Artikel Sormin (Yuni Chairani)
Artikel Sormin (Yuni Chairani)
Artikel Sormin (Yuni Chairani)
“Elferida Sormin”
Postgraduate of State University of Medan
Chemistry Department of the State University of Medan
Research Variable
There are 3 variables of this research which have been used to reach the goal of the
research they are:
1. Independent Variable: Inquiry base on multimedia.
2. Dependent Variable: student’s achievement and student’s creativity.
3. Control Variable: Learning material that is used in both of experiment and control
class is chemical bonding. The time allocation for experiment and control class is same
and also teacher competence is same in both of class.
Research Instrument
Instrument test was used to determine how far the student understands of the material that
has been taught by the researcher. The instruments tests in this research are multiple choice
consist of 30 items and questionnaire for creativity test consist of 30 items with 4 criteria.
Then the data obtained from the instrument test would be analyzed to determine the
improvement of student’s achievement.
Instruments Test
The instrument is tested before using to analyze the quality. The test including validity
test, reliability test, difficulty level test, different index test and testing by using statistic.
Statistic is a tool that very important to use in determining the way to collecting data,
presenting, analyzing, and concluding the result of data.
Validation Tests
Validity relates to the ability to measure exactly something to be desired. The correlation
coefficient, item can be declared invalid matter if r count> rtable, rcount value matched with r table
product moment at 5% significance.
Reliability Test
Reliability tests related to the problem of trust. To test the reliability of the test used Kuder
Richardson formula 20 or better known as KR-20. To interpret the price of those consulted
about the price of the price table to table r criticism Product Moment with α = 0.05, the
matter stated reliable if rcount> rtabel.
For the first treatment both of class is given pre-test. Giving the test intended to measure
the cognitive aspects of students before and after action. After doing pre-test, for experiment
class is taught by Inquiry based learning in multimedia whereas the control class is taught by
conventional model with the same topic of chemical bonding. After teaching treatment, for
both of sample is given post-test in order to know the achievement of students after doing
teaching treatment as the evaluation of the study. The students creativity was observe during
learning process. Then testing the hypothesis to get the conclusion.
Pre-test Pre-test
Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity test conducted to determine the data is homogeneous or not (Silitonga,
2011). Fcount is compared with table of frequency distribution F (α = 0.05). The sample is
homogeneous if Fcount< 0.05.
Normalized Gain
According to Meltzer (in Sipayung, 2014) to calculate the student’s achievement is applied
formula gain normalization or g factor (gain score normalized).
Hypothesis Test
Based on table 4 above, then it can be described conclusions related to the research
hypothesis, then the hypothesis of statistics are:
a. The first hypothesis is proposed, i.e. There are accepted Ha difference results study
chemistry between students who are taught to use learning strategies inkuiri
multimedia-based with students who are taught to use learning strategies , since α =
0.05 > sig 0.0 and F > F count table (52,158).
b. The second Hypothesis proposed Ha accepted, that there is a difference of the results
between the groups studied chemistry students students who have high creativity with
students who have low creativity, for α = 0.05 > sig 0.01 and count (119.218) F > F
c. The third Hypothesis put forward Ho accepted (Ha denied) that there was no
interaction between the learning strategies and the level of creativity in influencing
the result learned Chemistry student on a subject matter for bonds, since α = 0.05 <
sig 0.375 and F calculate (0,80) < F interactions between the learning strategies and
the learning strategies and the level of creativity in influencing the result learned.
1. There are differences in physical students learning outcomes are taught by Inquiry
based learning in multimedia and Conventional Learning with α = 0.05 > sig 0.0 and F
calculate > Ftabel (52,158)
2. There is a difference in student’s learning outcomes that have high Creativity and Low
Creativity with α = 0.05 > sig 0.0 and F calculate (119,218) > Ftabel
3. There is no interaction between the Inquiry based Learning in multimedia with
student’s level of Creativity in improving learning outcomes chemistry with α = 0.05 <
sig 0.375 and F calculate (0.80) < Ftabel.
1. The research should be done for further in order to compare the result.