and sites) the Copy Services Manager
detects that the defined volumes are already part of an existing session and issues a
Warning message.
7. In this step, we remove the copy sets from the active GM session. This does not stop the
copy process, but there is no consistency in NJ because the FlashCopy relations used for
consistency groups are removed. The Global Copy relation is active at the storage level.
To remove the copy sets, we use the Session Action menu and select View/Modify →
Remove Copy Sets, as shown in Figure 5-22.
Important: During the confirmation of the removal action, we chose Yes, keep the base
relationships on the hardware, as shown in Figure 5-24. This setting makes CSM leave
the Global Copy active on the storage systems.
The old GM session becomes Inactive/Defined without any copy sets, as shown in
Figure 5-26.
11.On the new Multi Target Metro Mirror - Global Mirror session, first we start the GM from H1
to H3 in order to start the consistency groups for existing Global Copy relations.
If the session was created from scratch (no existing GM session), you could start the GC
first. In our case, we can go directly and start the GM relations.
16.When the GC progress has reached 100% (Out-of-Sync tracks is zero or almost zero) we
can start the Metro Mirror (synchronous) relation (H1->H2), as shown in Figure 5-31.
The initial configuration (z/OS Basic HyperSwap) with two sites in synchronous replication
distance (PoK and Manhattan) is later upgraded to an enhanced high availability solution
stretched across three sites: PoK, Manhattan, and NJ. (Multi-Target Metro Mirror - Metro
Scenario overview
The scenario consists of the following steps:
1. Creating the Basic HyperSwap session
2. Testing HyperSwap functionality
3. Preparing for migration: Creating the new Multi-Target MM-MM session
4. Managing the replication under the new session
Attention: The current publication covers IBM Copy Services Manager (CSM) usage.
z/OS HyperSwap (AIX HyperSwap) is discussed from a CSM perspective. We do not
describe how to configure and test HyperSwap at an operating system level.
The z/OS HyperSwap can be configured in a z/OS image or in a parallel sysplex. The z/OS
HyperSwap component is responsible for redirecting the I/O operations to a specific site
(storage system).
In our example, we use a parallel sysplex that has been configured in the Copy Services
Manager server. The communication configuration between the CSM server and the z/OS
HyperSwap is already configured and uses the z/OS Java Native Interface (JNI), as the CSM
server is installed in one z/OS image that is part of the parallel sysplex for this scenario:
1. To create a new Basic HyperSwap session, we click Create Session in the Session
section in the GUI, as shown in Figure 5-33. We enter the session name and the two
locations, Site 1, production (PoK), and Site 2, DR (Manhattan).
2. Next, we add the copy sets: click Launch Add Copy Sets Wizard, as shown in
Figure 5-34.
3. One by one, we specify the H1 (Figure 5-35 on page 108) and H2 (Figure 5-36 on
page 108) volumes. Optionally you can use a .csv format file to import all the copy sets.
4. In our case, we replicate all volumes from LSS 05 in PoK to volumes from LSS 05 in
5. When all copy sets have been entered and the wizard has completed, the session
becomes Inactive/Defined, as shown in Figure 5-37.
At this time, the CSM server has not yet sent any commands to the storage system, so
there are no Metro Mirror (PPRC) relations set up on storage level.
In the H1-H2 Options tab we can see that there is no z/OS association yet, and also an
informational message, in red, which explains that a system or a sysplex association is
required for hardened freeze and HyperSwap management.
7. Here we select the required z/OS system,2 or sysplex, as shown in Figure 5-39.
2 The z/OS systems (Host and parallel sysplex information) have been previously configured in CSM.
8. Next, we start the synchronous copy from H1 to H2. If volumes in H2 were used before, all
data is overwritten by the new Metro Mirror relations. Figure 5-41 shows the warning that
explains the actions for Start H1->H2.
10.You can check the newly created Metro Mirror relations and the copy process, as shown in
Example 5-3.
When the HyperSwap has been initiated, the Metro Mirror relations are suspended and the
I/O is redirected to H2 (Manhattan). Also, the session state changes to Target Available, as
shown in Figure 5-45.
Example 5-4 shows the dscli output, and we can observe the Suspended status of the Metro
Mirror relationships.
To revert, you can switch back the I/O to the initial direction (PoK (H1) -> Manhattan (H2)).
Tip: When a session is created in Copy Services Manager, no implied (automatic) action is
performed at the storage system level. Therefore, it is safe to create the new Multi -Target
MM-MM session with the same set of volumes that are active on the current MM session.
2. Next, we add copy sets to the session definition. We click Launch Add Copy Sets
Wizard, as shown in Figure 5-15.
In our case, we replicate all volumes from LSS 05 in all three sites.
Optionally you can use a .csv format file to import all of the copy sets.
4. During the matching process, Copy Services Manager detects that the defined volumes
are already part of an existing session.
In this case, we chose to ignore the warning message (see Figure 5-52) because we do
not start this session while the old one is still active.
6. Next, we associate the sysplex information to the session. We use the Session Action
menu and select Properties, as shown in Figure 5-54.
8. For each relation, H1-H2, H1-H3, and H2-H3, we also specify that Metro Mirror
management is handled by HyperSwap (see Figure 5-56).
9. In the final configuration step on the HyperSwap Options tab, we have the option to let
the HyperSwap Manager determine the active site, or we can specify the priorities, as
shown in Figure 5-57.
11.When asked, only the source volumes (H1) must be specified, as shown in Figure 5-59.
Important: You must choose Yes, keep the base relationships on the storage
system. This tells CSM to leave the Global Copy active on the hardware (Figure 5-60).
13.Now, we integrate the Metro Mirror relations with the new session by selecting Start
H1->H2, as shown in Figure 5-62.
The warning message, that data will be overwritten on Manhattan for all inactive copy
sets can be ignored this time because all copy sets were active before. Because the
underlaying hardware relations (storage system) are active, the task should complete
almost immediately.
14.The next step is to replicate data to the third site, NJ (H3). Because we do not want any
performance impact on the production site, we start an asynchronous Global Copy from
H1 to H3, as shown in Figure 5-64.
16.When the GC operation reaches 100% (Out-of-Sync tracks is zero or almost zero), we can
select Start H1->H3 (Metro Mirror) with minimum performance impact, as shown in
Figure 5-66.
For example, if the production site fails, swapping to a Metro Mirror target allows applications
to continue running. However, without another target to act as a safeguard in case of a
disaster, many business applications are left unprotected.
The current environment has a Metro Mirror relation between PoK (H1) and Manhattan (H2)
managed in a parallel sysplex configuration. Also, the PoK (H1) site has another target in NJ
(H3). The replication to NJ (H1-H3) is asynchronous (GM).
Due to business considerations (for example, the Z administrator should administer the CSM
server), the Copy Services Manager is installed on z/OS so the Host Connection for the
Sysplex is ZOS_NATIVE (Java Native Interface - JNI).
In case of a failure on H1-H2, the HyperSwap manages the disk I/O operations, but a
question arises: What happens in case of double failure?
Let’s assume we have a planned outage on Manhattan (H2) and the H1-H2 is suspended.
An unexpected failure occurs in PoK (H1), and the parallel sysplex becomes unavailable.
In this situation, the data is still available in NJ (H3) and we can fail over to this site and
activate the applications. The main issue here is that the Copy Services Manager server is
also unavailable because the parallel sysplex is down and we don’t have a tool to issue the
storage failover.
There are two options in this situation:
a. Use storage interface (dscli) to perform the failover actions:
This requires complex operations and, in case of multiple sessions and relations,
failover could be time-consuming, making recovery time unacceptable.
b. Alternatively, we can use a Standby CSM server on the third site:
This is easy to manage because CSM can take over and resume replication
management on the Standby CSM server. This gives access to all CSM sessions, and
you can issue the failover actions.
Moreover, the standby CSM server can be activated on the DS8000 HMC1 in NJ (H3).
For the scenario described in this section, we have performed the following steps:
1. Configuring the Standby CSM Server on H3 (DS8000 HMC)
2. Double failure occurs (simulation)
3. Standby CSM server takes over
4. Use the CSM (now active) to issue failover on H3
5. Recover H1 and H2 sites and failback production in H1
1 Check for DS8880 HMC version (firmware Release 8.1 or later) for CSM support.
Note: Starting with DS8000 Version 8.1, Copy Services Manager comes preinstalled on
the Hardware Management Console (HMC). Therefore, you can enable the Copy Services
Manager software that is already on the hardware system. Doing so results in shorter CSM
environment setup time, and eliminates the need to maintain a separate server for Copy
Services functions.
The HMC embedded version is the Basic Edition of the CSM server, which allows you to
connect only to an LDAP repository for remote authentication. You can obtain (pending
valid CSM entitlement) the full product license key from either IBM Passport Advantage®
or IBM Data storage feature activation.
There is no need to specify the 9559 port: The HMC uses a proxy so that CSM uses
the same certificate. This is because certain deployments may require changing the
DS8000 HMC certificate.
If you do not use the “/” character after “CSM” in the URL, the browser returns a
Console Internal Error (HTTP status code: 404).
2. Log in using the default user and password (csmadmin/passw0rd). After first login, the
password for the csmadmin user can be changed. Move the mouse over the csmadmin user
on the upper-right side of the GUI, and then click Edit Password, as shown in Figure 6-1.
Chapter 6. Implementing IBM DS8000 Multi-Target Metro Mirror - Global Mirror environment with high availability for the CSM Server
In this step, we upgrade the CSM server, applying the license file:
1. From the CSM GUI, click the Update Licenses menu and browse for the License file. Use
your license key (see “Configuring the Standby CSM Server on H3 HMC” on page 129).
Optionally you can use a Try-and-Buy key, as shown in Figure 6-2.
2. Inform the two CSM servers of each other and their roles:
a. Connect to the active CSM server and define the Standby CSM server. From the GUI,
go to the Settings menu and click Management Servers. In the management section,
click Define Standby.
b. Connect to the designated Standby CSM server, and define it as a standby server:
i. From the GUI go to Settings menu and click Management Servers.
ii. In management section, click Set this Server as Standby.
In both cases, the new window asks for the partner CSM server. See Figure 6-3 on
page 131.
3. The warning message informs about the overwrite of any existing configuration on the
designated standby CSM server. See Figure 6-4.
Figure 6-4 Overwrite warning for the designated Standby CSM server
4. After clicking Yes, the two servers initiate the database synchronization from the active
CSM server to the Standby CSM server. The Management Server status reflects the
process as Synchronization Pending (see Figure 6-5 on page 132).
Chapter 6. Implementing IBM DS8000 Multi-Target Metro Mirror - Global Mirror environment with high availability for the CSM Server
Figure 6-5 Synchronization Pending
5. When the synchronization is complete, the Standby server is ready to take over.
Additionally, the data is asynchronously replicated from PoK (H1) to the third site, NJ (H3).
Copy Services Manager (MT_MM-GM) session configured for this solution is shown in
Figure 6-6.
2. Copy Services Manager detects this status and marks the H1-H2 MM relation with error
status Severe, as shown in Figure 6-7.
Chapter 6. Implementing IBM DS8000 Multi-Target Metro Mirror - Global Mirror environment with high availability for the CSM Server
Figure 6-7 HyperSwap session error
3. The “planned outage” means that the H2 volumes are unavailable, so we suspend the
H1-H2 relation (see Figure 6-8).
4. The second failure brings down the PoK (H1) site. To simulate this failure, the volumes in
H1 are set offline in z/OS. This causes the parallel sysplex to go down, and, as a direct
consequence, the CSM server becomes unavailable (Active CSM server running in z/OS
on one of the parallel sysplex members). The CSM GUI is unreachable, as shown in
Figure 6-10.
Chapter 6. Implementing IBM DS8000 Multi-Target Metro Mirror - Global Mirror environment with high availability for the CSM Server
Also, on the storage level, the Global Mirror relations become suspended with consistency
in NJ site. This can be verified with dscli, as shown in Example 6-2.
Note: The output in Example 6-2 on page 136 displays two lines for each volume pair
because of two suspended relations: H1-H2 and H1-H3.
2. When the CSM server in NJ (H3) takes over, it becomes the active server (stand-alone) as
shown in Figure 6-12.
Chapter 6. Implementing IBM DS8000 Multi-Target Metro Mirror - Global Mirror environment with high availability for the CSM Server
3. We can now perform sessions operations. We can see the suspended status but also the
consistent data in NJ (J3), as shown in Figure 6-13.
The gray arrow between H1 and H3 represents an inactive asynchronous copy. Because
we want to move the production to H3, we have to completely suspend all relations and
recover in the NJ site.
This creates a consistent copy of the data (volumes in H3) which is available for restarting
production, as shown in Figure 6-15.
Chapter 6. Implementing IBM DS8000 Multi-Target Metro Mirror - Global Mirror environment with high availability for the CSM Server
5. We recover in H3 by choosing Recover from Session Actions → Commands, as shown
in Figure 6-16.
6. The H3 volumes in NJ site are now ready to start the production, but the data copy option
(to H1 or H2) is disabled for the moment. CSM considers the possibility to revert to original
data in H1 or H2 and prevent accidentally overwriting the data. In our case, we confirm
that the production is in NJ (H3), as shown in Figure 6-17.
Chapter 6. Implementing IBM DS8000 Multi-Target Metro Mirror - Global Mirror environment with high availability for the CSM Server
2. While the data is copied to H1 and to H2, the Session state changes to Preparing. We can
monitor the copy progress for each site, as shown in Figure 6-19.
In certain situations, especially after a real failure of the entire site, before moving the
production back you might need to perform more tests to ensure that everything is
configured properly. For example, we want to have consistent data in PoK (H1) for tests,
but also we want production to run in parallel in NJ (H3).
– Suspend When Drained (Figure 6-21). This option is asking the administrator to pause
the I/O on H3 and wait for synchronization. In this case H1 becomes consistent.
Chapter 6. Implementing IBM DS8000 Multi-Target Metro Mirror - Global Mirror environment with high availability for the CSM Server
Note: Optionally, to avoid performance impact on production, Metro Mirror - Global
Mirror with Site 3 Global Mirror session can be used instead.
This provides additional journal volumes in PoK (J1) and Manhattan (J2), and the Goal
Copy process is followed by Global Mirror, which provides consistent data in H1 without
any effect on performance.
Whichever option is chosen, consistent data in H1 becomes available and ready for testing
(for example, start application with isolate IPs). After all tests are performed and we want
to recover in H1, we have to start GC H3-H1-H2 again to update all of the changes
performed in H3 since the relation was suspended.
When the Out-of-Sync tracks are again zero or almost zero, and the relations’ progress is
100%, we can suspend the relations with option when Drained. Now, applications must be
stopped in H3 and restarted in H1.
4. We recover in H1, as shown in Figure 6-22.
6. The first step after switching back to PoK and the applications are up and running, is to
confirm the production at Site 1 and enable the possibility to start replication to other sites,
as shown in Figure 6-24.
Chapter 6. Implementing IBM DS8000 Multi-Target Metro Mirror - Global Mirror environment with high availability for the CSM Server
7. Next, we start replication to NJ (H3). We initiate asynchronous copy (Global Copy) to both
H2 and H3 to replicate all changed tracks/blocks, as shown in Figure 6-25.
8. We wait for copy progress to complete (100%) and we start GM on H1-H3 as shown in
Figure 6-26.
10.We start also the Metro Mirror (H1-H2) as shown in Figure 6-28.
Chapter 6. Implementing IBM DS8000 Multi-Target Metro Mirror - Global Mirror environment with high availability for the CSM Server
11.Because the session is configured to be managed by parallel sysplex, the MM will also
activate, and, after a while, HyperSwap and the configuration is back in the initial phase,
as shown in Figure 6-29.
Reverting to the initial CSM server in PoK can be done assigning it as the standby server to
the active CSM server that is running in NJ (H3). The process is repeated in reverse. This
overwrites the configuration of the CSM server in PoK and synchronizes it with the current
one from the CSM server in NJ. After synchronization is complete, we repeat the takeover
and make the Copy Services Manager server running on z/OS the Active CSM server:
1. After the z/OS system is running on PoK (H1), you can connect to the initial CSM server
using the browser.
The server configuration data is outdated (the configuration before failure still exists). The
GUI shows that this is the active server, but status is Disconnected Consistent.
2. Before assigning this CSM server as Standby we have to remove the old standby
definition, as shown in Figure 6-31.
Chapter 6. Implementing IBM DS8000 Multi-Target Metro Mirror - Global Mirror environment with high availability for the CSM Server
3. After the standby definition is removed, we can “Set this Server as Standby” for the active
CSM server in NJ (H3). This removes any old configurations and synchronizes with the
active server, as shown in Figure 6-32.
4. Finally, we assign the CSM server in NJ as the standby server. We use the Settings →
Management Servers section and chose Define Standby Server, as shown in
Figure 6-34.
Chapter 6. Implementing IBM DS8000 Multi-Target Metro Mirror - Global Mirror environment with high availability for the CSM Server
152 IBM Copy Services Manager Implementation Guide
In addition to managing storage replication, IBM Copy Services Manager can be used to
initiate a planned HyperSwap operation. The configuration described in this chapter enables
z/OS HyperSwap to communicate with CSM securely using Transport Layer Security (TLS).
z/OS HyperSwap can be also triggered or initiated with no CSM involvement.
7.1.1 Introduction
IBM Copy services Manager (CSM) manages z/OS HyperSwap using a HyperSwap session.
For Copy Services Manager, the HyperSwap session is managed as a Metro Mirror session.
CSM manages the z/OS HyperSwap function in the z/OS systems for controlled swaps.
IBM Copy Services Manager supports enabling the following session types with HyperSwap
Basic HyperSwap
Metro Mirror
Metro-Global Mirror
Multi-target session types:
– Metro Mirror - Metro Mirror
– Metro Mirror - Global Mirror
– Metro Mirror - Global Mirror with Practice
When the CSM server instance (code) runs inside the same z/OS image that has z/OS
HyperSwap configured (or in a z/OS image part of a Parallel Sysplex, as shown in Figure 7-1
on page 154), the CSM server communicates with the z/OS HyperSwap through the
HyperSwap API (HSIBAPI z/OS address space) directly (no TCP/IP communication), using
the Java Native Interface (JNI). In this case, no additional security is required for this type of
Consider the following DR sample scenario, presented in Figure 7-2 on page 156:
In the primary site, the z/OS LPAR is configured with HyperSwap over the MM relationship
between two storage subsystems (H1 and H2). The z/OS LPAR also runs the active
(primary) instance of the CSM server.
The active (primary) CSM Server replicates to the standby (backup) CSM server hosted
on a system in the DR site, outside the z/OS or the Parallel Sysplex. The Standby CSM
server can be installed and configured on an “open” system (AIX, Linux, or Windows)
located in a DR site (Site 3 in the example).
Tip: After a planned or unplanned HyperSwap, the active volumes are swapped from
H1 to H2, and CSM remains passive and not involved. HyperSwap notifies CSM about
the session state change after the HyperSwap operation is completed.
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 155
Figure 7-2 Basic MGM scenario using Copy Services Manager
Tip: The standby (backup) CSM server can also be configured to run on a DS888x
Hardware Management Console (HMC)a that manages the storage subsystems
located in the DR site (Site 3).
a. There may be certain limitations for setting up secure communication between the z/OS HyperSwap and a
CSM server instance running on the DS888x HMC. Check the latest DS888x HMC and CSM documentation
before you configure this HMC as a CSM server.
Under normal circumstances, the active CSM server is the primary CSM server, and it is
used to manage the z/OS HyperSwap configured on the production z/OS LPAR.
Because the CSM (server) and the HyperSwap address run on the same z/OS image,
CSM uses the Java Native Interface (JNI) to communicate to the z/OS HyperSwap
address space.
For high availability, the CSM configuration data is replicated over a TCP/IP connection to
the standby (backup) CSM server running in the DR site (Site 3).
The DS8000 in the DR site (Site 3) is configured for Global Mirror. The z/OS LPAR in the
DR site is not activated when production runs in the primary z/OS LPAR.
In case the primary (production) location becomes unavailable (including the primary CSM
server), the standby (backup) CSM server must be activated to manage the replication
and to make available the H3 copy (Global Mirror) in the DS8000 located in the DR site
(Site 3).
When the CSM server running in the DR site (Site 3) becomes active, it should be used to
manage the replication even after the primary site becomes available (z/OS HyperSwap),
and until proper recovery is performed. Recovery may require to resynchronize (Site 3 to
Site 1) data between the CSM servers (active CSM server located in DR site, which has
the latest CSM data, and the CSM server in the primary site).
In this situation, the communication between the (now active) CSM instance in the DR
location and the z/OS HyperSwap in the Primary site (Site 1) must be secured
7.1.4 Securing communication between z/OS HyperSwap and the CSM Server
This section describes the basic configuration steps for securing TCP/IP communication
between the z/OS HyperSwap (identified as the SERVER role) and the IBM Copy Services
Manager Server (identified as the CLIENT role).
Note: For our scenario we have deployed a standalone CSM server running a Linux
(x86_64) platform.
The z/OS HyperSwap has been enhanced through the HyperSwap Sockets Server (BHIHSRV
z/OS address space) to allow IBM Copy Services Manager to connect to the HyperSwap
address space using sockets, in addition to the Java Native Interface (JNI).
This enables a CSM instance running on z/OS in one sysplex or a standalone z/OS image to
manage HyperSwap sessions running one or more other sysplexes, and also allows
HyperSwap management from a CSM instance running on a non-z/OS system (AIX,
Windows, or Linux).
Scenario considerations
For the scenario presented in Figure 7-2 on page 156 we need to secure TCP/IP
communication between the CSM instance running on a non-z/OS operating system located
in Site 3 (activated after a CSM failover) and the z/OS HyperSwap. This configuration is
shown in Figure 7-3.
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 157
Secure TCP/IP communication configuration is needed if we want to manage the z/OS
HyperSwap in Site 1 before the CSM instance is recovered to the initial server running on
z/OS (CSM active/standby configuration is shown in Figure 7-2 on page 156).
The z/OS SSL/TLS infrastructure must be configured prior to using encrypted TCP/IP
communication between the z/OS HyperSwap and the CSM instance in Site 3.
This section introduces general terminology that is useful in providing understanding of the
parties and entities involved in building and serving the secure communication context.
Client-server model
The client-server model has the following roles:
Client role: A piece of a computer application that communicates with another entity
(server role) that provides access to some function or feature (data) that is requested by
the client. The server responds by providing the services and data requested. The client
can be:
– A user (person) that interacts with some kind of computer interface used to request
– Another application in an environment with automated actions.
Server role: A piece of computer application that listens to client requests and responds
with the requested data.
Configuration FLOW
A local Certificate Authority is used to sign the HyperSwap Manager (server role) certificate:
The RACF (Resource Access Control Facility) is used to generate the Certificate Authority
(local to the z/OS image where the HyperSwap address space runs). The z/OS (local)
Certificate Authority (CA) fits the purpose to provide the client (CSM instance) with the
level of trust required to control the z/OS HyperSwap server.
The Certificate Authority provides a self-signed certificate (trusted root certificate). The
self-signed certificate is generated using RACF. The CA’s self-signed certificate is
provided to the client (the CSM server) that needs to verify the certificate (identity) of the
party involved in communication (the HyperSwap Manager identity).
Tip: A publicly available certificate authority can be used to sign the z/OS HyperSwap
server certificate; however, this would generate unnecessary administrative burden for
the limited function that must be served (authentication and securing communication
between the CSM instance and the z/OS HyperSwap Manager).
RACF is also used to generate the HyperSwap Manager’s key pair (public and private
keys for the server role). The HyperSwap Manager (server) certificate is signed using the
CA’s trusted root certificate (previously generated).
Certificates (CA’s certificate and the HyperSwap Manager certificate) are stored in a key
ring that is made available to the AT-TLS policy manager. The key ring a is used by AT-TLS
on behalf of the parties involved in the communication (for authentication and data
AT-TLS policies must be configured and installed.
AT-TLS overview
Socket applications that have not been coded to support encrypted communication send and
receive clear text over the socket.
In z/OS, AT-TLS (Application Transparent Transport Layer Security) provides TLS support
for existing clear-text (no encryption) socket applications without requiring any application
changes (re-coding).
The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol provides transport layer security
(authentication, integrity, and confidentiality) for a secure connection between two
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 159
The TLS protocol begins with a handshake, in which the two applications (client and
server) agree on a cipher suite. A cipher suite is composed of cryptographic algorithms to
be used for authentication, session encryption, and hashing (digital fingerprinting).
After the client and server applications have negotiated a cipher suite, they authenticate
each other and generate a session key. The session key is used to encrypt and decrypt all
data traffic sent between client and server.
Applications that have not been coded to use the SSL/TLS libraries (such as z/OS
HyperSwap) are unaware of the encrypted traffic carried on their behalf by AT-TLS.
In addition, support is provided for applications that require awareness of AT-TLS for status
or to control the negotiation of security.
2 6
IP 3 4 5
Clear text
TLS handshake
Encrypted text
To create a RACF key ring, you must first generate a RACF CA certificate and a personal
certificate for IBM z/OS Basic HyperSwap, then connect the certificates to the key ring.
A RACF key ring is connected to a set of personal certificates and trusted certificates that are
stored in the RACF database. The RACF command RACDCERT is used to create and delete key
rings and to connect or disconnect certificates to the key rings
To create a RACF key ring to be used by AT-TLS on behalf of IBM z/OS Basic HyperSwap,
complete the following steps:
1. We use RACF as a local Certification Authority. We generate a RACF certificate authority
(CA) certificate as shown in Example 7-1.
2. Next, we export this certificate to a data set so that we can use it on the system where the
IBM Copy Services Manager server is running, as shown in Example 7-2.
Note: This data set (file) will be later transferred to the CSM server (which plays the
client role for the z/OS HyperSwap server in this setup) to be used to verify the z/OS
HyperSwap Manager (server) identity.
3. We run the RACF commands shown in Example 7-3 to refresh and ensure that the
certificate is in storage.
RACF is also used to generate the personal certificate that will be used for the z/OS
HyperSwap Manager and the CA certificate is used to sign the personal certificate.
4. We generate a personal certificate for the IBM z/OS Basic HyperSwap server.This
certificate identifies the instance of z/OS HyperSwap Manager. This certificate is
presented to the partner application during the SSL handshake (CSM instance in this
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 161
This certificate must be associated with the user ID under which the z/OS HyperSwap
Manager is running.
2. The following Example 7-5 shows how to use a RACF command to generate the personal
certificate for z/OS HyperSwap that is running under user ID HSIB.
Example 7-5 Generating the personal certificate for the HyperSwap user ID
OU('Hyperswap Server') -
O('CSM') -
C('US')) -
WITHLABEL('Hyperswap Manager') -
SIGNWITH(CERTAUTH LABEL('CSM Local Certificate Authority')) -
4. The z/OS HyperSwap Manager personal certificate must be connected to the key ring
together with the CA certificate, as shown in Example 7-7.
5. We must allow user ID HSIB permission to READ the key ring, as shown in Example 7-8.
Note: Before allowing user ID permission to read the key ring, you may need to define
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 163
>OU=ITSO CSM Certificate Authority.O=ITSO.C=US<
Subject's Name:
>OU=ITSO CSM Certificate Authority.O=ITSO.C=US<
Signing Algorithm: sha256RSA
Key Type: RSA
Key Size: 2048
Private Key: YES
Ring Associations:
Ring Owner: HSIB
b. We verify the personal certificate for the z/OS HyperSwap server as shown in
Example 7-10.
7.1.6 Preparing the CSM server for secure communication with HyperSwap
Tip: The CSM server in DR site has been deployed on a Linux (x86_64) platform. The
CSM installation provides all the tooling required to perform key and certificate
management for the CSM server.
Important: Starting with CSM 6.1.5 the z/OS HyperSwap server certificate can be
imported directly into CSM GUI during the Host Connection setup procedure. If your CSM
server is at 6.1.5 or later, the steps in this section can be skipped.
b. Log on to the CSM instance (in Site 3) and transfer the CA certificate file on the local
file system. Use binary FTP to download. We have transferred it into the CSM directory
tree, as shown in Example 7-13.
c. Create a Java Key Store (JKS - .jks file type) file and import the CA certificate into the
JKS. The JKS will be supplied to the CSM server for verifying the identity for the z/OS
HyperSwap server it has to connect to.
d. Identify the ikeyman utility delivered with the IBM Java (in our Linux installation there is
one installed together with the IBM Copy Services Manager code), as shown in
Example 7-14.
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 165
e. Launch the ikeyman utility in a graphical environment, as shown in Figure 7-5.
f. Initiate the creation of a new Key Database file, as shown in Figure 7-6.
h. Supply a password for accessing the Key Database, as shown in Figure 7-8.
i. Specify the type of certificate you want to add (import) to the newly created Key
Database. We want to add a signer certificate (CA certificate), as shown in Figure 7-9.
Figure 7-9 Selecting the type of certificate you want to add (import)
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 167
j. Import the CA certificate from the file transferred earlier (b on page 165) into the Key
Database, as shown in Figure 7-10.
You can compare the certificate details with the information shown in z/OS
(Example 7-9 on page 163).
2. After you close the ikeyman application, you can transfer (copy) the Key Database file
(zosTrust.jks) to the following location on the CSM server (default install tree for CSM
server for Linux on x86_64):
Check the file size and date:
cd /opt/IBM/CSM/liberty/wlp/usr/servers/csmServer/etc/
ls -l zosTrust.jks
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 978 Jan 23 19:51 zosTrust.jks
3. Restart the CSM server to pick up the configuration changes:
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 169
7.1.7 Configuring AT-TLS on z/OS
In preparation for enabling secure communications for the z/OS HyperSwap, we need to
configure AT-TLS and the Policy Agent.
In this section, we use the z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) for configuring secure
TCP/IP communication between the z/OS HyperSwap and the managing CSM server (CSM
server running outside z/OS).
The present scenario describes how to create the Application Transparent Transport Layer
Security (AT-TLS) policy file and upload it to the required z/OS systems.
For more information about AT-TLS, view the introduction to AT-TLS presentation.
Important: The assumption in this chapter is that AT-TLS is already installed on your
system. Thus, the steps outlined here cover only the creation of the policy file:
For any z/OS LPARs where you want to configure AT-TLS, you must ensure that the
TCP/IP profile is updated to enable AT-TLS and that the policy agent (PAGENT) is
To configure AT-TLS in the TCP/IP profile, issue the TCPCONFIG TTLS command. For
more information about the TCPCONFIG statement or to start PAGENT, see the z/OS
Communications Server IP Configuration Reference V2R2, SC27-3651.
This policy was created using the IBM Configuration Assistant for z/OS
Communications Server V2R3 (available as a task in z/OSMF).
Note: Even though the z/OSMF runs on a particular z/OS image (and is accessed
through an IP address active on that z/OS image), the AT-TLS configuration can be
tailored to suit your needs by selecting the appropriate scope:
A z/OS image (can be different from the one that runs the z/OSMF)
A Parallel Sysplex (consisting of multiple z/OS images)
A subset of z/OS images from a Parallel Sysplex
Understanding the scope will allow you to select the correct z/OS image to configure.
2. Expand the “Configuration” menu and Select “Configuration Assistant”, and select an
existing (or define a new backing store) as shown in Figure 7-14.
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 171
3. Select the Traffic Descriptors tab and create a new traffic descriptor as shown in
Figure 7-15. The traffic descriptor tells AT-TLS which service to secure.
4. Define a name for the Traffic Descriptor: We have chosen HS_descriptor, as shown in
Figure 7-16.
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 173
6. We define the key ring that will be used for securing communication (AT-TLS on behalf of
the application) as shown in Figure 7-18. We have chosen to define the key ring at system
image level (described in a later step).
Figure 7-18 Defining the key ring for the traffic descriptor
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 175
10.We define a z/OS image as shown in Figure 7-22. If you need to define a Parallel Sysplex
(or a group of systems) you need to add a z/OS Group.
11.We define the z/OS System image (running z/OS V2R3) and the key ring (to be used by
AT-TLS at System image level) as shown in Figure 7-23 on page 177. When he
Configuration Assistant prompts for configuring a TCP/IP Stack we proceed to the next
step shown in Figure 7-24 on page 177.
12.We define the TCP/IP Stack configured on our system, as shown in Figure 7-24.
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 177
13.For the TCP/IP stack previously defined we need to add connectivity rules as prompted in
Figure 7-25.
14.The Configuration Assistant next prompts for starting the connectivity rules wizard, as
shown in Figure 7-26.
15.The Connectivity Rule wizard is started as shown in Figure 7-27 on page 179. We define a
name for the Connectivity Rule and traffic endpoints information.
16.After defining traffic endpoints we define the traffic descriptor to be used for this rule, as
shown in Figure 7-28.
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 179
17.We enter the name for the Connectivity Rule, as shown in Figure 7-29.
18.We finalize the creation of the Connectivity rule as shown in Figure 7-30.
20.When the configuration is complete, the Policy Agent must be made aware of the changes.
Figure 7-32 shows the policy configured but not installed yet.
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 181
21.We initiate the policy files installation process as shown in Figure 7-33.
24.We chose the location of the file on the TARGET system (SC30 in our case) and chose
FTP transfer as shown in Figure 7-36.
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 183
Figure 7-37 shows the installed policy.
Example 7-15 shows the content of the policy configuration file on our system (SC30), which
is installed in the following location:
## AT-TLS Policy Agent Configuration file for:
## Image: SC30
## Stack: TCPIP
## Created by the IBM Configuration Assistant for z/OS Communications Server
## Version 2 Release 3
## Backing Store = CSM_STORE
## Install History:
## 2017-01-24 20:40:01 : lascu to
## End of Configuration Assistant information
TTLSRule HS_test~1
LocalAddrSetRef addr1
RemoteAddrSetRef addr1
LocalPortRangeRef portR1
Direction Both
Priority 255
TTLSGroupActionRef gAct1~Basic_HS
TTLSEnvironmentActionRef eAct1~Basic_HS
TTLSConnectionActionRef cAct1~Basic_HS
TTLSGroupAction gAct1~Basic_HS
Chapter 7. Securing IBM z/OS HyperSwap communication with IBM Copy Services Manager 185
The Configuration Assistant tab now shows the hierarchy for the configuration for our z/OS
HyperSwap (see Figure 7-38).
The procedure is now complete. The SC30 host can be added to the CSM Server
configuration through it’s IP address, HyperSwap USER ID and password.
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